diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index 5fa260b9c2caa97136c18806ea2c3f6693fe43e8..cf79b26ea3313eae2a8ca97cc6420f6fcaa83355 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -4717,10 +4717,12 @@ SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radbpglistener.ini -text
 SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radbpglistener.py -text
 SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/CMakeLists.txt -text
 SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/radb_common_testing.py -text
-SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/radb_performance_test.py -text
-SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.py -text
-SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.run -text
-SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.sh -text
+SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.py -text
+SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.run -text
+SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.sh -text
+SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.py -text
+SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.run -text
+SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.sh -text
 SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentEditor/CMakeLists.txt -text
 SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentEditor/bin/CMakeLists.txt -text
 SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentEditor/bin/raewebservice -text
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb.py b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb.py
index e84053fdb515b1c66421a592e9999f6ae8051574..75be797753f76263f52941fd1c3cafbc7cb38c63 100644
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb.py
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb.py
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ class RADatabase:
         self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor_factory = psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor)
+        self.conn.notices = collections.deque()
     def _queryAsSingleLine(self, query, qargs=None):
         line = ' '.join(query.replace('\n', ' ').split())
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ class RADatabase:
         if self.conn.notices:
             for notice in self.conn.notices:
                 logger.info('database log message %s', notice.strip())
-            del self.conn.notices[:]
+            self.conn.notices.clear()
     def commit(self):
@@ -1458,22 +1459,23 @@ class RADatabase:
             raise ValueError('please provide either "where_resource_claim_ids" and/or "where_task_ids" argument for updateResourceClaims')
         conditions = []
+        condition_values = []
         if where_resource_claim_ids is not None:
             if isinstance(where_resource_claim_ids, int): # just a single id
                 conditions.append('id = %s')
-                values.append(where_resource_claim_ids)
+                condition_values.append(where_resource_claim_ids)
             elif len(where_resource_claim_ids): #assume a list/enumerable of id's
                 conditions.append('id in %s')
-                values.append(tuple(where_resource_claim_ids))
+                condition_values.append(tuple(where_resource_claim_ids))
         if where_task_ids is not None:
             if isinstance(where_task_ids, int): # just a single id
                 conditions.append('task_id = %s')
-                values.append(where_task_ids)
+                condition_values.append(where_task_ids)
             elif len(where_task_ids): #assume a list/enumerable of id's
                 conditions.append('task_id in %s')
-                values.append(tuple(where_task_ids))
+                condition_values.append(tuple(where_task_ids))
         if where_resource_types is not None:
             if isinstance(where_resource_types, basestring) or isinstance(where_resource_types, int):
@@ -1491,16 +1493,21 @@ class RADatabase:
                 where_resource_type_ids = [x for x in where_resource_types]
             conditions.append('resource_id in (SELECT r.id FROM virtual_instrument.resource r WHERE r.type_id in %s)')
-            values.append(tuple(where_resource_type_ids))
+            condition_values.append(tuple(where_resource_type_ids))
         query += ' WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(conditions)
-        self._executeQuery(query, values)
+        self._executeQuery(query, values + condition_values)
         if commit:
+        if self.cursor.rowcount == 0:
+            # nothing updated, so let's check if there was nothing to update, or that the update failed
+            query = 'SELECT count(id) FROM resource_allocation.resource_claim WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(conditions)
+            return self._executeQuery(query, condition_values, fetch=_FETCH_ONE).get('count', 0) == 0
         return self.cursor.rowcount > 0
@@ -1759,9 +1766,12 @@ and/or claim_statuses.
             if isinstance(resource_ids, int): # just a single id
                 conditions.append('resource_id = %s')
+                usages_per_resource[resource_ids] = {} # append default empty result dict
             elif resource_ids: #assume a list/enumerable of id's
                 conditions.append('resource_id in %s')
+                for resource_id in resource_ids:
+                    usages_per_resource[resource_id] = {} # append default empty result dict
         if claim_statuses is not None:
             if isinstance(claim_statuses, basestring):
@@ -1779,6 +1789,10 @@ and/or claim_statuses.
             conditions.append('status_id in %s')
+        for rcs in self.getResourceClaimStatuses():
+            for resource_id, result_dict in usages_per_resource.items():
+                result_dict[rcs['id']] = [] # add default empty list for each requested resource_id for each known status
         if conditions:
             query += ' WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(conditions)
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_functions_and_triggers.sql b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_functions_and_triggers.sql
index 56504320b0c87b8c630ea7f6b6fd668908fef162..2242ac5e375ceb19c80d64d99db1863fcd48ae1e 100644
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_functions_and_triggers.sql
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_functions_and_triggers.sql
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ DECLARE
     claim_claimed_status_id int := 1; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
     task_approved_status_id int := 300; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
     task_conflict_status_id int := 335; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
+    task_finished_status_id int := 1000; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
+    task_aborted_status_id int  := 1100; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
   IF NEW.status_id <> OLD.status_id THEN
     IF NEW.status_id = task_approved_status_id OR NEW.status_id = task_conflict_status_id THEN
@@ -25,7 +27,14 @@ BEGIN
             RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot update task status from % to % when not all its claims are claimed', OLD.status_id, NEW.status_id;
         END IF;
     END IF;
+    IF NEW.status_id = task_finished_status_id OR NEW.status_id = task_aborted_status_id THEN
+        -- if task ends, remove obsolete claims (keep long lasting claims)
+        DELETE FROM resource_allocation.resource_claim rc
+        WHERE rc.task_id=NEW.id
+        AND rc.endtime <= (SELECT sp.endtime FROM resource_allocation.specification sp WHERE sp.id=NEW.specification_id LIMIT 1);
+    END IF;
+  END IF;
@@ -239,55 +248,14 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resource_allocation.process_new_claim_into_resource_u
   RETURNS void AS
-    usage_at_or_before_start resource_allocation.resource_usage;
-    usage_at_or_before_end resource_allocation.resource_usage;
-    intermediate_usage resource_allocation.resource_usage;
-    -- find resource_usage at claim starttime
-    SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.starttime, false, false, false) into usage_at_or_before_start;
-    SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.endtime, false, false, false) into usage_at_or_before_end;
-    --add new_claim.claim_size at claim starttime to resource_usage depending on state of usage_at_or_before_start
-    IF usage_at_or_before_start IS NOT NULL THEN
-        IF usage_at_or_before_start.as_of_timestamp = new_claim.starttime THEN
-            --update at the claim starttime the already existing usage value at the claim starttime + new claim size
-            UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_usage ru SET usage = usage_at_or_before_start.usage + new_claim.claim_size
-            WHERE ru.id = usage_at_or_before_start.id;
-        ELSE
-            --insert at the claim starttime the existing usage value before claim starttime + new claim size
-            INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage (resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
-            VALUES (new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.starttime, usage_at_or_before_start.usage + new_claim.claim_size);
-        END IF;
-    ELSE
-        -- no previous usage known, so insert this claim's size as the first usage
-        INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage (resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
-        VALUES (new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.starttime, new_claim.claim_size);
-    END IF;
+    -- insert the claim's start and end delta
+    INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta (claim_id, resource_id, status_id, moment, delta)
+    VALUES (new_claim.id, new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.starttime, new_claim.claim_size),
+           (new_claim.id, new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.endtime,  -new_claim.claim_size);
-    --close resource_usage for this new_claim claim at claim endtime depending on state of usage_at_or_before_end
-    IF usage_at_or_before_end IS NOT NULL THEN
-        IF usage_at_or_before_end.as_of_timestamp <> new_claim.endtime THEN
-            --insert at the claim endtime the existing usage value before claim endtime
-            INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage (resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
-            VALUES (new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.endtime, usage_at_or_before_end.usage);
-        END IF;
-        --TODO: 20180709; why no else with an upate?
-    ELSE
-        -- no previous usage known, so insert 0 as the last usage
-        INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage (resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
-        VALUES (new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.endtime, 0);
-    END IF;
-    --now modify any existing usages between new_claim claim starttime and endtime
-    FOR intermediate_usage IN SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage ru
-    WHERE ru.resource_id = new_claim.resource_id
-    AND ru.status_id = new_claim.status_id
-    AND ru.as_of_timestamp > new_claim.starttime
-    AND ru.as_of_timestamp < new_claim.endtime
-    LOOP
-        UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_usage ru SET usage = intermediate_usage.usage + new_claim.claim_size
-        WHERE ru.id = intermediate_usage.id;
-    END LOOP;
+    -- with the two new delta entries, use the deltas table to rebuild the usages table from the claim's starttime onwards
+    PERFORM resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_deltas_for_resource_of_status(new_claim.resource_id, new_claim.status_id, new_claim.starttime);
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 ALTER FUNCTION resource_allocation.process_new_claim_into_resource_usages(new_claim resource_allocation.resource_claim) OWNER TO resourceassignment;
@@ -296,16 +264,6 @@ COMMENT ON FUNCTION resource_allocation.process_new_claim_into_resource_usages(n
--- 20180903: brainstorm with AK & JS: the resource_usages table is useful because it makes lookups faster. However,
--- there are known bugs in inserting/updating the resource_usages table upon changes in resource_claims.
