diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index a6704427e179a4a1242521252c7cd1d8addc530e..a7debf78f41aa864716275c10bda067828e0d257 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -1327,18 +1327,13 @@ CEP/Pipeline/test/recipes/nodes/gainoutliercorrection_test.py -text
 CEP/Pipeline/test/recipes/nodes/imager_bbs_test.py -text
 CEP/Pipeline/test/recipes/nodes/imager_create_dbs_test.py eol=lf
 CEP/Pipeline/test/recipes/nodes/imager_prepare_test.py eol=lf
-CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/branch_calibrator_regression.parset -text
-CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/branch_imaging_regression.parset -text
 CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/calibrator_pipeline.py -text
 CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/imaging_pipeline.py -text
-CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche[!!-~]regression[!!-~]calibrator[!!-~]pipeline[!!-~].config.xml -text
-CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche[!!-~]regression[!!-~]imaging[!!-~]pipeline[!!-~].config.xml -text
-CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche[!!-~]regression[!!-~]target[!!-~]pipeline.config.xml -text
-CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_calibrator_regression.config.xml -text
-CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_imaging_regression.config.xml -text
-CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_target_regression.config.xml -text
+CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/calibrator_regression.config.xml -text
+CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/imaging_regression.config.xml -text
+CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/pipeline_task_regression.config.xml -text
+CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/target_regression.config.xml -text
 CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/target_pipeline.py -text
-CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/trunk_imaging_regression.parset -text
 CEP/Pipeline/test/support/__init__.py eol=lf
 CEP/Pipeline/test/support/loggingdecorators_test.py -text
 CEP/Pipeline/test/support/xmllogging_test.py -text
@@ -1971,7 +1966,6 @@ CEP/PyBDSM/test/tbdsm_process_image.py -text
 CMake/FindCasarest.cmake -text
 CMake/FindJNI.cmake -text
 CMake/FindLibssh2.cmake -text
-CMake/FindOpenCL.cmake -text
 CMake/FindValgrind.cmake -text
 CMake/TODO -text
 CMake/testscripts/assay -text
@@ -2636,7 +2630,6 @@ MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/ETRF_FILES/RS208/rs208-antenna-positions-etrs.cs
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/ETRF_FILES/RS305/rs305-antenna-positions-etrs.csv -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/ETRF_FILES/RS306/rs306-antenna-positions-etrs.csv -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/ETRF_FILES/RS307/rs307-antenna-positions-etrs.csv -text
-MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/ETRF_FILES/RS310/rs310-antenna-positions-etrs.csv -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/ETRF_FILES/RS406/rs406-antenna-positions-etrs.csv -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/ETRF_FILES/RS407/rs407-antenna-positions-etrs.csv -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/ETRF_FILES/RS409/rs409-antenna-positions-etrs.csv -text
@@ -2742,8 +2735,6 @@ MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS306/rs306-core-solution-h
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS306/rs306-core-solution-lba.lisp -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS307/rs307-core-solution-hba.lisp -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS307/rs307-core-solution-lba.lisp -text
-MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS310/rs310-hba-solution.lisp -text
-MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS310/rs310-lba-solution.lisp -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS406/rs406-hba-solution.lisp -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS406/rs406-lba-solution.lisp -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS407/rs407-hba-core-solution.lisp -text
@@ -2828,7 +2819,6 @@ MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/RS306C_option.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/RS307C_option.lcu013.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/RS307C_option.lcu045.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/RS406C_option.txt -text
-MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/RS407C_option.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/RS503_option.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/RS508C_option.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/RS509C_option.txt -text
@@ -2879,7 +2869,6 @@ MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/shield.RS306C.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/shield.RS307C.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/shield.RS307C_lcu045.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/shield.RS406C.txt -text
-MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/shield.RS407C.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/shield.RS503C.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/shield.RS508C.txt -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/shield.RS509C.txt -text
@@ -2953,7 +2942,6 @@ MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/RS208-AntennaField.conf -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/RS305-AntennaField.conf -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/RS306-AntennaField.conf -text
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-MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/RS310-AntennaField.conf -text
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 MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/RS409-AntennaField.conf -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/RS503-AntennaField.conf -text
@@ -3021,7 +3009,6 @@ MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/iHBADeltas/RS208-iHBADeltas.conf -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/iHBADeltas/RS305-iHBADeltas.conf -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/iHBADeltas/RS306-iHBADeltas.conf -text
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-MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/iHBADeltas/RS310-iHBADeltas.conf -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/iHBADeltas/RS407-iHBADeltas.conf -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/iHBADeltas/RS409-iHBADeltas.conf -text
 MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/iHBADeltas/RS503-iHBADeltas.conf -text
@@ -3344,7 +3331,6 @@ MAC/Navigator2/scripts/monitorStateReset.ctl -text
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 MAC/Navigator2/scripts/readStationConfigs.ctl -text
-MAC/Navigator2/scripts/transferMPs.ctl -text
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 MAC/Test/APL/PVSSproject/colorDB/colorDB_de -text svneol=native#application/octet-stream
 MAC/Test/APL/PVSSproject/config/config -text svneol=native#application/octet-stream
@@ -3597,143 +3583,6 @@ RTCP/CNProc/test/tPencilBeamFormer.sh -text
 RTCP/CNProc/test/tStokes.cc -text
 RTCP/CNProc/test/tStokes.sh -text
 RTCP/CNProc/test/tStokesAsm.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/CMakeLists.txt -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/CMakeLists.txt -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/AccelerateError.pdf -text
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-RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/Makefile -text
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-RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/OpenCLError.pdf -text svneol=unset#unset
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-RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_base_kernels.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_execute.cpp -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_internal.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_kernelstring.cpp -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_kernelstring.cpp.orig -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_setup.cpp -text
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-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin64/clAmdFft.Client-1.8.291 -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/clAmdFft-1.8.291-Linux.tar.gz -text
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-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/clAmdFft1.8.291.tar.gz -text
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-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/include/clAmdFft.version.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/install-clAmdFft-1.8.291.sh -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/CMakeLists.txt -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/amd-unicode.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.client.cpp -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.client.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.openCL.cpp -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.openCL.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clMemcpy.cpp -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/statisticalTimer.cpp -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/statisticalTimer.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/stdafx.cpp -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/stdafx.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/targetver.h -text
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-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BandPass.h -text
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-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.4x3 -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.6x3 -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.bak -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.not -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.ok -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.orig -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl.ok -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IncoherentStokes.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IncoherentStokes.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Transpose.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Transpose.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBuffer.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBuffer.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.h -text
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-RTCP/GPUProc/src/Correlator.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/Correlator.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/DelayAndBandPass.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/DelayAndBandPass.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/Delays.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/Delays.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/FFT.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/FIR.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/FIR.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/FilterBank.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/FilterBank.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputSection.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputSection.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputThread.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputThread.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/Job.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/Job.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/LockedRanges.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/LogThread.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/LogThread.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/NewCorrelator.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/NewCorrelator.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenCL_Support.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenCL_Support.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenMP_Support.h -text
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-RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc.not -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc.ok -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/ReaderWriterSynchronization.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/ReaderWriterSynchronization.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/Scheduling.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/Scheduling.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/SlidingPointer.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.4groups -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.hop -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.hop-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.not -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.ok -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFFT.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFFT.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFIR.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFIR.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.cc -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl.ok -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl-0.ptx -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl.8 -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl.ok -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/WallClockTime.h -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/fft.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/math.cl -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/src/octave-core -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/test/77_Stations.parset -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/test/AARTFAAC.parset -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/test/CMakeLists.txt -text
-RTCP/GPUProc/test/small-test.parset -text
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 RTCP/IONProc/src/CommandServer.h -text
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@@ -3752,47 +3601,27 @@ RTCP/IONProc/src/StreamMultiplexer.h -text
 RTCP/IONProc/src/generateDelays.cc -text
 RTCP/IONProc/test/CMakeLists.txt -text
 RTCP/IONProc/test/RTCP.parset -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/CMakeLists.txt -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/OMPThread.h -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/Poll.h -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/Ranges.h -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/SampleBuffer.h -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/SharedMemory.h -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationData.h -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationID.h -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationSettings.h -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/TimeSync.h -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/foo.cc -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/newInputSection.cc -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/newInputSection_old.cc -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/shmtest.cc -text
+RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/tRSPTimeStamp.cc -text
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-RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.cc -text
-RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.in_16bit -text
-RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.in_8bit -text
-RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.sh -text
-RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.stdout -text
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-RTCP/InputProc/CMakeLists.txt -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/BufferSettings.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/BufferSettings.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/CMakeLists.txt -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/Generator.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/Generator.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/OMPThread.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketReader.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketReader.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketsToBuffer.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/RSPBoards.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/RSPBoards.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/Ranges.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/Ranges.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleBuffer.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleBufferReader.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleType.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/SharedMemory.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/SharedMemory.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/StationID.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/StationID.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/newInputSection.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/obsolete/Poll.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/src/obsolete/TimeSync.h -text
-RTCP/InputProc/test/CMakeLists.txt -text
-RTCP/InputProc/test/tGenerator.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/test/tRSPTimeStamp2.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/test/tRanges.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/test/tSampleBuffer.cc -text
-RTCP/InputProc/test/tSharedMemory.cc -text
 RTCP/Interface/include/Interface/BGPAsm.h -text
 RTCP/Interface/include/Interface/BeamCoordinates.h -text
 RTCP/Interface/include/Interface/BeamFormedData.h -text
diff --git a/.subversion/config b/.subversion/config
index 0812a72b3c6ce9fbb316ebb838bc54fee336b3d1..b7f6f49ab1c76afa7d0d352a43ebe45f16763000 100644
--- a/.subversion/config
+++ b/.subversion/config
@@ -5,37 +5,22 @@
 ### Section for authentication and authorization customizations.
-### Set password stores used by Subversion. They should be
-### delimited by spaces or commas. The order of values determines
-### the order in which password stores are used.
-### Valid password stores:
-###   gnome-keyring        (Unix-like systems)
-###   kwallet              (Unix-like systems)
-###   keychain             (Mac OS X)
-###   windows-cryptoapi    (Windows)
-password-stores = gnome-keyring,kwallet
-### To disable all password stores, use an empty list:
-# password-stores =
-### Set KWallet wallet used by Subversion. If empty or unset,
-### then the default network wallet will be used.
-# kwallet-wallet =
-### Include PID (Process ID) in Subversion application name when
-### using KWallet. It defaults to 'no'.
-# kwallet-svn-application-name-with-pid = yes
-### The rest of the [auth] section in this file has been deprecated.
-### Both 'store-passwords' and 'store-auth-creds' can now be
-### specified in the 'servers' file in your config directory
-### and are documented there. Anything specified in this section 
-### is overridden by settings specified in the 'servers' file.
+### Set store-passwords to 'no' to avoid storing passwords in the
+### auth/ area of your config directory.  It defaults to 'yes'.
+### Note that this option only prevents saving of *new* passwords;
+### it doesn't invalidate existing passwords.  (To do that, remove
+### the cache files by hand as described in the Subversion book.)
 # store-passwords = no
+### Set store-auth-creds to 'no' to avoid storing any subversion
+### credentials in the auth/ area of your config directory.
+### It defaults to 'yes'.  Note that this option only prevents
+### saving of *new* credentials;  it doesn't invalidate existing
+### caches.  (To do that, remove the cache files by hand.)
 # store-auth-creds = no
 ### Section for configuring external helper applications.
-### Set editor-cmd to the command used to invoke your text editor.
+### Set editor to the command used to invoke your text editor.
 ###   This will override the environment variables that Subversion
 ###   examines by default to find this information ($EDITOR, 
 ###   et al).
@@ -44,21 +29,13 @@ password-stores = gnome-keyring,kwallet
 ###   This will override the compile-time default, which is to use
 ###   Subversion's internal diff implementation.
 # diff-cmd = diff_program (diff, gdiff, etc.)
-### Diff-extensions are arguments passed to an external diff
-### program or to Subversion's internal diff implementation.
-### Set diff-extensions to override the default arguments ('-u').
-# diff-extensions = -u -p
 ### Set diff3-cmd to the absolute path of your 'diff3' program.
 ###   This will override the compile-time default, which is to use
 ###   Subversion's internal diff3 implementation.
 # diff3-cmd = diff3_program (diff3, gdiff3, etc.)
-### Set diff3-has-program-arg to 'yes' if your 'diff3' program
-###   accepts the '--diff-program' option.
-# diff3-has-program-arg = [yes | no]
-### Set merge-tool-cmd to the command used to invoke your external
-### merging tool of choice. Subversion will pass 5 arguments to
-### the specified command: base theirs mine merged wcfile
-# merge-tool-cmd = merge_command
+### Set diff3-has-program-arg to 'true' or 'yes' if your 'diff3'
+###   program accepts the '--diff-program' option.
+# diff3-has-program-arg = [true | false]
 ### Section for configuring tunnel agents.
@@ -75,7 +52,7 @@ password-stores = gnome-keyring,kwallet
 ### passed to the tunnel agent as <user>@<hostname>.)  If the
 ### built-in ssh scheme were not predefined, it could be defined
 ### as:
-# ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q -o ControlMaster=no
+# ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh
 ### If you wanted to define a new 'rsh' scheme, to be used with
 ### 'svn+rsh:' URLs, you could do so as follows:
 # rsh = rsh
@@ -89,11 +66,14 @@ password-stores = gnome-keyring,kwallet
 ### Section for configuring miscelleneous Subversion options.
 ### Set global-ignores to a set of whitespace-delimited globs
-### which Subversion will ignore in its 'status' output, and
-### while importing or adding files and directories.
-### '*' matches leading dots, e.g. '*.rej' matches '.foo.rej'.
-# global-ignores = *.o *.lo *.la *.al .libs *.so *.so.[0-9]* *.a *.pyc *.pyo
-#   *.rej *~ #*# .#* .*.swp .DS_Store
+### which Subversion will ignore in its 'status' output.
+global-ignores = *~ *.log *.private *.result *.tmp installed \
+                 aclocal.m4 autom4te.cache boot.md5 boot.md5-check \
+                 build config.guess config.h.in config.sub configure \
+                 depcomp install-sh libtool.m4 ltmain.sh lt~obsolete.m4 \
+                 ltoptions.m4 ltsugar.m4 ltversion.m4 Makefile.in missing \
+                 *.pyc
 ### Set log-encoding to the default encoding for log messages
 # log-encoding = latin1
 ### Set use-commit-times to make checkout/update/switch/revert
@@ -102,37 +82,19 @@ password-stores = gnome-keyring,kwallet
 ### Set no-unlock to prevent 'svn commit' from automatically
 ### releasing locks on files.
 # no-unlock = yes
-### Set mime-types-file to a MIME type registry file, used to
-### provide hints to Subversion's MIME type auto-detection
-### algorithm.
-# mime-types-file = /path/to/mime.types
-### Set preserved-conflict-file-exts to a whitespace-delimited
-### list of patterns matching file extensions which should be
-### preserved in generated conflict file names.  By default,
-### conflict files use custom extensions.
-# preserved-conflict-file-exts = doc ppt xls od?
 ### Set enable-auto-props to 'yes' to enable automatic properties
 ### for 'svn add' and 'svn import', it defaults to 'no'.
 ### Automatic properties are defined in the section 'auto-props'.
-# enable-auto-props = yes
-### Set interactive-conflicts to 'no' to disable interactive
-### conflict resolution prompting.  It defaults to 'yes'.
-# interactive-conflicts = no
-### Set memory-cache-size to define the size of the memory cache
-### used by the client when accessing a FSFS repository via
-### ra_local (the file:// scheme). The value represents the number
-### of MB used by the cache.
-# memory-cache-size = 16
+enable-auto-props = yes
 ### Section for configuring automatic properties.
 ### The format of the entries is:
 ###   file-name-pattern = propname[=value][;propname[=value]...]
 ### The file-name-pattern can contain wildcards (such as '*' and
-### '?').  All entries which match (case-insensitively) will be
-### applied to the file.  Note that auto-props functionality
-### must be enabled, which is typically done by setting the
-### 'enable-auto-props' option.
+### '?').  All entries which match will be applied to the file.
+### Note that auto-props functionality must be enabled, which
+### is typically done by setting the 'enable-auto-props' option.
 *.am = svn:eol-style=native;svn:keywords=Author Date Id Revision
 *.bat = svn:eol-style=CRLF;svn:keywords=Author Date Id Revision
 *.bib = svn:eol-style=native
diff --git a/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/calibrate-ion b/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/calibrate-ion
index 0fd9f1587651e12048b9f3499687509ec78722a8..80646c85a33ef7d200fc868e47e7eb16fa7576c8 100755
--- a/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/calibrate-ion
+++ b/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/calibrate-ion
@@ -154,8 +154,6 @@ polarizations = [d[key] for key in l]
 DirectionalGainEnable = parset.getBool( "ExpIon.DirectionalGain.Enable", False ) 
 GainEnable = parset.getBool( "ExpIon.Gain.Enable", False ) 
 PhasorsEnable = parset.getBool( "ExpIon.Phasors.Enable", False )
-RotationEnable = parset.getBool( "ExpIon.Rotation.Enable", False )
-print "RotationEnable:", RotationEnable
 print repr(stations)
 print repr(sources)
@@ -164,7 +162,6 @@ print repr(DirectionalGainEnable)
 ion_model = ionosphere.IonosphericModel(gdsfiles, clusterdescfile,
                                         GainEnable = GainEnable,
                                         DirectionalGainEnable = DirectionalGainEnable,
-                                        RotationEnable = RotationEnable,
                                         PhasorsEnable = PhasorsEnable,
                                         stations = stations,
                                         sources = sources,
diff --git a/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/client.py b/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/client.py
index 726d290211fdae7b31202398dfde09b7c17f4048..8c868f26c0dc1a0cf85698bc7beef69cf58d5207 100644
--- a/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/client.py
+++ b/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/client.py
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ import IPython
 if float(IPython.__version__) < 0.11 :
   from IPython.kernel import client
-  import atexit
-# Without the following statement python sometimes throws an exception on exit
+  # Without the following statement python sometimes throws an exception on exit
   MultiEngineClient = client.MultiEngineClient
   TaskClient = client.TaskClient
diff --git a/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/ionosphere.py b/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/ionosphere.py
index e34b8676b4416d7295eb6dcf4586ae9719e47a97..5f3074ede5d0141b81ebc487c07335290e5f400d 100755
--- a/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/ionosphere.py
+++ b/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon/src/ionosphere.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from datetime import *
 from math import *
 import time
 import re
+import atexit
 # import 3rd party modules
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ class IonosphericModel:
    def __init__( self, gdsfiles, clusterdesc = '', sky_name = 'sky', instrument_name = 'instrument', 
          sources = [], stations = [], polarizations = [], GainEnable = False, DirectionalGainEnable = False,
-         PhasorsEnable = False, RotationEnable = False, estimate_gradient = True,
+         PhasorsEnable = False, estimate_gradient = True,
          remove_gradient = True, equal_weights = False, normalize_weights = True, save_pierce_points = True,
          globaldb = 'globaldb', movie_file_name = '', format = 'mpg', plot_gradient = True, xy_range = [ - 0.5, 0.5 ],
          e_steps = 4, print_info = False, estimate_offsets = False,
@@ -85,10 +86,8 @@ class IonosphericModel:
          self.GainEnable = GainEnable
          self.DirectionalGainEnable = DirectionalGainEnable
          self.PhasorsEnable = PhasorsEnable
-         self.RotationEnable = RotationEnable
          self.polarizations = polarizations
          self.N_pol = len(polarizations)
-         print "RotationEnable:", self.RotationEnable
          self.load_gds(gdsfiles, clusterdesc, globaldb, sky_name, instrument_name, stations, sources)
    def load_globaldb ( self, globaldb ) :
@@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ class IonosphericModel:
       self.phases = self.hdf5.root.phases
       self.flags = self.hdf5.root.flags
-      for varname in ['amplitudes', 'rotation', 'Clock', 'TEC', 'TECfit', 'TECfit_white', 'offsets', \
+      for varname in ['amplitudes', 'Clock', 'TEC', 'TECfit', 'TECfit_white', 'offsets', \
                       'times', 'timewidths', 'piercepoints', 'facets', 'facet_piercepoints', 'n_list', \
                       'STEC_facets'] :
          if varname in self.hdf5.root:
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ class IonosphericModel:
       self.hdf5.createArray(self.hdf5.root, 'pointing', self.pointing)
-      if self.DirectionalGainEnable or self.RotationEnable:
+      if self.DirectionalGainEnable:
          if len( sources ) == 0:
             sources = ["*"]
          self.sources = get_source_list( instrumentdb, sources )
@@ -320,15 +319,12 @@ class IonosphericModel:
       chunkshape = (1024 , 32, 1, 1, 1)
       self.phases = self.hdf5.createCArray(self.hdf5.root, 'phases', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(self.N_times, self.N_freqs, self.N_stations, self.N_sources, self.N_pol), chunkshape = chunkshape)
       self.amplitudes = self.hdf5.createCArray(self.hdf5.root, 'amplitudes', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(self.N_times, self.N_freqs, self.N_stations, self.N_sources, self.N_pol), chunkshape = chunkshape)
-      if self.RotationEnable:
-        self.rotation = self.hdf5.createCArray(self.hdf5.root, 'rotation', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(self.N_times, self.N_freqs, self.N_stations, self.N_sources), chunkshape = chunkshape[:-1])
       fillarray(self.amplitudes, 1.0)
       self.flags = self.hdf5.createCArray(self.hdf5.root, 'flags', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(self.N_times, self.N_freqs))
       freq_idx = 0
       for gdsfile, instrumentdb_name, gdsfile_idx in zip(gdsfiles, self.instrumentdb_name_list, range(len(gdsfiles))) :
-         print ('-Reading %s (%i/%i)' % (gdsfile, gdsfile_idx+1, len(gdsfiles))),
-         shapemismatch = False
+         print 'Reading %s (%i/%i)' % (gdsfile, gdsfile_idx+1, len(gdsfiles))
          instrumentdb = lofar.parmdb.parmdb( instrumentdb_name )
          v0 = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname0 )[ parmname0 ]
@@ -343,60 +339,45 @@ class IonosphericModel:
          for pol, pol_idx in zip(self.polarizations, range(len(self.polarizations))):
             for station, station_idx in zip(self.stations, range(len(self.stations))):
-              if self.GainEnable:
-                 parmname0 = ':'.join(['Gain', str(pol), str(pol), infix[0], station])
-                 parmname1 = ':'.join(['Gain', str(pol), str(pol), infix[1], station])
-                 if self.PhasorsEnable:
-                   gain_phase = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname1 )[ parmname1 ]['values']
-                   self.phases[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, :, pol_idx] = resize(gain_phase.T, (self.N_sources, N_freqs, self.N_times)).T
-                   try:
-                     gain_amplitude = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname0 )[ parmname0 ]['values']
-                   except KeyError:
-                     #self.amplitudes[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, :, pol_idx] = numpy.ones((self.N_times, N_freqs, self.N_sources))
-                     pass
-                   else:
-                     self.amplitudes[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, :, pol_idx] = abs(numpy.resize(gain_amplitudes.T, (self.N_sources, N_freqs, self.N_times)).T)
-                     self.phases[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, :, pol_idx] += angle(numpy.resize(gain_amplitudes.T, (self.N_sources, N_freqs, self.N_times)).T)
-                 else:
-                   gain_real = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname0 )[ parmname0 ]['values']
-                   gain_imag = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname1 )[ parmname1 ]['values']
-                   self.phases[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, :, pol_idx] = numpy.resize(numpy.arctan2(gain_imag.T, gain_real.T),(self.N_sources, N_freqs, self.N_times)).T
-                   self.amplitudes[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, :, pol_idx] = numpy.resize(numpy.sqrt(gain_imag.T**2 + gain_real.T**2),(self.N_sources, N_freqs, self.N_times)).T
-              if self.DirectionalGainEnable:
-                for source, source_idx in zip(self.sources, range(len(self.sources))) :
-                  parmname0 = ':'.join(['DirectionalGain', str(pol), str(pol), infix[0], station, source])
-                  parmname1 = ':'.join(['DirectionalGain', str(pol), str(pol), infix[1], station, source])
+               if self.GainEnable:
+                  parmname0 = ':'.join(['Gain', str(pol), str(pol), infix[0], station])
+                  parmname1 = ':'.join(['Gain', str(pol), str(pol), infix[1], station])
                   if self.PhasorsEnable:
-                    gain_phase = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname1 )[ parmname1 ]['values']
-                    self.phases[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, source_idx, pol_idx] += gain_phase
-                    try:
-                      gain_amplitude = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname0 )[ parmname0 ]['values']
-                    except KeyError:
-                      pass
-                    else:
-                      self.amplitudes[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, source_idx, pol_idx] *= abs(gain_amplitude)
-                      self.phases[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, source_idx, pol_idx] += angle(gain_amplitude)
+                     gain_phase = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname1 )[ parmname1 ]['values']
+                     self.phases[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, :, pol_idx] = resize(gain_phase.T, (self.N_sources, N_freqs, self.N_times)).T
+                     try:
+                        gain_amplitude = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname0 )[ parmname0 ]['values']
+                     except KeyError:
+                        self.amplitudes[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, :, pol_idx] = numpy.ones((self.N_times, N_freqs, self.N_sources))
+                     else:
+                        self.amplitudes[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, :, pol_idx] = numpy.resize(gain_amplitudes.T, (self.N_sources, N_freqs, self.N_times)).T
-                    gain_real = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname0 )[ parmname0 ]['values']
-                    gain_imag = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname1 )[ parmname1 ]['values']
-                    l = min(gain_real.shape[0], gain_imag.shape[0], self.phases.shape[0])
-                    if l != self.phases.shape[0]:
-                      shapemismatch = True
-                    gain_real = gain_real[0:l,:]
-                    gain_imag = gain_imag[0:l,:]
-                    self.phases[0:l, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, source_idx, pol_idx]  += numpy.arctan2(gain_imag, gain_real)
-                    self.amplitudes[0:l, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, source_idx, pol_idx] *= numpy.sqrt(gain_real**2 + gain_imag**2)
-         if self.RotationEnable:
-           for station, station_idx in zip(self.stations, range(len(self.stations))):
-             for source, source_idx in zip(self.sources, range(len(self.sources))) :
-               parmname = ':'.join(['RotationAngle', station, source])
-               rotation = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname )[ parmname ]['values']
-               l = min(rotation.shape[0], self.rotation.shape[0])
-               if l != self.rotation.shape[0] :
-                 shapemismatch = True
-               self.rotation[:l, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, source_idx] = rotation[:l,:]
+                     gain_real = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname0 )[ parmname0 ]['values']
+                     gain_imag = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname1 )[ parmname1 ]['values']
+                     self.phases[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, :, pol_idx] = numpy.resize(numpy.arctan2(gain_imag.T, gain_real.T),(self.N_sources, N_freqs, self.N_times)).T
+                     self.amplitudes[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, :, pol_idx] = numpy.resize(numpy.sqrt(gain_imag.T**2 + gain_real.T**2),(self.N_sources, N_freqs, self.N_times)).T
+               if self.DirectionalGainEnable:
+                  for source, source_idx in zip(self.sources, range(len(self.sources))) :
+                     parmname0 = ':'.join(['DirectionalGain', str(pol), str(pol), infix[0], station, source])
+                     parmname1 = ':'.join(['DirectionalGain', str(pol), str(pol), infix[1], station, source])
+                     if self.PhasorsEnable:
+                        gain_phase = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname1 )[ parmname1 ]['values']
+                        self.phases[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, source_idx, pol_idx] += gain_phase
+                        try:
+                           gain_amplitude = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname0 )[ parmname0 ]['values']
+                        except KeyError:
+                           pass
+                        else:
+                           self.amplitudes[:, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, source_idx, pol_idx] *= gain_amplitude
+                     else:
+                        gain_real = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname0 )[ parmname0 ]['values']
+                        gain_imag = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( parmname1 )[ parmname1 ]['values']
+                        l = min(gain_real.shape[0], gain_imag.shape[0], self.phases.shape[0])
+                        gain_real = gain_real[0:l,:]
+                        gain_imag = gain_imag[0:l,:]
+                        self.phases[0:l, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, source_idx, pol_idx]  += numpy.arctan2(gain_imag, gain_real)
+                        self.amplitudes[0:l, sorted_freq_selection, station_idx, source_idx, pol_idx] *= numpy.sqrt(gain_real**2 + gain_imag**2)
          freq_idx += N_freqs
-         print ["","*"][shapemismatch]
       if self.flags.shape <>  self.phases.shape[0:2] :
          self.flags = numpy.zeros(self.phases.shape[0:2])
@@ -500,9 +481,6 @@ class IonosphericModel:
             self.TECfit_white[ pol, i, :, : ] = reshape( TECfit_white, (N_sources, N_stations) )
-      self.TECfit.attrs.r_0 = self.r_0
-      self.TECfit.attrs.beta = self.beta
       self.TECfit_white.attrs.r_0 = self.r_0
       self.TECfit_white.attrs.beta = self.beta
@@ -524,11 +502,8 @@ class IonosphericModel:
       N_sources = len(self.sources)
       N_piercepoints = N_stations * N_sources
       N_pol = self.TECfit_white.shape[0]
-      R = 6378137.0
+      R = 6378137
       taskids = []
-      beta = self.TECfit.attrs.beta
-      r_0 = self.TECfit.attrs.r_0
       print "Making movie..."
       p = ProgressBar( len( self.n_list ), 'Submitting jobs: ' )
@@ -540,8 +515,8 @@ class IonosphericModel:
          else :
             w = 1.1*abs(Xp_table).max()
          for pol in range(N_pol) :
-            v = self.TECfit[ pol, i, :, : ].reshape((N_piercepoints,1))
-            maptask = client.MapTask(calculate_frame, (Xp_table, v, beta, r_0, npixels, w) )
+            v = self.TECfit_white[ pol, i, :, : ].reshape((N_piercepoints,1))
+            maptask = client.MapTask(calculate_frame, (Xp_table, v, self.beta, self.r_0, npixels, w) )
@@ -558,6 +533,7 @@ class IonosphericModel:
          for pol in range(N_pol) :
             (phi,w) = tc.get_task_result(taskids.pop(0), block = True)
+            print phi
             phi = phi + self.offsets[pol, i]
             subplot(1, N_pol, pol+1)
             w = w*R*1e-3
@@ -881,27 +857,18 @@ def fillarray( a, v ) :
 def calculate_frame(Xp_table, v, beta, r_0, npixels, w):
-  import numpy
-  N_piercepoints = Xp_table.shape[0]
-  P = numpy.eye(N_piercepoints) - numpy.ones((N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints)) / N_piercepoints
-  # calculate structure matrix
-  D = numpy.resize( Xp_table, ( N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 2 ) )
-  D = numpy.transpose( D, ( 1, 0, 2 ) ) - D
-  D2 = numpy.sum( D**2, 2 )
-  C = -(D2 / ( r_0**2 ) )**( beta / 2.0 )/2.0
-  C = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(P, C ), P)
-  v = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.pinv(C), v)
-  phi = numpy.zeros((npixels,npixels))
-  for x_idx in range(0, npixels):
-    x = -w + 2*x_idx*w/( npixels-1 )  
-    for y_idx in range(0, npixels):
-      y = -w + 2*y_idx*w/(npixels-1)
-      D2 = numpy.sum((Xp_table - numpy.array([ x, y ]))**2,1)
-      C = (D2 / ( r_0**2 ) )**( beta / 2.0 ) / -2.0
-      phi[y_idx, x_idx] = numpy.dot(C, v)
-  return phi, w
+   import numpy
+   phi = numpy.zeros((npixels,npixels))
+   N_piercepoints = Xp_table.shape[0]
+   P = numpy.eye(N_piercepoints) - numpy.ones((N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints)) / N_piercepoints
+   for x_idx in range(0, npixels):
+      x = -w + 2*x_idx*w/( npixels-1 )  
+      for y_idx in range(0, npixels):
+         y = -w + 2*y_idx*w/(npixels-1)
+         D2 = numpy.sum((Xp_table - numpy.array([ x, y ]))**2,1)
+         C = (D2 / ( r_0**2 ) )**( beta / 2. ) / -2.
+         phi[y_idx, x_idx] = numpy.dot(C, v)
+   return phi, w
 def fit_Clock_or_TEC( phase, freqs, flags, ClockEnable ):
@@ -1245,9 +1212,6 @@ def get_source_list( pdb, source_pattern_list ):
    for pattern in source_pattern_list :
       parmname_list = pdb.getNames( 'DirectionalGain:?:?:*:*:' + pattern )
       source_list.extend([n.split(':')[-1] for n in parmname_list])
-      parmname_list = pdb.getNames( 'RotationAngle:*:' + pattern )
-      source_list.extend([n.split(':')[-1] for n in parmname_list])
-   print source_list
    return sorted(set(source_list))
 def get_source_list_from_ionospheredb( pdb ):
diff --git a/CEP/Calibration/pystationresponse/CMakeLists.txt b/CEP/Calibration/pystationresponse/CMakeLists.txt
index 295718bff7c7dd400775af8e3c4497838320ed9b..8c53b1ee3ac6dba07e7a86d38936e904b0ad0ce6 100644
--- a/CEP/Calibration/pystationresponse/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CEP/Calibration/pystationresponse/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ lofar_package(pystationresponse 1.0 DEPENDS BBSKernel)
 lofar_find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS python)
-lofar_find_package(Python 2.6 REQUIRED)
+lofar_find_package(Python REQUIRED)
 lofar_find_package(Pyrap REQUIRED)
diff --git a/CEP/DP3/AOFlagger/src/CMakeLists.txt b/CEP/DP3/AOFlagger/src/CMakeLists.txt
index f2cd0a40654e97f1d9af20cc853223e68f2ab432..c8eec86265c6aee0e46f0cfb1bd0ab803af8c080 100644
--- a/CEP/DP3/AOFlagger/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CEP/DP3/AOFlagger/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -43,10 +43,6 @@ if(GSL_FOUND)
-  include_directories(${SIGCXX_INCLUDE_DIRS})
 lofar_add_bin_program(rfihistory rfihistory.cpp)
 lofar_add_bin_program(aorefscript aorefscript.cpp)
diff --git a/CEP/DP3/DPPP/src/MSReader.cc b/CEP/DP3/DPPP/src/MSReader.cc
index 883e389a0fdfd381772fcce227ad656762871bf4..dfe0c6eafd8778840759c63c9679cf51de51af08 100644
--- a/CEP/DP3/DPPP/src/MSReader.cc
+++ b/CEP/DP3/DPPP/src/MSReader.cc
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 #include <DPPP/DPLogger.h>
 #include <DPPP/ParSet.h>
 #include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
 #include <tables/Tables/TableRecord.h>
 #include <tables/Tables/ScalarColumn.h>
 #include <tables/Tables/ArrayColumn.h>
@@ -90,7 +89,6 @@ namespace LOFAR {
       // See if a selection on band needs to be done.
       // We assume that DATA_DESC_ID and SPW_ID map 1-1.
       if (itsSpw >= 0) {
-	DPLOG_INFO_STR (" MSReader selecting spectral window " << itsSpw << " ...");
         Table subset = itsMS (itsMS.col("DATA_DESC_ID") == itsSpw);
         // If not all is selected, use the selection.
         if (subset.nrow() < itsMS.nrow()) {
@@ -103,7 +101,6 @@ namespace LOFAR {
       // See if a selection on baseline needs to be done.
       if (! itsSelBL.empty()) {
-	DPLOG_INFO_STR (" MSReader selecting baselines ...");
         MSSelection select;
         // Set given selection strings.
         select.setAntennaExpr (itsSelBL);
@@ -213,8 +210,8 @@ namespace LOFAR {
           // Skip time slot and give warning if MS data is not in time order.
           if (mstime < itsLastMSTime) {
             LOG_WARN_STR ("Time at rownr "
-                          << itsIter.table().rowNumbers()[0]
-                          << " of MS " << itsMSName
+                          << itsIter.table().rowNumbers(itsMS)[0]
+                          << " of MS " << itsMS.tableName()
                           << " is less than previous time slot");
           } else {
             // Use the time slot if near or < nexttime, but > starttime.
@@ -254,7 +251,7 @@ namespace LOFAR {
         } else {
-          itsBuffer.setRowNrs (itsIter.table().rowNumbers(itsMS, True));
+          itsBuffer.setRowNrs (itsIter.table().rowNumbers(itsMS));
           if (itsMissingData) {
             // Data column not present, so fill a fully flagged time slot.
             itsBuffer.setExposure (itsTimeInterval);
@@ -470,7 +467,7 @@ namespace LOFAR {
       ROScalarColumn<Int> ant2col(itsIter.table(), "ANTENNA2");
       // Keep the row numbers of the first part to be used for the meta info
       // of possibly missing time slots.
-      itsBaseRowNrs = itsIter.table().rowNumbers(itsMS, True);
+      itsBaseRowNrs = itsIter.table().rowNumbers(itsMS);
       // Get the antenna names and positions.
       Table anttab(itsMS.keywordSet().asTable("ANTENNA"));
       ROScalarColumn<String> nameCol (anttab, "NAME");
@@ -556,8 +553,8 @@ namespace LOFAR {
         // Skip time slot and give warning if MS data is not in time order.
         if (mstime < itsLastMSTime) {
           LOG_WARN_STR ("Time at rownr "
-                        << itsIter.table().rowNumbers()[0]
-                        << " of MS " << itsMSName
+                        << itsIter.table().rowNumbers(itsMS)[0]
+                        << " of MS " << itsMS.tableName()
                         << " is less than previous time slot");
         } else {
           // Stop skipping if time equal to itsFirstTime.
@@ -774,7 +771,7 @@ namespace LOFAR {
           // If all new flags are set, we leave it because we might have a
           // subset of the channels, so other flags might still be clear.
           if (anyEQ (flagIter.array(), False)) {
-            flagRowCol.put (rows[i], False);
+            flagRowCol.put (i, False);
diff --git a/CEP/DP3/DPPP/src/MultiMSReader.cc b/CEP/DP3/DPPP/src/MultiMSReader.cc
index 73d070ce5caa9226dd5abacf02d713580cc7e37c..a7b24b40d4e35f8d93fcbdd667bbd129dd1ee78e 100644
--- a/CEP/DP3/DPPP/src/MultiMSReader.cc
+++ b/CEP/DP3/DPPP/src/MultiMSReader.cc
@@ -162,14 +162,12 @@ namespace LOFAR {
       for (uint i=0; i<itsReaders.size(); ++i) {
         if (itsReaders[i]) {
           ASSERTSTR (itsReaders[i]->getInfo().nchan() == itsFillNChan,
-                     "An MS is missing; the others should have equal nchan");
+                     "An MS is missing; the others should have equal size");
           // Check if all channels have the same width and are consecutive.
           const Vector<double>& freqs = itsReaders[i]->getInfo().chanFreqs();
           const Vector<double>& width = itsReaders[i]->getInfo().chanWidths();
-          ASSERTSTR (freqs[0] > freq  ||  near(freqs[0], freq, 1e-5),
-                     "Subbands should be in increasing order of frequency; found "
-		     << freqs[0] << ", expected " << freq << " (diff="
-		     << freqs[0]-freq << ')');
+          ASSERTSTR (freqs[0] > freq  ||  near(freqs[0], freq),
+                     "Subbands should be in increasing order of frequency");
           freq = freqs[itsFillNChan-1] + width[itsFillNChan-1];
           objcopy (chanFreqs.data()  + inx, freqs.data(), itsFillNChan);
           objcopy (chanWidths.data() + inx, width.data(), itsFillNChan);
diff --git a/CEP/GSM/CMakeLists.txt b/CEP/GSM/CMakeLists.txt
index ee9a6d26882edd3b6a691ea58be004cafae1b6de..c1e109fc3181cc648196ec479d3f50af94109ec3 100644
--- a/CEP/GSM/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CEP/GSM/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 lofar_package(GSM 1.0)
-lofar_find_package(Python 2.6 REQUIRED)
+lofar_find_package(Python REQUIRED)
diff --git a/CEP/GSM/src/gsmutils.py b/CEP/GSM/src/gsmutils.py
index 27ed54b449ef168acaad5cbf9de505f9614896a0..7137711fc51e205b0dd74e174a0a6a46d918de71 100644
--- a/CEP/GSM/src/gsmutils.py
+++ b/CEP/GSM/src/gsmutils.py
@@ -43,22 +43,27 @@ def expected_fluxes_in_fov(conn, ra_central, decl_central, fov_radius, assoc_the
     #TODO: Check what happens at high decl when alpha goes to 180 degrees
     if ra_central - alpha(fov_radius, decl_central) < 0:
+        #"This will be implemented soon"
         ra_min1 = np.float(ra_central - alpha(fov_radius, decl_central) + 360.0)
         ra_max1 = np.float(360.0)
         ra_min2 = np.float(0.0)
         ra_max2 = np.float(ra_central + alpha(fov_radius, decl_central))
+        #print ra_min1, ra_max1, ra_min2, ra_max2
         q = "q_across_ra0"
     elif ra_central + alpha(fov_radius, decl_central) > 360:
+        #"This will be implemented soon"
         ra_min1 = np.float(ra_central - alpha(fov_radius, decl_central))
         ra_max1 = np.float(360.0)
         ra_min2 = np.float(0.0)
         ra_max2 = np.float(ra_central + alpha(fov_radius, decl_central) - 360)
+        #print ra_min1, ra_max1, ra_min2, ra_max2
         q = "q_across_ra0"
     elif ra_central - alpha(fov_radius, decl_central) < 0 and ra_central + alpha(fov_radius, decl_central) > 360:
         raise BaseException("ra = %s > 360 degrees, not implemented yet" % str(ra_central + alpha(fov_radius, decl_central))) 
         ra_min = np.float(ra_central - alpha(fov_radius, decl_central))
         ra_max = np.float(ra_central + alpha(fov_radius, decl_central))
+        #print ra_min, ra_max
         q = "q0"
     if vlss_flux_cutoff is None:
@@ -350,7 +355,6 @@ def expected_fluxes_in_fov(conn, ra_central, decl_central, fov_radius, assoc_the
            ) t3
         ON t0.v_catsrcid = t3.v_catsrcid
      WHERE t0.v_flux >= %s
-    ORDER BY t0.v_catsrcid
     q0 = """\
     SELECT t0.v_catsrcid
@@ -609,7 +613,6 @@ def expected_fluxes_in_fov(conn, ra_central, decl_central, fov_radius, assoc_the
            ) t3
         ON t0.v_catsrcid = t3.v_catsrcid
      WHERE t0.v_flux >= %s
-    ORDER BY t0.v_catsrcid
         cursor = conn.cursor()
@@ -703,31 +706,14 @@ def expected_fluxes_in_fov(conn, ra_central, decl_central, fov_radius, assoc_the
             status = False
         spectrumfiles = []
-        # Check for duplicate vlss_names. This may arise when a VLSS source 
-        # is associated with one or more (genuine) counterparts.
-        # Eg., if two NVSS sources are seen as counterparts
-        # VLSS - WENSS - NVSS_1
-        # VLSS - WENSS - NVSS_2
-        # two rows will be added to the sky model, where the VLSS name 
-        # is postfixed with _0 and _1, resp.
-        import collections
-        items = collections.defaultdict(list)
-        src_name = list(vlss_name)
-        for i, item in enumerate(src_name):
-            items[item].append(i)
-        for item, locs in items.iteritems():
-            if len(locs) > 1:
-                #print "duplicates of", item, "at", locs
-                for j in range(len(locs)):
-                    src_name[locs[j]] = src_name[locs[j]] + "_" + str(j)
         if len(results) != 0:
             for i in range(len(vlss_catsrcid)):
                 ##print "\ni = ", i
                 bbsrow = ""
                 # Here we check the cases for the degree of the polynomial spectral index fit
                 #print i, vlss_name[i],vlss_catsrcid[i], wenssm_catsrcid[i], wenssp_catsrcid[i], nvss_catsrcid[i]
-                # Write the vlss name of the source (either postfixed or not)
-                bbsrow += src_name[i] + ", "
+                #print "VLSS",vlss_name[i]
+                bbsrow += vlss_name[i] + ", "
                 # According to Jess, only sources that have values for all
                 # three are considered as GAUSSIAN
                 if pa[i] is not None and major[i] is not None and minor[i] is not None:
diff --git a/CEP/MS/src/BaselineSelect.cc b/CEP/MS/src/BaselineSelect.cc
index e5785247ae3461f51a494bb466a6217c8390516a..786e49fc095adc3ad3d20406cbad49e9d9a15c6e 100644
--- a/CEP/MS/src/BaselineSelect.cc
+++ b/CEP/MS/src/BaselineSelect.cc
@@ -36,27 +36,10 @@ namespace LOFAR {
   Matrix<bool> BaselineSelect::convert (const string& msName,
                                         const string& baselineSelection)
-    // Find the unique baselines in the MS.
-    // Do not use unique sort, because that is slow for a large MS.
-    // Simply go through all baselines.
-    Table bltab;
-    {
-      Table tab(msName);
-      Vector<Int> a1 = ROScalarColumn<Int>(tab, "ANTENNA1").getColumn();
-      Vector<Int> a2 = ROScalarColumn<Int>(tab, "ANTENNA2").getColumn();
-      int nant = 1 + std::max(max(a1), max(a2));
-      Matrix<bool> bl(nant, nant, false);
-      vector<uInt> rows;
-      rows.reserve (nant*nant);
-      for (uint i=0; i<a1.size(); ++i) {
-        if (! bl(a1[i], a2[i])) {
-          rows.push_back (i);
-          bl(a1[i], a2[i]) = true;
-        }
-      }
-      bltab = tab(Vector<uInt>(rows));
-    }
-    MeasurementSet ms(bltab);
+    // Get the unique baselines.
+    Table sortab (tableCommand("select from " + msName +
+                               " order by unique ANTENNA1, ANTENNA2"));
+    MeasurementSet ms(sortab);
     MSSelection select;
     // Set given selection strings.
     select.setAntennaExpr (baselineSelection);
@@ -67,7 +50,8 @@ namespace LOFAR {
     Vector<Int> a1 = ROScalarColumn<Int>(seltab, "ANTENNA1").getColumn();
     Vector<Int> a2 = ROScalarColumn<Int>(seltab, "ANTENNA2").getColumn();
     int nant = ms.antenna().nrow();
-    Matrix<bool> bl(nant, nant, false);
+    Matrix<bool> bl(nant, nant);
+    bl = false;
     for (uint i=0; i<a1.size(); ++i) {
       bl(a1[i], a2[i]) = true;
       bl(a2[i], a1[i]) = true;
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/control.py b/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/control.py
index 7d1d6da00b272786f4a22eaf131241dd5b89af43..c4d3a9fe9ac1a5461b3b7ae1195de4d6a878daa5 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/control.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/control.py
@@ -6,9 +6,8 @@
 #                                                             Marcel Loose, 2012
 #                                                                loose@astron.nl
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import sys
 import re
-import traceback
 from lofarpipe.support.stateful import StatefulRecipe
 from lofarpipe.support.lofarexceptions import PipelineException
@@ -87,12 +86,6 @@ class control(StatefulRecipe):
             self.logger.error("Failed pipeline run: {0}".format(
-            # Get detailed information of the caught exception
-            (type, value, traceback_object) = sys.exc_info()
-            self.logger.error("Detailed exception information:")
-            self.logger.error(str(type))
-            self.logger.error(str(value))
-            self.logger.error(str(traceback.extract_tb(traceback_object)))
             #message does not contain the original exception thrown in recipe
             if get_active_stack(self) != None:
                 self.logger.error("\n" +
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/loggingdecorators.py b/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/loggingdecorators.py
index b59acc85994d48561a1b6bde9a478fa8c54513db..29ff5bab554c8921e26052ccfb79c633015b0147 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/loggingdecorators.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/loggingdecorators.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ functionality based on xml
 import smtplib
 from email.mime.text import MIMEText
 import time
-import os
 from lofarpipe.support.xmllogging import enter_active_stack, \
         exit_active_stack, get_active_stack
@@ -51,53 +50,6 @@ def xml_node(target):
     return wrapper
-class duration:
-    """
-    context manager for logging duration of a code block:
-    1. Add an xml active stack member on the object if not present
-    2. Add a new active stack entry for current context
-    3. On exit add the duration of the code block to the now deactivate stack
-       member
-    """
-    def __init__(self, containing_object, name):
-        """
-        On creation of the contect manager provide the object instance to add
-        the xml stack to and the name for in the loggin tree.
-        """
-        self._containing_object = containing_object
-        self._name = name
-        self._xml_current_node = None
-        self._time_info_start = None
-    def __enter__(self):
-        """
-        The duration context should be initialized with the calling object self
-        pointer. This allows adding the duration xml to the object
-        """
-        # Get or create an active stack (default name)
-        self._xml_current_node = enter_active_stack(
-            self._containing_object, self._name)
-        # Get and save the current time
-        self._time_info_start = time.time()
-        return self # return self, the context manager
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
-        """
-        upon leaving the context log the duration and leave the current
-        Xml node
-        """
-        time_info_end = time.time()
-        self._xml_current_node.setAttribute(
-                    "duration", str(time_info_end - self._time_info_start))
-        if exc_type == None:
-            exit_active_stack(self._containing_object)
-        else:
-            # Exception thrown in the context: Return False here reraises it
-            # automatically.
-            False
 def mail_log_on_exception(target):
@@ -113,34 +65,24 @@ def mail_log_on_exception(target):
             # call the actual function
-            time_info_start = time.time()
             return_value = target(*args, **argsw)
-            time_info_end = time.time()
             # Force exception on non zero output
             if return_value != 0:
                 raise Exception("Non zero pipeline output")
             # Mail main dev on succesfull run
             stack = get_active_stack(calling_object)
-            duration_recipe = str(time_info_end - time_info_start)
             if stack != None:
-                stack.setAttribute(
-                    "duration", duration_recipe)
                 msg_string = stack.toprettyxml(encoding='ascii')
-                msg_string = "duration: {0} \n "\
-                 "No additional pipeline data available".format(duration_recipe
-                        )
+                msg_string = "No additional pipeline data available"
             _mail_msg_to("pipeline_finished", "klijn@astron.nl",
-                         "pipeline finished: {0}: {1}".format(
-                                os.path.basename(calling_object.__file__),
-                                calling_object.inputs['job_name']),
-                         msg_string)
+                         "pipeline finished", msg_string)
         except Exception, message:
             # Static list of mail to be send (could be made configurable,
             # but yeah temp mail functionality so...)
-            mail_list = ["klijn@astron.nl", "frieswijk@astron.nl"
+            mail_list = ["klijn@astron.nl",
                          "pizzo@astron.nl", "orru@astron.nl"
@@ -149,9 +91,8 @@ def mail_log_on_exception(target):
             active_stack_data = ""
             if stack != None:
                 active_stack_data = stack.toprettyxml(encoding='ascii')
-            # get the Obsid and pipeline name add to subjecy title
-            subject = "Failed pipeline run {0}: {1}".format(
-                        os.path.basename(calling_object.__file__),
+            # get the Obsid etc for subject
+            subject = "Failed pipeline run: {0}".format(
             # construct the message
@@ -166,7 +107,7 @@ def mail_log_on_exception(target):
         calling_object.logger.info("pipeline_finished" + " xml summary:")
-        calling_object.logger.info("\n" + msg_string)
+        calling_object.logger.info(msg_string)
         # return the actual value of the function
         return return_value
@@ -188,12 +129,6 @@ def _mail_msg_to(adr_from, adr_to, subject, msg):
     # Send the message via our own SMTP server, but don't include the
     # envelope header.
-    try:
-        s = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.lofar.eu')
-        s.sendmail(adr_from, [adr_to], msg.as_string())
-        s.quit()
-    except:
-        # Nothing: This is additional functionality.
-        # If the smtp server is down we kan nothing else here
-        print "Could not establish a connection with smtp.lofar.eu"
+    s = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.lofar.eu')
+    s.sendmail(adr_from, [adr_to], msg.as_string())
+    s.quit()
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/xmllogging.py b/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/xmllogging.py
index 787fcccc22004d3cba2f7f4484da9e912ee6f743..fe6c7efbe150454115353042e59edc18ef4d5f03 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/xmllogging.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/framework/lofarpipe/support/xmllogging.py
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def enter_active_stack(calling_object, child,
     If the function is called on a class with an active_stack already present
     a nested node is added.
-    The current nesting is book kept in the active stack. Past calls are
+    The current nesting is bookkeeped in the active stack. Past calls are
     saved for logging purposes.
     The comment argument allows adding extra info to a node
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/mac/CMakeLists.txt b/CEP/Pipeline/mac/CMakeLists.txt
index c77505a608097ce58db206d3c9053ec34e06a62e..201b2ec0db80d161bf177ea631861ba5b41169c5 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/mac/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/mac/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 lofar_package(Pipeline-MAC 0.1 DEPENDS APLCommon MACIO)
 lofar_find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS python)
-lofar_find_package(Python 2.6 REQUIRED)
+lofar_find_package(Python REQUIRED)
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/calibration_pipeline.py b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/calibration_pipeline.py
index 46a64a916dd5ef3a6ee7c57bc493ed51462783fa..a469008c490315e3d56ea8982428fc11aa22b3b3 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/calibration_pipeline.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/calibration_pipeline.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ from lofarpipe.support.group_data import validate_data_maps, tally_data_map
 from lofarpipe.support.lofarexceptions import PipelineException
 from lofarpipe.support.utilities import create_directory
 from lofar.parameterset import parameterset
-from lofarpipe.support.loggingdecorators import mail_log_on_exception, duration
 class calibration_pipeline(control):
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ class calibration_pipeline(control):
     4. Create a sourcedb from the user-supplied sky model, and an empty parmdb.
     5. Run BBS to calibrate the data.
     def __init__(self):
         super(calibration_pipeline, self).__init__()
         self.parset = parameterset()
@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ class calibration_pipeline(control):
         # Call the base-class's `go()` method.
         return super(calibration_pipeline, self).go()
-    @mail_log_on_exception
     def pipeline_logic(self):
         Define the individual tasks that comprise the current pipeline.
@@ -174,12 +173,10 @@ class calibration_pipeline(control):
         # *********************************************************************
         # 2. Create VDS-file; it will contain important input-data for NDPPP
-        with duration(self, "vdsmaker"):
-            gvds_file = self.run_task("vdsmaker", input_data_mapfile)['gvds']
+        gvds_file = self.run_task("vdsmaker", input_data_mapfile)['gvds']
         # Read metadata (start, end times, pointing direction) from GVDS.
-        with duration(self, "vdsreader"):
-            vdsinfo = self.run_task("vdsreader", gvds=gvds_file)
+        vdsinfo = self.run_task("vdsreader", gvds=gvds_file)
         # *********************************************************************
         # 3. Average and flag data, using NDPPP.
@@ -187,12 +184,11 @@ class calibration_pipeline(control):
         # Run the Default Pre-Processing Pipeline (DPPP);
-        with duration(self, "ndppp"):
-            dppp_mapfile = self.run_task("ndppp",
-                input_data_mapfile,
-                data_start_time=vdsinfo['start_time'],
-                data_end_time=vdsinfo['end_time'],
-                parset=ndppp_parset)['mapfile']
+        dppp_mapfile = self.run_task("ndppp",
+            input_data_mapfile,
+            data_start_time=vdsinfo['start_time'],
+            data_end_time=vdsinfo['end_time'],
+            parset=ndppp_parset)['mapfile']
         # *********************************************************************
         # 4. Create a sourcedb from the user-supplied sky model, 
@@ -211,16 +207,15 @@ class calibration_pipeline(control):
         if not os.path.isfile(skymodel):
             raise PipelineException("Skymodel %s does not exist" % skymodel)
-        with duration(self, "setupsourcedb"):
-            sourcedb_mapfile = self.run_task(
-                "setupsourcedb", dppp_mapfile,
-                skymodel=skymodel
-            )['mapfile']
-        with duration(self, "setupparmdb"):
-            parmdb_mapfile = self.run_task(
-                "setupparmdb", dppp_mapfile
-            )['mapfile']
+        sourcedb_mapfile = self.run_task(
+            "setupsourcedb", dppp_mapfile, 
+            skymodel=skymodel
+        )['mapfile']
+        parmdb_mapfile = self.run_task(
+            "setupparmdb", dppp_mapfile
+        )['mapfile']
         # *********************************************************************
         # 5. Run BBS to calibrate the data.
@@ -228,15 +223,13 @@ class calibration_pipeline(control):
         # Create a parameter subset for BBS
         bbs_parset = os.path.join(parset_dir, "BBS.parset")
-        with duration(self, "bbs_reducer"):
-            self.run_task("bbs_reducer",
-                (dppp_mapfile, output_data_mapfile),
-                parset=bbs_parset,
-                instrument_mapfile=parmdb_mapfile,
-                sky_mapfile=sourcedb_mapfile
-            )
-        return 0
+        self.run_task("bbs_reducer",
+            (dppp_mapfile, output_data_mapfile),
+            parset=bbs_parset,
+            instrument_mapfile=parmdb_mapfile,
+            sky_mapfile=sourcedb_mapfile
+        )
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/msss_calibrator_pipeline.py b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/msss_calibrator_pipeline.py
index 1a30f32d1974b467e9cb002d1064e0f63d1a5507..364237d89377cf6936db96e564b1e4beea3ce779 100755
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/msss_calibrator_pipeline.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/msss_calibrator_pipeline.py
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ from lofarpipe.support.data_map import DataMap
 from lofarpipe.support.data_map import validate_data_maps#, tally_data_map
 from lofarpipe.support.utilities import create_directory
 from lofar.parameterset import parameterset
-from lofarpipe.support.loggingdecorators import mail_log_on_exception, duration
 class msss_calibrator_pipeline(control):
@@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ class msss_calibrator_pipeline(control):
         # Call the base-class's `go()` method.
         return super(msss_calibrator_pipeline, self).go()
-    @mail_log_on_exception
     def pipeline_logic(self):
         Define the individual tasks that comprise the current pipeline.
@@ -178,7 +177,9 @@ class msss_calibrator_pipeline(control):
         # Write input- and output data map-files
         data_mapfile = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, "data.mapfile")
+#        self._store_data_map(data_mapfile, self.input_data, "inputs")
         instrument_mapfile = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, "instrument.mapfile")
+#        self._store_data_map(instrument_mapfile, self.output_data, "output")
         if len(self.input_data) == 0:
@@ -193,34 +194,30 @@ class msss_calibrator_pipeline(control):
         #    sourcedb, For skymodel (A-team)
         #    parmdb for outputtting solutions
         # Produce a GVDS file describing the data on the compute nodes.
-        with duration(self, "vdsmaker"):
-            gvds_file = self.run_task("vdsmaker", data_mapfile)['gvds']
+        gvds_file = self.run_task("vdsmaker", data_mapfile)['gvds']
         # Read metadata (start, end times, pointing direction) from GVDS.
-        with duration(self, "vdsreader"):
-            vdsinfo = self.run_task("vdsreader", gvds=gvds_file)
+        vdsinfo = self.run_task("vdsreader", gvds=gvds_file)
         # Create an empty parmdb for DPPP
-        with duration(self, "setupparmdb"):
-            parmdb_mapfile = self.run_task(
-                "setupparmdb", data_mapfile,
-                mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'dppp.parmdb.mapfile'),
-                suffix='.dppp.parmdb')['mapfile']
+        parmdb_mapfile = self.run_task(
+            "setupparmdb", data_mapfile,
+            mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'dppp.parmdb.mapfile'),
+            suffix='.dppp.parmdb')['mapfile']
         # Create a sourcedb to be used by the demixing phase of DPPP
         # The path to the A-team sky model is currently hard-coded.
         # Run makesourcedb on skymodel files for calibrator source(s) and the
         # Ateam, which are to be stored in a standard place ($LOFARROOT/share)
-        with duration(self, "setupsourcedb"):
-            sourcedb_mapfile = self.run_task(
-                "setupsourcedb", data_mapfile,
-                skymodel=os.path.join(
-                    self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'lofarroot'),
-                    'share', 'pipeline', 'skymodels', 'Ateam_LBA_CC.skymodel'),
-                                             # TODO: LBA skymodel!! 
-                mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'dppp.sourcedb.mapfile'),
-                suffix='.dppp.sourcedb',
-                type='blob')['mapfile']
+        sourcedb_mapfile = self.run_task(
+            "setupsourcedb", data_mapfile,
+            skymodel=os.path.join(
+                self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'lofarroot'),
+                'share', 'pipeline', 'skymodels', 'Ateam_LBA_CC.skymodel'),
+                                         # TODO: LBA skymodel!! 
+            mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'dppp.sourcedb.mapfile'),
+            suffix='.dppp.sourcedb',
+            type='blob')['mapfile']
         # *********************************************************************
         # 3. Run NDPPP to demix the A-Team sources
@@ -230,14 +227,13 @@ class msss_calibrator_pipeline(control):
         # Run the Default Pre-Processing Pipeline (DPPP);
-        with duration(self, "ndppp"):
-            dppp_mapfile = self.run_task("ndppp",
-                data_mapfile,
-                data_start_time=vdsinfo['start_time'],
-                data_end_time=vdsinfo['end_time'],
-                parset=ndppp_parset,
-                parmdb_mapfile=parmdb_mapfile,
-                sourcedb_mapfile=sourcedb_mapfile)['mapfile']
+        dppp_mapfile = self.run_task("ndppp",
+            data_mapfile,
+            data_start_time=vdsinfo['start_time'],
+            data_end_time=vdsinfo['end_time'],
+            parset=ndppp_parset,
+            parmdb_mapfile=parmdb_mapfile,
+            sourcedb_mapfile=sourcedb_mapfile)['mapfile']
         demix_mapfile = dppp_mapfile
@@ -254,63 +250,54 @@ class msss_calibrator_pipeline(control):
         #    Create sourcedb with known calibration solutions
         #    Run bbs with both
         # Create an empty parmdb for BBS
-        with duration(self, "setupparmdb"):
-            parmdb_mapfile = self.run_task(
-                "setupparmdb", data_mapfile,
-                mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'bbs.parmdb.mapfile'),
-                suffix='.bbs.parmdb')['mapfile']
+        parmdb_mapfile = self.run_task(
+            "setupparmdb", data_mapfile,
+            mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'bbs.parmdb.mapfile'),
+            suffix='.bbs.parmdb')['mapfile']
         # Create a sourcedb based on sourcedb's input argument "skymodel"
-        with duration(self, "setupsourcedb"):
-            sourcedb_mapfile = self.run_task(
-                "setupsourcedb", data_mapfile,
-                skymodel=os.path.join(
-                    self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'lofarroot'),
-                    'share', 'pipeline', 'skymodels',
-                    py_parset.getString('Calibration.CalibratorSource') +
-                        '.skymodel'),
-                mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'bbs.sourcedb.mapfile'),
-                suffix='.bbs.sourcedb')['mapfile']
+        sourcedb_mapfile = self.run_task(
+            "setupsourcedb", data_mapfile,
+            skymodel=os.path.join(
+                self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'lofarroot'),
+                'share', 'pipeline', 'skymodels',
+                py_parset.getString('Calibration.CalibratorSource') +
+                    '.skymodel'),
+            mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'bbs.sourcedb.mapfile'),
+            suffix='.bbs.sourcedb')['mapfile']
         # Create a parameter-subset for BBS and write it to file.
         bbs_parset = os.path.join(parset_dir, "BBS.parset")
         # Run BBS to calibrate the calibrator source(s).
-        with duration(self, "bbs_reducer"):
-            self.run_task("bbs_reducer",
-                dppp_mapfile,
-                parset=bbs_parset,
-                instrument_mapfile=parmdb_mapfile,
-                sky_mapfile=sourcedb_mapfile)
+        self.run_task("bbs_reducer",
+            dppp_mapfile,
+            parset=bbs_parset,
+            instrument_mapfile=parmdb_mapfile,
+            sky_mapfile=sourcedb_mapfile)
         # *********************************************************************
         # 5. Perform gain outlier correction on the found calibration solutions
         #    Swapping outliers in the gains with the median 
         # Export the calibration solutions using gainoutliercorrection and store
         # the results in the files specified in the instrument mapfile.
-        export_instrument_model = py_parset.getBool(
-            'Calibration.exportCalibrationParameters', False)
-        with duration(self, "gainoutliercorrection"):
-            self.run_task("gainoutliercorrection",
+        self.run_task("gainoutliercorrection",
                       (parmdb_mapfile, instrument_mapfile),
-                      sigma=1.0,
-                      export_instrument_model=export_instrument_model) # TODO: Parset parameter
+                      sigma=1.0) # TODO: Parset parameter
         # *********************************************************************
         # 6. Create feedback file for further processing by the LOFAR framework
         # (MAC)
         # Create a parset-file containing the metadata for MAC/SAS
-        with duration(self, "get_metadata"):
-            self.run_task("get_metadata", instrument_mapfile,
-                parset_file=self.parset_feedback_file,
-                parset_prefix=(
-                    self.parset.getString('prefix') +
-                    self.parset.fullModuleName('DataProducts')),
-                product_type="InstrumentModel")
-        return 0
+        self.run_task("get_metadata", instrument_mapfile,
+            parset_file=self.parset_feedback_file,
+            parset_prefix=(
+                self.parset.getString('prefix') +
+                self.parset.fullModuleName('DataProducts')),
+            product_type="InstrumentModel")
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/msss_target_pipeline.py b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/msss_target_pipeline.py
index e3674e949a7e833fb5dbb21ff5273773b13be22b..b3ebbaebbc36c3d6f42e023e22b6c79d2b01d042 100755
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/msss_target_pipeline.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/msss_target_pipeline.py
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ from lofarpipe.support.data_map import DataMap, validate_data_maps
 #from lofarpipe.support.group_data import tally_data_map
 from lofarpipe.support.utilities import create_directory
 from lofar.parameterset import parameterset
-from lofarpipe.support.loggingdecorators import mail_log_on_exception, duration
 class msss_target_pipeline(control):
@@ -209,8 +207,8 @@ class msss_target_pipeline(control):
         # need to be updated these to reflect this.
         self.input_data['instrument'] = DataMap.load(copied_instruments_mapfile)
         for data, inst, outp in zip(
-            self.input_data['data'],
-            self.input_data['instrument'],
+            self.input_data['data'], 
+            self.input_data['instrument'], 
             data.skip = inst.skip = outp.skip = (
@@ -238,7 +236,6 @@ class msss_target_pipeline(control):
         return super(msss_target_pipeline, self).go()
-    @mail_log_on_exception
     def pipeline_logic(self):
         Define the individual tasks that comprise the current pipeline.
@@ -301,27 +298,23 @@ class msss_target_pipeline(control):
         #    sourcedb, For skymodel (A-team)
         #    parmdb for outputtting solutions
         # Produce a GVDS file describing the data on the compute nodes.
-        with duration(self, "vdsmaker"):
-            gvds_file = self.run_task("vdsmaker", data_mapfile)['gvds']
+        gvds_file = self.run_task("vdsmaker", data_mapfile)['gvds']
         # Read metadata (e.g., start- and end-time) from the GVDS file.
-        with duration(self, "vdsreader"):
-            vdsinfo = self.run_task("vdsreader", gvds=gvds_file)
+        vdsinfo = self.run_task("vdsreader", gvds=gvds_file)
         # Create an empty parmdb for DPPP
-        with duration(self, "setupparmdb"):
-            parmdb_mapfile = self.run_task("setupparmdb", data_mapfile)['mapfile']
+        parmdb_mapfile = self.run_task("setupparmdb", data_mapfile)['mapfile']
         # Create a sourcedb to be used by the demixing phase of DPPP
         # The path to the A-team sky model is currently hard-coded.
-        with duration(self, "setupsourcedb"):
-            sourcedb_mapfile = self.run_task(
-                "setupsourcedb", data_mapfile,
-                skymodel=os.path.join(
-                    self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'lofarroot'),
-                    'share', 'pipeline', 'skymodels', 'Ateam_LBA_CC.skymodel'
-                )
-            )['mapfile']
+        sourcedb_mapfile = self.run_task(
+            "setupsourcedb", data_mapfile,
+            skymodel=os.path.join(
+                self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'lofarroot'),
+                'share', 'pipeline', 'skymodels', 'Ateam_LBA_CC.skymodel'
+            )
+        )['mapfile']
         # *********************************************************************
         # 4. Run NDPPP to demix the A-Team sources
@@ -330,16 +323,15 @@ class msss_target_pipeline(control):
         # Run the Default Pre-Processing Pipeline (DPPP);
-        with duration(self, "ndppp"):
-            dppp_mapfile = self.run_task("ndppp",
-                data_mapfile,
-                data_start_time=vdsinfo['start_time'],
-                data_end_time=vdsinfo['end_time'],
-                parset=ndppp_parset,
-                parmdb_mapfile=parmdb_mapfile,
-                sourcedb_mapfile=sourcedb_mapfile,
-                mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'dppp[0].mapfile')
-            )['mapfile']
+        dppp_mapfile = self.run_task("ndppp",
+            data_mapfile,
+            data_start_time=vdsinfo['start_time'],
+            data_end_time=vdsinfo['end_time'],
+            parset=ndppp_parset,
+            parmdb_mapfile=parmdb_mapfile,
+            sourcedb_mapfile=sourcedb_mapfile,
+            mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'dppp[0].mapfile')
+        )['mapfile']
 #        demix_mapfile = dppp_mapfile
 #        # Demix the relevant A-team sources
@@ -348,23 +340,21 @@ class msss_target_pipeline(control):
         # ********************************************************************
         # 5. Run bss using the instrument file from the target observation
         # Create an empty sourcedb for BBS
-        with duration(self, "setupsourcedb"):
-            sourcedb_mapfile = self.run_task(
-                "setupsourcedb", data_mapfile
-            )['mapfile']
+        sourcedb_mapfile = self.run_task(
+            "setupsourcedb", data_mapfile
+        )['mapfile']
         # Create a parameter-subset for BBS and write it to file.
         bbs_parset = os.path.join(parset_dir, "BBS.parset")
         # Run BBS to calibrate the target source(s).
-        with duration(self, "bbs_reducer"):
-            bbs_mapfile = self.run_task("bbs_reducer",
-                dppp_mapfile,
-                parset=bbs_parset,
-                instrument_mapfile=copied_instrument_mapfile,
-                sky_mapfile=sourcedb_mapfile
-            )['data_mapfile']
+        bbs_mapfile = self.run_task("bbs_reducer",
+            dppp_mapfile,
+            parset=bbs_parset,
+            instrument_mapfile=copied_instrument_mapfile,
+            sky_mapfile=sourcedb_mapfile
+        )['data_mapfile']
         # *********************************************************************
         # 6. Second dppp run for  flaging NaN's in the MS.  
@@ -376,28 +366,24 @@ class msss_target_pipeline(control):
         # results in the files specified in the corrected data map-file
         # WARNING: This will create a new MS with a DATA column containing the
         # CORRECTED_DATA column of the original MS.
-        with duration(self, "ndppp"):
-            self.run_task("ndppp",
-                (bbs_mapfile, corrected_mapfile),
-                clobber=False,
-                suffix='',
-                parset=ndppp_parset,
-                mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'dppp[1].mapfile')
-            )
+        self.run_task("ndppp",
+            (bbs_mapfile, corrected_mapfile),
+            clobber=False,
+            suffix='',
+            parset=ndppp_parset,
+            mapfile=os.path.join(mapfile_dir, 'dppp[1].mapfile')
+        )
         # 7. Create feedback file for further processing by the LOFAR framework
         # (MAC)
         # Create a parset-file containing the metadata for MAC/SAS
-        with duration(self, "get_metadata"):
-            self.run_task("get_metadata", corrected_mapfile,
-                parset_file=self.parset_feedback_file,
-                parset_prefix=(
-                    self.parset.getString('prefix') +
-                    self.parset.fullModuleName('DataProducts')
-                ),
-                product_type="Correlated")
-        return 0
+        self.run_task("get_metadata", corrected_mapfile,
+            parset_file=self.parset_feedback_file,
+            parset_prefix=(
+                self.parset.getString('prefix') +
+                self.parset.fullModuleName('DataProducts')
+            ),
+            product_type="Correlated")
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/preprocessing_pipeline.py b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/preprocessing_pipeline.py
index 4cadbf9dd0e9d15b3be8169285067e5b4c600065..4f0a1f15335f0a0478abf2695db7c95ee42e853d 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/preprocessing_pipeline.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/bin/preprocessing_pipeline.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ from lofarpipe.support.group_data import validate_data_maps, tally_data_map
 from lofarpipe.support.lofarexceptions import PipelineException
 from lofarpipe.support.utilities import create_directory
 from lofar.parameterset import parameterset
-from lofarpipe.support.loggingdecorators import mail_log_on_exception, duration
 class preprocessing_pipeline(control):
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ class preprocessing_pipeline(control):
     2. Create VDS-file; it will contain important input-data for NDPPP
     3. Average and flag data, and demix A-team sources using NDPPP.
     def __init__(self):
         super(preprocessing_pipeline, self).__init__()
         self.parset = parameterset()
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ class preprocessing_pipeline(control):
-    @mail_log_on_exception
     def go(self):
         Read the parset-file that was given as input argument;
@@ -171,28 +170,22 @@ class preprocessing_pipeline(control):
         # *********************************************************************
         # 2. Create VDS-file; it will contain important input-data for NDPPP
-        with duration(self, "vdsmaker"):
-            gvds_file = self.run_task("vdsmaker", input_data_mapfile)['gvds']
+        gvds_file = self.run_task("vdsmaker", input_data_mapfile)['gvds']
         # Read metadata (start, end times, pointing direction) from GVDS.
-        with duration(self, "vdsreader"):
-            vdsinfo = self.run_task("vdsreader", gvds=gvds_file)
+        vdsinfo = self.run_task("vdsreader", gvds=gvds_file)
         # *********************************************************************
         # 3. Average and flag data, using NDPPP.
         ndppp_parset = os.path.join(parset_dir, "NDPPP.parset")
         # Run the Default Pre-Processing Pipeline (DPPP);
-        with duration(self, "ndppp"):
-            self.run_task("ndppp",
-                (input_data_mapfile, output_data_mapfile),
-                data_start_time=vdsinfo['start_time'],
-                data_end_time=vdsinfo['end_time'],
-                parset=ndppp_parset)
-        return 0
+        self.run_task("ndppp",
+            (input_data_mapfile, output_data_mapfile),
+            data_start_time=vdsinfo['start_time'],
+            data_end_time=vdsinfo['end_time'],
+            parset=ndppp_parset)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/master/gainoutliercorrection.py b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/master/gainoutliercorrection.py
index 8fb0d4d0415aa3448ad46d264ab1235782617d74..fdf431ead01e0ec4fc1bd094afcfa8b9440b57c0 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/master/gainoutliercorrection.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/master/gainoutliercorrection.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 from __future__ import with_statement
 import os
 import sys
-import copy
 import lofarpipe.support.lofaringredient as ingredient
 from lofarpipe.support.baserecipe import BaseRecipe
@@ -62,12 +62,7 @@ class gainoutliercorrection(BaseRecipe, RemoteCommandRecipeMixIn):
         'sigma': ingredient.FloatField(
-            help="Clip at sigma * median: (not used by parmexportcal"
-        ),
-        'export_instrument_model': ingredient.FloatField(
-            '--use-parmexportcal',
-            default=False,
-            help="Select between parmexportcal and edit parmdb"
+            help="Clip at sigma * median: activates 'edit_parmdb' functionality"
@@ -111,7 +106,7 @@ class gainoutliercorrection(BaseRecipe, RemoteCommandRecipeMixIn):
                 item.file = os.path.join(
-                    (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item.file))[0] +
+                    (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile))[0] +
@@ -119,7 +114,7 @@ class gainoutliercorrection(BaseRecipe, RemoteCommandRecipeMixIn):
         # these maps, then 'skip' must be set to True in all maps.
         for x, y in zip(indata, outdata):
             x.skip = y.skip = (x.skip or y.skip)
         # ********************************************************************
         # 3. Call node side of the recipe
         command = "python %s" % (self.__file__.replace('master', 'nodes'))
@@ -135,8 +130,7 @@ class gainoutliercorrection(BaseRecipe, RemoteCommandRecipeMixIn):
-                        self.inputs['sigma'],
-                        self.inputs['export_instrument_model']
+                        self.inputs['sigma']
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/master/setupparmdb.py b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/master/setupparmdb.py
index e887d33b1ddcdd3db8a9e5a7c51c0a5d1361a4cd..84f0da193d77da2379d0e013e7869e5f23dd1f4f 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/master/setupparmdb.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/master/setupparmdb.py
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class setupparmdb(BaseRecipe, RemoteCommandRecipeMixIn):
             shutil.rmtree(pdbdir, ignore_errors=True)
         if self.error.isSet():
-            # Abort if all jobs failed
+             # Abort if all jobs failed
             if all(job.results['returncode'] != 0 for job in jobs):
                 self.logger.error("All jobs failed. Bailing out!")
                 return 1
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/gainoutliercorrection.py b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/gainoutliercorrection.py
index 03ee5128f5900c996aa9e8756d7a13d8b08793f3..d5c0d0efaf88858ed6c8c0fa0697d5bef03f4dd5 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/gainoutliercorrection.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/gainoutliercorrection.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import shutil
 import sys
 import tempfile
 import numpy
+import errno
 from lofarpipe.support.lofarnode import LOFARnodeTCP
 from lofarpipe.support.pipelinelogging import CatchLog4CPlus
@@ -30,52 +31,48 @@ class gainoutliercorrection(LOFARnodeTCP):
     Outliers in the gain are swapped with the median. resulting gains 
     are written back to the supplied ms:
-    1. Select correction correction method:
+    1. Select correction correction method
     2. Call parmexportcal for gain correction
     3. use gainoutliercorrect from Swinbank
        Step are summarized in the functions of this recipe
-    def run(self, infile, outfile, executable, environment, sigma,
-            use_parmexportcal):
+    def run(self, infile, outfile, executable, environment, sigma):
-        if os.path.exists(infile):
-            self.logger.info("Processing {0}".format(infile))
-        else:
-            self.logger.error(
-                "Instrument model file %s does not exist" % infile
+        # Time execution of this job
+        with log_time(self.logger):
+            if os.path.exists(infile):
+                self.logger.info("Processing %s" % infile)
+            else:
+                self.logger.error(
+                    "Instrument model file %s does not exist" % infile
-            return 1
+                return 1
         # Create output directory (if it doesn't already exist)
-        # Remove the target outfile if there: parexportcall fail otherwise
-        if os.path.exists(outfile):
-            shutil.rmtree(outfile)
         # ********************************************************************
         # 1. Select correction method
-        if not use_parmexportcal:
-            # ****************************************************************
-            # 3. use gainoutliercorrect from Swinbank
+        if not os.access(executable, os.X_OK) and sigma != None:
+            # If the executable is not accesable and we have a sigma:
+            # use the 'local' functionality (edit parmdb)
-                "Using the gainoutlier correction based on editparmdb")
+                    "Using the gainoutlier correction based on edit_parmdb")
+        # *********************************************************************
+        # 3. use gainoutliercorrect from Swinbank
             self._filter_stations_parmdb(infile, outfile, sigma)
             return 0
-        # else:
+        # else we need an executable
+        # Check if exists and is executable.
         if not os.access(executable, os.X_OK):
-            self.logger.error(
-                "Could not find parmexport call executable at: {0}".format(
-                                    executable))
-            self.logger.error("bailing out!")
+            self.logger.error("Executable %s not found" % executable)
             return 1
         # ********************************************************************
         # 2. Call parmexportcal for gain correction
-            "Using the gainoutlier correction based on parmexportcal")
+                    "Using the gainoutlier correction based on parmexportcal")
             temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
             with CatchLog4CPlus(
@@ -83,11 +80,8 @@ class gainoutliercorrection(LOFARnodeTCP):
                 self.logger.name + '.' + os.path.basename(infile),
             ) as logger:
-                cmd = [executable, '-in', infile, '-out', outfile]
-                self.logger.debug(
-                    "Parmexportcal call: {0} ".format(" ".join(cmd)))
-                    cmd,
+                    [executable, '-in', infile, '-out', outfile],
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/imager_finalize.py b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/imager_finalize.py
index bd351ddc7789dc7ea0d6939629191c9fe3582699..123fc9d8327b84f7c38b616af1d2db9b34678b3c 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/imager_finalize.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/imager_finalize.py
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ class imager_finalize(LOFARnodeTCP):
     2. Convert the image to hdf5 and fits image
     3. Filling of the HDF5 root group
     4. Export fits image to msss image server
-    5. Export sourcelist to msss server, copy the sourcelist to hdf5 location
-    6. Return the outputs
+    4. Return the outputs
     def run(self, awimager_output, raw_ms_per_image, sourcelist, target,
             output_image, minbaseline, maxbaseline, processed_ms_dir,
@@ -111,7 +110,6 @@ class imager_finalize(LOFARnodeTCP):
             # create target location
             fits_output = output_image + ".fits"
             # To allow reruns a possible earlier version needs to be removed!
-            # image2fits fails if not done!!
             if os.path.exists(fits_output):
@@ -161,7 +159,6 @@ class imager_finalize(LOFARnodeTCP):
                 opener = urllib2.build_opener(mph.MultipartPostHandler)
                 filedata = {"file": open(fits_output, "rb")}
                 opener.open(url, filedata, timeout=2)
                 # HTTPError needs to be caught first.
             except urllib2.HTTPError as httpe:
                 self.logger.warn("HTTP status is: {0}".format(httpe.code))
@@ -180,18 +177,10 @@ class imager_finalize(LOFARnodeTCP):
             # 5. export the sourcelist to the msss server
             url = "http://tanelorn.astron.nl:8000/upload_srcs"
-                # Copy file to output location
-                new_sourcelist_path = output_image + ".sourcelist"
-                if os.path.exists(new_sourcelist_path):
-                    os.unlink(new_sourcelist_path)
-                shutil.copy(sourcelist, new_sourcelist_path)
-                self.logger.info(
-                            "Starting upload of sourcelist data to server!")
+                self.logger.info("Starting upload of sourcelist data to server!")
                 opener = urllib2.build_opener(mph.MultipartPostHandler)
-                filedata = {"file": open(new_sourcelist_path, "rb")}
+                filedata = {"file": open(sourcelist, "rb")}
                 opener.open(url, filedata, timeout=2)
                 # HTTPError needs to be caught first.
             except urllib2.HTTPError as httpe:
                 self.logger.warn("HTTP status is: {0}".format(httpe.code))
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/vdsmaker.py b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/vdsmaker.py
index 63d827f73343d6121d3ac9f473b4e90d51a114ba..6a5e3e7c0b87a0cfe83e69f13795f416be28132e 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/vdsmaker.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/nodes/vdsmaker.py
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ class vdsmaker(LOFARnodeTCP):
                 # For CalledProcessError isn't properly propagated by IPython
                 # Temporary workaround...
-                self.logger.info("A common cause for this failure is the usage"
-                       "of an incorrect cluster.desc file in the pipeline.cfg")
                 return 1
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/tasks.cfg.in b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/tasks.cfg.in
index f0022552dcfc1177f4bcbd3a4ea68dc822bb1ab8..bb8d2472f7c0c8342f5c3ee6c7a0910e7144ce84 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/tasks.cfg.in
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/recipes/sip/tasks.cfg.in
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ data_mapfile = %(runtime_directory)s/%(job_name)s/mapfiles/bbs.mapfile
 recipe = gainoutliercorrection
-executable = %(lofarroot)s/bin/parmexportcal
+executable = '' # Comment out the executable, for now use the  editparmdb behaviour. #%(lofarroot)s/bin/parmexportcal
 mapfile = %(runtime_directory)s/%(job_name)s/mapfiles/instrument.mapfile
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/branch_calibrator_regression.parset b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/branch_calibrator_regression.parset
deleted file mode 100644
index c82fb4e53058a1ad236a4ba1ec2659c6408249be..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/branch_calibrator_regression.parset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1043 +0,0 @@
-ObsSW.Observation.Campaign.CO_I=Wise, Dr. Michael
-ObsSW.Observation.Campaign.PI=Verhoef, Ir. Bastiaan
-ObsSW.Observation.Campaign.contact=Verhoef, Ir. Bastiaan
-ObsSW.Observation.DataProducts.Input_Correlated.skip=[0,0]# ,1]  # Skip the third sm
-ObsSW.Observation.ObservationControl.PythonControl.BBS.Step.DefaultBBSStep[0].Solve.Parms=["Gain:0:0:*", "Gain:1:1:*"]
-ObsSW.Observation.Scheduler.taskName=Calibration M51
-ObsSW.Observation.processSubtype=Calibration Pipeline
-ObsSW.Observation.referencePhaseCenter=[3826577.110, 461022.900, 5064892.758]
-ObsSW.Observation.startTime=2012-08-31 13:35:00
-ObsSW.Observation.stopTime=2012-08-31 14:35:00
-ObsSW.Observation.strategy=MSSS calibrator pipeline
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/branch_imaging_regression.parset b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/branch_imaging_regression.parset
deleted file mode 100644
index 973c1a9267b18737380229c868103bd24d560f54..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/branch_imaging_regression.parset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-ObsSW.Observation.DataProducts.Input_Correlated.filenames=['L41961_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset', 'L41969_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp']
-ObsSW.Observation.DataProducts.Input_Correlated.locations=['lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/']
-ObsSW.Observation.ObservationControl.PythonControl.BBS.Strategy.Steps=[solve, correct]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche regression calibrator pipeline .config.xml b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche regression calibrator pipeline .config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 49535abf4290eb340dcdc5ce6d7ba83159acbb7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche regression calibrator pipeline .config.xml	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <actions/>
-  <description>Regression/delta test for the LOFAR calibration pipeline.


-Allows testing of specific branches


-  <logRotator>
-    <daysToKeep>-1</daysToKeep>
-    <numToKeep>15</numToKeep>
-    <artifactDaysToKeep>-1</artifactDaysToKeep>
-    <artifactNumToKeep>-1</artifactNumToKeep>
-  </logRotator>
-  <keepDependencies>false</keepDependencies>
-  <properties>
-    <hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty plugin="redmine@0.11">
-      <redmineWebsite>https://support.astron.nl/lofar_issuetracker/</redmineWebsite>
-      <projectName/>
-      <redmineVersionNumber/>
-    </hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty>
-    <hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty>
-      <parameterDefinitions>
-        <hudson.scm.listtagsparameter.ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition plugin="subversion@1.43">
-          <name>BRANCHE</name>
-          <description>Select a Subversion entry</description>
-          <tagsDir>https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/branches</tagsDir>
-          <tagsFilter/>
-          <reverseByDate>true</reverseByDate>
-          <reverseByName>false</reverseByName>
-          <defaultValue/>
-          <maxTags/>
-          <uuid>0637f310-7c27-41bb-916e-dd2fae602934</uuid>
-        </hudson.scm.listtagsparameter.ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition>
-        <hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition>
-          <name>KEEP_DATA</name>
-          <description/>
-          <defaultValue>false</defaultValue>
-        </hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition>
-      </parameterDefinitions>
-    </hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty>
-  </properties>
-  <scm class="hudson.scm.SubversionSCM" plugin="subversion@1.43">
-    <locations>
-      <hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-ModuleLocation>
-        <remote>https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/branches/$BRANCHE/CEP</remote>
-        <local>LOFAR/CEP</local>
-      </hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-ModuleLocation>
-      <hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-ModuleLocation>
-        <remote>https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/branches/$BRANCHE/CMake</remote>
-        <local>LOFAR/CMake</local>
-      </hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-ModuleLocation>
-    </locations>
-    <browser class="hudson.plugins.viewVC.ViewVCRepositoryBrowser" plugin="viewVC@1.5">
-      <url>https://svn.astron.nl/</url>
-      <location>LOFAR</location>
-    </browser>
-    <excludedRegions/>
-    <includedRegions/>
-    <excludedUsers/>
-    <excludedRevprop/>
-    <excludedCommitMessages/>
-    <workspaceUpdater class="hudson.scm.subversion.UpdateUpdater"/>
-  </scm>
-  <assignedNode>LCE072</assignedNode>
-  <canRoam>false</canRoam>
-  <disabled>false</disabled>
-  <blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>
-  <blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>
-  <jdk>(Default)</jdk>
-  <triggers class="vector"/>
-  <concurrentBuild>true</concurrentBuild>
-  <customWorkspace>/home/lofarbuild/jenkins_builds/calibrator_branche_regression</customWorkspace>
-  <builders>
-    <hudson.tasks.Shell>
-      <command># Perform svn steps needed before building
-if [ -f $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CMakeLists.txt ]
-  then  echo "Found a previous checkout: updating"; svn up --depth files LOFAR
-  else  echo "not found a previous checkout: checkingout"; svn checkout --depth files  https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/trunk LOFAR
-    </hudson.tasks.Shell>
-    <hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder plugin="cmakebuilder@1.9">
-      <sourceDir>LOFAR</sourceDir>
-      <buildDir>gnu_debug</buildDir>
-      <installDir>install</installDir>
-      <buildType>Debug</buildType>
-      <otherBuildType/>
-      <generator>Unix Makefiles</generator>
-      <makeCommand>make -j8</makeCommand>
-      <installCommand>make install -j8</installCommand>
-      <preloadScript/>
-      <cmakeArgs>-Wdev -DBUILD_ASKAPsoft=OFF  -DUSE_OPENMP=ON -DBUILD_PACKAGES=Offline </cmakeArgs>
-      <projectCmakePath/>
-      <cleanBuild>false</cleanBuild>
-      <cleanInstallDir>false</cleanInstallDir>
-      <builderImpl/>
-    </hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder>
-    <hudson.tasks.Shell>
-      <command># 1. A unit test
-cd gnu_debug
-ctest -R pipeline
-cd ..
-# 2. Remove old data
-# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
-#remove old state file if requested
-  then 
-    echo "Keeping statefile: Skipping previous work done!!"
-  else 
-    # Remove state file
-    rm -f $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/$BRANCHE/statefile
-    # remove old data products
-    # assure content in dir
-    ssh lce070 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE"
-    ssh lce070 "mkdir /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE" 
-    ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE"
-    ssh lce069 "mkdir /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE" 
-    mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline
-# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
-# 3. set environment
-. /opt/cep/login/bashrc
-use LofIm
-export PYTHONPATH=$WORKSPACE/install/lib/python2.6/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH
-# 4. run the pipeline
-#copy the config file to a 'writable' location
-cp $WORKSPACE/install/share/pipeline/pipeline.cfg $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/pipeline_copy.cfg 
-# replace clusterdesc file in the cfg file: allows running in lce072
-sed -i 's/cep2.clusterdesc/cep1_test.clusterdesc/g' $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/pipeline_copy.cfg 
-cd $WORKSPACE/install/bin
-# Run the calibrator with adapted cfg file
-python msss_calibrator_pipeline.py /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/calibrator_pipeline/branch_regression.parset -c $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/pipeline_copy.cfg  --job $BRANCHE -d
-# 5. Test correct functioning
-#  a. copy target image data to the scratch directory
-rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/calibrator
-mkdir -p /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/calibrator
-# copy target data
-scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/calibrator_pipeline/datasets/*.INST /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/calibrator
-# copy the run results
-scp -r lce070:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/calibrator_test/L64405_SAP000_SB000_inst.INST /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/calibrator/L64405_SAP000_SB000_inst.INST.result 
-scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/calibrator_test/L64405_SAP000_SB001_inst.INST /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/calibrator/L64405_SAP000_SB001_inst.INST.result
-# c. Do actual comparison
-#cd /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline
-# first sb
-python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/calibrator_pipeline.py /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/calibrator/L64405_SAP000_SB000_inst.INST /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/calibrator/L64405_SAP000_SB000_inst.INST.result 0.0001
-#second subband
-python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/calibrator_pipeline.py /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/calibrator/L64405_SAP000_SB001_inst.INST /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/calibrator/L64405_SAP000_SB001_inst.INST.result 0.0001</command>
-    </hudson.tasks.Shell>
-  </builders>
-  <publishers>
-    <hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher plugin="warnings@4.18">
-      <healthy/>
-      <unHealthy/>
-      <thresholdLimit>low</thresholdLimit>
-      <pluginName>[WARNINGS] </pluginName>
-      <defaultEncoding/>
-      <canRunOnFailed>true</canRunOnFailed>
-      <useStableBuildAsReference>false</useStableBuildAsReference>
-      <useDeltaValues>false</useDeltaValues>
-      <thresholds plugin="analysis-core@1.48">
-        <unstableTotalAll/>
-        <unstableTotalHigh/>
-        <unstableTotalNormal/>
-        <unstableTotalLow/>
-        <unstableNewAll/>
-        <unstableNewHigh/>
-        <unstableNewNormal/>
-        <unstableNewLow/>
-        <failedTotalAll/>
-        <failedTotalHigh/>
-        <failedTotalNormal/>
-        <failedTotalLow/>
-        <failedNewAll/>
-        <failedNewHigh/>
-        <failedNewNormal/>
-        <failedNewLow/>
-      </thresholds>
-      <shouldDetectModules>false</shouldDetectModules>
-      <dontComputeNew>false</dontComputeNew>
-      <doNotResolveRelativePaths>false</doNotResolveRelativePaths>
-      <parserConfigurations/>
-      <consoleParsers>
-        <hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-          <parserName>GNU Compiler 4 (gcc)</parserName>
-        </hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-      </consoleParsers>
-    </hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher>
-    <xunit plugin="xunit@1.48">
-      <types>
-        <JUnitType>
-          <pattern>gnu_debug/**/*.xml</pattern>
-          <faildedIfNotNew>true</faildedIfNotNew>
-          <deleteOutputFiles>true</deleteOutputFiles>
-          <stopProcessingIfError>true</stopProcessingIfError>
-        </JUnitType>
-      </types>
-      <thresholds>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-      </thresholds>
-      <thresholdMode>1</thresholdMode>
-    </xunit>
-  </publishers>
-  <buildWrappers>
-    <hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper plugin="timestamper@1.3.2"/>
-  </buildWrappers>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche regression target pipeline.config.xml b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche regression target pipeline.config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bcfcaf30a8185bcc0b43d197c732232fd44dc028..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche regression target pipeline.config.xml	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <actions/>
-  <description>Regression/delta test for the LOFAR target pipeline.


-Allows testing of specific branches</description>
-  <logRotator>
-    <daysToKeep>-1</daysToKeep>
-    <numToKeep>15</numToKeep>
-    <artifactDaysToKeep>-1</artifactDaysToKeep>
-    <artifactNumToKeep>-1</artifactNumToKeep>
-  </logRotator>
-  <keepDependencies>false</keepDependencies>
-  <properties>
-    <hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty plugin="redmine@0.11">
-      <redmineWebsite>https://support.astron.nl/lofar_issuetracker/</redmineWebsite>
-      <projectName/>
-      <redmineVersionNumber/>
-    </hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty>
-    <hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty>
-      <parameterDefinitions>
-        <hudson.scm.listtagsparameter.ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition plugin="subversion@1.43">
-          <name>BRANCHE</name>
-          <description>Select a Subversion entry</description>
-          <tagsDir>https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/branches</tagsDir>
-          <tagsFilter/>
-          <reverseByDate>true</reverseByDate>
-          <reverseByName>false</reverseByName>
-          <defaultValue/>
-          <maxTags/>
-          <uuid>b4504916-dc18-4864-a081-879356213f12</uuid>
-        </hudson.scm.listtagsparameter.ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition>
-        <hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition>
-          <name>KEEP_DATA</name>
-          <description>Keep the data of the previous run. Allows faster debug and rerun cycles. *experimental*</description>
-          <defaultValue>false</defaultValue>
-        </hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition>
-      </parameterDefinitions>
-    </hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty>
-  </properties>
-  <scm class="hudson.scm.SubversionSCM" plugin="subversion@1.43">
-    <locations>
-      <hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-ModuleLocation>
-        <remote>https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/branches/$BRANCHE/CEP</remote>
-        <local>LOFAR/CEP</local>
-      </hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-ModuleLocation>
-      <hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-ModuleLocation>
-        <remote>https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/branches/$BRANCHE/CMake</remote>
-        <local>LOFAR/CMake</local>
-      </hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-ModuleLocation>
-    </locations>
-    <browser class="hudson.plugins.viewVC.ViewVCRepositoryBrowser" plugin="viewVC@1.5">
-      <url>https://svn.astron.nl/</url>
-      <location>LOFAR</location>
-    </browser>
-    <excludedRegions/>
-    <includedRegions/>
-    <excludedUsers/>
-    <excludedRevprop/>
-    <excludedCommitMessages/>
-    <workspaceUpdater class="hudson.scm.subversion.UpdateUpdater"/>
-  </scm>
-  <assignedNode>LCE072</assignedNode>
-  <canRoam>false</canRoam>
-  <disabled>false</disabled>
-  <blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>
-  <blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>
-  <jdk>(Default)</jdk>
-  <triggers class="vector"/>
-  <concurrentBuild>true</concurrentBuild>
-  <customWorkspace>/home/lofarbuild/jenkins_builds/target_branche_regression</customWorkspace>
-  <builders>
-    <hudson.tasks.Shell>
-      <command># Perform svn steps needed before building
-if [ -f $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CMakeLists.txt ]
-  then  echo "Found a previous checkout: updating"; svn up --depth files LOFAR
-  else  echo "not found a previous checkout: checkingout"; svn checkout --depth files  https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/trunk LOFAR
-    </hudson.tasks.Shell>
-    <hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder plugin="cmakebuilder@1.9">
-      <sourceDir>LOFAR</sourceDir>
-      <buildDir>gnu_debug</buildDir>
-      <installDir>install</installDir>
-      <buildType>Debug</buildType>
-      <otherBuildType/>
-      <generator>Unix Makefiles</generator>
-      <makeCommand>make -j4</makeCommand>
-      <installCommand>make install</installCommand>
-      <preloadScript/>
-      <cmakeArgs>-Wdev -DBUILD_ASKAPsoft=OFF  -DUSE_OPENMP=ON -DBUILD_PACKAGES=Offline </cmakeArgs>
-      <projectCmakePath/>
-      <cleanBuild>false</cleanBuild>
-      <cleanInstallDir>false</cleanInstallDir>
-      <builderImpl/>
-    </hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder>
-    <hudson.tasks.Shell>
-      <command># 1. A unit test
-cd gnu_debug
-ctest -R pipeline
-cd ..
-# 2. Remove old data
-# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
-#remove old state file if requested
-  then 
-    echo "Keeping statefile: Skipping previous work done!!"
-  else 
-    #remove old state file 
-    rm -f $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/$BRANCHE/statefile
-    # remove old data, use at least a single entry
-    ssh lce070 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE"
-    ssh lce070 "mkdir /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE"
-    ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE"
-    ssh lce069 "mkdir /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE"
-    ssh lce070 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration"
-    ssh lce070 "mkdir /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration"
-    ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration"
-    ssh lce069 "mkdir /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration"
-    mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline
-# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
-# 3. set environment
-. /opt/cep/login/bashrc
-use LofIm
-export PYTHONPATH=$WORKSPACE/install/lib/python2.6/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH
-# copy the test data to the correct place on the node
-scp -rp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64372_SAP000_SB000_uv.MS lce070:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration
-scp -rp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64405_SAP000_SB000_inst.INST lce070:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration
-scp -rp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64372_SAP000_SB001_uv.MS lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration
-scp -rp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64405_SAP000_SB001_inst.INST lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration
-# 4. run the pipeline
-#copy the config file to a 'writable' location
-cp $WORKSPACE/install/share/pipeline/pipeline.cfg $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/pipeline_copy.cfg 
-#copy the parset to a writable location
-cp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/Observation64406  $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/Observation64406  
-# replace clusterdesc file in the cfg file: allows running in lce072
-sed -i 's/cep2.clusterdesc/cep1_test.clusterdesc/g' $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/pipeline_copy.cfg 
-cd $WORKSPACE/install/bin
-python msss_target_pipeline.py $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/Observation64406 -c $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/pipeline_copy.cfg --job $BRANCHE -d
-# 5. Test correct functioning
-#  a. copy target calibrated data to the scratch directory
-rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test
-mkdir -p /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test
-scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS_target /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS_target 
-scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS_target /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS_target 
-#  b. copy target sourcelist to the scratch directory
-scp -r lce070:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS
-scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS
-#  c. Do actual comparison
-python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/target_pipeline.py /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS_target /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS
-python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/target_pipeline.py /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS_target /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS</command>
-    </hudson.tasks.Shell>
-  </builders>
-  <publishers>
-    <hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher plugin="warnings@4.18">
-      <healthy/>
-      <unHealthy/>
-      <thresholdLimit>low</thresholdLimit>
-      <pluginName>[WARNINGS] </pluginName>
-      <defaultEncoding/>
-      <canRunOnFailed>true</canRunOnFailed>
-      <useStableBuildAsReference>false</useStableBuildAsReference>
-      <useDeltaValues>false</useDeltaValues>
-      <thresholds plugin="analysis-core@1.48">
-        <unstableTotalAll/>
-        <unstableTotalHigh/>
-        <unstableTotalNormal/>
-        <unstableTotalLow/>
-        <unstableNewAll/>
-        <unstableNewHigh/>
-        <unstableNewNormal/>
-        <unstableNewLow/>
-        <failedTotalAll/>
-        <failedTotalHigh/>
-        <failedTotalNormal/>
-        <failedTotalLow/>
-        <failedNewAll/>
-        <failedNewHigh/>
-        <failedNewNormal/>
-        <failedNewLow/>
-      </thresholds>
-      <shouldDetectModules>false</shouldDetectModules>
-      <dontComputeNew>false</dontComputeNew>
-      <doNotResolveRelativePaths>false</doNotResolveRelativePaths>
-      <parserConfigurations/>
-      <consoleParsers>
-        <hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-          <parserName>GNU Compiler 4 (gcc)</parserName>
-        </hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-      </consoleParsers>
-    </hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher>
-    <xunit plugin="xunit@1.48">
-      <types>
-        <JUnitType>
-          <pattern>gnu_debug/**/*.xml</pattern>
-          <faildedIfNotNew>true</faildedIfNotNew>
-          <deleteOutputFiles>true</deleteOutputFiles>
-          <stopProcessingIfError>true</stopProcessingIfError>
-        </JUnitType>
-      </types>
-      <thresholds>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-      </thresholds>
-      <thresholdMode>1</thresholdMode>
-    </xunit>
-  </publishers>
-  <buildWrappers>
-    <hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper plugin="timestamper@1.3.2"/>
-  </buildWrappers>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_calibrator_regression.config.xml b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/calibrator_regression.config.xml
similarity index 70%
rename from CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_calibrator_regression.config.xml
rename to CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/calibrator_regression.config.xml
index 55a659c67a606799d19f6409efda05c488277612..22799078eae318173d1b89f09e2e116af70ae3e1 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_calibrator_regression.config.xml
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/calibrator_regression.config.xml
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ Triggers after a build on changes in the trunk at 2:00 AM</description>
-    <hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty plugin="redmine@0.10">
+    <hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty>
-      <projectName/>
+      <projectName>lofarsys</projectName>
-  <scm class="hudson.scm.SubversionSCM" plugin="subversion@1.43">
+  <scm class="hudson.scm.SubversionSCM">
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Triggers after a build on changes in the trunk at 2:00 AM</description>
-    <browser class="hudson.plugins.viewVC.ViewVCRepositoryBrowser" plugin="viewVC@1.5">
+    <browser class="hudson.plugins.viewVC.ViewVCRepositoryBrowser">
@@ -53,14 +53,7 @@ Triggers after a build on changes in the trunk at 2:00 AM</description>
-    <hudson.tasks.Shell>
-      <command># Perform svn steps needed before building
-if [ -f $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CMakeLists.txt ]
-  then  echo "Found a previous checkout: updating"; svn up --depth files LOFAR
-  else  echo "not found a previous checkout: checkingout"; svn checkout --depth files  https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/trunk LOFAR
-    </hudson.tasks.Shell>
-    <hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder plugin="cmakebuilder@1.9">
+    <hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder>
@@ -80,9 +73,7 @@ fi</command>
       <command># This command will perform the actual regression test steps
 # 1. A unit test
-cd gnu_debug
 ctest -R pipeline
-cd ..
 # 2. set environment
 . /opt/cep/login/bashrc
@@ -91,13 +82,10 @@ export PYTHONPATH=$WORKSPACE/install/lib/python2.6/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH
 # 3. run the pipeline
 #remove old state file 
-rm -f $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/Observation64405/statefile
+rm -f $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/jobs/Observation64405/statefile
 # remove old data products
-# assure content in dir
-ssh lce070 "touch /data/scratch/lofarbuild/Observation64405/temp" 
-ssh lce070 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/Observation64405/*"
-ssh lce069 "touch /data/scratch/lofarbuild/Observation64405/temp"
+ssh lce068 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/Observation64405/*"
 ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/Observation64405/*"
 mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline
@@ -125,7 +113,7 @@ mkdir -p /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline_regression_test/calibrator
 scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/calibrator_pipeline/datasets/*.INST /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline_regression_test/calibrator
 # copy the run results
-scp -r lce070:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/calibrator_test/L64405_SAP000_SB000_inst.INST /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline_regression_test/calibrator/L64405_SAP000_SB000_inst.INST.result 
+scp -r lce068:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/calibrator_test/L64405_SAP000_SB000_inst.INST /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline_regression_test/calibrator/L64405_SAP000_SB000_inst.INST.result 
 scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/calibrator_test/L64405_SAP000_SB001_inst.INST /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline_regression_test/calibrator/L64405_SAP000_SB001_inst.INST.result
@@ -142,20 +130,20 @@ python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/calibrator_pipeline.p
 # ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
 #ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/out/*"
 #rm /home/lofarbuild/jenkins_builds/install/var/run/pipeline/jobs/out/statefile
-# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************</command>
+# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
-    <hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher plugin="warnings@4.18">
+    <hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher>
       <pluginName>[WARNINGS] </pluginName>
-      <useStableBuildAsReference>false</useStableBuildAsReference>
-      <thresholds plugin="analysis-core@1.48">
+      <thresholds>
@@ -175,41 +163,14 @@ python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/calibrator_pipeline.p
-      <doNotResolveRelativePaths>false</doNotResolveRelativePaths>
-      <consoleParsers>
-        <hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-          <parserName>GNU Compiler 4 (gcc)</parserName>
-        </hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-      </consoleParsers>
+      <consoleLogParsers>
+        <string>GNU compiler 4 (ld)</string>
+        <string>GNU compiler 4 (gcc)</string>
+      </consoleLogParsers>
-    <xunit plugin="xunit@1.48">
-      <types>
-        <JUnitType>
-          <pattern>gnu_debug/**/*.xml</pattern>
-          <faildedIfNotNew>true</faildedIfNotNew>
-          <deleteOutputFiles>true</deleteOutputFiles>
-          <stopProcessingIfError>true</stopProcessingIfError>
-        </JUnitType>
-      </types>
-      <thresholds>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-      </thresholds>
-      <thresholdMode>1</thresholdMode>
-    </xunit>
-    <hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper plugin="timestamper@1.3.2"/>
+    <hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_imaging_regression.config.xml b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/imaging_regression.config.xml
similarity index 55%
rename from CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_imaging_regression.config.xml
rename to CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/imaging_regression.config.xml
index 0294ad281eb6891023660fe01f163f7ef58ca12a..15d4c1c3da37a6cd920dc9cc085ac8d9aef727b6 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_imaging_regression.config.xml
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/imaging_regression.config.xml
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ Triggers a build and test at midnight on changes in the trunk.</description>
-    <hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty plugin="redmine@0.11">
+    <hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty>
-      <redmineVersionNumber/>
+      <redmineVersion>true</redmineVersion>
-  <scm class="hudson.scm.SubversionSCM" plugin="subversion@1.43">
+  <scm class="hudson.scm.SubversionSCM">
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Triggers a build and test at midnight on changes in the trunk.</description>
-    <browser class="hudson.plugins.viewVC.ViewVCRepositoryBrowser" plugin="viewVC@1.5">
+    <browser class="hudson.plugins.viewVC.ViewVCRepositoryBrowser">
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ if [ -f $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CMakeLists.txt ]
   else  echo "not found a previous checkout: checkingout"; svn checkout --depth files  https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/trunk LOFAR
-    <hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder plugin="cmakebuilder@1.9">
+    <hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder>
@@ -77,56 +77,59 @@ fi</command>
-      <command># 1. A unit test
-cd gnu_debug
+      <command># This command will perform the actual regression test steps
+# 1. A unit test
 ctest -R pipeline
-cd ..
 # 2. set environment
-. /opt/cep/login/bashrc  # allows usage of the use command
+. /opt/cep/login/bashrc
 use LofIm
 use Pythonlibs
-export PYTHONPATH=$WORKSPACE/install/lib/python2.6/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH  
+export PYTHONPATH=$WORKSPACE/install/lib/python2.6/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH
-# 3. Remove old data
-rm -f $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/trunk_imager_regression/statefile
-rm -f /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/trunk_regression.parset_feedback
-rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/trunk_imager_regression
-ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/trunk_imager_regression"
+# 3. run the pipeline
+#remove old state file 
+rm -f $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/jobs/Observation64405/statefile
+ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/out/*"
-# 4. Create directory for logs and statefile
 mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline
-# 5. run the pipeline
 cd $WORKSPACE/install/bin
-python msss_imager_pipeline.py /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/trunk_regression.parset -c $WORKSPACE/install/share/pipeline/pipeline.cfg --job trunk_imager_regression -d
-# 6. Copy target data and the produced data to a scratch directory (on lce072)
+python msss_imager_pipeline.py /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/basic_test/out.parset  -c $WORKSPACE/install/share/pipeline/pipeline.cfg -d
+# 4. Test correct functioning
 #  a. copy target image data to the scratch directory
-mkdir /data/scratch/lofarbuild/trunk_imager_regression
-scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/data/image.restored_22_11_2012 /data/scratch/lofarbuild/trunk_imager_regression/image.restored.target
-scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/trunk_imager_regression/awimage_cycle_0/image.restored /data/scratch/lofarbuild/trunk_imager_regression/image.restored
+scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/basic_test/image.restored /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline/image.restored.target
+scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/out/awimage_cycle_0/image.restored /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline/image.restored
 #  b. copy target sourcelist to the scratch directory
-scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/data/bdsm_catalog_22_11_2012 /data/scratch/lofarbuild/trunk_imager_regression/bdsm_catalog.target 
-scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/trunk_imager_regression/awimage_cycle_0/bdsm_catalog /data/scratch/lofarbuild/trunk_imager_regression/bdsm_catalog
+scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/basic_test/bdsm_catalog  /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline/bdsm_catalog.target 
+scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/out/awimage_cycle_0/bdsm_catalog /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline/bdsm_catalog
 #  c. Do actual comparison
-cd /data/scratch/lofarbuild/trunk_imager_regression
-python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/imaging_pipeline.py bdsm_catalog bdsm_catalog.target image.restored image.restored.target 0.0002</command>
+cd /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline
+python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/imaging_pipeline.py bdsm_catalog bdsm_catalog.target image.restored image.restored.target 0.0002
+# 5 remove the pipeline products
+# On failure of the test this delete step is not performed and the data can be inspected
+# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
+ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/out/*"
+rm /home/lofarbuild/jenkins_builds/install/var/run/pipeline/jobs/out/statefile
+# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
-    <hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher plugin="warnings@4.18">
+    <hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher>
       <pluginName>[WARNINGS] </pluginName>
-      <useStableBuildAsReference>false</useStableBuildAsReference>
-      <thresholds plugin="analysis-core@1.48">
+      <thresholds>
@@ -146,46 +149,14 @@ python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/imaging_pipeline.py b
-      <doNotResolveRelativePaths>false</doNotResolveRelativePaths>
-      <consoleParsers>
-        <hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-          <parserName>GNU Compiler 4 (gcc)</parserName>
-        </hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-      </consoleParsers>
+      <consoleLogParsers>
+        <string>GNU compiler 4 (ld)</string>
+        <string>GNU compiler 4 (gcc)</string>
+      </consoleLogParsers>
-    <xunit plugin="xunit@1.48">
-      <types>
-        <JUnitType>
-          <pattern>gnu_debug/**/*.xml</pattern>
-          <faildedIfNotNew>true</faildedIfNotNew>
-          <deleteOutputFiles>true</deleteOutputFiles>
-          <stopProcessingIfError>true</stopProcessingIfError>
-        </JUnitType>
-      </types>
-      <thresholds>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-      </thresholds>
-      <thresholdMode>1</thresholdMode>
-    </xunit>
-    <hudson.tasks.Mailer>
-      <recipients>klijn@astron.nl</recipients>
-      <dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild>true</dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild>
-      <sendToIndividuals>true</sendToIndividuals>
-    </hudson.tasks.Mailer>
-    <hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper plugin="timestamper@1.3.2"/>
+    <hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche regression imaging pipeline .config.xml b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/pipeline_task_regression.config.xml
similarity index 54%
rename from CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche regression imaging pipeline .config.xml
rename to CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/pipeline_task_regression.config.xml
index 5975b256250bc54a0ad4d2f27317abd68dd59106..f2d69e1536d45089e325fb28b577e975b6876746 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/Branche regression imaging pipeline .config.xml	
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/pipeline_task_regression.config.xml
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ This build will fail if the branche produces output different to the baseline.
-    <hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty plugin="redmine@0.11">
+    <hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty>
-      <projectName/>
-      <redmineVersionNumber/>
+      <projectName>lofarsys</projectName>
+      <redmineVersion>true</redmineVersion>
-        <hudson.scm.listtagsparameter.ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition plugin="subversion@1.43">
+        <hudson.scm.listtagsparameter.ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition>
           <description>Select a Subversion entry</description>
@@ -30,22 +30,12 @@ This build will fail if the branche produces output different to the baseline.
-          <uuid>d531da4e-0b31-44d8-862d-af81f335ec4d</uuid>
+          <uuid>41b88e15-dbbe-4a3b-96b0-4a4b9949e906</uuid>
-        <hudson.model.TextParameterDefinition>
-          <name>NOTES</name>
-          <description>Short description of the current run</description>
-          <defaultValue/>
-        </hudson.model.TextParameterDefinition>
-        <hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition>
-          <name>KEEP_DATA</name>
-          <description>Keep the data of the previous run. Allows faster debug and rerun cycles. *experimental*</description>
-          <defaultValue>false</defaultValue>
-        </hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition>
-  <scm class="hudson.scm.SubversionSCM" plugin="subversion@1.43">
+  <scm class="hudson.scm.SubversionSCM">
@@ -56,7 +46,7 @@ This build will fail if the branche produces output different to the baseline.
-    <browser class="hudson.plugins.viewVC.ViewVCRepositoryBrowser" plugin="viewVC@1.5">
+    <browser class="hudson.plugins.viewVC.ViewVCRepositoryBrowser">
@@ -84,9 +74,10 @@ if [ -f $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CMakeLists.txt ]
   then  echo "Found a previous checkout: updating"; svn up --depth files LOFAR
   else  echo "not found a previous checkout: checkingout"; svn checkout --depth files  https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/branches/$BRANCHE LOFAR
-#svn checkout --depth files  https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/branches/$BRANCHE LOFAR</command>
+#svn checkout --depth files  https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/branches/$BRANCHE LOFAR
-    <hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder plugin="cmakebuilder@1.9">
+    <hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder>
@@ -103,10 +94,17 @@ fi
-      <command># 1. A unit test
-cd gnu_debug
+      <command># This command will perform the actual regression test steps
+# 1. A unit test
 ctest -R pipeline
-cd ..
+# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
+# assure existance of a single file in dir
+ssh lce069 "touch /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/file.txt"
+ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/*"
+rm -f $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/jobs/$BRANCHE/statefile
+# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
 # 2. set environment
 . /opt/cep/login/bashrc
@@ -114,63 +112,41 @@ use LofIm
 use Pythonlibs
 export PYTHONPATH=$WORKSPACE/install/lib/python2.6/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH
-# 3. Remove old data
-# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
-#remove old state file if requested
-  then 
-    echo "Keeping statefile: Skipping previous work done!!"
-  else 
-    # Remove state file
-    rm -f $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/$BRANCHE/statefile
-    # remove old data products
-    # assure content in dir
-    rm -f /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/branch_regression.parset_feedback
-    rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/branch_imaging_regression
-    ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE"
-    ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/branch_imaging_regression"
-    mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline
-# ***************** DANGER: HERE BE DRAGONS!!*************
-# 4. Create directory for logs and statefile
+# 3. run the pipeline
 mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline
-# 5. run the pipeline
 cd $WORKSPACE/install/bin
-python msss_imager_pipeline.py /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/branch_regression.parset -c $WORKSPACE/install/share/pipeline/pipeline.cfg --job $BRANCHE -d 
-# 6. Copy target data and the produced data to a scratch directory (on lce072)
-#  a. copy image data to the scratch directory
-mkdir -p /data/scratch/lofarbuild/branch_imaging_regression
-scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/data/image.restored_22_11_2012 /data/scratch/lofarbuild/branch_imaging_regression/image.restored.target
-scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/awimage_cycle_0/image.restored /data/scratch/lofarbuild/branch_imaging_regression/image.restored
+python msss_imager_pipeline.py /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/basic_test/out.parset -c $WORKSPACE/install/share/pipeline/pipeline.cfg --job $BRANCHE -d 
+# 4. Test correct functioning
+#  a. copy target image data to the scratch directory
+scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/basic_test/image.restored /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline/image.restored.target
+scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/out/awimage_cycle_0/image.restored /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline/image.restored
-#  b. copy  sourcelist to the scratch directory
-scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/data/bdsm_catalog_22_11_2012   /data/scratch/lofarbuild/branch_imaging_regression/bdsm_catalog.target 
-scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/awimage_cycle_0/bdsm_catalog /data/scratch/lofarbuild/branch_imaging_regression/bdsm_catalog
+#  b. copy target sourcelist to the scratch directory
+scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/imager_pipeline/basic_test/bdsm_catalog  /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline/bdsm_catalog.target 
+scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/$BRANCHE/awimage_cycle_0/bdsm_catalog /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline/bdsm_catalog
 #  c. Do actual comparison
-cd /data/scratch/lofarbuild/branch_imaging_regression
+cd /data/scratch/lofarbuild/pipeline
 python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/imaging_pipeline.py bdsm_catalog bdsm_catalog.target image.restored image.restored.target 0.0002
-echo #NOTES</command>
-    <hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher plugin="warnings@4.18">
+    <hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher>
       <pluginName>[WARNINGS] </pluginName>
-      <useStableBuildAsReference>false</useStableBuildAsReference>
-      <thresholds plugin="analysis-core@1.48">
+      <thresholds>
@@ -190,46 +166,14 @@ echo #NOTES</command>
-      <doNotResolveRelativePaths>false</doNotResolveRelativePaths>
-      <consoleParsers>
-        <hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-          <parserName>GNU Compiler 4 (gcc)</parserName>
-        </hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-      </consoleParsers>
+      <consoleLogParsers>
+        <string>GNU compiler 4 (ld)</string>
+        <string>GNU compiler 4 (gcc)</string>
+      </consoleLogParsers>
-    <xunit plugin="xunit@1.48">
-      <types>
-        <JUnitType>
-          <pattern>gnu_debug/**/*.xml</pattern>
-          <faildedIfNotNew>true</faildedIfNotNew>
-          <deleteOutputFiles>true</deleteOutputFiles>
-          <stopProcessingIfError>true</stopProcessingIfError>
-        </JUnitType>
-      </types>
-      <thresholds>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-      </thresholds>
-      <thresholdMode>1</thresholdMode>
-    </xunit>
-    <hudson.tasks.Mailer>
-      <recipients/>
-      <dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild>true</dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild>
-      <sendToIndividuals>true</sendToIndividuals>
-    </hudson.tasks.Mailer>
-    <hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper plugin="timestamper@1.3.2"/>
+    <hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_target_regression.config.xml b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/target_regression.config.xml
similarity index 65%
rename from CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_target_regression.config.xml
rename to CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/target_regression.config.xml
index 11d3afc2de8d94e5595714465412c715569bcdb6..fe5cbfb521691fae52077137e93b19be6b67cb17 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/CEP-Pipeline-trunk_target_regression.config.xml
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/jenkins_config/target_regression.config.xml
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ Triggers a build and test after midnight on changes in the trunk.</description>
-    <hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty plugin="redmine@0.10">
+    <hudson.plugins.redmine.RedmineProjectProperty>
-      <projectName/>
+      <projectName>lofarsys</projectName>
-  <scm class="hudson.scm.SubversionSCM" plugin="subversion@1.43">
+  <scm class="hudson.scm.SubversionSCM">
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Triggers a build and test after midnight on changes in the trunk.</description>
-    <browser class="hudson.plugins.viewVC.ViewVCRepositoryBrowser" plugin="viewVC@1.5">
+    <browser class="hudson.plugins.viewVC.ViewVCRepositoryBrowser">
@@ -53,14 +53,7 @@ Triggers a build and test after midnight on changes in the trunk.</description>
-    <hudson.tasks.Shell>
-      <command># Perform svn steps needed before building
-if [ -f $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CMakeLists.txt ]
-  then  echo "Found a previous checkout: updating"; svn up --depth files LOFAR
-  else  echo "not found a previous checkout: checkingout"; svn checkout --depth files  https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/trunk LOFAR
-    </hudson.tasks.Shell>
-    <hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder plugin="cmakebuilder@1.9">
+    <hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeBuilder>
@@ -80,30 +73,23 @@ fi</command>
       <command># This command will perform the actual regression test steps
 # 1. A unit test
-cd gnu_debug 
 ctest -R pipeline
-cd ..
 # 2. set environment
 . /opt/cep/login/bashrc
 use LofIm
 export PYTHONPATH=$WORKSPACE/install/lib/python2.6/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH
-# remove old data, use at least a single entry
-ssh lce070 "touch /data/scratch/lofarbuild/Observation64406/temp"
-ssh lce070 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/Observation64406/*"
-ssh lce069 "touch /data/scratch/lofarbuild/Observation64406/temp"
+ssh lce068 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/Observation64406/*"
 ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/Observation64406/*"
-ssh lce070 "touch /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration/temp"
-ssh lce070 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration/*"
-ssh lce069 "touch /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration/temp"
+ssh lce068 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration/*"
 ssh lce069 "rm -rf /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration/*"
 # copy the test data to the correct place on the node
-ssh lce070 "mkdir -p /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration"
-scp -rp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64372_SAP000_SB000_uv.MS lce070:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration
+ssh lce068 "mkdir -p /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration"
+scp -rp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64372_SAP000_SB000_uv.MS lce068:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration
-scp -rp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64405_SAP000_SB000_inst.INST lce070:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration
+scp -rp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64405_SAP000_SB000_inst.INST lce068:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration
 ssh lce069 "mkdir -p /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration"
 scp -rp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64372_SAP000_SB001_uv.MS lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration
@@ -111,8 +97,8 @@ scp -rp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64372_SAP000
 scp -rp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64405_SAP000_SB001_inst.INST lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration
 # 3. run the pipeline
-#cleanup the var/run directory
-rm -rf $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/*
+#remove old state file 
+rm -f $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/jobs/Observation64406/statefile
 mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline
@@ -120,14 +106,14 @@ mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline
 cp $WORKSPACE/install/share/pipeline/pipeline.cfg $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/pipeline_copy.cfg 
 #copy the parset to a writable location
-cp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/Observation64406  $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/Observation64406  
+cp /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/Observation64406  $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/Observation64406  
 # replace clusterdesc file in the cfg file: allows running in lce072
 sed -i 's/cep2.clusterdesc/cep1_test.clusterdesc/g' $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/pipeline_copy.cfg 
 cd $WORKSPACE/install/bin
-python msss_target_pipeline.py $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/Observation64406 -c $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/pipeline_copy.cfg -d
+python msss_target_pipeline.py $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/Observation64406 -c $WORKSPACE/install/var/run/pipeline/pipeline_copy.cfg -d
 ## 4. Test correct functioning
 #  a. copy target calibrated data to the scratch directory
@@ -136,27 +122,28 @@ scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64406_SB000_u
 scp -r /data/lofar/testdata/CEP/Pipeline/target_pipeline/datasets/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS_target /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS_target 
 #  b. copy target sourcelist to the scratch directory
-scp -r lce070:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS
+scp -r lce068:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS
 scp -r lce069:/data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_integration/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS
 #  c. Do actual comparison
 python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/target_pipeline.py /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS_target /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB000_uv.dppp.MS
-python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/target_pipeline.py /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS_target /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS</command>
+python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/target_pipeline.py /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS_target /data/scratch/lofarbuild/target_regression_test/L64406_SB001_uv.dppp.MS
-    <hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher plugin="warnings@4.18">
+    <hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher>
       <pluginName>[WARNINGS] </pluginName>
-      <useStableBuildAsReference>false</useStableBuildAsReference>
-      <thresholds plugin="analysis-core@1.48">
+      <thresholds>
@@ -176,41 +163,14 @@ python $WORKSPACE/LOFAR/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/target_pipeline.py /d
-      <doNotResolveRelativePaths>false</doNotResolveRelativePaths>
-      <consoleParsers>
-        <hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-          <parserName>GNU Compiler 4 (gcc)</parserName>
-        </hudson.plugins.warnings.ConsoleParser>
-      </consoleParsers>
+      <consoleLogParsers>
+        <string>GNU compiler 4 (ld)</string>
+        <string>GNU compiler 4 (gcc)</string>
+      </consoleLogParsers>
-    <xunit plugin="xunit@1.48">
-      <types>
-        <JUnitType>
-          <pattern>gnu_debug/**/*.xml</pattern>
-          <faildedIfNotNew>true</faildedIfNotNew>
-          <deleteOutputFiles>true</deleteOutputFiles>
-          <stopProcessingIfError>true</stopProcessingIfError>
-        </JUnitType>
-      </types>
-      <thresholds>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold>
-        <org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-          <unstableThreshold/>
-          <unstableNewThreshold/>
-          <failureThreshold/>
-          <failureNewThreshold/>
-        </org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold>
-      </thresholds>
-      <thresholdMode>1</thresholdMode>
-    </xunit>
-    <hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper plugin="timestamper@1.3.2"/>
+    <hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/trunk_imaging_regression.parset b/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/trunk_imaging_regression.parset
deleted file mode 100644
index 198e6002c9d84f5f0f67455853d188b068536e39..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/test/regression_tests/trunk_imaging_regression.parset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-ObsSW.Observation.DataProducts.Input_Correlated.filenames=['L41961_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41961_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset','unexisting_dataset', 'L41969_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41969_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41985_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L41993_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42001_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42009_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42017_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB060_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB061_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB062_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB063_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB064_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB065_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB066_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB067_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB068_target_sub.MS.dppp', 'L42025_SAP000_SB069_target_sub.MS.dppp']
-ObsSW.Observation.DataProducts.Input_Correlated.locations=['lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/', 'lce069:/data/scratch/klijn/band6/']
-ObsSW.Observation.ObservationControl.PythonControl.BBS.Strategy.Steps=[solve, correct]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/test/support/loggingdecorators_test.py b/CEP/Pipeline/test/support/loggingdecorators_test.py
index 54e29c9bbdbee380f2ecb2f54c65f16cd33e7748..51adf0436044fc8dd5b978dfba82088271fb752f 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/test/support/loggingdecorators_test.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/test/support/loggingdecorators_test.py
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import numpy
 import tempfile
 import xml.dom.minidom as xml
-from lofarpipe.support.loggingdecorators import xml_node, duration
-from lofarpipe.support.xmllogging import get_child, get_active_stack
+from lofarpipe.support.loggingdecorators import xml_node
+from lofarpipe.support.xmllogging import get_child
 #imports from fixture:
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class loggingdecoratorsTest(unittest.TestCase):
             an_object.active_stack, "test").getAttribute("duration")) <= 0.1,
             "The created active stack did not add the duration information")
     def test_xml_node_nested_timing_logging(self):
         Test nested logging. The duration is variable. Test existance of 
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ class loggingdecoratorsTest(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertTrue(float(child2.getAttribute("duration")) < 0.1,
                         "The duration was to large for the size of the test function")
     def test_xml_node_return_value(self):
         assure that the return value of the decorated function is still correct
@@ -85,43 +87,4 @@ class loggingdecoratorsTest(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertTrue(return_value == "a value" ,
                         "The decorated function did not return the actual function return value ")
-    def test_duration_context_manager(self):
-        """
-        Test that on entering the context with self the containing object
-        pointer is added. It should also continue to exist after leaving the
-        context
-        """
-        class tester(object):
-            def __init__(self):
-                pass
-            def test(self):
-                if get_active_stack(tester) is not None:
-                    print "An active stack should only exist when added explicitly"
-                    return False
-                with duration(self, "a name") as context_object:
-                    active_stack = get_active_stack(self)
-                    # We should have an active stack in the context
-                    if active_stack is None:
-                        print "In duration context the active stack should be added."
-                        return False
-                    if not get_child(
-                        active_stack, "active_stack").hasChildNodes():
-                        print "in the context the active_stack should at least contain one entry"
-                        return False
-                    # Now leave the  context
-                if get_child(
-                        active_stack, "active_stack").hasChildNodes():
-                        print "After the context the active stack should be left"
-                        # There is stil an entry in the active stack
-                        return False
-                return True
-        test_object = tester()
-        self.assertTrue(test_object.test(), "The duration context returned with False")
diff --git a/CEP/Pipeline/test/test_framework/unittest_runner.py b/CEP/Pipeline/test/test_framework/unittest_runner.py
index ae60665e7bce5d84de9f512bb6b85c2f437e7f79..55a6aa8faf8a6bd81c96efc699ff7ff71f651814 100644
--- a/CEP/Pipeline/test/test_framework/unittest_runner.py
+++ b/CEP/Pipeline/test/test_framework/unittest_runner.py
@@ -103,6 +103,16 @@ class UnitTesterTest(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertTrue(self.tester == "A test string")
+    #@unittest.expectedFailure # decorator can be used from python 2.7
+    def test_daily_build_exists(self):
+        """
+        Performs a simple import to check if the daily is created
+        This sanity check only works on the CEP systems lhn001,2 and lce072. comment out on other systems
+        """
+        path = "/opt/cep/LofIm/daily/lofar/lofarinit.sh"
+        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path), "Daily build has failed:"
+                        " lofarinit.sh is missing!")
 def usage():
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/CMakeLists.txt b/CEP/PyBDSM/CMakeLists.txt
index ee7f507c036696c05a3a5ca86b33ec1ed3a317c1..5c97b80c58549be67b4e89eb701d7068f0ab9cef 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ enable_language(Fortran)
 lofar_find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS python)
-lofar_find_package(Python 2.6 REQUIRED)
+lofar_find_package(Python REQUIRED)
 lofar_find_package(Numpy REQUIRED)
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/conf.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/conf.py
index 115c403d85ae8f01228f68e5e1c07050fe9ac49c..457c7341fe324ead8d63359a15ec162e34c25fcd 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/conf.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/conf.py
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ copyright = u'2012, David Rafferty and Niruj Mohan'
 # built documents.
 # The short X.Y version.
-version = '1.5'
+version = '1.4'
 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '1.5.0'
+release = '1.4.5'
 # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
 # for a list of supported languages.
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/installation.rst b/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/installation.rst
index 5d8f8b9a4f18b6e7b10370291cecbf00a1d65b7a..bd8a51a8880956f8f67778c9f1a99e1c32573da6 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/installation.rst
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/installation.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Downloading and installing
 Downloading the code
-The latest version of the code may be obtained as a gzipped tar file from the STRW FTP server at ftp://ftp.strw.leidenuniv.nl/pub/rafferty/PyBDSM (e.g., ``PyBDSM-1.5.0.tar.gz``). Once downloaded, extract the files in the directory where you would like to install PyBDSM. The files are all contained in a subdirectory named ``LOFAR``.
+The latest version of the code may be obtained as a gzipped tar file from the STRW FTP server at ftp://ftp.strw.leidenuniv.nl/pub/rafferty/PyBDSM (e.g., ``PyBDSM-1.2.tar.gz``). Once downloaded, extract the files in the directory where you would like to install PyBDSM. The files are all contained in a subdirectory named ``LOFAR``.
 Preparing to compile the code
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ Before compiling the PyBDSM source code, you need to make sure you have the requ
 * Python 2.6 or newer (including NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and IPython). The easiest way to install Python and all of the required modules is to use the 64-bit EPD Python distribution, available at http://enthought.com/products/epd.php. For academic users, a free version is available at http://www.enthought.com/products/edudownload.php.
 * gfortran. Binaries are available from http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GFortranBinaries.
-* PyFITS. You can get PyFITS from www.stsci.edu/institute/software_hardware/pyfits (if you use the EPD Python distribution described above, PyFITS is already included in that).
 * PyWCS. You can get PyWCS from https://trac6.assembla.com/astrolib.
 * Boost. Get the latest version from http://www.boost.org. Only the Python libraries need to be compiled. For example, on a Mac, do the following (which assumes the latest version is ``boost_1_49_0.tar.gz``)::
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/whats_new.rst b/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/whats_new.rst
index d04cf6f69b7b69bd456899708023a56b0fd347f7..b62ae3fffb345b2de8af56556476b1ba4ca6fa0c 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/whats_new.rst
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/whats_new.rst
@@ -4,12 +4,6 @@
 What's New
-Version 1.5.0 (2012/10/29):
-    * Improved WCS handling. PyBDSM can now read images with a much greater variety of WCS systems (e.g., the ``VOPT`` spectral system).
-    * Fixed a bug related to the use of a detection image when a subimage is specified (with ``trim_box``).
 Version 1.4.5 (2012/10/12):
     * Added option (``incl_empty``) to include empty islands (that have no un-flagged Gaussians) in output catalogs. Any such empty islands are given negative source IDs and have positions given by the location of the peak of the island.
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/write_catalog.rst b/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/write_catalog.rst
index dfad53ca0f02a4b11b64306f547d02f2d5926ae2..e5fc7d128aaf49897999c110bd1432d3f1fcdc14 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/write_catalog.rst
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/doc/source/write_catalog.rst
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Each of the parameters is described in detail below.
         This parameter is a Boolean (default is ``False``) that determines whether the total flux densities of each source measured in each channel by the spectral index module are included in the output.
-        This parameter is a Boolean (default is ``False``) that determines whether islands without any valid Gaussians are included in the output catalog. This option is only available for source lists. If True, islands for which Gaussian fitting failed will be included in the output catalog. In these cases, the source IDs are negative and only a subset of the standard columns will be populated (columns requiring information from Gaussian fits are left blank).
+        This parameter is a Boolean (default is ``False``) that determines whether islands without any valid Gaussians are included in the output catalog. This option is only available for source lists. If True, islands for which Gaussian fitting failed will be included in the output catalog. In these cases, the source IDs are negative.
         This parameter is a string (default is ``None``) that sets the root for source names in the output catalog.
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/__init__.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/__init__.py
index 9552ee2bb0a4be381fee936dd71c08b5b7d156d4..e6b53202ead8503361be2061917064de8bd8f0ac 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/__init__.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/__init__.py
@@ -9,10 +9,20 @@ required by 'execute').
     import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
-    has_pl = True
-except (RuntimeError, ImportError):
-    has_pl = False
-    print "\033[33;1mWARNING\033[0m: Matplotlib not found. Plotting is disabled."
+except RuntimeError:
+    # Set use of AGG backend to avoid problems when there
+    # is no DISPLAY variable set
+    import sys
+    modules = []
+    for module in sys.modules:
+        if module.startswith('matplotlib'):
+            modules.append(module)
+    for module in modules:
+        sys.modules.pop(module)
+    import matplotlib as mpl
+    mpl.use('Agg')
+except ImportError:
+    print "\033[31;1mWARNING\033[0m: Matplotlib not found. Plotting is disabled."
 from readimage import Op_readimage
 from collapse import Op_collapse
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/_version.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/_version.py
index e097d58f7a56fe75ba12eb1e5f138d9de7b3eaad..f62324431f67c16ab9d02a518328d609928b9a2a 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/_version.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/_version.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ adding to the changelog will naturally do this.
 # Version number
-__version__ = '1.5.0'
+__version__ = '1.4.5'
 # Store svn Revision number. For this to work, one also needs to do:
@@ -27,22 +27,8 @@ def changelog():
     PyBDSM Changelog.
-    2012/12/02 - Changes to reduce memory usage, particularly in the
-        wavelet module.
-    2012/11/30 - Fix to bypass bug in matplotlib when display variable
-        is not set.
-    2012/11/21 - Fixed bug that caused a crash when a detection image
-        was used. Fixed a bug with incorrect save directory when
-        "plot_allgaus" is True.
-    2012/10/29 - Version 1.5.0
-    2012/10/29 - Improved handling of WCS information so that a much
-        greater variety of WCS systems may be used. Fixed a bug in logging
-        that occurred when negative values were found in the rms map.
-        Updated installation instructions.
+    2012/10/22 - Added option ("force_output") to force output of catalogs
+        even if they are empty (when no sources are found).
     2012/10/12 - Version 1.4.5
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/cleanup.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/cleanup.py
index 4c4ba636ce92080f5751e18fb8860511260cb0a8..c3345ba6c990a2288c9d4f3738fbd557061e35d8 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/cleanup.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/cleanup.py
@@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
 import numpy as N
-import os
 from image import *
 import mylogger, os
-from . import has_pl
-if has_pl:
     import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
     import matplotlib.cm as cm
+    has_pl = True
+except ImportError:
+    has_pl = False
 import functions as func
 class Op_cleanup(Op):
@@ -20,11 +21,11 @@ class Op_cleanup(Op):
         ### plotresults for all gaussians together
         if img.opts.plot_allgaus and has_pl:
-            pl.figure()
+            pl.figure() 
             pl.title('All gaussians including wavelet images')
             allgaus = img.gaussians
-            if hasattr(img, 'atrous_gaussians'):
-              for gg in img.atrous_gaussians:
+            if hasattr(img, 'atrous_gaussians'): 
+              for gg in img.atrous_gaussians: 
                 allgaus += gg
             for g in allgaus:
@@ -33,13 +34,12 @@ class Op_cleanup(Op):
             from math import log10
             bdir = img.basedir + '/misc/'
-            if not os.path.isdir(bdir): os.mkdir(bdir)
-            im_mean = img.clipped_mean
-            im_rms = img.clipped_rms
+            im_mean = img.clipped_mean 
+            im_rms = img.clipped_rms 
             low = 1.1*abs(img.min_value)
             low1 = 1.1*abs(N.min(im_mean-im_rms*5.0))
             if low1 > low: low = low1
-            vmin = log10(im_mean-im_rms*5.0 + low)
+            vmin = log10(im_mean-im_rms*5.0 + low) 
             vmax = log10(im_mean+im_rms*15.0 + low)
             im = N.log10(img.ch0 + low)
@@ -51,4 +51,4 @@ class Op_cleanup(Op):
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/collapse.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/collapse.py
index 3543ef8026ac642b0b821be7f168ff0e60eb14cc..7b5d8a092972871a9e6f0d88a26af376d167064a 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/collapse.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/collapse.py
@@ -253,13 +253,14 @@ def init_freq_collapse(img, wtarr):
         if c_list == []: c_list = N.arange(img.image.shape[1])
         sumwts = 0.0
         sumfrq = 0.0
-        spec_indx = img.wcs_obj.wcs.spec
-        if spec_indx == -1 and img.opts.frequency_sp == None:
+        crval, cdelt, crpix = img.freq_pars
+        if crval == 0.0 and cdelt == 0.0 and crpix == 0.0 and \
+                img.opts.frequency_sp == None:
             raise RuntimeError("Frequency information not found in header and frequencies "\
                          "not specified by user")
             for i, ch in enumerate(c_list):
                 sumwts += wtarr[i]
-                freq = img.wcs_obj.p2f(ch)
+                freq = crval+cdelt*(ch+1-crpix)
                 sumfrq += freq*wtarr[i]
             img.frequency = sumfrq / sumwts
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/functions.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/functions.py
index 5ab319edb89806f379854331e67273848dc0048f..79bd29e45a2d1fe73a28c1bc956d666998d9979a 100755
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/functions.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/functions.py
@@ -1016,14 +1016,8 @@ def get_kwargs(kwargs, key, typ, default):
     return obj
 def read_image_from_file(filename, img, indir, quiet=False):
-    """ Reads data and header from indir/filename.
-    We can use either pyfits or pyrap depending on the value
-    of img.use_io = 'fits'/'rap'
-    PyFITS is required, as it is used to standardize the header format. pyrap
-    is optional.
-    """
+    """ Reads data and header from indir/filename using either pyfits or pyrap depending on
+         img.use_io = 'fits'/'rap' """
     import mylogger
     import os
     import numpy as N
@@ -1066,25 +1060,35 @@ def read_image_from_file(filename, img, indir, quiet=False):
             if StrictVersion(pyfits.__version__) > StrictVersion('2.2'):
                 has_pyfits = True
-                raise RuntimeError("PyFITS (version 2.2 or greater) is required.")
+                has_pyfits = False
+                e_pyfits = 'PyFITS version < 2.2'
         except ImportError, err:
-            raise RuntimeError("PyFITS is required.")
+            has_pyfits = False
+            e_pyfits = str(err)
             import pyrap.images as pim
             has_pyrap = True
         except ImportError, err:
             has_pyrap = False
             e_pyrap = str(err)
+        if not has_pyrap and not has_pyfits:
+            raise RuntimeError("Neither PyFITS (version 2.2 or greater) nor Pyrap is available. Image cannot be read.\nOriginal errors: \n {0}\n {1}".format(e_pyfits, e_pyrap))
         # First assume image is a fits file, and use pyfits to open it (if
         # available). If that fails, try to use pyrap if available.
         failed_read = False
         reason = 0
-            fits = pyfits.open(image_file, mode="readonly", ignore_missing_end=True)
-            img.use_io = 'fits'
+            if has_pyfits:
+                fits = pyfits.open(image_file, mode="readonly", ignore_missing_end=True)
+                img.use_io = 'fits'
+            else:
+                reason = 2 # Pyfits unavailable
+                raise IOError("PyFITS unavailable")
         except IOError, err:
             e_pyfits = str(err)
+            if reason == 0:
+                reason = 1 # Pyfits available but cannot read file
             if has_pyrap:
                     inputimage = pim.image(image_file)
@@ -1096,7 +1100,8 @@ def read_image_from_file(filename, img, indir, quiet=False):
                 failed_read = True
                 e_pyrap = "Pyrap unavailable"
-                img._reason = 'Problem reading file.'
+                if reason == 1:
+                    img._reason = 'Problem reading file.'
         if failed_read:
             img._reason += '\nOriginal errors: {0}\n {1}'.format(e_pyfits, e_pyrap)
             return None
@@ -1106,7 +1111,7 @@ def read_image_from_file(filename, img, indir, quiet=False):
         mylogger.userinfo(mylog, "Opened '"+image_file+"'")
     if img.use_io == 'rap':
         data = inputimage.getdata()
-        hdr = convert_pyrap_header(inputimage)
+        hdr = inputimage.info()
     if img.use_io == 'fits':
         data = fits[0].data
         hdr = fits[0].header
@@ -1114,26 +1119,28 @@ def read_image_from_file(filename, img, indir, quiet=False):
     # Make sure data is in proper order. Final order is [pol, chan, x (RA), y (DEC)],
     # so we need to rearrange dimensions if they are not in this order. Use the
-    # ctype FITS keywords to determine order of dimensions.
+    # ctype FITS keywords or equivalent in pyrap to determine order of dimensions.
     mylog.info("Original data shape of " + image_file +': ' +str(data.shape))
     ctype_in = []
-    for i in range(len(data.shape)):
-        key_val_raw = hdr['CTYPE' + str(i+1)]
-        key_val = key_val_raw.split('-')[0]
-        ctype_in.append(key_val.strip())
-    ctype_in.reverse() # Need to reverse order, as pyfits does this
-    if 'RA' not in ctype_in or 'DEC' not in ctype_in:
-        raise RuntimeError("Image data not found")
-    if len(ctype_in) > 2 and 'FREQ' not in ctype_in:
-        from pywcs import WCS
-        t = WCS(hdr)
-        t.wcs.fix()
-        spec_indx = t.wcs.spec
-        if spec_indx != -1:
-            ctype_in.reverse()
-            ctype_in[spec_indx] = 'FREQ'
-            ctype_in.reverse()
+    if img.use_io == 'fits':
+        for i in range(len(data.shape)):
+            key_val_raw = hdr['CTYPE' + str(i+1)]
+            key_val = key_val_raw.split('-')[0]
+            ctype_in.append(key_val.strip())
+        ctype_in.reverse() # Need to reverse order, as pyfits does this
+    if img.use_io == 'rap':
+        coords = hdr['coordinates']
+        if coords.has_key('spectral2'):
+            ctype_in.append('FREQ')
+        elif coords.has_key('stokes2'):
+            ctype_in.append('STOKES')
+        if coords.has_key('spectral1'):
+            ctype_in.append('FREQ')
+        elif coords.has_key('stokes1'):
+            ctype_in.append('STOKES')
+        if coords.has_key('direction0'):
+            ctype_in.append('DEC')
+            ctype_in.append('RA')
     ctype_out = ['STOKES', 'FREQ', 'RA', 'DEC']
     indx_out = [-1, -1, -1, -1]
@@ -1142,7 +1149,10 @@ def read_image_from_file(filename, img, indir, quiet=False):
         for j in range(4):
             if ctype_in[i] == ctype_out[j]:
                 indx_out[j] = i
-    shape_out = [1, 1, data.shape[indx_out[2]], data.shape[indx_out[3]]]
+    if indx_out[2] == -1 or indx_out[3] == -1:
+        sys.exit("Image data not found")
+    else:
+        shape_out = [1, 1, data.shape[indx_out[2]], data.shape[indx_out[3]]]
     if indx_out[0] != -1:
         shape_out[0] = data.shape[indx_out[0]]
     if indx_out[1] != -1:
@@ -1175,27 +1185,11 @@ def read_image_from_file(filename, img, indir, quiet=False):
         if xmin >= xmax or ymin >= ymax:
             raise RuntimeError("The trim_box option does not specify a valid part of the image.")
         data = data[:, :, xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax]
-        # Adjust WCS keywords
-        hdr['crpix1'] -= xmin
-        hdr['crpix2'] -= ymin
         img.trim_box = None
     return data, hdr
-def convert_pyrap_header(pyrap_image):
-    """Converts a pyrap header to a PyFITS header."""
-    import tempfile
-    import pyfits
-    tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
-    pyrap_image.tofits(tfile.name)
-    hdr = pyfits.getheader(tfile.name)
-    return hdr
 def write_image_to_file(use, filename, image, img, outdir=None,
     """ Writes image array to dir/filename using pyfits"""
@@ -1213,7 +1207,7 @@ def write_image_to_file(use, filename, image, img, outdir=None,
             img.samp_key = private_key
         # Broadcast image to SAMP Hub
-        temp_im = make_fits_image(N.transpose(image), img.wcs_obj, img.beam, img.frequency)
+        temp_im = make_fits_image(N.transpose(image), img.wcs_obj, img.beam, img.freq_pars)
         tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
         temp_im.writeto(tfile.name,  clobber=clobber)
         send_fits_image(img.samp_client, img.samp_key, 'PyBDSM image', tfile.name)
@@ -1229,74 +1223,34 @@ def write_image_to_file(use, filename, image, img, outdir=None,
                 os.remove(outdir + filename)
-        temp_im = make_fits_image(N.transpose(image), img.wcs_obj, img.beam, img.frequency)
+        temp_im = make_fits_image(N.transpose(image), img.wcs_obj, img.beam, img.freq_pars)
         temp_im.writeto(outdir + filename,  clobber=clobber)
 def make_fits_image(imagedata, wcsobj, beam, freq):
     """Makes a simple FITS hdulist appropriate for single-channel images"""
     import pyfits
-    shape_out = [1, 1, imagedata.shape[0], imagedata.shape[1]]
+    shape_out = [1, imagedata.shape[0], imagedata.shape[1]]
     hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(imagedata.reshape(shape_out))
     hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu])
     header = hdulist[0].header
-    # Add WCS info
-#     wcs_header = wcsobj.to_header()
-#     for key in wcs_header.keys():
-#         header.update(key, wcs_header[key])
-    header.update('CRVAL1', wcsobj.wcs.crval[0])
-    header.update('CDELT1', wcsobj.wcs.cdelt[0])
-    header.update('CRPIX1', wcsobj.wcs.crpix[0])
-    header.update('CUNIT1', wcsobj.wcs.cunit[0])
-    header.update('CTYPE1', wcsobj.wcs.ctype[0])
-    header.update('CRVAL2', wcsobj.wcs.crval[1])
-    header.update('CDELT2', wcsobj.wcs.cdelt[1])
-    header.update('CRPIX2', wcsobj.wcs.crpix[1])
-    header.update('CUNIT2', wcsobj.wcs.cunit[1])
-    header.update('CTYPE2', wcsobj.wcs.ctype[1])
-    # Add STOKES info
-    header.update('CRVAL3', 1)
-    header.update('CDELT3', 1)
-    header.update('CRPIX3', 1)
-    header.update('CUNIT3', '')
-    header.update('CTYPE3', 'STOKES')
-    # Add or alter frequency info if needed
-    header.update('CRVAL4', freq)
-    header.update('CDELT4', 0.0)
-    header.update('CRPIX4', 1)
-    header.update('CUNIT4', 'Hz')
-    header.update('CTYPE4', 'FREQ')
-    # Add beam info
-    header.update('BMAJ', beam[0])
-    header.update('BMIN', beam[1])
-    header.update('BPA', beam[2])
-    # Add STOKES info
-    header.update('CRVAL3', 1)
-    header.update('CDELT3', 1)
-    header.update('CRPIX3', 1)
-    header.update('CUNIT3', '')
-    header.update('CTYPE3', 'STOKES')
-    # Add or alter frequency info if needed
-    if wcsobj.wcs.spec != -1:
-        header.update('CRVAL' + str(wcsobj.wcs.spec + 1), freq)
-    else:
-        header.update('CRVAL4', freq)
-        header.update('CDELT4', 0.0)
-        header.update('CRPIX4', 1)
-        header.update('CUNIT4', 'Hz')
-        header.update('CTYPE4', 'FREQ')
-    # Add beam info
+    header.update('CTYPE1', wcsobj.ctype[0])
+    header.update('CRVAL1', wcsobj.crval[0])
+    header.update('CDELT1', wcsobj.cdelt[0])
+    header.update('CRPIX1', wcsobj.crpix[0])
+    header.update('CTYPE2', wcsobj.ctype[1])
+    header.update('CRVAL2', wcsobj.crval[1])
+    header.update('CDELT2', wcsobj.cdelt[1])
+    header.update('CRPIX2', wcsobj.crpix[1])
+    if hasattr(wcsobj, 'crota'):
+        header.update('CROTA1', wcsobj.crota[0])
+        header.update('CROTA2', wcsobj.crota[1])
     header.update('BMAJ', beam[0])
     header.update('BMIN', beam[1])
     header.update('BPA', beam[2])
+    header.update('CTYPE3', 'FREQ')
+    header.update('CRVAL3', freq[0])
+    header.update('CDELT3', freq[1])
+    header.update('CRPIX3', freq[2])
     hdulist[0].header = header
     return hdulist
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/gausfit.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/gausfit.py
index 715bf578783eb23dd34db24558485314eb9d8ad7..0b27e19dd01b5c1e8a83aebfc96c3ccb2a2c0c34 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/gausfit.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/gausfit.py
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ import sys
 import time
 import statusbar
 import _cbdsm
-from . import has_pl
-if has_pl:
     import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
+    has_pl = True
+except ImportError:
+    has_pl = False
 import scipy.ndimage as nd
 import multi_proc as mp
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/islands.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/islands.py
index b3e4c94b08d20d438552438e575fe80b32d35cca..e42b8fb4acb8fe8fc70c2248e220cae8dde524f4 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/islands.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/islands.py
@@ -69,13 +69,11 @@ class Op_islands(Op):
             if det_shape != ch0_shape:
                 raise RuntimeError("Detection image shape does not match that of input image.")
-            # Run through islands and correct the image and rms, mean and max values
+            # Run through islands and correct the rms, mean and max values
             img.island_labels = det_img.island_labels
             corr_islands = []
-            for i, isl in enumerate(det_img.islands):
-                islcp = isl.copy(img.pixel_beamarea, image=img.ch0[isl.bbox], mean=img.mean[isl.bbox], rms=img.rms[isl.bbox])
-                islcp.island_id = i
-                corr_islands.append(islcp)
+            for isl in det_img.islands:
+                corr_islands.append(isl.copy(img))
             img.islands = corr_islands
             img.nisl = len(img.islands)
             img.pyrank = det_img.pyrank
@@ -91,9 +89,9 @@ class Op_islands(Op):
             for i, isl in enumerate(img.islands):
                 isl.island_id = i
                 if i == 0:
-                    pyrank[isl.bbox] = N.invert(isl.mask_active) - 1
+                    pyrank[isl.bbox] = N.invert(isl.mask_active)-1
-                    pyrank[isl.bbox] = N.invert(isl.mask_active) * i - isl.mask_active
+                    pyrank[isl.bbox] = N.invert(isl.mask_active)*i
             if opts.output_all: write_islands(img)
             if opts.savefits_rankim:
@@ -271,9 +269,6 @@ class Island(object):
             data = img
             bbox_rms_im = rms
             bbox_mean_im = mean
-            self.oldbbox = bbox
-            self.oldidx = idx
         ### finish initialization
         isl_size = N.sum(~isl_mask)
@@ -301,13 +296,10 @@ class Island(object):
         self.image = state['image']
         self.islmean = state['islmean']
         self.mask_active = state['mask_active']
-        self.mask_noisy = state['mask_noisy']
         self.size_active = state['size_active']
         self.shape = state['shape']
         self.origin = state['origin']
         self.island_id = state['island_id']
-        self.oldidx = state['oldidx']
-        self.bbox = state['bbox']
     def __getstate__(self):
         """Needed for multiprocessing"""
@@ -317,13 +309,10 @@ class Island(object):
         state['image'] = self.image
         state['islmean'] = self.islmean
         state['mask_active'] = self.mask_active
-        state['mask_noisy'] = self.mask_noisy
         state['size_active'] = self.size_active
         state['shape'] = self.shape
         state['origin'] = self.origin
         state['island_id'] = self.island_id
-        state['oldidx'] = self.oldidx
-        state['bbox'] = self.bbox
         return state
     ### do map etc in case of ndim image
@@ -333,16 +322,17 @@ class Island(object):
             return slice(max(0, bbox.start - 1), min(shape, bbox.stop + 1))
         return map(__expand, bbox, shape)
-    def copy(self, pixel_beamarea, image=None, mean=None, rms=None):
+#     def copy(self, img):
+#         mask, mean, rms = img.mask, img.mean, img.rms
+#         image = img.ch0; labels = img.island_labels; bbox = self.oldbbox; idx = self.oldidx
+#         return Island(image, mask, mean, rms, labels, bbox, idx, img.pixel_beamarea)
+    def copy(self, pixel_beamarea):
         mask = self.mask_active
         noise_mask = self.mask_noisy
-        if image == None:
-            image = self.image
-        if mean == None:
-            mean = N.zeros(mask.shape) + self.mean
-        if rms == None:
-            rms =  N.zeros(mask.shape) + self.rms
+        mean = N.zeros(mask.shape) + self.mean
+        rms =  N.zeros(mask.shape) + self.rms
+        image = self.image
         bbox = self.bbox
         idx = self.oldidx
         origin = self.origin
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/multi_proc.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/multi_proc.py
index f4c348d6cd715ea060ce6ed6844ab76f65358b80..27364e2ef7da3a87bad9abdd29a466855f433f08 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/multi_proc.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/multi_proc.py
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ try:
     # May raise NotImplementedError
-    _ncpus = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 8)
+    _ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/plotresults.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/plotresults.py
index 8a93f4a243de46dbbae42f3cdcfb9c5d2a0b70a9..f2956b98f759086a8624ae0bd1e4f6bdc3c55db7 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/plotresults.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/plotresults.py
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 This module is used to display fits results.
 from image import *
-from . import has_pl
-if has_pl:
     import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
     import matplotlib.cm as cm
     import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
@@ -12,6 +11,9 @@ if has_pl:
     from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
     from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
     from matplotlib import collections
+    has_pl = True
+except ImportError:
+    has_pl = False
 from math import log10
 import functions as func
 from const import fwsig
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/polarisation.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/polarisation.py
index 33bc93fcc01aa1cd554ac40b8ed6f412f8dfe4fa..2cca57ead7226314ea7b4bc54fe1f2074e7d4ff4 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/polarisation.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/polarisation.py
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ class Op_polarisation(Op):
               pimg.pix2coord = img.pix2coord
               pimg.wcs_obj = img.wcs_obj
               pimg.mask = mask
+              pimg.use_wcs = img.use_wcs
               pimg.ch0 = ch0_pi
               pimg._pi = True
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/psf_vary.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/psf_vary.py
index 50052b809f8e2eb87cbbd37960c03164f9a48dd6..252e09f3d027fce62a4b88a52eb105602354c9a5 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/psf_vary.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/psf_vary.py
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ import numpy as N
 from image import *
 import mylogger
 from copy import deepcopy as cp
-from . import has_pl
-if has_pl:
     import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
+    has_pl = True
+except ImportError:
+    has_pl = False
 import scipy
 import scipy.signal as S
 import _cbdsm
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/readimage.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/readimage.py
index 27c9827f882c74fd43d4f7acfc710c9c888d9040..50f17569e00bc7d907a3daaf052d9cd10c60a41d 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/readimage.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/readimage.py
@@ -112,29 +112,21 @@ class Op_readimage(Op):
         img.filename = img.opts.filename
         img.parentname = fname
         img.imagename = fname + '.pybdsm'
-        img.basedir = './' + fname + '_pybdsm/'
         if img.opts.output_all:
             # Set up directory to write output to
+            basedir = './' + fname + '_pybdsm'
             opdir = img.opts.opdir_overwrite
             if opdir not in ['overwrite', 'append']:
                 img.opts.opdir_overwrite = 'append'
-            if opdir == 'append':
-                mylog.info('Appending output files to directory ' + img.basedir)
-            else:
-                mylog.info('Overwriting output files (if any) in directory ' + img.basedir)
-                if os.path.isdir(img.basedir):
-                    os.system("rm -fr " + img.basedir + '/*')
-            if not os.path.isdir(img.basedir):
-                os.mkdir(img.basedir)
-            # Now add solname (if any) and time to basedir
-            if img.opts.solnname != None:
-                img.basedir += img.opts.solnname + '_'
+                mylog.info('Appending output files in directory ' + basedir)
+            img.basedir = basedir + '/'
+            if img.opts.solnname != None: img.basedir += img.opts.solnname + '_'
             img.basedir += time.strftime("%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S")
-            # Make the final output directory
-            if not os.path.isdir(img.basedir):
-                os.mkdir(img.basedir)
+            if os.path.isfile(basedir): os.system("rm -fr " + basedir)
+            if not os.path.isdir(basedir): os.mkdir(basedir)
+            if opdir == 'overwrite': os.system("rm -fr " + basedir + "/*")
+            os.mkdir(img.basedir)
         # Check for zeros and blank if img.opts.blank_zeros is True
         if img.opts.blank_zeros:
@@ -151,42 +143,122 @@ class Op_readimage(Op):
         Thanks to transpose operation done to image earlier we can use
         p2s & s2p transforms directly.
+        Both WCSLIB (from LOFAR svn) and PyWCS (http://stsdas.stsci.edu/
+        astrolib/pywcs/, available from https://trac6.assembla.com/astrolib)
+        are supported.
+        try:
+            import wcslib
+            img.use_wcs = 'wcslib'
+        except ImportError, ewcslib:
+            try:
+                import pywcs
+                img.use_wcs = 'pywcs'
+            except ImportError, e:
+                # Expose original exception details to outside world
+                raise RuntimeError(
+                    "Either WCSLIB or PyWCS is required."
+                    " Original error: \n {0}\n {1}".format(str(ewcslib), str(e)))
         from math import pi
-        from pywcs import WCS
         hdr = img.header
-        t = WCS(hdr)
-        t.wcs.fix()
-        acdelt = [abs(hdr['cdelt1']), abs(hdr['cdelt2'])]
-        # Here we define p2s and s2p to allow celestial coordinate
-        # transformations. Transformations for other axes (e.g.,
-        # spectral) are striped out.
-        def p2s(self, xy):
-            xy = list(xy)
-            for i in range(t.wcs.naxis - 2):
-                xy.append(0)
-            xy_arr = N.array([xy])
-            sky = self.wcs_pix2sky(xy_arr, 0)#, ra_dec_order=True)
-            return sky.tolist()[0][0:2]
-        def s2p(self, rd):
-            rd = list(rd)
-            for i in range(t.wcs.naxis - 2):
-                rd.append(0)
-            rd_arr = N.array([rd])
-            pix = self.wcs_sky2pix(rd_arr, 0)#, ra_dec_order=True)
-            return pix.tolist()[0][0:2]
-        instancemethod = type(t.wcs_pix2sky)
-        t.p2s = instancemethod(p2s, t, WCS)
-        instancemethod = type(t.wcs_sky2pix)
-        t.s2p = instancemethod(s2p, t, WCS)
-        img.wcs_obj = t
-        img.wcs_obj.acdelt = acdelt
-        img.pix2sky = t.p2s
-        img.sky2pix = t.s2p
+        if img.use_wcs == 'wcslib':
+            t = wcslib.wcs()
+        elif img.use_wcs == 'pywcs':
+            t = pywcs.WCS(naxis=2)
+        if img.use_io == 'fits':
+          crval = [hdr['crval1'], hdr['crval2']]
+          crpix = [hdr['crpix1'], hdr['crpix2']]
+          cdelt = [hdr['cdelt1'], hdr['cdelt2']]
+          acdelt = [abs(hdr['cdelt1']), abs(hdr['cdelt2'])]
+          ctype = [hdr['ctype1'], hdr['ctype2']]
+          if 'crota1' in hdr:
+            crota = [hdr['crota1'], hdr['crota2']]
+          else:
+            crota = [0.0, 0.0]
+          if 'cunit1' in hdr:
+            cunit = [hdr['cunit1'], hdr['cunit2']]
+          else:
+            cunit = []
+        if img.use_io == 'rap':
+          wcs_dict = hdr['coordinates']['direction0']
+          coord_dict = {'degree' : 1.0, 'arcsec' : 1.0 / 3600, 'rad' : 180.0 / pi}
+          iterlist = range(2)
+          co_conv = [coord_dict[wcs_dict['units'][i]] for i in iterlist]
+          crval = [wcs_dict.get('crval')[i] * co_conv[i] for i in iterlist]
+          crpix = [wcs_dict.get('crpix')[i] for i in iterlist]
+          cdelt = [wcs_dict.get('cdelt')[i] * co_conv[i] for i in iterlist]
+          acdelt = [abs(wcs_dict.get('cdelt')[i]) * co_conv[i] for i in iterlist]
+          ctype = ['RA---' + wcs_dict.get('projection'), 'DEC--' + wcs_dict.get('projection')]
+          if wcs_dict.has_key('crota1'):
+            crota = [wcs_dict.get('crota')[i] for i in iterlist]
+          else:
+            crota = [0.0, 0.0]
+          if wcs_dict.has_key('cunit1'):
+            cunit = [wcs_dict.get('cunit')[i] for i in iterlist]
+          else:
+            cunit = []
+        # Check if user has specified a subimage. If so, adjust crpix
+        if img.opts.trim_box != None:
+            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = img.trim_box
+            crpix[0] -= xmin
+            crpix[1] -= ymin
+        if img.use_wcs == 'wcslib':
+            t.crval = tuple(crval)
+            t.crpix = tuple(crpix)
+            t.cdelt = tuple(cdelt)
+            t.acdelt = tuple(acdelt)
+            t.ctype = tuple(ctype)
+            t.crota = tuple(crota)
+            if cunit != []:
+                t.cunit = tuple(cunit)
+            t.wcsset()
+            img.wcs_obj = t
+            img.pix2sky = t.p2s
+            img.sky2pix = t.s2p
+        elif img.use_wcs == 'pywcs':
+            # Here we define new p2s and s2p methods to match those of wcslib.
+            # Note that, due to a bug in pywcs version 1.10-4.7, the
+            # "ra_dec_order" option cannot be used. When the bug is fixed,
+            # this option should probably be re-enabled.
+            def p2s(self, xy):
+                xy_arr = N.array([xy])
+                sky = self.wcs_pix2sky(xy_arr, 0)#, ra_dec_order=True)
+                return sky.tolist()[0]
+            def s2p(self, rd):
+                rd_arr = N.array([rd])
+                pix = self.wcs_sky2pix(rd_arr, 0)#, ra_dec_order=True)
+                return pix.tolist()[0]
+            instancemethod = type(t.wcs_pix2sky)
+            t.p2s = instancemethod(p2s, t, pywcs.WCS)
+            instancemethod = type(t.wcs_sky2pix)
+            t.s2p = instancemethod(s2p, t, pywcs.WCS)
+            t.wcs.crval = crval
+            t.wcs.crpix = crpix
+            t.wcs.cdelt = cdelt
+            t.wcs.ctype = ctype
+            t.wcs.crota = crota
+            if cunit != []:
+                t.wcs.cunit = cunit
+            img.wcs_obj = t
+            img.wcs_obj.acdelt = acdelt
+            img.wcs_obj.crval = crval
+            img.wcs_obj.crpix = crpix
+            img.wcs_obj.cdelt = cdelt
+            img.wcs_obj.ctype = ctype
+            img.wcs_obj.crota = crota
+            if cunit != []:
+                img.wcs_obj.cunit = cunit
+            img.pix2sky = t.p2s
+            img.sky2pix = t.s2p
     def init_beam(self, img):
         """Initialize beam parameters, and conversion routines
@@ -242,28 +314,48 @@ class Op_readimage(Op):
         if img.opts.beam is not None:
             beam = img.opts.beam
-            try:
-                beam = (hdr['BMAJ'], hdr['BMIN'], hdr['BPA'])
-                found = True
-            except:
-                ### try see if AIPS as put the beam in HISTORY as usual
-               for h in hdr.get_history():
-                  # Check if h is a string or a FITS Card object (long headers are
-                  # split into Cards as of PyFITS 3.0.4)
-                  if not isinstance(h, str):
-                    hstr = h.value
-                  else:
-                    hstr = h
-                  if N.all(['BMAJ' in hstr, 'BMIN' in hstr, 'BPA' in hstr, 'CLEAN' in hstr]):
-                    try:
-                        dum, dum, dum, bmaj, dum, bmin, dum, bpa = hstr.split()
-                    except ValueError:
+            if img.use_io == 'rap':
+                iminfo = hdr['imageinfo']
+                if iminfo.has_key('restoringbeam'):
+                    beaminfo = iminfo['restoringbeam']
+                    if beaminfo.has_key('major') and beaminfo.has_key('minor') and beaminfo.has_key('major'):
+                        bmaj = beaminfo['major']['value']
+                        bmin = beaminfo['minor']['value']
+                        bpa = beaminfo['positionangle']['value']
+                        # make sure all values are in degrees
+                        if beaminfo['major']['unit'] == 'arcsec':
+                            bmaj = bmaj / 3600.0
+                        if beaminfo['minor']['unit'] == 'arcsec':
+                            bmin = bmin / 3600.0
+                        if beaminfo['major']['unit'] == 'rad':
+                            bmaj = bmaj * 180.0 / N.pi
+                        if beaminfo['minor']['unit'] == 'rad':
+                            bmin = bmin * 180.0 / N.pi
+                        beam = (bmaj, bmin, bpa) # all degrees
+                        found = True
+            if img.use_io == 'fits':
+                try:
+                    beam = (hdr['BMAJ'], hdr['BMIN'], hdr['BPA'])
+                    found = True
+                except:
+                    ### try see if AIPS as put the beam in HISTORY as usual
+                   for h in hdr.get_history():
+                      # Check if h is a string or a FITS Card object (long headers are
+                      # split into Cards as of PyFITS 3.0.4)
+                      if not isinstance(h, str):
+                        hstr = h.value
+                      else:
+                        hstr = h
+                      if N.all(['BMAJ' in hstr, 'BMIN' in hstr, 'BPA' in hstr, 'CLEAN' in hstr]):
-                            dum, dum, bmaj, dum, bmin, dum, bpa, dum, dum = hstr.split()
+                            dum, dum, dum, bmaj, dum, bmin, dum, bpa = hstr.split()
                         except ValueError:
-                            break
-                    beam = (float(bmaj), float(bmin), float(bpa))
-                    found = True
+                            try:
+                                dum, dum, bmaj, dum, bmin, dum, bpa, dum, dum = hstr.split()
+                            except ValueError:
+                                break
+                        beam = (float(bmaj), float(bmin), float(bpa))
+                        found = True
             if not found: raise RuntimeError("No beam information found in image header.")
         ### convert beam into pixels (at image center)
@@ -283,19 +375,7 @@ class Op_readimage(Op):
                                                     round(beam[2], 1)))
     def init_freq(self, img):
-        """Initialize frequency parameters and store them.
-        Basically, PyBDSM uses two frequency parameters:
-            img.frequency - the reference frequency in Hz of the ch0 image
-            img.freq_pars - the crval, crpix, and cdelt values for the
-                            frequency axis in Hz
-        If the input frequency info (in the WCS) is not in Hz, it is
-        converted.
-        """
-        from pywcs import WCS, UnitConverter
+        """Initialize frequency parameters and store them"""
         mylog = mylogger.logging.getLogger("PyBDSM.InitFreq")
         if img.opts.frequency_sp != None and img.image.shape[1] > 1:
             # If user specifies multiple frequencies, then let
@@ -308,42 +388,34 @@ class Op_readimage(Op):
             img.freq_pars = (img.frequency, 0.0, 0.0)
             mylog.info('Using user-specified frequency.')
-            spec_indx = img.wcs_obj.wcs.spec
-            if spec_indx == -1:
-                raise RuntimeError('No frequency information found in image header.')
-            else:
-                # Here we define p2f and f2p to allow pixel to frequency
-                # transformations. Transformations for other axes (e.g.,
-                # celestial) are striped out.
-                #
-                # First, convert frequency to Hz if needed:
-                img.wcs_obj.wcs.sptr('FREQ-???')
-                naxis = img.wcs_obj.wcs.naxis
-                def p2f(self, spec_pix):
-                    spec_list = []
-                    for i in range(naxis):
-                        spec_list.append(0)
-                    spec_list[spec_indx] = spec_pix
-                    spec_pix_arr = N.array([spec_list])
-                    freq = self.wcs_pix2sky(spec_pix_arr, 0)
-                    return freq.tolist()[0][spec_indx]
-                def f2p(self, freq):
-                    freq_list = []
-                    for i in range(naxis):
-                        freq_list.append(0)
-                    freq_list[spec_indx] = freq
-                    freq_arr = N.array([freq_list])
-                    pix = self.wcs_sky2pix(freq_arr, 0)
-                    return pix.tolist()[0][spec_indx]
-                instancemethod = type(img.wcs_obj.wcs_pix2sky)
-                img.wcs_obj.p2f = instancemethod(p2f, img.wcs_obj, WCS)
-                instancemethod = type(img.wcs_obj.wcs_sky2pix)
-                img.wcs_obj.f2p = instancemethod(f2p, img.wcs_obj, WCS)
+            found = False
+            hdr = img.header
+            if img.use_io == 'rap':
+                if hdr['coordinates'].has_key('spectral2'):
+                    found = True
+                    spec_dict = hdr['coordinates']['spectral2']['wcs']
+                    crval, cdelt, crpix = spec_dict.get('crval'), \
+                        spec_dict.get('cdelt'), spec_dict.get('crpix')
+                    ff = crval + cdelt * (1. - crpix)
+            if img.use_io == 'fits':
+                nax = hdr['naxis']
+                if nax > 2:
+                    for i in range(nax):
+                        s = str(i + 1)
+                        if hdr['ctype' + s][0:4] == 'FREQ':
+                            found = True
+                            crval, cdelt, crpix = hdr['CRVAL' + s], \
+                                hdr['CDELT' + s], hdr['CRPIX' + s]
+                            ff = crval + cdelt * (1. - crpix)
+            if found:
                 if img.opts.frequency != None:
                     img.frequency = img.opts.frequency
-                    img.frequency = img.wcs_obj.p2f(0)
+                    img.frequency = ff
+                img.freq_pars = (crval, cdelt, crpix)
+            else:
+                raise RuntimeError('No frequency information found in image header.')
     def get_equinox(self, img):
         """Gets the equinox from the header.
@@ -359,28 +431,43 @@ class Op_readimage(Op):
         code = -1
         year = None
-        hdr = img.header
-        if 'EQUINOX' in hdr:
-            year = hdr['EQUINOX']
-            if isinstance(year, str):     # Check for 'J2000' or 'B1950' values
-                tst = year[:1]
-                if (tst == 'J') or (tst == 'B'):
-                    year = float(year[1:])
-                    if tst == 'J': code = 3
-                    if tst == 'B': code = 2
-            else:
-                code = 0
-        else:
-            if 'EPOCH' in hdr: # Check EPOCH if EQUINOX not found
-                year = hdr['EPOCH']
-                code = 1
+        if img.use_io == 'rap':
+            hdr = img.header['coordinates']['direction0']
+            code = -1
+            year = None
+            if hdr.has_key('system'):
+                year = hdr['system']
+                if isinstance(year, str):     # Check for 'J2000' or 'B1950' values
+                    tst = year[:1]
+                    if (tst == 'J') or (tst == 'B'):
+                        year = float(year[1:])
+                        if tst == 'J': code = 3
+                        if tst == 'B': code = 2
+                else:
+                    code = 0
+        if img.use_io == 'fits':
+            hdr = img.header
+            if 'EQUINOX' in hdr:
+                year = hdr['EQUINOX']
+                if isinstance(year, str):     # Check for 'J2000' or 'B1950' values
+                    tst = year[:1]
+                    if (tst == 'J') or (tst == 'B'):
+                        year = float(year[1:])
+                        if tst == 'J': code = 3
+                        if tst == 'B': code = 2
+                else:
+                    code = 0
-                if 'RADECSYS' in hdr:
-                    sys = hdr['RADECSYS']
-                    code = 4
-                    if sys[:3] == 'ICR': year = 2000.0
-                    if sys[:3] == 'FK5': year = 2000.0
-                    if sys[:3] == 'FK4': year = 1950.0
+                if 'EPOCH' in hdr: # Check EPOCH if EQUINOX not found
+                    year = hdr['EPOCH']
+                    code = 1
+                else:
+                    if 'RADECSYS' in hdr:
+                        sys = hdr['RADECSYS']
+                        code = 4
+                        if sys[:3] == 'ICR': year = 2000.0
+                        if sys[:3] == 'FK5': year = 2000.0
+                        if sys[:3] == 'FK4': year = 1950.0
         return year, code
     def get_rot(self, img, location=None):
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/rmsimage.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/rmsimage.py
index 9e67aec0f743009ebd9d26025a88f1b04d92d85f..fdc3e3f8cb93ad25540186d0f1999e327e00e19e 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/rmsimage.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/rmsimage.py
@@ -407,7 +407,6 @@ class Op_rmsimage(Op):
                        bright_pt_coords=[], rms_box2=None,
                        logname=None, ncores=None):
         """Calls map_2d and checks for problems"""
-        mylog = mylogger.logging.getLogger("PyBDSM."+img.log+"Rmsimage.Calcmaps ")
         rms_ok = False
         mylog = mylogger.logging.getLogger("PyBDSM."+img.log+"Rmsimage.Calcmaps ")
         opts = img.opts
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/spectralindex.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/spectralindex.py
index d031ed9fe5b6cf92af4364c278934668fdc55727..9bf81a841d4c57beba382543cea7db2d9883af31 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/spectralindex.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/spectralindex.py
@@ -306,14 +306,15 @@ class Op_spectralindex(Op):
         img.beam_spectrum = sbeam
         img.freq = N.zeros(shp[1])
         crval, cdelt, crpix = img.freq_pars
-        if img.wcs_obj.wcs.spec == -1 and \
+        if crval == 0.0 and cdelt == 0.0 and crpix == 0.0 and \
                 img.opts.frequency_sp == None:
             raise RuntimeError("Frequency info not found in header "\
                                    "and frequencies not specified by user")
             if img.opts.frequency_sp == None:
                 for ichan in range(shp[1]):
-                    img.freq[ichan] = img.wcs_obj.p2f(ichan)
+                    ich = ichan+1
+                    img.freq[ichan] = crval+cdelt*(ich-crpix) #ff = crval+cdelt*(1.-crpix)
                 if len(img.opts.frequency_sp) != shp[1]:
                     raise RuntimeError("Number of channels does not match number "\
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/threshold.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/threshold.py
index c24ee82854c9d35e277ada378108cccacf654cd0..6ef88950e38e453e691f62331401a47632c2090f 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/threshold.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/threshold.py
@@ -32,46 +32,46 @@ class Op_threshold(Op):
         size = N.product(img.ch0.shape)
         sq2  = sqrt(2)
-        if img.opts.thresh is None:
+	if img.opts.thresh is None:
             source_p = self.get_srcp(img)
-            cutoff = 5.0
-            false_p = 0.5*erfc(cutoff/sq2)*size
-            if false_p < opts.fdr_ratio*source_p:
+	    cutoff = 5.0
+	    false_p = 0.5*erfc(cutoff/sq2)*size
+	    if false_p < opts.fdr_ratio*source_p:
                 img.thresh = 'hard'
                 mylogger.userinfo(mylog, "Expected 5-sigma-clipped false detection rate < fdr_ratio")
                 mylogger.userinfo(mylog, "Using sigma-clipping ('hard') thresholding")
-            else:
+	    else:
                 img.thresh = 'fdr'
                 mylogger.userinfo(mylog, "Expected 5-sigma-clipped false detection rate > fdr_ratio")
                 mylogger.userinfo(mylog, "Using FDR (False Detection Rate) thresholding")
-                mylog.debug('%s %g' % ("Estimated number of source pixels (using sourcecounts.py) is ",source_p))
-                mylog.debug('%s %g' % ("Number of false positive pixels expected for 5-sigma is ",false_p))
-                mylog.debug("Threshold for pixels set to : "+str.swapcase(img.thresh))
+            mylog.debug('%s %g' % ("Estimated number of source pixels (using sourcecounts.py) is ",source_p))
+            mylog.debug('%s %g' % ("Number of false positive pixels expected for 5-sigma is ",false_p))
+            mylog.debug("Threshold for pixels set to : "+str.swapcase(img.thresh))
             img.thresh = img.opts.thresh
-        if img.thresh=='fdr':
+	if img.thresh=='fdr':
             cdelt = img.wcs_obj.acdelt[:2]
-            bm = (img.beam[0], img.beam[1])
+	    bm = (img.beam[0], img.beam[1])
             area_pix = int(round(N.product(bm)/(abs(N.product(cdelt))* \
-                                                      pi/(4.0*log(2.0)))))
-            s0 = 0
-            for i in range(area_pix):
+                                                  pi/(4.0*log(2.0)))))
+	    s0 = 0
+	    for i in range(area_pix):
                 s0 +=  1.0/(i+1)
-            slope = opts.fdr_alpha/s0
-            # sort erf of normalised image as vector
-            v = N.sort(0.5*erfc(N.ravel((data-img.mean)/img.rms)/sq2))[::-1]
-            for i,x in enumerate(v):
+	    slope = opts.fdr_alpha/s0
+                                                # sort erf of normalised image as vector
+	    v = N.sort(0.5*erfc(N.ravel((data-img.mean)/img.rms)/sq2))[::-1]
+	    for i,x in enumerate(v):
                 if x < slope*i/size:
                     pcrit = x
             dumr1 = 1.0-2.0*pcrit;
             dumr = 8.0/3.0/pi*(pi-3.0)/(4.0-pi)
-            # approx for inv(erfc)
-            sigcrit = sqrt(-2.0/pi/dumr-log(1.0-dumr1*dumr1)/2.0+  \
-                          sqrt((2.0/pi/dumr+log(1.0-dumr1*dumr1)/2.0)* \
-                          (2.0/pi/dumr+log(1.0-dumr1*dumr1)/2.0)-      \
-                          log(1.0-dumr1*dumr1)/dumr))*sq2
+			    # approx for inv(erfc)
+	    sigcrit = sqrt(-2.0/pi/dumr-log(1.0-dumr1*dumr1)/2.0+  \
+                      sqrt((2.0/pi/dumr+log(1.0-dumr1*dumr1)/2.0)* \
+                      (2.0/pi/dumr+log(1.0-dumr1*dumr1)/2.0)-      \
+                      log(1.0-dumr1*dumr1)/dumr))*sq2
             if pcrit == 0.0:
                 img.thresh = 'hard'
@@ -86,26 +86,26 @@ class Op_threshold(Op):
     def get_srcp(self, img):
         import sourcecounts as sc
         fwsig = const.fwsig
-        cutoff = 5.0
-        spin = -0.80
-        freq = img.frequency
+	cutoff = 5.0
+	spin = -0.80
+	freq = img.frequency
         bm = (img.beam[0], img.beam[1])
         cdelt = img.wcs_obj.acdelt[:2]
-        x = 2.0*pi*N.product(bm)/abs(N.product(cdelt))/(fwsig*fwsig)*img.omega
+	x = 2.0*pi*N.product(bm)/abs(N.product(cdelt))/(fwsig*fwsig)*img.omega
-        smin_L = img.clipped_rms*cutoff*((1.4e9/freq)**spin)
-        scflux = sc.s
-        scnum = sc.n
+	smin_L = img.clipped_rms*cutoff*((1.4e9/freq)**spin)
+	scflux = sc.s
+	scnum = sc.n
         index = 0
-        for i,s in enumerate(scflux):
+	for i,s in enumerate(scflux):
             if s < smin_L:
                 index = i
-        n1 = scnum[index]; n2 = scnum[-1]
-        s1 = scflux[index]; s2 = scflux[-1]
-        alpha = 1.0-log(n1/n2)/log(s1/s2)
-        A = (alpha-1.0)*n1/(s1**(1.0-alpha))
-        source_p = x*A*((cutoff*img.clipped_rms)**(1.0-alpha)) \
-                     /((1.0-alpha)*(1.0-alpha))
+	n1 = scnum[index]; n2 = scnum[-1]
+	s1 = scflux[index]; s2 = scflux[-1]
+	alpha = 1.0-log(n1/n2)/log(s1/s2)
+	A = (alpha-1.0)*n1/(s1**(1.0-alpha))
+	source_p = x*A*((cutoff*img.clipped_rms)**(1.0-alpha)) \
+                 /((1.0-alpha)*(1.0-alpha))
         return source_p
diff --git a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/wavelet_atrous.py b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/wavelet_atrous.py
index 635fb65a7d871345e13c1f0c9f46f9a37497e490..ccf22d5d181c696b75ef16d20b559109ebfa0dfd 100644
--- a/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/wavelet_atrous.py
+++ b/CEP/PyBDSM/src/python/wavelet_atrous.py
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ import numpy as N
 from image import *
 import mylogger
 import os
-from . import has_pl
-if has_pl:
     import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
+    has_pl = True
+except ImportError:
+    has_pl = False
 import _cbdsm
 from math import log, floor, sqrt
 import scipy.signal as S
@@ -154,6 +156,7 @@ class Op_wavelet_atrous(Op):
               wimg.extraparams['bbsappend'] = True
               wimg.bbspatchnum = img.bbspatchnum
               wimg.waveletimage = True
+              wimg.use_wcs = img.use_wcs
               wimg.j = j
               self.FITS_simple(wimg, img, w, '.atrous.' + suffix)
@@ -189,8 +192,6 @@ class Op_wavelet_atrous(Op):
                         # Renumber islands:
                         for wvindx, wvisl in enumerate(wimg.islands):
                             wvisl.island_id = wvindx
-                        del orig_rankim_bool
-                        del valid_islands
                 if isinstance(op, Op_gaul2srl):
                   # Restrict Gaussians to original ch0 islands.
@@ -200,46 +201,36 @@ class Op_wavelet_atrous(Op):
                   if img.ngaus == 0:
                     gaus_id = -1
-                      gaus_id = img.gaussians[-1].gaus_num
-#                   for isl in img.islands:
+                    gaus_id = img.gaussians[-1].gaus_num
+                  for isl in img.islands:
                       wvgaul = []
                       for g in gaul:
                           if not hasattr(g, 'valid'):
                               g.valid = False
                           if not g.valid:
-                              isl_id = img.pyrank[int(g.centre_pix[0] + 1), int(g.centre_pix[1] + 1)]
-                              if isl_id >= 0:
-                                  isl = img.islands[isl_id]
-                                  gcenter = (g.centre_pix[0] - isl.origin[0],
-                                             g.centre_pix[1] - isl.origin[1])
-#                               if gcenter[0] >= 0 and gcenter[0] < isl.shape[0] and gcenter[1] >= 0 and gcenter[1] < isl.shape[1]:
-#                                   if not isl.mask_active[gcenter]:
-#                                       gaus_id += 1
+                              gcenter = (g.centre_pix[0] - isl.origin[0],
+                                         g.centre_pix[1] - isl.origin[1])
+                              if gcenter[0] >= 0 and gcenter[0] < isl.shape[0] and gcenter[1] >= 0 and gcenter[1] < isl.shape[1]:
                                   if not isl.mask_active[gcenter]:
+                                      gaus_id += 1
                                       g.gaus_num = gaus_id
                                       g.wisland_id = g.island_id
                                       g.island_id = isl.island_id
                                       g.jlevel = j
                                       g.valid = True
-                                      isl.gaul.append(g)
-                                      isl.ngaus += 1
-                                      img.gaussians.append(g)
-                                      nwvgaus += 1
-                                      tot_flux += g.total_flux
-#                                  wvgaul.append(g)
+                                      wvgaul.append(g)
                                       g.valid = False
                                       g.jlevel = 0
                                   g.valid = False
                                   g.jlevel = 0
-#                       isl.gaul += wvgaul
-#                       img.gaussians += wvgaul
-#                       nwvgaus += len(wvgaul)
-#                       isl.ngaus += nwvgaus
-#                       for g in wvgaul:
-#                           tot_flux += g.total_flux
+                      isl.gaul += wvgaul
+                      img.gaussians += wvgaul
+                      nwvgaus += len(wvgaul)
+                      isl.ngaus += nwvgaus
+                      for g in wvgaul:
+                          tot_flux += g.total_flux
                   vg = []
                   for g in wimg.gaussians:
@@ -270,10 +261,6 @@ class Op_wavelet_atrous(Op):
                       answ = raw_input_no_history(prompt)
               if len(wimg.gaussians) > 0:
                 img.resid_wavelets = self.subtract_wvgaus(img.opts, img.resid_wavelets, wimg.gaussians, wimg.islands)
-              wimg.gaussians = []
-              wimg.islands = []
-              wimg.sources = []
-              wimg.ch0 = None
               del wimg
               if stop_wav == True:
diff --git a/CEP/pyparmdb/CMakeLists.txt b/CEP/pyparmdb/CMakeLists.txt
index 6722696a7944a997dcc455d8f4bb3fd2fb3ff46d..36eff59fc6ea7cbd9c46f8419af92a551b44fcd0 100644
--- a/CEP/pyparmdb/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CEP/pyparmdb/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ lofar_package(pyparmdb 1.0 DEPENDS Common ParmDB)
 lofar_find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS python)
-lofar_find_package(Python 2.6 REQUIRED)
+lofar_find_package(Python REQUIRED)
 lofar_find_package(Pyrap REQUIRED)
diff --git a/CMake/FindOpenCL.cmake b/CMake/FindOpenCL.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a9325506667fd83039fc38092e093f1e4c1fb08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/CMake/FindOpenCL.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# - Try to find OpenCL.
-# Variables used by this module:
-#  OPENCL_ROOT_DIR     - OPENCL root directory
-# Variables defined by this module:
-#  OPENCL_FOUND        - system has OPENCL
-#  OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIR  - the OPENCL include directory (cached)
-#  OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS - the OPENCL include directories
-#                       (identical to OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-#  OPENCL_LIBRARY      - the OPENCL library (cached)
-#  OPENCL_LIBRARIES    - the OPENCL libraries
-#                       (identical to OPENCL_LIBRARY)
-# Copyright (C) 2009
-# ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
-# P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
-# This file is part of the LOFAR software suite.
-# The LOFAR software suite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# The LOFAR software suite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with the LOFAR software suite. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# $Id: FindOpenCL.cmake 17486 2011-03-01 13:08:26Z mol $
-  find_path(OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIR "CL/cl.h"
-    HINTS /usr/local/cuda/include /cm/shared/apps/cuda50/toolkit/5.0.35/include) #FIXME
-  find_library(OPENCL_LIBRARY OpenCL
-  include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs)
-  find_package_handle_standard_args(OPENCL DEFAULT_MSG 
diff --git a/CMake/FindPVSS.cmake b/CMake/FindPVSS.cmake
index da4b64c8fb7251813e65c65f3db11aff2a9f6b44..d85eee3719f1addeb6c214f616888f9f53f7fdf3 100644
--- a/CMake/FindPVSS.cmake
+++ b/CMake/FindPVSS.cmake
@@ -72,20 +72,24 @@ if(NOT PVSS_FOUND)
   # Use hard-coded value if version information file cannot be found.
     NAMES VersInfo.mk
     set(pvss_version "V37_304")
+    set(PVSS_ROOT_DIR "/opt/pvss/pvss2_v3.7")
     string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*= *([^ ]+)$" "\\1" pvss_version_main ${match})
     string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*= *([^ ]+)$" "\\1" pvss_version_build ${match})
+    string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*= *([^ ]+)$" "\\1" pvss_root_dir ${match})
     set(pvss_version "V${pvss_version_main}_${pvss_version_build}")
-  message(STATUS "Searching for PVSS ${pvss_version}")
+    string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*= *([^ ]+)$" "\\1" pvss_root ${match})
+    set(PVSS_ROOT_DIR "${pvss_root}")
   # Search for the PVSS include directory
@@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ if(NOT PVSS_FOUND)
       NAMES ${lib}${pvss_version}
-      PATH_SUFFIXES api/lib.${osname} bin)
+      PATH_SUFFIXES api/lib.${osname})
     list(APPEND pvss_check_list PVSS_${lib}_LIBRARY)
   endforeach(lib Manager Messages Datapoint Basics bcm)
diff --git a/CMake/FindPython.cmake b/CMake/FindPython.cmake
index b6e729e27812f30e4ca0515aa12c3c43cd6fc4ad..728ea91f10d71b6b12179d6362e9501ef747ca11 100644
--- a/CMake/FindPython.cmake
+++ b/CMake/FindPython.cmake
@@ -31,15 +31,9 @@
 # $Id$
 # Set options string to pass to the find_package() commands below.
-set(_options ${Python_FIND_VERSION})
-  list(APPEND _options EXACT)
-  list(APPEND _options QUIET)
-  list(APPEND _options REQUIRED)
+  set(_options REQUIRED)
 # Search for the Python interpreter.
diff --git a/CMake/LofarGeneral.cmake b/CMake/LofarGeneral.cmake
index 8b3d76537acbfd9eee7277da09d7409bb386e6a5..b72c4c4e76ce66a28b3526673926b4186671b401 100644
--- a/CMake/LofarGeneral.cmake
+++ b/CMake/LofarGeneral.cmake
-  ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ## Define `STRNLEN', if the strnlen() function exists.
-  ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  check_c_source_compiles("
-    #include <string.h>
-    #include <stdio.h>
-    int main() {
-      char *s = \"test\";
-      int i = 3;
-      unsigned l = strnlen(s,i);
   ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ## Define custom target 'check', so that we can do 'make check', like we did
   ## with the GNU Autotools. Tests should be added with lofar_add_test().
diff --git a/CMake/LofarPackageList.cmake b/CMake/LofarPackageList.cmake
index 880a4f1c1ee8a0222e380af02839f45c9ba89cd1..14ba595ab797bd5cad9780eabcd9b16ffa31e193 100644
--- a/CMake/LofarPackageList.cmake
+++ b/CMake/LofarPackageList.cmake
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # - Create for each LOFAR package a variable containing the absolute path to
 # its source directory. 
-# Generated by gen_LofarPackageList_cmake.sh at Fri Dec  7 10:03:08 CET 2012
+# Generated by gen_LofarPackageList_cmake.sh at Thu Jun 28 12:03:55 UTC 2012
 #                      ---- DO NOT EDIT ----
@@ -14,12 +14,6 @@
-  set(BBSKernel_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/BBSKernel)
-  set(BBSControl_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/BBSControl)
-  set(ExpIon_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon)
-  set(pystationresponse_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/pystationresponse)
-  set(BBSTools_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/BBSTools)
-  set(ElementResponse_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/ElementResponse)
   set(Calibration_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration)
   set(Pipeline_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Pipeline)
   set(pyparmdb_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/pyparmdb)
+  set(BBSKernel_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/BBSKernel)
+  set(BBSControl_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/BBSControl)
+  set(ExpIon_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/ExpIon)
+  set(pystationresponse_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/pystationresponse)
+  set(BBSTools_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/BBSTools)
+  set(ElementResponse_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CEP/Calibration/ElementResponse)
-  set(InputProc_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/RTCP/InputProc)
   set(Storage_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/RTCP/Storage)
   set(MetaDataGatherer_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/RTCP/MetaDataGatherer)
diff --git a/CMake/TODO b/CMake/TODO
index b6019b07c7304971e63bd297fa73cec3823adb45..c1966dd2b442a31b139d021f4374bee9a4b962fe 100644
--- a/CMake/TODO
+++ b/CMake/TODO
@@ -3,12 +3,6 @@
 =                       TODO - List of things to do                          =
-* When not configuring explicitly for PyBDSM, a warning is printed that the
-  Fortran compiler could not be determined, which may cause trouble later on.
-  PyBDSM builds without problems, though. Probable cause: the Fortran
-  language is added too late to the CMake project, i.e. only after F2Py
-  searches for a suitable Fortran compiler.
 * Python byte-code compilation fails during install when using DESTDIR option
   to specify a different install directory.
@@ -32,6 +26,14 @@
   2) For every target, the library prefix must be cleared and an (additional)
      install directory -- python/site-packages -- must be added.
+* Use something like set_if_not_set() in the variants files for non-cached
+  CMake variables. Contrary to options, which are just cached variables of
+  type bool, non-cached variables will be overwritten. So, in fact, for
+  non-cached variables the include-order of variants file should be exactly 
+  the opposite of the order for cached variables. The proper way to solve
+  this, IMO, is to use something like set_if_not_set(), which will only set a
+  non-cached variable when it has not already been set.
 * Switch from FindPthread to FindThreads, which is the "standard" CMake
   module to use (and it also used by FindBLAS and FindLAPACK). Unfortunately,
   the variables that FindThreads sets are completely non-standard, so we may
diff --git a/CMake/variants/BGPCN.cmake b/CMake/variants/BGPCN.cmake
index 1a007a642db493e5bda460ec83519587c856ef1d..62330b11285c1e999a96bcb293a6be8ae9106ab8 100644
--- a/CMake/variants/BGPCN.cmake
+++ b/CMake/variants/BGPCN.cmake
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ set(LOFAR_BUILD_VARIANTS DEBUG OPT)
 # Options
 option(BUILD_STATIC_EXECUTABLES "Build static executables" ON)
-option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS        "Build shared libraries"   OFF)
 option(USE_BACKTRACE            "Use backtrace"            ON)
 option(USE_LOG4CPLUS            "Use log4cplus"            OFF)
 option(USE_SHMEM                "Use shmem"                OFF)
diff --git a/CMake/variants/variants b/CMake/variants/variants
index 818a6a35ab83ba6df329ac7eac236f9bd816b69d..6910205634b051f9c1e44a482642bd8f90926980 100644
--- a/CMake/variants/variants
+++ b/CMake/variants/variants
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ set_if_not_set(LOFAR_SEARCH_PATH
 # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: These options may be overridden for a given compiler
 # suite. For example: option(USE_BOOST_GNU "Use Boost for GNU" OFF)
 option(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION      "Build code documentation"    OFF)
-option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS        "Build shared libraries"      ON)
+option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS        "Build shared libraries"      OFF)
 option(BUILD_STATIC_EXECUTABLES "Build static executables"    OFF)
 option(BUILD_TESTING            "Build the testing tree"      ON)
 option(LOFAR_VERBOSE_CONFIGURE  "Be verbose when configuring" ON)
diff --git a/CMake/variants/variants.RS005C b/CMake/variants/variants.RS005C
index 07b2fa35cef162b44bb0ef5b20a6c48c1dbc9fa1..2fb3ca3b231ba6d8a6861d380307be03647505e1 100644
--- a/CMake/variants/variants.RS005C
+++ b/CMake/variants/variants.RS005C
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ set(CPPLAPACK_ROOT_DIR /usr)
 set(LOG4CPLUS_ROOT_DIR /usr/local/log4cplus)
 # Path to PVSS
-set(PVSS_ROOT_DIR /opt/WinCC_OA/3.10)
+set(PVSS_PROJ_DIR /opt/pvss/pvssproj)
 set(PVSS_DEFINITIONS "-Wno-deprecated")
 # Path to Matlab
diff --git a/CMake/variants/variants.dop131 b/CMake/variants/variants.dop131
index 4a466bc69b697581e3ce49fb9d0480ddea36873a..c62db6ec07951e328fd392c6bc0b6b9c8232d35d 100644
--- a/CMake/variants/variants.dop131
+++ b/CMake/variants/variants.dop131
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
+option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries" ON)
 #set(CASACORE_ROOT_DIR /opt/lofar/external/casacore)
 set(ENV{JAVA_HOME} /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-1.6.0)
diff --git a/CMake/variants/variants.fs5 b/CMake/variants/variants.fs5
index ba3781b2d208bfbec2a33c9065a6c48aca7e1045..caed8cc1c9083235f3f539158d6db1b727431fd5 100644
--- a/CMake/variants/variants.fs5
+++ b/CMake/variants/variants.fs5
@@ -13,13 +13,12 @@
 # Define build variants.
-set(GNU_CXX_FLAGS "-W -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-unknown-pragmas -DCLUSTER_SCHEDULING")
+set(GNU_CXX_FLAGS "-W -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fopenmp -DCLUSTER_SCHEDULING")
 # Options
 option(USE_HDF5      "Use HDF5"      OFF)
 option(USE_LOG4CPLUS            "Use Log4Cplus"               OFF)
 option(USE_MPI                  "Use MPI"                     ON)
-option(USE_OPENMP               "Use OpenMP"                  ON)
 option(USE_PQXX                 "Use libpqxx"                 OFF)
 # Host specific paths to third party packages
diff --git a/CMake/variants/variants.kis001 b/CMake/variants/variants.kis001
index 13d9387ba28c6956cbe3a313173695d1eed50f5e..bb3f6b1974c6aa945c17b7f3cb2ed4dba4b8b7d6 100644
--- a/CMake/variants/variants.kis001
+++ b/CMake/variants/variants.kis001
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 set(ENV{JAVA_HOME} /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-
 #set(PVSS_ROOT_DIR /opt/pvss/pvss2_v3.7)
-set(PVSS_ROOT_DIR /opt/WinCC_OA/3.10)
+#set(PVSS_ROOT_DIR /opt/WinCC_OA/3.10)
+set(PVSS_PROJ_DIR /opt/pvss/pvssproj)
 set(PVSS_DEFINITIONS "-Wno-deprecated")
 set(LOG4CPLUS_ROOT_DIR "/usr/local/log4cplus")
diff --git a/CMake/variants/variants.lce072 b/CMake/variants/variants.lce072
index f203bc5dd0409bdd3c64b22f3c418f6a2d4b105c..ccc44214f64da8c438048ba78bd35ec0fa4466de 100644
--- a/CMake/variants/variants.lce072
+++ b/CMake/variants/variants.lce072
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries" ON)
 set(CASACORE_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/LofIm/daily/casacore)
 set(CASAREST_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/LofIm/daily/casarest)
 set(LDA_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/lda)
diff --git a/CMake/variants/variants.lfe001 b/CMake/variants/variants.lfe001
index b72d84db644a764f932c92f9f744e0cd00792729..2bf1ea99e27ec8d83f6efed367896d69f09b17d4 100644
--- a/CMake/variants/variants.lfe001
+++ b/CMake/variants/variants.lfe001
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries" ON)
 set(CASACORE_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/casacore)
 set(CASAREST_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/casarest)
 set(LDA_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/lda)
diff --git a/CMake/variants/variants.lfe002 b/CMake/variants/variants.lfe002
index b72d84db644a764f932c92f9f744e0cd00792729..2bf1ea99e27ec8d83f6efed367896d69f09b17d4 100644
--- a/CMake/variants/variants.lfe002
+++ b/CMake/variants/variants.lfe002
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries" ON)
 set(CASACORE_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/casacore)
 set(CASAREST_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/casarest)
 set(LDA_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/lda)
diff --git a/CMake/variants/variants.lhn001 b/CMake/variants/variants.lhn001
index 70a36aa44504a824a7791f7b349b22ce172cb3ed..ec7471769b4689da707dea90afe625bd4ea0a0a6 100644
--- a/CMake/variants/variants.lhn001
+++ b/CMake/variants/variants.lhn001
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS        "Build shared libraries"      ON)
 set(CASACORE_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/casacore)
 set(CASAREST_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/casarest)
 set(DAL_ROOT_DIR /opt/cep/dal/current)
diff --git a/CMake/variants/variants.macdiepen b/CMake/variants/variants.macdiepen
index 63018fbdc3d0c3a93fd0478938de8d0d2d1f0715..ebfc84d2dda6a51f8ebbfc37e47ee1ac42ffc06e 100644
--- a/CMake/variants/variants.macdiepen
+++ b/CMake/variants/variants.macdiepen
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # Specific options
+option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries" ON)
 option(USE_BACKTRACE     "No backtrace" OFF)
 option(USE_LOG4CPLUS     "log4cxx is used" OFF)
 option(USE_LOG4CXX     "log4cxx is used" OFF)
diff --git a/LCS/Common/include/Common/ParameterSet.h b/LCS/Common/include/Common/ParameterSet.h
index aee1f7f99ea5897e05fc88f83b90d361f88e8dbf..241b80410ae7ed0c7c3eb29be392dcc109adb69a 100644
--- a/LCS/Common/include/Common/ParameterSet.h
+++ b/LCS/Common/include/Common/ParameterSet.h
@@ -140,10 +140,6 @@ public:
         // <br>If theCollection is this collection, nothing will be done.
 	void	adoptCollection(const ParameterSet&         theCollection,
 				const string&               thePrefix = "");
-        // Adds the Key-Values pairs in the argument list.
-        // It ignores arguments not having the Key=Value syntax.
-        void    adoptArgv      (int nr, char const * const argv[]);
 	// @}
@@ -344,10 +340,6 @@ public:
 	// @}
-        // Get all unused parameter names, thus the names of parameters
-        // that have not been asked for.
-        vector<string> unusedKeys() const;
 	// \name Printing
 	// Mostly for debug purposes the collection can be printed.
 	// @{
@@ -433,11 +425,6 @@ inline void	ParameterSet::adoptCollection	(const ParameterSet& theCollection, co
 	itsSet->adoptCollection (*theCollection.itsSet, thePrefix);
-  inline void	ParameterSet::adoptArgv  	(int nr, const char * const argv[])
-        itsSet->adoptArgv (nr, argv);
 inline void	ParameterSet::writeFile   (const string& theFilename, bool append) const
 	itsSet->writeFile (theFilename, append);
@@ -871,11 +858,6 @@ inline vector<time_t> ParameterSet::getTimeVector(const string& aKey,
         return itsSet->getTimeVector(aKey, aValue, expandable);
-inline vector<string> ParameterSet::unusedKeys() const
-        return itsSet->unusedKeys();
 } // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/LCS/Common/include/Common/ParameterSetImpl.h b/LCS/Common/include/Common/ParameterSetImpl.h
index f2e470beb3d1f84533254472833b7ff6d0b9e153..359c3b2ab6f9856008bb85653fc9d26a5513ebc4 100644
--- a/LCS/Common/include/Common/ParameterSetImpl.h
+++ b/LCS/Common/include/Common/ParameterSetImpl.h
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 #include <Common/ParameterValue.h>
 #include <Common/LofarTypes.h>
 #include <Common/lofar_map.h>
-#include <Common/lofar_set.h>
 #include <Common/lofar_string.h>
 #include <Common/lofar_vector.h>
 #include <Common/lofar_iostream.h>
@@ -126,10 +125,6 @@ public:
 	// thePrefix.
 	void	adoptCollection(const ParameterSetImpl&     theCollection,
 				const string&               thePrefix = "");
-        // Adds the Key-Values pairs in the argument list.
-        // It ignores arguments not having the Key=Value syntax.
-        void    adoptArgv      (int nr, char const * const argv[]);
 	// @}
@@ -321,9 +316,6 @@ public:
 	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ParameterSetImpl &thePS);
 	// @}
-        // Get all unused parameter names.
-        vector<string> unusedKeys() const;
 	// Copying is not needed, thus not allowed.
 	// @{
@@ -355,8 +347,6 @@ private:
 	int itsCount;
 	// Key comparison mode.
 	const KeyCompare::Mode itsMode;
-        // The set of keys that have been asked.
-        mutable set<string> itsAskedParms;
 //# -------------------- Global functions --------------------
diff --git a/LCS/Common/include/Common/lofar_bitset.h b/LCS/Common/include/Common/lofar_bitset.h
index adc4b891c9fa1172e287782cacd88ff789b0f95e..2f0d86fe005bf2d1b8676ed0cae8ab8476ef8edf 100644
--- a/LCS/Common/include/Common/lofar_bitset.h
+++ b/LCS/Common/include/Common/lofar_bitset.h
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ namespace LOFAR
 	      _M_w[__wshift] = _M_w[0] << __offset;
-	  std::fill(_M_w + 0, _M_w + __wshift, static_cast<_WordT>(0));
+	  fill(_M_w + 0, _M_w + __wshift, static_cast<_WordT>(0));
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ namespace LOFAR
 	      _M_w[__limit] = _M_w[_Nw-1] >> __offset;
-	  std::fill(_M_w + __limit + 1, _M_w + _Nw, static_cast<_WordT>(0));
+	  fill(_M_w + __limit + 1, _M_w + _Nw, static_cast<_WordT>(0));
diff --git a/LCS/Common/src/InputParSet.cc b/LCS/Common/src/InputParSet.cc
index a075948e5a18babf2c9fdefb5f4ab5bee5875f76..b4f721b8b29781a6434be148a7baeb14e5bc3d55 100644
--- a/LCS/Common/src/InputParSet.cc
+++ b/LCS/Common/src/InputParSet.cc
@@ -27,12 +27,6 @@
 # include <casa/Inputs/Input.h>
-// Read input args from command line if given as key=value or as --key value
-// First arg can be parset name
-// Otherwise use default parset name (can be empty)
-// Do this in parset class
 namespace LOFAR {
diff --git a/LCS/Common/src/ParameterSetImpl.cc b/LCS/Common/src/ParameterSetImpl.cc
index a1e751b63b5d969245a093e6e32e3788fd2863ff..b7e1228120eb8c9d0f078fed428ed8627fcc9feb 100644
--- a/LCS/Common/src/ParameterSetImpl.cc
+++ b/LCS/Common/src/ParameterSetImpl.cc
@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ ParameterSetImpl::makeSubset(const string& baseKey,
     // cut off baseString and copy to subset
     pos = subSet->insert(pos, make_pair(prefix + it->first.substr(base.size()),
-    itsAskedParms.insert (it->first);
   return (subSet);
@@ -190,18 +189,6 @@ void ParameterSetImpl::adoptCollection(const ParameterSetImpl& theCollection,
-void ParameterSetImpl::adoptArgv (int nr, char const * const argv[])
-  for (int i=0; i<nr; ++i) {
-    string arg(argv[i]);
-    // Only add arguments containing an =-sign.
-    string::size_type eqs = arg.find('=');
-    if (eqs != string::npos) {
-      replace (arg.substr(0, eqs), ParameterValue(arg.substr(eqs+1)));
-    }
-  }
 // readFile
 // (private)
@@ -339,12 +326,8 @@ ParameterSetImpl::findKV(const string& aKey, bool doThrow) const
 	const_iterator	iter = find(aKey);
-	if (iter == end()) {
-          if (doThrow) {
+	if (iter == end() && doThrow) {
 		THROW (APSException, formatString("Key %s unknown", aKey.c_str()));
-          }
-        } else {
-          itsAskedParms.insert (aKey);          \
 	return (iter);
@@ -669,15 +652,4 @@ string	ParameterSetImpl::fullModuleName(const string&	shortKey) const
 	return ("");
-vector<string> ParameterSetImpl::unusedKeys() const
-  vector<string> vec;
-  for (const_iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) {
-    if (itsAskedParms.find (iter->first) == itsAskedParms.end()) {
-      vec.push_back (iter->first);
-    }
-  }
-  return vec;
 } // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/LCS/Common/test/tParameterSet.cc b/LCS/Common/test/tParameterSet.cc
index d071288f11deae7fddb6cd8bb6383d90dfb28931..d473531adabaa049e40cf1a7464274c739b4c38e 100644
--- a/LCS/Common/test/tParameterSet.cc
+++ b/LCS/Common/test/tParameterSet.cc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//# tParameterSet.cc: Program to test the ParameterSet class.
+//# tParameterSet.cc: Simple testprogrm to test the ParameterSet class.
 //# Copyright (C) 2002-2003
 //# ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
@@ -272,33 +272,6 @@ int doIt(KeyCompare::Mode mode)
   return 0;
-void testUsed()
-  ParameterSet parset;
-  const char* argv1[] = {"name", "k1=v1", "k2={k2=v2}", "-re"};
-  parset.adoptArgv (4, argv1);
-  ASSERT (parset.getString("k1") == "v1");
-  vector<string> unused = parset.unusedKeys();
-  ASSERT (unused.size()==1 && unused[0]=="k2");
-  ASSERT (parset.getString("k2") == "{k2=v2}");
-  unused = parset.unusedKeys();
-  ASSERT (unused.size()==0);
-  const char* argv2[] = {"s1.k1=v1a", "s1.sk1.k2=v2a"};
-  parset.adoptArgv (2, argv2);
-  unused = parset.unusedKeys();
-  ASSERT (unused.size()==2);
-  // Take a subset and check that such keys are marked as used.
-  ParameterSet subset = parset.makeSubset ("s1.");
-  unused = parset.unusedKeys();
-  // Check the subset.
-  ASSERT (unused.size()==0);
-  unused = subset.unusedKeys();
-  ASSERT (unused.size()==2);
-  ASSERT (subset.getString("k1") == "v1a");
-  ASSERT (subset.getString("sk1.k2") == "v2a");
-  unused = subset.unusedKeys();
-  ASSERT (unused.size()==0);
 int main()
@@ -306,7 +279,6 @@ int main()
   uint fails(0);
   fails += doIt(KeyCompare::NORMAL);
   fails += doIt(KeyCompare::NOCASE);
-  testUsed();
   if (fails > 0) {
     cout << fails << " test(s) failed" << endl;
     return 1;
diff --git a/LCS/MSLofar/src/FailedTileInfo.cc b/LCS/MSLofar/src/FailedTileInfo.cc
index 421c0349f16e8ee8dd42b9e55172e60be0c0b911..f28604ed9da0a77f2e35d2f727cd91fa9e0375a8 100644
--- a/LCS/MSLofar/src/FailedTileInfo.cc
+++ b/LCS/MSLofar/src/FailedTileInfo.cc
@@ -266,8 +266,7 @@ namespace LOFAR {
     } else {
-      // LBA and HBA already provide the tile number
-      return fail.itsSeqNr;
+      return fail.itsSeqNr/2;
     return -1;
diff --git a/LCS/MSLofar/test/tBeamTables.stdout b/LCS/MSLofar/test/tBeamTables.stdout
index 56c4d253482ccedcadd51d13c9b762ac0c62ccab..9f898e5afb9e0e23996361582e082c663d50b187 100644
--- a/LCS/MSLofar/test/tBeamTables.stdout
+++ b/LCS/MSLofar/test/tBeamTables.stdout
@@ -898,14 +898,14 @@ Axis Lengths: [2, 48]  (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order)
 ELEMENT_FLAG after FailedTileInfo _filled:
 Axis Lengths: [2, 48]  (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order)
-[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
- 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
+ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
 Axis Lengths: [2, 48]  (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order)
-[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
 Axis Lengths: [2, 96]  (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order)
-[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
 Axis Lengths: [2, 48]  (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order)
 [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
@@ -915,16 +915,19 @@ Axis Lengths: [2, 48]  (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order)
     TIME: Double 4.85676e+09
-    ELEMENT_INDEX: Int 22
+    ELEMENT_INDEX: Int 11
     TIME: Double 4.85676e+09
-    ELEMENT_INDEX: Int 10
     TIME: Double 4.85676e+09
     ELEMENT_INDEX: Int 44
     TIME: Double 4.85676e+09
-    ELEMENT_INDEX: Int 43
+    ELEMENT_INDEX: Int 21
+    TIME: Double 4.85676e+09
+    ELEMENT_INDEX: Int 12
     TIME: Double 4.85676e+09
 Test HBA_ZERO .....
diff --git a/LCS/pyparameterset/CMakeLists.txt b/LCS/pyparameterset/CMakeLists.txt
index 15b8aca474d92f8a35b730eb9c7a4ffedcfa2618..a1c8ab7510674564e1cc40223110c6bfb79c40c1 100644
--- a/LCS/pyparameterset/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/LCS/pyparameterset/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ lofar_package(pyparameterset 1.0 DEPENDS pytools)
 lofar_find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS python)
-lofar_find_package(Python 2.6 REQUIRED)
+lofar_find_package(Python REQUIRED)
diff --git a/LCS/pyparameterset/src/__init__.py b/LCS/pyparameterset/src/__init__.py
index afcd34c1b54872d59fd027997fa1ec170d174384..21d735a9884392cad1095565955152caed45aac5 100755
--- a/LCS/pyparameterset/src/__init__.py
+++ b/LCS/pyparameterset/src/__init__.py
@@ -137,12 +137,6 @@ class parameterset(PyParameterSet):
             d[key] = self.get(key).get()
         return d
-    def adoptArgv(self, argv):
-        for arg in argv:
-            kv = arg.split('=', 1)
-            if len(kv) == 2:
-                self.replace (kv[0], kv[1])
     def get(self, key):
         """Get the parametervalue object of a parameter."""
         return parametervalue (self._get(key), _copyObj=True)
diff --git a/LCS/pyparameterset/src/pyparameterset.cc b/LCS/pyparameterset/src/pyparameterset.cc
index 20aad23021b650694a8d5a656f5b99d2911aec58..aa854e19e9f3eb13142fe12728517dd06b4574bf 100644
--- a/LCS/pyparameterset/src/pyparameterset.cc
+++ b/LCS/pyparameterset/src/pyparameterset.cc
@@ -274,8 +274,6 @@ namespace LOFAR {
       .def ("isDefined", &ParameterSet::isDefined,
             "Does a parameter with the given name exist? ")
-      .def ("unusedKeys", &ParameterSet::unusedKeys,
-            "Get the list of parameter keys not asked for")
       .def ("_get", &PyParameterSet::get,
             ///            return_value_policy < copy_const_reference> (),
diff --git a/LCS/pytools/CMakeLists.txt b/LCS/pytools/CMakeLists.txt
index 5512a8fe044dc84107f4601df64e0fac616fc694..008ae91d9df34df36d26c5b1863f10604ee32a93 100644
--- a/LCS/pytools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/LCS/pytools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ lofar_package(pytools 1.0 DEPENDS Common)
 lofar_find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS python)
-lofar_find_package(Python 2.6 REQUIRED)
+lofar_find_package(Python REQUIRED)
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPHardwareMonitor/CEPHardwareMonitorMain.cc b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPHardwareMonitor/CEPHardwareMonitorMain.cc
index e2a9fbc7d22e61a68fa7283a3b6c4a61844a5c96..64b50993a527ac17702aae0049bab4a7f29b0241 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPHardwareMonitor/CEPHardwareMonitorMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPHardwareMonitor/CEPHardwareMonitorMain.cc
@@ -36,54 +36,49 @@ using namespace LOFAR::CEPCU;
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	try {
-		// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "CEPHardwareMonitor");
+	// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "CEPHardwareMonitor");
-		LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_HardwareMonitor");
-		LOG_INFO(Version::getInfo<CEPCUVersion>("CEPHardwareMonitor"));
+	LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_HardwareMonitor");
+	LOG_INFO(Version::getInfo<CEPCUVersion>("CEPHardwareMonitor"));
-		// Create tasks and call initial routines
-		BlueGeneMonitor*	bgm(0);
-		ClusterMonitor*		ctm(0);
-		// monitor BLUEGENE?
-		if (globalParameterSet()->getUint32("WatchBlueGene",0)) {
-			bgm = new BlueGeneMonitor("BlueGeneMonitor");
-			bgm->start();
-			LOG_INFO("Monitoring the BlueGene");
-		}
+	// Create tasks and call initial routines
+	BlueGeneMonitor*	bgm(0);
+	ClusterMonitor*		ctm(0);
+	// monitor BLUEGENE?
+	if (globalParameterSet()->getUint32("WatchBlueGene",0)) {
+		bgm = new BlueGeneMonitor("BlueGeneMonitor");
+		bgm->start();
+		LOG_INFO("Monitoring the BlueGene");
+	}
-		// monitor CEP2Cluster?
-		if (globalParameterSet()->getUint32("WatchCluster",0)) {
-			ctm = new ClusterMonitor("ClusterMonitor");
-			ctm->start();
-			LOG_INFO("Monitoring the Cluster");
-		}
+	// monitor CEP2Cluster?
+	if (globalParameterSet()->getUint32("WatchCluster",0)) {
+		ctm = new ClusterMonitor("ClusterMonitor");
+		ctm->start();
+		LOG_INFO("Monitoring the Cluster");
+	}
-		// sanity check
-		if (!bgm && !ctm) {
-			LOG_FATAL_STR("Non of the monitortask (WatchBlueGene, WatchCluster) "
-							"was switched on in the configfile, terminating program");
-			return (0);
-		}
+	// sanity check
+	if (!bgm && !ctm) {
+		LOG_FATAL_STR("Non of the monitortask (WatchBlueGene, WatchCluster) "
+						"was switched on in the configfile, terminating program");
+		return (0);
+	}
-		// ok, we have something to do, do it.
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->setDelayedQuit(true);	// we need a clean shutdown
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();				// until stop was called
+	// ok, we have something to do, do it.
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->setDelayedQuit(true);	// we need a clean shutdown
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();				// until stop was called
-		if (bgm) {
-			bgm->quit();		// let task quit nicely
-		}
-		if (ctm) {
-			ctm->quit();		// let task quit nicely
-		}
-		double	postRunTime = globalParameterSet()->getDouble("closingDelay", 1.5);
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run(postRunTime);	// let processes die.
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
+	if (bgm) {
+		bgm->quit();		// let task quit nicely
+	}
+	if (ctm) {
+		ctm->quit();		// let task quit nicely
+	double	postRunTime = globalParameterSet()->getDouble("closingDelay", 1.5);
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run(postRunTime);	// let processes die.
 	return (0);
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPlogProcessor/CEPlogProcessor.cc b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPlogProcessor/CEPlogProcessor.cc
index 00700b2e544ea46d20b000ea60877c79aa71fed7..2ebd72540fade9c202731fc35ef9a3ffe3c490b8 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPlogProcessor/CEPlogProcessor.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPlogProcessor/CEPlogProcessor.cc
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 #include <signal.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <unistd.h> // usleep
-#include <cstdio>
 #include "CEPlogProcessor.h"
 #include "PVSSDatapointDefs.h"
@@ -843,7 +842,7 @@ void CEPlogProcessor::_processIONProcLine(const struct logline &logline)
         inputBuffer->setValue("process.logMsg", GCFPVString(logline.fullmsg), logline.timestamp, true);
-    const char*   result;
+    char*   result;
     // IONProc@00 31-03-11 00:17:22.438 INFO  [obs 24811] ----- Creating new job
     // IONProc@00 31-03-11 00:17:22.550 INFO  [obs 24811] Waiting for job to start: sleeping until Thu Mar 31 00:18:50 2011
@@ -1023,7 +1022,7 @@ void CEPlogProcessor::_processIONProcLine(const struct logline &logline)
 void CEPlogProcessor::_processCNProcLine(const struct logline &logline)
-  const char *result;
+  char *result;
   // CNProc@0000 13-02-12 12:13:44.823 WARN  [obs 1003431 phases 111] Station S17 subband 0 consists of only zeros.
   if ((result = strstr(logline.msg, "consists of only zeros"))) {
@@ -1056,7 +1055,7 @@ void CEPlogProcessor::_processStorageLine(const struct logline &logline)
     hostNr--; // use 0-based indexing in our arrays
-    const char*   result;
+    char*   result;
     int writerNr = _getParam(logline.target, "writer ");
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPlogProcessor/CEPlogProcessorMain.cc b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPlogProcessor/CEPlogProcessorMain.cc
index 146070a681404d3e1aa9a20039926418214f1dec..79d6d55cfa8b21488b43576deadea44cc8d2baea 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPlogProcessor/CEPlogProcessorMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/CEPlogProcessor/CEPlogProcessorMain.cc
@@ -49,11 +49,15 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[])
 		loggerTask.start(); // make initial transition
+		LOG_INFO_STR("Shutting down: " << argv[0]);
 	catch (LOFAR::Exception&	ex) {
 		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
+		LOG_FATAL     ("Terminated by exception!");
 		return (1);
+	LOG_INFO("Terminated normally");
 	return (0);
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/OnlineControl/OnlineControlMain.cc b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/OnlineControl/OnlineControlMain.cc
index a1daffe7a2df34771e53c0ce7385552c3a9f6403..1a0dadbfb119ca7d17b1862b81eb7be052a8122b 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/OnlineControl/OnlineControlMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/OnlineControl/OnlineControlMain.cc
@@ -42,20 +42,15 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	try {
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[1]);
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[1]);
-		ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
-		pc->start();	// make initial transition
+	ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
+	pc->start();	// make initial transition
-		OnlineControl	olc(argv[1]);
-		olc.start(); 	// make initial transition
+	OnlineControl	olc(argv[1]);
+	olc.start(); 	// make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return (0);
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/PythonControl/PythonControlMain.cc b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/PythonControl/PythonControlMain.cc
index 3ee05cbb8fdf0fc1c96ddf69190c729761d091c5..01045ceb3658eb398b26aef73e33766838a6cfea 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/PythonControl/PythonControlMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/PythonControl/PythonControlMain.cc
@@ -42,20 +42,15 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	try {
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "PythonControl");
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[1]);
-		ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
-		pc->start();	// make initial transition
+	ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
+	pc->start();	// make initial transition
-		PythonControl	pyc(argv[1]);
-		pyc.start(); 	// make initial transition
+	PythonControl	pyc(argv[1]);
+	pyc.start(); 	// make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return (0);
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/_OfflineControl/OfflineControlMain.cc b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/_OfflineControl/OfflineControlMain.cc
index 48941455ee2b756ad49f5ffc744ee1597eb90a65..f827d1fedfbff9aef19b27e08e6fe62e95fb27cb 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/_OfflineControl/OfflineControlMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CEPCU/src/_OfflineControl/OfflineControlMain.cc
@@ -38,21 +38,15 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 	  printf("%s usage: %s <controller name>\n",argv[0],argv[0]);
+	GCFTask::init(argc, argv);
-	try {
-		GCFTask::init(argc, argv);
+	ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
+	pc->start();	// make initial transition
-		ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
-		pc->start();	// make initial transition
+	OfflineControl	ofc(argv[1]);
+	ofc.start(); 	// make initial transition
-		OfflineControl	ofc(argv[1]);
-		ofc.start(); 	// make initial transition
-		GCFTask::run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFTask::run();
 	return 0;
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CUDaemons/src/CTStartDaemon/CTStartDaemonMain.cc b/MAC/APL/CUDaemons/src/CTStartDaemon/CTStartDaemonMain.cc
index 48b47c13aedc3b642327af449300352cf318983b..d78c0e9c4784d7c5a2554f017e6ccfd2a60fde8b 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CUDaemons/src/CTStartDaemon/CTStartDaemonMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CUDaemons/src/CTStartDaemon/CTStartDaemonMain.cc
@@ -35,20 +35,15 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 //	signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
-	try {
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "CTStartDaemon");
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "CTStartDaemon");
-		LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_Daemons_CTStartDaemon");
+	LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_Daemons_CTStartDaemon");
-		CUDaemons::CTStartDaemon sd("StartDaemon");		// give myself a name
+	CUDaemons::CTStartDaemon sd("StartDaemon");		// give myself a name
-		sd.start(); // make initial transition
+	sd.start(); // make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return 0;
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CUDaemons/src/ServiceBroker/ServiceBrokerMain.cc b/MAC/APL/CUDaemons/src/ServiceBroker/ServiceBrokerMain.cc
index fa9848e6985357e178cb252c9cd6d24f57697081..cc23478288b343a04a449c0f6131eeba52bdf26b 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CUDaemons/src/ServiceBroker/ServiceBrokerMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CUDaemons/src/ServiceBroker/ServiceBrokerMain.cc
@@ -36,20 +36,15 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	try {
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "ServiceBroker");
-		LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_Daemons_ServiceBroker");
+  GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "ServiceBroker");
+  LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_Daemons_ServiceBroker");
-		ServiceBroker	 sb; 
-		sb.start(); // make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+  ServiceBroker	 sb; 
+  sb.start(); // make initial transition
+  GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	return 0;
+  return 0;
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/KeyValueLogger/KeyValueLoggerMain.cc b/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/KeyValueLogger/KeyValueLoggerMain.cc
index 10e89211e210afbd86b76e38289219758c586494..bfb6138b975dd939d9e8e3cb7cd5b02b6bec2bb0 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/KeyValueLogger/KeyValueLoggerMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/KeyValueLogger/KeyValueLoggerMain.cc
@@ -35,18 +35,13 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	try {
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "KeyValueLogger");
-		LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_Daemons_KVLogger");
-		KeyValueLogger kvl("KeyValueLogger"); 
-		kvl.start(); // make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "KeyValueLogger");
+	LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_Daemons_KVLogger");
+	KeyValueLogger kvl("KeyValueLogger"); 
+	kvl.start(); // make initial transition
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return (0);
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/LogProcessor/LogProcessorMain.cc b/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/LogProcessor/LogProcessorMain.cc
index 9b4132e8c3b68ceec69a7e7867ea99796c836ba8..65cd3c3ceddb4333eda0613478c95cc015df3471 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/LogProcessor/LogProcessorMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/LogProcessor/LogProcessorMain.cc
@@ -35,18 +35,13 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	try {
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "LogProcessor");
-	//	LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_Daemons_LogProcessor");
-		LogProcessor clp("LogProcessor"); 
-		clp.start(); // make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "LogProcessor");
+//	LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_Daemons_LogProcessor");
+	LogProcessor clp("LogProcessor"); 
+	clp.start(); // make initial transition
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return (0);
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/SASGateway/SASGatewayMain.cc b/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/SASGateway/SASGatewayMain.cc
index d265a8f6b058d41f18639a9a2a82fe8c4189fd35..e7c3000739a1cd3acc7befd7d4740cca83226a40 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/SASGateway/SASGatewayMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/SASGateway/SASGatewayMain.cc
@@ -35,18 +35,13 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	try {
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "SASGateway");
-		LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_Daemons_SASGateway");
-		SASGateway SGW("SASGateway"); 
-		SGW.start(); // make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "SASGateway");
+	LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_Daemons_SASGateway");
+	SASGateway SGW("SASGateway"); 
+	SGW.start(); // make initial transition
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return (0);
diff --git a/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/SoftwareMonitor/SoftwareMonitorMain.cc b/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/SoftwareMonitor/SoftwareMonitorMain.cc
index fe578f42de9fbb06606e0b87893c5cbd4a38a88f..a1c9969cd39aefcf263acc2452843d0a418c049a 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/SoftwareMonitor/SoftwareMonitorMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/CURTDBDaemons/src/SoftwareMonitor/SoftwareMonitorMain.cc
@@ -40,33 +40,28 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	try {
-		// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "SoftwareMonitor");
+	// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "SoftwareMonitor");
-		LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_SoftwareMonitor");
-		LOG_INFO(Version::getInfo<CURTDBDaemonsVersion>("SoftwareMonitor"));
+	LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_SoftwareMonitor");
+	LOG_INFO(Version::getInfo<CURTDBDaemonsVersion>("SoftwareMonitor"));
-		// for debugging purposes
-		registerProtocol (DP_PROTOCOL,  DP_PROTOCOL_STRINGS);
+	// for debugging purposes
-		// Create tasks and call initial routines
-		SoftwareMonitor*	swm = new SoftwareMonitor("SoftwareMonitor");
-		ASSERTSTR(swm, "Can't create an software monitortask");
-		swm->start();
+	// Create tasks and call initial routines
+	SoftwareMonitor*	swm = new SoftwareMonitor("SoftwareMonitor");
+	ASSERTSTR(swm, "Can't create an software monitortask");
+	swm->start();
-		// ok, we have something to do, do it.
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->setDelayedQuit(true);	// we need a clean shutdown
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();	// until stop was called
+	// ok, we have something to do, do it.
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->setDelayedQuit(true);	// we need a clean shutdown
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();	// until stop was called
-		swm->quit();		// let task quit nicely
+	swm->quit();		// let task quit nicely
-		double	postRunTime = globalParameterSet()->getDouble("closingDelay", 1.5);
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run(postRunTime);	// let processes die.
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	double	postRunTime = globalParameterSet()->getDouble("closingDelay", 1.5);
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run(postRunTime);	// let processes die.
 	return (0);
diff --git a/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/CRTriggerControl/TriggerControlMain.cc b/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/CRTriggerControl/TriggerControlMain.cc
index 19e80f6cc378bf4bec08c7f130f9853cacff9cc0..7fd6086d47c292ecdd95fd09da16a1cee8d4df23 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/CRTriggerControl/TriggerControlMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/CRTriggerControl/TriggerControlMain.cc
@@ -35,18 +35,14 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	try {
-		// args: cntlrname
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[0]);
-		TriggerControl	tc(argv[0]);
-		tc.start(); // make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	// args: cntlrname
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[0]);
+	TriggerControl	tc(argv[0]);
+	tc.start(); // make initial transition
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return 0;
diff --git a/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/MACScheduler/MACSchedulerMain.cc b/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/MACScheduler/MACSchedulerMain.cc
index d03e2036e340e3bc829865fa96bf144bf1a8fa7e..5f6b5ab611740cd6d905fcf605ffe06a88305c9b 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/MACScheduler/MACSchedulerMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/MACScheduler/MACSchedulerMain.cc
@@ -36,20 +36,15 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	try {
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "MACScheduler");
-		ChildControl*	cc = ChildControl::instance();
-		cc->start();	// make initial transition
-		MACScheduler	ms;
-		ms.start(); // make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "MACScheduler");
+	ChildControl*	cc = ChildControl::instance();
+	cc->start();	// make initial transition
+	MACScheduler	ms;
+	ms.start(); // make initial transition
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return 0;
diff --git a/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/ObservationControl/ObservationControlMain.cc b/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/ObservationControl/ObservationControlMain.cc
index e3ed26971c012aaae0dc4df06a50dd57a39871dd..7c52a1dce68ffbf319b2daf6e4837b9f902396f3 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/ObservationControl/ObservationControlMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/MainCU/src/ObservationControl/ObservationControlMain.cc
@@ -36,24 +36,19 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	try {
-		// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[1]);
+	// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[1]);
-		ChildControl*	cc = ChildControl::instance();
-		cc->start();	// make initial transition
+	ChildControl*	cc = ChildControl::instance();
+	cc->start();	// make initial transition
-		ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
-		pc->start();	// make initial transition
+	ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
+	pc->start();	// make initial transition
-		ObservationControl	oc(argv[1]);
-		oc.start(); // make initial transition
+	ObservationControl	oc(argv[1]);
+	oc.start(); // make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return 0;
diff --git a/MAC/APL/PAC/ITRFBeamServer/src/BeamServer.cc b/MAC/APL/PAC/ITRFBeamServer/src/BeamServer.cc
index 70a392cdf302da8492da6e76b1230d9b45b0bc54..c9312cdeee4f7f0cae9b4ee199b6af75b54a83c1 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/PAC/ITRFBeamServer/src/BeamServer.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/PAC/ITRFBeamServer/src/BeamServer.cc
@@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@ vector<double>	BeamServer::blitz2vector(const blitz::Array<double,1>&	anBA) cons
 	return (resultVect);
+BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert2complex_int16_t, complex<int16_t>)
 // Convert the weights to 16-bits signed integer.
@@ -1584,7 +1586,6 @@ inline complex<int16_t> convert2complex_int16_t(complex<double> cd)
 	return complex<int16_t>((int16_t)(round(cd.real() * gBeamformerGain)),
 							(int16_t)(round(cd.imag() * gBeamformerGain)));
-BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert2complex_int16_t, complex<int16_t>)
 // compute_weights(time)
diff --git a/MAC/APL/PAC/ITRFBeamServer/test/tLBATracking.cc b/MAC/APL/PAC/ITRFBeamServer/test/tLBATracking.cc
index eb42983e75ecdc7556045eb742107dc9309aa93b..f4511a5de9fd2bd83d8de51315b58357d5bf6470 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/PAC/ITRFBeamServer/test/tLBATracking.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/PAC/ITRFBeamServer/test/tLBATracking.cc
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ using namespace CAL;
 int	gBeamformerGain = 8000;
+BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert2complex_int16_t, complex<int16_t>)
 // Convert the weights to 16-bits signed integer.
@@ -50,7 +52,6 @@ inline complex<int16_t> convert2complex_int16_t(complex<double> cd)
 	return complex<int16_t>((int16_t)(round(cd.real() * gBeamformerGain)),
 							(int16_t)(round(cd.imag() * gBeamformerGain)));
-BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert2complex_int16_t, complex<int16_t>)
 #define	NR_TEST_RCUS		8
diff --git a/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/BstRead.cc b/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/BstRead.cc
index fb466d261660773d988d2e21ee06f3b626075ee7..7f59eb6bb18c16f15fc91b993e9680a4541973c0 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/BstRead.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/BstRead.cc
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ void BstRead::sendrequest_status()
  * Function to convert the semi-floating point representation used by the
  * EPA firmware to a double.
+BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert_uint32_to_double, double)
 inline double convert_uint32_to_double(uint32 val)
 	int64 val64;
@@ -126,7 +127,6 @@ inline double convert_uint32_to_double(uint32 val)
 	return (double)(val64);
-BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert_uint32_to_double, double)
 GCFEvent::TResult BstRead::handleack(GCFEvent& event, GCFPortInterface& /*port*/)
diff --git a/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/SstRead.cc b/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/SstRead.cc
index 62f785d38d85ba7257d6035f64a12689dac91ddf..40f309ee189727c8d7684a086ba548ad0afbc715 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/SstRead.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/SstRead.cc
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ void SstRead::sendrequest_status()
  * Function to convert the semi-floating point representation used by the
  * EPA firmware to a double.
+BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert_uint32_to_double, double)
 inline double convert_uint32_to_double(uint32 val)
   int64 val64;
@@ -90,7 +91,6 @@ inline double convert_uint32_to_double(uint32 val)
   return (double)val64;
-BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert_uint32_to_double, double)
 GCFEvent::TResult SstRead::handleack(GCFEvent& event, GCFPortInterface& /*port*/)
diff --git a/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/XstRead.cc b/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/XstRead.cc
index fff424052909958d6ad69541ec9793e4e3eef87c..769c2b8639f2649808109873679d40c5ae66530b 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/XstRead.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/XstRead.cc
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ do {						\
  * Function to convert the complex semi-floating point representation used by the
  * EPA firmware to a complex<double>.
+BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert_cuint32_to_cdouble, complex<double>)
 inline complex<double> convert_cuint32_to_cdouble(complex<uint32> val)
   int64 val64_re, val64_im;
@@ -118,7 +119,6 @@ inline complex<double> convert_cuint32_to_cdouble(complex<uint32> val)
   // convert two int64's to complex double
   return complex<double>(val64_re, val64_im);
-BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert_cuint32_to_cdouble, complex<double>)
 // The layout of cross-correlations in the register on RSP boards
diff --git a/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/rspctl.cc b/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/rspctl.cc
index 3a5fc4a405f36658b878e987bb3c236fc6ed2541..f4e3f512853c982043bee64b7dd2368015f3b0fb 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/rspctl.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Driver/src/rspctl.cc
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ bool    gSplitterChanged = false;
  * Function to convert the complex semi-floating point representation used by the
  * EPA firmware to a complex<double>.
+BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert_to_amplphase, complex<double>)
 inline complex<double> convert_to_amplphase(complex<double> val)
 	double phase     = 0.0;
@@ -133,8 +134,8 @@ inline complex<double> convert_to_amplphase(complex<double> val)
 	return complex<double>(amplitude, phase);
-BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert_to_amplphase, complex<double>)
+BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert_to_amplphase_from_int16, complex<double>)
 inline complex<double> convert_to_amplphase_from_int16(complex<int16> int16val)
 	// scale and convert from int16 to double in range (-1,1]
@@ -155,19 +156,18 @@ inline complex<double> convert_to_amplphase_from_int16(complex<int16> int16val)
 	return complex<double>(::sqrt(real(cdval)*real(cdval) + imag(cdval)*imag(cdval)),
 				((::atan(imag(cdval) / real(cdval))) / M_PI) * 180.0);
-BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(convert_to_amplphase_from_int16, complex<double>)
+BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(blitz_abs, double)
 inline double blitz_abs(complex<double> val)
 	return sqrt(val.real()*val.real() + val.imag()*val.imag());
-BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(blitz_abs, double)
+BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(blitz_angle, double)
 inline double blitz_angle(complex<double> val)
 	return atan(val.imag() / val.real()) * 180.0 / M_PI;
-BZ_DECLARE_FUNCTION_RET(blitz_angle, double)
 WeightsCommand::WeightsCommand(GCFPortInterface& port, const int bitsPerSample) : 
 	Command			(port), 
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ void SICommand::send()
-		logMessage(cout,formatString("bypassSetting  =%02X", request.settings()(0).getAsUint8()));
+		logMessage(cout,formatString("bypassSetting  =%02X", request.settings()(0).getAsUint16()));
diff --git a/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Protocol/include/APL/RSP_Protocol/BypassSettings.h b/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Protocol/include/APL/RSP_Protocol/BypassSettings.h
index f1dd042faf3b51b3594a4ab861daa0a30b769d4d..c8811409b9b142a42a2f16a7ec2366d3817a1340 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Protocol/include/APL/RSP_Protocol/BypassSettings.h
+++ b/MAC/APL/PIC/RSP_Protocol/include/APL/RSP_Protocol/BypassSettings.h
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public:
 		void setYSI(bool	on) { bypass.siy_enable = on ? 1 : 0; }
 		bool getXSI() const 	{ return (bypass.six_enable); }
 		bool getYSI() const 	{ return (bypass.siy_enable); }
-		uint8	getAsUint8() const	{ return *reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&bypass); } // Yak
+		uint16	getAsUint16() const	{ return (*((uint16*) &bypass)); } // Yak
 		DIAGBypass	getRaw()  const	{ return (bypass); }
 		void setRaw(const DIAGBypass	newBypass) { bypass = newBypass; }
diff --git a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/BeamControl/BeamControlMain.cc b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/BeamControl/BeamControlMain.cc
index b42ebef64418622035cabf50fe041321077be0b0..b6eab6f10ce6c4614fec117fd03e0d1546945448 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/BeamControl/BeamControlMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/BeamControl/BeamControlMain.cc
@@ -34,21 +34,16 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	try {
-		// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[1]);
+	// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[1]);
-		ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
-		pc->start();	// make initial transition
+	ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
+	pc->start();	// make initial transition
-		BeamControl	bc(argv[1]);
-		bc.start(); 	// make initial transition
+	BeamControl	bc(argv[1]);
+	bc.start(); 	// make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return 0;
diff --git a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/CalibrationControl/CalibrationControlMain.cc b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/CalibrationControl/CalibrationControlMain.cc
index 3fb2dac4b0b3b0f31a3a9fc7a89c3e373818c4ea..d6f05db5fba6edbc54b9fd47394b87275b09edf7 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/CalibrationControl/CalibrationControlMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/CalibrationControl/CalibrationControlMain.cc
@@ -34,21 +34,16 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	try {
-		// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[1]);
+	// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[1]);
-		ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
-		pc->start();	// make initial transition
+	ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
+	pc->start();	// make initial transition
-		CalibrationControl	cc(argv[1]);
-		cc.start(); 	// make initial transition
+	CalibrationControl	cc(argv[1]);
+	cc.start(); 	// make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return 0;
diff --git a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/ClockControl/ClockControlMain.cc b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/ClockControl/ClockControlMain.cc
index 6e3105283f9bac999db0f5e8e6e064aa86dffd3a..23e3a6158a5e16f9e97c05c35a80e2b56f708055 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/ClockControl/ClockControlMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/ClockControl/ClockControlMain.cc
@@ -39,21 +39,16 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 		return (1);
-	try {
-		// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "ClockControl");
+	// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "ClockControl");
-		ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
-		pc->start();	// make initial transition
+	ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
+	pc->start();	// make initial transition
-		ClockControl	cc(argv[1]);
-		cc.start(); 	// make initial transition
+	ClockControl	cc(argv[1]);
+	cc.start(); 	// make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return 0;
diff --git a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/HardwareMonitor/HardwareMonitorMain.cc b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/HardwareMonitor/HardwareMonitorMain.cc
index 281322d4a6f98718a6e6cd639e695b2a87878732..f671ca5b3a421f529ff1bbb7034bdcf2c5824f7d 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/HardwareMonitor/HardwareMonitorMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/HardwareMonitor/HardwareMonitorMain.cc
@@ -42,70 +42,65 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	try {
-		// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "HardwareMonitor");
+	// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, "HardwareMonitor");
-		LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_HardwareMonitor");
-		LOG_INFO(Version::getInfo<StationCUVersion>("HardwareMonitor"));
+	LOG_INFO("MACProcessScope: LOFAR_PermSW_HardwareMonitor");
+	LOG_INFO(Version::getInfo<StationCUVersion>("HardwareMonitor"));
-		// for debugging purposes
-		registerProtocol (DP_PROTOCOL,  DP_PROTOCOL_STRINGS);
+	// for debugging purposes
-		// Create tasks and call initial routines
-		RSPMonitor*		rsp(0);
-		TBBMonitor*		tbb(0);
-		ECMonitor*     ec(0);
-		// monitor RSP?
-		if (globalParameterSet()->getUint32("WatchRSPboards",0)) {
-			rsp = new RSPMonitor("RSPMonitor");
-			rsp->start();
-			LOG_INFO("Monitoring the RSP boards");
-		}
+	// Create tasks and call initial routines
+	RSPMonitor*		rsp(0);
+	TBBMonitor*		tbb(0);
+	ECMonitor*     ec(0);
+	// monitor RSP?
+	if (globalParameterSet()->getUint32("WatchRSPboards",0)) {
+		rsp = new RSPMonitor("RSPMonitor");
+		rsp->start();
+		LOG_INFO("Monitoring the RSP boards");
+	}
-		// monitor TBB?
-		if (globalParameterSet()->getUint32("WatchTBboards",0)) {
-			tbb = new TBBMonitor("TBBMonitor");
-			tbb->start();
-			LOG_INFO("Monitoring the TB boards");
-		}
+	// monitor TBB?
+	if (globalParameterSet()->getUint32("WatchTBboards",0)) {
+		tbb = new TBBMonitor("TBBMonitor");
+		tbb->start();
+		LOG_INFO("Monitoring the TB boards");
+	}
-		// monitor EC?
-		if (globalParameterSet()->getUint32("WatchEnvCntrl",0)) {
-			ec = new ECMonitor("ECMonitor");
-			ec->start();
-			LOG_INFO("Monitoring the Environment Controller");
-		}
+	// monitor EC?
+	if (globalParameterSet()->getUint32("WatchEnvCntrl",0)) {
+		ec = new ECMonitor("ECMonitor");
+		ec->start();
+		LOG_INFO("Monitoring the Environment Controller");
+	}
-		// sanity check
-		if (!tbb && !rsp && !ec) {
-			LOG_FATAL_STR("Non of the monitortask (WatchRSPboards, WatchTBboards, WatchEnvCntrl) "
-							"was switched on in the configfile, terminating program");
-			return (0);
-		}
+	// sanity check
+	if (!tbb && !rsp && !ec) {
+		LOG_FATAL_STR("Non of the monitortask (WatchRSPboards, WatchTBboards, WatchEnvCntrl) "
+						"was switched on in the configfile, terminating program");
+		return (0);
+	}
-		// ok, we have something to do, do it.
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->setDelayedQuit(true);	// we need a clean shutdown
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();	// until stop was called
+	// ok, we have something to do, do it.
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->setDelayedQuit(true);	// we need a clean shutdown
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();	// until stop was called
-		if (rsp) {
-			rsp->quit();		// let task quit nicely
-		}
-		if (tbb) {
-			tbb->quit();		// let task quit nicely
-		}
-	   if (ec) {
-			ec->quit();		   // let task quit nicely
-		}
-		double	postRunTime = globalParameterSet()->getDouble("closingDelay", 1.5);
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run(postRunTime);	// let processes die.
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
+	if (rsp) {
+		rsp->quit();		// let task quit nicely
+	}
+	if (tbb) {
+		tbb->quit();		// let task quit nicely
+	}
+   if (ec) {
+		ec->quit();		   // let task quit nicely
+	double	postRunTime = globalParameterSet()->getDouble("closingDelay", 1.5);
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run(postRunTime);	// let processes die.
 	return (0);
diff --git a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/StationControl/StationControlMain.cc b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/StationControl/StationControlMain.cc
index f199efe9479233092cfcf823b57fe4c4c92dde7f..38ff113ea9e627c501b9ae2e5eaa6a946e4f8969 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/StationControl/StationControlMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/StationControl/StationControlMain.cc
@@ -37,31 +37,26 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 	using LOFAR::basename;
-	try {
-		// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, basename(argv[0]));
+	// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, basename(argv[0]));
-		ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
-		pc->start();	// make initial transition
+	ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
+	pc->start();	// make initial transition
-		ChildControl*	cc = ChildControl::instance();
-		cc->start();	// make initial transition
+	ChildControl*	cc = ChildControl::instance();
+	cc->start();	// make initial transition
-		string		myName;
-		if (argc < 2) {		// started by swlevel?
-			myName = myHostname(false) + ":" + basename(argv[0]);
-		}
-		else {
-			myName = argv[1];
-		}
-		StationControl	sc(myName.c_str());
-		sc.start(); 	// make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
+	string		myName;
+	if (argc < 2) {		// started by swlevel?
+		myName = myHostname(false) + ":" + basename(argv[0]);
+	}
+	else {
+		myName = argv[1];
+	StationControl	sc(myName.c_str());
+	sc.start(); 	// make initial transition
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return 0;
diff --git a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/TBBControl/TBBControlMain.cc b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/TBBControl/TBBControlMain.cc
index 162fcef5388c449a8a4ae84f592825620fd1a589..8b99850b0e7775ca5bca42d05dc256d5cc65d467 100644
--- a/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/TBBControl/TBBControlMain.cc
+++ b/MAC/APL/StationCU/src/TBBControl/TBBControlMain.cc
@@ -34,22 +34,17 @@ Exception::TerminateHandler t(Exception::terminate);
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-	try {
-		// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[0]);
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->disableQueue();  // run as fast as possible
-		ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
-		pc->start();	// make initial transition
-		TBBControl		tc(argv[1]);
-		tc.start(); 	// make initial transition
-		GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
-	} catch( Exception &ex ) {
-		LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	// args: cntlrname, parentHost, parentService
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[0]);
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->disableQueue();  // run as fast as possible
+	ParentControl*	pc = ParentControl::instance();
+	pc->start();	// make initial transition
+	TBBControl		tc(argv[1]);
+	tc.start(); 	// make initial transition
+	GCFScheduler::instance()->run();
 	return 0;
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/ETRF_FILES/RS310/rs310-antenna-positions-etrs.csv b/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/ETRF_FILES/RS310/rs310-antenna-positions-etrs.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff53a0a6a7cc6ae26545d890dfc78eeb4f3ad1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/ETRF_FILES/RS310/rs310-antenna-positions-etrs.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/data/normal_vectors.dat b/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/data/normal_vectors.dat
index 886fe4c0848737781d80bb4119ff95cedd5f2b43..209041f4e04d21086c432a2082b6c9bef2a230b2 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/data/normal_vectors.dat
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/data/normal_vectors.dat
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ cs002, hba1, 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
 cs003, lba , 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
 cs003, hba0, 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
 cs003, hba1, 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
-rs310, lba , 0.601869, 0.064948, 0.795949
-rs310, hba , 0.601934, 0.064739, 0.795917
 rs407, lba , 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
 rs407, hba , 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
 rs306, lba , 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
@@ -71,8 +69,6 @@ rs307, hba , 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
 cs006, lba , 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
 cs006, hba0, 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
 cs006, hba1, 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
-rs409, lba , 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
-rs409, hba , 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
 rs208, lba , 0.601735, 0.072879, 0.795364
 rs208, hba , 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
 cs011, lba , 0.598753, 0.072099, 0.797682
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/data/rotation_matrices.dat b/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/data/rotation_matrices.dat
index 1f7a9c486d22046a23a278f53940c02b6d07270a..bde6b3b662b8c1d275905663b7d6c41aed865b78 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/data/rotation_matrices.dat
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/data/rotation_matrices.dat
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ cs002, hba1, -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.095418
 cs003, lba , -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
 cs003, hba0, -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
 cs003, hba1, -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
-rs310, lba , -0.1151008123, -0.7902562310, 0.6018694978, 0.9933358105, -0.0952140698, 0.0649480442, 0.0059808478, 0.6053340980, 0.7959490305
-rs310, hba , -0.1149710136, -0.7902260105, 0.6019340000, 0.9933497978, -0.0952104287, 0.0647391200, 0.0061518565, 0.6053741212, 0.7959173300
 rs407, lba , -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
 rs407, hba , -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
 rs306, lba , -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
@@ -71,8 +69,6 @@ rs307, hba , -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.095418
 cs006, lba , -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
 cs006, hba0, -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
 cs006, hba1, -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
-rs409, lba , -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
-rs409, hba , -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
 rs208, lba , -0.1198462583, -0.7896526923, 0.6017354069, 0.9927924178, -0.0951413524, 0.0728789281, -0.0002991213, 0.6061326163, 0.7953635407
 rs208, hba , -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
 cs011, lba , -0.1195951054, -0.7919544517, 0.5987530018, 0.9928227484, -0.0954186800, 0.0720990002, 0.0000330969, 0.6030782884, 0.7976820024
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS310/rs310-hba-solution.lisp b/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS310/rs310-hba-solution.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index a7777512a5c5ee24bc321964da86dfbbc4688110..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS310/rs310-hba-solution.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-    ("D144;3845395.650339911;413617.8581444614;5054781.564794847;0.015"))
-(reduced-chi-squared 2.0853094076394134)
-(normal-vector               (0.60193396 0.064739116 0.7959173))
-(normal-vector-uncertainties (0.0000675 0.0000893 0.0000507))
-(normal-vector-direction-uncertainties-arcsec :max 18.42 :rms 14.64 :avg 14.27)
-(reference-point :etrs (3845376.681 413616.239 5054796.080)
-                 :station-pqr (0.0 0.0 0.0))
-#2A((-0.114971013597106d0 -0.7902260104949447d0 0.601934)
-    (0.9933497977522893d0 -0.09521042870427743d0 0.06473912)
-    (0.0061518564629060605d0 0.6053741211872138d0 0.79591733)))
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS310/rs310-lba-solution.lisp b/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS310/rs310-lba-solution.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 483fa7c2bbfc998e9a272d4c0e24d4221a46e60e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/Coordinates/vectors-and-matrices/RS310/rs310-lba-solution.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-    ("A269;3845455.6096987273;413595.3853607485;5054737.870879395;0.03"))
-(reduced-chi-squared 0.47506430452999376)
-(normal-vector               (0.6018695 0.0649480 0.7959490))
-(normal-vector-uncertainties (0.0000277 0.0000342 0.0000209))
-(normal-vector-direction-uncertainties-arcsec :max  7.06 :rms  5.81 :avg  5.70)
-(reference-point :etrs (3845433.443 413580.563 5054755.909)
-                 :station-pqr (0.0 0.0 0.0))
-    #2A((-0.11510081231738079 -0.7902562310190007 0.6018694977646923)
-        (0.9933358105211705 -0.09521406982594748 0.06494804418478792)
-        (0.005980847776749336 0.6053340980341546 0.7959490305396747)))
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/OTDB/Calibration.comp b/MAC/Deployment/data/OTDB/Calibration.comp
index c29c0addb26c3cc6d51f10283f493267ec0ede02..376a8ce1e4a9d793a95ab486158a8f7517982a07 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/OTDB/Calibration.comp
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/OTDB/Calibration.comp
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 node  Calibration  4.0.0  development 'node constraint'  "Calibration pipeline"
-#    name                          dir. type   unit   prun. vm   value                constr.  descr.
+#    name                    dir. type   unit   prun. vm   value                constr.  descr.
-par  CalibratorSource              I    text   -      100   0    ''                   -        "Calibrator source for generation of instrument model"
-par  SkyModel                      I    text   -      100   0    ''                   -        "User-supplied sky model for generic calibration pipeline"
-par  exportCalibrationParameters   I    bool   -      100   0    'false'              -        "export the instrument model parameters using parmexportcal"
+par  CalibratorSource        I    text   -	100   0    ''                   -        "Calibrator source for generation of instrument model"
+par  SkyModel                I    text   -      100   0    ''                   -        "User-supplied sky model for generic calibration pipeline"
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/471_3031_2_Astron_Gen_II_2_311.log b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/471_3031_2_Astron_Gen_II_2_311.log
index 62d6007314b329be907571c78508a121bdc02b99..49fbf91ae450e860ea75d36893016cb295bd9c8f 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/471_3031_2_Astron_Gen_II_2_311.log
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/471_3031_2_Astron_Gen_II_2_311.log
@@ -29,65 +29,3 @@ distributed = 255
     ctrlext = 1
      update = 0
-code        = "RS407C 20556792170"
-version     = 30800002
-sn          = "471_3031_2_Astron_Gen_II_2_311/5"
-date        = 2012.11.29;16:53:51,000 
-comment     = "Remote Station RS407"
-expire      = 0000.00.00;00:00:00,000 
-redundancy  = 0
-ui          = 2
-para        = 1
-dde         = 5
-event       = 1
-ios         = 4000
-ssi         = 0
-api         = 80
-excelreport = 5
-http        = 0
-infoserver  = 1000
-comcenter   = 5
-maintenance = 1
-scheduler   = 1
-recipe      = 1
-distributed = 255
-uifix       = 0
-parafix     = 0
-pararemote  = 0
-ctrlext     = 1
-update      = 0
-code        = "RS407C 00474340129"
-version     = 31100002
-sn          = "471_3031_2_Astron_Gen_II_2_311/6"
-date        = 2012.11.29;17:02:49,000 
-comment     = "Remote Station RS407"
-expire      = 0000.00.00;00:00:00,000 
-redundancy  = 0
-ui          = 2
-para        = 1
-dde         = 5
-event       = 1
-ios         = 4000
-ssi         = 0
-api         = 80
-excelreport = 5
-http        = 0
-infoserver  = 1000
-comcenter   = 5
-maintenance = 1
-scheduler   = 1
-recipe      = 1
-distributed = 255
-uifix       = 0
-parafix     = 0
-pararemote  = 0
-ctrlext     = 1
-update      = 0
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/Astron_Station_1_shield.txt b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/Astron_Station_1_shield.txt
index abb14e142eeecc7ad06fa096351706d199fb6064..d8932c70f5be4ec96d749fd14bd114ca1dca2fd7 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/Astron_Station_1_shield.txt
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/Astron_Station_1_shield.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-code        = "dongleHost 40096567708"
+code        = "dongleHost 60318387154"
 version     = 31100002
 sn          = "471_3031_2_Astron_Gen_II_2_311"
 expire      = 0000.00.00;00:00:00,000 
@@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ pararemote  = 0
 ctrlext     = 1
 update      = 0
 licenseMax  = 100
-licenseLeft = 94
+licenseLeft = 96
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/RS407C_option.txt b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/RS407C_option.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c158ca6965fd2afd0fe22e56d5b5421aa501dab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/RS407C_option.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-code          = "RS407C 22827928169"
-version       = 31100002
-comment       = "Remote Station RS407"
-sn            = "471_3031_2_Astron_Gen_II_2_311"
-expire        = 0000.00.00;00:00:00,000
-redundancy    = 0
-ui            = 2
-para          = 1
-dde           = 5
-event         = 1
-api           = 80
-excelreport   = 5
-http          = 0
-infoserver    = 1000
-ios           = 4000
-comcenter     = 5
-maintenance   = 1
-scheduler     = 1
-ssi           = 0
-recipe        = 1
-distributed   = 255
-uifix         = 0
-parafix       = 0
-pararemote    = 0
-ctrlext       = 1
-update        = 0
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/shield.RS407C.txt b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/shield.RS407C.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1566906b255683712fc3c0dd8666d75ec4cc6820..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/License/shield.RS407C.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-code        = "RS407C 00474340129"
-version     = 31100002
-sn          = "471_3031_2_Astron_Gen_II_2_311/6"
-date        = 2012.11.29;17:02:49,000 
-comment     = "Remote Station RS407"
-expire      = 0000.00.00;00:00:00,000 
-redundancy  = 0
-ui          = 2
-para        = 1
-dde         = 5
-event       = 1
-ios         = 4000
-ssi         = 0
-api         = 80
-excelreport = 5
-http        = 0
-infoserver  = 1000
-comcenter   = 5
-maintenance = 1
-scheduler   = 1
-recipe      = 1
-distributed = 255
-uifix       = 0
-parafix     = 0
-pararemote  = 0
-ctrlext     = 1
-update      = 0
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/bin/create_db_files b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/bin/create_db_files
index 78d727a4b7e9a9e893ebb9ef68253662889828a3..5c9a9c76402c650efc861c6295c0dabfe2943d66 100755
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/bin/create_db_files
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/bin/create_db_files
@@ -1364,6 +1364,6 @@ rm -f ${TMP_FILE}
 create_cpp_headerfile ${INPUTFILE} ${DBTYPE}
 echo "created: ${DESTDIR}/${CPP_HEADERFILE}"
-#mkdir -p ../../../../installed/gnu_debug/include/Deployment/
-#cp ${DESTDIR}/${CPP_HEADERFILE} ../../../../installed/gnu_debug/include/Deployment/
+mkdir -p ../../../../installed/gnu_debug/include/Deployment/
+cp ${DESTDIR}/${CPP_HEADERFILE} ../../../../installed/gnu_debug/include/Deployment/
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/CEPbase.dpdef b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/CEPbase.dpdef
index d5cec3c7ceb44192909c9034e09d3fad23077a4a..39a2e8b7245561712c7022f4ef4c19af579ad6f3 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/CEPbase.dpdef
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/CEPbase.dpdef
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
 # CEP PVSS Database base types
+ScriptInfo.ScriptInfo	1#
+	paramDone	23#
 # Create missing CtrlDbg internals and DP for remoteStation
 # Datapoint/DpId
 DpName	TypeName
+scriptInfo	ScriptInfo
 _CtrlDebug_CTRL_5	_CtrlDebug
 _CtrlDebug_CTRL_6	_CtrlDebug
 _CtrlDebug_CTRL_7	_CtrlDebug
@@ -13,5 +19,3 @@ _CtrlDebug_CTRL_9	_CtrlDebug
 # DpValue
 ElementName	TypeName	_original.._value
 scriptInfo.paramDone	ScriptInfo	0
-_ValueArchive_2.size.maxDpElGet	_ValueArchive	4000
-_ValueArchive_2.size.maxDpElSet	_ValueArchive	4000
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/IONode.dpdef b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/IONode.dpdef
index cb448d06155e26701f1456d46029dc099123ca0e..e561b292d58f45c1e3c58dce4dcd0c692ed11196 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/IONode.dpdef
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/IONode.dpdef
@@ -10,18 +10,9 @@ usedStation	string
 usedIP		string
 usedMAC		string
-# Next points are needed for dataparameterization Do not alter them unless you know what you are doing. tabs are essential in these
 !# DpFunction
 !ElementName	TypeName	_dp_fct.._type	_dp_fct.._param	_dp_fct.._fct
 !_mp_IONode.usedStation	IONode	60	_mp_IONode.station0:_original.._value, _mp_IONode.station1:_original.._value, _mp_IONode.use2ndStation:_original.._value	"p3?p2:p1"	
 !_mp_IONode.usedIP	IONode	60	_mp_IONode.IP0:_original.._value, _mp_IONode.IP1:_original.._value, LOFAR_PIC_BGP.BGPSwitch:_original.._value	"p3?p2:p1"	
 !_mp_IONode.usedMAC	IONode	60	_mp_IONode.MAC0:_original.._value, _mp_IONode.MAC1:_original.._value, _mp_IONode.MACForeign:_original.._value, LOFAR_PIC_BGP.BGPSwitch:_original.._value, _mp_IONode.use2ndStation:_original.._value	"p5?p3:(p4?p2:p1)"	
-!# DpValue
-!ElementName	TypeName	_original.._value
-!_dt_IONode.Leaf	_DynamicDatapoints	"_mp_IONode.usedStation:_dp_fct", "_mp_IONode.usedIP:_dp_fct", "_mp_IONode.usedMAC:_dp_fct"
-!_dt_IONode.DynamicAttribute	_DynamicDatapoints	"_da_none", "_da_none", "_da_none"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/MCUbase.dpdef b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/MCUbase.dpdef
index dfd22f5bcbc712bdfd51133c820b37bf30d235f0..adac271a995c4aee34440179e012b0fc725bf083 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/MCUbase.dpdef
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/MCUbase.dpdef
@@ -145,7 +145,9 @@ GCFWatchDog.GCFWatchDog	1#
 	lastDownTime	10#
 	name	9#
+ScriptInfo.ScriptInfo	1#
+	paramDone	23#
 # create mps for NavPanelConfig , NavigatorUserSaves and NavigatorInstance
 # Datapoint/DpId 
@@ -164,18 +166,16 @@ __navigator	Navigator
 root	NavPanelConfig
 __gcf_cwd	GCFWatchDog
 rootSaves	NavigatorUserSaves
+scriptInfo	ScriptInfo
 _CtrlDebug_CTRL_5	_CtrlDebug
 _CtrlDebug_CTRL_6	_CtrlDebug
 _CtrlDebug_CTRL_7	_CtrlDebug
-_CtrlDebug_CTRL_8	_CtrlDebug
 #Fill some defaults
 # DpValue
 ElementName	TypeName	_original.._value
 scriptInfo.paramDone	ScriptInfo	0
-_ValueArchive_2.size.maxDpElGet	_ValueArchive	500
-_ValueArchive_2.size.maxDpElSet	_ValueArchive	500
 root.LOFAR_Processes	NavPanelConfig	"Processes/MainCU_Processes.pnl"
 root.LOFAR_Observations	NavPanelConfig	"Observations/Observations.pnl"
 root.StnLOFAR_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/Station.pnl"
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/PVSSbase.dpdef b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/PVSSbase.dpdef
index 0d0b747aa585607b90a1fbacf29f85f867222d7c..cf9934add75c1b5f0cbea4208e257a726d304b65 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/PVSSbase.dpdef
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/PVSSbase.dpdef
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Common types in Station, CCU and MainCU PVSS Database
+# Common types in Station and MainCU PVSS Database
 # Definition of some basic types
 # DpType
@@ -80,50 +80,25 @@ ProcessStatus.ProcessStatus	1#
 	error	25#
 	currentAction	25#
-ScriptInfo.ScriptInfo	1#
-	claim	1#
-		debug	23#
-	gcf_cwd	1#
-		debug	23#
-	monitorAlarms	1#
-		debug	23#
-	monitorStateChanges	1#
-		debug	23#
-	monitorStateReset	1#
-		debug	23#
-	monitorStationAlarms	1#
-		debug	23#
-	readStationBGPconnections	1#
-		debug	23#
-		runDone	23#
-	readStationConfigs	1#
-		debug	23#
-		runDone	23#
-	transferMPs	1#
-		debug	23#
-		runDone	23#
 # create mp for ProcessStatus and attach an archive
-DpName	TypeName
-_mp_ProcessStatus	ProcessStatus
-_dt_ProcessStatus	_DynamicDatapoints
+DpName	TypeName	ID
+_mp_ProcessStatus	ProcessStatus	0
+_dt_ProcessStatus	_DynamicDatapoints	0
-ElementName	TypeName	_original.._value
-_dt_ProcessStatus.Leaf	_DynamicDatapoints	"_mp_ProcessStatus.logMsg:_archive"
-_dt_ProcessStatus.DynamicAttribute	_DynamicDatapoints	"_da_none"
+ElementName	TypeName	_original.._value	_original.._status
+_dt_ProcessStatus.Leaf	_DynamicDatapoints	"_mp_ProcessStatus.logMsg:_archive"	0x101
+_dt_ProcessStatus.DynamicAttribute	_DynamicDatapoints	"_da_none"	0x101
-ElementName	TypeName	DetailNr	_archive.._type	_archive.._archive	_archive.._class
-_mp_ProcessStatus.logMsg	ProcessStatus		45	1
-_mp_ProcessStatus.logMsg	ProcessStatus	1	15		_ValueArchive_2
+StampSec	StampMSec	ElementName	TypeName	DetailNr	_archive.._type	_archive.._archive	_archive.._class
+0	0	_mp_ProcessStatus.logMsg	ProcessStatus		45	1
+0	0	_mp_ProcessStatus.logMsg	ProcessStatus	1	15		_ValueArchive_2
 # create datapoints for ClaimManager,NCFObjectState and lofarSpeedTest
-DpName	TypeName
-ClaimManager	ClaimManager
-__navObjectState	NCFObjectState
-__resetObjectState	NCFObjectState
-lofarSpeedTest	LofarSpeedTest
-scriptInfo	ScriptInfo
+DpName	TypeName	ID
+ClaimManager	ClaimManager	0
+__navObjectState	NCFObjectState	0
+__resetObjectState	NCFObjectState	0
+lofarSpeedTest	LofarSpeedTest	0
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/SoftwareMonitor.dpdef b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/SoftwareMonitor.dpdef
index 8c5118707f74fdc3d7c39b6c94821a8f0a1070a3..2e2c2dd09e6aafb69399d5dafb7256192168e488 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/SoftwareMonitor.dpdef
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/SoftwareMonitor.dpdef
@@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
 # SoftwareMonitor
 SWLevel		int
-# Next points are needed for dataparameterization Do not alter them unless you know what you are doing. tabs are essential in these
 !# DbArchiveInfo
 !ElementName			TypeName	DetailNr	_archive.._type	_archive.._archive	_archive.._class
 !_mp_SoftwareMonitor.SWLevel	SoftwareMonitor			45	1
 !_mp_SoftwareMonitor.SWLevel	SoftwareMonitor	1		15		_ValueArchive_2
-!# DpValue
-!ElementName	TypeName	_original.._value
-!_dt_SoftwareMonitor.Leaf	_DynamicDatapoints	"_mp_SoftwareMonitor.logMsg:_archive", "_mp_SoftwareMonitor.SWLevel:_archive"
-!_dt_SoftwareMonitor.DynamicAttribute	_DynamicDatapoints	"_da_none", "_da_none"
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/StationInfo.dpdef b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/StationInfo.dpdef
index 4192317f04b36bbd482cf3b059a1a5d1c2841ccb..15b693cf3b18762bd47e09f1768740c58247f7ae 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/StationInfo.dpdef
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/StationInfo.dpdef
@@ -46,18 +46,10 @@ LBA.RotationMatrix.Y	floatArr
 LBA.RotationMatrix.Z	floatArr
-# Next points are needed for dataparameterization Do not alter them unless you know what you are doing. tabs are essential in these
 !# DbArchiveInfo
-!ElementName			TypeName	DetailNr	_archive.._type	_archive.._archive	_archive.._class
-!_mp_StationInfo.datastream0	SoftwareMonitor			45	1
+!ElementName			TypeName	DetailNr	_archive.._type	_archive.._archive
+!_mp_StationInfo.datastream0	SoftwareMonitor	45		1
 !_mp_StationInfo.datastream0	SoftwareMonitor	1		15		_ValueArchive_2
-!_mp_StationInfo.datastream1	SoftwareMonitor			45	1
+!_mp_StationInfo.datastream1	SoftwareMonitor	45		1
 !_mp_StationInfo.datastream1	SoftwareMonitor	1		15		_ValueArchive_2
-!# DpValue
-!ElementName	TypeName	_original.._value
-!_dt_StationInfo.Leaf	_DynamicDatapoints	"_mp_StationInfo.datastream0:_archive", "_mp_StationInfo.datastream1:_archive"
-!_dt_StationInfo.DynamicAttribute	_DynamicDatapoints	"_da_none", "_da_none"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/Stationbase.dpdef b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/Stationbase.dpdef
index 599997c10882dad9aba6e7d1adc00e2500190b6e..bfc18377da78a4aeb9fda7c9562d0acbc6d5d983 100644
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/Stationbase.dpdef
+++ b/MAC/Deployment/data/PVSS/data/Stationbase.dpdef
@@ -150,6 +150,10 @@ HBAElement.HBAElement	1#
 	comm	1#
 		status	41#:ObjectStatus
+ScriptInfo.ScriptInfo	1#
+	paramDone	23#
 # Create missing CtrlDbg internals and DP for remoteStation
@@ -158,19 +162,17 @@ DpName	TypeName
 __navigator	Navigator
 standalone	NavPanelConfig
 rootSaves	NavigatorUserSaves
+scriptInfo	ScriptInfo
 _CtrlDebug_CTRL_5	_CtrlDebug
 _CtrlDebug_CTRL_6	_CtrlDebug
 _CtrlDebug_CTRL_7	_CtrlDebug
 _CtrlDebug_CTRL_8	_CtrlDebug
 _CtrlDebug_CTRL_9	_CtrlDebug
-_CtrlDebug_CTRL_10	_CtrlDebug
 #Fill some defaults
 # DpValue
 ElementName	TypeName	_original.._value
 scriptInfo.paramDone	ScriptInfo	0
-_ValueArchive_2.size.maxDpElGet	_ValueArchive	500
-_ValueArchive_2.size.maxDpElSet	_ValueArchive	500
 standalone.StnLOFAR_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/Station.pnl"
 standalone.StnPIC_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/Station_Cabinet.pnl"
 standalone.Cabinet_Hardware	NavPanelConfig	"Hardware/Station_Cabinet_detailed.pnl"
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/RS310-AntennaField.conf b/MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/RS310-AntennaField.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index d3353ad01cab9c9ee00cdfa0d89127147ea11814..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/RS310-AntennaField.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# AntennaPositions for RS310
-# ITRF2005 target_date = 2012.5
-# Created: 2012-12-04 12:46:44
-3 [   0.601869   0.064948   0.795949 ]
-3 x 3 [
- -0.1151010000  -0.7902560000   0.6018690000 
-  0.9933360000  -0.0952140000   0.0649480000 
-  0.0059810000   0.6053340000   0.7959490000 
-3 [ 3845433.051930000 413580.888254000 5054756.170 ]
-96 x 2 x 3 [
-  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000     0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 
- -2.015000  -0.243000   1.544000    -2.015000  -0.243000   1.544000 
- -1.326000   2.106000   0.831000    -1.326000   2.106000   0.831000 
-  0.808000   2.364000  -0.804000     0.808000   2.364000  -0.804000 
-  2.015000   0.243000  -1.544000     2.015000   0.243000  -1.544000 
-  1.326000  -2.106000  -0.831000     1.326000  -2.106000  -0.831000 
- -0.808000  -2.364000   0.804000    -0.808000  -2.364000   0.804000 
- -2.009000  -5.085000   1.934000    -2.009000  -5.085000   1.934000 
- -4.222000  -2.119000   3.365000    -4.222000  -2.119000   3.365000 
- -4.459000   1.839000   3.222000    -4.459000   1.839000   3.222000 
- -2.610000   4.936000   1.571000    -2.610000   4.936000   1.571000 
-  0.461000   5.724000  -0.816000     0.461000   5.724000  -0.816000 
-  3.316000   3.833000  -2.820000     3.316000   3.833000  -2.820000 
-  4.619000   0.149001  -3.505000     4.619000   0.149001  -3.505000 
-  3.761000  -3.605000  -2.550000     3.761000  -3.605000  -2.550000 
-  1.143000  -5.672000  -0.401000     1.143000  -5.672000  -0.401000 
-  1.200000  -9.248000  -0.153000     1.200000  -9.248000  -0.153000 
- -1.699000  -9.516000   2.062000    -1.699000  -9.516000   2.062000 
- -5.431000  -7.411000   4.712000    -5.431000  -7.411000   4.712000 
- -8.003000  -0.750001   6.113000    -8.003000  -0.750001   6.113000 
- -7.961000   2.463999   5.819000    -7.961000   2.463999   5.819000 
- -6.541000   6.272000   4.434000    -6.541000   6.272000   4.434000 
- -3.611000   8.250000   2.058000    -3.611000   8.250000   2.058000 
-  0.965000   8.813000  -1.449000     0.965000   8.813000  -1.449000 
-  4.713000   7.650001  -4.188000     4.713000   7.650001  -4.188000 
-  7.102000   4.309001  -5.722000     7.102000   4.309001  -5.722000 
-  7.407000   0.378001  -5.632000     7.407000   0.378001  -5.632000 
-  6.522000  -4.272999  -4.583000     6.522000  -4.272999  -4.583000 
-  4.210000  -7.777999  -2.549000     4.210000  -7.777999  -2.549000 
-  0.744000 -14.315000   0.606000     0.744000 -14.315000   0.606000 
- -2.301000 -14.315000   2.908000    -2.301000 -14.315000   2.908000 
- -4.487000 -12.677000   4.427000    -4.487000 -12.677000   4.427000 
- -8.850000  -6.596001   7.230000    -8.850000  -6.596001   7.230000 
--11.070000  -5.354001   8.808000   -11.070000  -5.354001   8.808000 
--10.576000   2.056999   7.829000   -10.576000   2.056999   7.829000 
- -9.229000   6.745999   6.428000    -9.229000   6.745999   6.428000 
- -8.022000  11.748999   5.107000    -8.022000  11.748999   5.107000 
- -5.361000  12.003000   3.075000    -5.361000  12.003000   3.075000 
- -1.682000  12.936000   0.216000    -1.682000  12.936000   0.216000 
-  3.893000  12.010000  -3.924000     3.893000  12.010000  -3.924000 
-  6.027000  11.087001  -5.462000     6.027000  11.087001  -5.462000 
-  8.778000   6.866001  -7.198000     8.778000   6.866001  -7.198000 
- 11.410000   4.185001  -8.969000    11.410000   4.185001  -8.969000 
- 10.845000  -4.588999  -7.826000    10.845000  -4.588999  -7.826000 
-  9.375000  -8.021999  -6.435000     9.375000  -8.021999  -6.435000 
-  6.696000 -12.180999  -4.069000     6.696000 -12.180999  -4.069000 
--31.677000 -36.015002  26.891000   -31.677000 -36.015002  26.891000 
--30.387010  41.368998  19.601990   -30.387010  41.368998  19.601990 
-  6.113000 -16.561999  -3.271000     6.113000 -16.561999  -3.271000 
-  5.285000 -19.394999  -2.414000     5.285000 -19.394999  -2.414000 
- -7.099000 -17.856000   6.825000    -7.099000 -17.856000   6.825000 
--15.142000  -4.824001  11.844000   -15.142000  -4.824001  11.844000 
--16.388000  -0.087001  12.399000   -16.388000  -0.087001  12.399000 
--12.312000  10.637999   8.442000   -12.312000  10.637999   8.442000 
- -3.521000  17.511000   1.234000    -3.521000  17.511000   1.234000 
-  2.412000  20.005000  -3.456000     2.412000  20.005000  -3.456000 
- 11.361000  10.402001  -9.440000    11.361000  10.402001  -9.440000 
- 15.409000   3.764001 -11.959000    15.409000   3.764001 -11.959000 
- 14.382000  -6.009999 -10.385000    14.382000  -6.009999 -10.385000 
- 17.099000 -13.603998 -11.820000    17.099000 -13.603998 -11.820000 
-  9.751000 -22.325999  -5.551000     9.751000 -22.325999  -5.551000 
- -0.126000 -25.290000   2.159000    -0.126000 -25.290000   2.159000 
- -5.113000 -24.395000   5.857000    -5.113000 -24.395000   5.857000 
--11.587000 -21.662001  10.529000   -11.587000 -21.662001  10.529000 
--18.311000  -5.805001  14.320000   -18.311000  -5.805001  14.320000 
--19.521000   2.074999  14.592000   -19.521000   2.074999  14.592000 
--17.400000  15.497999  11.893000   -17.400000  15.497999  11.893000 
- -8.267000  23.345999   4.346000    -8.267000  23.345999   4.346000 
- -1.254000  25.993000  -1.173000    -1.254000  25.993000  -1.173000 
-  7.760000  22.246001  -7.683000     7.760000  22.246001  -7.683000 
- 18.501000  12.734002 -15.029000    18.501000  12.734002 -15.029000 
- 21.408000  -4.751998 -15.800000    21.408000  -4.751998 -15.800000 
- 24.185000 -18.248998 -16.799000    24.185000 -18.248998 -16.799000 
- 14.542000 -26.364999  -8.845000    14.542000 -26.364999  -8.845000 
-  3.693000 -31.075000  -0.257000     3.693000 -31.075000  -0.257000 
- -2.580000 -32.236000   4.581000    -2.580000 -32.236000   4.581000 
--16.160000 -23.183001  14.111000   -16.160000 -23.183001  14.111000 
--25.861000  -9.282002  20.312000   -25.861000  -9.282002  20.312000 
--27.200000   2.937998  20.328000   -27.200000   2.937998  20.328000 
--22.875000  10.290998  16.457000   -22.875000  10.290998  16.457000 
--20.103000  24.307998  13.218000   -20.103000  24.307998  13.218000 
- -7.005000  33.096000   2.596000    -7.005000  33.096000   2.596000 
-  0.109000  33.680000  -2.831000     0.109000  33.680000  -2.831000 
- 12.635000  29.987001 -12.001000    12.635000  29.987001 -12.001000 
- 16.827000  23.414002 -14.635000    16.827000  23.414002 -14.635000 
- 25.929000   5.743002 -20.075000    25.929000   5.743002 -20.075000 
- 24.482000  -0.614998 -18.463000    24.482000  -0.614998 -18.463000 
- 29.341000  -2.457997 -21.986000    29.341000  -2.457997 -21.986000 
- 16.413000 -37.254998  -9.371000    16.413000 -37.254998  -9.371000 
- -3.898000 -39.343000   6.158000    -3.898000 -39.343000   6.158000 
--19.334000 -32.996001  17.312000   -19.334000 -32.996001  17.312000 
--27.199000 -19.839002  22.186000   -27.199000 -19.839002  22.186000 
--26.999000  25.067998  18.371000   -26.999000  25.067998  18.371000 
--11.138000  34.365999   5.618000   -11.138000  34.365999   5.618000 
-  0.421000  41.282000  -3.687000     0.421000  41.282000  -3.687000 
- 28.232000  14.158003 -22.504000    28.232000  14.158003 -22.504000 
-3 [   0.601934   0.064739   0.795917 ]
-3 x 3 [
- -0.1149710000  -0.7902260000   0.6019340000 
-  0.9933500000  -0.0952100000   0.0647390000 
-  0.0061520000   0.6053740000   0.7959170000 
-3 [ 3845376.289920000 413616.564249000 5054796.341 ]
-48 x 2 x 3 [
--11.541000  13.915999   7.596000   -11.541000  13.915999   7.596000 
- -7.793000  15.798000   4.609000    -7.793000  15.798000   4.609000 
- -4.044000  17.680000   1.620000    -4.044000  17.680000   1.620000 
- -0.295000  19.561000  -1.368000    -0.295000  19.561000  -1.368000 
- -9.851000   9.134000   6.707000    -9.851000   9.134000   6.707000 
- -6.102000  11.015000   3.719000    -6.102000  11.015000   3.719000 
- -2.353000  12.897000   0.731000    -2.353000  12.897000   0.731000 
-  1.396000  14.779000  -2.258000     1.396000  14.779000  -2.258000 
--15.657000   0.587999  11.793000   -15.657000   0.587999  11.793000 
--11.909000   2.469999   8.805000   -11.909000   2.469999   8.805000 
- -8.159000   4.351000   5.817000    -8.159000   4.351000   5.817000 
- -4.411000   6.233000   2.829000    -4.411000   6.233000   2.829000 
- -0.662000   8.115000  -0.159000    -0.662000   8.115000  -0.159000 
-  3.086000   9.996001  -3.147000     3.086000   9.996001  -3.147000 
-  6.836000  11.878001  -6.136000     6.836000  11.878001  -6.136000 
- 10.584000  13.758001  -9.124000    10.584000  13.758001  -9.124000 
--13.967000  -4.194001  10.904000   -13.967000  -4.194001  10.904000 
--10.217000  -2.313001   7.915000   -10.217000  -2.313001   7.915000 
- -6.469000  -0.431000   4.927000    -6.469000  -0.431000   4.927000 
- -2.720000   1.450000   1.939000    -2.720000   1.450000   1.939000 
-  1.029000   3.332000  -1.049000     1.029000   3.332000  -1.049000 
-  4.778000   5.214001  -4.037000     4.778000   5.214001  -4.037000 
-  8.526000   7.095001  -7.025000     8.526000   7.095001  -7.025000 
- 12.275000   8.977001 -10.014000    12.275000   8.977001 -10.014000 
--12.275000  -8.977001  10.014000   -12.275000  -8.977001  10.014000 
- -8.526000  -7.095000   7.025000    -8.526000  -7.095000   7.025000 
- -4.778000  -5.214000   4.037000    -4.778000  -5.214000   4.037000 
- -1.029000  -3.332000   1.049000    -1.029000  -3.332000   1.049000 
-  2.720000  -1.449999  -1.939000     2.720000  -1.449999  -1.939000 
-  6.469000   0.431001  -4.927000     6.469000   0.431001  -4.927000 
- 10.217000   2.313001  -7.915000    10.217000   2.313001  -7.915000 
- 13.967000   4.194002 -10.904000    13.967000   4.194002 -10.904000 
--10.584000 -13.758001   9.124000   -10.584000 -13.758001   9.124000 
- -6.836000 -11.878000   6.136000    -6.836000 -11.878000   6.136000 
- -3.086000  -9.996000   3.147000    -3.086000  -9.996000   3.147000 
-  0.662000  -8.115000   0.159000     0.662000  -8.115000   0.159000 
-  4.411000  -6.232999  -2.829000     4.411000  -6.232999  -2.829000 
-  8.159000  -4.350999  -5.817000     8.159000  -4.350999  -5.817000 
- 11.909000  -2.469999  -8.805000    11.909000  -2.469999  -8.805000 
- 15.657000  -0.587998 -11.793000    15.657000  -0.587998 -11.793000 
- -1.395990 -14.779000   2.258000    -1.395990 -14.779000   2.258000 
-  2.353010 -12.896999  -0.731000     2.353010 -12.896999  -0.731000 
-  6.102010 -11.014999  -3.719000     6.102010 -11.014999  -3.719000 
-  9.851010  -9.133999  -6.707000     9.851010  -9.133999  -6.707000 
-  0.295010 -19.561000   1.368000     0.295010 -19.561000   1.368000 
-  4.044010 -17.679999  -1.620000     4.044010 -17.679999  -1.620000 
-  7.793010 -15.797999  -4.609000     7.793010 -15.797999  -4.609000 
- 11.541010 -13.915999  -7.596000    11.541010 -13.915999  -7.596000 
diff --git a/MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/iHBADeltas/RS310-iHBADeltas.conf b/MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/iHBADeltas/RS310-iHBADeltas.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 888698403744914425666946336a0449fcdc456c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/iHBADeltas/RS310-iHBADeltas.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# HBADeltas for RS310
-# Created: 2012-12-04 12:46:44
-16 x 3 [
-    -1.980   1.056   1.412
-    -1.071   1.513   0.687
-    -0.161   1.970  -0.039
-     0.749   2.426  -0.764
-    -1.570  -0.105   1.196
-    -0.660   0.352   0.471
-     0.250   0.809  -0.255
-     1.160   1.265  -0.980
-    -1.160  -1.265   0.980
-    -0.250  -0.809   0.255
-     0.660  -0.352  -0.471
-     1.570   0.105  -1.196
-    -0.749  -2.426   0.764
-     0.161  -1.970   0.039
-     1.071  -1.513  -0.687
-     1.980  -1.056  -1.412
diff --git a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVBlob.cc b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVBlob.cc
index 0b3690a52191f56dd7f70b647ebe862b096cb412..fe79af589649ecbda93592da6627f8a8cbe6a7f6 100644
--- a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVBlob.cc
+++ b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVBlob.cc
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include <GCF/PVSS/GCF_PVBlob.h>
 #include <Common/DataConvert.h>
-#include <cstring>
 namespace LOFAR {
  namespace GCF {
diff --git a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVBool.cc b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVBool.cc
index 056ba6958bf26e06b8581c7d297b3fab6eab98b6..7cb39daa67174da35a710d51453d0252e6cfaf1c 100644
--- a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVBool.cc
+++ b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVBool.cc
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include <GCF/PVSS/GCF_PVBool.h>
 #include <Common/StringUtil.h>
-#include <cstring>
 namespace LOFAR {
  namespace GCF {
diff --git a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDateTime.cc b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDateTime.cc
index e62d10546729fd99b73f9ee699b681e61bfe9963..10e488bc78f6414b087c80a780644aeea9b373bd 100644
--- a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDateTime.cc
+++ b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDateTime.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 #include <Common/DataConvert.h>
 #include <Common/StringUtil.h>
 #include <cstdio>
-#include <cstring>
 namespace LOFAR {
   namespace GCF {
diff --git a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDouble.cc b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDouble.cc
index 99b0b93da358f35568892709ed3f5a4fc7d12688..cee5b0d70a3d2b3d9b24c6c1128327d340987b6e 100644
--- a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDouble.cc
+++ b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDouble.cc
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include <GCF/PVSS/GCF_PVDouble.h>
 #include <Common/DataConvert.h>
 #include <Common/StringUtil.h>
-#include <cstring>
 namespace LOFAR 
diff --git a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDynArr.cc b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDynArr.cc
index 26ae24cd00e0254f5cbdf93032085f6241c11f3f..83bec03e7e6594f055c0d8164059e8aa6eae88a7 100644
--- a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDynArr.cc
+++ b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVDynArr.cc
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include <GCF/PVSS/GCF_PVDynArr.h>
 #include <Common/DataConvert.h>
 #include <Common/LofarTypes.h>
-#include <cstring>
 using LOFAR::TYPES::uint16;
diff --git a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVInteger.cc b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVInteger.cc
index 7ea35dea0901bd809d929a36a18c0ef27c253f6d..2674eafba9b3440117d2ea14a5970076728f58c3 100644
--- a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVInteger.cc
+++ b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVInteger.cc
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include <GCF/PVSS/GCF_PVInteger.h>
 #include <Common/DataConvert.h>
 #include <Common/StringUtil.h>
-#include <cstring>
 namespace LOFAR 
diff --git a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVString.cc b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVString.cc
index 1e2fe2b3fa45d4dacfe7cc0c1f7f1ae9dfd8bd66..0da48fadbedd23b45dcc3f2fc3d6113d976af947 100644
--- a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVString.cc
+++ b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVString.cc
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include <GCF/PVSS/GCF_PVString.h>
 #include <Common/DataConvert.h>
 #include <Common/StringUtil.h>
-#include <cstring>
 namespace LOFAR 
diff --git a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVUnsigned.cc b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVUnsigned.cc
index 3b5632edeacf448eab60aa8663783c39e52f7eb9..6627ea53e27be99969b16293555f1bbebbc18c7f 100644
--- a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVUnsigned.cc
+++ b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/GCF_PVUnsigned.cc
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include <GCF/PVSS/GCF_PVUnsigned.h>
 #include <Common/DataConvert.h>
 #include <Common/StringUtil.h>
-#include <cstring>
 namespace LOFAR 
diff --git a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/PVSSinfo.cc b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/PVSSinfo.cc
index 7f71b4446f9af7f4d1c0cbe2d9c5a005e5b5e1d0..4e6c890b8689cde3871a3a651eb608a12fe2e26f 100644
--- a/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/PVSSinfo.cc
+++ b/MAC/GCF/PVSS/src/PVSSinfo.cc
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ bool PVSSinfo::isValidPropName(const char* propName)
 	// ref indication may only found at begin or after a GCF_PROP_NAME_SEP
 	char	refInd[] = "__";
-	const char*	refIndPos = strstr(propName, refInd);
+	char*	refIndPos = strstr(propName, refInd);
 	if (refIndPos != 0) {									// we found it
 		if (refIndPos > propName) {							// not at begin
 			if (*(refIndPos - 1) != GCF_PROP_NAME_SEP) {	// not at a dot
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.ccu b/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.ccu
index 7234d9dea2a73a5c3a59acb226f503d8e81fd8f1..50869e5d953b4344e9fe559b5d11a11f1635929c 100644
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.ccu
+++ b/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.ccu
@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@ PVSS00event      | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |-f pvss_scripts.lst
 PVSS00sim        | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |
 PVSS00dist       | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |
-PVSS00ctrl       |   once |      30 |        2 |        2 |readStationBGPconnections.ctl
-PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |transferMPs.ctl
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |claim.ctl
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |monitorStateChanges.ctl
+PVSS00ctrl       |   once |      30 |        2 |        2 |readStationBGPconnections.ctl
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |monitorStateReset.ctl
 PVSS00ui         | manual |      30 |        2 |        2 |-m para
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.dist.station b/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.dist.station
index 1456b2e940ba8bf30ace0b3b81c8a6cbba66f3fa..0163de4f87f1d4d94307c4f43b9a98a461d2a205 100644
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.dist.station
+++ b/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.dist.station
@@ -10,9 +10,8 @@ PVSS00event      | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |-f pvss_scripts.lst
 PVSS00sim        | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |
 PVSS00dist       | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |
-PVSS00ctrl       |   once |      30 |        2 |        2 |readStationConfigs.ctl
-PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |transferMPs.ctl
-PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |claim.ctl
+PVSS00ctrl       |   once |      30 |        2 |        2 |claim.ctl
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |monitorStateChanges.ctl
+PVSS00ctrl       |   once |      30 |        2 |        2 |readStationConfigs.ctl
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |monitorStateReset.ctl
 PVSS00ui         | manual |      30 |        2 |        2 |-m para -display localhost:10.0
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.maincu b/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.maincu
index 64677f23a81e96527ec599f4fae01817ae2b4576..af37c7aa87aff90c2e1ab592e136a54984df5ceb 100644
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.maincu
+++ b/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.maincu
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ PVSS00event      | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |-f pvss_scripts.lst
 PVSS00sim        | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |
 PVSS00dist       | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |
-PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |transferMPs.ctl
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |claim.ctl
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |monitorStateChanges.ctl
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |monitorStateReset.ctl
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.standalone.station b/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.standalone.station
index 53bdf6f4b0e3e93a07645a75da5faa5eb7f83cc4..dfd4a6710abf356a7a6a7892207f4f1e241e6093 100644
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.standalone.station
+++ b/MAC/Navigator2/config/progs.standalone.station
@@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ PVSS00valarch    | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |-num 2
 PVSS00event      | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |-f pvss_scripts.lst
 PVSS00sim        | always |      30 |        3 |        1 |
-PVSS00ctrl       |   once |      30 |        2 |        2 |readStationConfigs.ctl
-PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |claim.ctl
-PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |transferMPs.ctl
+PVSS00ctrl       |   once |      30 |        2 |        2 |claim.ctl
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |monitorStateChanges.ctl
+PVSS00ctrl       |   once |      30 |        2 |        2 |readStationConfigs.ctl
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |monitorStateReset.ctl
 PVSS00ctrl       | always |      30 |        2 |        2 |monitorStationAlarms.ctl
 PVSS00ui         | manual |      30 |        2 |        2 |-m para -display localhost:10.0
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/CEP_Processes.pnl b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/CEP_Processes.pnl
index 4a178dc17d85d6d0a70c86f161f53303646d233e..94cf82ae878db3def26dc8dd64f8f8acad7c252f 100644
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/CEP_Processes.pnl
+++ b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/CEP_Processes.pnl
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ LANG:1 0
 3 41 "PANEL_REF42" -1
 "objects\\Processes\\controller_small.pnl" 0 280 T 55 1 0 1 0 15
 3 42 "PANEL_REF42" -1
 "objects\\Processes\\daemon_small.pnl" 0 40 T 55 1 0 1 0 20
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/MainCU_Processes.pnl b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/MainCU_Processes.pnl
index 54a1439643026c914129e00521b776d854122496..e0e6e35b6aeefb4c88f262014908a1a600d2bc30 100644
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/MainCU_Processes.pnl
+++ b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/MainCU_Processes.pnl
@@ -400,9 +400,9 @@ LANG:1 0
 3 20 "PANEL_REF21" -1
-"objects\\Processes\\controller_small.pnl" 0 280 T 35 1 0 1 0 -30
+"objects\\Processes\\controller_small.pnl" 0 280 T 35 1 0 1 0 -32
 3 21 "PANEL_REF22" -1
 "objects\\Processes\\daemon_small.pnl" 0 140 T 35 1 0 1 0 12
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/Station_Processes.pnl b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/Station_Processes.pnl
index 04e65629561017e2aa1075a4e1637f70f415974b..b2bd0c83af1a82cbd7e22058148d40fa48c21d62 100644
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/Station_Processes.pnl
+++ b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/Processes/Station_Processes.pnl
@@ -524,5 +524,5 @@ LANG:1 0
 3 38 "PANEL_REF39" -1
 "objects\\Processes\\controller_small.pnl" 10 470 T 44 1 0 1 -10 14
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/SWControler_small.pnl b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/SWControler_small.pnl
index 6f45caea2b8a35a38940d957d457afd60250c8b0..05fe78fa9d2516ba6f5c0e0ef0e9932cfe9754f0 100644
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/SWControler_small.pnl
+++ b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/SWControler_small.pnl
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ PANEL,-1 -1 388 166 N "_3DFace" 2
     if (dpExists(\"MCU001:LOFAR_PermSW_MACScheduler.activeObservations\")) {
       if (dpConnect(\"observationChanged\", \"MCU001:LOFAR_PermSW_MACScheduler.activeObservations:_online.._value\",
                                           \"MCU001:LOFAR_PermSW_MACScheduler.activeObservations:_online.._invalid\") == -1) {
-        LOG_ERROR(\"SWController_small.pnl:main|Couldn't connect to: MCU001:LOFAR_PermSW_MACScheduler.activeObservations\");
+        LOG_ERROR(\"Observation_small.pnl:main|Couldn't connect to: MCU001:LOFAR_PermSW_MACScheduler.activeObservations\");
     } else {
-      if (!isStandalone()) LOG_ERROR(\"SWController_small.pnl:main|Couldn't find DP to connect to: MCU001:LOFAR_PermSW_MACScheduler.activeObservations\");
+      if (!isStandalone()) LOG_ERROR(\"Observation_small.pnl:main|Couldn't find DP to connect to: MCU001:LOFAR_PermSW_MACScheduler.activeObservations\");
   }	else {
@@ -118,8 +118,7 @@ void dblClick() {
   if (dpExists(baseDP) ) {
     LOG_DEBUG(\"SWcontroller_small.pnl:DoubleClick|Setting currentDatapoint from : \"+g_currentDatapoint+\" to \"+baseDP);
-    //we also have to set the tabctrl to think this was initiated from the ProcessesTab, otherwise we will get the wrong panel.
-    navPanel_setEvent(\"Processes\",\"ChangeTab\");
+    navPanel_setEvent(station,\"ChangePanel\");
   // set delay to avoid click event will be triggered
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/daemon_big.pnl b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/daemon_big.pnl
index 46d485e4b37b53bf3a5937bc11eafdc8f77a7449..eaa9901f02d2b0fa8cefc1cf076500b9c1077904 100644
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/daemon_big.pnl
+++ b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/daemon_big.pnl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-V 11
+V 10
 LANG:1 0 
 PANEL,-1 -1 1013 750 N "_3DFace" 1
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ PANEL,-1 -1 1013 750 N "_3DFace" 1
+  LOG_DEBUG($daemonName+\".pnl:main|HardwareTree found: \"+ result);  
 updateStates(string dp1, string message, 
@@ -151,8 +153,9 @@ LANG:1 0
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,13,5,50,0,0,0,0,0
-0  28 168 992 462
+LANG:1 98 -*-MS Shell Dlg-*-r-normal-*-13-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-13,0,0,0,505,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
+ 28 168 992 462
 EE 1 0 1 5 1 "time" 12 1 0 "s" 1
 LANG:1 4 time
@@ -188,8 +191,9 @@ LANG:1 0
 LANG:1 2 #1
 10 30
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,13,5,50,0,0,0,0,0
-0 0 1 2 1 7
+LANG:1 98 -*-MS Shell Dlg-*-r-normal-*-13-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-13,0,0,0,505,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
+0 1 2 1 7
 1 0
 1 21 0 "" 1
@@ -206,8 +210,9 @@ LANG:1 0
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0
-0  138 48 991 69
+LANG:1 98 -*-MS Shell Dlg-*-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,505,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
+ 138 48 991 69
 2 "0s" 0 0 0 0 0 -1  E E E
 2 3
@@ -222,11 +227,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 480 10 677 30
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 480 10 677 31
 0 2 2 "0s" 0 0 0 192 0 0  480 10 1
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,16,5,75,0,0,0,0,0
-0 1
+LANG:1 101 -*-MS Shell Dlg-bold-r-normal-*-16-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-16,0,0,0,758,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
 LANG:1 22 Station: CTStartDaemon
 2 7
@@ -241,11 +247,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 34 84 115 97
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 34 84 115 98
 0 2 2 "0s" 0 0 0 192 0 0  34 84 1
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,75,0,0,0,0,0
-0 1
+LANG:1 101 -*-MS Shell Dlg-bold-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,758,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
 LANG:1 14 Current Action
 2 8
@@ -260,11 +267,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 34 51 128 64
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 34 51 128 65
 0 2 2 "0s" 0 0 0 192 0 0  34 51 1
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,75,0,0,0,0,0
-0 1
+LANG:1 101 -*-MS Shell Dlg-bold-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,758,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
 LANG:1 15 Status Message:
 14 9
@@ -279,8 +287,9 @@ LANG:1 0
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0
-0  138 78 432 99
+LANG:1 98 -*-MS Shell Dlg-*-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,505,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
+ 138 78 432 99
 2 "0s" 0 0 0 0 0 -1  E E E
 2 10
@@ -295,11 +304,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 34 114 106 127
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 34 114 106 128
 0 2 2 "0s" 0 0 0 192 0 0  34 114 1
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,75,0,0,0,0,0
-0 1
+LANG:1 101 -*-MS Shell Dlg-bold-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,758,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
 LANG:1 13 Current Error
 14 11
@@ -314,8 +324,9 @@ LANG:1 0
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0
-0  138 108 432 129
+LANG:1 98 -*-MS Shell Dlg-*-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,505,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
+ 138 108 432 129
 2 "0s" 0 0 0 0 0 -1  E E E
 2 12
@@ -330,11 +341,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 34 150 119 163
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 34 150 119 164
 0 2 2 "0s" 0 0 0 192 0 0  34 150 1
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,75,0,0,0,0,0
-0 1
+LANG:1 101 -*-MS Shell Dlg-bold-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,758,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
 LANG:1 13 Log Messages:
 2 13
@@ -349,11 +361,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 32 472 124 485
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 32 472 124 486
 0 2 2 "0s" 0 0 0 192 0 0  32 472 1
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,75,0,0,0,0,0
-0 1
+LANG:1 101 -*-MS Shell Dlg-bold-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,758,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
 LANG:1 14 Daemon Values:
 2 15
@@ -368,11 +381,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 462 84 516 97
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 462 84 516 98
 0 2 2 "0s" 0 0 0 192 0 0  462 84 1
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,75,0,0,0,0,0
-0 1
+LANG:1 101 -*-MS Shell Dlg-bold-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,758,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
 LANG:1 9 StartTime
 2 16
@@ -387,11 +401,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 462 114 515 127
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 462 114 515 128
 0 2 2 "0s" 0 0 0 192 0 0  462 114 1
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,75,0,0,0,0,0
-0 1
+LANG:1 101 -*-MS Shell Dlg-bold-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,758,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
 LANG:1 8 StopTime
 14 17
@@ -406,8 +421,9 @@ LANG:1 0
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0
-0  530 78 824 99
+LANG:1 98 -*-MS Shell Dlg-*-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,505,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
+ 530 78 824 99
 2 "0s" 0 0 0 0 0 -1  E E E
 14 18
@@ -422,8 +438,9 @@ LANG:1 0
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0
-0  530 108 824 129
+LANG:1 98 -*-MS Shell Dlg-*-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,505,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
+ 530 108 824 129
 2 "0s" 0 0 0 0 0 -1  E E E
 2 19
@@ -438,11 +455,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 852 84 869 97
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  1 E 852 84 869 98
 0 2 2 "0s" 0 0 0 192 0 0  852 84 1
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,75,0,0,0,0,0
-0 1
+LANG:1 101 -*-MS Shell Dlg-bold-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,758,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
 LANG:1 3 ID:
 14 20
@@ -457,8 +475,9 @@ LANG:1 0
-LANG:1 33 MS Shell Dlg,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0
-0  870 78 990 99
+LANG:1 98 -*-MS Shell Dlg-*-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1|-11,0,0,0,505,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,MS Shell Dlg
+0 ""
+ 870 78 990 99
 2 "0s" 0 0 0 0 0 -1  E E E
 LAYER, 1 
@@ -489,7 +508,7 @@ LAYER, 7
 LANG:1 0 
-3 0 "selfState" -1
+3 0 "selfState"
 "objects\\lofar_self_state.pnl" 9.500000000000011 10.5 T 1 1 0 1 0.499999999999993 2.5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/stationSWLevelView.pnl b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/stationSWLevelView.pnl
index c38abba4a042ebb95737e7d3d41f8cf8ba3b5523..932c6f11710c0c24af609fa6287edca8a8c40ce2 100644
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/stationSWLevelView.pnl
+++ b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/Processes/stationSWLevelView.pnl
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ LANG:1 0
 3 1 "PANEL_REF1" -1
 "objects\\Processes\\SWControler_small.pnl" 0 0 T 18 U 
 3 2 "PANEL_REF2" -1
 "objects\\Processes\\SWControler_small.pnl" 20 0 T 19 1 0 1 -4 0
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/swlevel.pnl b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/swlevel.pnl
index a88023126f034dd3a4a857f2634977bfb6b8106f..c2b4d265795bcd1b89b8c505829619d967690bfa 100644
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/swlevel.pnl
+++ b/MAC/Navigator2/panels/objects/swlevel.pnl
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ PANEL,-1 -1 251 88 N "_3DFace" 1
   station = $station;
   station_text.text = station;
-  baseDP = station+\":LOFAR_PermSW_Daemons_SoftwareMonitor\";
+  baseDP = station+\":LOFAR_PermSW_SoftwareMonitor\";
   if (dpExists(baseDP)) {
@@ -19,56 +19,14 @@ PANEL,-1 -1 251 88 N "_3DFace" 1
 " 0
- E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
- 1 -1 -1 0  0 0
+ E E E E 1 -1 -1 0  0 0
 ""0  1
 E "#uses \"navPanel.ctl\"
 string station = \"\";
 string baseDP=\"\";
-bool bDoubleClicked  = false;
 int filled=0;
-// routine for single mouse click
-void click() {
-  // set delay in case double click was meant
-  delay(0, 100); 
-  if (!bDoubleClicked) {
-    navPanel_setEvent(station,\"EventClick\");
-  }
-// routine for double mouse click
-void dblClick() {
-  // indicate this is a doubleClick
-  bDoubleClicked = true;   
-  if (dpExists(baseDP) ) {
-    LOG_DEBUG(\"swlevel.pnl:DoubleClick|Setting currentDatapoint from : \"+g_currentDatapoint+\" to \"+baseDP);
-    g_currentDatapoint=baseDP;
-    navPanel_setEvent(station,\"ChangePanel\");
-  }
-  // set delay to avoid click event will be triggered
-  delay(0, 500);
-  bDoubleClicked = false;  
-// routine for right mouse click
-void rClick() {
 // ****************************************
 // Name: showLogging   
@@ -197,15 +155,7 @@ LANG:1 0
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 0 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -214,24 +164,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -180 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -180 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 2 1
 1 10 9 E E E 1 E 1 E N "_WindowText" E N "_Transparent" E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 1 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -240,11 +178,7 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E U  0 E 10 9 38 22
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E U  0 E 10 9 38 22
 0 2 2 "0s" 0 0 0 192 0 0  10 9 1
 LANG:1 34 MS Shell Dlg 2,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0
@@ -254,15 +188,7 @@ LANG:1 5 cs001
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 2 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -271,24 +197,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -175 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -175 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 3
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 3 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -297,24 +211,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -170 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -170 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 4
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 4 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -323,24 +225,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -165 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -165 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 5
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 5 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -349,24 +239,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -160 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -160 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 6
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 6 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -375,24 +253,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -155 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -155 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 7
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 7 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -401,24 +267,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -150 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -150 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 8
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 8 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -427,24 +281,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -145 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -145 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 9
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 9 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -453,24 +295,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -140 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -140 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 10
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 10 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -479,24 +309,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -135 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -135 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 11
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 11 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -505,24 +323,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -130 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -130 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 12
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 12 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -531,24 +337,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -125 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -125 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 13
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 13 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -557,24 +351,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -120 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -120 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 14
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 14 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -583,24 +365,12 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -115 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -115 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 6 15
 1 230 150 E E E 1 E 1 E N {0,0,0} E N {255,255,255} E E
- "main()
-  rClick();
-}" 0
- "main(int x, int y)
-  dblClick();
-}" 0
+ E E
 15 0 0 0 0 0
 E E E
@@ -609,11 +379,7 @@ LANG:1 0
 "dashclr"N "_Transparent"
-E "main(int x, int y)
-  click();
-}" 0
- 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -110 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
+E E 0 1 1 2 1 E 1 0 1 -110 -140 1 E 230 150 234 159
 LAYER, 1 
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator2/scripts/transferMPs.ctl b/MAC/Navigator2/scripts/transferMPs.ctl
deleted file mode 100644
index df3585c138e95c0c3b66906f9f6587ad801625db..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MAC/Navigator2/scripts/transferMPs.ctl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#uses "da.ctl"
-// To copy all _mp defined functionality (archives , dp_fct etc to the real DP's
-// we use this script after setup (or each time that the scriptInfo.paramDone is set to false)
-// we run this script
-bool bDebug=false;
-void main()
-  // connect to debugflag to be able to switch debug on/off during run
-    if (dpExists("scriptInfo.transferMPs.debug")) {
-    dpConnect("debugCB",true,"scriptInfo.transferMPs.debug");
-  } else {
-    DebugTN("transferMPs.ctl:main|scriptInfo.transferMPs.runDone point not found in Database");  
-    exit();
-  } 
-  if (dpExists("scriptInfo.transferMPs.runDone")) {
-    dpConnect("startTransferMP",true,"scriptInfo.transferMPs.runDone");
-  } else {
-    DebugTN("transferMPs.ctl:main|scriptInfo.transferMPs.runDone point not found in Database");  
-    exit();
-  } 
-private void debugCB(string dp1, bool debug) {
-  if (bDebug != debug) bDebug=debug;
-// Transfer all _mp_settings to all DP's
-private void startTransferMP(string dp1, bool done ) {
-  int        i, j, k, l, ll, l1, iError;
-  dyn_float  df;
-  dyn_string dsConfigs, ds;
-  string     sDestinationDPE;
-  if (done) return;
-  DebugTN("transferMPs.ctl:main|start transfer of MPconfigs to all DP's");     
-  string query="SELECT '_original.._value' FROM '_mp_*'";
-  dyn_dyn_anytype tab;
-  dyn_string dps;
-  dpQuery(query,tab);
-  string olddp="";
-  for(int z=2;z<=dynlen(tab);z++) {
-    string dp = dpSubStr(tab[z][1],DPSUB_DP);
-    if (olddp != dp) {
-      olddp=dp;
-      if (!skipDP(dp)) {
-        dynAppend(dps,dp);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  for (k=1;k <= dynlen(dps); k++) {
-    string dpstr = dps[k];
-    dyn_string dsDpes = dpNames( dpstr + ".**"),
-               dsDps = dpNames("*",dpTypeName(dpstr));
-    // no datapoints found
-    if ( dynlen(dsDps) > 1 ) {
-      l = dynlen(dsDpes);
-      l1 = dynlen(dsDps);
-      ll = l * (l1 - 1);
-      // !!! dynlen(dsDpes) * dynlen(dsDps) verwenden mit der 2-Sek-Verzögerung
-      for ( i = 1; i <= l; i++ ) {
-        if ( strpos(dsDpes[i],".") < 1 ) dsDpes[i] += ".";
-        dsConfigs = dpNames( dsDpes[i] + ":*" );
-        for ( j = dynlen(dsConfigs); j > 0; j--) {
-          strreplace(dsConfigs[j], dsDpes[i] + ":", "");
-        }
-        if ( dynlen(dsConfigs) < 1 ) continue;
-        for ( j = 1; j <= dynlen(dsDps); j++ ) {
-          if ( dpSubStr(dsDps[j],DPSUB_DP) == dpSubStr(dsDpes[i],DPSUB_DP) ) {
-            continue;
-          }
-          sDestinationDPE = dsDpes[i];
-          strreplace( sDestinationDPE, dpSubStr(dsDpes[i], DPSUB_DP), dpSubStr(dsDps[j], DPSUB_DP));
-          daCheckDPE(sDestinationDPE);
-          dpCopyConfig(dsDpes[i], sDestinationDPE, dsConfigs, iError);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  dpSet("scriptInfo.transferMPs.runDone",true);
-  DebugTN("MPTransfer Done.");
-bool skipDP(string dp) {
-// We only want to look at our own DB points that have a _mp_ sadly enough PVSS 
-// keeps some of their own datapoints in the database, and there is no way to 
-// determine what are theirs and what are or own points, other then a hard compare.
-  if (strpos(dp,"_mp__") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"WH_SC_SUB") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"WH_SC1") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"ANALOG1") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"ANALOG2") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"DRIVE1") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"DRIVE2") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"SETPOINT") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"SLIDE_VALVE1") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"SLIDE_VALVE2") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"PUMP2") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"PUMP1") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"BIT_CONDITION") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"COUNTER1") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"COUNTER_SUB") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"LABOR_ANALOG") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"LABOR_COUNTER") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"SLIDE_VALVE_HAND1") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"WH_SC_SERVICE") > -1) return true;
-  if (strpos(dp,"MODE_CMD") > -1) return true;
-  return false;
diff --git a/RTCP/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/CMakeLists.txt
index 451670af3bd0a6a8c72f3e385d2abe3e3b36b40e..8e2e58a08747b8d7b636a982c74e0962e6f740db 100644
--- a/RTCP/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/RTCP/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@ lofar_add_package(Interface) # Interfaces between RTCP product components
 lofar_add_package(FCNP)      # BlueGene: Fast Collective Network Protocol
 lofar_add_package(CNProc)    # BlueGene: Compute-Node Processing applications 
 lofar_add_package(IONProc)   # BlueGene: I/O Node Processing applications 
-lofar_add_package(InputProc) # GPU cluster: Station Input Retrieval and Redistribution applications 
 lofar_add_package(Storage)   # Stores correlator output in MeasurmentSets
-#lofar_add_package(GPUProc)   # GPU version
-#lofar_add_package(RTCPTools) # Several RTCP tools
 lofar_add_package(Run)       # Run scripts to start RTCP components
 lofar_add_package(LofarStMan)# Storage Manager for the main table of a LOFAR MS
 lofar_add_package(MetaDataGatherer)# Pulls in meta data from OTDB etc
diff --git a/RTCP/CNProc/src/AsyncTranspose.h b/RTCP/CNProc/src/AsyncTranspose.h
index 9c7d36afb96eca86b2aed62d6c894d41631d9696..f74538454fbd86186302526b84a952d5128edb21 100644
--- a/RTCP/CNProc/src/AsyncTranspose.h
+++ b/RTCP/CNProc/src/AsyncTranspose.h
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> class AsyncTranspose
   unsigned itsNrSubbands;
   unsigned itsNrSubbandsPerPset;
-  unsigned itsNrTABs;
+  unsigned itsNrPencilBeams;
   // A mapping that tells us, if we receive a message from a source,
   // to which pset that source belongs.
diff --git a/RTCP/CNProc/src/BeamFormer.cc b/RTCP/CNProc/src/BeamFormer.cc
index 3c6f3065b476824de505a24832532a8a3f394c4e..1c2c04e01aaaeea45d96822747c7769704c586ed 100644
--- a/RTCP/CNProc/src/BeamFormer.cc
+++ b/RTCP/CNProc/src/BeamFormer.cc
@@ -30,18 +30,18 @@ BeamFormer::BeamFormer(const Parset &parset)
-  itsChannelBandwidth(parset.subbandBandwidth() / parset.CNintegrationSteps())
+  itsChannelBandwidth(parset.sampleRate() / parset.CNintegrationSteps())
 Matrix<std::vector<unsigned> > BeamFormer::initStationIndices(const Parset &parset)
-  Matrix<std::vector<unsigned> > indexMatrix(parset.nrBeams(), parset.maxNrTABs());
+  Matrix<std::vector<unsigned> > indexMatrix(parset.nrBeams(), parset.maxNrPencilBeams());
   for (unsigned sap = 0; sap < parset.nrBeams(); sap++) {
-    for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < parset.nrTABs(sap); pencil++) {
-      const std::vector<std::string> stations = parset.TABStationList(sap, pencil);
+    for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < parset.nrPencilBeams(sap); pencil++) {
+      const std::vector<std::string> stations = parset.pencilBeamStationList(sap, pencil);
       std::vector<unsigned> &indexList = indexMatrix[sap][pencil];
diff --git a/RTCP/CNProc/src/BeamFormer.h b/RTCP/CNProc/src/BeamFormer.h
index fe5ecbf99cc971c5cef5a962be00f9981fb5fe14..949e6575114984dbfd51c112bc26fd61105b021e 100644
--- a/RTCP/CNProc/src/BeamFormer.h
+++ b/RTCP/CNProc/src/BeamFormer.h
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ namespace RTCP {
    This beam former supports three modes:
-   1) merging stations, using the mergeStations function.
-   2) creating tied-array beams (TABs), using the formBeams function.
+   1) merging stations, as indicated by the station2BeamFormedStation array.
+   2) creating pencil beams, as indicated by the nrPencilBeams and metaData parameters.
    3) creating a 'fly's eye', which is a variation on mode 2, except
       that each station creates its own beam (i.e. the data is copied).
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ namespace RTCP {
    source -> dest of length nrStations. Multiple sources with the same dest are added and stored at dest.
    If the station2BeamFormedStation array is empty, source and dest are mapped 1:1 and no stations are merged.
-   Creating tied-array beams
+   Creating pencil beams
-   Pencil beams are created by specifying their number as nrBeams in the formBeams function, and by the
-   delays as provided by the metaData given to formBeams. If nrTABs = 0, the target data structure
+   Pencil beams are created by specifying their number as nrPencilBeams upon construction, and by the
+   delays as provided by the metaData given to formBeams. If nrPencilBeams = 0, the target data structure
    remains untouched.
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class BeamFormer
     // return the station mapping
     std::vector<unsigned> &getStationMapping();
-    Matrix<double>          itsDelays; // [itsNrStations][BEST_NRBEAMS]
+    Matrix<double>          itsDelays; // [itsNrStations][itsNrPencilBeams]
     unsigned calcNrBeamFormedStations();
     Matrix<std::vector<unsigned> > initStationIndices( const Parset &parset );
diff --git a/RTCP/CNProc/src/CN_Processing.cc b/RTCP/CNProc/src/CN_Processing.cc
index fb9d3488d0cef29ee2382b480bfb3667ef456e21..d33f7400dca296d3348eb3fa788689ef4f1dad5f 100644
--- a/RTCP/CNProc/src/CN_Processing.cc
+++ b/RTCP/CNProc/src/CN_Processing.cc
@@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> CN_Processing<SAMPLE_TYPE>::CN_Processing(const
   unsigned nrMergedStations  = parset.nrMergedStations();
   itsNrSubbands              = parset.nrSubbands();
   itsSubbandToSAPmapping     = parset.subbandToSAPmapping();
-  itsNrTABs                  = parset.nrTABs();
-  itsMaxNrTABs	             = parset.maxNrTABs();
-  itsTotalNrTABs	     = parset.totalNrTABs();
+  itsNrPencilBeams           = parset.nrPencilBeams();
+  itsMaxNrPencilBeams	     = parset.maxNrPencilBeams();
+  itsTotalNrPencilBeams	     = parset.totalNrPencilBeams();
   itsNrSubbandsPerPset       = parset.nrSubbandsPerPset();
   itsCenterFrequencies       = parset.subbandToFrequencyMapping();
   itsNrChannels		     = parset.nrChannelsPerSubband();
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> CN_Processing<SAMPLE_TYPE>::CN_Processing(const
   if (itsHasPhaseOne) {
     itsFirstInputSubband = new Ring(0, itsNrSubbandsPerPset, phaseTwoCoreIndex, phaseOneTwoCores.size());
     itsInputData = new InputData<SAMPLE_TYPE>(itsPhaseTwoPsetSize, parset.nrSamplesToCNProc(), itsBigAllocator);
-    itsInputSubbandMetaData = new SubbandMetaData(itsPhaseTwoPsetSize, itsMaxNrTABs + 1);
+    itsInputSubbandMetaData = new SubbandMetaData(itsPhaseTwoPsetSize, itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1);
     // skip ahead to the first block
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> CN_Processing<SAMPLE_TYPE>::CN_Processing(const
     // skip ahead to the first block
-    itsTransposedSubbandMetaData = new SubbandMetaData(itsNrStations, itsTotalNrTABs + 1);
+    itsTransposedSubbandMetaData = new SubbandMetaData(itsNrStations, itsTotalNrPencilBeams + 1);
     itsTransposedInputData = new TransposedData<SAMPLE_TYPE>(itsNrStations, parset.nrSamplesToCNProc(), itsBigAllocator);
 #if defined HAVE_MPI
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> CN_Processing<SAMPLE_TYPE>::CN_Processing(const
       LOG_DEBUG_STR("Processes subbands " << itsCurrentSubband->list());
 #endif // HAVE_MPI
-    itsPPF	    = new PPF<SAMPLE_TYPE>(itsNrStations, itsNrChannels, itsNrSamplesPerIntegration, parset.subbandBandwidth() / itsNrChannels, parset.delayCompensation() || itsTotalNrTABs > 1 || parset.correctClocks(), parset.correctBandPass(), itsLocationInfo.rank() == 0);
+    itsPPF	    = new PPF<SAMPLE_TYPE>(itsNrStations, itsNrChannels, itsNrSamplesPerIntegration, parset.sampleRate() / itsNrChannels, parset.delayCompensation() || itsTotalNrPencilBeams > 1 || parset.correctClocks(), parset.correctBandPass(), itsLocationInfo.rank() == 0);
     itsFilteredData = new FilteredData(parset.nrStations(), parset.nrChannelsPerSubband(), parset.CNintegrationSteps(), itsBigAllocator);
     if (parset.onlineFlagging() && parset.onlinePreCorrelationFlagging()) {
@@ -243,10 +243,10 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> CN_Processing<SAMPLE_TYPE>::CN_Processing(const
       itsBeamFormedData = new BeamFormedData(BeamFormer::BEST_NRBEAMS, itsNrChannels, itsNrSamplesPerIntegration, itsBigAllocator);
       if (LOG_CONDITION)
-        LOG_DEBUG_STR("Considering dedispersion for " << itsTotalNrTABs << " pencil beams");
+        LOG_DEBUG_STR("Considering dedispersion for " << itsTotalNrPencilBeams << " pencil beams");
-      itsCoherentDMs.resize(itsTotalNrTABs, 0.0);
-      itsIncoherentDMs.resize(itsTotalNrTABs, 0.0);
+      itsCoherentDMs.resize(itsTotalNrPencilBeams, 0.0);
+      itsIncoherentDMs.resize(itsTotalNrPencilBeams, 0.0);
       bool dedisperseCoherent = false;
       bool dedisperseIncoherent = false;
@@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> CN_Processing<SAMPLE_TYPE>::CN_Processing(const
       unsigned nrSAPs = parset.nrBeams();
       for (unsigned sap = 0; sap < nrSAPs; sap++) {
-        for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsNrTABs[sap]; pencil++) {
+        for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsNrPencilBeams[sap]; pencil++) {
           double DM = parset.dispersionMeasure(sap, pencil);
-          if(LOG_CONDITION) LOG_DEBUG_STR("DM for beam " << sap << " TAB " << pencil << " is " << DM);
+          if(LOG_CONDITION) LOG_DEBUG_STR("DM for beam " << sap << " pencil " << pencil << " is " << DM);
           if (DM != 0.0) {
             if (parset.isCoherent(sap, pencil)) {
@@ -309,10 +309,10 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> CN_Processing<SAMPLE_TYPE>::CN_Processing(const
       itsBeamArena      = new FixedArena(itsBeamMemory.ptr, max_totalsize);
       itsBeamAllocator  = new SparseSetAllocator(*itsBeamArena.get()); // allocates consecutively
-      itsPreTransposeBeamFormedData.resize(itsMaxNrTABs);
+      itsPreTransposeBeamFormedData.resize(itsMaxNrPencilBeams);
       if (LOG_CONDITION) {
-        LOG_DEBUG_STR("MaxNrTABs = " << itsMaxNrTABs << ", TotalNrTABs = " << itsTotalNrTABs);
+        LOG_DEBUG_STR("MaxNrPencilBeams = " << itsMaxNrPencilBeams << ", TotalNrPencilBeams = " << itsTotalNrPencilBeams);
         LOG_DEBUG_STR("Allocated " << max_totalsize << " bytes for beam forming.");
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> double CN_Processing<SAMPLE_TYPE>::blockAge()
 template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void CN_Processing<SAMPLE_TYPE>::receiveInput()
-  SubbandMetaData metaData(1, itsMaxNrTABs + 1);
+  SubbandMetaData metaData(1, itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1);
   for (unsigned stat = 0; stat < itsNrStations; stat ++) {
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> int CN_Processing<SAMPLE_TYPE>::transposeBeams(u
     unsigned subband = *itsCurrentSubband;
     unsigned sap = itsSubbandToSAPmapping[subband];
-    unsigned nrBeams = itsNrTABs[sap];
+    unsigned nrBeams = itsNrPencilBeams[sap];
     unsigned coherentPart   = itsTranspose2Logic.myPart(subband, true);
     unsigned incoherentPart = itsTranspose2Logic.myPart(subband, false);
diff --git a/RTCP/CNProc/src/CN_Processing.h b/RTCP/CNProc/src/CN_Processing.h
index a1f31471e91c75742f850c67aef1f7b6504b8cfb..991b60b385254a316b8f302953e93ec71c56d714 100644
--- a/RTCP/CNProc/src/CN_Processing.h
+++ b/RTCP/CNProc/src/CN_Processing.h
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> class CN_Processing : public CN_Processing_Base
     unsigned		itsNrSlotsInFrame;
     unsigned		itsNrSubbands;
     std::vector<unsigned> itsSubbandToSAPmapping;
-    std::vector<unsigned> itsNrTABs;
-    unsigned		itsMaxNrTABs, itsTotalNrTABs;
+    std::vector<unsigned> itsNrPencilBeams;
+    unsigned		itsMaxNrPencilBeams, itsTotalNrPencilBeams;
     unsigned		itsNrSubbandsPerPset;
     unsigned		itsNrSubbandsPerPart;
     unsigned		itsNrChannels;
@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> class CN_Processing : public CN_Processing_Base
     const Parset        &itsParset;
     const std::vector<SmartPtr<Stream> > &itsInputStreams;
     SmartPtr<Stream>	itsCorrelatedDataStream;
     SmartPtr<Stream>	itsFinalBeamFormedDataStream;
     SmartPtr<Stream>	itsTriggerDataStream;
diff --git a/RTCP/CNProc/src/Dedispersion.cc b/RTCP/CNProc/src/Dedispersion.cc
index 908eae519d24cd4d8886cbe2d7e0bac889afd14c..9fceb5e91c61971bea074e5f8d7ce6efa3dac239 100644
--- a/RTCP/CNProc/src/Dedispersion.cc
+++ b/RTCP/CNProc/src/Dedispersion.cc
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Dedispersion::Dedispersion(const Parset &parset, const std::vector<unsigned> &su
-  itsChannelBandwidth(parset.subbandBandwidth() / itsNrChannels),
+  itsChannelBandwidth(parset.sampleRate() / itsNrChannels),
   itsFFTedBuffer(NR_POLARIZATIONS, itsFFTsize),
diff --git a/RTCP/CNProc/src/LocationInfo.cc b/RTCP/CNProc/src/LocationInfo.cc
index 3fd649893da8f1328db66627c3f75400c06a4ec5..b08b5d2e01b04c7fb25861352e4391c00d27f8e3 100644
--- a/RTCP/CNProc/src/LocationInfo.cc
+++ b/RTCP/CNProc/src/LocationInfo.cc
@@ -43,14 +43,8 @@ LocationInfo::LocationInfo()
   itsNrPsets    = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned>(nrPsetsStr);
   itsPsetSize   = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned>(psetSizeStr);
-  itsPsetNumber = 0;
-  itsRankInPset = itsRank;
   itsPsetNumber = itsRank % itsNrPsets;
   itsRankInPset = itsRank / itsNrPsets;
   ASSERT( itsPsetNumber < itsNrPsets );
diff --git a/RTCP/CNProc/test/tCN_Processing.cc b/RTCP/CNProc/test/tCN_Processing.cc
index 4ed3d9470b4d1c40daa5ba60c8c4d202d9c780c3..a8ae73b64d40478ef40d77cf5839f5ffb257711e 100644
--- a/RTCP/CNProc/test/tCN_Processing.cc
+++ b/RTCP/CNProc/test/tCN_Processing.cc
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ template <> inline void toComplex<i16complex>(double phi, i16complex &z)
-template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void setSubbandTestPattern(SubbandMetaData &metaData, TransposedData<SAMPLE_TYPE> &transposedData, unsigned nrStations, double signalFrequency, double subbandBandwidth)
+template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void setSubbandTestPattern(SubbandMetaData &metaData, TransposedData<SAMPLE_TYPE> &transposedData, unsigned nrStations, double signalFrequency, double sampleRate)
   // Simulate a monochrome complex signal into the PPF, with station 1 at a
   // distance of .25 labda to introduce a delay.  Also, a few samples can be
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void setSubbandTestPattern(SubbandMetaData &meta
   for (unsigned time = 0; time < transposedData.samples[0].size(); time ++) {
-    double phi = 2 * M_PI * signalFrequency * time / subbandBandwidth;
+    double phi = 2 * M_PI * signalFrequency * time / sampleRate;
     SAMPLE_TYPE sample;
     toComplex(phi, sample);
@@ -178,13 +178,13 @@ void checkCorrelatorTestPattern(const CorrelatedData &correlatedData, unsigned n
 template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void doWork()
   unsigned   nrStations			= 288;
-  unsigned   nrChannels			= 256;
+  unsigned   nrChannels			= 64;
   unsigned   nrSamplesPerIntegration	= 196608 / nrChannels;
-  double     subbandBandwidth		= 195312.5;
-  double     centerFrequency		= 384 * subbandBandwidth;
-  double     baseFrequency		= centerFrequency - .5 * subbandBandwidth;
+  double     sampleRate			= 195312.5;
+  double     centerFrequency		= 384 * sampleRate;
+  double     baseFrequency		= centerFrequency - .5 * sampleRate;
   double     testSignalChannel		= nrChannels / 5.0;
-  double     signalFrequency		= baseFrequency + testSignalChannel * subbandBandwidth / nrChannels;
+  double     signalFrequency		= baseFrequency + testSignalChannel * sampleRate / nrChannels;
   unsigned   nrHistorySamples		= nrChannels > 1 ? nrChannels * (NR_TAPS - 1) : 0;
   unsigned   nrSamplesToCNProc		= nrChannels * nrSamplesPerIntegration + nrHistorySamples + 32 / sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE[NR_POLARIZATIONS]);
@@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void doWork()
   CorrelatedData correlatedData(nrBeamFormedStations, nrChannels, nrChannels * nrSamplesPerIntegration);
   SubbandMetaData metaData(nrStations, 1);
-  PPF<SAMPLE_TYPE> ppf(nrStations, nrChannels, nrSamplesPerIntegration, subbandBandwidth / nrChannels, true /* use delay compensation */, true /* use bandpass correction */, true /* verbose in filter bank */);
+  PPF<SAMPLE_TYPE> ppf(nrStations, nrChannels, nrSamplesPerIntegration, sampleRate / nrChannels, true /* use delay compensation */, true /* use bandpass correction */, true /* verbose in filter bank */);
   Correlator	   correlator(beamFormer.getStationMapping(), nrChannels, nrSamplesPerIntegration);
-  setSubbandTestPattern(metaData, transposedData, nrStations, signalFrequency, subbandBandwidth);
+  setSubbandTestPattern(metaData, transposedData, nrStations, signalFrequency, sampleRate);
   for (unsigned stat = 0; stat < nrStations; stat ++) {
     static NSTimer ppfTimer("PPF", true);
diff --git a/RTCP/CNProc/test/tInversePPF.cc b/RTCP/CNProc/test/tInversePPF.cc
index d67c01d1f2b5eb75c515fdd3d4ba80843a287349..e84c253ca48b4c28bcf045dcf2fbd2658b32bfef 100644
--- a/RTCP/CNProc/test/tInversePPF.cc
+++ b/RTCP/CNProc/test/tInversePPF.cc
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ static unsigned nrChannels = 1; // for the NuMoon pipeline, there are no separat
 //static unsigned nrSamplesPerIntegration = 768 * 256 / 4; // one quarter of a second
 static unsigned nrSamplesPerIntegration = 19648; // roughly 0.1 seconds
 //static unsigned nrSamplesPerIntegration = 64;
-static double subbandBandwidth = 195312.5;
-static double centerFrequency = (nrSamplesPerIntegration / 2) * subbandBandwidth;
-static double signalFrequency = centerFrequency - (0.5 * subbandBandwidth);
+static double sampleRate = 195312.5;
+static double centerFrequency = (nrSamplesPerIntegration / 2) * sampleRate;
+static double signalFrequency = centerFrequency - (0.5 * sampleRate);
 float originalStationPPFWeightsFloat[1024][16];
 float* fftInData;
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ static void fftTest() {
   // generate signal
   for (unsigned time = 0; time < onStationFilterSize; time++) {
-    double val = sin(signalFrequency * time / subbandBandwidth);
+    double val = sin(signalFrequency * time / sampleRate);
     fftInData[time] = val;
     inputData[time] = val;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/GPUProc/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 17281054eed5f5a514cdb7279a0a41e98df1865e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: CMakeLists.txt 16350 2010-09-20 13:14:52Z nieuwpoort $
-lofar_package(GPUProc 1.0 DEPENDS Common Stream Interface OpenCL_FFT)
-lofar_find_package(OpenMP REQUIRED)
-lofar_find_package(OpenCL REQUIRED)
-lofar_find_package(Boost REQUIRED)
-lofar_find_package(Casacore COMPONENTS measures REQUIRED)
-lofar_find_package(FFTW3 COMPONENTS single)
-  lofar_find_package(FFTW2 COMPONENTS single real)
-    message(SEND_ERROR "Should have FFTW3 or FFTW2 installed.")
-  endif(NOT FFTW2_FOUND)
-  add_definitions(-DUSE_VALGRIND)
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cd67bd80a7144ac55300b9fe9c5e2d7d8d9bfe5f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: CMakeLists.txt 17975 2011-05-10 09:52:51Z mol $
-lofar_package(OpenCL_FFT 1.0)
-lofar_find_package(OpenCL REQUIRED)
-  add_definitions(-DUSE_VALGRIND)
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/AccelerateError.pdf b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/AccelerateError.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 55cd832de7c8b8a1e4ce0e1a640c0d659480b69e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/AccelerateError.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aaab421d0236d24142d133b2c89da1089288397..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: CMakeLists.txt 17003 2011-01-06 08:54:59Z romein $
-# Create symbolic link to include directory.
-execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink
-# Add current source directory to -I path. This is needed because OpenCL_FFT uses
-# angle brackets for internal header files, instead of quotes.
-  #Package__Version.cc
-  fft_execute.cpp
-  fft_kernelstring.cpp
-  fft_setup.cpp)
-lofar_add_library(opencl_fft ${OpenCL_FFT_LIB_SRCS})
-#lofar_add_bin_program(versionopencl_fft versionopencl_fft.cc) #FIXME
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/Error.pdf b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/Error.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d252a9c1a0acdfac432caa11e11d705e9d8acc0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/Error.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/Makefile b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a25689ec2b15f91e630c4d731748f42f5dc41c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-SRCS = fft_execute.cpp fft_setup.cpp fft_kernelstring.cpp
-HEADERS = procs.h fft_internal.h fft_base_kernels.h clFFT.h
-LIBRARY = libOpenCL_FFT.a
-COMPILERFLAGS = -c -g -Wall -Werror -O3 -I..
-CC = g++
-OBJECTS = fft_execute.o fft_setup.o fft_kernelstring.o
-all: $(LIBRARY)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS)
-	ar r $@ $^
-	rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS)
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/Makefile.not b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/Makefile.not
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c65cd84a7c59a494d0891ee9ac7443c1dbcc463..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/Makefile.not
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-ATF = -framework ATF
-SRCS = fft_execute.cpp fft_setup.cpp main.cpp fft_kernelstring.cpp
-HEADERS = procs.h fft_internal.h fft_base_kernels.h clFFT.h
-TARGET = test_clFFT
-COMPILERFLAGS = -c -g -Wall -Werror -O3
-CC = g++
-LIBRARIES = -framework OpenCL -framework Accelerate -framework AppKit ${RC_CFLAGS} ${ATF}
-OBJECTS = fft_execute.o fft_setup.o main.o fft_kernelstring.o
-all: $(TARGET)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS)
-	$(CC) $(OBJECTS) -o $@ $(LIBRARIES)
-	rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS)
-	@echo The target \"$@\" does not exist in Makefile.
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/OpenCLError.pdf b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/OpenCLError.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index c42309ff5196000bf9c83f5a7347564312db5a94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/OpenCLError.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/OpenCL_FFT.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/OpenCL_FFT.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 5474161f048eb2b61197875e1ff642b9289aad9e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/OpenCL_FFT.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
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-		BE94A7B3108AB33000C1AD87 /* fft_kernelstring.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BE94A7B2108AB33000C1AD87 /* fft_kernelstring.cpp */; };
-		BE94A83D108AF8A100C1AD87 /* fft_setup.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BE94A83C108AF8A100C1AD87 /* fft_setup.cpp */; };
-		BEE709AF1097B8DD0017B8A5 /* main.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BEE709AE1097B8DD0017B8A5 /* main.cpp */; };
-		BEEA39EE108BD89D00729F49 /* fft_execute.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BEEA39ED108BD89D00729F49 /* fft_execute.cpp */; };
-/* End PBXBuildFile section */
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-			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 1;
-		};
-/* End PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */
-/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
-		8DD76F6C0486A84900D96B5E /* OpenCL_FFT */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "compiled.mach-o.executable"; includeInIndex = 0; path = OpenCL_FFT; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
-		BE94A7B2108AB33000C1AD87 /* fft_kernelstring.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = fft_kernelstring.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
-		BE94A7CB108AB8BF00C1AD87 /* clFFT.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = clFFT.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
-		BE94A7D4108ABFF000C1AD87 /* fft_internal.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = fft_internal.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
-		BE94A83C108AF8A100C1AD87 /* fft_setup.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = fft_setup.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
-		BE9DE3E010923A4E00940D66 /* fft_base_kernels.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = fft_base_kernels.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
-		BE9DE4741092732C00940D66 /* param.txt */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = param.txt; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
-		BE9DE4761092732C00940D66 /* procs.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = procs.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
-		BEE709AE1097B8DD0017B8A5 /* main.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = main.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
-		BEEA39ED108BD89D00729F49 /* fft_execute.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = fft_execute.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
-/* End PBXFileReference section */
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-			);
-			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
-		};
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-				C6859E8C029090F304C91782 /* Documentation */,
-				1AB674ADFE9D54B511CA2CBB /* Products */,
-			);
-			name = OpenCL_FFT;
-			sourceTree = "<group>";
-		};
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-			isa = PBXGroup;
-			children = (
-				BE9DE4761092732C00940D66 /* procs.h */,
-				BEEA39ED108BD89D00729F49 /* fft_execute.cpp */,
-				BE94A83C108AF8A100C1AD87 /* fft_setup.cpp */,
-				BEE709AE1097B8DD0017B8A5 /* main.cpp */,
-				BE94A7D4108ABFF000C1AD87 /* fft_internal.h */,
-				BE9DE3E010923A4E00940D66 /* fft_base_kernels.h */,
-				BE94A7CB108AB8BF00C1AD87 /* clFFT.h */,
-				BE94A7B2108AB33000C1AD87 /* fft_kernelstring.cpp */,
-			);
-			name = Source;
-			sourceTree = "<group>";
-		};
-		1AB674ADFE9D54B511CA2CBB /* Products */ = {
-			isa = PBXGroup;
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-				8DD76F6C0486A84900D96B5E /* OpenCL_FFT */,
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-			name = Products;
-			sourceTree = "<group>";
-		};
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-		};
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-			isa = PBXNativeTarget;
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-			buildPhases = (
-				8DD76F640486A84900D96B5E /* Sources */,
-				8DD76F660486A84900D96B5E /* Frameworks */,
-				8DD76F690486A84900D96B5E /* CopyFiles */,
-			);
-			buildRules = (
-			);
-			dependencies = (
-			);
-			name = OpenCL_FFT;
-			productInstallPath = "$(HOME)/bin";
-			productName = OpenCL_FFT;
-			productReference = 8DD76F6C0486A84900D96B5E /* OpenCL_FFT */;
-			productType = "com.apple.product-type.tool";
-		};
-/* End PBXNativeTarget section */
-/* Begin PBXProject section */
-		08FB7793FE84155DC02AAC07 /* Project object */ = {
-			isa = PBXProject;
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-			mainGroup = 08FB7794FE84155DC02AAC07 /* OpenCL_FFT */;
-			projectDirPath = "";
-			projectRoot = "";
-			targets = (
-				8DD76F620486A84900D96B5E /* OpenCL_FFT */,
-			);
-		};
-/* End PBXProject section */
-/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */
-		8DD76F640486A84900D96B5E /* Sources */ = {
-			isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;
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-				BE94A83D108AF8A100C1AD87 /* fft_setup.cpp in Sources */,
-				BEEA39EE108BD89D00729F49 /* fft_execute.cpp in Sources */,
-				BEE709AF1097B8DD0017B8A5 /* main.cpp in Sources */,
-			);
-			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
-		};
-/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */
-/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */
-		1DEB923208733DC60010E9CD /* Debug */ = {
-			isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
-			buildSettings = {
-					"_GLIBCXX_DEBUG=1",
-				);
-				INSTALL_PATH = /usr/local/bin;
-			};
-			name = Debug;
-		};
-		1DEB923308733DC60010E9CD /* Release */ = {
-			isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
-			buildSettings = {
-				DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym";
-				INSTALL_PATH = /usr/local/bin;
-			};
-			name = Release;
-		};
-		1DEB923608733DC60010E9CD /* Debug */ = {
-			isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
-			buildSettings = {
-					"-framework",
-					OpenCL,
-					"-framework",
-					Accelerate,
-				);
-				SDKROOT = "";
-			};
-			name = Debug;
-		};
-		1DEB923708733DC60010E9CD /* Release */ = {
-			isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
-			buildSettings = {
-					"-framework",
-					OpenCL,
-					"-framework",
-					Accelerate,
-				);
-				SDKROOT = "";
-			};
-			name = Release;
-		};
-/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */
-/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */
-		1DEB923108733DC60010E9CD /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "OpenCL_FFT" */ = {
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-				1DEB923308733DC60010E9CD /* Release */,
-			);
-			defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
-			defaultConfigurationName = Release;
-		};
-		1DEB923508733DC60010E9CD /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "OpenCL_FFT" */ = {
-			isa = XCConfigurationList;
-			buildConfigurations = (
-				1DEB923608733DC60010E9CD /* Debug */,
-				1DEB923708733DC60010E9CD /* Release */,
-			);
-			defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
-			defaultConfigurationName = Release;
-		};
-/* End XCConfigurationList section */
-	};
-	rootObject = 08FB7793FE84155DC02AAC07 /* Project object */;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/ReadMe.txt b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/ReadMe.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b90455fe13d5f7654f4d651fa81bf1dfc51181cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/ReadMe.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-### OpenCL FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) ###


This example shows how OpenCL can be used to compute FFT. Algorithm implemented
is described in the following references

1) Fitting FFT onto the G80 Architecture
   by Vasily Volkov and Brian Kazian
   University of California, Berkeley, May 19, 2008
2) High Performance Discrete Fourier Tansforms on Graphics Processors
   by Naga K. Govindaraju, Brandon Lloyd, Yuri Dotsenko, Burton Smith, and John Manferdelli
   Supercomputing 2008.
Current version only supports power of two transform sizes however it should be straight forward
to extend the sample to non-power of two but power of base primes like 3, 5, 7. 

Current version supports 1D, 2D, 3D batched transforms. 

Current version supports both in-place and out-of-place transforms.

Current version supports both forward and inverse transform.

Current version supports both plannar and interleaved data format.

Current version only supports complex-to-complex transform. For real 
transform, one can use plannar data format with imaginary array mem set to zero. 

Current version only supports transform on GPU device. Accelerate framework can be used on CPU.

Current version supports sizes that fits in device global memory although "Twist Kernel" is 
included in fft plan if user wants to virtualize (implement sizes larger than what can fit 
in GPU global memory).

Users can dump all the kernels and global, local dimensions with which these kernels are run 
so that they can not only inspect/modify these kernels and understand how FFT is being 
computed on GPU, but also create their own stand along app for executing FFT of size of
their interest.

For any given signal size n, sample crates a clFFT_Plan, that encapsulates the kernel string, 
associated compiled cl_program. Note that kernel string is generated at runtime based on 
input size, dimension (1D, 2D, 3D) and data format (plannar or interleaved) along with some 
device depended parameters encapsulated in the clFFT_Plan. These device dependent parameters 
are set such that kernel is generated for high performance meeting following requirements

   1) Access pattern to global memory (of-chip DRAM) is such that memory transaction 
      coalesceing is achieved if device supports it thus achieving full bandwidth
   2) Local shuffles (matrix transposes or data sharing among work items of a workgroup)
      are band conflict free if local memory is banked.
   3) Kernel is fully optimized for memory hierarcy meaning that it uses GPU's large 
      vector register file, which is fastest, first before reverting to local memory 
      for data sharing among work items to save global DRAM bandwidth and only then 
      reverts to global memory if signal size is such that transform cannnot be computed
      by singal workgroup and thus require global communation among work groups.
Users can modify these parameters to get best performance on their particular GPU.     

Users how really want to understand the details of implementation are highly encouraged 
to read above two references but here is a high level description.
At a higher the algorithm decomposes signal of length N into factors as 

                   N = N1 x N2 x N3 x N4 x .... Nn
where the factors (N1, ....., Nn) are sorted such that N1 is largest. It thus decomposes 
N into n-dimensional matrix. It than applies fft along each dimension, multiply by twiddle
factors and transposes the matrix as follow 

                      N2 x N3 x N4 x ............ x Nn x N1   (fft along N1 and transpose)
                      N3 x N4 x N5 x ....    x Nn x N2 x N1   (fft along N2 and transpose)
                      N4 x N5 x N6 x .. x Nn x N3 x N2 x N1   (fft along N3 and transpose)
                     Nn x Nn-1 x Nn-2 x ........ N3 x N2 x N1 (fft along Nn and transpose)
 Decomposition is such that algorithm is fully optimized for memory hierarchy. N1 (largest
 base radix) is constrained by maximum register usage by work item (largest size of in-register 
 fft) and product N2 x N3 .... x Nn determine the maximum size of work group which is constrained
 by local memory used by work group (local memory is used to share data among work items i.e.
 local transposes). Togather these two parameters determine the maximum size fft that can be 
 computed by just using register file and local memory without reverting to global memory 
 for transpose (i.e. these sizes do not require global transpose and thus no inter work group 
 communication). However, for larger sizes, global communication among workgroup is required
 and multiple kernel launches are needed depending on the size and the base radix used. 
 For details of parameters user can play with, please see the comments in fft_internal.h
 and kernel_string.cpp, which has the main kernel generator functions ... especially
 see the comments preceeding function getRadixArray and getGlobalRadixInfo.
 User can adjust these parameters you achieve best performance on his device. 

Description of API Calls
clFFT_Plan clFFT_CreatePlan( cl_context context, clFFT_Dim3 n, clFFT_Dimension dim, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat, cl_int *error_code );

This function creates a plan and returns a handle to it for use with other functions below. 
context    context in which things are happening
n          n.x, n.y, n.z contain the dimension of signal (length along each dimension)
dim        much be one of clFFT_1D, clFFT_2D, clFFT_3D for one, two or three dimensional fft
dataFormat much be either clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat or clFFT_SplitComplexFormat for either interleaved or plannar data (real and imaginary)
error_code pointer for getting error back in plan creation. In case of error NULL plan is returned
void clFFT_DestroyPlan( clFFT_Plan plan );

Function to release/free resources
cl_int clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved( cl_command_queue queue, clFFT_Plan plan, cl_int batchSize, clFFT_Direction dir, 
								 cl_mem data_in, cl_mem data_out,
								 cl_int num_events, cl_event *event_list, cl_event *event );
Function for interleaved fft execution.
queue      command queue for the device on which fft needs to be executed. It should be present in the context for this plan was created
plan       fft plan that was created using clFFT_CreatePlan
batchSize  size of the batch for batched transform
dir        much be either clFFT_Forward or clFFT_Inverse for forward or inverse transform
data_in    input data
data_out   output data. For in-place transform, pass same mem object for both data_in and data_out
num_events, event_list and event are for future use for letting fft fit in other CL based application pipeline through event dependency.
Not implemented in this version yet so these parameters are redundant right now. Just pass NULL.

cl_int clFFT_ExecutePlannar( cl_command_queue queue, clFFT_Plan plan, cl_int batchSize, clFFT_Direction dir, 
							 cl_mem data_in_real, cl_mem data_in_imag, cl_mem data_out_real, cl_mem data_out_imag,
							 cl_int num_events, cl_event *event_list, cl_event *event );
Same as above but for plannar data type.							 
cl_int clFFT_1DTwistInterleaved( clFFT_Plan plan, cl_mem mem, size_t numRows, size_t numCols, size_t startRow, clFFT_Direction dir );

Function for applying twist (twiddle factor multiplication) for virtualizing computation of very large ffts that cannot fit into global
memory at once but can be decomposed into many global memory fitting ffts followed by twiddle multiplication (twist) followed by transpose
followed by again many global memory fitting ffts.

cl_int clFFT_1DTwistPlanner( clFFT_Plan plan, cl_mem mem_real, cl_mem mem_imag, size_t numRows, size_t numCols, size_t startRow, clFFT_Direction dir );

Same fucntion as above but for plannar data

void clFFT_DumpPlan( clFFT_Plan plan, FILE *file);	

Function to dump the plan. Passing stdout to file prints out the plan to standard out. It prints out
the kernel string and local, global dimension with which each kernel is executed in this plan.

Currently there are a few known performance issues (bug) that this sample has discovered
in rumtime and code generation that are being actively fixed. Hence, for sizes >= 1024, 
performance is much below the expected peak for any particular size. However, we have 
internally verified that once these bugs are fixed, performance should be on par with 
expected peak. Note that these are bugs in OpenCL runtime/compiler and not in this


Mac OS X v10.6 or later

If you are running in Xcode, be sure to pass file name "param.txt". You can do that
by double clicking OpenCL_FFT under executable and then click on Argument tab and 
add ./../../param.txt under "Arguments to be passed on launch" section. 


. Mac OS X v10.6 or later with OpenCL 1.0
. For good performance, device should support local memory. 
  FFT performance critically depend on how efficiently local shuffles 
  (matrix transposes) using local memory to reduce external DRAM bandwidth




Version 1.0
- First version.

Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/clFFT.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/clFFT.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e893d95393a63af2a825778e3654b84c3ce62c4f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/clFFT.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-// File:       clFFT.h
-// Version:    <1.0>
-// Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple")
-//             in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use,
-//             installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
-//             constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these
-//             terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
-//             software.
-//             In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and
-//             subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non - exclusive
-//             license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software ( the
-//             "Apple Software" ), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple
-//             Software, with or without modifications, in source and / or binary forms;
-//             provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
-//             without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text
-//             and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither
-//             the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to
-//             endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific
-//             prior written permission from Apple.  Except as expressly stated in this
-//             notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by
-//             Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be
-//             infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
-//             Software may be incorporated.
-//             The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
-// Copyright ( C ) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#ifndef __CLFFT_H
-#define __CLFFT_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <CL/cl.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-// XForm type
-typedef enum 
-	clFFT_Forward	= 	-1,
-	clFFT_Inverse	= 	 1
-// XForm dimension
-typedef enum
-	clFFT_1D	= 0,
-	clFFT_2D	= 1,
-	clFFT_3D	= 3
-// XForm Data type
-typedef enum
-	clFFT_SplitComplexFormat       = 0,
-	clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat = 1
-typedef struct
-	unsigned int x;
-	unsigned int y;
-	unsigned int z;
-typedef struct
-	float *real;
-	float *imag;
-} clFFT_SplitComplex;
-typedef struct
-	float real;
-	float imag;
-typedef void* clFFT_Plan;	
-clFFT_Plan clFFT_CreatePlan( cl_context context, clFFT_Dim3 n, clFFT_Dimension dim, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat, cl_int *error_code );
-void clFFT_DestroyPlan( clFFT_Plan plan );
-cl_int clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved( cl_command_queue queue, clFFT_Plan plan, cl_int batchSize, clFFT_Direction dir, 
-								 cl_mem data_in, cl_mem data_out,
-								 cl_int num_events, cl_event *event_list, cl_event *event );
-cl_int clFFT_ExecutePlannar( cl_command_queue queue, clFFT_Plan plan, cl_int batchSize, clFFT_Direction dir, 
-							 cl_mem data_in_real, cl_mem data_in_imag, cl_mem data_out_real, cl_mem data_out_imag,
-							 cl_int num_events, cl_event *event_list, cl_event *event );
-cl_int clFFT_1DTwistInterleaved(clFFT_Plan Plan, cl_command_queue queue, cl_mem array, 
-						        size_t numRows, size_t numCols, size_t startRow, size_t rowsToProcess, clFFT_Direction dir);
-cl_int clFFT_1DTwistPlannar(clFFT_Plan Plan, cl_command_queue queue, cl_mem array_real, cl_mem array_imag, 
-					        size_t numRows, size_t numCols, size_t startRow, size_t rowsToProcess, clFFT_Direction dir);
-void clFFT_DumpPlan( clFFT_Plan plan, FILE *file);	
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_base_kernels.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_base_kernels.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 101795697f55e125e4fbafa8757aef5de033fad6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_base_kernels.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// File:       fft_base_kernels.h
-// Version:    <1.0>
-// Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple")
-//             in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use,
-//             installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
-//             constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these
-//             terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
-//             software.
-//             In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and
-//             subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non - exclusive
-//             license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software ( the
-//             "Apple Software" ), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple
-//             Software, with or without modifications, in source and / or binary forms;
-//             provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
-//             without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text
-//             and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither
-//             the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to
-//             endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific
-//             prior written permission from Apple.  Except as expressly stated in this
-//             notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by
-//             Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be
-//             infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
-//             Software may be incorporated.
-//             The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
-// Copyright ( C ) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#include <string>
-using namespace std;
-static string baseKernels = string(
-                          "#ifndef M_PI\n"
-						  "#define M_PI 0x1.921fb54442d18p+1\n"
-						  "#endif\n"
-						  "#define complexMul(a,b) ((float2)(mad(-(a).y, (b).y, (a).x * (b).x), mad((a).y, (b).x, (a).x * (b).y)))\n"
-						  "#define conj(a) ((float2)((a).x, -(a).y))\n"
-						  "#define conjTransp(a) ((float2)(-(a).y, (a).x))\n"		   
-						  "\n"
-						  "#define fftKernel2(a,dir) \\\n"
-						  "{ \\\n"
-						  "    float2 c = (a)[0];    \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[0] = c + (a)[1];  \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[1] = c - (a)[1];  \\\n"
-						  "}\n"
-						  "\n"						  
-						  "#define fftKernel2S(d1,d2,dir) \\\n"
-						  "{ \\\n"
-						  "    float2 c = (d1);   \\\n"
-						  "    (d1) = c + (d2);   \\\n"
-						  "    (d2) = c - (d2);   \\\n"
-						  "}\n"
-						  "\n"						  
-						  "#define fftKernel4(a,dir) \\\n"
-						  "{ \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[2], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[1], (a)[3], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[1], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[3] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[3])); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[2], (a)[3], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    float2 c = (a)[1]; \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[1] = (a)[2]; \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[2] = c; \\\n"
-						  "}\n"
-						  "\n"						  
-						  "#define fftKernel4s(a0,a1,a2,a3,dir) \\\n"
-						  "{ \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a0), (a2), dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a1), (a3), dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a0), (a1), dir); \\\n"
-						  "    (a3) = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a3))); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a2), (a3), dir); \\\n"
-						  "    float2 c = (a1); \\\n"
-						  "    (a1) = (a2); \\\n"
-						  "    (a2) = c; \\\n" 
-						  "}\n"
-						  "\n"						  
-						  "#define bitreverse8(a) \\\n"
-						  "{ \\\n"
-						  "    float2 c; \\\n"
-						  "    c = (a)[1]; \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[1] = (a)[4]; \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[4] = c; \\\n"
-						  "    c = (a)[3]; \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[3] = (a)[6]; \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[6] = c; \\\n"
-						  "}\n"
-						  "\n"						  
-						  "#define fftKernel8(a,dir) \\\n"
-						  "{ \\\n"
-						  "	const float2 w1  = (float2)(0x1.6a09e6p-1f,  dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f);  \\\n"
-						  "	const float2 w3  = (float2)(-0x1.6a09e6p-1f, dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f);  \\\n"
-						  "	float2 c; \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[4], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[1], (a)[5], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[2], (a)[6], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[3], (a)[7], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	(a)[5] = complexMul(w1, (a)[5]); \\\n"
-						  "	(a)[6] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[6])); \\\n"
-						  "	(a)[7] = complexMul(w3, (a)[7]); \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[2], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[1], (a)[3], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[4], (a)[6], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[5], (a)[7], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	(a)[3] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[3])); \\\n"
-						  "	(a)[7] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[7])); \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[1], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[2], (a)[3], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[4], (a)[5], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	fftKernel2S((a)[6], (a)[7], dir); \\\n"
-						  "	bitreverse8((a)); \\\n"
-						  "}\n"
-						  "\n"						  
-						  "#define bitreverse4x4(a) \\\n"
-						  "{ \\\n"
-						  "	float2 c; \\\n"
-						  "	c = (a)[1];  (a)[1]  = (a)[4];  (a)[4]  = c; \\\n"
-						  "	c = (a)[2];  (a)[2]  = (a)[8];  (a)[8]  = c; \\\n"
-						  "	c = (a)[3];  (a)[3]  = (a)[12]; (a)[12] = c; \\\n"
-						  "	c = (a)[6];  (a)[6]  = (a)[9];  (a)[9]  = c; \\\n"
-						  "	c = (a)[7];  (a)[7]  = (a)[13]; (a)[13] = c; \\\n"
-						  "	c = (a)[11]; (a)[11] = (a)[14]; (a)[14] = c; \\\n"
-						  "}\n"
-						  "\n"						  
-						  "#define fftKernel16(a,dir) \\\n"
-						  "{ \\\n"
-						  "    const float w0 = 0x1.d906bcp-1f; \\\n"
-						  "    const float w1 = 0x1.87de2ap-2f; \\\n"
-						  "    const float w2 = 0x1.6a09e6p-1f; \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel4s((a)[0], (a)[4], (a)[8],  (a)[12], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel4s((a)[1], (a)[5], (a)[9],  (a)[13], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel4s((a)[2], (a)[6], (a)[10], (a)[14], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel4s((a)[3], (a)[7], (a)[11], (a)[15], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[5]  = complexMul((a)[5], (float2)(w0, dir*w1)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[6]  = complexMul((a)[6], (float2)(w2, dir*w2)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[7]  = complexMul((a)[7], (float2)(w1, dir*w0)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[9]  = complexMul((a)[9], (float2)(w2, dir*w2)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[10] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[10])); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[11] = complexMul((a)[11], (float2)(-w2, dir*w2)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[13] = complexMul((a)[13], (float2)(w1, dir*w0)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[14] = complexMul((a)[14], (float2)(-w2, dir*w2)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[15] = complexMul((a)[15], (float2)(-w0, dir*-w1)); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel4((a), dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel4((a) + 4, dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel4((a) + 8, dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel4((a) + 12, dir); \\\n"
-						  "    bitreverse4x4((a)); \\\n"
-						  "}\n"
-						  "\n"						  
-						  "#define bitreverse32(a) \\\n"
-						  "{ \\\n"
-						  "    float2 c1, c2; \\\n"
-						  "    c1 = (a)[2];   (a)[2] = (a)[1];   c2 = (a)[4];   (a)[4] = c1;   c1 = (a)[8];   (a)[8] = c2;    c2 = (a)[16];  (a)[16] = c1;   (a)[1] = c2; \\\n"
-						  "    c1 = (a)[6];   (a)[6] = (a)[3];   c2 = (a)[12];  (a)[12] = c1;  c1 = (a)[24];  (a)[24] = c2;   c2 = (a)[17];  (a)[17] = c1;   (a)[3] = c2; \\\n"
-						  "    c1 = (a)[10];  (a)[10] = (a)[5];  c2 = (a)[20];  (a)[20] = c1;  c1 = (a)[9];   (a)[9] = c2;    c2 = (a)[18];  (a)[18] = c1;   (a)[5] = c2; \\\n"
-						  "    c1 = (a)[14];  (a)[14] = (a)[7];  c2 = (a)[28];  (a)[28] = c1;  c1 = (a)[25];  (a)[25] = c2;   c2 = (a)[19];  (a)[19] = c1;   (a)[7] = c2; \\\n"
-						  "    c1 = (a)[22];  (a)[22] = (a)[11]; c2 = (a)[13];  (a)[13] = c1;  c1 = (a)[26];  (a)[26] = c2;   c2 = (a)[21];  (a)[21] = c1;   (a)[11] = c2; \\\n"
-						  "    c1 = (a)[30];  (a)[30] = (a)[15]; c2 = (a)[29];  (a)[29] = c1;  c1 = (a)[27];  (a)[27] = c2;   c2 = (a)[23];  (a)[23] = c1;   (a)[15] = c2; \\\n"
-						  "}\n"
-						  "\n"						  
-						  "#define fftKernel32(a,dir) \\\n"
-						  "{ \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[0],  (a)[16], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[1],  (a)[17], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[2],  (a)[18], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[3],  (a)[19], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[4],  (a)[20], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[5],  (a)[21], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[6],  (a)[22], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[7],  (a)[23], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[8],  (a)[24], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[9],  (a)[25], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[10], (a)[26], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[11], (a)[27], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[12], (a)[28], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[13], (a)[29], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[14], (a)[30], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel2S((a)[15], (a)[31], dir); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[17] = complexMul((a)[17], (float2)(0x1.f6297cp-1f, dir*0x1.8f8b84p-3f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[18] = complexMul((a)[18], (float2)(0x1.d906bcp-1f, dir*0x1.87de2ap-2f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[19] = complexMul((a)[19], (float2)(0x1.a9b662p-1f, dir*0x1.1c73b4p-1f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[20] = complexMul((a)[20], (float2)(0x1.6a09e6p-1f, dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[21] = complexMul((a)[21], (float2)(0x1.1c73b4p-1f, dir*0x1.a9b662p-1f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[22] = complexMul((a)[22], (float2)(0x1.87de2ap-2f, dir*0x1.d906bcp-1f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[23] = complexMul((a)[23], (float2)(0x1.8f8b84p-3f, dir*0x1.f6297cp-1f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[24] = complexMul((a)[24], (float2)(0x0p+0f, dir*0x1p+0f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[25] = complexMul((a)[25], (float2)(-0x1.8f8b84p-3f, dir*0x1.f6297cp-1f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[26] = complexMul((a)[26], (float2)(-0x1.87de2ap-2f, dir*0x1.d906bcp-1f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[27] = complexMul((a)[27], (float2)(-0x1.1c73b4p-1f, dir*0x1.a9b662p-1f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[28] = complexMul((a)[28], (float2)(-0x1.6a09e6p-1f, dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[29] = complexMul((a)[29], (float2)(-0x1.a9b662p-1f, dir*0x1.1c73b4p-1f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[30] = complexMul((a)[30], (float2)(-0x1.d906bcp-1f, dir*0x1.87de2ap-2f)); \\\n"
-						  "    (a)[31] = complexMul((a)[31], (float2)(-0x1.f6297cp-1f, dir*0x1.8f8b84p-3f)); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel16((a), dir); \\\n"
-						  "    fftKernel16((a) + 16, dir); \\\n"
-						  "    bitreverse32((a)); \\\n"
-						  "}\n\n"
-						  );
-static string twistKernelInterleaved = string(
-											  "__kernel void \\\n"
-											  "clFFT_1DTwistInterleaved(__global float2 *in, unsigned int startRow, unsigned int numCols, unsigned int N, unsigned int numRowsToProcess, int dir) \\\n"
-											  "{ \\\n"
-											  "   float2 a, w; \\\n"
-											  "   float ang; \\\n"
-											  "   unsigned int j; \\\n"
-											  "	unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); \\\n"
-											  "	unsigned int startIndex = i; \\\n"
-											  "	 \\\n"
-											  "	if(i < numCols) \\\n"
-											  "	{ \\\n"
-											  "	    for(j = 0; j < numRowsToProcess; j++) \\\n"
-											  "	    { \\\n"
-											  "	        a = in[startIndex]; \\\n"
-											  "	        ang = 2.0f * M_PI * dir * i * (startRow + j) / N; \\\n"
-											  "	        w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang)); \\\n"
-											  "	        a = complexMul(a, w); \\\n"
-											  "	        in[startIndex] = a; \\\n"
-											  "	        startIndex += numCols; \\\n"
-											  "	    } \\\n"
-											  "	}	 \\\n"
-											  "} \\\n"
-											  );
-static string twistKernelPlannar = string(
-										  "__kernel void \\\n"
-										  "clFFT_1DTwistSplit(__global float *in_real, __global float *in_imag , unsigned int startRow, unsigned int numCols, unsigned int N, unsigned int numRowsToProcess, int dir) \\\n"
-										  "{ \\\n"
-										  "    float2 a, w; \\\n"
-										  "    float ang; \\\n"
-										  "    unsigned int j; \\\n"
-										  "	unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); \\\n"
-										  "	unsigned int startIndex = i; \\\n"
-										  "	 \\\n"
-										  "	if(i < numCols) \\\n"
-										  "	{ \\\n"
-										  "	    for(j = 0; j < numRowsToProcess; j++) \\\n"
-										  "	    { \\\n"
-										  "	        a = (float2)(in_real[startIndex], in_imag[startIndex]); \\\n"
-										  "	        ang = 2.0f * M_PI * dir * i * (startRow + j) / N; \\\n"
-										  "	        w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang)); \\\n"
-										  "	        a = complexMul(a, w); \\\n"
-										  "	        in_real[startIndex] = a.x; \\\n"
-										  "	        in_imag[startIndex] = a.y; \\\n"
-										  "	        startIndex += numCols; \\\n"
-										  "	    } \\\n"
-										  "	}	 \\\n"
-										  "} \\\n"
-										  );										  
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_execute.cpp b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_execute.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 64dacdfbdbcec3e1fa879b9236f0015775570305..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_execute.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-// File:       fft_execute.cpp
-// Version:    <1.0>
-// Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple")
-//             in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use,
-//             installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
-//             constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these
-//             terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
-//             software.¬
-//             In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and
-//             subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non - exclusive
-//             license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software ( the
-//             "Apple Software" ), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple
-//             Software, with or without modifications, in source and / or binary forms;
-//             provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
-//             without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text
-//             and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither
-//             the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to
-//             endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific
-//             prior written permission from Apple.  Except as expressly stated in this
-//             notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by
-//             Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be
-//             infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
-//             Software may be incorporated.
-//             The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
-// Copyright ( C ) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#include "fft_internal.h"
-#include "clFFT.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#define max(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b))
-#define min(a,b) (((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b))
-static cl_int
-allocateTemporaryBufferInterleaved(cl_fft_plan *plan, cl_uint batchSize)
-	cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
-	if(plan->temp_buffer_needed && plan->last_batch_size != batchSize) 
-	{
-		plan->last_batch_size = batchSize; 
-		size_t tmpLength = plan->n.x * plan->n.y * plan->n.z * batchSize * 2 * sizeof(cl_float);
-		if(plan->tempmemobj)
-			clReleaseMemObject(plan->tempmemobj);
-		plan->tempmemobj = clCreateBuffer(plan->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, tmpLength, NULL, &err);
-	}
-	return err;	
-static cl_int
-allocateTemporaryBufferPlannar(cl_fft_plan *plan, cl_uint batchSize)
-	cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
-	cl_int terr;
-	if(plan->temp_buffer_needed && plan->last_batch_size != batchSize) 
-	{
-		plan->last_batch_size = batchSize; 
-		size_t tmpLength = plan->n.x * plan->n.y * plan->n.z * batchSize * sizeof(cl_float);
-		if(plan->tempmemobj_real)
-			clReleaseMemObject(plan->tempmemobj_real);
-		if(plan->tempmemobj_imag)
-			clReleaseMemObject(plan->tempmemobj_imag);			
-		plan->tempmemobj_real = clCreateBuffer(plan->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, tmpLength, NULL, &err);
-		plan->tempmemobj_imag = clCreateBuffer(plan->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, tmpLength, NULL, &terr);
-		err |= terr;
- 	}	
-	return err;
-getKernelWorkDimensions(cl_fft_plan *plan, cl_fft_kernel_info *kernelInfo, cl_int *batchSize, size_t *gWorkItems, size_t *lWorkItems)
-	*lWorkItems = kernelInfo->num_workitems_per_workgroup;
-	int numWorkGroups = kernelInfo->num_workgroups;
-    int numXFormsPerWG = kernelInfo->num_xforms_per_workgroup;
-	switch(kernelInfo->dir)
-	{
-		case cl_fft_kernel_x:
-            *batchSize *= (plan->n.y * plan->n.z);
-            numWorkGroups = (*batchSize % numXFormsPerWG) ? (*batchSize/numXFormsPerWG + 1) : (*batchSize/numXFormsPerWG);
-            numWorkGroups *= kernelInfo->num_workgroups;
-			break;
-		case cl_fft_kernel_y:
-			*batchSize *= plan->n.z;
-			numWorkGroups *= *batchSize;
-			break;
-		case cl_fft_kernel_z:
-			numWorkGroups *= *batchSize;
-			break;
-	}
-	*gWorkItems = numWorkGroups * *lWorkItems;
-clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved( cl_command_queue queue, clFFT_Plan Plan, cl_int batchSize, clFFT_Direction dir, 
-						 cl_mem data_in, cl_mem data_out, 
-						 cl_int num_events, cl_event *event_list, cl_event *event )
-	int s;
-	cl_fft_plan *plan = (cl_fft_plan *) Plan;
-	if(plan->format != clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-	cl_int err;
-	size_t gWorkItems, lWorkItems;
-	int inPlaceDone;
-	cl_int isInPlace = data_in == data_out ? 1 : 0;
-	if((err = allocateTemporaryBufferInterleaved(plan, batchSize)) != CL_SUCCESS)
-		return err;	
-	cl_mem memObj[3];
-	memObj[0] = data_in;
-	memObj[1] = data_out;
-	memObj[2] = plan->tempmemobj;
-	cl_fft_kernel_info *kernelInfo = plan->kernel_info;
-	int numKernels = plan->num_kernels;
-	int numKernelsOdd = numKernels & 1;
-	int currRead  = 0;
-	int currWrite = 1;
-	// at least one external dram shuffle (transpose) required
-	if(plan->temp_buffer_needed) 
-	{
-		// in-place transform
-		if(isInPlace) 
-		{
-			inPlaceDone = 0;
-			currRead  = 1;
-			currWrite = 2;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			currWrite = (numKernels & 1) ? 1 : 2;
-		}
-		while(kernelInfo) 
-		{
-			if( isInPlace && numKernelsOdd && !inPlaceDone && kernelInfo->in_place_possible) 
-			{
-				currWrite = currRead;
-				inPlaceDone = 1;
-			}
-			s = batchSize;
-			getKernelWorkDimensions(plan, kernelInfo, &s, &gWorkItems, &lWorkItems);
-			err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj[currRead]);
-			err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj[currWrite]);
-			err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_int), &dir);
-			err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_int), &s);
-			err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue,  kernelInfo->kernel, 1, NULL, &gWorkItems, &lWorkItems, num_events, event_list, event);
-			if(err)
-				return err;
-			currRead  = (currWrite == 1) ? 1 : 2;
-			currWrite = (currWrite == 1) ? 2 : 1; 
-			kernelInfo = kernelInfo->next;
-		}			
-	}
-	// no dram shuffle (transpose required) transform
-	// all kernels can execute in-place.
-	else {
-		while(kernelInfo)
-		{
-		    s = batchSize;
-		    getKernelWorkDimensions(plan, kernelInfo, &s, &gWorkItems, &lWorkItems);
-		    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj[currRead]);
-		    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj[currWrite]);
-		    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_int), &dir);
-		    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_int), &s);
-		    err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue,  kernelInfo->kernel, 1, NULL, &gWorkItems, &lWorkItems, num_events, event_list, event);
-		    if(err)
-			    return err;		
-			currRead  = 1;
-			currWrite = 1;
-			kernelInfo = kernelInfo->next;
-		}
-	}
-	return err;
-clFFT_ExecutePlannar( cl_command_queue queue, clFFT_Plan Plan, cl_int batchSize, clFFT_Direction dir, 
-					  cl_mem data_in_real, cl_mem data_in_imag, cl_mem data_out_real, cl_mem data_out_imag,
-					  cl_int num_events, cl_event *event_list, cl_event *event)
-	int s;
-	cl_fft_plan *plan = (cl_fft_plan *) Plan;
-	if(plan->format != clFFT_SplitComplexFormat)
-	cl_int err;
-	size_t gWorkItems, lWorkItems;
-	int inPlaceDone;
-	cl_int isInPlace = ((data_in_real == data_out_real) && (data_in_imag == data_out_imag)) ? 1 : 0;
-	if((err = allocateTemporaryBufferPlannar(plan, batchSize)) != CL_SUCCESS)
-		return err;	
-	cl_mem memObj_real[3];
-	cl_mem memObj_imag[3];
-	memObj_real[0] = data_in_real;
-	memObj_real[1] = data_out_real;
-	memObj_real[2] = plan->tempmemobj_real;
-	memObj_imag[0] = data_in_imag;
-	memObj_imag[1] = data_out_imag;
-	memObj_imag[2] = plan->tempmemobj_imag;
-	cl_fft_kernel_info *kernelInfo = plan->kernel_info;
-	int numKernels = plan->num_kernels;
-	int numKernelsOdd = numKernels & 1;
-	int currRead  = 0;
-	int currWrite = 1;
-	// at least one external dram shuffle (transpose) required
-	if(plan->temp_buffer_needed) 
-	{
-		// in-place transform
-		if(isInPlace) 
-		{
-			inPlaceDone = 0;
-			currRead  = 1;
-			currWrite = 2;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			currWrite = (numKernels & 1) ? 1 : 2;
-		}
-		while(kernelInfo) 
-		{
-			if( isInPlace && numKernelsOdd && !inPlaceDone && kernelInfo->in_place_possible) 
-			{
-				currWrite = currRead;
-				inPlaceDone = 1;
-			}
-			s = batchSize;
-			getKernelWorkDimensions(plan, kernelInfo, &s, &gWorkItems, &lWorkItems);
-			err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj_real[currRead]);
-			err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj_imag[currRead]);
-			err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj_real[currWrite]);
-			err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj_imag[currWrite]);
-			err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 4, sizeof(cl_int), &dir);
-			err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 5, sizeof(cl_int), &s);
-			err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue,  kernelInfo->kernel, 1, NULL, &gWorkItems, &lWorkItems, num_events, event_list, event);
-			if(err)
-				return err;			
-			currRead  = (currWrite == 1) ? 1 : 2;
-			currWrite = (currWrite == 1) ? 2 : 1; 
-			kernelInfo = kernelInfo->next;
-		}			
-	}
-	// no dram shuffle (transpose required) transform
-	else {
-		while(kernelInfo)
-		{
-		    s = batchSize;
-		    getKernelWorkDimensions(plan, kernelInfo, &s, &gWorkItems, &lWorkItems);
-		    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj_real[currRead]);
-		    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj_imag[currRead]);
-		    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj_real[currWrite]);
-		    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObj_imag[currWrite]);
-		    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 4, sizeof(cl_int), &dir);
-		    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernelInfo->kernel, 5, sizeof(cl_int), &s);
-		    err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue,  kernelInfo->kernel, 1, NULL, &gWorkItems, &lWorkItems, num_events, event_list, event);
-		    if(err)
-			    return err;	
-			currRead  = 1;
-			currWrite = 1;
-			kernelInfo = kernelInfo->next;
-		}
-	}
-	return err;
-clFFT_1DTwistInterleaved(clFFT_Plan Plan, cl_command_queue queue, cl_mem array, 
-						 size_t numRows, size_t numCols, size_t startRow, size_t rowsToProcess, clFFT_Direction dir)
-	cl_fft_plan *plan = (cl_fft_plan *) Plan;
-	unsigned int N = numRows*numCols;
-	unsigned int nCols = numCols;
-	unsigned int sRow = startRow;
-	unsigned int rToProcess = rowsToProcess;
-	int d = dir;
-	int err = 0;
-	cl_device_id device_id;
-	err = clGetCommandQueueInfo(queue, CL_QUEUE_DEVICE, sizeof(cl_device_id), &device_id, NULL);
-	if(err)
-	    return err;
-	size_t gSize;
-	err = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(plan->twist_kernel, device_id, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(size_t), &gSize, NULL);
-	if(err)
-	    return err;
-	gSize = min(128, gSize);
-	size_t numGlobalThreads[1] = { max(numCols / gSize, 1)*gSize };
-	size_t numLocalThreads[1]  = { gSize };
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &array);
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 1, sizeof(unsigned int), &sRow);
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 2, sizeof(unsigned int), &nCols);
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 3, sizeof(unsigned int), &N);
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 4, sizeof(unsigned int), &rToProcess);
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 5, sizeof(int), &d);
-	err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, plan->twist_kernel, 1, NULL, numGlobalThreads, numLocalThreads, 0, NULL, NULL);            
-	return err;	
-clFFT_1DTwistPlannar(clFFT_Plan Plan, cl_command_queue queue, cl_mem array_real, cl_mem array_imag, 
-					 size_t numRows, size_t numCols, size_t startRow, size_t rowsToProcess, clFFT_Direction dir)
-	cl_fft_plan *plan = (cl_fft_plan *) Plan;
-	unsigned int N = numRows*numCols;
-	unsigned int nCols = numCols;
-	unsigned int sRow = startRow;
-	unsigned int rToProcess = rowsToProcess;
-	int d = dir;
-	int err = 0;
-	cl_device_id device_id;
-	err = clGetCommandQueueInfo(queue, CL_QUEUE_DEVICE, sizeof(cl_device_id), &device_id, NULL);
-	if(err)
-	    return err;
-	size_t gSize;
-	err = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(plan->twist_kernel, device_id, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(size_t), &gSize, NULL);
-	if(err)
-	    return err;
-	gSize = min(128, gSize);
-	size_t numGlobalThreads[1] = { max(numCols / gSize, 1)*gSize };
-	size_t numLocalThreads[1]  = { gSize };
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &array_real);
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &array_imag);
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 2, sizeof(unsigned int), &sRow);
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 3, sizeof(unsigned int), &nCols);
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 4, sizeof(unsigned int), &N);
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 5, sizeof(unsigned int), &rToProcess);
-	err |= clSetKernelArg(plan->twist_kernel, 6, sizeof(int), &d);
-	err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, plan->twist_kernel, 1, NULL, numGlobalThreads, numLocalThreads, 0, NULL, NULL);            
-	return err;	
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_internal.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_internal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a45b69c98af037b2228aa29b4a046b1c4f1cf86f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_internal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-// File:       fft_internal.h
-// Version:    <1.0>
-// Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple")
-//             in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use,
-//             installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
-//             constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these
-//             terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
-//             software.
-//             In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and
-//             subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non - exclusive
-//             license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software ( the
-//             "Apple Software" ), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple
-//             Software, with or without modifications, in source and / or binary forms;
-//             provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
-//             without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text
-//             and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither
-//             the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to
-//             endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific
-//             prior written permission from Apple.  Except as expressly stated in this
-//             notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by
-//             Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be
-//             infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
-//             Software may be incorporated.
-//             The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
-// Copyright ( C ) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#include "clFFT.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-using namespace std;
-typedef enum kernel_dir_t
-	cl_fft_kernel_x,
-	cl_fft_kernel_y,
-	cl_fft_kernel_z
-typedef struct kernel_info_t
-	cl_kernel kernel;
-	char *kernel_name;
-	size_t lmem_size;
-	size_t num_workgroups;
-    size_t num_xforms_per_workgroup;
-	size_t num_workitems_per_workgroup;
-	cl_fft_kernel_dir dir;
-	int in_place_possible;
-	kernel_info_t *next;
-typedef struct 
-	// context in which fft resources are created and kernels are executed
-	cl_context              context;
-	// size of signal
-	clFFT_Dim3              n;
-	// dimension of transform ... must be either 1D, 2D or 3D
-	clFFT_Dimension			dim;
-	// data format ... must be either interleaved or plannar
-	clFFT_DataFormat		format;
-	// string containing kernel source. Generated at runtime based on
-	// n, dim, format and other parameters
-	string                  *kernel_string;
-	// CL program containing source and kernel this particular 
-	// n, dim, data format
-	cl_program				program;
-	// linked list of kernels which needs to be executed for this fft
-	cl_fft_kernel_info		*kernel_info;
-	// number of kernels
-	int                     num_kernels;
-	// twist kernel for virtualizing fft of very large sizes that do not
-	// fit in GPU global memory
-	cl_kernel				twist_kernel;
-	// flag indicating if temporary intermediate buffer is needed or not.
-	// this depends on fft kernels being executed and if transform is 
-	// in-place or out-of-place. e.g. Local memory fft (say 1D 1024 ... 
-	// one that does not require global transpose do not need temporary buffer)
-	// 2D 1024x1024 out-of-place fft however do require intermediate buffer.
-	// If temp buffer is needed, its allocation is lazy i.e. its not allocated
-	// until its needed
-	cl_int                  temp_buffer_needed;
-	// Batch size is runtime parameter and size of temporary buffer (if needed)
-	// depends on batch size. Allocation of temporary buffer is lazy i.e. its
-	// only created when needed. Once its created at first call of clFFT_Executexxx
-	// it is not allocated next time if next time clFFT_Executexxx is called with 
-	// batch size different than the first call. last_batch_size caches the last
-	// batch size with which this plan is used so that we dont keep allocating/deallocating
-	// temp buffer if same batch size is used again and again.
-	size_t                  last_batch_size;
-	// temporary buffer for interleaved plan
-	cl_mem   				tempmemobj;
-	// temporary buffer for planner plan. Only one of tempmemobj or 
-	// (tempmemobj_real, tempmemobj_imag) pair is valid (allocated) depending 
-	// data format of plan (plannar or interleaved)
-	cl_mem                  tempmemobj_real, tempmemobj_imag;
-	// Maximum size of signal for which local memory transposed based
-	// fft is sufficient i.e. no global mem transpose (communication)
-	// is needed
-	size_t					max_localmem_fft_size;
-	// Maximum work items per work group allowed. This, along with max_radix below controls 
-	// maximum local memory being used by fft kernels of this plan. Set to 256 by default
-	size_t                  max_work_item_per_workgroup;
-	// Maximum base radix for local memory fft ... this controls the maximum register 
-	// space used by work items. Currently defaults to 16
-	size_t                  max_radix;
-	// Device depended parameter that tells how many work-items need to be read consecutive
-	// values to make sure global memory access by work-items of a work-group result in 
-	// coalesced memory access to utilize full bandwidth e.g. on NVidia tesla, this is 16
-	size_t                  min_mem_coalesce_width;
-	// Number of local memory banks. This is used to geneate kernel with local memory 
-	// transposes with appropriate padding to avoid bank conflicts to local memory
-	// e.g. on NVidia it is 16.
-	size_t                  num_local_mem_banks;
-void FFT1D(cl_fft_plan *plan, cl_fft_kernel_dir dir);
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_kernelstring.cpp b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_kernelstring.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 71a7633a45a00a1b21c02363c0adace90cdc8c71..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_kernelstring.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1256 +0,0 @@
-// File:       fft_kernelstring.cpp
-// Version:    <1.0>
-// Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple")
-//             in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use,
-//             installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
-//             constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these
-//             terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
-//             software.
-//             In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and
-//             subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non - exclusive
-//             license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software ( the
-//             "Apple Software" ), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple
-//             Software, with or without modifications, in source and / or binary forms;
-//             provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
-//             without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text
-//             and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither
-//             the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to
-//             endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific
-//             prior written permission from Apple.  Except as expressly stated in this
-//             notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by
-//             Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be
-//             infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
-//             Software may be incorporated.
-//             The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
-// Copyright ( C ) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "fft_internal.h"
-#include "clFFT.h"
-using namespace std;
-#define max(A,B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
-#define min(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
-static string 
-num2str(int num)
-	char temp[200];
-	sprintf(temp, "%d", num);
-	return string(temp);
-// For any n, this function decomposes n into factors for loacal memory tranpose 
-// based fft. Factors (radices) are sorted such that the first one (radixArray[0])
-// is the largest. This base radix determines the number of registers used by each
-// work item and product of remaining radices determine the size of work group needed.
-// To make things concrete with and example, suppose n = 1024. It is decomposed into
-// 1024 = 16 x 16 x 4. Hence kernel uses float2 a[16], for local in-register fft and 
-// needs 16 x 4 = 64 work items per work group. So kernel first performance 64 length
-// 16 ffts (64 work items working in parallel) following by transpose using local 
-// memory followed by again 64 length 16 ffts followed by transpose using local memory
-// followed by 256 length 4 ffts. For the last step since with size of work group is 
-// 64 and each work item can array for 16 values, 64 work items can compute 256 length
-// 4 ffts by each work item computing 4 length 4 ffts. 
-// Similarly for n = 2048 = 8 x 8 x 8 x 4, each work group has 8 x 8 x 4 = 256 work
-// iterms which each computes 256 (in-parallel) length 8 ffts in-register, followed
-// by transpose using local memory, followed by 256 length 8 in-register ffts, followed
-// by transpose using local memory, followed by 256 length 8 in-register ffts, followed
-// by transpose using local memory, followed by 512 length 4 in-register ffts. Again,
-// for the last step, each work item computes two length 4 in-register ffts and thus
-// 256 work items are needed to compute all 512 ffts. 
-// For n = 32 = 8 x 4, 4 work items first compute 4 in-register 
-// lenth 8 ffts, followed by transpose using local memory followed by 8 in-register
-// length 4 ffts, where each work item computes two length 4 ffts thus 4 work items
-// can compute 8 length 4 ffts. However if work group size of say 64 is choosen, 
-// each work group can compute 64/ 4 = 16 size 32 ffts (batched transform). 
-// Users can play with these parameters to figure what gives best performance on
-// their particular device i.e. some device have less register space thus using
-// smaller base radix can avoid spilling ... some has small local memory thus 
-// using smaller work group size may be required etc
-static void 
-getRadixArray(unsigned int n, unsigned int *radixArray, unsigned int *numRadices, unsigned int maxRadix)
-    if(maxRadix > 1)
-    {
-        maxRadix = min(n, maxRadix);
-        unsigned int cnt = 0;
-        while(n > maxRadix)
-        {
-            radixArray[cnt++] = maxRadix;
-            n /= maxRadix;
-        }
-        radixArray[cnt++] = n;
-        *numRadices = cnt;
-        return;
-    }
-	switch(n) 
-	{
-		case 2:
-			*numRadices = 1;
-			radixArray[0] = 2;
-			break;
-		case 4:
-			*numRadices = 1;
-			radixArray[0] = 4;
-			break;
-		case 8:
-			*numRadices = 1;
-			radixArray[0] = 8;
-			break;
-		case 16:
-			*numRadices = 2;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 2; 
-			break;
-		case 32:
-			*numRadices = 2;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 4;
-			break;
-		case 64:
-			*numRadices = 2;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 8;
-			break;
-		case 128:
-			*numRadices = 3;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 4; radixArray[2] = 4;
-			break;
-		case 256:
-			*numRadices = 4;
-			radixArray[0] = 4; radixArray[1] = 4; radixArray[2] = 4; radixArray[3] = 4;
-			break;
-		case 512:
-			*numRadices = 3;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 8; radixArray[2] = 8;
-			break;			
-		case 1024:
-			*numRadices = 3;
-			radixArray[0] = 16; radixArray[1] = 16; radixArray[2] = 4;
-			break;	
-		case 2048:
-			*numRadices = 4;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 8; radixArray[2] = 8; radixArray[3] = 4;
-			break;
-		default:
-			*numRadices = 0;
-			return;
-	}
-static void
-insertHeader(string &kernelString, string &kernelName, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat)
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) 
-		kernelString += string("__kernel void ") + kernelName + string("(__global float *in_real, __global float *in_imag, __global float *out_real, __global float *out_imag, int dir, int S)\n");
-	else 
-		kernelString += string("__kernel void ") + kernelName + string("(__global float2 *in, __global float2 *out, int dir, int S)\n");
-static void 
-insertVariables(string &kStream, int maxRadix)
-	kStream += string("    int i, j, r, indexIn, indexOut, index, tid, bNum, xNum, k, l;\n");
-    kStream += string("    int s, ii, jj, offset;\n");
-	kStream += string("    float2 w;\n");
-	kStream += string("    float ang, angf, ang1;\n");
-    kStream += string("    __local float *lMemStore, *lMemLoad;\n");
-    kStream += string("    float2 a[") +  num2str(maxRadix) + string("];\n");
-    kStream += string("    int lId = get_local_id( 0 );\n");
-    kStream += string("    int groupId = get_group_id( 0 );\n");
-static void
-formattedLoad(string &kernelString, int aIndex, int gIndex, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat)
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-		kernelString += string("        a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("] = in[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("];\n");
-	else
-	{
-		kernelString += string("        a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].x = in_real[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("];\n");
-		kernelString += string("        a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].y = in_imag[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("];\n");
-	}
-static void
-formattedStore(string &kernelString, int aIndex, int gIndex, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat)
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-		kernelString += string("        out[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("] = a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("];\n");
-	else
-	{
-		kernelString += string("        out_real[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("] = a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].x;\n");
-		kernelString += string("        out_imag[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("] = a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].y;\n");
-	}
-static int
-insertGlobalLoadsAndTranspose(string &kernelString, int N, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int R0, int mem_coalesce_width, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat)
-	int log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm = (int) log2(numWorkItemsPerXForm);
-	int groupSize = numWorkItemsPerXForm * numXFormsPerWG;
-	int i, j;
-	int lMemSize = 0;
-	if(numXFormsPerWG > 1)
-	    kernelString += string("        s = S & ") + num2str(numXFormsPerWG - 1) + string(";\n");
-    if(numWorkItemsPerXForm >= mem_coalesce_width)
-    {   		
-		if(numXFormsPerWG > 1)
-		{
-            kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(numWorkItemsPerXForm-1) + string(";\n");
-            kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(";\n");
-            kernelString += string("    if( !s || (groupId < get_num_groups(0)-1) || (jj < s) ) {\n");
-			kernelString += string("        offset = mad24( mad24(groupId, ") + num2str(numXFormsPerWG) + string(", jj), ") + num2str(N) + string(", ii );\n");
-			if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-			{
-			    kernelString += string("        in += offset;\n");
-			    kernelString += string("        out += offset;\n");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			    kernelString += string("        in_real += offset;\n");
-				kernelString += string("        in_imag += offset;\n");
-			    kernelString += string("        out_real += offset;\n");
-				kernelString += string("        out_imag += offset;\n");
-			}
-			for(i = 0; i < R0; i++)
-				formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat);
-			kernelString += string("    }\n");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			kernelString += string("    ii = lId;\n");
-			kernelString += string("    jj = 0;\n");
-			kernelString += string("    offset =  mad24(groupId, ") + num2str(N) + string(", ii);\n");
-			if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-			{
-			    kernelString += string("        in += offset;\n");
-			    kernelString += string("        out += offset;\n");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			    kernelString += string("        in_real += offset;\n");
-				kernelString += string("        in_imag += offset;\n");
-			    kernelString += string("        out_real += offset;\n");
-				kernelString += string("        out_imag += offset;\n");
-			}
-			for(i = 0; i < R0; i++)
-				formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat);
-		}
-    }
-    else if( N >= mem_coalesce_width )
-    {
-        int numInnerIter = N / mem_coalesce_width;
-        int numOuterIter = numXFormsPerWG / ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width );
-        kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(mem_coalesce_width - 1) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(mem_coalesce_width)) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");
-        kernelString += string("    offset = mad24( groupId, ") + num2str(numXFormsPerWG) + string(", jj);\n");
-        kernelString += string("    offset = mad24( offset, ") + num2str(N) + string(", ii );\n");
-		if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-		{
-			kernelString += string("        in += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out += offset;\n");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			kernelString += string("        in_real += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        in_imag += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out_real += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out_imag += offset;\n");
-		}
-		kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
-        for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-        {
-            kernelString += string("    if( jj < s ) {\n");
-			for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) 
-				formattedLoad(kernelString, i * numInnerIter + j, j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * N, dataFormat);
-			kernelString += string("    }\n"); 
-			if(i != numOuterIter - 1)
-			    kernelString += string("    jj += ") + num2str(groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) + string(";\n");			 
-        }
-		kernelString += string("}\n ");
-		kernelString += string("else {\n");
-        for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-        {
-			for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) 
-				formattedLoad(kernelString, i * numInnerIter + j, j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * N, dataFormat);			
-        }		
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(numWorkItemsPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n");
-		kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    lMemLoad  = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii);\n");  
-        for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-		{
-			for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ )
-			{	
-				kernelString += string("    lMemStore[") + num2str(j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + 
-				                num2str(i * numInnerIter + j) + string("].x;\n");
-			}
-		}	
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-			kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n");            
-		kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");  
-	    for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-		{
-			for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ )
-			{	
-				kernelString += string("    lMemStore[") + num2str(j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + 
-								num2str(i * numInnerIter + j) + string("].y;\n");
-			}
-	    }	
-		kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-		for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-			kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n");            
-		kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");  
-		lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
-    }  
-    else
-    {
-        kernelString += string("    offset = mad24( groupId,  ") + num2str(N * numXFormsPerWG) + string(", lId );\n");
-		if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-		{
-			kernelString += string("        in += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out += offset;\n");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			kernelString += string("        in_real += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        in_imag += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out_real += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out_imag += offset;\n");
-		}
-        kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(N-1) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(N)) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");
-		kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-        {
-            kernelString += string("    if(jj < s )\n");
-			formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat);
-			if(i != R0 - 1)
-			    kernelString += string("    jj += ") + num2str(groupSize / N) + string(";\n");
-        }
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		kernelString += string("else {\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-        {
-			formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat);
-        }		
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		if(numWorkItemsPerXForm > 1)
-		{
-            kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(numWorkItemsPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n");
-            kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(";\n");
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n"); 
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-            kernelString += string("    ii = 0;\n");
-            kernelString += string("    jj = lId;\n");
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad = sMem + jj * ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(";\n"); 			
-		}
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    lMemStore[") + num2str(i * ( groupSize / N ) * ( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x;\n"); 
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); 
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n");
-		kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    lMemStore[") + num2str(i * ( groupSize / N ) * ( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y;\n"); 
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); 
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n");
-		kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-		lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
-    }
-	return lMemSize;
-static int
-insertGlobalStoresAndTranspose(string &kernelString, int N, int maxRadix, int Nr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int mem_coalesce_width, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat)
-	int groupSize = numWorkItemsPerXForm * numXFormsPerWG;
-	int i, j, k, ind;
-	int lMemSize = 0;
-	int numIter = maxRadix / Nr;
-	string indent = string("");
-    if( numWorkItemsPerXForm >= mem_coalesce_width )
-    {   
-		if(numXFormsPerWG > 1)
-		{
-            kernelString += string("    if( !s || (groupId < get_num_groups(0)-1) || (jj < s) ) {\n");
-			indent = string("    ");
-		}	
-		for(i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) 
-		{
-			j = i % numIter;
-			k = i / numIter;
-			ind = j * Nr + k;
-			formattedStore(kernelString, ind, i*numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat);
-		}
-		if(numXFormsPerWG > 1)
-		    kernelString += string("    }\n");
-    }
-    else if( N >= mem_coalesce_width )
-    {
-        int numInnerIter = N / mem_coalesce_width;
-        int numOuterIter = numXFormsPerWG / ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width );
-        kernelString += string("    lMemLoad  = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");  
-        kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(mem_coalesce_width - 1) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(mem_coalesce_width)) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj,") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-		{
-			j = i % numIter;
-			k = i / numIter;
-			ind = j * Nr + k;
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].x;\n");            
-		}	
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");         
-        for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-			for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ )
-				kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i*numInnerIter + j) + string("].x = lMemStore[") + num2str(j*mem_coalesce_width + i*( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width )*(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)) + string("];\n");
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-		{
-			j = i % numIter;
-			k = i / numIter;
-			ind = j * Nr + k;
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].y;\n");            
-		}	
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");         
-        for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-			for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ )
-				kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i*numInnerIter + j) + string("].y = lMemStore[") + num2str(j*mem_coalesce_width + i*( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width )*(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)) + string("];\n");
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); 
-		kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
-		for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-        {
-            kernelString += string("    if( jj < s ) {\n");
-			for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) 
-				formattedStore(kernelString, i*numInnerIter + j, j*mem_coalesce_width + i*(groupSize/mem_coalesce_width)*N, dataFormat); 
-			kernelString += string("    }\n"); 
-			if(i != numOuterIter - 1)
-			    kernelString += string("    jj += ") + num2str(groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) + string(";\n");			 
-        }
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		kernelString += string("else {\n");
-		for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-        {
-			for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) 
-				formattedStore(kernelString, i*numInnerIter + j, j*mem_coalesce_width + i*(groupSize/mem_coalesce_width)*N, dataFormat); 
-        }		
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
-	}   	
-    else
-    {   
-        kernelString += string("    lMemLoad  = sMem + mad24( jj,") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");  
-		kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(N - 1) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int) log2(N)) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj,") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-		{
-			j = i % numIter;
-			k = i / numIter;
-			ind = j * Nr + k;
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].x;\n");
-		}	
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemStore[") + num2str(i*( groupSize / N )*( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("];\n"); 
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); 
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-		{
-			j = i % numIter;
-			k = i / numIter;
-			ind = j * Nr + k;
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].y;\n");
-		}	
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemStore[") + num2str(i*( groupSize / N )*( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("];\n"); 
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); 
-		kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
-		for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-        {
-            kernelString += string("    if(jj < s ) {\n");
-			formattedStore(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat);
-			kernelString += string("    }\n");
-			if( i != maxRadix - 1)
-				kernelString += string("    jj +=") + num2str(groupSize / N) + string(";\n");
-        } 
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		kernelString += string("else {\n");
-		for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-        {
-			formattedStore(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat);
-        } 		
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
-    }
-	return lMemSize;
-static void 
-insertfftKernel(string &kernelString, int Nr, int numIter)
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < numIter; i++) 
-	{
-		kernelString += string("    fftKernel") + num2str(Nr) + string("(a+") + num2str(i*Nr) + string(", dir);\n");
-	}
-static void
-insertTwiddleKernel(string &kernelString, int Nr, int numIter, int Nprev, int len, int numWorkItemsPerXForm)
-	int z, k;
-	int logNPrev = log2(Nprev);
-	for(z = 0; z < numIter; z++) 
-	{
-		if(z == 0)
-		{
-			if(Nprev > 1)
-			    kernelString += string("    angf = (float) (ii >> ") + num2str(logNPrev) + string(");\n");
-			else
-				kernelString += string("    angf = (float) ii;\n");
-		}	
-		else
-		{
-			if(Nprev > 1)
-			    kernelString += string("    angf = (float) ((") + num2str(z*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(" + ii) >>") + num2str(logNPrev) + string(");\n"); 
-			else
-				kernelString += string("    angf = (float) (") + num2str(z*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(" + ii);\n");
-		}	
-		for(k = 1; k < Nr; k++) {
-			int ind = z*Nr + k;
-			//float fac =  (float) (2.0 * M_PI * (double) k / (double) len);
-			kernelString += string("    ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * ") + num2str(k) + string(".0f / ") + num2str(len) + string(".0f )") + string(" * angf;\n");
-			kernelString += string("    w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n");
-			kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(ind) + string("] = complexMul(a[") + num2str(ind) + string("], w);\n");
-		}
-	}
-static int
-getPadding(int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int Nprev, int numWorkItemsReq, int numXFormsPerWG, int Nr, int numBanks, int *offset, int *midPad)
-	if((numWorkItemsPerXForm <= Nprev) || (Nprev >= numBanks))
-		*offset = 0;
-	else {
-		int numRowsReq = ((numWorkItemsPerXForm < numBanks) ? numWorkItemsPerXForm : numBanks) / Nprev;
-		int numColsReq = 1;
-		if(numRowsReq > Nr)
-			numColsReq = numRowsReq / Nr;
-		numColsReq = Nprev * numColsReq;
-		*offset = numColsReq;
-	}
-	if(numWorkItemsPerXForm >= numBanks || numXFormsPerWG == 1)
-		*midPad = 0;
-	else {
-		int bankNum = ( (numWorkItemsReq + *offset) * Nr ) & (numBanks - 1);
-		if( bankNum >= numWorkItemsPerXForm )
-			*midPad = 0;
-		else
-			*midPad = numWorkItemsPerXForm - bankNum;
-	}
-	int lMemSize = ( numWorkItemsReq + *offset) * Nr * numXFormsPerWG + *midPad * (numXFormsPerWG - 1);
-	return lMemSize;
-static void 
-insertLocalStores(string &kernelString, int numIter, int Nr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numWorkItemsReq, int offset, string &comp)
-	int z, k;
-	for(z = 0; z < numIter; z++) {
-		for(k = 0; k < Nr; k++) {
-			int index = k*(numWorkItemsReq + offset) + z*numWorkItemsPerXForm;
-			kernelString += string("    lMemStore[") + num2str(index) + string("] = a[") + num2str(z*Nr + k) + string("].") + comp + string(";\n");
-		}
-	}
-	kernelString += string("    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-static void 
-insertLocalLoads(string &kernelString, int n, int Nr, int Nrn, int Nprev, int Ncurr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numWorkItemsReq, int offset, string &comp)
-	int numWorkItemsReqN = n / Nrn;										
-	int interBlockHNum = max( Nprev / numWorkItemsPerXForm, 1 );			
-	int interBlockHStride = numWorkItemsPerXForm;							
-	int vertWidth = max(numWorkItemsPerXForm / Nprev, 1);					
-	vertWidth = min( vertWidth, Nr);									
-	int vertNum = Nr / vertWidth;										
-	int vertStride = ( n / Nr + offset ) * vertWidth;					
-	int iter = max( numWorkItemsReqN / numWorkItemsPerXForm, 1);
-	int intraBlockHStride = (numWorkItemsPerXForm / (Nprev*Nr)) > 1 ? (numWorkItemsPerXForm / (Nprev*Nr)) : 1;
-	intraBlockHStride *= Nprev;
-	int stride = numWorkItemsReq / Nrn;									
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
-		int ii = i / (interBlockHNum * vertNum);
-		int zz = i % (interBlockHNum * vertNum);
-		int jj = zz % interBlockHNum;
-		int kk = zz / interBlockHNum;
-		int z;
-		for(z = 0; z < Nrn; z++) {
-			int st = kk * vertStride + jj * interBlockHStride + ii * intraBlockHStride + z * stride;
-			kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i*Nrn + z) + string("].") + comp + string(" = lMemLoad[") + num2str(st) + string("];\n");
-		}
-	}
-	kernelString += string("    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-static void
-insertLocalLoadIndexArithmatic(string &kernelString, int Nprev, int Nr, int numWorkItemsReq, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int offset, int midPad)
-	int Ncurr = Nprev * Nr;
-	int logNcurr = log2(Ncurr);
-	int logNprev = log2(Nprev);
-	int incr = (numWorkItemsReq + offset) * Nr + midPad;
-	if(Ncurr < numWorkItemsPerXForm) 
-	{
-		if(Nprev == 1)
-		    kernelString += string("    j = ii & ") + num2str(Ncurr - 1) + string(";\n");
-		else
-			kernelString += string("    j = (ii & ") + num2str(Ncurr - 1) + string(") >> ") + num2str(logNprev) + string(";\n");
-		if(Nprev == 1) 
-			kernelString += string("    i = ii >> ") + num2str(logNcurr) + string(";\n");
-		else 
-			kernelString += string("    i = mad24(ii >> ") + num2str(logNcurr) + string(", ") + num2str(Nprev) + string(", ii & ") + num2str(Nprev - 1) + string(");\n"); 
-	}	
-	else 
-	{
-		if(Nprev == 1)
-		    kernelString += string("    j = ii;\n");
-		else
-			kernelString += string("    j = ii >> ") + num2str(logNprev) + string(";\n");
-		if(Nprev == 1) 
-			kernelString += string("    i = 0;\n"); 
-		else 
-			kernelString += string("    i = ii & ") + num2str(Nprev - 1) + string(";\n");
-	}
-    if(numXFormsPerWG > 1)
-        kernelString += string("    i = mad24(jj, ") + num2str(incr) + string(", i);\n");		
-    kernelString += string("    lMemLoad = sMem + mad24(j, ") + num2str(numWorkItemsReq + offset) + string(", i);\n"); 
-static void
-insertLocalStoreIndexArithmatic(string &kernelString, int numWorkItemsReq, int numXFormsPerWG, int Nr, int offset, int midPad)
-	if(numXFormsPerWG == 1) {
-		kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + ii;\n");		
-	}
-	else {
-		kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + mad24(jj, ") + num2str((numWorkItemsReq + offset)*Nr + midPad) + string(", ii);\n");	
-	}
-static void
-createLocalMemfftKernelString(cl_fft_plan *plan)
-	unsigned int radixArray[10];
-	unsigned int numRadix;
-	unsigned int n = plan->n.x;
-	assert(n <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup * plan->max_radix && "signal lenght too big for local mem fft\n");
-	getRadixArray(n, radixArray, &numRadix, 0);
-	assert(numRadix > 0 && "no radix array supplied\n");
-	if(n/radixArray[0] > plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup)
-	    getRadixArray(n, radixArray, &numRadix, plan->max_radix);
-	assert(radixArray[0] <= plan->max_radix && "max radix choosen is greater than allowed\n");
-	assert(n/radixArray[0] <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup && "required work items per xform greater than maximum work items allowed per work group for local mem fft\n");
-	unsigned int tmpLen = 1;
-	unsigned int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < numRadix; i++)
-	{	
-		assert( radixArray[i] && !( (radixArray[i] - 1) & radixArray[i] ) );
-	    tmpLen *= radixArray[i];
-	}
-	assert(tmpLen == n && "product of radices choosen doesnt match the length of signal\n");
-	int offset, midPad;
-	string localString(""), kernelName("");
-	clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat = plan->format;
-	string *kernelString = plan->kernel_string;
-	cl_fft_kernel_info **kInfo = &plan->kernel_info;
-	int kCount = 0;
-	while(*kInfo)
-	{
-		kInfo = &(*kInfo)->next;
-		kCount++;
-	}
-	kernelName = string("fft") + num2str(kCount);
-	*kInfo = (cl_fft_kernel_info *) malloc(sizeof(cl_fft_kernel_info));
-	(*kInfo)->kernel = 0;
-	(*kInfo)->lmem_size = 0;
-	(*kInfo)->num_workgroups = 0;
-	(*kInfo)->num_workitems_per_workgroup = 0;
-	(*kInfo)->dir = cl_fft_kernel_x;
-	(*kInfo)->in_place_possible = 1;
-	(*kInfo)->next = NULL;
-	(*kInfo)->kernel_name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*(kernelName.size()+1));
-	strcpy((*kInfo)->kernel_name, kernelName.c_str());
-	unsigned int numWorkItemsPerXForm = n / radixArray[0];
-	unsigned int numWorkItemsPerWG = numWorkItemsPerXForm <= 64 ? 64 : numWorkItemsPerXForm; 
-	assert(numWorkItemsPerWG <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup);
-	int numXFormsPerWG = numWorkItemsPerWG / numWorkItemsPerXForm;
-	(*kInfo)->num_workgroups = 1;
-    (*kInfo)->num_xforms_per_workgroup = numXFormsPerWG;
-	(*kInfo)->num_workitems_per_workgroup = numWorkItemsPerWG;
-	unsigned int *N = radixArray;
-	unsigned int maxRadix = N[0];
-	unsigned int lMemSize = 0;
-	insertVariables(localString, maxRadix);
-	lMemSize = insertGlobalLoadsAndTranspose(localString, n, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, maxRadix, plan->min_mem_coalesce_width, dataFormat);
-	(*kInfo)->lmem_size = (lMemSize > (*kInfo)->lmem_size) ? lMemSize : (*kInfo)->lmem_size;
-	string xcomp = string("x");
-	string ycomp = string("y");
-	unsigned int Nprev = 1;
-	unsigned int len = n;
-	unsigned int r;
-	for(r = 0; r < numRadix; r++) 
-	{
-		int numIter = N[0] / N[r];
-		int numWorkItemsReq = n / N[r];
-		int Ncurr = Nprev * N[r];
-		insertfftKernel(localString, N[r], numIter);
-		if(r < (numRadix - 1)) {
-			insertTwiddleKernel(localString, N[r], numIter, Nprev, len, numWorkItemsPerXForm);
-			lMemSize = getPadding(numWorkItemsPerXForm, Nprev, numWorkItemsReq, numXFormsPerWG, N[r], plan->num_local_mem_banks, &offset, &midPad);
-			(*kInfo)->lmem_size = (lMemSize > (*kInfo)->lmem_size) ? lMemSize : (*kInfo)->lmem_size;
-			insertLocalStoreIndexArithmatic(localString, numWorkItemsReq, numXFormsPerWG, N[r], offset, midPad);
-			insertLocalLoadIndexArithmatic(localString, Nprev, N[r], numWorkItemsReq, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, offset, midPad);
-			insertLocalStores(localString, numIter, N[r], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, xcomp);
-			insertLocalLoads(localString, n, N[r], N[r+1], Nprev, Ncurr, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, xcomp);
-			insertLocalStores(localString, numIter, N[r], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, ycomp);
-			insertLocalLoads(localString, n, N[r], N[r+1], Nprev, Ncurr, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, ycomp);
-			Nprev = Ncurr;
-			len = len / N[r];
-		}
-	}
-	lMemSize = insertGlobalStoresAndTranspose(localString, n, maxRadix, N[numRadix - 1], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, plan->min_mem_coalesce_width, dataFormat);
-	(*kInfo)->lmem_size = (lMemSize > (*kInfo)->lmem_size) ? lMemSize : (*kInfo)->lmem_size;
-	insertHeader(*kernelString, kernelName, dataFormat);
-	*kernelString += string("{\n");
-	if((*kInfo)->lmem_size)
-        *kernelString += string("    __local float sMem[") + num2str((*kInfo)->lmem_size) + string("];\n");
-	*kernelString += localString;
-	*kernelString += string("}\n");
-// For n larger than what can be computed using local memory fft, global transposes
-// multiple kernel launces is needed. For these sizes, n can be decomposed using
-// much larger base radices i.e. say n = 262144 = 128 x 64 x 32. Thus three kernel
-// launches will be needed, first computing 64 x 32, length 128 ffts, second computing
-// 128 x 32 length 64 ffts, and finally a kernel computing 128 x 64 length 32 ffts. 
-// Each of these base radices can futher be divided into factors so that each of these 
-// base ffts can be computed within one kernel launch using in-register ffts and local 
-// memory transposes i.e for the first kernel above which computes 64 x 32 ffts on length 
-// 128, 128 can be decomposed into 128 = 16 x 8 i.e. 8 work items can compute 8 length 
-// 16 ffts followed by transpose using local memory followed by each of these eight 
-// work items computing 2 length 8 ffts thus computing 16 length 8 ffts in total. This 
-// means only 8 work items are needed for computing one length 128 fft. If we choose
-// work group size of say 64, we can compute 64/8 = 8 length 128 ffts within one
-// work group. Since we need to compute 64 x 32 length 128 ffts in first kernel, this 
-// means we need to launch 64 x 32 / 8 = 256 work groups with 64 work items in each 
-// work group where each work group is computing 8 length 128 ffts where each length
-// 128 fft is computed by 8 work items. Same logic can be applied to other two kernels
-// in this example. Users can play with difference base radices and difference 
-// decompositions of base radices to generates different kernels and see which gives
-// best performance. Following function is just fixed to use 128 as base radix
-getGlobalRadixInfo(int n, int *radix, int *R1, int *R2, int *numRadices)
-	int baseRadix = min(n, 128);
-	int numR = 0;
-	int N = n;
-	while(N > baseRadix) 
-	{
-		N /= baseRadix;
-		numR++;
-	}
-	for(int i = 0; i < numR; i++)
-		radix[i] = baseRadix;
-	radix[numR] = N;
-	numR++;
-	*numRadices = numR;
-	for(int i = 0; i < numR; i++)
-	{
-		int B = radix[i];
-		if(B <= 8)
-		{
-			R1[i] = B;
-			R2[i] = 1;
-			continue;
-		}
-		int r1 = 2; 
-		int r2 = B / r1;
-	    while(r2 > r1)
-	    {
-		   r1 *=2;
-		   r2 = B / r1;
-	    }
-		R1[i] = r1;
-		R2[i] = r2;
-	}	
-static void
-createGlobalFFTKernelString(cl_fft_plan *plan, int n, int BS, cl_fft_kernel_dir dir, int vertBS)
-	int i, j, k, t;
-	int radixArr[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-    int R1Arr[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-    int R2Arr[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-	int radix, R1, R2;
-	int numRadices;
-	int maxThreadsPerBlock = plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup;
-	int maxArrayLen = plan->max_radix;
-	int batchSize = plan->min_mem_coalesce_width;	
-	clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat = plan->format;
-	int vertical = (dir == cl_fft_kernel_x) ? 0 : 1;	
-	getGlobalRadixInfo(n, radixArr, R1Arr, R2Arr, &numRadices);
-	int numPasses = numRadices;
-	string localString(""), kernelName("");
-	string *kernelString = plan->kernel_string;
-	cl_fft_kernel_info **kInfo = &plan->kernel_info; 
-	int kCount = 0;
-	while(*kInfo)
-	{
-		kInfo = &(*kInfo)->next;
-		kCount++;
-	}
-	int N = n;
-	int m = (int)log2(n);
-	int Rinit = vertical ? BS : 1;
-	batchSize = vertical ? min(BS, batchSize) : batchSize;
-	int passNum;
-	for(passNum = 0; passNum < numPasses; passNum++) 
-	{
-		localString.clear();
-		kernelName.clear();
-		radix = radixArr[passNum];
-		R1 = R1Arr[passNum];
-		R2 = R2Arr[passNum];
-		int strideI = Rinit;
-		for(i = 0; i < numPasses; i++)
-			if(i != passNum)
-				strideI *= radixArr[i];
-		int strideO = Rinit;
-		for(i = 0; i < passNum; i++)
-			strideO *= radixArr[i];
-		int threadsPerXForm = R2;
-		batchSize = R2 == 1 ? plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup : batchSize;
-		batchSize = min(batchSize, strideI);
-		int threadsPerBlock = batchSize * threadsPerXForm;
-		threadsPerBlock = min(threadsPerBlock, maxThreadsPerBlock);
-		batchSize = threadsPerBlock / threadsPerXForm;
-		assert(R2 <= R1);
-		assert(R1*R2 == radix);
-		assert(R1 <= maxArrayLen);
-		assert(threadsPerBlock <= maxThreadsPerBlock);
-		int numIter = R1 / R2;
-		int gInInc = threadsPerBlock / batchSize;
-		int lgStrideO = log2(strideO);
-		int numBlocksPerXForm = strideI / batchSize;
-		int numBlocks = numBlocksPerXForm;
-		if(!vertical)
-			numBlocks *= BS;
-		else
-			numBlocks *= vertBS;
-		kernelName = string("fft") + num2str(kCount);
-		*kInfo = (cl_fft_kernel_info *) malloc(sizeof(cl_fft_kernel_info));
-		(*kInfo)->kernel = 0;
-		if(R2 == 1)
-			(*kInfo)->lmem_size = 0;
-		else
-		{
-		    if(strideO == 1)
-		        (*kInfo)->lmem_size = (radix + 1)*batchSize;
-		    else
-			    (*kInfo)->lmem_size = threadsPerBlock*R1;
-		}
-		(*kInfo)->num_workgroups = numBlocks;
-        (*kInfo)->num_xforms_per_workgroup = 1;
-		(*kInfo)->num_workitems_per_workgroup = threadsPerBlock;
-		(*kInfo)->dir = dir;
-		if( (passNum == (numPasses - 1)) && (numPasses & 1) )
-		    (*kInfo)->in_place_possible = 1;
-		else
-			(*kInfo)->in_place_possible = 0;
-		(*kInfo)->next = NULL;
-		(*kInfo)->kernel_name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*(kernelName.size()+1));
-		strcpy((*kInfo)->kernel_name, kernelName.c_str());
-		insertVariables(localString, R1);
-		if(vertical) 
-		{
-			localString += string("xNum = groupId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(numBlocksPerXForm)) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("groupId = groupId & ") + num2str(numBlocksPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("indexIn = mad24(groupId, ") + num2str(batchSize) + string(", xNum << ") + num2str((int)log2(n*BS)) + string(");\n");
-			localString += string("tid = groupId * ") + num2str(batchSize) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("i = tid >> ") + num2str(lgStrideO) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("j = tid & ") + num2str(strideO - 1) + string(";\n");
-			int stride = radix*Rinit;
-			for(i = 0; i < passNum; i++)
-				stride *= radixArr[i];
-			localString += string("indexOut = mad24(i, ") + num2str(stride) + string(", j + ") + string("(xNum << ") + num2str((int) log2(n*BS)) + string("));\n");
-			localString += string("bNum = groupId;\n");
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			int lgNumBlocksPerXForm = log2(numBlocksPerXForm);
-			localString += string("bNum = groupId & ") + num2str(numBlocksPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("xNum = groupId >> ") + num2str(lgNumBlocksPerXForm) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("indexIn = bNum * ") + num2str(batchSize) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("tid = indexIn;\n");
-			localString += string("i = tid >> ") + num2str(lgStrideO) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("j = tid & ") + num2str(strideO - 1) + string(";\n"); 
-			int stride = radix*Rinit;
-			for(i = 0; i < passNum; i++)
-				stride *= radixArr[i];
-			localString += string("indexOut = mad24(i, ") + num2str(stride) + string(", j);\n");			
-			localString += string("indexIn += (xNum << ") + num2str(m) + string(");\n");
-			localString += string("indexOut += (xNum << ") + num2str(m) + string(");\n");	
-		}
-		// Load Data
-		int lgBatchSize = log2(batchSize);
-		localString += string("tid = lId;\n");
-		localString += string("i = tid & ") + num2str(batchSize - 1) + string(";\n");
-		localString += string("j = tid >> ") + num2str(lgBatchSize) + string(";\n"); 
-		localString += string("indexIn += mad24(j, ") + num2str(strideI) + string(", i);\n");
-		if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) 
-		{
-			localString += string("in_real += indexIn;\n");
-			localString += string("in_imag += indexIn;\n");			
-			for(j = 0; j < R1; j++)
-				localString += string("a[") + num2str(j) + string("].x = in_real[") + num2str(j*gInInc*strideI) + string("];\n");
-			for(j = 0; j < R1; j++) 
-				localString += string("a[") + num2str(j) + string("].y = in_imag[") + num2str(j*gInInc*strideI) + string("];\n");
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			localString += string("in += indexIn;\n");
-			for(j = 0; j < R1; j++)
-				localString += string("a[") + num2str(j) + string("] = in[") + num2str(j*gInInc*strideI) + string("];\n");
-	    }
-		localString += string("fftKernel") + num2str(R1) + string("(a, dir);\n");							  
-		if(R2 > 1)
-		{
-		    // twiddle
-		    for(k = 1; k < R1; k++) 
-		    {
-			    localString += string("ang = dir*(2.0f*M_PI*") + num2str(k) + string("/") + num2str(radix) + string(")*j;\n");
-			    localString += string("w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n");
-			    localString += string("a[") + num2str(k) + string("] = complexMul(a[") + num2str(k) + string("], w);\n"); 
-		    }
-		    // shuffle
-		    numIter = R1 / R2;	
-		    localString += string("indexIn = mad24(j, ") + num2str(threadsPerBlock*numIter) + string(", i);\n");
-		    localString += string("lMemStore = sMem + tid;\n");
-		    localString += string("lMemLoad = sMem + indexIn;\n");
-		    for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) 
-			    localString += string("lMemStore[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].x;\n");
-		    localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");	
-		    for(k = 0; k < numIter; k++)
-			    for(t = 0; t < R2; t++)
-				    localString += string("a[") + num2str(k*R2+t) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(t*batchSize + k*threadsPerBlock) + string("];\n");
-		    localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-		    for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) 
-			    localString += string("lMemStore[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].y;\n");
-		    localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");	
-		    for(k = 0; k < numIter; k++)
-			    for(t = 0; t < R2; t++)
-				    localString += string("a[") + num2str(k*R2+t) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(t*batchSize + k*threadsPerBlock) + string("];\n");
-		    localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-		    for(j = 0; j < numIter; j++)
-			    localString += string("fftKernel") + num2str(R2) + string("(a + ") + num2str(j*R2) + string(", dir);\n");
-		}
-		// twiddle
-		if(passNum < (numPasses - 1)) 
-		{
-			localString += string("l = ((bNum << ") + num2str(lgBatchSize) + string(") + i) >> ") + num2str(lgStrideO) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("k = j << ") + num2str((int)log2(R1/R2)) + string(";\n"); 
-			localString += string("ang1 = dir*(2.0f*M_PI/") + num2str(N) + string(")*l;\n");
-			for(t = 0; t < R1; t++) 
-			{
-				localString += string("ang = ang1*(k + ") + num2str((t%R2)*R1 + (t/R2)) + string(");\n");
-				localString += string("w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n");
-				localString += string("a[") + num2str(t) + string("] = complexMul(a[") + num2str(t) + string("], w);\n");
-			}
-		}
-		// Store Data
-		if(strideO == 1) 
-		{
-			localString += string("lMemStore = sMem + mad24(i, ") + num2str(radix + 1) + string(", j << ") + num2str((int)log2(R1/R2)) + string(");\n");
-			localString += string("lMemLoad = sMem + mad24(tid >> ") + num2str((int)log2(radix)) + string(", ") + num2str(radix+1) + string(", tid & ") + num2str(radix-1) + string(");\n");
-			for(int i = 0; i < R1/R2; i++)
-				for(int j = 0; j < R2; j++)
-					localString += string("lMemStore[ ") + num2str(i + j*R1) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i*R2+j) + string("].x;\n");
-			localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-			if(threadsPerBlock >= radix)
-            {
-                for(int i = 0; i < R1; i++)
-                localString += string("a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*(radix+1)*(threadsPerBlock/radix)) + string("];\n");
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                int innerIter = radix/threadsPerBlock;
-                int outerIter = R1/innerIter;
-                for(int i = 0; i < outerIter; i++)
-                    for(int j = 0; j < innerIter; j++)
-                        localString += string("a[") + num2str(i*innerIter+j) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(j*threadsPerBlock + i*(radix+1)) + string("];\n");
-            }
-			localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-			for(int i = 0; i < R1/R2; i++)
-				for(int j = 0; j < R2; j++)
-					localString += string("lMemStore[ ") + num2str(i + j*R1) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i*R2+j) + string("].y;\n");
-			localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-			if(threadsPerBlock >= radix)
-            {
-                for(int i = 0; i < R1; i++)
-                    localString += string("a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*(radix+1)*(threadsPerBlock/radix)) + string("];\n");
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                int innerIter = radix/threadsPerBlock;
-                int outerIter = R1/innerIter;
-                for(int i = 0; i < outerIter; i++)
-                    for(int j = 0; j < innerIter; j++)
-                        localString += string("a[") + num2str(i*innerIter+j) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(j*threadsPerBlock + i*(radix+1)) + string("];\n");
-            }
-			localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-			localString += string("indexOut += tid;\n");
-			if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) {
-				localString += string("out_real += indexOut;\n");
-				localString += string("out_imag += indexOut;\n");
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out_real[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].x;\n");
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out_imag[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].y;\n");
-			}
-			else {
-				localString += string("out += indexOut;\n");
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("];\n");				
-			}
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			localString += string("indexOut += mad24(j, ") + num2str(numIter*strideO) + string(", i);\n");
-			if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) {
-				localString += string("out_real += indexOut;\n");
-				localString += string("out_imag += indexOut;\n");			
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out_real[") + num2str(((k%R2)*R1 + (k/R2))*strideO) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].x;\n");
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out_imag[") + num2str(((k%R2)*R1 + (k/R2))*strideO) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].y;\n");
-			}
-			else {
-				localString += string("out += indexOut;\n");
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out[") + num2str(((k%R2)*R1 + (k/R2))*strideO) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("];\n");
-			}
-		}
-		insertHeader(*kernelString, kernelName, dataFormat);
-		*kernelString += string("{\n");
-		if((*kInfo)->lmem_size)
-			*kernelString += string("    __local float sMem[") + num2str((*kInfo)->lmem_size) + string("];\n");
-		*kernelString += localString;
-		*kernelString += string("}\n");		
-		N /= radix;
-		kInfo = &(*kInfo)->next;
-		kCount++;
-	}
-void FFT1D(cl_fft_plan *plan, cl_fft_kernel_dir dir)
-    unsigned int radixArray[10];
-    unsigned int numRadix;
-	switch(dir)
-	{
-		case cl_fft_kernel_x:
-		    if(plan->n.x > plan->max_localmem_fft_size)
-		    {
-		        createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.x, 1, cl_fft_kernel_x, 1);
-		    }
-		    else if(plan->n.x > 1)
-		    {
-		        getRadixArray(plan->n.x, radixArray, &numRadix, 0);
-		        if(plan->n.x / radixArray[0] <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup)
-		        {
-				    createLocalMemfftKernelString(plan);
-				}
-			    else
-			    {
-			        getRadixArray(plan->n.x, radixArray, &numRadix, plan->max_radix);
-			        if(plan->n.x / radixArray[0] <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup)
-			            createLocalMemfftKernelString(plan);
-			        else
-				        createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.x, 1, cl_fft_kernel_x, 1);
-				}
-		    }
-			break;
-		case cl_fft_kernel_y:
-			if(plan->n.y > 1)
-			    createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.y, plan->n.x, cl_fft_kernel_y, 1);
-			break;
-		case cl_fft_kernel_z:
-			if(plan->n.z > 1)
-			    createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.z, plan->n.x*plan->n.y, cl_fft_kernel_z, 1);
-		default:
-			return;
-	}
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_kernelstring.cpp.orig b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_kernelstring.cpp.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index bbb9298d921528032397da8a71cdafa5502a421e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_kernelstring.cpp.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1256 +0,0 @@
-// File:       fft_kernelstring.cpp
-// Version:    <1.0>
-// Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple")
-//             in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use,
-//             installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
-//             constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these
-//             terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
-//             software.
-//             In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and
-//             subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non - exclusive
-//             license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software ( the
-//             "Apple Software" ), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple
-//             Software, with or without modifications, in source and / or binary forms;
-//             provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
-//             without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text
-//             and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither
-//             the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to
-//             endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific
-//             prior written permission from Apple.  Except as expressly stated in this
-//             notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by
-//             Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be
-//             infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
-//             Software may be incorporated.
-//             The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
-// Copyright ( C ) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "fft_internal.h"
-#include "clFFT.h"
-using namespace std;
-#define max(A,B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
-#define min(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
-static string 
-num2str(int num)
-	char temp[200];
-	sprintf(temp, "%d", num);
-	return string(temp);
-// For any n, this function decomposes n into factors for loacal memory tranpose 
-// based fft. Factors (radices) are sorted such that the first one (radixArray[0])
-// is the largest. This base radix determines the number of registers used by each
-// work item and product of remaining radices determine the size of work group needed.
-// To make things concrete with and example, suppose n = 1024. It is decomposed into
-// 1024 = 16 x 16 x 4. Hence kernel uses float2 a[16], for local in-register fft and 
-// needs 16 x 4 = 64 work items per work group. So kernel first performance 64 length
-// 16 ffts (64 work items working in parallel) following by transpose using local 
-// memory followed by again 64 length 16 ffts followed by transpose using local memory
-// followed by 256 length 4 ffts. For the last step since with size of work group is 
-// 64 and each work item can array for 16 values, 64 work items can compute 256 length
-// 4 ffts by each work item computing 4 length 4 ffts. 
-// Similarly for n = 2048 = 8 x 8 x 8 x 4, each work group has 8 x 8 x 4 = 256 work
-// iterms which each computes 256 (in-parallel) length 8 ffts in-register, followed
-// by transpose using local memory, followed by 256 length 8 in-register ffts, followed
-// by transpose using local memory, followed by 256 length 8 in-register ffts, followed
-// by transpose using local memory, followed by 512 length 4 in-register ffts. Again,
-// for the last step, each work item computes two length 4 in-register ffts and thus
-// 256 work items are needed to compute all 512 ffts. 
-// For n = 32 = 8 x 4, 4 work items first compute 4 in-register 
-// lenth 8 ffts, followed by transpose using local memory followed by 8 in-register
-// length 4 ffts, where each work item computes two length 4 ffts thus 4 work items
-// can compute 8 length 4 ffts. However if work group size of say 64 is choosen, 
-// each work group can compute 64/ 4 = 16 size 32 ffts (batched transform). 
-// Users can play with these parameters to figure what gives best performance on
-// their particular device i.e. some device have less register space thus using
-// smaller base radix can avoid spilling ... some has small local memory thus 
-// using smaller work group size may be required etc
-static void 
-getRadixArray(unsigned int n, unsigned int *radixArray, unsigned int *numRadices, unsigned int maxRadix)
-    if(maxRadix > 1)
-    {
-        maxRadix = min(n, maxRadix);
-        unsigned int cnt = 0;
-        while(n > maxRadix)
-        {
-            radixArray[cnt++] = maxRadix;
-            n /= maxRadix;
-        }
-        radixArray[cnt++] = n;
-        *numRadices = cnt;
-        return;
-    }
-	switch(n) 
-	{
-		case 2:
-			*numRadices = 1;
-			radixArray[0] = 2;
-			break;
-		case 4:
-			*numRadices = 1;
-			radixArray[0] = 4;
-			break;
-		case 8:
-			*numRadices = 1;
-			radixArray[0] = 8;
-			break;
-		case 16:
-			*numRadices = 2;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 2; 
-			break;
-		case 32:
-			*numRadices = 2;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 4;
-			break;
-		case 64:
-			*numRadices = 2;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 8;
-			break;
-		case 128:
-			*numRadices = 3;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 4; radixArray[2] = 4;
-			break;
-		case 256:
-			*numRadices = 4;
-			radixArray[0] = 4; radixArray[1] = 4; radixArray[2] = 4; radixArray[3] = 4;
-			break;
-		case 512:
-			*numRadices = 3;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 8; radixArray[2] = 8;
-			break;			
-		case 1024:
-			*numRadices = 3;
-			radixArray[0] = 16; radixArray[1] = 16; radixArray[2] = 4;
-			break;	
-		case 2048:
-			*numRadices = 4;
-			radixArray[0] = 8; radixArray[1] = 8; radixArray[2] = 8; radixArray[3] = 4;
-			break;
-		default:
-			*numRadices = 0;
-			return;
-	}
-static void
-insertHeader(string &kernelString, string &kernelName, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat)
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) 
-		kernelString += string("__kernel void ") + kernelName + string("(__global float *in_real, __global float *in_imag, __global float *out_real, __global float *out_imag, int dir, int S)\n");
-	else 
-		kernelString += string("__kernel void ") + kernelName + string("(__global float2 *in, __global float2 *out, int dir, int S)\n");
-static void 
-insertVariables(string &kStream, int maxRadix)
-	kStream += string("    int i, j, r, indexIn, indexOut, index, tid, bNum, xNum, k, l;\n");
-    kStream += string("    int s, ii, jj, offset;\n");
-	kStream += string("    float2 w;\n");
-	kStream += string("    float ang, angf, ang1;\n");
-    kStream += string("    __local float *lMemStore, *lMemLoad;\n");
-    kStream += string("    float2 a[") +  num2str(maxRadix) + string("];\n");
-    kStream += string("    int lId = get_local_id( 0 );\n");
-    kStream += string("    int groupId = get_group_id( 0 );\n");
-static void
-formattedLoad(string &kernelString, int aIndex, int gIndex, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat)
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-		kernelString += string("        a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("] = in[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("];\n");
-	else
-	{
-		kernelString += string("        a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].x = in_real[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("];\n");
-		kernelString += string("        a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].y = in_imag[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("];\n");
-	}
-static void
-formattedStore(string &kernelString, int aIndex, int gIndex, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat)
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-		kernelString += string("        out[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("] = a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("];\n");
-	else
-	{
-		kernelString += string("        out_real[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("] = a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].x;\n");
-		kernelString += string("        out_imag[") + num2str(gIndex) + string("] = a[") + num2str(aIndex) + string("].y;\n");
-	}
-static int
-insertGlobalLoadsAndTranspose(string &kernelString, int N, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int R0, int mem_coalesce_width, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat)
-	int log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm = (int) log2(numWorkItemsPerXForm);
-	int groupSize = numWorkItemsPerXForm * numXFormsPerWG;
-	int i, j;
-	int lMemSize = 0;
-	if(numXFormsPerWG > 1)
-	    kernelString += string("        s = S & ") + num2str(numXFormsPerWG - 1) + string(";\n");
-    if(numWorkItemsPerXForm >= mem_coalesce_width)
-    {   		
-		if(numXFormsPerWG > 1)
-		{
-            kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(numWorkItemsPerXForm-1) + string(";\n");
-            kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(";\n");
-            kernelString += string("    if( !s || (groupId < get_num_groups(0)-1) || (jj < s) ) {\n");
-			kernelString += string("        offset = mad24( mad24(groupId, ") + num2str(numXFormsPerWG) + string(", jj), ") + num2str(N) + string(", ii );\n");
-			if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-			{
-			    kernelString += string("        in += offset;\n");
-			    kernelString += string("        out += offset;\n");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			    kernelString += string("        in_real += offset;\n");
-				kernelString += string("        in_imag += offset;\n");
-			    kernelString += string("        out_real += offset;\n");
-				kernelString += string("        out_imag += offset;\n");
-			}
-			for(i = 0; i < R0; i++)
-				formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat);
-			kernelString += string("    }\n");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			kernelString += string("    ii = lId;\n");
-			kernelString += string("    jj = 0;\n");
-			kernelString += string("    offset =  mad24(groupId, ") + num2str(N) + string(", ii);\n");
-			if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-			{
-			    kernelString += string("        in += offset;\n");
-			    kernelString += string("        out += offset;\n");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			    kernelString += string("        in_real += offset;\n");
-				kernelString += string("        in_imag += offset;\n");
-			    kernelString += string("        out_real += offset;\n");
-				kernelString += string("        out_imag += offset;\n");
-			}
-			for(i = 0; i < R0; i++)
-				formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat);
-		}
-    }
-    else if( N >= mem_coalesce_width )
-    {
-        int numInnerIter = N / mem_coalesce_width;
-        int numOuterIter = numXFormsPerWG / ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width );
-        kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(mem_coalesce_width - 1) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(mem_coalesce_width)) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");
-        kernelString += string("    offset = mad24( groupId, ") + num2str(numXFormsPerWG) + string(", jj);\n");
-        kernelString += string("    offset = mad24( offset, ") + num2str(N) + string(", ii );\n");
-		if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-		{
-			kernelString += string("        in += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out += offset;\n");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			kernelString += string("        in_real += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        in_imag += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out_real += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out_imag += offset;\n");
-		}
-		kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
-        for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-        {
-            kernelString += string("    if( jj < s ) {\n");
-			for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) 
-				formattedLoad(kernelString, i * numInnerIter + j, j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * N, dataFormat);
-			kernelString += string("    }\n"); 
-			if(i != numOuterIter - 1)
-			    kernelString += string("    jj += ") + num2str(groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) + string(";\n");			 
-        }
-		kernelString += string("}\n ");
-		kernelString += string("else {\n");
-        for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-        {
-			for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) 
-				formattedLoad(kernelString, i * numInnerIter + j, j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * N, dataFormat);			
-        }		
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(numWorkItemsPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n");
-		kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    lMemLoad  = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii);\n");  
-        for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-		{
-			for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ )
-			{	
-				kernelString += string("    lMemStore[") + num2str(j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + 
-				                num2str(i * numInnerIter + j) + string("].x;\n");
-			}
-		}	
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-			kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n");            
-		kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");  
-	    for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-		{
-			for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ )
-			{	
-				kernelString += string("    lMemStore[") + num2str(j * mem_coalesce_width + i * ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width ) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + 
-								num2str(i * numInnerIter + j) + string("].y;\n");
-			}
-	    }	
-		kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-		for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-			kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n");            
-		kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");  
-		lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
-    }  
-    else
-    {
-        kernelString += string("    offset = mad24( groupId,  ") + num2str(N * numXFormsPerWG) + string(", lId );\n");
-		if(dataFormat == clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat)
-		{
-			kernelString += string("        in += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out += offset;\n");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			kernelString += string("        in_real += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        in_imag += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out_real += offset;\n");
-			kernelString += string("        out_imag += offset;\n");
-		}
-        kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(N-1) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(N)) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");
-		kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-        {
-            kernelString += string("    if(jj < s )\n");
-			formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat);
-			if(i != R0 - 1)
-			    kernelString += string("    jj += ") + num2str(groupSize / N) + string(";\n");
-        }
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		kernelString += string("else {\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-        {
-			formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat);
-        }		
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		if(numWorkItemsPerXForm > 1)
-		{
-            kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(numWorkItemsPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n");
-            kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(";\n");
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n"); 
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-            kernelString += string("    ii = 0;\n");
-            kernelString += string("    jj = lId;\n");
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad = sMem + mul24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(");\n"); 			
-		}
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    lMemStore[") + num2str(i * ( groupSize / N ) * ( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x;\n"); 
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); 
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n");
-		kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    lMemStore[") + num2str(i * ( groupSize / N ) * ( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y;\n"); 
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); 
-        for( i = 0; i < R0; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("];\n");
-		kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-		lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
-    }
-	return lMemSize;
-static int
-insertGlobalStoresAndTranspose(string &kernelString, int N, int maxRadix, int Nr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int mem_coalesce_width, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat)
-	int groupSize = numWorkItemsPerXForm * numXFormsPerWG;
-	int i, j, k, ind;
-	int lMemSize = 0;
-	int numIter = maxRadix / Nr;
-	string indent = string("");
-    if( numWorkItemsPerXForm >= mem_coalesce_width )
-    {   
-		if(numXFormsPerWG > 1)
-		{
-            kernelString += string("    if( !s || (groupId < get_num_groups(0)-1) || (jj < s) ) {\n");
-			indent = string("    ");
-		}	
-		for(i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) 
-		{
-			j = i % numIter;
-			k = i / numIter;
-			ind = j * Nr + k;
-			formattedStore(kernelString, ind, i*numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat);
-		}
-		if(numXFormsPerWG > 1)
-		    kernelString += string("    }\n");
-    }
-    else if( N >= mem_coalesce_width )
-    {
-        int numInnerIter = N / mem_coalesce_width;
-        int numOuterIter = numXFormsPerWG / ( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width );
-        kernelString += string("    lMemLoad  = sMem + mad24( jj, ") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");  
-        kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(mem_coalesce_width - 1) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(mem_coalesce_width)) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj,") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-		{
-			j = i % numIter;
-			k = i / numIter;
-			ind = j * Nr + k;
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].x;\n");            
-		}	
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");         
-        for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-			for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ )
-				kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i*numInnerIter + j) + string("].x = lMemStore[") + num2str(j*mem_coalesce_width + i*( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width )*(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)) + string("];\n");
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-		{
-			j = i % numIter;
-			k = i / numIter;
-			ind = j * Nr + k;
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].y;\n");            
-		}	
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");         
-        for( i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-			for( j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ )
-				kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i*numInnerIter + j) + string("].y = lMemStore[") + num2str(j*mem_coalesce_width + i*( groupSize / mem_coalesce_width )*(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)) + string("];\n");
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); 
-		kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
-		for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-        {
-            kernelString += string("    if( jj < s ) {\n");
-			for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) 
-				formattedStore(kernelString, i*numInnerIter + j, j*mem_coalesce_width + i*(groupSize/mem_coalesce_width)*N, dataFormat); 
-			kernelString += string("    }\n"); 
-			if(i != numOuterIter - 1)
-			    kernelString += string("    jj += ") + num2str(groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) + string(";\n");			 
-        }
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		kernelString += string("else {\n");
-		for(i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++ )
-        {
-			for(j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++ ) 
-				formattedStore(kernelString, i*numInnerIter + j, j*mem_coalesce_width + i*(groupSize/mem_coalesce_width)*N, dataFormat); 
-        }		
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
-	}   	
-    else
-    {   
-        kernelString += string("    lMemLoad  = sMem + mad24( jj,") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");  
-		kernelString += string("    ii = lId & ") + num2str(N - 1) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    jj = lId >> ") + num2str((int) log2(N)) + string(";\n");
-        kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj,") + num2str(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(", ii );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-		{
-			j = i % numIter;
-			k = i / numIter;
-			ind = j * Nr + k;
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].x;\n");
-		}	
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemStore[") + num2str(i*( groupSize / N )*( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("];\n"); 
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); 
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-		{
-			j = i % numIter;
-			k = i / numIter;
-			ind = j * Nr + k;
-            kernelString += string("    lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string("] = a[") + num2str(ind) + string("].y;\n");
-		}	
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
-        for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-            kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemStore[") + num2str(i*( groupSize / N )*( N + numWorkItemsPerXForm )) + string("];\n"); 
-        kernelString += string("    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"); 
-		kernelString += string("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
-		for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-        {
-            kernelString += string("    if(jj < s ) {\n");
-			formattedStore(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat);
-			kernelString += string("    }\n");
-			if( i != maxRadix - 1)
-				kernelString += string("    jj +=") + num2str(groupSize / N) + string(";\n");
-        } 
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		kernelString += string("else {\n");
-		for( i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++ )
-        {
-			formattedStore(kernelString, i, i*groupSize, dataFormat);
-        } 		
-		kernelString += string("}\n");
-		lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
-    }
-	return lMemSize;
-static void 
-insertfftKernel(string &kernelString, int Nr, int numIter)
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < numIter; i++) 
-	{
-		kernelString += string("    fftKernel") + num2str(Nr) + string("(a+") + num2str(i*Nr) + string(", dir);\n");
-	}
-static void
-insertTwiddleKernel(string &kernelString, int Nr, int numIter, int Nprev, int len, int numWorkItemsPerXForm)
-	int z, k;
-	int logNPrev = log2(Nprev);
-	for(z = 0; z < numIter; z++) 
-	{
-		if(z == 0)
-		{
-			if(Nprev > 1)
-			    kernelString += string("    angf = (float) (ii >> ") + num2str(logNPrev) + string(");\n");
-			else
-				kernelString += string("    angf = (float) ii;\n");
-		}	
-		else
-		{
-			if(Nprev > 1)
-			    kernelString += string("    angf = (float) ((") + num2str(z*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(" + ii) >>") + num2str(logNPrev) + string(");\n"); 
-			else
-				kernelString += string("    angf = (float) (") + num2str(z*numWorkItemsPerXForm) + string(" + ii);\n");
-		}	
-		for(k = 1; k < Nr; k++) {
-			int ind = z*Nr + k;
-			//float fac =  (float) (2.0 * M_PI * (double) k / (double) len);
-			kernelString += string("    ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * ") + num2str(k) + string(".0f / ") + num2str(len) + string(".0f )") + string(" * angf;\n");
-			kernelString += string("    w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n");
-			kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(ind) + string("] = complexMul(a[") + num2str(ind) + string("], w);\n");
-		}
-	}
-static int
-getPadding(int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int Nprev, int numWorkItemsReq, int numXFormsPerWG, int Nr, int numBanks, int *offset, int *midPad)
-	if((numWorkItemsPerXForm <= Nprev) || (Nprev >= numBanks))
-		*offset = 0;
-	else {
-		int numRowsReq = ((numWorkItemsPerXForm < numBanks) ? numWorkItemsPerXForm : numBanks) / Nprev;
-		int numColsReq = 1;
-		if(numRowsReq > Nr)
-			numColsReq = numRowsReq / Nr;
-		numColsReq = Nprev * numColsReq;
-		*offset = numColsReq;
-	}
-	if(numWorkItemsPerXForm >= numBanks || numXFormsPerWG == 1)
-		*midPad = 0;
-	else {
-		int bankNum = ( (numWorkItemsReq + *offset) * Nr ) & (numBanks - 1);
-		if( bankNum >= numWorkItemsPerXForm )
-			*midPad = 0;
-		else
-			*midPad = numWorkItemsPerXForm - bankNum;
-	}
-	int lMemSize = ( numWorkItemsReq + *offset) * Nr * numXFormsPerWG + *midPad * (numXFormsPerWG - 1);
-	return lMemSize;
-static void 
-insertLocalStores(string &kernelString, int numIter, int Nr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numWorkItemsReq, int offset, string &comp)
-	int z, k;
-	for(z = 0; z < numIter; z++) {
-		for(k = 0; k < Nr; k++) {
-			int index = k*(numWorkItemsReq + offset) + z*numWorkItemsPerXForm;
-			kernelString += string("    lMemStore[") + num2str(index) + string("] = a[") + num2str(z*Nr + k) + string("].") + comp + string(";\n");
-		}
-	}
-	kernelString += string("    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-static void 
-insertLocalLoads(string &kernelString, int n, int Nr, int Nrn, int Nprev, int Ncurr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numWorkItemsReq, int offset, string &comp)
-	int numWorkItemsReqN = n / Nrn;										
-	int interBlockHNum = max( Nprev / numWorkItemsPerXForm, 1 );			
-	int interBlockHStride = numWorkItemsPerXForm;							
-	int vertWidth = max(numWorkItemsPerXForm / Nprev, 1);					
-	vertWidth = min( vertWidth, Nr);									
-	int vertNum = Nr / vertWidth;										
-	int vertStride = ( n / Nr + offset ) * vertWidth;					
-	int iter = max( numWorkItemsReqN / numWorkItemsPerXForm, 1);
-	int intraBlockHStride = (numWorkItemsPerXForm / (Nprev*Nr)) > 1 ? (numWorkItemsPerXForm / (Nprev*Nr)) : 1;
-	intraBlockHStride *= Nprev;
-	int stride = numWorkItemsReq / Nrn;									
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
-		int ii = i / (interBlockHNum * vertNum);
-		int zz = i % (interBlockHNum * vertNum);
-		int jj = zz % interBlockHNum;
-		int kk = zz / interBlockHNum;
-		int z;
-		for(z = 0; z < Nrn; z++) {
-			int st = kk * vertStride + jj * interBlockHStride + ii * intraBlockHStride + z * stride;
-			kernelString += string("    a[") + num2str(i*Nrn + z) + string("].") + comp + string(" = lMemLoad[") + num2str(st) + string("];\n");
-		}
-	}
-	kernelString += string("    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-static void
-insertLocalLoadIndexArithmatic(string &kernelString, int Nprev, int Nr, int numWorkItemsReq, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int offset, int midPad)
-	int Ncurr = Nprev * Nr;
-	int logNcurr = log2(Ncurr);
-	int logNprev = log2(Nprev);
-	int incr = (numWorkItemsReq + offset) * Nr + midPad;
-	if(Ncurr < numWorkItemsPerXForm) 
-	{
-		if(Nprev == 1)
-		    kernelString += string("    j = ii & ") + num2str(Ncurr - 1) + string(";\n");
-		else
-			kernelString += string("    j = (ii & ") + num2str(Ncurr - 1) + string(") >> ") + num2str(logNprev) + string(";\n");
-		if(Nprev == 1) 
-			kernelString += string("    i = ii >> ") + num2str(logNcurr) + string(";\n");
-		else 
-			kernelString += string("    i = mad24(ii >> ") + num2str(logNcurr) + string(", ") + num2str(Nprev) + string(", ii & ") + num2str(Nprev - 1) + string(");\n"); 
-	}	
-	else 
-	{
-		if(Nprev == 1)
-		    kernelString += string("    j = ii;\n");
-		else
-			kernelString += string("    j = ii >> ") + num2str(logNprev) + string(";\n");
-		if(Nprev == 1) 
-			kernelString += string("    i = 0;\n"); 
-		else 
-			kernelString += string("    i = ii & ") + num2str(Nprev - 1) + string(";\n");
-	}
-    if(numXFormsPerWG > 1)
-        kernelString += string("    i = mad24(jj, ") + num2str(incr) + string(", i);\n");		
-    kernelString += string("    lMemLoad = sMem + mad24(j, ") + num2str(numWorkItemsReq + offset) + string(", i);\n"); 
-static void
-insertLocalStoreIndexArithmatic(string &kernelString, int numWorkItemsReq, int numXFormsPerWG, int Nr, int offset, int midPad)
-	if(numXFormsPerWG == 1) {
-		kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + ii;\n");		
-	}
-	else {
-		kernelString += string("    lMemStore = sMem + mad24(jj, ") + num2str((numWorkItemsReq + offset)*Nr + midPad) + string(", ii);\n");	
-	}
-static void
-createLocalMemfftKernelString(cl_fft_plan *plan)
-	unsigned int radixArray[10];
-	unsigned int numRadix;
-	unsigned int n = plan->n.x;
-	assert(n <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup * plan->max_radix && "signal lenght too big for local mem fft\n");
-	getRadixArray(n, radixArray, &numRadix, 0);
-	assert(numRadix > 0 && "no radix array supplied\n");
-	if(n/radixArray[0] > plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup)
-	    getRadixArray(n, radixArray, &numRadix, plan->max_radix);
-	assert(radixArray[0] <= plan->max_radix && "max radix choosen is greater than allowed\n");
-	assert(n/radixArray[0] <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup && "required work items per xform greater than maximum work items allowed per work group for local mem fft\n");
-	unsigned int tmpLen = 1;
-	unsigned int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < numRadix; i++)
-	{	
-		assert( radixArray[i] && !( (radixArray[i] - 1) & radixArray[i] ) );
-	    tmpLen *= radixArray[i];
-	}
-	assert(tmpLen == n && "product of radices choosen doesnt match the length of signal\n");
-	int offset, midPad;
-	string localString(""), kernelName("");
-	clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat = plan->format;
-	string *kernelString = plan->kernel_string;
-	cl_fft_kernel_info **kInfo = &plan->kernel_info;
-	int kCount = 0;
-	while(*kInfo)
-	{
-		kInfo = &(*kInfo)->next;
-		kCount++;
-	}
-	kernelName = string("fft") + num2str(kCount);
-	*kInfo = (cl_fft_kernel_info *) malloc(sizeof(cl_fft_kernel_info));
-	(*kInfo)->kernel = 0;
-	(*kInfo)->lmem_size = 0;
-	(*kInfo)->num_workgroups = 0;
-	(*kInfo)->num_workitems_per_workgroup = 0;
-	(*kInfo)->dir = cl_fft_kernel_x;
-	(*kInfo)->in_place_possible = 1;
-	(*kInfo)->next = NULL;
-	(*kInfo)->kernel_name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*(kernelName.size()+1));
-	strcpy((*kInfo)->kernel_name, kernelName.c_str());
-	unsigned int numWorkItemsPerXForm = n / radixArray[0];
-	unsigned int numWorkItemsPerWG = numWorkItemsPerXForm <= 64 ? 64 : numWorkItemsPerXForm; 
-	assert(numWorkItemsPerWG <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup);
-	int numXFormsPerWG = numWorkItemsPerWG / numWorkItemsPerXForm;
-	(*kInfo)->num_workgroups = 1;
-    (*kInfo)->num_xforms_per_workgroup = numXFormsPerWG;
-	(*kInfo)->num_workitems_per_workgroup = numWorkItemsPerWG;
-	unsigned int *N = radixArray;
-	unsigned int maxRadix = N[0];
-	unsigned int lMemSize = 0;
-	insertVariables(localString, maxRadix);
-	lMemSize = insertGlobalLoadsAndTranspose(localString, n, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, maxRadix, plan->min_mem_coalesce_width, dataFormat);
-	(*kInfo)->lmem_size = (lMemSize > (*kInfo)->lmem_size) ? lMemSize : (*kInfo)->lmem_size;
-	string xcomp = string("x");
-	string ycomp = string("y");
-	unsigned int Nprev = 1;
-	unsigned int len = n;
-	unsigned int r;
-	for(r = 0; r < numRadix; r++) 
-	{
-		int numIter = N[0] / N[r];
-		int numWorkItemsReq = n / N[r];
-		int Ncurr = Nprev * N[r];
-		insertfftKernel(localString, N[r], numIter);
-		if(r < (numRadix - 1)) {
-			insertTwiddleKernel(localString, N[r], numIter, Nprev, len, numWorkItemsPerXForm);
-			lMemSize = getPadding(numWorkItemsPerXForm, Nprev, numWorkItemsReq, numXFormsPerWG, N[r], plan->num_local_mem_banks, &offset, &midPad);
-			(*kInfo)->lmem_size = (lMemSize > (*kInfo)->lmem_size) ? lMemSize : (*kInfo)->lmem_size;
-			insertLocalStoreIndexArithmatic(localString, numWorkItemsReq, numXFormsPerWG, N[r], offset, midPad);
-			insertLocalLoadIndexArithmatic(localString, Nprev, N[r], numWorkItemsReq, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, offset, midPad);
-			insertLocalStores(localString, numIter, N[r], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, xcomp);
-			insertLocalLoads(localString, n, N[r], N[r+1], Nprev, Ncurr, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, xcomp);
-			insertLocalStores(localString, numIter, N[r], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, ycomp);
-			insertLocalLoads(localString, n, N[r], N[r+1], Nprev, Ncurr, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, offset, ycomp);
-			Nprev = Ncurr;
-			len = len / N[r];
-		}
-	}
-	lMemSize = insertGlobalStoresAndTranspose(localString, n, maxRadix, N[numRadix - 1], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, plan->min_mem_coalesce_width, dataFormat);
-	(*kInfo)->lmem_size = (lMemSize > (*kInfo)->lmem_size) ? lMemSize : (*kInfo)->lmem_size;
-	insertHeader(*kernelString, kernelName, dataFormat);
-	*kernelString += string("{\n");
-	if((*kInfo)->lmem_size)
-        *kernelString += string("    __local float sMem[") + num2str((*kInfo)->lmem_size) + string("];\n");
-	*kernelString += localString;
-	*kernelString += string("}\n");
-// For n larger than what can be computed using local memory fft, global transposes
-// multiple kernel launces is needed. For these sizes, n can be decomposed using
-// much larger base radices i.e. say n = 262144 = 128 x 64 x 32. Thus three kernel
-// launches will be needed, first computing 64 x 32, length 128 ffts, second computing
-// 128 x 32 length 64 ffts, and finally a kernel computing 128 x 64 length 32 ffts. 
-// Each of these base radices can futher be divided into factors so that each of these 
-// base ffts can be computed within one kernel launch using in-register ffts and local 
-// memory transposes i.e for the first kernel above which computes 64 x 32 ffts on length 
-// 128, 128 can be decomposed into 128 = 16 x 8 i.e. 8 work items can compute 8 length 
-// 16 ffts followed by transpose using local memory followed by each of these eight 
-// work items computing 2 length 8 ffts thus computing 16 length 8 ffts in total. This 
-// means only 8 work items are needed for computing one length 128 fft. If we choose
-// work group size of say 64, we can compute 64/8 = 8 length 128 ffts within one
-// work group. Since we need to compute 64 x 32 length 128 ffts in first kernel, this 
-// means we need to launch 64 x 32 / 8 = 256 work groups with 64 work items in each 
-// work group where each work group is computing 8 length 128 ffts where each length
-// 128 fft is computed by 8 work items. Same logic can be applied to other two kernels
-// in this example. Users can play with difference base radices and difference 
-// decompositions of base radices to generates different kernels and see which gives
-// best performance. Following function is just fixed to use 128 as base radix
-getGlobalRadixInfo(int n, int *radix, int *R1, int *R2, int *numRadices)
-	int baseRadix = min(n, 128);
-	int numR = 0;
-	int N = n;
-	while(N > baseRadix) 
-	{
-		N /= baseRadix;
-		numR++;
-	}
-	for(int i = 0; i < numR; i++)
-		radix[i] = baseRadix;
-	radix[numR] = N;
-	numR++;
-	*numRadices = numR;
-	for(int i = 0; i < numR; i++)
-	{
-		int B = radix[i];
-		if(B <= 8)
-		{
-			R1[i] = B;
-			R2[i] = 1;
-			continue;
-		}
-		int r1 = 2; 
-		int r2 = B / r1;
-	    while(r2 > r1)
-	    {
-		   r1 *=2;
-		   r2 = B / r1;
-	    }
-		R1[i] = r1;
-		R2[i] = r2;
-	}	
-static void
-createGlobalFFTKernelString(cl_fft_plan *plan, int n, int BS, cl_fft_kernel_dir dir, int vertBS)
-	int i, j, k, t;
-	int radixArr[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-    int R1Arr[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-    int R2Arr[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-	int radix, R1, R2;
-	int numRadices;
-	int maxThreadsPerBlock = plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup;
-	int maxArrayLen = plan->max_radix;
-	int batchSize = plan->min_mem_coalesce_width;	
-	clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat = plan->format;
-	int vertical = (dir == cl_fft_kernel_x) ? 0 : 1;	
-	getGlobalRadixInfo(n, radixArr, R1Arr, R2Arr, &numRadices);
-	int numPasses = numRadices;
-	string localString(""), kernelName("");
-	string *kernelString = plan->kernel_string;
-	cl_fft_kernel_info **kInfo = &plan->kernel_info; 
-	int kCount = 0;
-	while(*kInfo)
-	{
-		kInfo = &(*kInfo)->next;
-		kCount++;
-	}
-	int N = n;
-	int m = (int)log2(n);
-	int Rinit = vertical ? BS : 1;
-	batchSize = vertical ? min(BS, batchSize) : batchSize;
-	int passNum;
-	for(passNum = 0; passNum < numPasses; passNum++) 
-	{
-		localString.clear();
-		kernelName.clear();
-		radix = radixArr[passNum];
-		R1 = R1Arr[passNum];
-		R2 = R2Arr[passNum];
-		int strideI = Rinit;
-		for(i = 0; i < numPasses; i++)
-			if(i != passNum)
-				strideI *= radixArr[i];
-		int strideO = Rinit;
-		for(i = 0; i < passNum; i++)
-			strideO *= radixArr[i];
-		int threadsPerXForm = R2;
-		batchSize = R2 == 1 ? plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup : batchSize;
-		batchSize = min(batchSize, strideI);
-		int threadsPerBlock = batchSize * threadsPerXForm;
-		threadsPerBlock = min(threadsPerBlock, maxThreadsPerBlock);
-		batchSize = threadsPerBlock / threadsPerXForm;
-		assert(R2 <= R1);
-		assert(R1*R2 == radix);
-		assert(R1 <= maxArrayLen);
-		assert(threadsPerBlock <= maxThreadsPerBlock);
-		int numIter = R1 / R2;
-		int gInInc = threadsPerBlock / batchSize;
-		int lgStrideO = log2(strideO);
-		int numBlocksPerXForm = strideI / batchSize;
-		int numBlocks = numBlocksPerXForm;
-		if(!vertical)
-			numBlocks *= BS;
-		else
-			numBlocks *= vertBS;
-		kernelName = string("fft") + num2str(kCount);
-		*kInfo = (cl_fft_kernel_info *) malloc(sizeof(cl_fft_kernel_info));
-		(*kInfo)->kernel = 0;
-		if(R2 == 1)
-			(*kInfo)->lmem_size = 0;
-		else
-		{
-		    if(strideO == 1)
-		        (*kInfo)->lmem_size = (radix + 1)*batchSize;
-		    else
-			    (*kInfo)->lmem_size = threadsPerBlock*R1;
-		}
-		(*kInfo)->num_workgroups = numBlocks;
-        (*kInfo)->num_xforms_per_workgroup = 1;
-		(*kInfo)->num_workitems_per_workgroup = threadsPerBlock;
-		(*kInfo)->dir = dir;
-		if( (passNum == (numPasses - 1)) && (numPasses & 1) )
-		    (*kInfo)->in_place_possible = 1;
-		else
-			(*kInfo)->in_place_possible = 0;
-		(*kInfo)->next = NULL;
-		(*kInfo)->kernel_name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*(kernelName.size()+1));
-		strcpy((*kInfo)->kernel_name, kernelName.c_str());
-		insertVariables(localString, R1);
-		if(vertical) 
-		{
-			localString += string("xNum = groupId >> ") + num2str((int)log2(numBlocksPerXForm)) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("groupId = groupId & ") + num2str(numBlocksPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("indexIn = mad24(groupId, ") + num2str(batchSize) + string(", xNum << ") + num2str((int)log2(n*BS)) + string(");\n");
-			localString += string("tid = mul24(groupId, ") + num2str(batchSize) + string(");\n");
-			localString += string("i = tid >> ") + num2str(lgStrideO) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("j = tid & ") + num2str(strideO - 1) + string(";\n");
-			int stride = radix*Rinit;
-			for(i = 0; i < passNum; i++)
-				stride *= radixArr[i];
-			localString += string("indexOut = mad24(i, ") + num2str(stride) + string(", j + ") + string("(xNum << ") + num2str((int) log2(n*BS)) + string("));\n");
-			localString += string("bNum = groupId;\n");
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			int lgNumBlocksPerXForm = log2(numBlocksPerXForm);
-			localString += string("bNum = groupId & ") + num2str(numBlocksPerXForm - 1) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("xNum = groupId >> ") + num2str(lgNumBlocksPerXForm) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("indexIn = mul24(bNum, ") + num2str(batchSize) + string(");\n");
-			localString += string("tid = indexIn;\n");
-			localString += string("i = tid >> ") + num2str(lgStrideO) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("j = tid & ") + num2str(strideO - 1) + string(";\n"); 
-			int stride = radix*Rinit;
-			for(i = 0; i < passNum; i++)
-				stride *= radixArr[i];
-			localString += string("indexOut = mad24(i, ") + num2str(stride) + string(", j);\n");			
-			localString += string("indexIn += (xNum << ") + num2str(m) + string(");\n");
-			localString += string("indexOut += (xNum << ") + num2str(m) + string(");\n");	
-		}
-		// Load Data
-		int lgBatchSize = log2(batchSize);
-		localString += string("tid = lId;\n");
-		localString += string("i = tid & ") + num2str(batchSize - 1) + string(";\n");
-		localString += string("j = tid >> ") + num2str(lgBatchSize) + string(";\n"); 
-		localString += string("indexIn += mad24(j, ") + num2str(strideI) + string(", i);\n");
-		if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) 
-		{
-			localString += string("in_real += indexIn;\n");
-			localString += string("in_imag += indexIn;\n");			
-			for(j = 0; j < R1; j++)
-				localString += string("a[") + num2str(j) + string("].x = in_real[") + num2str(j*gInInc*strideI) + string("];\n");
-			for(j = 0; j < R1; j++) 
-				localString += string("a[") + num2str(j) + string("].y = in_imag[") + num2str(j*gInInc*strideI) + string("];\n");
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			localString += string("in += indexIn;\n");
-			for(j = 0; j < R1; j++)
-				localString += string("a[") + num2str(j) + string("] = in[") + num2str(j*gInInc*strideI) + string("];\n");
-	    }
-		localString += string("fftKernel") + num2str(R1) + string("(a, dir);\n");							  
-		if(R2 > 1)
-		{
-		    // twiddle
-		    for(k = 1; k < R1; k++) 
-		    {
-			    localString += string("ang = dir*(2.0f*M_PI*") + num2str(k) + string("/") + num2str(radix) + string(")*j;\n");
-			    localString += string("w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n");
-			    localString += string("a[") + num2str(k) + string("] = complexMul(a[") + num2str(k) + string("], w);\n"); 
-		    }
-		    // shuffle
-		    numIter = R1 / R2;	
-		    localString += string("indexIn = mad24(j, ") + num2str(threadsPerBlock*numIter) + string(", i);\n");
-		    localString += string("lMemStore = sMem + tid;\n");
-		    localString += string("lMemLoad = sMem + indexIn;\n");
-		    for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) 
-			    localString += string("lMemStore[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].x;\n");
-		    localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");	
-		    for(k = 0; k < numIter; k++)
-			    for(t = 0; t < R2; t++)
-				    localString += string("a[") + num2str(k*R2+t) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(t*batchSize + k*threadsPerBlock) + string("];\n");
-		    localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-		    for(k = 0; k < R1; k++) 
-			    localString += string("lMemStore[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].y;\n");
-		    localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");	
-		    for(k = 0; k < numIter; k++)
-			    for(t = 0; t < R2; t++)
-				    localString += string("a[") + num2str(k*R2+t) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(t*batchSize + k*threadsPerBlock) + string("];\n");
-		    localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-		    for(j = 0; j < numIter; j++)
-			    localString += string("fftKernel") + num2str(R2) + string("(a + ") + num2str(j*R2) + string(", dir);\n");
-		}
-		// twiddle
-		if(passNum < (numPasses - 1)) 
-		{
-			localString += string("l = ((bNum << ") + num2str(lgBatchSize) + string(") + i) >> ") + num2str(lgStrideO) + string(";\n");
-			localString += string("k = j << ") + num2str((int)log2(R1/R2)) + string(";\n"); 
-			localString += string("ang1 = dir*(2.0f*M_PI/") + num2str(N) + string(")*l;\n");
-			for(t = 0; t < R1; t++) 
-			{
-				localString += string("ang = ang1*(k + ") + num2str((t%R2)*R1 + (t/R2)) + string(");\n");
-				localString += string("w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n");
-				localString += string("a[") + num2str(t) + string("] = complexMul(a[") + num2str(t) + string("], w);\n");
-			}
-		}
-		// Store Data
-		if(strideO == 1) 
-		{
-			localString += string("lMemStore = sMem + mad24(i, ") + num2str(radix + 1) + string(", j << ") + num2str((int)log2(R1/R2)) + string(");\n");
-			localString += string("lMemLoad = sMem + mad24(tid >> ") + num2str((int)log2(radix)) + string(", ") + num2str(radix+1) + string(", tid & ") + num2str(radix-1) + string(");\n");
-			for(int i = 0; i < R1/R2; i++)
-				for(int j = 0; j < R2; j++)
-					localString += string("lMemStore[ ") + num2str(i + j*R1) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i*R2+j) + string("].x;\n");
-			localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-			if(threadsPerBlock >= radix)
-            {
-                for(int i = 0; i < R1; i++)
-                localString += string("a[") + num2str(i) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*(radix+1)*(threadsPerBlock/radix)) + string("];\n");
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                int innerIter = radix/threadsPerBlock;
-                int outerIter = R1/innerIter;
-                for(int i = 0; i < outerIter; i++)
-                    for(int j = 0; j < innerIter; j++)
-                        localString += string("a[") + num2str(i*innerIter+j) + string("].x = lMemLoad[") + num2str(j*threadsPerBlock + i*(radix+1)) + string("];\n");
-            }
-			localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-			for(int i = 0; i < R1/R2; i++)
-				for(int j = 0; j < R2; j++)
-					localString += string("lMemStore[ ") + num2str(i + j*R1) + string("] = a[") + num2str(i*R2+j) + string("].y;\n");
-			localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-			if(threadsPerBlock >= radix)
-            {
-                for(int i = 0; i < R1; i++)
-                    localString += string("a[") + num2str(i) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(i*(radix+1)*(threadsPerBlock/radix)) + string("];\n");
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                int innerIter = radix/threadsPerBlock;
-                int outerIter = R1/innerIter;
-                for(int i = 0; i < outerIter; i++)
-                    for(int j = 0; j < innerIter; j++)
-                        localString += string("a[") + num2str(i*innerIter+j) + string("].y = lMemLoad[") + num2str(j*threadsPerBlock + i*(radix+1)) + string("];\n");
-            }
-			localString += string("barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
-			localString += string("indexOut += tid;\n");
-			if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) {
-				localString += string("out_real += indexOut;\n");
-				localString += string("out_imag += indexOut;\n");
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out_real[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].x;\n");
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out_imag[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].y;\n");
-			}
-			else {
-				localString += string("out += indexOut;\n");
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out[") + num2str(k*threadsPerBlock) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("];\n");				
-			}
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			localString += string("indexOut += mad24(j, ") + num2str(numIter*strideO) + string(", i);\n");
-			if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) {
-				localString += string("out_real += indexOut;\n");
-				localString += string("out_imag += indexOut;\n");			
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out_real[") + num2str(((k%R2)*R1 + (k/R2))*strideO) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].x;\n");
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out_imag[") + num2str(((k%R2)*R1 + (k/R2))*strideO) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("].y;\n");
-			}
-			else {
-				localString += string("out += indexOut;\n");
-				for(k = 0; k < R1; k++)
-					localString += string("out[") + num2str(((k%R2)*R1 + (k/R2))*strideO) + string("] = a[") + num2str(k) + string("];\n");
-			}
-		}
-		insertHeader(*kernelString, kernelName, dataFormat);
-		*kernelString += string("{\n");
-		if((*kInfo)->lmem_size)
-			*kernelString += string("    __local float sMem[") + num2str((*kInfo)->lmem_size) + string("];\n");
-		*kernelString += localString;
-		*kernelString += string("}\n");		
-		N /= radix;
-		kInfo = &(*kInfo)->next;
-		kCount++;
-	}
-void FFT1D(cl_fft_plan *plan, cl_fft_kernel_dir dir)
-    unsigned int radixArray[10];
-    unsigned int numRadix;
-	switch(dir)
-	{
-		case cl_fft_kernel_x:
-		    if(plan->n.x > plan->max_localmem_fft_size)
-		    {
-		        createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.x, 1, cl_fft_kernel_x, 1);
-		    }
-		    else if(plan->n.x > 1)
-		    {
-		        getRadixArray(plan->n.x, radixArray, &numRadix, 0);
-		        if(plan->n.x / radixArray[0] <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup)
-		        {
-				    createLocalMemfftKernelString(plan);
-				}
-			    else
-			    {
-			        getRadixArray(plan->n.x, radixArray, &numRadix, plan->max_radix);
-			        if(plan->n.x / radixArray[0] <= plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup)
-			            createLocalMemfftKernelString(plan);
-			        else
-				        createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.x, 1, cl_fft_kernel_x, 1);
-				}
-		    }
-			break;
-		case cl_fft_kernel_y:
-			if(plan->n.y > 1)
-			    createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.y, plan->n.x, cl_fft_kernel_y, 1);
-			break;
-		case cl_fft_kernel_z:
-			if(plan->n.z > 1)
-			    createGlobalFFTKernelString(plan, plan->n.z, plan->n.x*plan->n.y, cl_fft_kernel_z, 1);
-		default:
-			return;
-	}
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_setup.cpp b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_setup.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 98564838f6849f47625c3c2e8dd381d6b1888e56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/fft_setup.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-// File:       fft_setup.cpp
-// Version:    <1.0>
-// Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple")
-//             in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use,
-//             installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
-//             constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these
-//             terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
-//             software.
-//             In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and
-//             subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non - exclusive
-//             license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software ( the
-//             "Apple Software" ), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple
-//             Software, with or without modifications, in source and / or binary forms;
-//             provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
-//             without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text
-//             and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither
-//             the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to
-//             endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific
-//             prior written permission from Apple.  Except as expressly stated in this
-//             notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by
-//             Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be
-//             infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
-//             Software may be incorporated.
-//             The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
-// Copyright ( C ) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#include "fft_internal.h"
-#include "fft_base_kernels.h"
-#include <climits>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-using namespace std;
-extern void getKernelWorkDimensions(cl_fft_plan *plan, cl_fft_kernel_info *kernelInfo, cl_int *batchSize, size_t *gWorkItems, size_t *lWorkItems);
-static void 
-getBlockConfigAndKernelString(cl_fft_plan *plan)
-	plan->temp_buffer_needed = 0;
-	*plan->kernel_string += baseKernels;
-	if(plan->format == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat)
-		*plan->kernel_string += twistKernelPlannar;
-	else
-		*plan->kernel_string += twistKernelInterleaved;
-	switch(plan->dim) 
-	{
-		case clFFT_1D:
-			FFT1D(plan, cl_fft_kernel_x);
-			break;
-		case clFFT_2D:
-			FFT1D(plan, cl_fft_kernel_x); 
-			FFT1D(plan, cl_fft_kernel_y);  
-			break;
-		case clFFT_3D:
-			FFT1D(plan, cl_fft_kernel_x); 
-			FFT1D(plan, cl_fft_kernel_y); 
-			FFT1D(plan, cl_fft_kernel_z); 
-			break;
-		default:
-			return;
-	}
-	plan->temp_buffer_needed = 0;
-	cl_fft_kernel_info *kInfo = plan->kernel_info;
-	while(kInfo)
-	{
-		plan->temp_buffer_needed |= !kInfo->in_place_possible;
-		kInfo = kInfo->next;
-	}
-static void
-deleteKernelInfo(cl_fft_kernel_info *kInfo)
-	if(kInfo)
-	{
-	    if(kInfo->kernel_name)
-		    free(kInfo->kernel_name);
-	    if(kInfo->kernel)
-		    clReleaseKernel(kInfo->kernel);
-		free(kInfo);
-	}	
-static void
-destroy_plan(cl_fft_plan *Plan)
-    cl_fft_kernel_info *kernel_info = Plan->kernel_info;
-	while(kernel_info)
-	{
-		cl_fft_kernel_info *tmp = kernel_info->next;
-		deleteKernelInfo(kernel_info);
-		kernel_info = tmp;
-	}
-	Plan->kernel_info = NULL;
-	if(Plan->kernel_string)
-	{
-		delete Plan->kernel_string;
-		Plan->kernel_string = NULL;
-	}			
-	if(Plan->twist_kernel)
-	{
-		clReleaseKernel(Plan->twist_kernel);
-		Plan->twist_kernel = NULL;
-	}
-	if(Plan->program)
-	{
-		clReleaseProgram(Plan->program);
-		Plan->program = NULL;
-	}
-	if(Plan->tempmemobj) 
-	{
-		clReleaseMemObject(Plan->tempmemobj);
-		Plan->tempmemobj = NULL;
-	}
-	if(Plan->tempmemobj_real)
-	{
-		clReleaseMemObject(Plan->tempmemobj_real);
-		Plan->tempmemobj_real = NULL;
-	}
-	if(Plan->tempmemobj_imag)
-	{
-		clReleaseMemObject(Plan->tempmemobj_imag);
-		Plan->tempmemobj_imag = NULL;
-	}
-static int
-createKernelList(cl_fft_plan *plan) 
-	cl_program program = plan->program;
-	cl_fft_kernel_info *kernel_info = plan->kernel_info;
-	cl_int err;
-	while(kernel_info)
-	{
-		kernel_info->kernel = clCreateKernel(program, kernel_info->kernel_name, &err);
-		if(!kernel_info->kernel || err != CL_SUCCESS)
-			return err;
-		kernel_info = kernel_info->next;		
-	}
-	if(plan->format == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat)
-		plan->twist_kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "clFFT_1DTwistSplit", &err);
-	else
-		plan->twist_kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "clFFT_1DTwistInterleaved", &err);
-	if(!plan->twist_kernel || err)
-		return err;
-	return CL_SUCCESS;
-int getMaxKernelWorkGroupSize(cl_fft_plan *plan, unsigned int *max_wg_size, unsigned int num_devices, cl_device_id *devices)
-    int reg_needed = 0;
-    *max_wg_size = INT_MAX;
-    int err;
-    size_t wg_size;
-    unsigned int i;
-    for(i = 0; i < num_devices; i++)
-    {
-	    cl_fft_kernel_info *kInfo = plan->kernel_info;
-	    while(kInfo)
-	    {
-		    err = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(kInfo->kernel, devices[i], CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(size_t), &wg_size, NULL);
-		    if(err != CL_SUCCESS)
-		        return -1;
-		    if(wg_size < kInfo->num_workitems_per_workgroup)
-		        reg_needed |= 1;
-		    if(*max_wg_size > wg_size)
-		        *max_wg_size = wg_size;
-		    kInfo = kInfo->next;
-	    }
-	}
-	return reg_needed;
-#define ERR_MACRO(err) { \
-                         if( err != CL_SUCCESS) \
-                         { \
-                           if(error_code) \
-                               *error_code = err; \
-                           clFFT_DestroyPlan((clFFT_Plan) plan); \
-						   return (clFFT_Plan) NULL; \
-                         } \
-					   }
-clFFT_CreatePlan(cl_context context, clFFT_Dim3 n, clFFT_Dimension dim, clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat, cl_int *error_code )
-	int i;
-	cl_int err;
-	int isPow2 = 1;
-	cl_fft_plan *plan = NULL;
-	ostringstream kString;
-	int num_devices;
-	int gpu_found = 0;
-	cl_device_id devices[16];
-	size_t ret_size;
-	cl_device_type device_type;
-    if(!context)
-	isPow2 |= n.x && !( (n.x - 1) & n.x );
-	isPow2 |= n.y && !( (n.y - 1) & n.y );
-	isPow2 |= n.z && !( (n.z - 1) & n.z );
-	if(!isPow2)
-	if( (dim == clFFT_1D && (n.y != 1 || n.z != 1)) || (dim == clFFT_2D && n.z != 1) )
-	plan = (cl_fft_plan *) malloc(sizeof(cl_fft_plan));
-	if(!plan)
-	plan->context = context;
-	clRetainContext(context);
-	plan->n = n;
-	plan->dim = dim;
-	plan->format = dataFormat;
-	plan->kernel_info = 0;
-	plan->num_kernels = 0;
-	plan->twist_kernel = 0;
-	plan->program = 0;
-	plan->temp_buffer_needed = 0;
-	plan->last_batch_size = 0;
-	plan->tempmemobj = 0;
-	plan->tempmemobj_real = 0;
-	plan->tempmemobj_imag = 0;
-	plan->max_localmem_fft_size = 2048;
-	plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup = 256;
-	plan->max_radix = 16;
-	plan->min_mem_coalesce_width = 16;
-	plan->num_local_mem_banks = 16;	
-	plan->kernel_string = new string("");
-	if(!plan->kernel_string)
-	getBlockConfigAndKernelString(plan);
-	const char *source_str = plan->kernel_string->c_str();
-	plan->program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, (const char**) &source_str, NULL, &err);
-    ERR_MACRO(err);
-	err = clGetContextInfo(context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, sizeof(devices), devices, &ret_size);
-	ERR_MACRO(err);
-	num_devices = ret_size / sizeof(cl_device_id);
-	for(i = 0; i < num_devices; i++)
-	{
-		err = clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_TYPE, sizeof(device_type), &device_type, NULL);
-		ERR_MACRO(err);
-		if(device_type == CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU || device_type == CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU)
-		{	
-			gpu_found = 1;
-	        err = clBuildProgram(plan->program, 1, &devices[i], "-cl-mad-enable", NULL, NULL);
-	        if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
-	        {
-		        char *build_log;				
-				char devicename[200];
-		        size_t log_size;
-		        err = clGetProgramBuildInfo(plan->program, devices[i], CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &log_size);
-				ERR_MACRO(err);
-		        build_log = (char *) malloc(log_size + 1);
-			    err = clGetProgramBuildInfo(plan->program, devices[i], CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, log_size, build_log, NULL);
-				ERR_MACRO(err);
-				err = clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(devicename), devicename, NULL);
-				ERR_MACRO(err);
-				fprintf(stdout, "FFT program build log on device %s\n", devicename);
-		        fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", build_log);
-		        free(build_log);
-				ERR_MACRO(err);
-			}	
-		}	
-	}
-	if(!gpu_found)
-	err = createKernelList(plan); 
-    ERR_MACRO(err);
-    // we created program and kernels based on "some max work group size (default 256)" ... this work group size
-    // may be larger than what kernel may execute with ... if thats the case we need to regenerate the kernel source 
-    // setting this as limit i.e max group size and rebuild. 
-	unsigned int max_kernel_wg_size; 
-	int patching_req = getMaxKernelWorkGroupSize(plan, &max_kernel_wg_size, num_devices, devices);
-	if(patching_req == -1)
-	{
-	    ERR_MACRO(err);
-	}
-	if(patching_req)
-	{
-	    destroy_plan(plan);
-	    plan->max_work_item_per_workgroup = max_kernel_wg_size;
-	    goto patch_kernel_source;
-	}
-	cl_fft_kernel_info *kInfo = plan->kernel_info;
-	while(kInfo)
-	{
-		plan->num_kernels++;
-		kInfo = kInfo->next;
-	}
-	if(error_code)
-		*error_code = CL_SUCCESS;
-	return (clFFT_Plan) plan;
-clFFT_DestroyPlan(clFFT_Plan plan)
-    cl_fft_plan *Plan = (cl_fft_plan *) plan;
-	if(Plan) 
-	{	
-		destroy_plan(Plan);	
-		clReleaseContext(Plan->context);
-		free(Plan);
-	}		
-void clFFT_DumpPlan( clFFT_Plan Plan, FILE *file)
-	size_t gDim, lDim;
-	FILE *out;
-	if(!file)
-		out = stdout;
-	else 
-		out = file;
-	cl_fft_plan *plan = (cl_fft_plan *) Plan;
-	cl_fft_kernel_info *kInfo = plan->kernel_info;
-	while(kInfo)
-	{
-		cl_int s = 1;
-		getKernelWorkDimensions(plan, kInfo, &s, &gDim, &lDim);
-		fprintf(out, "Run kernel %s with global dim = {%zd*BatchSize}, local dim={%zd}\n", kInfo->kernel_name, gDim, lDim);
-		kInfo = kInfo->next;
-	}
-	fprintf(out, "%s\n", plan->kernel_string->c_str());
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/libOpenCL_FFT.a.not b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/libOpenCL_FFT.a.not
deleted file mode 100644
index 595b15d060a75485d1668d9fd6271c350eec7afb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/libOpenCL_FFT.a.not and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/main.cpp b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index bc6b956137faedcb2a58c25e1d81d3aedd8a4568..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,882 +0,0 @@
-// File:       main.cpp
-// Version:    <1.0>
-// Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple")
-//             in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use,
-//             installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
-//             constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these
-//             terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
-//             software.
-//             In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and
-//             subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non - exclusive
-//             license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software ( the
-//             "Apple Software" ), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple
-//             Software, with or without modifications, in source and / or binary forms;
-//             provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
-//             without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text
-//             and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither
-//             the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to
-//             endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific
-//             prior written permission from Apple.  Except as expressly stated in this
-//             notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by
-//             Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be
-//             infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
-//             Software may be incorporated.
-//             The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
-// Copyright ( C ) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <CL/cl.h>
-#include "clFFT.h"
-//#include <mach/mach_time.h>
-#include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>
-#include "procs.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <float.h>
-#define eps_avg 10.0
-#define MAX( _a, _b)	((_a)>(_b)?(_a) : (_b))
-typedef enum {
-typedef struct
-	double real;
-	double imag;
-typedef struct
-	double *real;
-	double *imag;
-cl_device_id     device_id;
-cl_context       context;
-cl_command_queue queue;
-typedef unsigned long long ulong;
-double subtractTimes( uint64_t endTime, uint64_t startTime )
-    uint64_t difference = endTime - startTime;
-    static double conversion = 0.0;
-    if( conversion == 0.0 )
-    {
-        mach_timebase_info_data_t info;
-        kern_return_t err = mach_timebase_info( &info );
-		//Convert the timebase into seconds
-        if( err == 0  )
-			conversion = 1e-9 * (double) info.numer / (double) info.denom;
-    }
-    return conversion * (double) difference;
-void computeReferenceF(clFFT_SplitComplex *out, clFFT_Dim3 n, 
-					  unsigned int batchSize, clFFT_Dimension dim, clFFT_Direction dir)
-	FFTSetup plan_vdsp;
-	DSPSplitComplex out_vdsp;
-	FFTDirection dir_vdsp = dir == clFFT_Forward ? FFT_FORWARD : FFT_INVERSE;
-	unsigned int i, j, k;
-	unsigned int stride;
-	unsigned int log2Nx = (unsigned int) log2(n.x);
-	unsigned int log2Ny = (unsigned int) log2(n.y);
-	unsigned int log2Nz = (unsigned int) log2(n.z);
-	unsigned int log2N;
-	log2N = log2Nx;
-	log2N = log2N > log2Ny ? log2N : log2Ny;
-	log2N = log2N > log2Nz ? log2N : log2Nz;
-	plan_vdsp = vDSP_create_fftsetup(log2N, 2);
-	switch(dim)
-	{
-		case clFFT_1D:
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				stride = i * n.x;
-				out_vdsp.realp  = out->real  + stride;
-				out_vdsp.imagp  = out->imag  + stride;
-			    vDSP_fft_zip(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, 1, log2Nx, dir_vdsp);
-			}
-			break;
-		case clFFT_2D:
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				for(j = 0; j < n.y; j++)
-				{
-					stride = j * n.x + i * n.x * n.y;
-					out_vdsp.realp = out->real + stride;
-					out_vdsp.imagp = out->imag + stride;
-					vDSP_fft_zip(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, 1, log2Nx, dir_vdsp);
-				}
-			}
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				for(j = 0; j < n.x; j++)
-				{
-					stride = j + i * n.x  * n.y;
-					out_vdsp.realp = out->real + stride;
-					out_vdsp.imagp = out->imag + stride;
-					vDSP_fft_zip(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, n.x, log2Ny, dir_vdsp);
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case clFFT_3D:
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				for(j = 0; j < n.z; j++)
-				{
-					for(k = 0; k < n.y; k++)
-					{
-						stride = k * n.x + j * n.x * n.y + i * n.x * n.y * n.z;
-						out_vdsp.realp = out->real + stride;
-						out_vdsp.imagp = out->imag + stride;
-						vDSP_fft_zip(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, 1, log2Nx, dir_vdsp);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				for(j = 0; j < n.z; j++)
-				{
-					for(k = 0; k < n.x; k++)
-					{
-						stride = k + j * n.x * n.y + i * n.x * n.y * n.z;
-						out_vdsp.realp = out->real + stride;
-						out_vdsp.imagp = out->imag + stride;
-						vDSP_fft_zip(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, n.x, log2Ny, dir_vdsp);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				for(j = 0; j < n.y; j++)
-				{
-					for(k = 0; k < n.x; k++)
-					{
-						stride = k + j * n.x + i * n.x * n.y * n.z;
-						out_vdsp.realp = out->real + stride;
-						out_vdsp.imagp = out->imag + stride;
-						vDSP_fft_zip(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, n.x*n.y, log2Nz, dir_vdsp);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-	}
-	vDSP_destroy_fftsetup(plan_vdsp);
-void computeReferenceD(clFFT_SplitComplexDouble *out, clFFT_Dim3 n, 
-					  unsigned int batchSize, clFFT_Dimension dim, clFFT_Direction dir)
-	FFTSetupD plan_vdsp;
-	DSPDoubleSplitComplex out_vdsp;
-	FFTDirection dir_vdsp = dir == clFFT_Forward ? FFT_FORWARD : FFT_INVERSE;
-	unsigned int i, j, k;
-	unsigned int stride;
-	unsigned int log2Nx = (int) log2(n.x);
-	unsigned int log2Ny = (int) log2(n.y);
-	unsigned int log2Nz = (int) log2(n.z);
-	unsigned int log2N;
-	log2N = log2Nx;
-	log2N = log2N > log2Ny ? log2N : log2Ny;
-	log2N = log2N > log2Nz ? log2N : log2Nz;
-	plan_vdsp = vDSP_create_fftsetupD(log2N, 2);
-	switch(dim)
-	{
-		case clFFT_1D:
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				stride = i * n.x;
-				out_vdsp.realp  = out->real  + stride;
-				out_vdsp.imagp  = out->imag  + stride;
-			    vDSP_fft_zipD(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, 1, log2Nx, dir_vdsp);
-			}
-			break;
-		case clFFT_2D:
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				for(j = 0; j < n.y; j++)
-				{
-					stride = j * n.x + i * n.x * n.y;
-					out_vdsp.realp = out->real + stride;
-					out_vdsp.imagp = out->imag + stride;
-					vDSP_fft_zipD(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, 1, log2Nx, dir_vdsp);
-				}
-			}
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				for(j = 0; j < n.x; j++)
-				{
-					stride = j + i * n.x  * n.y;
-					out_vdsp.realp = out->real + stride;
-					out_vdsp.imagp = out->imag + stride;
-					vDSP_fft_zipD(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, n.x, log2Ny, dir_vdsp);
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case clFFT_3D:
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				for(j = 0; j < n.z; j++)
-				{
-					for(k = 0; k < n.y; k++)
-					{
-						stride = k * n.x + j * n.x * n.y + i * n.x * n.y * n.z;
-						out_vdsp.realp = out->real + stride;
-						out_vdsp.imagp = out->imag + stride;
-						vDSP_fft_zipD(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, 1, log2Nx, dir_vdsp);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				for(j = 0; j < n.z; j++)
-				{
-					for(k = 0; k < n.x; k++)
-					{
-						stride = k + j * n.x * n.y + i * n.x * n.y * n.z;
-						out_vdsp.realp = out->real + stride;
-						out_vdsp.imagp = out->imag + stride;
-						vDSP_fft_zipD(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, n.x, log2Ny, dir_vdsp);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			for(i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
-			{
-				for(j = 0; j < n.y; j++)
-				{
-					for(k = 0; k < n.x; k++)
-					{
-						stride = k + j * n.x + i * n.x * n.y * n.z;
-						out_vdsp.realp = out->real + stride;
-						out_vdsp.imagp = out->imag + stride;
-						vDSP_fft_zipD(plan_vdsp, &out_vdsp, n.x*n.y, log2Nz, dir_vdsp);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-	}
-	vDSP_destroy_fftsetupD(plan_vdsp);
-double complexNormSq(clFFT_ComplexDouble a)
-	return (a.real * a.real + a.imag * a.imag);
-double computeL2Error(clFFT_SplitComplex *data, clFFT_SplitComplexDouble *data_ref, int n, int batchSize, double *max_diff, double *min_diff)
-	int i, j;
-	double avg_norm = 0.0;
-	*max_diff = 0.0;
-	*min_diff = 0x1.0p1000;
-	for(j = 0; j < batchSize; j++)
-	{
-		double norm_ref = 0.0;
-		double norm = 0.0;
-	    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) 
-		{
-			int index = j * n + i;
-		    clFFT_ComplexDouble diff = (clFFT_ComplexDouble) { data_ref->real[index] - data->real[index], data_ref->imag[index] - data->imag[index] };
-		    double norm_tmp = complexNormSq(diff);
-		    norm += norm_tmp;
-		    norm_ref += (data_ref->real[index] * data_ref->real[index] + data_ref->imag[index] * data_ref->imag[index]);
-	    }
-	    double curr_norm = sqrt( norm / norm_ref ) / FLT_EPSILON;
-		avg_norm += curr_norm;
-		*max_diff = *max_diff < curr_norm ? curr_norm : *max_diff;
-		*min_diff = *min_diff > curr_norm ? curr_norm : *min_diff;
-	}
-	return avg_norm / batchSize;
-void convertInterleavedToSplit(clFFT_SplitComplex *result_split, clFFT_Complex *data_cl, int length)
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-		result_split->real[i] = data_cl[i].real;
-		result_split->imag[i] = data_cl[i].imag;
-	}
-int runTest(clFFT_Dim3 n, int batchSize, clFFT_Direction dir, clFFT_Dimension dim, 
-			clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat, int numIter, clFFT_TestType testType)
-	cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
-	int iter;
-	double t;
-	uint64_t t0, t1;
-	int mx = log2(n.x);
-	int my = log2(n.y);
-	int mz = log2(n.z);
-	int length = n.x * n.y * n.z * batchSize;
-	double gflops = 5e-9 * ((double)mx + (double)my + (double)mz) * (double)n.x * (double)n.y * (double)n.z * (double)batchSize * (double)numIter;
-	clFFT_SplitComplex data_i_split = (clFFT_SplitComplex) { NULL, NULL };
-	clFFT_SplitComplex data_cl_split = (clFFT_SplitComplex) { NULL, NULL };
-	clFFT_Complex *data_i = NULL;
-	clFFT_Complex *data_cl = NULL;
-	clFFT_SplitComplexDouble data_iref = (clFFT_SplitComplexDouble) { NULL, NULL }; 
-	clFFT_SplitComplexDouble data_oref = (clFFT_SplitComplexDouble) { NULL, NULL };
-	clFFT_Plan plan = NULL;
-	cl_mem data_in = NULL;
-	cl_mem data_out = NULL;
-	cl_mem data_in_real = NULL;
-	cl_mem data_in_imag = NULL;
-	cl_mem data_out_real = NULL;
-	cl_mem data_out_imag = NULL;
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) {
-		data_i_split.real     = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * length);
-		data_i_split.imag     = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * length);
-		data_cl_split.real    = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * length);
-		data_cl_split.imag    = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * length);
-		if(!data_i_split.real || !data_i_split.imag || !data_cl_split.real || !data_cl_split.imag)
-		{
-			err = -1;
-			log_error("Out-of-Resources\n");
-			goto cleanup;
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		data_i  = (clFFT_Complex *) malloc(sizeof(clFFT_Complex)*length);
-		data_cl = (clFFT_Complex *) malloc(sizeof(clFFT_Complex)*length);
-		if(!data_i || !data_cl)
-		{
-			err = -2;
-			log_error("Out-of-Resouces\n");
-			goto cleanup;
-		}
-	}
-	data_iref.real   = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * length);
-	data_iref.imag   = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * length);
-	data_oref.real   = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * length);
-	data_oref.imag   = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * length);	
-	if(!data_iref.real || !data_iref.imag || !data_oref.real || !data_oref.imag)
-	{
-		err = -3;
-		log_error("Out-of-Resources\n");
-		goto cleanup;
-	}
-	int i;
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) {
-		for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
-		{
-			data_i_split.real[i] = 2.0f * (float) rand() / (float) RAND_MAX - 1.0f;
-			data_i_split.imag[i] = 2.0f * (float) rand() / (float) RAND_MAX - 1.0f;
-			data_cl_split.real[i] = 0.0f;
-			data_cl_split.imag[i] = 0.0f;			
-			data_iref.real[i] = data_i_split.real[i];
-			data_iref.imag[i] = data_i_split.imag[i];
-			data_oref.real[i] = data_iref.real[i];
-			data_oref.imag[i] = data_iref.imag[i];	
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
-		{
-			data_i[i].real = 2.0f * (float) rand() / (float) RAND_MAX - 1.0f;
-			data_i[i].imag = 2.0f * (float) rand() / (float) RAND_MAX - 1.0f;
-			data_cl[i].real = 0.0f;
-			data_cl[i].imag = 0.0f;			
-			data_iref.real[i] = data_i[i].real;
-			data_iref.imag[i] = data_i[i].imag;
-			data_oref.real[i] = data_iref.real[i];
-			data_oref.imag[i] = data_iref.imag[i];	
-		}		
-	}
-	plan = clFFT_CreatePlan( context, n, dim, dataFormat, &err );
-	if(!plan || err) 
-	{
-		log_error("clFFT_CreatePlan failed\n");
-		goto cleanup;
-	}
-	//clFFT_DumpPlan(plan, stdout);
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat)
-	{
-		data_in_real = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, length*sizeof(float), data_i_split.real, &err);
-	    if(!data_in_real || err) 
-	    {
-			log_error("clCreateBuffer failed\n");
-			goto cleanup;
-	    }
-		data_in_imag = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, length*sizeof(float), data_i_split.imag, &err);
-	    if(!data_in_imag || err) 
-	    {
-			log_error("clCreateBuffer failed\n");
-			goto cleanup;
-	    }
-		if(testType == clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE)
-		{
-			data_out_real = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, length*sizeof(float), data_cl_split.real, &err);
-			if(!data_out_real || err) 
-			{
-				log_error("clCreateBuffer failed\n");
-				goto cleanup;
-			}
-			data_out_imag = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, length*sizeof(float), data_cl_split.imag, &err);
-			if(!data_out_imag || err) 
-			{
-				log_error("clCreateBuffer failed\n");
-				goto cleanup;
-			}			
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			data_out_real = data_in_real;
-			data_out_imag = data_in_imag;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    data_in = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, length*sizeof(float)*2, data_i, &err);
-	    if(!data_in) 
-	    {
-			log_error("clCreateBuffer failed\n");
-			goto cleanup;
-	    }
-		if(testType == clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE)
-		{
-			data_out = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, length*sizeof(float)*2, data_cl, &err);
-			if(!data_out) 
-			{
-				log_error("clCreateBuffer failed\n");
-				goto cleanup;
-			}			
-		}
-		else
-			data_out = data_in;
-	}
-	err = CL_SUCCESS;
-	t0 = mach_absolute_time();
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat)
-	{
-		for(iter = 0; iter < numIter; iter++)
-		    err |= clFFT_ExecutePlannar(queue, plan, batchSize, dir, data_in_real, data_in_imag, data_out_real, data_out_imag, 0, NULL, NULL);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    for(iter = 0; iter < numIter; iter++) 
-			err |= clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved(queue, plan, batchSize, dir, data_in, data_out, 0, NULL, NULL);
-	}
-	err |= clFinish(queue);
-	if(err) 
-	{
-		log_error("clFFT_Execute\n");
-		goto cleanup;	
-	}
-	t1 = mach_absolute_time(); 
-	t = subtractTimes(t1, t0);
-	char temp[100];
-	sprintf(temp, "GFlops achieved for n = (%d, %d, %d), batchsize = %d", n.x, n.y, n.z, batchSize);
-	log_perf(gflops / (float) t, 1, "GFlops/s", "%s", temp);
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat)
-	{	
-		err |= clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, data_out_real, CL_TRUE, 0, length*sizeof(float), data_cl_split.real, 0, NULL, NULL);
-		err |= clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, data_out_imag, CL_TRUE, 0, length*sizeof(float), data_cl_split.imag, 0, NULL, NULL);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		err |= clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, data_out, CL_TRUE, 0, length*sizeof(float)*2, data_cl, 0, NULL, NULL);
-	}
-	if(err) 
-	{
-		log_error("clEnqueueReadBuffer failed\n");
-        goto cleanup;
-	}	
-	computeReferenceD(&data_oref, n, batchSize, dim, dir);
-	double diff_avg, diff_max, diff_min;
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) {
-		diff_avg = computeL2Error(&data_cl_split, &data_oref, n.x*n.y*n.z, batchSize, &diff_max, &diff_min);
-		if(diff_avg > eps_avg)
-			log_error("Test failed (n=(%d, %d, %d), batchsize=%d): %s Test: rel. L2-error = %f eps (max=%f eps, min=%f eps)\n", n.x, n.y, n.z, batchSize, (testType == clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE) ? "out-of-place" : "in-place", diff_avg, diff_max, diff_min);
-		else
-			log_info("Test passed (n=(%d, %d, %d), batchsize=%d): %s Test: rel. L2-error = %f eps (max=%f eps, min=%f eps)\n", n.x, n.y, n.z, batchSize, (testType == clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE) ? "out-of-place" : "in-place", diff_avg, diff_max, diff_min);			
-	}
-	else {
-		clFFT_SplitComplex result_split;
-		result_split.real = (float *) malloc(length*sizeof(float));
-		result_split.imag = (float *) malloc(length*sizeof(float));
-		convertInterleavedToSplit(&result_split, data_cl, length);
-		diff_avg = computeL2Error(&result_split, &data_oref, n.x*n.y*n.z, batchSize, &diff_max, &diff_min);
-		if(diff_avg > eps_avg)
-			log_error("Test failed (n=(%d, %d, %d), batchsize=%d): %s Test: rel. L2-error = %f eps (max=%f eps, min=%f eps)\n", n.x, n.y, n.z, batchSize, (testType == clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE) ? "out-of-place" : "in-place", diff_avg, diff_max, diff_min);
-		else
-			log_info("Test passed (n=(%d, %d, %d), batchsize=%d): %s Test: rel. L2-error = %f eps (max=%f eps, min=%f eps)\n", n.x, n.y, n.z, batchSize, (testType == clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE) ? "out-of-place" : "in-place", diff_avg, diff_max, diff_min);	
-		free(result_split.real);
-		free(result_split.imag);
-	}
-	clFFT_DestroyPlan(plan);	
-	if(dataFormat == clFFT_SplitComplexFormat) 
-	{
-		if(data_i_split.real)
-			free(data_i_split.real);
-		if(data_i_split.imag)
-			free(data_i_split.imag);
-		if(data_cl_split.real)
-			free(data_cl_split.real);
-		if(data_cl_split.imag)
-			free(data_cl_split.imag);
-		if(data_in_real)
-			clReleaseMemObject(data_in_real);
-		if(data_in_imag)
-			clReleaseMemObject(data_in_imag);
-		if(data_out_real && testType == clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE)
-			clReleaseMemObject(data_out_real);
-		if(data_out_imag && clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE)
-			clReleaseMemObject(data_out_imag);
-	}
-	else 
-	{
-		if(data_i)
-			free(data_i);
-		if(data_cl)
-			free(data_cl);
-		if(data_in)
-			clReleaseMemObject(data_in);
-		if(data_out && testType == clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE)
-			clReleaseMemObject(data_out);
-	}
-	if(data_iref.real)
-		free(data_iref.real);
-	if(data_iref.imag)
-		free(data_iref.imag);		
-	if(data_oref.real)
-		free(data_oref.real);
-	if(data_oref.imag)
-		free(data_oref.imag);
-	return err;
-bool ifLineCommented(const char *line) {
-	const char *Line = line;
-	while(*Line != '\0')
-		if((*Line == '/') && (*(Line + 1) == '/'))
-			return true;
-		else
-			Line++;
-	return false;
-cl_device_type getGlobalDeviceType()
-	char *force_cpu = getenv( "CL_DEVICE_TYPE" );
-	if( force_cpu != NULL )
-	{
-		if( strcmp( force_cpu, "gpu" ) == 0 || strcmp( force_cpu, "CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU" ) == 0 )
-			return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU;
-		else if( strcmp( force_cpu, "cpu" ) == 0 || strcmp( force_cpu, "CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU" ) == 0 )
-			return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU;
-		else if( strcmp( force_cpu, "accelerator" ) == 0 || strcmp( force_cpu, "CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR" ) == 0 )
-		else if( strcmp( force_cpu, "CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT" ) == 0 )
-	}
-	// default
-notify_callback(const char *errinfo, const void *private_info, size_t cb, void *user_data)
-    log_error( "%s\n", errinfo );
-checkMemRequirements(clFFT_Dim3 n, int batchSize, clFFT_TestType testType, cl_ulong gMemSize)
-	cl_ulong memReq = (testType == clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE) ? 3 : 2;
-	memReq *= n.x*n.y*n.z*sizeof(clFFT_Complex)*batchSize;
-	memReq = memReq/1024/1024;
-	if(memReq >= gMemSize)
-		return -1;
-	return 0;
-int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
-	test_start();
-	cl_ulong gMemSize;
-	clFFT_Direction dir = clFFT_Forward;
-	int numIter = 1;
-	clFFT_Dim3 n = { 1024, 1, 1 };
-	int batchSize = 1;
-	clFFT_DataFormat dataFormat = clFFT_SplitComplexFormat;
-	clFFT_Dimension dim = clFFT_1D;
-	clFFT_TestType testType = clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE;
-	cl_device_id device_ids[16];
-	FILE *paramFile;
-	cl_int err;
-	unsigned int num_devices;
-	cl_device_type device_type = getGlobalDeviceType();	
-	if(device_type != CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) 
-	{
-		log_info("Test only supported on DEVICE_TYPE_GPU\n");
-		test_finish();
-		exit(0);
-	}
-	err = clGetDeviceIDs(NULL, device_type, sizeof(device_ids), device_ids, &num_devices);
-	if(err) 
-	{		
-		log_error("clGetComputeDevice failed\n");
-		test_finish();
-		return -1;
-	}
-	device_id = NULL;
-	unsigned int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < num_devices; i++)
-	{
-	    cl_bool available;
-	    err = clGetDeviceInfo(device_ids[i], CL_DEVICE_AVAILABLE, sizeof(cl_bool), &available, NULL);
-	    if(err)
-	    {
-	         log_error("Cannot check device availability of device # %d\n", i);
-	    }
-	    if(available)
-	    {
-	        device_id = device_ids[i];
-	        break;
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-	        char name[200];
-	        err = clGetDeviceInfo(device_ids[i], CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(name), name, NULL);
-	        if(err == CL_SUCCESS)
-	        {
-	             log_info("Device %s not available for compute\n", name);
-	        }
-	        else
-	        {
-	             log_info("Device # %d not available for compute\n", i);
-	        }
-	    }
-	}
-	if(!device_id)
-	{
-	    log_error("None of the devices available for compute ... aborting test\n");
-	    test_finish();
-	    return -1;
-	}
-	context = clCreateContext(0, 1, &device_id, NULL, NULL, &err);
-	if(!context || err) 
-	{
-		log_error("clCreateContext failed\n");
-		test_finish();
-		return -1;
-	}
-    queue = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device_id, 0, &err);
-    if(!queue || err)
-	{
-        log_error("clCreateCommandQueue() failed.\n");
-		clReleaseContext(context);
-        test_finish();
-        return -1;
-    }  
-	err = clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof(cl_ulong), &gMemSize, NULL);
-	if(err)
-	{
-		log_error("Failed to get global mem size\n");
-		clReleaseContext(context);
-		clReleaseCommandQueue(queue);
-		test_finish();
-		return -2;
-	}
-	gMemSize /= (1024*1024);
-	char delim[] = " \n";
-	char tmpStr[100];
-	char line[200];
-	char *param, *val;	
-	int total_errors = 0;
-	if(argc == 1) {
-		log_error("Need file name with list of parameters to run the test\n");
-		test_finish();
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if(argc == 2) {	// arguments are supplied in a file with arguments for a single run are all on the same line
-		paramFile = fopen(argv[1], "r");
-		if(!paramFile) {
-			log_error("Cannot open the parameter file\n");
-			clReleaseContext(context);
-			clReleaseCommandQueue(queue);			
-			test_finish();
-			return -3;
-		}
-		while(fgets(line, 199, paramFile)) {
-			if(!strcmp(line, "") || !strcmp(line, "\n") || ifLineCommented(line))
-				continue;
-			param = strtok(line, delim);
-			while(param) {
-				val = strtok(NULL, delim);
-				if(!strcmp(param, "-n")) {
-					sscanf(val, "%d", &n.x);
-					val = strtok(NULL, delim);
-					sscanf(val, "%d", &n.y);
-					val = strtok(NULL, delim);
-					sscanf(val, "%d", &n.z);					
-				}
-				else if(!strcmp(param, "-batchsize")) 
-					sscanf(val, "%d", &batchSize);
-				else if(!strcmp(param, "-dir")) {
-					sscanf(val, "%s", tmpStr);
-					if(!strcmp(tmpStr, "forward"))
-						dir = clFFT_Forward;
-					else if(!strcmp(tmpStr, "inverse"))
-						dir = clFFT_Inverse;
-				}
-				else if(!strcmp(param, "-dim")) {
-					sscanf(val, "%s", tmpStr);
-					if(!strcmp(tmpStr, "1D"))
-						dim = clFFT_1D;
-					else if(!strcmp(tmpStr, "2D"))
-						dim = clFFT_2D; 
-					else if(!strcmp(tmpStr, "3D"))
-						dim = clFFT_3D;					
-				}
-				else if(!strcmp(param, "-format")) {
-					sscanf(val, "%s", tmpStr);
-					if(!strcmp(tmpStr, "plannar"))
-						dataFormat = clFFT_SplitComplexFormat;
-					else if(!strcmp(tmpStr, "interleaved"))
-						dataFormat = clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat;					
-				}
-				else if(!strcmp(param, "-numiter"))
-					sscanf(val, "%d", &numIter);
-				else if(!strcmp(param, "-testtype")) {
-					sscanf(val, "%s", tmpStr);
-					if(!strcmp(tmpStr, "out-of-place"))
-						testType = clFFT_OUT_OF_PLACE;
-					else if(!strcmp(tmpStr, "in-place"))
-						testType = clFFT_IN_PLACE;										
-				}
-				param = strtok(NULL, delim);
-			}
-			if(checkMemRequirements(n, batchSize, testType, gMemSize)) {
-				log_info("This test cannot run because memory requirements canot be met by the available device\n");
-				continue;
-			}
-			err = runTest(n, batchSize, dir, dim, dataFormat, numIter, testType);
-			if (err)
-				total_errors++;
-		}
-	}
-	clReleaseContext(context);
-	clReleaseCommandQueue(queue);
-	test_finish();
-	return total_errors;		
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/param.txt b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/param.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 595402aa437b07baa8936280909927a09eb6f6dd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/param.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// File:       param.txt
-// Version:    <1.0>
-// Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple")
-//             in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use,
-//             installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
-//             constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these
-//             terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
-//             software.
-//             In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and
-//             subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non - exclusive
-//             license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software ( the
-//             "Apple Software" ), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple
-//             Software, with or without modifications, in source and / or binary forms;
-//             provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
-//             without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text
-//             and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither
-//             the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to
-//             endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific
-//             prior written permission from Apple.  Except as expressly stated in this
-//             notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by
-//             Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be
-//             infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
-//             Software may be incorporated.
-//             The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
-// Copyright ( C ) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
--n 64 1 1 -batchsize 8192 -dir forward -dim 1D -format plannar -numiter 1000 -testtype out-of-place
--n 1024 1 1 -batchsize 8192 -dir forward -dim 1D -format plannar -numiter 1000 -testtype out-of-place
--n 1048576 1 1 -batchsize 4 -dir inverse -dim 1D -format interleaved -numiter 1000 -testtype out-of-place
--n 1024 512 1 -batchsize 8 -dir forward -dim 2D -format interleaved -numiter 1000 -testtype out-of-place
--n 128 128 128 -batchsize 1 -dir inverse -dim 3D -format interleaved -numiter 1000 -testtype out-of-place
--n 16384 1 1 -batchsize 4 -dir forward -dim 1D -format interleaved -numiter 1 -testtype in-place
--n 32 2048 1 -batchsize 8 -dir forward -dim 2D -format interleaved -numiter 1 -testtype in-place
--n 4096 64 1 -batchsize 4 -dir inverse -dim 2D -format plannar -numiter 1 -testtype in-place
--n 64 32 16 -batchsize 1 -dir inverse -dim 3D -format interleaved -numiter 1 -testtype out-of-place
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/procs.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/procs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f6028c9e5218900accc97fa3dddc19fed885e7df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/OpenCL_FFT/src/procs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// File:       procs.h
-// Version:    <1.0>
-// Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple")
-//             in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use,
-//             installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
-//             constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these
-//             terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
-//             software.
-//             In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and
-//             subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non - exclusive
-//             license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software ( the
-//             "Apple Software" ), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple
-//             Software, with or without modifications, in source and / or binary forms;
-//             provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
-//             without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text
-//             and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither
-//             the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to
-//             endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific
-//             prior written permission from Apple.  Except as expressly stated in this
-//             notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by
-//             Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be
-//             infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
-//             Software may be incorporated.
-//             The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
-// Copyright ( C ) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#define test_start()
-#define log_perf(_number, _higherBetter, _numType, _format, ...) printf("Performance Number " _format " (in %s, %s): %g\n",##__VA_ARGS__, _numType, _higherBetter?"higher is better":"lower is better" , _number)
-#define log_info printf
-#define log_error printf
-#define test_finish()
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/appmlEnv.sh b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/appmlEnv.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 1752540a870c8cc213a24d0610241bec79af922d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/appmlEnv.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Short script meant to automate the task of setting up a terminal window to 
-# use the APPML library
-# Verify that this script has been sourced, not directly executed
-if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]
-	echo "This script is meant to be sourced '.', as it modifies environmental variables"
-	echo "Try running as: '. $(basename ${0})'"
-	exit
-# This is a sequence of bash commands to get the directory of this script
-scriptDir=$(dirname $(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}))
-# echo Script dir is: ${scriptDir}
-# Bash regexp to determine if the terminal is set up to point to APPML
-if [[ ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = *${scriptDir}/lib64:${scriptDir}/lib32* ]]
-	echo "APPML math libraries is set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
-	echo "Patching LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include APPML math libraries"
-	export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${scriptDir}/lib64:${scriptDir}/lib32:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin32/clAmdFft.Client b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin32/clAmdFft.Client
deleted file mode 120000
index 4c429f2ba6b154932f86938a7f85885fd7c7d73a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin32/clAmdFft.Client
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin32/clAmdFft.Client-1.8.291 b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin32/clAmdFft.Client-1.8.291
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f34771aed6d08c2fc6704228a854c21f9a9aa74..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin32/clAmdFft.Client-1.8.291 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin64/clAmdFft.Client b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin64/clAmdFft.Client
deleted file mode 120000
index 4c429f2ba6b154932f86938a7f85885fd7c7d73a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin64/clAmdFft.Client
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin64/clAmdFft.Client-1.8.291 b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin64/clAmdFft.Client-1.8.291
deleted file mode 100755
index 8dbf34568a62e89262fe165bfe7edf5a621406d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/bin64/clAmdFft.Client-1.8.291 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/clAmdFft-1.8.291-Linux.tar.gz b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/clAmdFft-1.8.291-Linux.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f495d1388576ab1abf15db4727c2a7c1a0d2f35..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/clAmdFft-1.8.291-Linux.tar.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/clAmdFft-EULA.txt b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/clAmdFft-EULA.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cf752a15d2d961d9c640ad0bd67efd695c150a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/clAmdFft-EULA.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY:  Do not install, copy or use the enclosed Materials 
-(defined below) until carefully reading and agreeing to the following terms 
-and conditions.  This is a legal agreement ("Agreement") between you (either 
-an individual or an entity) ("You") and Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.  
-("AMD").  If You do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not install, 
-copy or use the Materials or any portion thereof.  By installing, copying or 
-using the Materials provided herewith or that is made available by AMD to 
-download from any media, You agree to all of the terms of this Agreement.  
-Note that these Materials are AMD Confidential Information and may not be 
-shared with any third party except as expressly provided below.
-In addition to those definitions set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, the 
-following terms have the meanings specified below:
-a)	"Distributed Software" means software developed or modified by You either 
-statically linked to Libraries or dynamically linked to Runtimes, and/or 
-derivative works of the Sample Source or modifiable Documentation.
-b)	"Documentation" means associated install scripts and online or electronic 
-documentation included as part of the deliverables in the Materials, or other 
-related materials or any portion thereof.
-c)	"Free Software License" means any software license that requires as a 
-condition of use, modification, adaptation or distribution of such licensed 
-software that other software derived from, distributed with or incorporated 
-into at the source code level be disclosed or distributed in Source Code 
-form.  By way of example, Free Software License includes, but is in no way 
-limited to any of the following licenses or distribution models, or licenses 
-or distribution models similar to any of the following: (i) GNU's General 
-Public License (GPL) or Lesser/Library GPL (LGPL), (ii) The Artistic License 
-(e.g., PERL), (iii) the Mozilla Public License, (iv) the Netscape Public 
-License, (v) the Sun Community Source License (SCSL), and (vi) the Sun 
-Industry Standards Source License (SISSL).
-d)	"Intellectual Property Rights" means any rights under any patents, 
-trademarks, copyrights, mask works, trade secret information, intellectual 
-property, license or similar materials.
-e)	"Libraries" means libraries in Object Code included as part of the 
-deliverables in the Materials that may be statically linked into Your 
-software for the Licensed Purpose.
-f)	"Licensed Purpose" means: (i) test and evaluate the Materials internally; 
-(ii) use of the Materials to create Distributed Software; and (iii) 
-distributing and sublicensing to end users the Distributed Software and 
-g)	"Materials" means AMD Advanced Parallel Processing Math Library (APPML), 
-including but not limited to Documentation, Libraries, Runtimes, Object Code, 
-Sample Source and Tools.
-h)	"Object Code" means machine readable computer programming code files, 
-which is not in a human readable form and which does not include debug 
-symbols similar in detail to Source Code.  
-i)	"Runtimes" means programs or dynamically linked libraries in Object Code 
-which are included as part of the deliverables in the Materials.
-j)	"Sample Source" means header files and sample code in Source Code form 
-which are included as part of the deliverables in the Materials.
-k)	"Tools" means any tools or utilities in the Materials.
-l)	"Source Code" means human readable form computer programming code and 
-related system level documentation, including all comments, symbols and any 
-procedural code such as job control language.
-2.	LICENSE.  Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, AMD 
-hereby grants You a non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable, non-transferable, 
-non-assignable limited copyright license to: 
-a)	install, use and reproduce the Materials internally at Your site(s) 
-solely for the purpose of internal testing and evaluation;
-b)	modify the Sample Source or Documentation to create Distributed Software;
-c)	statically link the Libraries or dynamically link Runtimes to Your 
-Software; and 
-d)	distribute and sublicense to end users in Object Code form only the 
-Distributed Software and Runtimes for the Licensed Purpose.  Your right to 
-distribute the Distributed Software and Runtimes to end users includes the 
-right to distribute through distributors including multiple layers of 
-3.	REQUIREMENTS.  You will sublicense the end users to use Distributed 
-Software, Libraries and Runtimes in accordance with terms and conditions that 
-are substantially similar to the terms and conditions contained in Schedule A 
-hereof.  You may include these terms in Your standard form agreement.  You 
-must reproduce all AMD trademark and/or copyright notices on any copy of the 
-Distributed Software and Runtimes that You distribute.
-4.	RESTRICTIONS.  Restrictions regarding Your use of the Materials are as 
-follows.  You may not: 
-a)	distribute, publish or sublicense the Documentation, the Sample Source, 
-the Libraries (except when built into the Distributed Software), the Tools or 
-any Source Code in the Materials to anyone;
-b)	reproduce copies of the Materials other than what is reasonably required 
-for the Licensed Purpose;
-c)	decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Object 
-Code contained in the Materials to a human-perceivable form;
-d)	alter any copyright, trademark or patent notice(s) in the Materials;
-e)	use AMD's trademarks in Your software or product names or in a way that 
-suggests the Distributed Software comes from AMD or is endorsed by AMD;
-f)	use AMD's trademarks in Your software or product names or in a way that 
-that suggests that any of the Materials are endorsed by AMD;
-g)	include contents in malicious, deceptive or unlawful programs;
-h)	modify and/or distribute any of the Materials so that any part of thereof 
-becomes subject to a Free Software License;
-i)	use the Materials to enable, support or otherwise aid You or a third 
-party to develop technology competitive with the AMD technology embodied in 
-Materials or relating to the AMD products; or
-j)	rent, lease or lend the Materials or transfer the Materials to any third 
-party except as expressly provided herein.
-You also agree that the Materials are licensed, not sold by AMD.
-Except as expressly provided in Section 2, AMD does not grant, by 
-implication, estoppel or otherwise any other Intellectual Property Rights.  
-You agree that all licenses granted herein are conditioned upon the use of 
-the Materials for the Licensed Purpose.  You agree that the Materials and all 
-partial versions thereto, including without limitation all modifications, 
-enhancements, updates, bug fixes, inventions, know-how, as well as all 
-Intellectual Property Rights and all other information relating thereto are 
-and will remain the sole and exclusive property of AMD.  You shall have no 
-right, title or interest therein except for the limited licenses set forth in 
-Section 2 of this Agreement.  AMD agrees that the foregoing shall not grant 
-AMD any right, title or interest in Your Distributed Software that is not 
-provided as part of the Materials, and Intellectual Property Rights therein 
-are and will remain Your sole and exclusive property.  Nothing in this 
-Agreement shall be construed to limit AMD's right to independently develop or 
-acquire software or products similar to those of Your software or products 
-including any Intellectual Property Rights therein.
-The Materials may include third party technologies (e.g.  third party 
-libraries) for which You must obtain licenses from parties other than AMD.  
-You agree that AMD has not obtained or conveyed to You--and that You shall be 
-responsible for obtaining--Intellectual Property Rights to use and/or 
-distribute the applicable, underlying Intellectual Property Rights related to 
-the third party technologies.  These third party technologies are not 
-licensed as part of the Materials and are not licensed under this Agreement.  
-Without limiting Section 10, You agree that AMD has no duty to defend You for 
-any infringement claims related to the standards and third party 
-technologies.  You agree to indemnify and hold AMD harmless for any costs or 
-damages that result from such claims.
-5.	NO SUPPORT.  AMD is under no obligation to provide any kind of technical, 
-development or end-user support for the Materials.
-6.	UPDATES.  AMD may provide updates from time to time.  If AMD provides 
-updates, these updates are licensed under the terms of this Agreement.
-7.	FEEDBACK.  You have no obligation to give AMD any suggestions, comments 
-or other feedback ("Feedback") relating to the Materials.  However, AMD may 
-use and include any Feedback that You provide to improve the Materials or 
-other related AMD products and technologies.  You grant AMD and its 
-affiliates and subsidiaries a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable, 
-royalty-free, perpetual license to, directly or indirectly, use, reproduce, 
-license, sublicense, distribute, make, have made, sell and otherwise 
-commercialize the Feedback in the Materials or other AMD technologies.  You 
-further agree not to provide any Feedback that (a) You know is subject to any 
-patent, copyright or other intellectual property claim or right of any third 
-party; (b) is subject to a Free Software License; or (c) is subject to 
-license terms which seek to require any products incorporating or derived 
-from such Feedback, or other AMD intellectual property, to be licensed to or 
-otherwise shared with any third party.
-8.	CONFIDENTIALITY.  You shall refrain from disclosing any Confidential 
-Information to third parties and will take reasonable security precautions, 
-at least as great as the precautions it takes to protect its own confidential 
-information, but no less than reasonable care, to keep confidential the 
-Confidential Information.  For the purposes hereof, "Confidential 
-Information" means all information disclosed between the parties in 
-connection with this Agreement, including the Materials and any other 
-business or technical information provided to You by AMD.  You will only 
-disclose the Confidential Information to Your employees or on-site 
-subcontractors (a) who have a need to know in furtherance of the Licensed 
-Purpose; and (b) who have signed a confidentiality agreement with You at 
-least as restrictive as this Agreement.  If at any future time AMD, directly 
-or indirectly, discloses any other related technology or information to You, 
-including without limitation any updated versions of the Materials, such 
-disclosure will also be deemed to be confidential, part of the Materials and 
-will be subject to the provisions of this Agreement.  You may disclose 
-Confidential Information in accordance with a judicial or other governmental 
-order, provided that You give AMD reasonable notice prior to such disclosure 
-to allow AMD a reasonable opportunity to seek a protective order or equivalent.
-11.	TERMINATION.  This Agreement is effective until terminated.  You can 
-terminate this Agreement at any time by destroying the Materials, and all 
-copies You have made.  This Agreement will terminate immediately without 
-notice from AMD if You fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement.  
-Upon termination You must destroy the Materials and all copies You have 
-made.  The termination of this Agreement shall: (i) immediately result in the 
-termination of all sublicenses previously granted by You to third party 
-distributors and contract manufacturers under Section 3; and (ii) have no 
-effect on any sublicenses previously granted by You to end users under 
-Subsection 3, which sublicenses shall survive in accordance with their terms.
-12.	GOVERNMENT END USERS.  If You are acquiring the Materials on behalf of 
-any unit or agency of the United States Government, the following provisions 
-apply.  The Government agrees the Materials were developed at private expense 
-and are provided with "RESTRICTED RIGHTS".  Use, duplication, or disclosure 
-by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in DFARS 
-227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (1995), DFARS 252.227-7013(c) (1) (ii) (Oct 
-1988), FAR 12.212(a) (1995), FAR 52.227-19, (June 1987) or FAR 52.227-14(ALT 
-III) (June 1987), as amended from time to time.  In the event that this 
-Agreement, or any part thereof, is deemed inconsistent with the minimum 
-rights identified in the Restricted Rights provisions, the minimum rights 
-shall prevail.
-13.	EXPORT RESTRICTIONS.  You shall adhere to all U.S.  and other applicable 
-export laws, including but not limited to the U.S.  Export Administration 
-Regulations ("EAR"), currently found at 15 C.F.R.  Sections 730 through 744.  
-Further, pursuant to 15 C.F.R Section 740.6, You hereby certifies that, 
-except pursuant to a license granted by the United States Department of 
-Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security or as otherwise permitted pursuant 
-to a License Exception under the EAR, You will not (1) export, re-export or 
-release to a national of a country in Country Groups D:1 or E:2 any 
-restricted technology, software, or source code it receives from AMD, or (2) 
-export to Country Groups D:1 or E:2 the direct product of such technology or 
-software, if such foreign produced direct product is subject to national 
-security controls as identified on the Commerce Control List (currently found 
-in Supplement 1 to Part 774 of EAR).  For the most current Country Group 
-listings, or for additional information about the EAR or Your obligations 
-under those regulations, please refer to the U.S.  Bureau of Industry and 
-Security's website at http://www.bis.doc.gov/.  These export requirements 
-shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement.
-14.	CONTROLLING LAW AND SEVERABILITY.  This Agreement will be governed by and 
-construed under the laws of the State of California without reference to its 
-conflicts of law principles.  The rights and obligations under this Agreement 
-shall not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts or the 
-International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded.  
-Each party hereto submits to the jurisdiction of the state and federal courts 
-of Santa Clara County and the Northern District of California for the purpose 
-of all legal proceedings arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the 
-subject matter hereof.  Each party waives any objection which it may have to 
-contest such forum.
-15.	SURVIVING OBLIGATIONS.  Sections 1, 3-16, inclusive, shall survive any 
-termination of this Agreement and shall bind the parties and their legal 
-representatives, successors, heirs and assigns.
-16.	COMPLETE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement 
-between the parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous oral or 
-written agreements with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.  No 
-waiver, amendment or modification of any provision of this Agreement will be 
-effective unless in writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement 
-is sought.
-If You agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, please 
-press "Accept."  If You do not agree to abide by the terms and conditions of 
-this Agreement and press "Decline," You may not use the Materials.
-1.  License. The software accompanying this License (hereinafter "Software"), 
-regardless of the media on which it is distributed, are licensed to you by 
-Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ("AMD").  You own the medium on which the 
-Software is recorded, but AMD and AMD's Licensors (referred to collectively 
-as "AMD") retain title to the Software and related documentation.  You may:
-a) use the Software.; and
-b) make a reasonable number of copies necessary for the purposes of this 
-License.  You must reproduce on such copy AMD's copyright notice and any 
-other proprietary legends that were on the original copy of the Software
-2.  Restrictions. The Software contains copyrighted and patented material, 
-trade secrets and other proprietary material.  In order to protect them, and 
-except as permitted by applicable legislation, you may not:
-a) decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software 
-to a human-perceivable form;
-b) modify, network, rent, lend, loan, distribute or create derivative works 
-based upon the Software in whole or in part; or
-c)  electronically transmit the Software from one computer to another or over 
-a network or otherwise transfer the Software except as permitted by this 
-3.  Termination. This License is effective until terminated.  You may 
-terminate this License at any time by destroying the Software, related 
-documentation and all copies thereof.  This License will terminate 
-immediately without notice from AMD if you fail to comply with any provision 
-of this License.  Upon termination you must destroy the Software, related 
-documentation and all copies thereof.
-4.  Government End Users. If you are acquiring the Software on behalf of any 
-unit or agency of the United States Government, the following provisions 
-apply.  The Government agrees the Software and documentation were developed 
-at private expense and are provided with "RESTRICTED RIGHTS".  Use, 
-duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as 
-set forth in DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (1995), DFARS 
-252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) (Oct 1988), FAR 12.212(a)(1995), FAR 52.227-19, (June 
-1987) or FAR 52.227-14(ALT III) (June 1987), as amended from time to time.  
-In the event that this License, or any part thereof, is deemed inconsistent 
-with the minimum rights identified in the Restricted Rights provisions, the 
-minimum rights shall prevail.
-5.  No Other License.  No rights or licenses are granted by AMD under this 
-License, expressly or by implication, with respect to any proprietary 
-information or patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property 
-right owned or controlled by AMD, except as expressly provided in this License.
-VENDOR.  Additional third party licenses may also be required and you agree 
-that you shall be solely responsible for obtaining such license rights.  
-7.  Disclaimer of Warranty on Software. You expressly acknowledge and agree 
-that use of the Software is at your sole risk.  The Software and related 
-documentation are provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind and AMD 
-EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.  AMD will not be liable for: 1) loss of, or 
-damage to, your records or data; or 2) any damages claimed by you based on 
-any third party claim.   In no event shall AMD's total liability to you for 
-all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort 
-(including negligence) or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you for the 
-9.  Export Restrictions. You shall adhere to all U.S. and other applicable 
-export laws, including but not limited to the U.S. Export Administration 
-Regulations (EAR), currently found at 15 C.F.R. Sections 730 through 744. 
-Further, pursuant to 15 C.F.R Section 740.6, You hereby certifies that, 
-except pursuant to a license granted by the United States Department of 
-Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security or as otherwise permitted pursuant 
-to a License Exception under the U.S. Export Administration Regulations 
-("EAR"), You will not (1) export, re-export or release to a national of a 
-country in Country Groups D:1 or E:2 any restricted technology, software, or 
-source code it receives from AMD, or (2) export to Country Groups D:1 or E:2 
-the direct product of such technology or software, if such foreign produced 
-direct product is subject to national security controls as identified on the 
-Commerce Control List (currently found in Supplement 1 to Part 774 of EAR).ÿ 
-For the most current Country Group listings, or for additional information 
-about the EAR or Recipient's obligations under those regulations, please 
-refer to the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security's website at 
-http://www.bis.doc.gov/.ÿ These export requirements shall survive any 
-expiration or termination of this Agreement.
-10.  Controlling Law and Severability. This Agreement will be governed by and 
-construed under the laws of the State of California without reference to its 
-conflicts of law principles. The rights and obligations under this Agreement 
-shall not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts or the 
-International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded.  
-Each party hereto submits to the jurisdiction of the state and federal courts 
-of Santa Clara County and the Northern District of California for the purpose 
-of all legal proceedings arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the 
-subject matter hereof.  Each party waives any objection which it may have to 
-contest such forum. 
-11.  Complete Agreement.  This License constitutes the entire agreement 
-between the parties with respect to the use of the Software and the related 
-documentation, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings or 
-agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter.  No amendment to 
-or modification of this License will be binding unless in writing and signed 
-by a duly authorized representative of AMD.
\ No newline at end of file
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-clAmdFft Readme
-Version:       1.8
-Release Date:  September 2012
-Current version:
-  * Failures in real transforms seen on 7xxx series GPUs with certain
-      problem sizes involving powers of 3 and 5 
-Known Issues:
-  * Library may return invalid results on CPU devices.
-Version 1.8.276 (beta):
-  * Memory leaks affecting use cases where 'clAmdFftEnqueueTransform' is used in a loop
-Version 1.8.269 (beta):
-  * clAmdFft now supports real-to-complex and complex-to-real transforms;
-      refer to documentation for details
-  * This release tested using the 12.4 Catalyst software suite
-Known Issues:
-  * Some degradation in performance of real transforms due to known
-      runtime/driver issues
-  * Failures in real transforms have been seen on 7xxx series GPUs with certain
-      problem sizes involving powers of 3 and 5  
-Version 1.6.244:
-  * Failures observed in v1.6.236 in backward transforms of certain power of 2
-      (involving radix 4 and radix 8) problem sizes.
-Version 1.6.236:
-  * Performance of the FFT library has been improved for Radix-2 1D and 2D transforms
-  * Support for R4XXX GPUs is deprecated and no longer tested
-  * Preview: Support for AMD Radeonâ„¢ HD7000 series GPUs
-  * This release tested using the 8.92 runtime driver and the 2.6 APP SDK
-Version 1.4:
-  * clAmdFft now supports transform lengths whose factors consist exclusively 
-      of powers of 2, 3, and 5
-  * clAmdFft supports double precision data types
-  * clAmdFft executes on OpenCL 1.0 compliant devices
-  * This release tested using the 8.872 runtime driver and the 2.5 APP SDK
-  * A helper bash script appmlEnv.sh has been added to the root installation
-      directory to assist in properly setting up a terminal environment to 
-      execute clAmdFft samples
-  * If the library is required to allocate a temporary buffer, and the user does
-      not specify a temporary buffer on the Enqueue call, the library will 
-      allocate a temporary buffer internally and the lifetime of that temporary 
-      buffer is managed by the lifetime of the FFT plan; deleting the plan will 
-      release the buffer.
-  * Test failures on CPU device for 32-bit systems  (Windows/Linux) 
-Known Issues:
-  * Failures have been seen on graphics cards using R4550 (RV710) GPUs.
-Version 1.2:
-  * Reduced the number of internal LDS bank conflicts for our 1D FFT transforms,
-      increasing performance.
-  * Padded reads/writes to global memory, decreasing bank conflicts and 
-      increasing performance on 2D transforms.
-  * This release tested using the 8.841 runtime driver and the 2.4 APP SDK
-  * Failures have been seen attempting to queue work on the second GPU device on
-      a multi GPU 5970 card on Linux.
-Known Issues:
-  * It is recommended that users query for and explicitely create an 
-      intermediate buffer if clAmdFft requires one.  If the library creates the 
-      intermediate buffer internally, a race condition may occur on freeing the 
-      buffer on lower end hardware.
-  * Failures have been seen on graphics cards using R4550 (RV710) GPUs.
-  * Test failures on CPU device for 32-bit systems  (Windows/Linux) 
-  * It is recommended that windows users uninstall previous version of clAmdFft 
-      before installing newer versions.  Otherwise, Add/Remove programs only 
-      removes the latest version.  Linux users can delete the install directory.
-Version 1.0:
-  * Initial release, available on all platforms
-Known Issues:
-  * Failures have been seen attempting to queue work on the second GPU device on
-      a multi GPU 5970 card on Linux.
-Building the Samples:
-To install the Linux versions of clAmdFft, uncompress the initial download and 
-  then execute the install script.
-For example:
-  tar -xf clAmdFft-${version}.tar.gz
-      - This installs three files into the local directory, one being an 
-        executable bash script.
-  sudo mkdir /opt/clAmdFft-${version}
-      - This pre-creates the install directory with proper permissions in /opt 
-        if it is to be installed there (This is the default).
-  ./install-clAmdFft-${version}.sh
-      - This prints an EULA and uncompresses files into the chosen install 
-        directory.
-  cd ${installDir}/bin64
-    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${OpenCLLibDir}:${clAmdFftLibDir}
-      - Export library dependencies to resolve all external linkages to the 
-        client program. The user can create a bash script to help automate this 
-        procedure.
-  ./clAmdFft.Client -h
-      - Understand the command line options that are available to the user 
-        through the sample client.
-  ./clAmdFft.Client -iv
-      - Watch for the version strings to print out; watch for 
-        'Client Test *****PASS*****' to print out.
-The sample program does not ship with native build files. Instead, a CMake
-file is shipped, and users generate a native build file for their system.
-For example:
-  cd ${installDir}
-  mkdir samplesBin/
-      - This creates a sister directory to the samples directory that will house
-        the native makefiles and the generated files from the build.
-  cd samplesBin/
-  ccmake ../samples/
-      - ccmake is a curses-based cmake program. It takes a parameter that 
-        specifies the location of the source code to compile.
-      - Hit 'c' to configure for the platform; ensure that the dependencies to 
-        external libraries are satisfied, including paths to 'ATI Stream SDK' 
-        and 'Boost'.
-      - After dependencies are satisfied, hit 'c' again to finalize configure 
-        step, then hit 'g' to generate makefile and exit ccmake.
-  make help
-      - Look at the available options for make.
-  make
-      - Build the sample client program.
-  ./clAmdFft.Sample -iv
-      - Watch for the version strings to print out; watch for 
-        'Client Test *****PASS*****' to print out.
-(C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AMD, the AMD 
-Arrow logo, ATI, the ATI logo, Radeon, FireStream, FireGL, Catalyst, and 
-combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Microsoft 
-(R), Windows, and Windows Vista (R) are registered trademarks of Microsoft 
-Corporation in the U.S. and/or other jurisdictions. OpenCL and the OpenCL logo 
-are trademarks of Apple Inc. used by permission by Khronos. Other names are for 
-informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
-The contents of this document are provided in connection with Advanced Micro 
-Devices, Inc. ("AMD") products. AMD makes no representations or warranties with 
-respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and 
-reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions 
-at any time without notice. The information contained herein may be of a 
-preliminary or advance nature and is subject to change without notice. No 
-license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel or otherwise, to any 
-intellectual property rights is granted by this publication. Except as set forth
-in AMD's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, AMD assumes no liability 
-whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to its 
-products including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of 
-merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or infringement of any 
-intellectual property right.
-AMD's products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as 
-components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or in other 
-applications intended to support or sustain life, or in any other application 
-in which the failure of AMD's product could create a situation where personal 
-injury, death, or severe property or environmental damage may occur. AMD 
-reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to its products at any time 
-without notice.
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-**	Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-/*! @file clAmdFft.h
- * clAmdFft.h defines all of the public interfaces and types that are meant to be used by clFFT clients
- * This is the one public header file that should be consumed by clFFT clients.  It is written to adhere to native "C"
- * interfaces to make clAmdFft library as portable as possible; it should be callable from C, C++, .NET and Fortran,
- * either with the proper linking or using wrapper classes.
- *
- */
-#pragma once
-#if !defined( CLAMDFFT_DOTH )
-#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX)
-	#include <OpenCL/cl.h>
-	#include <CL/cl.h>
-#include "clAmdFft.version.h"
-/*! This preprocessor definition is the standard way of making exporting APIs
- *  from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL are compiled with the CLAMDFFT_EXPORTS
- *  symbol defined on the command line. This symbol should not be defined on any project
- *  that uses this DLL. This way any other project whose source files include this file see 
- *  clAmdFft functions as being imported from a DLL, whereas this DLL sees symbols
- *  defined with this macro as being exported.
- */
-#if defined( _WIN32 )
-	#if !defined( __cplusplus )
-		#define inline __inline
-	#endif
-	#if defined( CLAMDFFT_EXPORTS )
-		#define CLAMDFFTAPI __declspec( dllexport )
-	#else
-		#define CLAMDFFTAPI __declspec( dllimport )
-	#endif
-/*	In general, you can not use namespaces for strict C compliance, so we prefix our public accessible names
- *	with the string clAmdFft
- */
-/*	All functions will return pre-defined error codes, and will NOT throw exceptions to the caller
- */
-/*!  @brief clAmdFft error codes definition, incorporating OpenCL error definitions 
- *
- *   This enumeration is a superset of the OpenCL error codes.  For example, CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY,
- *   which is defined in cl.h is aliased as CLFFT_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY.  The set of basic OpenCL
- *   error codes is extended to add extra values specific to the clAmdFft package.
- */
-enum clAmdFftStatus_
-	//-------------------------- Extended status codes for clAmdFft ----------------------------------------
-	CLFFT_BUGCHECK =  4*1024,	/*!< Bugcheck. */
-	CLFFT_NOTIMPLEMENTED,		/*!< Functionality is not implemented yet. */
-	CLFFT_TRANSPOSED_NOTIMPLEMENTED, /*!< Transposed functionality is not implemented for this transformation. */
-	CLFFT_FILE_NOT_FOUND,		/*!< Tried to open an existing file on the host system, but failed. */
-	CLFFT_FILE_CREATE_FAILURE,	/*!< Tried to create a file on the host system, but failed. */
-	CLFFT_VERSION_MISMATCH,		/*!< Version conflict between client and library. */
-	CLFFT_INVALID_PLAN,			/*!< Requested plan could not be found. */
-	CLFFT_DEVICE_NO_DOUBLE,		/*!< Double precision not supported on this device. */
-	CLFFT_ENDSTATUS				/* This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftStatus. */
-typedef enum clAmdFftStatus_ clAmdFftStatus;
-/*!  @brief The dimension of the input and output buffers that will be fed into all FFT transforms */
-typedef enum clAmdFftDim_
-	CLFFT_1D		= 1,		/*!< 1 Dimensional FFT transform (default). */
-	CLFFT_2D,					/*!< 2 Dimensional FFT transform. */
-	CLFFT_3D,					/*!< 3 Dimensional FFT transform. */
-	ENDDIMENSION			/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftDim. */
-} clAmdFftDim;
-/*!  @brief What are the expected layout's of the complex numbers <p>
- *   <b> For Release 1.0,</b> only the CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED and CLFFT_COMPLEX_PLANAR formats are supported.
- *   The real and hermitian formats should be supported in a future release.
- */
-typedef enum clAmdFftLayout_
-	CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED	= 1,	/*!< An array of complex numbers, with real and imaginary components together (default). */
-	CLFFT_COMPLEX_PLANAR,				/*!< Arrays of real componets and arrays of imaginary components that have been seperated out. */
-	CLFFT_HERMITIAN_INTERLEAVED,		/*!< Compressed form of complex numbers; complex-conjugates not stored, real and imaginary components in same array. TODO: Document layout */
-	CLFFT_HERMITIAN_PLANAR,				/*!< Compressed form of complex numbers; complex-conjugates not stored, real and imaginary components in separate arrays. TODO: Document layout */
-	CLFFT_REAL,							/*!< An array of real numbers, with no corresponding imaginary components. */
-	ENDLAYOUT			/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftLayout. */
-} clAmdFftLayout;
-/*!  @brief What is the expected precision of each FFT.
- *   @ref DistanceStridesandPitches
- */
-typedef enum clAmdFftPrecision_
-	CLFFT_SINGLE	= 1,	/*!< An array of complex numbers, with real and imaginary components as floats (default). */
-	CLFFT_DOUBLE,			/*!< An array of complex numbers, with real and imaginary components as doubles. */
-	CLFFT_SINGLE_FAST,		/*!< Faster implementation preferred. */
-	CLFFT_DOUBLE_FAST,		/*!< Faster implementation preferred. */
-	ENDPRECISION	/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftPrecision. */
-} clAmdFftPrecision;
-/*!  @brief What is the expected direction of each FFT, time or the frequency domains */
-typedef enum clAmdFftDirection_
-	CLFFT_FORWARD	= -1,		/*!< FFT transform from the time to the frequency domain. */
-	CLFFT_BACKWARD	= 1,		/*!< FFT transform from the frequency to the time domain. */
-	CLFFT_MINUS		= -1,		/*!< Alias for the forward transform. */
-	CLFFT_PLUS		= 1,		/*!< Alias for the backward transform. */
-	ENDDIRECTION			/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftDirection. */
-} clAmdFftDirection;
-/*!  @brief Are the input buffers overwritten with the results */
-typedef enum clAmdFftResultLocation_
-	CLFFT_INPLACE		= 1,		/*!< The input and output buffers are the same (default). */
-	CLFFT_OUTOFPLACE,				/*!< Seperate input and output buffers. */
-	ENDPLACE				/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftPlaceness. */
-} clAmdFftResultLocation;
-/*! @brief whether the result will be returned in original order; only valid for dimensions greater than 1 */
-typedef enum clAmdFftResultTransposed_ {
-	CLFFT_NOTRANSPOSE = 1,		/*!< The results are returned in the original preserved order (default) */
-	CLFFT_TRANSPOSED,			/*!< The result is transposed where transpose kernel is supported (possibly faster) */
-	ENDTRANSPOSED			/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftResultTransposed */
-} clAmdFftResultTransposed;
-/*! 	BitMasks to be used with clAmdFftSetupData.debugFlags */
-/*! @brief Data structure that can be passed to clAmdFftSetup() to control the behavior of the FFT runtime
- *  @details This structure contains values that can be initialized before instantiation of the FFT runtime 
- *  with ::clAmdFftSetup().  To initialize this structure, pass a pointer to a user struct to ::clAmdFftInitSetupData( ),
- *  which will clear the structure and set the version member variables to the current values.
- */
-struct clAmdFftSetupData_
-	cl_uint major;		/*!< Major version number of the project; signifies major API changes. */
-	cl_uint minor;		/*!< Minor version number of the project; minor API changes that could break backwards compatibility. */
-	cl_uint patch;		/*!< Patch version number of the project; Always incrementing number, signifies change over time. */
-	/*! 	Bitwise flags that control the behavior of library debug logic. */
-	cl_ulong debugFlags;  /*! This should be set to zero, except when debugging the clAmdFft library.
-	                       *  <p> debugFlags can be set to CLFFT_DUMP_PROGRAMS, in which case the dynamically generated OpenCL kernels will
-	                       *  be written to text files in the current working directory.  These files will have a *.cl suffix.
-	                       */
-typedef struct clAmdFftSetupData_ clAmdFftSetupData;
-/*!  @brief An abstract handle to the object that represents the state of the FFT(s) */
-typedef size_t clAmdFftPlanHandle;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-	/*! @brief Initialize an clAmdFftSetupData struct for the client
-	 *  @details clAmdFftSetupData is passed to clAmdFftSetup to control behavior of the FFT runtime
-	 *  @param[out] setupData Data structure is cleared, initialized with version information and default values
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	inline clAmdFftStatus clAmdFftInitSetupData( clAmdFftSetupData* setupData )
-	{
-		setupData->major	= clAmdFftVersionMajor;
-		setupData->minor	= clAmdFftVersionMinor;
-		setupData->patch	= clAmdFftVersionPatch;
-		setupData->debugFlags	= 0;
-		return	CLFFT_SUCCESS;
-	}
-	/*! @brief Initialize internal FFT resources.
-	 *  @details AMD's FFT implementation caches kernels, programs and buffers for its internal use.
-	 *  @param[in] setupData Data structure that can be passed into the setup routine to control FFT generation behavior 
-	 * 	and debug functionality
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetup( const clAmdFftSetupData* setupData );
-	/*! @brief Release all internal resources.
-	 *  @details Call when client is done with this FFT library, allowing the library to destroy all resources it has cached
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftTeardown( );
-	/*! @brief Query the FFT library for version information
-	 *  @details Return the major, minor and patch version numbers associated with this FFT library
-	 *  @param[out] major Major functionality change
-	 *  @param[out] minor Minor functionality change
-	 *  @param[out] patch Bug fixes, documentation changes, no new features introduced
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetVersion( cl_uint* major, cl_uint* minor, cl_uint* patch );
-	/*! @brief Create a plan object initialized entirely with default values.
-	 *  @details A plan is a repository of state for calculating FFT's.  Allows the runtime to pre-calculate kernels, programs
-	 * 	and buffers and associate them with buffers of specified dimensions.
-	 *  @param[out] plHandle Handle to the newly created plan
-	 *  @param[in] context Client is responsible for providing an OpenCL context for the plan
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimensionality of the FFT transform; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[in] clLengths An array of lengths, of size 'dim'.  Each value describes the length of additional dimensions
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftCreateDefaultPlan( clAmdFftPlanHandle* plHandle, cl_context context, const clAmdFftDim dim, 
-								const size_t* clLengths );
-	/*! @brief Create a copy of an existing plan.
-	 *  @details This API allows a client to create a new plan based upon an existing plan.  This is a convenience function 
-	 *  provided for quickly creating plans that are similar, but may differ slightly.
-	 *  @param[out] out_plHandle Handle to the newly created plan that is based on in_plHandle
-	 *  @param[in] new_context Client is responsible for providing a new context for the new plan
-	 *  @param[in] in_plHandle Handle to a plan to be copied, previously created
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftCopyPlan( clAmdFftPlanHandle* out_plHandle, cl_context new_context, clAmdFftPlanHandle in_plHandle );
-	/*! @brief Prepare the plan for execution.
-	 *  @details After all plan parameters are set, the client has the option of 'baking' the plan, which tells the runtime that
-	 *  no more changes to the plan's parameters are expected, and the OpenCL kernels should be compiled.  This optional function
-	 *  allows the client application to perform this function when the application is being initialized instead of on the first
-	 *  execution. 
-	 *  At this point, the clAmdFft runtime will apply all implimented optimizations, possibly including
-	 *  running kernel experiments on the devices in the plan context.
-	 *  <p>  Users should assume that this function will take a long time to execute.  If a plan is not baked before being executed, 
-	 *  users should assume that the first call to clAmdFftEnqueueTransform will take a long time to execute.
-	 *  <p>  If any significant parameter of a plan is changed after the plan is baked (by a subsequent call to one of 
-	 *  the clAmdFftSetPlan____ functions), that will not be considered an error.  Instead, the plan will revert back to
-	 *  the unbaked state, discarding the benefits of the baking operation.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] numQueues Number of command queues in commQueueFFT; 0 is a valid value, in which case client does not want 
-	 * 	the runtime to run load experiments and only pre-calculate state information
-	 *  @param[in] commQueueFFT An array of cl_command_queues created by the client; the command queues must be a proper subset of 
-	 * 	the devices included in the plan context
-	 *  @param[in] pfn_notify A function pointer to a notification routine. The notification routine is a callback function that 
-	 *  an application can register and which will be called when the program executable has been built (successfully or unsuccessfully)
-	 *  <b> For Release 1.0,</b> this parameter MUST be NULL or nullptr.
-	 *  @param[in] user_data Passed as an argument when pfn_notify is called. 
-	 *  <b> For Release 1.0,</b> this parameter MUST be NULL or nullptr.
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftBakePlan( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, cl_uint numQueues, cl_command_queue* commQueueFFT,
-							void (CL_CALLBACK *pfn_notify)(clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, void *user_data), void* user_data );
-	/*! @brief Release the resources of a plan.
-	 *  @details A plan may include kernels, programs and buffers associated with it that consume memory.  When a plan 
-	 *  is not needed anymore, the client should release the plan.
-	 *  @param[in,out] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftDestroyPlan( clAmdFftPlanHandle* plHandle );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the OpenCL context of a previously created plan.
-	 *  @details User should pass a reference to an cl_context variable, which will be changed to point to a 
-	 *  context set in the specified plan.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] context Reference to user allocated cl_context, which will point to context set in plan
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanContext( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, cl_context* context );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the floating point precision of the FFT data
-	 *  @details User should pass a reference to an clAmdFftPrecision variable, which will be set to the 
-	 *  precision of the FFT complex data in the plan.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] precision Reference to user clAmdFftPrecision enum
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanPrecision( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftPrecision* precision );
-	/*! @brief Set the floating point precision of the FFT data
-	 *  @details Set the plan property which will be the precision of the FFT complex data in the plan.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] precision Reference to user clAmdFftPrecision enum <p>
-	 *  <b> For Release 1.0,</b> only CLFFT_SINGLE and CLFFT_SINGLE_FAST are supported.
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanPrecision( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftPrecision precision );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the scaling factor that should be applied to the FFT data
-	 *  @details User should pass a reference to an cl_float variable, which will be set to the 
-	 *  floating point scaling factor that will be multiplied across the FFT data.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dir Which direction does the scaling factor apply to
-	 *  @param[out] scale Reference to user cl_float variable
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanScale( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftDirection dir, cl_float* scale );
-	/*! @brief Set the scaling factor that should be applied to the FFT data
-	 *  @details Set the plan property which will be the floating point scaling factor that will be 
-	 *  multiplied across the FFT data.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dir Which direction does the scaling factor apply to
-	 *  @param[in] scale Reference to user cl_float variable
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanScale( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftDirection dir, cl_float scale );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the number of discrete arrays that this plan can handle concurrently
-	 *  @details User should pass a reference to an cl_uint variable, which will be set to the 
-	 *  number of discrete arrays (1D or 2D) that will be batched together for this plan
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] batchSize How many discrete number of FFT's are to be performed
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanBatchSize( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t* batchSize );
-	/*! @brief Set the number of discrete arrays that this plan can handle concurrently
-	 *  @details Set the plan property which will be set to the number of discrete arrays (1D or 2D) 
-	 *  that will be batched together for this plan
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] batchSize How many discrete number of FFT's are to be performed
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanBatchSize( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t batchSize );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the dimensionality of FFT's to be transformed in the plan
-	 *  @details Queries a plan object and retrieves the dimensionality that the plan is set for.  A size is returned to
-	 *  help the client allocate the proper storage to hold the dimensions in a further call to clAmdFftGetPlanLength
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] dim The dimensionality of the FFT's to be transformed
-	 *  @param[out] size Value used to allocate an array to hold the FFT dimensions.
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanDim( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftDim* dim, cl_uint* size );
-	/*! @brief Set the dimensionality of FFT's to be transformed by the plan
-	 *  @details Set the dimensionality of FFT's to be transformed by the plan
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimensionality of the FFT's to be transformed
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanDim( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the length of each dimension of the FFT
-	 *  @details User should pass a reference to a size_t array, which will be set to the 
-	 *  length of each discrete dimension of the FFT
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the length parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[out] clLengths An array of lengths, of size 'dim'.  Each array value describes the length of each dimension
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanLength( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, size_t* clLengths );
-	/*! @brief Set the length of each dimension of the FFT
-	 *  @details Set the plan property which will be the length of each discrete dimension of the FFT
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the length parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[in] clLengths An array of lengths, of size 'dim'.  Each value describes the length of additional dimensions
-	 *  <p><b> For Release 1.0, </b> All lengths must be powers of 2.  Non-power-of-two dimensions should be supported in a future release.
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanLength( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, const size_t* clLengths );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the distance between consecutive elements for input buffers in a dimension.
-	 *  @details Depending on how the dimension is set in the plan (for 2D or 3D FFT's), strideY or strideZ can be safely
-	 *  ignored
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[out] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'.  Usually strideX=1 so that successive elements in the first dimension are stored contiguously.
-	 * 	Typically strideY=LenX, strideZ=LenX*LenY such that successive elements in the second and third dimensions are stored contiguously.
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanInStride( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, size_t* clStrides );
-	/*! @brief Set the distance between consecutive elements for input buffers in a dimension.
-	 *  @details Set the plan properties which will be the distance between elements in a given dimension
-	 *  (units are in terms of clAmdFftPrecision)
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[in] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'. 
-	 *  See  @ref DistanceStridesandPitches for details.
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanInStride( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, size_t* clStrides );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the distance between consecutive elements for output buffers in a dimension.
-	 *  @details Depending on how the dimension is set in the plan (for 2D or 3D FFT's), strideY or strideZ can be safely
-	 *  ignored
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[out] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'.  Usually strideX=1 so that successive elements in the first dimension are stored contiguously.
-	 *  Typically strideY=LenX, strideZ=LenX*LenYsuch that successive elements in the second and third dimensions are stored contiguously.
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanOutStride( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, size_t* clStrides );
-	/*! @brief Set the distance between consecutive elements for output buffers in a dimension.
-	 *  @details Set the plan properties which will be the distance between elements in a given dimension
-	 *  (units are in terms of clAmdFftPrecision)
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[in] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'.  Usually strideX=1 so that successive elements in the first dimension are stored contiguously.
-	 * 	Typically strideY=LenX, strideZ=LenX*LenY such that successive elements in the second and third dimensions are stored contiguously.
-	 *  @sa clAmdFftSetPlanInStride
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanOutStride( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, size_t* clStrides );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the distance between Array objects
-	 *  @details Pitch is the distance between each discrete array object in an FFT array. This is only used 
-	 *  for 'array' dimensions in clAmdFftDim; see clAmdFftSetPlanDimension (units are in terms of clAmdFftPrecision)
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] iDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in memory on input.
-	 *  For contiguous arrays in memory, iDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
-	 *  @param[out] oDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in memory on output.
-	 *  For contiguous arrays in memory, oDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanDistance( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t* iDist, size_t* oDist );
-	/*! @brief Set the distance between Array objects
-	 *  @details Pitch is the distance between each discrete array object in an FFT array. This is only used 
-	 *  for 'array' dimensions in clAmdFftDim; see clAmdFftSetPlanDimension (units are in terms of clAmdFftPrecision)
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] iDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in memory on input.
-	 *  For contiguous arrays in memory, iDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
-	 *  @param[out] oDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in memory on output.
-	 *  For contiguous arrays in memory, oDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanDistance( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t iDist, size_t oDist );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the expected layout of the input and output buffers
-	 *  @details Output buffers can be filled with either hermitian or complex numbers.  Complex numbers can be stored 
-	 *  in various layouts; this informs the FFT engine what layout to produce on output
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] iLayout Indicates how the input buffers are laid out in memory
-	 *  @param[out] oLayout Indicates how the output buffers are laid out in memory
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetLayout( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftLayout* iLayout, clAmdFftLayout* oLayout );
-	/*! @brief Set the expected layout of the input and output buffers
-	 *  @details Output buffers can be filled with either hermitian or complex numbers.  Complex numbers can be stored 
-	 *  in various layouts; this informs the FFT engine what layout to produce on output
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] iLayout Indicates how the input buffers are laid out in memory
-	 *  @param[in] oLayout Indicates how the output buffers are laid out in memory
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetLayout( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftLayout iLayout, clAmdFftLayout oLayout );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve whether the input buffers are going to be overwritten with results
-	 *  @details If the setting is to do an in-place transform, the input buffers are overwritten with the results of the
-	 *  transform.  If the setting is for out-of-place transforms, the engine knows to look for separate output buffers
-	 *  on the Enqueue call.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] placeness Tells the FFT engine to clobber the input buffers or to expect output buffers for results
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetResultLocation( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftResultLocation* placeness );
-	/*! @brief Set whether the input buffers are going to be overwritten with results
-	 *  @details If the setting is to do an in-place transform, the input buffers are overwritten with the results of the
-	 *  transform.  If the setting is for out-of-place transforms, the engine knows to look for separate output buffers
-	 *  on the Enqueue call.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] placeness Tells the FFT engine to clobber the input buffers or to expect output buffers for results
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetResultLocation( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftResultLocation placeness );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the final transpose setting of a muti-dimensional FFT 
-	 *  @details A multi-dimensional FFT typically transposes the data several times during calculation.  If the client 
-	 *  does not care about the final transpose to put data back in proper dimension, the final transpose can be skipped 
-	 *  for possible speed improvements 
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] transposed Parameter specifies whether the final transpose can be skipped
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanTransposeResult( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftResultTransposed * transposed );
-	/*! @brief Set the final transpose setting of a muti-dimensional FFT 
-	 *  @details A multi-dimensional FFT typically transposes the data several times during calculation.  If the client 
-	 *  does not care about the final transpose to put data back in proper dimension, the final transpose can be skipped 
-	 *  for possible speed improvements 
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created 
-	 *  @param[in] transposed Parameter specifies whether the final transpose can be skipped
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanTransposeResult( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftResultTransposed transposed );
-	/*! @brief Get buffer size (in bytes), which may be needed internally for an intermediate buffer
-	 *  @details Very large FFT transforms may need multiple passes, and the operation would need a temporary buffer to hold
-	 *  intermediate results. This function is only valid after the plan is baked, otherwise an invalid operation error
-	 *  is returned. If buffersize returns as 0, the runtime needs no temporary buffer.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] buffersize Size in bytes for intermediate buffer
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus clAmdFftGetTmpBufSize( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t* buffersize );
-	/*! @brief Enqueue an FFT transform operation, and return immediately (non-blocking)
-	 *  @details This transform API is specific to the interleaved complex format, taking an input buffer with real and imaginary
-	 *  components paired together, and outputting the results into an output buffer in the same format
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dir Forwards or backwards transform
-	 *  @param[in] numQueuesAndEvents Number of command queues in commQueues; number of expected events to be returned in outEvents
-	 *  @param[in] commQueues An array of cl_command_queues created by the client; the command queues must be a proper subset of 
-	 * 	the devices included in the plan context
-	 *  @param[in] numWaitEvents Specify the number of elements in the eventWaitList array
-	 *  @param[in] waitEvents Events that this transform should wait to complete before executing on the device
-	 *  @param[out] outEvents The runtime fills this array with events corresponding 1 to 1 with the input command queues passed
-	 *	in commQueues.  This parameter can be NULL or nullptr, in which case client is not interested in receiving notifications
-	 *	when transforms are finished, otherwise if not NULL the client is responsible for allocating this array, with at least 
-	 *	as many elements as specified in numQueuesAndEvents.
-	 *  @param[in] inputBuffers An array of cl_mem objects that contain data for processing by the FFT runtime.  If the transform
-	 *  is in place, the FFT results will overwrite the input buffers
-	 *  @param[out] outputBuffers An array of cl_mem objects that will store the results of out of place transforms.  If the transform
-	 *  is in place, this parameter may be NULL or nullptr.  It is completely ignored
-	 *  @param[in] tmpBuffer A cl_mem object that is reserved as a temporary buffer for FFT processing. If clTmpBuffers is NULL or nullptr,
-	 *  and the runtime needs temporary storage, an internal temporary buffer will be created on the fly managed by the runtime.
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftEnqueueTransform(
-												clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle,
-												clAmdFftDirection dir,
-												cl_uint numQueuesAndEvents,
-												cl_command_queue* commQueues,
-												cl_uint numWaitEvents,
-												const cl_event* waitEvents,
-												cl_event* outEvents,
-												cl_mem* inputBuffers,
-												cl_mem* outputBuffers,
-												cl_mem tmpBuffer
-												);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/include/clAmdFft.version.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/include/clAmdFft.version.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c3e04a0ea3baa5ad95af902099cec43b4385b34..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/include/clAmdFft.version.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-**	Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-/* the configured version and settings for clAmdFft
- */
-#define clAmdFftVersionMajor 1
-#define clAmdFftVersionMinor 8
-#define clAmdFftVersionPatch 291
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/install-clAmdFft-1.8.291.sh b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/install-clAmdFft-1.8.291.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f251c66390923e0423d607a11f4e1040ead20f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/install-clAmdFft-1.8.291.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# Installation script
-# Grab the name of the bash script, which must have a certain format: install-${AppName}-${AppVersion}.sh
-ScriptName=(${0//-/ })
-# Parse this version number from the name of this script
-AppVersionArray=(${ScriptName[2]//./ })
-# Check for any switch arguments
-while test "${doneswitches}" = "0"
-  case "${1-}" in
-    -accept*)
-       acceptlicense=1
-       shift;;
-    -installdir=*)
-       installdir=`echo ${1} | sed -e 's%.*=%%'`
-       shift;;
-    -*)
-       echo "${ScriptName}: unrecognised switch: ${1}"
-       badswitch=1
-       exit
-       shift;;
-     *)
-       doneswitches=1;;
-  esac
-if [ "${acceptlicense}" = "1" ]; then
-  echo "Warning: by installing this software you have accepted"
-  echo "the license agreement in ${AppName}-EULA.txt"
-  reply="accept"
-  more ${AppName}-EULA.txt
-  reply=""
-  while [ "${reply}" != "accept" -a "${reply}" != "decline" ]; do
-    echo -e "[accept/decline]? : \c"
-    read reply
-    reply=`echo ${reply} | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`
-  done
-while [ "$reply" != "y" -a "$reply" != "n" ]; do
-  echo -e "$1 ? [y/n] : \c"
-  read reply
-  reply=`echo ${reply} | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`
-echo -e "                   ${AppName}-${AppVersion} Installation  "
-echo -e "                   =====================================  "
-echo -e ""
-echo -e "This script will install ${AppName} version ${AppVersion}"
-if [ "${reply}" != "accept" ]; then
-  echo "Installation declined. ${AppName}-${AppVersion} not installed."
-  exit
-echo -e ""
-echo -e "Where do you want to install ${AppName}-${AppVersion}?  Press return to use"
-echo -e "the default location (/opt/${AppName}-${AppVersion}), or enter an alternative path."
-echo -e "The directory will be created if it does not already exist."
-if [ "${installdir}" != "" ]; then
-  INSTALLDIR=${installdir}
-  while [ "${INSTALLDIR}" = "" ]; do
-    echo -e "> \c"
-    read ans
-    if [ $ans ]
-    then
-        case $ans in
-        *) INSTALLDIR=$ans ;;
-        esac
-    else
-        INSTALLDIR=/opt/${AppName}-${AppVersion}
-    fi
-  done
-# Replace any ~ by ${HOME} otherwise you end up with a
-# subdirectory named ~ (dangerous if you then try to remove it!)
-INSTALLDIR=`echo ${INSTALLDIR} | sed -e "s%~%${HOME}%g"`
-echo -e ""
-echo -e "Installing to : ${INSTALLDIR}"
-echo -e ""
-if [ ! -d "${INSTALLDIR}" ]
-  mkdir -p "${INSTALLDIR}"
-  if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-  then
-    echo -e "***** Cannot create installation directory, installation failed *****"
-    exit
-  fi
-# Extract everything from the compressed tar file
-fromdir=$( pwd )
-tar -xvf "${fromdir}/${AppName}-${AppVersion}-Linux.tar.gz"
-echo -e ""
-echo -e "====== ${AppName}-${AppVersion} installation complete ======"
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dcf1f3b8d95a9b31ab72cda1c542d365da35d8c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-##	Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.6 )
-project( clAmdFft.Sample )
-# If AMDAPPSDKROOT is defined as an environment value, use that value and cache it so it's visible in the cmake-gui.  
-# Otherwise, create a sensible default that the user can change
-	set( AMD_APP_SDK_ROOT $ENV{AMDAPPSDKROOT} CACHE PATH "Environment variable defining the root of the ATI Stream SDK" )
-else( )
-	set( AMD_APP_SDK_ROOT "/Path/To/ATI_Stream_SDK" CACHE PATH "Modify this variable to point to the root of the ATI Stream SDK installation" )
-endif( )
-# If BOOST_ROOT is defined as an environment value, use that value and cache it so it's visible in the cmake-gui.  
-# Otherwise, create a sensible default that the user can change
-	set( BOOST_ROOT $ENV{BOOST_ROOT} CACHE PATH "Environment variable defining the root of the Boost installation" )
-else( )
-	if( UNIX )
-		set( BOOST_ROOT "/usr" CACHE PATH "Modify this variable to point to the root of the Boost installation" )
-	else( )
-		set( BOOST_ROOT "/Path/To/boost_x_xx_x" CACHE PATH "Modify this variable to point to the root of the Boost installation" )
-	endif()
-endif( )
-# Currently, linux has a problem outputing both narrow and wide characters,
-# which happens in our client because openCL only supports narrow characters
-if( WIN32 )
-	option( UNICODE "Build with Unicode Support" ON )
-	if( UNICODE )
-		message( STATUS "UNICODE build" )
-	endif( )
-	set( UNICODE OFF )
-	message( STATUS "UNICODE feature disabled on linux" )
-if( MSVC_IDE )
-	set( BUILD64 ${CMAKE_CL_64} )
-	option( BUILD64 "Build a 64-bit product" ON )
-	if( BUILD64 )
-		message( STATUS "64-bit build" )
-	endif( )
-	if( IS_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/library/test )
-		option( CODE_COVERAGE "Build makefiles with code coverage instrumentation" OFF )
-			message( STATUS "Code coverage instrumentation on" )
-		endif()
-	endif()
-# For linux, modify the global find property to help us find libraries like Boost in the correct paths
-if( UNIX )
-	if( BUILD64 )
-	else()
-	endif()
-# Find the absolute path to the opencl library that we need to link too; the path depends on being 64bit or 32bit
-if( BUILD64 )
-	find_library( OPENCL_LIBRARIES
-			${AMD_APP_SDK_ROOT}/lib/
-		PATH_SUFFIXES x86_64 x86
-	)
-	find_library( OPENCL_LIBRARIES
-			${AMD_APP_SDK_ROOT}/lib/
-	)
-set( Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS   ON )
-set( Boost_DEBUG ON )
-set( Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.44.0" "1.44" )
-# On linux, the boost installed in the system always appears to override any user boost installs
-if( UNIX )
-endif( )
-find_package( Boost 1.33.0 COMPONENTS program_options )
-# FFLAGS depend on the compiler, grab the compiler name from the path
-get_filename_component( C_COMPILER_NAME ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} NAME_WE )
-# message( "C_COMPILER_NAME: " ${C_COMPILER_NAME} )
-# Set common compile and link options
-	# Following options for nMake
-	message( STATUS "Detected MSVS Ver: " ${MSVC_VERSION} )
-	if( NOT MSVC_IDE )
-		message( STATUS "Using an nMake environment to build" )
-	endif( )
-	message( STATUS "Detected GNU fortran compiler." )
-	# set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++0x ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
-	if( BUILD64 )
-		set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-m64 ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" )
-	else( )
-		set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-m32 ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" )
-	endif( )
-else( )
-	message( FATAL_ERROR "Compiler name not detected" )
-endif( )
-# If UNICODE is defined, pass extra definitions into 
-if( UNICODE )
-	add_definitions( "/DUNICODE /D_UNICODE" )
-endif( )
-# Print out compiler flags for viewing/debug
-include_directories( ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${AMD_APP_SDK_ROOT}/include ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../include )
-# Set the OpenCL library include path depending on target platform
-if( BUILD64 )
-    if( WIN32 )
-	    link_directories( ${AMD_APP_SDK_ROOT}/lib/x86_64/ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../lib64/import )
-    elseif( UNIX )
-	    link_directories( ${AMD_APP_SDK_ROOT}/lib/x86_64/ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../lib64 )
-    endif()
-    if( WIN32 )
-	    link_directories( ${AMD_APP_SDK_ROOT}/lib/x86/ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../lib32/import )
-    elseif( UNIX )
-	    link_directories( ${AMD_APP_SDK_ROOT}/lib/x86/ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../lib32 )
-    endif()
-add_executable( clAmdFft.Client 
-		# sources follow
-		clAmdFft.client.cpp
-		clAmdFft.openCL.cpp
-		statisticalTimer.cpp
-		stdafx.cpp
-		clAmdFft.client.h
-		clAmdFft.openCL.h
-		statisticalTimer.h
-		stdafx.h
-		targetver.h
-		amd-unicode.h
-		../include/clAmdFft.h )
-target_link_libraries(clAmdFft.Client clAmdFft.Runtime ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/amd-unicode.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/amd-unicode.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aad7185c760729a32dd640560d739524fb5b145..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/amd-unicode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-//	Copyright (C) 2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#pragma once
-#if !defined( amd_unicode_h )
-#define amd_unicode_h
-//	Typedefs to support unicode and ansii compilation
-#if defined( _UNICODE )
-	typedef std::wstring		tstring;
-	typedef std::wstringstream	tstringstream;
-	typedef std::wifstream		tifstream;
-	typedef std::wofstream		tofstream;
-	typedef std::wfstream		tfstream;
-	static std::wostream&	tout	= std::wcout;
-	static std::wostream&	terr	= std::wcerr;
-	typedef std::string tstring;
-	typedef std::stringstream tstringstream;
-	typedef std::ifstream		tifstream;
-	typedef std::ofstream		tofstream;
-	typedef std::fstream		tfstream;
-	static std::ostream&	tout	= std::cout;
-	static std::ostream&	terr	= std::cerr;
-//	These macros help linux cope with the conventions of windows tchar.h file
-#if defined( _WIN32 )
-	#include <tchar.h>
-	#include <windows.h>
-	#if defined( __GNUC__ )
-		typedef char TCHAR;
-		typedef char _TCHAR;
-		#define _tmain main
-		#if defined( UNICODE )
-			#define _T(x)	L ## x
-		#else
-			#define _T(x)	x
-		#endif 
-	#endif
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.client.cpp b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.client.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c6d5dea1cbf904282fe2b075329ba7b981e35c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.client.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
-//	Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// clAmdFft.client.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "../include/clAmdFft.h"
-#include "clAmdFft.client.h"
-#include "clAmdFft.openCL.h"
-#include "statisticalTimer.h"
-#include "amd-unicode.h"
-namespace po = boost::program_options;
-//	This is used with the program_options class so that the user can type an integer on the command line 
-//	and we store into an enum varaible
-template<class _Elem, class _Traits>
-std::basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits> & operator>> (std::basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits> & stream, clAmdFftLayout & layout)
-	cl_uint tmp;
-	stream >> tmp;
-	layout = clAmdFftLayout(tmp);
-	return stream;
-//	Format an unsigned number with comma thousands separator
-template<typename T>		// T could be 32-bit or 64-bit
-std::basic_string<TCHAR> commatize (T number)	{
-	static TCHAR scratch [8*sizeof(T)];
-	register TCHAR * ptr = scratch + countOf(scratch);
-	*(--ptr) = 0;
-	for (int digits = 3; ; ) {
-		*(--ptr) = '0' + int (number % 10);
-		number /= 10;
-		if (0 == number)
-			break;
-		if (--digits <= 0) {
-			*(--ptr) = ',';
-			digits = 3;
-			}
-	}
-	return std::basic_string<TCHAR> (ptr);
-}	// end of commatize ()
-int _tmain( int argc, _TCHAR* argv[] )
-	//	This helps with mixing output of both wide and narrow characters to the screen
-	std::ios::sync_with_stdio( false );
-	//	Define MEMORYREPORT on windows platfroms to enable debug memory heap checking
-#if defined( MEMORYREPORT ) && defined( _WIN32 )
-	TCHAR logPath[ MAX_PATH ];
-	::GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_PATH, logPath );
-	::_tcscat_s( logPath, _T( "\\MemoryReport.txt") );
-	//	We leak the handle to this file, on purpose, so that the ::_CrtSetReportFile() can output it's memory 
-	//	statistics on app shutdown
-	HANDLE hLogFile;
-	hLogFile = ::CreateFile( logPath, GENERIC_WRITE, 
-	::_CrtSetReportFile( _CRT_ASSERT, hLogFile );
-	::_CrtSetReportFile( _CRT_ERROR, hLogFile );
-	::_CrtSetReportFile( _CRT_WARN, hLogFile );
-	int tmp = ::_CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG );
-	::_CrtSetDbgFlag( tmp );
-	//	By looking at the memory leak report that is generated by this debug heap, there is a number with 
-	//	{} brackets that indicates the incremental allocation number of that block.  If you wish to set
-	//	a breakpoint on that allocation number, put it in the _CrtSetBreakAlloc() call below, and the heap
-	//	will issue a bp on the request, allowing you to look at the call stack
-	//	::_CrtSetBreakAlloc( 1833 );
-#endif /* MEMORYREPORT */
-	//	OpenCL state
-	cl_context			context;
-	cl_command_queue	queue;
-	cl_mem				clMemBuffersIn [ 2 ] = { NULL, NULL };
-	cl_mem				clMemBuffersOut[ 2 ] = { NULL, NULL };
-	std::vector< cl_device_id > device_id;
-	cl_event			outEvent	= NULL;
-	cl_device_type		deviceType	= CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT;
-	cl_uint				deviceGpuList     = 0;	// a bitmap set
-	//	FFT state
-	clAmdFftPlanHandle	plHandle;
-	clAmdFftResultLocation	place = CLFFT_INPLACE;
-	clAmdFftLayout inLayout  = CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED;
-	clAmdFftLayout outLayout = CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED;
-	size_t clLengths[ 3 ];
-	size_t clPadding[ 3 ] = {0, 0, 0, };  // *** TODO
-	size_t clStrides[ 4 ];
-	cl_uint commandQueueFlags = 0;
-	size_t batchSize = 1;
-	//	Local Data
-	size_t buffSizeBytesIn = 0, buffSizeBytesOut = 0;
-	size_t fftVectorSize= 0, fftVectorSizePadded = 0, fftBatchSize = 0;
-	cl_uint nBuffersOut = 0;
-	cl_uint profileCount = 0;
-	clAmdFftDim	dim = CLFFT_1D;
-	//	Initialize flags for FFT library
-	std::auto_ptr< clAmdFftSetupData > setupData( new clAmdFftSetupData );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( clAmdFftInitSetupData( setupData.get( ) ), 
-		"clAmdFftInitSetupData failed" );
-	try
-	{
-		// Declare the supported options.
-		po::options_description desc( "clFFT client command line options" );
-		desc.add_options()
-			( "help,h",        "produces this help message" )
-			( "version,v",     "Print queryable version information from the clFFT library" )
-			( "clInfo,i",      "Print queryable information of the OpenCL runtime" )
-			( "gpu,g",         "Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device" )
-			( "gpu0",          "Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device using gpu0" )
-			( "gpu1",          "Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device using gpu1" )
-			( "gpu2",          "Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device using gpu2" )
-			( "gpu3",          "Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device using gpu3" )
-			( "cpu,c",         "Force instantiation of an OpenCL CPU device" )
-			( "all,a",         "Force instantiation of all OpenCL devices" )
-			( "outPlace,o",    "Out of place FFT transform (default: in place)" )
-			( "dumpKernels,d", "FFT engine will dump generated OpenCL FFT kernels to disk (default: dump off)" )
-			( "lenX,x",        po::value< size_t >( &clLengths[ 0 ] )->default_value( 1024 ),   "Specify the length of the 1st dimension of a test array" )
-			( "lenY,y",        po::value< size_t >( &clLengths[ 1 ] )->default_value( 1 ),      "Specify the length of the 2nd dimension of a test array" )
-			( "lenZ,z",        po::value< size_t >( &clLengths[ 2 ] )->default_value( 1 ),      "Specify the length of the 3rd dimension of a test array" )
-			( "batchSize,b",   po::value< size_t >( &batchSize )->default_value( 1 ), "If this value is greater than one, arrays will be used " )
-			( "profile,p",     po::value< cl_uint >( &profileCount )->default_value( 1 ), "Time and report the kernel speed of the FFT (default: profiling off)" )
-			( "inLayout",      po::value< clAmdFftLayout >( &inLayout )->default_value( CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED ), "Layout of input data:\n1) interleaved\n2) planar" )
-			( "outLayout",     po::value< clAmdFftLayout >( &outLayout )->default_value( CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED ), "Layout of input data:\n1) interleaved\n2) planar" )
-			;
-		po::variables_map vm;
-		po::store( po::parse_command_line( argc, argv, desc ), vm );
-		po::notify( vm );
-		if( vm.count( "version" ) )
-		{
-			const int indent = countOf( "clFFT client API version: " );
-			tout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << _T( "clFFT client API version: " )
-				<< clAmdFftVersionMajor << _T( "." )
-				<< clAmdFftVersionMinor << _T( "." )
-				<< clAmdFftVersionPatch << std::endl;
-			cl_uint libMajor, libMinor, libPatch;
-			clAmdFftGetVersion( &libMajor, &libMinor, &libPatch );
-			tout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << _T( "clFFT runtime version: " )
-				<< libMajor << _T( "." )
-				<< libMinor << _T( "." )
-				<< libPatch << std::endl << std::endl;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "help" ) )
-		{
-			//	This needs to be 'cout' as program-options does not support wcout yet
-			std::cout << desc << std::endl;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		size_t mutex = ((vm.count( "gpu" ) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
-			| ((vm.count( "gpu0" ) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
-			| ((vm.count( "gpu1" ) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
-			| ((vm.count( "gpu2" ) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
-			| ((vm.count( "gpu3" ) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
-			| ((vm.count( "cpu" ) > 0) ? 2 : 0)
-			| ((vm.count( "all" ) > 0) ? 4 : 0);
-		if ((mutex & (mutex-1)) != 0) {
-			terr << _T("You have selected mutually-exclusive OpenCL device options:") << std::endl;
-			if (vm.count ( "gpu" )  > 0) terr << _T("    gpu,g   Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device" ) << std::endl;
-			if (vm.count ( "gpu0" ) > 0) terr << _T("    gpu0    Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device using gpu0" ) << std::endl;
-			if (vm.count ( "gpu1" ) > 0) terr << _T("    gpu1    Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device using gpu1" ) << std::endl;
-			if (vm.count ( "gpu2" ) > 0) terr << _T("    gpu2    Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device using gpu2" ) << std::endl;
-			if (vm.count ( "gpu3" ) > 0) terr << _T("    gpu3    Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device using gpu3" ) << std::endl;
-			if (vm.count ( "cpu" )  > 0) terr << _T("    cpu,c   Force instantiation of an OpenCL CPU device" ) << std::endl;
-			if (vm.count ( "all" )  > 0) terr << _T("    all,a   Force instantiation of all OpenCL devices" ) << std::endl;
-			return 1;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "gpu" ) )
-		{
-			deviceType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU;
-			deviceGpuList = ~0;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "gpu0" ) )
-		{
-			deviceType	= CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU;
-			deviceGpuList |= 1;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "gpu1" ) )
-		{
-			deviceType	= CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU;
-			deviceGpuList |= 2;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "gpu2" ) )
-		{
-			deviceType	= CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU;
-			deviceGpuList |= 4;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "gpu3" ) )
-		{
-			deviceType	= CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU;
-			deviceGpuList |= 8;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "cpu" ) )
-		{
-			deviceType	= CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "all" ) )
-		{
-			deviceType	= CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL;
-		}
-		bool printInfo = false;
-		if( vm.count( "clInfo" ) )
-		{
-			printInfo = true;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "outPlace" ) )
-		{
-		}
-		if( profileCount > 1 )
-		{
-			commandQueueFlags |= CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "dumpKernels" ) )
-		{
-			setupData->debugFlags	|= CLFFT_DUMP_PROGRAMS;
-		}
-		//	Our command line does not specify what dimension FFT we wish to transform; we decode 
-		//	this from the lengths that the user specifies for X, Y, Z.  A length of one means that
-		//	The user does not want that dimension.
-		for (unsigned u = 0; u < countOf(clLengths); ++u) {
-			if (0 != clLengths[u])	continue;
-			clLengths[u] = 1;
-		}
-		dim = CLFFT_1D;
-		if( clLengths[ 1 ] > 1 )
-		{
-			dim	= CLFFT_2D;
-		}
-		if( clLengths[ 2 ] > 1 )
-		{
-			dim	= CLFFT_3D;
-		}
-		clStrides[ 0 ] = 1;
-		clStrides[ 1 ] = clStrides[ 0 ] * (clLengths[ 0 ] + clPadding[ 0 ]);
-		clStrides[ 2 ] = clStrides[ 1 ] * (clLengths[ 1 ] + clPadding[ 1 ]);
-		clStrides[ 3 ] = clStrides[ 2 ] * (clLengths[ 2 ] + clPadding[ 2 ]);
-		fftVectorSize	= clLengths[ 0 ] * clLengths[ 1 ] * clLengths[ 2 ];
-		fftVectorSizePadded = clStrides[ 3];
-		fftBatchSize	= fftVectorSizePadded * batchSize;
-		switch( outLayout )
-		{
-			nBuffersOut      = 1;
-			buffSizeBytesOut = fftBatchSize * sizeof( std::complex< float > );
-			break;
-			nBuffersOut      = 2;
-			buffSizeBytesOut = fftBatchSize * sizeof(float);
-			break;
-		}
-		//	Fill our input buffers depending on how we want 
-		switch( inLayout )
-		{
-			{
-				//	This call creates our openCL context and sets up our devices; expected to throw on error
-				buffSizeBytesIn = fftBatchSize * sizeof( std::complex< float > );
-				device_id = initializeCL( deviceType, deviceGpuList, context, printInfo );
-				createOpenCLCommandQueue( context,
-										  commandQueueFlags, queue,
-										  device_id,
-										  buffSizeBytesIn, 1, clMemBuffersIn,
-										  buffSizeBytesOut, nBuffersOut, clMemBuffersOut);
-				std::vector< std::complex< float > > input( fftBatchSize );
-				// impulse test case
-				for( cl_uint i = 0; i < fftBatchSize; ++i )
-				{
-					input[ i ] = 1;
-				}
-				OPENCL_V_THROW( clEnqueueWriteBuffer( queue, clMemBuffersIn[ 0 ], CL_TRUE, 0, buffSizeBytesIn, &input[ 0 ], 
-					0, NULL, &outEvent ), 
-					"clEnqueueWriteBuffer failed" );
-				//for( cl_uint i = 0; i < fftBatchSize; ++i )
-				//{
-				//	input[ i ] = 1.23456f;
-				//}
-				//OPENCL_V_THROW( clEnqueueWriteBuffer( queue, clMemBuffersOut[ 0 ], CL_TRUE, 0, buffSizeBytes, &input[ 0 ], 
-				//	0, NULL, &outEvent ), 
-				//	"clEnqueueWriteBuffer failed" );
-			}
-			break;
-			{
-				//	This call creates our openCL context and sets up our devices; expected to throw on error
-				buffSizeBytesIn = fftBatchSize * sizeof( float );
-				device_id = initializeCL( deviceType, deviceGpuList, context, printInfo );
-				createOpenCLCommandQueue( context,
-										  commandQueueFlags, queue,
-										  device_id,
-										  buffSizeBytesIn, 2, clMemBuffersIn,
-										  buffSizeBytesOut, nBuffersOut, clMemBuffersOut);
-				//	Just initialize the input buffer to all 1's for now
-				std::vector< float > real( fftBatchSize );
-				std::vector< float > imag( fftBatchSize );
-				for( cl_uint i = 0; i < fftBatchSize; ++i )
-				{
-					real[ i ] = 1;
-					imag[ i ] = 0;
-				}
-				OPENCL_V_THROW( clEnqueueWriteBuffer( queue, clMemBuffersIn[ 0 ], CL_TRUE, 0, buffSizeBytesIn, &real[ 0 ], 
-					0, NULL, &outEvent ), 
-					"clEnqueueWriteBuffer failed" );
-				OPENCL_V_THROW( clEnqueueWriteBuffer( queue, clMemBuffersIn[ 1 ], CL_TRUE, 0, buffSizeBytesIn, &imag[ 0 ], 
-					0, NULL, &outEvent ), 
-					"clEnqueueWriteBuffer failed" );
-			}
-			break;
-		default:
-			{
-				throw std::runtime_error( "Input layout format not yet supported" );
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	catch( std::exception& e )
-	{
-		terr << _T( "clFFT error condition reported:" ) << std::endl << e.what() << std::endl;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	//	Performance Data
-	StatisticalTimer&	sTimer	= StatisticalTimer::getInstance( );
-	sTimer.Reserve( 3, profileCount );
-	sTimer.setNormalize( true );
-	StatisticalTimer::sTimerID	clFFTID	= sTimer.getUniqueID( "clFFT", 0 );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( clAmdFftSetup( setupData.get( ) ), "clAmdFftSetup failed" );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( clAmdFftCreateDefaultPlan( &plHandle, context, dim, clLengths ), "clAmdFftCreateDefaultPlan failed" );
-	//	Default plan creates a plan that expects an inPlace transform with interleaved complex numbers
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( clAmdFftSetResultLocation( plHandle, place ), "clAmdFftSetResultLocation failed" );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( clAmdFftSetLayout( plHandle, inLayout, outLayout ), "clAmdFftSetLayout failed" );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( clAmdFftSetPlanBatchSize( plHandle, batchSize ), "clAmdFftSetPlanBatchSize failed" );
-	if ((clPadding[ 0 ] | clPadding[ 1 ] | clPadding[ 2 ]) != 0) {
-		OPENCL_V_THROW (clAmdFftSetPlanInStride  ( plHandle, dim, clStrides ), "clAmdFftSetPlanInStride failed" );
-		OPENCL_V_THROW (clAmdFftSetPlanOutStride ( plHandle, dim, clStrides ), "clAmdFftSetPlanOutStride failed" );
-		OPENCL_V_THROW (clAmdFftSetPlanDistance  ( plHandle, clStrides[ dim ], clStrides[ dim ]), "clAmdFftSetPlanDistance failed" );
-	}
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( clAmdFftBakePlan( plHandle, 1, &queue, NULL, NULL ), "clAmdFftBakePlan failed" );
-	//get the buffersize
-	size_t buffersize=0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( clAmdFftGetTmpBufSize(plHandle, &buffersize ), "clAmdFftGetTmpBufSize failed" );
-	//allocate the intermediate buffer	
-	cl_mem clMedBuffer=NULL;
-	if (buffersize)
-	{
-		cl_int medstatus;
-		clMedBuffer = clCreateBuffer ( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, buffersize, 0, &medstatus);
-		OPENCL_V_THROW( medstatus, "Creating intmediate Buffer failed" );
-	}
-	switch( inLayout )
-	{
-		break;
-	default:
-		//	Don't recognize input layout
-	}
-	switch( outLayout )
-	{
-		break;
-	default:
-		//	Don't recognize output layout
-	}
-	if (( place == CLFFT_INPLACE )
-	&&  ( inLayout != outLayout )) {
-		switch( inLayout )
-		{
-			{
-				assert (CLFFT_COMPLEX_PLANAR == outLayout);
-				throw std::runtime_error( "Cannot use the same buffer for interleaved->planar in-place transforms" );
-				break;
-			}
-			{
-				assert (CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED == outLayout);
-				throw std::runtime_error( "Cannot use the same buffer for planar->interleaved in-place transforms" );
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//	Loop as many times as the user specifies to average out the timings
-	//
-	cl_mem * BuffersOut = ( place == CLFFT_INPLACE ) ? NULL :  &clMemBuffersOut[ 0 ];
-	sTimer.Start(clFFTID);
-	for( cl_uint i = 0; i < profileCount; ++i )
-	{
-		OPENCL_V_THROW( clAmdFftEnqueueTransform( plHandle, CLFFT_FORWARD, 1, &queue, 0, NULL, &outEvent, 
-			&clMemBuffersIn[ 0 ], BuffersOut, clMedBuffer ),
-			"clAmdFftEnqueueTransform failed" );
-	}
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( clFinish( queue ), "clFinish failed" );
-	sTimer.Stop(clFFTID);
-	if( commandQueueFlags & CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE )
-	{
-		//	Remove all timings that are outside of 3 stddev; we ignore outliers to get a more consistent result
-		sTimer.pruneOutliers( 3.0 );
-		// windows frequency count is by seconds
-		double kernelExecTimeNs	= sTimer.getAverageTime( clFFTID ) * 1e9/profileCount;
-		double kernelExecGflops	= 5 * fftBatchSize * (log(static_cast<float>(fftVectorSize))/log(2.0f)) / static_cast< double >( kernelExecTimeNs );
-		tout << _T( "FFT kernel execution time < ns >: " ) << commatize ((unsigned long long) kernelExecTimeNs) << std::endl;
-		tout << _T( "FFT kernel execution Gflops < BatchSize*5*N*log2( N ) >: " ) << kernelExecGflops << std::endl;
-	}
-	sTimer.Reset( );
-	// Read and check output data
-	// This check is not valid if the FFT is executed multiple times inplace.
-	//
-	if (( place == CLFFT_OUTOFPLACE )
-	||  ( profileCount == 1))
-	{
-		bool checkflag= false;
-		switch( outLayout )
-		{
-			{
-				std::vector< std::complex< float > > output( fftBatchSize );
-				if( place == CLFFT_INPLACE )
-				{
-					OPENCL_V_THROW( clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, clMemBuffersIn[ 0 ], CL_TRUE, 0, buffSizeBytesIn, &output[ 0 ], 
-						0, NULL, NULL ),
-						"Reading the result buffer failed" );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					OPENCL_V_THROW( clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, clMemBuffersOut[ 0 ], CL_TRUE, 0, buffSizeBytesOut, &output[ 0 ], 
-						0, NULL, NULL ),
-						"Reading the result buffer failed" );
-				}
-				//check output data
-				for( cl_uint i = 0; i < fftBatchSize; ++i )
-				{
-					if (0 == (i % fftVectorSizePadded))
-					{
-						if (output[i].real() != fftVectorSize) 
-						{
-							checkflag = true;
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						if (output[ i ].real() != 0)
-						{
-							checkflag = true;
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					if (output[ i ].imag() != 0)
-					{
-						checkflag = true;
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-			{
-				std::valarray< float > real( fftBatchSize );
-				std::valarray< float > imag( fftBatchSize );
-				if( place == CLFFT_INPLACE )
-				{
-					OPENCL_V_THROW( clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, clMemBuffersIn[ 0 ], CL_TRUE, 0, buffSizeBytesIn, &real[ 0 ], 
-						0, NULL, NULL ),
-						"Reading the result buffer failed" );
-					OPENCL_V_THROW( clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, clMemBuffersIn[ 1 ], CL_TRUE, 0, buffSizeBytesIn, &imag[ 0 ], 
-						0, NULL, NULL ),
-						"Reading the result buffer failed" );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					OPENCL_V_THROW( clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, clMemBuffersOut[ 0 ], CL_TRUE, 0, buffSizeBytesOut, &real[ 0 ], 
-						0, NULL, NULL ),
-						"Reading the result buffer failed" );
-					OPENCL_V_THROW( clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, clMemBuffersOut[ 1 ], CL_TRUE, 0, buffSizeBytesOut, &imag[ 0 ], 
-						0, NULL, NULL ),
-						"Reading the result buffer failed" );
-				}
-				//  Check output data
-				//  The output data might not be contiguous in the output buffer, if there
-				//  is any padding in any dimension, so we need to access slices of the buffer.
-				//  We treat the data buffers as arrays of 3D arrays in all cases.
-				//  If this is a 1D test, then
-				//     clLength[ 1 ] and clLength[ 2] will be 1.
-				//     The first element of every 1D slice will be nonzero.
-				//  If this is a 2D test, then
-				//     clLength[ 2 ] will be a.
-				//     The first elment of every 2D slice will be nonzero.
-				//  If this is a 3D test, then
-				//     The first element of every 3D slice will be nonzero.
-				//
-				for (unsigned ub = 0; ub < batchSize; ++ub) {
-					std::slice slice3D (ub * clStrides[ 3 ], clStrides[ 3 ], 1);
-					std::valarray<float> real3D (real[ slice3D ]);
-					for (unsigned uz = 0; uz < clLengths[2]; ++uz) {
-						std::slice slice2D (uz * clStrides[ 2 ], clStrides[ 2 ], 1);
-						std::valarray<float> real2D (real[ slice2D ]);
-						bool nzZ = (dim == CLFFT_3D) && (0 == uz);
-						for (unsigned uy = 0; uy < clLengths[1]; ++uy) {
-							std::slice slice1D (uy * clStrides[ 1], clStrides[ 1], 1);
-							std::valarray<float> real1D (real2D [ slice1D ]);
-							bool nzY = (nzZ || (dim == CLFFT_2D)) && (0 == uy);
-							for (unsigned ux = 0; ux < clLengths[0]; ++ux) {
-								bool nzX = (nzY || (dim == CLFFT_1D)) && (0 == ux);
-								float expected = nzX ? float (fftVectorSize) : 0.0f;
-								if (real1D[ux] != expected)
-									checkflag = true;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				////check output data
-				//for( cl_uint i = 0; i < fftBatchSize; ++i )
-				//{
-				//	if (0 == (i % fftVectorSizePadded))
-				//	{
-				//		if (real[i] != fftVectorSize) 
-				//		{
-				//			checkflag = true;
-				//			break;
-				//		}
-				//	}
-				//	else
-				//	{
-				//		if (real[i] != 0)
-				//		{
-				//			checkflag = true;
-				//			break;
-				//		}
-				//	}
-				//	if (imag[i] != 0)
-				//	{
-				//		checkflag = true;
-				//		break;
-				//	}
-				//}
-			}
-			break;
-		default:
-			{
-				throw std::runtime_error( "Input layout format not yet supported" );
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		if (checkflag) 
-		{
-			std::cout << "\n\n\t\tClient Test *****FAIL*****" << std::endl;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			std::cout << "\n\n\t\tClient Test *****PASS*****" << std::endl;
-		}
-	}
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( clAmdFftDestroyPlan( &plHandle ), "clAmdFftDestroyPlan failed" );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( clAmdFftTeardown( ), "clAmdFftTeardown failed" );
-	cleanupCL( &context, &queue, countOf( clMemBuffersIn ), clMemBuffersIn, countOf( clMemBuffersOut ), clMemBuffersOut, &outEvent );
-	return 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.client.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.client.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d4ac80bbcb78849b758e7698b145667368b1cb4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.client.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-//	Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#pragma once
-#if !defined( CLIENT_H )
-#define CLIENT_H
-//	Boost headers that we want to use
-#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 73e65d0d349eeb24d7d27997d78abe43661a244a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,573 +0,0 @@
-**	Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-/*! @file clAmdFft.h
- * clAmdFft.h defines all of the public interfaces and types that are meant to be used by clFFT clients
- * This is the one public header file that should be consumed by clFFT clients.  It is written to adhere to native "C"
- * interfaces to make clAmdFft library as portable as possible; it should be callable from C, C++, .NET and Fortran,
- * either with the proper linking or using wrapper classes.
- *
- */
-#pragma once
-#if !defined( CLAMDFFT_DOTH )
-#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX)
-	#include <OpenCL/cl.h>
-	#include <CL/cl.h>
-#include "clAmdFft.version.h"
-/*! This preprocessor definition is the standard way of making exporting APIs
- *  from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL are compiled with the CLAMDFFT_EXPORTS
- *  symbol defined on the command line. This symbol should not be defined on any project
- *  that uses this DLL. This way any other project whose source files include this file see 
- *  clAmdFft functions as being imported from a DLL, whereas this DLL sees symbols
- *  defined with this macro as being exported.
- */
-#if defined( _WIN32 )
-	#if !defined( __cplusplus )
-		#define inline __inline
-	#endif
-	#if defined( CLAMDFFT_EXPORTS )
-		#define CLAMDFFTAPI __declspec( dllexport )
-	#else
-		#define CLAMDFFTAPI __declspec( dllimport )
-	#endif
-/*	In general, you can not use namespaces for strict C compliance, so we prefix our public accessible names
- *	with the string clAmdFft
- */
-/*	All functions will return pre-defined error codes, and will NOT throw exceptions to the caller
- */
-/*!  @brief clAmdFft error codes definition, incorporating OpenCL error definitions 
- *
- *   This enumeration is a superset of the OpenCL error codes.  For example, CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY,
- *   which is defined in cl.h is aliased as CLFFT_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY.  The set of basic OpenCL
- *   error codes is extended to add extra values specific to the clAmdFft package.
- */
-enum clAmdFftStatus_
-	//-------------------------- Extended status codes for clAmdFft ----------------------------------------
-	CLFFT_BUGCHECK =  4*1024,	/*!< Bugcheck. */
-	CLFFT_NOTIMPLEMENTED,		/*!< Functionality is not implemented yet. */
-	CLFFT_TRANSPOSED_NOTIMPLEMENTED, /*!< Transposed functionality is not implemented for this transformation. */
-	CLFFT_FILE_NOT_FOUND,		/*!< Tried to open an existing file on the host system, but failed. */
-	CLFFT_FILE_CREATE_FAILURE,	/*!< Tried to create a file on the host system, but failed. */
-	CLFFT_VERSION_MISMATCH,		/*!< Version conflict between client and library. */
-	CLFFT_INVALID_PLAN,			/*!< Requested plan could not be found. */
-	CLFFT_DEVICE_NO_DOUBLE,		/*!< Double precision not supported on this device. */
-	CLFFT_ENDSTATUS				/* This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftStatus. */
-typedef enum clAmdFftStatus_ clAmdFftStatus;
-/*!  @brief The dimension of the input and output buffers that will be fed into all FFT transforms */
-typedef enum clAmdFftDim_
-	CLFFT_1D		= 1,		/*!< 1 Dimensional FFT transform (default). */
-	CLFFT_2D,					/*!< 2 Dimensional FFT transform. */
-	CLFFT_3D,					/*!< 3 Dimensional FFT transform. */
-	ENDDIMENSION			/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftDim. */
-} clAmdFftDim;
-/*!  @brief What are the expected layout's of the complex numbers <p>
- *   <b> For Release 1.0,</b> only the CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED and CLFFT_COMPLEX_PLANAR formats are supported.
- *   The real and hermitian formats should be supported in a future release.
- */
-typedef enum clAmdFftLayout_
-	CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED	= 1,	/*!< An array of complex numbers, with real and imaginary components together (default). */
-	CLFFT_COMPLEX_PLANAR,				/*!< Arrays of real componets and arrays of imaginary components that have been seperated out. */
-	CLFFT_HERMITIAN_INTERLEAVED,		/*!< Compressed form of complex numbers; complex-conjugates not stored, real and imaginary components in same array. TODO: Document layout */
-	CLFFT_HERMITIAN_PLANAR,				/*!< Compressed form of complex numbers; complex-conjugates not stored, real and imaginary components in separate arrays. TODO: Document layout */
-	CLFFT_REAL,							/*!< An array of real numbers, with no corresponding imaginary components. */
-	ENDLAYOUT			/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftLayout. */
-} clAmdFftLayout;
-/*!  @brief What is the expected precision of each FFT.
- *   @ref DistanceStridesandPitches
- */
-typedef enum clAmdFftPrecision_
-	CLFFT_SINGLE	= 1,	/*!< An array of complex numbers, with real and imaginary components as floats (default). */
-	CLFFT_DOUBLE,			/*!< An array of complex numbers, with real and imaginary components as doubles. */
-	CLFFT_SINGLE_FAST,		/*!< Faster implementation preferred. */
-	CLFFT_DOUBLE_FAST,		/*!< Faster implementation preferred. */
-	ENDPRECISION	/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftPrecision. */
-} clAmdFftPrecision;
-/*!  @brief What is the expected direction of each FFT, time or the frequency domains */
-typedef enum clAmdFftDirection_
-	CLFFT_FORWARD	= -1,		/*!< FFT transform from the time to the frequency domain. */
-	CLFFT_BACKWARD	= 1,		/*!< FFT transform from the frequency to the time domain. */
-	CLFFT_MINUS		= -1,		/*!< Alias for the forward transform. */
-	CLFFT_PLUS		= 1,		/*!< Alias for the backward transform. */
-	ENDDIRECTION			/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftDirection. */
-} clAmdFftDirection;
-/*!  @brief Are the input buffers overwritten with the results */
-typedef enum clAmdFftResultLocation_
-	CLFFT_INPLACE		= 1,		/*!< The input and output buffers are the same (default). */
-	CLFFT_OUTOFPLACE,				/*!< Seperate input and output buffers. */
-	ENDPLACE				/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftPlaceness. */
-} clAmdFftResultLocation;
-/*! @brief whether the result will be returned in original order; only valid for dimensions greater than 1 */
-typedef enum clAmdFftResultTransposed_ {
-	CLFFT_NOTRANSPOSE = 1,		/*!< The results are returned in the original preserved order (default) */
-	CLFFT_TRANSPOSED,			/*!< The result is transposed where transpose kernel is supported (possibly faster) */
-	ENDTRANSPOSED			/*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clAmdFftResultTransposed */
-} clAmdFftResultTransposed;
-/*! 	BitMasks to be used with clAmdFftSetupData.debugFlags */
-/*! @brief Data structure that can be passed to clAmdFftSetup() to control the behavior of the FFT runtime
- *  @details This structure contains values that can be initialized before instantiation of the FFT runtime 
- *  with ::clAmdFftSetup().  To initialize this structure, pass a pointer to a user struct to ::clAmdFftInitSetupData( ),
- *  which will clear the structure and set the version member variables to the current values.
- */
-struct clAmdFftSetupData_
-	cl_uint major;		/*!< Major version number of the project; signifies major API changes. */
-	cl_uint minor;		/*!< Minor version number of the project; minor API changes that could break backwards compatibility. */
-	cl_uint patch;		/*!< Patch version number of the project; Always incrementing number, signifies change over time. */
-	/*! 	Bitwise flags that control the behavior of library debug logic. */
-	cl_ulong debugFlags;  /*! This should be set to zero, except when debugging the clAmdFft library.
-	                       *  <p> debugFlags can be set to CLFFT_DUMP_PROGRAMS, in which case the dynamically generated OpenCL kernels will
-	                       *  be written to text files in the current working directory.  These files will have a *.cl suffix.
-	                       */
-typedef struct clAmdFftSetupData_ clAmdFftSetupData;
-/*!  @brief An abstract handle to the object that represents the state of the FFT(s) */
-typedef size_t clAmdFftPlanHandle;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-	/*! @brief Initialize an clAmdFftSetupData struct for the client
-	 *  @details clAmdFftSetupData is passed to clAmdFftSetup to control behavior of the FFT runtime
-	 *  @param[out] setupData Data structure is cleared, initialized with version information and default values
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	inline clAmdFftStatus clAmdFftInitSetupData( clAmdFftSetupData* setupData )
-	{
-		setupData->major	= clAmdFftVersionMajor;
-		setupData->minor	= clAmdFftVersionMinor;
-		setupData->patch	= clAmdFftVersionPatch;
-		setupData->debugFlags	= 0;
-		return	CLFFT_SUCCESS;
-	}
-	/*! @brief Initialize internal FFT resources.
-	 *  @details AMD's FFT implementation caches kernels, programs and buffers for its internal use.
-	 *  @param[in] setupData Data structure that can be passed into the setup routine to control FFT generation behavior 
-	 * 	and debug functionality
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetup( const clAmdFftSetupData* setupData );
-	/*! @brief Release all internal resources.
-	 *  @details Call when client is done with this FFT library, allowing the library to destroy all resources it has cached
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftTeardown( );
-	/*! @brief Query the FFT library for version information
-	 *  @details Return the major, minor and patch version numbers associated with this FFT library
-	 *  @param[out] major Major functionality change
-	 *  @param[out] minor Minor functionality change
-	 *  @param[out] patch Bug fixes, documentation changes, no new features introduced
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetVersion( cl_uint* major, cl_uint* minor, cl_uint* patch );
-	/*! @brief Create a plan object initialized entirely with default values.
-	 *  @details A plan is a repository of state for calculating FFT's.  Allows the runtime to pre-calculate kernels, programs
-	 * 	and buffers and associate them with buffers of specified dimensions.
-	 *  @param[out] plHandle Handle to the newly created plan
-	 *  @param[in] context Client is responsible for providing an OpenCL context for the plan
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimensionality of the FFT transform; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[in] clLengths An array of lengths, of size 'dim'.  Each value describes the length of additional dimensions
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftCreateDefaultPlan( clAmdFftPlanHandle* plHandle, cl_context context, const clAmdFftDim dim, 
-								const size_t* clLengths );
-	/*! @brief Create a copy of an existing plan.
-	 *  @details This API allows a client to create a new plan based upon an existing plan.  This is a convenience function 
-	 *  provided for quickly creating plans that are similar, but may differ slightly.
-	 *  @param[out] out_plHandle Handle to the newly created plan that is based on in_plHandle
-	 *  @param[in] new_context Client is responsible for providing a new context for the new plan
-	 *  @param[in] in_plHandle Handle to a plan to be copied, previously created
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftCopyPlan( clAmdFftPlanHandle* out_plHandle, cl_context new_context, clAmdFftPlanHandle in_plHandle );
-	/*! @brief Prepare the plan for execution.
-	 *  @details After all plan parameters are set, the client has the option of 'baking' the plan, which tells the runtime that
-	 *  no more changes to the plan's parameters are expected, and the OpenCL kernels should be compiled.  This optional function
-	 *  allows the client application to perform this function when the application is being initialized instead of on the first
-	 *  execution. 
-	 *  At this point, the clAmdFft runtime will apply all implimented optimizations, possibly including
-	 *  running kernel experiments on the devices in the plan context.
-	 *  <p>  Users should assume that this function will take a long time to execute.  If a plan is not baked before being executed, 
-	 *  users should assume that the first call to clAmdFftEnqueueTransform will take a long time to execute.
-	 *  <p>  If any significant parameter of a plan is changed after the plan is baked (by a subsequent call to one of 
-	 *  the clAmdFftSetPlan____ functions), that will not be considered an error.  Instead, the plan will revert back to
-	 *  the unbaked state, discarding the benefits of the baking operation.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] numQueues Number of command queues in commQueueFFT; 0 is a valid value, in which case client does not want 
-	 * 	the runtime to run load experiments and only pre-calculate state information
-	 *  @param[in] commQueueFFT An array of cl_command_queues created by the client; the command queues must be a proper subset of 
-	 * 	the devices included in the plan context
-	 *  @param[in] pfn_notify A function pointer to a notification routine. The notification routine is a callback function that 
-	 *  an application can register and which will be called when the program executable has been built (successfully or unsuccessfully)
-	 *  <b> For Release 1.0,</b> this parameter MUST be NULL or nullptr.
-	 *  @param[in] user_data Passed as an argument when pfn_notify is called. 
-	 *  <b> For Release 1.0,</b> this parameter MUST be NULL or nullptr.
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftBakePlan( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, cl_uint numQueues, cl_command_queue* commQueueFFT,
-							void (CL_CALLBACK *pfn_notify)(clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, void *user_data), void* user_data );
-	/*! @brief Release the resources of a plan.
-	 *  @details A plan may include kernels, programs and buffers associated with it that consume memory.  When a plan 
-	 *  is not needed anymore, the client should release the plan.
-	 *  @param[in,out] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftDestroyPlan( clAmdFftPlanHandle* plHandle );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the OpenCL context of a previously created plan.
-	 *  @details User should pass a reference to an cl_context variable, which will be changed to point to a 
-	 *  context set in the specified plan.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] context Reference to user allocated cl_context, which will point to context set in plan
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanContext( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, cl_context* context );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the floating point precision of the FFT data
-	 *  @details User should pass a reference to an clAmdFftPrecision variable, which will be set to the 
-	 *  precision of the FFT complex data in the plan.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] precision Reference to user clAmdFftPrecision enum
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanPrecision( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftPrecision* precision );
-	/*! @brief Set the floating point precision of the FFT data
-	 *  @details Set the plan property which will be the precision of the FFT complex data in the plan.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] precision Reference to user clAmdFftPrecision enum <p>
-	 *  <b> For Release 1.0,</b> only CLFFT_SINGLE and CLFFT_SINGLE_FAST are supported.
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanPrecision( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftPrecision precision );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the scaling factor that should be applied to the FFT data
-	 *  @details User should pass a reference to an cl_float variable, which will be set to the 
-	 *  floating point scaling factor that will be multiplied across the FFT data.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dir Which direction does the scaling factor apply to
-	 *  @param[out] scale Reference to user cl_float variable
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanScale( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftDirection dir, cl_float* scale );
-	/*! @brief Set the scaling factor that should be applied to the FFT data
-	 *  @details Set the plan property which will be the floating point scaling factor that will be 
-	 *  multiplied across the FFT data.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dir Which direction does the scaling factor apply to
-	 *  @param[in] scale Reference to user cl_float variable
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanScale( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftDirection dir, cl_float scale );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the number of discrete arrays that this plan can handle concurrently
-	 *  @details User should pass a reference to an cl_uint variable, which will be set to the 
-	 *  number of discrete arrays (1D or 2D) that will be batched together for this plan
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] batchSize How many discrete number of FFT's are to be performed
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanBatchSize( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t* batchSize );
-	/*! @brief Set the number of discrete arrays that this plan can handle concurrently
-	 *  @details Set the plan property which will be set to the number of discrete arrays (1D or 2D) 
-	 *  that will be batched together for this plan
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] batchSize How many discrete number of FFT's are to be performed
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanBatchSize( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t batchSize );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the dimensionality of FFT's to be transformed in the plan
-	 *  @details Queries a plan object and retrieves the dimensionality that the plan is set for.  A size is returned to
-	 *  help the client allocate the proper storage to hold the dimensions in a further call to clAmdFftGetPlanLength
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] dim The dimensionality of the FFT's to be transformed
-	 *  @param[out] size Value used to allocate an array to hold the FFT dimensions.
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanDim( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftDim* dim, cl_uint* size );
-	/*! @brief Set the dimensionality of FFT's to be transformed by the plan
-	 *  @details Set the dimensionality of FFT's to be transformed by the plan
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimensionality of the FFT's to be transformed
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanDim( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the length of each dimension of the FFT
-	 *  @details User should pass a reference to a size_t array, which will be set to the 
-	 *  length of each discrete dimension of the FFT
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the length parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[out] clLengths An array of lengths, of size 'dim'.  Each array value describes the length of each dimension
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanLength( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, size_t* clLengths );
-	/*! @brief Set the length of each dimension of the FFT
-	 *  @details Set the plan property which will be the length of each discrete dimension of the FFT
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the length parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[in] clLengths An array of lengths, of size 'dim'.  Each value describes the length of additional dimensions
-	 *  <p><b> For Release 1.0, </b> All lengths must be powers of 2.  Non-power-of-two dimensions should be supported in a future release.
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanLength( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, const size_t* clLengths );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the distance between consecutive elements for input buffers in a dimension.
-	 *  @details Depending on how the dimension is set in the plan (for 2D or 3D FFT's), strideY or strideZ can be safely
-	 *  ignored
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[out] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'.  Usually strideX=1 so that successive elements in the first dimension are stored contiguously.
-	 * 	Typically strideY=LenX, strideZ=LenX*LenY such that successive elements in the second and third dimensions are stored contiguously.
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanInStride( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, size_t* clStrides );
-	/*! @brief Set the distance between consecutive elements for input buffers in a dimension.
-	 *  @details Set the plan properties which will be the distance between elements in a given dimension
-	 *  (units are in terms of clAmdFftPrecision)
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[in] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'. 
-	 *  See  @ref DistanceStridesandPitches for details.
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanInStride( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, size_t* clStrides );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the distance between consecutive elements for output buffers in a dimension.
-	 *  @details Depending on how the dimension is set in the plan (for 2D or 3D FFT's), strideY or strideZ can be safely
-	 *  ignored
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[out] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'.  Usually strideX=1 so that successive elements in the first dimension are stored contiguously.
-	 *  Typically strideY=LenX, strideZ=LenX*LenYsuch that successive elements in the second and third dimensions are stored contiguously.
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanOutStride( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, size_t* clStrides );
-	/*! @brief Set the distance between consecutive elements for output buffers in a dimension.
-	 *  @details Set the plan properties which will be the distance between elements in a given dimension
-	 *  (units are in terms of clAmdFftPrecision)
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the array
-	 *  @param[in] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'.  Usually strideX=1 so that successive elements in the first dimension are stored contiguously.
-	 * 	Typically strideY=LenX, strideZ=LenX*LenY such that successive elements in the second and third dimensions are stored contiguously.
-	 *  @sa clAmdFftSetPlanInStride
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanOutStride( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, const clAmdFftDim dim, size_t* clStrides );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the distance between Array objects
-	 *  @details Pitch is the distance between each discrete array object in an FFT array. This is only used 
-	 *  for 'array' dimensions in clAmdFftDim; see clAmdFftSetPlanDimension (units are in terms of clAmdFftPrecision)
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] iDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in memory on input.
-	 *  For contiguous arrays in memory, iDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
-	 *  @param[out] oDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in memory on output.
-	 *  For contiguous arrays in memory, oDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanDistance( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t* iDist, size_t* oDist );
-	/*! @brief Set the distance between Array objects
-	 *  @details Pitch is the distance between each discrete array object in an FFT array. This is only used 
-	 *  for 'array' dimensions in clAmdFftDim; see clAmdFftSetPlanDimension (units are in terms of clAmdFftPrecision)
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] iDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in memory on input.
-	 *  For contiguous arrays in memory, iDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
-	 *  @param[out] oDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in memory on output.
-	 *  For contiguous arrays in memory, oDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanDistance( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t iDist, size_t oDist );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the expected layout of the input and output buffers
-	 *  @details Output buffers can be filled with either hermitian or complex numbers.  Complex numbers can be stored 
-	 *  in various layouts; this informs the FFT engine what layout to produce on output
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] iLayout Indicates how the input buffers are laid out in memory
-	 *  @param[out] oLayout Indicates how the output buffers are laid out in memory
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetLayout( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftLayout* iLayout, clAmdFftLayout* oLayout );
-	/*! @brief Set the expected layout of the input and output buffers
-	 *  @details Output buffers can be filled with either hermitian or complex numbers.  Complex numbers can be stored 
-	 *  in various layouts; this informs the FFT engine what layout to produce on output
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] iLayout Indicates how the input buffers are laid out in memory
-	 *  @param[in] oLayout Indicates how the output buffers are laid out in memory
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetLayout( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftLayout iLayout, clAmdFftLayout oLayout );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve whether the input buffers are going to be overwritten with results
-	 *  @details If the setting is to do an in-place transform, the input buffers are overwritten with the results of the
-	 *  transform.  If the setting is for out-of-place transforms, the engine knows to look for separate output buffers
-	 *  on the Enqueue call.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] placeness Tells the FFT engine to clobber the input buffers or to expect output buffers for results
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetResultLocation( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftResultLocation* placeness );
-	/*! @brief Set whether the input buffers are going to be overwritten with results
-	 *  @details If the setting is to do an in-place transform, the input buffers are overwritten with the results of the
-	 *  transform.  If the setting is for out-of-place transforms, the engine knows to look for separate output buffers
-	 *  on the Enqueue call.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] placeness Tells the FFT engine to clobber the input buffers or to expect output buffers for results
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetResultLocation( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftResultLocation placeness );
-	/*! @brief Retrieve the final transpose setting of a muti-dimensional FFT 
-	 *  @details A multi-dimensional FFT typically transposes the data several times during calculation.  If the client 
-	 *  does not care about the final transpose to put data back in proper dimension, the final transpose can be skipped 
-	 *  for possible speed improvements 
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] transposed Parameter specifies whether the final transpose can be skipped
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftGetPlanTransposeResult( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftResultTransposed * transposed );
-	/*! @brief Set the final transpose setting of a muti-dimensional FFT 
-	 *  @details A multi-dimensional FFT typically transposes the data several times during calculation.  If the client 
-	 *  does not care about the final transpose to put data back in proper dimension, the final transpose can be skipped 
-	 *  for possible speed improvements 
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created 
-	 *  @param[in] transposed Parameter specifies whether the final transpose can be skipped
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftSetPlanTransposeResult( clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, clAmdFftResultTransposed transposed );
-	/*! @brief Get buffer size (in bytes), which may be needed internally for an intermediate buffer
-	 *  @details Very large FFT transforms may need multiple passes, and the operation would need a temporary buffer to hold
-	 *  intermediate results. This function is only valid after the plan is baked, otherwise an invalid operation error
-	 *  is returned. If buffersize returns as 0, the runtime needs no temporary buffer.
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[out] buffersize Size in bytes for intermediate buffer
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus clAmdFftGetTmpBufSize( const clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t* buffersize );
-	/*! @brief Enqueue an FFT transform operation, and return immediately (non-blocking)
-	 *  @details This transform API is specific to the interleaved complex format, taking an input buffer with real and imaginary
-	 *  components paired together, and outputting the results into an output buffer in the same format
-	 *  @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
-	 *  @param[in] dir Forwards or backwards transform
-	 *  @param[in] numQueuesAndEvents Number of command queues in commQueues; number of expected events to be returned in outEvents
-	 *  @param[in] commQueues An array of cl_command_queues created by the client; the command queues must be a proper subset of 
-	 * 	the devices included in the plan context
-	 *  @param[in] numWaitEvents Specify the number of elements in the eventWaitList array
-	 *  @param[in] waitEvents Events that this transform should wait to complete before executing on the device
-	 *  @param[out] outEvents The runtime fills this array with events corresponding 1 to 1 with the input command queues passed
-	 *	in commQueues.  This parameter can be NULL or nullptr, in which case client is not interested in receiving notifications
-	 *	when transforms are finished, otherwise if not NULL the client is responsible for allocating this array, with at least 
-	 *	as many elements as specified in numQueuesAndEvents.
-	 *  @param[in] inputBuffers An array of cl_mem objects that contain data for processing by the FFT runtime.  If the transform
-	 *  is in place, the FFT results will overwrite the input buffers
-	 *  @param[out] outputBuffers An array of cl_mem objects that will store the results of out of place transforms.  If the transform
-	 *  is in place, this parameter may be NULL or nullptr.  It is completely ignored
-	 *  @param[in] tmpBuffer A cl_mem object that is reserved as a temporary buffer for FFT processing. If clTmpBuffers is NULL or nullptr,
-	 *  and the runtime needs temporary storage, an internal temporary buffer will be created on the fly managed by the runtime.
-	 *  @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
-	 */
-	CLAMDFFTAPI clAmdFftStatus	clAmdFftEnqueueTransform(
-												clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle,
-												clAmdFftDirection dir,
-												cl_uint numQueuesAndEvents,
-												cl_command_queue* commQueues,
-												cl_uint numWaitEvents,
-												const cl_event* waitEvents,
-												cl_event* outEvents,
-												cl_mem* inputBuffers,
-												cl_mem* outputBuffers,
-												cl_mem tmpBuffer
-												);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.openCL.cpp b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.openCL.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cba77240f0a93dda5a945efe34957a1a814c67f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.openCL.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-//	Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// clAmdFft.opencl.cpp : Provides functions to set up openCL
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <vector>
-#include "clAmdFft.h"
-#include "clAmdFft.openCL.h"
-void prettyPrintPlatformInfo( const cl_platform_id& pId )
-	size_t platformProfileSize	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformInfo( pId, CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE, 0, NULL, &platformProfileSize ),
-		"Getting CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE Platform Info string size ( ::clGetPlatformInfo() )" );
-	std::vector< char > szPlatformProfile( platformProfileSize );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformInfo( pId, CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE, platformProfileSize, &szPlatformProfile[ 0 ], NULL),
-		"Getting CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE Platform Info string ( ::clGetPlatformInfo() )" );
-	size_t platformVersionSize	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformInfo( pId, CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, 0, NULL, &platformVersionSize ),
-		"Getting CL_PLATFORM_VERSION Platform Info string size ( ::clGetPlatformInfo() )" );
-	std::vector< char > szPlatformVersion( platformVersionSize );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformInfo( pId, CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, platformVersionSize, &szPlatformVersion[ 0 ], NULL),
-		"Getting CL_PLATFORM_VERSION Platform Info string ( ::clGetPlatformInfo() )" );
-	size_t platformNameSize	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformInfo( pId, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, 0, NULL, &platformNameSize ),
-		"Getting CL_PLATFORM_NAME Platform Info string size ( ::clGetPlatformInfo() )" );
-	std::vector< char > szPlatformName( platformNameSize );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformInfo( pId, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, platformNameSize, &szPlatformName[ 0 ], NULL),
-		"Getting CL_PLATFORM_NAME Platform Info string ( ::clGetPlatformInfo() )" );
-	size_t vendorStringSize	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformInfo( pId, CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, 0, NULL, &vendorStringSize ),
-		"Getting CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR Platform Info string size ( ::clGetPlatformInfo() )" );
-	std::vector< char > szPlatformVendor( vendorStringSize );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformInfo( pId, CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, vendorStringSize, &szPlatformVendor[ 0 ], NULL),
-		"Getting CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR Platform Info string ( ::clGetPlatformInfo() )" );
-	size_t platformExtensionsSize	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformInfo( pId, CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS, 0, NULL, &platformExtensionsSize ),
-		"Getting CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS Platform Info string size ( ::clGetPlatformInfo() )" );
-	std::vector< char > szPlatformExtensions( platformExtensionsSize );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformInfo( pId, CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS, platformExtensionsSize, &szPlatformExtensions[ 0 ], NULL),
-		"Getting CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS Platform Info string ( ::clGetPlatformInfo() )" );
-	const int indent = countOf( "    CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS: " );
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE: " << &szPlatformProfile[ 0 ] << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_PLATFORM_VERSION: " << &szPlatformVersion[ 0 ] << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_PLATFORM_NAME: " << &szPlatformName[ 0 ] << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR: " << &szPlatformVendor[ 0 ] << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS: " << &szPlatformExtensions[ 0 ] << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::right << std::endl;
-void prettyPrintDeviceInfo( const cl_device_id& dId )
-	size_t deviceNameSize	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_NAME, 0, NULL, &deviceNameSize ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_NAME Platform Info string size ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	std::vector< char > szDeviceName( deviceNameSize );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_NAME, deviceNameSize, &szDeviceName[ 0 ], NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_NAME Platform Info string ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	size_t deviceVersionSize	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_VERSION, 0, NULL, &deviceVersionSize ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_VERSION Platform Info string size ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	std::vector< char > szDeviceVersion( deviceVersionSize );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_VERSION, deviceVersionSize, &szDeviceVersion[ 0 ], NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_VERSION Platform Info string ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	size_t driverVersionSize	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DRIVER_VERSION, 0, NULL, &driverVersionSize ),
-		"Getting CL_DRIVER_VERSION Platform Info string size ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	std::vector< char > szDriverVersion( driverVersionSize );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DRIVER_VERSION, driverVersionSize, &szDriverVersion[ 0 ], NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DRIVER_VERSION Platform Info string ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	size_t openCLVersionSize	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION, 0, NULL, &openCLVersionSize ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION Platform Info string size ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	std::vector< char > szOpenCLVersion( openCLVersionSize );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION, openCLVersionSize, &szOpenCLVersion[ 0 ], NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION Platform Info string ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	cl_device_type devType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_TYPE, sizeof( cl_device_type ), &devType, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_TYPE device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	cl_uint devAddrBits = 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS, sizeof( cl_uint ), &devAddrBits, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	cl_uint maxClockFreq = 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY, sizeof( cl_uint ), &maxClockFreq, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	cl_bool devAvailable = CL_FALSE;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_AVAILABLE, sizeof( cl_bool ), &devAvailable, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_AVAILABLE device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	cl_bool devCompAvailable = CL_FALSE;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_COMPILER_AVAILABLE, sizeof( cl_bool ), &devCompAvailable, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_COMPILER_AVAILABLE device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	size_t devMaxWorkGroup	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof( size_t ), &devMaxWorkGroup, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	cl_uint devMaxWorkItemDim = CL_FALSE;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS, sizeof( cl_uint ), &devMaxWorkItemDim, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	std::vector< size_t >	devMaxWorkItemSizes( devMaxWorkItemDim );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES, sizeof( size_t )*devMaxWorkItemSizes.size( ), &devMaxWorkItemSizes[0], NULL),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	cl_bool deviceHostUnified = 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY, sizeof( cl_bool ), &deviceHostUnified, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY Platform Info string ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	cl_ulong devMaxConstantBuffer	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof( cl_ulong ), &devMaxConstantBuffer, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	cl_ulong devLocalMemSize	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof( cl_ulong ), &devLocalMemSize, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	cl_ulong deviceGlobalMemSize = 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof( cl_ulong ), &deviceGlobalMemSize, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	cl_ulong deviceMaxMemAllocSize = 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof( cl_ulong ), &deviceMaxMemAllocSize, NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE device info ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	size_t deviceExtSize	= 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, 0, NULL, &deviceExtSize ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS Platform Info string size ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	std::vector< char > szDeviceExt( deviceExtSize );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( dId, CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, deviceExtSize, &szDeviceExt[ 0 ], NULL ),
