diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/components/Timeline/CalendarTimeline.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/components/Timeline/CalendarTimeline.js
index d9e2613a58132f50781ac231ee4e5102332502c2..b148112a09416472a9093ba56d3a547f163724f3 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/components/Timeline/CalendarTimeline.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/components/Timeline/CalendarTimeline.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Timeline, {
-    CustomHeader
+    // CustomHeader
   } from 'react-calendar-timeline';
 import containerResizeDetector from 'react-calendar-timeline/lib/resize-detector/container';
 import moment from 'moment';
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ export class CalendarTimeline extends Component {
                     <div className="sidebar-header-row">{this.state.dayHeaderVisible?`LST(Hr)`:`LST(Day)`}</div>
                     {/* {this.state.viewType === UIConstants.timeline.types.NORMAL &&  */}
                         <div className="p-grid legend-row" 
-                            style={{height:this.props.showSunTimings?'30px':'0px'}}>
+                            style={{height:this.props.showSunTimings?'0px':'0px'}}>
                             <div className="col-4 legend-suntime legend-sunrise">Sunrise</div>
                             <div className="col-4 legend-suntime legend-sunset">Sunset</div>
                             <div className="col-4 legend-suntime legend-night">Night</div>
@@ -859,8 +859,9 @@ export class CalendarTimeline extends Component {
     setNormalSuntimings(startTime, endTime) {
         let sunRiseTimings = [], sunSetTimings = [], sunTimeMap={};
         const noOfDays = endTime.diff(startTime, 'days');
-        for (const number of _.range(noOfDays+1)) {
-            const date = startTime.clone().add(number, 'days').hours(12).minutes(0).seconds(0);
+        for (const number of _.range(noOfDays+3)) {                     // Added 3 to have suntimes of day before start time and day after end time so that for small time duration also, suntimes will be available.
+            let prevStartTime = startTime.clone().add(-1, 'days');
+            const date = prevStartTime.clone().add(number, 'days').hours(12).minutes(0).seconds(0);
             const formattedDate = date.format("YYYY-MM-DD");
             UtilService.getSunTimings(formattedDate).then(timings => {
                 if (timings) {
@@ -870,12 +871,12 @@ export class CalendarTimeline extends Component {
                     const sunsetEndTime = moment.utc(timings.sun_set.end.split('.')[0]);
                     const sunriseTime = {start: sunriseStartTime, end: sunriseEndTime};
                     const sunsetTime = {start: sunsetStartTime, end: sunsetEndTime};
-                    if (moment.utc(timings.sunriseEndTime).isAfter(startTime)) {
+                    // if (moment.utc(timings.sunriseEndTime).isAfter(startTime)) {
-                    }
-                    if (moment.utc(timings.sunsetStartTime).isBefore(endTime)) {
+                    // }
+                    // if (moment.utc(timings.sunsetStartTime).isBefore(endTime)) {
-                    }
+                    // }
                     sunTimeMap[formattedDate] = {sunrise: sunriseTime, sunset: sunsetTime};
                     this.setState({sunRiseTimings: sunRiseTimings, sunSetTimings: sunSetTimings, sunTimeMap: sunTimeMap});
@@ -1394,12 +1395,12 @@ export class CalendarTimeline extends Component {
                             // <DateHeader unit={this.state.lstDateHeaderUnit} intervalRenderer={this.renderLSTDateHeader}></DateHeader>
                         {/* Suntime Header in normal view with sunrise, sunset and night time  */}
-                        {this.props.showSunTimings && this.state.viewType === UIConstants.timeline.types.NORMAL && this.state.sunTimeMap && 
+                        {/* {this.props.showSunTimings && this.state.viewType === UIConstants.timeline.types.NORMAL && this.state.sunTimeMap && 
                         <CustomHeader height={30} unit="minute" 
                             children={({ headerContext: { intervals }, getRootProps, getIntervalProps, showPeriod, data})=> {
                                 return this.renderNormalSuntimeHeader({ headerContext: { intervals }, getRootProps, getIntervalProps, showPeriod, data})}}>
-                        }
+                        } */}
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/ViewSchedulingUnit.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/ViewSchedulingUnit.js
index 5a25a62050f2652843210ebe61992ffb126ac661..2f84cfb6c326ad7daaf3b9f56cb0fb78519053ed 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/ViewSchedulingUnit.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/ViewSchedulingUnit.js
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
 import { CustomDialog } from '../../layout/components/CustomDialog';
 import { CustomPageSpinner } from '../../components/CustomPageSpinner';
 import { Growl } from 'primereact/components/growl/Growl';
+import TaskService from '../../services/task.service';
 class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component{
@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component{
         if (schedule_type && schedule_id) {
             this.stations = await ScheduleService.getStationGroup();
             this.setState({stationOptions: this.stations});
+            this.subtaskTemplates = await TaskService.getSubtaskTemplates();
             this.getSchedulingUnitDetails(schedule_type, schedule_id);
@@ -119,33 +121,31 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component{
     getSchedulingUnitDetails(schedule_type, schedule_id) {
-        this.getScheduleUnit(schedule_type, schedule_id)
+        ScheduleService.getSchedulingUnitExtended(schedule_type, schedule_id)
             .then(schedulingUnit =>{
                 if (schedulingUnit) {
                     ScheduleService.getSchedulingConstraintTemplates().then((response) => {
                         this.constraintTemplates = response;
                         this.setState({ constraintSchema:  this.constraintTemplates.find(i => i.id === schedulingUnit.scheduling_constraints_template_id) })
-                    this.getScheduleUnitTasks(schedule_type, schedulingUnit)
-                        .then(tasks =>{
-                        tasks.map(task => {
+                    let tasks = schedulingUnit.task_drafts?this.getFormattedTaskDrafts(schedulingUnit):this.getFormattedTaskBlueprints(schedulingUnit);
+                    tasks.map(task => {
                             task.status_logs = task.tasktype === "Blueprint"?this.subtaskComponent(task):"";
                             //Displaying SubTask ID of the 'control' Task
                             const subTaskIds = task.subTasks?task.subTasks.filter(sTask => sTask.subTaskTemplate.name.indexOf('control') > 1):[];
                             task.subTaskID = subTaskIds.length ? subTaskIds[0].id : ''; 
                             return task;
-                        });
-                        const targetObservation = _.find(tasks, (task)=> {return task.template.type_value==='observation' && task.tasktype.toLowerCase()===schedule_type && task.specifications_doc.station_groups});
-                        this.setState({
-                            scheduleunitId: schedule_id,
-                            scheduleunit : schedulingUnit,
-                            scheduleunitType: schedule_type,
-                            schedule_unit_task : tasks,
-                            isLoading: false,
-                            stationGroup: targetObservation?targetObservation.specifications_doc.station_groups:[],
-                            redirect: null,
-                            dialogVisible: false
-                    }, this.getAllStations);