--- We discussed the idea of using an additional deltas helper table: claims -> deltas -> usages.
--- the current implementation goes diretly from claims -> usages, and loops over claims "opening" and "closing" in the usage table.
--- Introducing the intermediate deltas table has the benefit of using simple sql sum's, and not keeping track of opening/closing claims.
--- Highly recommended to give this a try in JIRA SW-35.
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_claims()
   RETURNS void AS
@@ -343,269 +301,120 @@ COMMENT ON FUNCTION resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_claims_for_
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_claims_for_resource_of_status(_resource_id int, _status_id int)
   RETURNS void AS
-    claim resource_allocation.resource_claim;
-    finished_claim resource_allocation.resource_claim;
-    tmp_usage resource_allocation.resource_usage;
-    new_usage_value bigint := 0;
-    new_usage_id integer;
-    -- make sure nobody thouches the these tables while running this function
-    LOCK TABLE resource_allocation.resource_claim IN ACCESS SHARE MODE;
-    LOCK TABLE resource_allocation.resource_usage IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;
-    LOCK TABLE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;
-    -- delete the relevant usages (so we can re-enter them in this method)
-    DELETE FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage WHERE resource_id = _resource_id AND status_id = _status_id;
-    -- make sure the helper tables are empty
-    TRUNCATE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims; --tracks the 'open'/'active' claims (starttime < loop_timestamp < endtime)
-    TRUNCATE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages; --will be filled with small subset of usages-table for faster lookups than in the big reource_usage table.
-    -- process each claim for this _resource_id with _status_id
-    FOR claim IN (SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.resource_claim
-                  WHERE resource_id = _resource_id
-                  AND status_id = _status_id
-                  ORDER BY starttime, endtime)
-    LOOP
-        -- keep helper table _rebuild_usages_active_usages small and quick-to-search in each iteration.
-        -- delete all 'closed'/'obsolete' usages from
-        -- any usage before the first usage before min(endtime) of the active_claims is obsolete. (yes, that's twice before)
-        SELECT * FROM resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages ru
-                 WHERE ru.as_of_timestamp < (SELECT MIN(endtime) FROM resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims)
-                 ORDER BY ru.as_of_timestamp DESC
-                 LIMIT 1
-                 INTO tmp_usage;
-        IF tmp_usage IS NOT NULL THEN
-            -- remember from above? any usage before the first usage before min(starttime) of the active_claims is obsolete.
-            -- so, select the first usage before the usage we just found.
-            SELECT * FROM resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages ru
-                     WHERE ru.as_of_timestamp < tmp_usage.as_of_timestamp
-                     ORDER BY ru.as_of_timestamp DESC
-                     LIMIT 1
-                     INTO tmp_usage;
-            IF tmp_usage IS NOT NULL THEN
-                DELETE FROM resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages ru WHERE ru.as_of_timestamp < tmp_usage.as_of_timestamp;
-            END IF;
-        END IF;
-        --'close' all finished claims (if any)
-        FOR finished_claim IN (SELECT * FROM resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims ac
-                               WHERE ac.endtime <= claim.starttime
-                               ORDER BY endtime)
-        LOOP
-            --(quick) search in the (small) _rebuild_usages_active_usages which holds only relevant usages
-            --find last usage at or before finished_claim.endtime
-            SELECT * FROM resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages ru
-                     WHERE ru.as_of_timestamp <= finished_claim.endtime
-                     ORDER BY ru.as_of_timestamp DESC
-                     LIMIT 1
-                     INTO tmp_usage;
-            IF tmp_usage IS NULL THEN
-                RAISE EXCEPTION 'tmp_usage should not be NULL while finishing active claims for claim % in rebuild_resource_usages_from_claims_for_resource_of_status(%, %)', finished_claim, _resource_id, _status_id;
-            END IF;
-            -- integrate (add current value to previous value)
-            new_usage_value := tmp_usage.usage - finished_claim.claim_size;
-            --a finished claim is 'closed' by subtracting the claim_size from the last usage value
-            --this happens either at an already existing usage timestamp, or at a new usage timestamp.
-            IF finished_claim.endtime = tmp_usage.as_of_timestamp THEN
-                --claim's endtime coincides with existing usage timestamp
-                --update the existing usage into the table
-                UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_usage
-                SET usage = new_usage_value
-                WHERE id = tmp_usage.id;
-                --also update the usage in the the small _rebuild_usages_active_usages table.
-                UPDATE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages
-                SET usage = new_usage_value
-                WHERE id = tmp_usage.id;
-            ELSE
-                --claim's endtime does not coincide with existing usage timestamp
-                --insert the new usage into the table
-                INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage (resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
-                VALUES (_resource_id, _status_id, finished_claim.endtime, new_usage_value) RETURNING id INTO new_usage_id;
-                --also add the usage to the small _rebuild_usages_active_usages table, so it can be (quickly) searched.
-                INSERT INTO resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages (id, resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
-                VALUES (new_usage_id, _resource_id, _status_id, finished_claim.endtime, new_usage_value);
-            END IF;
-            --now that the claim has been 'closed', remove it from the active claims
-            DELETE FROM resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims WHERE id = finished_claim.id;
-        END LOOP; -- end loop over finished claims
-        --all claims which finished at or before this claim's starttime are now closed.
-        --now, handle the new 'active' claim
-        --(quick) search in the (small) _rebuild_usages_active_usages which holds only relevant usages
-        --find last usage at or before claim.starttime
-        SELECT * FROM resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages ru
-                 WHERE ru.as_of_timestamp <= claim.starttime
-                 ORDER BY ru.as_of_timestamp DESC
-                 LIMIT 1
-                 INTO tmp_usage;
-        --this 'active' claim 'opens' also either at an already existing usage timestamp or at a new usage timestamp.
-        IF tmp_usage IS NOT NULL AND claim.starttime = tmp_usage.as_of_timestamp THEN
-            --claim's starttime coincides with existing usage timestamp
-            -- integrate (add current value to previous value)
-            new_usage_value := tmp_usage.usage + claim.claim_size;
-            --update the existing usage with the new_usage_value
-            UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_usage
-            SET usage = new_usage_value
-            WHERE id = tmp_usage.id;
-            --also update the small _rebuild_usages_active_usages table, so it can be (quickly) searched.
-            UPDATE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages
-            SET usage = new_usage_value
-            WHERE id = tmp_usage.id;
-        ELSE
-            --claim's starttime does not coincide with existing usage timestamp
-            IF tmp_usage IS NULL THEN
-                -- integrate (no previous value, so start of integral)
-                new_usage_value := claim.claim_size;
-            ELSE
-                -- integrate (add current value to previous value)
-                new_usage_value := tmp_usage.usage + claim.claim_size;
-            END IF;
-            --and insert the new usage into the table
-            INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage (resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
-            VALUES (_resource_id, _status_id, claim.starttime, new_usage_value) RETURNING id INTO new_usage_id;
-            --also add the usage to the small _rebuild_usages_active_usages table, so it can be (quickly) searched.
-            INSERT INTO resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages (id, resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
-            VALUES (new_usage_id, _resource_id, _status_id, claim.starttime, new_usage_value);
-        END IF;
-        --now that the claim has been 'opened', add it to the active claims
-        INSERT INTO resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims (id, resource_id, task_id, starttime, endtime, status_id, claim_size)
-               VALUES (claim.id, claim.resource_id, claim.task_id, claim.starttime, claim.endtime, claim.status_id, claim.claim_size);
-    END LOOP;
-    --all claims were processed and at least opened
-    --so, conclude with 'closing' all still active claims
-    FOR finished_claim IN (SELECT * FROM resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims ac
-                           ORDER BY endtime)
-    LOOP
-        -- (quick) search in the (small) _rebuild_usages_active_usages which holds only relevant usages
-        SELECT * FROM resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages ru
-                 WHERE ru.as_of_timestamp <= finished_claim.endtime
-                 ORDER BY ru.as_of_timestamp DESC
-                 LIMIT 1
-                 INTO tmp_usage;
-        IF tmp_usage IS NULL THEN
-            RAISE EXCEPTION 'tmp_usage should not be NULL while finishing processing opened claims for claim % in rebuild_resource_usages_from_claims_for_resource_of_status(%, %)', finished_claim, _resource_id, _status_id;
-        END IF;
-        -- integrate (add current value to previous value)
-        new_usage_value := tmp_usage.usage - finished_claim.claim_size;
-        --a finished claim is 'closed' by subtracting the claim_size from the last_usage_value
-        --this happens either at an already existing usage timestamp, or at a new usage timestamp.
-        IF finished_claim.endtime = tmp_usage.as_of_timestamp THEN
-            --claim's endtime coincides with existing usage timestamp
-            UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_usage
-            SET usage = new_usage_value
-            WHERE id = tmp_usage.id;
-            --also update the small _rebuild_usages_active_usages table, so it can be (quickly) searched.