-		"Getting CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS Platform Info string ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-	const int indent = countOf( "    CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS: " );
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_NAME: " << &szDeviceName[ 0 ] << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_VERSION: " << &szDeviceVersion[ 0 ] << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DRIVER_VERSION: " << &szDriverVersion[ 0 ] << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_TYPE: "
-		<< (CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT     & devType ? "default"     : "")
-		<< (CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU         & devType ? "CPU"         : "")
-		<< (CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU         & devType ? "GPU"         : "")
-		<< (CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR & devType ? "Accelerator" : "")
-		<< std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY: " << maxClockFreq << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS: " << devAddrBits << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_AVAILABLE: " << ( devAvailable ? "TRUE": "FALSE") << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_COMPILER_AVAILABLE: " << ( devCompAvailable ? "TRUE": "FALSE") << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION: " << &szOpenCLVersion[ 0 ] << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE: " << devMaxWorkGroup << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS: " << devMaxWorkItemDim << std::endl;
-	for( cl_uint wis = 0; wis < devMaxWorkItemSizes.size( ); ++wis )
-	{
-		std::stringstream dimString;
-		dimString << "Dimension[ " << wis << " ]  ";
-		std::cout << std::right << std::setw( indent ) << dimString.str( ) << devMaxWorkItemSizes[wis] << std::endl;
-	}
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY: " << ( deviceHostUnified ? "TRUE": "FALSE") << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE: " << devMaxConstantBuffer;
-	std::cout << " ( " << devMaxConstantBuffer / 1024 << " KB )" << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE: " << devLocalMemSize;
-	std::cout << " ( " << devLocalMemSize / 1024 << " KB )" << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE: " << deviceGlobalMemSize;
-	std::cout << " ( " << deviceGlobalMemSize / 1048576 << " MB )" << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE: " << deviceMaxMemAllocSize;
-	std::cout << " ( " << deviceMaxMemAllocSize / 1048576 << " MB )" << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::left << std::setw( indent ) << "    CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS: " << &szDeviceExt[ 0 ] << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::right << std::endl;
-//	Verify a failed condition; return true on fail
-inline cl_bool OPENCL_V_FAIL( cl_int res )
-	if( res == CL_SUCCESS )
-		return CL_FALSE;
-	else
-		return CL_TRUE;
-std::string prettyPrintclFFTStatus( const cl_int& status )
-	switch( status )
-	{
-			return "CLFFT_MAP_FAILURE";
-			return "CLFFT_SUCCESS";
-			return "CLFFT_FILE_NOT_FOUND";
-			return "CLFFT_INVALID_PLAN";
-		default:
-			return "Error code not defined";
-		break;
-	}
-std::vector< cl_device_id > initializeCL( cl_device_type deviceType,
-										  cl_uint deviceGpuList,
-										  cl_context& context,
-										  bool printclInfo )
-	cl_int status = 0;
-	/*
-		* Have a look at the available platforms and pick either
-		* the AMD one if available or a reasonable default.
-		*/
-	cl_uint numPlatforms	= 0;
-	cl_platform_id platform = NULL;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformIDs( 0, NULL, &numPlatforms ),
-			"Getting number of platforms( ::clGetPlatformsIDs() )" );
-	if( numPlatforms > 0 )
-	{
-		std::vector< cl_platform_id > platforms( numPlatforms );
-		OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetPlatformIDs( numPlatforms, &platforms[ 0 ], NULL ),
-			"Getting Platform Id's ( ::clGetPlatformsIDs() )" );
-		//	TODO: How should we determine what platform to choose?  We are just defaulting to the last one reported, as we
-		//	print out the info
-		for( unsigned int i=0; i < numPlatforms; ++i )
-		{
-			if( printclInfo )
-			{
-				std::cout << "OpenCL platform [ " << i << " ]:" << std::endl;
-				prettyPrintPlatformInfo( platforms[i] );
-			}
-			platform = platforms[i];
-		}
-	}
-	if( NULL == platform )
-	{
-		throw std::runtime_error( "No appropriate OpenCL platform could be found" );
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If we could find our platform, use it. Otherwise use just available platform.
-	 */
-	//	Get the device list for this type.
-	//
-	cl_uint num_devices = 0;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceIDs( platform, deviceType, 0, NULL, &num_devices ),
-		"Getting OpenCL devices ( ::clGetDeviceIDs() )" );
-	if( 0 == num_devices )
-	{
-	}
-	std::vector< cl_device_id > deviceIDs( num_devices );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceIDs( platform, deviceType, num_devices, &deviceIDs[0], NULL),
-		"Getting OpenCL deviceIDs ( ::clGetDeviceIDs() )" );
-	if( (CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU == deviceType) && (~cl_uint(0) != deviceGpuList) )
-	{
-		//	The command line options specify to user certain gpu(s)
-		//
-		for( unsigned u = (unsigned) deviceIDs.size(); u-- > 0; )
-		{
-			if( 0 != (deviceGpuList & (1<<u) ) )
-				continue;
-			//  Remove this GPU from the list
-			deviceIDs[u] = deviceIDs.back();
-			deviceIDs.pop_back();
-		}
-	}
-	if( 0 == deviceIDs.size( ) )
-	{
-	}
-	cl_context_properties cps[3] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)platform, 0 };
-	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// Create an OpenCL context
-	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	context = clCreateContext( cps,
-							   (cl_uint) deviceIDs.size(),
-							   & deviceIDs[0],
-							   NULL,
-							   NULL,
-							   &status);
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( status, "Creating Context ( ::clCreateContextFromType() )" );
-	/* First, get the size of device list data */
-	size_t deviceListSize;
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetContextInfo( context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, 0, NULL, &deviceListSize ),
-		"Getting device array size ( ::clGetContextInfo() )" );
-	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// Detect OpenCL devices
-	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	std::vector< cl_device_id > devices( deviceListSize/sizeof( cl_device_id ) );
-	/* Now, get the device list data */
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetContextInfo( context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, deviceListSize, &devices[ 0 ], NULL ),
-		"Getting device array ( ::clGetContextInfo() )" );
-	if( printclInfo )
-	{
-		cl_uint cContextDevices	= 0;
-		size_t deviceVersionSize	= 0;
-		OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( devices[0], CL_DEVICE_VERSION, 0, NULL, &deviceVersionSize ),
-			"Getting CL_DEVICE_VERSION Platform Info string size ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-		std::vector< char > szDeviceVersion( deviceVersionSize );
-		OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetDeviceInfo( devices[0], CL_DEVICE_VERSION, deviceVersionSize, &szDeviceVersion[ 0 ], NULL ),
-			"Getting CL_DEVICE_VERSION Platform Info string ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )" );
-		char openclstr[11]="OpenCL 1.0";
-		if (!strncmp((const char*)&szDeviceVersion[ 0 ], openclstr, 10))
-		{
-			cContextDevices	= 1;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			OPENCL_V_THROW( ::clGetContextInfo( context, CL_CONTEXT_NUM_DEVICES, sizeof( cContextDevices ), &cContextDevices, NULL ),
-				"Getting number of context devices ( ::clGetContextInfo() )" );
-		}
-		for( cl_uint i = 0; i < cContextDevices; ++i )
-		{
-			std::cout << "OpenCL devices [ " << i << " ]:" << std::endl;
-			prettyPrintDeviceInfo( devices[i] );
-		}
-	}
-	return devices;
-int cleanupCL( cl_context* context, cl_command_queue* commandQueue,
-	const cl_uint numBuffersIn, cl_mem inputBuffer[], const cl_uint numBuffersOut, cl_mem outputBuffer[], cl_event* outEvent )
-	if( *outEvent != NULL )
-		OPENCL_V_THROW( clReleaseEvent( *outEvent ), "Error: In clReleaseEvent\n" );
-	releaseOpenCLMemBuffer( numBuffersIn, inputBuffer);
-	releaseOpenCLMemBuffer( numBuffersOut, outputBuffer);
-	if( *commandQueue != NULL )
-		OPENCL_V_THROW( clReleaseCommandQueue( *commandQueue ), "Error: In clReleaseCommandQueue\n" );
-	if( *context != NULL )
-		OPENCL_V_THROW( clReleaseContext( *context ), "Error: In clReleaseContext\n" );
-	return 0;
-int createOpenCLMemoryBuffer( cl_context& context, const size_t bufferSizeBytes, const cl_uint numBuffers, cl_mem buffer[], cl_mem_flags accessibility) {
-	cl_int status = 0;
-	for( cl_uint i = 0; i < numBuffers; ++i )
-	{
-		buffer[ i ] = ::clCreateBuffer( context, accessibility, bufferSizeBytes, NULL, &status);
-		OPENCL_V_THROW( status, "Creating Buffer ( ::clCreateBuffer() )" );
-	}
-	return 0;
-int releaseOpenCLMemBuffer( const cl_uint numBuffers, cl_mem buffer[])
-	for( cl_uint i = 0; i < numBuffers; ++i )
-	{
-		if( buffer[ i ] != NULL )
-			OPENCL_V_THROW( clReleaseMemObject( buffer[ i ] ), "Error: In clReleaseMemObject\n" );
-	}
-	return 0;
-void createOpenCLCommandQueue( cl_context& context,
-							   cl_uint commandQueueFlags,
-							   cl_command_queue& commandQueue,
-							   std::vector< cl_device_id > devices,
-							   const size_t bufferSizeBytesIn,
-							   const cl_uint numBuffersIn,
-							   cl_mem clMemBufferIn[],
-							   const size_t bufferSizeBytesOut,
-							   const cl_uint numBuffersOut,
-							   cl_mem clMemBufferOut[] )
-	cl_int status = 0;
-	commandQueue = ::clCreateCommandQueue( context, devices[0], commandQueueFlags, &status );
-	OPENCL_V_THROW( status, "Creating Command Queue ( ::clCreateCommandQueue() )" );
-	createOpenCLMemoryBuffer( context, bufferSizeBytesIn,  numBuffersIn,  clMemBufferIn,  CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
-	createOpenCLMemoryBuffer( context, bufferSizeBytesOut, numBuffersOut, clMemBufferOut, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.openCL.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.openCL.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cb82e024b7ac0d442e42d5d6eac645f0b3fbf408..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clAmdFft.openCL.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-//	Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#pragma once
-#if !defined( AMD_OPENCL_H )
-#define AMD_OPENCL_H
-#include <memory>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include "amd-unicode.h"
-//	Creating a portable defintion of countof
-#if defined( _WIN32 )
-	#define countOf _countof
-	#define countOf( arr ) ( sizeof( arr ) / sizeof( arr[ 0 ] ) )
- * \brief OpenCL related initialization (ripped from AMD stream sample code )
- *        Create Context, Device list
- *        Load CL file, compile, link CL source 
- *		  Build program and kernel objects
- */
-std::vector< cl_device_id > initializeCL( cl_device_type deviceType,
-										  cl_uint deviceGpuList,
-										  cl_context& context,
-										  bool printclInfo );
- * \brief OpenCL memory buffer creation
- */
-int createOpenCLMemoryBuffer(
-		cl_context& context,
-		const size_t bufferSizeBytes,
-		const cl_uint numBuffers,
-		cl_mem buffer[],
-		cl_mem_flags accessibility
-		);
- * \brief OpenCL command queue creation (ripped from AMD stream sample code )
- *        Create Command Queue
- *        Create OpenCL memory buffer objects
- */
-void createOpenCLCommandQueue( cl_context& context,
-							   cl_uint commandQueueFlags,
-							   cl_command_queue& commandQueue,
-							   std::vector< cl_device_id > devices,
-							   const size_t bufferSizeBytesIn,
-							   const cl_uint numBuffersIn,
-							   cl_mem clMemBufferIn[],
-							   const size_t bufferSizeBytesOut,
-							   const cl_uint numBuffersOut,
-							   cl_mem clMemBufferOut[] );
- * \brief release OpenCL memory buffer
- */
-int releaseOpenCLMemBuffer( const cl_uint numBuffers, cl_mem buffer[] );
-std::string prettyPrintclFFTStatus( const cl_int& status );
-//	This is used to either wrap an OpenCL function call, or to explicitly check a variable for an OpenCL error condition.
-//	If an error occurs, we throw.  
-//	Note: std::runtime_error does not take unicode strings as input, so only strings supported
-inline cl_int OpenCL_V_Throw ( cl_int res, const std::string& msg, size_t lineno )
-	switch( res )
-	{
-		case	CL_SUCCESS:		/**< No error */
-			break;
-		default:
-		{
-			std::stringstream tmp;
-			tmp << "OPENCL_V_THROWERROR< ";
-			tmp << prettyPrintclFFTStatus( res );
-			tmp << " > (";
-			tmp << lineno;
-			tmp << "): ";
-			tmp << msg;
-			std::string errorm (tmp.str());
-			std::cout << errorm<< std::endl;
-			throw	std::runtime_error( errorm );
-		}
-	}
-	return	res;
-#define OPENCL_V_THROW(_status,_message) OpenCL_V_Throw (_status, _message, __LINE__)
- * \brief Release OpenCL resources (Context, Memory etc.) (ripped from AMD stream sample code )
- */
-int cleanupCL( cl_context* context, cl_command_queue* commandQueue, const cl_uint numBuffersIn, cl_mem inputBuffer[], const cl_uint numBuffersOut, cl_mem outputBuffer[], cl_event* outEvent );
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clMemcpy.cpp b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clMemcpy.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a1c63fa57807ebffb40a785d18b8caac7010d73b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/clMemcpy.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,998 +0,0 @@
-//	Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// clAmdFft.clMemcpy.cpp : OpenCL memory copy kernel generator
-//	TODO: Add 2d/tiled memory copies.
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <CL/opencl.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-using std::stringstream;
-#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
-namespace po = boost::program_options;
-//#include "../statTimer/clAmdFft.statisticalTimer.extern.h"
-//#include "../include/clAmdFft.sharedLibrary.h"
-#include "../../../common/statisticalTimer.h"
-#include "../../../common/amd-unicode.h"
-class clDataType{
-	virtual bool setSize(size_t size) = 0; // set size
-	virtual size_t getSize() = 0;		// size in bytes
-	virtual size_t getTypeSize() = 0;	// size of base type in bytes
-	virtual std::string getName() = 0;	// get cl type name
-class clFloat:public clDataType{
-	clFloat()
-	{
-		clSize = 2;
-	}
-	size_t getSize()
-	{
-		return clSize * sizeof(float);
-	}
-	size_t getTypeSize()
-	{
-		return sizeof(float);
-	}
-	std::string getName()
-	{
-		std::stringstream name;
-		name << "float";
-		if(clSize > 1)
-		{
-			name << clSize;
-		}
-		std::string ret = name.str().c_str();
-		return ret;
-	}
-	bool setSize(size_t size)
-	{
-		if(size < 0 || size > 16 || (size & (size - 1)) )
-		{
-			return false;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			clSize = size;
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	// The null kernel generator has its own special set of paramters
-	size_t clSize;
-class clDouble:public clDataType{
-	clDouble()
-	{
-		clSize = 1;
-	}
-	size_t getSize()
-	{
-		return clSize * sizeof(double);
-	}
-	size_t getTypeSize()
-	{
-		return sizeof(double);
-	}
-	std::string getName()
-	{
-		std::stringstream name;
-		name << "double";
-		if(clSize > 1)
-		{
-			name << clSize;
-		}
-		std::string ret = name.str().c_str();
-		return ret;
-	}
-	bool setSize(size_t size)
-	{
-		if(size < 0 || size > 4 || (size & (size - 1)))
-		{
-			return false;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			clSize = size;
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	// The null kernel generator has its own special set of paramters
-	size_t clSize;
-// This is a helper function to query a device for it's caps and check whether a certain user supplied cap is present
-// stolen from the clAmdRuntime library
-bool checkDevExt( std::string cap, std::vector< cl_device_id >& devices )
-	for( size_t d = 0; d < devices.size( ); ++d)
-	{
-		size_t deviceExtSize	= 0;
-		 ::clGetDeviceInfo( devices[ d ], CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, 0, NULL, &deviceExtSize ),
-			"Getting CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS Platform Info string size ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )";
-		std::vector< char > szDeviceExt( deviceExtSize );
-		::clGetDeviceInfo( devices[ d ], CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, deviceExtSize, &szDeviceExt[ 0 ], NULL ),
-			"Getting CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS Platform Info string ( ::clGetDeviceInfo() )";
-		std::string strDeviceExt = &szDeviceExt[ 0 ];
-		if( strDeviceExt.find( cap.c_str( ), 0 ) == std::string::npos )
-			return 0;
-	}
-	return true;
-#define INDENT "    "
-// memcpy kernel generator, very simple
- void GenerateMemcpyKernel (stringstream &ssn, const int registerCount, const int dumbyRegisterCount, const int workGroupSize , clDataType * clType,  const bool useBarrier, int ldsPasses, const int dataItemCount, const int writeOnly, const int readOnly, const int memcpyOnly, const bool supportDoublePrecision)
-// kernel generator - dumb
-	//std::stringstream ssn         (std::stringstream::out);
-	static const bool first_choice = true;
-	ssn << "//------------------------------\n"
-	     "// !!!!!NULL Memcopy KERNEL!!!!\n\n";
-	// include double precision support
-	if(supportDoublePrecision)
-	{
-		ssn<< "\n#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_fp64 : enable\n\n";
-	}
-	// set the workgroup size to our specification, this will effect the number of wavefronts used	
-	ssn << "__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(" << workGroupSize << ",1,1)))\n"
-		<< "__kernel void\n"
-		<< "memcpy" << "(\n";
-// basically do inplace memcopy unless memcpyOnly is true, then do out of place
-	if(!memcpyOnly)
-	{
-		ssn << INDENT "__global " << clType->getName() << " *gcomplx\n";
-		ssn << ")\n{\n";
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		ssn << INDENT "__global const " << clType->getName() << " *in,\n";
-		ssn << INDENT "__global " << clType->getName() << " *out\n";
-		ssn << ")\n{\n";
-		// a strict memcopy kernel does not require much, just code it here and return
-		ssn << INDENT "int gid = get_global_id(0);\n";
-		ssn << INDENT "out[gid] = in[gid];\n";
-		ssn << INDENT "return;";
-		ssn << "\n}\n";
-		return;
-	}
-	// create registers for kernel to use for memcopies
-	ssn << "\n" << clType->getName() << " R0";
-	for(int i = 1; i < registerCount + dumbyRegisterCount; i++)
-	{
-		ssn << ",R" << i;
-	}
-	ssn << ";\n";
-	// identifiers for local work item and global group id
-	ssn << "\nuint me = get_local_id(0);";
-	ssn << "\nuint batch = get_group_id(0);";
-	ssn << "\nglobal ";
-	// if read only kernel use const to disable read caching
-	if(writeOnly)
-	{
-	ssn << "const ";
-	}
-	ssn << clType->getName() << "* gpc = gcomplx + me * " <<  registerCount << " + batch * " << registerCount * workGroupSize << ";";
-	if(ldsPasses > 0)
-	{
-		// allocate LDS
-		ssn << "\n__local " << clType->getName() << " ldsBuff[" << registerCount * workGroupSize << "];";
-		ssn << "\n__local " << clType->getName() << "* lds = ldsBuff + me * " << registerCount << ";";
-	}
-	ssn << "\n";
-	// If write only kernel, don't read back regs to global memory
-	if(writeOnly || !readOnly)
-	{
-		// copy data from Global Memory to regs
-		for(int i = 0; i < registerCount; i++)
-		{
-			ssn << "\nR" << i << "= gpc[" << i << "];";
-		}
-	}
-	ssn << "\n";
-	// make number of LDS passes specified, copy from regs to lds back to regs
-	for(int j = 0; j < ldsPasses; j++) 
-	{
-		// copy data from regs to LDS
-		for(int i = 0; i < registerCount; i++)
-		{
-			ssn << "\nlds[" << i << "] = R" << i << ";";
-		}
-		ssn << "\n";
-		// insert memory barrier
-		if(useBarrier == true)
-		{
-			ssn << "\nbarrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n";
-		}
-		// copy data from LDS back to regs
-		for(int i = 0; i < registerCount; i++)
-		{
-			ssn << "\nR" << i << " = lds[" << (registerCount -1 ) - i << "];";
-		}
-		ssn << "\n";
-	}
-	// if dumby registers are specified, just assign a value to them
-	// do some math
-	int rIndex = 0;
-	for(int i = registerCount; i < registerCount + dumbyRegisterCount; i++)
-	{
-		if( i == registerCount)
-		{
-			ssn << "\nR" << i << " = R0 * 3.1459;";
-	//		ssn << "\nR0 = R" << i << ";";  // write results to R0 to kee it from being optimized out
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			ssn << "\nR" << i << " = R" << i <<" + R" << i - 1 << " * 3.1459;";
-		}
-		ssn << "\nR" << rIndex <<" = R" << i << ";";
-		rIndex ++;
-		if(rIndex >= registerCount)
-		{
-			rIndex = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	ssn << "\n";
-	// if readonly or not a writeonly kernel copy registers back to global memory
-	if(readOnly || !writeOnly)
-	{
-		for(int i = 0; i < registerCount; i++)
-		{
-			ssn << "\ngpc[" << i << "] = R" << i << ";";
-		}
-	}
-	ssn << "\n}\n";
-// http://cottonvibes.blogspot.com/2011/01/dynamically-allocate-aligned-memory.html
-// Alignment must be power of 2 (1,2,4,8,16...2^15)
-void* aligned_malloc(size_t size, size_t alignment) {
-    assert(alignment <= 0x8000);
-    uintptr_t r = (uintptr_t)malloc(size + --alignment + 2);
-    uintptr_t o = (r + 2 + alignment) & ~(uintptr_t)alignment;
-    if (!r) return NULL;
-    ((uint16_t*)o)[-1] = (uint16_t)(o-r);
-    return (void*)o;
-void aligned_free(void* p) {
-    if (!p) return;
-    free((void*)((uintptr_t)p-((uint16_t*)p)[-1]));
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
-    int err;                            // error code returned from api calls
-    size_t global;                      // global domain size for our calculation
-    size_t local;                       // local domain size for our calculation
-	cl_platform_id platform;
-    cl_device_id device_id;             // compute device id 
-	cl_uint platforms;
-    cl_context context;                 // compute context
-    cl_command_queue commands;          // compute command queue
-    cl_program program;                 // compute program
-    cl_kernel kernel;                   // compute kernel
-    cl_mem input;                       // device memory used for the input array
-	cl_mem output;                      // device memory used for the output array for strict memcopy kernel
-	cl_device_type deviceType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU; // make the GPU the default device type
-    int workgroupSize = 0;		 // workgroup size / number of work items per wavefront
-	int registerCount = 16;		 // registers allocated in kernels for memcopy operations
-	int dumbyRegisterCount = 16; // registers allocated, but not used for memcopies
-	int dataItemCount = 0;		 // total number of items (type float,float2,4) to copy to/from OpenCL device
-	int dataItemCountEnd = 0;		 // total number of items (type float,float2,4) to copy to/from OpenCL device
-	int ldsPasses = 1;			 // number of 'passes' copying data to/from LDS
-	clDataType * clType; 			 // default float type to use
-	bool useBarrier = true;			// include memory barrier in kernels
-	bool memcpyOnly = false;	// if true, creates strict memcopy kernels, not registers allocated (in CL code)
-	bool writeOnly = false;		// only perform write operations
-	bool readOnly = false;		// only perform read operations.
-	bool bDisableOptimization = false; // disable OpenCL compiler optimizations if true
-	bool bDoublePrecision = false;
-	bool bZeroMemcopy = false;	// if true, host memory is used by GPU
-	cl_ulong start = 0; // profiling start and end times
-	cl_ulong end = 0;
-	clFloat lFloat;
-	clDouble lDouble;
-	clType =  &lFloat; // float is default
-	try
-	{
-		// Declare the supported options.
-		po::options_description desc( "clMemcpy client command line options" );
-		desc.add_options()
-			( "help,h",			"produces this help message" )
-			( "version,v",		"Print out build date/version" )
-			( "gpu,g",			"Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device" )
-			( "cpu,c",			"Force instantiation of an OpenCL CPU device" )
-			( "float,f",		po::value< int >(), "Float type to use in kernels, 1,2,4,8,16 (default: float2)" )
-			( "double,d",		po::value< int >(), "Use double type to use in kernels, 1,2,4 (default: double 1)" )
-			( "regs,r",			po::value< int >( &registerCount )->default_value( 16 ),	"Specify number of registers to use in kernels (default: 16)" )
-			( "dumbyRegs,q",	po::value< int >( &dumbyRegisterCount )->default_value( 0 ),	"Specify number 'dumby registers' to allocate in kernels" )
-			( "memcpyOnly,m",   "Generate strict memcopy kernel (default: false)" )
-			( "itemCount,i",	po::value< int >( &dataItemCount )->default_value( 0 ), "Number of items to transfer (default: max allocatable)" )
-			( "itemCountEnd,j",	po::value< int >( &dataItemCountEnd )->default_value( 0 ), "End of item count, start at i go to j in powers of 2." )
-			( "ldsPasses,l",	po::value< int >( &ldsPasses )->default_value( 1 ), "Number of 'passes' using LDS (default: 1, 0 = no LDS used)" )
-			( "barrier,b",      po::value< bool >( &useBarrier )->default_value( true ), "Include memory barrier in kernel" )
-			( "writeOnly,x",      "Write only kernels (default:  false)" )
-			( "readOnly,y",       "Read only kernels (default: false" )
-			( "disableOptimization,n",       "Disable OpenCL compiler optimizations (default: false" )
-			( "zeroMemcopy,z",       "Use zero memcopy kernels, only valid on APUs (default 0)" )
-			( "workgroupSize,w",	po::value< int >( &workgroupSize )->default_value( 64 ), "Workgroup size (default 64)" )
-			;
-		po::variables_map vm;
-		po::store( po::parse_command_line( argc, argv, desc ), vm );
-		po::notify( vm );
-		stringstream str;
-		if( vm.count( "version" ) )
-		{
-			str << "clMemcopy version: " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ <<std::endl;
-			std::cout << str.str();
-			str.str() = "";
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "help" ) )
-		{
-			//	This needs to be 'cout' as program-options does not support wcout yet
-			std::cout << desc << std::endl;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		size_t mutex = ((vm.count( "gpu" ) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
-			| ((vm.count( "cpu" ) > 0) ? 2 : 0);
-		if ((mutex & (mutex-1)) != 0) {
-			str << "You have selected mutually-exclusive OpenCL device options:" << std::endl;
-			if (vm.count ( "gpu" )  > 0) str << "    gpu,g   Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device" << std::endl;
-			if (vm.count ( "cpu" )  > 0) str << "    cpu,c   Force instantiation of an OpenCL CPU device" << std::endl;
-			{	
-				std::cout << str.str();
-				return 1;
-			}
-		}
-		mutex = ((vm.count( "writeOnly" ) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
-			| ((vm.count( "readOnly" ) > 0) ? 2 : 0);
-		if ((mutex & (mutex-1)) != 0) {
-			str << "You have selected mutually-exclusive OpenCL device options:" << std::endl;
-			if (vm.count ( "writeOnly" )  > 0) str << "    writeOnly,x   Generate write only kernels" << std::endl;
-			if (vm.count ( "readOnly" )  > 0) str << "    readOnly,y   Generate read only kernels" << std::endl;
-			{	
-				std::cout << str.str();
-				return 1;
-			}
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "gpu" ) )
-		{
-			deviceType	= CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "cpu" ) )
-		{
-			deviceType	= CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "writeOnly" ) )
-		{
-			writeOnly = true;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "readOnly" ) )
-		{
-			readOnly = true;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "zeroMemcopy" ) )
-		{
-			bZeroMemcopy = true;
-		}
-		int typeCount = 0;
-		if( vm.count( "float" ) )
-		{
-			if(!clType->setSize(vm["float"].as<int>()))
-			{
-				std::cout << "Float (float,-f) type must be 1,2,4,8, or 16.";
-				return 1;
-			}
-			typeCount ++;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "double" ) )
-		{
-			clType =  &lDouble;
-			if(!clType->setSize(vm["double"].as<int>()))
-			{
-				std::cout << "Double (double,-d) type must be 1, or 2.";
-				return 1;
-			}
-			bDoublePrecision = true;
-			typeCount ++;
-		}
-		if(typeCount > 1)
-		{
-			std::cout << "Only one register type may be specified (Float,Double).";
-			return 1;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "memcpyOnly" ) )
-		{
-			memcpyOnly = true;
-			registerCount = 1;
-		}
-		if( vm.count( "disableOptimization" ) )
-		{
-			bDisableOptimization = true;
-		}
-		if(workgroupSize < 1)
-		{
-			printf("Error: workgroup size can not be 0");
-			return 1;
-		}
-		// if the register count is < 1, it's a pure memcpy kernel
-		if(registerCount < 1)
-		{
-			registerCount = 1;
-			memcpyOnly = true;
-		}
-	}
-	catch( std::exception& e )
-	{
-		std::cout << "clMemcopy error condition reported:" << std::endl << e.what() << std::endl;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	// enumerate platforms to see if anything is available.
-	//
-	err=clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform, &platforms);
-	if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        printf("Error: Failed to get a platform.!\n");
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-    // Connect to a compute device
-    //
-    err = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, deviceType, 1, &device_id, NULL);
-    if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        printf("Error: Failed to create a device group!\n");
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-    // Create a compute context 
-    //
-    context = clCreateContext(0, 1, &device_id, NULL, NULL, &err);
-    if (!context)
-    {
-        printf("Error: Failed to create a compute context!\n");
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-    // Create a command commands
-    //
-    commands = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device_id, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &err);
-    if (!commands)
-    {
-        printf("Error: Failed to create a command commands!\n");
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-	// find how much global memory can safely be allocated
-	//
-	cl_ulong maxMemAlloc = 0;
-	err = clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE,sizeof(cl_ulong), &maxMemAlloc, NULL);
-	if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        printf("Error: Failed to read MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE from device!\n");
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-	// find how much local memory can safely be allocated
-	//
-	cl_ulong maxLocalMemAlloc = 0;
-	err = clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE,sizeof(cl_ulong), &maxLocalMemAlloc, NULL);
-	if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        printf("Error: Failed to read CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE from device!\n");
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-	// check if double precision is supported
-	//	If the user specifies double precision, check that the device supports double precision first
-	if( bDoublePrecision )
-	{
-		std::vector< cl_device_id > dev;
-		dev.push_back(device_id);
-		bool retAmdFp64 = checkDevExt( "cl_amd_fp64", dev );
-		if( retAmdFp64 != true )
-		{
-			//	If AMD's extention is not supported, check for Khronos extention
-			bool retKhrFp64 = checkDevExt( "cl_khr_fp64", dev );
-			if( retKhrFp64 != true )
-			{
-				 printf("Error: Device %d does not support double precission\n", device_id);
-				return EXIT_FAILURE;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	do
-	{
-		// generate a kernel
-		//
-		stringstream kernelSource;
-		GenerateMemcpyKernel(kernelSource, registerCount, dumbyRegisterCount, workgroupSize, clType, useBarrier, ldsPasses, dataItemCount, writeOnly, readOnly, memcpyOnly, bDoublePrecision);
-		if( !dataItemCountEnd ) // 
-		{	
-			printf("\n%s\n", kernelSource.str().c_str());
-		}
-		// calculate how many data items we want to move, float1,2,4
-		//
-		if(dataItemCount == 0)
-		{
-			if( memcpyOnly )
-			{
-				maxMemAlloc /= 2;  // need two buffers
-			}
-			dataItemCount = (int)(maxMemAlloc / (clType->getSize()));
-			dataItemCount /= registerCount * workgroupSize;
-			dataItemCount *= registerCount * workgroupSize;
-		}
-		// Fill our data set with random float values
-		//
-		void* data = aligned_malloc(clType->getSize() * dataItemCount, 256);              // original data set given to device
-		if(data == NULL)
-		{
-			printf("Error: Failed allcating host data buffer!\n");
-			return EXIT_FAILURE;
-		}
-		srand ( (unsigned int) time(NULL) );
-		for(int i = 0; i < dataItemCount * clType->getSize(); i++)
-		{  
-			*((char *)data + i) = rand() / (char)RAND_MAX;
-		}
-		// Create the compute program from the source buffer
-		//
-		std::string stringKern = kernelSource.str();
-		const char *charKern = stringKern.c_str();
-		program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, (const char **) &charKern, NULL, &err);
-		if (!program)
-		{
-			printf("Error: Failed to create compute program!\n");
-			return EXIT_FAILURE;
-		}
-		// Build the program executable
-		//
-		if(bDisableOptimization)
-		{
-			err = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, "-g -cl-opt-disable", NULL, NULL);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			err = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-		}
-		if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
-		{
-			size_t len;
-			char buffer[2048];
-			printf("Error: Failed to build program executable!\n");
-			clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device_id, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &len);
-			printf("%s\n", buffer);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		// Create the compute kernel in the program we wish to run
-		//
-		kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "memcpy", &err);
-		if (!kernel || err != CL_SUCCESS)
-		{
-			printf("Error: Failed to create compute kernel!\n");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		/*
-		//	Discover and load the timer module if present
-		void* timerLibHandle = LoadSharedLibrary( "lib", "clAmdFft.StatTimer", false );
-		if( timerLibHandle == NULL )
-		{
-			terr << _T( "Could not find the external timing library; timings disabled" ) << std::endl;
-		}
-		//	Timer module discovered and loaded successfully
-		//	Initialize function pointers to call into the shared module
-		PFGETSTATTIMER get_timer = reinterpret_cast< PFGETSTATTIMER > ( LoadFunctionAddr( timerLibHandle, "getStatTimer" ) );
-		//	Create and initialize our timer class, if the external timer shared library loaded
-		baseStatTimer* timer = NULL;
-		*/
-		size_t	writeTimer,readTimer,executeTimer = 0;
-		StatisticalTimer &timer = StatisticalTimer::getInstance();
-		//	timer->setNormalize( true );
-			timer.Reserve( 3, 1 );
-			writeTimer	= timer.getUniqueID( "write", 0 );
-			readTimer	= timer.getUniqueID( "read", 1 );
-			executeTimer	= timer.getUniqueID( "execute", 2);
-		// Create the input and output arrays in device memory for our calculation
-		//
-		cl_mem_flags memFlags = CL_MEM_READ_ONLY;
-		void *hostPtr = NULL;
-		void *hostPtrOut = NULL; // use to map point to output buffer for memcopy only kernels
-		// this option will only work on APUs same physical memory is used by host and device
-		if(bZeroMemcopy)
-		{
-			memFlags |= CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR;
-		}
-		input = clCreateBuffer(context,  memFlags,  clType->getSize() * dataItemCount, NULL, NULL);
-		if (!input)
-		{
-			printf("Error: Failed to allocate device memory!!\n");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		if(memcpyOnly)
-		{
-			output = clCreateBuffer(context,  memFlags,  clType->getSize() * dataItemCount, NULL, NULL);
-			 if (!output)
-			{
-				printf("Error: Failed to allocate device memory!\n");
-				exit(1);
-			}
-		}
-		if( bZeroMemcopy )
-		{
-	//		err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, input, CL_TRUE, 0, clType->getSize() * dataItemCount, data, 0, NULL,  NULL); //test
-	//		if( err != CL_SUCCESS )
-	//		{
-	//		    printf("Error: Failed to copy host buffer to cl buffer (zero memcopy)!\n");
-	//			return EXIT_FAILURE;
-	//		}
-			hostPtr = clEnqueueMapBuffer(commands, input, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, 0,  clType->getSize() * dataItemCount, 0, NULL, NULL, &err);
-			if( err != CL_SUCCESS )
-			{
-				printf("Error: Failed to map host pointer to zero memcopy buffer!\n");
-				return EXIT_FAILURE;
-			}
-			if(memcpyOnly)
-			{
-				hostPtrOut = clEnqueueMapBuffer(commands, output, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, 0,  clType->getSize() * dataItemCount, 0, NULL, NULL, &err);
-				if( err != CL_SUCCESS )
-				{
-					printf("Error: Failed to map host pointer to zero memcopy buffer!\n");
-					return EXIT_FAILURE;
-				}
-			}
-			// start timing writing to buffer (device or zero mem copy)
-			timer.Start(writeTimer);
-			memcpy( hostPtr, data, clType->getSize() * dataItemCount);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// start timing writing to buffer (device or zero mem copy)
-			timer.Start(writeTimer);
-		}
-		// Write our data set into the input array in device memory 
-		//
-		if( !bZeroMemcopy )
-		{
-			cl_event eventKernelTiming; // for timing
-			err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, input, CL_TRUE, 0, clType->getSize() * dataItemCount, data, 0, NULL,  &eventKernelTiming);
-			if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
-			{
-				printf("Error: Failed to write to source array!\n");
-				exit(1);
-			}
-			clFinish(commands);
-			clGetEventProfilingInfo(eventKernelTiming, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START,
-											   sizeof(start), &start, NULL);
-			clGetEventProfilingInfo(eventKernelTiming, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END,
-											   sizeof(end), &end, NULL);
-			cl_ulong diff = end-start;
-			if( !dataItemCountEnd)
-			{
-			printf("\nbuffer write GPU timer %lld",diff);
-			}
-		}
-		timer.Stop(writeTimer);
- 		// Set the arguments to our compute kernel
-		//
-		err = 0;
-		err  = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &input);
-		if(memcpyOnly)
-		{
-			err  = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &output);
-		}
-	//    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &output);
-	 //   err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof(unsigned int), &count);
-		if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
-		{
-			printf("Error: Failed to set kernel arguments! %d\n", err);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		// Get the maximum work group size for executing the kernel on the device
-		//
-		err = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(kernel, device_id, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(local), &local, NULL);
-		if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
-		{
-			printf("Error: Failed to retrieve kernel work group info! %d\n", err);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		// Execute the kernel over the entire range of our 1d input data set
-		// using the maximum number of work group items for this device
-		//
-		if(!memcpyOnly)
-		{
-			global = dataItemCount / registerCount;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			global = dataItemCount;
-		}
-		if(workgroupSize < local && workgroupSize != 0)
-		{
-			local = workgroupSize;
-		}
-		if(workgroupSize > local)
-		{
-			printf("Error: Max supported workgroup size is %d, requested was %d", (unsigned int)local, workgroupSize);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		cl_event eventKernelTiming; // for timing
-		timer.Start(executeTimer); // measure kernel execution time
-		err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, kernel, 1, NULL, &global, &local, 0, NULL, &eventKernelTiming);
-		// Wait for the command commands to get serviced before reading back results
-		//
-		//clWaitForEvents(1, &eventGlobal);
-		clFinish(commands);
-		timer.Stop(executeTimer); // end of kernel execution
-		clGetEventProfilingInfo(eventKernelTiming, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START,
-										   sizeof(start), &start, NULL);
-		clGetEventProfilingInfo(eventKernelTiming, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END,
-										   sizeof(end), &end, NULL);
-		clReleaseEvent(eventKernelTiming);
-		if (err)
-		{
-			printf("Error: Failed to execute kernel!\n");
-			return EXIT_FAILURE;
-		}
-		timer.Start(readTimer); // measure time to read back from memory
-		// Read back the results from the device to verify the output
-		//
-		if( !bZeroMemcopy )
-		{
-			err = clEnqueueReadBuffer( commands, input, CL_TRUE, 0, clType->getSize() * dataItemCount, data, 0, NULL, NULL);  
-			if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
-			{
-				printf("Error: Failed to read output array! %d\n", err);
-				exit(1);
-			}
-		}
-		timer.Stop(readTimer);
-		cl_ulong time = end - start; /* Convert nanoseconds to msecs */
-		// Calculate gflops
-		cl_ulong dataTransferred = dataItemCount * clType->getSize();
-		int multiplier = 2;
-		if(readOnly || writeOnly)
-		{
-			multiplier = 1;
-		}
-		int fftlen = (int)(local * registerCount * clType->getSize()/clType->getTypeSize()) / 2;
-		double gflops	= (global/local) * 5 * fftlen * ( log( static_cast< double >( fftlen ) ) / log( 2.0 ) ) / time;
-		double MBps = (double)(multiplier * (double)(dataTransferred) / time);
-		if( !dataItemCountEnd )
-		{
-			printf("\nTicks= %ld\nTransfer= %ld bytes\nbandwidth= %lf GB/S", time , dataTransferred, MBps);
-			if(!memcpyOnly)
-			{
-				printf("\nType = %s\nfftlen=%d\nGflops %lf\n",clType->getName().c_str(), fftlen, gflops);
-			}
-		}
-		// Shutdown and cleanup
-		//
-		if(bZeroMemcopy)
-		{
-			err = clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(commands, input, hostPtr, 0, 0, 0);
-			if(memcpyOnly)
-			{
-				err = clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(commands, output, hostPtrOut, 0, 0, 0);
-			}
-			if(err != CL_SUCCESS)
-			{
-				printf("Error: Failed to unmap memory objects!\n");
-				return EXIT_FAILURE;
-			}
-		}
-		clReleaseMemObject(input);
-		if( memcpyOnly )
-		{
-			clReleaseMemObject(output);
-		}
-		if( data )
-		{
-			aligned_free( data );
-		}
-		printf("\n%10ld,\t%f,\t%f,\t%f,\t%f,",dataTransferred, timer.getMinimumTime(writeTimer) ,timer.getMinimumTime(executeTimer),timer.getMinimumTime(readTimer),timer.getMinimumTime(writeTimer)  + timer.getMinimumTime(executeTimer) + timer.getMinimumTime(readTimer) );
-		clReleaseProgram(program);
-		clReleaseKernel(kernel);
-		dataItemCount*= 2;
-} while(dataItemCount <= dataItemCountEnd);
-    clReleaseCommandQueue(commands);
-    clReleaseContext(context);
-    return 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/statisticalTimer.cpp b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/statisticalTimer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f9111f20069f499c230d9287924a55985da8258c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/statisticalTimer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-//	Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// StatTimer.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <limits>
-#include <functional>
-#include "statisticalTimer.h"
-#if defined( __GNUC__ )
-	#include <sys/time.h>
-//	Functor object to help with accumulating values in vectors
-template< typename T >
-struct Accumulator: public std::unary_function< T, void >
-	T acc;
-	Accumulator( ): acc( 0 ) {}
-	void operator( )(T x) { acc += x; }
-//	Unary predicate used for remove_if() algorithm
-//	Currently, RangeType is expected to be a floating point type, and ValType an integer type
-template< typename RangeType, typename ValType >
-struct PruneRange
-	RangeType lower, upper;
-	PruneRange( RangeType mean, RangeType stdev ): lower( mean-stdev ), upper( mean+stdev ) {}
-	bool operator( )( ValType val )
-	{ 
-		//	These comparisons can be susceptible to signed/unsigned casting problems
-		//	This is why we cast ValType to RangeType, because RangeType should always be floating and signed
-		if( static_cast< RangeType >( val ) < lower )
-			return true;
-		else if( static_cast< RangeType >( val ) > upper )
-			return true;
-		return false;
-	}
-StatisticalTimer::getInstance( )
-	static	StatisticalTimer	timer;
-	return	timer;
-StatisticalTimer::StatisticalTimer( ): nEvents( 0 ), nSamples( 0 ), normalize( true )
-#if defined( _WIN32 )
-	//	OS call to get ticks per second2
-	::QueryPerformanceFrequency( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>( &clkFrequency ) );
-	clkFrequency = 1000000;
-StatisticalTimer::~StatisticalTimer( )
-StatisticalTimer::Clear( )
-	labelID.clear( );
-	clkStart.clear( );
-	clkTicks.clear( );
-StatisticalTimer::Reset( )
-	if( nEvents == 0 || nSamples == 0 )
-		throw	std::runtime_error( "StatisticalTimer::Reserve( ) was not called before Reset( )" );
-	clkStart.clear( );
-	clkTicks.clear( );
-	clkStart.resize( nEvents );
-	clkTicks.resize( nEvents );
-	for( unsigned int	i = 0; i < nEvents; ++i )
-	{
-		clkTicks.at( i ).reserve( nSamples );
-	}
-	return;
-//	The caller can pre-allocate memory, to improve performance.  
-//	nEvents is an approximate value for how many seperate events the caller will think 
-//	they will need, and nSamples is a hint on how many samples we think we will take
-//	per event
-StatisticalTimer::Reserve( unsigned int nEvents, unsigned int nSamples )
-	this->nEvents	= std::max<unsigned int> (1, nEvents);
-	this->nSamples	= std::max<unsigned int> (1, nSamples);
-	Clear( );
-	labelID.reserve( nEvents );
-	clkStart.resize( nEvents );
-	clkTicks.resize( nEvents );
-	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nEvents; ++i )
-	{
-		clkTicks.at( i ).reserve( nSamples );
-	}
-StatisticalTimer::setNormalize( bool norm )
-	normalize = norm;
-StatisticalTimer::Start( sTimerID id )
-#if defined( _WIN32 )
-	::QueryPerformanceCounter( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>( &clkStart.at( id ) ) );
-	struct timeval s;
-	gettimeofday(&s, 0);
-	clkStart.at( id ) = (unsigned long long)s.tv_sec * 1000000 + (unsigned long long)s.tv_usec;
-StatisticalTimer::Stop( sTimerID id )
-	unsigned long long n;
-#if defined( _WIN32 )
-	::QueryPerformanceCounter( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>( &n ) );
-	struct timeval s;
-	gettimeofday(&s, 0);
-	n = (unsigned long long)s.tv_sec * 1000000 + (unsigned long long)s.tv_usec;
-	n		-= clkStart.at( id );
-	clkStart.at( id )	= 0;
-	AddSample( id, n );
-StatisticalTimer::AddSample( const sTimerID id, const unsigned long long n )
-	clkTicks.at( id ).push_back( n );
-//	This function's purpose is to provide a mapping from a 'friendly' human readable text string
-//	to an index into internal data structures.
-StatisticalTimer::getUniqueID( const std::string& label, unsigned int groupID )
-	//	I expect labelID will hardly ever grow beyond 30, so it's not of any use
-	//	to keep this sorted and do a binary search
-	labelPair	sItem	= std::make_pair( label, groupID );
-	stringVector::iterator	iter;
-	iter	= std::find( labelID.begin(), labelID.end(), sItem );
-	if( iter != labelID.end( ) )
-		return	std::distance( labelID.begin( ), iter );
-	labelID.push_back( sItem );
-	return	labelID.size( ) - 1;
-StatisticalTimer::getMean( sTimerID id ) const
-	if( clkTicks.empty( ) )
-		return	0;
-	size_t	N	= clkTicks.at( id ).size( );
-	Accumulator<unsigned long long> sum = std::for_each( clkTicks.at( id ).begin(), clkTicks.at( id ).end(), Accumulator<unsigned long long>() );
-	return	static_cast<double>( sum.acc ) / N;
-StatisticalTimer::getVariance( sTimerID id ) const
-	if( clkTicks.empty( ) )
-		return	0;
-	double	mean	= getMean( id );
-	size_t	N	= clkTicks.at( id ).size( );
-	double	sum	= 0;
-	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-	{
-		double	diff	= clkTicks.at( id ).at( i ) - mean;
-		diff	*= diff;
-		sum		+= diff;
-	}
-	return	 sum / N;
-StatisticalTimer::getStdDev( sTimerID id ) const
-	double	variance	= getVariance( id );
-	return	sqrt( variance );
-StatisticalTimer::getAverageTime( sTimerID id ) const
-	if( normalize )
-		return getMean( id ) / clkFrequency;
-	else
-		return getMean( id );
-StatisticalTimer::getMinimumTime( sTimerID id ) const
-	clkVector::const_iterator iter	= std::min_element( clkTicks.at( id ).begin( ), clkTicks.at( id ).end( ) );
-	if( iter != clkTicks.at( id ).end( ) )
-	{
-		if( normalize )
-			return static_cast<double>( *iter ) / clkFrequency;
-		else
-			return static_cast<double>( *iter );
-	}
-	else
-		return	0;
-unsigned int	
-StatisticalTimer::pruneOutliers( sTimerID id , double multiple )
-	if( clkTicks.empty( ) )
-		return	0;
-	double	mean	= getMean( id );
-	double	stdDev	= getStdDev( id );
-	clkVector&	clks = clkTicks.at( id );
-	//	Look on p. 379, "The C++ Standard Library"
-	//	std::remove_if does not actually erase, it only copies elements, it returns new 'logical' end
-	clkVector::iterator	newEnd	= std::remove_if( clks.begin( ), clks.end( ), PruneRange< double,unsigned long long >( mean, multiple*stdDev ) );
-	clkVector::difference_type dist	= std::distance( newEnd, clks.end( ) );
-	if( dist != 0 )
-		clks.erase( newEnd, clks.end( ) );
-	assert( dist < std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max( ) );
-	return static_cast< unsigned int >( dist );
-unsigned int	
-StatisticalTimer::pruneOutliers( double multiple )
-	unsigned int	tCount	= 0;
-	for( unsigned int l = 0; l < labelID.size( ); ++l )
-	{
-		unsigned int lCount	= pruneOutliers( l , multiple );
-		std::clog << "\tStatisticalTimer:: Pruning " << lCount << " samples from " << labelID[l].first << std::endl;
-		tCount += lCount;
-	}
-	return	tCount;
-//	Defining an output print operator
-operator<<( std::ostream& os, const StatisticalTimer& st )
-	if( st.clkTicks.empty( ) )
-		return	os;
-	std::ios::fmtflags bckup	= os.flags( );
-	for( unsigned int l = 0; l < st.labelID.size( ); ++l )
-	{
-		unsigned long long min	= 0;
-		StatisticalTimer::clkVector::const_iterator iter	= std::min_element( st.clkTicks.at( l ).begin( ), st.clkTicks.at( l ).end( ) );
-		if( iter != st.clkTicks.at( l ).end( ) )
-			min		= *iter;
-		os << st.labelID[l].first << ", " << st.labelID[l].second << std::fixed << std::endl;
-		os << "Min:," << min << std::endl;
-		os << "Mean:," << st.getMean( l ) << std::endl;
-		os << "StdDev:," << st.getStdDev( l ) << std::endl;
-		os << "AvgTime:," << st.getAverageTime( l ) << std::endl;
-		os << "MinTime:," << st.getMinimumTime( l ) << std::endl;
-		for( unsigned int	t = 0; t < st.clkTicks[l].size( ); ++t )
-		{
-			os << st.clkTicks[l][t]<< ",";
-		}
-		os << "\n" << std::endl;
-	}
-	os.flags( bckup );
-	return	os;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/statisticalTimer.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/statisticalTimer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e38c0fac3d240aed5025bbefc8da76fee3db26..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/statisticalTimer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-//	Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#pragma once
-#include <iosfwd>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
- * \file clAmdFft.StatisticalTimer.h
- * \brief A timer class that provides a cross platform timer for use
- * in timing code progress with a high degree of accuracy.
- *	This class is implemented entirely in the header, to facilitate inclusion into multiple
- *	projects without needing to compile an object file for each project.
- */
- * \class StatisticalTimer
- * \brief Counter that provides a fairly accurate timing mechanism for both
- * windows and linux. This timer is used extensively in all the samples.
- */
-class StatisticalTimer
-	//	Private typedefs
-	typedef std::vector< unsigned long long > clkVector;
-	typedef	std::pair< std::string, unsigned int > labelPair;
-	typedef	std::vector< labelPair > stringVector;
-	//	In order to calculate statistics <std. dev.>, we need to keep a history of our timings
-	stringVector	labelID;
-	clkVector	clkStart;
-	std::vector< clkVector >	clkTicks;
-	//	How many clockticks in a second
-	unsigned long long	clkFrequency;
-	//	Saved sizes for our vectors, used in Reset() to reallocate vectors
-	clkVector::size_type	nEvents, nSamples;
-	//	This setting controls whether the Timer should convert samples into time by dividing by the 
-	//	clock frequency
-	bool normalize;
-	/**
-	 * \fn StatisticalTimer()
-	 * \brief Constructor for StatisticalTimer that initializes the class
-	 *	This is private so that user code cannot create their own instantiation.  Instead, you
-	 *	must go through getInstance( ) to get a reference to the class.
-	 */
-	StatisticalTimer( );
-	/**
-	 * \fn ~StatisticalTimer()
-	 * \brief Destructor for StatisticalTimer that cleans up the class
-	 */
-	~StatisticalTimer( );
-	/**
-	 * \fn StatisticalTimer(const StatisticalTimer& )
-	 * \brief Copy constructors do not make sense for a singleton, disallow copies
-	 */
-	StatisticalTimer( const StatisticalTimer& );
-	/**
-	 * \fn operator=( const StatisticalTimer& )
-	 * \brief Assignment operator does not make sense for a singleton, disallow assignments
-	 */
-	StatisticalTimer& operator=( const StatisticalTimer& );
-	friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const StatisticalTimer& s );
-	//	Public typedefs
-	typedef stringVector::difference_type sTimerID;
-	/**
-	 * \fn getInstance()
-	 * \brief This returns a reference to the singleton timer.  Guarantees only 1 timer class is ever
-	 *	instantiated within a compilable executable.
-	 */
-	static StatisticalTimer& getInstance( );
-	/**
-	 * \fn void Start( sTimerID id )
-	 * \brief Start the timer
-	 * \sa Stop(), Reset()
-	 */
-	void Start( sTimerID id );
-	/**
-	 * \fn void Stop( sTimerID id )
-	 * \brief Stop the timer
-	 * \sa Start(), Reset()
-	 */
-	void Stop( sTimerID id );
-	/**
-	 * \fn void AddSample( const sTimerID id, const unsigned long long n )
-	 * \brief Explicitely add a timing sample into the class
-	 */
-	void AddSample( const sTimerID id, const unsigned long long n );
-	/**
-	 * \fn void Reset(void)
-	 * \brief Reset the timer to 0
-	 * \sa Start(), Stop()
-	 */
-	void Clear( );
-	/**
-	 * \fn void Reset(void)
-	 * \brief Reset the timer to 0
-	 * \sa Start(), Stop()
-	 */
-	void Reset( );
-	void Reserve( unsigned int nEvents, unsigned int nSamples );
-	sTimerID getUniqueID( const std::string& label, unsigned int groupID );
-	//	Calculate the average/mean of data for a given event
-	void	setNormalize( bool norm );
-	//	Calculate the average/mean of data for a given event
-	double	getMean( sTimerID id ) const;
-	//	Calculate the variance of data for a given event
-	//	Variance - average of the squared differences between data points and the mean
-	double	getVariance( sTimerID id ) const;
-	//	Sqrt of variance, also in units of the original data
-	double	getStdDev( sTimerID id ) const;
-	/**
-	 * \fn double getAverageTime(sTimerID id) const
-	 * \return Return the arithmetic mean of all the samples that have been saved
-	 */
-	double getAverageTime( sTimerID id ) const;
-	/**
-	 * \fn double getMinimumTime(sTimerID id) const
-	 * \return Return the arithmetic min of all the samples that have been saved
-	 */
-	double getMinimumTime( sTimerID id ) const;
-	//	Using the stdDev of the entire population (of an id), eliminate those samples that fall
-	//	outside some specified multiple of the stdDev.  This assumes that the population
-	//	form a gaussian curve.
-	unsigned int	pruneOutliers( double multiple );
-	unsigned int	pruneOutliers( sTimerID id , double multiple );
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/stdafx.cpp b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/stdafx.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a4069dfcc0f47908ae7fb5fbfbeac3507e383a49..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/stdafx.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-//	Copyright (C) 2010 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes
-// clAmdFft.pch will be the pre-compiled header
-// stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information
-#include "stdafx.h"
-// TODO: reference any additional headers you need in STDAFX.H
-// and not in this file
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/stdafx.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/stdafx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4887dae7f60052252150a02518cf0c65c8318e7a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/stdafx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-//	Copyright (C) 2010 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
-// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
-// are changed infrequently
-#pragma once
-#include "targetver.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <complex>
-#include <valarray>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#if defined( _WIN32 )
-	#define NOMINMAX
-	#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN			// Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
-	#include <tchar.h>
-	#include <windows.h>
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/targetver.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/targetver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf68fd6c48ba9919933b764c4db9119492f5f45c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/clAmdFft/samples/targetver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-//	Copyright (C) 2010 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#pragma once
-// Including SDKDDKVer.h defines the highest available Windows platform.
-// If you wish to build your application for a previous Windows platform, include WinSDKVer.h and
-// set the _WIN32_WINNT macro to the platform you wish to support before including SDKDDKVer.h.
-#if defined( _WIN32 )
-	#include <SDKDDKVer.h>
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Align.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Align.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 531bc0c8f80b9fab27f19460058c699d0da8a28c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Align.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#if !defined ALIGN_H
-#define ALIGN_H
-template <typename T> inline static bool powerOfTwo(T n)
-  return (n | (n - 1)) == 2 * n - 1;
-template <typename T> inline static T align(T value, size_t alignment)
-#if defined __GNUC__
-  if (__builtin_constant_p(alignment) && powerOfTwo(alignment))
-    return (value + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
-  else
-    return (value + alignment - 1) / alignment * alignment;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BandPass.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BandPass.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bc74df48c65f75368fd401b8799ab6886d85721..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BandPass.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2141 +0,0 @@
-#include "lofar_config.h"
-#include <BandPass.h>
-#if defined HAVE_FFTW3
-#include <fftw3.h>
-#elif defined HAVE_FFTW2
-#include <fftw.h>
-#error Should have FFTW3 or FFTW2 installed
-#define STATION_FILTER_LENGTH 16384 // Number of filter taps of the station filters.
-#define STATION_FFT_SIZE 1024 // The size of the FFT that the station filter does
-#include <complex>
-#include <vector>
-namespace BandPass {
-static const float stationFilterConstants[] =
-     36,    36,    35,    35,    34,    33,    32,    31,
-     29,    28,    26,    25,    23,    21,    20,    18,
-     17,    15,    14,    12,    11,    10,     9,     9,
-      8,     8,     7,     7,     7,     7,     7,     7,
-      7,     7,     8,     8,     8,     9,     9,     9,
-     10,    10,    10,    10,    11,    11,    11,    11,
-     11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,
-     11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,
-     11,    11,    12,    12,    12,    12,    12,    12,
-     13,    13,    13,    13,    13,    13,    13,    13,
-     14,    14,    14,    14,    14,    14,    14,    14,
-     14,    14,    14,    14,    14,    14,    15,    15,
-     15,    15,    15,    15,    15,    15,    16,    16,
-     16,    16,    16,    16,    16,    17,    17,    17,
-     17,    17,    17,    17,    17,    17,    17,    18,
-     18,    18,    18,    18,    18,    18,    18,    18,
-     19,    19,    19,    19,    19,    19,    19,    20,
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-     22,    22,    22,    22,    22,    22,    23,    23,
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-     25,    26,    26,    26,    26,    26,    26,    26,
-     27,    27,    27,    27,    27,    27,    27,    28,
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-    130,   129,   127,   126,   125,   123,   122,   121,
-    119,   118,   116,   115,   114,   112,   111,   109,
-    108,   107,   105,   104,   102,   101,   100,    98,
-     97,    95,    94,    93,    91,    90,    88,    87,
-     85,    84,    82,    81,    80,    78,    77,    75,
-     74,    72,    71,    69,    68,    66,    65,    64,
-     62,    61,    59,    58,    56,    55,    53,    52,
-     50,    49,    47,    46,    44,    43,    41,    40,
-     38,    37,    35,    34,    32,    30,    29,    27,
-     26,    24,    23,    21,    20,    18,    17,    15,
-     14,    12,    10,     9,     7,     6,     4,     3,
-      1,     0,    -2,    -4,    -5,    -7,    -8,   -10,
-    -11,   -13,   -15,   -16,   -18,   -19,   -21,   -23,
-    -24,   -26,   -27,   -29,   -31,   -32,   -34,   -35,
-    -37,   -39,   -40,   -42,   -43,   -45,   -47,   -48,
-    -50,   -52,   -53,   -55,   -57,   -58,   -60,   -61,
-    -63,   -65,   -66,   -68,   -70,   -71,   -73,   -75,
-    -76,   -78,   -80,   -81,   -83,   -84,   -86,   -88,
-    -89,   -91,   -93,   -94,   -96,   -98,   -99,  -101,
-   -103,  -105,  -106,  -108,  -110,  -111,  -113,  -115,
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-   -130,  -132,  -133,  -135,  -137,  -138,  -140,  -142,
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-   -213,  -214,  -216,  -218,  -219,  -221,  -223,  -225,
-   -226,  -228,  -230,  -232,  -233,  -235,  -237,  -239,
-   -240,  -242,  -244,  -246,  -247,  -249,  -251,  -253,
-   -255,  -256,  -258,  -260,  -262,  -263,  -265,  -267,
-   -269,  -270,  -272,  -274,  -276,  -277,  -279,  -281,
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-   -505,  -506,  -508,  -510,  -511,  -513,  -515,  -516,
-   -518,  -520,  -521,  -523,  -525,  -526,  -528,  -530,
-   -531,  -533,  -534,  -536,  -538,  -539,  -541,  -543,
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-   -557,  -559,  -560,  -562,  -564,  -565,  -567,  -568,
-   -570,  -572,  -573,  -575,  -576,  -578,  -579,  -581,
-   -583,  -584,  -586,  -587,  -589,  -590,  -592,  -594,
-   -595,  -597,  -598,  -600,  -601,  -603,  -604,  -606,
-   -607,  -609,  -610,  -612,  -614,  -615,  -617,  -618,
-   -620,  -621,  -623,  -624,  -626,  -627,  -629,  -630,
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-   -710,  -711,  -713,  -714,  -715,  -716,  -718,  -719,
-   -720,  -722,  -723,  -724,  -725,  -727,  -728,  -729,
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-   -740,  -741,  -743,  -744,  -745,  -746,  -747,  -748,
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-   -733,  -731,  -730,  -728,  -727,  -725,  -724,  -722,
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-   -708,  -706,  -705,  -703,  -702,  -700,  -698,  -697,
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-   -682,  -680,  -678,  -676,  -675,  -673,  -671,  -669,
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-   -623,  -621,  -619,  -617,  -615,  -614,  -612,  -610,
-   -608,  -606,  -604,  -602,  -600,  -598,  -596,  -594,
-   -592,  -589,  -587,  -585,  -583,  -581,  -579,  -577,
-   -575,  -573,  -571,  -569,  -567,  -564,  -562,  -560,
-   -558,  -556,  -554,  -552,  -549,  -547,  -545,  -543,
-   -541,  -538,  -536,  -534,  -532,  -530,  -527,  -525,
-   -523,  -521,  -518,  -516,  -514,  -512,  -509,  -507,
-   -505,  -502,  -500,  -498,  -495,  -493,  -491,  -488,
-   -486,  -484,  -481,  -479,  -477,  -474,  -472,  -469,
-   -467,  -465,  -462,  -460,  -457,  -455,  -453,  -450,
-   -448,  -445,  -443,  -440,  -438,  -435,  -433,  -430,
-   -428,  -425,  -423,  -420,  -418,  -415,  -413,  -410,
-   -408,  -405,  -403,  -400,  -398,  -395,  -392,  -390,
-   -387,  -385,  -382,  -380,  -377,  -374,  -372,  -369,
-   -366,  -364,  -361,  -359,  -356,  -353,  -351,  -348,
-   -345,  -343,  -340,  -337,  -334,  -332,  -329,  -326,
-   -324,  -321,  -318,  -315,  -313,  -310,  -307,  -305,
-   -302,  -299,  -296,  -293,  -291,  -288,  -285,  -282,
-   -280,  -277,  -274,  -271,  -268,  -266,  -263,  -260,
-   -257,  -254,  -251,  -248,  -246,  -243,  -240,  -237,
-   -234,  -231,  -228,  -226,  -223,  -220,  -217,  -214,
-   -211,  -208,  -205,  -202,  -199,  -196,  -194,  -191,
-   -188,  -185,  -182,  -179,  -176,  -173,  -170,  -167,
-   -164,  -161,  -158,  -155,  -152,  -149,  -146,  -143,
-   -140,  -137,  -134,  -131,  -128,  -125,  -122,  -119,
-   -116,  -113,  -110,  -107,  -104,  -100,   -97,   -94,
-    -91,   -88,   -85,   -82,   -79,   -76,   -73,   -70,
-    -67,   -63,   -60,   -57,   -54,   -51,   -48,   -45,
-    -42,   -39,   -35,   -32,   -29,   -26,   -23,   -20,
-    -16,   -13,   -10,    -7,    -4,    -1,     2,     6,
-      9,    12,    15,    18,    22,    25,    28,    31,
-     34,    38,    41,    44,    47,    50,    54,    57,
-     60,    63,    67,    70,    73,    76,    79,    83,
-     86,    89,    92,    96,    99,   102,   105,   109,
-    112,   115,   118,   122,   125,   128,   132,   135,
-    138,   141,   145,   148,   151,   154,   158,   161,
-    164,   168,   171,   174,   178,   181,   184,   187,
-    191,   194,   197,   201,   204,   207,   211,   214,
-    217,   221,   224,   227,   230,   234,   237,   240,
-    244,   247,   250,   254,   257,   260,   264,   267,
-    270,   274,   277,   280,   284,   287,   290,   294,
-    297,   300,   304,   307,   310,   314,   317,   320,
-    324,   327,   330,   334,   337,   341,   344,   347,
-    351,   354,   357,   361,   364,   367,   371,   374,
-    377,   381,   384,   387,   391,   394,   397,   401,
-    404,   407,   411,   414,   417,   421,   424,   427,
-    431,   434,   437,   441,   444,   448,   451,   454,
-    458,   461,   464,   468,   471,   474,   478,   481,
-    484,   488,   491,   494,   498,   501,   504,   507,
-    511,   514,   517,   521,   524,   527,   531,   534,
-    537,   541,   544,   547,   551,   554,   557,   560,
-    564,   567,   570,   574,   577,   580,   584,   587,
-    590,   593,   597,   600,   603,   606,   610,   613,
-    616,   620,   623,   626,   629,   633,   636,   639,
-    642,   646,   649,   652,   655,   659,   662,   665,
-    668,   671,   675,   678,   681,   684,   688,   691,
-    694,   697,   700,   704,   707,   710,   713,   716,
-    720,   723,   726,   729,   732,   735,   739,   742,
-    745,   748,   751,   754,   758,   761,   764,   767,
-    770,   773,   776,   779,   783,   786,   789,   792,
-    795,   798,   801,   804,   807,   810,   813,   817,
-    820,   823,   826,   829,   832,   835,   838,   841,
-    844,   847,   850,   853,   856,   859,   862,   865,
-    868,   871,   874,   877,   880,   883,   886,   889,
-    892,   895,   898,   901,   904,   907,   910,   913,
-    915,   918,   921,   924,   927,   930,   933,   936,
-    939,   942,   944,   947,   950,   953,   956,   959,
-    961,   964,   967,   970,   973,   976,   978,   981,
-    984,   987,   990,   992,   995,   998,  1001,  1003,
-   1006,  1009,  1012,  1014,  1017,  1020,  1022,  1025,
-   1028,  1030,  1033,  1036,  1038,  1041,  1044,  1046,
-   1049,  1052,  1054,  1057,  1060,  1062,  1065,  1067,
-   1070,  1073,  1075,  1078,  1080,  1083,  1085,  1088,
-   1090,  1093,  1095,  1098,  1100,  1103,  1105,  1108,
-   1110,  1113,  1115,  1118,  1120,  1123,  1125,  1128,
-   1130,  1132,  1135,  1137,  1140,  1142,  1144,  1147,
-   1149,  1151,  1154,  1156,  1158,  1161,  1163,  1165,
-   1168,  1170,  1172,  1174,  1177,  1179,  1181,  1183,
-   1186,  1188,  1190,  1192,  1195,  1197,  1199,  1201,
-   1203,  1205,  1208,  1210,  1212,  1214,  1216,  1218,
-   1220,  1222,  1224,  1227,  1229,  1231,  1233,  1235,
-   1237,  1239,  1241,  1243,  1245,  1247,  1249,  1251,
-   1253,  1255,  1257,  1258,  1260,  1262,  1264,  1266,
-   1268,  1270,  1272,  1274,  1275,  1277,  1279,  1281,
-   1283,  1284,  1286,  1288,  1290,  1292,  1293,  1295,
-   1297,  1299,  1300,  1302,  1304,  1305,  1307,  1309,
-   1310,  1312,  1314,  1315,  1317,  1318,  1320,  1322,
-   1323,  1325,  1326,  1328,  1329,  1331,  1332,  1334,
-   1335,  1337,  1338,  1340,  1341,  1343,  1344,  1346,
-   1347,  1348,  1350,  1351,  1353,  1354,  1355,  1357,
-   1358,  1359,  1361,  1362,  1363,  1364,  1366,  1367,
-   1368,  1369,  1371,  1372,  1373,  1374,  1375,  1377,
-   1378,  1379,  1380,  1381,  1382,  1383,  1384,  1386,
-   1387,  1388,  1389,  1390,  1391,  1392,  1393,  1394,
-   1395,  1396,  1397,  1398,  1399,  1400,  1400,  1401,
-   1402,  1403,  1404,  1405,  1406,  1406,  1407,  1408,
-   1409,  1410,  1410,  1411,  1412,  1413,  1413,  1414,
-   1415,  1416,  1416,  1417,  1418,  1418,  1419,  1420,
-   1420,  1421,  1421,  1422,  1422,  1423,  1424,  1424,
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-   1422,  1421,  1420,  1420,  1419,  1419,  1418,  1417,
-   1416,  1416,  1415,  1414,  1414,  1413,  1412,  1411,
-   1410,  1410,  1409,  1408,  1407,  1406,  1405,  1405,
-   1404,  1403,  1402,  1401,  1400,  1399,  1398,  1397,
-   1396,  1395,  1394,  1393,  1392,  1391,  1390,  1389,
-   1387,  1386,  1385,  1384,  1383,  1382,  1380,  1379,
-   1378,  1377,  1376,  1374,  1373,  1372,  1370,  1369,
-   1368,  1367,  1365,  1364,  1362,  1361,  1360,  1358,
-   1357,  1355,  1354,  1352,  1351,  1349,  1348,  1346,
-   1345,  1343,  1342,  1340,  1339,  1337,  1335,  1334,
-   1332,  1330,  1329,  1327,  1325,  1324,  1322,  1320,
-   1319,  1317,  1315,  1313,  1311,  1310,  1308,  1306,
-   1304,  1302,  1300,  1298,  1297,  1295,  1293,  1291,
-   1289,  1287,  1285,  1283,  1281,  1279,  1277,  1275,
-   1273,  1271,  1268,  1266,  1264,  1262,  1260,  1258,
-   1256,  1253,  1251,  1249,  1247,  1245,  1242,  1240,
-   1238,  1236,  1233,  1231,  1229,  1226,  1224,  1222,
-   1219,  1217,  1214,  1212,  1210,  1207,  1205,  1202,
-   1200,  1197,  1195,  1192,  1190,  1187,  1185,  1182,
-   1179,  1177,  1174,  1172,  1169,  1166,  1164,  1161,
-   1158,  1156,  1153,  1150,  1148,  1145,  1142,  1139,
-   1136,  1134,  1131,  1128,  1125,  1122,  1119,  1117,
-   1114,  1111,  1108,  1105,  1102,  1099,  1096,  1093,
-   1090,  1087,  1084,  1081,  1078,  1075,  1072,  1069,
-   1066,  1063,  1060,  1057,  1053,  1050,  1047,  1044,
-   1041,  1038,  1034,  1031,  1028,  1025,  1021,  1018,
-   1015,  1012,  1008,  1005,  1002,   998,   995,   992,
-    988,   985,   981,   978,   975,   971,   968,   964,
-    961,   957,   954,   950,   947,   943,   940,   936,
-    933,   929,   926,   922,   918,   915,   911,   908,
-    904,   900,   897,   893,   889,   885,   882,   878,
-    874,   871,   867,   863,   859,   855,   852,   848,
-    844,   840,   836,   832,   829,   825,   821,   817,
-    813,   809,   805,   801,   797,   793,   789,   785,
-    781,   777,   773,   769,   765,   761,   757,   753,
-    749,   745,   741,   737,   732,   728,   724,   720,
-    716,   712,   707,   703,   699,   695,   691,   686,
-    682,   678,   674,   669,   665,   661,   656,   652,
-    648,   643,   639,   635,   630,   626,   622,   617,
-    613,   608,   604,   600,   595,   591,   586,   582,
-    577,   573,   568,   564,   559,   555,   550,   546,
-    541,   537,   532,   528,   523,   518,   514,   509,
-    505,   500,   495,   491,   486,   481,   477,   472,
-    467,   463,   458,   453,   448,   444,   439,   434,
-    429,   425,   420,   415,   410,   406,   401,   396,
-    391,   386,   382,   377,   372,   367,   362,   357,
-    352,   347,   343,   338,   333,   328,   323,   318,
-    313,   308,   303,   298,   293,   288,   283,   278,
-    273,   268,   263,   258,   253,   248,   243,   238,
-    233,   228,   223,   218,   213,   208,   203,   198,
-    193,   187,   182,   177,   172,   167,   162,   157,
-    152,   146,   141,   136,   131,   126,   121,   115,
-    110,   105,   100,    95,    89,    84,    79,    74,
-     68,    63,    58,    53,    47,    42,    37,    32,
-     26,    21,    16,    10,     5,     0,    -5,   -11,
-    -16,   -21,   -27,   -32,   -37,   -43,   -48,   -53,
-    -59,   -64,   -70,   -75,   -80,   -86,   -91,   -96,
-   -102,  -107,  -113,  -118,  -123,  -129,  -134,  -140,
-   -145,  -150,  -156,  -161,  -167,  -172,  -178,  -183,
-   -188,  -194,  -199,  -205,  -210,  -216,  -221,  -227,
-   -232,  -238,  -243,  -248,  -254,  -259,  -265,  -270,
-   -276,  -281,  -287,  -292,  -298,  -303,  -309,  -314,
-   -320,  -325,  -331,  -336,  -342,  -347,  -353,  -358,
-   -364,  -369,  -375,  -381,  -386,  -392,  -397,  -403,
-   -408,  -414,  -419,  -425,  -430,  -436,  -441,  -447,
-   -452,  -458,  -464,  -469,  -475,  -480,  -486,  -491,
-   -497,  -502,  -508,  -513,  -519,  -524,  -530,  -536,
-   -541,  -547,  -552,  -558,  -563,  -569,  -574,  -580,
-   -585,  -591,  -597,  -602,  -608,  -613,  -619,  -624,
-   -630,  -635,  -641,  -646,  -652,  -658,  -663,  -669,
-   -674,  -680,  -685,  -691,  -696,  -702,  -707,  -713,
-   -718,  -724,  -729,  -735,  -740,  -746,  -751,  -757,
-   -762,  -768,  -773,  -779,  -784,  -790,  -795,  -801,
-   -806,  -812,  -817,  -823,  -828,  -834,  -839,  -845,
-   -850,  -856,  -861,  -867,  -872,  -877,  -883,  -888,
-   -894,  -899,  -905,  -910,  -916,  -921,  -926,  -932,
-   -937,  -943,  -948,  -953,  -959,  -964,  -970,  -975,
-   -980,  -986,  -991,  -997, -1002, -1007, -1013, -1018,
-  -1023, -1029, -1034, -1039, -1045, -1050, -1055, -1061,
-  -1066, -1071, -1077, -1082, -1087, -1092, -1098, -1103,
-  -1108, -1114, -1119, -1124, -1129, -1135, -1140, -1145,
-  -1150, -1155, -1161, -1166, -1171, -1176, -1181, -1187,
-  -1192, -1197, -1202, -1207, -1212, -1218, -1223, -1228,
-  -1233, -1238, -1243, -1248, -1253, -1258, -1264, -1269,
-  -1274, -1279, -1284, -1289, -1294, -1299, -1304, -1309,
-  -1314, -1319, -1324, -1329, -1334, -1339, -1344, -1349,
-  -1354, -1359, -1364, -1369, -1374, -1378, -1383, -1388,
-  -1393, -1398, -1403, -1408, -1413, -1417, -1422, -1427,
-  -1432, -1437, -1441, -1446, -1451, -1456, -1461, -1465,
-  -1470, -1475, -1480, -1484, -1489, -1494, -1498, -1503,
-  -1508, -1512, -1517, -1522, -1526, -1531, -1535, -1540,
-  -1545, -1549, -1554, -1558, -1563, -1567, -1572, -1577,
-  -1581, -1586, -1590, -1594, -1599, -1603, -1608, -1612,
-  -1617, -1621, -1625, -1630, -1634, -1639, -1643, -1647,
-  -1652, -1656, -1660, -1665, -1669, -1673, -1677, -1682,
-  -1686, -1690, -1694, -1699, -1703, -1707, -1711, -1715,
-  -1719, -1724, -1728, -1732, -1736, -1740, -1744, -1748,
-  -1752, -1756, -1760, -1764, -1768, -1772, -1776, -1780,
-  -1784, -1788, -1792, -1796, -1800, -1804, -1807, -1811,
-  -1815, -1819, -1823, -1827, -1830, -1834, -1838, -1842,
-  -1845, -1849, -1853, -1857, -1860, -1864, -1868, -1871,
-  -1875, -1878, -1882, -1886, -1889, -1893, -1896, -1900,
-  -1903, -1907, -1910, -1914, -1917, -1921, -1924, -1927,
-  -1931, -1934, -1938, -1941, -1944, -1948, -1951, -1954,
-  -1957, -1961, -1964, -1967, -1970, -1974, -1977, -1980,
-  -1983, -1986, -1989, -1992, -1996, -1999, -2002, -2005,
-  -2008, -2011, -2014, -2017, -2020, -2023, -2026, -2029,
-  -2031, -2034, -2037, -2040, -2043, -2046, -2049, -2051,
-  -2054, -2057, -2060, -2062, -2065, -2068, -2070, -2073,
-  -2076, -2078, -2081, -2083, -2086, -2089, -2091, -2094,
-  -2096, -2099, -2101, -2104, -2106, -2108, -2111, -2113,
-  -2116, -2118, -2120, -2122, -2125, -2127, -2129, -2132,
-  -2134, -2136, -2138, -2140, -2142, -2145, -2147, -2149,
-  -2151, -2153, -2155, -2157, -2159, -2161, -2163, -2165,
-  -2167, -2169, -2171, -2173, -2174, -2176, -2178, -2180,
-  -2182, -2184, -2185, -2187, -2189, -2190, -2192, -2194,
-  -2195, -2197, -2199, -2200, -2202, -2203, -2205, -2206,
-  -2208, -2209, -2211, -2212, -2214, -2215, -2216, -2218,
-  -2219, -2220, -2222, -2223, -2224, -2225, -2227, -2228,
-  -2229, -2230, -2231, -2232, -2233, -2235, -2236, -2237,
-  -2238, -2239, -2240, -2241, -2242, -2242, -2243, -2244,
-  -2245, -2246, -2247, -2248, -2248, -2249, -2250, -2251,
-  -2251, -2252, -2253, -2253, -2254, -2254, -2255, -2256,
-  -2256, -2257, -2257, -2258, -2258, -2259, -2259, -2259,
-  -2260, -2260, -2260, -2261, -2261, -2261, -2261, -2262,
-  -2262, -2262, -2262, -2262, -2263, -2263, -2263, -2263,
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-  -2261, -2260, -2260, -2260, -2259, -2259, -2258, -2258,
-  -2257, -2257, -2256, -2256, -2255, -2255, -2254, -2254,
-  -2253, -2252, -2252, -2251, -2250, -2249, -2249, -2248,
-  -2247, -2246, -2245, -2244, -2244, -2243, -2242, -2241,
-  -2240, -2239, -2238, -2237, -2236, -2234, -2233, -2232,
-  -2231, -2230, -2229, -2227, -2226, -2225, -2224, -2222,
-  -2221, -2220, -2218, -2217, -2215, -2214, -2212, -2211,
-  -2209, -2208, -2206, -2205, -2203, -2202, -2200, -2198,
-  -2197, -2195, -2193, -2191, -2190, -2188, -2186, -2184,
-  -2182, -2180, -2179, -2177, -2175, -2173, -2171, -2169,
-  -2167, -2165, -2162, -2160, -2158, -2156, -2154, -2152,
-  -2150, -2147, -2145, -2143, -2140, -2138, -2136, -2133,
-  -2131, -2129, -2126, -2124, -2121, -2119, -2116, -2114,
-  -2111, -2108, -2106, -2103, -2101, -2098, -2095, -2092,
-  -2090, -2087, -2084, -2081, -2079, -2076, -2073, -2070,
-  -2067, -2064, -2061, -2058, -2055, -2052, -2049, -2046,
-  -2043, -2040, -2037, -2033, -2030, -2027, -2024, -2021,
-  -2017, -2014, -2011, -2007, -2004, -2001, -1997, -1994,
-  -1990, -1987, -1983, -1980, -1976, -1973, -1969, -1966,
-  -1962, -1958, -1955, -1951, -1947, -1944, -1940, -1936,
-  -1932, -1928, -1925, -1921, -1917, -1913, -1909, -1905,
-  -1901, -1897, -1893, -1889, -1885, -1881, -1877, -1873,
-  -1869, -1864, -1860, -1856, -1852, -1848, -1843, -1839,
-  -1835, -1830, -1826, -1822, -1817, -1813, -1809, -1804,
-  -1800, -1795, -1791, -1786, -1782, -1777, -1772, -1768,
-  -1763, -1758, -1754, -1749, -1744, -1740, -1735, -1730,
-  -1725, -1720, -1716, -1711, -1706, -1701, -1696, -1691,
-  -1686, -1681, -1676, -1671, -1666, -1661, -1656, -1651,
-  -1646, -1640, -1635, -1630, -1625, -1620, -1614, -1609,
-  -1604, -1599, -1593, -1588, -1582, -1577, -1572, -1566,
-  -1561, -1555, -1550, -1544, -1539, -1533, -1528, -1522,
-  -1516, -1511, -1505, -1500, -1494, -1488, -1482, -1477,
-  -1471, -1465, -1459, -1454, -1448, -1442, -1436, -1430,
-  -1424, -1418, -1412, -1406, -1400, -1394, -1388, -1382,
-  -1376, -1370, -1364, -1358, -1352, -1346, -1339, -1333,
-  -1327, -1321, -1315, -1308, -1302, -1296, -1289, -1283,
-  -1277, -1270, -1264, -1258, -1251, -1245, -1238, -1232,
-  -1225, -1219, -1212, -1206, -1199, -1193, -1186, -1179,
-  -1173, -1166, -1159, -1153, -1146, -1139, -1133, -1126,
-  -1119, -1112, -1105, -1099, -1092, -1085, -1078, -1071,
-  -1064, -1057, -1050, -1044, -1037, -1030, -1023, -1016,
-  -1009, -1001,  -994,  -987,  -980,  -973,  -966,  -959,
-   -952,  -945,  -937,  -930,  -923,  -916,  -908,  -901,
-   -894,  -887,  -879,  -872,  -865,  -857,  -850,  -842,
-   -835,  -828,  -820,  -813,  -805,  -798,  -790,  -783,
-   -775,  -768,  -760,  -753,  -745,  -738,  -730,  -722,
-   -715,  -707,  -699,  -692,  -684,  -676,  -669,  -661,
-   -653,  -645,  -638,  -630,  -622,  -614,  -606,  -599,
-   -591,  -583,  -575,  -567,  -559,  -551,  -543,  -536,
-   -528,  -520,  -512,  -504,  -496,  -488,  -480,  -472,
-   -464,  -456,  -447,  -439,  -431,  -423,  -415,  -407,
-   -399,  -391,  -382,  -374,  -366,  -358,  -350,  -342,
-   -333,  -325,  -317,  -309,  -300,  -292,  -284,  -275,
-   -267,  -259,  -250,  -242,  -234,  -225,  -217,  -209,
-   -200,  -192,  -183,  -175,  -167,  -158,  -150,  -141,
-   -133,  -124,  -116,  -107,   -99,   -90,   -82,   -73,
-    -65,   -56,   -48,   -39,   -30,   -22,   -13,    -5,
-      4,    12,    21,    30,    38,    47,    56,    64,
-     73,    82,    90,    99,   108,   116,   125,   134,
-    143,   151,   160,   169,   178,   186,   195,   204,
-    213,   221,   230,   239,   248,   257,   265,   274,
-    283,   292,   301,   310,   318,   327,   336,   345,
-    354,   363,   372,   381,   389,   398,   407,   416,
-    425,   434,   443,   452,   461,   470,   479,   488,
-    496,   505,   514,   523,   532,   541,   550,   559,
-    568,   577,   586,   595,   604,   613,   622,   631,
-    640,   649,   658,   667,   676,   685,   694,   703,
-    712,   721,   730,   739,   748,   757,   766,   775,
-    784,   793,   802,   811,   820,   829,   838,   847,
-    856,   865,   874,   883,   892,   901,   910,   920,
-    929,   938,   947,   956,   965,   974,   983,   992,
-   1001,  1010,  1019,  1028,  1037,  1046,  1055,  1064,
-   1073,  1082,  1091,  1100,  1109,  1118,  1127,  1136,
-   1145,  1154,  1163,  1172,  1181,  1190,  1199,  1208,
-   1217,  1226,  1235,  1244,  1253,  1262,  1271,  1280,
-   1289,  1298,  1307,  1316,  1324,  1333,  1342,  1351,
-   1360,  1369,  1378,  1387,  1396,  1405,  1414,  1423,
-   1431,  1440,  1449,  1458,  1467,  1476,  1485,  1493,
-   1502,  1511,  1520,  1529,  1538,  1546,  1555,  1564,
-   1573,  1582,  1590,  1599,  1608,  1617,  1625,  1634,
-   1643,  1652,  1660,  1669,  1678,  1687,  1695,  1704,
-   1713,  1721,  1730,  1739,  1747,  1756,  1765,  1773,
-   1782,  1790,  1799,  1808,  1816,  1825,  1833,  1842,
-   1850,  1859,  1867,  1876,  1884,  1893,  1901,  1910,
-   1918,  1927,  1935,  1944,  1952,  1961,  1969,  1977,
-   1986,  1994,  2002,  2011,  2019,  2027,  2036,  2044,
-   2052,  2061,  2069,  2077,  2085,  2094,  2102,  2110,
-   2118,  2127,  2135,  2143,  2151,  2159,  2167,  2175,
-   2183,  2192,  2200,  2208,  2216,  2224,  2232,  2240,
-   2248,  2256,  2264,  2272,  2280,  2288,  2296,  2303,
-   2311,  2319,  2327,  2335,  2343,  2351,  2358,  2366,
-   2374,  2382,  2389,  2397,  2405,  2412,  2420,  2428,
-   2435,  2443,  2451,  2458,  2466,  2473,  2481,  2489,
-   2496,  2504,  2511,  2518,  2526,  2533,  2541,  2548,
-   2556,  2563,  2570,  2578,  2585,  2592,  2599,  2607,
-   2614,  2621,  2628,  2636,  2643,  2650,  2657,  2664,
-   2671,  2678,  2685,  2692,  2700,  2707,  2714,  2720,
-   2727,  2734,  2741,  2748,  2755,  2762,  2769,  2776,
-   2782,  2789,  2796,  2803,  2809,  2816,  2823,  2829,
-   2836,  2843,  2849,  2856,  2862,  2869,  2875,  2882,
-   2888,  2895,  2901,  2908,  2914,  2920,  2927,  2933,
-   2939,  2945,  2952,  2958,  2964,  2970,  2977,  2983,
-   2989,  2995,  3001,  3007,  3013,  3019,  3025,  3031,
-   3037,  3043,  3049,  3055,  3060,  3066,  3072,  3078,
-   3084,  3089,  3095,  3101,  3106,  3112,  3118,  3123,
-   3129,  3134,  3140,  3145,  3151,  3156,  3162,  3167,
-   3172,  3178,  3183,  3188,  3193,  3199,  3204,  3209,
-   3214,  3219,  3224,  3230,  3235,  3240,  3245,  3250,
-   3255,  3260,  3264,  3269,  3274,  3279,  3284,  3289,
-   3293,  3298,  3303,  3307,  3312,  3317,  3321,  3326,
-   3330,  3335,  3339,  3344,  3348,  3352,  3357,  3361,
-   3365,  3370,  3374,  3378,  3382,  3387,  3391,  3395,
-   3399,  3403,  3407,  3411,  3415,  3419,  3423,  3427,
-   3430,  3434,  3438,  3442,  3446,  3449,  3453,  3457,
-   3460,  3464,  3467,  3471,  3474,  3478,  3481,  3485,
-   3488,  3491,  3495,  3498,  3501,  3505,  3508,  3511,
-   3514,  3517,  3520,  3523,  3526,  3529,  3532,  3535,
-   3538,  3541,  3544,  3547,  3549,  3552,  3555,  3557,
-   3560,  3563,  3565,  3568,  3570,  3573,  3575,  3578,
-   3580,  3583,  3585,  3587,  3589,  3592,  3594,  3596,
-   3598,  3600,  3602,  3604,  3606,  3608,  3610,  3612,
-   3614,  3616,  3618,  3620,  3621,  3623,  3625,  3626,
-   3628,  3630,  3631,  3633,  3634,  3635,  3637,  3638,
-   3640,  3641,  3642,  3643,  3645,  3646,  3647,  3648,
-   3649,  3650,  3651,  3652,  3653,  3654,  3655,  3656,
-   3657,  3657,  3658,  3659,  3659,  3660,  3661,  3661,
-   3662,  3662,  3663,  3663,  3664,  3664,  3664,  3665,
-   3665,  3665,  3665,  3665,  3665,  3666,  3666,  3666,
-   3666,  3666,  3665,  3665,  3665,  3665,  3665,  3664,
-   3664,  3664,  3663,  3663,  3663,  3662,  3662,  3661,
-   3660,  3660,  3659,  3658,  3658,  3657,  3656,  3655,
-   3654,  3653,  3652,  3651,  3650,  3649,  3648,  3647,
-   3646,  3645,  3644,  3642,  3641,  3640,  3638,  3637,
-   3635,  3634,  3632,  3631,  3629,  3627,  3626,  3624,
-   3622,  3621,  3619,  3617,  3615,  3613,  3611,  3609,
-   3607,  3605,  3603,  3601,  3598,  3596,  3594,  3592,
-   3589,  3587,  3585,  3582,  3580,  3577,  3575,  3572,
-   3569,  3567,  3564,  3561,  3558,  3556,  3553,  3550,
-   3547,  3544,  3541,  3538,  3535,  3532,  3528,  3525,
-   3522,  3519,  3515,  3512,  3509,  3505,  3502,  3498,
-   3495,  3491,  3488,  3484,  3480,  3477,  3473,  3469,
-   3465,  3461,  3458,  3454,  3450,  3446,  3442,  3437,
-   3433,  3429,  3425,  3421,  3416,  3412,  3408,  3403,
-   3399,  3395,  3390,  3385,  3381,  3376,  3372,  3367,
-   3362,  3357,  3353,  3348,  3343,  3338,  3333,  3328,
-   3323,  3318,  3313,  3308,  3303,  3297,  3292,  3287,
-   3282,  3276,  3271,  3265,  3260,  3254,  3249,  3243,
-   3238,  3232,  3226,  3221,  3215,  3209,  3203,  3197,
-   3191,  3185,  3179,  3173,  3167,  3161,  3155,  3149,
-   3143,  3136,  3130,  3124,  3117,  3111,  3105,  3098,
-   3092,  3085,  3079,  3072,  3065,  3059,  3052,  3045,
-   3038,  3031,  3025,  3018,  3011,  3004,  2997,  2990,
-   2983,  2975,  2968,  2961,  2954,  2947,  2939,  2932,
-   2925,  2917,  2910,  2902,  2895,  2887,  2879,  2872,
-   2864,  2856,  2849,  2841,  2833,  2825,  2817,  2809,
-   2801,  2793,  2785,  2777,  2769,  2761,  2753,  2745,
-   2737,  2728,  2720,  2712,  2703,  2695,  2686,  2678,
-   2669,  2661,  2652,  2644,  2635,  2626,  2617,  2609,
-   2600,  2591,  2582,  2573,  2564,  2555,  2546,  2537,
-   2528,  2519,  2510,  2501,  2491,  2482,  2473,  2464,
-   2454,  2445,  2435,  2426,  2417,  2407,  2397,  2388,
-   2378,  2369,  2359,  2349,  2339,  2330,  2320,  2310,
-   2300,  2290,  2280,  2270,  2260,  2250,  2240,  2230,
-   2220,  2209,  2199,  2189,  2179,  2168,  2158,  2148,
-   2137,  2127,  2116,  2106,  2095,  2085,  2074,  2063,
-   2053,  2042,  2031,  2021,  2010,  1999,  1988,  1977,
-   1966,  1955,  1944,  1933,  1922,  1911,  1900,  1889,
-   1878,  1867,  1855,  1844,  1833,  1821,  1810,  1799,
-   1787,  1776,  1764,  1753,  1741,  1730,  1718,  1707,
-   1695,  1683,  1671,  1660,  1648,  1636,  1624,  1612,
-   1601,  1589,  1577,  1565,  1553,  1541,  1529,  1517,
-   1504,  1492,  1480,  1468,  1456,  1443,  1431,  1419,
-   1407,  1394,  1382,  1369,  1357,  1344,  1332,  1319,
-   1307,  1294,  1282,  1269,  1256,  1244,  1231,  1218,
-   1205,  1193,  1180,  1167,  1154,  1141,  1128,  1115,
-   1102,  1089,  1076,  1063,  1050,  1037,  1024,  1011,
-    998,   984,   971,   958,   945,   931,   918,   905,
-    891,   878,   864,   851,   838,   824,   811,   797,
-    783,   770,   756,   743,   729,   715,   702,   688,
-    674,   660,   647,   633,   619,   605,   591,   577,
-    563,   549,   535,   521,   507,   493,   479,   465,
-    451,   437,   423,   409,   395,   380,   366,   352,
-    338,   323,   309,   295,   280,   266,   252,   237,
-    223,   209,   194,   180,   165,   151,   136,   122,
-    107,    92,    78,    63,    49,    34,    19,     5,
-    -10,   -25,   -40,   -54,   -69,   -84,   -99,  -114,
-   -128,  -143,  -158,  -173,  -188,  -203,  -218,  -233,
-   -248,  -263,  -278,  -293,  -308,  -323,  -338,  -353,
-   -368,  -383,  -398,  -413,  -428,  -443,  -459,  -474,
-   -489,  -504,  -519,  -535,  -550,  -565,  -580,  -596,
-   -611,  -626,  -642,  -657,  -672,  -688,  -703,  -718,
-   -734,  -749,  -765,  -780,  -795,  -811,  -826,  -842,
-   -857,  -873,  -888,  -904,  -919,  -935,  -950,  -966,
-   -981,  -997, -1013, -1028, -1044, -1059, -1075, -1091,
-  -1106, -1122, -1137, -1153, -1169, -1184, -1200, -1216,
-  -1231, -1247, -1263, -1278, -1294, -1310, -1326, -1341,
-  -1357, -1373, -1389, -1404, -1420, -1436, -1452, -1467,
-  -1483, -1499, -1515, -1531, -1546, -1562, -1578, -1594,
-  -1610, -1625, -1641, -1657, -1673, -1689, -1705, -1720,
-  -1736, -1752, -1768, -1784, -1800, -1815, -1831, -1847,
-  -1863, -1879, -1895, -1911, -1926, -1942, -1958, -1974,
-  -1990, -2006, -2022, -2037, -2053, -2069, -2085, -2101,
-  -2117, -2133, -2148, -2164, -2180, -2196, -2212, -2228,
-  -2244, -2259, -2275, -2291, -2307, -2323, -2339, -2354,
-  -2370, -2386, -2402, -2418, -2433, -2449, -2465, -2481,
-  -2497, -2512, -2528, -2544, -2560, -2576, -2591, -2607,
-  -2623, -2639, -2654, -2670, -2686, -2701, -2717, -2733,
-  -2749, -2764, -2780, -2796, -2811, -2827, -2843, -2858,
-  -2874, -2890, -2905, -2921, -2936, -2952, -2968, -2983,
-  -2999, -3014, -3030, -3045, -3061, -3076, -3092, -3107,
-  -3123, -3138, -3154, -3169, -3185, -3200, -3216, -3231,
-  -3246, -3262, -3277, -3293, -3308, -3323, -3339, -3354,
-  -3369, -3385, -3400, -3415, -3430, -3446, -3461, -3476,
-  -3491, -3506, -3521, -3537, -3552, -3567, -3582, -3597,
-  -3612, -3627, -3642, -3657, -3672, -3687, -3702, -3717,
-  -3732, -3747, -3762, -3777, -3792, -3807, -3821, -3836,
-  -3851, -3866, -3881, -3895, -3910, -3925, -3939, -3954,
-  -3969, -3983, -3998, -4012, -4027, -4042, -4056, -4071,
-  -4085, -4100, -4114, -4128, -4143, -4157, -4172, -4186,
-  -4200, -4215, -4229, -4243, -4257, -4271, -4286, -4300,
-  -4314, -4328, -4342, -4356, -4370, -4384, -4398, -4412,
-  -4426, -4440, -4454, -4468, -4482, -4495, -4509, -4523,
-  -4537, -4550, -4564, -4578, -4591, -4605, -4619, -4632,
-  -4646, -4659, -4673, -4686, -4699, -4713, -4726, -4740,
-  -4753, -4766, -4779, -4793, -4806, -4819, -4832, -4845,
-  -4858, -4871, -4884, -4897, -4910, -4923, -4936, -4949,
-  -4962, -4974, -4987, -5000, -5013, -5025, -5038, -5051,
-  -5063, -5076, -5088, -5101, -5113, -5125, -5138, -5150,
-  -5162, -5175, -5187, -5199, -5211, -5224, -5236, -5248,
-  -5260, -5272, -5284, -5296, -5308, -5319, -5331, -5343,
-  -5355, -5366, -5378, -5390, -5401, -5413, -5424, -5436,
-  -5447, -5459, -5470, -5482, -5493, -5504, -5515, -5527,
-  -5538, -5549, -5560, -5571, -5582, -5593, -5604, -5615,
-  -5626, -5636, -5647, -5658, -5668, -5679, -5690, -5700,
-  -5711, -5721, -5732, -5742, -5752, -5763, -5773, -5783,
-  -5793, -5804, -5814, -5824, -5834, -5844, -5854, -5863,
-  -5873, -5883, -5893, -5903, -5912, -5922, -5931, -5941,
-  -5950, -5960, -5969, -5979, -5988, -5997, -6006, -6016,
-  -6025, -6034, -6043, -6052, -6061, -6070, -6078, -6087,
-  -6096, -6105, -6113, -6122, -6131, -6139, -6148, -6156,
-  -6164, -6173, -6181, -6189, -6197, -6205, -6214, -6222,
-  -6230, -6238, -6245, -6253, -6261, -6269, -6276, -6284,
-  -6292, -6299, -6307, -6314, -6321, -6329, -6336, -6343,
-  -6350, -6358, -6365, -6372, -6379, -6386, -6392, -6399,
-  -6406, -6413, -6419, -6426, -6433, -6439, -6445, -6452,
-  -6458, -6464, -6471, -6477, -6483, -6489, -6495, -6501,
-  -6507, -6513, -6519, -6524, -6530, -6536, -6541, -6547,
-  -6552, -6558, -6563, -6568, -6573, -6579, -6584, -6589,
-  -6594, -6599, -6604, -6608, -6613, -6618, -6623, -6627,
-  -6632, -6636, -6641, -6645, -6649, -6654, -6658, -6662,
-  -6666, -6670, -6674, -6678, -6682, -6685, -6689, -6693,
-  -6696, -6700, -6703, -6707, -6710, -6714, -6717, -6720,
-  -6723, -6726, -6729, -6732, -6735, -6738, -6741, -6743,
-  -6746, -6748, -6751, -6753, -6756, -6758, -6760, -6763,
-  -6765, -6767, -6769, -6771, -6773, -6774, -6776, -6778,
-  -6779, -6781, -6783, -6784, -6785, -6787, -6788, -6789,
-  -6790, -6791, -6792, -6793, -6794, -6795, -6795, -6796,
-  -6797, -6797, -6798, -6798, -6798, -6799, -6799, -6799,
-  -6799, -6799, -6799, -6799, -6799, -6798, -6798, -6798,
-  -6797, -6797, -6796, -6795, -6795, -6794, -6793, -6792,
-  -6791, -6790, -6789, -6788, -6786, -6785, -6784, -6782,
-  -6781, -6779, -6777, -6776, -6774, -6772, -6770, -6768,
-  -6766, -6764, -6761, -6759, -6757, -6754, -6752, -6749,
-  -6747, -6744, -6741, -6738, -6735, -6732, -6729, -6726,
-  -6723, -6719, -6716, -6713, -6709, -6706, -6702, -6698,
-  -6694, -6691, -6687, -6683, -6679, -6674, -6670, -6666,
-  -6662, -6657, -6653, -6648, -6643, -6639, -6634, -6629,
-  -6624, -6619, -6614, -6609, -6604, -6598, -6593, -6588,
-  -6582, -6576, -6571, -6565, -6559, -6553, -6547, -6541,
-  -6535, -6529, -6523, -6517, -6510, -6504, -6497, -6491,
-  -6484, -6477, -6470, -6463, -6456, -6449, -6442, -6435,
-  -6428, -6420, -6413, -6405, -6398, -6390, -6382, -6374,
-  -6367, -6359, -6351, -6343, -6334, -6326, -6318, -6309,
-  -6301, -6292, -6284, -6275, -6266, -6257, -6248, -6239,
-  -6230, -6221, -6212, -6202, -6193, -6184, -6174, -6164,
-  -6155, -6145, -6135, -6125, -6115, -6105, -6095, -6085,
-  -6074, -6064, -6054, -6043, -6032, -6022, -6011, -6000,
-  -5989, -5978, -5967, -5956, -5945, -5933, -5922, -5911,
-  -5899, -5887, -5876, -5864, -5852, -5840, -5828, -5816,
-  -5804, -5792, -5779, -5767, -5755, -5742, -5729, -5717,
-  -5704, -5691, -5678, -5665, -5652, -5639, -5626, -5612,
-  -5599, -5585, -5572, -5558, -5545, -5531, -5517, -5503,
-  -5489, -5475, -5461, -5447, -5432, -5418, -5403, -5389,
-  -5374, -5359, -5345, -5330, -5315, -5300, -5285, -5269,
-  -5254, -5239, -5223, -5208, -5192, -5177, -5161, -5145,
-  -5129, -5113, -5097, -5081, -5065, -5049, -5032, -5016,
-  -4999, -4983, -4966, -4950, -4933, -4916, -4899, -4882,
-  -4865, -4847, -4830, -4813, -4795, -4778, -4760, -4743,
-  -4725, -4707, -4689, -4671, -4653, -4635, -4617, -4598,
-  -4580, -4562, -4543, -4524, -4506, -4487, -4468, -4449,
-  -4430, -4411, -4392, -4373, -4354, -4334, -4315, -4295,
-  -4276, -4256, -4236, -4216, -4196, -4176, -4156, -4136,
-  -4116, -4096, -4075, -4055, -4034, -4014, -3993, -3972,
-  -3951, -3930, -3909, -3888, -3867, -3846, -3825, -3803,
-  -3782, -3760, -3739, -3717, -3695, -3673, -3651, -3629,
-  -3607, -3585, -3563, -3541, -3518, -3496, -3473, -3451,
-  -3428, -3405, -3383, -3360, -3337, -3314, -3290, -3267,
-  -3244, -3221, -3197, -3174, -3150, -3126, -3103, -3079,
-  -3055, -3031, -3007, -2983, -2959, -2934, -2910, -2886,
-  -2861, -2837, -2812, -2787, -2763, -2738, -2713, -2688,
-  -2663, -2638, -2612, -2587, -2562, -2536, -2511, -2485,
-  -2459, -2434, -2408, -2382, -2356, -2330, -2304, -2278,
-  -2251, -2225, -2199, -2172, -2146, -2119, -2092, -2066,
-  -2039, -2012, -1985, -1958, -1931, -1904, -1876, -1849,
-  -1822, -1794, -1767, -1739, -1711, -1683, -1656, -1628,
-  -1600, -1572, -1544, -1515, -1487, -1459, -1430, -1402,
-  -1373, -1345, -1316, -1287, -1258, -1230, -1201, -1172,
-  -1142, -1113, -1084, -1055, -1025,  -996,  -966,  -937,
-   -907,  -877,  -848,  -818,  -788,  -758,  -728,  -698,
-   -667,  -637,  -607,  -576,  -546,  -515,  -485,  -454,
-   -423,  -392,  -362,  -331,  -300,  -268,  -237,  -206,
-   -175,  -143,  -112,   -81,   -49,   -17,    14,    46,
-     78,   110,   142,   174,   206,   238,   270,   302,
-    335,   367,   399,   432,   465,   497,   530,   563,
-    596,   628,   661,   694,   728,   761,   794,   827,
-    861,   894,   927,   961,   995,  1028,  1062,  1096,
-   1130,  1163,  1197,  1231,  1266,  1300,  1334,  1368,
-   1402,  1437,  1471,  1506,  1540,  1575,  1610,  1644,
-   1679,  1714,  1749,  1784,  1819,  1854,  1889,  1925,
-   1960,  1995,  2031,  2066,  2101,  2137,  2173,  2208,
-   2244,  2280,  2316,  2352,  2388,  2424,  2460,  2496,
-   2532,  2568,  2604,  2641,  2677,  2714,  2750,  2787,
-   2823,  2860,  2897,  2934,  2970,  3007,  3044,  3081,
-   3118,  3155,  3193,  3230,  3267,  3304,  3342,  3379,
-   3417,  3454,  3492,  3529,  3567,  3605,  3643,  3681,
-   3718,  3756,  3794,  3832,  3870,  3909,  3947,  3985,
-   4023,  4062,  4100,  4138,  4177,  4216,  4254,  4293,
-   4331,  4370,  4409,  4448,  4487,  4526,  4564,  4603,
-   4643,  4682,  4721,  4760,  4799,  4839,  4878,  4917,
-   4957,  4996,  5036,  5075,  5115,  5154,  5194,  5234,
-   5274,  5313,  5353,  5393,  5433,  5473,  5513,  5553,
-   5593,  5634,  5674,  5714,  5754,  5795,  5835,  5875,
-   5916,  5956,  5997,  6037,  6078,  6119,  6159,  6200,
-   6241,  6282,  6323,  6364,  6404,  6445,  6486,  6527,
-   6569,  6610,  6651,  6692,  6733,  6774,  6816,  6857,
-   6899,  6940,  6981,  7023,  7064,  7106,  7148,  7189,
-   7231,  7272,  7314,  7356,  7398,  7440,  7481,  7523,
-   7565,  7607,  7649,  7691,  7733,  7775,  7818,  7860,
-   7902,  7944,  7986,  8029,  8071,  8113,  8156,  8198,
-   8240,  8283,  8325,  8368,  8410,  8453,  8496,  8538,
-   8581,  8624,  8666,  8709,  8752,  8795,  8837,  8880,
-   8923,  8966,  9009,  9052,  9095,  9138,  9181,  9224,
-   9267,  9310,  9353,  9396,  9440,  9483,  9526,  9569,
-   9613,  9656,  9699,  9743,  9786,  9829,  9873,  9916,
-   9960, 10003, 10046, 10090, 10133, 10177, 10221, 10264,
-  10308, 10351, 10395, 10439, 10482, 10526, 10570, 10614,
-  10657, 10701, 10745, 10789, 10832, 10876, 10920, 10964,
-  11008, 11052, 11096, 11140, 11184, 11228, 11272, 11316,
-  11360, 11404, 11448, 11492, 11536, 11580, 11624, 11668,
-  11712, 11756, 11800, 11844, 11889, 11933, 11977, 12021,
-  12065, 12110, 12154, 12198, 12242, 12286, 12331, 12375,
-  12419, 12464, 12508, 12552, 12596, 12641, 12685, 12729,
-  12774, 12818, 12862, 12907, 12951, 12995, 13040, 13084,
-  13129, 13173, 13217, 13262, 13306, 13351, 13395, 13439,
-  13484, 13528, 13573, 13617, 13661, 13706, 13750, 13795,
-  13839, 13883, 13928, 13972, 14017, 14061, 14106, 14150,
-  14194, 14239, 14283, 14328, 14372, 14417, 14461, 14505,
-  14550, 14594, 14639, 14683, 14727, 14772, 14816, 14861,
-  14905, 14949, 14994, 15038, 15082, 15127, 15171, 15215,
-  15260, 15304, 15348, 15393, 15437, 15481, 15526, 15570,
-  15614, 15658, 15703, 15747, 15791, 15835, 15880, 15924,
-  15968, 16012, 16056, 16100, 16145, 16189, 16233, 16277,
-  16321, 16365, 16409, 16453, 16497, 16541, 16585, 16629,
-  16673, 16717, 16761, 16805, 16849, 16893, 16937, 16981,
-  17025, 17069, 17113, 17156, 17200, 17244, 17288, 17332,
-  17375, 17419, 17463, 17506, 17550, 17594, 17637, 17681,
-  17725, 17768, 17812, 17855, 17899, 17942, 17986, 18029,
-  18072, 18116, 18159, 18203, 18246, 18289, 18332, 18376,
-  18419, 18462, 18505, 18549, 18592, 18635, 18678, 18721,
-  18764, 18807, 18850, 18893, 18936, 18979, 19022, 19064,
-  19107, 19150, 19193, 19236, 19278, 19321, 19364, 19406,
-  19449, 19491, 19534, 19576, 19619, 19661, 19704, 19746,
-  19788, 19831, 19873, 19915, 19957, 20000, 20042, 20084,
-  20126, 20168, 20210, 20252, 20294, 20336, 20378, 20420,
-  20461, 20503, 20545, 20587, 20628, 20670, 20712, 20753,
-  20795, 20836, 20878, 20919, 20960, 21002, 21043, 21084,
-  21125, 21167, 21208, 21249, 21290, 21331, 21372, 21413,
-  21454, 21495, 21535, 21576, 21617, 21658, 21698, 21739,
-  21779, 21820, 21860, 21901, 21941, 21982, 22022, 22062,
-  22102, 22142, 22183, 22223, 22263, 22303, 22343, 22383,
-  22422, 22462, 22502, 22542, 22581, 22621, 22660, 22700,
-  22739, 22779, 22818, 22858, 22897, 22936, 22975, 23014,
-  23053, 23092, 23131, 23170, 23209, 23248, 23287, 23326,
-  23364, 23403, 23441, 23480, 23518, 23557, 23595, 23633,
-  23672, 23710, 23748, 23786, 23824, 23862, 23900, 23938,
-  23976, 24013, 24051, 24089, 24126, 24164, 24201, 24239,
-  24276, 24313, 24351, 24388, 24425, 24462, 24499, 24536,
-  24573, 24610, 24647, 24683, 24720, 24756, 24793, 24830,
-  24866, 24902, 24939, 24975, 25011, 25047, 25083, 25119,
-  25155, 25191, 25227, 25262, 25298, 25334, 25369, 25405,
-  25440, 25476, 25511, 25546, 25581, 25616, 25651, 25686,
-  25721, 25756, 25791, 25826, 25860, 25895, 25929, 25964,
-  25998, 26033, 26067, 26101, 26135, 26169, 26203, 26237,
-  26271, 26305, 26338, 26372, 26405, 26439, 26472, 26506,
-  26539, 26572, 26605, 26638, 26671, 26704, 26737, 26770,
-  26803, 26835, 26868, 26900, 26933, 26965, 26997, 27030,
-  27062, 27094, 27126, 27158, 27189, 27221, 27253, 27285,
-  27316, 27348, 27379, 27410, 27441, 27473, 27504, 27535,
-  27566, 27597, 27627, 27658, 27689, 27719, 27750, 27780,
-  27810, 27841, 27871, 27901, 27931, 27961, 27991, 28020,
-  28050, 28080, 28109, 28139, 28168, 28197, 28227, 28256,
-  28285, 28314, 28343, 28371, 28400, 28429, 28457, 28486,
-  28514, 28543, 28571, 28599, 28627, 28655, 28683, 28711,
-  28738, 28766, 28794, 28821, 28849, 28876, 28903, 28930,
-  28957, 28984, 29011, 29038, 29065, 29092, 29118, 29145,
-  29171, 29197, 29223, 29250, 29276, 29302, 29327, 29353,
-  29379, 29405, 29430, 29456, 29481, 29506, 29531, 29556,
-  29581, 29606, 29631, 29656, 29681, 29705, 29730, 29754,
-  29778, 29802, 29827, 29851, 29874, 29898, 29922, 29946,
-  29969, 29993, 30016, 30039, 30063, 30086, 30109, 30132,
-  30155, 30177, 30200, 30223, 30245, 30267, 30290, 30312,
-  30334, 30356, 30378, 30400, 30422, 30443, 30465, 30486,
-  30508, 30529, 30550, 30571, 30592, 30613, 30634, 30654,
-  30675, 30696, 30716, 30736, 30756, 30777, 30797, 30817,
-  30836, 30856, 30876, 30895, 30915, 30934, 30953, 30973,
-  30992, 31011, 31030, 31048, 31067, 31086, 31104, 31123,
-  31141, 31159, 31177, 31195, 31213, 31231, 31249, 31266,
-  31284, 31301, 31318, 31336, 31353, 31370, 31387, 31404,
-  31420, 31437, 31453, 31470, 31486, 31502, 31519, 31535,
-  31551, 31566, 31582, 31598, 31613, 31629, 31644, 31659,
-  31674, 31689, 31704, 31719, 31734, 31749, 31763, 31777,
-  31792, 31806, 31820, 31834, 31848, 31862, 31876, 31889,
-  31903, 31916, 31929, 31943, 31956, 31969, 31982, 31994,
-  32007, 32020, 32032, 32045, 32057, 32069, 32081, 32093,
-  32105, 32117, 32128, 32140, 32151, 32163, 32174, 32185,
-  32196, 32207, 32218, 32229, 32239, 32250, 32260, 32270,
-  32281, 32291, 32301, 32311, 32320, 32330, 32340, 32349,
-  32358, 32368, 32377, 32386, 32395, 32404, 32412, 32421,
-  32430, 32438, 32446, 32455, 32463, 32471, 32479, 32486,
-  32494, 32502, 32509, 32516, 32524, 32531, 32538, 32545,
-  32552, 32558, 32565, 32572, 32578, 32584, 32590, 32597,
-  32603, 32608, 32614, 32620, 32625, 32631, 32636, 32642,
-  32647, 32652, 32657, 32661, 32666, 32671, 32675, 32680,
-  32684, 32688, 32692, 32696, 32700, 32704, 32707, 32711,
-  32714, 32718, 32721, 32724, 32727, 32730, 32733, 32735,
-  32738, 32740, 32743, 32745, 32747, 32749, 32751, 32753,
-  32755, 32756, 32758, 32759, 32760, 32762, 32763, 32764,
-  32764, 32765, 32766, 32766, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32767,
-  32767, 32767, 32767, 32767, 32766, 32766, 32765, 32764,
-  32764, 32763, 32762, 32760, 32759, 32758, 32756, 32755,
-  32753, 32751, 32749, 32747, 32745, 32743, 32740, 32738,
-  32735, 32733, 32730, 32727, 32724, 32721, 32718, 32714,
-  32711, 32707, 32704, 32700, 32696, 32692, 32688, 32684,
-  32680, 32675, 32671, 32666, 32661, 32657, 32652, 32647,
-  32642, 32636, 32631, 32625, 32620, 32614, 32608, 32603,
-  32597, 32590, 32584, 32578, 32572, 32565, 32558, 32552,
-  32545, 32538, 32531, 32524, 32516, 32509, 32502, 32494,
-  32486, 32479, 32471, 32463, 32455, 32446, 32438, 32430,
-  32421, 32412, 32404, 32395, 32386, 32377, 32368, 32358,
-  32349, 32340, 32330, 32320, 32311, 32301, 32291, 32281,
-  32270, 32260, 32250, 32239, 32229, 32218, 32207, 32196,
-  32185, 32174, 32163, 32151, 32140, 32128, 32117, 32105,
-  32093, 32081, 32069, 32057, 32045, 32032, 32020, 32007,
-  31994, 31982, 31969, 31956, 31943, 31929, 31916, 31903,
-  31889, 31876, 31862, 31848, 31834, 31820, 31806, 31792,
-  31777, 31763, 31749, 31734, 31719, 31704, 31689, 31674,
-  31659, 31644, 31629, 31613, 31598, 31582, 31566, 31551,
-  31535, 31519, 31502, 31486, 31470, 31453, 31437, 31420,
-  31404, 31387, 31370, 31353, 31336, 31318, 31301, 31284,
-  31266, 31249, 31231, 31213, 31195, 31177, 31159, 31141,
-  31123, 31104, 31086, 31067, 31048, 31030, 31011, 30992,
-  30973, 30953, 30934, 30915, 30895, 30876, 30856, 30836,
-  30817, 30797, 30777, 30756, 30736, 30716, 30696, 30675,
-  30654, 30634, 30613, 30592, 30571, 30550, 30529, 30508,
-  30486, 30465, 30443, 30422, 30400, 30378, 30356, 30334,
-  30312, 30290, 30267, 30245, 30223, 30200, 30177, 30155,
-  30132, 30109, 30086, 30063, 30039, 30016, 29993, 29969,
-  29946, 29922, 29898, 29874, 29851, 29827, 29802, 29778,
-  29754, 29730, 29705, 29681, 29656, 29631, 29606, 29581,
-  29556, 29531, 29506, 29481, 29456, 29430, 29405, 29379,
-  29353, 29327, 29302, 29276, 29250, 29223, 29197, 29171,
-  29145, 29118, 29092, 29065, 29038, 29011, 28984, 28957,
-  28930, 28903, 28876, 28849, 28821, 28794, 28766, 28738,
-  28711, 28683, 28655, 28627, 28599, 28571, 28543, 28514,
-  28486, 28457, 28429, 28400, 28371, 28343, 28314, 28285,
-  28256, 28227, 28197, 28168, 28139, 28109, 28080, 28050,
-  28020, 27991, 27961, 27931, 27901, 27871, 27841, 27810,
-  27780, 27750, 27719, 27689, 27658, 27627, 27597, 27566,
-  27535, 27504, 27473, 27441, 27410, 27379, 27348, 27316,
-  27285, 27253, 27221, 27189, 27158, 27126, 27094, 27062,
-  27030, 26997, 26965, 26933, 26900, 26868, 26835, 26803,
-  26770, 26737, 26704, 26671, 26638, 26605, 26572, 26539,
-  26506, 26472, 26439, 26405, 26372, 26338, 26305, 26271,
-  26237, 26203, 26169, 26135, 26101, 26067, 26033, 25998,
-  25964, 25929, 25895, 25860, 25826, 25791, 25756, 25721,
-  25686, 25651, 25616, 25581, 25546, 25511, 25476, 25440,
-  25405, 25369, 25334, 25298, 25262, 25227, 25191, 25155,
-  25119, 25083, 25047, 25011, 24975, 24939, 24902, 24866,
-  24830, 24793, 24756, 24720, 24683, 24647, 24610, 24573,
-  24536, 24499, 24462, 24425, 24388, 24351, 24313, 24276,
-  24239, 24201, 24164, 24126, 24089, 24051, 24013, 23976,
-  23938, 23900, 23862, 23824, 23786, 23748, 23710, 23672,
-  23633, 23595, 23557, 23518, 23480, 23441, 23403, 23364,
-  23326, 23287, 23248, 23209, 23170, 23131, 23092, 23053,
-  23014, 22975, 22936, 22897, 22858, 22818, 22779, 22739,
-  22700, 22660, 22621, 22581, 22542, 22502, 22462, 22422,
-  22383, 22343, 22303, 22263, 22223, 22183, 22142, 22102,
-  22062, 22022, 21982, 21941, 21901, 21860, 21820, 21779,
-  21739, 21698, 21658, 21617, 21576, 21535, 21495, 21454,
-  21413, 21372, 21331, 21290, 21249, 21208, 21167, 21125,
-  21084, 21043, 21002, 20960, 20919, 20878, 20836, 20795,
-  20753, 20712, 20670, 20628, 20587, 20545, 20503, 20461,
-  20420, 20378, 20336, 20294, 20252, 20210, 20168, 20126,
-  20084, 20042, 20000, 19957, 19915, 19873, 19831, 19788,
-  19746, 19704, 19661, 19619, 19576, 19534, 19491, 19449,
-  19406, 19364, 19321, 19278, 19236, 19193, 19150, 19107,
-  19064, 19022, 18979, 18936, 18893, 18850, 18807, 18764,
-  18721, 18678, 18635, 18592, 18549, 18505, 18462, 18419,
-  18376, 18332, 18289, 18246, 18203, 18159, 18116, 18072,
-  18029, 17986, 17942, 17899, 17855, 17812, 17768, 17725,
-  17681, 17637, 17594, 17550, 17506, 17463, 17419, 17375,
-  17332, 17288, 17244, 17200, 17156, 17113, 17069, 17025,
-  16981, 16937, 16893, 16849, 16805, 16761, 16717, 16673,
-  16629, 16585, 16541, 16497, 16453, 16409, 16365, 16321,
-  16277, 16233, 16189, 16145, 16100, 16056, 16012, 15968,
-  15924, 15880, 15835, 15791, 15747, 15703, 15658, 15614,
-  15570, 15526, 15481, 15437, 15393, 15348, 15304, 15260,
-  15215, 15171, 15127, 15082, 15038, 14994, 14949, 14905,
-  14861, 14816, 14772, 14727, 14683, 14639, 14594, 14550,
-  14505, 14461, 14417, 14372, 14328, 14283, 14239, 14194,
-  14150, 14106, 14061, 14017, 13972, 13928, 13883, 13839,
-  13795, 13750, 13706, 13661, 13617, 13573, 13528, 13484,
-  13439, 13395, 13351, 13306, 13262, 13217, 13173, 13129,
-  13084, 13040, 12995, 12951, 12907, 12862, 12818, 12774,
-  12729, 12685, 12641, 12596, 12552, 12508, 12464, 12419,
-  12375, 12331, 12286, 12242, 12198, 12154, 12110, 12065,
-  12021, 11977, 11933, 11889, 11844, 11800, 11756, 11712,
-  11668, 11624, 11580, 11536, 11492, 11448, 11404, 11360,
-  11316, 11272, 11228, 11184, 11140, 11096, 11052, 11008,
-  10964, 10920, 10876, 10832, 10789, 10745, 10701, 10657,
-  10614, 10570, 10526, 10482, 10439, 10395, 10351, 10308,
-  10264, 10221, 10177, 10133, 10090, 10046, 10003,  9960,
-   9916,  9873,  9829,  9786,  9743,  9699,  9656,  9613,
-   9569,  9526,  9483,  9440,  9396,  9353,  9310,  9267,
-   9224,  9181,  9138,  9095,  9052,  9009,  8966,  8923,
-   8880,  8837,  8795,  8752,  8709,  8666,  8624,  8581,
-   8538,  8496,  8453,  8410,  8368,  8325,  8283,  8240,
-   8198,  8156,  8113,  8071,  8029,  7986,  7944,  7902,
-   7860,  7818,  7775,  7733,  7691,  7649,  7607,  7565,
-   7523,  7481,  7440,  7398,  7356,  7314,  7272,  7231,
-   7189,  7148,  7106,  7064,  7023,  6981,  6940,  6899,
-   6857,  6816,  6774,  6733,  6692,  6651,  6610,  6569,
-   6527,  6486,  6445,  6404,  6364,  6323,  6282,  6241,
-   6200,  6159,  6119,  6078,  6037,  5997,  5956,  5916,
-   5875,  5835,  5795,  5754,  5714,  5674,  5634,  5593,
-   5553,  5513,  5473,  5433,  5393,  5353,  5313,  5274,
-   5234,  5194,  5154,  5115,  5075,  5036,  4996,  4957,
-   4917,  4878,  4839,  4799,  4760,  4721,  4682,  4643,
-   4603,  4564,  4526,  4487,  4448,  4409,  4370,  4331,
-   4293,  4254,  4216,  4177,  4138,  4100,  4062,  4023,
-   3985,  3947,  3909,  3870,  3832,  3794,  3756,  3718,
-   3681,  3643,  3605,  3567,  3529,  3492,  3454,  3417,
-   3379,  3342,  3304,  3267,  3230,  3193,  3155,  3118,
-   3081,  3044,  3007,  2970,  2934,  2897,  2860,  2823,
-   2787,  2750,  2714,  2677,  2641,  2604,  2568,  2532,
-   2496,  2460,  2424,  2388,  2352,  2316,  2280,  2244,
-   2208,  2173,  2137,  2101,  2066,  2031,  1995,  1960,
-   1925,  1889,  1854,  1819,  1784,  1749,  1714,  1679,
-   1644,  1610,  1575,  1540,  1506,  1471,  1437,  1402,
-   1368,  1334,  1300,  1266,  1231,  1197,  1163,  1130,
-   1096,  1062,  1028,   995,   961,   927,   894,   861,
-    827,   794,   761,   728,   694,   661,   628,   596,
-    563,   530,   497,   465,   432,   399,   367,   335,
-    302,   270,   238,   206,   174,   142,   110,    78,
-     46,    14,   -17,   -49,   -81,  -112,  -143,  -175,
-   -206,  -237,  -268,  -300,  -331,  -362,  -392,  -423,
-   -454,  -485,  -515,  -546,  -576,  -607,  -637,  -667,
-   -698,  -728,  -758,  -788,  -818,  -848,  -877,  -907,
-   -937,  -966,  -996, -1025, -1055, -1084, -1113, -1142,
-  -1172, -1201, -1230, -1258, -1287, -1316, -1345, -1373,
-  -1402, -1430, -1459, -1487, -1515, -1544, -1572, -1600,
-  -1628, -1656, -1683, -1711, -1739, -1767, -1794, -1822,
-  -1849, -1876, -1904, -1931, -1958, -1985, -2012, -2039,
-  -2066, -2092, -2119, -2146, -2172, -2199, -2225, -2251,
-  -2278, -2304, -2330, -2356, -2382, -2408, -2434, -2459,
-  -2485, -2511, -2536, -2562, -2587, -2612, -2638, -2663,
-  -2688, -2713, -2738, -2763, -2787, -2812, -2837, -2861,
-  -2886, -2910, -2934, -2959, -2983, -3007, -3031, -3055,
-  -3079, -3103, -3126, -3150, -3174, -3197, -3221, -3244,
-  -3267, -3290, -3314, -3337, -3360, -3383, -3405, -3428,
-  -3451, -3473, -3496, -3518, -3541, -3563, -3585, -3607,
-  -3629, -3651, -3673, -3695, -3717, -3739, -3760, -3782,
-  -3803, -3825, -3846, -3867, -3888, -3909, -3930, -3951,
-  -3972, -3993, -4014, -4034, -4055, -4075, -4096, -4116,
-  -4136, -4156, -4176, -4196, -4216, -4236, -4256, -4276,
-  -4295, -4315, -4334, -4354, -4373, -4392, -4411, -4430,
-  -4449, -4468, -4487, -4506, -4524, -4543, -4562, -4580,
-  -4598, -4617, -4635, -4653, -4671, -4689, -4707, -4725,
-  -4743, -4760, -4778, -4795, -4813, -4830, -4847, -4865,
-  -4882, -4899, -4916, -4933, -4950, -4966, -4983, -4999,
-  -5016, -5032, -5049, -5065, -5081, -5097, -5113, -5129,
-  -5145, -5161, -5177, -5192, -5208, -5223, -5239, -5254,
-  -5269, -5285, -5300, -5315, -5330, -5345, -5359, -5374,
-  -5389, -5403, -5418, -5432, -5447, -5461, -5475, -5489,
-  -5503, -5517, -5531, -5545, -5558, -5572, -5585, -5599,
-  -5612, -5626, -5639, -5652, -5665, -5678, -5691, -5704,
-  -5717, -5729, -5742, -5755, -5767, -5779, -5792, -5804,
-  -5816, -5828, -5840, -5852, -5864, -5876, -5887, -5899,
-  -5911, -5922, -5933, -5945, -5956, -5967, -5978, -5989,
-  -6000, -6011, -6022, -6032, -6043, -6054, -6064, -6074,
-  -6085, -6095, -6105, -6115, -6125, -6135, -6145, -6155,
-  -6164, -6174, -6184, -6193, -6202, -6212, -6221, -6230,
-  -6239, -6248, -6257, -6266, -6275, -6284, -6292, -6301,
-  -6309, -6318, -6326, -6334, -6343, -6351, -6359, -6367,
-  -6374, -6382, -6390, -6398, -6405, -6413, -6420, -6428,
-  -6435, -6442, -6449, -6456, -6463, -6470, -6477, -6484,
-  -6491, -6497, -6504, -6510, -6517, -6523, -6529, -6535,
-  -6541, -6547, -6553, -6559, -6565, -6571, -6576, -6582,
-  -6588, -6593, -6598, -6604, -6609, -6614, -6619, -6624,
-  -6629, -6634, -6639, -6643, -6648, -6653, -6657, -6662,
-  -6666, -6670, -6674, -6679, -6683, -6687, -6691, -6694,
-  -6698, -6702, -6706, -6709, -6713, -6716, -6719, -6723,
-  -6726, -6729, -6732, -6735, -6738, -6741, -6744, -6747,
-  -6749, -6752, -6754, -6757, -6759, -6761, -6764, -6766,
-  -6768, -6770, -6772, -6774, -6776, -6777, -6779, -6781,
-  -6782, -6784, -6785, -6786, -6788, -6789, -6790, -6791,
-  -6792, -6793, -6794, -6795, -6795, -6796, -6797, -6797,
-  -6798, -6798, -6798, -6799, -6799, -6799, -6799, -6799,
-  -6799, -6799, -6799, -6798, -6798, -6798, -6797, -6797,
-  -6796, -6795, -6795, -6794, -6793, -6792, -6791, -6790,
-  -6789, -6788, -6787, -6785, -6784, -6783, -6781, -6779,
-  -6778, -6776, -6774, -6773, -6771, -6769, -6767, -6765,
-  -6763, -6760, -6758, -6756, -6753, -6751, -6748, -6746,
-  -6743, -6741, -6738, -6735, -6732, -6729, -6726, -6723,
-  -6720, -6717, -6714, -6710, -6707, -6703, -6700, -6696,
-  -6693, -6689, -6685, -6682, -6678, -6674, -6670, -6666,
-  -6662, -6658, -6654, -6649, -6645, -6641, -6636, -6632,
-  -6627, -6623, -6618, -6613, -6608, -6604, -6599, -6594,
-  -6589, -6584, -6579, -6573, -6568, -6563, -6558, -6552,
-  -6547, -6541, -6536, -6530, -6524, -6519, -6513, -6507,
-  -6501, -6495, -6489, -6483, -6477, -6471, -6464, -6458,
-  -6452, -6445, -6439, -6433, -6426, -6419, -6413, -6406,
-  -6399, -6392, -6386, -6379, -6372, -6365, -6358, -6350,
-  -6343, -6336, -6329, -6321, -6314, -6307, -6299, -6292,
-  -6284, -6276, -6269, -6261, -6253, -6245, -6238, -6230,
-  -6222, -6214, -6205, -6197, -6189, -6181, -6173, -6164,
-  -6156, -6148, -6139, -6131, -6122, -6113, -6105, -6096,
-  -6087, -6078, -6070, -6061, -6052, -6043, -6034, -6025,
-  -6016, -6006, -5997, -5988, -5979, -5969, -5960, -5950,
-  -5941, -5931, -5922, -5912, -5903, -5893, -5883, -5873,
-  -5863, -5854, -5844, -5834, -5824, -5814, -5804, -5793,
-  -5783, -5773, -5763, -5752, -5742, -5732, -5721, -5711,
-  -5700, -5690, -5679, -5668, -5658, -5647, -5636, -5626,
-  -5615, -5604, -5593, -5582, -5571, -5560, -5549, -5538,
-  -5527, -5515, -5504, -5493, -5482, -5470, -5459, -5447,
-  -5436, -5424, -5413, -5401, -5390, -5378, -5366, -5355,
-  -5343, -5331, -5319, -5308, -5296, -5284, -5272, -5260,
-  -5248, -5236, -5224, -5211, -5199, -5187, -5175, -5162,
-  -5150, -5138, -5125, -5113, -5101, -5088, -5076, -5063,
-  -5051, -5038, -5025, -5013, -5000, -4987, -4974, -4962,
-  -4949, -4936, -4923, -4910, -4897, -4884, -4871, -4858,
-  -4845, -4832, -4819, -4806, -4793, -4779, -4766, -4753,
-  -4740, -4726, -4713, -4699, -4686, -4673, -4659, -4646,
-  -4632, -4619, -4605, -4591, -4578, -4564, -4550, -4537,
-  -4523, -4509, -4495, -4482, -4468, -4454, -4440, -4426,
-  -4412, -4398, -4384, -4370, -4356, -4342, -4328, -4314,
-  -4300, -4286, -4271, -4257, -4243, -4229, -4215, -4200,
-  -4186, -4172, -4157, -4143, -4128, -4114, -4100, -4085,
-  -4071, -4056, -4042, -4027, -4012, -3998, -3983, -3969,
-  -3954, -3939, -3925, -3910, -3895, -3881, -3866, -3851,
-  -3836, -3821, -3807, -3792, -3777, -3762, -3747, -3732,
-  -3717, -3702, -3687, -3672, -3657, -3642, -3627, -3612,
-  -3597, -3582, -3567, -3552, -3537, -3521, -3506, -3491,
-  -3476, -3461, -3446, -3430, -3415, -3400, -3385, -3369,
-  -3354, -3339, -3323, -3308, -3293, -3277, -3262, -3246,
-  -3231, -3216, -3200, -3185, -3169, -3154, -3138, -3123,
-  -3107, -3092, -3076, -3061, -3045, -3030, -3014, -2999,
-  -2983, -2968, -2952, -2936, -2921, -2905, -2890, -2874,
-  -2858, -2843, -2827, -2811, -2796, -2780, -2764, -2749,
-  -2733, -2717, -2701, -2686, -2670, -2654, -2639, -2623,
-  -2607, -2591, -2576, -2560, -2544, -2528, -2512, -2497,
-  -2481, -2465, -2449, -2433, -2418, -2402, -2386, -2370,
-  -2354, -2339, -2323, -2307, -2291, -2275, -2259, -2244,
-  -2228, -2212, -2196, -2180, -2164, -2148, -2133, -2117,
-  -2101, -2085, -2069, -2053, -2037, -2022, -2006, -1990,
-  -1974, -1958, -1942, -1926, -1911, -1895, -1879, -1863,
-  -1847, -1831, -1815, -1800, -1784, -1768, -1752, -1736,
-  -1720, -1705, -1689, -1673, -1657, -1641, -1625, -1610,
-  -1594, -1578, -1562, -1546, -1531, -1515, -1499, -1483,
-  -1467, -1452, -1436, -1420, -1404, -1389, -1373, -1357,
-  -1341, -1326, -1310, -1294, -1278, -1263, -1247, -1231,
-  -1216, -1200, -1184, -1169, -1153, -1137, -1122, -1106,
-  -1091, -1075, -1059, -1044, -1028, -1013,  -997,  -981,
-   -966,  -950,  -935,  -919,  -904,  -888,  -873,  -857,
-   -842,  -826,  -811,  -795,  -780,  -765,  -749,  -734,
-   -718,  -703,  -688,  -672,  -657,  -642,  -626,  -611,
-   -596,  -580,  -565,  -550,  -535,  -519,  -504,  -489,
-   -474,  -459,  -443,  -428,  -413,  -398,  -383,  -368,
-   -353,  -338,  -323,  -308,  -293,  -278,  -263,  -248,
-   -233,  -218,  -203,  -188,  -173,  -158,  -143,  -128,
-   -114,   -99,   -84,   -69,   -54,   -40,   -25,   -10,
-      5,    19,    34,    49,    63,    78,    92,   107,
-    122,   136,   151,   165,   180,   194,   209,   223,
-    237,   252,   266,   280,   295,   309,   323,   338,
-    352,   366,   380,   395,   409,   423,   437,   451,
-    465,   479,   493,   507,   521,   535,   549,   563,
-    577,   591,   605,   619,   633,   647,   660,   674,
-    688,   702,   715,   729,   743,   756,   770,   783,
-    797,   811,   824,   838,   851,   864,   878,   891,
-    905,   918,   931,   945,   958,   971,   984,   998,
-   1011,  1024,  1037,  1050,  1063,  1076,  1089,  1102,
-   1115,  1128,  1141,  1154,  1167,  1180,  1193,  1205,
-   1218,  1231,  1244,  1256,  1269,  1282,  1294,  1307,
-   1319,  1332,  1344,  1357,  1369,  1382,  1394,  1407,
-   1419,  1431,  1443,  1456,  1468,  1480,  1492,  1504,
-   1517,  1529,  1541,  1553,  1565,  1577,  1589,  1601,
-   1612,  1624,  1636,  1648,  1660,  1671,  1683,  1695,
-   1707,  1718,  1730,  1741,  1753,  1764,  1776,  1787,
-   1799,  1810,  1821,  1833,  1844,  1855,  1867,  1878,
-   1889,  1900,  1911,  1922,  1933,  1944,  1955,  1966,
-   1977,  1988,  1999,  2010,  2021,  2031,  2042,  2053,
-   2063,  2074,  2085,  2095,  2106,  2116,  2127,  2137,
-   2148,  2158,  2168,  2179,  2189,  2199,  2209,  2220,
-   2230,  2240,  2250,  2260,  2270,  2280,  2290,  2300,
-   2310,  2320,  2330,  2339,  2349,  2359,  2369,  2378,
-   2388,  2397,  2407,  2417,  2426,  2435,  2445,  2454,
-   2464,  2473,  2482,  2491,  2501,  2510,  2519,  2528,
-   2537,  2546,  2555,  2564,  2573,  2582,  2591,  2600,
-   2609,  2617,  2626,  2635,  2644,  2652,  2661,  2669,
-   2678,  2686,  2695,  2703,  2712,  2720,  2728,  2737,
-   2745,  2753,  2761,  2769,  2777,  2785,  2793,  2801,
-   2809,  2817,  2825,  2833,  2841,  2849,  2856,  2864,
-   2872,  2879,  2887,  2895,  2902,  2910,  2917,  2925,
-   2932,  2939,  2947,  2954,  2961,  2968,  2975,  2983,
-   2990,  2997,  3004,  3011,  3018,  3025,  3031,  3038,
-   3045,  3052,  3059,  3065,  3072,  3079,  3085,  3092,
-   3098,  3105,  3111,  3117,  3124,  3130,  3136,  3143,
-   3149,  3155,  3161,  3167,  3173,  3179,  3185,  3191,
-   3197,  3203,  3209,  3215,  3221,  3226,  3232,  3238,
-   3243,  3249,  3254,  3260,  3265,  3271,  3276,  3282,
-   3287,  3292,  3297,  3303,  3308,  3313,  3318,  3323,
-   3328,  3333,  3338,  3343,  3348,  3353,  3357,  3362,
-   3367,  3372,  3376,  3381,  3385,  3390,  3395,  3399,
-   3403,  3408,  3412,  3416,  3421,  3425,  3429,  3433,
-   3437,  3442,  3446,  3450,  3454,  3458,  3461,  3465,
-   3469,  3473,  3477,  3480,  3484,  3488,  3491,  3495,
-   3498,  3502,  3505,  3509,  3512,  3515,  3519,  3522,
-   3525,  3528,  3532,  3535,  3538,  3541,  3544,  3547,
-   3550,  3553,  3556,  3558,  3561,  3564,  3567,  3569,
-   3572,  3575,  3577,  3580,  3582,  3585,  3587,  3589,
-   3592,  3594,  3596,  3598,  3601,  3603,  3605,  3607,
-   3609,  3611,  3613,  3615,  3617,  3619,  3621,  3622,
-   3624,  3626,  3627,  3629,  3631,  3632,  3634,  3635,
-   3637,  3638,  3640,  3641,  3642,  3644,  3645,  3646,
-   3647,  3648,  3649,  3650,  3651,  3652,  3653,  3654,
-   3655,  3656,  3657,  3658,  3658,  3659,  3660,  3660,
-   3661,  3662,  3662,  3663,  3663,  3663,  3664,  3664,
-   3664,  3665,  3665,  3665,  3665,  3665,  3666,  3666,
-   3666,  3666,  3666,  3665,  3665,  3665,  3665,  3665,
-   3665,  3664,  3664,  3664,  3663,  3663,  3662,  3662,
-   3661,  3661,  3660,  3659,  3659,  3658,  3657,  3657,
-   3656,  3655,  3654,  3653,  3652,  3651,  3650,  3649,
-   3648,  3647,  3646,  3645,  3643,  3642,  3641,  3640,
-   3638,  3637,  3635,  3634,  3633,  3631,  3630,  3628,
-   3626,  3625,  3623,  3621,  3620,  3618,  3616,  3614,
-   3612,  3610,  3608,  3606,  3604,  3602,  3600,  3598,
-   3596,  3594,  3592,  3589,  3587,  3585,  3583,  3580,
-   3578,  3575,  3573,  3570,  3568,  3565,  3563,  3560,
-   3557,  3555,  3552,  3549,  3547,  3544,  3541,  3538,
-   3535,  3532,  3529,  3526,  3523,  3520,  3517,  3514,
-   3511,  3508,  3505,  3501,  3498,  3495,  3491,  3488,
-   3485,  3481,  3478,  3474,  3471,  3467,  3464,  3460,
-   3457,  3453,  3449,  3446,  3442,  3438,  3434,  3430,
-   3427,  3423,  3419,  3415,  3411,  3407,  3403,  3399,
-   3395,  3391,  3387,  3382,  3378,  3374,  3370,  3365,
-   3361,  3357,  3352,  3348,  3344,  3339,  3335,  3330,
-   3326,  3321,  3317,  3312,  3307,  3303,  3298,  3293,
-   3289,  3284,  3279,  3274,  3269,  3264,  3260,  3255,
-   3250,  3245,  3240,  3235,  3230,  3224,  3219,  3214,
-   3209,  3204,  3199,  3193,  3188,  3183,  3178,  3172,
-   3167,  3162,  3156,  3151,  3145,  3140,  3134,  3129,
-   3123,  3118,  3112,  3106,  3101,  3095,  3089,  3084,
-   3078,  3072,  3066,  3060,  3055,  3049,  3043,  3037,
-   3031,  3025,  3019,  3013,  3007,  3001,  2995,  2989,
-   2983,  2977,  2970,  2964,  2958,  2952,  2945,  2939,
-   2933,  2927,  2920,  2914,  2908,  2901,  2895,  2888,
-   2882,  2875,  2869,  2862,  2856,  2849,  2843,  2836,
-   2829,  2823,  2816,  2809,  2803,  2796,  2789,  2782,
-   2776,  2769,  2762,  2755,  2748,  2741,  2734,  2727,
-   2720,  2714,  2707,  2700,  2692,  2685,  2678,  2671,
-   2664,  2657,  2650,  2643,  2636,  2628,  2621,  2614,
-   2607,  2599,  2592,  2585,  2578,  2570,  2563,  2556,
-   2548,  2541,  2533,  2526,  2518,  2511,  2504,  2496,
-   2489,  2481,  2473,  2466,  2458,  2451,  2443,  2435,
-   2428,  2420,  2412,  2405,  2397,  2389,  2382,  2374,
-   2366,  2358,  2351,  2343,  2335,  2327,  2319,  2311,
-   2303,  2296,  2288,  2280,  2272,  2264,  2256,  2248,
-   2240,  2232,  2224,  2216,  2208,  2200,  2192,  2183,
-   2175,  2167,  2159,  2151,  2143,  2135,  2127,  2118,
-   2110,  2102,  2094,  2085,  2077,  2069,  2061,  2052,
-   2044,  2036,  2027,  2019,  2011,  2002,  1994,  1986,
-   1977,  1969,  1961,  1952,  1944,  1935,  1927,  1918,
-   1910,  1901,  1893,  1884,  1876,  1867,  1859,  1850,
-   1842,  1833,  1825,  1816,  1808,  1799,  1790,  1782,
-   1773,  1765,  1756,  1747,  1739,  1730,  1721,  1713,
-   1704,  1695,  1687,  1678,  1669,  1660,  1652,  1643,
-   1634,  1625,  1617,  1608,  1599,  1590,  1582,  1573,
-   1564,  1555,  1546,  1538,  1529,  1520,  1511,  1502,
-   1493,  1485,  1476,  1467,  1458,  1449,  1440,  1431,
-   1423,  1414,  1405,  1396,  1387,  1378,  1369,  1360,
-   1351,  1342,  1333,  1324,  1316,  1307,  1298,  1289,
-   1280,  1271,  1262,  1253,  1244,  1235,  1226,  1217,
-   1208,  1199,  1190,  1181,  1172,  1163,  1154,  1145,
-   1136,  1127,  1118,  1109,  1100,  1091,  1082,  1073,
-   1064,  1055,  1046,  1037,  1028,  1019,  1010,  1001,
-    992,   983,   974,   965,   956,   947,   938,   929,
-    920,   910,   901,   892,   883,   874,   865,   856,
-    847,   838,   829,   820,   811,   802,   793,   784,
-    775,   766,   757,   748,   739,   730,   721,   712,
-    703,   694,   685,   676,   667,   658,   649,   640,
-    631,   622,   613,   604,   595,   586,   577,   568,
-    559,   550,   541,   532,   523,   514,   505,   496,
-    488,   479,   470,   461,   452,   443,   434,   425,
-    416,   407,   398,   389,   381,   372,   363,   354,
-    345,   336,   327,   318,   310,   301,   292,   283,
-    274,   265,   257,   248,   239,   230,   221,   213,
-    204,   195,   186,   178,   169,   160,   151,   143,
-    134,   125,   116,   108,    99,    90,    82,    73,
-     64,    56,    47,    38,    30,    21,    12,     4,
-     -5,   -13,   -22,   -30,   -39,   -48,   -56,   -65,
-    -73,   -82,   -90,   -99,  -107,  -116,  -124,  -133,
-   -141,  -150,  -158,  -167,  -175,  -183,  -192,  -200,
-   -209,  -217,  -225,  -234,  -242,  -250,  -259,  -267,
-   -275,  -284,  -292,  -300,  -309,  -317,  -325,  -333,
-   -342,  -350,  -358,  -366,  -374,  -382,  -391,  -399,
-   -407,  -415,  -423,  -431,  -439,  -447,  -456,  -464,
-   -472,  -480,  -488,  -496,  -504,  -512,  -520,  -528,
-   -536,  -543,  -551,  -559,  -567,  -575,  -583,  -591,
-   -599,  -606,  -614,  -622,  -630,  -638,  -645,  -653,
-   -661,  -669,  -676,  -684,  -692,  -699,  -707,  -715,
-   -722,  -730,  -738,  -745,  -753,  -760,  -768,  -775,
-   -783,  -790,  -798,  -805,  -813,  -820,  -828,  -835,
-   -842,  -850,  -857,  -865,  -872,  -879,  -887,  -894,
-   -901,  -908,  -916,  -923,  -930,  -937,  -945,  -952,
-   -959,  -966,  -973,  -980,  -987,  -994, -1001, -1009,
-  -1016, -1023, -1030, -1037, -1044, -1050, -1057, -1064,
-  -1071, -1078, -1085, -1092, -1099, -1105, -1112, -1119,
-  -1126, -1133, -1139, -1146, -1153, -1159, -1166, -1173,
-  -1179, -1186, -1193, -1199, -1206, -1212, -1219, -1225,
-  -1232, -1238, -1245, -1251, -1258, -1264, -1270, -1277,
-  -1283, -1289, -1296, -1302, -1308, -1315, -1321, -1327,
-  -1333, -1339, -1346, -1352, -1358, -1364, -1370, -1376,
-  -1382, -1388, -1394, -1400, -1406, -1412, -1418, -1424,
-  -1430, -1436, -1442, -1448, -1454, -1459, -1465, -1471,
-  -1477, -1482, -1488, -1494, -1500, -1505, -1511, -1516,
-  -1522, -1528, -1533, -1539, -1544, -1550, -1555, -1561,
-  -1566, -1572, -1577, -1582, -1588, -1593, -1599, -1604,
-  -1609, -1614, -1620, -1625, -1630, -1635, -1640, -1646,
-  -1651, -1656, -1661, -1666, -1671, -1676, -1681, -1686,
-  -1691, -1696, -1701, -1706, -1711, -1716, -1720, -1725,
-  -1730, -1735, -1740, -1744, -1749, -1754, -1758, -1763,
-  -1768, -1772, -1777, -1782, -1786, -1791, -1795, -1800,
-  -1804, -1809, -1813, -1817, -1822, -1826, -1830, -1835,
-  -1839, -1843, -1848, -1852, -1856, -1860, -1864, -1869,
-  -1873, -1877, -1881, -1885, -1889, -1893, -1897, -1901,
-  -1905, -1909, -1913, -1917, -1921, -1925, -1928, -1932,
-  -1936, -1940, -1944, -1947, -1951, -1955, -1958, -1962,
-  -1966, -1969, -1973, -1976, -1980, -1983, -1987, -1990,
-  -1994, -1997, -2001, -2004, -2007, -2011, -2014, -2017,
-  -2021, -2024, -2027, -2030, -2033, -2037, -2040, -2043,
-  -2046, -2049, -2052, -2055, -2058, -2061, -2064, -2067,
-  -2070, -2073, -2076, -2079, -2081, -2084, -2087, -2090,
-  -2092, -2095, -2098, -2101, -2103, -2106, -2108, -2111,
-  -2114, -2116, -2119, -2121, -2124, -2126, -2129, -2131,
-  -2133, -2136, -2138, -2140, -2143, -2145, -2147, -2150,
-  -2152, -2154, -2156, -2158, -2160, -2162, -2165, -2167,
-  -2169, -2171, -2173, -2175, -2177, -2179, -2180, -2182,
-  -2184, -2186, -2188, -2190, -2191, -2193, -2195, -2197,
-  -2198, -2200, -2202, -2203, -2205, -2206, -2208, -2209,
-  -2211, -2212, -2214, -2215, -2217, -2218, -2220, -2221,
-  -2222, -2224, -2225, -2226, -2227, -2229, -2230, -2231,
-  -2232, -2233, -2234, -2236, -2237, -2238, -2239, -2240,
-  -2241, -2242, -2243, -2244, -2244, -2245, -2246, -2247,
-  -2248, -2249, -2249, -2250, -2251, -2252, -2252, -2253,
-  -2254, -2254, -2255, -2255, -2256, -2256, -2257, -2257,
-  -2258, -2258, -2259, -2259, -2260, -2260, -2260, -2261,
-  -2261, -2261, -2261, -2262, -2262, -2262, -2262, -2262,
-  -2263, -2263, -2263, -2263, -2263, -2263, -2263, -2263,
-  -2263, -2263, -2263, -2263, -2262, -2262, -2262, -2262,
-  -2262, -2261, -2261, -2261, -2261, -2260, -2260, -2260,
-  -2259, -2259, -2259, -2258, -2258, -2257, -2257, -2256,
-  -2256, -2255, -2254, -2254, -2253, -2253, -2252, -2251,
-  -2251, -2250, -2249, -2248, -2248, -2247, -2246, -2245,
-  -2244, -2243, -2242, -2242, -2241, -2240, -2239, -2238,
-  -2237, -2236, -2235, -2233, -2232, -2231, -2230, -2229,
-  -2228, -2227, -2225, -2224, -2223, -2222, -2220, -2219,
-  -2218, -2216, -2215, -2214, -2212, -2211, -2209, -2208,
-  -2206, -2205, -2203, -2202, -2200, -2199, -2197, -2195,
-  -2194, -2192, -2190, -2189, -2187, -2185, -2184, -2182,
-  -2180, -2178, -2176, -2174, -2173, -2171, -2169, -2167,
-  -2165, -2163, -2161, -2159, -2157, -2155, -2153, -2151,
-  -2149, -2147, -2145, -2142, -2140, -2138, -2136, -2134,
-  -2132, -2129, -2127, -2125, -2122, -2120, -2118, -2116,
-  -2113, -2111, -2108, -2106, -2104, -2101, -2099, -2096,
-  -2094, -2091, -2089, -2086, -2083, -2081, -2078, -2076,
-  -2073, -2070, -2068, -2065, -2062, -2060, -2057, -2054,
-  -2051, -2049, -2046, -2043, -2040, -2037, -2034, -2031,
-  -2029, -2026, -2023, -2020, -2017, -2014, -2011, -2008,
-  -2005, -2002, -1999, -1996, -1992, -1989, -1986, -1983,
-  -1980, -1977, -1974, -1970, -1967, -1964, -1961, -1957,
-  -1954, -1951, -1948, -1944, -1941, -1938, -1934, -1931,
-  -1927, -1924, -1921, -1917, -1914, -1910, -1907, -1903,
-  -1900, -1896, -1893, -1889, -1886, -1882, -1878, -1875,
-  -1871, -1868, -1864, -1860, -1857, -1853, -1849, -1845,
-  -1842, -1838, -1834, -1830, -1827, -1823, -1819, -1815,
-  -1811, -1807, -1804, -1800, -1796, -1792, -1788, -1784,
-  -1780, -1776, -1772, -1768, -1764, -1760, -1756, -1752,
-  -1748, -1744, -1740, -1736, -1732, -1728, -1724, -1719,
-  -1715, -1711, -1707, -1703, -1699, -1694, -1690, -1686,
-  -1682, -1677, -1673, -1669, -1665, -1660, -1656, -1652,
-  -1647, -1643, -1639, -1634, -1630, -1625, -1621, -1617,
-  -1612, -1608, -1603, -1599, -1594, -1590, -1586, -1581,
-  -1577, -1572, -1567, -1563, -1558, -1554, -1549, -1545,
-  -1540, -1535, -1531, -1526, -1522, -1517, -1512, -1508,
-  -1503, -1498, -1494, -1489, -1484, -1480, -1475, -1470,
-  -1465, -1461, -1456, -1451, -1446, -1441, -1437, -1432,
-  -1427, -1422, -1417, -1413, -1408, -1403, -1398, -1393,
-  -1388, -1383, -1378, -1374, -1369, -1364, -1359, -1354,
-  -1349, -1344, -1339, -1334, -1329, -1324, -1319, -1314,
-  -1309, -1304, -1299, -1294, -1289, -1284, -1279, -1274,
-  -1269, -1264, -1258, -1253, -1248, -1243, -1238, -1233,
-  -1228, -1223, -1218, -1212, -1207, -1202, -1197, -1192,
-  -1187, -1181, -1176, -1171, -1166, -1161, -1155, -1150,
-  -1145, -1140, -1135, -1129, -1124, -1119, -1114, -1108,
-  -1103, -1098, -1092, -1087, -1082, -1077, -1071, -1066,
-  -1061, -1055, -1050, -1045, -1039, -1034, -1029, -1023,
-  -1018, -1013, -1007, -1002,  -997,  -991,  -986,  -980,
-   -975,  -970,  -964,  -959,  -953,  -948,  -943,  -937,
-   -932,  -926,  -921,  -916,  -910,  -905,  -899,  -894,
-   -888,  -883,  -877,  -872,  -867,  -861,  -856,  -850,
-   -845,  -839,  -834,  -828,  -823,  -817,  -812,  -806,
-   -801,  -795,  -790,  -784,  -779,  -773,  -768,  -762,
-   -757,  -751,  -746,  -740,  -735,  -729,  -724,  -718,
-   -713,  -707,  -702,  -696,  -691,  -685,  -680,  -674,
-   -669,  -663,  -658,  -652,  -646,  -641,  -635,  -630,
-   -624,  -619,  -613,  -608,  -602,  -597,  -591,  -585,
-   -580,  -574,  -569,  -563,  -558,  -552,  -547,  -541,
-   -536,  -530,  -524,  -519,  -513,  -508,  -502,  -497,
-   -491,  -486,  -480,  -475,  -469,  -464,  -458,  -452,
-   -447,  -441,  -436,  -430,  -425,  -419,  -414,  -408,
-   -403,  -397,  -392,  -386,  -381,  -375,  -369,  -364,
-   -358,  -353,  -347,  -342,  -336,  -331,  -325,  -320,
-   -314,  -309,  -303,  -298,  -292,  -287,  -281,  -276,
-   -270,  -265,  -259,  -254,  -248,  -243,  -238,  -232,
-   -227,  -221,  -216,  -210,  -205,  -199,  -194,  -188,
-   -183,  -178,  -172,  -167,  -161,  -156,  -150,  -145,
-   -140,  -134,  -129,  -123,  -118,  -113,  -107,  -102,
-    -96,   -91,   -86,   -80,   -75,   -70,   -64,   -59,
-    -53,   -48,   -43,   -37,   -32,   -27,   -21,   -16,
-    -11,    -5,     0,     5,    10,    16,    21,    26,
-     32,    37,    42,    47,    53,    58,    63,    68,
-     74,    79,    84,    89,    95,   100,   105,   110,
-    115,   121,   126,   131,   136,   141,   146,   152,
-    157,   162,   167,   172,   177,   182,   187,   193,
-    198,   203,   208,   213,   218,   223,   228,   233,
-    238,   243,   248,   253,   258,   263,   268,   273,
-    278,   283,   288,   293,   298,   303,   308,   313,
-    318,   323,   328,   333,   338,   343,   347,   352,
-    357,   362,   367,   372,   377,   382,   386,   391,
-    396,   401,   406,   410,   415,   420,   425,   429,
-    434,   439,   444,   448,   453,   458,   463,   467,
-    472,   477,   481,   486,   491,   495,   500,   505,
-    509,   514,   518,   523,   528,   532,   537,   541,
-    546,   550,   555,   559,   564,   568,   573,   577,
-    582,   586,   591,   595,   600,   604,   608,   613,
-    617,   622,   626,   630,   635,   639,   643,   648,
-    652,   656,   661,   665,   669,   674,   678,   682,
-    686,   691,   695,   699,   703,   707,   712,   716,
-    720,   724,   728,   732,   737,   741,   745,   749,
-    753,   757,   761,   765,   769,   773,   777,   781,
-    785,   789,   793,   797,   801,   805,   809,   813,
-    817,   821,   825,   829,   832,   836,   840,   844,
-    848,   852,   855,   859,   863,   867,   871,   874,
-    878,   882,   885,   889,   893,   897,   900,   904,
-    908,   911,   915,   918,   922,   926,   929,   933,
-    936,   940,   943,   947,   950,   954,   957,   961,
-    964,   968,   971,   975,   978,   981,   985,   988,
-    992,   995,   998,  1002,  1005,  1008,  1012,  1015,
-   1018,  1021,  1025,  1028,  1031,  1034,  1038,  1041,
-   1044,  1047,  1050,  1053,  1057,  1060,  1063,  1066,
-   1069,  1072,  1075,  1078,  1081,  1084,  1087,  1090,
-   1093,  1096,  1099,  1102,  1105,  1108,  1111,  1114,
-   1117,  1119,  1122,  1125,  1128,  1131,  1134,  1136,
-   1139,  1142,  1145,  1148,  1150,  1153,  1156,  1158,
-   1161,  1164,  1166,  1169,  1172,  1174,  1177,  1179,
-   1182,  1185,  1187,  1190,  1192,  1195,  1197,  1200,
-   1202,  1205,  1207,  1210,  1212,  1214,  1217,  1219,
-   1222,  1224,  1226,  1229,  1231,  1233,  1236,  1238,
-   1240,  1242,  1245,  1247,  1249,  1251,  1253,  1256,
-   1258,  1260,  1262,  1264,  1266,  1268,  1271,  1273,
-   1275,  1277,  1279,  1281,  1283,  1285,  1287,  1289,
-   1291,  1293,  1295,  1297,  1298,  1300,  1302,  1304,
-   1306,  1308,  1310,  1311,  1313,  1315,  1317,  1319,
-   1320,  1322,  1324,  1325,  1327,  1329,  1330,  1332,
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-   1357,  1355,  1354,  1353,  1351,  1350,  1348,  1347,
-   1346,  1344,  1343,  1341,  1340,  1338,  1337,  1335,
-   1334,  1332,  1331,  1329,  1328,  1326,  1325,  1323,
-   1322,  1320,  1318,  1317,  1315,  1314,  1312,  1310,
-   1309,  1307,  1305,  1304,  1302,  1300,  1299,  1297,
-   1295,  1293,  1292,  1290,  1288,  1286,  1284,  1283,
-   1281,  1279,  1277,  1275,  1274,  1272,  1270,  1268,
-   1266,  1264,  1262,  1260,  1258,  1257,  1255,  1253,
-   1251,  1249,  1247,  1245,  1243,  1241,  1239,  1237,
-   1235,  1233,  1231,  1229,  1227,  1224,  1222,  1220,
-   1218,  1216,  1214,  1212,  1210,  1208,  1205,  1203,
-   1201,  1199,  1197,  1195,  1192,  1190,  1188,  1186,
-   1183,  1181,  1179,  1177,  1174,  1172,  1170,  1168,
-   1165,  1163,  1161,  1158,  1156,  1154,  1151,  1149,
-   1147,  1144,  1142,  1140,  1137,  1135,  1132,  1130,
-   1128,  1125,  1123,  1120,  1118,  1115,  1113,  1110,
-   1108,  1105,  1103,  1100,  1098,  1095,  1093,  1090,
-   1088,  1085,  1083,  1080,  1078,  1075,  1073,  1070,
-   1067,  1065,  1062,  1060,  1057,  1054,  1052,  1049,
-   1046,  1044,  1041,  1038,  1036,  1033,  1030,  1028,
-   1025,  1022,  1020,  1017,  1014,  1012,  1009,  1006,
-   1003,  1001,   998,   995,   992,   990,   987,   984,
-    981,   978,   976,   973,   970,   967,   964,   961,
-    959,   956,   953,   950,   947,   944,   942,   939,
-    936,   933,   930,   927,   924,   921,   918,   915,
-    913,   910,   907,   904,   901,   898,   895,   892,
-    889,   886,   883,   880,   877,   874,   871,   868,
-    865,   862,   859,   856,   853,   850,   847,   844,
-    841,   838,   835,   832,   829,   826,   823,   820,
-    817,   813,   810,   807,   804,   801,   798,   795,
-    792,   789,   786,   783,   779,   776,   773,   770,
-    767,   764,   761,   758,   754,   751,   748,   745,
-    742,   739,   735,   732,   729,   726,   723,   720,
-    716,   713,   710,   707,   704,   700,   697,   694,
-    691,   688,   684,   681,   678,   675,   671,   668,
-    665,   662,   659,   655,   652,   649,   646,   642,
-    639,   636,   633,   629,   626,   623,   620,   616,
-    613,   610,   606,   603,   600,   597,   593,   590,
-    587,   584,   580,   577,   574,   570,   567,   564,
-    560,   557,   554,   551,   547,   544,   541,   537,
-    534,   531,   527,   524,   521,   517,   514,   511,
-    507,   504,   501,   498,   494,   491,   488,   484,
-    481,   478,   474,   471,   468,   464,   461,   458,
-    454,   451,   448,   444,   441,   437,   434,   431,
-    427,   424,   421,   417,   414,   411,   407,   404,
-    401,   397,   394,   391,   387,   384,   381,   377,
-    374,   371,   367,   364,   361,   357,   354,   351,
-    347,   344,   341,   337,   334,   330,   327,   324,
-    320,   317,   314,   310,   307,   304,   300,   297,
-    294,   290,   287,   284,   280,   277,   274,   270,
-    267,   264,   260,   257,   254,   250,   247,   244,
-    240,   237,   234,   230,   227,   224,   221,   217,
-    214,   211,   207,   204,   201,   197,   194,   191,
-    187,   184,   181,   178,   174,   171,   168,   164,
-    161,   158,   154,   151,   148,   145,   141,   138,
-    135,   132,   128,   125,   122,   118,   115,   112,
-    109,   105,   102,    99,    96,    92,    89,    86,
-     83,    79,    76,    73,    70,    67,    63,    60,
-     57,    54,    50,    47,    44,    41,    38,    34,
-     31,    28,    25,    22,    18,    15,    12,     9,
-      6,     2,    -1,    -4,    -7,   -10,   -13,   -16,
-    -20,   -23,   -26,   -29,   -32,   -35,   -39,   -42,
-    -45,   -48,   -51,   -54,   -57,   -60,   -63,   -67,
-    -70,   -73,   -76,   -79,   -82,   -85,   -88,   -91,
-    -94,   -97,  -100,  -104,  -107,  -110,  -113,  -116,
-   -119,  -122,  -125,  -128,  -131,  -134,  -137,  -140,
-   -143,  -146,  -149,  -152,  -155,  -158,  -161,  -164,
-   -167,  -170,  -173,  -176,  -179,  -182,  -185,  -188,
-   -191,  -194,  -196,  -199,  -202,  -205,  -208,  -211,
-   -214,  -217,  -220,  -223,  -226,  -228,  -231,  -234,
-   -237,  -240,  -243,  -246,  -248,  -251,  -254,  -257,
-   -260,  -263,  -266,  -268,  -271,  -274,  -277,  -280,
-   -282,  -285,  -288,  -291,  -293,  -296,  -299,  -302,
-   -305,  -307,  -310,  -313,  -315,  -318,  -321,  -324,
-   -326,  -329,  -332,  -334,  -337,  -340,  -343,  -345,
-   -348,  -351,  -353,  -356,  -359,  -361,  -364,  -366,
-   -369,  -372,  -374,  -377,  -380,  -382,  -385,  -387,
-   -390,  -392,  -395,  -398,  -400,  -403,  -405,  -408,
-   -410,  -413,  -415,  -418,  -420,  -423,  -425,  -428,
-   -430,  -433,  -435,  -438,  -440,  -443,  -445,  -448,
-   -450,  -453,  -455,  -457,  -460,  -462,  -465,  -467,
-   -469,  -472,  -474,  -477,  -479,  -481,  -484,  -486,
-   -488,  -491,  -493,  -495,  -498,  -500,  -502,  -505,
-   -507,  -509,  -512,  -514,  -516,  -518,  -521,  -523,
-   -525,  -527,  -530,  -532,  -534,  -536,  -538,  -541,
-   -543,  -545,  -547,  -549,  -552,  -554,  -556,  -558,
-   -560,  -562,  -564,  -567,  -569,  -571,  -573,  -575,
-   -577,  -579,  -581,  -583,  -585,  -587,  -589,  -592,
-   -594,  -596,  -598,  -600,  -602,  -604,  -606,  -608,
-   -610,  -612,  -614,  -615,  -617,  -619,  -621,  -623,
-   -625,  -627,  -629,  -631,  -633,  -635,  -637,  -639,
-   -640,  -642,  -644,  -646,  -648,  -650,  -651,  -653,
-   -655,  -657,  -659,  -661,  -662,  -664,  -666,  -668,
-   -669,  -671,  -673,  -675,  -676,  -678,  -680,  -682,
-   -683,  -685,  -687,  -688,  -690,  -692,  -693,  -695,
-   -697,  -698,  -700,  -702,  -703,  -705,  -706,  -708,
-   -710,  -711,  -713,  -714,  -716,  -717,  -719,  -720,
-   -722,  -724,  -725,  -727,  -728,  -730,  -731,  -733,
-   -734,  -735,  -737,  -738,  -740,  -741,  -743,  -744,
-   -746,  -747,  -748,  -750,  -751,  -753,  -754,  -755,
-   -757,  -758,  -759,  -761,  -762,  -763,  -765,  -766,
-   -767,  -769,  -770,  -771,  -772,  -774,  -775,  -776,
-   -777,  -779,  -780,  -781,  -782,  -783,  -785,  -786,
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-   -776,  -774,  -773,  -772,  -771,  -770,  -769,  -768,
-   -767,  -766,  -765,  -763,  -762,  -761,  -760,  -759,
-   -758,  -757,  -755,  -754,  -753,  -752,  -751,  -750,
-   -748,  -747,  -746,  -745,  -744,  -743,  -741,  -740,
-   -739,  -738,  -736,  -735,  -734,  -733,  -732,  -730,
-   -729,  -728,  -727,  -725,  -724,  -723,  -722,  -720,
-   -719,  -718,  -716,  -715,  -714,  -713,  -711,  -710,
-   -709,  -707,  -706,  -705,  -703,  -702,  -701,  -699,
-   -698,  -697,  -695,  -694,  -693,  -691,  -690,  -689,
-   -687,  -686,  -685,  -683,  -682,  -680,  -679,  -678,
-   -676,  -675,  -673,  -672,  -671,  -669,  -668,  -666,
-   -665,  -664,  -662,  -661,  -659,  -658,  -656,  -655,
-   -654,  -652,  -651,  -649,  -648,  -646,  -645,  -643,
-   -642,  -640,  -639,  -638,  -636,  -635,  -633,  -632,
-   -630,  -629,  -627,  -626,  -624,  -623,  -621,  -620,
-   -618,  -617,  -615,  -614,  -612,  -610,  -609,  -607,
-   -606,  -604,  -603,  -601,  -600,  -598,  -597,  -595,
-   -594,  -592,  -590,  -589,  -587,  -586,  -584,  -583,
-   -581,  -579,  -578,  -576,  -575,  -573,  -572,  -570,
-   -568,  -567,  -565,  -564,  -562,  -560,  -559,  -557,
-   -556,  -554,  -552,  -551,  -549,  -547,  -546,  -544,
-   -543,  -541,  -539,  -538,  -536,  -534,  -533,  -531,
-   -530,  -528,  -526,  -525,  -523,  -521,  -520,  -518,
-   -516,  -515,  -513,  -511,  -510,  -508,  -506,  -505,
-   -503,  -501,  -500,  -498,  -496,  -495,  -493,  -491,
-   -490,  -488,  -486,  -485,  -483,  -481,  -479,  -478,
-   -476,  -474,  -473,  -471,  -469,  -468,  -466,  -464,
-   -462,  -461,  -459,  -457,  -456,  -454,  -452,  -450,
-   -449,  -447,  -445,  -444,  -442,  -440,  -438,  -437,
-   -435,  -433,  -432,  -430,  -428,  -426,  -425,  -423,
-   -421,  -419,  -418,  -416,  -414,  -413,  -411,  -409,
-   -407,  -406,  -404,  -402,  -400,  -399,  -397,  -395,
-   -393,  -392,  -390,  -388,  -386,  -385,  -383,  -381,
-   -379,  -378,  -376,  -374,  -372,  -371,  -369,  -367,
-   -365,  -364,  -362,  -360,  -358,  -357,  -355,  -353,
-   -351,  -350,  -348,  -346,  -344,  -343,  -341,  -339,
-   -337,  -336,  -334,  -332,  -330,  -328,  -327,  -325,
-   -323,  -321,  -320,  -318,  -316,  -314,  -313,  -311,
-   -309,  -307,  -306,  -304,  -302,  -300,  -299,  -297,
-   -295,  -293,  -291,  -290,  -288,  -286,  -284,  -283,
-   -281,  -279,  -277,  -276,  -274,  -272,  -270,  -269,
-   -267,  -265,  -263,  -262,  -260,  -258,  -256,  -255,
-   -253,  -251,  -249,  -247,  -246,  -244,  -242,  -240,
-   -239,  -237,  -235,  -233,  -232,  -230,  -228,  -226,
-   -225,  -223,  -221,  -219,  -218,  -216,  -214,  -213,
-   -211,  -209,  -207,  -206,  -204,  -202,  -200,  -199,
-   -197,  -195,  -193,  -192,  -190,  -188,  -186,  -185,
-   -183,  -181,  -180,  -178,  -176,  -174,  -173,  -171,
-   -169,  -167,  -166,  -164,  -162,  -161,  -159,  -157,
-   -155,  -154,  -152,  -150,  -149,  -147,  -145,  -143,
-   -142,  -140,  -138,  -137,  -135,  -133,  -132,  -130,
-   -128,  -126,  -125,  -123,  -121,  -120,  -118,  -116,
-   -115,  -113,  -111,  -110,  -108,  -106,  -105,  -103,
-   -101,   -99,   -98,   -96,   -94,   -93,   -91,   -89,
-    -88,   -86,   -84,   -83,   -81,   -80,   -78,   -76,
-    -75,   -73,   -71,   -70,   -68,   -66,   -65,   -63,
-    -61,   -60,   -58,   -57,   -55,   -53,   -52,   -50,
-    -48,   -47,   -45,   -43,   -42,   -40,   -39,   -37,
-    -35,   -34,   -32,   -31,   -29,   -27,   -26,   -24,
-    -23,   -21,   -19,   -18,   -16,   -15,   -13,   -11,
-    -10,    -8,    -7,    -5,    -4,    -2,     0,     1,
-      3,     4,     6,     7,     9,    10,    12,    14,
-     15,    17,    18,    20,    21,    23,    24,    26,
-     27,    29,    30,    32,    34,    35,    37,    38,
-     40,    41,    43,    44,    46,    47,    49,    50,
-     52,    53,    55,    56,    58,    59,    61,    62,
-     64,    65,    66,    68,    69,    71,    72,    74,
-     75,    77,    78,    80,    81,    82,    84,    85,
-     87,    88,    90,    91,    93,    94,    95,    97,
-     98,   100,   101,   102,   104,   105,   107,   108,
-    109,   111,   112,   114,   115,   116,   118,   119,
-    121,   122,   123,   125,   126,   127,   129,   130,
-    132,   133,   134,   136,   137,   138,   140,   141,
-    142,   144,   145,   146,   148,   149,   150,   152,
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-     26,    26,    26,    26,    26,    26,    26,    25,
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-     18,    17,    17,    17,    17,    17,    17,    17,
-     17,    17,    17,    16,    16,    16,    16,    16,
-     16,    16,    15,    15,    15,    15,    15,    15,
-     15,    15,    14,    14,    14,    14,    14,    14,
-     14,    14,    14,    14,    14,    14,    14,    14,
-     13,    13,    13,    13,    13,    13,    13,    13,
-     12,    12,    12,    12,    12,    12,    11,    11,
-     11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,
-     11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11,
-     11,    11,    11,    11,    10,    10,    10,    10,
-      9,     9,     9,     8,     8,     8,     7,     7,
-      7,     7,     7,     7,     7,     7,     8,     8,
-      9,     9,    10,    11,    12,    14,    15,    17,
-     18,    20,    21,    23,    25,    26,    28,    29,
-     31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    35,    36,    36,
-void computeCorrectionFactors(float *factors, unsigned nrChannels)
-  // The following matlab functions are used:
-  // f=fftshift(fft(Coeffs16384Kaiser_quant,262144))
-  // m=f(131073-128:131073+127)
-  // r=f(131073-128+256:131073+127+256)
-  // l=f(131073-128-256:131073+127-256)
-  // plot(2^50./(abs(m).^2+abs(l).^2+abs(r).^2))
-  unsigned fftSize = STATION_FFT_SIZE * nrChannels;
-  // We cannot make the fft smaller than the number of filter constants.
-  // it is not worth to use the more complex R2C FFTW method
-  std::vector<std::complex<float> > in(fftSize), out(fftSize);
-#if defined HAVE_FFTW3
-  fftwf_plan plan;
-#pragma omp critical (FFTW)
-  plan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(fftSize, reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex *>(&in[0]), reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex *>(&out[0]), FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
-#elif defined HAVE_FFTW2
-    fftw_plan plan;
-#pragma omp critical (FFTW)
-    plan = fftw_create_plan(fftSize, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
-#error need FFTW2 or FFTW3
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < STATION_FILTER_LENGTH; i ++)
-    in[i] = stationFilterConstants[i];
-  for (unsigned i = STATION_FILTER_LENGTH; i < fftSize; i ++)
-    in[i] = 0;
-#if defined HAVE_FFTW3
-  fftwf_execute(plan);
-#pragma omp critical (FFTW)
-  fftwf_destroy_plan(plan);
-#elif defined HAVE_FFTW2
-  fftw_one(plan, reinterpret_cast<fftw_complex *>(&in[0]), reinterpret_cast<fftw_complex *>(&out[0]));
-#pragma omp critical (FFTW)
-  fftw_destroy_plan(plan);
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < nrChannels; i ++) {
-    const std::complex<float> m = out[(i - nrChannels / 2) % fftSize];
-    const std::complex<float> l = out[(i - 3 * nrChannels / 2) % fftSize];
-    const std::complex<float> r = out[i + nrChannels / 2];
-    factors[i] = pow(2, 25) / sqrt(abs(m * m + l * l + r * r));
-  }
-} // namespace BandPass
-#if 0
-int main()
-  std::vector<float> factors(4096);
-  BandPass::computeCorrectionFactors(&factors[0], 4096);
-  return 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BandPass.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BandPass.h
deleted file mode 100644
index acdc9eff1c46882e27cff4ad90f5976651e3800e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BandPass.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef BANDPASS_H
-#define BANDPASS_H
-namespace BandPass {
-  void computeCorrectionFactors(float *factors, unsigned nrChannels);
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index b9d77ff7ac4749adca9a4267129afd7fd4ac9b44..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-#define MAX(A,B) ((A)>(B)?(A):(B))
-#define NR_PASSES MAX((NR_STATIONS + 6) / 16, 1) // gives best results on GTX 680
-#error "need more passes to beam form this number of stations"
-typedef __global float2 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL][NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-typedef __global float4 (*BandPassCorrectedType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];
-typedef __global float2 (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_TABS];
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *samplesPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType	complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  BandPassCorrectedType samples		= (BandPassCorrectedType) samplesPtr;
-  WeightsType		weights		= (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint pol		= get_local_id(0);
-  uint tab		= get_local_id(1);
-  uint channel		= get_global_id(2);
-  float2 sample;
-  __local union {
-    float2 samples[NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS][16][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-    float4 samples4[NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS][16];
-  } _local;
-#pragma unroll
-  for (uint first_station = 0; first_station < NR_STATIONS; first_station += NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS) {
-    float2 weight_00;
-    if (first_station + 0 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_00 = (*weights)[first_station +  0][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_01;
-    if (first_station + 1 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_01 = (*weights)[first_station +  1][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_02;
-    if (first_station + 2 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_02 = (*weights)[first_station +  2][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_03;
-    if (first_station + 3 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_03 = (*weights)[first_station +  3][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_04;
-    if (first_station + 4 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_04 = (*weights)[first_station +  4][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_05;
-    if (first_station + 5 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_05 = (*weights)[first_station +  5][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_06;
-    if (first_station + 6 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_06 = (*weights)[first_station +  6][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_07;
-    if (first_station + 7 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_07 = (*weights)[first_station +  7][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_08;
-    if (first_station + 8 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_08 = (*weights)[first_station +  8][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_09;
-    if (first_station + 9 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_09 = (*weights)[first_station +  9][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_10;
-    if (first_station + 10 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_10 = (*weights)[first_station + 10][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_11;
-    if (first_station + 11 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_11 = (*weights)[first_station + 11][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_12;
-    if (first_station + 12 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_12 = (*weights)[first_station + 12][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_13;
-    if (first_station + 13 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_13 = (*weights)[first_station + 13][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_14;
-    if (first_station + 14 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_14 = (*weights)[first_station + 14][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_15;
-    if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_15 = (*weights)[first_station + 15][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_16;
-    if (first_station + 16 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_16 = (*weights)[first_station + 16][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_17;
-    if (first_station + 17 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_17 = (*weights)[first_station + 17][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_18;
-    if (first_station + 18 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_18 = (*weights)[first_station + 18][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_19;
-    if (first_station + 19 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_19 = (*weights)[first_station + 19][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_20;
-    if (first_station + 20 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_20 = (*weights)[first_station + 20][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_21;
-    if (first_station + 21 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_21 = (*weights)[first_station + 21][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_22;
-    if (first_station + 22 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_22 = (*weights)[first_station + 22][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_23;
-    if (first_station + 23 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_23 = (*weights)[first_station + 23][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_24;
-    if (first_station + 24 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_24 = (*weights)[first_station + 24][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_25;
-    if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_25 = (*weights)[first_station + 25][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_26;
-    if (first_station + 26 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_26 = (*weights)[first_station + 26][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_27;
-    if (first_station + 27 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_27 = (*weights)[first_station + 27][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_28;
-    if (first_station + 28 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_28 = (*weights)[first_station + 28][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_29;
-    if (first_station + 29 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_29 = (*weights)[first_station + 29][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_30;
-    if (first_station + 30 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_30 = (*weights)[first_station + 30][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_31;
-    if (first_station + 31 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_31 = (*weights)[first_station + 31][channel][tab];
-    for (uint time = 0; time < NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; time += 16) {
-      for (uint i = get_local_id(0) + NR_POLARIZATIONS * get_local_id(1); i < NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS * 16; i += NR_TABS * NR_POLARIZATIONS) {
-	uint t = i % 16;
-	uint s = i / 16;
-	if (NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL % 16 == 0 || time + t < NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL)
-	  if (NR_STATIONS % NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS == 0 || first_station + s < NR_STATIONS)
-	    _local.samples4[0][i] = convert_float4((*samples)[first_station + s][channel][time + t]);
-      }
-      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-      for (uint t = 0; t < (NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL % 16 == 0 ? 16 : min(16U, NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL - time)); t ++) {
-	float2 sum = first_station == 0 ? 0 : (*complexVoltages)[channel][time + t][tab][pol];
