diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index 48131e4da9edc112c70ba21e788cad017de8dfdf..32394328ce4a8488eae0ad14b0ef1aeb77e4de52 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -340,8 +340,10 @@ MAC/Deployment/data/OTDB/createPICfile -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/OTDB/loadPICtree -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/OTDB/loadPICtree_sas001 -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/OTDB/load_components_sas001 -text
+MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/MCUbase.dpdef -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/Observation.dpdef -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/PVSSbase.dpdef -text
+MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/Stationbase.dpdef -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/StnObservation.dpdef -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/TBBCtrl.dpdef -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/TBBoard.dpdef -text
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/MCUbase.dpdef b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/MCUbase.dpdef
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea43252108cebd3eed0c46a555e2771e4a0e3268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/MCUbase.dpdef
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# MainCU specific PVSS Database types
+# DpType
+Navigator.Navigator	1#1
+	TabViews	1#2
+	alarms	1#3
+		time	10#4
+		message	9#5
+		datapoint	9#6
+		state	5#7
+		status	9#8
+		dpResetList	9#9
+		dpResetStates	5#10
+		dpResetMsgs	9#11
+		rereadAlarms	23#12
+NavigatorInstance.NavigatorInstance	1#1
+	fw_viewBox	1#2
+		event	25#3
+		action	25#4
+		selection	9#5
+	fw_viewSelection	1#6
+		event	25#7
+		action	25#18
+		selection	9#49
+	fw_topDetailSelection	1#10
+		event	25#11
+		action	25#12
+		selection	9#13
+	fw_bottomDetailSelection	1#14
+		event	25#15
+		action	25#16
+		selection	9#17
+	fw_locator	1#18
+		event	25#19
+		action	25#20
+		selection	9#21
+	fw_progressBar	1#22
+		event	25#23
+		action	25#24
+		selection	9#25
+	fw_headLines	1#26
+		event	25#27
+		action	25#28
+		selection	9#29
+	fw_alerts	1#30
+		event	25#31
+		action	25#32
+		selection	9#33
+	fw_fastJumper	1#34
+		event	25#35
+		action	25#36
+		selection	9#37
+	navigator	1#38
+		event	25#39
+		selection	25#40
+		initiator	25#41
+	user	25#42
+	hardwareList	9#43
+	trigger	23#44
+	objectTrigger	23#45
+	processesList	9#46
+	updateTrigger	1#47
+		objectName	25#48
+		paramList	9#49
+	observationsList	9#50
+	logger	1#51
+		logLevel	21#52
+		logScope	9#53
+		searchString	9#54
+	alarmsTrigger	23#55
+NavPanelConfig.NavPanelConfig	1#1
+	LOFAR_Hardware	9#2
+	LOFAR_Processes	9#3
+	LOFAR_Observations	9#4
+	StnLOFAR_Hardware	9#5
+	StnPIC_Hardware	9#6
+	Cabinet_Hardware	9#7
+	SubRack_Hardware	9#8
+	TBBoard_Hardware	9#9
+	RSPBoard_Hardware	9#10
+	RCU_Hardware	9#11
+	Ring_Hardware	9#12
+	StnLOFAR_Processes	9#13
+	CTStartDaemon_Processes	9#14
+	KVLogger_Processes	9#15
+	LogProcessor_Processes	9#16
+	ServiceBroker_Processes	9#17
+	MACScheduler_Processes	9#18
+	SoftwareMonitor_Processes	9#19
+	HardwareMonitor_Processes	9#20
+	DigBoardCtrl_Processes	9#21
+	StationCtrl_Processes	9#22
+	TemperatureMonitor_Processes	9#23
+	BeamCtrl_Processes	9#24
+	CalCtrl_Processes	9#25
+	TBBCtrl_Processes	9#26
+	AMCServer_Processes	9#27
+	ObsCtrl_Processes	9#28
+	SASGateway_Processes	9#29
+	Correlator_Processes	9#30
+	StorageAppl_Processes	9#31
+	RSPDriver_Processes	9#32
+	TBBDriver_Processes	9#33
+	CalServer_Processes	9#34
+	BeamServer_Processes	9#35
+	MACInfoServer_Processes	9#36
+	Observation_Observations	9#37
+GCFWatchDog.GCFWatchDog	1#1
+	systemID	5#2
+	online	7#3
+	lastUptime	10#4
+	lastDowntime	10#5
+	name	9#6
