//# MACScheduler.cc: Implementation of the MAC Scheduler task //# //# Copyright (C) 2004-2012 //# ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy) //# P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, softwaresupport@astron.nl //# //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //# (at your option) any later version. //# //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //# GNU General Public License for more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //# //# $Id$ #include <lofar_config.h> #include <Common/LofarLogger.h> #include <Common/SystemUtil.h> #include <Common/StringUtil.h> #include <Common/Version.h> #include <Common/ParameterSet.h> #include <GCF/TM/GCF_Protocols.h> #include <MACIO/MACServiceInfo.h> #include <MessageBus/ToBus.h> #include <MessageBus/Protocols/TaskSpecificationSystem.h> #include <GCF/PVSS/GCF_PVTypes.h> #include <APL/APLCommon/APL_Defines.h> #include <APL/APLCommon/ControllerDefines.h> #include <APL/APLCommon/Controller_Protocol.ph> #include <GCF/RTDB/DP_Protocol.ph> #include <APL/RTDBCommon/CM_Protocol.ph> #include <OTDB/TreeStateConv.h> #include <signal.h> #include "MACScheduler.h" #include "PVSSDatapointDefs.h" #include <MainCU/Package__Version.h> #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp> using namespace LOFAR::GCF::PVSS; using namespace LOFAR::GCF::TM; using namespace LOFAR::GCF::RTDB; using namespace LOFAR::OTDB; using namespace LOFAR::Protocols; using namespace boost::posix_time; using namespace std; namespace LOFAR { using namespace Controller_Protocol; using namespace DP_Protocol; using namespace CM_Protocol; using namespace APLCommon; namespace MainCU { #define MAX_CONCURRENT_OBSERVATIONS 100 #define MIN2(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) // static (this) pointer used for signal handling static MACScheduler* pMacScheduler = 0; // // MACScheduler() // MACScheduler::MACScheduler() : GCFTask ((State)&MACScheduler::initial_state,string("MACScheduler")), itsPropertySet (0), itsChildControl (0), itsChildPort (0), itsClaimerTask (0), itsClaimerPort (0), itsTimerPort (0), itsSecondTimer (0), itsNextPlannedTime (0), itsNextActiveTime (0), itsNextFinishedTime (0), itsNrPlanned (0), itsNrActive (0), itsOTDBconnection (0), itsMsgQueue (0) { LOG_TRACE_OBJ ("MACscheduler construction"); LOG_INFO_STR("MACProcessScope: " << PSN_MAC_SCHEDULER); LOG_INFO(Version::getInfo<MainCUVersion>("MACScheduler")); // Read timersettings from the ParameterSet itsPlannedItv = globalParameterSet()->getTime("pollIntervalPlanned", 60); itsActiveItv = globalParameterSet()->getTime("pollIntervalExecute", 5); itsFinishedItv = globalParameterSet()->getTime("pollIntervalFinished", 60); itsPlannedPeriod = globalParameterSet()->getTime("plannedPeriod", 86400) / 60; // in minutes itsFinishedPeriod= globalParameterSet()->getTime("finishedPeriod", 86400) / 60; // in minutes itsMaxPlanned = globalParameterSet()->getTime("maxPlannedList", 30); itsMaxFinished = globalParameterSet()->getTime("maxFinishedList", 40); itsExclPLcluster = globalParameterSet()->getString("excludePipelinesOnThisCluster", ""); if (itsExclPLcluster.length() > 0) { LOG_INFO_STR("NOT running the pipelines on cluster: " << itsExclPLcluster); // We need to exclude this cluster for pipelines so make sure the name begins with the 'not'-sign. if (itsExclPLcluster[0] != '!') { itsExclPLcluster.insert(0, 1, '!'); } } ASSERTSTR(itsMaxPlanned + itsMaxFinished < MAX_CONCURRENT_OBSERVATIONS, "maxPlannedList + maxFinishedList should be less than " << MAX_CONCURRENT_OBSERVATIONS); // Read the schedule periods for starting observations. itsQueuePeriod = globalParameterSet()->getTime("QueuePeriod"); LOG_INFO_STR("Queueperiod = " << itsQueuePeriod); // attach to child control task itsChildControl = ChildControl::instance(); itsChildPort = new GCFITCPort (*this, *itsChildControl, "childITCport", GCFPortInterface::SAP, CONTROLLER_PROTOCOL); ASSERTSTR(itsChildPort, "Cannot