# This docker-compose is used to run TMSS together with a test open ID connect server on the User Acceptance system (tmss-ua) version: "3" services: rabbitmq: image: rabbitmq:latest hostname: rabbitmq ports: - 5672:5672 - 15672:15672 django: image: git.astron.nl:5000/ro/lofar/tmss_django:latest container_name: django-gunicorn restart: always volumes: - static_volume:/opt/lofar/staticfiles env_file: - ~/.lofar/.env command: "/bin/bash -c 'source lofarinit.sh; gunicorn lofar.sas.tmss.tmss.wsgi --worker-class=gevent --workers=4 --bind='" depends_on: - rabbitmq tmss-ua.control.lofar: image: nginx:1.17 container_name: ngx ports: - "8008:8008" volumes: - static_volume:/opt/lofar/staticfiles - ~/.lofar/etc/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d depends_on: - django volumes: static_volume: