diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/ViewSchedulingUnit.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/ViewSchedulingUnit.js
index 21f88be23f813b2b92eb559b6f8063f8d83242ef..385b4f931ba93f2dd5a5e4c207023a13d89b3b3a 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/ViewSchedulingUnit.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/ViewSchedulingUnit.js
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component {
                 "Linked Blueprint": "filter-input-50",
                 "Linked Draft": "filter-input-50"
-            obsTasks:[],
+            obsoleteTasks:[],
             stationGroup: [],
             dialog: { header: 'Confirm', detail: 'Do you want to create a Scheduling Unit Blueprint?' },
             dialogVisible: false,
@@ -195,10 +195,10 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component {
         this.statusUpdate = null;
         this.copyScheduleUnitID = null;
         this.pageUpdated = true;
-        this.confirmObsoletelTasks =  this.confirmObsoletelTasks.bind(this);
-        this.obsoleteTasks =  this.obsoleteTasks.bind(this);
-        this.getTaskObsoleteConfirmDialog =  this.getTaskObsoleteConfirmDialog.bind(this);
-        this.getTaskObsoleteStatus =  this.getTaskObsoleteStatus.bind(this);
+        this.confirmObsoleteTasks =  this.confirmObsoleteTasks.bind(this);
+        this.markObsoleteTasks =  this.markObsoleteTasks.bind(this);
+        this.getObsTaskConfirmDlgContent =  this.getObsTaskConfirmDlgContent.bind(this);
+        this.getObsTaskStatusContent =  this.getObsTaskStatusContent.bind(this);
         this.confirmDeleteTasks = this.confirmDeleteTasks.bind(this);
         this.confirmCancelTasks = this.confirmCancelTasks.bind(this);
         this.onRowSelection = this.onRowSelection.bind(this);
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component {
      * Callback function to close the dialog prompted.
     closeDialog() {
-        this.setState({ dialogVisible: false, cancelledTasks: [] , obsTasks: []});
+        this.setState({ dialogVisible: false, cancelledTasks: [] , obsoleteTasks: []});
     onRowSelection(selectedRows) {
@@ -1089,24 +1089,56 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component {
-    getTaskObsoleteConfirmDialog() {
-        let selectedTasks = [];
-        for (const obj of this.selectedRows) {           
-                selectedTasks.push({
-                    id: obj.id, suId: this.state.scheduleunit.id, suName: this.state.scheduleunit.name,
-                    taskId: obj.id, controlId: obj.subTaskID, taskName: obj.name, status: obj.status
-                });         
+    /**
+     * Content for Confirmation dialog to mark task as obsolete
+     */
+    getObsTaskConfirmDlgContent() {
+        const blueprintsWithObsolete = this.state.blueprintsWithObsolete;
+        const blueprintWithoutObsolete = _.difference(this.selectedRows, blueprintsWithObsolete);
+        let selectedTasksWithObsolete = [];
+        let selectedTasksWithoutObsolete = [];
+        for (const obj of blueprintsWithObsolete) {           
+            selectedTasksWithObsolete.push({
+                id: obj.id, suId: this.state.scheduleunit.id, suName: this.state.scheduleunit.name,
+                taskId: obj.id, controlId: obj.subTaskID, taskName: obj.name, status: obj.status
+            });       
+        }
+        for (const obj of blueprintWithoutObsolete) {           
+            selectedTasksWithoutObsolete.push({
+                id: obj.id, suId: this.state.scheduleunit.id, suName: this.state.scheduleunit.name,
+                taskId: obj.id, controlId: obj.subTaskID, taskName: obj.name, status: obj.status
+            });       
         return <>
-            <DataTable value={selectedTasks} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
-                <Column field="suId" header="Scheduling Unit Id"></Column>
-                <Column field="suName" header="Scheduling Unit Name"></Column>
-                <Column field="taskId" header="Task Id"></Column>
-                <Column field="controlId" header="Control Id"></Column>
-                <Column field="taskName" header="Task Name"></Column>
-                <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column>
-            </DataTable>
+            <div style={{marginTop: '1em'}}>
+                <b>Task(s) that can be marked as obsolete’ if task has null for obsolete_since.</b>
+                <p>Task(s) that are marked as obsolete will be ignored’. If you want to mark as obsolete for task(s) for which obsolete_since is null, click "Yes"</p>
+                {selectedTasksWithObsolete.length>0 &&
+                    <>
+                        <p>Selected Task (s) with Obsolete are listed below</p>
+                        <DataTable value={selectedTasksWithObsolete} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
+                            <Column field="suId" header="Scheduling Unit Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="suName" header="Scheduling Unit Name"></Column>
+                            <Column field="taskId" header="Task Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="controlId" header="Control Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="taskName" header="Task Name"></Column>
+                            <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column>
+                        </DataTable>
+                    </>}
+                {selectedTasksWithoutObsolete.length>0 &&
+                    <>
+                        <p>Selected Task (s) without Obsolete are listed below</p>
+                        <DataTable value={selectedTasksWithoutObsolete} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
+                            <Column field="suId" header="Scheduling Unit Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="suName" header="Scheduling Unit Name"></Column>
+                            <Column field="taskId" header="Task Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="controlId" header="Control Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="taskName" header="Task Name"></Column>
+                            <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column>