+                    });
+                    const targetObservation = _.find(tasks, (task)=> {return task.template.type_value==='observation' && task.tasktype.toLowerCase()===schedule_type && task.specifications_doc.station_groups});
+                    this.setState({
+                        scheduleunitId: schedule_id,
+                        scheduleunit : schedulingUnit,
+                        scheduleunitType: schedule_type,
+                        schedule_unit_task : tasks,
+                        isLoading: false,
+                        stationGroup: targetObservation?targetObservation.specifications_doc.station_groups:[],
+                        redirect: null,
+                        dialogVisible: false
                 }   else {
@@ -168,6 +168,85 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component{
+    /**
+     * Formatting the task_drafts and task_blueprints in draft view to pass to the ViewTable component
+     * @param {Object} schedulingUnit - scheduling_unit_draft object from extended API call loaded with tasks(draft & blueprint) along with their template and subtasks
+     */
+    getFormattedTaskDrafts(schedulingUnit) {
+        let scheduletasklist=[];
+        // Common keys for Task and Blueprint
+        let commonkeys = ['id','created_at','description','name','tags','updated_at','url','do_cancel','relative_start_time','relative_stop_time','start_time','stop_time','duration','status'];
+        for(const task of schedulingUnit.task_drafts){
+            let scheduletask = [];
+            scheduletask['tasktype'] = 'Draft';
+            scheduletask['actionpath'] = '/task/view/draft/'+task['id'];
+            scheduletask['blueprint_draft'] = _.map(task['task_blueprints'], 'url');
+            scheduletask['status'] = task['status'];
+            //fetch task draft details
+            for(const key of commonkeys){
+                scheduletask[key] = task[key];
+            }
+            scheduletask['created_at'] = moment(task['created_at'], moment.ISO_8601).format("YYYY-MMM-DD HH:mm:ss");
+            scheduletask['updated_at'] = moment(task['updated_at'], moment.ISO_8601).format("YYYY-MMM-DD HH:mm:ss");
+            scheduletask['specifications_doc'] = task['specifications_doc'];
+            scheduletask.duration = moment.utc((scheduletask.duration || 0)*1000).format('HH:mm:ss'); 
+            scheduletask.relative_start_time = moment.utc(scheduletask.relative_start_time*1000).format('HH:mm:ss'); 
+            scheduletask.relative_stop_time = moment.utc(scheduletask.relative_stop_time*1000).format('HH:mm:ss'); 
+            scheduletask.template = task.specifications_template;
+            for(const blueprint of task['task_blueprints']){
+                let taskblueprint = [];
+                taskblueprint['tasktype'] = 'Blueprint';
+                taskblueprint['actionpath'] = '/task/view/blueprint/'+blueprint['id'];
+                taskblueprint['blueprint_draft'] = blueprint['draft'];
+                taskblueprint['status'] = blueprint['status'];
+                for(const key of commonkeys){
+                    taskblueprint[key] = blueprint[key];
+                }
+                taskblueprint['created_at'] = moment(blueprint['created_at'], moment.ISO_8601).format("YYYY-MMM-DD HH:mm:ss");
+                taskblueprint['updated_at'] = moment(blueprint['updated_at'], moment.ISO_8601).format("YYYY-MMM-DD HH:mm:ss");
+                taskblueprint.duration = moment.utc((taskblueprint.duration || 0)*1000).format('HH:mm:ss'); 
+                taskblueprint.relative_start_time = moment.utc(taskblueprint.relative_start_time*1000).format('HH:mm:ss'); 
+                taskblueprint.relative_stop_time = moment.utc(taskblueprint.relative_stop_time*1000).format('HH:mm:ss'); 
+                taskblueprint.template = scheduletask.template;
+                taskblueprint.subTasks = blueprint.subtasks;
+                for (const subtask of taskblueprint.subTasks) {
+                    subtask.subTaskTemplate = _.find(this.subtaskTemplates, ['id', subtask.specifications_template_id]);
+                }
+                //Add Blue print details to array
+                scheduletasklist.push(taskblueprint);
+            }
+            //Add Task Draft details to array
+            scheduletasklist.push(scheduletask);
+        }
+        return scheduletasklist;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Formatting the task_blueprints in blueprint view to pass to the ViewTable component
+     * @param {Object} schedulingUnit - scheduling_unit_blueprint object from extended API call loaded with tasks(blueprint) along with their template and subtasks
+     */
+    getFormattedTaskBlueprints(schedulingUnit) {
+        let taskBlueprintsList = [];
+        for(const taskBlueprint of schedulingUnit.task_blueprints) {
+            taskBlueprint['tasktype'] = 'Blueprint';
+            taskBlueprint['actionpath'] = '/task/view/blueprint/'+taskBlueprint['id'];
+            taskBlueprint['blueprint_draft'] = taskBlueprint['draft'];
+            taskBlueprint['relative_start_time'] = 0;
+            taskBlueprint['relative_stop_time'] = 0;
+            taskBlueprint.duration = moment.utc((taskBlueprint.duration || 0)*1000).format('HH:mm:ss');
+            taskBlueprint.template = taskBlueprint.specifications_template;
+            for (const subtask of taskBlueprint.subtasks) {
+                subtask.subTaskTemplate = _.find(this.subtaskTemplates, ['id', subtask.specifications_template_id]);
+            }
+            taskBlueprint.subTasks = taskBlueprint.subtasks;
+            taskBlueprintsList.push(taskBlueprint);
+        }
+        return taskBlueprintsList;
+    }
     getScheduleUnitTasks(type, scheduleunit){
         if(type === 'draft')
             return ScheduleService.getTasksBySchedulingUnit(scheduleunit.id, true, true, true);
@@ -268,13 +347,6 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component{
-                 {<Stations
-                    stationGroup={this.state.stationGroup}
-                    targetObservation={this.state.targetObservation}
-                    view
-                />}
-                {this.state.scheduleunit && this.state.scheduleunit.scheduling_constraints_doc && <SchedulingConstraint disable constraintTemplate={this.state.constraintSchema} initValue={this.state.scheduleunit.scheduling_constraints_doc} />}
                     <h3>Tasks Details</h3>
@@ -301,8 +373,16 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component{
-                 }
-                 {this.state.showStatusLogs &&
+                }
+                {<Stations
+                    stationGroup={this.state.stationGroup}
+                    targetObservation={this.state.targetObservation}
+                    view
+                />}
+                {this.state.scheduleunit && this.state.scheduleunit.scheduling_constraints_doc && <SchedulingConstraint disable constraintTemplate={this.state.constraintSchema} initValue={this.state.scheduleunit.scheduling_constraints_doc} />}
+                {this.state.showStatusLogs &&
                     <Dialog header={`Status change logs - ${this.state.task?this.state.task.name:""}`} 
                             visible={this.state.showStatusLogs} maximizable maximized={false} position="left" style={{ width: '50vw' }} 
                             onHide={() => {this.setState({showStatusLogs: false})}}>
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Timeline/view.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Timeline/view.js
index 78f16a7deae9399dbb3f8c4968c2c56ff7417161..1878b35e09fd509d4577c28539b30a7716affe88 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Timeline/view.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Timeline/view.js
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import ViewTable from '../../components/ViewTable';
