diff --git a/LCS/PyCommon/json_utils.py b/LCS/PyCommon/json_utils.py
index 963e397174ee5943fa038d869af8c78edcaae33e..74dcfa1db09902b6bc078b99521a01a0396a6713 100644
--- a/LCS/PyCommon/json_utils.py
+++ b/LCS/PyCommon/json_utils.py
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 # with the LOFAR software suite. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import json
+import time
 import jsonschema
 from copy import deepcopy
 import requests
@@ -159,19 +161,31 @@ def get_referenced_subschema(ref_url, cache: dict=None, max_cache_age: timedelta
     '''fetch the schema given by the ref_url, and get the sub-schema given by the #/ path in the ref_url'''
     # deduct referred schema name and version from ref-value
     head, anchor, tail = ref_url.partition('#')
+    def _fech_url_and_update_cache_entry_if_needed():
+        # try to fetch the url a few time (jsonschema.org is down quite often, but only for a brief moment)
+        for attempt_nr in range(5):
+            try:
+                response = requests.get(ref_url)
+                if response.status_code == 200:
+                    referenced_schema = json.loads(response.text)
+                    if isinstance(cache, dict):
+                        cache[head] = referenced_schema, datetime.utcnow()
+                    return referenced_schema
+            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+                time.sleep(2) # retry after a little sleep
+        raise Exception("Could not get: %s" % (ref_url,))
     if isinstance(cache, dict) and head in cache:
         # use cached value
         referenced_schema, last_update_timestamp = cache[head]
         # refresh cache if outdated
         if datetime.utcnow() - last_update_timestamp > max_cache_age:
-            referenced_schema = json.loads(requests.get(ref_url).text)
-            cache[head] = referenced_schema, datetime.utcnow()
+            referenced_schema = _fech_url_and_update_cache_entry_if_needed()
         # fetch url, and store in cache
-        referenced_schema = json.loads(requests.get(ref_url).text)
-        if isinstance(cache, dict):
-            cache[head] = referenced_schema, datetime.utcnow()
+        referenced_schema = _fech_url_and_update_cache_entry_if_needed()
     # extract sub-schema
     tail = tail.strip('/')
@@ -222,13 +236,12 @@ def get_refs(schema) -> set:
     return refs
-def validate_json_against_its_schema(json_object: dict):
+def validate_json_against_its_schema(json_object: dict, cache: dict=None, max_cache_age: timedelta=DEFAULT_MAX_SCHEMA_CACHE_AGE):
     '''validate the give json object against its own schema (the URI/URL that its propery $schema points to)'''
     schema_url = json_object['$schema']
-    response = requests.get(schema_url, headers={"Accept":"application/json"})
-    if response.status_code == 200:
-        return validate_json_against_schema(json_object, response.text)
-    raise jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError("Could not get schema from '%s'\n%s" % (schema_url, str(response.text)))
+    schema_object = get_referenced_subschema(schema_url, cache=cache, max_cache_age=max_cache_age)
+    return validate_json_against_schema(json_object, schema_object)
 def validate_json_against_schema(json_string: str, schema: str):
     '''validate the given json_string against the given schema.