diff --git a/Docker/lofar-ci/Dockerfile_ci_scu b/Docker/lofar-ci/Dockerfile_ci_scu
index a8bca2fa7e8674609edeb39799f23f88ca3a3184..be56003efb6f739196b0e2a460375aaf713d0e87 100644
--- a/Docker/lofar-ci/Dockerfile_ci_scu
+++ b/Docker/lofar-ci/Dockerfile_ci_scu
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ RUN mkdir -p /opt/oracle && \
     unzip instantclient-basic-linux.x64-
 ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/oracle/instantclient_21_1:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-RUN pip3 install cython kombu lxml requests pygcn xmljson mysql-connector-python python-dateutil Django==3.0.9 djangorestframework==3.11.1 djangorestframework-xml ldap==1.0.2 flask fabric coverage python-qpid-proton PyGreSQL numpy h5py psycopg2 testing.postgresql Flask-Testing scipy Markdown django-filter python-ldap python-ldap-test ldap3 django-jsonforms django-json-widget django-jsoneditor drf-yasg flex swagger-spec-validator django-auth-ldap mozilla-django-oidc jsonschema comet pyxb==1.2.5 graphviz isodate astropy packaging django-debug-toolbar pymysql astroplan SimpleWebSocketServer websocket_client drf-flex-fields django-property-filter cx_Oracle
+RUN pip3 install cython kombu lxml requests pygcn xmljson mysql-connector-python python-dateutil Django==3.0.9 djangorestframework==3.11.1 djangorestframework-xml ldap==1.0.2 flask fabric coverage python-qpid-proton PyGreSQL numpy h5py psycopg2 testing.postgresql Flask-Testing scipy Markdown django-filter python-ldap python-ldap-test ldap3 django-jsonforms django-json-widget django-jsoneditor drf-yasg flex swagger-spec-validator django-auth-ldap mozilla-django-oidc jsonschema comet pyxb==1.2.5 graphviz isodate astropy packaging django-debug-toolbar pymysql astroplan SimpleWebSocketServer websocket_client drf-flex-fields django-property-filter cx_Oracle cachetools
 #Viewflow package 
 RUN pip3 install django-material django-viewflow
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/adapters/keycloak.py b/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/adapters/keycloak.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b35fffb7e61e5d68a4aad0879b2f82c268dddae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/adapters/keycloak.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import requests
+import logging
+import cachetools.func
+import os
+import json
+import re
+logger = logging.Logger(__name__)
+KEYCLOAK_TOKEN_URL = os.environ.get('KEYCLOAK_TOKEN_URL', 'https://sdc-dev.astron.nl/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token')
+KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_USER = os.environ.get('KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_USER', 'secret')
+KEYCLOAK_API_BASE_URL = os.environ.get('KEYCLOAK_API_BASE_URL', 'https://sdc-dev.astron.nl/auth/admin/realms/master')
+class KeycloakAdminAPISession(requests.Session):
+    @cachetools.func.ttl_cache(ttl=30)
+    def get_token(self):
+        data = {'username': KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_USER, 'password': KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD, 'grant_type': 'password',
+                'client_id': 'admin-cli'}
+        response = self.post(url=KEYCLOAK_TOKEN_URL, data=data)  # , headers={'Accept': 'text/plain'})
+        if response.status_code == 200:
+            response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+            token = response_dict['access_token']
+            logger.info('Obtained Keycloak API token')
+            return token
+        else:
+            raise Exception('Keycloak admin API token could not be obtained: %s' % response.text)
+    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        token = self.get_token()
+        headers = kwargs.pop('headers', {})
+        headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer %s" % token
+        response = super().get(*args, headers=headers, **kwargs)
+        if response.status_code == 200:
+            return json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+        else:
+            raise Exception('Keycloak admin API query failed: %s' % response.text)
+def get_users_by_role_in_project(role, project):
+    """
+    returns the list of users that have the specified role in the specified project
+    """
+    project_persons = get_project_persons()
+    return project_persons[project][role]
+def get_project_persons():
+    """
+    returns a mapping of projects names to a dict that contains the users that
+    have a particular role in that project.
+    """
+    project_persons_map = {}
+    with KeycloakAdminAPISession() as ksession:
+        groups = ksession.get(url='%s/groups/' % KEYCLOAK_API_BASE_URL)
+        for group in groups:
+            if group['name'] == 'Project':
+                projects = group['subGroups']
+        for project in projects:
+            project_detail = ksession.get(url='%s/groups/%s/' % (KEYCLOAK_API_BASE_URL, project['id']))
+            attributes = project_detail.get('attributes', {})
+            role_keys = {'pi': 'lofarProjectPI',
+                         'friend_of_project': 'lofarProjectFriend',
+                         'contact': 'lofarProjectContactauthor'}
+            for role, key in role_keys.items():
+                users = attributes.get(key, [])
+                # convert user list to something we can use in TMSS
+                user_map = get_user_mapping()
+                # todo: find a way to replicate the exact string representation Keycloak uses (where to get the title from?), instead of the following unsafe hack
+                unmappable_users = [user for user in users if user not in user_map]
+                mapped_users = [user_map[user] for user in users if user in user_map]
+                for unmappable_user in unmappable_users:
+                    unmappable_user_fixed = re.sub('Dr.', '', unmappable_user)
+                    unmappable_user_fixed = re.sub('Prof.', '', unmappable_user_fixed)
+                    unmappable_user_fixed = re.sub('ir.', '', unmappable_user_fixed)
+                    unmappable_user_fixed = re.sub('Ir.', '', unmappable_user_fixed)
+                    unmappable_user_fixed = re.sub('apl.', '', unmappable_user_fixed)
+                    unmappable_user_fixed = re.sub(' +', ' ', unmappable_user_fixed)
+                    if unmappable_user_fixed in user_map:
+                        users.append(user_map[unmappable_user_fixed])
+                    else:
+                        logger.warning("Could not match Keycloak user reference '%s' to a known user" % unmappable_user)
+                project_persons_map.setdefault(project['name'], {})[role] = mapped_users
+    return project_persons_map
+def get_user_mapping():
+    """
+    returns a mapping of both the string ('Project, Tobitha') or LDAP ('cn=to_project,ou=Users,o=lofartest,c=eu')
+    representations of users that are returned by Keycloak to a reference that we can use to identify a user
+    in TMSS, i.e. email.
+    # todo: consider looking up / creating / returning user objects directly (but that generates a ton of lookups and unnecessary users)
+    # todo: we need to review that all used references are actually unique, especially Keycloak's reference by string representation does not look safe!
+    """
+    user_map = {}
+    with KeycloakAdminAPISession() as ksession:
+        users = ksession.get(url='%s/users/' % KEYCLOAK_API_BASE_URL)
+        # pprint.pprint(ksession.get(url='%s/groups/70b064d6-44a1-48be-bc39-98f8f5cd3d7e/' % KEYCLOAK_API_BASE_URL))
+        for user in users:
+            if 'attributes' in user:
+                for ldap_dn in user['attributes'].get('LDAP_ENTRY_DN', []):
+                    user_map[ldap_dn] = user['email']
+                for ldap_dn in user['attributes'].get('KEYCLOAK_DN', []):
+                    user_map[ldap_dn] = user['email']
+            if 'firstName' in user and 'lastName' in user:
+                user_map['%s, %s' % (user['lastName'], user['firstName'])] = user['email']
+    return user_map
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