diff --git a/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/Service.py b/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/Service.py
index aacc512325f3b3b0c7dcd1d935e5b115cc53dcfe..637f69731638933fc2b713000fbe0f8838add61d 100644
--- a/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/Service.py
+++ b/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/Service.py
@@ -31,65 +31,131 @@ import logging
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class MessageHandlerInterface(object):
+    """
+    Interface class for tuning the handling of a message by the Service class.
+    The class defines some (placeholders for) functions that the Service class calls
+    during the handling of messages. It can for instance be used to maintain a database connection.
+    The pseudocode of the Service class is:
+    Service(busname, function or from_MessageHandlerInterface_derived_class, ..., HandlerArguments={})
+        handler = <from_MessageHandlerInterface_derived_class>(HandlerArguments)
+        handler.before_main_loop()
+        while alive:
+            handler.loop_before_receive()
+            msg = wait for messages()
+            handler.handle_message(msg)
+            handler.loop_after_handling()
+        handler.after_main_loop()
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        pass
+    def before_main_loop(self):
+        "Called before main processing loop is entered."
+        pass
+    def loop_before_receive(self):
+        "Called in main processing loop just before a blocking wait for messages is done."
+        pass
+    def handle_message(self, msg):
+        "Function the should handle the received message and return a result."
+        pass
+    def loop_after_handling(self):
+        "Called in the main loop after the result was send back to the requester."
+        pass
+    def after_main_loop(self):
+        "Called after main processing loop is finished."
+        pass
 # create service:
-class Service:
+class Service(object):
     Service class for registering python functions with a Service name on a message bus.
-    create new service with Service( BusName, ServiceName, ServiceHandler )
-    Additional options:
-       options=<dict>     for the QPID connection
-       numthreads=<int>   amount of threads processing messages
-       startonwith=<bool> automatically start listening when in scope using 'with'
-       verbose=<bool>     show debug text
+    create new service with Service(busname, servicename, servicehandler)
+    busname <string>       The name of the messagebus (queue or exchange) the service whould listen on.
+    servicename <string>   The name that the user should use the invocate the servicehandler.
+    servicehandler <...>   May be a function of an class that is derived from the MessageHandlerInterface.
+                           The service uses this function or class for the handling of the messages.
+    Optional arguments:
+       options <dict>          For the QPID connection
+       exclusive <bool>        To create eclusive access to this messagebus. Default:True
+       numthreads <int>        Amount of threads processing messages. Default:1
+       parsefullmessage <bool> Pass full message of only message content to the service handler. Default:False.
+       startonwith <bool>      Automatically start listening when in scope using 'with'
+       verbose <bool>          Show debug text. Default:False
+       handler_args <dict>     Arguments that are passed to the constructor of the servicehandler is case the servicehandler
+                               is a class in stead of a function.
-    def __init__(self, busname, servicename, servicehandler, options=None, exclusive=True, numthreads=1, parsefullmessage=False, startonwith=False, verbose=False):
+    def __init__(self, busname, servicename, servicehandler, **kwargs):
-	Initialize Service object with busname (str) ,servicename (str) and servicehandler function.
+        Initialize Service object with busname (str) ,servicename (str) and servicehandler function.