allocate ITCport for childcontrol"); itsChildPort->open(); // will result in F_CONNECTED // create an PVSSprepare Task itsClaimerTask = new ObsClaimer(this); ASSERTSTR(itsClaimerTask, "Cannot construct a ObsClaimerTask"); itsClaimerPort = new GCFITCPort (*this, *itsClaimerTask, "ObsClaimerPort", GCFPortInterface::SAP, CM_PROTOCOL); // need port for timers itsTimerPort = new GCFTimerPort(*this, "Timerport"); // setup MsgQueue string queueName = globalParameterSet()->getString("ParsetQueuename"); ASSERTSTR(!queueName.empty(), "Queuename for distributing parameterSets not specified"); itsMsgQueue = new ToBus(queueName); registerProtocol(CONTROLLER_PROTOCOL, CONTROLLER_PROTOCOL_STRINGS); registerProtocol(DP_PROTOCOL, DP_PROTOCOL_STRINGS); } // // ~MACScheduler() // MACScheduler::~MACScheduler() { LOG_TRACE_OBJ ("~MACscheduler"); if (itsPropertySet) { delete itsPropertySet; } if (itsOTDBconnection) { delete itsOTDBconnection; } if (itsMsgQueue) { delete itsMsgQueue; } } // // sigintHandler(signum) // void MACScheduler::sigintHandler(int signum) { LOG_DEBUG (formatString("SIGINT signal detected (%d)",signum)); if (pMacScheduler) { pMacScheduler->finish(); } } // // _databaseEventHandler(event) // void MACScheduler::_databaseEventHandler(GCFEvent& event) { // LOG_DEBUG_STR ("_databaseEventHandler:" << eventName(event)); switch(event.signal) { case DP_CHANGED: { DPChangedEvent dpEvent(event); #if 0 // TODO: implement something usefull. if (strstr(dpEvent.DPname.c_str(), PVSSNAME_MS_QUEUEPERIOD) != 0) { uint32 newVal = ((GCFPVUnsigned*) (dpEvent.value._pValue))->getValue(); LOG_INFO_STR ("Changing QueuePeriod from " << itsQueuePeriod << " to " << newVal); itsQueuePeriod = newVal; } #endif } break; default: break; } } // // initial_state(event, port) // // Setup all connections. // GCFEvent::TResult MACScheduler::initial_state(GCFEvent& event, GCFPortInterface& /*port*/) { LOG_DEBUG_STR ("initial_state:" << eventName(event)); GCFEvent::TResult status = GCFEvent::HANDLED; switch (event.signal) { case F_INIT: break; case F_ENTRY: { // Get access to my own propertyset. LOG_INFO_STR ("Activating my propertySet(" << PSN_MAC_SCHEDULER << ")"); itsPropertySet = new RTDBPropertySet(PSN_MAC_SCHEDULER, PST_MAC_SCHEDULER, PSAT_CW, this); } break; case DP_CREATED: { // NOTE: thsi function may be called DURING the construction of the PropertySet. // Always exit this event in a way that GCF can end the construction. DPCreatedEvent dpEvent(event); LOG_DEBUG_STR("Result of creating " << dpEvent.DPname << " = " << dpEvent.result); itsTimerPort->cancelAllTimers(); itsTimerPort->setTimer(0.0); } break; case F_TIMER: { // must be timer that PropSet is enabled. // update PVSS. LOG_TRACE_FLOW ("Updateing state to PVSS"); itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_FSM_CURRENT_ACTION, GCFPVString ("initial")); itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_FSM_ERROR, GCFPVString ("")); itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_MS_OTDB_CONNECTED, GCFPVBool (false)); itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_MS_OTDB_LAST_POLL, GCFPVString ("")); itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_MS_OTDB_POLLINTERVAL, GCFPVInteger (itsPlannedItv)); GCFPValueArray emptyArr; itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_MS_ACTIVE_OBSERVATIONS, GCFPVDynArr(LPT_STRING, emptyArr)); itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_MS_PLANNED_OBSERVATIONS, GCFPVDynArr(LPT_STRING, emptyArr)); itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_MS_FINISHED_OBSERVATIONS, GCFPVDynArr(LPT_STRING, emptyArr)); // Try to connect to the SAS database. ParameterSet* pParamSet = globalParameterSet(); string username = pParamSet->getString("OTDBusername"); string DBname = pParamSet->getString("OTDBdatabasename"); string password = pParamSet->getString("OTDBpassword"); string hostname = pParamSet->getString("OTDBhostname"); LOG_INFO_STR ("Trying to connect to the OTDB on " << hostname); itsOTDBconnection= new OTDBconnection(username, password, DBname, hostname); ASSERTSTR (itsOTDBconnection, "Memory allocation error (OTDB)"); ASSERTSTR (itsOTDBconnection->connect(), "Unable to connect to database " << DBname << " on " << hostname << " using " << username << "," << password); LOG_INFO ("Connected to the OTDB"); itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_MS_OTDB_CONNECTED, GCFPVBool(true)); // Start ChildControl task LOG_DEBUG ("Enabling ChildControltask"); itsChildControl->openService(MAC_SVCMASK_SCHEDULERCTRL, 0); itsChildControl->registerCompletionPort(itsChildPort); // setup initial schedule: first planned, next run active, second run finished itsNextPlannedTime = time(0); itsNextActiveTime = itsNextPlannedTime + itsPlannedItv; itsNextFinishedTime = itsNextPlannedTime + 2*itsPlannedItv; TRAN(MACScheduler::recover_state); // go to next state. } break; case F_CONNECTED: break; case F_DISCONNECTED: break; default: LOG_DEBUG ("MACScheduler::initial, default"); status = GCFEvent::NOT_HANDLED; break; } return (status); } // // recover_state(event, port) // // Read last PVSS states, compare those to the SAS states and try to // recover to the last situation. // GCFEvent::TResult MACScheduler::recover_state(GCFEvent& event, GCFPortInterface& port) { LOG_DEBUG_STR ("recover_state:" << eventName(event) << "@" << port.getName()); GCFEvent::TResult status = GCFEvent::HANDLED; switch (event.signal) { case F_INIT: break; case F_ENTRY: { // update PVSS itsPropertySet->setValue(string(PN_FSM_CURRENT_ACTION),GCFPVString("recover")); itsPropertySet->setValue(string(PN_FSM_ERROR),GCFPVString("")); // // TODO: do recovery TRAN(MACScheduler::active_state); break; } default: LOG_DEBUG("recover_state, default"); status = GCFEvent::NOT_HANDLED; break; } return (status); } // // active_state(event, port) // // Normal operation state. Check OTDB every itsActiveItv seconds and control // the running observations. // GCFEvent::TResult MACScheduler::active_state(GCFEvent& event, GCFPortInterface& port) { LOG_DEBUG_STR ("active:" << eventName(event) << "@" << port.getName()); GCFEvent::TResult status = GCFEvent::HANDLED; switch (event.signal) { case F_INIT: break; case F_ENTRY: { // install my own signal handler. GCFTask also installs a handler so we have // to install our handler later than the GCFTask handler. pMacScheduler = this; signal (SIGINT, MACScheduler::sigintHandler); // ctrl-c signal (SIGTERM, MACScheduler::sigintHandler); // kill // update PVSS itsPropertySet->setValue(string(PN_FSM_CURRENT_ACTION),GCFPVString("active")); itsPropertySet->setValue(string(PN_FSM_ERROR),GCFPVString("")); // Start heartbeat timer. itsSecondTimer = itsTimerPort->setTimer(1L); break; } case F_ACCEPT_REQ: break; case F_CONNECTED: // Should be from the (lost) connection with the SD _connectedHandler(port); break; case F_DISCONNECTED: // Can be from StartDaemon or ObsController. // StartDaemon: trouble! Try to reconnect asap. // ObsController: ok when obs is finished, BIG TROUBLE when not! _disconnectedHandler(port); break; case DP_CHANGED: _databaseEventHandler(event); break; case CM_CLAIM_RESULT: { // some observation was claimed by the claimMgr. Update our prepare_list. CMClaimResultEvent cmEvent(event); ltrim(cmEvent.nameInAppl, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_"); int obsID = atoi(cmEvent.nameInAppl.c_str()); if (cmEvent.result != CM_NO_ERR) { LOG_ERROR_STR("Error during checking observation " << obsID); OTDB::TreeMaintenance tm(itsOTDBconnection); TreeStateConv tsc(itsOTDBconnection); tm.setTreeState(obsID, tsc.get("aborted")); itsPreparedObs.erase(obsID); break; } // claim was successful, update admin LOG_INFO_STR("Observation " << obsID << " is mapped to " << cmEvent.DPname); LOG_DEBUG_STR("PVSS preparation of observation " << obsID << " ready."); itsPreparedObs[obsID].prepReady = true; } break; case F_TIMER: { // secondTimer or reconnectTimer. GCFTimerEvent& timerEvent=static_cast<GCFTimerEvent&>(event); if (timerEvent.id == itsSecondTimer) { // time to poll the OTDB? // Note: We assume here that the PlannedItv is smaller than the ActiveItv and the FinishedItv. // When it is not smaller (very unlikely) than the ActiveItv and FinishedItv those two // intervals will default to the PlannedItv. if (time(0) >= itsNextPlannedTime) { // check shortest interval _doOTDBcheck(); // reinit polltime at multiple of intervaltime. // (=more change to hit hh.mm:00) itsNextPlannedTime = time(0) + itsPlannedItv; itsNextPlannedTime -= (itsNextPlannedTime % itsPlannedItv); } port.cancelTimer(itsSecondTimer); itsSecondTimer = port.setTimer(1.0); } // a connection was lost and a timer was set to try to reconnect. // else if (...) { // TODO // map timer to port // port.open(); // } break; } // -------------------- EVENTS FROM CHILDCONTROL -------------------- // // That must be events from the ObservationControllers that are currently // started or running. // case CONTROL_STARTED: { // Child control received a message from the startDaemon that the // observationController was started (or not) CONTROLStartedEvent msg(event); if (msg.successful) { LOG_DEBUG_STR("Start of " << msg.cntlrName << " was successful, waiting for connection."); } else { LOG_ERROR_STR("Observation controller " << msg.cntlrName << " could not be started"); LOG_INFO_STR("Observation is be removed from administration, " << "restart will occur in next cycle"); itsControllerMap.erase(msg.cntlrName); } break; } case CONTROL_CONNECTED: { // The observationController has registered itself at childControl. CONTROLConnectedEvent conEvent(event); LOG_INFO_STR(conEvent.cntlrName << " is connected, updating SAS)"); // Ok, controller is really up, update SAS so that obs will not appear in // in the SAS list again. CMiter theObs(itsControllerMap.find(conEvent.cntlrName)); if (theObs == itsControllerMap.end()) { LOG_WARN_STR("Cannot find controller " << conEvent.cntlrName << ". Can't update the SAS database"); break; } OTDB::TreeMaintenance tm(itsOTDBconnection); TreeStateConv tsc(itsOTDBconnection); tm.setTreeState(theObs->second, tsc.get("queued")); break; } case CONTROL_RESUMED: { // update SAS database. CONTROLResumedEvent msg(event); CMiter theObs(itsControllerMap.find(msg.cntlrName)); if (theObs == itsControllerMap.end()) { LOG_WARN_STR("Cannot find controller " << msg.cntlrName << ". Can't update the SAS database"); break; } OTDB::TreeMaintenance tm(itsOTDBconnection); TreeStateConv tsc(itsOTDBconnection); tm.setTreeState(theObs->second, tsc.get("active")); break; } case CONTROL_SUSPENDED: { // update SAS database. CONTROLSuspendedEvent msg(event); CMiter theObs(itsControllerMap.find(msg.cntlrName)); if (theObs == itsControllerMap.end()) { LOG_WARN_STR("Cannot find controller " << msg.cntlrName << ". Can't update the SAS database"); break; } OTDB::TreeMaintenance tm(itsOTDBconnection); TreeStateConv tsc(itsOTDBconnection); tm.setTreeState(theObs->second, tsc.get("completing")); break; } case CONTROL_QUITED: { // The observationController is going down. CONTROLQuitedEvent quitedEvent(event); LOG_INFO_STR("Received QUITED(" << quitedEvent.cntlrName << "," << quitedEvent.result << ")"); // update SAS database. CMiter theObs(itsControllerMap.find(quitedEvent.cntlrName)); if (theObs == itsControllerMap.end()) { LOG_WARN_STR("Cannot find controller " << quitedEvent.cntlrName << ". Can't update the SAS database"); break; } OTDB::TreeMaintenance tm(itsOTDBconnection); TreeStateConv tsc(itsOTDBconnection); // CT_RESULT_: MANUAL_REMOVED, MANUAL_ABORT, LOST_CONNECTION, NO_ERROR if (quitedEvent.result == CT_RESULT_NO_ERROR) { tm.setTreeState(theObs->second, tsc.get("finished")); } else { tm.setTreeState(theObs->second, tsc.get("aborted")); } // free claimed observation in