+                        </DataTable>
+                    </>}
+            </div>
@@ -1126,20 +1158,33 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component {
-    getTaskObsoleteStatus() {
-        let obsTasks = this.state.obsTasks;
+    /**
+     * Content to show status of marking task as obsolete
+     */
+    getObsTaskStatusContent() {
+        let obsoleteTasks = this.state.obsoleteTasks;
         return <>
-            <DataTable value={obsTasks} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
+            <DataTable value={obsoleteTasks} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
                 <Column field="suId" header="Scheduling Unit Id"></Column>
                 <Column field="suName" header="Scheduling Unit Name"></Column>
                 <Column field="taskId" header="Task Id"></Column>
                 <Column field="controlId" header="Control Id"></Column>
                 <Column field="taskName" header="Task Name"></Column>
                 <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column>
+                <Column field="actionStatus" header="Action Status"></Column>
+    /**
+     * To check is selected tasks are marked as obsolete or not
+     * @param {Array} selectedBlueprints 
+     * @returns Array - List of tasks which have obsolete_since as null
+     */
+    checkObsolete(selectedBlueprints) {
+        const blueprintsWithObsolete = selectedBlueprints.filter(task => {
+            return task.obsolete_since !== null}); 
+        return blueprintsWithObsolete;
+    }
      * Function to get confirmation before cancelling all selected task blueprints if the task status is 
@@ -1168,34 +1213,47 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component {
             this.setState({ dialog: dialog, dialogVisible: true });
-    confirmObsoletelTasks() {
+    /**
+     * Function to get conirmation before marking task(s) as obsolete
+     */
+    confirmObsoleteTasks() {
         this.pageUpdated = false;
         let selectedBlueprints = this.selectedRows.filter(task => {
-                                        return task.tasktype === 'Blueprint'});
+            return task.tasktype === 'Blueprint'
+            });
+        const  blueprintsWithObsolete = this.checkObsolete(selectedBlueprints)
+        const blueprintWithoutObsolete = _.difference(selectedBlueprints, blueprintsWithObsolete);
         if (selectedBlueprints.length === 0) {
             appGrowl.show({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Select Row', 
-                            detail: 'Select atleast one obsolete Task Blueprint to cancel.' });
+            detail: 'Please select minimum one task to mark as obsolete' });
         } else {
+            if (blueprintWithoutObsolete.length === 0) {
+            appGrowl.show({ severity: 'warn', summary: 'Already marked as obsolete', 
+            detail: 'Selected task(s) are already marked as obsolete' });
+            }
+            else {
             let dialog = this.state.dialog;
             dialog.type = "confirmation";
-            dialog.header = "Confirm to Obsolete Task(s)";
-            dialog.actions = [{ id: 'yes', title: 'Yes', callback: this.obsoleteTasks },
+            dialog.header = "Confirm to mark task(s) as obsolete";
+            dialog.actions = [{ id: 'yes', title: 'Yes', callback: this.markObsoleteTasks },
                                 { id: 'no', title: 'No', callback: this.closeDialog }];
-            dialog.detail = "Obsolete tasks will not be copied and dataproducts will not be used for pipelines and ingest. Are you sure you want to make the task obsolete?";
-            dialog.content = this.getTaskObsoleteConfirmDialog;
-            dialog.submit = this.obsoleteTasks;
+            dialog.detail = "Warning: Obsolete task(s) will not be copied and dataproducts will not be used for pipelines and ingest. Are you sure you want to make the task(s) obsolete?";
+            dialog.content = this.getObsTaskConfirmDlgContent;
+            dialog.submit = this.markObsoleteTasks;
             dialog.width = '55vw';
             dialog.showIcon = false;
-            this.setState({ dialog: dialog, dialogVisible: true });
+            this.setState({ dialog: dialog, dialogVisible: true, blueprintsWithObsolete: blueprintsWithObsolete});
+            }
-     async obsoleteTasks() {
+    /**
+     * Function to mark task(s) as obsolete as show the status after completion
+     */
+     async markObsoleteTasks() {
         let schedulingUnitTasks = this.state.schedulingUnitTasks;
-        let selectedBlueprints = this.selectedRows.filter(task => {return task.tasktype === 'Blueprint'});
+        const blueprintWithoutObsolete = _.difference(this.selectedRows, this.state.blueprintsWithObsolete);
         let obsoleteTask = []
-        for (const selectedTask of selectedBlueprints) {           
+        for (const selectedTask of blueprintWithoutObsolete) {           
                 const obsTask = await TaskService.obsoleteTask(selectedTask.id);
                 let task = _.find(schedulingUnitTasks, {'id': selectedTask.id, tasktype: 'Blueprint'});
                 if (obsTask) {
@@ -1204,7 +1262,8 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component {
                     id: task.id, suId: this.state.scheduleunit.id, suName: this.state.scheduleunit.name,
                     taskId: task.id, controlId: task.subTaskID, taskName: task.name, 
-                    status: task.status.toLowerCase()==='obsolete'?'Obsolete': task.status
+                    status: task.status.toLowerCase()==='obsolete'?'Obsolete': task.status,
+                    actionStatus: obsTask?'Success': 'Failed'
@@ -1213,12 +1272,12 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component {
         dialog.header = "Obsolete Task(s) Status";
         dialog.actions = [{ id: 'no', title: 'Ok', callback: this.closeDialog }];
         dialog.detail = ""
-        dialog.content = this.getTaskObsoleteStatus;
+        dialog.content = this.getObsTaskStatusContent;
         dialog.submit = this.closeDialog;
         dialog.width = '55vw';
         dialog.showIcon = false;
         this.selectedRows = [];
-        this.setState({ schedulingUnitTasks: schedulingUnitTasks, obsTasks: obsoleteTask, dialog: dialog, dialogVisible: true });
+        this.setState({ schedulingUnitTasks: schedulingUnitTasks, obsoleteTasks: obsoleteTask, dialog: dialog, dialogVisible: true });
@@ -1510,10 +1569,6 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component {
                         <span className="p-float-label">
                             {this.state.schedulingUnitTasks && this.state.schedulingUnitTasks.length > 0 &&
-                                 <button className="p-link" href="#" onClick={this.confirmObsoletelTasks} 
-                                        title="Obsolete">
-                                            <i class="fa fa-bullseye" aria-hidden="true" ></i>
-                                        </button>
                                     {this.props.match.params.type === 'draft' &&
                                         <button className="p-link" href="#" onClick={this.confirmCancelTasks} 
@@ -1528,10 +1583,14 @@ class ViewSchedulingUnit extends Component {
                                     {this.props.match.params.type === 'blueprint' &&
-                                        <a href="#" onClick={this.confirmCancelTasks} 
+                                        <a href="#" onClick={this.confirmCancelTasks} style={{ marginLeft: '8px'}}
                                             title={userPermissions.task_blueprint.canceltask?"Cancel selected Task(s)": `${this.access_denied_message} to cancel Task(s)`}>
                                             <i class={userPermissions.task_blueprint.canceltask?"fa fa-ban":"fa fa-ban fa-disabled"} aria-hidden="true" ></i></a>
-                                        <a href="#" style={{ pointerEvents: this.props.disabled ? 'none' : 'auto' }}onClick={this.confirmDeleteTasks} 
+                                        <a className="p-link" style={{ marginLeft: '8px'}} href="#" onClick={this.confirmObsoleteTasks} 
+                                           title={userPermissions.task.edit?"Mark as Obsolete": `${this.access_denied_message}`}>
+                                            <i class={userPermissions.task.edit?"fa fa-bullseye":"fa fa-bullseye fa-disabled"} aria-hidden="true" ></i>
+                                        </a>
+                                        <a href="#" style={{ pointerEvents: this.props.disabled ? 'none' : 'auto', marginLeft: '8px' }} onClick={this.confirmDeleteTasks} 
                                             title={userPermissions.task.delete?"Delete selected Task(s)": `${this.access_denied_message} to delete Task(s)`} >
                                             <i class={userPermissions.task.delete?"fa fa-trash":"fa fa-trash fa-disabled"}  aria-hidden="true" ></i></a>
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Task/list.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Task/list.js
index 5ae83e21d7ad3cafbe319302397fbee516072250..f203225cd178eb8b626187bbfe3d3844b42a1802 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Task/list.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Task/list.js
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
             taskType: this.taskUIAttr['listType'] || 'Draft',
             isLoading: true,
             tasks: [],
-            obsTasks: [],
+            obsoleteTasks: [],
             paths: [{
                 "View": "/task",
@@ -223,19 +223,19 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
         this.lsKeySortColumn = "Task_"+this.state.taskType+"_SortData";
         this.selectedRows = [];
         this.subtaskTemplates = [];
-        this.getTaskObsoleteConfirmContent= this.getTaskObsoleteConfirmContent.bind(this);
-        this.obsoleteTask = this.obsoleteTask.bind(this);
+        this.getObsTaskConfirmDlgContent= this.getObsTaskConfirmDlgContent.bind(this);
+        this.markObsoleteTasks = this.markObsoleteTasks.bind(this);
         this.getTaskobsStatusContent =this.getTaskobsStatusContent.bind(this);  
         this.confirmDeleteTasks = this.confirmDeleteTasks.bind(this);
         this.confirmCancelTasks = this.confirmCancelTasks.bind(this);
-        this.confirmObsolete = this.confirmObsolete.bind(this);
+        this.confirmObsoleteTasks = this.confirmObsoleteTasks.bind(this);
         this.onRowSelection = this.onRowSelection.bind(this);
         this.deleteTasks = this.deleteTasks.bind(this);
         this.cancelTasks = this.cancelTasks.bind(this);
         this.closeDialog = this.closeDialog.bind(this);
         this.getTaskDeleteDialogContent = this.getTaskDeleteDialogContent.bind(this);
         this.getTaskCancelConfirmContent = this.getTaskCancelConfirmContent.bind(this);
-        this.getTaskCancelStatusContent = this.getTaskCancelStatusContent.bind(this);
+        this.getObsTaskStatusContent = this.getObsTaskStatusContent.bind(this);
         this.changeTaskType = this.changeTaskType.bind(this);
         this.fetchTableData = this.fetchTableData.bind(this);
         this.getFilterOptions = this.getFilterOptions.bind(this);
@@ -348,9 +348,7 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
         this.subtaskTemplates = await TaskService.getSubtaskTemplates();
         let actions = [];
         if(this.state.taskType === 'Draft'){
-            actions = [{icon: 'fa fa-bullseye', 
-            title:'Obsolete Tasks',
-            type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmObsolete }},{icon: 'fa fa-ban', 
+            actions = [{icon: 'fa fa-ban', 
                         title: task_draft.canceltask?'Cancel Task(s)': `${this.access_denied_message} to cancel Task(s)`,
                         disabled: task_draft.canceltask? !task_draft.canceltask: true,
                         type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmCancelTasks }},
@@ -361,13 +359,15 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
         else {
-            actions = [{icon: 'fa fa-bullseye', 
-            title:'Obsolete Tasks',
-            type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmObsolete }},{icon: 'fa fa-ban', 
-                        title: task_blueprint.canceltask?'Cancel Task(s)': `${this.access_denied_message} to cancel Task(s)`,