-            UPDATE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages
-            SET usage = new_usage_value
-            WHERE id = tmp_usage.id;
-        ELSE
-            --claim's endtime does not coincide with existing usage timestamp
-            --insert the new usage into the table
-            INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage (resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
-            VALUES (_resource_id, _status_id, finished_claim.endtime, new_usage_value) RETURNING id INTO new_usage_id;
-            --also add the usage to the small _rebuild_usages_active_usages table, so it can be (quickly) searched.
-            INSERT INTO resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages (id, resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
-            VALUES (new_usage_id, _resource_id, _status_id, finished_claim.endtime, new_usage_value);
-        END IF;
-        --now that the claim has been 'closed', remove it from the active claims
-        DELETE FROM resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims WHERE id = finished_claim.id;
-    END LOOP;
-    -- wipe the helper tables
-    TRUNCATE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims;
-    TRUNCATE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages;
+    -- delete all the relevant deltas (so we can re-enter them in this method)
+    DELETE FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta WHERE resource_id = _resource_id AND status_id = _status_id;
+    -- build up the delta's table by inserting positive claim_size delta's at all claim starttimes...
+    INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta (claim_id, resource_id, status_id, moment, delta)
+    (SELECT rc.id, _resource_id, _status_id, rc.starttime, rc.claim_size
+            FROM resource_allocation.resource_claim rc
+            WHERE rc.resource_id = _resource_id
+            AND rc.status_id = _status_id);
+    -- ...and by inserting negative claim_size delta's at all claim endtimes
+    INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta (claim_id, resource_id, status_id, moment, delta)
+    (SELECT rc.id, _resource_id, _status_id, rc.endtime, -rc.claim_size
+            FROM resource_allocation.resource_claim rc
+            WHERE rc.resource_id = _resource_id
+            AND rc.status_id = _status_id);
+    -- now that the deltas table has been rebuild, use it to rebuild the usages table
+    PERFORM resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_deltas_for_resource_of_status(_resource_id, _status_id);
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 ALTER FUNCTION resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_claims_for_resource_of_status(int, int) OWNER TO resourceassignment;
 COMMENT ON FUNCTION resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_claims_for_resource_of_status(int, int)
   IS 'function which rebuilds the resource_usages table for the claims with a specific status for a specific resource.';
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resource_allocation.process_old_claim_outof_resource_usages(old_claim resource_allocation.resource_claim)
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_deltas_for_resource_of_status(_resource_id int, _status_id int, _since timestamp default NULL)
   RETURNS void AS
-    usage_at_start RECORD;
-    usage_before_start RECORD;
-    usage_at_end RECORD;
-    intermediate_usage RECORD;
+    combined_delta_row record;
+    running_usage_sum bigint;
+    usage_before_since resource_allocation.resource_usage;
-    -- find resource_usage at claim starttime
-    SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(old_claim.resource_id, old_claim.status_id, old_claim.starttime, true, false, true) into usage_at_start;
-    IF usage_at_start IS NULL THEN
-        RAISE EXCEPTION 'process_old_claim_outof_resource_usages(%) cannot find usage_at_start', old_claim;
-    END IF;
-    -- and find resource_usage at claim endtime
-    SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(old_claim.resource_id, old_claim.status_id, old_claim.endtime, true, false, true) into usage_at_end;
+    -- here are two versions of the same algorithm
+    -- if _since is NULL, then run over the entire timespan
+    -- else, do time-bound queries which are slightly slower.
+    IF _since IS NULL THEN
+        -- delete the relevant usages
+        DELETE FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage
+        WHERE resource_id = _resource_id
+        AND status_id = _status_id;
+        running_usage_sum := 0;
+        -- perform integration over delta's and insert into resource_usage
+        FOR combined_delta_row in (SELECT rud.moment, SUM(rud.delta) as summed_delta
+                                   FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta rud
+                                   WHERE rud.resource_id = _resource_id
+                                   AND rud.status_id = _status_id
+                                   GROUP BY rud.moment
+                                   ORDER BY rud.moment) LOOP
+            --integrate
+            running_usage_sum := running_usage_sum + combined_delta_row.summed_delta;
+            --and insert into resource_usage
+            INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage (resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
+            VALUES (_resource_id, _status_id, combined_delta_row.moment, running_usage_sum);
+        END LOOP;
+    ELSE
+        -- same alghorithm as above, but now timerange-bound as of _since
+        -- delete the relevant usages
+        DELETE FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage
+        WHERE resource_id = _resource_id
+        AND status_id = _status_id
+        AND as_of_timestamp >= _since;
+        -- get the usage_before_since to initialize running_usage_sum with
+        SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(_resource_id, _status_id, _since, false, true, false)
+        INTO usage_before_since;
+        IF usage_before_since is NULL THEN
+            running_usage_sum := 0;
+        ELSE
+            running_usage_sum := usage_before_since.usage;
+        END IF;
-    IF usage_at_end IS NULL THEN
-        RAISE EXCEPTION 'process_old_claim_outof_resource_usages(%) cannot find usage_at_end', old_claim;
+        -- perform integration over delta's since _since and insert into resource_usage
+        FOR combined_delta_row in (SELECT rud.moment, SUM(rud.delta) as summed_delta
+                                   FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta rud
+                                   WHERE rud.resource_id = _resource_id
+                                   AND rud.status_id = _status_id
+                                   AND rud.moment >= _since
+                                   GROUP BY rud.moment
+                                   ORDER BY rud.moment) LOOP
+            --integrate
+            running_usage_sum := running_usage_sum + combined_delta_row.summed_delta;
+            --and insert into resource_usage
+            INSERT INTO resource_allocation.resource_usage (resource_id, status_id, as_of_timestamp, usage)
+            VALUES (_resource_id, _status_id, combined_delta_row.moment, running_usage_sum);
+        END LOOP;
     END IF;
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+ALTER FUNCTION resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_deltas_for_resource_of_status(int, int, timestamp) OWNER TO resourceassignment;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_deltas_for_resource_of_status(int, int, timestamp)
+  IS 'function which rebuilds the resource_usages table from the resource_usage_deltas table with a specific status for a specific resource since a given timestamp.';
-    IF usage_at_start.usage = old_claim.claim_size THEN
-        IF usage_at_end.usage = 0 THEN
-            -- find resource_usage before claim starttime
-            SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(old_claim.resource_id, old_claim.status_id, old_claim.starttime, false, true, false) into usage_before_start;
-            IF usage_before_start IS NULL OR (usage_before_start IS NOT NULL AND usage_before_start.usage = 0) THEN
-                --usage_at_start was 'caused' by this deleted claim only, so delete it
-                DELETE FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage ru WHERE ru.id = usage_at_start.id;
-            ELSE
-                UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_usage ru SET usage = 0 WHERE ru.id = usage_at_start.id;
-            END IF;
-        ELSE
-            --usage_at_start was 'caused' by this deleted claim only, so delete it
-            DELETE FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage ru WHERE ru.id = usage_at_start.id;
-        END IF;
-    ELSE
-        --update the usage_at_start.usage by subtracting the deleted claim size
-        UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_usage ru SET usage = usage_at_start.usage - old_claim.claim_size
-        WHERE ru.id = usage_at_start.id;
-    END IF;
-    IF usage_at_end.usage = 0 THEN
-        --usage_at_end was 'caused' by this deleted claim only, so delete it
-        --TODO:20180704 do not delete if another claim with this status and timestamp also causes this 0
-        DELETE FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage ru WHERE ru.id = usage_at_end.id;
-    END IF;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resource_allocation.process_old_claim_outof_resource_usages(old_claim resource_allocation.resource_claim)
+  RETURNS void AS
+    -- get rid of claim in delta's table (this should delete two entries, one for the starttime, and one for the endtime)
+    DELETE FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta WHERE claim_id = old_claim.id;
-    --now modify any existing usages between old_claim claim starttime and endtime
-    FOR intermediate_usage IN SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage ru
-    WHERE ru.resource_id = old_claim.resource_id
-    AND ru.status_id = old_claim.status_id
-    AND ru.as_of_timestamp > old_claim.starttime
-    AND ru.as_of_timestamp < old_claim.endtime
-    LOOP
-        UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_usage ru SET usage = intermediate_usage.usage - old_claim.claim_size
-        WHERE ru.id = intermediate_usage.id;
-    END LOOP;
+    -- with the two removed delta entries, use the deltas table to rebuild the usages table from the claim's starttime onwards
+    PERFORM resource_allocation.rebuild_resource_usages_from_deltas_for_resource_of_status(old_claim.resource_id, old_claim.status_id, old_claim.starttime);
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 ALTER FUNCTION resource_allocation.process_old_claim_outof_resource_usages(old_claim resource_allocation.resource_claim) OWNER TO resourceassignment;
@@ -697,8 +506,6 @@ DECLARE
     max_resource_usage_in_time_window resource_allocation.resource_usage;
     max_resource_at_or_before_starttime resource_allocation.resource_usage;
-    SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(_resource_id, _claim_status_id, _lower, false, false, false) into max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
     SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.resource_usage ru
     WHERE ru.resource_id = _resource_id
     AND ru.status_id = _claim_status_id
@@ -707,20 +514,23 @@ BEGIN
     ORDER BY ru.usage DESC
     LIMIT 1 INTO max_resource_usage_in_time_window;
-    IF max_resource_usage_in_time_window IS NOT NULL THEN
-        IF max_resource_at_or_before_starttime IS NULL THEN
-            RETURN max_resource_usage_in_time_window;
-        ELSE
-            IF max_resource_usage_in_time_window.usage > max_resource_at_or_before_starttime.usage THEN
-                 RETURN max_resource_usage_in_time_window;
-            ELSE
-                 RETURN max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
+    IF max_resource_usage_in_time_window IS NULL THEN
+        -- no usages withing given window, so return first usage before window (which extends in time into this window)
+        SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(_resource_id, _claim_status_id, _lower, false, false, false) INTO max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
+        RETURN max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
+    END IF;
+    IF max_resource_usage_in_time_window.as_of_timestamp > _lower THEN -- Skips as_of_timestamp = _lower on purpose
+        -- check if the usage at_or_before_starttime is higher then in_time_window
+        SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(_resource_id, _claim_status_id, _lower, false, false, false) INTO max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
+        IF max_resource_at_or_before_starttime IS NOT NULL THEN
+            IF max_resource_at_or_before_starttime.usage > max_resource_usage_in_time_window.usage THEN
+                RETURN max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
             END IF;
         END IF;
-    ELSE
-        -- could also be NULL but that is checked for elsewhere
-        RETURN max_resource_at_or_before_starttime;
     END IF;
+    RETURN max_resource_usage_in_time_window;
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 ALTER FUNCTION resource_allocation.get_max_resource_usage_between(_resource_id int, _claim_status_id int, _lower timestamp, _upper timestamp) OWNER TO resourceassignment;
@@ -750,23 +560,26 @@ BEGIN
     -- available_capacity is a truly measured metric (by tools like df (disk-free))
     SELECT available, total FROM resource_monitoring.resource_capacity WHERE resource_id = _resource_id LIMIT 1 INTO available_capacity, total_capacity;
-    -- determine how much of the used_capacity is 'accounted for' by claims.