 import ProjectService from '../../services/project.service';
 import ScheduleService from '../../services/schedule.service';
 import UtilService from '../../services/util.service';
+import TaskService from '../../services/task.service';
 import UnitConverter from '../../utils/unit.converter';
 import SchedulingUnitSummary from '../Scheduling/summary';
@@ -89,14 +90,16 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
     async componentDidMount() {
         // Fetch all details from server and prepare data to pass to timeline and table components
         const promises = [  ProjectService.getProjectList(), 
-                            ScheduleService.getSchedulingUnitBlueprint(),
+                            ScheduleService.getSchedulingUnitsExtended('blueprint'),
-                            ScheduleService.getStations('All')] ;
+                            ScheduleService.getStations('All'),
+                            TaskService.getSubtaskTemplates()] ;
         Promise.all(promises).then(async(responses) => {
+            this.subtaskTemplates = responses[6];
             const projects = responses[0];
-            const suBlueprints = _.sortBy(responses[1].data.results, 'name');
+            const suBlueprints = _.sortBy(responses[1], 'name');
             const suDrafts = responses[2].data.results;
             const suSets = responses[3];
             const group = [], items = [];
@@ -116,25 +119,29 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
                         suBlueprint.suSet = suSet;
                         suBlueprint.durationInSec = suBlueprint.duration;
                         suBlueprint.duration = UnitConverter.getSecsToHHmmss(suBlueprint.duration);
-                        // Load subtasks also to get stations & control ID from subtask if status is before scheduled
-                        //const loadSubtasks = this.STATUS_BEFORE_SCHEDULED.indexOf(suBlueprint.status.toLowerCase()) < 0 || this.state.showTasks;
-                        const loadSubtasks = true;
+                        suBlueprint.tasks = suBlueprint.task_blueprints;
                         // Select only blueprints with start_time and stop_time in the default time limit
                         if (suBlueprint.start_time && 
                             (moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time).isBetween(defaultStartTime, defaultEndTime) ||
-                             moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isBetween(defaultStartTime, defaultEndTime))) {
-                            // suBlueprint.tasks = await ScheduleService.getTaskBlueprintsBySchedulingUnit(suBlueprint, true);
-                            suBlueprint.tasks = await ScheduleService.getTaskBlueprintsBySchedulingUnit(suBlueprint, true, loadSubtasks, loadSubtasks);
+                             moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isBetween(defaultStartTime, defaultEndTime))	 
+                             || (moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time).isSameOrBefore(defaultStartTime) && 
+                                 moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isSameOrAfter(defaultEndTime))) {
                             if (!_.find(group, {'id': suDraft.id})) {
                                 group.push({'id': suDraft.id, title: suDraft.name});
-                        }   else if (suBlueprint.start_time) {  // For other SUs with start_time load details asynchronously
-                            ScheduleService.getTaskBlueprintsBySchedulingUnit(suBlueprint, true, loadSubtasks, loadSubtasks)
-                                .then(tasks => {
-                                    suBlueprint.tasks = tasks;
-                            })
+                        }
+                        for (let task of suBlueprint.tasks) {
+                            const subTaskIds = task.subtasks.filter(subtask => {
+                                const template = _.find(this.subtaskTemplates, ['id', subtask.specifications_template_id]);
+                                return (template && template.name.indexOf('control')) > 0;
+                            });
+                            task.subTaskID = subTaskIds.length ? subTaskIds[0].id : ''; 
+                            if (task.specifications_template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation") {
+                                task.antenna_set = task.specifications_doc.antenna_set;
+                                task.band = task.specifications_doc.filter;
+                            }
@@ -155,6 +162,11 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
+            // Get all scheduling constraint templates
+            ScheduleService.getSchedulingConstraintTemplates()
+                .then(suConstraintTemplates => {
+                    this.suConstraintTemplates = suConstraintTemplates;
+            });
             this.setState({suBlueprints: suBlueprints, suDrafts: suDrafts, group: group, suSets: suSets,
                             projects: projects, suBlueprintList: suList,
                             items: items, currentUTC: currentUTC, isLoading: false,
@@ -172,7 +184,7 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
     getTimelineItem(suBlueprint) {
         let antennaSet = "";
         for (let task of suBlueprint.tasks) {
-            if (task.template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation") {
+            if (task.specifications_template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation") {
                 antennaSet = task.specifications_doc.antenna_set;
@@ -182,7 +194,7 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
             title: "",
             project: suBlueprint.project, type: 'SCHEDULE',
             name: suBlueprint.suDraft.name,
-            band: antennaSet.split("_")[0],
+            band: antennaSet?antennaSet.split("_")[0]:"",
             antennaSet: antennaSet,
             duration: suBlueprint.durationInSec?`${(suBlueprint.durationInSec/3600).toFixed(2)}Hrs`:"",
             start_time: moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time),
@@ -198,46 +210,54 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
      * Get Timeline items for obsercation tasks of the SU Bluprint. Task Items are grouped to the SU draft and Task draft IDs
      * @param {Object} suBlueprint 
-    getTaskItems(suBlueprint) {
+    getTaskItems(suBlueprint, startTime, endTime) {
         let taskItems = {};
         if (suBlueprint.tasks) {
             let items = [], itemGroup = [];
+            const subtaskTemplates = this.subtaskTemplates;
             for (let task of suBlueprint.tasks) {
-                if (task.template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation" && task.start_time && task.stop_time) {
+                if (task.specifications_template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation" && task.start_time && task.stop_time) {
                     const antennaSet = task.specifications_doc.antenna_set;
                     const start_time = moment.utc(task.start_time);
                     const end_time = moment.utc(task.stop_time);
-                    const subTaskIds = task.subTasks.filter(subtask => subtask.template.name.indexOf('control') > 0);
-                    const controlId = subTaskIds.length>0 ? subTaskIds[0].id : ''; 
-                    let item = { id: `${suBlueprint.id}_${task.id}`, 
-                                suId: suBlueprint.id,
-                                taskId: task.id,
-                                controlId: controlId,
-                                group: `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_${task.draft_id}`,
-                                // group: `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_Tasks`,    // For single row task grouping
-                                title: '',