-                        disabled: task_blueprint.canceltask? !task_blueprint.canceltask: true,
-                        type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmCancelTasks }},
-                         {icon: 'fa fa-trash', 
+            actions = [ {icon: 'fa fa-bullseye', 
+                            title: task.edit?'Mark as Obsolete': `${this.access_denied_message}`,
+                            disabled: task.edit? !task.edit: true,
+                            type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmObsoleteTasks }},
+                        {icon: 'fa fa-ban', 
+                            title: task_blueprint.canceltask?'Cancel Task(s)': `${this.access_denied_message} to cancel Task(s)`,
+                            disabled: task_blueprint.canceltask? !task_blueprint.canceltask: true,
+                            type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmCancelTasks }},
+                        {icon: 'fa fa-trash', 
                             title: task.delete?'Delete Task(s)':`${this.access_denied_message} to delete Task(s)`,
                             disabled: task.delete? !task.delete: true,
                             type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmDeleteTasks }}
@@ -471,27 +471,57 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
-    getTaskObsoleteConfirmContent(){
-        let selectedTasks = [];
-        for (const obj of this.selectedRows) {           
-                selectedTasks.push({
+    /**
+     * Content for confirmation dialog before marking task as obsolete
+     */
+     getObsTaskConfirmDlgContent(){
+        const blueprintsWithObsolete = this.state.blueprintsWithObsolete;
+        const blueprintWithoutObsolete = _.difference(this.selectedRows, blueprintsWithObsolete);
+        let selectedTasksWithObsolete = [];
+        let selectedTasksWithoutObsolete = [];
+        for (const obj of blueprintsWithObsolete) {           
+                selectedTasksWithObsolete.push({
                     id: obj.id, suId: obj.schedulingUnitId, suName: obj.schedulingUnitName,
                     taskId: obj.id, controlId: obj.subTaskID, taskName: obj.name, status: obj.status
-    }
+        }
+        for (const obj of blueprintWithoutObsolete) {           
+            selectedTasksWithoutObsolete.push({
+                id: obj.id, suId: obj.schedulingUnitId, suName: obj.schedulingUnitName,
+                taskId: obj.id, controlId: obj.subTaskID, taskName: obj.name, status: obj.status
+            });       
+        }
         return <>
             <div style={{marginTop: '1em'}}>
-                <b>Task(s) that can be obsolete</b>
-                <DataTable value={selectedTasks} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
-                    <Column field="suId" header="Scheduling Unit Id"></Column>
-                    <Column field="suName" header="Scheduling Unit Name"></Column>
-                    <Column field="taskId" header="Task Id"></Column>
-                    <Column field="controlId" header="Control Id"></Column>
-                    <Column field="taskName" header="Task Name"></Column>
-                    <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column>
-                </DataTable>
+                <b>Task(s) that can be marked as obsolete’ if task has null for obsolete_since.</b>
+                <p>Task(s) that are marked as obsolete will be ignored’. If you want to mark as obsolete for task(s) for which obsolete_since is null, click "Yes"</p>
+                {selectedTasksWithObsolete.length>0 &&
+                    <>
+                        <p>Selected Task (s) with Obsolete are listed below</p>
+                        <DataTable value={selectedTasksWithObsolete} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
+                            <Column field="suId" header="Scheduling Unit Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="suName" header="Scheduling Unit Name"></Column>
+                            <Column field="taskId" header="Task Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="controlId" header="Control Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="taskName" header="Task Name"></Column>
+                            <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column>
+                        </DataTable>
+                    </>}
+                {selectedTasksWithoutObsolete.length>0 &&
+                    <>
+                        <p>Selected Task (s) without Obsolete are listed below</p>
+                        <DataTable value={selectedTasksWithoutObsolete} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
+                            <Column field="suId" header="Scheduling Unit Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="suName" header="Scheduling Unit Name"></Column>
+                            <Column field="taskId" header="Task Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="controlId" header="Control Id"></Column>
+                            <Column field="taskName" header="Task Name"></Column>
+                            <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column>
+                        </DataTable>
+                    </>}
@@ -546,7 +576,7 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
      * Prepare Task(s) details to show status of Task cancellationn
-    getTaskCancelStatusContent() {
+     getObsTaskStatusContent() {
         let cancelledTasks = this.state.cancelledTasks;
         return <>
             <DataTable value={cancelledTasks} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
@@ -559,17 +589,20 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
+    /**
+     * Content to show status after marking task as obsolete
+     */
     getTaskobsStatusContent() {
-        let obsTasks = this.state.obsTasks;
+        let obsoleteTasks = this.state.obsoleteTasks;
         return <>
-            <DataTable value={obsTasks} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
+            <DataTable value={obsoleteTasks} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
                 <Column field="suId" header="Scheduling Unit Id"></Column>
                 <Column field="suName" header="Scheduling Unit Name"></Column>
                 <Column field="taskId" header="Task Id"></Column>
                 <Column field="controlId" header="Control Id"></Column>
                 <Column field="taskName" header="Task Name"></Column>
                 <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column>
+                <Column field='actionstatus' header= "Action Status"></Column>
@@ -601,27 +634,37 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
             this.setState({ dialog: dialog, dialogVisible: true });
-    confirmObsolete() {
+    /**
+     * Function to show confirmation dialog before marking task as obsolete
+     */
+     confirmObsoleteTasks() {
         this.pageUpdated = false;
         let selectedBlueprints = this.selectedRows.filter(task => {
                                         return task.tasktype === 'Blueprint'
+        const  blueprintsWithObsolete = this.checkObsolete(selectedBlueprints)
+        const blueprintWithoutObsolete = _.difference(selectedBlueprints, blueprintsWithObsolete);
         if (selectedBlueprints.length === 0) {
             appGrowl.show({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Select Row', 
-                            detail: 'Select atleast one  Task Blueprint to obsolete.' });
+                            detail: 'Please select minimum one task to mark as obsolete' });
         } else {
+            if (blueprintWithoutObsolete.length === 0) {
+                appGrowl.show({ severity: 'warn', summary: 'Already marked as obsolete', 
+                            detail: 'Selected task(s) are already marked as obsolete' });
+            }
+            else {
             let dialog = this.state.dialog;
             dialog.type = "confirmation";
-            dialog.header = "Confirm to Obsolete Task(s)";
-            dialog.actions = [{ id: 'yes', title: 'Yes', callback: this.obsoleteTask },
+            dialog.header = "Confirm to mark task(s) as obsolete";
+            dialog.actions = [{ id: 'yes', title: 'Yes', callback: this.markObsoleteTasks },
                                 { id: 'no', title: 'No', callback: this.closeDialog }];
-            dialog.detail = "Obsolete tasks will not be copied and dataproducts will not be used for pipelines and ingest. Are you sure you want to make the task obsolete?";
-            dialog.content = this.getTaskObsoleteConfirmContent;
-            dialog.submit = this.obsoleteTask;
+            dialog.detail = "Warning: Obsolete task(s) will not be copied and dataproducts will not be used for pipelines and ingest. Are you sure you want to make the task(s) obsolete?";
+            dialog.content = this.getObsTaskConfirmDlgContent;
+            dialog.submit = this.markObsoleteTasks;
             dialog.width = '55vw';
             dialog.showIcon = false;
-            this.setState({ dialog: dialog, dialogVisible: true });
+            this.setState({ dialog: dialog, dialogVisible: true, blueprintsWithObsolete: blueprintsWithObsolete});
+            }
@@ -652,19 +695,21 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
         dialog.header = "Cancel Task(s) Status";
         dialog.actions = [{ id: 'no', title: 'Ok', callback: this.closeDialog }];
         dialog.detail = ""
-        dialog.content = this.getTaskCancelStatusContent;
+        dialog.content = this.getObsTaskStatusContent;
         dialog.submit = this.closeDialog;
         dialog.width = '55vw';
         dialog.showIcon = false;
         this.selectedRows = [];
         this.setState({ tasks: tasks, cancelledTasks: cancelledTasks, dialog: dialog, dialogVisible: true });
-    async obsoleteTask() {
+    /**
+     * Function to show status after marking task as osolete
+     */
+    async markObsoleteTasks() {
         let tasks = this.state.tasks;
-        let selectedBlueprints = this.selectedRows.filter(task => {return task.tasktype === 'Blueprint'});
+        const blueprintWithoutObsolete = _.difference(this.selectedRows, this.state.blueprintsWithObsolete);
         let obsoleteTasks = []
-        for (const selectedTask of selectedBlueprints) {       
+        for (const selectedTask of blueprintWithoutObsolete) {       
                 const obsTask = await TaskService.obsoleteTask(selectedTask.id);
                 let task = _.find(tasks, {'id': selectedTask.id, tasktype: 'Blueprint'});     
                 if (obsTask) {
@@ -673,13 +718,14 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
                     id: task.id, suId: task.schedulingUnitId, suName: task.schedulingUnitName,
                     taskId: task.id, controlId: task.subTaskID, taskName: task.name, 
-                    status: task.status.toLowerCase()==='obsolete'?'Obsolete':  task.status
+                    status: task.status.toLowerCase()==='obsolete'?'Obsolete':  task.status,
+                    actionstatus: obsTask?'Success': 'Failed'
         let dialog = this.state.dialog;
         dialog.type = "confirmation";
-        dialog.header = "Obsolete Task(s) Status";
+        dialog.header = "Mark task(s) as obsolete - Status";
         dialog.actions = [{ id: 'no', title: 'Ok', callback: this.closeDialog }];
         dialog.detail = ""
         dialog.content = this.getTaskobsStatusContent;
@@ -687,14 +733,24 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
         dialog.width = '55vw';
         dialog.showIcon = false;
         this.selectedRows = [];
-        this.setState({ tasks: tasks, obsTasks: obsoleteTasks, dialog: dialog, dialogVisible: true });
+        this.setState({ tasks: tasks, obsoleteTasks: obsoleteTasks, dialog: dialog, dialogVisible: true });
+    }
+    /**
+     * Function to check if task is marked as obsolete or not
+     * @param {Array} selectedBlueprints 
+     * @returns Array - List of tasks which are marked as obsolete
+     */
+    checkObsolete(selectedBlueprints) {
+        const blueprintsWithObsolete = selectedBlueprints.filter(task => {
+            return task.obsolete_since !== null}); 
+        return blueprintsWithObsolete;
      * Callback function to close the dialog prompted.
