#!/bin/bash # # Verify part - Test the SERDES ring between the RSP by verifing the crosslet statistics. # rm -f *.dat rm -f *.diff # Capture crosscorrelation data for 1 sec rspctl --xcstat --duration=1 # Verify the captured data xc_dat=$(ls *.dat) diff $xc_dat gold/xst_160.gold > xst.diff if [ -e $xc_dat ] && [ -e gold/xst_160.gold ] && [ -e xst.diff ] && ! [ -s xst.diff ]; then # The files exists AND the diff has size 0 echo "RSP serdes crosscorrelation test at 160 MHz went OK" else echo "RSP serdes crosscorrelation test at 160 MHz went wrong" fi