-    -- this is a best guess of the amount of data which we know that should be on the resource.
-    -- we can only 'measure' that at this moment,
-    -- so take the current resource usage
-    SELECT usage FROM resource_allocation.get_current_resource_usage(_resource_id, claimed_status_id) INTO current_claimed_usage;
     IF available_capacity = total_capacity THEN
         --this is not a monitored resource, and hence we do not know how much space is actually available.
         --make a best guess by subtracting the current_claimed_usage from the total_capacity
         RETURN total_capacity - max_resource_usage_value;
         --this is a monitored resource, and the claimable_capacity is not just the free space (available_capacity) at this moment!
         -- we have to take into account what we know about already claimed portions,
         -- both at this moment (current_claimed_usage) and for the planned claim (max_resource_usage_value, between _lower and _upper)
-        RETURN available_capacity + current_claimed_usage - max_resource_usage_value;
+        -- determine how much of the used_capacity is 'accounted for' by claims.
+        -- this is a best guess of the amount of data which we know that should be on the resource.
+        -- we can only 'measure' that at this moment,
+        -- so take the current resource usage
+        SELECT usage FROM resource_allocation.get_current_resource_usage(_resource_id, claimed_status_id) INTO current_claimed_usage;
+        IF current_claimed_usage IS NOT NULL THEN
+            RETURN available_capacity + current_claimed_usage - max_resource_usage_value;
+        END IF;
+        RETURN available_capacity - max_resource_usage_value;
     END IF;
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
@@ -853,7 +666,6 @@ DECLARE
     claim_has_conflicts boolean;
     --order of following steps is important, do not reorder the steps
         IF NEW.starttime >= NEW.endtime THEN
             -- Conceptually, you can't claim and release a resource at the same timestamp.
@@ -896,9 +708,7 @@ BEGIN
         --update the resource usages affected by this claim
         --do this before we check for conflicts, because this claim might be shifted for example
         --which might influence the resource_usages which determine wheter a claim fits.
-        IF OLD.resource_id <> 117 THEN --20180903: skip checking of cep4 storage until JIRA SW-35 is solved.
-            PERFORM resource_allocation.process_old_claim_outof_resource_usages(OLD);
-        END IF;
+        PERFORM resource_allocation.process_old_claim_outof_resource_usages(OLD);
     END IF;
     --only check claim if status and/or claim_size and/or start/end time changed
@@ -906,33 +716,29 @@ BEGIN
                                                   OLD.claim_size <> NEW.claim_size OR
                                                   OLD.starttime <> NEW.starttime OR
                                                   OLD.endtime <> NEW.endtime)) THEN
-        IF NEW.resource_id <> 117 THEN --20180903: skip checking of cep4 storage until JIRA SW-35 is solved.
-            --check if claim fits or has conflicts
-            SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.has_conflict_with_overlapping_claims(NEW) INTO claim_has_conflicts;
-            IF claim_has_conflicts THEN
-                IF NEW.status_id <> claim_conflict_status_id THEN
-                    -- only set claims to conflict if task status <= queued
-                    -- when a claim goes to conflict, then so does it's task, and we don't want that for running/finished/aborted tasks
-                    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM resource_allocation.task
-                               WHERE id=NEW.task_id
-                               AND status_id = ANY(ARRAY[300, 335, 350, 400, 500])) THEN -- hardcoded tasks statuses <= queued
-                        -- conflict with others, so set claim status to conflict
-                        NEW.status_id := claim_conflict_status_id;
-                    END IF;
-                END IF;
-            ELSE
-                -- no conflict (anymore) with others, so set claim status to tentative if currently in conflict
-                IF NEW.status_id = claim_conflict_status_id THEN
-                    NEW.status_id := claim_tentative_status_id;
+        --check if claim fits or has conflicts
+        SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.has_conflict_with_overlapping_claims(NEW) INTO claim_has_conflicts;
+        IF claim_has_conflicts THEN
+            IF NEW.status_id <> claim_conflict_status_id THEN
+                -- only set claims to conflict if task status <= queued
+                -- when a claim goes to conflict, then so does it's task, and we don't want that for running/finished/aborted tasks
+                IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM resource_allocation.task
+                            WHERE id=NEW.task_id
+                            AND status_id = ANY(ARRAY[task_approved_status_id, task_conflict_status_id, task_prescheduled_status_id, task_scheduled_status_id, task_queued_status_id])) THEN -- hardcoded tasks statuses <= queued
+                    -- conflict with others, so set claim status to conflict
+                    NEW.status_id := claim_conflict_status_id;
                 END IF;
             END IF;
+        ELSE
+            -- no conflict (anymore) with others, so set claim status to tentative if currently in conflict
+            IF NEW.status_id = claim_conflict_status_id THEN
+                NEW.status_id := claim_tentative_status_id;
+            END IF;
         END IF;
-            --update the resource usages affected by this claim
-            PERFORM resource_allocation.process_new_claim_into_resource_usages(NEW);
-        END IF;
+        --update the resource usages affected by this claim
+        PERFORM resource_allocation.process_new_claim_into_resource_usages(NEW);
     END IF;
@@ -967,6 +773,8 @@ DECLARE
     claim_conflict_status_id int := 2; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
     task_approved_status_id int := 300; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
     task_conflict_status_id int := 335; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
+    task_finished_status_id int := 1000; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
+    task_aborted_status_id int  := 1100; --beware: hard coded instead of lookup for performance
     affected_claim resource_allocation.resource_claim;
     claim_has_conflicts boolean;
@@ -981,6 +789,7 @@ BEGIN
              IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM resource_allocation.resource_claim
                            WHERE task_id = NEW.task_id
                            AND status_id = claim_conflict_status_id) THEN
                  IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM resource_allocation.task
                            WHERE id = NEW.task_id
                            AND status_id = task_approved_status_id) THEN
@@ -1002,14 +811,12 @@ BEGIN
                                         AND rc.endtime >= OLD.starttime
                                         AND rc.starttime < OLD.endtime LOOP
-            IF affected_claim.resource_id <> 117 THEN --20180903: skip checking of cep4 storage until JIRA SW-35 is solved.
-                --check if claim fits or has conflicts
-                SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.has_conflict_with_overlapping_claims(affected_claim) INTO claim_has_conflicts;
+            --check if claim fits or has conflicts
+            SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.has_conflict_with_overlapping_claims(affected_claim) INTO claim_has_conflicts;
-                IF NOT claim_has_conflicts THEN
-                    -- no conflict (anymore) with others, so set claim status to tentative
-                    UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_claim SET status_id=claim_tentative_status_id WHERE id = affected_claim.id;
-                END IF;
+            IF NOT claim_has_conflicts THEN
+                -- no conflict (anymore) with others, so set claim status to tentative
+                UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_claim SET status_id=claim_tentative_status_id WHERE id = affected_claim.id;
             END IF;
         END LOOP;
     END IF;
@@ -1025,18 +832,31 @@ BEGIN
                                         AND rc.endtime >= NEW.starttime
                                         AND rc.starttime < NEW.endtime LOOP
-            IF affected_claim.resource_id <> 117 THEN --20180903: skip checking of cep4 storage until JIRA SW-35 is solved.