     closeDialog() {
-        this.setState({ dialogVisible: false, cancelledTasks: [], obsTasks:[] });
+        this.setState({ dialogVisible: false, cancelledTasks: [], obsoleteTasks:[] });
     onRowSelection(selectedRows) {
@@ -859,9 +915,7 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
             let actions = [];
             if(task_blueprint && task_draft){
             if(taskType === 'draft'){
-                actions = [{icon: 'fa fa-bullseye', 
-                title:'Obsolete Tasks',
-                type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmObsolete }},{icon: 'fa fa-ban', 
+                actions = [{icon: 'fa fa-ban', 
                             title: task_draft.canceltask?'Cancel Task(s)': `${this.access_denied_message} to cancel Task(s)`,
                             disabled: task_draft.canceltask? !task_draft.canceltask: true,
                             type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmCancelTasks }},
@@ -872,16 +926,18 @@ export class TaskList extends Component {
             else {
-                actions = [{icon: 'fa fa-bullseye', 
-                title:'Obsolete Tasks',
-                type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmObsolete }},{icon: 'fa fa-ban', 
+                actions = [{icon: 'fa fa-ban', 
                             title: task_blueprint.canceltask?'Cancel Task(s)': `${this.access_denied_message} to cancel Task(s)`,
                             disabled: task_blueprint.canceltask? !task_blueprint.canceltask: true,
                             type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmCancelTasks }},
-                                {icon: 'fa fa-trash', 
+                            {icon: 'fa fa-bullseye', 
+                                title: task.edit?'Mark as Obsolete': `${this.access_denied_message}`,
+                                disabled: task.edit? !task.edit: true,
+                                type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmObsoleteTasks }},
+                            {icon: 'fa fa-trash', 
                                 title: task.delete?'Delete Task(s)':`${this.access_denied_message} to delete Task(s)`,
                                 disabled: task.delete? !task.delete: true,
-                                type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmDeleteTasks }}
+                                type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.confirmDeleteTasks }},
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Task/view.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Task/view.js
index 5cf2d0ae9cb58ad8d1877888315a63bda490fee1..c8dee333f5f1ff56801a4de0ad7413c04408828f 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Task/view.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Task/view.js
@@ -114,12 +114,13 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
         this.showObsoleteConfirmation = this.showObsoleteConfirmation.bind(this);
         this.obsoleteTask = this.obsoleteTask.bind(this);
-        this.showSubTaskCancelConfirmation=this.showSubTaskCancelConfirmation.bind(this);
-        this.cancelSubTasks=this.cancelSubTasks.bind(this);
-        this.getSubTaskCancelConfirmContent = this.getSubTaskCancelConfirmContent.bind(this);
-        this.showSubTaskObsoleteConfirmation=this.showSubTaskObsoleteConfirmation.bind(this);
-        this.obsoleteSubTasks=this.obsoleteSubTasks.bind(this);
+        this.showSubtaskCancelConfirmation=this.showSubtaskCancelConfirmation.bind(this);
+        this.cancelSubtasks=this.cancelSubtasks.bind(this);
+        this.getSubtaskCancelConfirmContent = this.getSubtaskCancelConfirmContent.bind(this);
+        this.showSubtaskObsoleteConfirmation=this.showSubtaskObsoleteConfirmation.bind(this);
+        this.obsoleteSubtasks=this.obsoleteSubtasks.bind(this);
         this.getSubTaskObsoleteConfirmContent = this.getSubTaskObsoleteConfirmContent.bind(this);
+        this.getSubtaskobsStatusContent = this.getSubtaskobsStatusContent.bind(this);
         if (this.props.match.params.id) {
             this.state.taskId  = this.props.match.params.id;
@@ -143,7 +144,6 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
     onRowSelection(selectedRows) {
         this.selectedRows = selectedRows;
-        console.log(this.selectedRows);
     async componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
             subtaskRow['process_start_time']= subtask.process_start_time;
             subtaskRow['process_stop_time']= subtask.process_stop_time;
             subtaskRow['duration']= moment.utc((subtask.duration || 0) * 1000).format(UIConstants.CALENDAR_TIME_FORMAT);
+            subtaskRow['obsolete'] = subtask.obsolete_since
             subtaskRow['parset']=  `Parset`;
             subtaskRow['links'] = ['Link to Parset'];
             subtaskRow['linksURL'] = {
@@ -353,20 +354,27 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
         this.setState({ dialog: dialog, confirmDialogVisible: true });
+    /**
+     * Show confirmation before marking the task as obsolete
+     */
     showObsoleteConfirmation() {
         let dialog = this.state.dialog;
         dialog.type = "confirmation";
         dialog.header = "Confirm to Obsolete Task";
         dialog.actions = [{ id: 'yes', title: 'Yes', callback: this.obsoleteTask },
                             { id: 'no', title: 'No', callback: this.closeDialog }];       
-        dialog.detail = "Obsolete tasks will not be copied and dataproducts will not be used for pipelines and ingest. Are you sure you want to make the task obsolete?";       
+        dialog.detail = "Warning: Obsolete tasks will not be copied and dataproducts will not be used for pipelines and ingest. Are you sure you want to make the task obsolete?";       
+        dialog.content = '';
         dialog.submit = this.obsoleteTask;
         dialog.width = '40vw';
         dialog.showIcon = true;
         this.setState({ dialog: dialog, confirmDialogVisible: true });
-    getSubTaskCancelConfirmContent() {
+    /**
+     * Show confirmation dialog before marking subtask as obsolete
+     */
+    getSubtaskCancelConfirmContent() {
         let selectedTasks = [];
         for (const obj of this.selectedRows) {           
@@ -387,10 +395,21 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
+    /**
+     * Content for confirmation dialog to mark subtask as obsolete
+     */
     getSubTaskObsoleteConfirmContent() {
-        let selectedTasks = [];
-        for (const obj of this.selectedRows) {           
-            selectedTasks.push({
+        const subtaskWithObsolete = this.state.subtaskWithObsolete;
+        const subtaskWithoutObsolete = _.difference(this.selectedRows, subtaskWithObsolete);
+        let selectedSubtaskWithObsolete = [];
+        let selectedSubtasksWithoutObsolete = [];
+        for (const obj of subtaskWithObsolete) {           
+            selectedSubtaskWithObsolete.push({
+                    id: obj.id, type: obj.type, status: obj.status
+                });           
+        }
+        for (const obj of subtaskWithoutObsolete) {           
