diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/create.scheduleset.js b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/create.scheduleset.js
index a4b180724fe8165f91717d35b474ea3a5c92b9a2..2e330e0fbc70c7708dd629f2a17e1229e8507b18 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/create.scheduleset.js
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/frontend/tmss_webapp/src/routes/Scheduling/create.scheduleset.js
@@ -243,71 +243,13 @@ export class SchedulingSetCreate extends Component {
         return schema;
      * Function to generate AG-Grid column definition. 
      * @param {number} strategyId 
-    async createGridColums(scheduleUnit){
-        let strategyId = scheduleUnit.observation_strategy_template_id;
-        let tasksToUpdate = {};
-        const observStrategy = _.find(this.observStrategies, {'id': strategyId});
-        const tasks = observStrategy.template.tasks;    
-        let paramsOutput = {};
-        let schema = { type: 'object', additionalProperties: false, 
-                        properties: {}, definitions:{}
-                     };
-        let taskDrafts= [];
-        await ScheduleService.getTasksDraftBySchedulingUnitId(scheduleUnit.id).then(response =>{
-            taskDrafts= response.data.results;
-        })
-        for (const taskName in tasks)  {
-            const task = tasks[taskName];
-            const taskDraft = taskDrafts.find(taskD => taskD.name === taskName);
-            if (taskDraft) {
-                task.specifications_doc = taskDraft.specifications_doc;
-            }
-            //Resolve task from the strategy template
-            const $taskRefs = await $RefParser.resolve(task);
-            // Identify the task specification template of every task in the strategy template
-            const taskTemplate = _.find(this.taskTemplates, {'name': task['specifications_template']});
-            schema['$id'] = taskTemplate.schema['$id'];
-            schema['$schema'] = taskTemplate.schema['$schema'];
-            let index = 0;
-            for (const param of observStrategy.template.parameters) {
-                if (param.refs[0].indexOf(`/tasks/${taskName}`) > 0) {
-                    tasksToUpdate[taskName] = taskName;
-                    // Resolve the identified template
-                    const $templateRefs = await $RefParser.resolve(taskTemplate);
-                    let property = { };
-                    let tempProperty = null;
-                    const taskPaths = param.refs[0].split("/");
-                    // Get the property type from the template and create new property in the schema for the parameters
-                    try {
-                        const parameterRef = param.refs[0];
-                        tempProperty = $templateRefs.get(parameterRef);
-                    }   catch(error) {
-                        tempProperty = _.cloneDeep(taskTemplate.schema.properties[taskPaths[4]]);
-                        if (tempProperty.type === 'array') {
-                            tempProperty = tempProperty.items.properties[taskPaths[6]];
-                        }
-                        property = tempProperty;
-                    }
-                    property.title = param.name;
-                    property.default = $taskRefs.get(param.refs[0].replace(`#/tasks/${taskName}`, '#'));
-                    paramsOutput[`param_${index}`] = property.default;
-                    schema.properties[`param_${index}`] = property;
-                    // Set property defintions taken from the task template in new schema
-                    for (const definitionName in taskTemplate.schema.definitions) {
-                        schema.definitions[definitionName] = taskTemplate.schema.definitions[definitionName];
-                    }
-                }
-                index++;
-            }
-        }
+    async createGridColumns(scheduleUnit){
+        let schema = await this.getTaskSchema(scheduleUnit);
         schema = await this.resolveSchema(schema);
         // AG Grid Cell Specific Properties
         const cellProps =[];
@@ -356,15 +298,15 @@ export class SchedulingSetCreate extends Component {
             let childern = [];
             colProperty = {};
-            let childalais = property.title;
-            childalais = _.lowerCase(childalais).split(' ').map(x => x[0]).join('');
+            let childalias = property.title;
+            childalias = _.lowerCase(childalias).split(' ').map(x => x[0]).join('');
             const paramKeys = Object.keys(property.default);
             paramKeys.forEach(key =>{
-                colProperty[key] = childalais+key;
+                colProperty[key] = childalias+key;
                 let cellAttr = {};
                 cellAttr['headerName'] = definitions[key].title;
-                cellAttr['field'] = childalais+key;
-                colKeyOrder.push(childalais+key);
+                cellAttr['field'] = childalias+key;
+                colKeyOrder.push(childalias+key);
                 let cellKeys =  Object.keys(cellProps[key]);
                 for(const cellKey of cellKeys){
                     cellAttr[cellKey] = cellProps[key][cellKey];
@@ -387,6 +329,69 @@ export class SchedulingSetCreate extends Component {
+    async getTaskSchema(scheduleUnit){
+        let strategyId = scheduleUnit.observation_strategy_template_id;
+        let tasksToUpdate = {};
+        const observStrategy = _.find(this.observStrategies, {'id': strategyId});
+        const tasks = observStrategy.template.tasks;    
+        let paramsOutput = {};
+        let schema = { type: 'object', additionalProperties: false, 
+                        properties: {}, definitions:{}
+                     };
+        let taskDrafts= [];
+        await ScheduleService.getTasksDraftBySchedulingUnitId(scheduleUnit.id).then(response =>{
+            taskDrafts= response.data.results;
+        })
+        for (const taskName in tasks)  {
+            const task = tasks[taskName];
+            const taskDraft = taskDrafts.find(taskD => taskD.name === taskName);
+            if (taskDraft) {
+                task.specifications_doc = taskDraft.specifications_doc;
+            }
+            //Resolve task from the strategy template
+            const $taskRefs = await $RefParser.resolve(task);
+            // Identify the task specification template of every task in the strategy template
+            const taskTemplate = _.find(this.taskTemplates, {'name': task['specifications_template']});
