diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/__mocks__/project.service.data.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/__mocks__/project.service.data.js
index ab49f92eec7585581a21305ed884ead2f8c929a9..114b35b7085b8cb2a3ab809696635554697f319d 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/__mocks__/project.service.data.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/__mocks__/project.service.data.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 const ProjectServiceMock= {
     project_categories: [{url: "Regular", value: 'Regular'}, {url: "User Shared Support", value: 'User Shared Support'}],
     period_categories: [{url: "Single Cycle", value: 'Single Cycle'}, {url: "Long Term", value: 'Long Term'}],
@@ -330,4 +331,7 @@ const ProjectServiceMock= {
 export default ProjectServiceMock;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/create.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/create.js
index bc55f4dd20415f977128ce93c86597967b440a99..38fb8b0813bd8adf07687769ea221ec3d1514914 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/create.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/create.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import React, {Component} from 'react';
 import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
 import _ from 'lodash';
 import {InputText} from 'primereact/inputtext';
 import {InputNumber} from 'primereact/inputnumber';
 import {InputTextarea} from 'primereact/inputtextarea';
@@ -21,6 +20,7 @@ import ProjectService from '../../services/project.service';
 import UnitConverter from '../../utils/unit.converter';
 import UIConstants from '../../utils/ui.constants';
  * Component to create a new Project
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ export class ProjectCreate extends Component {
     constructor(props) {
         this.state = {
+            ltaStorage: [],
             isLoading: true,
             dialog: { header: '', detail: ''},      
             project: {
@@ -44,13 +45,16 @@ export class ProjectCreate extends Component {
             projectCategories: [],
             resources: [],                          // Selected Resources for Allocation
             resourceList: [],                       // Available Resources for Allocation
-            cycles: []
+            cycles: [],
+            archive_location:[],
+            cluster:[]
         // Validateion Rules
         this.formRules = {
             name: {required: true, message: "Name can not be empty"},
             description: {required: true, message: "Description can not be empty"},
-            priority_rank: {required: true, message: "Enter Project Rank"}
+            priority_rank: {required: true, message: "Enter Project Rank"},
+            archive_subdirectory: {required:true, message:"Enter Storage Path"}
         this.defaultResourcesEnabled = true;        // This property and functionality to be concluded based on PO input
         this.defaultResources = [{name:'LOFAR Observing Time'}, 
@@ -92,6 +96,18 @@ export class ProjectCreate extends Component {
             .then(categories => {
                 this.setState({periodCategories: categories});
+        Promise.all([ProjectService.getFileSystem(), ProjectService.getCluster()]).then(response => {
+                const options = [];
+                response[0].map(fileSystem => {
+                    const cluster =  response[1].find(clusterObj => clusterObj.id === fileSystem.cluster_id && clusterObj.archive_site);
+                    if (cluster) {
+                        fileSystem.label =`${cluster.name} - ${fileSystem.name}`
+                        options.push(fileSystem);
+                    }
+                    return fileSystem;
+                });
+                this.setState({archive_location: response[0], ltaStorage: options, cluster: response[1] });
+            });
             .then(resourceList => {
                 const defaultResources = this.defaultResources;
@@ -170,12 +186,31 @@ export class ProjectCreate extends Component {
                 project[key] = value?parseInt(value):0;
+            case 'SUB-DIRECTORY': {
+                const directory = value.split(' ').join('_').toLowerCase();
+                project[key] = (directory!=="" && !directory.endsWith('/'))? `${directory}/`: `${directory}`;
+                break;
+            }
+            case 'PROJECT_NAME': {
+                let directory = project[key]?project[key].split(' ').join('_').toLowerCase():"";
+                if (!project['archive_subdirectory'] || project['archive_subdirectory'] === "" ||
+                     project['archive_subdirectory'] === `${directory}/`) {
+                    directory = value.split(' ').join('_').toLowerCase();
+                    project['archive_subdirectory'] = `${directory}/`;
+                }
+                project[key] = value;
+                break;
+            }
             default: {
                 project[key] = value;
-        this.setState({project: project, validForm: this.validateForm(key)});
+        let validForm = this.validateForm(key);
+        if (type==='PROJECT_NAME' & value!=="") {
+            validForm = this.validateForm('archive_subdirectory');
+        }
+        this.setState({project: project, validForm: validForm});