+            selectedSubtasksWithoutObsolete.push({
                     id: obj.id, type: obj.type, status: obj.status
@@ -398,23 +417,46 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
         return <>
             <div style={{marginTop: '1em'}}>
-                <b>SubTask(s) that can be obsolete</b>
-                <DataTable value={selectedTasks} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
+                <b>Sub Task(s) that can be marked as obsolete’ if task has null for obsolete_since.</b>
+                <p>Sub Task(s) that are marked as obsolete already will be ignored’ if task has value for obsolete_since.</p>
+                {selectedSubtaskWithObsolete.length>0 &&
+                <DataTable value={selectedSubtaskWithObsolete} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
+                    <Column field="id" header="Subtask Id"></Column>
+                    <Column field="type" header="Type"></Column>                  
+                    <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column>
+                </DataTable>}
+                {selectedSubtasksWithoutObsolete.length>0 &&
+                <DataTable value={selectedSubtasksWithoutObsolete} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
                     <Column field="id" header="Subtask Id"></Column>
                     <Column field="type" header="Type"></Column>                  
                     <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column>
+                </DataTable>}   
+            </div>
+            </>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Content for status dialog after marking subtask as obsolete
+     */
+    getSubtaskobsStatusContent() {
+        this.selectedRows = [];
+        return <>
+            <div style={{marginTop: '1em'}}>
+                <DataTable value={this.state.obsoleteTasks} resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" className="card" style={{ paddingLeft: '0em' }}>
+                    <Column field="id" header="Subtask Id"></Column>
+                    <Column field="type" header="Type"></Column>      
+                    <Column field="actionStatus" header="Action Status"></Column>
-    async cancelSubTasks() {
+    async cancelSubtasks() {
         let subtasks = this.state.subtaskRowList;        
         let cancelledTasks = []
         for (const selectedTask of this.selectedRows) {          
                 const cancelledTask = await TaskService.cancelsubTask(selectedTask.id);
                 let task = _.find(subtasks, {'id': selectedTask.id});
-                console.log("task",task);
                 if (cancelledTask) {
                     task.status = cancelledTask.state_value;
@@ -429,7 +471,7 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
         dialog.header = "Cancel Task(s) Status";
         dialog.actions = [{ id: 'no', title: 'Ok', callback: this.closeDialog }];
         dialog.detail = ""
-        dialog.content = this.getSubTaskCancelConfirmContent;
+        dialog.content = this.getSubtaskCancelConfirmContent;
         dialog.submit = this.closeDialog;
         dialog.width = '55vw';
         dialog.showIcon = false;
@@ -437,28 +479,32 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
         this.setState({ subtaskRowList:subtasks, cancelledTasks: cancelledTasks, dialog: dialog, confirmDialogVisible: true });        
-    async obsoleteSubTasks() {
-        let subtasks = this.state.subtaskRowList;        
+    /**
+     * Function to mark subtask as obsolete
+     */
+    async obsoleteSubtasks() {
+        let subtasks = this.state.subtaskRowList;      
+        const subtaskWithoutObsolete = _.difference(this.selectedRows, this.state.subtaskWithObsolete);  
         let obsoleteTasks = []
-        for (const selectedTask of this.selectedRows) {          
-                const obsoleteTask = await TaskService.obsoleteSubTask(selectedTask.id);
+        for (const selectedTask of subtaskWithoutObsolete) {          
+                const obsoleteTask = await TaskService.obsoleteSubtask(selectedTask.id);
                 let task = _.find(subtasks, {'id': selectedTask.id});
-                console.log("task",task);
                 if (obsoleteTask) {
                     task.status = obsoleteTask.state_value;
                     id: task.id,
                     type: task.type, 
-                    status: task.status.toLowerCase()==='obsolete'?'Obsolete': 'Error Occured'
+                    status: task.status.toLowerCase()==='obsolete'?'Obsolete': 'Error Occured',
+                    actionStatus:obsoleteTask?'Success':'Failed'
         let dialog = this.state.dialog;
         dialog.type = "confirmation";
-        dialog.header = "Obsolete SubTask(s) Status";
+        dialog.header = "Mark Subtask(s) as obsolete - Status";
         dialog.actions = [{ id: 'no', title: 'Ok', callback: this.closeDialog }];
         dialog.detail = ""
-        dialog.content = this.getSubTaskObsoleteConfirmContent;
+        dialog.content = this.getSubtaskobsStatusContent;
         dialog.submit = this.closeDialog;
         dialog.width = '55vw';
         dialog.showIcon = false;
@@ -466,9 +512,8 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
         this.setState({ subtaskRowList:subtasks, obsoleteTasks: obsoleteTasks, dialog: dialog, confirmDialogVisible: true });        
-    showSubTaskCancelConfirmation() {     
+    showSubtaskCancelConfirmation() {     
             this.pageUpdated = false;
-            console.log("selectedRows",this.selectedRows);
             let selectedBlueprints = this.selectedRows.filter(task => {
                                             return task.status !== 'cancelled'});
             if (selectedBlueprints.length === 0) {
@@ -478,37 +523,47 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
                 let dialog = this.state.dialog;
                 dialog.type = "confirmation";
                 dialog.header = "Confirm to Cancel Task(s)";
-                dialog.actions = [{ id: 'yes', title: 'Yes', callback: this.cancelSubTasks },
+                dialog.actions = [{ id: 'yes', title: 'Yes', callback: this.cancelSubtasks },
                                     { id: 'no', title: 'No', callback: this.closeDialog }];
                 dialog.detail = "Cancelling the task means, it will no longer be executed / will be aborted. This action cannot be undone. Already finished/cancelled task(s) will be ignored. Do you want to proceed?";
-                dialog.content = this.getSubTaskCancelConfirmContent;
-                dialog.submit = this.cancelSubTasks;
+                dialog.content = this.getSubtaskCancelConfirmContent;
+                dialog.submit = this.cancelSubtasks;
                 dialog.width = '55vw';
                 dialog.showIcon = false;
                 this.setState({ dialog: dialog, confirmDialogVisible: true });                 
-    showSubTaskObsoleteConfirmation() {     
+    /**
+     * Function to show confirmation dialog before marking subtask as obsolete
+     */
+    showSubtaskObsoleteConfirmation() {     
         this.pageUpdated = false;
-        console.log("selectedRows",this.selectedRows);