-	if (first_station + 1 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 0][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_00.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_00.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 2 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 1][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_01.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_01.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 3 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 2][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_02.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_02.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 4 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 3][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_03.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_03.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 5 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 4][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_04.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_04.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 6 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 5][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_05.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_05.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 7 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 6][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_06.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_06.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 8 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 7][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_07.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_07.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 9 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 8][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_08.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_08.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 10 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 9][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_09.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_09.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 11 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[10][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_10.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_10.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 12 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[11][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_11.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_11.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 13 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[12][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_12.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_12.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 14 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[13][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_13.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_13.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[14][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_14.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_14.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[15][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_15.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_15.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 16 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[16][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_16.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_16.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 17 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[17][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_17.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_17.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 18 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[18][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_18.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_18.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 19 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[19][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_19.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_19.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 20 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[20][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_20.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_20.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 21 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[21][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_21.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_21.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 22 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[22][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_22.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_22.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 23 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[23][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_23.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_23.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[24][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_24.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_24.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[25][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_25.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_25.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 26 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[26][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_26.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_26.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 27 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[27][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_27.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_27.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 28 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[28][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_28.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_28.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 29 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[29][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_29.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_29.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 30 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[30][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_30.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_30.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 31 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[31][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_31.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_31.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	(*complexVoltages)[channel][time + t][tab][pol] = sum;
-      }
-      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f1d211419f4937459be9ecf7a4c5dbc50a45446..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl-0.ptx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by NVIDIA NVVM Compiler
-// Compiler built on Sat Sep 29 10:12:13 2012 (1348906333)
-// Driver 304.54
-.version 3.0
-.target sm_30, texmode_independent
-.address_size 32
-.extern .shared .align 16 .b8 shr_4__local[4096];
-.entry complexVoltages(
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 complexVoltages_param_0,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 complexVoltages_param_1,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 complexVoltages_param_2
-	.reg .f32 	%f<1124>;
-	.reg .pred 	%p<13>;
-	.reg .s32 	%r<206>;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r1, [complexVoltages_param_0];
-	ld.param.u32 	%r3, [complexVoltages_param_2];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r80, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r81, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r82, %envreg5;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r83, %ntid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r84, %ctaid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r85, %tid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r87, %r85, %r82;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r10, %r84, %r83, %r87;
-	shl.b32 	%r88, %r10, 10;
-	shl.b32 	%r89, %r81, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r90, %r88, %r89;
-	add.s32 	%r91, %r3, %r90;
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1028, %f1029}, [%r91];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1034, %f1035}, [%r91+2097152];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1040, %f1041}, [%r91+4194304];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1046, %f1047}, [%r91+6291456];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1052, %f1053}, [%r91+8388608];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1058, %f1059}, [%r91+10485760];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1064, %f1065}, [%r91+12582912];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1070, %f1071}, [%r91+14680064];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1076, %f1077}, [%r91+16777216];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1082, %f1083}, [%r91+18874368];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1088, %f1089}, [%r91+20971520];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1094, %f1095}, [%r91+23068672];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1100, %f1101}, [%r91+25165824];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1106, %f1107}, [%r91+27262976];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1112, %f1113}, [%r91+29360128];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f1118, %f1119}, [%r91+31457280];
-	shl.b32 	%r92, %r10, 16;
-	shl.b32 	%r93, %r81, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r94, %r92, %r93;
-	shl.b32 	%r95, %r80, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r96, %r94, %r95;
-	add.s32 	%r189, %r1, %r96;
-	mov.u32 	%r97, shr_4__local;
-	add.s32 	%r98, %r97, %r95;
-	add.s32 	%r12, %r98, 2048;
-	mov.u32 	%r182, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r187, %r189;
-	mov.u32 	%r13, %r187;
-	shl.b32 	%r15, %r182, 4;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r99, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r100, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r17, %r100, 1;
-	add.s32 	%r184, %r17, %r99;
-	setp.gt.u32 	%p1, %r184, 255;
-	@%p1 bra 	BB0_4;
-	add.s32 	%r19, %r99, %r17;
-	and.b32  	%r102, %r19, 15;
-	add.s32 	%r20, %r15, %r102;
-	mov.u32 	%r183, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r22, %r184;
-	add.s32 	%r103, %r19, %r183;
-	and.b32  	%r104, %r103, 65520;
-	shl.b32 	%r105, %r104, 16;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r179, [complexVoltages_param_1];
-	add.s32 	%r106, %r179, %r105;
-	shl.b32 	%r107, %r10, 9;
-	add.s32 	%r108, %r106, %r107;
-	shl.b32 	%r109, %r20, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r110, %r108, %r109;
-	shl.b32 	%r111, %r22, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r113, %r97, %r111;
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f1024, %f1025, %f1026, %f1027}, [%r110];
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r113], {%f1024, %f1025, %f1026, %f1027};
-	add.s32 	%r23, %r22, 256;
-	add.s32 	%r183, %r183, 256;
-	setp.gt.u32 	%p2, %r22, -257;
-	mov.u32 	%r184, %r23;
-	@%p2 bra 	BB0_3;
-	mov.u32 	%r186, %r12;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	mov.u32 	%r185, 16;
-	mov.u32 	%r188, %r13;
-	mov.u32 	%r28, %r188;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f798, %f799}, [%r186+-2048];
-	mov.f32 	%f1, 0f00000000;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f802, %f1028, %f798, %f1;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f803, %f1028, %f799, %f1;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f3, %f799;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f810, %f1029, %f3, %f802;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f811, %f1029, %f798, %f803;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f814, %f815}, [%r186+-1792];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f816, %f1034, %f814, %f810;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f817, %f1034, %f815, %f811;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f6, %f815;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f824, %f1035, %f6, %f816;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f825, %f1035, %f814, %f817;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f828, %f829}, [%r186+-1536];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f830, %f1040, %f828, %f824;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f831, %f1040, %f829, %f825;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f9, %f829;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f838, %f1041, %f9, %f830;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f839, %f1041, %f828, %f831;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f842, %f843}, [%r186+-1280];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f844, %f1046, %f842, %f838;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f845, %f1046, %f843, %f839;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f12, %f843;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f852, %f1047, %f12, %f844;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f853, %f1047, %f842, %f845;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f856, %f857}, [%r186+-1024];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f858, %f1052, %f856, %f852;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f859, %f1052, %f857, %f853;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f15, %f857;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f866, %f1053, %f15, %f858;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f867, %f1053, %f856, %f859;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f870, %f871}, [%r186+-768];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f872, %f1058, %f870, %f866;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f873, %f1058, %f871, %f867;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f18, %f871;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f880, %f1059, %f18, %f872;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f881, %f1059, %f870, %f873;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f884, %f885}, [%r186+-512];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f886, %f1064, %f884, %f880;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f887, %f1064, %f885, %f881;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f21, %f885;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f894, %f1065, %f21, %f886;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f895, %f1065, %f884, %f887;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f898, %f899}, [%r186+-256];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f900, %f1070, %f898, %f894;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f901, %f1070, %f899, %f895;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f24, %f899;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f908, %f1071, %f24, %f900;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f909, %f1071, %f898, %f901;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f912, %f913}, [%r186];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f914, %f1076, %f912, %f908;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f915, %f1076, %f913, %f909;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f27, %f913;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f922, %f1077, %f27, %f914;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f923, %f1077, %f912, %f915;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f926, %f927}, [%r186+256];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f928, %f1082, %f926, %f922;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f929, %f1082, %f927, %f923;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f30, %f927;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f936, %f1083, %f30, %f928;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f937, %f1083, %f926, %f929;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f940, %f941}, [%r186+512];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f942, %f1088, %f940, %f936;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f943, %f1088, %f941, %f937;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f33, %f941;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f950, %f1089, %f33, %f942;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f951, %f1089, %f940, %f943;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f954, %f955}, [%r186+768];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f956, %f1094, %f954, %f950;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f957, %f1094, %f955, %f951;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f36, %f955;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f964, %f1095, %f36, %f956;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f965, %f1095, %f954, %f957;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f968, %f969}, [%r186+1024];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f970, %f1100, %f968, %f964;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f971, %f1100, %f969, %f965;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f39, %f969;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f978, %f1101, %f39, %f970;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f979, %f1101, %f968, %f971;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f982, %f983}, [%r186+1280];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f984, %f1106, %f982, %f978;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f985, %f1106, %f983, %f979;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f42, %f983;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f992, %f1107, %f42, %f984;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f993, %f1107, %f982, %f985;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f996, %f997}, [%r186+1536];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f998, %f1112, %f996, %f992;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f999, %f1112, %f997, %f993;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f45, %f997;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f1006, %f1113, %f45, %f998;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f1007, %f1113, %f996, %f999;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f1010, %f1011}, [%r186+1792];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f1012, %f1118, %f1010, %f1006;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f1013, %f1118, %f1011, %f1007;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f48, %f1011;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f1020, %f1119, %f48, %f1012;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f1021, %f1119, %f1010, %f1013;
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r28], {%f1020, %f1021};
-	add.s32 	%r29, %r28, 2048;
-	add.s32 	%r186, %r186, 16;
-	add.s32 	%r185, %r185, -1;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p3, %r185, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r188, %r29;
-	@%p3 bra 	BB0_5;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	add.s32 	%r182, %r182, 1;
-	add.s32 	%r33, %r13, 32768;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p4, %r182, 2;
-	mov.u32 	%r189, %r33;
-	@%p4 bra 	BB0_1;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r181, [complexVoltages_param_2];
-	add.s32 	%r119, %r181, %r90;
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f702, %f703}, [%r119+33554432];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f708, %f709}, [%r119+35651584];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f714, %f715}, [%r119+37748736];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f720, %f721}, [%r119+39845888];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f726, %f727}, [%r119+41943040];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f732, %f733}, [%r119+44040192];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f738, %f739}, [%r119+46137344];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f744, %f745}, [%r119+48234496];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f750, %f751}, [%r119+50331648];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f756, %f757}, [%r119+52428800];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f762, %f763}, [%r119+54525952];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f768, %f769}, [%r119+56623104];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f774, %f775}, [%r119+58720256];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f780, %f781}, [%r119+60817408];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f786, %f787}, [%r119+62914560];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f792, %f793}, [%r119+65011712];
-	ld.param.u32 	%r176, [complexVoltages_param_0];
-	add.s32 	%r197, %r176, %r96;
-	mov.u32 	%r190, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r195, %r197;
-	mov.u32 	%r36, %r195;
-	shl.b32 	%r38, %r190, 4;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r129, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r130, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r40, %r130, 1;
-	add.s32 	%r192, %r40, %r129;
-	setp.gt.u32 	%p5, %r192, 255;
-	@%p5 bra 	BB0_11;
-	add.s32 	%r42, %r129, %r40;
-	and.b32  	%r132, %r42, 15;
-	add.s32 	%r43, %r38, %r132;
-	mov.u32 	%r191, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r45, %r192;
-	add.s32 	%r133, %r42, %r191;
-	shl.b32 	%r134, %r43, 4;
-	shl.b32 	%r135, %r10, 9;
-	shl.b32 	%r136, %r45, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r138, %r97, %r136;
-	and.b32  	%r139, %r133, 65520;
-	shl.b32 	%r140, %r139, 16;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r178, [complexVoltages_param_1];
-	add.s32 	%r141, %r140, %r178;
-	add.s32 	%r142, %r141, %r135;
-	add.s32 	%r143, %r142, %r134;
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f698, %f699, %f700, %f701}, [%r143+16777216];
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r138], {%f698, %f699, %f700, %f701};
-	add.s32 	%r46, %r45, 256;
-	add.s32 	%r191, %r191, 256;
-	setp.gt.u32 	%p6, %r45, -257;
-	mov.u32 	%r192, %r46;
-	@%p6 bra 	BB0_10;
-	mov.u32 	%r194, %r12;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	mov.u32 	%r193, 16;
-	mov.u32 	%r196, %r36;
-	mov.u32 	%r51, %r196;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f472, %f473}, [%r194+-2048];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f474, %f475}, [%r51];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f476, %f702, %f472, %f474;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f477, %f702, %f473, %f475;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f51, %f473;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f484, %f703, %f51, %f476;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f485, %f703, %f472, %f477;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f488, %f489}, [%r194+-1792];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f490, %f708, %f488, %f484;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f491, %f708, %f489, %f485;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f54, %f489;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f498, %f709, %f54, %f490;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f499, %f709, %f488, %f491;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f502, %f503}, [%r194+-1536];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f504, %f714, %f502, %f498;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f505, %f714, %f503, %f499;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f57, %f503;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f512, %f715, %f57, %f504;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f513, %f715, %f502, %f505;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f516, %f517}, [%r194+-1280];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f518, %f720, %f516, %f512;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f519, %f720, %f517, %f513;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f60, %f517;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f526, %f721, %f60, %f518;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f527, %f721, %f516, %f519;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f530, %f531}, [%r194+-1024];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f532, %f726, %f530, %f526;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f533, %f726, %f531, %f527;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f63, %f531;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f540, %f727, %f63, %f532;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f541, %f727, %f530, %f533;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f544, %f545}, [%r194+-768];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f546, %f732, %f544, %f540;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f547, %f732, %f545, %f541;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f66, %f545;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f554, %f733, %f66, %f546;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f555, %f733, %f544, %f547;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f558, %f559}, [%r194+-512];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f560, %f738, %f558, %f554;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f561, %f738, %f559, %f555;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f69, %f559;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f568, %f739, %f69, %f560;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f569, %f739, %f558, %f561;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f572, %f573}, [%r194+-256];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f574, %f744, %f572, %f568;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f575, %f744, %f573, %f569;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f72, %f573;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f582, %f745, %f72, %f574;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f583, %f745, %f572, %f575;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f586, %f587}, [%r194];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f588, %f750, %f586, %f582;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f589, %f750, %f587, %f583;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f75, %f587;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f596, %f751, %f75, %f588;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f597, %f751, %f586, %f589;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f600, %f601}, [%r194+256];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f602, %f756, %f600, %f596;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f603, %f756, %f601, %f597;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f78, %f601;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f610, %f757, %f78, %f602;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f611, %f757, %f600, %f603;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f614, %f615}, [%r194+512];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f616, %f762, %f614, %f610;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f617, %f762, %f615, %f611;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f81, %f615;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f624, %f763, %f81, %f616;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f625, %f763, %f614, %f617;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f628, %f629}, [%r194+768];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f630, %f768, %f628, %f624;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f631, %f768, %f629, %f625;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f84, %f629;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f638, %f769, %f84, %f630;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f639, %f769, %f628, %f631;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f642, %f643}, [%r194+1024];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f644, %f774, %f642, %f638;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f645, %f774, %f643, %f639;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f87, %f643;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f652, %f775, %f87, %f644;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f653, %f775, %f642, %f645;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f656, %f657}, [%r194+1280];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f658, %f780, %f656, %f652;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f659, %f780, %f657, %f653;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f90, %f657;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f666, %f781, %f90, %f658;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f667, %f781, %f656, %f659;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f670, %f671}, [%r194+1536];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f672, %f786, %f670, %f666;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f673, %f786, %f671, %f667;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f93, %f671;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f680, %f787, %f93, %f672;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f681, %f787, %f670, %f673;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f684, %f685}, [%r194+1792];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f686, %f792, %f684, %f680;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f687, %f792, %f685, %f681;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f96, %f685;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f694, %f793, %f96, %f686;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f695, %f793, %f684, %f687;
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r51], {%f694, %f695};
-	add.s32 	%r52, %r51, 2048;
-	add.s32 	%r194, %r194, 16;
-	add.s32 	%r193, %r193, -1;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p7, %r193, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r196, %r52;
-	@%p7 bra 	BB0_12;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	add.s32 	%r190, %r190, 1;
-	add.s32 	%r56, %r36, 32768;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p8, %r190, 2;
-	mov.u32 	%r197, %r56;
-	@%p8 bra 	BB0_8;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r180, [complexVoltages_param_2];
-	add.s32 	%r149, %r180, %r90;
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f376, %f377}, [%r149+67108864];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f382, %f383}, [%r149+69206016];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f388, %f389}, [%r149+71303168];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f394, %f395}, [%r149+73400320];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f400, %f401}, [%r149+75497472];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f406, %f407}, [%r149+77594624];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f412, %f413}, [%r149+79691776];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f418, %f419}, [%r149+81788928];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f424, %f425}, [%r149+83886080];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f430, %f431}, [%r149+85983232];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f436, %f437}, [%r149+88080384];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f442, %f443}, [%r149+90177536];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f448, %f449}, [%r149+92274688];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f454, %f455}, [%r149+94371840];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f460, %f461}, [%r149+96468992];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f466, %f467}, [%r149+98566144];
-	ld.param.u32 	%r175, [complexVoltages_param_0];
-	add.s32 	%r205, %r175, %r96;
-	mov.u32 	%r198, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r203, %r205;
-	mov.u32 	%r59, %r203;
-	shl.b32 	%r61, %r198, 4;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r159, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r160, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r63, %r160, 1;
-	add.s32 	%r200, %r63, %r159;
-	setp.gt.u32 	%p9, %r200, 255;
-	@%p9 bra 	BB0_18;
-	add.s32 	%r65, %r159, %r63;
-	and.b32  	%r162, %r65, 15;
-	add.s32 	%r66, %r61, %r162;
-	mov.u32 	%r199, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r68, %r200;
-	add.s32 	%r163, %r65, %r199;
-	shl.b32 	%r164, %r66, 4;
-	shl.b32 	%r165, %r10, 9;
-	shl.b32 	%r166, %r68, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r168, %r97, %r166;
-	and.b32  	%r169, %r163, 65520;
-	shl.b32 	%r170, %r169, 16;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r177, [complexVoltages_param_1];
-	add.s32 	%r171, %r170, %r177;
-	add.s32 	%r172, %r171, %r165;
-	add.s32 	%r173, %r172, %r164;
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f372, %f373, %f374, %f375}, [%r173+33554432];
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r168], {%f372, %f373, %f374, %f375};
-	add.s32 	%r69, %r68, 256;
-	add.s32 	%r199, %r199, 256;
-	setp.gt.u32 	%p10, %r68, -257;
-	mov.u32 	%r200, %r69;
-	@%p10 bra 	BB0_17;
-	mov.u32 	%r202, %r12;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	mov.u32 	%r201, 16;
-	mov.u32 	%r204, %r59;
-	mov.u32 	%r74, %r204;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f146, %f147}, [%r202+-2048];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f148, %f149}, [%r74];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f150, %f376, %f146, %f148;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f151, %f376, %f147, %f149;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f99, %f147;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f158, %f377, %f99, %f150;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f159, %f377, %f146, %f151;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f162, %f163}, [%r202+-1792];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f164, %f382, %f162, %f158;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f165, %f382, %f163, %f159;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f102, %f163;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f172, %f383, %f102, %f164;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f173, %f383, %f162, %f165;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f176, %f177}, [%r202+-1536];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f178, %f388, %f176, %f172;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f179, %f388, %f177, %f173;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f105, %f177;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f186, %f389, %f105, %f178;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f187, %f389, %f176, %f179;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f190, %f191}, [%r202+-1280];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f192, %f394, %f190, %f186;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f193, %f394, %f191, %f187;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f108, %f191;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f200, %f395, %f108, %f192;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f201, %f395, %f190, %f193;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f204, %f205}, [%r202+-1024];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f206, %f400, %f204, %f200;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f207, %f400, %f205, %f201;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f111, %f205;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f214, %f401, %f111, %f206;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f215, %f401, %f204, %f207;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f218, %f219}, [%r202+-768];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f220, %f406, %f218, %f214;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f221, %f406, %f219, %f215;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f114, %f219;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f228, %f407, %f114, %f220;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f229, %f407, %f218, %f221;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f232, %f233}, [%r202+-512];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f234, %f412, %f232, %f228;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f235, %f412, %f233, %f229;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f117, %f233;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f242, %f413, %f117, %f234;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f243, %f413, %f232, %f235;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f246, %f247}, [%r202+-256];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f248, %f418, %f246, %f242;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f249, %f418, %f247, %f243;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f120, %f247;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f256, %f419, %f120, %f248;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f257, %f419, %f246, %f249;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f260, %f261}, [%r202];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f262, %f424, %f260, %f256;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f263, %f424, %f261, %f257;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f123, %f261;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f270, %f425, %f123, %f262;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f271, %f425, %f260, %f263;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f274, %f275}, [%r202+256];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f276, %f430, %f274, %f270;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f277, %f430, %f275, %f271;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f126, %f275;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f284, %f431, %f126, %f276;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f285, %f431, %f274, %f277;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f288, %f289}, [%r202+512];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f290, %f436, %f288, %f284;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f291, %f436, %f289, %f285;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f129, %f289;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f298, %f437, %f129, %f290;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f299, %f437, %f288, %f291;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f302, %f303}, [%r202+768];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f304, %f442, %f302, %f298;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f305, %f442, %f303, %f299;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f132, %f303;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f312, %f443, %f132, %f304;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f313, %f443, %f302, %f305;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f316, %f317}, [%r202+1024];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f318, %f448, %f316, %f312;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f319, %f448, %f317, %f313;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f135, %f317;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f326, %f449, %f135, %f318;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f327, %f449, %f316, %f319;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f330, %f331}, [%r202+1280];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f332, %f454, %f330, %f326;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f333, %f454, %f331, %f327;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f138, %f331;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f340, %f455, %f138, %f332;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f341, %f455, %f330, %f333;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f344, %f345}, [%r202+1536];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f346, %f460, %f344, %f340;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f347, %f460, %f345, %f341;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f141, %f345;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f354, %f461, %f141, %f346;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f355, %f461, %f344, %f347;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f358, %f359}, [%r202+1792];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f360, %f466, %f358, %f354;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f361, %f466, %f359, %f355;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f144, %f359;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f368, %f467, %f144, %f360;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f369, %f467, %f358, %f361;
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r74], {%f368, %f369};
-	add.s32 	%r75, %r74, 2048;
-	add.s32 	%r202, %r202, 16;
-	add.s32 	%r201, %r201, -1;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p11, %r201, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r204, %r75;
-	@%p11 bra 	BB0_19;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	add.s32 	%r198, %r198, 1;
-	add.s32 	%r79, %r59, 32768;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p12, %r198, 2;
-	mov.u32 	%r205, %r79;
-	@%p12 bra 	BB0_15;
-	ret;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.4x3 b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.4x3
deleted file mode 100644
index dd4345c6780f1fe950027653833d328899aa4ae8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.4x3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-typedef __global float4 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_TABS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION][NR_CHANNELS];
-//typedef __global float4 (*CorrectedDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION];
-typedef __global float4 (*CorrectedDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION][NR_CHANNELS];
-typedef __global float2 (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_TABS];
-float2 cmul(float2 a, float2 b)
-  return (float2) { a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y, a.x * b.y + a.y * b.x };
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *correctedDataPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  CorrectedDataType   correctedData   = (CorrectedDataType) correctedDataPtr;
-  WeightsType	      weights	      = (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint first_tab	= 3 * get_global_id(0);
-  uint channel		= get_global_id(1);
-  uint first_station	= 4 * get_global_id(2);
-  float2 weight_0_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_0_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_0_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_1_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_1_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_1_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_2_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_2_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_2_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_3_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_3_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_3_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  __local float4 local_sums[3][NR_STATIONS / 4][NR_CHANNELS_PER_BLOCK][NR_TABS / 3];
-  for (int time = 0 - first_station / 4; time < NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION + NR_STATIONS - first_station / 4; time ++) {
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    float4 sum_0, sum_1, sum_2;
-    if (first_station == 0) {
-      sum_0 = sum_1 = sum_2 = (float4) { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-    } else {
-      sum_0 = local_sums[0][get_local_id(2) - 1][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-      sum_1 = local_sums[1][get_local_id(2) - 1][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-      sum_2 = local_sums[2][get_local_id(2) - 1][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-    }
-    float4 sample_0 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 0][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_1 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 1][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_2 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 2][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_3 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 3][time][channel];
-    sum_0 += weight_0_0.xxxx * sample_0;
-    sum_1 += weight_0_1.xxxx * sample_0;
-    sum_2 += weight_0_2.xxxx * sample_0;
-    sum_0 += weight_0_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_0.y, sample_0.x, -sample_0.w, sample_0.z };
-    sum_1 += weight_0_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_0.y, sample_0.x, -sample_0.w, sample_0.z };
-    sum_2 += weight_0_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_0.y, sample_0.x, -sample_0.w, sample_0.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_1_0.xxxx * sample_1;
-    sum_1 += weight_1_1.xxxx * sample_1;
-    sum_2 += weight_1_2.xxxx * sample_1;
-    sum_0 += weight_1_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_1.y, sample_1.x, -sample_1.w, sample_1.z };
-    sum_1 += weight_1_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_1.y, sample_1.x, -sample_1.w, sample_1.z };
-    sum_2 += weight_1_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_1.y, sample_1.x, -sample_1.w, sample_1.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_2_0.xxxx * sample_2;
-    sum_1 += weight_2_1.xxxx * sample_2;
-    sum_2 += weight_2_2.xxxx * sample_2;
-    sum_0 += weight_2_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_2.y, sample_2.x, -sample_2.w, sample_2.z };
-    sum_1 += weight_2_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_2.y, sample_2.x, -sample_2.w, sample_2.z };
-    sum_2 += weight_2_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_2.y, sample_2.x, -sample_2.w, sample_2.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_3_0.xxxx * sample_3;
-    sum_1 += weight_3_1.xxxx * sample_3;
-    sum_2 += weight_3_2.xxxx * sample_3;
-    sum_0 += weight_3_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_3.y, sample_3.x, -sample_3.w, sample_3.z };
-    sum_1 += weight_3_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_3.y, sample_3.x, -sample_3.w, sample_3.z };
-    sum_2 += weight_3_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_3.y, sample_3.x, -sample_3.w, sample_3.z };
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (first_station + 4 < NR_STATIONS) {
-      local_sums[0][get_local_id(2)][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)] = sum_0;
-      local_sums[1][get_local_id(2)][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)] = sum_1;
-      local_sums[2][get_local_id(2)][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)] = sum_2;
-    } else if (time >= 0) {
-      (*complexVoltages)[first_tab + 0][time][channel] = sum_0;
-      (*complexVoltages)[first_tab + 1][time][channel] = sum_1;
-      (*complexVoltages)[first_tab + 2][time][channel] = sum_2;
-    }
-#if 0
-    local_complex_voltages[tab][local_time_or_channel] = sum;
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    (*complexVoltages)[transposed_tab][start_time + local_time][transposed_channel] = local_complex_voltages[transposed_tab][transposed_channel];
-#elif defined STOKES_I || defined STOKES_IQUV
-    float powerX = sum.x * sum.x + sum.y * sum.y;
-    float powerY = sum.z * sum.z + sum.w * sum.w;
-    (*stokes)[tab][0][0][time_or_channel] = powerX + powerY;
-#if defined STOKES_IQUV
-    (*stokes)[tab][1][0][time_or_channel] = powerX - powerY;
-    (*stokes)[tab][2][0][time_or_channel] = 2 * (sum.x * sum.z + sum.y * sum.w);
-    (*stokes)[tab][3][0][time_or_channel] = 2 * (sum.y * sum.z - sum.x * sum.w);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.6x3 b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.6x3
deleted file mode 100644
index ab91e51706981c80d64181d152b298f4a83755e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.6x3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-typedef __global float4 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_TABS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION][NR_CHANNELS];
-//typedef __global float4 (*CorrectedDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION];
-typedef __global float4 (*CorrectedDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION][NR_CHANNELS];
-typedef __global float2 (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_TABS];
-float2 cmul(float2 a, float2 b)
-  return (float2) { a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y, a.x * b.y + a.y * b.x };
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *correctedDataPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  CorrectedDataType   correctedData   = (CorrectedDataType) correctedDataPtr;
-  WeightsType	      weights	      = (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint first_tab	= 3 * get_global_id(0);
-  uint channel		= get_global_id(1);
-  uint first_station	= 6 * get_global_id(2);
-  float2 weight_0_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_0_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_0_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_1_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_1_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_1_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_2_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_2_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_2_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_3_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_3_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_3_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_4_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_4_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_4_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_5_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_5_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_5_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  __local float4 local_sums[3][NR_STATIONS / 6][NR_CHANNELS_PER_BLOCK][NR_TABS / 3];
-  for (int time = 0 - first_station / 6; time < NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION + NR_STATIONS - first_station / 6; time ++) {
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    float4 sum_0, sum_1, sum_2;
-    if (first_station == 0) {
-      sum_0 = sum_1 = sum_2 = (float4) { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-    } else {
-      sum_0 = local_sums[0][get_local_id(2) - 1][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-      sum_1 = local_sums[1][get_local_id(2) - 1][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-      sum_2 = local_sums[2][get_local_id(2) - 1][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-    }
-    float4 sample_0 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 0][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_1 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 1][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_2 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 2][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_3 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 3][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_4 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 4][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_5 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 5][time][channel];
-    sum_0 += weight_0_0.xxxx * sample_0;
-    sum_1 += weight_0_1.xxxx * sample_0;
-    sum_2 += weight_0_2.xxxx * sample_0;
-    sum_0 += weight_0_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_0.y, sample_0.x, -sample_0.w, sample_0.z };
-    sum_1 += weight_0_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_0.y, sample_0.x, -sample_0.w, sample_0.z };
-    sum_2 += weight_0_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_0.y, sample_0.x, -sample_0.w, sample_0.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_1_0.xxxx * sample_1;
-    sum_1 += weight_1_1.xxxx * sample_1;
-    sum_2 += weight_1_2.xxxx * sample_1;
-    sum_0 += weight_1_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_1.y, sample_1.x, -sample_1.w, sample_1.z };
-    sum_1 += weight_1_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_1.y, sample_1.x, -sample_1.w, sample_1.z };
-    sum_2 += weight_1_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_1.y, sample_1.x, -sample_1.w, sample_1.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_2_0.xxxx * sample_2;
-    sum_1 += weight_2_1.xxxx * sample_2;
-    sum_2 += weight_2_2.xxxx * sample_2;
-    sum_0 += weight_2_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_2.y, sample_2.x, -sample_2.w, sample_2.z };
-    sum_1 += weight_2_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_2.y, sample_2.x, -sample_2.w, sample_2.z };
-    sum_2 += weight_2_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_2.y, sample_2.x, -sample_2.w, sample_2.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_3_0.xxxx * sample_3;
-    sum_1 += weight_3_1.xxxx * sample_3;
-    sum_2 += weight_3_2.xxxx * sample_3;
-    sum_0 += weight_3_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_3.y, sample_3.x, -sample_3.w, sample_3.z };
-    sum_1 += weight_3_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_3.y, sample_3.x, -sample_3.w, sample_3.z };
-    sum_2 += weight_3_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_3.y, sample_3.x, -sample_3.w, sample_3.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_4_0.xxxx * sample_4;
-    sum_1 += weight_4_1.xxxx * sample_4;
-    sum_2 += weight_4_2.xxxx * sample_4;
-    sum_0 += weight_4_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_4.y, sample_4.x, -sample_4.w, sample_4.z };
-    sum_1 += weight_4_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_4.y, sample_4.x, -sample_4.w, sample_4.z };
-    sum_2 += weight_4_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_4.y, sample_4.x, -sample_4.w, sample_4.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_5_0.xxxx * sample_5;
-    sum_1 += weight_5_1.xxxx * sample_5;
-    sum_2 += weight_5_2.xxxx * sample_5;
-    sum_0 += weight_5_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_5.y, sample_5.x, -sample_5.w, sample_5.z };
-    sum_1 += weight_5_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_5.y, sample_5.x, -sample_5.w, sample_5.z };
-    sum_2 += weight_5_1.yyyy * (float4) { -sample_5.y, sample_5.x, -sample_5.w, sample_5.z };
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (first_station + 6 < NR_STATIONS) {
-      local_sums[0][get_local_id(2)][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)] = sum_0;
-      local_sums[1][get_local_id(2)][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)] = sum_1;
-      local_sums[2][get_local_id(2)][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)] = sum_2;
-    } else if (time >= 0) {
-      (*complexVoltages)[first_tab + 0][time][channel] = sum_0;
-      (*complexVoltages)[first_tab + 1][time][channel] = sum_1;
-      (*complexVoltages)[first_tab + 2][time][channel] = sum_2;
-    }
-#if 0
-    local_complex_voltages[tab][local_time_or_channel] = sum;
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    (*complexVoltages)[transposed_tab][start_time + local_time][transposed_channel] = local_complex_voltages[transposed_tab][transposed_channel];
-#elif defined STOKES_I || defined STOKES_IQUV
-    float powerX = sum.x * sum.x + sum.y * sum.y;
-    float powerY = sum.z * sum.z + sum.w * sum.w;
-    (*stokes)[tab][0][0][time_or_channel] = powerX + powerY;
-#if defined STOKES_IQUV
-    (*stokes)[tab][1][0][time_or_channel] = powerX - powerY;
-    (*stokes)[tab][2][0][time_or_channel] = 2 * (sum.x * sum.z + sum.y * sum.w);
-    (*stokes)[tab][3][0][time_or_channel] = 2 * (sum.y * sum.z - sum.x * sum.w);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.bak b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index 07722c05093a0e1d2f05498b739e0e30849cb29e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-#define MAX(A,B) ((A)>(B)?(A):(B))
-#define NR_PASSES MAX((NR_STATIONS + 6) / 16, 1) // gives best results on GTX 680
-#error "need more passes to beam form this number of stations"
-typedef __global float2 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK];
-typedef __global float4 (*BandPassCorrectedType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK];
-typedef __global float2 (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_TABS];
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *samplesPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType	complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  BandPassCorrectedType samples		= (BandPassCorrectedType) samplesPtr;
-  WeightsType		weights		= (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint minor_time	= get_local_id(0);
-  uint tab		= get_global_id(1);
-  uint channel		= get_global_id(2);
-  float4 sample;
-  __local float4 local_samples[NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS][16];
-#pragma unroll
-  for (uint first_station = 0; first_station < NR_STATIONS; first_station += NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS) {
-    float2 weight_00;
-    if (first_station + 0 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_00 = (*weights)[first_station +  0][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_01;
-    if (first_station + 1 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_01 = (*weights)[first_station +  1][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_02;
-    if (first_station + 2 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_02 = (*weights)[first_station +  2][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_03;
-    if (first_station + 3 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_03 = (*weights)[first_station +  3][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_04;
-    if (first_station + 4 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_04 = (*weights)[first_station +  4][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_05;
-    if (first_station + 5 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_05 = (*weights)[first_station +  5][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_06;
-    if (first_station + 6 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_06 = (*weights)[first_station +  6][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_07;
-    if (first_station + 7 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_07 = (*weights)[first_station +  7][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_08;
-    if (first_station + 8 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_08 = (*weights)[first_station +  8][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_09;
-    if (first_station + 9 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_09 = (*weights)[first_station +  9][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_10;
-    if (first_station + 10 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_10 = (*weights)[first_station + 10][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_11;
-    if (first_station + 11 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_11 = (*weights)[first_station + 11][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_12;
-    if (first_station + 12 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_12 = (*weights)[first_station + 12][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_13;
-    if (first_station + 13 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_13 = (*weights)[first_station + 13][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_14;
-    if (first_station + 14 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_14 = (*weights)[first_station + 14][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_15;
-    if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_15 = (*weights)[first_station + 15][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_16;
-    if (first_station + 16 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_16 = (*weights)[first_station + 16][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_17;
-    if (first_station + 17 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_17 = (*weights)[first_station + 17][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_18;
-    if (first_station + 18 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_18 = (*weights)[first_station + 18][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_19;
-    if (first_station + 19 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_19 = (*weights)[first_station + 19][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_20;
-    if (first_station + 20 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_20 = (*weights)[first_station + 20][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_21;
-    if (first_station + 21 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_21 = (*weights)[first_station + 21][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_22;
-    if (first_station + 22 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_22 = (*weights)[first_station + 22][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_23;
-    if (first_station + 23 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_23 = (*weights)[first_station + 23][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_24;
-    if (first_station + 24 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_24 = (*weights)[first_station + 24][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_25;
-    if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_25 = (*weights)[first_station + 25][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_26;
-    if (first_station + 26 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_26 = (*weights)[first_station + 26][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_27;
-    if (first_station + 27 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_27 = (*weights)[first_station + 27][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_28;
-    if (first_station + 28 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_28 = (*weights)[first_station + 28][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_29;
-    if (first_station + 29 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_29 = (*weights)[first_station + 29][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_30;
-    if (first_station + 30 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_30 = (*weights)[first_station + 30][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_31;
-    if (first_station + 31 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_31 = (*weights)[first_station + 31][channel][tab];
-    for (uint time = 0; time < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK; time += 16) {
-#if 1
-      for (uint i = get_local_id(0) + 16 * get_local_id(1); i < NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS * 16; i += get_local_size(0) * get_local_size(1)) {
-	uint t = i % 16;
-	uint s = i / 16;
-	if (NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK % 16 == 0 || time + t < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK)
-	  if (NR_STATIONS % NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS == 0 || first_station + s < NR_STATIONS)
-	    local_samples[0][i] = (*samples)[first_station + s][channel][time + t];
-      }
-      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-      /*for (uint t = 0; t < (NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK % 16 == 0 ? 16 : min(16U, NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK - time)); t ++)*/ {
-	float4 sum = first_station == 0 ? 0 : (float4) ((*complexVoltages)[tab][0][channel][time + minor_time], (*complexVoltages)[tab][1][channel][time + minor_time]);
-	if (first_station + 1 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[0][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_00.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_00.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 2 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[1][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_01.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_01.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 3 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[2][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_02.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_02.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 4 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[3][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_03.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_03.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 5 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[4][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_04.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_04.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 6 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[5][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_05.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_05.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 7 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[6][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_06.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_06.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 8 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[7][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_07.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_07.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 9 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[8][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_08.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_08.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 10 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[9][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_09.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_09.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 11 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[10][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_10.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_10.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 12 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[11][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_11.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_11.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 13 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[12][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_12.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_12.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 14 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[13][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_13.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_13.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[14][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_14.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_14.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[15][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_15.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_15.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 16 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[16][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_16.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_16.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 17 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[17][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_17.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_17.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 18 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[18][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_18.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_18.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 19 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[19][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_19.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_19.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 20 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[20][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_20.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_20.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 21 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[21][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_21.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_21.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 22 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[22][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_22.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_22.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 23 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[23][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_23.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_23.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[24][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_24.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_24.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[25][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_25.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_25.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 26 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[26][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_26.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_26.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 27 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[27][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_27.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_27.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 28 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[28][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_28.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_28.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 29 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[29][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_29.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_29.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 30 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[30][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_30.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_30.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 31 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = local_samples[31][minor_time];
-	  sum += weight_31.xxxx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_31.yyyy * (float4) (-sample.y, sample.x, -sample.w, sample.z);
-	}
-	(*complexVoltages)[tab][0][channel][time + minor_time] = sum.xy;
-	(*complexVoltages)[tab][1][channel][time + minor_time] = sum.zw;
-      }
-      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.not b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.not
deleted file mode 100644
index ff5e84018cbd92de14bd35481f16987c2f294d41..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.not
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-typedef __global float4 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_TABS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION][NR_CHANNELS];
-//typedef __global float4 (*CorrectedDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION];
-typedef __global float4 (*CorrectedDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION][NR_CHANNELS];
-typedef __global float2 (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_TABS];
-float2 cmul(float2 a, float2 b)
-  return (float2) { a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y, a.x * b.y + a.y * b.x };
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *correctedDataPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  CorrectedDataType   correctedData   = (CorrectedDataType) correctedDataPtr;
-  WeightsType	      weights	      = (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint first_tab	= 3 * get_local_id(0);
-  uint channel		= get_global_id(1);
-  uint first_station	= 6 * get_local_id(2);
-  float2 weight_0_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_0_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_0_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_1_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_1_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_1_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_2_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_2_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_2_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_3_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_3_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_3_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_4_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_4_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_4_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_5_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_5_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_5_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  __local float4 local_sums[3][NR_STATIONS / 6 - 1][NR_CHANNELS_PER_BLOCK][NR_TABS / 3];
-  for (int i = 0; i < 2 * get_local_id(2); i ++)
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  for (int time = 0; time < (int) NR_SAMPLES_PER_INTEGRATION; time ++) {
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    float4 sum_0, sum_1, sum_2;
-    if (first_station == 0) {
-      sum_0 = sum_1 = sum_2 = (float4) { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-    } else {
-      sum_0 = local_sums[0][get_local_id(2) - 1][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-      sum_1 = local_sums[1][get_local_id(2) - 1][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-      sum_2 = local_sums[2][get_local_id(2) - 1][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-    }
-    float4 sample_0 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 0][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_1 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 1][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_2 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 2][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_3 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 3][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_4 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 4][time][channel];
-    float4 sample_5 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 5][time][channel];
-    sum_0 += weight_0_0.xxxx * sample_0;
-    sum_1 += weight_0_1.xxxx * sample_0;
-    sum_2 += weight_0_2.xxxx * sample_0;
-    float4 sample_0_tr = (float4) { -sample_0.y, sample_0.x, -sample_0.w, sample_0.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_0_0.yyyy * sample_0_tr;
-    sum_1 += weight_0_1.yyyy * sample_0_tr;
-    sum_2 += weight_0_2.yyyy * sample_0_tr;
-    sum_0 += weight_1_0.xxxx * sample_1;
-    sum_1 += weight_1_1.xxxx * sample_1;
-    sum_2 += weight_1_2.xxxx * sample_1;
-    float4 sample_1_tr = (float4) { -sample_1.y, sample_1.x, -sample_1.w, sample_1.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_1_0.yyyy * sample_1_tr;
-    sum_1 += weight_1_1.yyyy * sample_1_tr;
-    sum_2 += weight_1_2.yyyy * sample_1_tr;
-    sum_0 += weight_2_0.xxxx * sample_2;
-    sum_1 += weight_2_1.xxxx * sample_2;
-    sum_2 += weight_2_2.xxxx * sample_2;
-    float4 sample_2_tr = (float4) { -sample_2.y, sample_2.x, -sample_2.w, sample_2.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_2_0.yyyy * sample_2_tr;
-    sum_1 += weight_2_1.yyyy * sample_2_tr;
-    sum_2 += weight_2_2.yyyy * sample_2_tr;
-    sum_0 += weight_3_0.xxxx * sample_3;
-    sum_1 += weight_3_1.xxxx * sample_3;
-    sum_2 += weight_3_2.xxxx * sample_3;
-    float4 sample_3_tr = (float4) { -sample_3.y, sample_3.x, -sample_3.w, sample_3.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_3_0.yyyy * sample_3_tr;
-    sum_1 += weight_3_1.yyyy * sample_3_tr;
-    sum_2 += weight_3_2.yyyy * sample_3_tr;
-    sum_0 += weight_4_0.xxxx * sample_4;
-    sum_1 += weight_4_1.xxxx * sample_4;
-    sum_2 += weight_4_2.xxxx * sample_4;
-    float4 sample_4_tr = (float4) { -sample_4.y, sample_4.x, -sample_4.w, sample_4.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_4_0.yyyy * sample_4_tr;
-    sum_1 += weight_4_1.yyyy * sample_4_tr;
-    sum_2 += weight_4_2.yyyy * sample_4_tr;
-    sum_0 += weight_5_0.xxxx * sample_5;
-    sum_1 += weight_5_1.xxxx * sample_5;
-    sum_2 += weight_5_2.xxxx * sample_5;
-    float4 sample_5_tr = (float4) { -sample_5.y, sample_5.x, -sample_5.w, sample_5.z };
-    sum_0 += weight_5_0.yyyy * sample_5_tr;
-    sum_1 += weight_5_1.yyyy * sample_5_tr;
-    sum_2 += weight_5_2.yyyy * sample_5_tr;
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (first_station + 6 < NR_STATIONS) {
-      local_sums[0][get_local_id(2)][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)] = sum_0;
-      local_sums[1][get_local_id(2)][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)] = sum_1;
-      local_sums[2][get_local_id(2)][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)] = sum_2;
-    } else {
-      (*complexVoltages)[first_tab + 0][time][channel] = sum_0;
-      (*complexVoltages)[first_tab + 1][time][channel] = sum_1;
-      (*complexVoltages)[first_tab + 2][time][channel] = sum_2;
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i < 2 * (get_local_size(2) - 1 - get_local_id(2)); i ++)
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-#if 0
-#if defined STOKES_I || defined STOKES_IQUV
-    float powerX = sum.x * sum.x + sum.y * sum.y;
-    float powerY = sum.z * sum.z + sum.w * sum.w;
-    (*stokes)[tab][0][0][time_or_channel] = powerX + powerY;
-#if defined STOKES_IQUV
-    (*stokes)[tab][1][0][time_or_channel] = powerX - powerY;
-    (*stokes)[tab][2][0][time_or_channel] = 2 * (sum.x * sum.z + sum.y * sum.w);
-    (*stokes)[tab][3][0][time_or_channel] = 2 * (sum.y * sum.z - sum.x * sum.w);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.ok b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index 82eba8d0e89e844943f12e801c780347f145bd8f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-#define MAX(A,B) ((A)>(B)?(A):(B))
-#define NR_PASSES MAX((NR_STATIONS + 6) / 16, 1) // gives best results on GTX 680
-#error "need more passes to beam form this number of stations"
-typedef __global float2 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_CHANNELS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK][NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-typedef __global float4 (*BandPassCorrectedType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK];
-typedef __global float2 (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_TABS];
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *samplesPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType	complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  BandPassCorrectedType samples		= (BandPassCorrectedType) samplesPtr;
-  WeightsType		weights		= (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint pol		= get_local_id(0);
-  uint tab		= get_local_id(1);
-  uint channel		= get_global_id(2);
-  float2 sample;
-  __local union {
-    float2 samples[NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS][16][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-    float4 samples4[NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS][16];
-  } _local;
-#pragma unroll
-  for (uint first_station = 0; first_station < NR_STATIONS; first_station += NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS) {
-    float2 weight_00;
-    if (first_station + 0 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_00 = (*weights)[first_station +  0][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_01;
-    if (first_station + 1 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_01 = (*weights)[first_station +  1][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_02;
-    if (first_station + 2 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_02 = (*weights)[first_station +  2][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_03;
-    if (first_station + 3 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_03 = (*weights)[first_station +  3][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_04;
-    if (first_station + 4 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_04 = (*weights)[first_station +  4][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_05;
-    if (first_station + 5 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_05 = (*weights)[first_station +  5][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_06;
-    if (first_station + 6 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_06 = (*weights)[first_station +  6][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_07;
-    if (first_station + 7 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_07 = (*weights)[first_station +  7][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_08;
-    if (first_station + 8 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_08 = (*weights)[first_station +  8][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_09;
-    if (first_station + 9 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_09 = (*weights)[first_station +  9][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_10;
-    if (first_station + 10 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_10 = (*weights)[first_station + 10][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_11;
-    if (first_station + 11 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_11 = (*weights)[first_station + 11][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_12;
-    if (first_station + 12 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_12 = (*weights)[first_station + 12][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_13;
-    if (first_station + 13 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_13 = (*weights)[first_station + 13][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_14;
-    if (first_station + 14 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_14 = (*weights)[first_station + 14][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_15;
-    if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_15 = (*weights)[first_station + 15][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_16;
-    if (first_station + 16 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_16 = (*weights)[first_station + 16][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_17;
-    if (first_station + 17 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_17 = (*weights)[first_station + 17][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_18;
-    if (first_station + 18 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_18 = (*weights)[first_station + 18][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_19;
-    if (first_station + 19 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_19 = (*weights)[first_station + 19][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_20;
-    if (first_station + 20 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_20 = (*weights)[first_station + 20][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_21;
-    if (first_station + 21 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_21 = (*weights)[first_station + 21][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_22;
-    if (first_station + 22 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_22 = (*weights)[first_station + 22][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_23;
-    if (first_station + 23 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_23 = (*weights)[first_station + 23][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_24;
-    if (first_station + 24 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_24 = (*weights)[first_station + 24][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_25;
-    if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_25 = (*weights)[first_station + 25][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_26;
-    if (first_station + 26 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_26 = (*weights)[first_station + 26][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_27;
-    if (first_station + 27 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_27 = (*weights)[first_station + 27][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_28;
-    if (first_station + 28 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_28 = (*weights)[first_station + 28][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_29;
-    if (first_station + 29 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_29 = (*weights)[first_station + 29][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_30;
-    if (first_station + 30 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_30 = (*weights)[first_station + 30][channel][tab];
-    float2 weight_31;
-    if (first_station + 31 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_31 = (*weights)[first_station + 31][channel][tab];
-    for (uint time = 0; time < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK; time += 16) {
-      for (uint i = get_local_id(0) + NR_POLARIZATIONS * get_local_id(1); i < NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS * 16; i += NR_TABS * NR_POLARIZATIONS) {
-	uint t = i % 16;
-	uint s = i / 16;
-	if (NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK % 16 == 0 || time + t < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK)
-	  if (NR_STATIONS % NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS == 0 || first_station + s < NR_STATIONS)
-	    _local.samples4[0][i] = convert_float4((*samples)[first_station + s][channel][time + t]);
-      }
-      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-      for (uint t = 0; t < (NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK % 16 == 0 ? 16 : min(16U, NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK - time)); t ++) {
-	float2 sum = first_station == 0 ? 0 : (*complexVoltages)[channel][time + t][tab][pol];
-	if (first_station + 1 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 0][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_00.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_00.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 2 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 1][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_01.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_01.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 3 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 2][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_02.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_02.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 4 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 3][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_03.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_03.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 5 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 4][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_04.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_04.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 6 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 5][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_05.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_05.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 7 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 6][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_06.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_06.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 8 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 7][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_07.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_07.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 9 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 8][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_08.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_08.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 10 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 9][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_09.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_09.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 11 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[10][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_10.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_10.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 12 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[11][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_11.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_11.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 13 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[12][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_12.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_12.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 14 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[13][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_13.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_13.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[14][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_14.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_14.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[15][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_15.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_15.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 16 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[16][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_16.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_16.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 17 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[17][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_17.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_17.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 18 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[18][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_18.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_18.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 19 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[19][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_19.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_19.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 20 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[20][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_20.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_20.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 21 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[21][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_21.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_21.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 22 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[22][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_22.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_22.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 23 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[23][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_23.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_23.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[24][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_24.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_24.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[25][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_25.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_25.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 26 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[26][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_26.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_26.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 27 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[27][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_27.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_27.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 28 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[28][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_28.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_28.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 29 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[29][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_29.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_29.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 30 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[30][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_30.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_30.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 31 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[31][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_31.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_31.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	(*complexVoltages)[channel][time + t][tab][pol] = sum;
-      }
-      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.orig b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index cdaceafe25037428ee704b505003e0591a34c220..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-typedef __global float4 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_CHANNELS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK][NR_TABS];
-//typedef __global float4 (*CorrectedDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK];
-typedef __global float4 (*CorrectedDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK][NR_CHANNELS];
-typedef __global float2 (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_TABS];
-float2 cmul(float2 a, float2 b)
-  return (float2) { a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y, a.x * b.y + a.y * b.x };
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *correctedDataPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  CorrectedDataType   correctedData   = (CorrectedDataType) correctedDataPtr;
-  WeightsType	      weights	      = (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint first_tab	= 3 * get_local_id(0);
-  uint first_station	= 6 * get_local_id(1);
-  uint channel		= get_global_id(2);
-  bool lastGroupOfStations = first_station + 6 == NR_STATIONS;
-  float2 weight_0_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_0_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_0_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_1_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_1_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_1_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_2_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_2_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_2_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_3_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_3_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_3_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_4_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_4_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_4_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_5_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][channel][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_5_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][channel][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_5_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][channel][first_tab + 2];
-  __local float4 local_sums[3][NR_STATIONS / 6][NR_TABS / 3];
-  float4 sample_0, sample_1, sample_2, sample_3, sample_4, sample_5;
-  float4 sum_0, sum_1, sum_2;
-  if (first_station == 0) {
-    local_sums[0][0][get_local_id(0)] = (float4) { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-    local_sums[1][0][get_local_id(0)] = (float4) { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-    local_sums[2][0][get_local_id(0)] = (float4) { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-  }
-  for (int time = 0 - get_local_id(1); time < (int) (NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATIONS / 6 - 1 - get_local_id(1)); time ++) {
-    bool validTime = time >= 0 && time < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK;
-    if (validTime) {
-      sample_0 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 0][time][channel];
-      sample_1 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 1][time][channel];
-      sample_2 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 2][time][channel];
-      sample_3 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 3][time][channel];
-      sample_4 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 4][time][channel];
-      sample_5 = (*correctedData)[first_station + 5][time][channel];
-      sum_0 = local_sums[0][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-      sum_1 = local_sums[1][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-      sum_2 = local_sums[2][get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-      sum_0 += weight_0_0.xxxx * sample_0;
-      sum_1 += weight_0_1.xxxx * sample_0;
-      sum_2 += weight_0_2.xxxx * sample_0;
-      float4 sample_0_tr = (float4) { -sample_0.y, sample_0.x, -sample_0.w, sample_0.z };
-      sum_0 += weight_0_0.yyyy * sample_0_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_0_1.yyyy * sample_0_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_0_2.yyyy * sample_0_tr;
-      sum_0 += weight_1_0.xxxx * sample_1;
-      sum_1 += weight_1_1.xxxx * sample_1;
-      sum_2 += weight_1_2.xxxx * sample_1;
-      float4 sample_1_tr = (float4) { -sample_1.y, sample_1.x, -sample_1.w, sample_1.z };
-      sum_0 += weight_1_0.yyyy * sample_1_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_1_1.yyyy * sample_1_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_1_2.yyyy * sample_1_tr;
-      sum_0 += weight_2_0.xxxx * sample_2;
-      sum_1 += weight_2_1.xxxx * sample_2;
-      sum_2 += weight_2_2.xxxx * sample_2;
-      float4 sample_2_tr = (float4) { -sample_2.y, sample_2.x, -sample_2.w, sample_2.z };
-      sum_0 += weight_2_0.yyyy * sample_2_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_2_1.yyyy * sample_2_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_2_2.yyyy * sample_2_tr;
-      sum_0 += weight_3_0.xxxx * sample_3;
-      sum_1 += weight_3_1.xxxx * sample_3;
-      sum_2 += weight_3_2.xxxx * sample_3;
-      float4 sample_3_tr = (float4) { -sample_3.y, sample_3.x, -sample_3.w, sample_3.z };
-      sum_0 += weight_3_0.yyyy * sample_3_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_3_1.yyyy * sample_3_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_3_2.yyyy * sample_3_tr;
-      sum_0 += weight_4_0.xxxx * sample_4;
-      sum_1 += weight_4_1.xxxx * sample_4;
-      sum_2 += weight_4_2.xxxx * sample_4;
-      float4 sample_4_tr = (float4) { -sample_4.y, sample_4.x, -sample_4.w, sample_4.z };
-      sum_0 += weight_4_0.yyyy * sample_4_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_4_1.yyyy * sample_4_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_4_2.yyyy * sample_4_tr;
-      sum_0 += weight_5_0.xxxx * sample_5;
-      sum_1 += weight_5_1.xxxx * sample_5;
-      sum_2 += weight_5_2.xxxx * sample_5;
-      float4 sample_5_tr = (float4) { -sample_5.y, sample_5.x, -sample_5.w, sample_5.z };
-      sum_0 += weight_5_0.yyyy * sample_5_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_5_1.yyyy * sample_5_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_5_2.yyyy * sample_5_tr;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (validTime) {
-      if (lastGroupOfStations) {
-	(*complexVoltages)[channel][time][first_tab + 0] = sum_0;
-	(*complexVoltages)[channel][time][first_tab + 1] = sum_1;
-	(*complexVoltages)[channel][time][first_tab + 2] = sum_2;
-      } else {
-	local_sums[0][get_local_id(1) + 1][get_local_id(0)] = sum_0;
-	local_sums[1][get_local_id(1) + 1][get_local_id(0)] = sum_1;
-	local_sums[2][get_local_id(1) + 1][get_local_id(0)] = sum_2;
-      }
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-#if 0
-#if defined STOKES_I || defined STOKES_IQUV
-    float powerX = sum.x * sum.x + sum.y * sum.y;
-    float powerY = sum.z * sum.z + sum.w * sum.w;
-    (*stokes)[tab][0][0][time_or_channel] = powerX + powerY;
-#if defined STOKES_IQUV
-    (*stokes)[tab][1][0][time_or_channel] = powerX - powerY;
-    (*stokes)[tab][2][0][time_or_channel] = 2 * (sum.x * sum.z + sum.y * sum.w);
-    (*stokes)[tab][3][0][time_or_channel] = 2 * (sum.y * sum.z - sum.x * sum.w);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index ba32ea6d37101f2fd6d36924e4fdded7cf0fcdfd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-__kernel void computeStokes(__global void *restrict stokesDataPtr, 
-			    __global const void *restrict complexVoltagesPtr)
-  StokesType	      stokesData      = (StokesType) stokesDataPtr;
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  __local float tmp[NR_COHERENT_STOKES][16][17];
-  uint tabBase = 16 * get_global_id(1);
-  uint chBase  = 16 * get_global_id(2);
-  uint tabOffsetR = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  uint tabR	  = tabBase + tabOffsetR;
-  uint chOffsetR  = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  uint channelR	  = chBase + chOffsetR;
-  bool doR	  = NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabR < NR_TABS;
-  uint tabOffsetW = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  uint tabW	  = tabBase + tabOffsetW;
-  uint chOffsetW  = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  uint channelW	  = chBase + chOffsetW;
-  bool doW	  = NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabW < NR_TABS;
-    float stokesI = 0;
-    float stokesQ = 0, halfStokesU = 0, halfStokesV = 0;
-    if (doR) {
-      for (uint t = 0; t < COHERENT_STOKES_TIME_INTEGRATION_FACTOR; t ++) {
-	float4 sample = (*complexVoltages)[channelR][time][t][tabR];
-	float2 X = sample.xy, Y = sample.zw;
-	float powerX = X.x * X.x + X.y * X.y;
-	float powerY = Y.x * Y.x + Y.y * Y.y;
-	stokesI += powerX + powerY;
-	stokesQ += powerX - powerY;
-	halfStokesU += X.x * Y.x + X.y * Y.y;
-	halfStokesV += X.y * Y.x - X.x * Y.y;
-      }
-      tmp[0][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = stokesI;
-      tmp[1][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = stokesQ;
-      tmp[2][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = 2 * halfStokesU;
-      tmp[3][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = 2 * halfStokesV;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (doW)
-      for (uint stokes = 0; stokes < NR_COHERENT_STOKES; stokes ++)
-	(*stokesData)[tabW][stokes][time][channelW] = tmp[stokes][tabOffsetW][chOffsetW];
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-#if 0
-__kernel void computeStokes(__global void *restrict stokesDataPtr, 
-			    __global const void *restrict dedispersedDataPtr)
-  typedef __global float2 (*DedispersedDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];
-  StokesType	      stokesData      = (StokesType) stokesDataPtr;
-  DedispersedDataType dedispersedData = (DedispersedDataType) dedispersedDataPtr;
-  __local float tmp[NR_COHERENT_STOKES][16][17];
-  uint timeBase = 16 * get_global_id(1);
-  uint chBase  = 16 * get_global_id(2);
-  uint timeOffsetR = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  uint timeR	  = timeBase + tabOffsetR;
-  uint chOffsetR  = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  uint channelR	  = chBase + chOffsetR;
-  bool doR	  = NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabR < NR_TABS;
-  uint tabOffsetW = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  uint tabW	  = tabBase + tabOffsetW;
-  uint chOffsetW  = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  uint channelW	  = chBase + chOffsetW;
-  bool doW	  = NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabW < NR_TABS;
-    float stokesI = 0;
-    float stokesQ = 0, halfStokesU = 0, halfStokesV = 0;
-    if (doR) {
-      for (uint t = 0; t < COHERENT_STOKES_TIME_INTEGRATION_FACTOR; t ++) {
-	float4 sample = (*complexVoltages)[channelR][time][t][tabR];
-	float2 X = sample.xy, Y = sample.zw;
-	float powerX = X.x * X.x + X.y * X.y;
-	float powerY = Y.x * Y.x + Y.y * Y.y;
-	stokesI += powerX + powerY;
-	stokesQ += powerX - powerY;
-	halfStokesU += X.x * Y.x + X.y * Y.y;
-	halfStokesV += X.y * Y.x - X.x * Y.y;
-      }
-      tmp[0][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = stokesI;
-      tmp[1][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = stokesQ;
-      tmp[2][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = 2 * halfStokesU;
-      tmp[3][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = 2 * halfStokesV;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (doW)
-      for (uint stokes = 0; stokes < NR_COHERENT_STOKES; stokes ++)
-	(*stokesData)[tabW][stokes][time][channelW] = tmp[stokes][tabOffsetW][chOffsetW];
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index 95682a21f13f73a46e51290282c947066bcf9e94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl-0.ptx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl.ok b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index be45251af7d4067667abd7f9af7c7f325a182e06..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-__kernel void computeStokes(__global void *restrict stokesDataPtr, 
-			    __global const void *restrict complexVoltagesPtr)
-  StokesType	      stokesData      = (StokesType) stokesDataPtr;
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  __local float tmp[NR_STOKES][16][17];
-  uint tabBase = 16 * get_global_id(1);
-  uint chBase  = 16 * get_global_id(2);
-  uint tabOffsetR = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  uint tabR	  = tabBase + tabOffsetR;
-  uint chOffsetR  = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  uint channelR	  = chBase + chOffsetR;
-  bool doR	  = NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabR < NR_TABS;
-  uint tabOffsetW = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  uint tabW	  = tabBase + tabOffsetW;
-  uint chOffsetW  = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  uint channelW	  = chBase + chOffsetW;
-  bool doW	  = NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabW < NR_TABS;
-  for (uint time = 0; time < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK / STOKES_INTEGRATION_SAMPLES; time ++) {
-    float stokesI = 0;
-#if NR_STOKES == 4
-    float stokesQ = 0, halfStokesU = 0, halfStokesV = 0;
-    if (doR) {
-      for (uint t = 0; t < STOKES_INTEGRATION_SAMPLES; t ++) {
-	float4 sample = (*complexVoltages)[channelR][time][t][tabR];
-	float2 X = sample.xy, Y = sample.zw;
-	float powerX = X.x * X.x + X.y * X.y;
-	float powerY = Y.x * Y.x + Y.y * Y.y;
-	stokesI += powerX + powerY;
-#if NR_STOKES == 4
-	stokesQ += powerX - powerY;
-	halfStokesU += X.x * Y.x + X.y * Y.y;
-	halfStokesV += X.y * Y.x - X.x * Y.y;
-      }
-      tmp[0][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = stokesI;
-#if NR_STOKES == 4
-      tmp[1][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = stokesQ;
-      tmp[2][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = 2 * halfStokesU;
-      tmp[3][tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = 2 * halfStokesV;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (doW)
-      for (uint stokes = 0; stokes < NR_STOKES; stokes ++)
-	(*stokesData)[tabW][stokes][time][channelW] = tmp[stokes][tabOffsetW][chOffsetW];
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index bffddc4e9d0a052dd4570269e89700b2faac9046..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#include "math.cl"
-//        | DM beam pol ch subtime subch. | SB
-// -------+-------------------------------+---
-// taper  |                        x      | x
-// factor | x           x          x      | x
-// sample |    x    x   x  x       x      | x
-__kernel void applyChirp(__global void *bufferPtr,
-			 __global float *DMs,
-                         float subbandFrequency)
-  __local float local_DMs[NR_TABS];
-  for (int i = get_local_id(0); i < NR_TABS; i += get_local_size(0))
-    local_DMs[i] = DMs[i] * 2.0f * (float) M_PI * 4.149e15f;
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  BufferType buffer = (BufferType) bufferPtr;
-  uint subChannel = get_global_id(0);
-  uint time = get_global_id(1);
-  uint channel = get_global_id(2);
-#if NR_CHANNELS > 1
-  float subbandBaseFrequency = subbandFrequency - .5f * (float) SUBBAND_BANDWIDTH;
-  float channel0frequency    = subbandBaseFrequency + channel * CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH;
-  float channel0frequency    = subbandFrequency;
-  float binFrequency = subChannel * SUB_CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH;
-  if (subChannel > DEDISPERSION_FFT_SIZE)
-    binFrequency -= CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH;
-  float taper = native_rsqrt(1 + pow(binFrequency / (.47f * (float) CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH), 80.0f)) * DEDISPERSION_FFT_SIZE;
-  float frequencyDiv = binFrequency / channel0frequency;
-  float frequencyFac = frequencyDiv * frequencyDiv / (channel0frequency + binFrequency);
-  for (uint tab = 0; tab < NR_TABS; tab ++) {
-    float DM = local_DMs[tab];
-    /* if (DM > 0) */ {
-      float2 sampleX = (*buffer)[tab][0][channel][time][subChannel];
-      float2 sampleY = (*buffer)[tab][1][channel][time][subChannel];
-      float2 factor  = cexp(DM * frequencyFac) * taper;
-      (*buffer)[tab][0][channel][time][subChannel] = cmul(factor, sampleX);
-      (*buffer)[tab][1][channel][time][subChannel] = cmul(factor, sampleY);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index 221a542fb5fdfc1737730694aaf0921d00774dfb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl-0.ptx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by NVIDIA NVVM Compiler
-// Compiler built on Sat Sep 29 10:12:13 2012 (1348906333)
-// Driver 304.54
-.version 3.0
-.target sm_30, texmode_independent
-.address_size 32
-.extern .shared .align 4 .b8 shr_2_local_DMs[512];
-.entry applyChirp(
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 applyChirp_param_0,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 4 applyChirp_param_1,
-	.param .f32 applyChirp_param_2
-	.reg .f32 	%f<225>;
-	.reg .pred 	%p<26>;
-	.reg .s32 	%r<97>;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r32, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	setp.gt.s32 	%p4, %r32, 127;
-	mov.u32 	%r92, %r32;
-	@%p4 bra 	BB0_2;
-	shl.b32 	%r34, %r92, 2;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r91, [applyChirp_param_1];
-	add.s32 	%r35, %r91, %r34;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f29, [%r35];
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f30, %f29, %f29;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f31, %f30, 0f40490FDB;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f32, %f31, 0f596BD7E5;
-	mov.u32 	%r36, shr_2_local_DMs;
-	add.s32 	%r37, %r36, %r34;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r37], %f32;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r33, %ntid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r92, %r33, %r92;
-	setp.lt.s32 	%p5, %r92, 128;
-	@%p5 bra 	BB0_1;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r38, %envreg3;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r39, %ntid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r40, %ctaid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r41, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r50, %r41, %r38;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r51, %r40, %r39, %r50;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r42, %envreg4;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r43, %ntid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r44, %ctaid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r45, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r46, %envreg5;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r47, %ntid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r48, %ctaid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r49, %tid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r52, %r49, %r46;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r53, %r48, %r47, %r52;
-	cvt.rn.f32.u32 	%f35, %r53;
-	ld.param.f32 	%f217, [applyChirp_param_2];
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f36, %f217, 0fC7BEBC20;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f2, %f35, 0f42BEBC20, %f36;
-	cvt.rn.f32.u32 	%f37, %r51;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f38, %f37, 0f403EBC20;
-	setp.gt.u32 	%p6, %r51, 32;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f39, %f37, 0f403EBC20, 0fC2BEBC20;
-	selp.f32 	%f3, %f39, %f38, %p6;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f34, %f3, 0f42334A70;
-	// inline asm
-	abs.f32 	%f33, %f34;
-	// inline asm
-	setp.eq.ftz.f32 	%p7, %f34, 0f3F800000;
-	@%p7 bra 	BB0_25;
-	setp.nan.ftz.f32 	%p8, %f34, %f34;
-	@%p8 bra 	BB0_24;
-	mov.f32 	%f6, 0fFF800000;
-	mov.f32 	%f220, 0f42A00000;
-	mov.f32 	%f44, 0f3F000000;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f41, %f44, %f220;
-	// inline asm
-	cvt.rmi.f32.f32 	%f40, %f41;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.f32 	%f45, 0f40000000;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f46, %f45, %f40;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f47, %f220, %f46;
-	setp.eq.ftz.f32 	%p1, %f47, 0f3F800000;
-	// inline asm
-	cvt.rzi.f32.f32 	%f42, %f220;
-	// inline asm
-	setp.eq.ftz.f32 	%p2, %f42, 0f42A00000;
-	and.pred  	%p3, %p1, %p2;
-	setp.eq.ftz.f32 	%p9, %f33, 0f00000000;
-	@%p9 bra 	BB0_23;
-	setp.eq.ftz.f32 	%p10, %f34, 0f7F800000;
-	setp.eq.ftz.f32 	%p11, %f34, %f6;
-	or.pred  	%p12, %p10, %p11;
-	@%p12 bra 	BB0_20;
-	setp.geu.ftz.f32 	%p13, %f34, 0f00000000;
-	@%p13 bra 	BB0_8;
-	mov.f32 	%f49, 0f42A00000;
-	// inline asm
-	cvt.rzi.f32.f32 	%f48, %f49;
-	// inline asm
-	setp.neu.ftz.f32 	%p14, %f48, 0f42A00000;
-	@%p14 bra 	BB0_19;
-	// inline asm
-	abs.f32 	%f50, %f34;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.b32 	 %r18, %f50;
-	shr.u32 	%r54, %r18, 23;
-	and.b32  	%r55, %r54, 255;
-	add.s32 	%r93, %r55, -127;
-	setp.eq.s32 	%p15, %r55, 0;
-	mov.f32 	%f218, %f50;
-	@%p15 bra 	BB0_9;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_10;
-	and.b32  	%r56, %r18, -2139095041;
-	or.b32  	%r57, %r56, 1065353216;
-	mov.b32 	 %f52, %r57;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f53, %f52, 0fBF800000;
-	mov.b32 	 %r58, %f53;
-	shr.u32 	%r59, %r58, 23;
-	and.b32  	%r60, %r59, 255;
-	add.s32 	%r93, %r60, -253;
-	and.b32  	%r61, %r58, -2139095041;
-	or.b32  	%r62, %r61, 1065353216;
-	mov.b32 	 %f218, %r62;
-	mov.b32 	 %r63, %f218;
-	and.b32  	%r64, %r63, -2139095041;
-	or.b32  	%r65, %r64, 1065353216;
-	mov.b32 	 %f219, %r65;
-	setp.gt.ftz.f32 	%p16, %f219, 0f3FB504F3;
-	@%p16 bra 	BB0_11;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_12;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f219, %f219, %f44;
-	add.s32 	%r93, %r93, 1;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f63, %f219, 0f3F800000;
-	rcp.approx.ftz.f32 	%f57, %f63;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f56, %f219, 0fBF800000;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.rz.f32 	%f55, %f56, %f57;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f65, %f45, %f55;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f66, %f65, %f65;
-	mov.f32 	%f67, 0f3B18F0FE;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f68, %f67, %f66;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f69, %f68, 0f3C4CAF63;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f70, %f69, %f66;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f71, %f70, 0f3DAAAABD;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f72, %f71, %f66;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f60, %f72, %f65;
-	mov.b32 	 %r66, %f65;
-	and.b32  	%r67, %r66, -4096;
-	mov.b32 	 %f73, %r67;
-	mov.b32 	 %r68, %f56;
-	and.b32  	%r69, %r68, -4096;
-	mov.b32 	 %f74, %r69;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f75, %f56, %f73;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f76, %f45, %f75;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f77, %f56, %f74;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f78, %f73, %f74;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f79, %f76, %f78;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f80, %f73, %f77;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f81, %f79, %f80;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f82, %f57, %f81;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f83, %f73, %f82;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f84, %f83, %f73;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f85, %f82, %f84;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f86, %f83, %f60;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f59, %f60;
-	// inline asm
-	add.rz.f32 	%f58, %f59, %f60;
-	// inline asm
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f87, %f58, %f85;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f88, %f86, %f87;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f89, %f87, %f87;
-	cvt.rn.f32.s32 	%f90, %r93;
-	mov.f32 	%f91, 0f3F317200;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f92, %f90, %f91;
-	mov.f32 	%f93, 0f35BFBE8E;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f94, %f90, %f93;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f95, %f92, %f88;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f96, %f88, %f88;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f97, %f96, %f89;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f98, %f97, %f94;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f13, %f95, %f98;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f14, %f98, %f98;
-	// inline asm
-	abs.f32 	%f61, %f220;
-	// inline asm
-	setp.gt.ftz.f32 	%p17, %f61, 0f77F684DF;
-	@%p17 bra 	BB0_13;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_14;
-	mov.f32 	%f100, 0f39000000;
-	mov.f32 	%f101, 0f42A00000;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f220, %f101, %f100;
-	mov.f32 	%f102, 0f45800800;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f103, %f13, %f102;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f104, %f13, %f103;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f105, %f104, %f103;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f106, %f13, %f105;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f107, %f220, %f102;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f108, %f220, %f107;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f109, %f108, %f107;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f110, %f220, %f109;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f111, %f105, %f109;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f112, %f13, %f220;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f113, %f111, %f112;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f114, %f105, %f110;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f115, %f113, %f114;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f116, %f106, %f109;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f117, %f115, %f116;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f118, %f106, %f110;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f119, %f117, %f118;
-	mul.rn.f32 	%f120, %f14, %f220;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f121, %f120, %f119;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f122, %f112, %f121;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f17, %f121, %f121;
-	mov.f32 	%f223, %f17;
-	mov.f32 	%f224, %f122;
-	mov.b32 	 %r24, %f122;
-	setp.eq.s32 	%p18, %r24, 1118925336;
-	@%p18 bra 	BB0_15;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_16;
-	add.s32 	%r70, %r24, -1;
-	mov.b32 	 %f123, %r70;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f124, %f17, 0f37000000;
-	mov.f32 	%f223, %f124;
-	mov.f32 	%f224, %f123;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.f32 	%f125, %f224, 0f3FB8AA3B;ex2.approx.f32 	%f125, %f125;
-	// inline asm
-	setp.neu.ftz.f32 	%p19, %f125, 0f7F800000;
-	mov.f32 	%f221, %f125;
-	@%p19 bra 	BB0_17;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_18;
-	// inline asm
-	mad.f32 	%f127, %f125, %f223, %f125;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.f32 	%f221, %f127;
-	not.pred 	%p21, %p3;
-	or.pred  	%p23, %p13, %p21;
-	mov.b32 	 %r71, %f221;
-	xor.b32  	%r72, %r71, -2147483648;
-	mov.b32 	 %f131, %r72;
-	selp.f32 	%f222, %f221, %f131, %p23;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_26;
-	mov.f32 	%f222, 0f7FFFFFFF;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_26;
-	mov.b32 	 %r73, %f34;
-	setp.lt.s32 	%p24, %r73, 0;
-	@%p24 bra 	BB0_22;
-	mov.f32 	%f222, 0f7F800000;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_26;
-	selp.f32 	%f222, 0fFF800000, 0f7F800000, %p3;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_26;
-	mov.b32 	 %r74, %f34;
-	and.b32  	%r75, %r74, -2147483648;
-	mov.b32 	 %f132, %r75;
-	selp.f32 	%f222, %f132, 0f00000000, %p3;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_26;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f222, %f34, 0f42A00000;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_26;
-	mov.f32 	%f222, 0f3F800000;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f135, %f222, 0f3F800000;
-	// inline asm
-	rsqrt.approx.f32 	%f134, %f135;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f136, %f134, 0f42000000;
-	div.approx.ftz.f32 	%f137, %f3, %f2;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f138, %f137, %f137;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f139, %f2, %f3;
-	div.approx.ftz.f32 	%f28, %f138, %f139;
-	add.s32 	%r78, %r45, %r42;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r79, %r44, %r43, %r78;
-	shl.b32 	%r80, %r79, 8;
-	shl.b32 	%r83, %r53, 8;
-	add.s32 	%r84, %r80, %r83;
-	shl.b32 	%r87, %r51, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r88, %r84, %r87;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r90, [applyChirp_param_0];
-	add.s32 	%r89, %r88, %r90;
-	add.s32 	%r95, %r89, 1048576;
-	mov.u32 	%r96, 128;
-	mov.u32 	%r94, shr_2_local_DMs;
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f181, %f182}, [%r95+-1048576];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f183, %f184}, [%r95+-524288];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f149, [%r94];
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f144, %f149, %f28;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f141, %f144;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f143, %f144;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f187, %f141, %f136;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f188, %f143, %f136;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f152, %f187, %f181;
-	neg.f32 	%f155, %f188;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f156, %f155, %f182, %f152;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f157, %f188, %f181;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f158, %f187, %f182, %f157;
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r95+-1048576], {%f156, %f158};
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f160, %f187, %f183;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f162, %f155, %f184, %f160;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f163, %f188, %f183;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f164, %f187, %f184, %f163;
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r95+-524288], {%f162, %f164};
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f195, %f196}, [%r95];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f197, %f198}, [%r95+524288];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f165, [%r94+4];
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f148, %f165, %f28;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f145, %f148;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f147, %f148;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f201, %f145, %f136;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f202, %f147, %f136;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f168, %f201, %f195;
-	neg.f32 	%f171, %f202;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f172, %f171, %f196, %f168;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f173, %f202, %f195;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f174, %f201, %f196, %f173;
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r95], {%f172, %f174};
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f176, %f201, %f197;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f178, %f171, %f198, %f176;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f179, %f202, %f197;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f180, %f201, %f198, %f179;
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r95+524288], {%f178, %f180};
-	add.s32 	%r95, %r95, 2097152;
-	add.s32 	%r94, %r94, 8;
-	add.s32 	%r96, %r96, -2;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p25, %r96, 0;
-	@%p25 bra 	BB0_27;
-	ret;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IncoherentStokes.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IncoherentStokes.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f3a14bb126d5326b394eede815a82ef4febba47..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IncoherentStokes.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-__kernel void incoherentStokes(__global void *restrict stokesPtr,
-			       __global const void *restrict inputPtr)
-  IncoherentStokesType stokes = (IncoherentStokesType) stokesPtr;
-  InputType	       input  = (InputType) inputPtr;
-  uint time    = get_global_id(0);
-  uint channel = get_global_id(1);
-    return;
-  float stokesI = 0;
-  float stokesQ = 0, halfStokesU = 0, halfStokesV = 0;
-  for (uint station = 0; station < NR_STATIONS; station ++) {
-    for (uint t = 0; t < INCOHERENT_STOKES_TIME_INTEGRATION_FACTOR; t ++) {
-      float4 sample  = (*input)[station][channel][time][t];
-      float2 X       = sample.xy;
-      float2 Y       = sample.zw;
-      float  powerX  = X.x * X.x + X.y * X.y;
-      float  powerY  = Y.x * Y.x + Y.y * Y.y;
-      stokesI += powerX + powerY;
-      stokesQ += powerX - powerY;
-      halfStokesU += X.x * Y.x + X.y * Y.y;
-      halfStokesV += X.y * Y.x - X.x * Y.y;
-    }
-  }
-  (*stokes)[0][time][channel] = stokesI;
-  (*stokes)[1][time][channel] = stokesQ;
-  (*stokes)[2][time][channel] = 2 * halfStokesU;
-  (*stokes)[3][time][channel] = 2 * halfStokesV;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IncoherentStokes.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IncoherentStokes.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index be0613c10bbe025940d0054bfd9e8579149984e3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IncoherentStokes.cl-0.ptx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index fcb5e035873fb78a05534c4deacdb444040601c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-typedef short2 SampleType;
-#elif NR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE == 8
-typedef char2 SampleType;
-#error unsupport NR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE
-typedef __global SampleType (*SampledDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-typedef __global float2 (*ConvertedDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND];
-__kernel void intToFloat(__global void *restrict convertedDataPtr,
-			 __global const void *restrict sampledDataPtr)
-  ConvertedDataType convertedData = (ConvertedDataType) convertedDataPtr;
-  SampledDataType   sampledData   = (SampledDataType) sampledDataPtr;
-  uint station = get_global_id(1);
-  for (uint time = get_local_id(0); time < NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND; time += get_local_size(0)) {
-    (*convertedData)[station][0][time] = convert_float2((*sampledData)[station][time][0]);
-    (*convertedData)[station][1][time] = convert_float2((*sampledData)[station][time][1]);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index ce5c60b9ac9b08ef14ba9402e30163b4bede74bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl-0.ptx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by NVIDIA NVVM Compiler
-// Compiler built on Sat Sep 29 10:12:13 2012 (1348906333)
-// Driver 304.54
-.version 3.0
-.target sm_30, texmode_independent
-.address_size 32
-.entry intToFloat(
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 intToFloat_param_0,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 intToFloat_param_1
-	.reg .f32 	%f<9>;
-	.reg .pred 	%p<3>;
-	.reg .s32 	%r<25>;
-	.reg .s16 	%rc<9>;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r7, %envreg4;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r8, %ntid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r9, %ctaid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r10, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r12, %r10, %r7;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r3, %r9, %r8, %r12;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r11, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	setp.gt.u32 	%p1, %r11, 65535;
-	mov.u32 	%r24, %r11;
-	@%p1 bra 	BB0_2;
-	shl.b32 	%r14, %r3, 18;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r23, [intToFloat_param_1];
-	add.s32 	%r15, %r23, %r14;
-	shl.b32 	%r16, %r24, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r17, %r15, %r16;
-	ld.global.v2.u8 	{%rc5, %rc6}, [%r17];
-	// inline asm
-	cvt.rn.f32.s8 	%f1, %rc5;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	cvt.rn.f32.s8 	%f2, %rc6;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r18, %r3, 20;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r22, [intToFloat_param_0];
-	add.s32 	%r19, %r22, %r18;
-	shl.b32 	%r20, %r24, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r21, %r19, %r20;
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r21], {%f1, %f2};
-	ld.global.v2.u8 	{%rc7, %rc8}, [%r17+2];
-	// inline asm
-	cvt.rn.f32.s8 	%f3, %rc7;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	cvt.rn.f32.s8 	%f4, %rc8;
-	// inline asm
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r21+524288], {%f3, %f4};
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r13, %ntid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r24, %r13, %r24;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p2, %r24, 65536;
-	@%p2 bra 	BB0_1;
-	ret;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Transpose.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Transpose.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index bc1af15319662633a138f1e28957be2e89829b68..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Transpose.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#if 0
-typedef __global float2 (*TransposedDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL][NR_CHANNELS];
-typedef __global float4 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL][NR_TABS];
-__kernel void transposeComplexVoltages(__global void *restrict transposedDataPtr, 
-				       __global const void *restrict complexVoltagesPtr)
-  TransposedDataType  transposedData  = (TransposedDataType) transposedDataPtr;
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  __local float4 tmp[16][17];
-  uint tabBase = 16 * get_global_id(1);
-  uint chBase  = 16 * get_global_id(2);
-  uint tabOffsetR = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  uint tabR	  = tabBase + tabOffsetR;
-  uint chOffsetR  = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  uint channelR	  = chBase + chOffsetR;
-  bool doR	  = NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabR < NR_TABS;
-  uint tabOffsetW = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  uint tabW	  = tabBase + tabOffsetW;
-  uint chOffsetW  = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  uint channelW	  = chBase + chOffsetW;
-  bool doW	  = NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabW < NR_TABS;
-  for (int time = 0; time < NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; time ++) {
-    if (doR)
-      tmp[tabOffsetR][chOffsetR] = (*complexVoltages)[channelR][time][tabR];
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (doW) {
-      float4 sample = tmp[tabOffsetW][chOffsetW];
-      (*transposedData)[tabW][0][time][channelW] = sample.xy;
-      (*transposedData)[tabW][1][time][channelW] = sample.zw;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-typedef __global float2 (*TransposedDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];
-typedef __global float4 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL][NR_TABS];
-__kernel void transposeComplexVoltages(__global void *restrict transposedDataPtr, 
-				       __global const void *restrict complexVoltagesPtr)
-  TransposedDataType  transposedData  = (TransposedDataType) transposedDataPtr;
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  __local float4 tmp[16][17];
-  uint tabBase = 16 * get_global_id(1);
-  uint timeBase  = 16 * get_global_id(2);
-  uint tabOffsetR = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  uint tabR	  = tabBase + tabOffsetR;
-  uint timeOffsetR  = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  uint timeR	  = timeBase + timeOffsetR;
-  bool doR	  = NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabR < NR_TABS;
-  uint tabOffsetW = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  uint tabW	  = tabBase + tabOffsetW;
-  uint timeOffsetW  = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  uint timeW	  = timeBase + timeOffsetW;
-  bool doW	  = NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabW < NR_TABS;
-  for (int channel = 0; channel < NR_CHANNELS; channel ++) {
-    if (doR)
-      tmp[tabOffsetR][timeOffsetR] = (*complexVoltages)[timeR][channel][tabR];
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (doW) {
-      float4 sample = tmp[tabOffsetW][timeOffsetW];
-      (*transposedData)[tabW][0][channel][timeW] = sample.xy;
-      (*transposedData)[tabW][1][channel][timeW] = sample.zw;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Transpose.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Transpose.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index 26a5c9cca9b954543c29abfbb6bb29d45835a803..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamFormer/Transpose.cl-0.ptx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by NVIDIA NVVM Compiler
-// Compiler built on Sat Sep 29 10:12:13 2012 (1348906333)
-// Driver 304.54
-.version 3.0
-.target sm_30, texmode_independent
-.address_size 32
-.extern .shared .align 16 .b8 shr_3_tmp[4352];
-.entry transposeComplexVoltages(
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 transposeComplexVoltages_param_0,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 transposeComplexVoltages_param_1
-	.reg .f32 	%f<65>;
-	.reg .pred 	%p<2>;
-	.reg .s32 	%r<58>;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r26, [transposeComplexVoltages_param_0];
-	ld.param.u32 	%r27, [transposeComplexVoltages_param_1];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r13, %envreg4;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r14, %ntid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r15, %ctaid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r16, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r17, %envreg5;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r18, %ntid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r19, %ctaid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r20, %tid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r21, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r22, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shr.u32 	%r28, %r22, 4;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r23, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shr.u32 	%r29, %r23, 4;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r24, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	and.b32  	%r30, %r21, 15;
-	mov.u32 	%r31, shr_3_tmp;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r32, %r30, 272, %r31;
-	and.b32  	%r33, %r22, -16;
-	add.s32 	%r1, %r32, %r33;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r34, %r29, 272, %r31;
-	and.b32  	%r35, %r24, 15;
-	shl.b32 	%r36, %r35, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r2, %r34, %r36;
-	add.s32 	%r37, %r20, %r17;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r38, %r19, %r18, %r37;
-	shl.b32 	%r39, %r38, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r40, %r28, %r39;
-	shl.b32 	%r41, %r40, 16;
-	add.s32 	%r42, %r16, %r13;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r43, %r15, %r14, %r42;
-	shl.b32 	%r44, %r43, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r45, %r44, %r30;
-	shl.b32 	%r46, %r45, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r47, %r41, %r46;
-	add.s32 	%r48, %r47, %r27;
-	add.s32 	%r56, %r48, 4096;
-	add.s32 	%r49, %r29, %r44;
-	shl.b32 	%r50, %r49, 20;
-	add.s32 	%r51, %r39, %r35;
-	shl.b32 	%r52, %r51, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r53, %r50, %r52;
-	add.s32 	%r54, %r53, %r26;
-	add.s32 	%r55, %r54, 525056;
-	mov.u32 	%r57, 2048;
-	add.s32 	%r8, %r56, -4096;
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f61, %f62, %f63, %f64}, [%r56+-4096];
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r1], {%f61, %f62, %f63, %f64};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	ld.shared.v4.f32 	{%f53, %f54, %f55, %f56}, [%r2];
-	add.s32 	%r9, %r55, -525056;
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r55+-525056], {%f53, %f54};
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r55+-768], {%f55, %f56};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f49, %f50, %f51, %f52}, [%r8+2048];
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r1], {%f49, %f50, %f51, %f52};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	ld.shared.v4.f32 	{%f41, %f42, %f43, %f44}, [%r2];
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r9+256], {%f41, %f42};
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r9+524544], {%f43, %f44};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f37, %f38, %f39, %f40}, [%r8+4096];
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r1], {%f37, %f38, %f39, %f40};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	ld.shared.v4.f32 	{%f29, %f30, %f31, %f32}, [%r2];
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r9+512], {%f29, %f30};
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r9+524800], {%f31, %f32};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f25, %f26, %f27, %f28}, [%r8+6144];
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r1], {%f25, %f26, %f27, %f28};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	ld.shared.v4.f32 	{%f17, %f18, %f19, %f20}, [%r2];
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r9+768], {%f17, %f18};
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r9+525056], {%f19, %f20};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	add.s32 	%r56, %r56, 8192;
-	add.s32 	%r55, %r55, 1024;
-	add.s32 	%r57, %r57, -4;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p1, %r57, 0;
-	@%p1 bra 	BB0_1;
-	ret;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBuffer.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBuffer.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cba113a936c59501c8b5625efcf2a9a249f1a11..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBuffer.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-//#  BeamletBuffer.cc: one line description
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: BeamletBuffer.cc 18226 2011-06-09 12:56:47Z romein $
-//# Always #include <lofar_config.h> first!
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include <Interface/Align.h>
-#include <Interface/Exceptions.h>
-#include <BeamletBuffer.h>
-//#include <ION_Allocator.h>
-//#include <InputThreadAsm.h>
-#include <RSP.h>
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
-using boost::format;
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> const unsigned BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::itsNrTimesPerPacket;
-// The buffer size is a multiple of the input packet size.  By setting
-// itsOffset to a proper value, we can assure that input packets never
-// wrap around the circular buffer
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::BeamletBuffer(const Parset *ps, string &stationName, unsigned rspBoard)
-  itsRSPboard(rspBoard),
-  itsNrSubbands(ps->nrSlotsInFrame()),
-  itsPacketSize(sizeof(struct RSP::Header) + itsNrTimesPerPacket * itsNrSubbands * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE)),
-  itsSize(align(ps->inputBufferSize(), itsNrTimesPerPacket)),
-  itsHistorySize(ps->nrHistorySamples()),
-  itsIsRealTime(ps->realTime()),
-  itsSynchronizedReaderWriter(itsIsRealTime ? 0 : new SynchronizedReaderAndWriter(itsSize)), // FIXME: does not work for multiple observations
-  itsLockedRanges(itsSize),
-  itsSBBuffers(boost::extents[itsNrSubbands][itsSize][NR_POLARIZATIONS], 128 /*, hugeMemoryAllocator*/),
-  itsOffset(0),
-  itsPreviousTimeStamp(0),
-  itsPreviousI(0),
-  itsCurrentTimeStamp(0),
-  itsCurrentI(0),
-#if defined HAVE_BGP && !defined USE_VALGRIND
-  itsStride(itsSBBuffers[0].num_elements() * sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE)),
-  itsStride(itsSBBuffers[0].num_elements()),
-  itsReadTimer("buffer read", true, true),
-  itsWriteTimer("buffer write", true, true)
-  itsLogPrefix = str(format("[station %s board %u] ") % stationName % rspBoard);
-  if (ps->getUint32("OLAP.nrTimesInFrame") != itsNrTimesPerPacket)
-    THROW(GPUProcException, "OLAP.nrTimesInFrame should be " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(itsNrTimesPerPacket));
-#if 0
-  if (ps->realTime())
-    itsSynchronizedReaderWriter = new TimeSynchronizedReader(ps->maxNetworkDelay());  
-  else
-    itsSynchronizedReaderWriter = new SynchronizedReaderAndWriter(itsSize);
-#if defined USE_VALGRIND
-  memset(itsSBBuffers.origin(), 0, itsSBBuffers.num_elements() * sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE));
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Circular buffer at " << itsSBBuffers.origin() << "; contains " << itsSize << " samples");
-#if defined HAVE_BGP && !defined USE_VALGRIND
-template<> inline void BeamletBuffer<i4complex>::writePacket(i4complex *dst, const i4complex *src)
-  _copy_pkt_to_bbuffer_32_bytes(dst, itsStride, src, itsNrSubbands);
-template<> inline void BeamletBuffer<i8complex>::writePacket(i8complex *dst, const i8complex *src)
-  _copy_pkt_to_bbuffer_64_bytes(dst, itsStride, src, itsNrSubbands);
-template<> inline void BeamletBuffer<i16complex>::writePacket(i16complex *dst, const i16complex *src)
-  _copy_pkt_to_bbuffer_128_bytes(dst, itsStride, src, itsNrSubbands);
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> inline void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::writePacket(SAMPLE_TYPE *dst, const SAMPLE_TYPE *src)
-  for (unsigned sb = 0; sb < itsNrSubbands; sb ++) {
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < itsNrTimesPerPacket * NR_POLARIZATIONS; i ++)
-      dst[i] = *src ++;
-    dst += itsStride;
-  }
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> inline void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::updateValidData(const TimeStamp &begin, const TimeStamp &end)
-  ScopedLock sl(itsValidDataMutex);
-  itsValidData.exclude(0, end - itsSize);  // forget old ValidData
-  // add new ValidData (except if range list will grow too long, to avoid long
-  // computations)
-  const SparseSet<TimeStamp>::Ranges &ranges = itsValidData.getRanges();
-  if (ranges.size() < 64 || ranges.back().end == begin) 
-    itsValidData.include(begin, end);
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::writeConsecutivePackets(unsigned count)
-  unsigned  nrTimes = count * itsNrTimesPerPacket;
-  TimeStamp begin   = itsCurrentTimeStamp, end  = begin + nrTimes;
-  unsigned  startI  = itsCurrentI,	   endI = startI + nrTimes;
-  if (endI >= itsSize)
-    endI -= itsSize;
-  SAMPLE_TYPE *dst = itsSBBuffers[0][startI].origin();
-  // in synchronous mode, do not overrun tail of reader
-  if (!itsIsRealTime)
-    itsSynchronizedReaderWriter->startWrite(begin, end);
-  // do not write in circular buffer section that is being read
-  itsLockedRanges.lock(startI, endI);
-  while (itsCurrentI != endI) {
-    writePacket(dst, reinterpret_cast<const SAMPLE_TYPE *>(itsCurrentPacketPtr));
-    itsCurrentPacketPtr += itsPacketSize;
-    dst			+= itsNrTimesPerPacket * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-    if ((itsCurrentI += itsNrTimesPerPacket) == itsSize) {
-      itsCurrentI = 0;
-      dst	  = itsSBBuffers.origin();
-    }
-  }
-  itsCurrentTimeStamp = end;
-  updateValidData(begin, end);
-  itsLockedRanges.unlock(startI, endI);
-  if (!itsIsRealTime)
-    itsSynchronizedReaderWriter->finishedWrite(end);
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::resetCurrentTimeStamp(const TimeStamp &newTimeStamp)
-  // A packet with unexpected timestamp was received.  Handle accordingly.
-  bool firstPacket = !itsCurrentTimeStamp; // the first timestamp is always unexpected
-  itsCurrentTimeStamp = newTimeStamp;
-  itsCurrentI	      = mapTime2Index(newTimeStamp);
-  if (!aligned(itsCurrentI, itsNrTimesPerPacket)) {
-    // RSP board reset?  Recompute itsOffset and clear the entire buffer.
-    ScopedLock sl(itsReadMutex); // avoid reset while other thread reads
-    int oldOffset = itsOffset;
-    itsOffset   = - (newTimeStamp % itsNrTimesPerPacket);
-    itsCurrentI = mapTime2Index(newTimeStamp);
-    assert(aligned(itsCurrentI, itsNrTimesPerPacket));
-    {
-      ScopedLock sl(itsValidDataMutex);
-      itsValidData.reset();
-    }
-    if (!firstPacket) {
-      LOG_WARN_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Reset BeamletBuffer at " << newTimeStamp << "; itsOffset was " << oldOffset << " and becomes " << itsOffset);
-    }  
-  }
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::writeMultiplePackets(const void *rspData, const std::vector<TimeStamp> &timeStamps)
-  itsWriteTimer.start();
-  itsCurrentPacketPtr = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(rspData) + sizeof(struct RSP::Header);
-  for (unsigned first = 0, last; first < timeStamps.size();) {
-    if (timeStamps[first] != itsCurrentTimeStamp)
-      resetCurrentTimeStamp(timeStamps[first]);
-    // find a series of consecutively timed packets
-    for (last = first + 1; last < timeStamps.size() && timeStamps[last] == timeStamps[last - 1] + itsNrTimesPerPacket; last ++)
-      ;
-    writeConsecutivePackets(last - first);
-    first = last;
-  }
-  itsWriteTimer.stop();
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::writePacketData(const SAMPLE_TYPE *data, const TimeStamp &begin)
-  itsWriteTimer.start();
-  TimeStamp end = begin + itsNrTimesPerPacket;
-  // cache previous index, to avoid expensive mapTime2Index()
-  unsigned startI;
-  if (begin == itsPreviousTimeStamp) {
-    startI = itsPreviousI;
-  } else {
-    startI = mapTime2Index(begin);
-    if (!aligned(startI, itsNrTimesPerPacket)) {
-      // RSP board reset?  Recompute itsOffset and clear the entire buffer.
-      itsOffset = - (startI % itsNrTimesPerPacket);
-      startI    = mapTime2Index(begin);
-      {
-        ScopedLock sl(itsValidDataMutex);
-        itsValidData.reset();
-      }
-    }
-    //LOG_DEBUG_STR(""timestamp = " << (uint64_t) begin << ", itsOffset = " << itsOffset");
-  }
-  unsigned endI = startI + itsNrTimesPerPacket;
-  if (endI >= itsSize)
-    endI -= itsSize;
-  itsPreviousTimeStamp = end;
-  itsPreviousI	       = endI;
-  // in synchronous mode, do not overrun tail of reader
-  if (!itsIsRealTime)
-    itsSynchronizedReaderWriter->startWrite(begin, end);
-  // do not write in circular buffer section that is being read
-  itsLockedRanges.lock(startI, endI);
-  writePacket(itsSBBuffers[0][startI].origin(), data);
-  // forget old ValidData
-  {
-    ScopedLock sl(itsValidDataMutex);
-    itsValidData.exclude(0, end - itsSize);
-    unsigned rangesSize = itsValidData.getRanges().size();
-    // add new ValidData (except if range list will grow too long, to avoid long
-    // computations)
-    if (rangesSize < 64 || itsValidData.getRanges()[rangesSize - 1].end == begin) 
-      itsValidData.include(begin, end);
-  }  
-  itsLockedRanges.unlock(startI, endI);
-  if (!itsIsRealTime)
-    itsSynchronizedReaderWriter->finishedWrite(end);
-  itsWriteTimer.stop();
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::startReadTransaction(const std::vector<TimeStamp> &begin, unsigned nrElements)
-  // in synchronous mode, do not overrun writer
-  if (!itsIsRealTime) {
-    TimeStamp minBegin = *std::min_element(begin.begin(), begin.end());
-    TimeStamp maxEnd   = *std::max_element(begin.begin(), begin.end()) + nrElements;
-    itsSynchronizedReaderWriter->startRead(minBegin, maxEnd);
-  }
-  itsReadMutex.lock(); // only one reader per BeamletBuffer allowed
-  itsReadTimer.start();
-  unsigned nrBeams = begin.size();
-  itsEnd.resize(nrBeams);
-  itsStartI.resize(nrBeams);
-  itsEndI.resize(nrBeams);
-  itsBegin = begin;
-  for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < begin.size(); beam ++) {
-    itsEnd[beam]    = begin[beam] + nrElements;
-    itsStartI[beam] = mapTime2Index(begin[beam]);
-    itsEndI[beam]   = mapTime2Index(itsEnd[beam]);
-  }
-  itsMinEnd	     = *std::min_element(itsEnd.begin(),    itsEnd.end());
-  itsMinStartI	     = *std::min_element(itsStartI.begin(), itsStartI.end());
-  itsMaxEndI	     = *std::max_element(itsEndI.begin(),   itsEndI.end());
-  // do not read from circular buffer section that is being written
-  itsLockedRanges.lock(itsMinStartI, itsMaxEndI);
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::sendSubband(Stream *str, unsigned subband, unsigned beam) const
-  // Align to 32 bytes and make multiple of 32 bytes by prepending/appending
-  // extra data.  Always send 32 bytes extra, even if data was already aligned.
-  unsigned startI = align(itsStartI[beam] - itsAlignment + 1, itsAlignment); // round down
-  unsigned endI   = align(itsEndI[beam] + 1, itsAlignment); // round up, possibly adding 32 bytes
-  if (endI < startI) {
-    // the data wraps around the allocated memory, so copy in two parts
-    unsigned firstChunk = itsSize - startI;
-    str->write(itsSBBuffers[subband][startI].origin(), sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE[firstChunk][NR_POLARIZATIONS]));
-    str->write(itsSBBuffers[subband][0].origin(),      sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE[endI][NR_POLARIZATIONS]));
-  } else {
-    str->write(itsSBBuffers[subband][startI].origin(), sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE[endI - startI][NR_POLARIZATIONS]));
-  }
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::sendUnalignedSubband(Stream *str, unsigned subband, unsigned beam) const
-  if (itsEndI[beam] < itsStartI[beam]) {
-    // the data wraps around the allocated memory, so copy in two parts
-    unsigned firstChunk = itsSize - itsStartI[beam];
-    str->write(itsSBBuffers[subband][itsStartI[beam]].origin(), sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE[firstChunk][NR_POLARIZATIONS]));
-    str->write(itsSBBuffers[subband][0].origin(),		sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE[itsEndI[beam]][NR_POLARIZATIONS]));
-  } else {
-    str->write(itsSBBuffers[subband][itsStartI[beam]].origin(), sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE[itsEndI[beam] - itsStartI[beam]][NR_POLARIZATIONS]));
-  }
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> SparseSet<unsigned> BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::readFlags(unsigned beam)
-  itsValidDataMutex.lock();
-  SparseSet<TimeStamp> validTimes = itsValidData.subset(itsBegin[beam], itsEnd[beam]);
-  itsValidDataMutex.unlock();
-  SparseSet<unsigned> flags;
-  flags.include(0, static_cast<unsigned>(itsEnd[beam] - itsBegin[beam]));
-  for (SparseSet<TimeStamp>::const_iterator it = validTimes.getRanges().begin(); it != validTimes.getRanges().end(); it ++)
-    flags.exclude(static_cast<unsigned>(it->begin - itsBegin[beam]),
-		  static_cast<unsigned>(it->end - itsBegin[beam]));
-  return flags;
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::stopReadTransaction()
-  itsLockedRanges.unlock(itsMinStartI, itsMaxEndI);
-  if (!itsIsRealTime)
-    itsSynchronizedReaderWriter->finishedRead(itsMinEnd - (itsHistorySize + 16));
-    // subtract 16 extra; due to alignment restrictions and the changing delays,
-    // it is hard to predict where the next read will begin.
-  itsReadTimer.stop();
-  itsReadMutex.unlock();
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::noMoreReading()
-  if (!itsIsRealTime)
-    itsSynchronizedReaderWriter->noMoreReading();
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::noMoreWriting()
-  if (!itsIsRealTime)
-    itsSynchronizedReaderWriter->noMoreWriting();
-template class BeamletBuffer<i4complex>;
-template class BeamletBuffer<i8complex>;
-template class BeamletBuffer<i16complex>;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBuffer.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBuffer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 625b52cea8476f5386af5de8eddb311d6a3980d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBuffer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-//#  BeamletBuffer.h: a cyclic buffer that holds the beamlets from the rspboards
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: BeamletBuffer.h 17975 2011-05-10 09:52:51Z mol $
-// \file
-// a cyclic buffer that holds the beamlets from the rspboards
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-//# Includes
-#include <Common/lofar_vector.h>
-#include <Common/lofar_complex.h>
-#include <Common/Timer.h>
-#include <Interface/Config.h>
-#include <Interface/MultiDimArray.h>
-#include <Interface/Parset.h>
-#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-#include <Interface/SmartPtr.h>
-#include <Interface/SparseSet.h>
-#include <LockedRanges.h>
-#include <ReaderWriterSynchronization.h>
-#include <Stream/Stream.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Mutex.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-// define a "simple" type of which the size equals the size of two samples
-// (X and Y polarizations)
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> class BeamletBuffer
-  public:
-	     BeamletBuffer(const Parset *, std::string &stationName, unsigned rspBoard);
-    void     writePacketData(const SAMPLE_TYPE *data, const TimeStamp &begin);
-    void     writeMultiplePackets(const void *rspData, const std::vector<TimeStamp> &);
-    void     startReadTransaction(const std::vector<TimeStamp> &begin, unsigned nrElements);
-    void     sendSubband(Stream *, unsigned subband, unsigned currentBeam) const;
-    void     sendUnalignedSubband(Stream *, unsigned subband, unsigned currentBeam) const;
-    unsigned alignmentShift(unsigned beam) const;
-    SparseSet<unsigned> readFlags(unsigned beam);
-    void     stopReadTransaction();
-    void     noMoreReading();
-    void     noMoreWriting();
-    const static unsigned		  itsNrTimesPerPacket = 16;
-  private:
-    unsigned mapTime2Index(TimeStamp time) const;
-    std::string                           itsLogPrefix;
-    Mutex				  itsValidDataMutex;
-    SparseSet<TimeStamp>		  itsValidData;
-    unsigned				  itsRSPboard;
-    unsigned				  itsNrSubbands;
-    size_t				  itsPacketSize;
-    unsigned				  itsSize, itsHistorySize;
-    bool				  itsIsRealTime;
-    SmartPtr<SynchronizedReaderAndWriter> itsSynchronizedReaderWriter;
-    LockedRanges			  itsLockedRanges;
-    Cube<SAMPLE_TYPE>			  itsSBBuffers;
-    int					  itsOffset;
-    const static unsigned		  itsAlignment = 32 / (NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE));
-    // read internals
-    std::vector<TimeStamp>		  itsBegin, itsEnd;
-    std::vector<size_t>			  itsStartI, itsEndI;
-    size_t                                itsMinStartI, itsMaxEndI;
-    TimeStamp                             itsMinEnd;
-    Mutex				  itsReadMutex;
-    // write internals
-    void				  writePacket(SAMPLE_TYPE *dst, const SAMPLE_TYPE *src);
-    void				  updateValidData(const TimeStamp &begin, const TimeStamp &end);
-    void				  writeConsecutivePackets(unsigned count);
-    void				  resetCurrentTimeStamp(const TimeStamp &);
-    TimeStamp				  itsPreviousTimeStamp;
-    unsigned				  itsPreviousI;
-    TimeStamp				  itsCurrentTimeStamp;
-    unsigned				  itsCurrentI;
-    size_t				  itsStride;
-    const char				  *itsCurrentPacketPtr;
-    NSTimer				  itsReadTimer, itsWriteTimer;
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> inline unsigned BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::alignmentShift(unsigned beam) const
-  return itsStartI[beam] % itsAlignment;
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> inline unsigned BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>::mapTime2Index(TimeStamp time) const
-  // TODO: this is very slow because of the %
-  return (time + itsOffset) % itsSize;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 22efb3626d037028d4b21eb14a38debc81adc758..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-//#  BeamletBufferToComputeNode.cc: Catch RSP ethernet frames and synchronize RSP inputs 
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: BeamletBufferToComputeNode.cc 18226 2011-06-09 12:56:47Z romein $
-//# Always #include <lofar_config.h> first!
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-//# Includes
-#include <Common/Timer.h>
-#include <Common/PrettyUnits.h>
-#include <BeamletBufferToComputeNode.h>
-#include <BeamletBuffer.h>
-#include <ION_Allocator.h>
-#include <Scheduling.h>
-#include <Interface/AlignedStdAllocator.h>
-#include <Interface/BFRawFormat.h>
-#include <Interface/CN_Command.h>
-#include <Interface/CN_Mapping.h>
-#include <Interface/Stream.h>
-#include <Interface/SubbandMetaData.h>
-#include <Interface/Exceptions.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> const unsigned BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::itsMaximumDelay;
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::BeamletBufferToComputeNode(const Parset &ps, const std::vector<Stream *> &phaseOneTwoStreams, const std::vector<SmartPtr<BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE> > > &beamletBuffers, unsigned psetNumber)
-  itsFileHeaderWritten(false),
-  itsPhaseOneTwoStreams(phaseOneTwoStreams),
-  itsPS(ps),
-  itsNrInputs(beamletBuffers.size()),
-  itsPsetNumber(psetNumber),
-  itsBeamletBuffers(beamletBuffers),
-  itsBlockNumber(0),
-  itsDelayTimer("delay consumer", true, true)
-  bool haveStationInput = itsNrInputs > 0;
-  string stationName = haveStationInput ? ps.getStationNamesAndRSPboardNumbers(psetNumber)[0].station : "none"; // TODO: support more than one station
-  itsLogPrefix = str(boost::format("[obs %u station %s] ") % ps.observationID() % stationName);
-  itsSubbandBandwidth	      = ps.subbandBandwidth();
-  itsNrSubbands		      = ps.nrSubbands();
-  itsNrSubbandsPerPset	      = ps.nrSubbandsPerPset();
-  itsNrSamplesPerSubband      = ps.nrSamplesPerSubband();
-  itsNrBeams		      = ps.nrBeams();
-  itsNrTABs		      = ps.nrTABs();
-  itsNrPhaseTwoPsets	      = ps.phaseTwoPsets().size();
-  itsCurrentPhaseOneTwoComputeCore = 0;
-  itsSampleDuration	      = ps.sampleDuration();
-  itsDelayCompensation	      = ps.delayCompensation();
-  itsCorrectClocks	      = ps.correctClocks();
-  itsNeedDelays               = (itsDelayCompensation || itsNrTABs > 1 || itsCorrectClocks) && itsNrInputs > 0;
-  itsSubbandToSAPmapping      = ps.subbandToSAPmapping();
-  if (haveStationInput) {
-    itsSubbandToRSPboardMapping = ps.subbandToRSPboardMapping(stationName);
-    itsSubbandToRSPslotMapping  = ps.subbandToRSPslotMapping(stationName);
-  }
-  itsCurrentTimeStamp	      = TimeStamp(static_cast<int64>(ps.startTime() * itsSubbandBandwidth), ps.clockSpeed());
-  itsIsRealTime		      = ps.realTime();
-  itsMaxNetworkDelay	      = ps.maxNetworkDelay();
-  itsDumpRawData	      = ps.dumpRawData();
-  itsNrHistorySamples	      = itsDumpRawData ? 0 : ps.nrHistorySamples();
-  itsObservationID	      = ps.observationID();
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "nrSubbands = " << itsNrSubbands);
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "nrChannelsPerSubband = " << ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "nrStations = " << ps.nrStations());
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "nrBitsPerSample = " << ps.nrBitsPerSample());
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "maxNetworkDelay = " << itsMaxNetworkDelay << " samples");
-  if (haveStationInput && itsNeedDelays) {
-    itsDelaysAtBegin.resize(itsNrBeams, itsNrTABs + 1);
-    itsDelaysAfterEnd.resize(itsNrBeams, itsNrTABs + 1);
-    itsBeamDirectionsAtBegin.resize(itsNrBeams, itsNrTABs + 1);
-    itsBeamDirectionsAfterEnd.resize(itsNrBeams, itsNrTABs + 1);
-    if (itsDelayCompensation || itsNrTABs > 1)
-      itsDelays = new Delays(ps, stationName, itsCurrentTimeStamp);
-    if (itsCorrectClocks)
-      itsClockCorrectionTime = ps.clockCorrectionTime(stationName);
-    computeNextDelays(); // initialize itsDelaysAfterEnd before we really start
-  }
-  itsDelayedStamps.resize(itsNrBeams);
-  itsSamplesDelay.resize(itsNrBeams);
-  itsFineDelaysAtBegin.resize(itsNrBeams, itsNrTABs + 1);
-  itsFineDelaysAfterEnd.resize(itsNrBeams, itsNrTABs + 1);
-  itsFlags.resize(boost::extents[itsNrInputs][itsNrBeams]);
-  if (itsDumpRawData && itsNrInputs > 0) {
-    LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Dumping raw beamformed data only, no further processing done");
-    vector<string> rawDataOutputs = ps.getStringVector("OLAP.OLAP_Conn.rawDataOutputs",true);
-    unsigned	   psetIndex	  = ps.phaseOnePsetIndex(itsPsetNumber);
-    if (psetIndex >= rawDataOutputs.size())
-      THROW(IONProcException, "there are more input section nodes than entries in OLAP.OLAP_Conn.rawDataOutputs");
-    string rawDataOutput = rawDataOutputs[psetIndex];
-    LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Writing raw data to " << rawDataOutput);
-    itsRawDataStream = createStream(rawDataOutput, false);
-  }
-#if defined HAVE_BGP_ION // FIXME: not in preprocess
-  doNotRunOnCore0();
-  setPriority(3);
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::~BeamletBufferToComputeNode() 
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "BeamletBufferToComputeNode::~BeamletBufferToComputeNode");
-  for (unsigned rsp = 0; rsp < itsNrInputs; rsp ++)
-    itsBeamletBuffers[rsp]->noMoreReading();
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::computeNextDelays()
-  // track source
-  if (itsDelays != 0)
-    itsDelays->getNextDelays(itsBeamDirectionsAfterEnd, itsDelaysAfterEnd);
-  else
-    for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++)
-      for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsNrTABs + 1; pencil ++)
-	itsDelaysAfterEnd[beam][pencil] = 0;
-  // apply clock correction due to cable differences
-  if (itsCorrectClocks)
-    for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++)
-      for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsNrTABs + 1; pencil ++)
-	itsDelaysAfterEnd[beam][pencil] += itsClockCorrectionTime;
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::limitFlagsLength(SparseSet<unsigned> &flags)
-  const SparseSet<unsigned>::Ranges &ranges = flags.getRanges();
-  if (ranges.size() > 16)
-    flags.include(ranges[15].begin, ranges.back().end);
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::computeDelays()
-  itsDelayTimer.start();
-  // begin of this integration is end of previous integration
-  itsDelaysAtBegin	   = itsDelaysAfterEnd;