+# create mps for NavPanelConfig and NavigatorInstance
+# Datapoint/DpId 
+DpName	TypeName	ID
+_mp_NavPanelConfig	NavPanelConfig	536
+_dt_NavPanelConfig	_DynamicDatapoints	537
+_mp_NavigatorInstance	NavigatorInstance	2963
+_dt_NavigatorInstance	_DynamicDatapoints	2964
+# Create missing CtrlDbg internals, navigator, navPanelConfig and watchdog DP
+# Datapoint/DpId
+DpName	TypeName	ID
+_CtrlDebug_CTRL_5	_CtrlDebug	0
+_CtrlDebug_CTRL_6	_CtrlDebug	0
+_CtrlDebug_CTRL_7	_CtrlDebug	0
+__navigator	Navigator	0
+__gcf_cwd	GCFWatchDog	0
+root	NavPanelConfig	0
+#Fill some defaults
+# DpValue
+ElementName	TypeName	_original.._value	_original.._status
+__navigator.TabViews	Navigator	"Hardware", "Observations", "Processes", "Reports", "Alerts"	0x101
+root.LOFAR_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/LOFAR_Remote.pnl"	0x101
+root.LOFAR_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/MainCU_Processes.pnl"	0x101
+root.LOFAR_Observations	NavPanelConfig	"Observations/Observations.pnl"	0x101
+root.StnLOFAR_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/Station.pnl"	0x101
+root.StnPIC_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/Station_Cabinet.pnl"	0x101
+root.Cabinet_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/Station_Cabinet_detailed.pnl"	0x101
+root.SubRack_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/Station_Subrack.pnl"	0x101
+root.TBBoard_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/Station_TBBoard.pnl"	0x101
+root.RSPBoard_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/Station_RSPBoard.pnl"	0x101
+root.RCU_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/Station_RCU.pnl"	0x101
+root.Ring_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/LOFAR_Core.pnl"	0x101
+root.StnLOFAR_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/Station_Processes.pnl"	0x101
+root.CTStartDaemon_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/CTStartDaemon.pnl"	0x101
+root.KVLogger_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/KVLogger.pnl"	0x101
+root.LogProcessor_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/LogProcessor.pnl"	0x101
+root.ServiceBroker_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/ServiceBroker.pnl"	0x101
+root.MACScheduler_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/MACScheduler.pnl"	0x101
+root.SoftwareMonitor_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/SoftwareMonitor.pnl"	0x101
+root.HardwareMonitor_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/HardwareMonitor.pnl"	0x101
+root.DigBoardCtrl_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/DigBoardCtrl.pnl"	0x101
+root.StationCtrl_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/StationCtrl.pnl"	0x101
+root.TemperatureMonitor_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/TemperatureMonitor.pnl"	0x101
+root.BeamCtrl_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/BeamCtrl.pnl"	0x101
+root.CalCtrl_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/CalCtrl.pnl"	0x101
+root.TBBCtrl_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/TBBCtrl.pnl"	0x101
+root.AMCServer_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/AMCServer.pnl"	0x101
+root.ObsCtrl_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/ObsCtrl.pnl"	0x101
+root.SASGateway_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/SASGateway.pnl"	0x101
+root.Correlator_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/Correlator.pnl"	0x101
+root.StorageAppl_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/StorageAppl.pnl"	0x101
+root.RSPDriver_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/RSPDriver.pnl"	0x101
+root.TBBDriver_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/TBBDriver.pnl"	0x101