PVSS itsClaimerTask->freeObservation(observationName(theObs->second)); // update our administration LOG_INFO_STR("Removing observation " << quitedEvent.cntlrName << " from activeList"); itsControllerMap.erase(quitedEvent.cntlrName); break; } // NOTE: ignore all other CONTROL events, we are not interested in the // states of the Observations. (not our job). default: LOG_DEBUG("MACScheduler::active, default"); status = GCFEvent::NOT_HANDLED; break; } return (status); } // // finishing_state(event, port) // // Write controller state to PVSS, wait for 1 second (using a timer) to let GCF handle the property change // and close the controller // GCFEvent::TResult MACScheduler::finishing_state(GCFEvent& event, GCFPortInterface& port) { LOG_DEBUG_STR ("finishing_state:" << eventName(event) << "@" << port.getName()); GCFEvent::TResult status = GCFEvent::HANDLED; switch (event.signal) { case F_INIT: break; case F_ENTRY: { // update PVSS itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_FSM_CURRENT_ACTION, GCFPVString("finished")); itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_FSM_ERROR, GCFPVString("")); itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_MS_OTDB_CONNECTED, GCFPVBool (false)); itsTimerPort->setTimer(1L); break; } case F_TIMER: GCFScheduler::instance()->stop(); break; default: LOG_DEBUG("finishing_state, default"); status = GCFEvent::NOT_HANDLED; break; } return (status); } // // finish // // Make the transition to the finishing state // void MACScheduler::finish() { TRAN(MACScheduler::finishing_state); } // // _doOTDBcheck // // Check if a new action should be taken based on the contents of OTDB and our own // administration. // void MACScheduler::_doOTDBcheck() { // update PVSS database with polltime time_t now = time(0); ptime currentTime = from_time_t(now); itsPropertySet->setValue(string(PN_MS_OTDB_LAST_POLL), GCFPVString(to_simple_string(currentTime))); // always update planned list because we might need to start some of those // (and we assumed that the PlannedItv was the smallest) _updatePlannedList(); // update active lists when its time to do so. if (now >= itsNextActiveTime) { _updateActiveList(); while (itsNextActiveTime <= now) { itsNextActiveTime += itsActiveItv; } } // update finished lists when its time to do so. if (now >= itsNextFinishedTime) { _updateFinishedList(); while (itsNextFinishedTime <= now) { itsNextFinishedTime += itsFinishedItv; } } } // // _updatePlannedList() // void MACScheduler::_updatePlannedList() { LOG_INFO("_updatePlannedList()"); // get time info time_t now = time(0); ptime currentTime = from_time_t(now); ASSERTSTR (currentTime != not_a_date_time, "Can't determine systemtime, bailing out"); LOG_INFO_STR("calling getTreeGroup"); // get new list (list is ordered on starttime) of planned observations vector<OTDBtree> plannedDBlist = itsOTDBconnection->getTreeGroup(1, itsPlannedPeriod, itsExclPLcluster); LOG_INFO_STR("called getTreeGroup, nr of items in plannedDBlist: " << plannedDBlist.size()); if (!plannedDBlist.empty()) { LOG_DEBUG(formatString("OTDBCheck:First planned observation (%d) is at %s (active over %d seconds)", plannedDBlist[0].treeID(), to_simple_string(plannedDBlist[0].starttime).c_str(), time_duration(plannedDBlist[0].starttime - currentTime).total_seconds())); } // NOTE: do not exit routine on emptylist: we need to write an empty list to clear the DB // make a copy of the current prepared observations (= observations shown in the navigator in the 'future' // list). By eliminating the observations that are in the current SAS list we end up (at the end of this function) // with a list of observations that were in the SASlist the last time but now not anymore. Normally those observations // will appear in the active-list and will be removed there from the prepared list but WHEN AN OPERATOR CHANGES // THE STATUS MANUALLY into something different (e.g. ON-HOLD) the observation