diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/Common/lib/specification.py b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/Common/lib/specification.py
index f674547379642cee263a6270be966a008910278f..c6a988a6ec322dec06b1fbeb944f0e28e8425895 100644
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/Common/lib/specification.py
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/Common/lib/specification.py
@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ class Specification:
             self.status   = task["status"]
             self.type     = task["type"]
             self.duration = timedelta(seconds = task["duration"])
-            self.cluster  = task["cluster"]
+            self.cluster  = task.get("cluster", "CEP4")
             #we don't seem to need specification_id?
             logger.info("Read task from RADB: %s", task)
             return task
@@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ class Specification:
         specification_id = result['specification_id'] # We never seem to need this again
         task_id = result['task_id']
-        logger.info('inserted specification (id=%s) and task (id=%s)' % (specification_id, task_id))
+        logger.info('inserted/updated specification (id=%s) and task (id=%s)' % (specification_id, task_id))
         return task_id
     def _link_predecessors_to_task_in_radb(self):
@@ -1092,24 +1092,30 @@ class Specification:
             # check if the predecessor needs to be linked to this task
             predecessor_task = self.radb.getTask(mom_id=predecessor_mom_id)
             if predecessor_task:
+                # do Specification-class bookkeeping (stupid, because all info is in the radb already)
                 predecessor_keys = [p.radb_id for p in self.predecessors]
                 if predecessor_task['id'] not in predecessor_keys:
                     logger.info('connecting predecessor task with mom_id=%s otdb_id=%s to its successor with mom_id=%s '
                                 'otdb_id=%s', predecessor_task['mom_id'], predecessor_task['otdb_id'], self.mom_id,
-                    spec = Specification(self.otdbrpc, self.momquery, self.radb)
-                    spec.read_from_radb(predecessor_task['id'])
-                    self.predecessors.append(spec)  # TODO this needs a try/except somewhere?
-                    try:
-                        self.radb.insertTaskPredecessor(self.radb_id, spec.radb_id)
-                    except PostgresDBQueryExecutionError as e:
-                        # task was already connected to predecessor. Log and continue.
-                        if 'task_predecessor_unique' in str(e):
-                            logger.info('predecessor task with mom_id=%s otdb_id=%s was already connected to its successor with mom_id=%s otdb_id=%s',
-                                        predecessor_task['mom_id'], predecessor_task['otdb_id'],
-                                        self.mom_id, self.otdb_id)
-                        else:
-                            raise
+                    pred_spec = Specification(self.otdbrpc, self.momquery, self.radb)
+                    pred_spec.read_from_radb(predecessor_task['id'])
+                    self.predecessors.append(pred_spec)  # TODO this needs a try/except somewhere?
+                # do radb task-predecessor bookkeeping if needed
+                try:
+                    task = self.radb.getTask(self.radb_id)
+                    if predecessor_task['id'] not in task['predecessor_ids']:
+                        self.radb.insertTaskPredecessor(self.radb_id, predecessor_task['id'])
+                except PostgresDBQueryExecutionError as e:
+                    # task was already connected to predecessor. Log and continue.
+                    if 'task_predecessor_unique' in str(e):
+                        logger.info('predecessor task with mom_id=%s otdb_id=%s was already connected to its successor with mom_id=%s otdb_id=%s',
+                                    predecessor_task['mom_id'], predecessor_task['otdb_id'],
+                                    self.mom_id, self.otdb_id)
+                    else:
+                        raise
                 # Occurs when setting a pipeline to prescheduled while a predecessor has e.g. never been beyond
                 # approved, which is in principle valid. The link in the radb will be made later via processSuccessors()
@@ -1142,16 +1148,20 @@ class Specification:
                         ' otdb_id=%s', successor_task['mom_id'], successor_task['otdb_id'], self.mom_id, self.otdb_id
-                    try:
+                # do radb task-successor bookkeeping if needed
+                try:
+                    task = self.radb.getTask(self.radb_id)
+                    if successor_task['id'] not in task['successor_ids']:
                         self.radb.insertTaskPredecessor(successor_task['id'], self.radb_id)
-                    except PostgresDBQueryExecutionError as e:
-                        # task was already connected to predecessor. Log and continue.
-                        if 'task_predecessor_unique' in str(e):
-                            logger.info('successor task with mom_id=%s otdb_id=%s was already connected to its predecessor with mom_id=%s otdb_id=%s',
-                                        successor_task['mom_id'], successor_task['otdb_id'],
-                                        self.mom_id, self.otdb_id)
-                        else:
-                            raise
+                except PostgresDBQueryExecutionError as e:
+                    # task was already connected to predecessor. Log and continue.
+                    if 'task_predecessor_unique' in str(e):
+                        logger.info('successor task with mom_id=%s otdb_id=%s was already connected to its predecessor with mom_id=%s otdb_id=%s',
+                                    successor_task['mom_id'], successor_task['otdb_id'],
+                                    self.mom_id, self.otdb_id)
+                    else:
+                        raise
                 movePipelineAfterItsPredecessors(successor_task, self.radb)
diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/Common/test/test_specification.py b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/Common/test/test_specification.py
index d78da20042ee9f83122582f36204556f1959321b..d0da3cd82ce02e60a4b3c8c8ab9f75053aeaac2b 100755
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/Common/test/test_specification.py
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/Common/test/test_specification.py
@@ -1373,5 +1373,44 @@ class ReadFromRadb(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(self.specification.duration, timedelta(seconds = task["duration"]))
         self.assertEqual(self.specification.cluster, task["cluster"])
+    def test_insert_into_radb_and_check_predecessors(self):
+        # Arrange
+        def mock_getTask(id=None, mom_id=None, otdb_id=None, specification_id=None):
+            if id is None and mom_id is not None:
+                id = mom_id
+            return {"id": id, "mom_id": id, "otdb_id": id, "status": "approved", "type": "observation", "duration": 100, "predecessor_ids": []}
+        self.radbrpc_mock.getTask.side_effect = mock_getTask
+        self.radbrpc_mock.insertOrUpdateSpecificationAndTask.return_value = {'specification_id': 1, 'task_id': 1}
+        self.momrpc_mock.getPredecessorIds.return_value = {'1': [42]}
+        self.specification.read_from_radb(1)
+        # Act
+        self.specification.insert_into_radb()
+        # Assert
+        self.radbrpc_mock.insertTaskPredecessor.assert_called_with(1, 42)
+        # Arrange
+        # now adapt the mock_getTask, and let it return the inserted predecessor_ids as well
+        def mock_getTask(id=None, mom_id=None, otdb_id=None, specification_id=None):
+            if id is None and mom_id is not None:
+                id = mom_id
+            task = {"id": id, "mom_id": id, "otdb_id": id, "status": "approved", "type": "observation", "duration": 100, "predecessor_ids": []}
+            if id == 1:
+                task['predecessor_ids'] = [42]
+            return task
+        self.radbrpc_mock.getTask.side_effect = mock_getTask
+        self.radbrpc_mock.insertTaskPredecessor.reset_mock()
+        # Act
+        self.specification.insert_into_radb()
+        # Assert
+        self.radbrpc_mock.insertTaskPredecessor.assert_not_called()
 if __name__ == "__main__":