diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_functions_and_triggers.sql b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_functions_and_triggers.sql
index aa4264621ae0df9116b9a22663834c3cee165262..a3c5cd70295cf06f58e424b837a3f03d8686b3ab 100644
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_functions_and_triggers.sql
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_functions_and_triggers.sql
@@ -248,22 +248,14 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resource_allocation.process_new_claim_into_resource_u
   RETURNS void AS
-    proc_start timestamp with time zone;
-    proc_end timestamp with time zone;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_start;
     -- insert the claim's start and end delta
     INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta (claim_id, resource_id, status_id, moment, delta)
     VALUES (new_claim.id, new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.starttime, new_claim.claim_size),
            (new_claim.id, new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.endtime,  -new_claim.claim_size);
     -- with the two new delta entries, use the deltas table to rebuild the usages table from the claim's starttime onwards
-    --TODO: use an upper limit as well? When?
     PERFORM resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_deltas_for_resource_of_status(new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.starttime);
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'process_new_claim_into_resource_usages  took %', proc_end - proc_start;
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 ALTER FUNCTION resource_allocation.process_new_claim_into_resource_usages(new_claim resource_allocation.resource_claim) OWNER TO resourceassignment;
@@ -417,20 +409,12 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resource_allocation.process_old_claim_outof_resource_
   RETURNS void AS
-    proc_start timestamp with time zone;
-    proc_end timestamp with time zone;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_start;
     -- get rid of claim in delta's table (this should delete two entries, one for the starttime, and one for the endtime)
     DELETE FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta WHERE claim_id = old_claim.id;
     -- with the two removed delta entries, use the deltas table to rebuild the usages table from the claim's starttime onwards
-    --TODO: use an upper limit as well? When?
     PERFORM resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_deltas_for_resource_of_status(old_claim.resource_id, old_claim.status_id, old_claim.starttime);
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'process_old_claim_outof_resource_usages took %', proc_end - proc_start;
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 ALTER FUNCTION resource_allocation.process_old_claim_outof_resource_usages(old_claim resource_allocation.resource_claim) OWNER TO resourceassignment;
@@ -444,11 +428,7 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(_
     result resource_allocation.resource_usage;
-    proc_start timestamp with time zone;
-    proc_end timestamp with time zone;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_start;
     SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage ru
     WHERE ru.resource_id = _resource_id
     AND ru.status_id = _claim_status_id
@@ -481,9 +461,6 @@ BEGIN
         RAISE NOTICE 'get_resource_usage_at_or_before(_resource_id=%, status_id=%, timestamp=%, exactly_at=%, only_before=%, rebuild_usage_when_not_found=%): after rebuild, result=%.', _resource_id, _claim_status_id, _timestamp, exactly_at, only_before, false, result;
     END IF;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'get_resource_usage_at_or_before         took %', proc_end - proc_start;
     RETURN result;
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
@@ -529,9 +506,6 @@ DECLARE
     max_resource_usage_in_time_window resource_allocation.resource_usage;
     max_resource_at_or_before_starttime resource_allocation.resource_usage;
-    --TODO: can this query be moved into if statement?
-    SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(_resource_id, _claim_status_id, _lower, false, false, false) into max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
     SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage ru
     WHERE ru.resource_id = _resource_id
     AND ru.status_id = _claim_status_id
@@ -540,20 +514,25 @@ BEGIN
     ORDER BY ru.usage DESC
     LIMIT 1 INTO max_resource_usage_in_time_window;
-    IF max_resource_usage_in_time_window IS NOT NULL THEN
-        IF max_resource_at_or_before_starttime IS NULL THEN
-            RETURN max_resource_usage_in_time_window;
-        ELSE
-            IF max_resource_usage_in_time_window.usage > max_resource_at_or_before_starttime.usage THEN
-                 RETURN max_resource_usage_in_time_window;
+    IF max_resource_usage_in_time_window IS NULL THEN
+        -- no usages withing given window, so return first usage before window (which extends in time into this window)
+        SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(_resource_id, _claim_status_id, _lower, false, false, false) INTO max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
+        RETURN max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
+    END IF;
+    IF max_resource_usage_in_time_window.as_of_timestamp > _lower THEN
+        -- check if the usage at_or_before_starttime is higher then in_time_window
+        SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(_resource_id, _claim_status_id, _lower, false, false, false) INTO max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
+        IF max_resource_at_or_before_starttime IS NOT NULL THEN
+            IF max_resource_at_or_before_starttime.usage > max_resource_usage_in_time_window.usage THEN
+                RETURN max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
-                 RETURN max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
+                RETURN max_resource_usage_in_time_window;
             END IF;
         END IF;
-    ELSE
-        -- could also be NULL but that is checked for elsewhere
-        RETURN max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
     END IF;
+    RETURN max_resource_usage_in_time_window;
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 ALTER FUNCTION resource_allocation.get_max_resource_usage_between(_resource_id int, _claim_status_id int, _lower timestamp, _upper timestamp) OWNER TO resourceassignment;
@@ -572,11 +551,7 @@ DECLARE
     available_capacity bigint;
     total_capacity bigint;
     current_claimed_usage bigint;
-    proc_start timestamp with time zone;
-    proc_end timestamp with time zone;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_start;
     SELECT usage FROM resource_allocation.get_max_resource_usage_between(_resource_id, claimed_status_id, _lower, _upper) INTO max_resource_usage_value;
     IF max_resource_usage_value IS NULL THEN
@@ -590,10 +565,6 @@ BEGIN
     IF available_capacity = total_capacity THEN
         --this is not a monitored resource, and hence we do not know how much space is actually available.