@@ -314,7 +349,9 @@ export class ProjectCreate extends Component {
                     description: '',
                     trigger_priority: 1000,
                     priority_rank: null,
-                    quota: []
+                    quota: [],
+                    archive_location: null,
+                    archive_subdirectory:""
                 projectQuota: projectQuota,
                 validFields: {},
@@ -333,21 +370,9 @@ export class ProjectCreate extends Component {
         if (this.state.redirect) {
             return <Redirect to={ {pathname: this.state.redirect} }></Redirect>
         return (
                 <Growl ref={(el) => this.growl = el} />
-                { /* <div className="p-grid">
-                    <div className="p-col-10 p-lg-10 p-md-10">
-                        <h2>Project - Add</h2>
-                    </div>
-                    <div className="p-col-2 p-lg-2 p-md-2">
-                        <Link to={{ pathname: '/project'}} tite="Close Edit" style={{float: "right"}}>
-                            <i className="fa fa-window-close" style={{marginTop: "10px"}}></i>
-                        </Link>
-                    </div>
-                 </div> */ }
                  <PageHeader location={this.props.location} title={'Project - Add'} actions={[{icon:'fa-window-close',title:'Click to Close Project', props:{ pathname: '/project'}}]}/>
                 { this.state.isLoading ? <AppLoader /> :
@@ -365,8 +390,8 @@ export class ProjectCreate extends Component {
                                 <InputText className={this.state.errors.name ?'input-error':''} id="projectName" data-testid="name" 
                                             tooltip="Enter name of the project" tooltipOptions={this.tooltipOptions} maxLength="128"
-                                            onChange={(e) => this.setProjectParams('name', e.target.value)}
-                                            onBlur={(e) => this.setProjectParams('name', e.target.value)}/>
+                                            onChange={(e) => this.setProjectParams('name', e.target.value,'PROJECT_NAME')}
+                                            onBlur={(e) => this.setProjectParams('name', e.target.value,'PROJECT_NAME')}/>
                                 <label className={this.state.errors.name?"error":"info"}>
                                     {this.state.errors.name ? this.state.errors.name : "Max 128 characters"}
@@ -451,9 +476,34 @@ export class ProjectCreate extends Component {
                                     {this.state.errors.priority_rank ? this.state.errors.priority_rank : ""}
-                        </div>
-                        {this.defaultResourcesEnabled && this.state.resourceList &&
+                            </div>
+                            <div className="p-field p-grid">
+                            <label htmlFor="ltaStorage" className="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-12">LTA Storage Location</label>
+                                <div className="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-12" >
+                                    <Dropdown inputId="ltaStore"
+                                            optionValue="url"
+                                            tooltip="LTA Storage" tooltipOptions={this.tooltipOptions}
+                                            value={this.state.project.archive_location}
+                                            options={this.state.ltaStorage}
+                                            onChange={(e) => this.setProjectParams('archive_location', e.target.value)}
+                                            placeholder="Select LTA Storage" />
+                                </div>
+                            <div className="col-lg-1 col-md-1 col-sm-12"></div>
+                            <label htmlFor="ltastoragepath" className="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-12">LTA Storage Path <span style={{color:'red'}}>*</span> </label>
+                                <div className="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-12">
+                                    <InputText  className={this.state.errors.archive_subdirectory ?'input-error':''} id="StoragePath" data-testid="name" 
+                                                tooltip="Enter storage relative path" tooltipOptions={this.tooltipOptions} maxLength="1024"
+                                                value={this.state.project.archive_subdirectory} 
+                                                onChange={(e) => this.setProjectParams('archive_subdirectory', e.target.value)}
+                                                onBlur={(e) => this.setProjectParams('archive_subdirectory', e.target.value,'SUB-DIRECTORY')}/>
+                                    <label className={this.state.errors.archive_subdirectory ?"error":"info"}>
+                                        {this.state.errors.archive_subdirectory ? this.state.errors.archive_subdirectory : "Max 1024 characters"}
+                                    </label>
+                            </div>
+                            </div>
+                            {this.defaultResourcesEnabled && this.state.resourceList &&
                             <div className="p-fluid">
