From d0ffbf93259b3eaf4ea410dbda6dd9cfc14aeed1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jorrit Schaap <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 08:06:26 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] SW-488: tbb dumps can take a long time.... timeout of 24
 hours is ok.

 MAC/TBB/lib/ | 22 ++--------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MAC/TBB/lib/ b/MAC/TBB/lib/
index b194f34777d..fdd0ac0dd48 100755
--- a/MAC/TBB/lib/
+++ b/MAC/TBB/lib/
@@ -61,26 +61,8 @@ def upload_tbb_data(stations, dm, start_time, duration, sub_bands, wait_time, bo
             full_cmd = '\"%s\"' % (' ; '.join(cmd_list),)
-            execute_in_parallel_over_stations(full_cmd, stations_with_num_boards)
-            # # Now build the two loops that execute tbbctl for every channel and
-            # # for every board.
-            # # Why first loop over channels and then over boards?  That allows
-            # # to add only one sleep after a channel is uploaded for all boards.
-            # # Otherwise each board would have the sleep and we would sleep
-            # # # of boards times for every channel instead.
-            # cmd = "for((channel = 0; channel <= 15; ++channel)); do for board in"
-            # cmd += board_list
-            # cmd += "; do "
-            # cmd += tbb_cmd % (sub_band, adjusted_start_time, slice_nr, duration)
-            # cmd += "; done; sleep "
-            # cmd += str(wait_time)
-            # cmd += "; done"
-            # cmd = wrap_remote_composite_command(cmd)
-            # command = relay + [cmd]
-            #'Executing %s', ' '.join(command))
-            # subprocess.check_call(command)
+            execute_in_parallel_over_stations(full_cmd, stations_with_num_boards,
+                                              timeout=24*60*60) # tbb dumps can take a long time.... timeout of 24 hours is ok
         time.sleep(wait_time)"Uploading TBB data done.")