diff --git a/LCS/pyparameterset/src/pyparameterset.cc b/LCS/pyparameterset/src/pyparameterset.cc
index c486682ddb26b7a70232583452a463f8830b04d3..aa854e19e9f3eb13142fe12728517dd06b4574bf 100644
--- a/LCS/pyparameterset/src/pyparameterset.cc
+++ b/LCS/pyparameterset/src/pyparameterset.cc
@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ namespace LOFAR {
     PyParameterSet makeSubset (const string& baseKey, const string& prefix)
       { return ParameterSet::makeSubset (baseKey, prefix); }
+    void adoptCollection (const PyParameterSet& parset, const string& prefix)
+      { return ParameterSet::adoptCollection (parset, prefix); }
     PyParameterValue get (const string& key) const
       { return ParameterSet::get (key); }
@@ -238,7 +241,13 @@ namespace LOFAR {
       .def ("adoptFile", &ParameterSet::adoptFile,
-            "Add the parameters in the parset file with the given prefix.")
+            "Add the parameters from a parset file and prefix their names "
+            "with the given prefix.")
+      .def ("adoptCollection", &PyParameterSet::adoptCollection,
+ 	    (boost::python::arg("parameterset"),
+ 	     boost::python::arg("prefix")=""),
+            "Add the parameters from a parset object and prefix their names "
+            "with the given prefix.")
       .def ("writeFile", &ParameterSet::writeFile,