-                                project: suBlueprint.project, type: 'TASK',
-                                name: task.name,
-                                typeValue:task.template.type_value,
-                                band: antennaSet?antennaSet.split("_")[0]:"",
-                                antennaSet: antennaSet?antennaSet:"",
-                                duration: `${(end_time.diff(start_time, 'seconds')/3600).toFixed(2)}Hrs`,
-                                start_time: start_time,
-                                end_time: end_time,
-                                bgColor: task.status? TASK_STATUS_COLORS[task.status.toUpperCase()]:"#2196f3",
-                                selectedBgColor: "none",
-                                status: task.status.toLowerCase()};
-                    items.push(item);
-                    if (!_.find(itemGroup, ['id', `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_${task.draft_id}`])) {
-                        itemGroup.push({'id': `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_${task.draft_id}`, parent: suBlueprint.suDraft.id, 
-                                        start: start_time, title: `${!this.state.showSUs?suBlueprint.suDraft.name:""} -- ${task.name}`});
-                    }
-                    /* >>>>>> If all tasks should be shown in single row remove the above 2 lines and uncomment these lines
-                    if (!_.find(itemGroup, ['id', `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_Tasks`])) {
-                        itemGroup.push({'id': `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_Tasks`, parent: suBlueprint.suDraft.id, 
-                                        start_time: start_time, title: `${!this.state.showSUs?suBlueprint.suDraft.name:""} -- Tasks`});
+                    if ((start_time.isBetween(startTime, endTime) ||
+                         end_time.isBetween(startTime, endTime))	 
+                         || (start_time.isSameOrBefore(startTime) && end_time.isSameOrAfter(endTime))) {
+                        const subTaskIds = task.subtasks.filter(subtask => {
+                                                const template = _.find(subtaskTemplates, ['id', subtask.specifications_template_id]);
+                                                return (template && template.name.indexOf('control')) > 0;
+                        });
+                        const controlId = subTaskIds.length>0 ? subTaskIds[0].id : ''; 
+                        let item = { id: `${suBlueprint.id}_${task.id}`, 
+                                    suId: suBlueprint.id,
+                                    taskId: task.id,
+                                    controlId: controlId,
+                                    group: `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_${task.draft_id}`,
+                                    // group: `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_Tasks`,    // For single row task grouping
+                                    title: '',
+                                    project: suBlueprint.project, type: 'TASK',
+                                    name: task.name,
+                                    typeValue:task.specifications_template.type_value,
+                                    band: antennaSet?antennaSet.split("_")[0]:"",
+                                    antennaSet: antennaSet?antennaSet:"",
+                                    duration: `${(end_time.diff(start_time, 'seconds')/3600).toFixed(2)}Hrs`,
+                                    start_time: start_time,
+                                    end_time: end_time,
+                                    bgColor: task.status? TASK_STATUS_COLORS[task.status.toUpperCase()]:"#2196f3",
+                                    selectedBgColor: "none",
+                                    status: task.status.toLowerCase()};
+                        items.push(item);
+                        if (!_.find(itemGroup, ['id', `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_${task.draft_id}`])) {
+                            itemGroup.push({'id': `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_${task.draft_id}`, parent: suBlueprint.suDraft.id, 
+                                            start: start_time, title: `${!this.state.showSUs?suBlueprint.suDraft.name:""} -- ${task.name}`});
+                        }
+                        /* >>>>>> If all tasks should be shown in single row remove the above 2 lines and uncomment these lines
+                        if (!_.find(itemGroup, ['id', `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_Tasks`])) {
+                            itemGroup.push({'id': `${suBlueprint.suDraft.id}_Tasks`, parent: suBlueprint.suDraft.id, 
+                                            start_time: start_time, title: `${!this.state.showSUs?suBlueprint.suDraft.name:""} -- Tasks`});
+                        }
+                        <<<<<<*/
-                    <<<<<<*/
             taskItems['items'] = items;
@@ -273,18 +293,23 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
                 canExtendSUList: false, canShrinkSUList:false});
             if (fetchDetails) {
                 const suBlueprint = _.find(this.state.suBlueprints, {id: (this.state.stationView?parseInt(item.id.split('-')[0]):item.id)});
+                const suConstraintTemplate = _.find(this.suConstraintTemplates, {id: suBlueprint.suDraft.scheduling_constraints_template_id});
                 /* If tasks are not loaded on component mounting fetch from API */
                 if (suBlueprint.tasks) {
-                    this.setState({suTaskList: _.sortBy(suBlueprint.tasks, "id"),
-                                            stationGroup: this.getSUStations(suBlueprint)});
+                    this.setState({suTaskList: _.sortBy(suBlueprint.tasks, "id"), suConstraintTemplate: suConstraintTemplate,
+                                    stationGroup: this.getSUStations(suBlueprint), isSummaryLoading: false});
                 }   else {
                         .then(taskList => {
                             for (let task of taskList) {
                                 //Control Task Id
-                                const subTaskIds = (task.subTasks || []).filter(sTask => sTask.subTaskTemplate.name.indexOf('control') > 1);
+                                // const subTaskIds = (task.subTasks || []).filter(sTask => sTask.subTaskTemplate.name.indexOf('control') > 1);
+                                const subTaskIds = task.subtasks.filter(subtask => {
+                                    const template = _.find(this.subtaskTemplates, ['id', subtask.specifications_template_id]);
+                                    return (template && template.name.indexOf('control')) > 0;
+                                });
                                 task.subTaskID = subTaskIds.length ? subTaskIds[0].id : ''; 
-                                if (task.template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation") {
+                                if (task.specifications_template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation") {
                                     task.antenna_set = task.specifications_doc.antenna_set;
                                     task.band = task.specifications_doc.filter;
@@ -294,10 +319,10 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
                 // Get the scheduling constraint template of the selected SU block
-                ScheduleService.getSchedulingConstraintTemplate(suBlueprint.suDraft.scheduling_constraints_template_id)
-                    .then(suConstraintTemplate => {
-                        this.setState({suConstraintTemplate: suConstraintTemplate, isSummaryLoading: false});
-                    });
+                // ScheduleService.getSchedulingConstraintTemplate(suBlueprint.suDraft.scheduling_constraints_template_id)