+            schema['$id'] = taskTemplate.schema['$id'];
+            schema['$schema'] = taskTemplate.schema['$schema'];
+            let index = 0;
+            for (const param of observStrategy.template.parameters) {
+                if (param.refs[0].indexOf(`/tasks/${taskName}`) > 0) {
+                    tasksToUpdate[taskName] = taskName;
+                    // Resolve the identified template
+                    const $templateRefs = await $RefParser.resolve(taskTemplate);
+                    let property = { };
+                    let tempProperty = null;
+                    const taskPaths = param.refs[0].split("/");
+                    // Get the property type from the template and create new property in the schema for the parameters
+                    try {
+                        const parameterRef = param.refs[0];
+                        tempProperty = $templateRefs.get(parameterRef);
+                    }   catch(error) {
+                        tempProperty = _.cloneDeep(taskTemplate.schema.properties[taskPaths[4]]);
+                        if (tempProperty.type === 'array') {
+                            tempProperty = tempProperty.items.properties[taskPaths[6]];
+                        }
+                        property = tempProperty;
+                    }
+                    property.title = param.name;
+                    property.default = $taskRefs.get(param.refs[0].replace(`#/tasks/${taskName}`, '#'));
+                    paramsOutput[`param_${index}`] = property.default;
+                    schema.properties[`param_${index}`] = property;
+                    // Set property defintions taken from the task template in new schema
+                    for (const definitionName in taskTemplate.schema.definitions) {
+                        schema.definitions[definitionName] = taskTemplate.schema.definitions[definitionName];
+                    }
+                }
+                index++;
+            }
+        }
+        return schema;
+    }
      * Function to prepare ag-grid row data. 
@@ -399,7 +404,7 @@ export class SchedulingSetCreate extends Component {
         let totalSU = this.state.noOfSU;
         let paramsOutput = {};
         //refresh column header
-        await this.createGridColums(this.state.schedulingUnitList[0]);
+        await this.createGridColumns(this.state.schedulingUnitList[0]);
         let observationPropsList = [];
         for(const scheduleunit of this.state.schedulingUnitList){
             let observationProps = {
@@ -529,6 +534,7 @@ export class SchedulingSetCreate extends Component {
                     let suGridRowData= this.state.emptyRow;
+                    clipboardData = _.trim(clipboardData);
                     let suRows = clipboardData.split("\n");
                     suRows.forEach(line =>{
                         let colCount = 0;
@@ -559,7 +565,7 @@ export class SchedulingSetCreate extends Component {
                     noOfSU: this.tmpRowData.length,
                     totalCount: dataRowCount,
@@ -658,7 +664,7 @@ export class SchedulingSetCreate extends Component {
                 const dialog = {header: 'Success', detail: '['+newSUCount+'] Scheduling Units are created & ['+existingSUCount+'] Scheduling Units are updated successfully.'};
                 this.setState({  dialogVisible: true, dialog: dialog});
-                this.growl.show({severity: 'error', summary: 'Warring', detail: 'No Scheduling Units create/update '});
+                this.growl.show({severity: 'error', summary: 'Warning', detail: 'No Scheduling Units create/update '});
             this.growl.show({severity: 'error', summary: 'Error Occured', detail: 'Unable to create/update Scheduling Units'});
@@ -827,26 +833,27 @@ export class SchedulingSetCreate extends Component {
-                        <div className="ag-theme-alpine" style={ { height: '500px', marginBottom: '10px' } } onKeyDown={this.clipboardEvent}>
-                            <AgGridReact 
-                            suppressClipboardPaste={false}
-                                columnDefs={this.state.columnDefs}
-                                columnTypes={this.state.columnTypes}
-                                defaultColDef={this.state.defaultColDef}
-                                rowSelection={this.state.rowSelection}
-                                onGridReady={this.onGridReady}
-                                rowData={this.state.rowData}
-                                frameworkComponents={this.state.frameworkComponents}
-                                context={this.state.context} 
-                                components={this.state.components}
-                                modules={this.state.modules}        
-                                enableRangeSelection={true}
-                                rowSelection={this.state.rowSelection}
-                            >
-                            </AgGridReact>
-                        </div>
+                        {this.state.observStrategy.id && 
+                            <div className="ag-theme-alpine" style={ { height: '500px', marginBottom: '10px' } } onKeyDown={this.clipboardEvent}>
+                                <AgGridReact 
+                                suppressClipboardPaste={false}
+                                    columnDefs={this.state.columnDefs}
+                                    columnTypes={this.state.columnTypes}
+                                    defaultColDef={this.state.defaultColDef}
+                                    rowSelection={this.state.rowSelection}
+                                    onGridReady={this.onGridReady}
+                                    rowData={this.state.rowData}
+                                    frameworkComponents={this.state.frameworkComponents}
+                                    context={this.state.context} 
+                                    components={this.state.components}
+                                    modules={this.state.modules}        
+                                    enableRangeSelection={true}
+                                    rowSelection={this.state.rowSelection}
+                                >
+                                </AgGridReact>
+                            </div>
+                        }
                         <div className="p-grid p-justify-start">
                             <div className="p-col-1">