stays in the preparedlist. // EVEN WORSE: when the observation re-enters the system with different settings (again as scheduled) the system // still knows the observation and will use the OLD information of the observation. ObsList backupObsList = itsPreparedObs; // walk through the list, prepare PVSS for the new obs, update own admin lists. GCFPValueArray plannedArr; int32 idx = MIN2(plannedDBlist.size(), itsMaxPlanned) - 1; for ( ; idx >= 0; idx--) { if (plannedDBlist[idx].processType=="RESERVATION" || plannedDBlist[idx].processType=="MAINTENANCE") { continue; } // construct name and timings info for observation treeIDType obsID = plannedDBlist[idx].treeID(); string obsName(observationName(obsID)); ptime modTime = plannedDBlist[idx].modificationDate; // remove obs from backup of the planned-list (it is in the list again) OLiter oldObsIter = backupObsList.find(obsID); if (oldObsIter != backupObsList.end()) { backupObsList.erase(oldObsIter); } // must we claim this observation at the claimMgr? OLiter prepIter = itsPreparedObs.find(obsID); if ((prepIter == itsPreparedObs.end()) || (prepIter->second.prepReady == false) || (prepIter->second.modTime != modTime)) { // create a ParameterFile for this Observation TreeMaintenance tm(itsOTDBconnection); OTDBnode topNode = tm.getTopNode(obsID); string filename(observationParset(obsID)); if (!tm.exportTree(obsID, topNode.nodeID(), filename)) { LOG_ERROR_STR ("Cannot create ParameterSet '" << filename << "' for new observation. Observation CANNOT BE STARTED!"); } else { // Claim a DP in PVSS and write obssettings to it so the operator can see it. LOG_INFO_STR("Requesting preparation of PVSS for " << obsName); itsClaimerTask->prepareObservation(obsName); itsPreparedObs[obsID] = schedInfo(modTime, false); // requested claim but no answer yet. } } else { // only add observations to the PVSS list when the claim was succesfull // otherwise thing will go wrong in the Navigator plannedArr.push_back(new GCFPVString(obsName)); } // should this observation (have) be(en) started? int timeBeforeStart = time_duration(plannedDBlist[idx].starttime - currentTime).total_seconds(); LOG_INFO(formatString("%s starts at %s which is in %d seconds", obsName.c_str(), to_simple_string(plannedDBlist[idx].starttime).c_str(), timeBeforeStart)); if (timeBeforeStart > 0 && timeBeforeStart <= (int)itsQueuePeriod) { if (itsPreparedObs[obsID].prepReady == false) { LOG_INFO_STR("Observation " << obsID << " must be started but is not claimed yet."); } else { // starttime of observation lays in queuePeriod. Start the controller-chain, // this will result in CONTROL_STARTED event in our main task // Note: as soon as the ObservationController has reported itself to the MACScheduler // the observation will not be returned in the 'plannedDBlist' anymore. string cntlrName(controllerName(CNTLRTYPE_OBSERVATIONCTRL, 0, obsID)); if (itsControllerMap.find(cntlrName) == itsControllerMap.end()) { LOG_INFO_STR("Requesting start of " << cntlrName); itsChildControl->startChild(CNTLRTYPE_OBSERVATIONCTRL, obsID, 0, // instanceNr myHostname(true)); // Note: controller is now in state NO_STATE/CONNECTED (C/R) // add controller to our 'monitor' administration itsControllerMap[cntlrName] = obsID; LOG_INFO_STR("itsControllerMap[" << cntlrName << "]=" << obsID); if (!itsPreparedObs[obsID].parsetDistributed) { _setParsetOnMsgBus(observationParset(obsID)); itsPreparedObs[obsID].parsetDistributed = true; } } else { LOG_INFO_STR("Observation " << obsID << " is already (being) started"); } } } } // process all planned obs' // Finally we can pass the list with planned observations to PVSS. itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_MS_PLANNED_OBSERVATIONS, GCFPVDynArr(LPT_DYNSTRING, plannedArr)); itsNrPlanned = plannedArr.size(); // free used memory for (int i = plannedArr.size()-1; i>=0; --i) { delete plannedArr[i]; } // the backupObsList now contains the observations