diff --git a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1.parset b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1.parset
index 96dac7c44b1d342d26c99eb24ca8af24c48213fd..f36233507e87781b23dd026db3859c5cedb54f6d 100644
--- a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1.parset
+++ b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1.parset
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Connections.BGLProc_Storage.TransportHolder = SOCKET # one of SOCKET, FILE, NULL
 Connections.BGLProc_Storage.BaseFileName    = "Correlations"
 # The format of the data
-Observation.NSubbands = 1
+Observation.NSubbands = 16
 Observation.NChannels = 256
 Observation.PositionType = ITRF     # should be ITRF
@@ -46,21 +46,23 @@ Observation.NBeams = 1              # number of beams used
 Observation.DirectionType = J2000   # direction type
 Observation.BeamDirections = [\     # pair of RA/DEC per beam (angle in rad)
 6.1234876806221052, 1.0265153995604648]
 Observation.DelayCompensation = T
-Observation.RefFreqs = [ 33281250, 38281250, 44218750, 52187500, 57187500, 60000000, 65156250, 74218750 ]
+Observation.SubbandIDs = [213, 245, 283, 334, 366, 384, 417, 475, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157]
 # General Variables
-General.SubbandsPerPset = 1
+General.SubbandsPerPset = 2
 # Variables for the DelayCompensation
 DelayComp.ConverterType=IMPL        # should be one of IMPL, CLIENT
 # Variables for the InputSection
 Input.WriteRawDataToFile = F
 Input.OutputRawDataFiles = ["/dev/null", "/dev/null"]
 Input.Transport.Station0.Rsp0.th        = NULL  # should be one of NULL, FILE, SOCKET, NULL
diff --git a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Parset.py b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Parset.py
index c3370327b46ef0a26cd15e91dbf0748f891acb82..694f9702b9005201c296d1c74d360086289d2081 100644
--- a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Parset.py
+++ b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Parset.py
@@ -144,12 +144,17 @@ class CS1_Parset(LOFAR_Parset.Parset):
         if not self.__dict__.has_key('nSubbands'):
-        sbs = list()
-        for sb in range(0, self.nSubbands):
-            sbs.append(self.firstSB + sb * subbandwidth)
+	subbandIDs = self.getInt32Vector('Observation.SubbandIDs')
+	if len(subbandIDs) != self.nSubbands:
+	    raise Exception('nSubbands(%d) !=  SubbandIDs(%d).' % (self.nSubbands, len(subbandIDs)))
+	sbs = list()
+        for sb in range(0, len(subbandIDs)):
+            sbs.append(subbandIDs[sb] * subbandwidth)
         # create the frequencies for all subbands
-        #self['Observation.RefFreqs'] = '[' + ','.join(str(sb) for sb in sbs) + ']'
+        self['Observation.RefFreqs'] = '[' + ', '.join(str(sb) for sb in sbs) + ']'
         self['Observation.NSubbands'] = self.nSubbands
         #the number of subbands should be dividable by the number of subbands per pset
diff --git a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Run.py b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Run.py
index 8ff4878e31266bcaf9a46564844e17f0584244ca..5711d41de481727ec2bd1b33242fb0770b5b0db4 100755
--- a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Run.py
+++ b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Run.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
+import math
 import time
 import os
 import sys
@@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ def doObservation(obsID, parset):
-    noRuns = int(parset['Observation.StopTime']) - int(parset['Observation.StartTime']) - 10
+    stepTime = float(parset['Observation.NSubbandSamples']) / parset['Observation.SampleRate']
+    sz = int(math.ceil((parset['Observation.StopTime'] - parset['Observation.StartTime']) / stepTime))
     #print int(parset['Observation.StopTime']), int(parset['Observation.StartTime']), noRuns
     logdir = '/log/'
@@ -46,8 +48,10 @@ def doObservation(obsID, parset):