         additional parameters:
             options=   <dict>  Dictionary of options passed to QPID
             exclusive= <bool>  Create an exclusive binding so no other services can consume duplicate messages (default: True)
-	    numthreads= <int>  Number of parallel threads processing messages (default: 1)
+            numthreads= <int>  Number of parallel threads processing messages (default: 1)
             verbose=   <bool>  Output extra logging over stdout (default: False)
-        self.BusName = busname
-        self.ServiceName = servicename
-        self.ServiceHandler = servicehandler
-        self.connected = False
-        self.running = False
-        self.exclusive = exclusive
-        self.link_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
-        self._numthreads = numthreads
-        self.Verbose = verbose
-        self.options = {"capacity": numthreads*20}
-        self.parsefullmessage=parsefullmessage
-        self.startonwith = startonwith
+        self.busname          = busname
+        self.service_name     = servicename
+        self.service_handler  = None  # Handled later in this routine
+        self.connected        = False
+        self.running          = False
+        self.link_uuid        = str(uuid.uuid4())
+        self.exclusive        = kwargs.pop("exclusive", True)
+        self._numthreads      = kwargs.pop("numthreads", 1)
+        self.verbose          = kwargs.pop("verbose", False)
+        self.options          = {"capacity": self._numthreads*20}
+        options               = kwargs.pop("options", None)
+        self.parsefullmessage = kwargs.pop("parsefullmessage", False)
+        self.startonwith      = kwargs.pop("startonwith", False)
+        self.handler_args     = kwargs.pop("handler_args", None)
+        if len(kwargs):
+            raise ArgumentError("Unexpected argument passed to Serice class: %s", kwargs)
         # Set appropriate flags for exclusive binding
         if self.exclusive is True:
-            self.options["link"] = '{name:"' + self.link_uuid + '", x-bindings:[{key:' + self.ServiceName + ', arguments: {"qpid.exclusive-binding":True}}]}'
+            self.options["link"] = '{name:"' + self.link_uuid + \
+                                   '", x-bindings:[{key:' + self.service_name + \
+                                   ', arguments: {"qpid.exclusive-binding":True}}]}'
         # only add options if it is given as a dictionary
         if isinstance(options,dict):
             for key,val in options.iteritems():
                 self.options[key] = val
+        # set up service_handler
+        if str(type(servicehandler)) == "<type 'instancemethod'>" or str(type(servicehandler)) == "<type 'function'>":
+            self.service_handler = MessageHandlerInterface()
+            self.service_handler.handle_message = servicehandler
+        else:
+            self.service_handler = servicehandler(self.handler_args)
+            if not isinstance(self.service_handler, MessageHandlerInterface):
+                raise TypeError("Servicehandler argument must by a function or a derived class from MessageHandlerInterface.")
     def _debug(self, txt):
-	Internal use only.
-	"""
-        if self.Verbose is True:
+        Internal use only.
+        """
+        if self.verbose is True:
             logger.debug("[Service: %s]", txt)
-    def StartListening(self, numthreads=None):
+    def start_listening(self, numthreads=None):
-	Start the background threads and process incoming messages.
-	""" 
+        Start the background threads and process incoming messages.
+        """ 
         if numthreads is not None:
             self._numthreads = numthreads
         if self.connected is False:
-            raise Exception("StartListening Called on closed connections")
+            raise Exception("start_listening Called on closed connections")
         self.running = True
         self._tr = []
@@ -101,22 +167,22 @@ class Service:
-    def StopListening(self):
-	"""
-	Stop the background threads that listen to incoming messages.
-	"""
+    def stop_listening(self):
+        """
+        Stop the background threads that listen to incoming messages.
+        """
         # stop all running threads
         if self.running is True:
             self.running = False
             for i in range(self._numthreads):
-                logger.info("Thread %2d: STOPPED Listening for messages on Bus %s and service name %s." % (i, self.BusName, self.ServiceName))
+                logger.info("Thread %2d: STOPPED Listening for messages on Bus %s and service name %s." % (i, self.busname, self.service_name))
                 logger.info("           %d messages received and %d processed OK." % (self.reccounter[i], self.okcounter[i]))
-    def WaitForInterrupt(self):
-	"""
-	Useful (low cpu load) loop that waits for keyboard interrupt.
-	"""
+    def wait_for_interrupt(self):
+        """
+        Useful (low cpu load) loop that waits for keyboard interrupt.
+        """
         looping = True
         while looping:
@@ -128,18 +194,18 @@ class Service:
     def __enter__(self):
-	Internal use only. Handles scope with keyword 'with'
+        Internal use only. Handles scope with keyword 'with'
         # Usually a service will be listening on a 'bus' implemented by a topic exchange
-        if self.BusName is not None:
-            self.Listen = FromBus(self.BusName+"/"+self.ServiceName, options=self.options)
-            self.Reply = ToBus(self.BusName)
+        if self.busname is not None:
+            self.Listen = FromBus(self.busname+"/"+self.service_name, options=self.options)
+            self.Reply = ToBus(self.busname)
         # Handle case when queues are used
             # assume that we are listening on a queue and therefore we cannot use a generic ToBus() for replies.
-            self.Listen = FromBus(self.ServiceName, options=self.options)
+            self.Listen = FromBus(self.service_name, options=self.options)
@@ -147,14 +213,14 @@ class Service:
         # If required start listening on 'with'
         if self.startonwith is True:
-            self.StartListening()
+            self.start_listening()
         return self
     def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
 	Internal use only. Handles scope with keyword 'with'
-        self.StopListening()
+        self.stop_listening()
         # close the listeners
         if self.connected is True:
             self.connected = False
@@ -176,8 +242,8 @@ class Service:
         ToSend.errmsg = errtxt
         ToSend.backtrace = backtrace
-        # show the message content if required by the Verbose flag.