that were are in the preparedObs list but are not in // the SAS list anymore. Remove them here from the preparedObs list. OLiter oldObsIter = backupObsList.begin(); OLiter prepIter; while (oldObsIter != backupObsList.end()) { prepIter = itsPreparedObs.find(oldObsIter->first); if (prepIter != itsPreparedObs.end()) { LOG_INFO_STR("Removing " << oldObsIter->first << " from the 'preparing' list."); itsPreparedObs.erase(prepIter); } oldObsIter++; } } // // _updateActiveList() // void MACScheduler::_updateActiveList() { LOG_DEBUG("_updateActiveList()"); // get new list (list is ordered on starttime) vector<OTDBtree> activeDBlist = itsOTDBconnection->getTreeGroup(2, 0, itsExclPLcluster); if (activeDBlist.empty()) { LOG_DEBUG ("No active Observations"); // NOTE: do not exit routine on emptylist: we need to write an empty list to clear the DB } // walk through the list, prepare PVSS for the new obs, update own admin lists. GCFPValueArray activeArr; int32 idx = activeDBlist.size() - 1; for ( ; idx >= 0; idx--) { if (activeDBlist[idx].processType=="RESERVATION" || activeDBlist[idx].processType=="MAINTENANCE") { continue; } // construct name and timings info for observation string obsName(observationName(activeDBlist[idx].treeID())); activeArr.push_back(new GCFPVString(obsName)); // remove obs from planned-list if its still their. OLiter prepIter = itsPreparedObs.find(activeDBlist[idx].treeID()); if (prepIter != itsPreparedObs.end()) { itsPreparedObs.erase(prepIter); } } // for // Finally we can pass the list with active observations to PVSS. itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_MS_ACTIVE_OBSERVATIONS, GCFPVDynArr(LPT_DYNSTRING, activeArr)); itsNrActive = activeArr.size(); // free used memory for (int i = activeArr.size()-1; i>=0; --i) { delete activeArr[i]; } } // // _updateFinishedList() // void MACScheduler::_updateFinishedList() { LOG_DEBUG("_updateFinishedList()"); // get new list (list is ordered on starttime) vector<OTDBtree> finishedDBlist = itsOTDBconnection->getTreeGroup(3, itsFinishedPeriod, itsExclPLcluster); if (finishedDBlist.empty()) { LOG_DEBUG ("No finished Observations"); // NOTE: do not exit routine on emptylist: we need to write an empty list to clear the DB } // walk through the list, prepare PVSS for the new obs, update own admin lists. // We must show the last part of the (optional) limited list. GCFPValueArray finishedArr; int32 freeSpace = MAX_CONCURRENT_OBSERVATIONS - itsNrPlanned - itsNrActive; int32 idx = finishedDBlist.size() - 1; int32 limit = idx - (MIN2(MIN2(finishedDBlist.size(), itsMaxFinished), (uint32)freeSpace) - 1); for ( ; idx >= limit ; idx--) { if (finishedDBlist[idx].processType=="RESERVATION" || finishedDBlist[idx].processType=="MAINTENANCE") { continue; } // construct name and timings info for observation string obsName(observationName(finishedDBlist[idx].treeID())); finishedArr.push_back(new GCFPVString(obsName)); } // for // Finally we can pass the list with finished observations to PVSS. itsPropertySet->setValue(PN_MS_FINISHED_OBSERVATIONS, GCFPVDynArr(LPT_DYNSTRING, finishedArr)); // free used memory for (int i = finishedArr.size()-1; i>=0; --i) { delete finishedArr[i]; } } // // _setParsetOnMsgBus(parsetFile) // void MACScheduler::_setParsetOnMsgBus(const string& filename) const { // open file ParameterSet obsSpecs(filename); string obsPrefix = obsSpecs.fullModuleName("Observation"); string momID = obsSpecs.getString(obsPrefix + ".momID"); string sasID = obsSpecs.getString(obsPrefix + ".otdbID"); // from, forUser, summary, protocol, protocolVersion, momID, sasID TaskSpecificationSystem outMsg("LOFAR.MACScheduler", "", "", momID, sasID, obsSpecs); itsMsgQueue->send(outMsg); } // // _connectedHandler(port) // void MACScheduler::_connectedHandler(GCFPortInterface& /*port*/) { } // // _disconnectedHandler(port) // void MACScheduler::_disconnectedHandler(GCFPortInterface& port) { port.close(); } }; };