diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/backend/services/scheduling/lib/dynamic_scheduling.py b/SAS/TMSS/backend/services/scheduling/lib/dynamic_scheduling.py
index 4a5fb15b1db2ef8670b5e336ffbb4d95145f3181..4b7e8d8a523ed69b47183ee3006818990fb70e83 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/backend/services/scheduling/lib/dynamic_scheduling.py
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/backend/services/scheduling/lib/dynamic_scheduling.py
@@ -326,47 +326,53 @@ class Scheduler:
             while lower_bound < upper_bound:
-                # find and schedule the next best unit
-                # ignore/exclude as candidates the unit(s) which are already scheduled in this round.
-                # when new candidates are overlapping with already scheduled units, they are re-evaluated to see who wins.
-                logger.info("do_dynamic_schedule: lower_bound='%s' upper_bound='%s' already_scheduled_and_thus_to_be_ignored_units: %s",
-                            lower_bound, upper_bound,
-                            ",".join([str(s.id) for s in sorted(list(scheduled_units), key=id)]))
-                scheduled_unit = self.schedule_next_scheduling_unit(lower_bound,
-                                                                    min(lower_bound + timedelta(hours=24), upper_bound),
-                                                                    exclude_units=scheduled_units)
+                try:
+                    # find and schedule the next best unit
+                    # ignore/exclude as candidates the unit(s) which are already scheduled in this round.
+                    # when new candidates are overlapping with already scheduled units, they are re-evaluated to see who wins.
+                    logger.info("do_dynamic_schedule: lower_bound='%s' upper_bound='%s' already_scheduled_and_thus_to_be_ignored_units: %s",
+                                lower_bound, upper_bound,
+                                ",".join([str(s.id) for s in sorted(list(scheduled_units), key=id)]))
-                if scheduled_unit:
-                    scheduled_units.append(scheduled_unit)
+                    scheduled_unit = self.schedule_next_scheduling_unit(lower_bound,
+                                                                        min(lower_bound + timedelta(hours=24), upper_bound),
+                                                                        exclude_units=scheduled_units)
-                    # schedule any related unit(s)
-                    scheduled_units.extend(self.try_schedule_relational_units(scheduled_unit))
+                    if scheduled_unit:
+                        scheduled_units.append(scheduled_unit)
-                    try:
-                        # see if we can fit any B-prio units in the new gap(s) in the schedule?
-                        scheduled_B_units = self.schedule_B_priority_units_in_gaps_around_scheduling_unit(scheduled_unit, exclude_units=scheduled_units, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound)
-                        scheduled_units.extend(scheduled_B_units)
-                    except Exception as e:
-                        logger.exception(e)
-                else:
-                    # advance window and search again
-                    lower_bound += timedelta(minutes=60)
+                        # schedule any related unit(s)
+                        scheduled_units.extend(self.try_schedule_relational_units(scheduled_unit))
-                    # for nice "visual" feedback to the user, move each "old" schedulable unit to the lower_bound
-                    # this also indicates to the user that the unit has been considered for times < lower_bound, and they could not be scheduled there.
-                    for unit in get_dynamically_schedulable_scheduling_units().filter(scheduled_start_time__lt=lower_bound).all():
-                            update_subtasks_start_times_for_scheduling_unit(unit, lower_bound)
+                            # see if we can fit any B-prio units in the new gap(s) in the schedule?
+                            scheduled_B_units = self.schedule_B_priority_units_in_gaps_around_scheduling_unit(scheduled_unit, exclude_units=scheduled_units, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound)
+                            scheduled_units.extend(scheduled_B_units)
                         except Exception as e:
-                            logger.warning("update_subtasks_start_times_for_scheduling_unit: %s", str(e))
-                # any units left to be scheduled? If so, loop again, else break out of while loop
-                if not get_dynamically_schedulable_scheduling_units().exists():
-                    # there are no more schedulable units. check to-be-re-evaluated scheduled future units.
-                    if not get_scheduled_scheduling_units(lower_bound, upper_bound, 'dynamic').exists():
-                        # there are no more to-be-re-evaluated scheduled future units.
-                        break
+                            logger.exception(e)
+                    else:
+                        # advance window and search again
+                        lower_bound += timedelta(minutes=60)
+                        # for nice "visual" feedback to the user, move each "old" schedulable unit to the lower_bound
+                        # this also indicates to the user that the unit has been considered for times < lower_bound, and they could not be scheduled there.
+                        for unit in get_dynamically_schedulable_scheduling_units().filter(scheduled_start_time__lt=lower_bound).all():
+                            try:
+                                update_subtasks_start_times_for_scheduling_unit(unit, lower_bound)
+                            except Exception as e:
+                                logger.warning("update_subtasks_start_times_for_scheduling_unit: %s", str(e))
+                    # any units left to be scheduled? If so, loop again, else break out of while loop
+                    if not get_dynamically_schedulable_scheduling_units().exists():
+                        # there are no more schedulable units. check to-be-re-evaluated scheduled future units.
+                        if not get_scheduled_scheduling_units(lower_bound, upper_bound, 'dynamic').exists():
+                            # there are no more to-be-re-evaluated scheduled future units.
+                            break
+                except Exception as e:
+                    if isinstance(SchedulerInterruptedException):
+                        raise
+                    else:
+                        logger.exception("do_dynamic_schedule: %s", str(e))
             logger.info("do_dynamic_schedule: finished updating dynamic schedule")