+                //     .then(suConstraintTemplate => {
+                //         this.setState({suConstraintTemplate: suConstraintTemplate, isSummaryLoading: false});
+                //     });
@@ -375,12 +400,12 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
         if (startTime && endTime) {
             for (const suBlueprint of this.state.suBlueprints) {
                 if (moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time).isBetween(startTime, endTime) 
-                        || moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isBetween(startTime, endTime)) {
+                    || moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isBetween(startTime, endTime)
+                    || (moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time).isSameOrBefore(startTime) && 
+                         moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isSameOrAfter(endTime))) {
                     // Get timeline item for station view noramlly and in timeline view only if SU to be shown
                     let timelineItem = (this.state.showSUs || this.state.stationView)?this.getTimelineItem(suBlueprint):null;
                     if (this.state.stationView) {
-                        const loadSubtasks = (this.STATUS_BEFORE_SCHEDULED.indexOf(suBlueprint.status.toLowerCase()) < 0 || this.state.showTasks);
-                        suBlueprint.tasks = await ScheduleService.getTaskBlueprintsBySchedulingUnit(suBlueprint, true, loadSubtasks, loadSubtasks);
                         this.getStationItemGroups(suBlueprint, timelineItem, this.allStationsGroup, items);
                     }   else {
                         // Add timeline SU item
@@ -394,7 +419,7 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
                         // Add task item only in timeline view and when show task is enabled
                         if (this.state.showTasks && !this.state.stationView) {
-                            const taskItems = this.getTaskItems(suBlueprint);
+                            const taskItems = this.getTaskItems(suBlueprint, startTime, endTime);
                             items = items.concat(taskItems.items);
                             group = group.concat(taskItems.group);
@@ -446,7 +471,7 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
     getSUStations(suBlueprint) {
         let stations = [];
         /* Get all observation tasks */
-        const observationTasks = _.filter(suBlueprint.tasks, (task) => { return task.template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation"});
+        const observationTasks = _.filter(suBlueprint.tasks, (task) => { return task.specifications_template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation"});
         for (const observationTask of observationTasks) {
             /** If the status of SU is before scheduled, get all stations from the station_groups from the task specification_docs */
             if (this.STATUS_BEFORE_SCHEDULED.indexOf(suBlueprint.status.toLowerCase()) >= 0
@@ -455,9 +480,9 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
                     stations = _.concat(stations, grpStations);
             }   else if (this.STATUS_BEFORE_SCHEDULED.indexOf(suBlueprint.status.toLowerCase()) < 0 
-                            && observationTask.subTasks) {
+                            && observationTask.subtasks) {
                 /** If the status of SU is scheduled or after get the stations from the subtask specification tasks */
-                for (const subtask of observationTask.subTasks) {
+                for (const subtask of observationTask.subtasks) {
                     if (subtask.specifications_doc.stations) {
                         stations = _.concat(stations, subtask.specifications_doc.stations.station_list);
@@ -477,9 +502,16 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
         let reservations = this.reservations;
         for (const reservation of reservations) {
             const reservationStartTime = moment.utc(reservation.start_time);
+            const reservationEndTime = reservation.duration?reservationStartTime.clone().add(reservation.duration, 'seconds'):endTime;
             const reservationSpec = reservation.specifications_doc;
-            if ( (reservationStartTime.isSameOrAfter(startTime)                                
-                    || reservationStartTime.isSameOrBefore(endTime))
+            if ( (reservationStartTime.isSame(startTime) 
+                    || reservationStartTime.isSame(endTime)                       
+                    || reservationStartTime.isBetween(startTime, endTime)
+                    || reservationEndTime.isSame(startTime) 
+                    || reservationEndTime.isSame(endTime)                       
+                    || reservationEndTime.isBetween(startTime, endTime)
+                    || (reservationStartTime.isSameOrBefore(startTime)
+                    && reservationEndTime.isSameOrAfter(endTime)))
                     && (!this.state.reservationFilter ||                                        // No reservation filter added
                         reservationSpec.activity.type === this.state.reservationFilter) ) {     // Reservation reason == Filtered reaseon
                 if (reservationSpec.resources.stations) {
@@ -591,7 +623,7 @@ export class TimelineView extends Component {
                 if (this.state.showTasks && !this.state.stationView) {
-                    const taskItems = this.getTaskItems(suBlueprint);
+                    const taskItems = this.getTaskItems(suBlueprint, this.state.currentStartTime, this.state.currentEndTime);
                     items = items.concat(taskItems.items);
                     group = group.concat(taskItems.group);
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Timeline/week.view.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Timeline/week.view.js
index 8cbd0d9aab0d69adbec3ec49373919ba5628eee1..d4bd21174398b2521f18853c2821cb3790f2af83 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Timeline/week.view.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Timeline/week.view.js
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import ViewTable from '../../components/ViewTable';
 import ProjectService from '../../services/project.service';
 import ScheduleService from '../../services/schedule.service';
 import UtilService from '../../services/util.service';
+import TaskService from '../../services/task.service';
 import UnitConverter from '../../utils/unit.converter';
 import SchedulingUnitSummary from '../Scheduling/summary';
@@ -69,19 +70,19 @@ export class WeekTimelineView extends Component {
     async componentDidMount() {
         // Fetch all details from server and prepare data to pass to timeline and table components
         const promises = [  ProjectService.getProjectList(), 
-                            ScheduleService.getSchedulingUnitBlueprint(),
+                            ScheduleService.getSchedulingUnitsExtended('blueprint'),
-                            UtilService.getUTC()] ;
+                            UtilService.getUTC(),
+                            TaskService.getSubtaskTemplates()] ;
         Promise.all(promises).then(async(responses) => {
+            this.subtaskTemplates = responses[5];
             const projects = responses[0];
-            const suBlueprints = _.sortBy(responses[1].data.results, 'name');
+            const suBlueprints = _.sortBy(responses[1], 'name');
             const suDrafts = responses[2].data.results;
             const suSets = responses[3]
             const group = [], items = [];
             const currentUTC = moment.utc(responses[4]);
-            // const defaultStartTime = currentUTC.clone().add(-24, 'hours');      // Default start time, this should be updated if default view is changed.