-                --check if claim fits or has conflicts
-                SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.has_conflict_with_overlapping_claims(affected_claim) INTO claim_has_conflicts;
+            --check if claim fits or has conflicts
+            SELECT * FROM resource_allocation.has_conflict_with_overlapping_claims(affected_claim) INTO claim_has_conflicts;
-                IF claim_has_conflicts THEN
-                    -- new conflict for affected_claim because this NEW claim is now claimed
-                    UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_claim SET status_id=claim_conflict_status_id WHERE id = affected_claim.id;
-                END IF;
+            IF claim_has_conflicts THEN
+                -- new conflict for affected_claim because this NEW claim is now claimed
+                UPDATE resource_allocation.resource_claim SET status_id=claim_conflict_status_id WHERE id = affected_claim.id;
             END IF;
         END LOOP;
     END IF;
+      -- delete obsolete claim when task is finished/aborted
+      IF NEW.status_id = claim_claimed_status_id AND
+         NEW.endtime <> OLD.endtime AND
+         NEW.endtime <= (SELECT * FROM utcnow() LIMIT 1) THEN
+         -- this claim is obsolete...
+        IF EXISTS (SELECT id FROM resource_allocation.task t WHERE t.id = NEW.task_id AND t.status_id IN (task_finished_status_id, task_aborted_status_id) ) THEN
+            -- ...and it's task is finished/aborted
+            -- so, delete this claim
+            DELETE FROM resource_allocation.resource_claim rc
+            WHERE rc.id=NEW.id;
+        END IF;
+      END IF;
+    END IF;
         RETURN OLD;
     END IF;
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_resource_allocation_statics.sql b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_resource_allocation_statics.sql
index e56bd04d19edfee931c0222d488011d4c306fd92..8b18e25d296e969da10180d5c5567346e3fefafd 100644
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_resource_allocation_statics.sql
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/add_resource_allocation_statics.sql
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 -- psql resourceassignment -U resourceassignment -f add_resource_allocation_statics.sql -W
+-- General Warning: if you change any of these values, make sure you update the hardcoded values in add_functions_and_triggers.sql too.
 INSERT INTO resource_allocation.task_status VALUES (200, 'prepared'), (300, 'approved'), (320, 'on_hold'), (335, 'conflict'),
 (350, 'prescheduled'), (400, 'scheduled'), (500, 'queued'), (600, 'active'), (900, 'completing'), (1000, 'finished'), (1100, 'aborted'),
 (1150, 'error'), (1200, 'obsolete'); -- This is the list from OTDB, we'll need to merge it with the list from MoM in the future, might use different indexes?
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/create_database.sql b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/create_database.sql
index 40337a9dc5f0bebe742f0ca55cda5d47dd44d6c9..a82dfe3779bc0bd495cdef58acc7d4601daeb4ca 100644
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/create_database.sql
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/radb/sql/create_database.sql
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS resource_monitoring.resource_group_availability CASCADE;
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS resource_monitoring.resource_availability CASCADE;
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS resource_monitoring.resource_capacity CASCADE;
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS resource_allocation.resource_usage CASCADE;
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta CASCADE;
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS resource_allocation.resource_claim_property CASCADE;
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS resource_allocation.resource_claim_property_type CASCADE;
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS resource_allocation.resource_claim_property_io_type CASCADE;
@@ -251,14 +252,6 @@ CREATE INDEX resource_claim_resource_id_idx
 CREATE INDEX resource_claim_status_id_idx
   ON resource_allocation.resource_claim (status_id);
-CREATE TABLE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims ( LIKE resource_allocation.resource_claim INCLUDING INDEXES INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS );
-DROP INDEX resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims_resource_id_idx; --remove unnecessary index
-DROP INDEX resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims_status_id_idx; --remove unnecessary index
-DROP INDEX resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims_task_id_idx; --remove unnecessary index
-ALTER TABLE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims
-  OWNER TO resourceassignment;
-COMMENT ON TABLE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_claims
-  IS 'helper table for the rebuild_resource_usages_from_claims_for_resource_of_status method.';
 CREATE TABLE resource_allocation.conflict_reason (
   id serial NOT NULL,
@@ -359,13 +352,30 @@ CREATE INDEX resource_usage_resource_id_idx
 CREATE INDEX resource_usage_status_id_idx
   ON resource_allocation.resource_usage (status_id);
-CREATE TABLE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages ( LIKE resource_allocation.resource_usage INCLUDING INDEXES INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS );
-DROP INDEX resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages_status_id_idx; --remove unnecessary index
-DROP INDEX resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages_resource_id_idx;  --remove unnecessary index
-ALTER TABLE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages
+CREATE TABLE resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta (
+  id serial NOT NULL,
+  claim_id integer NOT NULL, -- yes, this is a reference to resource_allocation.resource_claim.id, but it's not defined as a reference because it is already used in the before_insert trigger when the claim id does not exist in the claim table yet. We do the consistent bookkeeping in the trigger functions ourselves.
+  resource_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES virtual_instrument.resource ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+  status_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES resource_allocation.resource_claim_status ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
+  moment timestamp NOT NULL,
+  delta bigint NOT NULL,
+ALTER TABLE resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta
   OWNER TO resourceassignment;
-COMMENT ON TABLE resource_allocation._rebuild_usages_active_usages
-  IS 'helper table for the rebuild_resource_usages_from_claims_for_resource_of_status method.';
+COMMENT ON TABLE resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta
+  IS 'intermediate helper table to quickly compute resource_usage from resource_claim.';
+CREATE INDEX resource_usage_delta_moment_idx
+  ON resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta
+  USING btree (moment);
+CREATE INDEX resource_usage_delta_idx
+  ON resource_allocation.resource_usage_delta (claim_id, resource_id, status_id);
 CREATE TABLE resource_monitoring.resource_availability (
   id serial NOT NULL,
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 439c9ccb70041b11f720e5bdb0aaebdd9b4f2a6b..7bc26cd3333a391eebc200387ef92a1e2cae8961 100644
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@ include(FindPythonModule)
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/radb_performance_test.py b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/radb_performance_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 300e97077358c0d3824f45b153b4a922a2e22a9c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/radb_performance_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012-2015    ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
-# P.O. Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
-# This file is part of the LOFAR software suite.
-# The LOFAR software suite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# The LOFAR software suite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with the LOFAR software suite. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# $Id:  $
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import os
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-import logging
-from random import randint
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-from lofar.common import dbcredentials
-from lofar.sas.resourceassignment.database.radb import RADatabase
-from lofar.common.datetimeutils import totalSeconds
-def test_resource_usages_performance(radb):
-    radb.updateResourceAvailability(117, available_capacity=10000000, total_capacity=10000000)
-    now = datetime.utcnow()
-    now -= timedelta(minutes=now.minute, seconds=now.second, microseconds=now.microsecond)  # round to full hour
-    spec_ids = []
-    filename = 'resource_usages_performance%s.csv' % (datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S'),)
-    with open(filename, 'w') as file:
-        file.write('#claims, elapsed_insert, elapsed_rebuild\n')
-        counter = 0
-        for k in range(20):
-            num_claims_to_insert = 20
-            num_insert_repeats = 10
-            elapsed_insert = 0
-            for i in range(num_insert_repeats):
-                counter += 1
-                result = radb.insertSpecificationAndTask(counter, counter, 'approved', 'observation',
-                                                         now+timedelta(hours=3*counter),
-                                                         now + timedelta(hours=1 + 3*counter),
-                                                         'content', 'CEP4')
-                task_id = result['task_id']
-                task = radb.getTask(task_id)
-                spec_ids.append(task['specification_id'])
-                claims = [{'resource_id': 117,
-                           'starttime': task['starttime']-timedelta(minutes=randint(0, 1800)),
-                           'endtime': task['starttime']+timedelta(seconds=randint(1801, 3600)),
-                           'status': 'tentative',
-                           'claim_size': q}
-                          for q in range(num_claims_to_insert)]
-                start = datetime.utcnow()
-                radb.insertResourceClaims(task_id, claims, 'foo', 1, 1)
-                elapsed_insert += totalSeconds(datetime.utcnow() - start)
-            elapsed_insert /= 10
-            start = datetime.utcnow()
-            # make sure the usage table is wiped, so asserts fail when rebuild_resource_usages_from_claims is erroneously roll'ed back.
