diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/lofar_viewset.py b/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/lofar_viewset.py
index 28cd71dabbeb2674f6c4f7f489b806a350f515df..a76205f35621e2c9712c1fcc5b384f84976e834c 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/lofar_viewset.py
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/lofar_viewset.py
@@ -73,6 +73,54 @@ class LOFARViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
     filter_fields = '__all__'
     ordering_fields = '__all__'
+    # Override extra_action_permission_specs to change the way that project-based permission checks are performed on
+    # extra actions on this viewset. This is required when an action operates on a different model and the permission
+    # check needs to check the there-referenced project. Or when the reference is handed as a url parameter instead pf
+    # the POST data. Format:
+    # {<extra_action_name>: {'model': models.<_name_of_model_this_action_operates_on>,
+    #                        'project_ref_override_pk_url_param': <url_parameter_name>,
+    #                        'project_ref_override_attr': <path_to_project_attribute_name>,
+    #                        'project_ref_override_model': models.<name_of_model_the_path_to_project_attribute_refers_to>}}
+    extra_action_permission_specs = {}
+    @staticmethod
+    def _user_has_permission_for_any_project(user, method, permission_name):
+                permitted_project_roles = get_project_roles_with_permission(permission_name, method)
+                user_project_roles = set([project_role['role'] for project_role in get_project_roles_for_user(user)])
+                for role in permissions.ProjectRole.objects.filter(value__in=list(user_project_roles)).all():
+                    if role in permitted_project_roles:
+                        return True
+                return False
+    def _get_permitted_extra_actions(self, request):
+        # determined the extra actions a user is allowed to perform (these may have different permissions than the base
+        # model, so we list which ones are allowed next to the allowed REST methods. This should be fine as actions only
+        # support either POST or GET so there is no ambiguity.)
+        permission_name = self.serializer_class.Meta.model.__name__.lower()
+        allowed_extra_actions = []
+        extra_actions = self.get_extra_actions()
+        actual_method = request.method  # keep the actually requested method so that we can set it when we are done
+        actual_action = self.action  # keep the actually requested action so that we can set it when we are done
+        for extra_action in extra_actions:
+            action = extra_action.__name__
+            for method in extra_action.mapping:
+                self.action = action  # pretend to do something else and check if we are allowed to do that
+                request.method = method.upper()  # pretend to do something else and check if we are allowed to do that
+                if TMSSPermissions().has_permission(request=request, view=self):
+                    if action not in allowed_extra_actions:
+                        allowed_extra_actions.append(action)
+                # show extra action as permitted if the user is allowed to perform it in case the  correct project is
+                # referenced (which then only works if the user posts data that links the object to the right project).
+                if actual_action == 'list' and action not in allowed_extra_actions:
+                    action_permission_name = '%s-%s' % (permission_name, action)
+                    if self._user_has_permission_for_any_project(request.user, method.upper(), action_permission_name):
+                            allowed_extra_actions.append(action)
+        self.action = actual_action
+        request.method = actual_method
+        return allowed_extra_actions
     def _get_permitted_methods(self, request, pk=None):
         # Django returns an "Allow" header that reflects what methods the model supports in principle, but not what
         # the current user is actually has permission to perform. We use the "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" header
@@ -96,21 +144,7 @@ class LOFARViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
         request.method = actual_method
-        # check allowed extra actions (these may have different permissions than the base model, so we list which ones
-        # are allowed next to the allowed REST methods. This should be fine as actions only support either POST or GET
-        # so there is no ambiguity.)
-        extra_actions = self.get_extra_actions()
-        actual_action = self.action  # keep the actually requested action so that we can set it when we are done
-        for extra_action in extra_actions:
-            action = extra_action.__name__
-            for method in extra_action.mapping:
-                self.action = action  # pretend to do something else and check if we are allowed to do that
-                request.method = method.upper()  # pretend to do something else and check if we are allowed to do that
-                if TMSSPermissions().has_permission(request=request, view=self):
-                    if action not in allowed_methods:
-                        allowed_methods.append(action)
-        self.action = actual_action
-        request.method = actual_method
+        permission_name = self.serializer_class.Meta.model.__name__.lower()
         # add POST permission if project permission allows creation if correct project is referenced
         if self.action == 'list' and 'POST' not in allowed_methods:
@@ -118,18 +152,14 @@ class LOFARViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
             # generally. Hence we need to check if there is the theoretical possibility of POSTing an object based
             # on project permissions (which then only works if the user posts data that links the object to the
             # right project).
-            permission_name = self.serializer_class.Meta.model.__name__.lower()
-            permitted_project_roles = get_project_roles_with_permission(permission_name, 'POST')
-            user_project_roles = set([project_role['role'] for project_role in get_project_roles_for_user(request.user)])
-            for role in permissions.ProjectRole.objects.filter(value__in=list(user_project_roles)).all():
-                if role in permitted_project_roles:
-                    allowed_methods.append('POST')
-                    # optimization: we grant POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE permissions en block, so we only need to check one
-                    # of them and skip the expensive actual permission check for the rest. Note: this only affects the
-                    # header and the permission will still be properly checked when the user performs one of these.