-            // const defaultEndTime = currentUTC.clone().add(24, 'hours');         // Default end time, this should be updated if default view is changed.
             const defaultStartTime = moment.utc().day(-2).hour(0).minutes(0).seconds(0);
             const defaultEndTime = moment.utc().day(8).hour(23).minutes(59).seconds(59);
             for (const count of _.range(11)) {
@@ -101,10 +102,13 @@ export class WeekTimelineView extends Component {
                         suBlueprint.suSet = suSet;
                         suBlueprint.durationInSec = suBlueprint.duration;
                         suBlueprint.duration = UnitConverter.getSecsToHHmmss(suBlueprint.duration);
+                        suBlueprint.tasks = suBlueprint.task_blueprints;
                         // Select only blueprints with start_time and stop_time in the default time limit
                         if (suBlueprint.start_time && 
                             (moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time).isBetween(defaultStartTime, defaultEndTime) ||
-                             moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isBetween(defaultStartTime, defaultEndTime))) {
+                             moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isBetween(defaultStartTime, defaultEndTime))	 
+                             || (moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time).isSameOrBefore(defaultStartTime, defaultEndTime) && 
+                                 moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isSameOrAfter(defaultStartTime, defaultEndTime))) {
                             const startTime = moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time);
                             const endTime = moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time);
@@ -121,75 +125,63 @@ export class WeekTimelineView extends Component {
+                        // Add Subtask Id as control id for task if subtask type us control. Also add antenna_set & band prpoerties to the task object.
+                        for (let task of suBlueprint.tasks) {
+                            const subTaskIds = task.subtasks.filter(subtask => {
+                                const template = _.find(this.subtaskTemplates, ['id', subtask.specifications_template_id]);
+                                return (template && template.name.indexOf('control')) > 0;
+                            });
+                            task.subTaskID = subTaskIds.length ? subTaskIds[0].id : ''; 
+                            if (task.specifications_template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation") {
+                                task.antenna_set = task.specifications_doc.antenna_set;
+                                task.band = task.specifications_doc.filter;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        // Get stations involved for this SUB
+                        let stations = this.getSUStations(suBlueprint);
+                        suBlueprint.stations = _.uniq(stations);
+            // Get all scheduling constraint templates
+            ScheduleService.getSchedulingConstraintTemplates()
+                .then(suConstraintTemplates => {
+                    this.suConstraintTemplates = suConstraintTemplates;
+            });
             this.setState({suBlueprints: suBlueprints, suDrafts: suDrafts, group: _.sortBy(group, ['value']), suSets: suSets,
                             projects: projects, suBlueprintList: suList, 
                             items: items, currentUTC: currentUTC, isLoading: false,
                             startTime: defaultStartTime, endTime: defaultEndTime
-            // Load SU tasks asynchronously for SUs
-            this.loadSUTasks();
-        // Get maingroup and its stations
+        // Get maingroup and its stations. This grouping is used to show count of stations used against each group.
             .then(stationGroups => {this.mainStationGroups = stationGroups});
-    /**
-     * Loads tasks, subtasks, templates and stations of the Scheduling Units
-     */
-    loadSUTasks() {
-        let suBlueprints = this.state.suBlueprints;
-        for (let suBlueprint of suBlueprints) {
-            ScheduleService.getTaskBPWithSubtaskTemplateOfSU(suBlueprint)
-                .then(taskList => {
-                    for (let task of taskList) {
-                        //Control Task ID
-                        const subTaskIds = (task.subTasks || []).filter(sTask => sTask.subTaskTemplate.name.indexOf('control') > 1);
-                        task.subTaskID = subTaskIds.length ? subTaskIds[0].id : ''; 
-                        if (task.template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation") {
-                            task.antenna_set = task.specifications_doc.antenna_set;
-                            task.band = task.specifications_doc.filter;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    suBlueprint.tasks = taskList;
-                    let stations = this.getSUStations(suBlueprint);
-                    suBlueprint.stations = _.uniq(stations);
-                });
-        }
-        this.setState({suBlueprints: suBlueprints});
-    }
      * Function to get/prepare Item object to be passed to Timeline component
      * @param {Object} suBlueprint 
     async getTimelineItem(suBlueprint, displayDate) {
         let antennaSet = "";
-        const taskList = await ScheduleService.getTaskBlueprintsBySchedulingUnit(suBlueprint, true);
-        for (let task of taskList) {
-            if (task.template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation") {
+        for (let task of suBlueprint.tasks) {
+            if (task.specifications_template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation") {
                 antennaSet = task.specifications_doc.antenna_set;
         let item = { id: `${suBlueprint.id}-${suBlueprint.start_time}`, 
             suId: suBlueprint.id,
-            // group: suBlueprint.suDraft.id,
             group: moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time).format("MMM DD ddd"),
-            // title: `${suBlueprint.project} - ${(suBlueprint.durationInSec/3600).toFixed(2)}Hrs - ${antennaSet}`,
             title: "",
             project: suBlueprint.project,
             name: suBlueprint.suDraft.name,
-            band: antennaSet.split("_")[0],
+            band: antennaSet?antennaSet.split("_")[0]:"",
             antennaSet: antennaSet,
             duration: suBlueprint.durationInSec?`${(suBlueprint.durationInSec/3600).toFixed(2)}Hrs`:"",
             start_time: moment.utc(`${displayDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} ${suBlueprint.start_time.split('T')[1]}`),
             end_time: moment.utc(`${displayDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} ${suBlueprint.stop_time.split('T')[1]}`),