                                 <div className="p-field p-grid">
                                     <div className="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-112">
@@ -511,8 +561,7 @@ export class ProjectCreate extends Component {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/edit.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/edit.js
index a1f48c927de8d73a0acbd2090c0892ad09ed6896..bf0a21d382e7be73d805b87a545f74b008007e77 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/edit.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/edit.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import {Dropdown} from 'primereact/dropdown';
 import {MultiSelect} from 'primereact/multiselect';
 import { Button } from 'primereact/button';
 import {Dialog} from 'primereact/components/dialog/Dialog';
-//import {Growl} from 'primereact/components/growl/Growl';
+import {Growl} from 'primereact/components/growl/Growl';
 import {ResourceInputList} from './ResourceInputList';
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export class ProjectEdit extends Component {
         this.state = {
             isLoading: true,
+            ltaStorage: [],
             dialog: { header: '', detail: ''},
             project: {
                 trigger_priority: 1000,
@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ export class ProjectEdit extends Component {
         this.formRules = {
             name: {required: true, message: "Name can not be empty"},
             description: {required: true, message: "Description can not be empty"},
-            priority_rank: {required: true, message: "Enter Project Rank"}
+            priority_rank: {required: true, message: "Enter Project Rank"},
+            archive_subdirectory: {required:true, message: "Enter Storage Path"}
         this.defaultResources = [{name:'LOFAR Observing Time'}, 
                                     {name:'LOFAR Observing Time prio A'}, 
@@ -90,6 +92,18 @@ export class ProjectEdit extends Component {
             .then(categories => {
                 this.setState({periodCategories: categories});
+        Promise.all([ProjectService.getFileSystem(),  ProjectService.getCluster()]).then(response => {
+            const options = [];
+            response[0].map(fileSystem => {
+                const cluster =  response[1].filter(clusterObj => clusterObj.id === fileSystem.cluster_id && clusterObj.archive_site);
+                if (cluster.length) {
+                    fileSystem.label =`${cluster[0].name} - ${fileSystem.name}`
+                    options.push(fileSystem);
+                }
+                return fileSystem;
+            });
+            this.setState({archive_location: response[0], ltaStorage: options, cluster: response[1] });
+        });
             .then(resourceList => {
                 this.setState({resourceList: resourceList});
@@ -193,12 +207,31 @@ export class ProjectEdit extends Component {
                 project[key] = value?parseInt(value):0;
+            case 'SUB-DIRECTORY': {
+                const directory = value.split(' ').join('_').toLowerCase();
+                project[key] = (directory!=="" && !directory.endsWith('/'))? `${directory}/`: `${directory}`;
+                break;
+            }
+            case 'PROJECT_NAME': {
+                let directory = project[key]?project[key].split(' ').join('_').toLowerCase():"";
+                if (!project['archive_subdirectory'] || project['archive_subdirectory'] === "" ||
+                     project['archive_subdirectory'] === `${directory}/`) {
+                    directory = value.split(' ').join('_').toLowerCase();
+                    project['archive_subdirectory'] = `${directory}/`;
+                }
+                project[key] = value;
+                break;
+            }
             default: {
                 project[key] = value;
-        this.setState({project: project, validForm: this.validateForm(key)});
+        let validForm = this.validateForm(key);
+        if (type==='PROJECT_NAME' & value!=="") {
+            validForm = this.validateForm('archive_subdirectory');
+        }
+        this.setState({project: project, validForm: validForm});
@@ -277,7 +310,9 @@ export class ProjectEdit extends Component {
     saveProject() {
         if (this.validateForm) {
-            ProjectService.updateProject(this.props.match.params.id, this.state.project)
+            const project = { ...this.state.project };
+            // project['archive_subdirectory'] = (project['archive_subdirectory'].substr(-1) === '/' ? project['archive_subdirectory'] : `${project['archive_subdirectory']}/`).toLowerCase();
+            ProjectService.updateProject(this.props.match.params.id, project)
                 .then(async (project) => { 
                     if (project && this.state.project.updated_at !== project.updated_at) {
@@ -357,18 +392,7 @@ export class ProjectEdit extends Component {
         return (
-                {/*} <div className="p-grid">
-                    <Growl ref={(el) => this.growl = el} />
-                    <div className="p-col-10 p-lg-10 p-md-10">
-                        <h2>Project - Edit</h2>
-                    </div>
-                    <div className="p-col-2 p-lg-2 p-md-2">