             # todo 27-10-2006 this is a temporary hack because storage doesn't close neatly.
             # This way all sections run longer than needed and storage stops before the rest does
             if not isinstance(section, StorageSection):
-                section.run(runlog, noRuns+10)
+		noRuns = ((sz+15)&~15) + 16;
+		section.run(runlog, noRuns)
+	        noRuns = (sz+15)&~15
                 section.run(runlog, noRuns)
@@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     parser.add_option('--clock'          , dest='clock'          , default='160MHz'    , type='string', help='clock frequency (either 160MHz or 200MHz) [%default]')
     parser.add_option('--subbands'       , dest='subbands'       , default='60MHz,8'   , type='string', help='freq of first subband and number of subbands to use [%default]')
     parser.add_option('--runtime'        , dest='runtime'        , default='600'       , type='int'   , help='length of measurement in seconds [%default]')
-    parser.add_option('--starttime'     , dest='starttime', default=int(time.time() + 150), type='int', help='start of measurement in UTC seconds [now + 100s]')
+    parser.add_option('--starttime'     , dest='starttime', default=int(time.time() + 150), type='int', help='start of measurement in UTC seconds [now + 150s]')
     parser.add_option('--integrationtime', dest='integrationtime', default='60'        , type='int'   , help='length of integration interval in seconds [%default]')
     parser.add_option('--msname'         , dest='msname'                               , type='string', help='name of the measurement set')
     parser.add_option('--stationlist'    , dest='stationlist' , default='CS10_4dipoles', type='string', help='name of the station or stationconfiguration (see CS1_Stations.py) [%default]')
@@ -100,7 +104,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     parset.setSubbands(first, nsb)
     # read the runtime (optional start in utc and the length of the measurement)
-    parset.setInterval(options.starttime, options.runtime+10)
+    parset.setInterval(options.starttime, options.runtime)
     # convert beamdirections from RA and Dec to Radians
diff --git a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Sections.py b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Sections.py
index 824904491f213ba64819a53fc721ed178b4ffc90..c7713208b9445f18e9774a854fad482fa731769b 100644
--- a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Sections.py
+++ b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Sections.py
@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ class BGLProcSection(Section):
         # todo: We should check here if the executable exists
         nstations = parset.getNStations()
         clock = parset.getClockString()
-        self.executable = 'CS1_BGL_Processing.' + str(nstations) + 'st.' + clock
+        #self.executable = 'CS1_BGL_Processing.' + str(nstations) + 'st.' + clock
+	self.executable = 'CS1_BGL_Processing'
     def run(self, runlog, noRuns, runCmd = None):
         nodesPerCell = self.parset.getInt32('BGLProc.NodesPerPset') * self.parset.getInt32('BGLProc.PsetsPerCell')
diff --git a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Stations.py b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Stations.py
index db32e81df89543f7b7b2583c2581ddd1aa35ee87..654c79cce0c79315592ca38fd2624a41dcc2018d 100644
--- a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Stations.py
+++ b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/CS1_Stations.py