             bgColor: suBlueprint.status? STATUS_COLORS[suBlueprint.status.toUpperCase()]:"#2196f3",
-            // selectedBgColor: suBlueprint.status? STATUS_COLORS[suBlueprint.status.toUpperCase()]:"#2196f3"}
             selectedBgColor: 'none',
             type: 'SCHEDULE',
             status: suBlueprint.status.toLowerCase()};
@@ -211,14 +203,14 @@ export class WeekTimelineView extends Component {
                 canExtendSUList: false, canShrinkSUList:false});
             if (fetchDetails) {
                 const suBlueprint = _.find(this.state.suBlueprints, {id: parseInt(item.id.split('-')[0])});
+                const suConstraintTemplate = _.find(this.suConstraintTemplates, {id: suBlueprint.suDraft.scheduling_constraints_template_id});
                 /* If tasks are not loaded on component mounting fetch from API */
                 if (suBlueprint.tasks) {
-                    this.setState({suTaskList: _.sortBy(suBlueprint.tasks, "id"), 
-                                            stationGroup: suBlueprint.stations})
+                    this.setState({suTaskList: _.sortBy(suBlueprint.tasks, "id"), suConstraintTemplate: suConstraintTemplate, 
+                                    stationGroup: suBlueprint.stations, isSummaryLoading: false})
                 }   else {
                         .then(taskList => {
-                            const observationTask = _.find(taskList, (task)=> {return task.template.type_value==='observation' && task.specifications_doc.station_groups});
                             for (let task of taskList) {
                                 //Control Task ID
                                 const subTaskIds = (task.subTasks || []).filter(sTask => sTask.subTaskTemplate.name.indexOf('control') > 1);
@@ -233,10 +225,10 @@ export class WeekTimelineView extends Component {
                 // Get the scheduling constraint template of the selected SU block
-                ScheduleService.getSchedulingConstraintTemplate(suBlueprint.suDraft.scheduling_constraints_template_id)
-                    .then(suConstraintTemplate => {
-                        this.setState({suConstraintTemplate: suConstraintTemplate, isSummaryLoading: false});
-                    });
+                // ScheduleService.getSchedulingConstraintTemplate(suBlueprint.suDraft.scheduling_constraints_template_id)
+                //     .then(suConstraintTemplate => {
+                //         this.setState({suConstraintTemplate: suConstraintTemplate, isSummaryLoading: false});
+                //     });
@@ -301,7 +293,7 @@ export class WeekTimelineView extends Component {
     getSUStations(suBlueprint) {
         let stations = [];
         /* Get all observation tasks */
-        const observationTasks = _.filter(suBlueprint.tasks, (task) => { return task.template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation"});
+        const observationTasks = _.filter(suBlueprint.tasks, (task) => { return task.specifications_template.type_value.toLowerCase() === "observation"});
         for (const observationTask of observationTasks) {
             /** If the status of SU is before scheduled, get all stations from the station_groups from the task specification_docs */
             if (this.STATUS_BEFORE_SCHEDULED.indexOf(suBlueprint.status.toLowerCase()) >= 0
@@ -310,9 +302,9 @@ export class WeekTimelineView extends Component {
                     stations = _.concat(stations, grpStations);
             }   else if (this.STATUS_BEFORE_SCHEDULED.indexOf(suBlueprint.status.toLowerCase()) < 0 
-                            && observationTask.subTasks) {
+                            && observationTask.subtasks) {
                 /** If the status of SU is scheduled or after get the stations from the subtask specification tasks */
-                for (const subtask of observationTask.subTasks) {
+                for (const subtask of observationTask.subtasks) {
                     if (subtask.specifications_doc.stations) {
                         stations = _.concat(stations, subtask.specifications_doc.stations.station_list);
@@ -340,7 +332,9 @@ export class WeekTimelineView extends Component {
             if (startTime && endTime) {
                 for (const suBlueprint of this.state.suBlueprints) {
                     if (moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time).isBetween(startTime, endTime) 
-                            || moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isBetween(startTime, endTime)) {
+                            || moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isBetween(startTime, endTime)
+                            || (moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time).isSameOrBefore(startTime, endTime) && 
+                                 moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time).isSameOrAfter(startTime, endTime))) {
                         const suStartTime = moment.utc(suBlueprint.start_time);
                         const suEndTime = moment.utc(suBlueprint.stop_time);
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/schedule.service.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/schedule.service.js
index edc85678a25726799c443d2f67d9a59333fce0fc..9d1170a385261d0a2f82be412e4cb718ab0fc48b 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/schedule.service.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/schedule.service.js
@@ -30,6 +30,43 @@ const ScheduleService = {
         return res;
+    getSchedulingUnitsExtended: async function (type){
+        let blueprints = [];
+        try {
+            let initialResponse = await axios.get(`/api/scheduling_unit_${type}_extended`);
+            const totalCount = initialResponse.data.count;
+            const initialCount = initialResponse.data.results.length
+            blueprints = blueprints.concat(initialResponse.data.results);
+            if (totalCount > initialCount) {
+                let secondResponse = await axios.get(`/api/scheduling_unit_${type}_extended/?ordering=id&limit=${totalCount-initialCount}&offset=${initialCount}`);
+                blueprints = blueprints.concat(secondResponse.data.results);
+            }
+        }   catch(error) {
+            console.error('[schedule.services.getSchedulingUnitsExtended]',error);
+        }
+        return blueprints;
+    },
+    getSchedulingUnitExtended: async function (type, id){
+        let schedulingUnit = null;
+        try {
+            const response = await axios.get(`/api/scheduling_unit_${type}_extended/${id}/`);
+            schedulingUnit = response.data;
+            if (schedulingUnit) {
+                if (type === "blueprint") {
+                    const schedulingUnitDraft = (await axios.get(`/api/scheduling_unit_draft/${id}/`)).data;