-                        <Link to={{ pathname: `/project/view/${this.state.project.name}`}} title="Close Edit" style={{float: "right"}}>
-                            <i className="fa fa-window-close" style={{marginTop: "10px"}}></i>
-                        </Link>
-                    </div>
-                  </div> */}
+               <Growl ref={(el) => this.growl = el} />
                  <PageHeader location={this.props.location} title={'Project - Edit'} actions={[{icon:'fa-window-close',title:'Click to Close Project Edit Page', props : { pathname: `/project/view/${this.state.project.name}`}}]}/>
                 { this.state.isLoading ? <AppLoader/> :
@@ -381,8 +405,8 @@ export class ProjectEdit extends Component {
                                 <InputText className={this.state.errors.name ?'input-error':''} id="projectName" data-testid="name"
                                             tooltip="Enter name of the project" tooltipOptions={this.tooltipOptions} maxLength="128"
-                                            onChange={(e) => this.setProjectParams('name', e.target.value)}
-                                            onBlur={(e) => this.setProjectParams('name', e.target.value)}/>
+                                            onChange={(e) => this.setProjectParams('name', e.target.value, 'PROJECT_NAME')}
+                                            onBlur={(e) => this.setProjectParams('name', e.target.value, 'PROJECT_NAME')}/>
                                 <label className={this.state.errors.name?"error":"info"}>
                                     {this.state.errors.name ? this.state.errors.name : "Max 128 characters"}
@@ -468,6 +492,30 @@ export class ProjectEdit extends Component {
+                        <div className="p-field p-grid">
+                            <label htmlFor="ltaStorage" className="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-12">LTA Storage Location</label>
+                                <div className="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-12" >
+                                    <Dropdown inputId="ltaStore" optionValue="url" 
+                                            tooltip="LTA Storage" tooltipOptions={this.tooltipOptions}
+                                            value={this.state.project.archive_location}
+                                            options={this.state.ltaStorage}
+                                            onChange={(e) => {this.setProjectParams('archive_location', e.value)}} 
+                                            placeholder="Select LTA Storage" />
+                                </div>
+                            <div className="col-lg-1 col-md-1 col-sm-12"></div>
+                            <label htmlFor="ltastoragepath" className="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-12">LTA Storage Path <span style={{color:'red'}}>*</span> </label>
+                                <div className="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-12">
+                                    <InputText className={this.state.errors.archive_subdirectory ?'input-error':''} id="StoragePath" data-testid="name" 
+                                                tooltip="Enter storage relative path" tooltipOptions={this.tooltipOptions} maxLength="1024"
+                                                value={this.state.project.archive_subdirectory} 
+                                                onChange={(e) => this.setProjectParams('archive_subdirectory', e.target.value)}
+                                                onBlur={(e) => this.setProjectParams('archive_subdirectory', e.target.value,'SUB-DIRECTORY')}/>
+                                    <label className={this.state.errors.archive_subdirectory?"error":"info"}>
+                                        {this.state.errors.archive_subdirectory? this.state.errors.archive_subdirectory : "Max 1024 characters"}
+                                    </label>
+                           </div>
+                        </div>
                         {this.state.resourceList &&
                             <div className="p-fluid">
                                 <div className="p-field p-grid">
@@ -531,4 +579,4 @@ export class ProjectEdit extends Component {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/list.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/list.js
index 2d64cfce1891e9da59223f0c45832cd087ca5b49..2072bf74706c387a9b84682cd48ed59cb53850a8 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/list.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/list.js
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ export class ProjectList extends Component{
                 "name":"Name / Project Code",
                 "status":"Status" , 
                 "project_category_value":"Category of Project",
-                "description":"Description"
+                "description":"Description",
+                "archive_location_label":"LTA Storage Location",
+                "archive_subdirectory":"LTA Storage Path"
             optionalcolumns:  [{
                 "priority_rank":"Project Priority", 
@@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ export class ProjectList extends Component{
                 "LTA Storage":"LTA storage (TB)",