+root.CalServer_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/CalServer.pnl"	0x101
+root.BeamServer_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/BeamServer.pnl"	0x101
+root.MACInfoServer_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/MACInfoServer.pnl"	0x101
+root.Observation_Observations	NavPanelConfig	"Observations/Observation_overview.pnl"	0x101
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/PVSSbase.dpdef b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/PVSSbase.dpdef
index 77e3e3e937aefe96d4f0ef01325dc57b856887a3..cd1a8be135c1d758bab8467dd36d4f613ee390d2 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/PVSSbase.dpdef
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/PVSSbase.dpdef
@@ -1,17 +1,68 @@
+# Common types in Station and MainCU PVSS Database
 # Definition of some basic types
+# DpType
 Claim.Claim	1#1
 	claimDate	26#2
 	name	25#3
-AntennaArrays.AntennaArrays	1#1
-	centerOL	22#2
-	centerNB	22#3
-	centerH	22#4
-	antennaOffsetsOL	6#5
-	antennaOffsetsNB	6#6
-	antennaOffsetsH	6#7
+ClaimManager.ClaimManager	1#1
+	request	1#2
+		typeName	25#3
+		newObjectName	25#4
+	response	1#5
+		typeName	25#6
+		newObjectName	25#7
+		DPName	25#8
+		claimDate	26#9
+	cache	1#10
+		typeNames	9#11
+		newObjectNames	9#12
+		DPNames	9#13
+		claimDates	10#14
+LofarSpeedTest.LofarSpeedTest	1#1
+	singleInt	21#2
+	singleString	25#3
+	result	1#4
+		testName	25#5
+		nrWrites	21#6
+		nrReads	21#7
+		passed	23#8
+		writeTime	25#9
+		readTime	25#10
+	IntCollection	1#11
+		val1	21#12
+		val2	21#13
+		val3	21#14
+		val4	21#15
+		val5	21#16
+		val6	21#17
+		val7	21#18
+		val8	21#19
+		val9	21#20
+		val10	21#21
+	StringCollection	1#22
+		val1	25#23
+		val2	25#24
+		val3	25#25
+		val4	25#26
+		val5	25#27
+		val6	25#28
+		val7	25#29
+		val8	25#30
+		val9	25#31
+		val10	25#32
+NCFObjectState.NCFObjectState	1#1
+	DPName	25#2
+	stateNr	21#3
+	message	25#4
+	force	23#5
 ObjectStatus.ObjectStatus	1#1
@@ -29,13 +80,12 @@ ProcessStatus.ProcessStatus	1#1
 	error	25#6
 	currentAction	25#7
-# create mp for ProcessStatus end attach an archive
+# create mp for ProcessStatus and attach an archive
 DpName	TypeName	ID
 _mp_ProcessStatus	ProcessStatus	0
 _dt_ProcessStatus	_DynamicDatapoints	0
 ElementName	TypeName	_original.._value	_original.._status
-_mp_ObjectStatus.leaf	ObjectStatus	"false"	0x101
 _dt_ProcessStatus.Leaf	_DynamicDatapoints	"_mp_ProcessStatus.logMsg:_archive"	0x101
 _dt_ProcessStatus.DynamicAttribute	_DynamicDatapoints	"_da_none"	0x101
@@ -44,3 +94,9 @@ StampSec	StampMSec	ElementName	TypeName	DetailNr	_archive.._type	_archive.._arch
 0	0	_mp_ProcessStatus.logMsg	ProcessStatus	1	15		_ValueArchive_2
+# create datapoints for ClaimManager,NCFObjectState and lofarSpeedTest
+DpName	TypeName	ID
+ClaimManager	ClaimManager	0
+__navObjectState	NCFObjectState	0
+__resetObjectState	NCFObjectState	0
+lofarSpeedTest	LofarSpeedTest	0
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/Stationbase.dpdef b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/Stationbase.dpdef
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bcf8e925e7123fb4d214dd7e02c5eeca7f975640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/Stationbase.dpdef
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Station PVSS Database types
+# DpType
+RemoteStation.RemoteStation	1#1
+	stationID	21#2
+	N_RSPBoards	21#3
+	N_TBBoards	21#4
+	N_LBAS	21#5
+	N_HBAS	21#6
+	HBA_Split	23#7
+	wide_LBAS	23#8
+	HBA	1#9
+		centerOL	22#10
+		centerNB	22#11
+		centerH	22#12
+	LBA	1#13
+		centerOL	22#14
+		centerNB	22#15
+		centerH	22#16
+# Create missing CtrlDbg internals and DP for remoteStation
+# Datapoint/DpId
+DpName	TypeName	ID
+_CtrlDebug_CTRL_5	_CtrlDebug	0
+_CtrlDebug_CTRL_6	_CtrlDebug	0
+remoteStation	RemoteStation	0