LOFAR (LOw Frequency ARray) Software Repository - INSTALL ========================================================= Installation instructions for LOFAR software. Supported Systems ----------------- - Linux (most in use at ASTRON are Ubuntu, CentOS, and SUSE Linux Enterprise) - Mac OS X (reasonably recent should work, also with LLVM/Clang) Install from Ubuntu Packages ---------------------------- To install LOFAR Offline processing tools the easy way for a specific Ubuntu version, see: https://launchpad.net/~radio-astro/+archive/ubuntu/main Install using Docker Scripts ---------------------------- To create a Docker container with Ubuntu or CentOS and LOFAR Offline processing tools, see: https://github.com/lofar-astron/lofar-deploy Dependencies for Manual Build from Source ----------------------------------------- Please first try to install as many dependencies as possible using your OS package manager. For almost all cases, you also need the development packages ('pkgname-dev' for Debian/Ubuntu, or 'pkgname-devel' for CentOS/Fedora). For Debian/Ubuntu (likely incomplete list, but goes a long way): apt-get install subversion cmake make g++ gfortran python-dev python-numpy apt-get install libboost-dev libblitz0-dev libfftw3-dev libcfitsio3-dev libxml2-dev apt-get install libpng-dev # for AOFlagger apt-get install libreadline-dev libpqxx-dev doxygen # optional apt-get install libgsl0-dev # optional, for AOFlagger's RayleighFitter apt-get install libgtkmm-[2.4|3.0]-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev # optional, for AOFlagger's rficonsole apt-get install libunittest++-dev # optional, for tests that use UnitTest++ For CentOS/Fedora (likely incomplete list, but goes a long way): yum install subversion cmake make gcc python-devel numpy yum install boost-devel fftw-devel cfitsio-devel libxml2-devel libpng-devel yum install readline-devel libpqxx-devel doxygen # optional yum install gsl-devel # optional, for AOFlagger's RayleighFitter yum install gtkmm[24|30]-devel libsigc++20-devel # optional, for AOFlagger's rficonsole The blitz and blitz-devel pkgs are available on some distros, but not on e.g. CentOS 7. If required for your build, but not in your repo, take the two RPMs from CentOS 6 (or build from source). Idem for log4cplus (LOFAR log4cxx support is dodgy). Similar for unittest++ and unitest++-devel (both optional), but take two RPMs from Fedora 22 (or build from source). RPMs known to work on CentOS 7 can be found at: https://support.astron.nl/lofar_issuetracker/issues/8161 NOTE (any OS): For manual builds, the most prominent dependency you likely need to build is casacore (+ friends): casacore: https://github.com/casacore/casacore python-casacore ('pyrap'): https://github.com/casacore/python-casacore IERS/measures tables: https://github.com/casacore/casacore-data-update casarest: https://svn.astron.nl/casarest AOFlagger: http://sourceforge.net/projects/aoflagger/ Instructions for Manual Build from Source ----------------------------------------- - SVN checkout build and configuration scripts of a tagged release x.y.z (or the trunk) from https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/ into e.g. $HOME/src/LOFAR-x.y.z/ LOFAR_RELEASE=LOFAR-Release-x.y.z # set to used release version svn checkout --depth=files "https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/tags/$LOFAR_RELEASE" "$HOME/src/$LOFAR_RELEASE" svn update --depth=infinity "$HOME/src/$LOFAR_RELEASE/CMake" - Auto-checkout and install the usual offline data reduction (imaging) packages into e.g. $HOME/local/$LOFAR_RELEASE/ (Only ends succesfully once CMake can find all required dependencies.) mkdir -p $HOME/build/$LOFAR_RELEASE/gnu_opt # last directory must be {gnu|clang}_{debug|opt} cd $HOME/build/$LOFAR_RELEASE/gnu_opt cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$HOME/local/$LOFAR_RELEASE" -DBUILD_PACKAGES="DP3 Calibration Imager PyBDSM" -DUSE_OPENMP=ON "$HOME/src/$LOFAR_RELEASE" - Build and install: make -j 4 make -j 4 install # with sufficient privileges - Optionally, run the regression tests: ctest -j 4 --timeout 60 All tests should pass, however, a few packages (not selected above) require GPU hardware or a database to pass all tests. - You may want to add the installation path bin/ to your PATH: source "$HOME/local/$LOFAR_RELEASE/lofarinit.sh" # for Bourne-like shells, or source "$HOME/local/$LOFAR_RELEASE/lofarinit.csh" # for C-like shells