                 "Number of triggers":"Number of Triggers",
             columnclassname: [{
                 "Observing time (Hrs)":"filter-input-50",
@@ -43,22 +46,43 @@ export class ProjectList extends Component{
                 "Trigger Priority":"filter-input-50",
                 "Category of Period":"filter-input-50",
+               "LTA Storage Location":"filter-input-100",
+                "LTA Storage Path":"filter-input-100"
             defaultSortColumn: [{id: "Name / Project Code", desc: false}],
             isprocessed: false,
             isLoading: true
+        this.getPopulatedProjectList = this.getPopulatedProjectList.bind(this);
-    getProjectList(cycleid){
-        CycleService.getProjectsByCycle(cycleid)
-        .then(async (projects) => {
-             await ProjectService.getUpdatedProjectQuota(projects)
-             .then( async projectlist => {
-                this.setState({
-                    projectlist: projectlist,
-                    isprocessed: true,
-                    isLoading: false
-                })
+    getPopulatedProjectList(cycleId) {
+        Promise.all([ProjectService.getFileSystem(), ProjectService.getCluster()]).then(async(response) => {
+            const options = {};
+            response[0].map(fileSystem => {
+                const cluster =  response[1].filter(clusterObj => { return (clusterObj.id === fileSystem.cluster_id && clusterObj.archive_site);});
+                if (cluster.length) {
+                    fileSystem.label =`${cluster[0].name} - ${fileSystem.name}`
+                    options[fileSystem.url] = fileSystem;
+                }
+                return fileSystem;
+            });
+            let projects = [];
+            if (cycleId) {
+                projects = await CycleService.getProjectsByCycle(cycleId);
+            }   else {
+                projects = await ProjectService.getProjectList();
+            }
+            projects = await ProjectService.getUpdatedProjectQuota(projects);
+            let list = projects.map(project => {
+                project.archive_location_label = (options[project.archive_location] || {}).label;
+                return project;
+            });
+            this.setState({
+                projectlist: list,
+                isprocessed: true,
+                isLoading: false,
+                ltaStorage: options
@@ -66,23 +90,7 @@ export class ProjectList extends Component{
         // Show Project for the Cycle, This request will be coming from Cycle View. Otherwise it is consider as normal Project List.
         let cycle = this.props.cycle;
-        if(cycle){
-            this.getProjectList(cycle);
-        }else{
-             // for Unit test, Table data
-            this.unittestDataProvider();
-            ProjectService.getProjectList()
-            .then(async (projects) => {
-                await ProjectService.getUpdatedProjectQuota(projects)
-                .then( async projlist => {
-                    this.setState({
-                        projectlist: projlist,
-                        isprocessed: true,
-                        isLoading: false
-                    })
-                })
-            });
-        }
+        this.getPopulatedProjectList(cycle);
@@ -155,4 +163,3 @@ export class ProjectList extends Component{
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/view.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/view.js
index dbea143e575af3d136dfed6a2e2146741e628bd4..9498a81b929948705bc5c2eb31ae36d6750916b9 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/view.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Project/view.js
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import { Chips } from 'primereact/chips';
 import { TieredMenu } from 'primereact/tieredmenu';
 import ResourceDisplayList from './ResourceDisplayList';
 import AppLoader from '../../layout/components/AppLoader';
 import PageHeader from '../../layout/components/PageHeader';
 import ProjectService from '../../services/project.service';
@@ -21,6 +20,7 @@ export class ProjectView extends Component {
     constructor(props) {
         this.state = {
+            ltaStorage: [],
             isLoading: true,
@@ -45,6 +45,17 @@ export class ProjectView extends Component {
         }   else {
             this.setState({redirect: "/not-found"});
+        Promise.all([ProjectService.getFileSystem(), ProjectService.getCluster()]).then(response => {
+            const options = {};
+            response[0].map(fileSystem => {
+                const cluster =  response[1].filter(clusterObj => clusterObj.id === fileSystem.cluster_id && clusterObj.archive_site);
+                if (cluster.length) {
+                    options[fileSystem.url] = `${cluster[0].name} - ${fileSystem.name}`
+                }
+                return fileSystem;
+            });
+            this.setState({archive_location: response[0], ltaStorage: options, cluster: response[1] });
+        });
@@ -100,28 +111,6 @@ export class ProjectView extends Component {
         return (
-                { /*}  <div className="p-grid">
-                    <div className="p-col-10 p-lg-10 p-md-10">
-                        <h2>Project - Details </h2>
-                    </div>
-                    { this.state.project &&