-            radb.rebuild_resource_usages_from_claims(117, 'tentative')
-            elapsed_rebuild = totalSeconds(datetime.utcnow() - start)
-            logger.info('TEST RESULT: radb now contains %d claims, insert of %d claims takes on average %.3fsec and a rebuild of the whole usage table takes %.3fsec',
-                        len(radb.getResourceClaims()), num_claims_to_insert, elapsed_insert, elapsed_rebuild)
-            file.write('%d, %.3f, %.3f\n' % (len(radb.getResourceClaims()), elapsed_insert, elapsed_rebuild))
-            file.flush()
-    logger.info('removing all test specs/tasks/claims from db')
-    for spec_id in spec_ids:
-        radb.deleteSpecification(spec_id)
-    logger.info('Done. Results can be found in file: %s', filename)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',level=logging.INFO)
-    # Check the invocation arguments
-    parser = OptionParser("%prog [options]", description='runs some test queries on the radb')
-    parser.add_option('-V', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose logging')
-    parser.add_option_group(dbcredentials.options_group(parser))
-    parser.set_defaults(dbcredentials="RADB")
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    dbcreds = dbcredentials.parse_options(options)
-    print
-    print 'Using dbcreds: %s' % dbcreds.stringWithHiddenPassword()
-    print 'Are you sure you want to run the performance tests on this database? Tables will be modified! Precious data might be lost!'
-    print 'This test gives the most reproducable results when run on a clean database.'
-    print
-    answer = raw_input('CONTINUE? y/<n>: ')
-    if 'y' not in answer.lower():
-        print 'Exiting without running the test...'
-        exit(1)
-    print 'Starting test....'
-    radb = RADatabase(dbcreds=dbcreds, log_queries=options.verbose)
-    test_resource_usages_performance(radb)
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.run b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.run
deleted file mode 100755
index 7895b4e99028fba6866f5d359567fe3a9483f912..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.run
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Run the unit test
-source python-coverage.sh
-python_coverage_test "ResourceAssignmentDatabase/*" t_radb.py
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.sh b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d7aa7a173a26cde54d69dbbfffd7d825a2450292..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-./runctest.sh t_radb
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.py b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.py
similarity index 93%
rename from SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.py
rename to SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.py
index 98170ed7993acf3371c59071338484814d4f1259..26ae9f3ad8b655717bb149a402e391cfa062f416 100755
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb.py
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.py
@@ -1055,15 +1055,15 @@ class ResourceAssignmentDatabaseTest(radb_common_testing.RADBCommonTest):
         # when a task is > queued (for example, finished)
         # then we don't want conflict statuses anymore if we update start/endtimes
         # test here with weird starttime shift back to overlap with task1
-        self.assertTrue(self.radb.updateTask(task_id2, task_status='finished'))
-        self.assertEqual('finished', self.radb.getTask(task_id2)['status'])
+        self.assertTrue(self.radb.updateTask(task_id2, task_status='active'))
+        self.assertEqual('active', self.radb.getTask(task_id2)['status'])
         self.assertTrue(self.radb.updateTaskAndResourceClaims(task_id2, starttime=task1['starttime']))
-        self.assertEqual('finished', self.radb.getTask(task_id2)['status'])
+        self.assertEqual('active', self.radb.getTask(task_id2)['status'])
         self.assertEqual('claimed', self.radb.getResourceClaim(t2_claim_ids[0])['status'])
         #ok, that works, now set the start/end time back to 'normal' for some later test cases
         self.assertTrue(self.radb.updateTaskAndResourceClaims(task_id2, starttime=now+timedelta(hours=2), endtime=now+timedelta(hours=3)))
-        self.assertEqual('finished', self.radb.getTask(task_id2)['status'])
+        self.assertEqual('active', self.radb.getTask(task_id2)['status'])
         self.assertEqual('claimed', self.radb.getResourceClaim(t2_claim_ids[0])['status'])
@@ -1689,37 +1689,36 @@ class ResourceAssignmentDatabaseTest(radb_common_testing.RADBCommonTest):
         # assume the data has NOT been written YET, and that the claim of size 60 does NOT occupy 60 YET on the resource
         # this happens during the observation. Data is being written, but the system does not know it yet.
-        # then there should be still be 100-nothing=100 claimable_capacity left
-        # self.assertEqual(100, self.radb.get_resource_claimable_capacity(cep4_id, task['starttime'], task['endtime']))
+        # then there should be still be 100-60(claimed)-nothing=40 claimable_capacity left
+        self.assertEqual(40, self.radb.get_resource_claimable_capacity(cep4_id, task['starttime'], task['endtime']))
         # assume the observation finished, and data has been written
         # so, the claim of size 60 now occupies 60 on the resource
         # that would be detected (by the storagequeryservice) and propagated into the radb
         # so, let's update the available_capacity
         self.assertTrue(self.radb.updateResourceAvailability(cep4_id, available_capacity=100-60))
-        # and there should be 100-60=40 claimable_capacity left
-        self.assertEqual(40, self.radb.get_resource_claimable_capacity(cep4_id, task['starttime'], task['endtime']))
         # check the capacities of the resource
         # please note that the misc_used_capacity=0 because we used exactly the same amount of diskspace as was claimed (as it should be)
         self.assertEqual(100, self.radb.getResources(cep4_id, include_availability=True)[0]['total_capacity'])
         self.assertEqual( 40, self.radb.getResources(cep4_id, include_availability=True)[0]['available_capacity'])
         self.assertEqual( 60, self.radb.getResources(cep4_id, include_availability=True)[0]['used_capacity'])
         self.assertEqual(  0, self.radb.getResources(cep4_id, include_availability=True)[0]['misc_used_capacity'])
+        # and there should be 100-60=40 claimable_capacity left, because there is 60 claimed and 60 used (which matches fine, like it should)
+        self.assertEqual(40, self.radb.get_resource_claimable_capacity(cep4_id, task['starttime'], task['endtime']))
         # so far, so good...
         # now onto the situation in practice....
-        # suppose there is some additional (20) miscelaneous data on cep4, which is not known in claims (like backups/logs/other_data)
-        # this should be reflected in the available_capacity and  misc_used_capacity
+        # suppose there is some additional (20) miscellaneous data on cep4, which is not known in claims (like backups/logs/other_data)
+        # this should be reflected in the available_capacity and misc_used_capacity
         # available_capacity = 100-60-20 : 60 is claimed and in use, and 20 is other unaccounted for data.
         self.assertTrue(self.radb.updateResourceAvailability(cep4_id, available_capacity=100-60-20))
         self.assertEqual(100, self.radb.getResources(cep4_id, include_availability=True)[0]['total_capacity'])
         self.assertEqual( 20, self.radb.getResources(cep4_id, include_availability=True)[0]['available_capacity'])
         self.assertEqual( 80, self.radb.getResources(cep4_id, include_availability=True)[0]['used_capacity'])
-        # and the used_capacity of 70 should be build up of the parts: resource_usage=50 and misc_used_capacity=20
+        # and the used_capacity of 60 should be build up of the parts: resource_usage=60 and misc_used_capacity=20
         self.assertEqual( 60, self.radb.get_resource_usage_at_or_before(cep4_id, start+timedelta(hours=0.5), 'claimed')['usage'])
         self.assertEqual( 20, self.radb.getResources(cep4_id, include_availability=True)[0]['misc_used_capacity'])
-        # and the resource_usage should still be 50 (cause no claims were added/changed)
+        # and the resource_usage should still be 60 (because no claims were added/changed)
         self.assertEqual(60, self.radb.get_max_resource_usage_between(cep4_id, task['starttime'], task['endtime'], 'claimed')['usage'])
         self.assertEqual(60, self.radb.get_current_resource_usage(cep4_id, 'claimed')['usage'])
         # but, there should be less claimable capacity left: 100 -60 (claim) -20 (misc_data) = 20 claimable_capacity left
@@ -2477,8 +2476,159 @@ class ResourceAssignmentDatabaseTest(radb_common_testing.RADBCommonTest):
         self.assertEqual('approved', self.radb.getTask(task1_id)['status'])
         self.assertEqual('approved', self.radb.getTask(task2_id)['status'])
+    def test_obsolete_claims_are_removed(self):
+        '''Test if obsolete claims from finished tasks are removed automatically'''
+        # start with clean database
+        for spec in self.radb.getSpecifications():
+            self.radb.deleteSpecification(spec['id'])  # cascades into tasks and claims
+        base_time = datetime.utcnow()
+        # round to current full hour (for readability in logging)
+        base_time = base_time - timedelta(minutes=base_time.minute, seconds=base_time.second,
+                                          microseconds=base_time.microsecond)
+        # insert a first task and full claim on a resource...
+        spec_task = self.radb.insertSpecificationAndTask(0, 0, 'approved', 'observation',
+                                                          base_time + timedelta(minutes=-20),
+                                                          base_time + timedelta(minutes=-10), 'foo', 'CEP4')
+        self.assertTrue(spec_task['inserted'])
+        task_id = spec_task['task_id']
+        task = self.radb.getTask(task_id)
+        self.assertEqual('approved', task['status'])
+        claim1_id = self.radb.insertResourceClaim(0, task_id,
+                                                  task['starttime'], task['endtime'],
+                                                  1, 'foo', 1)
+        # insert second (long-lasting) claim
+        claim2_id = self.radb.insertResourceClaim(1, task_id,
+                                                  task['starttime'], task['endtime'] + timedelta(days=100),
+                                                  1, 'foo', 1)
+        # task should have the two inserted claims
+        self.assertEqual(set([claim1_id, claim2_id]), set(c['id'] for c in self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task_id)))
+        # claim them, and check it. Should succeed.