-                    allowed_methods += ['PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
-                    break
+            if self._user_has_permission_for_any_project(request.user, 'POST', permission_name):
+                allowed_methods.append('POST')
+                # optimization: we grant POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE permissions en block, so we only need to check one
+                # of them and skip the expensive actual permission check for the rest. Note: this only affects the
+                # header and the permission will still be properly checked when the user performs one of these.
+                allowed_methods += ['PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
+        allowed_methods += self._get_permitted_extra_actions(request)
         return allowed_methods
     @swagger_auto_schema(responses={403: 'forbidden'})
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/permissions.py b/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/permissions.py
index 7778f77c5fae60fa28a47a97408b1099105dbe53..458ce3447fa0b31597fcc1cfd59b059ddecb0509 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/permissions.py
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/permissions.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from lofar.common import isProductionEnvironment, isDevelopmentEnvironment
 from django.db.models import Q
 from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
 User = get_user_model()
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
 # Permissions
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ User = get_user_model()
 #       A. apply a filter to prevent object without permission to be included in the list with full details, or
 #       B. customize get_queryset on the view to call check_object_permissions.
 def get_project_roles_for_user(user):
         if not isProductionEnvironment():
@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ def get_project_roles_for_user(user):
 def get_project_roles_with_permission(permission_name, method='GET'):
-        logger.info('checking permission name=%s action=%s' % (permission_name, method))
+        logger.info('checking permission name=%s method=%s' % (permission_name, method))
         # ...retrieve ProjectPermission object
         project_permission = models.ProjectPermission.objects.get(name=permission_name)
         # ...determine what project roles are allowed to perform the requested action
@@ -154,20 +156,40 @@ class IsProjectMember(drf_permissions.DjangoObjectPermissions):
         # Note: the Viewflow actions are currently create actions but they do not actually create anything
         # (and do not contain the expected data to create an instance of the underlying model, but instead e.g. the
         # data required to perform a workflow step). So we exclude the offending views here.
-        if view.action == 'create' and request.data \
+        regular_create_action = view.action == 'create' and request.data \
                 and not 'SchedulingUnitTaskExecuteViewSet' in str(view) \
-                and not 'SchedulingUnitTaskAssignViewSet' in str(view):
+                and not 'SchedulingUnitTaskAssignViewSet' in str(view)
+        extra_action_specs = view.extra_action_permission_specs.get(view.action, None) if hasattr(view, 'extra_action_permission_specs') else None
+        create_via_extra_action = extra_action_specs and (request.data or
+                                                          extra_action_specs['project_ref_override_pk_url_param'] in request.query_params)
+        if regular_create_action or create_via_extra_action:
             obj = None
-            if view.serializer_class.Meta.model == models.Project:
+            # Some extra actions create objects on other models. By default, we use the project reference of the base
+            # model of the action to check whether the user has one of the required roles in this project. On base models
+            # that are project-independent (e.g. SchedulingUnitObservingStrategyTemplate), we instead check the target
+            # model for the path to project.
+            model = extra_action_specs.get('model') if create_via_extra_action else view.serializer_class.Meta.model
+            if model == models.Project:
                 return False  # project creation solely depends on system role
-            if hasattr(view.serializer_class.Meta.model, 'path_to_project'):
-                attrs = view.serializer_class.Meta.model.path_to_project.split('__')
-            elif hasattr(view.serializer_class.Meta.model, 'project'):
+            if hasattr(model, 'path_to_project'):
+                attrs = model.path_to_project.split('__')
+            elif hasattr(model, 'project'):
                 attrs = ['project']
-                raise AttributeError(f'The model {view.serializer_class.Meta.model} requires an attribute "project" or "path_to_project" to check project permissions.')
+                raise AttributeError(f'The model {model} requires an attribute "project" or "path_to_project" to check project permissions.')
             for attr in attrs:
                 obj_resolved_in_this_iteration = False
+                if extra_action_specs \
+                        and attr == extra_action_specs.get('project_ref_override_attr') and \
+                                    extra_action_specs.get('project_ref_override_pk_url_param') in request.query_params:
+                    # some extra actions do not carry all info in their POSTed data, but include a url parameter
+                    # reference to the related project. Use that to resolve the project here.