@@ -66,6 +66,30 @@ CS16_dipole12 = [Station('CS16_dipole12', 12, (0.119964779015,  0.920270965005,
 CS16_4dipoles = CS16_dipole0 + CS16_dipole4 + CS16_dipole8 + CS16_dipole12
 Fourstations_4dipoles = CS10_4dipoles + CS01_4dipoles + CS08_4dipoles + CS16_4dipoles
-Treestations_4dipoles = CS01_4dipoles + CS08_4dipoles + CS16_4dipoles
-Twostations_4dipoles = CS08_4dipoles + CS16_4dipoles
-#Twostations_4dipoles = CS01_4dipoles + CS08_4dipoles + CS16_4dipoles
+CS10_centre0  = [Station('CS10_centre0' ,  1, (0.119880687209, 0.920274829586, 6364096.65669), 0, '10:fa:00:0a:01:00')]
+CS10_centre1  = [Station('CS10_centre1' ,  1, (0.119889696308, 0.920277341969, 6364096.62516), 1, '10:fa:00:0a:01:01')]
+CS10_centre2  = [Station('CS10_centre2' ,  2, (0.119878836045, 0.920272809664, 6364096.71911), 2, '10:fa:00:0a:01:02')]
+CS10_centre3 =  [Station('CS10_centre3' ,  3, (0.119884676596, 0.920276007334, 6364096.63253), 3, '10:fa:00:0a:01:03')]
+CS10_4centra = CS10_centre0 + CS10_centre1 + CS10_centre2 + CS10_centre3
+CS08_centre0  = [Station('CS08_centre0' ,  4, (0.119869165515, 0.920301856536, 6364096.36841), 0, '10:fa:00:08:01:05')]
+CS08_centre1  = [Station('CS08_centre1' ,  4, (0.119875783416, 0.920305703002, 6364096.28953), 1, '10:fa:00:08:01:07')]
+CS08_centre2  = [Station('CS08_centre2' ,  5, (0.119898867625, 0.920297715596, 6364096.45334), 2, '10:fa:00:08:01:0a')]
+CS08_centre3 =  [Station('CS08_centre3' ,  6, (0.119892249725, 0.920293869179, 6364096.53222), 3, '10:fa:00:08:01:0d')]
+CS08_4centra = CS08_centre0 + CS08_centre1 + CS08_centre2 + CS08_centre3
+CS01_centre0  = [Station('CS01_centre0' ,  7, (0.119852010383, 0.920247381584, 6364097.49361), 0, '10:fa:00:01:01:00')]
+CS01_centre1  = [Station('CS01_centre1' ,  7, (0.119858627702, 0.920251228144, 6364097.41472), 1, '10:fa:00:01:01:01')]
+CS01_centre2  = [Station('CS01_centre2' ,  8, (0.119864979052, 0.920247220481, 6364097.49691), 2, '10:fa:00:01:01:02')]
+CS01_centre3 =  [Station('CS01_centre3' ,  9, (0.119858361733, 0.92024337397 , 6364097.5778 ), 3, '10:fa:00:01:01:03')]
+CS01_4centra = CS01_centre0 + CS01_centre1 + CS01_centre2 + CS01_centre3
+CS16_centre0  = [Station('CS16_centre0' , 10, (0.119959335866, 0.92027496129 , 6364096.62399), 0, '10:fa:00:10:01:00')]
+CS16_centre1  = [Station('CS16_centre1' , 10, (0.119965953961, 0.920278807463, 6364096.54511), 1, '10:fa:00:10:01:01')]
+CS16_centre2  = [Station('CS16_centre2' , 11, (0.119972304923, 0.920274799507, 6364096.6273 ), 2, '10:fa:00:10:01:02')]
+CS16_centre3 =  [Station('CS16_centre3' , 12, (0.119965686829, 0.920270953334, 6364096.70718), 3, '10:fa:00:10:01:03')]
+CS16_4centra = CS16_centre0 + CS16_centre1 + CS16_centre2 + CS16_centre3
+Fourstations_4centra = CS10_4centra + CS01_4centra + CS08_4centra + CS16_4centra
diff --git a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/LOFAR_Parset.py b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/LOFAR_Parset.py
index 50f8d0a817eba32dfe32b35dea955f78ccc6a6e1..dac565617951ea5801e5dfd38ea9a161260ca31d 100644
--- a/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/LOFAR_Parset.py
+++ b/Appl/CEP/CS1/CS1_Run/src/LOFAR_Parset.py
@@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ class Parset(object):
         return line.split(',')
     def getInt32Vector(self, key):
-        line = self.parameters[key]
-        line.strip('[').strip(']')
-        return [int(lp) for lp in line.split(',')]
+        ln = self.parameters[key]
+	ln_tmp = ln.split('[')
+        line = 	ln_tmp[1].split(']')
+        return [int(lp) for lp in line[0].split(',')]
     def getFloatVector(self, key):
         line = self.parameters[key]