+        self.radb.updateTaskAndResourceClaims(task_id, task_status='scheduled', claim_status='claimed')
+        self.assertEqual('claimed', self.radb.getResourceClaim(claim1_id)['status'])
+        self.assertEqual('claimed', self.radb.getResourceClaim(claim2_id)['status'])
+        self.assertEqual('scheduled', self.radb.getTask(task_id)['status'])
+        # task should still have the two inserted claims
+        self.assertEqual(set([claim1_id, claim2_id]), set(c['id'] for c in self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task_id)))
+        # now, let's do the actual test...
+        # finish the task, and check if claims are removed
+        self.radb.updateTask(task_id, task_status='finished')
+        self.assertEqual('finished', self.radb.getTask(task_id)['status'])
+        # only the long lasting claim2 should remain
+        self.assertEqual(set([claim2_id]), set(c['id'] for c in self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task_id)))
+        # end the long-lasting claim
+        self.radb.updateResourceClaim(claim2_id, endtime=task['endtime'] + timedelta(minutes=5))
+        # task should still be finished...
+        self.radb.updateTask(task_id, task_status='finished')
+        # ...and now claims should remain
+        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task_id)))
+    def test_20181108_bugfix_resource_usages(self):
+        # start with clean database
+        for spec in self.radb.getSpecifications():
+            self.radb.deleteSpecification(spec['id'])  # cascades into tasks and claims
+        now = datetime.utcnow()
+        now -= timedelta(minutes=now.minute, seconds=now.second, microseconds=now.microsecond)  # round to full hour
+        now += timedelta(hours=3)
+        NUM_CLAIMS = 2
+        RESOURCE_ID = 0
+        resource_max_cap = long(self.radb.get_resource_claimable_capacity(RESOURCE_ID, now, now))
+        task1_id = self.radb.insertSpecificationAndTask(1, 1, 'approved', 'observation',
+                                                        now+timedelta(hours=1),
+                                                        now + timedelta(hours=2),
+                                                        'content', 'CEP4')['task_id']
+        task1 = self.radb.getTask(task1_id)
+        claims1 = [{'resource_id': RESOURCE_ID,
+                    'starttime': task1['starttime'],
+                    'endtime': task1['endtime'],
+                    'status': 'tentative',
+                    'claim_size': resource_max_cap/NUM_CLAIMS_PER_RESOURCE}
+                   for _ in range(NUM_CLAIMS)]
+        self.radb.insertResourceClaims(task1_id, claims1, 'foo', 1, 1)
+        # there should be NUM_CLAIMS tentative claims,
+        # and usage should be one 'block' from start->endtime
+        self.assertEqual(NUM_CLAIMS, len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task1_id, status='tentative')))
+        self.assertEqual([{'as_of_timestamp': task1['starttime'], 'usage': resource_max_cap },
+                          {'as_of_timestamp': task1['endtime'], 'usage': 0L}],
+                         self.radb.getResourceUsages(task1['starttime'], task1['endtime'], RESOURCE_ID)[RESOURCE_ID]['tentative'])
+        # update the claims to 'claimed' status
+        self.radb.updateResourceClaims(where_task_ids=task1_id, status='claimed')
+        # now, there should be zero tentative claims, but NUM_CLAIMS 'claimed' claims
+        # and usage should be one 'block' from start->endtime for claimed status
+        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task1_id, status='tentative')))
+        self.assertEqual(NUM_CLAIMS, len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task1_id, status='claimed')))
+        # self.assertEqual([],
+        #                  self.radb.getResourceUsages(task1['starttime'], task1['endtime'], RESOURCE_ID)[RESOURCE_ID]['tentative'])
+        self.assertEqual([{'as_of_timestamp': task1['starttime'], 'usage': resource_max_cap },
+                          {'as_of_timestamp': task1['endtime'], 'usage': 0L}],
+                         self.radb.getResourceUsages(task1['starttime'], task1['endtime'], RESOURCE_ID)[RESOURCE_ID]['claimed'])
+        # finish the task...
+        self.radb.updateTask(task_id=task1_id, task_status='finished')
+        # ... as a result there should be no more claims, and usages should be clean
+        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task1_id)))
+        self.assertEqual([],
+                         self.radb.getResourceUsages(task1['starttime'], task1['endtime'], RESOURCE_ID)[RESOURCE_ID]['tentative'])
+        self.assertEqual([],
+                         self.radb.getResourceUsages(task1['starttime'], task1['endtime'], RESOURCE_ID)[RESOURCE_ID]['claimed'])
+        # insert second task after the first one (not overlapping)
+        task2_id = self.radb.insertSpecificationAndTask(2, 2, 'approved', 'observation',
+                                                        now + timedelta(hours=3),
+                                                        now + timedelta(hours=4),
+                                                        'content', 'CEP4')['task_id']
+        task2 = self.radb.getTask(task2_id)
+        # and insert claims for the second task
+        claims2 = [{'resource_id': RESOURCE_ID,
+                    'starttime': task2['starttime'],
+                    'endtime': task2['endtime'],
+                    'status': 'tentative',
+                    'claim_size': resource_max_cap / NUM_CLAIMS_PER_RESOURCE}
+                   for _ in range(NUM_CLAIMS)]
+        self.radb.insertResourceClaims(task2_id, claims2, 'foo', 1, 1)
+        # there should be NUM_CLAIMS tentative claims,
+        # and usage should be one 'block' from start->endtime
+        self.assertEqual(NUM_CLAIMS, len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task2_id, status='tentative')))
+        self.assertEqual([{'as_of_timestamp': task2['starttime'], 'usage': resource_max_cap },
+                          {'as_of_timestamp': task2['endtime'], 'usage': 0L}],
+                         self.radb.getResourceUsages(task2['starttime'], task2['endtime'], RESOURCE_ID)[RESOURCE_ID]['tentative'])
+        # update the claims to 'claimed' status
+        self.radb.updateResourceClaims(where_task_ids=task2_id, status='claimed')
+        # now, there should be zero tentative claims, but NUM_CLAIMS 'claimed' claims
+        # and usage should be one 'block' from start->endtime for claimed status
+        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task2_id, status='tentative')))
+        self.assertEqual(NUM_CLAIMS, len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task2_id, status='claimed')))
+        # self.assertEqual([],
+        #                  self.radb.getResourceUsages(task2['starttime'], task2['endtime'], RESOURCE_ID)[RESOURCE_ID]['tentative'])
+        self.assertEqual([{'as_of_timestamp': task2['starttime'], 'usage': resource_max_cap },
+                          {'as_of_timestamp': task2['endtime'], 'usage': 0L}],
+                         self.radb.getResourceUsages(task2['starttime'], task2['endtime'], RESOURCE_ID)[RESOURCE_ID]['claimed'])
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     os.environ['TZ'] = 'UTC'
     logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.run b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.run
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef3148622ed62d851e5164ad5b9a13405c3f9492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.run
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Run the unit test
+source python-coverage.sh
+python_coverage_test "ResourceAssignmentDatabase/*" t_radb_functionality.py
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.sh b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..86b69a5b65c1f3c361a3d4b96a4553fdf05d73e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_functionality.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+./runctest.sh t_radb_functionality
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.py b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..903a930572ee6700c694397b0ca663985a4a59c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2015    ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
+# P.O. Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
+# This file is part of the LOFAR software suite.
+# The LOFAR software suite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# The LOFAR software suite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with the LOFAR software suite. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# $Id:  $
+import unittest
+import psycopg2
+import os
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from dateutil import parser
+from pprint import pformat
+from random import randint
+from lofar.common.datetimeutils import totalSeconds
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+import radb_common_testing
+from lofar.sas.resourceassignment.database.radb import RADatabase, _FETCH_ONE
+def setUpModule():
+    return radb_common_testing.setUpModule()
+def tearDownModule():
+    return radb_common_testing.tearDownModule()
+class ResourceAssignmentDatabaseTest(radb_common_testing.RADBCommonTest):
+    def test_resource_usages_performance(self):
+        ELAPSED_TRESHOLD = 2.0 #max allowed insert/update/delete time in seconds
+        num_resources = self.radb._executeQuery('select count(id) from virtual_instrument.resource;', fetch=_FETCH_ONE)['count']
+        # make sure all resources have 1000 units available
+        MAX_CAPACITY=1000
+        self.radb._executeQuery('update resource_monitoring.resource_capacity set (available, total) = (%s, %s);', (MAX_CAPACITY,MAX_CAPACITY))
+        # pretend that we have an almost unlimited amount of storage space
+        self.radb._executeQuery('update resource_monitoring.resource_capacity set (available, total) = (%s, %s) ' \
+                                'where resource_id in (select id from virtual_instrument.resource_view where type_name = \'storage\');',
+                                (1e9*MAX_CAPACITY,1e9*MAX_CAPACITY))
+        # keep a list of storage-type resource(ids), so we can create long lasting claims for these.
