import {useEffect} from "react"; import axios from "axios"; import { appGrowl } from './layout/components/AppGrowl'; import UIConstants from './utils/ui.constants'; import Auth from './authenticate/auth'; import ShowErrorDetails from './show.error.details'; /** * Trigger and validate the response for https status code * @param {*} Wrapped * @returns */ const handleResponse= Wrapped => { let lastReponse function HandleResponse(props) { useEffect(()=>{ axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) { return response; }, function (error) { if (error.response.status !== 403) { if (lastReponse!==error.response) showMessage(error.response); } return Promise.reject(error); }); }) return ( <Wrapped {...props} /> ); } /** * Catch relavent http status code details to show in growl * @param {*} response */ function showMessage(response) { const httpStatusMsg = UIConstants.httpStatusMessages[response.status]; if(httpStatusMsg) {{severity: httpStatusMsg.severity, summary: httpStatusMsg.summary, sticky: httpStatusMsg.sticky, detail: <ShowErrorDetails response={response} /> }); } else {{severity: 'error', summary: 'Error', sticky: 'true', detail: <ShowErrorDetails response={response} /> }); } var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('p-growl p-component p-growl-topright'); if(elements) { for(var i = 0 ; i < elements.length; i++){ elements[i].classList.remove("show_error"); } } if (response.status === 401) { Auth.logout(); window.location.href = "/login"; } } return HandleResponse; } export default handleResponse;