diff --git a/CMake/LofarMacros.cmake b/CMake/LofarMacros.cmake
index 7995cc094c79f6ee0607e7df796869b1224f2767..2f6ed8829b9a9452ad0413f65787c28fb28f145b 100644
--- a/CMake/LofarMacros.cmake
+++ b/CMake/LofarMacros.cmake
@@ -178,22 +178,39 @@ if(NOT DEFINED LOFAR_MACROS_INCLUDED)
   # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # lofar_add_sysconf_files([name1 [name2 ..]])
+  # lofar_add_sysconf_files([name1 [name2 ..]] [DESTINATION subdir])
   # Add system configuration files (read-only single machine data) that need
   # to be installed into the <prefix>/etc directory. Also create a symbolic
   # link in <build-dir>/etc to each of these files. The file names may contain
   # a relative(!) path.
+  #
+  # The mentioned files are installed in the same relative path as provided,
+  # that is:
+  #     lofar_add_sysconf_files(foo/bar)
+  # installs "etc/foo/bar". To override this behaviour use:
+  #     lofar_add_sysconf_files(foo/bar DESTINATION .)
+  # installs "etc/bar".
   # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    foreach(_name ${ARGN})
-      get_filename_component(_path ${_name} PATH)
-      get_filename_component(_abs_name ${_name} ABSOLUTE)
+    string(REGEX REPLACE ";?DESTINATION.*" "" _srcs "${ARGN}")
+    string(REGEX MATCH "DESTINATION;.*" _dest "${ARGN}")
+    string(REGEX REPLACE "^DESTINATION;" "" _dest "${_dest}")
+    foreach(_src_name ${_srcs})
+      if(_dest MATCHES ".+")
+        get_filename_component(_dst_name ${_src_name} NAME)
+      else(_dest MATCHES ".+")
+        set(_dst_name ${_src_name})
+      endif(_dest MATCHES ".+")
+      get_filename_component(_abs_name ${_src_name} ABSOLUTE)
+      get_filename_component(_dst_path ${_dst_name} PATH)
       file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/etc/${_path})
       execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink
-        ${_abs_name} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/etc/${_name})
-      install(FILES ${_name} DESTINATION etc/${_path})
-    endforeach(_name ${ARGN})
+        ${_abs_name} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/etc/${_dst_name})
+      install(FILES ${_src_name} DESTINATION etc/${_dst_path})
+    endforeach(_src_name ${ARGN})