         --make a best guess by subtracting the current_claimed_usage from the total_capacity
-        SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_end;
-        RAISE NOTICE 'get_resource_claimable_capacity_between_a took %', proc_end - proc_start;
         RETURN total_capacity - max_resource_usage_value;
         --this is a monitored resource, and the claimable_capacity is not just the free space (available_capacity) at this moment!
@@ -606,9 +577,6 @@ BEGIN
         -- so take the current resource usage
         SELECT usage FROM resource_allocation.get_current_resource_usage(_resource_id, claimed_status_id) INTO current_claimed_usage;
-        SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_end;
-        RAISE NOTICE 'get_resource_claimable_capacity_between_b took %', proc_end - proc_start;
         IF current_claimed_usage IS NOT NULL THEN
             RETURN available_capacity + current_claimed_usage - max_resource_usage_value;
         END IF;
@@ -629,18 +597,11 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resource_allocation.has_conflict_with_overlapping_cla
     free_claimable_capacity bigint;
-    proc_start timestamp with time zone;
-    proc_end timestamp with time zone;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_start;
     -- get the free free_claimable_capacity for this resource for the claim's time window
     -- this does not include the current claim which is (or at least should be) tentative.
     SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_claimable_capacity_between(claim.resource_id, claim.starttime, claim.endtime) INTO free_claimable_capacity;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'has_conflict_with_overlapping_claims    took %', proc_end - proc_start;
     return claim.claim_size > free_claimable_capacity;
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
@@ -705,14 +666,7 @@ DECLARE
     task_scheduled_status_id int := 400; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
     task_queued_status_id int := 500; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
     claim_has_conflicts boolean;
-    proc_start timestamp with time zone;
-    proc_end timestamp with time zone;
-    part_start timestamp with time zone;
-    part_end timestamp with time zone;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_start;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_start;
     --order of following steps is important, do not reorder the steps
         IF NEW.starttime >= NEW.endtime THEN
@@ -752,10 +706,6 @@ BEGIN
         END IF;
     END IF;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'before_claim_insertupdatedelete1        took %', part_end - part_start;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_start;
         --update the resource usages affected by this claim
         --do this before we check for conflicts, because this claim might be shifted for example
@@ -763,10 +713,6 @@ BEGIN
         PERFORM resource_allocation.process_old_claim_outof_resource_usages(OLD);
     END IF;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'before_claim_insertupdatedelete2        took %', part_end - part_start;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_start;
     --only check claim if status and/or claim_size and/or start/end time changed
     IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' OR (TG_OP = 'UPDATE' AND (OLD.status_id <> NEW.status_id OR
                                                   OLD.claim_size <> NEW.claim_size OR
@@ -797,12 +743,6 @@ BEGIN
         PERFORM resource_allocation.process_new_claim_into_resource_usages(NEW);
     END IF;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'before_claim_insertupdatedelete3        took %', part_end - part_start;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'before_claim_insertupdatedelete         took %', proc_end - proc_start;
         RETURN OLD;
     END IF;
@@ -839,14 +779,7 @@ DECLARE
     task_aborted_status_id int  := 1100; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
     affected_claim resource_allocation.resource_claim;
     claim_has_conflicts boolean;
-    proc_start timestamp with time zone;
-    proc_end timestamp with time zone;
-    part_start timestamp with time zone;
-    part_end timestamp with time zone;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_start;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_start;
     -- in the before trigger function, everything on the claim has been checked and adapted.
     -- now (in the after trigger, when all claims were inserted/updated in the database), let's check if the task should also be updated (to conflict status for example)
     -- only if claim status was changed or inserted...
@@ -855,38 +788,19 @@ BEGIN
             --if claim status went to conflict, then set the task status to conflict as well
             UPDATE resource_allocation.task SET status_id=task_conflict_status_id WHERE id=NEW.task_id AND status_id <> task_conflict_status_id;
         ELSIF NEW.status_id = claim_tentative_status_id THEN
-             SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_start;
              IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM resource_allocation.resource_claim
                            WHERE task_id = NEW.task_id
                            AND status_id = claim_conflict_status_id) THEN
-                SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_end;
-                RAISE NOTICE 'after_claim_insertupdatedelete1a        took %', part_end - part_start;
-                SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_start;
                  IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM resource_allocation.task
                            WHERE id = NEW.task_id
                            AND status_id = task_approved_status_id) THEN
-                    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_end;
-                    RAISE NOTICE 'after_claim_insertupdatedelete1b        took %', part_end - part_start;
-                    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_start;
                      UPDATE resource_allocation.task SET status_id=task_approved_status_id WHERE id=NEW.task_id AND status_id <> task_approved_status_id;
-                    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_end;
-                    RAISE NOTICE 'after_claim_insertupdatedelete1c        took %', part_end - part_start;
-                    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_start;
                 END IF;
             END IF;
         END IF;
     END IF;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'after_claim_insertupdatedelete1         took %', part_end - proc_start;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_start;
     -- if this claim was moved or went from claimed to other status
     -- then check all other claims in conflict which might be affected by this change
     -- maybe they can be updated from conflict status to tentative...
@@ -909,10 +823,6 @@ BEGIN
         END LOOP;
     END IF;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'after_claim_insertupdatedelete2         took %', part_end - part_start;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_start;
     -- if this claim went from to claimed status
     -- then check all other claims in tentative state which might be affected by this change
     -- maybe they should be updated from tentative status to conflict...
@@ -934,13 +844,6 @@ BEGIN
         END LOOP;
     END IF;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'after_claim_insertupdatedelete3         took %', part_end - part_start;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into part_start;
-    SELECT * from clock_timestamp() into proc_end;
-    RAISE NOTICE 'after_claim_insertupdatedelete          took %', proc_end - proc_start;
       -- delete obsolete claim when task is finished/aborted
       IF NEW.status_id = claim_claimed_status_id AND