+                    schedulingUnit.draft_object = schedulingUnitDraft;
+                    schedulingUnit.scheduling_set_id = schedulingUnitDraft.scheduling_set_id;
+                    schedulingUnit.scheduling_constraints_doc = schedulingUnitDraft.scheduling_constraints_doc;
+                }
+                const schedulingSet = (await axios.get(`/api/scheduling_set/${schedulingUnit.scheduling_set_id}`)).data;
+                schedulingUnit.scheduling_set_object = schedulingSet;
+                schedulingUnit.scheduling_set = schedulingSet.url;
+            }
+        }   catch(error) {
+            console.error('[schedule.services.getSchedulingUnitExtended]',error);
+        }
+        return schedulingUnit;
+    },
     //>>>>>> TODO: Remove this method by using/modifying other functions with additional parameters
     getTaskBPWithSubtaskTemplate: async function(id) {
         let result;
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/task.service.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/task.service.js
index 34a1e75b3d052010bf1deb74540d3c7761835ae4..997c5635b66e54d96b211d03014c48f1bae29cb4 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/task.service.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/task.service.js
@@ -186,6 +186,14 @@ const TaskService = {
       return statusLogs;
+    getSubtaskTemplates: async function(templateId) {
+      try {
+        const response = await axios.get(`/api/subtask_template/`);
+        return response.data.results;
+      } catch(error) {
+        console.error(error);
+      }
+    },
     getSubtaskTemplate: async function(templateId) {
       try {
         const response = await axios.get(`/api/subtask_template/${templateId}`);
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/services/feedback_handling/lib/feedback_handling.py b/SAS/TMSS/services/feedback_handling/lib/feedback_handling.py
index 296c3705322b807d3063c002ad791771221845a1..ebf4821abd5a70f0228138cd08bfc56727703612 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/services/feedback_handling/lib/feedback_handling.py
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/services/feedback_handling/lib/feedback_handling.py
@@ -70,12 +70,25 @@ class TMSSFeedbackListener:
                     # get message from messagebus
                     msg = fbus.get(1)
-                    # add contained feedback to TMSS
-                    self.append_feedback_to_tmss_subtask_raw_feedback(msg.momid, msg.payload)
-                    # try processing it, which will will fail until feedback of the subtask is complete.
-                    self.process_subtask_feedback_and_set_finished(msg.momid)
+                    if msg is not None:
+                        # note: cobalt/rtcp creates feedback and assumes that the observationID has its origin in OTDB.
+                        # hence, it stores this id in the 'sasid' property of the message.
+                        # We know that TMSS sets its subtask_id in the parset in the Observation.ObsID field,
+                        # so we can fetch the TMSS subtask_id from the msg's sasid.
+                        tmss_subtask_id = msg.sasid
+                        logger.info("received feedback from bus='%s' for TMSS subtask id=%s payload=%s", ex, tmss_subtask_id, msg.payload)
+                        # add contained feedback to TMSS
+                        self.append_feedback_to_tmss_subtask_raw_feedback(tmss_subtask_id, msg.payload)
+                        # try processing it, which will will fail until feedback of the subtask is complete.
+                        self.process_subtask_feedback_and_set_finished(tmss_subtask_id)
                 except TimeoutError:
+                except Exception as e:
+                    logger.error(str(e))
             logger.info('Stopped listening on exchange=%s broker=%s' % (ex, broker_feedback))
         for exchange in self.exchanges:
@@ -90,6 +103,8 @@ class TMSSFeedbackListener:
 def main():
+    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
     from lofar.common.util import waitForInterrupt
     with TMSSFeedbackListener():
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/services/scheduling/lib/dynamic_scheduling.py b/SAS/TMSS/services/scheduling/lib/dynamic_scheduling.py
index 65effc03349d8a05de3b3c85e1dcb6fafbab0eb4..727a8a935c1b3105e710f479ac551a274a25404a 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/services/scheduling/lib/dynamic_scheduling.py
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/services/scheduling/lib/dynamic_scheduling.py
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ from lofar.sas.tmss.services.scheduling.constraints import *
 # LOFAR needs to have a gap in between observations to (re)initialize hardware.
 DEFAULT_INTER_OBSERVATION_GAP = timedelta(seconds=60)
+DEFAULT_NEXT_STARTTIME_GAP = timedelta(seconds=180)
 ################## core dynamic scheduling methods ################################################
 #                                                                                                 #
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ def schedule_next_scheduling_unit() -> models.SchedulingUnitBlueprint:
     schedulable_units = get_schedulable_scheduling_units()
     # estimate the lower_bound_start_time
-    lower_bound_start_time = get_min_earliest_possible_start_time(schedulable_units, datetime.utcnow())
+    lower_bound_start_time = get_min_earliest_possible_start_time(schedulable_units, datetime.utcnow()+DEFAULT_NEXT_STARTTIME_GAP)
     # estimate the upper_bound_stop_time, which may give us a small timewindow before any next scheduled unit, or a default window of a day
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/test/test_utils.py b/SAS/TMSS/test/test_utils.py
index c24b714b8f8a4d9bf56aa7dddb26047787919fbd..77e8f309e99d0972fb9061f3294edbe5d27123cc 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/test/test_utils.py
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/test/test_utils.py
@@ -376,11 +376,8 @@ class TMSSTestEnvironment:
         if self._start_dynamic_scheduler:
             from lofar.sas.tmss.services.scheduling.dynamic_scheduling import create_dynamic_scheduling_service, models
-            # by default, dynamic scheduling is disabled in TMSS.
-            # In this test environment, we do want to have it enabled. Why else would we wanna start this service?
-            setting = models.Setting.objects.get(name=models.Flag.Choices.DYNAMIC_SCHEDULING_ENABLED.value)
-            setting.value = True
-            setting.save()
+            # beware: by default, dynamic scheduling is disabled in TMSS.
+            # so, even if we start the service, even then the dynamic scheduling is disable in the settings.
             self.dynamic_scheduler = create_dynamic_scheduling_service(exchange=self._exchange, broker=self._broker)