diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/radb_common_testing.py b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/radb_common_testing.py
index 9c24b56865a008d59420900e01cc9d7a5ab6a1e8..8dbcf72906b8f12c8aa28eb9f819f1afe3774527 100755
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/radb_common_testing.py
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentDatabase/tests/radb_common_testing.py
@@ -36,75 +36,80 @@ class RADBCommonTestMixin():
     A common test mixin class from which you can derive to get a freshly setup postgres testing instance with the latest RADB sql setup scripts applied.
-    def setUp(self):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
         logger.info('setting up test RA database...')
         # connect to shared test db
-        self.postgresql = testing.postgresql.PostgresqlFactory(cache_initialized_db=True)()
-        self.dbcreds    = Credentials()
-        # set up fixtures
-        # Note: In theory, this can be moved to the PostgresqlFactory call as kwarg 'on_initialized=populatedb'
-        # ...but for some reason that was much slower than keeping it here.
-        self._setup_database()
+        cls.postgresql = testing.postgresql.PostgresqlFactory(cache_initialized_db=True)()
+        cls.dbcreds    = Credentials()
         # update credentials (e.g. port changes for each test)
-        self.dbcreds.host = self.postgresql.dsn()['host']
-        self.dbcreds.database = self.postgresql.dsn()['database']
-        self.dbcreds.port = self.postgresql.dsn()['port']
+        cls.dbcreds.host = cls.postgresql.dsn()['host']
+        cls.dbcreds.database = cls.postgresql.dsn()['database']
+        cls.dbcreds.port = cls.postgresql.dsn()['port']
+        # connect to db as root
+        conn = psycopg2.connect(**cls.postgresql.dsn())
+        cursor = conn.cursor()
+        # set credentials to be used during tests
+        cls.dbcreds.user = 'resourceassignment'
+        cls.dbcreds.password = 'secret'    # cannot be empty...
+        # create user role
+        # Note: NOSUPERUSER currently raises "permission denied for schema virtual_instrument"
+        # Maybe we want to sort out user creation and proper permissions in the sql scripts?
+        query = "CREATE USER %s WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD '%s'" % (cls.dbcreds.user, cls.dbcreds.password)
+        cursor.execute(query)
+        cursor.close()
+        conn.commit()
+        conn.close()
+        logger.info('Finished setting up test RA database. It is avaiblable at: %s', cls.dbcreds.stringWithHiddenPassword())
+    def setUp(self):
+        # set up a fresh copy of the RADB sql schema
+        self._setup_database()
         # set up radb python module
         self.radb = RADatabase(self.dbcreds)
-        logger.info('...finished setting up test RA database')
     def tearDown(self):
-        db_log_file_name = os.path.join(self.postgresql.base_dir, '%s.log' % self.postgresql.name)
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
+        db_log_file_name = os.path.join(cls.postgresql.base_dir, '%s.log' % cls.postgresql.name)
         logger.info('Printing test-postgress-database server log: %s', db_log_file_name)
         with open(db_log_file_name, 'r') as db_log_file:
             for line in db_log_file.readlines():
                 print("  postgres log: %s" % line.strip(), file=sys.stderr)
-        logger.info('removing test RA database...')
-        self.postgresql.stop()
+        logger.info('removing test RA database at %s', cls.dbcreds.stringWithHiddenPassword())
+        cls.postgresql.stop()
+        logger.info('test RA removed')
     def _setup_database(self):
-        # connect to db as root
-        conn = psycopg2.connect(**self.postgresql.dsn())
-        cursor = conn.cursor()
-        # set credentials to be used during tests
-        self.dbcreds.user = 'resourceassignment'
-        self.dbcreds.password = 'blabla'    # cannot be empty...
-        # create user role
-        # Note: NOSUPERUSER currently raises "permission denied for schema virtual_instrument"
-        # Maybe we want to sort out user creation and proper permissions in the sql scripts?
-        query = "CREATE USER %s WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD '%s'" % (
-            self.dbcreds.user,
-            self.dbcreds.password)
-        cursor.execute(query)
-        # populate db tables
-        # These are applied in given order to set up test db
-        # Note: cannot use create_and_populate_database.sql since '\i' is not understood by cursor.execute()
-        sql_basepath = os.environ['LOFARROOT'] + "/share/radb/sql/"
-        sql_createdb_paths = [sql_basepath + "create_database.sql",
-                              sql_basepath + "/add_resource_allocation_statics.sql",
-                              sql_basepath + "/add_virtual_instrument.sql",
-                              sql_basepath + "/add_notifications.sql",
-                              sql_basepath + "/add_functions_and_triggers.sql"]
-        for sql_path in sql_createdb_paths:
-            logger.debug("setting up database. applying sql file: %s", sql_path)
-            with open(sql_path) as sql:
-                cursor.execute(sql.read())
-        cursor.close()
-        conn.commit()
-        conn.close()
+        logger.info('applying RADB sql schema to %s', self.dbcreds.stringWithHiddenPassword())
+        with PostgresDatabaseConnection(self.dbcreds) as db:
+            # populate db tables
+            # These are applied in given order to set up test db
+            # Note: cannot use create_and_populate_database.sql since '\i' is not understood by cursor.execute()
+            sql_basepath = os.environ['LOFARROOT'] + "/share/radb/sql/"
+            sql_createdb_paths = [sql_basepath + "create_database.sql",
+                                  sql_basepath + "/add_resource_allocation_statics.sql",
+                                  sql_basepath + "/add_virtual_instrument.sql",
+                                  sql_basepath + "/add_notifications.sql",
+                                  sql_basepath + "/add_functions_and_triggers.sql"]
+            for sql_path in sql_createdb_paths:
+                logger.debug("setting up database. applying sql file: %s", sql_path)
+                with open(sql_path) as sql:
+                    db.executeQuery(sql.read())
 class RADBCommonTest(RADBCommonTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):