         let selectedBlueprints = this.selectedRows.filter(task => {
             return task.status !== 'obsolete'});
+        const  subtaskWithObsolete = this.checkObsolete(selectedBlueprints)
+        const subtaskWithoutObsolete = _.difference(selectedBlueprints, subtaskWithObsolete);
         if(selectedBlueprints.length === 0) {
             appGrowl.show({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Select Row', 
-                            detail: 'Please Select atleast one Subtask to obsolete.' });
+                            detail: 'Please select minimum one task to mark as obsolete' });
         } else {
-            let dialog = this.state.dialog;
-            dialog.type = "confirmation";
-            dialog.header = "Confirm to Obsolete SubTask(s)";
-            dialog.actions = [{ id: 'yes', title: 'Yes', callback: this.obsoleteSubTasks },
-                                { id: 'no', title: 'No', callback: this.closeDialog }];
-            dialog.detail = "Obsolete tasks will not be copied and dataproducts will not be used for pipelines and ingest. Are you sure you want to make the task obsolete?";
-            dialog.content = this.getSubTaskObsoleteConfirmContent;
-            dialog.submit = this.obsoleteSubTasks;
-            dialog.width = '55vw';
-            dialog.showIcon = false;
-            this.setState({ dialog: dialog, confirmDialogVisible: true });                 
+            if (subtaskWithoutObsolete.length === 0) {
+                appGrowl.show({ severity: 'warn', summary: 'Already marked as obsolete', 
+                            detail: 'Selected subtask(s) are already marked as obsolete' });
+            }
+            else {
+                let dialog = this.state.dialog;
+                dialog.type = "confirmation";
+                dialog.header = "Confirm to mark task as obsolete";
+                dialog.actions = [{ id: 'yes', title: 'Yes', callback: this.obsoleteSubtasks },
+                                    { id: 'no', title: 'No', callback: this.closeDialog }];
+                dialog.detail = "Warning: Obsolete task will not be copied and dataproducts will not be used for pipelines and ingest. Are you sure you want to make the task obsolete?";
+                dialog.content = this.getSubTaskObsoleteConfirmContent;
+                dialog.submit = this.obsoleteSubtasks;
+                dialog.width = '55vw';
+                dialog.showIcon = false;
+                this.setState({ dialog: dialog, confirmDialogVisible: true,  subtaskWithObsolete: subtaskWithObsolete });   
+            }
@@ -528,7 +583,9 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
             this.setState({ confirmDialogVisible: false, task: task, actions: actions});
+    /**
+     * Function to mark task as obsolete
+     */
     async obsoleteTask() {
         let task = this.state.task;
         let obeslateTask = await TaskService.obsoleteTask(task.id);
@@ -542,6 +599,14 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
             this.setState({ confirmDialogVisible: false, task: task, actions: actions});
+    /**
+     * Function to check if subtask is marked as obsolete
+     */
+    checkObsolete(selectedSubtask) {
+        const subtasksWithObsolete = selectedSubtask.filter(subtask => {
+            return subtask.obsolete !== null}); 
+        return subtasksWithObsolete;
+    }
     async getStatusList(type) {
         const taskFilters = await TaskService.getTaskFilterDefinition(type);
@@ -608,11 +673,13 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
                                     this.state.permissionById && this.state.permissionById[this.state.taskId].cancel? false: true, 
                                     props: { callback: this.showCancelConfirmation }
+                actions.push({icon: 'fa fa-bullseye', 
+                                    title: this.state.task && this.state.task.obsolete_since?'Already marked as obsolete':this.state.permissionById[this.state.taskId] && this.state.permissionById[this.state.taskId].edit?'Mark as Obsolete':`${this.access_denied_message}`,
+                                    disabled: this.state.task && this.state.task.obsolete_since? true: this.state.permissionById[this.state.taskId] && this.state.permissionById[this.state.taskId].edit?false: true,
+                                    type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.showObsoleteConfirmation }});
-        actions.push({icon: 'fa fa-bullseye', 
-        title:'Obsolete Tasks',
-        type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.showObsoleteConfirmation }});
         actions.push({icon: 'fa fa-trash',title:this.state.hasBlueprint ? 'Cannot delete Draft when Blueprint exists':
                         this.state.permissionById && this.state.permissionById[this.state.taskId].delete? 'Delete Task': `${this.access_denied_message} to delete`,  
@@ -633,12 +700,13 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
-          const subTaskMenu=[];
-          subTaskMenu.push({icon: 'fa fa-bullseye', 
-          title:'Obsolete Tasks',
-          type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.showSubTaskObsoleteConfirmation }},{icon: 'fa fa-ban', 
-          title:'Cancel Sub Tasks',
-          type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.showSubTaskCancelConfirmation }});
+          const subtaskMenu=[];
+          subtaskMenu.push({icon: 'fa fa-bullseye', 
+            title: 'Mark as Obsolete',
+            type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.showSubtaskObsoleteConfirmation }},
+          {icon: 'fa fa-ban', 
+            title:'Cancel Sub Tasks',
+            type: 'button', actOn: 'click', props: { callback: this.showSubtaskCancelConfirmation }});
         return (
@@ -757,7 +825,7 @@ export class TaskView extends Component {
                                         {this.state.taskType === 'blueprint' && 
                                             <div style={{marginBottom: "10px"}}>
                                              <div style={{marginTop: "10px"}}>                                         
-                                             <PageHeader location={this.props.location} title={'Subtasks'} actions={subTaskMenu} />                                                   
+                                             <PageHeader location={this.props.location} title={'Subtasks'} actions={subtaskMenu} />                                                   
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/task.service.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/task.service.js
index 870f30968ae15db73a4d459c81d1c47ed6c8a0e2..1f7933649b9abf57edb2d8f463004ef9c7a7e79a 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/task.service.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/services/task.service.js
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ const TaskService = {
           return false;
-obsoleteSubTask: async function(id) {
+obsoleteSubtask: async function(id) {
     try {
         const url = `/api/subtask/${id}/mark_as_obsolete/`;
         const res = await axios.post(url, {});