+                    obj = get_object_or_404(extra_action_specs.get('project_ref_override_model'),
+                                            pk=request.query_params[extra_action_specs.get('project_ref_override_pk_url_param')])
+                    continue
                 if not obj:
                     # on first iteration, the referenced object needs to be resolved from POSTed FQDN
                     obj_ref = request.data[attr]
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/specification.py b/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/specification.py
index e27b5d7f5cbc71c0471574ded29957273ca44e5b..7579c9e41db1933155804dc44213ed4a34ad89fb 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/specification.py
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/backend/src/tmss/tmssapp/viewsets/specification.py
@@ -97,6 +97,12 @@ class SchedulingUnitObservingStrategyTemplateViewSet(AbstractTemplateViewSet):
     queryset = models.SchedulingUnitObservingStrategyTemplate.objects.all()
     serializer_class = serializers.SchedulingUnitObservingStrategyTemplateSerializer
+    # override default method, to make sure that we perform the correct project-based permission checks
+    extra_action_permission_specs = {'create_scheduling_unit': {'model': models.SchedulingUnitDraft,
+                                     'project_ref_override_pk_url_param': 'scheduling_set_id',
+                                     'project_ref_override_attr': 'scheduling_set',
+                                     'project_ref_override_model': models.SchedulingSet}}
     @swagger_auto_schema(responses={status.HTTP_201_CREATED: 'The newly created scheduling unit',
                                     status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN: 'forbidden'},
                          operation_description="Create a new SchedulingUnit based on this SchedulingUnitObservingStrategyTemplate, with the given <name> and <description> and make it a child of the given <scheduling_set_id>",
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/backend/test/t_permissions_project_roles.py b/SAS/TMSS/backend/test/t_permissions_project_roles.py
index a3d9a6d9c0fbf4790f705ca818a50fedd178e6dc..9b4b6933f0be70fef233a52984817950fd589bf4 100755
--- a/SAS/TMSS/backend/test/t_permissions_project_roles.py
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/backend/test/t_permissions_project_roles.py
@@ -93,11 +93,15 @@ class ProjectPermissionTestCase(TestCase):
             su_template_url = client.get_schedulingunit_template("scheduling unit")['url']
         # user is shared_support
-        cls.scheduling_set_shared_support_url = cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_url(cls.test_data_creator.SchedulingSet(project_url=cls.project_shared_support_url), '/scheduling_set/')
+        set = cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_response_as_json_object(cls.test_data_creator.SchedulingSet(project_url=cls.project_shared_support_url), '/scheduling_set/')
+        cls.scheduling_set_shared_support_url = set['url']
+        cls.scheduling_set_shared_support_id = set['id']
         cls.scheduling_unit_draft_shared_support_url = cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_url(cls.test_data_creator.SchedulingUnitDraft(template_url=su_template_url, scheduling_set_url=cls.scheduling_set_shared_support_url), '/scheduling_unit_draft/')
         # user is contact
-        cls.scheduling_set_contact_url = cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_url(cls.test_data_creator.SchedulingSet(project_url=cls.project_contact_url), '/scheduling_set/')
+        set = cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_response_as_json_object(cls.test_data_creator.SchedulingSet(project_url=cls.project_contact_url), '/scheduling_set/')
+        cls.scheduling_set_contact_url = set['url']
+        cls.scheduling_set_contact_id = set['id']
         cls.scheduling_unit_draft_contact_url = cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_url(cls.test_data_creator.SchedulingUnitDraft(scheduling_set_url=cls.scheduling_set_contact_url), '/scheduling_unit_draft/')
         # user has no role
@@ -111,9 +115,12 @@ class ProjectPermissionTestCase(TestCase):
         cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_url(cls.test_data_creator.ProjectPermission(name='taskdraft-create_task_blueprint', POST=[shared_support_role_url]), '/project_permission/')
         cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_url(cls.test_data_creator.ProjectPermission(name='project', GET=[shared_support_role_url], POST=[]), '/project_permission/')
         cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_url(cls.test_data_creator.ProjectPermission(name='project-my_roles', GET=[shared_support_role_url, friend_of_project_role_url]), '/project_permission/')
+        cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_url(cls.test_data_creator.ProjectPermission(name='schedulingunitobservingstrategytemplate-create_scheduling_unit', GET=[shared_support_role_url], POST=[shared_support_role_url]), '/project_permission/')
         cls.task_template_url = cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_url(cls.test_data_creator.TaskTemplate(), '/task_template/')
+        cls.scheduling_unit_observing_strategy_template_url = cls.test_data_creator.post_data_and_get_url(cls.test_data_creator.SchedulingUnitObservingStrategyTemplate(scheduling_unit_template_url=su_template_url), '/scheduling_unit_observing_strategy_template/')
         # create a new test_data_creator with the regular 'paulus' user, not superuser as in other tests, so that project permissions of tht user are checked.