+        storage_resource_ids = set(r['id'] for r in self.radb.getResources(resource_types='storage'))
+        now = datetime.utcnow()
+        now -= timedelta(minutes=now.minute, seconds=now.second, microseconds=now.microsecond)  # round to full hour
+        spec_ids = []
+        filename = 'resource_usages_performance%s.csv' % (datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S'),)
+        with open(filename, 'w') as file:
+            file.write('#tasks, #claims, #claims_per_resource, #inserted_claims, elapsed_insert\n')
+            counter = 0
+            # it is not common to claim a single resource multiple times for the same task, but it can happen, so test for it.
+            for preferred_num_claims_per_resource in [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50]:
+                # let's test over a feasible range of #claims. A lofar observation usually has ~200 claims.
+                for num_claims_to_insert in [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500]:
+                    num_claims_to_insert = min(num_claims_to_insert, preferred_num_claims_per_resource*num_resources)
+                    num_claims_per_resource = min(preferred_num_claims_per_resource, num_claims_to_insert)
+                    for oversubscription_factor in [1, 999]:
+                        counter += 1
+                        logger.info('*****************************************************************')
+                        logger.info('starting task and claim scheduling: counter=%s num_claims_per_resource=%s num_claims_to_insert=%s oversubscription_factor=%s',
+                                    counter, num_claims_per_resource, num_claims_to_insert, oversubscription_factor)
+                        result = self.radb.insertSpecificationAndTask(counter, counter, 'approved', 'observation',
+                                                                      now+timedelta(hours=3*counter),
+                                                                      now + timedelta(hours=3*counter + 1),
+                                                                      'content', 'CEP4')
+                        task_id = result['task_id']
+                        task = self.radb.getTask(task_id)
+                        spec_ids.append(task['specification_id'])
+                        claims = [{'resource_id': q/num_claims_per_resource,
+                                   'starttime': task['starttime'],
+                                   'endtime': task['endtime'],
+                                   'status': 'tentative',
+                                   'claim_size': oversubscription_factor*MAX_CAPACITY/num_claims_per_resource}
+                                  for q in range(num_claims_to_insert)]
+                        # extend claims on storage resources
+                        for claim in claims:
+                            if claim['resource_id'] in storage_resource_ids:
+                                claim['endtime'] += timedelta(days=100)
+                        start = datetime.utcnow()
+                        self.radb.insertResourceClaims(task_id, claims, 'foo', 1, 1)
+                        elapsed_insert = totalSeconds(datetime.utcnow() - start)
+                        num_tasks = self.radb._executeQuery('select count(id) from resource_allocation.task;', fetch=_FETCH_ONE)['count']
+                        num_claims = self.radb._executeQuery('select count(id) from resource_allocation.resource_claim;', fetch=_FETCH_ONE)['count']
+                        has_storage_claims = len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task_id, resource_type='storage')) > 0
+                        # enforce perfomance criterion: inserting claims should take less than ELAPSED_TRESHOLD sec
+                        self.assertLess(elapsed_insert, ELAPSED_TRESHOLD, msg="insertResourceClaims took longer than allowed. (%ssec > %ssec) num_tasks=%s num_claims=%s num_claims_to_insert=%s num_claims_per_resource=%s" %(
+                                                                  elapsed_insert, ELAPSED_TRESHOLD, num_tasks, num_claims, num_claims_to_insert, num_claims_per_resource))
+                        if oversubscription_factor > 1:
+                            # (deliberate) oversubscription of resources
+                            # so, expect the claims and task to be in conflict
+                            self.assertGreater(len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task_id, status='conflict')), 0)
+                            self.assertEqual('conflict', self.radb.getTask(task_id)['status'])
+                            # solve oversubscription
+                            start = datetime.utcnow()
+                            self.radb.updateResourceClaims(where_task_ids=task_id, claim_size=MAX_CAPACITY/num_claims_per_resource)
+                            elapsed_status_update = totalSeconds(datetime.utcnow() - start)
+                            # enforce perfomance criterion: updating claims should take less than ELAPSED_TRESHOLD sec
+                            self.assertLess(elapsed_status_update, ELAPSED_TRESHOLD,
+                                            msg="updateResourceClaims took longer than allowed. (%ssec > %ssec) num_tasks=%s num_claims=%s num_claims_to_insert=%s num_claims_per_resource=%s" % (
+                                                 elapsed_status_update, ELAPSED_TRESHOLD, num_tasks, num_claims, num_claims_to_insert, num_claims_per_resource))
+                            # check if not oversubscribed anymore
+                            self.assertEqual(0, len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task_id, status='conflict')))
+                            self.assertEqual('approved', self.radb.getTask(task_id)['status'])
+                        # no oversubscription (anymore), so expect all claims to be claimable...
+                        start = datetime.utcnow()
+                        self.radb.updateTaskAndResourceClaims(task_id=task_id, claim_status='claimed')
+                        elapsed_status_update = totalSeconds(datetime.utcnow() - start)
+                        # are they indeed claimed?
+                        self.assertEqual(num_claims_to_insert, len(self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task_id, status='claimed')))
+                        # enforce perfomance criterion: updating claims should take less than 2*ELAPSED_TRESHOLD sec (2* because we update both tasks and claims)
+                        self.assertLess(elapsed_status_update, 2*ELAPSED_TRESHOLD, msg="updateTaskAndResourceClaims took longer than allowed. (%ssec > %ssec) num_tasks=%s num_claims=%s num_claims_to_insert=%s num_claims_per_resource=%s" % (
+                                                                                 elapsed_status_update, ELAPSED_TRESHOLD, num_tasks, num_claims, num_claims_to_insert, num_claims_per_resource))
+                        # ... and proceed with cycling through the task status
+                        for task_status in ['scheduled', 'queued', 'active', 'completing', 'finished']:
+                            # update the task status
+                            start = datetime.utcnow()
+                            self.radb.updateTaskAndResourceClaims(task_id=task_id, task_status=task_status)
+                            elapsed_status_update = totalSeconds(datetime.utcnow() - start)
+                            # enforce perfomance criterion: updating task status should take less than  2*ELAPSED_TRESHOLD sec (2* because we update both tasks and claims)
+                            self.assertLess(elapsed_status_update, 2*ELAPSED_TRESHOLD, msg="updateTaskAndResourceClaims took longer than allowed. (%ssec > %ssec) num_tasks=%s num_claims=%s num_claims_to_insert=%s num_claims_per_resource=%s task_status=%s" % (
+                                                                                            elapsed_status_update, ELAPSED_TRESHOLD, num_tasks, num_claims, num_claims_to_insert, num_claims_per_resource, task_status))
+                            # check task status
+                            self.assertEqual(task_status, self.radb.getTask(task_id)['status'])
+                        # task should now be finished
+                        self.assertEqual('finished', self.radb.getTask(task_id)['status'])
+                        # and all non-long-lasting (storage) claims should be removed.
+                        self.assertEqual(0, len(list(c for c in self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task_id) if c['endtime'] <= task['endtime'])))
+                        if has_storage_claims:
+                            # and all long-lasting (storage) claims should still be there.
+                            # (they are removed by  the cleanupservice ending/removing the storage claims)
+                            self.assertGreater(len(list(c for c in self.radb.getResourceClaims(task_ids=task_id) if c['endtime'] > task['endtime'])), 0)
+                        logger.info('TEST RESULT: radb now contains %d tasks, %d claims, insert of %d claims with %d claims per resource takes on average %.3fsec',
+                                    num_tasks, num_claims, num_claims_to_insert, num_claims_per_resource, elapsed_insert)
+                        file.write('%d, %d, %d, %d, %.3f\n' % (num_tasks, num_claims, num_claims_per_resource, num_claims_to_insert, elapsed_insert))
+                        file.flush()
+            logger.info('removing all test specs/tasks/claims from db')
+            delete_elapsed_list = []
+            file.write('\n\n#tasks, #claims, elapsed_delete\n')
+            for spec_id in spec_ids:
+                num_tasks = self.radb._executeQuery('select count(id) from resource_allocation.task;', fetch=_FETCH_ONE)['count']
+                num_claims = self.radb._executeQuery('select count(id) from resource_allocation.resource_claim;', fetch=_FETCH_ONE)['count']
+                start = datetime.utcnow()
+                self.radb.deleteSpecification(spec_id)
+                elapsed = totalSeconds(datetime.utcnow() - start)
+                delete_elapsed_list.append(elapsed)
+                # enforce perfomance criterion: (cascading) delete of spec should take less than ELAPSED_TRESHOLD sec
+                self.assertLess(elapsed, ELAPSED_TRESHOLD)
+                file.write('%d, %d, %.3f\n' % (num_tasks, num_claims, elapsed))
+                file.flush()
+        logger.info('average spec delete time: %.3f', sum(delete_elapsed_list)/float(len(delete_elapsed_list)))
+        logger.info('Done. Results can be found in file: %s', filename)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    os.environ['TZ'] = 'UTC'
+    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.run b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.run
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca855f9d9e93e0c79e069b1c00053666b66a80ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.run
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Run the unit test
+source python-coverage.sh
+python_coverage_test "ResourceAssignmentDatabase/*" t_radb_performance.py
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.sh b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6bb3bf30765da05105acd8340ea52c6f1dbf0e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/t_radb_performance.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+./runctest.sh t_radb_performance