-                    <div className="p-col-2 p-lg-2 p-md-2">
-                        <Link to={{ pathname: `/project`}} title="Close View" style={{float: "right"}}>
-                            <i className="fa fa-times" style={{marginTop: "10px", marginLeft: "5px"}}></i>
-                        </Link>
-                        <Link to={{ pathname: `/project/edit/${this.state.project.name}`, state: {id: this.state.project?this.state.project.name:''}}} title="Edit Project" 
-                                 style={{float: "right"}}>
-                            <i className="fa fa-edit" style={{marginTop: "10px", marginLeft: "5px"}}></i>
-                        </Link>
-                        <TieredMenu model={this.menuOptions} popup ref={el => this.optionsMenu = el} />
-                        <button className="p-link" style={{float: "right"}}>
-                            <i className="fa fa-bars" label="Toggle Columns" style={{marginTop: "10px", marginLeft: "5px"}} 
-                                onMouseOver={(e) => this.optionsMenu.toggle(e)} />
-                        </button>
-                    </div>
-                    }
-                </div> */}
                 <TieredMenu model={this.menuOptions} popup ref={el => this.optionsMenu = el} />
                 <PageHeader location={this.props.location} title={'Project - View'} 
                             actions={[  {icon:'fa-bars',title: '', type:'button',
@@ -166,6 +155,12 @@ export class ProjectView extends Component {
                                 <label className="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-12">Project Rank</label>
                                 <span className="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12">{this.state.project.priority_rank}</span>
+                            <div className="p-grid">
+                                <label className="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-12">LTA Storage Location</label>
+                                <span className="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12">{this.state.ltaStorage[this.state.project.archive_location]}</span>
+                                <label className="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-12">LTA Storage Path</label>
+                                <span className="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12">{this.state.project.archive_subdirectory	}</span>
+                            </div>
                             <div className="p-fluid">
                                 <div className="p-field p-grid">
                                     <div className="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-12">
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/project.service.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/project.service.js
index 18598cc1c90e304931d4f4e55c1a4c39a4d6c69e..76ccb93de8442f9ea043f0d41f142f3a95b7e3c2 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/project.service.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/project.service.js
@@ -25,6 +25,24 @@ const ProjectService = {
+    getFileSystem: async function(){
+      try {
+        const url = `/api/filesystem/`;
+        const response = await axios.get(url);
+        return response.data.results;
+      } catch (error) {
+        console.error(error);
+      } 
+      },
+    getCluster:async function(){
+     try {
+        const url = `/api/cluster/`;
+        const response = await axios.get(url);
+        return response.data.results;
+      } catch (error) {
+        console.error(error);
+      } 
+    },
     getResources: async function() {
         try {
             // const url = `/api/resource_type/?ordering=name`;
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/project.services.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/project.services.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77483cb57de2f45e0c8c304c69c03a3146da534c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/project.services.js
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import _ from 'lodash';
+const axios = require('axios');
+// axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://localhost:3000/api';
+const ProjectServices = {
+    getFileSystem: async function(){
+        try {
+          const url = `/filesystem/`;
+          const response = await axios.get(url);
+          return [
+            {
+                  "id": 1,
+                  "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/filesystem/1",
+                  "capacity": 3600000000000000,
+                  "cluster": "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/1",
+                  "cluster_id": 1,
+                  "created_at": "2020-08-26T08:40:24.880194",
+                  "description": "",
+                  "name": "LustreFS",
+                  "tags": [],
+                  "updated_at": "2020-08-26T08:40:24.880239"
+                },
+                {
+                  "id": 2,
+                  "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/filesystem/2",
+                  "capacity": 360000000000000,
+                  "cluster": "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/1",
+                  "cluster_id": 1,
+                  "created_at": "2020-08-26T13:06:20.442543",