         cls.auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth('paulus', 'pauluspass')
         cls.test_data_creator = TMSSRESTTestDataCreator(BASE_URL, cls.auth)
@@ -252,6 +259,36 @@ class ProjectPermissionTestCase(TestCase):
             self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 403)
             self.assertNotIn('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', r.headers)
+    # SchedulingUnitObservingStrategyTemplate.actions
+    def test_strategy_template_create_SU_draft_raises_error_if_user_has_no_permission_for_related_project(self):
+        # create SU draft via the extra action on strategy template, to test that the path to project of the SU draft model is used
+        # make sure we cannot create a draft in a scheduling set connected to a project where we have no role
+        POST_and_assert_expected_response(self, self.scheduling_unit_observing_strategy_template_url + '/create_scheduling_unit/',
+                                          {}, 403, {}, auth=self.auth, params={'scheduling_set_id': self.scheduling_set_contact_id})
+    def test_strategy_template_create_SU_draft_works_if_user_has_permission_for_related_project(self):
+        # create SU draft via the extra action on strategy template, to test that the path to project of the SU draft model is used
+        # make sure we can create a draft in a scheduling set connected to a project where we have 'shared_support' role
+        POST_and_assert_expected_response(self, self.scheduling_unit_observing_strategy_template_url + '/create_scheduling_unit/',
+                                          {}, 201, {}, auth=self.auth, params={'scheduling_set_id': self.scheduling_set_shared_support_id})
+    def test_access_control_allow_header_reflects_user_permissions_in_strategy_template_list_view(self):
+        # the frontend relies on the list view to include an extra action if the user has permission to execute it.
+        # Since the user has permission to create scheduling units in case they belong to the right project, the action
+        # should be listed here.
+        with requests.Session() as session:
+            session.verify = False
+            session.auth = self.auth
+            r = session.get(BASE_URL + '/scheduling_unit_observing_strategy_template/')
+            self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200)
+            allowed_methods = r.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'].split(', ')
+            self.assertIn('create_scheduling_unit', allowed_methods)
+    # Project
     def test_project_get_friend_returns_correct_user(self):
         Note: This test relies on real data from Keycloak.
diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/backend/test/tmss_test_environment_unittest_setup.py b/SAS/TMSS/backend/test/tmss_test_environment_unittest_setup.py
index 4f70c90423820f2529077cdae49d1d404615ce8b..a219ee978057c7683cafc6a3189accb6517f7bed 100644
--- a/SAS/TMSS/backend/test/tmss_test_environment_unittest_setup.py
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/backend/test/tmss_test_environment_unittest_setup.py
@@ -58,22 +58,22 @@ import lofar.sas.tmss.tmss.settings as TMSS_SETTINGS
 # by default we assert on requests taking longer than this timeout
-def _call_API_and_assert_expected_response(test_instance, url, call, data, expected_code, expected_content, auth=AUTH, timeout:float=DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT):
+def _call_API_and_assert_expected_response(test_instance, url, call, data, expected_code, expected_content, auth=AUTH, timeout:float=DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, params=None):
     Call API method on the provided url and assert the expected code is returned and the expected content is in the response content
     :return: response as dict. This either contains the data of an entry or error details. If JSON cannot be parsed, return string.
     _start_request_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
     if call == 'PUT':
-        response = requests.put(url, json=data, auth=auth, timeout=timeout)
+        response = requests.put(url, json=data, auth=auth, timeout=timeout, params=params)
     elif call == 'POST':
-        response = requests.post(url, json=data, auth=auth, timeout=timeout)
+        response = requests.post(url, json=data, auth=auth, timeout=timeout, params=params)
     elif call == 'GET':
-        response = requests.get(url, auth=auth, allow_redirects=False)
+        response = requests.get(url, auth=auth, allow_redirects=False, params=params)
     elif call == 'PATCH':
-        response = requests.patch(url, json=data, auth=auth, timeout=timeout)
+        response = requests.patch(url, json=data, auth=auth, timeout=timeout, params=params)
     elif call == 'DELETE':
-        response = requests.delete(url, auth=auth, timeout=timeout)
+        response = requests.delete(url, auth=auth, timeout=timeout, params=params)
         raise ValueError("The provided call '%s' is not a valid API method choice" % call)
@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ def PUT_and_assert_expected_response(test_instance, url, data, expected_code, ex
     return r_dict
-def POST_and_assert_expected_response(test_instance, url, data, expected_code, expected_content, auth=AUTH, timeout:float=DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT):
+def POST_and_assert_expected_response(test_instance, url, data, expected_code, expected_content, auth=AUTH, timeout:float=DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, params=None):
     POST data on url and assert the expected code is returned and the expected content is in the response content
     :return: response dict
-    r_dict = _call_API_and_assert_expected_response(test_instance, url, 'POST', data, expected_code, expected_content, auth=auth, timeout=timeout)
+    r_dict = _call_API_and_assert_expected_response(test_instance, url, 'POST', data, expected_code, expected_content, auth=auth, timeout=timeout, params=params)
     return r_dict