-        if self.Verbose is True:
+        # show the message content if required by the verbose flag.
+        if self.verbose is True:
         # send the result to the RPC client
@@ -196,8 +262,19 @@ class Service:
 	Internal use only. Message listener loop that receives messages and starts the attached function with the message content as argument.
-        logger.info( "Thread %d START Listening for messages on Bus %s and service name %s." %(index, self.BusName, self.ServiceName))
+        logger.info( "Thread %d START Listening for messages on Bus %s and service name %s." %(index, self.busname, self.service_name))
+        try:
+            self.service_handler.before_main_loop()
+        except Exception as e:
+            logger.error("before_main_loop() failed with %s", e)
         while self.running:
+            try:
+                self.service_handler.loop_before_receive()
+            except Exception as e:
+                logger.error("loop_before_receive() failed with %s", e)
+                continue
                 # get the next message
                 msg = self.Listen.receive(1)
@@ -218,13 +295,17 @@ class Service:
                     self._debug("Running handler")
                     if self.parsefullmessage is True:
-                        replymessage = self.ServiceHandler(msg)
+                        replymessage = self.service_handler.handle_message(msg)
-                        replymessage = self.ServiceHandler(msg.content)
+                        replymessage = self.service_handler.handle_message(msg.content)
                     self._debug("finished handler")
                     self.okcounter[index] += 1
+                    try:
+                        self.service_handler.loop_after_handling()
+                    except Exception as e:
+                        logger.error("loop_after_handling() failed with %s", e)
                 except Exception as e:
@@ -242,7 +323,7 @@ class Service:
                     del rawbacktrace[-1]
                     backtrace = ''.join(rawbacktrace).encode('latin-1').decode('unicode_escape')
-                    if self.Verbose is True:
+                    if self.verbose is True:
                         logger.info("[Service:] Status: %s", str(status))
                         logger.info("[Service:] ERRTXT: %s", str(errtxt))
                         logger.info("[Service:] BackTrace: %s", str( backtrace ))
@@ -253,5 +334,10 @@ class Service:
                 excinfo = sys.exc_info()
                 logger.error("[Service:] ERROR during processing of incoming message.")
-                logger.info( "Thread %d: Resuming listening on bus %s for service %s" % (index, self.BusName, self.ServiceName))
+                logger.info( "Thread %d: Resuming listening on bus %s for service %s" % (index, self.busname, self.service_name))
+        try:
+            self.service_handler.after_main_loop()
+        except Exception as e:
+            logger.error("after_main_loop() failed with %s", e)
diff --git a/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/__init__.py b/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/__init__.py
index ab3e262510f54c3fa75b93fc31e859908c22085f..d513f1111d2406cf58b294371a096bce6c7467fd 100644
--- a/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/__init__.py
+++ b/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/__init__.py
@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ from exceptions import *
 from messages import *
 from messagebus import *
 from RPC import RPC
-from Service import Service
+from Service import Service, MessageHandlerInterface
diff --git a/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/test/t_RPC.py b/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/test/t_RPC.py
index a3703443793320f746b9aef0f2c7200fa4a8c0e1..72131d5c1d371883ca20989b041d437cbbd3c7d4 100644
--- a/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/test/t_RPC.py
+++ b/LCS/Messaging/python/messaging/test/t_RPC.py
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # 'with' sets up the connection context and defines the scope of the service.
     with serv1, serv2, serv3, serv4, serv5:
         # Start listening in the background. This will start as many threads as defined by the instance
-        serv1.StartListening()
-        serv2.StartListening()
-        serv3.StartListening()
-        serv4.StartListening()
-        serv5.StartListening()
+        serv1.start_listening()
+        serv2.start_listening()
+        serv3.start_listening()
+        serv4.start_listening()
+        serv5.start_listening()
         # Redo all tests but via through RPC
         # ErrorFunc
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         print "Functions tested with RPC: All OK"
         # Tell all background listener threads to stop and wait for them to finish.
-        serv1.StopListening()
-        serv2.StopListening()
-        serv3.StopListening()
-        serv4.StopListening()
-        serv5.StopListening()
+        serv1.stop_listening()
+        serv2.stop_listening()
+        serv3.stop_listening()
+        serv4.stop_listening()
+        serv5.stop_listening()