+                  "description": "new storage",
+                  "name": "Lofar Storage (SARA)",
+                  "tags": [],
+                  "updated_at": "2020-08-26T13:06:20.442591"
+                },
+                {
+                  "id": 3,
+                  "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/filesystem/3",
+                  "capacity": 360000000000000,
+                  "cluster": "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/1",
+                  "cluster_id": 1,
+                  "created_at": "2020-08-26T13:06:21.060517",
+                  "description": "new storage",
+                  "name": "Lofar Test Storage (SARA)",
+                  "tags": [],
+                  "updated_at": "2020-08-26T13:06:21.060545"
+                },
+                {
+                  "id": 4,
+                  "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/filesystem/4",
+                  "capacity": 360000000000000,
+                  "cluster": "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/1",
+                  "cluster_id": 1,
+                  "created_at": "2020-08-26T13:06:22.776714",
+                  "description": "new storage",
+                  "name": "Sara",
+                  "tags": [],
+                  "updated_at": "2020-08-26T13:06:22.776760"
+                },
+                {
+                  "id": 5,
+                  "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/filesystem/5",
+                  "capacity": 360000000000000,
+                  "cluster": "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/1",
+                  "cluster_id": 1,
+                  "created_at": "2020-08-26T13:12:22.651907",
+                  "description": "new storage",
+                  "name": "Lofar Storage (Jülich)",
+                  "tags": [],
+                  "updated_at": "2020-08-26T13:12:22.651953"
+                },
+                {
+                  "id": 6,
+                  "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/filesystem/6",
+                  "capacity": 360000000000000,
+                  "cluster": "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/1",
+                  "cluster_id": 1,
+                  "created_at": "2020-08-26T13:12:24.505652",
+                  "description": "new storage",
+                  "name": "Lofar User Disk Storage (SARA)",
+                  "tags": [],
+                  "updated_at": "2020-08-26T13:12:24.505701"
+                },
+                {
+                  "id": 7,
+                  "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/filesystem/1",
+                  "capacity": 360000000000000,
+                  "cluster": "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/3",
+                  "cluster_id": 3,
+                  "created_at": "2020-08-26T13:12:24.505652",
+                  "description": "new storage",
+                  "name": "Lofar Storage (Poznan)",
+                  "tags": [],
+                  "updated_at": "2020-08-26T13:12:24.505701"
+                },
+                {
+                  "id": 8,
+                  "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/filesystem/1",
+                  "capacity": 360000000000000,
+                  "cluster": "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/3",
+                  "cluster_id": 3,
+                  "created_at": "2020-08-26T13:12:24.505652",
+                  "description": "new storage",
+                  "name": "Lofar (Poznan)",
+                  "tags": [],
+                  "updated_at": "2020-08-26T13:12:24.505701"
+                }
+              ];
+        } catch (error) {
+          console.error(error);
+        } 
+        },
+      getCluster:async function(){
+       try {
+          const url = `/cluster/`;
+          const response = await axios.get(url);
+         // return response.data.results;
+          return [{
+            "id": 1,
+            "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/1",
+            "created_at": "2020-08-26T08:40:24.876529",
+            "description": "",
+            "location": "CIT",
+            "name": "CEP4",
+            "tags": [],
+            "archieve_site":false,
+            "updated_at": "2020-08-26T08:40:24.876560"
+          },
+          {
+            "id": 2,
+            "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/2",
+            "created_at": "2020-08-26T08:40:24.876529",
+            "description": "",
+            "location": "CSK",
+            "name": "CEP4",
+            "tags": [],
+            "archieve_site":false,
+            "updated_at": "2020-08-26T08:40:24.876560"
+          },
+          {
+            "id": 3,
+            "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/3",
+            "created_at": "2020-08-26T08:40:24.876529",
+            "description": "",
+            "location": "CSK",
+            "name": "ABC",
+            "tags": [],
+            "archive_site":true,
+            "updated_at": "2020-08-26T08:40:24.876560"
+          }
+        ]
+        } catch (error) {
+          console.error(error);
+        } 
+      },
+export default ProjectServices;
\ No newline at end of file