-  itsBeamDirectionsAtBegin = itsBeamDirectionsAfterEnd;
-  computeNextDelays();
-  for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++) {
-    // The coarse delay is determined for the center of the current
-    // time interval and is expressed in an entire amount of samples.
-    //
-    // We use the central pencil beam (#0) for the coarse delay compensation.
-    signed int coarseDelay = static_cast<signed int>(floor(0.5 * (itsDelaysAtBegin[beam][0] + itsDelaysAfterEnd[beam][0]) * itsSubbandBandwidth + 0.5));
-    // The fine delay is determined for the boundaries of the current
-    // time interval and is expressed in seconds.
-    double d = coarseDelay * itsSampleDuration;
-    itsDelayedStamps[beam] -= coarseDelay;
-    itsSamplesDelay[beam]  = -coarseDelay;
-    for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsNrTABs + 1; pencil ++) {
-      // we don't do coarse delay compensation for the individual pencil beams to avoid complexity and overhead
-      itsFineDelaysAtBegin[beam][pencil]  = static_cast<float>(itsDelaysAtBegin[beam][pencil] - d);
-      itsFineDelaysAfterEnd[beam][pencil] = static_cast<float>(itsDelaysAfterEnd[beam][pencil] - d);
-    }
-  }
-  itsDelayTimer.stop();
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::startTransaction()
-  for (unsigned rsp = 0; rsp < itsNrInputs; rsp ++) {
-    itsBeamletBuffers[rsp]->startReadTransaction(itsDelayedStamps, itsNrSamplesPerSubband + itsNrHistorySamples);
-    for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++)
-      /*if (itsMustComputeFlags[rsp][beam])*/ { // TODO
-	itsFlags[rsp][beam] = itsBeamletBuffers[rsp]->readFlags(beam);
-	limitFlagsLength(itsFlags[rsp][beam]);
-      }
-  }
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::writeLogMessage() const
-  std::stringstream logStr;
-  logStr << itsLogPrefix << itsCurrentTimeStamp;
-  if (itsIsRealTime) {
-    struct timeval tv;
-    gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
-    double currentTime  = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / 1e6;
-    double expectedTime = itsCorrelationStartTime * itsSampleDuration;
-    logStr << ", late: " << PrettyTime(currentTime - expectedTime);
-  }
-  if (itsNeedDelays) {
-    for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++)
-      logStr << (beam == 0 ? ", delays: [" : ", ") << PrettyTime(itsDelaysAtBegin[beam][0], 7);
-      //logStr << (beam == 0 ? ", delays: [" : ", ") << PrettyTime(itsDelaysAtBegin[beam], 7) << " = " << itsSamplesDelay[beam] << " samples + " << PrettyTime(itsFineDelaysAtBegin[beam], 7);
-    logStr << "]";
-  }
-  for (unsigned rsp = 0; rsp < itsNrInputs; rsp ++)
-    logStr << ", flags " << rsp << ": " << itsFlags[rsp][0] << '(' << std::setprecision(3) << (100.0 * itsFlags[rsp][0].count() / (itsNrSamplesPerSubband + itsNrHistorySamples)) << "%)"; // not really correct; beam(0) may be shifted
-  LOG_INFO(logStr.str());
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::toComputeNodes()
-  CN_Command command(CN_Command::PROCESS, itsBlockNumber ++);
-  if (!itsPhaseOneTwoStreams.empty()) {
-    // If the total number of subbands is not dividable by the nrSubbandsPerPset,
-    // we may have to send dummy process commands, without sending subband data.
-    for (unsigned subbandBase = 0; subbandBase < itsNrSubbandsPerPset; subbandBase ++) {
-      Stream *stream = itsPhaseOneTwoStreams[itsCurrentPhaseOneTwoComputeCore];
-      // tell CN to process data
-      if (itsPsetNumber == 0)
-	command.write(stream);
-      if (itsNrInputs > 0) {
-        // create and send all metadata in one "large" message, since initiating a message
-        // has significant overhead in FCNP.
-        SubbandMetaData metaData(itsNrPhaseTwoPsets, itsNrTABs + 1);
-        for (unsigned psetIndex = 0; psetIndex < itsNrPhaseTwoPsets; psetIndex ++) {
-          unsigned subband = itsNrSubbandsPerPset * psetIndex + subbandBase;
-          if (subband < itsNrSubbands) {
-            unsigned rspBoard = itsSubbandToRSPboardMapping[subband];
-            unsigned beam     = itsSubbandToSAPmapping[subband];
-            if (itsNeedDelays) {
-              for (unsigned p = 0; p < itsNrTABs + 1; p ++) {
-                struct SubbandMetaData::beamInfo &beamInfo = metaData.beams(psetIndex)[p];
-                beamInfo.delayAtBegin   = itsFineDelaysAtBegin[beam][p];
-                beamInfo.delayAfterEnd  = itsFineDelaysAfterEnd[beam][p];
-                // extract the carthesian coordinates
-                const casa::Vector<double> &beamDirBegin = itsBeamDirectionsAtBegin[beam][p].getValue();
-                const casa::Vector<double> &beamDirEnd   = itsBeamDirectionsAfterEnd[beam][p].getValue();
-                for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
-                  beamInfo.beamDirectionAtBegin[i]  = beamDirBegin[i];
-                  beamInfo.beamDirectionAfterEnd[i] = beamDirEnd[i];
-                }
-              }  
-            }  
-            metaData.alignmentShift(psetIndex) = itsBeamletBuffers[rspBoard]->alignmentShift(beam);
-            metaData.setFlags(psetIndex, itsFlags[rspBoard][beam]);
-          }
-        }
-        metaData.write(stream);
-        // now send all subband data
-        for (unsigned psetIndex = 0; psetIndex < itsNrPhaseTwoPsets; psetIndex ++) {
-          unsigned subband = itsNrSubbandsPerPset * psetIndex + subbandBase;
-          if (subband < itsNrSubbands) {
-            unsigned rspBoard = itsSubbandToRSPboardMapping[subband];
-            unsigned rspSlot  = itsSubbandToRSPslotMapping[subband];
-            unsigned beam     = itsSubbandToSAPmapping[subband];
-            itsBeamletBuffers[rspBoard]->sendSubband(stream, rspSlot, beam);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (++ itsCurrentPhaseOneTwoComputeCore == itsPhaseOneTwoStreams.size())
-        itsCurrentPhaseOneTwoComputeCore = 0;
-    }
-  }
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::dumpRawData()
-  // NOTE: we always have station input at this point
-  std::string stationName = itsPS.getStationNamesAndRSPboardNumbers(itsPsetNumber)[0].station; // TODO: support more than one station
-  vector<unsigned> subbandToSAPmapping      = itsPS.subbandToSAPmapping();
-  vector<unsigned> subbandToRSPboardMapping = itsPS.subbandToRSPboardMapping(stationName);
-  vector<unsigned> subbandToRSPslotMapping  = itsPS.subbandToRSPslotMapping(stationName);
-  unsigned	   nrSubbands		    = itsPS.nrSubbands();
-  BFRawFormat	   bfraw_data;
-  if (!itsFileHeaderWritten) {
-    if (nrSubbands > 62)
-      THROW(IONProcException, "too many subbands for raw data format");
-    memset(&bfraw_data.header, 0, sizeof bfraw_data.header);
-    bfraw_data.header.magic		  = 0x3F8304EC;
-    bfraw_data.header.bitsPerSample	  = 16;
-    bfraw_data.header.nrPolarizations	  = 2;
-    bfraw_data.header.nrSubbands	  = nrSubbands;
-    bfraw_data.header.nrSamplesPerSubband = itsNrSamplesPerSubband;
-    bfraw_data.header.subbandBandwidth	  = itsSubbandBandwidth;
-    strncpy(bfraw_data.header.station, itsPS.getStationNamesAndRSPboardNumbers(itsPsetNumber)[0].station.c_str(), sizeof bfraw_data.header.station);
-    memcpy(bfraw_data.header.subbandFrequencies, &itsPS.subbandToFrequencyMapping()[0], nrSubbands * sizeof(double));
-    for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++)
-      memcpy(bfraw_data.header.beamDirections[beam], &itsPS.getBeamDirection(beam)[0], sizeof bfraw_data.header.beamDirections[beam]);
-    for (unsigned subband = 0; subband < nrSubbands; subband ++)
-      bfraw_data.header.subbandToSAPmapping[subband] = subbandToSAPmapping[subband];
-    itsRawDataStream->write(&bfraw_data.header, sizeof bfraw_data.header);
-    itsFileHeaderWritten = true;
-  }
-  memset(&bfraw_data.block_header, 0, sizeof bfraw_data.block_header);
-  bfraw_data.block_header.magic = 0x2913D852;
-  for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++) {
-    bfraw_data.block_header.coarseDelayApplied[beam]	 = itsSamplesDelay[beam];
-    bfraw_data.block_header.fineDelayRemainingAtBegin[beam]	 = itsFineDelaysAtBegin[beam][0];
-    bfraw_data.block_header.fineDelayRemainingAfterEnd[beam] = itsFineDelaysAfterEnd[beam][0];
-    bfraw_data.block_header.time[beam]			 = itsDelayedStamps[beam];
-    // FIXME: the current BlockHeader format does not provide space for
-    // the flags from multiple RSP boards --- use the flags of RSP board 0
-    itsFlags[0][beam].marshall(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&bfraw_data.block_header.flags[beam]), sizeof(BFRawFormat::BlockHeader::marshalledFlags));
-  }
-  itsRawDataStream->write(&bfraw_data.block_header, sizeof bfraw_data.block_header);
-  for (unsigned subband = 0; subband < nrSubbands; subband ++)
-    itsBeamletBuffers[subbandToRSPboardMapping[subband]]->sendUnalignedSubband(itsRawDataStream, subbandToRSPslotMapping[subband], subbandToSAPmapping[subband]);
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::stopTransaction()
-  for (unsigned rsp = 0; rsp < itsNrInputs; rsp ++)
-    itsBeamletBuffers[rsp]->stopReadTransaction();
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::process()
-  // stay in sync with other psets even if there are no inputs to allow a synchronised early abort
-  if (itsNrInputs > 0)
-    for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++)
-      itsDelayedStamps[beam] = itsCurrentTimeStamp - itsNrHistorySamples;
-  if (itsNeedDelays)
-    computeDelays();
-  if (itsIsRealTime) {
-    itsCorrelationStartTime = itsCurrentTimeStamp + itsNrSamplesPerSubband + itsMaxNetworkDelay + itsMaximumDelay;
-    itsWallClock.waitUntil(itsCorrelationStartTime);
-  }
-  if (itsNrInputs > 0) {
-    startTransaction();
-    writeLogMessage();
-  }
-  NSTimer timer;
-  timer.start();
-  if (!itsDumpRawData)
-    toComputeNodes();
-  else if (itsNrInputs > 0)
-    dumpRawData();
-  if (itsNrInputs > 0) {
-    stopTransaction();
-  }
-  itsCurrentTimeStamp += itsNrSamplesPerSubband;
-  timer.stop();
-  if (itsNrInputs > 0)
-    LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << " ION->CN: " << PrettyTime(timer.getElapsed()));
-template class BeamletBufferToComputeNode<i4complex>;
-template class BeamletBufferToComputeNode<i8complex>;
-template class BeamletBufferToComputeNode<i16complex>;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
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deleted file mode 100644
index b3836466563f9a054a5c8a8573f87a76073e454d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-//#  BeamletBufferToComputeNode.h: Catch RSP ethernet frames and synchronize RSP inputs 
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: BeamletBufferToComputeNode.h 17893 2011-04-29 09:04:10Z romein $
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-//# Includes
-#include <Interface/MultiDimArray.h>
-#include <Interface/Parset.h>
-#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-#include <Interface/SmartPtr.h>
-#include <Stream/Stream.h>
-#include <BeamletBuffer.h>
-#include <Delays.h>
-#include <casa/Quanta/MVDirection.h>
-#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> class BeamletBufferToComputeNode {
-  public:
-    BeamletBufferToComputeNode(const Parset &ps, const std::vector<Stream *> &phaseOneTwoStreams, const std::vector<SmartPtr<BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE> > > &beamletBuffers, unsigned psetNumber);
-    ~BeamletBufferToComputeNode();
-    void			 process();
-    TimeStamp                    getCurrentTimeStamp() const { return itsCurrentTimeStamp; }
-  private:
-    static void			 limitFlagsLength(SparseSet<unsigned> &flags);
-    void			 computeDelays(), computeNextDelays();
-    void			 startTransaction();
-    void			 writeLogMessage() const;
-    void			 toComputeNodes();
-    void			 stopTransaction();
-    void			 dumpRawData();
-    SmartPtr<Stream>		 itsRawDataStream;
-    bool			 itsFileHeaderWritten;
-    std::string                  itsLogPrefix;
-    bool			 itsDelayCompensation;
-    bool			 itsCorrectClocks;
-    bool			 itsNeedDelays;
-    bool			 itsIsRealTime;
-    bool			 itsDumpRawData;
-    std::vector<unsigned>	 itsSubbandToSAPmapping;
-    std::vector<unsigned>	 itsSubbandToRSPboardMapping;
-    std::vector<unsigned>	 itsSubbandToRSPslotMapping;
-    const std::vector<Stream *>  &itsPhaseOneTwoStreams;
-    const Parset		 &itsPS;
-    TimeStamp			 itsCurrentTimeStamp;
-    Matrix<double>		 itsDelaysAtBegin;
-    Matrix<double>		 itsDelaysAfterEnd;
-    Matrix<casa::MVDirection>	 itsBeamDirectionsAtBegin;
-    Matrix<casa::MVDirection>	 itsBeamDirectionsAfterEnd;
-    unsigned			 itsNrPhaseTwoPsets;
-    unsigned			 itsObservationID;
-    unsigned			 itsMaxNetworkDelay; // in samples
-    unsigned                     itsNrSubbands;
-    unsigned			 itsNrSubbandsPerPset;
-    unsigned			 itsNrSamplesPerSubband;
-    unsigned			 itsNrHistorySamples;
-    unsigned			 itsNrInputs;
-    unsigned			 itsNrBeams;
-    unsigned			 itsNrTABs;
-    unsigned			 itsCurrentPhaseOneTwoComputeCore;
-    unsigned			 itsPsetNumber;
-    const std::vector<SmartPtr<BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE> > > &itsBeamletBuffers;
-    unsigned                     itsBlockNumber;
-    SmartPtr<Delays>		 itsDelays;
-    double			 itsSubbandBandwidth, itsSampleDuration;
-    double			 itsClockCorrectionTime;
-    std::vector<TimeStamp>	 itsDelayedStamps;
-    std::vector<signed int>	 itsSamplesDelay;
-    boost::multi_array<SparseSet<unsigned>, 2> itsFlags;
-    Matrix<float>		 itsFineDelaysAtBegin, itsFineDelaysAfterEnd;
-    static const unsigned	 itsMaximumDelay = 1000; // samples; roughly 1500 km
-    TimeStamp			 itsCorrelationStartTime;
-    WallClockTime		 itsWallClock;
-    NSTimer			 itsDelayTimer;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/CL/cl.hpp b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/CL/cl.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5111f37dc8c74a540999ff6a06b9ae7ec07b6455..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/CL/cl.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75024 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
- * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 The Khronos Group Inc.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the
- * "Materials"), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including
- * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
- * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to
- * permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to
- * the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- * in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-/*! \file
- *
- *   \brief C++ bindings for OpenCL 1.0 (rev 48) and OpenCL 1.1 (rev 33)    
- *   \author Benedict R. Gaster and Laurent Morichetti
- *   
- *   Additions and fixes from Brian Cole, March 3rd 2010.
- *   
- *   \version 1.1
- *   \date June 2010
- *
- *   Optional extension support
- *
- *         cl
- *         cl_ext_device_fission
- *				#define USE_CL_DEVICE_FISSION
- */
-/*! \mainpage
- * \section intro Introduction
- * For many large applications C++ is the language of choice and so it seems
- * reasonable to define C++ bindings for OpenCL.
- *
- *
- * The interface is contained with a single C++ header file \em cl.hpp and all
- * definitions are contained within the namespace \em cl. There is no additional
- * requirement to include \em cl.h and to use either the C++ or original C
- * bindings it is enough to simply include \em cl.hpp.
- *
- * The bindings themselves are lightweight and correspond closely to the
- * underlying C API. Using the C++ bindings introduces no additional execution
- * overhead.
- *
- * For detail documentation on the bindings see:
- *
- * The OpenCL C++ Wrapper API 1.1 (revision 04)
- *  http://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/specs/opencl-cplusplus-1.1.pdf
- *
- * \section example Example
- *
- * The following example shows a general use case for the C++
- * bindings, including support for the optional exception feature and
- * also the supplied vector and string classes, see following sections for
- * decriptions of these features.
- *
- * \code
- * 
- * #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX)
- * #include <OpenCL/cl.hpp>
- * #else
- * #include <CL/cl.hpp>
- * #endif
- * #include <cstdio>
- * #include <cstdlib>
- * #include <iostream>
- * 
- *  const char * helloStr  = "__kernel void "
- *                           "hello(void) "
- *                           "{ "
- *                           "  "
- *                           "} ";
- * 
- *  int
- *  main(void)
- *  {
- *     cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
- *     try {
- *
- *       std::vector<cl::Platform> platforms;
- *       cl::Platform::get(&platforms);
- *       if (platforms.size() == 0) {
- *           std::cout << "Platform size 0\n";
- *           return -1;
- *       }
- *
- *       cl_context_properties properties[] = 
- *          { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)(platforms[0])(), 0};
- *       cl::Context context(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU, properties); 
- * 
- *       std::vector<cl::Device> devices = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>();
- * 
- *       cl::Program::Sources source(1,
- *           std::make_pair(helloStr,strlen(helloStr)));
- *       cl::Program program_ = cl::Program(context, source);
- *       program_.build(devices);
- * 
- *       cl::Kernel kernel(program_, "hello", &err);
- * 
- *       cl::Event event;
- *       cl::CommandQueue queue(context, devices[0], 0, &err);
- *       queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(
- *           kernel, 
- *           cl::NullRange, 
- *           cl::NDRange(4,4),
- *           cl::NullRange,
- *           NULL,
- *           &event); 
- * 
- *       event.wait();
- *     }
- *     catch (cl::Error err) {
- *        std::cerr 
- *           << "ERROR: "
- *           << err.what()
- *           << "("
- *           << err.err()
- *           << ")"
- *           << std::endl;
- *     }
- * 
- *    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- *  }
- * 
- * \endcode
- *
- */
-#ifndef CL_HPP_
-#define CL_HPP_
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#pragma push_macro("max")
-#undef max
-#if defined(USE_DX_INTEROP)
-#include <CL/cl_d3d10.h>
-#endif // _WIN32
-#include <CL/cl_ext.h>
-#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX)
-#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
-#include <OpenCL/opencl.h>
-#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
-#include <GL/gl.h>
-#include <CL/opencl.h>
-#endif // !__APPLE__
-#if !defined(CL_CALLBACK)
-#define CL_CALLBACK
-#endif //CL_CALLBACK
-#include <utility>
-#include <limits>
-#if !defined(__NO_STD_VECTOR)
-#include <vector>
-#if !defined(__NO_STD_STRING)
-#include <string>
-#if defined(linux) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX)
-# include <alloca.h>
-#endif // linux
-#include <cstring>
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-#include <functional>
-#include <tr1/functional>
-#include "Common/Exception.h"
-/*! \namespace cl
- *
- * \brief The OpenCL C++ bindings are defined within this namespace.
- *
- */
-namespace cl {
-#define __INIT_CL_EXT_FCN_PTR(name) \
-    if(!pfn_##name) { \
-        pfn_##name = (PFN_##name) \
-            clGetExtensionFunctionAddress(#name); \
-        if(!pfn_##name) { \
-        } \
-    }
-class Program;
-class Device;
-class Context;
-class CommandQueue;
-class Memory;
-#if defined(__CL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS)
-//#include <exception>
-/*! \class Error
- * \brief Exception class
- */
-//class Error : public std::exception
-class Error : public LOFAR::Exception
-    cl_int err_;
-    const char * errStr_;
-    /*! Create a new CL error exception for a given error code
-     *  and corresponding message.
-     */
-    //Error(cl_int err, const char * errStr = NULL) : err_(err), errStr_(errStr)
-    Error(cl_int err, const char * errStr = NULL) :
-      LOFAR::Exception(errStr ? errStr : "", THROW_ARGS),
-      err_(err), errStr_(errStr)
-    {}
-    ~Error() throw() {}
-    /*! \brief Get error string associated with exception
-     *
-     * \return A memory pointer to the error message string.
-     */
-    virtual const char * what() const throw ()
-    {
-        if (errStr_ == NULL) {
-            return "empty";
-        }
-        else {
-            return errStr_;
-        }
-    }
-    /*! \brief Get error code associated with exception
-     *
-     *  \return The error code.
-     */
-    cl_int err(void) const { return err_; }
-#define __ERR_STR(x) #x
-#define __ERR_STR(x) NULL
-#define __GET_DEVICE_INFO_ERR               __ERR_STR(clGetDeviceInfo)
-#define __GET_PLATFORM_INFO_ERR             __ERR_STR(clGetPlatformInfo)
-#define __GET_DEVICE_IDS_ERR                __ERR_STR(clGetDeviceIDs)
-#define __GET_PLATFORM_IDS_ERR              __ERR_STR(clGetPlatformIDs)
-#define __GET_CONTEXT_INFO_ERR              __ERR_STR(clGetContextInfo)
-#define __GET_EVENT_INFO_ERR                __ERR_STR(clGetEventInfo)
-#define __GET_EVENT_PROFILE_INFO_ERR        __ERR_STR(clGetEventProfileInfo)
-#define __GET_MEM_OBJECT_INFO_ERR           __ERR_STR(clGetMemObjectInfo)
-#define __GET_IMAGE_INFO_ERR                __ERR_STR(clGetImageInfo)
-#define __GET_SAMPLER_INFO_ERR              __ERR_STR(clGetSamplerInfo)
-#define __GET_KERNEL_INFO_ERR               __ERR_STR(clGetKernelInfo)
-#define __GET_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_INFO_ERR    __ERR_STR(clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo)
-#define __GET_PROGRAM_INFO_ERR              __ERR_STR(clGetProgramInfo)
-#define __GET_PROGRAM_BUILD_INFO_ERR        __ERR_STR(clGetProgramBuildInfo)
-#define __GET_COMMAND_QUEUE_INFO_ERR        __ERR_STR(clGetCommandQueueInfo)
-#define __CREATE_CONTEXT_ERR                __ERR_STR(clCreateContext)
-#define __CREATE_CONTEXT_FROM_TYPE_ERR      __ERR_STR(clCreateContextFromType)
-#define __GET_SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS_ERR   __ERR_STR(clGetSupportedImageFormats)
-#define __CREATE_BUFFER_ERR                 __ERR_STR(clCreateBuffer)
-#define __CREATE_SUBBUFFER_ERR              __ERR_STR(clCreateSubBuffer)
-#define __CREATE_GL_BUFFER_ERR              __ERR_STR(clCreateFromGLBuffer)
-#define __CREATE_GL_RENDER_BUFFER_ERR       __ERR_STR(clCreateFromGLBuffer)
-#define __CREATE_GL_TEXTURE_2D_ERR          __ERR_STR(clCreateFromGLTexture2D)
-#define __CREATE_GL_TEXTURE_3D_ERR          __ERR_STR(clCreateFromGLTexture3D)
-#define __GET_GL_OBJECT_INFO_ERR            __ERR_STR(clGetGLObjectInfo)
-#define __CREATE_IMAGE2D_ERR                __ERR_STR(clCreateImage2D)
-#define __CREATE_IMAGE3D_ERR                __ERR_STR(clCreateImage3D)
-#define __CREATE_SAMPLER_ERR                __ERR_STR(clCreateSampler)
-#define __SET_MEM_OBJECT_DESTRUCTOR_CALLBACK_ERR __ERR_STR(clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback)
-#define __CREATE_USER_EVENT_ERR             __ERR_STR(clCreateUserEvent)
-#define __SET_USER_EVENT_STATUS_ERR         __ERR_STR(clSetUserEventStatus)
-#define __SET_EVENT_CALLBACK_ERR            __ERR_STR(clSetEventCallback)
-#define __WAIT_FOR_EVENTS_ERR               __ERR_STR(clWaitForEvents)
-#define __CREATE_KERNEL_ERR                 __ERR_STR(clCreateKernel)
-#define __SET_KERNEL_ARGS_ERR               __ERR_STR(clSetKernelArg)
-#define __CREATE_PROGRAM_WITH_SOURCE_ERR    __ERR_STR(clCreateProgramWithSource)
-#define __CREATE_PROGRAM_WITH_BINARY_ERR    __ERR_STR(clCreateProgramWithBinary)
-#define __BUILD_PROGRAM_ERR                 __ERR_STR(clBuildProgram)
-#define __CREATE_KERNELS_IN_PROGRAM_ERR     __ERR_STR(clCreateKernelsInProgram)
-#define __CREATE_COMMAND_QUEUE_ERR          __ERR_STR(clCreateCommandQueue)
-#define __SET_COMMAND_QUEUE_PROPERTY_ERR    __ERR_STR(clSetCommandQueueProperty)
-#define __ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_ERR           __ERR_STR(clEnqueueReadBuffer)
-#define __ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_RECT_ERR      __ERR_STR(clEnqueueReadBufferRect)
-#define __ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_ERR          __ERR_STR(clEnqueueWriteBuffer)
-#define __ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_RECT_ERR     __ERR_STR(clEnqueueWriteBufferRect)
-#define __ENQEUE_COPY_BUFFER_ERR            __ERR_STR(clEnqueueCopyBuffer)
-#define __ENQEUE_COPY_BUFFER_RECT_ERR       __ERR_STR(clEnqueueCopyBufferRect)
-#define __ENQUEUE_READ_IMAGE_ERR            __ERR_STR(clEnqueueReadImage)
-#define __ENQUEUE_WRITE_IMAGE_ERR           __ERR_STR(clEnqueueWriteImage)
-#define __ENQUEUE_COPY_IMAGE_ERR            __ERR_STR(clEnqueueCopyImage)
-#define __ENQUEUE_COPY_IMAGE_TO_BUFFER_ERR  __ERR_STR(clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer)
-#define __ENQUEUE_COPY_BUFFER_TO_IMAGE_ERR  __ERR_STR(clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage)
-#define __ENQUEUE_MAP_BUFFER_ERR            __ERR_STR(clEnqueueMapBuffer)
-#define __ENQUEUE_MAP_IMAGE_ERR             __ERR_STR(clEnqueueMapImage)
-#define __ENQUEUE_UNMAP_MEM_OBJECT_ERR      __ERR_STR(clEnqueueUnMapMemObject)
-#define __ENQUEUE_NDRANGE_KERNEL_ERR        __ERR_STR(clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
-#define __ENQUEUE_TASK_ERR                  __ERR_STR(clEnqueueTask)
-#define __ENQUEUE_NATIVE_KERNEL             __ERR_STR(clEnqueueNativeKernel)
-#define __ENQUEUE_MARKER_ERR                __ERR_STR(clEnqueueMarker)
-#define __ENQUEUE_WAIT_FOR_EVENTS_ERR       __ERR_STR(clEnqueueWaitForEvents)
-#define __ENQUEUE_BARRIER_ERR               __ERR_STR(clEnqueueBarrier)
-#define __ENQUEUE_ACQUIRE_GL_ERR            __ERR_STR(clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects)
-#define __ENQUEUE_RELEASE_GL_ERR            __ERR_STR(clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects)
-#define __UNLOAD_COMPILER_ERR               __ERR_STR(clUnloadCompiler)
-#define __FLUSH_ERR                         __ERR_STR(clFlush)
-#define __FINISH_ERR                        __ERR_STR(clFinish)
-#define __CREATE_SUB_DEVICES                __ERR_STR(clCreateSubDevicesEXT)
-//! \endcond
-/*! \class string
- * \brief Simple string class, that provides a limited subset of std::string
- * functionality but avoids many of the issues that come with that class.
- */
-class string
-    ::size_t size_;
-    char * str_;
-    string(void) : size_(0), str_(NULL)
-    {
-    }
-    string(char * str, ::size_t size) :
-        size_(size),
-        str_(NULL)
-    {
-        str_ = new char[size_+1];
-        if (str_ != NULL) {
-            memcpy(str_, str, size_  * sizeof(char));
-            str_[size_] = '\0';
-        }
-        else {
-            size_ = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    string(char * str) :
-        str_(NULL)
-    {
-        size_= ::strlen(str);
-        str_ = new char[size_ + 1];
-        if (str_ != NULL) {
-            memcpy(str_, str, (size_ + 1) * sizeof(char));
-        }
-        else {
-            size_ = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    string& operator=(const string& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this == &rhs) {
-            return *this;
-        }
-        if (rhs.size_ == 0 || rhs.str_ == NULL) {
-            size_ = 0;
-            str_  = NULL;
-        } 
-        else {
-            size_ = rhs.size_;
-            str_ = new char[size_ + 1];
-            if (str_ != NULL) {
-                memcpy(str_, rhs.str_, (size_ + 1) * sizeof(char));
-            }
-            else {
-                size_ = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    string(const string& rhs)
-    {
-        *this = rhs;
-    }
-    ~string()
-    {
-        if (str_ != NULL) {
-            delete[] str_;
-        }
-    }
-    ::size_t size(void) const   { return size_; }
-    ::size_t length(void) const { return size(); }
-    const char * c_str(void) const { return (str_) ? str_ : "";}
-#if !defined(__USE_DEV_STRING) && !defined(__NO_STD_STRING)
-#include <string>
-typedef std::string STRING_CLASS;
-#elif !defined(__USE_DEV_STRING) 
-typedef cl::string STRING_CLASS;
-#if !defined(__USE_DEV_VECTOR) && !defined(__NO_STD_VECTOR)
-#include <vector>
-#define VECTOR_CLASS std::vector
-#elif !defined(__USE_DEV_VECTOR) 
-#define VECTOR_CLASS cl::vector 
-#if !defined(__MAX_DEFAULT_VECTOR_SIZE)
-/*! \class vector
- * \brief Fixed sized vector implementation that mirroring 
- * std::vector functionality.
- */
-template <typename T, unsigned int N = __MAX_DEFAULT_VECTOR_SIZE>
-class vector
-    T data_[N];
-    unsigned int size_;
-    bool empty_;
-    vector() : 
-        size_(static_cast<unsigned int>(-1)),
-        empty_(true)
-    {}
-    ~vector() {}
-    unsigned int size(void) const
-    {
-        return size_ + 1;
-    }
-    void clear()
-    {
-        size_ = -1;
-        empty_ = true;
-    }
-    void push_back (const T& x)
-    { 
-        if (size() < N) {
-            size_++;  
-            data_[size_] = x;
-            empty_ = false;
-        }
-    }
-    void pop_back(void)
-    {
-        if (!empty_) {
-            data_[size_].~T();
-            size_--;
-            if (size_ == -1) {
-                empty_ = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    vector(const vector<T, N>& vec) : 
-        size_(vec.size_),
-        empty_(vec.empty_)
-    {
-        if (!empty_) {
-            memcpy(&data_[0], &vec.data_[0], size() * sizeof(T));
-        }
-    } 
-    vector(unsigned int size, const T& val = T()) :
-        size_(-1),
-        empty_(true)
-    {
-        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-            push_back(val);
-        }
-    }
-    vector<T, N>& operator=(const vector<T, N>& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this == &rhs) {
-            return *this;
-        }
-        size_  = rhs.size_;
-        empty_ = rhs.empty_;
-        if (!empty_) {	
-            memcpy(&data_[0], &rhs.data_[0], size() * sizeof(T));
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    bool operator==(vector<T,N> &vec)
-    {
-        if (empty_ && vec.empty_) {
-            return true;
-        }
-        if (size() != vec.size()) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        return memcmp(&data_[0], &vec.data_[0], size() * sizeof(T)) == 0 ? true : false;
-    }
-    operator T* ()             { return data_; }
-    operator const T* () const { return data_; }
-    bool empty (void) const
-    {
-        return empty_;
-    }
-    unsigned int max_size (void) const
-    {
-        return N;
-    }
-    unsigned int capacity () const
-   {
-        return sizeof(T) * N;
-    }
-    T& operator[](int index)
-    {
-        return data_[index];
-    }
-    T operator[](int index) const
-    {
-        return data_[index];
-    }
-    template<class I>
-    void assign(I start, I end)
-    {
-        clear();   
-        while(start < end) {
-            push_back(*start);
-            start++;
-        }
-    }
-    /*! \class iterator
-     * \brief Iterator class for vectors
-     */
-    class iterator
-    {
-    private:
-        vector<T,N> vec_;
-        int index_;
-        bool initialized_;
-    public:
-        iterator(void) : 
-            index_(-1),
-            initialized_(false)
-        {
-            index_ = -1;
-            initialized_ = false;
-        }
-        ~iterator(void) {}
-        static iterator begin(vector<T,N> &vec)
-        {
-            iterator i;
-            if (!vec.empty()) {
-                i.index_ = 0;
-            }
-            i.vec_ = vec;
-            i.initialized_ = true;
-            return i;
-        }
-        static iterator end(vector<T,N> &vec)
-        {
-            iterator i;
-            if (!vec.empty()) {
-                i.index_ = vec.size();
-            }
-            i.vec_ = vec;
-            i.initialized_ = true;
-            return i;
-        }
-        bool operator==(iterator i)
-        {
-            return ((vec_ == i.vec_) && 
-                    (index_ == i.index_) && 
-                    (initialized_ == i.initialized_));
-        }
-        bool operator!=(iterator i)
-        {
-            return (!(*this==i));
-        }
-        void operator++()
-        {
-            index_++;
-        }
-        void operator++(int x)
-        {
-            index_ += x;
-        }
-        void operator--()
-        {
-            index_--;
-        }
-        void operator--(int x)
-        {
-            index_ -= x;
-        }
-        T operator *()
-        {
-            return vec_[index_];
-        }
-    };
-    iterator begin(void)
-    {
-        return iterator::begin(*this);
-    }
-    iterator end(void)
-    {
-        return iterator::end(*this);
-    }
-    T& front(void)
-    {
-        return data_[0];
-    }
-    T& back(void)
-    {
-        return data_[size_];
-    }
-    const T& front(void) const
-    {
-        return data_[0];
-    }
-    const T& back(void) const
-    {
-        return data_[size_];
-    }
-namespace detail {
-    /*
-     * Compare and exchange primitives are needed for handling of defaults
-    */
-    inline int compare_exchange(volatile int * dest, int exchange, int comparand)
-    {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-        return (int)(InterlockedCompareExchange(
-           (volatile long*)dest, 
-           (long)exchange, 
-           (long)comparand));
-#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX)
-		return OSAtomicOr32Orig((uint32_t)exchange, (volatile uint32_t*)dest);
-#else // !_WIN32 || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX)
-        return (__sync_val_compare_and_swap(
-            dest, 
-            comparand, 
-            exchange));
-#endif // !_WIN32
-    }
-}; // namespace detail
- * \brief size_t class used to interface between C++ and
- * OpenCL C calls that require arrays of size_t values, who's
- * size is known statically.
- */
-template <int N>
-struct size_t : public cl::vector< ::size_t, N> { };
-namespace detail {
-// GetInfo help struct
-template <typename Functor, typename T>
-struct GetInfoHelper
-    static cl_int
-    get(Functor f, cl_uint name, T* param)
-    {
-        return f(name, sizeof(T), param, NULL);
-    }
-// Specialized GetInfoHelper for VECTOR_CLASS params
-template <typename Func, typename T>
-struct GetInfoHelper<Func, VECTOR_CLASS<T> >
-    static cl_int get(Func f, cl_uint name, VECTOR_CLASS<T>* param)
-    {
-        ::size_t required;
-        cl_int err = f(name, 0, NULL, &required);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return err;
-        }
-        T* value = (T*) alloca(required);
-        err = f(name, required, value, NULL);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return err;
-        }
-        param->assign(&value[0], &value[required/sizeof(T)]);
-        return CL_SUCCESS;
-    }
-// Specialized for getInfo<CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES>
-template <typename Func>
-struct GetInfoHelper<Func, VECTOR_CLASS<char *> >
-    static cl_int
-    get(Func f, cl_uint name, VECTOR_CLASS<char *>* param)
-    {
-      ::size_t nDevices;
-      ::size_t * binary_sizes;
-      char ** values;
-      cl_int err = f(CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES, sizeof(nDevices), &nDevices, NULL);
-      if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-          return err;
-      }
-      binary_sizes = (::size_t*)alloca(sizeof(::size_t)*nDevices);
-      err = f(CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES, sizeof(::size_t)*nDevices, binary_sizes, NULL);
-      if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-          return err;
-      }
-      values = (char **) alloca(sizeof(char*)*nDevices);
-      for(cl_uint i = 0; i < nDevices; i++ )
-      {
-        if( binary_sizes[i] != 0 )
-        {     		 
-            values[i]= (char *)alloca( sizeof(char)*binary_sizes[i]);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            values[i] = NULL;
-        }
-      }
-      err = f(name, sizeof(char *)*nDevices, values, NULL);
-      if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return err;
-      }
-      param->assign(values,values+nDevices);
-      return CL_SUCCESS;
-    }
-// Specialized GetInfoHelper for STRING_CLASS params
-template <typename Func>
-struct GetInfoHelper<Func, STRING_CLASS>
-    static cl_int get(Func f, cl_uint name, STRING_CLASS* param)
-    {
-        ::size_t required;
-        cl_int err = f(name, 0, NULL, &required);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return err;
-        }
-        char* value = (char*) alloca(required);
-        err = f(name, required, value, NULL);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return err;
-        }
-        *param = value;
-        return CL_SUCCESS;
-    }
-// Specialized GetInfoHelper for cl::size_t params
-template <typename Func, ::size_t N>
-struct GetInfoHelper<Func, size_t<N> >
-    static cl_int get(Func f, cl_uint name, size_t<N>* param)
-    {
-        ::size_t required;
-        cl_int err = f(name, 0, NULL, &required);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return err;
-        }
-        ::size_t* value = (::size_t*) alloca(required);
-        err = f(name, required, value, NULL);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return err;
-        }
-        param->assign(&value[0], &value[required/sizeof(::size_t)]);
-        return CL_SUCCESS;
-    }
-namespace detail { \
-template <typename Func> \
-struct GetInfoHelper<Func, CPP_TYPE> \
-{ \
-    static cl_int get(Func f, cl_uint name, CPP_TYPE* param) \
-    { \
-      cl_uint err = f(name, sizeof(CPP_TYPE), param, NULL); \
-      if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { \
-        return err; \
-      } \
-      \
-      return ReferenceHandler<CPP_TYPE::cl_type>::retain((*param)()); \
-    } \
-}; \
-#define __PARAM_NAME_INFO_1_0(F) \
-    F(cl_platform_info, CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE, STRING_CLASS) \
-    F(cl_platform_info, CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, STRING_CLASS) \
-    F(cl_platform_info, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, STRING_CLASS) \
-    F(cl_platform_info, CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, STRING_CLASS) \
-    F(cl_platform_info, CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS, STRING_CLASS) \
-    \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_TYPE, cl_device_type) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES, VECTOR_CLASS< ::size_t>) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_CHAR, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_SHORT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_INT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_LONG, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_FLOAT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_DOUBLE, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_READ_IMAGE_ARGS, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WRITE_IMAGE_ARGS, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, cl_ulong) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_WIDTH, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_HEIGHT, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_WIDTH, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_HEIGHT, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_DEPTH, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_SUPPORT, cl_bool) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_PARAMETER_SIZE, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_SAMPLERS, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MIN_DATA_TYPE_ALIGN_SIZE, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_SINGLE_FP_CONFIG, cl_device_fp_config) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHE_TYPE, cl_device_mem_cache_type) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHELINE_SIZE, cl_uint)\
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHE_SIZE, cl_ulong) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, cl_ulong) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE, cl_ulong) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_ARGS, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_TYPE, cl_device_local_mem_type) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, cl_ulong) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_ERROR_CORRECTION_SUPPORT, cl_bool) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PROFILING_TIMER_RESOLUTION, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_ENDIAN_LITTLE, cl_bool) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_AVAILABLE, cl_bool) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_COMPILER_AVAILABLE, cl_bool) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_EXECUTION_CAPABILITIES, cl_device_exec_capabilities) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_PROPERTIES, cl_command_queue_properties) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PLATFORM, cl_platform_id) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_NAME, STRING_CLASS) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_VENDOR, STRING_CLASS) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DRIVER_VERSION, STRING_CLASS) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PROFILE, STRING_CLASS) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_VERSION, STRING_CLASS) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, STRING_CLASS) \
-    \
-    F(cl_context_info, CL_CONTEXT_REFERENCE_COUNT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_context_info, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, VECTOR_CLASS<Device>) \
-    F(cl_context_info, CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES, VECTOR_CLASS<cl_context_properties>) \
-    \
-    F(cl_event_info, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_QUEUE, cl::CommandQueue) \
-    F(cl_event_info, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_TYPE, cl_command_type) \
-    F(cl_event_info, CL_EVENT_REFERENCE_COUNT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_event_info, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, cl_uint) \
-    \
-    F(cl_profiling_info, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED, cl_ulong) \
-    F(cl_profiling_info, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT, cl_ulong) \
-    F(cl_profiling_info, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START, cl_ulong) \
-    F(cl_profiling_info, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, cl_ulong) \
-    \
-    F(cl_mem_info, CL_MEM_TYPE, cl_mem_object_type) \
-    F(cl_mem_info, CL_MEM_FLAGS, cl_mem_flags) \
-    F(cl_mem_info, CL_MEM_SIZE, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_mem_info, CL_MEM_HOST_PTR, void*) \
-    F(cl_mem_info, CL_MEM_MAP_COUNT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_mem_info, CL_MEM_REFERENCE_COUNT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_mem_info, CL_MEM_CONTEXT, cl::Context) \
-    \
-    F(cl_image_info, CL_IMAGE_FORMAT, cl_image_format) \
-    F(cl_image_info, CL_IMAGE_ELEMENT_SIZE, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_image_info, CL_IMAGE_ROW_PITCH, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_image_info, CL_IMAGE_SLICE_PITCH, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_image_info, CL_IMAGE_WIDTH, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_image_info, CL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_image_info, CL_IMAGE_DEPTH, ::size_t) \
-    \
-    F(cl_sampler_info, CL_SAMPLER_REFERENCE_COUNT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_sampler_info, CL_SAMPLER_CONTEXT, cl::Context) \
-    F(cl_sampler_info, CL_SAMPLER_NORMALIZED_COORDS, cl_addressing_mode) \
-    F(cl_sampler_info, CL_SAMPLER_ADDRESSING_MODE, cl_filter_mode) \
-    F(cl_sampler_info, CL_SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE, cl_bool) \
-    \
-    F(cl_program_info, CL_PROGRAM_REFERENCE_COUNT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_program_info, CL_PROGRAM_CONTEXT, cl::Context) \
-    F(cl_program_info, CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_program_info, CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES, VECTOR_CLASS<cl_device_id>) \
-    F(cl_program_info, CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE, STRING_CLASS) \
-    F(cl_program_info, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES, VECTOR_CLASS< ::size_t>) \
-    F(cl_program_info, CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES, VECTOR_CLASS<char *>) \
-    \
-    F(cl_program_build_info, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_STATUS, cl_build_status) \
-    F(cl_program_build_info, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_OPTIONS, STRING_CLASS) \
-    F(cl_program_build_info, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, STRING_CLASS) \
-    \
-    F(cl_kernel_info, CL_KERNEL_NUM_ARGS, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_kernel_info, CL_KERNEL_REFERENCE_COUNT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_kernel_info, CL_KERNEL_CONTEXT, cl::Context) \
-    F(cl_kernel_info, CL_KERNEL_PROGRAM, cl::Program) \
-    \
-    F(cl_kernel_work_group_info, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_kernel_work_group_info, CL_KERNEL_COMPILE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, cl::size_t<3>) \
-    F(cl_kernel_work_group_info, CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, cl_ulong) \
-    \
-    F(cl_command_queue_info, CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT, cl::Context) \
-    F(cl_command_queue_info, CL_QUEUE_DEVICE, cl::Device) \
-    F(cl_command_queue_info, CL_QUEUE_REFERENCE_COUNT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_command_queue_info, CL_QUEUE_PROPERTIES, cl_command_queue_properties)
-#if defined(CL_VERSION_1_1)
-#define __PARAM_NAME_INFO_1_1(F) \
-    F(cl_context_info, CL_CONTEXT_NUM_DEVICES, cl_uint)\
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_HALF, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_CHAR, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_SHORT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_INT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_LONG, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_FLOAT, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_DOUBLE, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_HALF, cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_DOUBLE_FP_CONFIG, cl_device_fp_config) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_HALF_FP_CONFIG, cl_device_fp_config) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY, cl_bool) \
-    \
-    F(cl_mem_info, CL_MEM_ASSOCIATED_MEMOBJECT, cl::Memory) \
-    F(cl_mem_info, CL_MEM_OFFSET, ::size_t) \
-    \
-    F(cl_kernel_work_group_info, CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE, ::size_t) \
-    F(cl_kernel_work_group_info, CL_KERNEL_PRIVATE_MEM_SIZE, cl_ulong) \
-    \
-    F(cl_event_info, CL_EVENT_CONTEXT, cl::Context)
-#endif // CL_VERSION_1_1
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PARENT_DEVICE_EXT, cl_device_id) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_TYPES_EXT, VECTOR_CLASS<cl_device_partition_property_ext>) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_AFFINITY_DOMAINS_EXT, VECTOR_CLASS<cl_device_partition_property_ext>) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_REFERENCE_COUNT_EXT , cl_uint) \
-    F(cl_device_info, CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_STYLE_EXT, VECTOR_CLASS<cl_device_partition_property_ext>)
-template <typename enum_type, cl_int Name>
-struct param_traits {};
-#define __CL_DECLARE_PARAM_TRAITS(token, param_name, T) \
-struct token;                                        \
-template<>                                           \
-struct param_traits<detail:: token,param_name>       \
-{                                                    \
-    enum { value = param_name };                     \
-    typedef T param_type;                            \
-#if defined(CL_VERSION_1_1)
-#endif // CL_VERSION_1_1
-// Convenience functions
-template <typename Func, typename T>
-inline cl_int
-getInfo(Func f, cl_uint name, T* param)
-    return GetInfoHelper<Func, T>::get(f, name, param);
-template <typename Func, typename Arg0>
-struct GetInfoFunctor0
-    Func f_; const Arg0& arg0_;
-    cl_int operator ()(
-        cl_uint param, ::size_t size, void* value, ::size_t* size_ret)
-    { return f_(arg0_, param, size, value, size_ret); }
-template <typename Func, typename Arg0, typename Arg1>
-struct GetInfoFunctor1
-    Func f_; const Arg0& arg0_; const Arg1& arg1_;
-    cl_int operator ()(
-        cl_uint param, ::size_t size, void* value, ::size_t* size_ret)
-    { return f_(arg0_, arg1_, param, size, value, size_ret); }
-template <typename Func, typename Arg0, typename T>
-inline cl_int
-getInfo(Func f, const Arg0& arg0, cl_uint name, T* param)
-    GetInfoFunctor0<Func, Arg0> f0 = { f, arg0 };
-    return GetInfoHelper<GetInfoFunctor0<Func, Arg0>, T>
-        ::get(f0, name, param);
-template <typename Func, typename Arg0, typename Arg1, typename T>
-inline cl_int
-getInfo(Func f, const Arg0& arg0, const Arg1& arg1, cl_uint name, T* param)
-    GetInfoFunctor1<Func, Arg0, Arg1> f0 = { f, arg0, arg1 };
-    return GetInfoHelper<GetInfoFunctor1<Func, Arg0, Arg1>, T>
-        ::get(f0, name, param);
-template<typename T>
-struct ReferenceHandler
-{ };
-template <>
-struct ReferenceHandler<cl_device_id>
-    // cl_device_id does not have retain().
-    static cl_int retain(cl_device_id)
-    { return CL_INVALID_DEVICE; }
-    // cl_device_id does not have release().
-    static cl_int release(cl_device_id)
-    { return CL_INVALID_DEVICE; }
-template <>
-struct ReferenceHandler<cl_platform_id>
-    // cl_platform_id does not have retain().
-    static cl_int retain(cl_platform_id)
-    { return CL_INVALID_PLATFORM; }
-    // cl_platform_id does not have release().
-    static cl_int release(cl_platform_id)
-    { return CL_INVALID_PLATFORM; }
-template <>
-struct ReferenceHandler<cl_context>
-    static cl_int retain(cl_context context)
-    { return ::clRetainContext(context); }
-    static cl_int release(cl_context context)
-    { return ::clReleaseContext(context); }
-template <>
-struct ReferenceHandler<cl_command_queue>
-    static cl_int retain(cl_command_queue queue)
-    { return ::clRetainCommandQueue(queue); }
-    static cl_int release(cl_command_queue queue)
-    { return ::clReleaseCommandQueue(queue); }
-template <>
-struct ReferenceHandler<cl_mem>
-    static cl_int retain(cl_mem memory)
-    { return ::clRetainMemObject(memory); }
-    static cl_int release(cl_mem memory)
-    { return ::clReleaseMemObject(memory); }
-template <>
-struct ReferenceHandler<cl_sampler>
-    static cl_int retain(cl_sampler sampler)
-    { return ::clRetainSampler(sampler); }
-    static cl_int release(cl_sampler sampler)
-    { return ::clReleaseSampler(sampler); }
-template <>
-struct ReferenceHandler<cl_program>
-    static cl_int retain(cl_program program)
-    { return ::clRetainProgram(program); }
-    static cl_int release(cl_program program)
-    { return ::clReleaseProgram(program); }
-template <>
-struct ReferenceHandler<cl_kernel>
-    static cl_int retain(cl_kernel kernel)
-    { return ::clRetainKernel(kernel); }
-    static cl_int release(cl_kernel kernel)
-    { return ::clReleaseKernel(kernel); }
-template <>
-struct ReferenceHandler<cl_event>
-    static cl_int retain(cl_event event)
-    { return ::clRetainEvent(event); }
-    static cl_int release(cl_event event)
-    { return ::clReleaseEvent(event); }
-template <typename T>
-class Wrapper
-    typedef T cl_type;
-    cl_type object_;
-    Wrapper() : object_(NULL) { }
-    Wrapper(const cl_type &obj) : object_(obj) { }
-    ~Wrapper()
-    {
-        if (object_ != NULL) { release(); }
-    }
-    Wrapper(const Wrapper<cl_type>& rhs)
-    {
-        object_ = rhs.object_;
-        if (object_ != NULL) { retain(); }
-    }
-    Wrapper<cl_type>& operator = (const Wrapper<cl_type>& rhs)
-    {
-        if (object_ != NULL) { release(); }
-        object_ = rhs.object_;
-        if (object_ != NULL) { retain(); }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Wrapper<cl_type>& operator = (const cl_type &rhs)
-    {
-        if (object_ != NULL) { release(); }
-        object_ = rhs;
-        return *this;
-    }
-    cl_type operator ()() const { return object_; }
-    cl_type& operator ()() { return object_; }
-    cl_int retain() const
-    {
-        return ReferenceHandler<cl_type>::retain(object_);
-    }
-    cl_int release() const
-    {
-        return ReferenceHandler<cl_type>::release(object_);
-    }
-#if defined(__CL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS)
-static inline cl_int errHandler (
-    cl_int err,
-    const char * errStr = NULL) throw(Error)
-    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        throw Error(err, errStr);
-    }
-    return err;
-static inline cl_int errHandler (cl_int err, const char * errStr = NULL)
-    return err;
-} // namespace detail
-//! \endcond
-/*! \stuct ImageFormat
- * \brief ImageFormat interface fro cl_image_format.
- */
-struct ImageFormat : public cl_image_format
-    ImageFormat(){}
-    ImageFormat(cl_channel_order order, cl_channel_type type)
-    {
-        image_channel_order = order;
-        image_channel_data_type = type;
-    }
-    ImageFormat& operator = (const ImageFormat& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            this->image_channel_data_type = rhs.image_channel_data_type;
-            this->image_channel_order     = rhs.image_channel_order;
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-/*! \class Device
- * \brief Device interface for cl_device_id.
- */
-class Device : public detail::Wrapper<cl_device_id>
-    Device() : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>() { }
-    Device(const Device& device) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(device) { }
-    Device(const cl_device_id &device) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(device) { }
-    static Device getDefault(cl_int * err = NULL);
-    Device& operator = (const Device& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Device& operator = (const cl_device_id& rhs)
-    {
-        detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getInfo(cl_device_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(&::clGetDeviceInfo, object_, name, param),
-            __GET_DEVICE_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_device_info, name>::param_type
-    getInfo(cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_device_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getInfo(name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-    cl_int createSubDevices(
-        const cl_device_partition_property_ext * properties,
-        VECTOR_CLASS<Device>* devices)
-    {
-        typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int 
-            ( CL_API_CALL * PFN_clCreateSubDevicesEXT)(
-                cl_device_id /*in_device*/,
-                const cl_device_partition_property_ext * /* properties */,
-                cl_uint /*num_entries*/,
-                cl_device_id * /*out_devices*/,
-                cl_uint * /*num_devices*/ ) CL_EXT_SUFFIX__VERSION_1_1;
-        static PFN_clCreateSubDevicesEXT pfn_clCreateSubDevicesEXT = NULL;
-        __INIT_CL_EXT_FCN_PTR(clCreateSubDevicesEXT);
-        cl_uint n = 0;
-        cl_int err = pfn_clCreateSubDevicesEXT(object_, properties, 0, NULL, &n);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __CREATE_SUB_DEVICES);
-        }
-        cl_device_id* ids = (cl_device_id*) alloca(n * sizeof(cl_device_id));
-        err = pfn_clCreateSubDevicesEXT(object_, properties, n, ids, NULL);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __CREATE_SUB_DEVICES);
-        }
-        devices->assign(&ids[0], &ids[n]);
-        return CL_SUCCESS;
-    }
-/*! \class Platform
- *  \brief Platform interface.
- */
-class Platform : public detail::Wrapper<cl_platform_id>
-    static const Platform null();
-    Platform() : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>()  { }
-    Platform(const Platform& platform) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(platform) { }
-    Platform(const cl_platform_id &platform) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(platform) { }
-    Platform& operator = (const Platform& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Platform& operator = (const cl_platform_id& rhs)
-    {
-        detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    cl_int getInfo(cl_platform_info name, STRING_CLASS* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(&::clGetPlatformInfo, object_, name, param),
-            __GET_PLATFORM_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_platform_info, name>::param_type
-    getInfo(cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_platform_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getInfo(name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-    cl_int getDevices(
-        cl_device_type type,
-        VECTOR_CLASS<Device>* devices) const
-    {
-        cl_uint n = 0;
-        cl_int err = ::clGetDeviceIDs(object_, type, 0, NULL, &n);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __GET_DEVICE_IDS_ERR);
-        }
-        cl_device_id* ids = (cl_device_id*) alloca(n * sizeof(cl_device_id));
-        err = ::clGetDeviceIDs(object_, type, n, ids, NULL);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __GET_DEVICE_IDS_ERR);
-        }
-        devices->assign(&ids[0], &ids[n]);
-        return CL_SUCCESS;
-    }
-#if defined(USE_DX_INTEROP)
-   /*! \brief Get the list of available D3D10 devices.
-     *
-     *  \param d3d_device_source.
-     *
-     *  \param d3d_object.
-     *
-     *  \param d3d_device_set.
-     *
-     *  \param devices returns a vector of OpenCL D3D10 devices found. The cl::Device
-     *  values returned in devices can be used to identify a specific OpenCL
-     *  device. If \a devices argument is NULL, this argument is ignored.
-     *
-     *  \return One of the following values:
-     *    - CL_SUCCESS if the function is executed successfully.
-     *
-     *  The application can query specific capabilities of the OpenCL device(s)
-     *  returned by cl::getDevices. This can be used by the application to
-     *  determine which device(s) to use.
-     *
-     * \note In the case that exceptions are enabled and a return value
-     * other than CL_SUCCESS is generated, then cl::Error exception is
-     * generated.
-     */
-    cl_int getDevices(
-        cl_d3d10_device_source_khr d3d_device_source,
-        void *                     d3d_object,
-        cl_d3d10_device_set_khr    d3d_device_set,
-        VECTOR_CLASS<Device>* devices) const
-    {
-        typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int (CL_API_CALL *PFN_clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D10KHR)(
-            cl_platform_id platform, 
-            cl_d3d10_device_source_khr d3d_device_source, 
-            void * d3d_object,
-            cl_d3d10_device_set_khr d3d_device_set,
-            cl_uint num_entries,
-            cl_device_id * devices,
-            cl_uint* num_devices);
-        static PFN_clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D10KHR pfn_clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D10KHR = NULL;
-        __INIT_CL_EXT_FCN_PTR(clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D10KHR);
-        cl_uint n = 0;
-        cl_int err = pfn_clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D10KHR(
-            object_, 
-            d3d_device_source, 
-            d3d_object,
-            d3d_device_set, 
-            0, 
-            NULL, 
-            &n);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __GET_DEVICE_IDS_ERR);
-        }
-        cl_device_id* ids = (cl_device_id*) alloca(n * sizeof(cl_device_id));
-        err = pfn_clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D10KHR(
-            object_, 
-            d3d_device_source, 
-            d3d_object,
-            d3d_device_set,
-            n, 
-            ids, 
-            NULL);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __GET_DEVICE_IDS_ERR);
-        }
-        devices->assign(&ids[0], &ids[n]);
-        return CL_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    static cl_int get(
-        VECTOR_CLASS<Platform>* platforms)
-    {
-        cl_uint n = 0;
-        cl_int err = ::clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &n);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __GET_PLATFORM_IDS_ERR);
-        }
-        cl_platform_id* ids = (cl_platform_id*) alloca(
-            n * sizeof(cl_platform_id));
-        err = ::clGetPlatformIDs(n, ids, NULL);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __GET_PLATFORM_IDS_ERR);
-        }
-        platforms->assign(&ids[0], &ids[n]);
-        return CL_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    static cl_int get(
-        Platform * platform)
-    {
-        cl_uint n = 0;
-        cl_int err = ::clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &n);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __GET_PLATFORM_IDS_ERR);
-        }
-        cl_platform_id* ids = (cl_platform_id*) alloca(
-            n * sizeof(cl_platform_id));
-        err = ::clGetPlatformIDs(n, ids, NULL);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __GET_PLATFORM_IDS_ERR);
-        }
-        *platform = ids[0];
-        return CL_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    static Platform get(
-        cl_int * errResult = NULL)
-    {
-        Platform platform;
-        cl_uint n = 0;
-        cl_int err = ::clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &n);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            detail::errHandler(err, __GET_PLATFORM_IDS_ERR);
-            if (errResult != NULL) {
-                *errResult = err;
-            }
-        }
-        cl_platform_id* ids = (cl_platform_id*) alloca(
-            n * sizeof(cl_platform_id));
-        err = ::clGetPlatformIDs(n, ids, NULL);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            detail::errHandler(err, __GET_PLATFORM_IDS_ERR);
-        }
-        if (errResult != NULL) {
-            *errResult = err;
-        }
-        return ids[0];
-    }
-static inline cl_int
-    return ::clUnloadCompiler();
-class Context : public detail::Wrapper<cl_context>
-    static volatile int default_initialized_;
-    static Context default_;
-    static volatile cl_int default_error_;
-    Context(
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Device>& devices,
-        cl_context_properties* properties = NULL,
-        void (CL_CALLBACK * notifyFptr)(
-            const char *,
-            const void *,
-            ::size_t,
-            void *) = NULL,
-        void* data = NULL,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = ::clCreateContext(
-            properties, (cl_uint) devices.size(),
-            (cl_device_id*) &devices.front(),
-            notifyFptr, data, &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_CONTEXT_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Context(
-        cl_device_type type,
-        cl_context_properties* properties = NULL,
-        void (CL_CALLBACK * notifyFptr)(
-            const char *,
-            const void *,
-            ::size_t,
-            void *) = NULL,
-        void* data = NULL,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-#if !defined(__APPLE__) || !defined(__MACOS)
-        cl_context_properties prop[4] = {CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, 0, 0, 0 };	
-        if (properties == NULL) {
-            prop[1] = (cl_context_properties)Platform::get(&error)();
-            if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-                detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_CONTEXT_FROM_TYPE_ERR);
-                if (err != NULL) {
-                    *err = error;
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-            properties = &prop[0];
-        }
-        object_ = ::clCreateContextFromType(
-            properties, type, notifyFptr, data, &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_CONTEXT_FROM_TYPE_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    static Context getDefault(cl_int * err = NULL) 
-    {
-        int state = detail::compare_exchange(
-            &default_initialized_, 
-        if (state & __DEFAULT_INITIALIZED) {
-            if (err != NULL) {
-                *err = default_error_;
-            }
-            return default_;
-        }
-        if (state & __DEFAULT_BEING_INITIALIZED) {
-              // Assume writes will propagate eventually...
-              while(default_initialized_ != __DEFAULT_INITIALIZED) {
-                                ;
-              }
-            if (err != NULL) {
-                *err = default_error_;
-            }
-            return default_;
-        }
-        cl_int error;
-        default_ = Context(
-            NULL,
-            NULL,
-            NULL,
-            &error);
-        default_error_ = error;
-        // Assume writes will propagate eventually...
-        default_initialized_ = __DEFAULT_INITIALIZED;
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = default_error_;
-        }
-        return default_;
-    }
-    Context() : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>() { }
-    Context(const Context& context) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(context) { }
-    Context(const cl_context& context) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(context) { }
-    Context& operator = (const Context& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Context& operator = (const cl_context& rhs)
-    {
-        detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getInfo(cl_context_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(&::clGetContextInfo, object_, name, param),
-            __GET_CONTEXT_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_context_info, name>::param_type
-    getInfo(cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_context_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getInfo(name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-    cl_int getSupportedImageFormats(
-        cl_mem_flags flags,
-        cl_mem_object_type type,
-        VECTOR_CLASS<ImageFormat>* formats) const
-    {
-        cl_uint numEntries;
-        cl_int err = ::clGetSupportedImageFormats(
-           object_, 
-           flags,
-           type, 
-           0, 
-           NULL, 
-           &numEntries);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __GET_SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS_ERR);
-        }
-        ImageFormat* value = (ImageFormat*)
-            alloca(numEntries * sizeof(ImageFormat));
-        err = ::clGetSupportedImageFormats(
-            object_, 
-            flags, 
-            type, 
-            numEntries,
-            (cl_image_format*) value, 
-            NULL);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __GET_SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS_ERR);
-        }
-        formats->assign(&value[0], &value[numEntries]);
-        return CL_SUCCESS;
-    }
-inline Device Device::getDefault(cl_int * err)
-    cl_int error;
-    Device device;
-    Context context = Context::getDefault(&error);
-    detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_COMMAND_QUEUE_ERR);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        device = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>()[0];
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = CL_SUCCESS;
-        }
-    }
-    return device;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-__declspec(selectany) volatile int Context::default_initialized_ = __DEFAULT_NOT_INITIALIZED;
-__declspec(selectany) Context Context::default_;
-__declspec(selectany) volatile cl_int Context::default_error_ = CL_SUCCESS;
-__attribute__((weak)) volatile int Context::default_initialized_ = __DEFAULT_NOT_INITIALIZED;
-__attribute__((weak)) Context Context::default_;
-__attribute__((weak)) volatile cl_int Context::default_error_ = CL_SUCCESS;
-/*! \class Event
- * \brief Event interface for cl_event.
- */
-class Event : public detail::Wrapper<cl_event>
-    Event() : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>() { }
-    Event(const Event& event) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(event) { }
-    Event(const cl_event& event) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(event) { }
-    Event& operator = (const Event& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Event& operator = (const cl_event& rhs)
-    {
-        detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getInfo(cl_event_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(&::clGetEventInfo, object_, name, param),
-            __GET_EVENT_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_event_info, name>::param_type
-    getInfo(cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_event_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getInfo(name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getProfilingInfo(cl_profiling_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(detail::getInfo(
-            &::clGetEventProfilingInfo, object_, name, param),
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_profiling_info, name>::param_type
-    getProfilingInfo(cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_profiling_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getProfilingInfo(name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-    cl_int wait() const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clWaitForEvents(1, &object_),
-            __WAIT_FOR_EVENTS_ERR);
-    }
-#if defined(CL_VERSION_1_1)
-    cl_int setCallback(
-        cl_int type,
-        void (CL_CALLBACK * pfn_notify)(cl_event, cl_int, void *),		
-        void * user_data = NULL)
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clSetEventCallback(
-                object_,
-                type,
-                pfn_notify,
-                user_data), 
-            __SET_EVENT_CALLBACK_ERR);
-    }
-    static cl_int
-    waitForEvents(const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>& events)
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clWaitForEvents(
-                (cl_uint) events.size(), (cl_event*)&events.front()),
-            __WAIT_FOR_EVENTS_ERR);
-    }
-#if defined(CL_VERSION_1_1)
-/*! \class UserEvent
- * \brief User event interface for cl_event.
- */
-class UserEvent : public Event
-    UserEvent(
-        const Context& context,
-        cl_int * err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = ::clCreateUserEvent(
-            context(),
-            &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_USER_EVENT_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    UserEvent() : Event() { }
-    UserEvent(const UserEvent& event) : Event(event) { }
-    UserEvent& operator = (const UserEvent& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            Event::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    cl_int setStatus(cl_int status)
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clSetUserEventStatus(object_,status), 
-            __SET_USER_EVENT_STATUS_ERR);
-    }
-inline static cl_int
-WaitForEvents(const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>& events)
-    return detail::errHandler(
-        ::clWaitForEvents(
-            (cl_uint) events.size(), (cl_event*)&events.front()),
-        __WAIT_FOR_EVENTS_ERR);
-/*! \class Memory
- * \brief Memory interface for cl_mem.
- */
-class Memory : public detail::Wrapper<cl_mem>
-    Memory() : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>() { }
-    Memory(const Memory& memory) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(memory) { }
-    Memory(const cl_mem& memory) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(memory) { }
-    Memory& operator = (const Memory& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Memory& operator = (const cl_mem& rhs)
-    {
-        detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getInfo(cl_mem_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(&::clGetMemObjectInfo, object_, name, param),
-            __GET_MEM_OBJECT_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_mem_info, name>::param_type
-    getInfo(cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_mem_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getInfo(name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-#if defined(CL_VERSION_1_1)
-    cl_int setDestructorCallback(
-        void (CL_CALLBACK * pfn_notify)(cl_mem, void *),		
-        void * user_data = NULL)
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback(
-                object_,
-                pfn_notify,
-                user_data), 
-    }
-/*! \class Buffer
- * \brief Memory buffer interface.
- */
-class Buffer : public Memory
-    Buffer(
-        const Context& context,
-        cl_mem_flags flags,
-        ::size_t size,
-        void* host_ptr = NULL,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = ::clCreateBuffer(context(), flags, size, host_ptr, &error);
-if (!(flags & CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR))
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-std::cout << "A: Allocating " << size << " bytes" << std::endl;
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_BUFFER_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Buffer(
-         cl_mem_flags flags,
-        ::size_t size,
-        void* host_ptr = NULL,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        Context context = Context::getDefault(err);
-        object_ = ::clCreateBuffer(context(), flags, size, host_ptr, &error);
-if (!(flags & CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR))
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-std::cout << "B: Allocating " << size << " bytes" << std::endl;
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_BUFFER_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Buffer() : Memory() { }
-    Buffer(const Buffer& buffer) : Memory(buffer) { }
-    Buffer(const cl_mem& buffer) : Memory(buffer) { }
-    Buffer& operator = (const Buffer& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            Memory::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Buffer& operator = (const cl_mem& rhs)
-    {
-        Memory::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-#if defined(CL_VERSION_1_1)
-    Buffer createSubBuffer(
-        cl_mem_flags flags,
-        cl_buffer_create_type buffer_create_type,
-        const void * buffer_create_info,
-        cl_int * err = NULL)
-    {
-        Buffer result;
-        cl_int error;
-        result.object_ = ::clCreateSubBuffer(
-            object_, 
-            flags, 
-            buffer_create_type, 
-            buffer_create_info, 
-            &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_SUBBUFFER_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }		
-#if defined (USE_DX_INTEROP)
-class BufferD3D10 : public Buffer
-    typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_mem (CL_API_CALL *PFN_clCreateFromD3D10BufferKHR)(
-    cl_context context, cl_mem_flags flags, ID3D10Buffer*  buffer,
-    cl_int* errcode_ret);
-    BufferD3D10(
-        const Context& context,
-        cl_mem_flags flags,
-        ID3D10Buffer* bufobj,
-        cl_int * err = NULL)
-    {
-        static PFN_clCreateFromD3D10BufferKHR pfn_clCreateFromD3D10BufferKHR = NULL;
-        __INIT_CL_EXT_FCN_PTR(clCreateFromD3D10BufferKHR);
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = pfn_clCreateFromD3D10BufferKHR(
-            context(),
-            flags,
-            bufobj,
-            &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_GL_BUFFER_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    BufferD3D10() : Buffer() { }
-    BufferD3D10(const BufferD3D10& buffer) : Buffer(buffer) { }
-    BufferD3D10(const cl_mem& buffer) : Buffer(buffer) { }
-    BufferD3D10& operator = (const BufferD3D10& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            Buffer::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    BufferD3D10& operator = (const cl_mem& rhs)
-    {
-        Buffer::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-/*! \class BufferGL
- * \brief Memory buffer interface for GL interop.
- */
-class BufferGL : public Buffer
-    BufferGL(
-        const Context& context,
-        cl_mem_flags flags,
-        GLuint bufobj,
-        cl_int * err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = ::clCreateFromGLBuffer(
-            context(),
-            flags,
-            bufobj,
-            &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_GL_BUFFER_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    BufferGL() : Buffer() { }
-    BufferGL(const BufferGL& buffer) : Buffer(buffer) { }
-    BufferGL(const cl_mem& buffer) : Buffer(buffer) { }
-    BufferGL& operator = (const BufferGL& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            Buffer::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    BufferGL& operator = (const cl_mem& rhs)
-    {
-        Buffer::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    cl_int getObjectInfo(
-        cl_gl_object_type *type,
-        GLuint * gl_object_name)
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clGetGLObjectInfo(object_,type,gl_object_name),
-            __GET_GL_OBJECT_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-/*! \class BufferRenderGL
- * \brief Memory buffer interface for GL interop with renderbuffer.
- */
-class BufferRenderGL : public Buffer
-    BufferRenderGL(
-        const Context& context,
-        cl_mem_flags flags,
-        GLuint bufobj,
-        cl_int * err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = ::clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer(
-            context(),
-            flags,
-            bufobj,
-            &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_GL_RENDER_BUFFER_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    BufferRenderGL() : Buffer() { }
-    BufferRenderGL(const BufferGL& buffer) : Buffer(buffer) { }
-    BufferRenderGL(const cl_mem& buffer) : Buffer(buffer) { }
-    BufferRenderGL& operator = (const BufferRenderGL& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            Buffer::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    BufferRenderGL& operator = (const cl_mem& rhs)
-    {
-        Buffer::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    cl_int getObjectInfo(
-        cl_gl_object_type *type,
-        GLuint * gl_object_name)
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clGetGLObjectInfo(object_,type,gl_object_name),
-            __GET_GL_OBJECT_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-/*! \class Image
- * \brief Base class  interface for all images.
- */
-class Image : public Memory
-    Image() : Memory() { }
-    Image(const Image& image) : Memory(image) { }
-    Image(const cl_mem& image) : Memory(image) { }
-    Image& operator = (const Image& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            Memory::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Image& operator = (const cl_mem& rhs)
-    {
-        Memory::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getImageInfo(cl_image_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(&::clGetImageInfo, object_, name, param),
-            __GET_IMAGE_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_image_info, name>::param_type
-    getImageInfo(cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_image_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getImageInfo(name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-/*! \class Image2D
- * \brief Image interface for 2D images.
- */
-class Image2D : public Image
-    Image2D(
-        const Context& context,
-        cl_mem_flags flags,
-        ImageFormat format,
-        ::size_t width,
-        ::size_t height,
-        ::size_t row_pitch = 0,
-        void* host_ptr = NULL,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = ::clCreateImage2D(
-            context(), flags,&format, width, height, row_pitch, host_ptr, &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_IMAGE2D_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Image2D() { }
-    Image2D(const Image2D& image2D) : Image(image2D) { }
-    Image2D(const cl_mem& image2D) : Image(image2D) { }
-    Image2D& operator = (const Image2D& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            Image::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Image2D& operator = (const cl_mem& rhs)
-    {
-        Image::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-/*! \class Image2DGL
- * \brief 2D image interface for GL interop.
- */
-class Image2DGL : public Image2D
-    Image2DGL(
-        const Context& context,
-        cl_mem_flags flags,
-        GLenum target,
-        GLint  miplevel,
-        GLuint texobj,
-        cl_int * err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = ::clCreateFromGLTexture2D(
-            context(),
-            flags,
-            target,
-            miplevel,
-            texobj,
-            &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_GL_TEXTURE_2D_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Image2DGL() : Image2D() { }
-    Image2DGL(const Image2DGL& image) : Image2D(image) { }
-    Image2DGL(const cl_mem& image) : Image2D(image) { }
-    Image2DGL& operator = (const Image2DGL& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            Image2D::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Image2DGL& operator = (const cl_mem& rhs)
-    {
-        Image2D::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-/*! \class Image3D
- * \brief Image interface for 3D images.
- */
-class Image3D : public Image
-    Image3D(
-        const Context& context,
-        cl_mem_flags flags,
-        ImageFormat format,
-        ::size_t width,
-        ::size_t height,
-        ::size_t depth,
-        ::size_t row_pitch = 0,
-        ::size_t slice_pitch = 0,
-        void* host_ptr = NULL,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = ::clCreateImage3D(
-            context(), flags, &format, width, height, depth, row_pitch,
-            slice_pitch, host_ptr, &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_IMAGE3D_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Image3D() { }
-    Image3D(const Image3D& image3D) : Image(image3D) { }
-    Image3D(const cl_mem& image3D) : Image(image3D) { }
-    Image3D& operator = (const Image3D& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            Image::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Image3D& operator = (const cl_mem& rhs)
-    {
-        Image::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-/*! \class Image2DGL
- * \brief 2D image interface for GL interop.
- */
-class Image3DGL : public Image3D
-    Image3DGL(
-        const Context& context,
-        cl_mem_flags flags,
-        GLenum target,
-        GLint  miplevel,
-        GLuint texobj,
-        cl_int * err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = ::clCreateFromGLTexture3D(
-            context(),
-            flags,
-            target,
-            miplevel,
-            texobj,
-            &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_GL_TEXTURE_3D_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Image3DGL() : Image3D() { }
-    Image3DGL(const Image3DGL& image) : Image3D(image) { }
-    Image3DGL(const cl_mem& image) : Image3D(image) { }
-    Image3DGL& operator = (const Image3DGL& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            Image3D::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Image3DGL& operator = (const cl_mem& rhs)
-    {
-        Image3D::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-/*! \class Sampler
- * \brief Sampler interface for cl_sampler.
- */
-class Sampler : public detail::Wrapper<cl_sampler>
-    Sampler() { }
-    Sampler(
-        const Context& context,
-        cl_bool normalized_coords,
-        cl_addressing_mode addressing_mode,
-        cl_filter_mode filter_mode,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = ::clCreateSampler(
-            context(), 
-            normalized_coords,
-            addressing_mode,
-            filter_mode,
-            &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_SAMPLER_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Sampler(const Sampler& sampler) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(sampler) { }
-    Sampler(const cl_sampler& sampler) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(sampler) { }
-    Sampler& operator = (const Sampler& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Sampler& operator = (const cl_sampler& rhs)
-    {
-        detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getInfo(cl_sampler_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(&::clGetSamplerInfo, object_, name, param),
-            __GET_SAMPLER_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_sampler_info, name>::param_type
-    getInfo(cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_sampler_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getInfo(name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-class Program;
-class CommandQueue;
-class Kernel;
-/*! \class NDRange
- * \brief NDRange interface
- */
-class NDRange
-    size_t<3> sizes_;
-    cl_uint dimensions_;
-    NDRange()
-        : dimensions_(0)
-    { }
-    NDRange(::size_t size0)
-        : dimensions_(1)
-    {
-        sizes_.push_back(size0);
-    }
-    NDRange(::size_t size0, ::size_t size1)
-        : dimensions_(2)
-    {
-        sizes_.push_back(size0);
-        sizes_.push_back(size1);
-    }
-    NDRange(::size_t size0, ::size_t size1, ::size_t size2)
-        : dimensions_(3)
-    {
-        sizes_.push_back(size0);
-        sizes_.push_back(size1);
-        sizes_.push_back(size2);
-    }
-    operator const ::size_t*() const { return (const ::size_t*) sizes_; }
-    ::size_t dimensions() const { return dimensions_; }
-static const NDRange NullRange;
- * \struct LocalSpaceArg
- * \brief Local address raper for use with Kernel::setArg
- */
-struct LocalSpaceArg
-    ::size_t size_;
-namespace detail {
-template <typename T>
-struct KernelArgumentHandler
-    static ::size_t size(const T&) { return sizeof(T); }
-    static T* ptr(T& value) { return &value; }
-template <>
-struct KernelArgumentHandler<LocalSpaceArg>
-    static ::size_t size(const LocalSpaceArg& value) { return value.size_; }
-    static void* ptr(LocalSpaceArg&) { return NULL; }
-//! \endcond
-inline LocalSpaceArg
-__local(::size_t size)
-    LocalSpaceArg ret = { size };
-    return ret;
-//class KernelFunctor;
-/*! \class Kernel
- * \brief Kernel interface that implements cl_kernel
- */
-class Kernel : public detail::Wrapper<cl_kernel>
-    inline Kernel(const Program& program, const char* name, cl_int* err = NULL);
-    Kernel() { }
-    Kernel(const Kernel& kernel) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(kernel) { }
-    Kernel(const cl_kernel& kernel) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(kernel) { }
-    Kernel& operator = (const Kernel& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Kernel& operator = (const cl_kernel& rhs)
-    {
-        detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getInfo(cl_kernel_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(&::clGetKernelInfo, object_, name, param),
-            __GET_KERNEL_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_kernel_info, name>::param_type
-    getInfo(cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_kernel_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getInfo(name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getWorkGroupInfo(
-        const Device& device, cl_kernel_work_group_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(
-                &::clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo, object_, device(), name, param),
-                __GET_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_kernel_work_group_info, name>::param_type
-        getWorkGroupInfo(const Device& device, cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-        detail::cl_kernel_work_group_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getWorkGroupInfo(device, name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int setArg(cl_uint index, T value)
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clSetKernelArg(
-                object_,
-                index,
-                detail::KernelArgumentHandler<T>::size(value),
-                detail::KernelArgumentHandler<T>::ptr(value)),
-            __SET_KERNEL_ARGS_ERR);
-    }
-    cl_int setArg(cl_uint index, ::size_t size, void* argPtr)
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clSetKernelArg(object_, index, size, argPtr),
-            __SET_KERNEL_ARGS_ERR);
-    }
-/*! \class Program
- * \brief Program interface that implements cl_program.
- */
-class Program : public detail::Wrapper<cl_program>
-    typedef VECTOR_CLASS<std::pair<const void*, ::size_t> > Binaries;
-    typedef VECTOR_CLASS<std::pair<const char*, ::size_t> > Sources;
-    Program(
-        const STRING_CLASS& source,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        const char * strings = source.c_str();
-        const ::size_t length  = source.size();
-        Context context = Context::getDefault(err);
-        object_ = ::clCreateProgramWithSource(
-            context(), (cl_uint)1, &strings, &length, &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_PROGRAM_WITH_SOURCE_ERR);
-        if (error == CL_SUCCESS) {
-            error = ::clBuildProgram(
-                object_,
-                0,
-                NULL,
-                "",
-                NULL,
-                NULL);
-            detail::errHandler(error, __BUILD_PROGRAM_ERR);
-        }
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Program(
-        const STRING_CLASS& source,
-		bool build,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        const char * strings = source.c_str();
-        const ::size_t length  = source.size();
-        Context context = Context::getDefault(err);
-        object_ = ::clCreateProgramWithSource(
-            context(), (cl_uint)1, &strings, &length, &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_PROGRAM_WITH_SOURCE_ERR);
-        if (error == CL_SUCCESS && build) {
-            error = ::clBuildProgram(
-                object_,
-                0,
-                NULL,
-                "",
-                NULL,
-                NULL);
-            detail::errHandler(error, __BUILD_PROGRAM_ERR);
-        }
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Program(
-        const Context& context,
-        const STRING_CLASS& source,
-        bool build = false,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        const char * strings = source.c_str();
-        const ::size_t length  = source.size();
-        object_ = ::clCreateProgramWithSource(
-            context(), (cl_uint)1, &strings, &length, &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_PROGRAM_WITH_SOURCE_ERR);
-        if (error == CL_SUCCESS && build) {
-            error = ::clBuildProgram(
-                object_,
-                0,
-                NULL,
-                "",
-                NULL,
-                NULL);
-            detail::errHandler(error, __BUILD_PROGRAM_ERR);
-        }
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Program(
-        const Context& context,
-        const Sources& sources,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        const ::size_t n = (::size_t)sources.size();
-        ::size_t* lengths = (::size_t*) alloca(n * sizeof(::size_t));
-        const char** strings = (const char**) alloca(n * sizeof(const char*));
-        for (::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-            strings[i] = sources[(int)i].first;
-            lengths[i] = sources[(int)i].second;
-        }
-        object_ = ::clCreateProgramWithSource(
-            context(), (cl_uint)n, strings, lengths, &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_PROGRAM_WITH_SOURCE_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Program(
-        const Context& context,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Device>& devices,
-        const Binaries& binaries,
-        VECTOR_CLASS<cl_int>* binaryStatus = NULL,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        const ::size_t n = binaries.size();
-        ::size_t* lengths = (::size_t*) alloca(n * sizeof(::size_t));
-        const unsigned char** images = (const unsigned char**) alloca(n * sizeof(const void*));
-        for (::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-            images[i] = (const unsigned char*)binaries[(int)i].first;
-            lengths[i] = binaries[(int)i].second;
-        }
-        object_ = ::clCreateProgramWithBinary(
-            context(), (cl_uint) devices.size(),
-            (cl_device_id*)&devices.front(),
-            lengths, images, binaryStatus != NULL
-               ? (cl_int*) &binaryStatus->front()
-               : NULL, &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_PROGRAM_WITH_BINARY_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    Program() { }
-    Program(const Program& program) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(program) { }
-    Program(const cl_program& program) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(program) { }
-    Program& operator = (const Program& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    Program& operator = (const cl_program& rhs)
-    {
-        detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    cl_int build(
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Device>& devices,
-        const char* options = NULL,
-        void (CL_CALLBACK * notifyFptr)(cl_program, void *) = NULL,
-        void* data = NULL) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clBuildProgram(
-                object_,
-                (cl_uint)
-                devices.size(),
-                (cl_device_id*)&devices.front(),
-                options,
-                notifyFptr,
-                data),
-                __BUILD_PROGRAM_ERR);
-    }
-    cl_int build(
-        const char* options = NULL,
-        void (CL_CALLBACK * notifyFptr)(cl_program, void *) = NULL,
-        void* data = NULL) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clBuildProgram(
-                object_,
-                0,
-                NULL,
-                options,
-                notifyFptr,
-                data),
-                __BUILD_PROGRAM_ERR);
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getInfo(cl_program_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(&::clGetProgramInfo, object_, name, param),
-            __GET_PROGRAM_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_program_info, name>::param_type
-    getInfo(cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_program_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getInfo(name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getBuildInfo(
-        const Device& device, cl_program_build_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(
-                &::clGetProgramBuildInfo, object_, device(), name, param),
-                __GET_PROGRAM_BUILD_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_program_build_info, name>::param_type
-    getBuildInfo(const Device& device, cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_program_build_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getBuildInfo(device, name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-    cl_int createKernels(VECTOR_CLASS<Kernel>* kernels)
-    {
-        cl_uint numKernels;
-        cl_int err = ::clCreateKernelsInProgram(object_, 0, NULL, &numKernels);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __CREATE_KERNELS_IN_PROGRAM_ERR);
-        }
-        Kernel* value = (Kernel*) alloca(numKernels * sizeof(Kernel));
-        err = ::clCreateKernelsInProgram(
-            object_, numKernels, (cl_kernel*) value, NULL);
-        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            return detail::errHandler(err, __CREATE_KERNELS_IN_PROGRAM_ERR);
-        }
-        kernels->assign(&value[0], &value[numKernels]);
-        return CL_SUCCESS;
-    }
-inline VECTOR_CLASS<char *> cl::Program::getInfo<CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES>(cl_int* err) const
-    VECTOR_CLASS< ::size_t> sizes = getInfo<CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES>();
-    VECTOR_CLASS<char *> binaries;
-    for (VECTOR_CLASS< ::size_t>::iterator s = sizes.begin(); s != sizes.end(); ++s) 
-    {
-        char *ptr = NULL;
-        if (*s != 0) 
-            ptr = new char[*s];
-        binaries.push_back(ptr);
-    }
-    cl_int result = getInfo(CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES, &binaries);
-    if (err != NULL) {
-        *err = result;
-    }
-    return binaries;
-inline Kernel::Kernel(const Program& program, const char* name, cl_int* err)
-    cl_int error;
-    object_ = ::clCreateKernel(program(), name, &error);
-    detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_KERNEL_ERR);
-    if (err != NULL) {
-        *err = error;
-    }
-/*! \class CommandQueue
- * \brief CommandQueue interface for cl_command_queue.
- */
-class CommandQueue : public detail::Wrapper<cl_command_queue>
-    static volatile int default_initialized_;
-    static CommandQueue default_;
-    static volatile cl_int default_error_;
-   CommandQueue(
-        cl_command_queue_properties properties,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        Context context = Context::getDefault(&error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_COMMAND_QUEUE_ERR);
-        if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            if (err != NULL) {
-                *err = error;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            Device device = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>()[0];
-            object_ = ::clCreateCommandQueue(
-                context(), device(), properties, &error);
-            detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_COMMAND_QUEUE_ERR);
-            if (err != NULL) {
-                *err = error;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    CommandQueue(
-        const Context& context,
-        const Device& device,
-        cl_command_queue_properties properties = 0,
-        cl_int* err = NULL)
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        object_ = ::clCreateCommandQueue(
-            context(), device(), properties, &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_COMMAND_QUEUE_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-    }
-    static CommandQueue getDefault(cl_int * err = NULL) 
-    {
-        int state = detail::compare_exchange(
-            &default_initialized_, 
-        if (state & __DEFAULT_INITIALIZED) {
-            if (err != NULL) {
-                *err = default_error_;
-            }
-            return default_;
-        }
-        if (state & __DEFAULT_BEING_INITIALIZED) {
-              // Assume writes will propagate eventually...
-              while(default_initialized_ != __DEFAULT_INITIALIZED) {
-                                ;
-              }
-            if (err != NULL) {
-                *err = default_error_;
-            }
-            return default_;
-        }
-        cl_int error;
-        Context context = Context::getDefault(&error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_COMMAND_QUEUE_ERR);
-        if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            if (err != NULL) {
-                *err = error;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            Device device = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>()[0];
-            default_ = CommandQueue(context, device, 0, &error);
-            detail::errHandler(error, __CREATE_COMMAND_QUEUE_ERR);
-            if (err != NULL) {
-                *err = error;
-            }
-        }
-        default_error_ = error;
-        // Assume writes will propagate eventually...
-        default_initialized_ = __DEFAULT_INITIALIZED;
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = default_error_;
-        }
-        return default_;
-    }
-    CommandQueue() { }
-    CommandQueue(const CommandQueue& commandQueue) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(commandQueue) { }
-    CommandQueue(const cl_command_queue& commandQueue) : detail::Wrapper<cl_type>(commandQueue) { }
-    CommandQueue& operator = (const CommandQueue& rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs) {
-            detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    CommandQueue& operator = (const cl_command_queue& rhs)
-    {
-        detail::Wrapper<cl_type>::operator=(rhs);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    cl_int getInfo(cl_command_queue_info name, T* param) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            detail::getInfo(
-                &::clGetCommandQueueInfo, object_, name, param),
-                __GET_COMMAND_QUEUE_INFO_ERR);
-    }
-    template <cl_int name> typename
-    detail::param_traits<detail::cl_command_queue_info, name>::param_type
-    getInfo(cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        typename detail::param_traits<
-            detail::cl_command_queue_info, name>::param_type param;
-        cl_int result = getInfo(name, &param);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = result;
-        }
-        return param;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueReadBuffer(
-        const Buffer& buffer,
-        cl_bool blocking,
-        ::size_t offset,
-        ::size_t size,
-        void* ptr,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueReadBuffer(
-                object_, buffer(), blocking, offset, size,
-                ptr,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-            __ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueWriteBuffer(
-        const Buffer& buffer,
-        cl_bool blocking,
-        ::size_t offset,
-        ::size_t size,
-        const void* ptr,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueWriteBuffer(
-                object_, buffer(), blocking, offset, size,
-                ptr,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-                __ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueCopyBuffer(
-        const Buffer& src,
-        const Buffer& dst,
-        ::size_t src_offset,
-        ::size_t dst_offset,
-        ::size_t size,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueCopyBuffer(
-                object_, src(), dst(), src_offset, dst_offset, size,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-            __ENQEUE_COPY_BUFFER_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-#if defined(CL_VERSION_1_1)
-    cl_int enqueueReadBufferRect(
-        const Buffer& buffer,
-        cl_bool blocking,
-        const size_t<3>& buffer_offset,
-        const size_t<3>& host_offset,
-        const size_t<3>& region,
-        ::size_t buffer_row_pitch,
-        ::size_t buffer_slice_pitch,
-        ::size_t host_row_pitch,
-        ::size_t host_slice_pitch,
-        void *ptr,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueReadBufferRect(
-                object_, 
-                buffer(), 
-                blocking, 
-                (const ::size_t *)buffer_offset,
-                (const ::size_t *)host_offset,
-                (const ::size_t *)region,
-                buffer_row_pitch,
-                buffer_slice_pitch,
-                host_row_pitch,
-                host_slice_pitch,
-                ptr,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-                __ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_RECT_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueWriteBufferRect(
-        const Buffer& buffer,
-        cl_bool blocking,
-        const size_t<3>& buffer_offset,
-        const size_t<3>& host_offset,
-        const size_t<3>& region,
-        ::size_t buffer_row_pitch,
-        ::size_t buffer_slice_pitch,
-        ::size_t host_row_pitch,
-        ::size_t host_slice_pitch,
-        void *ptr,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(
-                object_, 
-                buffer(), 
-                blocking, 
-                (const ::size_t *)buffer_offset,
-                (const ::size_t *)host_offset,
-                (const ::size_t *)region,
-                buffer_row_pitch,
-                buffer_slice_pitch,
-                host_row_pitch,
-                host_slice_pitch,
-                ptr,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-                __ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_RECT_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueCopyBufferRect(
-        const Buffer& src,
-        const Buffer& dst,
-        const size_t<3>& src_origin,
-        const size_t<3>& dst_origin,
-        const size_t<3>& region,
-        ::size_t src_row_pitch,
-        ::size_t src_slice_pitch,
-        ::size_t dst_row_pitch,
-        ::size_t dst_slice_pitch,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueCopyBufferRect(
-                object_, 
-                src(), 
-                dst(), 
-                (const ::size_t *)src_origin, 
-                (const ::size_t *)dst_origin, 
-                (const ::size_t *)region,
-                src_row_pitch,
-                src_slice_pitch,
-                dst_row_pitch,
-                dst_slice_pitch,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueReadImage(
-        const Image& image,
-        cl_bool blocking,
-        const size_t<3>& origin,
-        const size_t<3>& region,
-        ::size_t row_pitch,
-        ::size_t slice_pitch,
-        void* ptr,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueReadImage(
-                object_, image(), blocking, (const ::size_t *) origin,
-                (const ::size_t *) region, row_pitch, slice_pitch, ptr,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-            __ENQUEUE_READ_IMAGE_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueWriteImage(
-        const Image& image,
-        cl_bool blocking,
-        const size_t<3>& origin,
-        const size_t<3>& region,
-        ::size_t row_pitch,
-        ::size_t slice_pitch,
-        void* ptr,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueWriteImage(
-                object_, image(), blocking, (const ::size_t *) origin,
-                (const ::size_t *) region, row_pitch, slice_pitch, ptr,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-            __ENQUEUE_WRITE_IMAGE_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueCopyImage(
-        const Image& src,
-        const Image& dst,
-        const size_t<3>& src_origin,
-        const size_t<3>& dst_origin,
-        const size_t<3>& region,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueCopyImage(
-                object_, src(), dst(), (const ::size_t *) src_origin,
-                (const ::size_t *)dst_origin, (const ::size_t *) region,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-            __ENQUEUE_COPY_IMAGE_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueCopyImageToBuffer(
-        const Image& src,
-        const Buffer& dst,
-        const size_t<3>& src_origin,
-        const size_t<3>& region,
-        ::size_t dst_offset,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer(
-                object_, src(), dst(), (const ::size_t *) src_origin,
-                (const ::size_t *) region, dst_offset,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueCopyBufferToImage(
-        const Buffer& src,
-        const Image& dst,
-        ::size_t src_offset,
-        const size_t<3>& dst_origin,
-        const size_t<3>& region,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage(
-                object_, src(), dst(), src_offset,
-                (const ::size_t *) dst_origin, (const ::size_t *) region,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    void* enqueueMapBuffer(
-        const Buffer& buffer,
-        cl_bool blocking,
-        cl_map_flags flags,
-        ::size_t offset,
-        ::size_t size,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL,
-        cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        void * result = ::clEnqueueMapBuffer(
-            object_, buffer(), blocking, flags, offset, size,
-            (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-            (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-            (cl_event*) event,
-            &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __ENQUEUE_MAP_BUFFER_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-            *err = error;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    void* enqueueMapImage(
-        const Image& buffer,
-        cl_bool blocking,
-        cl_map_flags flags,
-        const size_t<3>& origin,
-        const size_t<3>& region,
-        ::size_t * row_pitch,
-        ::size_t * slice_pitch,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL,
-        cl_int* err = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_int error;
-        void * result = ::clEnqueueMapImage(
-            object_, buffer(), blocking, flags,
-            (const ::size_t *) origin, (const ::size_t *) region,
-            row_pitch, slice_pitch,
-            (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-            (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-            (cl_event*) event,
-            &error);
-        detail::errHandler(error, __ENQUEUE_MAP_IMAGE_ERR);
-        if (err != NULL) {
-              *err = error;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueUnmapMemObject(
-        const Memory& memory,
-        void* mapped_ptr,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(
-                object_, memory(), mapped_ptr,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueNDRangeKernel(
-        const Kernel& kernel,
-        const NDRange& offset,
-        const NDRange& global,
-        const NDRange& local = NullRange,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(
-                object_, kernel(), (cl_uint) global.dimensions(),
-                offset.dimensions() != 0 ? (const ::size_t*) offset : NULL,
-                (const ::size_t*) global,
-                local.dimensions() != 0 ? (const ::size_t*) local : NULL,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueTask(
-        const Kernel& kernel,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueTask(
-                object_, kernel(),
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-            __ENQUEUE_TASK_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueNativeKernel(
-        void (*userFptr)(void *),
-        std::pair<void*, ::size_t> args,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Memory>* mem_objects = NULL,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<const void*>* mem_locs = NULL,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        cl_mem * mems = (mem_objects != NULL && mem_objects->size() > 0) 
-            ? (cl_mem*) alloca(mem_objects->size() * sizeof(cl_mem))
-            : NULL;
-        if (mems != NULL) {
-            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mem_objects->size(); i++) {
-                mems[i] = ((*mem_objects)[i])();
-            }
-        }
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueNativeKernel(
-                object_, userFptr, args.first, args.second,
-                (mem_objects != NULL) ? (cl_uint) mem_objects->size() : 0,
-                mems,
-                (mem_locs != NULL) ? (const void **) &mem_locs->front() : NULL,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-            __ENQUEUE_NATIVE_KERNEL);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueMarker(Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueMarker(object_, (cl_event*) event),
-            __ENQUEUE_MARKER_ERR);
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueWaitForEvents(const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>& events) const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueWaitForEvents(
-                object_,
-                (cl_uint) events.size(),
-                (const cl_event*) &events.front()),
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueAcquireGLObjects(
-         const VECTOR_CLASS<Memory>* mem_objects = NULL,
-         const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-         Event* event = NULL) const
-     {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-             ::clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects(
-                 object_,
-                 (mem_objects != NULL) ? (cl_uint) mem_objects->size() : 0,
-                 (mem_objects != NULL) ? (const cl_mem *) &mem_objects->front(): NULL,
-                 (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                 (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                 (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-             __ENQUEUE_ACQUIRE_GL_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-     }
-    cl_int enqueueReleaseGLObjects(
-         const VECTOR_CLASS<Memory>* mem_objects = NULL,
-         const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-         Event* event = NULL) const
-     {
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-             ::clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects(
-                 object_,
-                 (mem_objects != NULL) ? (cl_uint) mem_objects->size() : 0,
-                 (mem_objects != NULL) ? (const cl_mem *) &mem_objects->front(): NULL,
-                 (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                 (events != NULL && events->size() > 0) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                 (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-             __ENQUEUE_RELEASE_GL_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-     }
-#if defined (USE_DX_INTEROP)
-typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int (CL_API_CALL *PFN_clEnqueueAcquireD3D10ObjectsKHR)(
-    cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_uint num_objects,
-    const cl_mem* mem_objects, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list,
-    const cl_event* event_wait_list, cl_event* event);
-typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int (CL_API_CALL *PFN_clEnqueueReleaseD3D10ObjectsKHR)(
-    cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_uint num_objects,
-    const cl_mem* mem_objects,  cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list,
-    const cl_event* event_wait_list, cl_event* event);
-    cl_int enqueueAcquireD3D10Objects(
-         const VECTOR_CLASS<Memory>* mem_objects = NULL,
-         const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-         Event* event = NULL) const
-     {
-         static PFN_clEnqueueAcquireD3D10ObjectsKHR pfn_clEnqueueAcquireD3D10ObjectsKHR = NULL;
-         __INIT_CL_EXT_FCN_PTR(clEnqueueAcquireD3D10ObjectsKHR);
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-             pfn_clEnqueueAcquireD3D10ObjectsKHR(
-                 object_,
-                 (mem_objects != NULL) ? (cl_uint) mem_objects->size() : 0,
-                 (mem_objects != NULL) ? (const cl_mem *) &mem_objects->front(): NULL,
-                 (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                 (events != NULL) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                 (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-             __ENQUEUE_ACQUIRE_GL_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-     }
-    cl_int enqueueReleaseD3D10Objects(
-         const VECTOR_CLASS<Memory>* mem_objects = NULL,
-         const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-         Event* event = NULL) const
-    {
-        static PFN_clEnqueueReleaseD3D10ObjectsKHR pfn_clEnqueueReleaseD3D10ObjectsKHR = NULL;
-        __INIT_CL_EXT_FCN_PTR(clEnqueueReleaseD3D10ObjectsKHR);
-        cl_event tmp;
-        cl_int err = detail::errHandler(
-            pfn_clEnqueueReleaseD3D10ObjectsKHR(
-                object_,
-                (mem_objects != NULL) ? (cl_uint) mem_objects->size() : 0,
-                (mem_objects != NULL) ? (const cl_mem *) &mem_objects->front(): NULL,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_uint) events->size() : 0,
-                (events != NULL) ? (cl_event*) &events->front() : NULL,
-                (event != NULL) ? &tmp : NULL),
-            __ENQUEUE_RELEASE_GL_ERR);
-        if (event != NULL && err == CL_SUCCESS)
-            *event = tmp;
-        return err;
-    }
-    cl_int enqueueBarrier() const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(
-            ::clEnqueueBarrier(object_),
-            __ENQUEUE_BARRIER_ERR);
-    }
-    cl_int flush() const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(::clFlush(object_), __FLUSH_ERR);
-    }
-    cl_int finish() const
-    {
-        return detail::errHandler(::clFinish(object_), __FINISH_ERR);
-    }
-#ifdef _WIN32
-__declspec(selectany) volatile int CommandQueue::default_initialized_ = __DEFAULT_NOT_INITIALIZED;
-__declspec(selectany) CommandQueue CommandQueue::default_;
-__declspec(selectany) volatile cl_int CommandQueue::default_error_ = CL_SUCCESS;
-__attribute__((weak)) volatile int CommandQueue::default_initialized_ = __DEFAULT_NOT_INITIALIZED;
-__attribute__((weak)) CommandQueue CommandQueue::default_;
-__attribute__((weak)) volatile cl_int CommandQueue::default_error_ = CL_SUCCESS;
-inline cl_int enqueueReadBuffer(
-    const Buffer& buffer,
-    cl_bool blocking,
-    ::size_t offset,
-    ::size_t size,
-    void* ptr,
-    const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-    Event* event = NULL)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer, blocking, offset, size, ptr, events, event);
-inline cl_int enqueueWriteBuffer(
-        const Buffer& buffer,
-        cl_bool blocking,
-        ::size_t offset,
-        ::size_t size,
-        const void* ptr,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer, blocking, offset, size, ptr, events, event);
-inline cl_int enqueueCopyBuffer(
-        const Buffer& src,
-        const Buffer& dst,
-        ::size_t src_offset,
-        ::size_t dst_offset,
-        ::size_t size,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-        Event* event = NULL)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.enqueueCopyBuffer(src, dst, src_offset, dst_offset, size, events, event);
-#if defined(CL_VERSION_1_1)
-inline cl_int enqueueReadBufferRect(
-    const Buffer& buffer,
-    cl_bool blocking,
-    const size_t<3>& buffer_offset,
-    const size_t<3>& host_offset,
-    const size_t<3>& region,
-    ::size_t buffer_row_pitch,
-    ::size_t /*buffer_slice_pitch*/,
-    ::size_t host_row_pitch,
-    ::size_t host_slice_pitch,
-    void *ptr,
-    const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-    Event* event = NULL)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.enqueueReadBufferRect(
-        buffer, 
-        blocking, 
-        buffer_offset, 
-        host_offset,
-        region,
-        buffer_row_pitch,
-        host_slice_pitch,
-        host_row_pitch,
-        host_slice_pitch,
-        ptr, 
-        events, 
-        event);
-inline cl_int enqueueWriteBufferRect(
-    const Buffer& buffer,
-    cl_bool blocking,
-    const size_t<3>& buffer_offset,
-    const size_t<3>& host_offset,
-    const size_t<3>& region,
-    ::size_t buffer_row_pitch,
-    ::size_t buffer_slice_pitch,
-    ::size_t host_row_pitch,
-    ::size_t host_slice_pitch,
-    void *ptr,
-    const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-    Event* event = NULL)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.enqueueWriteBufferRect(
-        buffer, 
-        blocking, 
-        buffer_offset, 
-        host_offset,
-        region,
-        buffer_row_pitch,
-        buffer_slice_pitch,
-        host_row_pitch,
-        host_slice_pitch,
-        ptr, 
-        events, 
-        event);
-inline cl_int enqueueCopyBufferRect(
-    const Buffer& src,
-    const Buffer& dst,
-    const size_t<3>& src_origin,
-    const size_t<3>& dst_origin,
-    const size_t<3>& region,
-    ::size_t src_row_pitch,
-    ::size_t src_slice_pitch,
-    ::size_t dst_row_pitch,
-    ::size_t dst_slice_pitch,
-    const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-    Event* event = NULL)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.enqueueCopyBufferRect(
-        src,
-        dst,
-        src_origin,
-        dst_origin,
-        region,
-        src_row_pitch,
-        src_slice_pitch,
-        dst_row_pitch,
-        dst_slice_pitch,
-        events, 
-        event);
-inline cl_int enqueueReadImage(
-    const Image& image,
-    cl_bool blocking,
-    const size_t<3>& origin,
-    const size_t<3>& region,
-    ::size_t row_pitch,
-    ::size_t slice_pitch,
-    void* ptr,
-    const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-    Event* event = NULL) 
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.enqueueReadImage(
-        image,
-        blocking,
-        origin,
-        region,
-        row_pitch,
-        slice_pitch,
-        ptr,
-        events, 
-        event);
-inline cl_int enqueueWriteImage(
-    const Image& image,
-    cl_bool blocking,
-    const size_t<3>& origin,
-    const size_t<3>& region,
-    ::size_t row_pitch,
-    ::size_t slice_pitch,
-    void* ptr,
-    const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-    Event* event = NULL)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.enqueueWriteImage(
-        image,
-        blocking,
-        origin,
-        region,
-        row_pitch,
-        slice_pitch,
-        ptr,
-        events, 
-        event);
-inline cl_int enqueueCopyImage(
-    const Image& src,
-    const Image& dst,
-    const size_t<3>& src_origin,
-    const size_t<3>& dst_origin,
-    const size_t<3>& region,
-    const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-    Event* event = NULL)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.enqueueCopyImage(
-        src,
-        dst,
-        src_origin,
-        dst_origin,
-        region,
-        events,
-        event);
-inline cl_int enqueueCopyImageToBuffer(
-    const Image& src,
-    const Buffer& dst,
-    const size_t<3>& src_origin,
-    const size_t<3>& region,
-    ::size_t dst_offset,
-    const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-    Event* event = NULL)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.enqueueCopyImageToBuffer(
-        src,
-        dst,
-        src_origin,
-        region,
-        dst_offset,
-        events,
-        event);
-inline cl_int enqueueCopyBufferToImage(
-    const Buffer& src,
-    const Image& dst,
-    ::size_t src_offset,
-    const size_t<3>& dst_origin,
-    const size_t<3>& region,
-    const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>* events = NULL,
-    Event* event = NULL)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.enqueueCopyBufferToImage(
-        src,
-        dst,
-        src_offset,
-        dst_origin,
-        region,
-        events,
-        event);
-inline cl_int flush(void)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.flush();
-inline cl_int finish(void)
-    cl_int error;
-    CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue::getDefault(&error);
-    if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    return queue.finish();
-// Kernel Functor support
-// New interface as of September 2011
-// Requires the C++11 std::tr1::function (note do not support TR1)
-// Visual Studio 2010 and GCC 4.2
-#if (defined(_WIN32) && (_MSC_VER >= 1600)) || defined(linux) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX)
-struct EnqueueArgs
-    CommandQueue queue_;
-    NDRange offset_;
-    NDRange global_;
-    NDRange local_;
-    EnqueueArgs(NDRange global) : 
-      queue_(CommandQueue::getDefault()),
-      offset_(NullRange), 
-      global_(global),
-      local_(NullRange)
-    {
-    }
-    EnqueueArgs(NDRange global, NDRange local) : 
-      queue_(CommandQueue::getDefault()),
-      offset_(NullRange), 
-      global_(global),
-      local_(local)
-    {
-    }
-    EnqueueArgs(NDRange offset, NDRange global, NDRange local) : 
-      queue_(CommandQueue::getDefault()),
-      offset_(offset), 
-      global_(global),
-      local_(local)
-    {
-    }
-    EnqueueArgs(CommandQueue queue, NDRange global) : 
-      queue_(queue),
-      offset_(NullRange), 
-      global_(global),
-      local_(NullRange)
-    {
-    }
-    EnqueueArgs(CommandQueue queue, NDRange global, NDRange local) : 
-      queue_(queue),
-      offset_(NullRange), 
-      global_(global),
-      local_(local)
-    {
-    }
-    EnqueueArgs(CommandQueue queue, NDRange offset, NDRange global, NDRange local) : 
-      queue_(queue),
-      offset_(offset), 
-      global_(global),
-      local_(local)
-    {
-    }
-namespace detail {
-class NullType {};
-template<int index, typename T0>
-struct SetArg
-    static void set (Kernel kernel, T0 arg)
-    {
-        kernel.setArg(index, arg);
-    }
-template<int index>
-struct SetArg<index, NullType>
-    static void set (Kernel kernel, NullType)
-    {
-    }
-template<typename T>
-struct MoveToDevice
-	static void move(CommandQueue, T)
-	{
-	}
-template<typename T>
-struct MoveFromDevice
-	static void move(CommandQueue, T)
-	{
-	}
-template <
-   typename T0,   typename T1,   typename T2,   typename T3,
-   typename T4,   typename T5,   typename T6,   typename T7,
-   typename T8,   typename T9,   typename T10,   typename T11,
-   typename T12,   typename T13,   typename T14,   typename T15,
-   typename T16,   typename T17,   typename T18,   typename T19,
-   typename T20,   typename T21,   typename T22,   typename T23,
-   typename T24,   typename T25,   typename T26,   typename T27,
-   typename T28,   typename T29,   typename T30,   typename T31,
-   typename T32,   typename T33,   typename T34,   typename T35,
-   typename T36,   typename T37,   typename T38,   typename T39,
-   typename T40,   typename T41,   typename T42,   typename T43,
-   typename T44,   typename T45,   typename T46,   typename T47,
-   typename T48,   typename T49,   typename T50,   typename T51,
-   typename T52,   typename T53,   typename T54,   typename T55,
-   typename T56,   typename T57,   typename T58,   typename T59,
-   typename T60,   typename T61,   typename T62,   typename T63,
-   typename T64,   typename T65,   typename T66,   typename T67,
-   typename T68,   typename T69,   typename T70,   typename T71,
-   typename T72,   typename T73,   typename T74,   typename T75,
-   typename T76,   typename T77,   typename T78,   typename T79,
-   typename T80,   typename T81,   typename T82,   typename T83,
-   typename T84,   typename T85,   typename T86,   typename T87,
-   typename T88,   typename T89,   typename T90,   typename T91,
-   typename T92,   typename T93,   typename T94,   typename T95,
-   typename T96,   typename T97,   typename T98,   typename T99,
-   typename T100,   typename T101,   typename T102,   typename T103,
-   typename T104,   typename T105,   typename T106,   typename T107,
-   typename T108,   typename T109,   typename T110,   typename T111,
-   typename T112,   typename T113,   typename T114,   typename T115,
-   typename T116,   typename T117,   typename T118,   typename T119,
-   typename T120,   typename T121,   typename T122,   typename T123,
-   typename T124,   typename T125,   typename T126,   typename T127>
-class KernelFunctorGlobal
-    Kernel kernel_;
-   KernelFunctorGlobal(
-        Kernel kernel,
-        cl_int * err = NULL) :
-            kernel_(kernel)
-    {}
-   KernelFunctorGlobal(
-        const Program& program,
-        const STRING_CLASS name,
-        cl_int * err = NULL) :
-            kernel_(program, name.c_str(), err)
-    {}
-    Event operator() (
-        const EnqueueArgs& args,
-        T0 t0,
-        T1 t1 = NullType(),
-        T2 t2 = NullType(),
-        T3 t3 = NullType(),
-        T4 t4 = NullType(),
-        T5 t5 = NullType(),
-        T6 t6 = NullType(),
-        T7 t7 = NullType(),
-        T8 t8 = NullType(),
-        T9 t9 = NullType(),
-        T10 t10 = NullType(),
-        T11 t11 = NullType(),
-        T12 t12 = NullType(),
-        T13 t13 = NullType(),
-        T14 t14 = NullType(),
-        T15 t15 = NullType(),
-        T16 t16 = NullType(),
-        T17 t17 = NullType(),
-        T18 t18 = NullType(),
-        T19 t19 = NullType(),
-        T20 t20 = NullType(),
-        T21 t21 = NullType(),
-        T22 t22 = NullType(),
-        T23 t23 = NullType(),
-        T24 t24 = NullType(),
-        T25 t25 = NullType(),
-        T26 t26 = NullType(),
-        T27 t27 = NullType(),
-        T28 t28 = NullType(),
-        T29 t29 = NullType(),
-        T30 t30 = NullType(),
-        T31 t31 = NullType(),
-        T32 t32 = NullType(),
-        T33 t33 = NullType(),
-        T34 t34 = NullType(),
-        T35 t35 = NullType(),
-        T36 t36 = NullType(),
-        T37 t37 = NullType(),
-        T38 t38 = NullType(),
-        T39 t39 = NullType(),
-        T40 t40 = NullType(),
-        T41 t41 = NullType(),
-        T42 t42 = NullType(),
-        T43 t43 = NullType(),
-        T44 t44 = NullType(),
-        T45 t45 = NullType(),
-        T46 t46 = NullType(),
-        T47 t47 = NullType(),
-        T48 t48 = NullType(),
-        T49 t49 = NullType(),
-        T50 t50 = NullType(),
-        T51 t51 = NullType(),
-        T52 t52 = NullType(),
-        T53 t53 = NullType(),
-        T54 t54 = NullType(),
-        T55 t55 = NullType(),
-        T56 t56 = NullType(),
-        T57 t57 = NullType(),
-        T58 t58 = NullType(),
-        T59 t59 = NullType(),
-        T60 t60 = NullType(),
-        T61 t61 = NullType(),
-        T62 t62 = NullType(),
-        T63 t63 = NullType(),
-        T64 t64 = NullType(),
-        T65 t65 = NullType(),
-        T66 t66 = NullType(),
-        T67 t67 = NullType(),
-        T68 t68 = NullType(),
-        T69 t69 = NullType(),
-        T70 t70 = NullType(),
-        T71 t71 = NullType(),
-        T72 t72 = NullType(),
-        T73 t73 = NullType(),
-        T74 t74 = NullType(),
-        T75 t75 = NullType(),
-        T76 t76 = NullType(),
-        T77 t77 = NullType(),
-        T78 t78 = NullType(),
-        T79 t79 = NullType(),
-        T80 t80 = NullType(),
-        T81 t81 = NullType(),
-        T82 t82 = NullType(),
-        T83 t83 = NullType(),
-        T84 t84 = NullType(),
-        T85 t85 = NullType(),
-        T86 t86 = NullType(),
-        T87 t87 = NullType(),
-        T88 t88 = NullType(),
-        T89 t89 = NullType(),
-        T90 t90 = NullType(),
-        T91 t91 = NullType(),
-        T92 t92 = NullType(),
-        T93 t93 = NullType(),
-        T94 t94 = NullType(),
-        T95 t95 = NullType(),
-        T96 t96 = NullType(),
-        T97 t97 = NullType(),
-        T98 t98 = NullType(),
-        T99 t99 = NullType(),
-        T100 t100 = NullType(),
-        T101 t101 = NullType(),
-        T102 t102 = NullType(),
-        T103 t103 = NullType(),
-        T104 t104 = NullType(),
-        T105 t105 = NullType(),
-        T106 t106 = NullType(),
-        T107 t107 = NullType(),
-        T108 t108 = NullType(),
-        T109 t109 = NullType(),
-        T110 t110 = NullType(),
-        T111 t111 = NullType(),
-        T112 t112 = NullType(),
-        T113 t113 = NullType(),
-        T114 t114 = NullType(),
-        T115 t115 = NullType(),
-        T116 t116 = NullType(),
-        T117 t117 = NullType(),
-        T118 t118 = NullType(),
-        T119 t119 = NullType(),
-        T120 t120 = NullType(),
-        T121 t121 = NullType(),
-        T122 t122 = NullType(),
-        T123 t123 = NullType(),
-        T124 t124 = NullType(),
-        T125 t125 = NullType(),
-        T126 t126 = NullType(),
-        T127 t127 = NullType())
-    {
-        Event event;
-        SetArg<0, T0>::set(kernel_, t0);
-        SetArg<1, T1>::set(kernel_, t1);
-        SetArg<2, T2>::set(kernel_, t2);
-        SetArg<3, T3>::set(kernel_, t3);
-        SetArg<4, T4>::set(kernel_, t4);
-        SetArg<5, T5>::set(kernel_, t5);
-        SetArg<6, T6>::set(kernel_, t6);
-        SetArg<7, T7>::set(kernel_, t7);
-        SetArg<8, T8>::set(kernel_, t8);
-        SetArg<9, T9>::set(kernel_, t9);
-        SetArg<10, T10>::set(kernel_, t10);
-        SetArg<11, T11>::set(kernel_, t11);
-        SetArg<12, T12>::set(kernel_, t12);
-        SetArg<13, T13>::set(kernel_, t13);
-        SetArg<14, T14>::set(kernel_, t14);
-        SetArg<15, T15>::set(kernel_, t15);
-        SetArg<16, T16>::set(kernel_, t16);
-        SetArg<17, T17>::set(kernel_, t17);
-        SetArg<18, T18>::set(kernel_, t18);
-        SetArg<19, T19>::set(kernel_, t19);
-        SetArg<20, T20>::set(kernel_, t20);
-        SetArg<21, T21>::set(kernel_, t21);
-        SetArg<22, T22>::set(kernel_, t22);
-        SetArg<23, T23>::set(kernel_, t23);
-        SetArg<24, T24>::set(kernel_, t24);
-        SetArg<25, T25>::set(kernel_, t25);
-        SetArg<26, T26>::set(kernel_, t26);
-        SetArg<27, T27>::set(kernel_, t27);
-        SetArg<28, T28>::set(kernel_, t28);
-        SetArg<29, T29>::set(kernel_, t29);
-        SetArg<30, T30>::set(kernel_, t30);
-        SetArg<31, T31>::set(kernel_, t31);
-        SetArg<32, T32>::set(kernel_, t32);
-        SetArg<33, T33>::set(kernel_, t33);
-        SetArg<34, T34>::set(kernel_, t34);
-        SetArg<35, T35>::set(kernel_, t35);
-        SetArg<36, T36>::set(kernel_, t36);
-        SetArg<37, T37>::set(kernel_, t37);
-        SetArg<38, T38>::set(kernel_, t38);
-        SetArg<39, T39>::set(kernel_, t39);
-        SetArg<40, T40>::set(kernel_, t40);
-        SetArg<41, T41>::set(kernel_, t41);
-        SetArg<42, T42>::set(kernel_, t42);
-        SetArg<43, T43>::set(kernel_, t43);
-        SetArg<44, T44>::set(kernel_, t44);
-        SetArg<45, T45>::set(kernel_, t45);
-        SetArg<46, T46>::set(kernel_, t46);
-        SetArg<47, T47>::set(kernel_, t47);
-        SetArg<48, T48>::set(kernel_, t48);
-        SetArg<49, T49>::set(kernel_, t49);
-        SetArg<50, T50>::set(kernel_, t50);
-        SetArg<51, T51>::set(kernel_, t51);
-        SetArg<52, T52>::set(kernel_, t52);
-        SetArg<53, T53>::set(kernel_, t53);
-        SetArg<54, T54>::set(kernel_, t54);
-        SetArg<55, T55>::set(kernel_, t55);
-        SetArg<56, T56>::set(kernel_, t56);
-        SetArg<57, T57>::set(kernel_, t57);
-        SetArg<58, T58>::set(kernel_, t58);
-        SetArg<59, T59>::set(kernel_, t59);
-        SetArg<60, T60>::set(kernel_, t60);
-        SetArg<61, T61>::set(kernel_, t61);
-        SetArg<62, T62>::set(kernel_, t62);
-        SetArg<63, T63>::set(kernel_, t63);
-        SetArg<64, T64>::set(kernel_, t64);
-        SetArg<65, T65>::set(kernel_, t65);
-        SetArg<66, T66>::set(kernel_, t66);
-        SetArg<67, T67>::set(kernel_, t67);
-        SetArg<68, T68>::set(kernel_, t68);
-        SetArg<69, T69>::set(kernel_, t69);
-        SetArg<70, T70>::set(kernel_, t70);
-        SetArg<71, T71>::set(kernel_, t71);
-        SetArg<72, T72>::set(kernel_, t72);
-        SetArg<73, T73>::set(kernel_, t73);
-        SetArg<74, T74>::set(kernel_, t74);
-        SetArg<75, T75>::set(kernel_, t75);
-        SetArg<76, T76>::set(kernel_, t76);
-        SetArg<77, T77>::set(kernel_, t77);
-        SetArg<78, T78>::set(kernel_, t78);
-        SetArg<79, T79>::set(kernel_, t79);
-        SetArg<80, T80>::set(kernel_, t80);
-        SetArg<81, T81>::set(kernel_, t81);
-        SetArg<82, T82>::set(kernel_, t82);
-        SetArg<83, T83>::set(kernel_, t83);
-        SetArg<84, T84>::set(kernel_, t84);
-        SetArg<85, T85>::set(kernel_, t85);
-        SetArg<86, T86>::set(kernel_, t86);
-        SetArg<87, T87>::set(kernel_, t87);
-        SetArg<88, T88>::set(kernel_, t88);
-        SetArg<89, T89>::set(kernel_, t89);
-        SetArg<90, T90>::set(kernel_, t90);
-        SetArg<91, T91>::set(kernel_, t91);
-        SetArg<92, T92>::set(kernel_, t92);
-        SetArg<93, T93>::set(kernel_, t93);
-        SetArg<94, T94>::set(kernel_, t94);
-        SetArg<95, T95>::set(kernel_, t95);
-        SetArg<96, T96>::set(kernel_, t96);
-        SetArg<97, T97>::set(kernel_, t97);
-        SetArg<98, T98>::set(kernel_, t98);
-        SetArg<99, T99>::set(kernel_, t99);
-        SetArg<100, T100>::set(kernel_, t100);
-        SetArg<101, T101>::set(kernel_, t101);
-        SetArg<102, T102>::set(kernel_, t102);
-        SetArg<103, T103>::set(kernel_, t103);
-        SetArg<104, T104>::set(kernel_, t104);
-        SetArg<105, T105>::set(kernel_, t105);
-        SetArg<106, T106>::set(kernel_, t106);
-        SetArg<107, T107>::set(kernel_, t107);
-        SetArg<108, T108>::set(kernel_, t108);
-        SetArg<109, T109>::set(kernel_, t109);
-        SetArg<110, T110>::set(kernel_, t110);
-        SetArg<111, T111>::set(kernel_, t111);
-        SetArg<112, T112>::set(kernel_, t112);
-        SetArg<113, T113>::set(kernel_, t113);
-        SetArg<114, T114>::set(kernel_, t114);
-        SetArg<115, T115>::set(kernel_, t115);
-        SetArg<116, T116>::set(kernel_, t116);
-        SetArg<117, T117>::set(kernel_, t117);
-        SetArg<118, T118>::set(kernel_, t118);
-        SetArg<119, T119>::set(kernel_, t119);
-        SetArg<120, T120>::set(kernel_, t120);
-        SetArg<121, T121>::set(kernel_, t121);
-        SetArg<122, T122>::set(kernel_, t122);
-        SetArg<123, T123>::set(kernel_, t123);
-        SetArg<124, T124>::set(kernel_, t124);
-        SetArg<125, T125>::set(kernel_, t125);
-        SetArg<126, T126>::set(kernel_, t126);
-        SetArg<127, T127>::set(kernel_, t127);
-		// Move any arguments that need moving
-        MoveToDevice<T0>::move(args.queue_, t0);
-        MoveToDevice<T1>::move(args.queue_, t1);
-        MoveToDevice<T2>::move(args.queue_, t2);
-        MoveToDevice<T3>::move(args.queue_, t3);
-        MoveToDevice<T4>::move(args.queue_, t4);
-        MoveToDevice<T5>::move(args.queue_, t5);
-        MoveToDevice<T6>::move(args.queue_, t6);
-        MoveToDevice<T7>::move(args.queue_, t7);
-        MoveToDevice<T8>::move(args.queue_, t8);
-        MoveToDevice<T9>::move(args.queue_, t9);
-        MoveToDevice<T10>::move(args.queue_, t10);
-        MoveToDevice<T11>::move(args.queue_, t11);
-        MoveToDevice<T12>::move(args.queue_, t12);
-        MoveToDevice<T13>::move(args.queue_, t13);
-        MoveToDevice<T14>::move(args.queue_, t14);
-        MoveToDevice<T15>::move(args.queue_, t15);
-        MoveToDevice<T16>::move(args.queue_, t16);
-        MoveToDevice<T17>::move(args.queue_, t17);
-        MoveToDevice<T18>::move(args.queue_, t18);
-        MoveToDevice<T19>::move(args.queue_, t19);
-        MoveToDevice<T20>::move(args.queue_, t20);
-        MoveToDevice<T21>::move(args.queue_, t21);
-        MoveToDevice<T22>::move(args.queue_, t22);
-        MoveToDevice<T23>::move(args.queue_, t23);
-        MoveToDevice<T24>::move(args.queue_, t24);
-        MoveToDevice<T25>::move(args.queue_, t25);
-        MoveToDevice<T26>::move(args.queue_, t26);
-        MoveToDevice<T27>::move(args.queue_, t27);
-        MoveToDevice<T28>::move(args.queue_, t28);
-        MoveToDevice<T29>::move(args.queue_, t29);
-        MoveToDevice<T30>::move(args.queue_, t30);
-        MoveToDevice<T31>::move(args.queue_, t31);
-        MoveToDevice<T32>::move(args.queue_, t32);
-        MoveToDevice<T33>::move(args.queue_, t33);
-        MoveToDevice<T34>::move(args.queue_, t34);
-        MoveToDevice<T35>::move(args.queue_, t35);
-        MoveToDevice<T36>::move(args.queue_, t36);
-        MoveToDevice<T37>::move(args.queue_, t37);
-        MoveToDevice<T38>::move(args.queue_, t38);
-        MoveToDevice<T39>::move(args.queue_, t39);
-        MoveToDevice<T40>::move(args.queue_, t40);
-        MoveToDevice<T41>::move(args.queue_, t41);
-        MoveToDevice<T42>::move(args.queue_, t42);
-        MoveToDevice<T43>::move(args.queue_, t43);
-        MoveToDevice<T44>::move(args.queue_, t44);
-        MoveToDevice<T45>::move(args.queue_, t45);
-        MoveToDevice<T46>::move(args.queue_, t46);
-        MoveToDevice<T47>::move(args.queue_, t47);
-        MoveToDevice<T48>::move(args.queue_, t48);
-        MoveToDevice<T49>::move(args.queue_, t49);
-        MoveToDevice<T50>::move(args.queue_, t50);
-        MoveToDevice<T51>::move(args.queue_, t51);
-        MoveToDevice<T52>::move(args.queue_, t52);
-        MoveToDevice<T53>::move(args.queue_, t53);
-        MoveToDevice<T54>::move(args.queue_, t54);
-        MoveToDevice<T55>::move(args.queue_, t55);
-        MoveToDevice<T56>::move(args.queue_, t56);
-        MoveToDevice<T57>::move(args.queue_, t57);
-        MoveToDevice<T58>::move(args.queue_, t58);
-        MoveToDevice<T59>::move(args.queue_, t59);
-        MoveToDevice<T60>::move(args.queue_, t60);
-        MoveToDevice<T61>::move(args.queue_, t61);
-        MoveToDevice<T62>::move(args.queue_, t62);
-        MoveToDevice<T63>::move(args.queue_, t63);
-        MoveToDevice<T64>::move(args.queue_, t64);
-        MoveToDevice<T65>::move(args.queue_, t65);
-        MoveToDevice<T66>::move(args.queue_, t66);
-        MoveToDevice<T67>::move(args.queue_, t67);
-        MoveToDevice<T68>::move(args.queue_, t68);
-        MoveToDevice<T69>::move(args.queue_, t69);
-        MoveToDevice<T70>::move(args.queue_, t70);
-        MoveToDevice<T71>::move(args.queue_, t71);
-        MoveToDevice<T72>::move(args.queue_, t72);
-        MoveToDevice<T73>::move(args.queue_, t73);
-        MoveToDevice<T74>::move(args.queue_, t74);
-        MoveToDevice<T75>::move(args.queue_, t75);
-        MoveToDevice<T76>::move(args.queue_, t76);
-        MoveToDevice<T77>::move(args.queue_, t77);
-        MoveToDevice<T78>::move(args.queue_, t78);
-        MoveToDevice<T79>::move(args.queue_, t79);
-        MoveToDevice<T80>::move(args.queue_, t80);
-        MoveToDevice<T81>::move(args.queue_, t81);
-        MoveToDevice<T82>::move(args.queue_, t82);
-        MoveToDevice<T83>::move(args.queue_, t83);
-        MoveToDevice<T84>::move(args.queue_, t84);
-        MoveToDevice<T85>::move(args.queue_, t85);
-        MoveToDevice<T86>::move(args.queue_, t86);
-        MoveToDevice<T87>::move(args.queue_, t87);
-        MoveToDevice<T88>::move(args.queue_, t88);
-        MoveToDevice<T89>::move(args.queue_, t89);
-        MoveToDevice<T90>::move(args.queue_, t90);
-        MoveToDevice<T91>::move(args.queue_, t91);
-        MoveToDevice<T92>::move(args.queue_, t92);
-        MoveToDevice<T93>::move(args.queue_, t93);
-        MoveToDevice<T94>::move(args.queue_, t94);
-        MoveToDevice<T95>::move(args.queue_, t95);
-        MoveToDevice<T96>::move(args.queue_, t96);
-        MoveToDevice<T97>::move(args.queue_, t97);
-        MoveToDevice<T98>::move(args.queue_, t98);
-        MoveToDevice<T99>::move(args.queue_, t99);
-        MoveToDevice<T100>::move(args.queue_, t100);
-        MoveToDevice<T101>::move(args.queue_, t101);
-        MoveToDevice<T102>::move(args.queue_, t102);
-        MoveToDevice<T103>::move(args.queue_, t103);
-        MoveToDevice<T104>::move(args.queue_, t104);
-        MoveToDevice<T105>::move(args.queue_, t105);
-        MoveToDevice<T106>::move(args.queue_, t106);
-        MoveToDevice<T107>::move(args.queue_, t107);
-        MoveToDevice<T108>::move(args.queue_, t108);
-        MoveToDevice<T109>::move(args.queue_, t109);
-        MoveToDevice<T110>::move(args.queue_, t110);
-        MoveToDevice<T111>::move(args.queue_, t111);
-        MoveToDevice<T112>::move(args.queue_, t112);
-        MoveToDevice<T113>::move(args.queue_, t113);
-        MoveToDevice<T114>::move(args.queue_, t114);
-        MoveToDevice<T115>::move(args.queue_, t115);
-        MoveToDevice<T116>::move(args.queue_, t116);
-        MoveToDevice<T117>::move(args.queue_, t117);
-        MoveToDevice<T118>::move(args.queue_, t118);
-        MoveToDevice<T119>::move(args.queue_, t119);
-        MoveToDevice<T120>::move(args.queue_, t120);
-        MoveToDevice<T121>::move(args.queue_, t121);
-        MoveToDevice<T122>::move(args.queue_, t122);
-        MoveToDevice<T123>::move(args.queue_, t123);
-        MoveToDevice<T124>::move(args.queue_, t124);
-        MoveToDevice<T125>::move(args.queue_, t125);
-        MoveToDevice<T126>::move(args.queue_, t126);
-        MoveToDevice<T127>::move(args.queue_, t127);
-        args.queue_.enqueueNDRangeKernel(
-            kernel_,
-            args.offset_,
-            args.global_,
-            args.local_,
-            NULL,
-            &event);
-		// Move any arguments that need moving
-        MoveFromDevice<T0>::move(args.queue_, t0);
-        MoveFromDevice<T1>::move(args.queue_, t1);
-        MoveFromDevice<T2>::move(args.queue_, t2);
-        MoveFromDevice<T3>::move(args.queue_, t3);
-        MoveFromDevice<T4>::move(args.queue_, t4);
-        MoveFromDevice<T5>::move(args.queue_, t5);
-        MoveFromDevice<T6>::move(args.queue_, t6);
-        MoveFromDevice<T7>::move(args.queue_, t7);
-        MoveFromDevice<T8>::move(args.queue_, t8);
-        MoveFromDevice<T9>::move(args.queue_, t9);
-        MoveFromDevice<T10>::move(args.queue_, t10);
-        MoveFromDevice<T11>::move(args.queue_, t11);
-        MoveFromDevice<T12>::move(args.queue_, t12);
-        MoveFromDevice<T13>::move(args.queue_, t13);
-        MoveFromDevice<T14>::move(args.queue_, t14);
-        MoveFromDevice<T15>::move(args.queue_, t15);
-        MoveFromDevice<T16>::move(args.queue_, t16);
-        MoveFromDevice<T17>::move(args.queue_, t17);
-        MoveFromDevice<T18>::move(args.queue_, t18);
-        MoveFromDevice<T19>::move(args.queue_, t19);
-        MoveFromDevice<T20>::move(args.queue_, t20);
-        MoveFromDevice<T21>::move(args.queue_, t21);
-        MoveFromDevice<T22>::move(args.queue_, t22);
-        MoveFromDevice<T23>::move(args.queue_, t23);
-        MoveFromDevice<T24>::move(args.queue_, t24);
-        MoveFromDevice<T25>::move(args.queue_, t25);
-        MoveFromDevice<T26>::move(args.queue_, t26);
-        MoveFromDevice<T27>::move(args.queue_, t27);
-        MoveFromDevice<T28>::move(args.queue_, t28);
-        MoveFromDevice<T29>::move(args.queue_, t29);
-        MoveFromDevice<T30>::move(args.queue_, t30);
-        MoveFromDevice<T31>::move(args.queue_, t31);
-        MoveFromDevice<T32>::move(args.queue_, t32);
-        MoveFromDevice<T33>::move(args.queue_, t33);
-        MoveFromDevice<T34>::move(args.queue_, t34);
-        MoveFromDevice<T35>::move(args.queue_, t35);
-        MoveFromDevice<T36>::move(args.queue_, t36);
-        MoveFromDevice<T37>::move(args.queue_, t37);
-        MoveFromDevice<T38>::move(args.queue_, t38);
-        MoveFromDevice<T39>::move(args.queue_, t39);
-        MoveFromDevice<T40>::move(args.queue_, t40);
-        MoveFromDevice<T41>::move(args.queue_, t41);
-        MoveFromDevice<T42>::move(args.queue_, t42);
-        MoveFromDevice<T43>::move(args.queue_, t43);
-        MoveFromDevice<T44>::move(args.queue_, t44);
-        MoveFromDevice<T45>::move(args.queue_, t45);
-        MoveFromDevice<T46>::move(args.queue_, t46);
-        MoveFromDevice<T47>::move(args.queue_, t47);
-        MoveFromDevice<T48>::move(args.queue_, t48);
-        MoveFromDevice<T49>::move(args.queue_, t49);
-        MoveFromDevice<T50>::move(args.queue_, t50);
-        MoveFromDevice<T51>::move(args.queue_, t51);
-        MoveFromDevice<T52>::move(args.queue_, t52);
-        MoveFromDevice<T53>::move(args.queue_, t53);
-        MoveFromDevice<T54>::move(args.queue_, t54);
-        MoveFromDevice<T55>::move(args.queue_, t55);
-        MoveFromDevice<T56>::move(args.queue_, t56);
-        MoveFromDevice<T57>::move(args.queue_, t57);
-        MoveFromDevice<T58>::move(args.queue_, t58);
-        MoveFromDevice<T59>::move(args.queue_, t59);
-        MoveFromDevice<T60>::move(args.queue_, t60);
-        MoveFromDevice<T61>::move(args.queue_, t61);
-        MoveFromDevice<T62>::move(args.queue_, t62);
-        MoveFromDevice<T63>::move(args.queue_, t63);
-        MoveFromDevice<T64>::move(args.queue_, t64);
-        MoveFromDevice<T65>::move(args.queue_, t65);
-        MoveFromDevice<T66>::move(args.queue_, t66);
-        MoveFromDevice<T67>::move(args.queue_, t67);
-        MoveFromDevice<T68>::move(args.queue_, t68);
-        MoveFromDevice<T69>::move(args.queue_, t69);
-        MoveFromDevice<T70>::move(args.queue_, t70);
-        MoveFromDevice<T71>::move(args.queue_, t71);
-        MoveFromDevice<T72>::move(args.queue_, t72);
-        MoveFromDevice<T73>::move(args.queue_, t73);
-        MoveFromDevice<T74>::move(args.queue_, t74);
-        MoveFromDevice<T75>::move(args.queue_, t75);
-        MoveFromDevice<T76>::move(args.queue_, t76);
-        MoveFromDevice<T77>::move(args.queue_, t77);
-        MoveFromDevice<T78>::move(args.queue_, t78);
-        MoveFromDevice<T79>::move(args.queue_, t79);
-        MoveFromDevice<T80>::move(args.queue_, t80);
-        MoveFromDevice<T81>::move(args.queue_, t81);
-        MoveFromDevice<T82>::move(args.queue_, t82);
-        MoveFromDevice<T83>::move(args.queue_, t83);
-        MoveFromDevice<T84>::move(args.queue_, t84);
-        MoveFromDevice<T85>::move(args.queue_, t85);
-        MoveFromDevice<T86>::move(args.queue_, t86);
-        MoveFromDevice<T87>::move(args.queue_, t87);
-        MoveFromDevice<T88>::move(args.queue_, t88);
-        MoveFromDevice<T89>::move(args.queue_, t89);
-        MoveFromDevice<T90>::move(args.queue_, t90);
-        MoveFromDevice<T91>::move(args.queue_, t91);
-        MoveFromDevice<T92>::move(args.queue_, t92);
-        MoveFromDevice<T93>::move(args.queue_, t93);
-        MoveFromDevice<T94>::move(args.queue_, t94);
-        MoveFromDevice<T95>::move(args.queue_, t95);
-        MoveFromDevice<T96>::move(args.queue_, t96);
-        MoveFromDevice<T97>::move(args.queue_, t97);
-        MoveFromDevice<T98>::move(args.queue_, t98);
-        MoveFromDevice<T99>::move(args.queue_, t99);
-        MoveFromDevice<T100>::move(args.queue_, t100);
-        MoveFromDevice<T101>::move(args.queue_, t101);
-        MoveFromDevice<T102>::move(args.queue_, t102);
-        MoveFromDevice<T103>::move(args.queue_, t103);
-        MoveFromDevice<T104>::move(args.queue_, t104);
-        MoveFromDevice<T105>::move(args.queue_, t105);
-        MoveFromDevice<T106>::move(args.queue_, t106);
-        MoveFromDevice<T107>::move(args.queue_, t107);
-        MoveFromDevice<T108>::move(args.queue_, t108);
-        MoveFromDevice<T109>::move(args.queue_, t109);
-        MoveFromDevice<T110>::move(args.queue_, t110);
-        MoveFromDevice<T111>::move(args.queue_, t111);
-        MoveFromDevice<T112>::move(args.queue_, t112);
-        MoveFromDevice<T113>::move(args.queue_, t113);
-        MoveFromDevice<T114>::move(args.queue_, t114);
-        MoveFromDevice<T115>::move(args.queue_, t115);
-        MoveFromDevice<T116>::move(args.queue_, t116);
-        MoveFromDevice<T117>::move(args.queue_, t117);
-        MoveFromDevice<T118>::move(args.queue_, t118);
-        MoveFromDevice<T119>::move(args.queue_, t119);
-        MoveFromDevice<T120>::move(args.queue_, t120);
-        MoveFromDevice<T121>::move(args.queue_, t121);
-        MoveFromDevice<T122>::move(args.queue_, t122);
-        MoveFromDevice<T123>::move(args.queue_, t123);
-        MoveFromDevice<T124>::move(args.queue_, t124);
-        MoveFromDevice<T125>::move(args.queue_, t125);
-        MoveFromDevice<T126>::move(args.queue_, t126);
-        MoveFromDevice<T127>::move(args.queue_, t127);
-        return event;
-    }
-    Event operator() (
-        const EnqueueArgs& args,
-        const Event& waitEvent,
-        T0 t0,
-        T1 t1 = NullType(),
-        T2 t2 = NullType(),
-        T3 t3 = NullType(),
-        T4 t4 = NullType(),
-        T5 t5 = NullType(),
-        T6 t6 = NullType(),
-        T7 t7 = NullType(),
-        T8 t8 = NullType(),
-        T9 t9 = NullType(),
-        T10 t10 = NullType(),
-        T11 t11 = NullType(),
-        T12 t12 = NullType(),
-        T13 t13 = NullType(),
-        T14 t14 = NullType(),
-        T15 t15 = NullType(),
-        T16 t16 = NullType(),
-        T17 t17 = NullType(),
-        T18 t18 = NullType(),
-        T19 t19 = NullType(),
-        T20 t20 = NullType(),
-        T21 t21 = NullType(),
-        T22 t22 = NullType(),
-        T23 t23 = NullType(),
-        T24 t24 = NullType(),
-        T25 t25 = NullType(),
-        T26 t26 = NullType(),
-        T27 t27 = NullType(),
-        T28 t28 = NullType(),
-        T29 t29 = NullType(),
-        T30 t30 = NullType(),
-        T31 t31 = NullType(),
-        T32 t32 = NullType(),
-        T33 t33 = NullType(),
-        T34 t34 = NullType(),
-        T35 t35 = NullType(),
-        T36 t36 = NullType(),
-        T37 t37 = NullType(),
-        T38 t38 = NullType(),
-        T39 t39 = NullType(),
-        T40 t40 = NullType(),
-        T41 t41 = NullType(),
-        T42 t42 = NullType(),
-        T43 t43 = NullType(),
-        T44 t44 = NullType(),
-        T45 t45 = NullType(),
-        T46 t46 = NullType(),
-        T47 t47 = NullType(),
-        T48 t48 = NullType(),
-        T49 t49 = NullType(),
-        T50 t50 = NullType(),
-        T51 t51 = NullType(),
-        T52 t52 = NullType(),
-        T53 t53 = NullType(),
-        T54 t54 = NullType(),
-        T55 t55 = NullType(),
-        T56 t56 = NullType(),
-        T57 t57 = NullType(),
-        T58 t58 = NullType(),
-        T59 t59 = NullType(),
-        T60 t60 = NullType(),
-        T61 t61 = NullType(),
-        T62 t62 = NullType(),
-        T63 t63 = NullType(),
-        T64 t64 = NullType(),
-        T65 t65 = NullType(),
-        T66 t66 = NullType(),
-        T67 t67 = NullType(),
-        T68 t68 = NullType(),
-        T69 t69 = NullType(),
-        T70 t70 = NullType(),
-        T71 t71 = NullType(),
-        T72 t72 = NullType(),
-        T73 t73 = NullType(),
-        T74 t74 = NullType(),
-        T75 t75 = NullType(),
-        T76 t76 = NullType(),
-        T77 t77 = NullType(),
-        T78 t78 = NullType(),
-        T79 t79 = NullType(),
-        T80 t80 = NullType(),
-        T81 t81 = NullType(),
-        T82 t82 = NullType(),
-        T83 t83 = NullType(),
-        T84 t84 = NullType(),
-        T85 t85 = NullType(),
-        T86 t86 = NullType(),
-        T87 t87 = NullType(),
-        T88 t88 = NullType(),
-        T89 t89 = NullType(),
-        T90 t90 = NullType(),
-        T91 t91 = NullType(),
-        T92 t92 = NullType(),
-        T93 t93 = NullType(),
-        T94 t94 = NullType(),
-        T95 t95 = NullType(),
-        T96 t96 = NullType(),
-        T97 t97 = NullType(),
-        T98 t98 = NullType(),
-        T99 t99 = NullType(),
-        T100 t100 = NullType(),
-        T101 t101 = NullType(),
-        T102 t102 = NullType(),
-        T103 t103 = NullType(),
-        T104 t104 = NullType(),
-        T105 t105 = NullType(),
-        T106 t106 = NullType(),
-        T107 t107 = NullType(),
-        T108 t108 = NullType(),
-        T109 t109 = NullType(),
-        T110 t110 = NullType(),
-        T111 t111 = NullType(),
-        T112 t112 = NullType(),
-        T113 t113 = NullType(),
-        T114 t114 = NullType(),
-        T115 t115 = NullType(),
-        T116 t116 = NullType(),
-        T117 t117 = NullType(),
-        T118 t118 = NullType(),
-        T119 t119 = NullType(),
-        T120 t120 = NullType(),
-        T121 t121 = NullType(),
-        T122 t122 = NullType(),
-        T123 t123 = NullType(),
-        T124 t124 = NullType(),
-        T125 t125 = NullType(),
-        T126 t126 = NullType(),
-        T127 t127 = NullType())
-    {
-        Event event;
-        SetArg<0, T0>::set(kernel_, t0);
-        SetArg<1, T1>::set(kernel_, t1);
-        SetArg<2, T2>::set(kernel_, t2);
-        SetArg<3, T3>::set(kernel_, t3);
-        SetArg<4, T4>::set(kernel_, t4);
-        SetArg<5, T5>::set(kernel_, t5);
-        SetArg<6, T6>::set(kernel_, t6);
-        SetArg<7, T7>::set(kernel_, t7);
-        SetArg<8, T8>::set(kernel_, t8);
-        SetArg<9, T9>::set(kernel_, t9);
-        SetArg<10, T10>::set(kernel_, t10);
-        SetArg<11, T11>::set(kernel_, t11);
-        SetArg<12, T12>::set(kernel_, t12);
-        SetArg<13, T13>::set(kernel_, t13);
-        SetArg<14, T14>::set(kernel_, t14);
-        SetArg<15, T15>::set(kernel_, t15);
-        SetArg<16, T16>::set(kernel_, t16);
-        SetArg<17, T17>::set(kernel_, t17);
-        SetArg<18, T18>::set(kernel_, t18);
-        SetArg<19, T19>::set(kernel_, t19);
-        SetArg<20, T20>::set(kernel_, t20);
-        SetArg<21, T21>::set(kernel_, t21);
-        SetArg<22, T22>::set(kernel_, t22);
-        SetArg<23, T23>::set(kernel_, t23);
-        SetArg<24, T24>::set(kernel_, t24);
-        SetArg<25, T25>::set(kernel_, t25);
-        SetArg<26, T26>::set(kernel_, t26);
-        SetArg<27, T27>::set(kernel_, t27);
-        SetArg<28, T28>::set(kernel_, t28);
-        SetArg<29, T29>::set(kernel_, t29);
-        SetArg<30, T30>::set(kernel_, t30);
-        SetArg<31, T31>::set(kernel_, t31);
-        SetArg<32, T32>::set(kernel_, t32);
-        SetArg<33, T33>::set(kernel_, t33);
-        SetArg<34, T34>::set(kernel_, t34);
-        SetArg<35, T35>::set(kernel_, t35);
-        SetArg<36, T36>::set(kernel_, t36);
-        SetArg<37, T37>::set(kernel_, t37);
-        SetArg<38, T38>::set(kernel_, t38);
-        SetArg<39, T39>::set(kernel_, t39);
-        SetArg<40, T40>::set(kernel_, t40);
-        SetArg<41, T41>::set(kernel_, t41);
-        SetArg<42, T42>::set(kernel_, t42);
-        SetArg<43, T43>::set(kernel_, t43);
-        SetArg<44, T44>::set(kernel_, t44);
-        SetArg<45, T45>::set(kernel_, t45);
-        SetArg<46, T46>::set(kernel_, t46);
-        SetArg<47, T47>::set(kernel_, t47);
-        SetArg<48, T48>::set(kernel_, t48);
-        SetArg<49, T49>::set(kernel_, t49);
-        SetArg<50, T50>::set(kernel_, t50);
-        SetArg<51, T51>::set(kernel_, t51);
-        SetArg<52, T52>::set(kernel_, t52);
-        SetArg<53, T53>::set(kernel_, t53);
-        SetArg<54, T54>::set(kernel_, t54);
-        SetArg<55, T55>::set(kernel_, t55);
-        SetArg<56, T56>::set(kernel_, t56);
-        SetArg<57, T57>::set(kernel_, t57);
-        SetArg<58, T58>::set(kernel_, t58);
-        SetArg<59, T59>::set(kernel_, t59);
-        SetArg<60, T60>::set(kernel_, t60);
-        SetArg<61, T61>::set(kernel_, t61);
-        SetArg<62, T62>::set(kernel_, t62);
-        SetArg<63, T63>::set(kernel_, t63);
-        SetArg<64, T64>::set(kernel_, t64);
-        SetArg<65, T65>::set(kernel_, t65);
-        SetArg<66, T66>::set(kernel_, t66);
-        SetArg<67, T67>::set(kernel_, t67);
-        SetArg<68, T68>::set(kernel_, t68);
-        SetArg<69, T69>::set(kernel_, t69);
-        SetArg<70, T70>::set(kernel_, t70);
-        SetArg<71, T71>::set(kernel_, t71);
-        SetArg<72, T72>::set(kernel_, t72);
-        SetArg<73, T73>::set(kernel_, t73);
-        SetArg<74, T74>::set(kernel_, t74);
-        SetArg<75, T75>::set(kernel_, t75);
-        SetArg<76, T76>::set(kernel_, t76);
-        SetArg<77, T77>::set(kernel_, t77);
-        SetArg<78, T78>::set(kernel_, t78);
-        SetArg<79, T79>::set(kernel_, t79);
-        SetArg<80, T80>::set(kernel_, t80);
-        SetArg<81, T81>::set(kernel_, t81);
-        SetArg<82, T82>::set(kernel_, t82);
-        SetArg<83, T83>::set(kernel_, t83);
-        SetArg<84, T84>::set(kernel_, t84);
-        SetArg<85, T85>::set(kernel_, t85);
-        SetArg<86, T86>::set(kernel_, t86);
-        SetArg<87, T87>::set(kernel_, t87);
-        SetArg<88, T88>::set(kernel_, t88);
-        SetArg<89, T89>::set(kernel_, t89);
-        SetArg<90, T90>::set(kernel_, t90);
-        SetArg<91, T91>::set(kernel_, t91);
-        SetArg<92, T92>::set(kernel_, t92);
-        SetArg<93, T93>::set(kernel_, t93);
-        SetArg<94, T94>::set(kernel_, t94);
-        SetArg<95, T95>::set(kernel_, t95);
-        SetArg<96, T96>::set(kernel_, t96);
-        SetArg<97, T97>::set(kernel_, t97);
-        SetArg<98, T98>::set(kernel_, t98);
-        SetArg<99, T99>::set(kernel_, t99);
-        SetArg<100, T100>::set(kernel_, t100);
-        SetArg<101, T101>::set(kernel_, t101);
-        SetArg<102, T102>::set(kernel_, t102);
-        SetArg<103, T103>::set(kernel_, t103);
-        SetArg<104, T104>::set(kernel_, t104);
-        SetArg<105, T105>::set(kernel_, t105);
-        SetArg<106, T106>::set(kernel_, t106);
-        SetArg<107, T107>::set(kernel_, t107);
-        SetArg<108, T108>::set(kernel_, t108);
-        SetArg<109, T109>::set(kernel_, t109);
-        SetArg<110, T110>::set(kernel_, t110);
-        SetArg<111, T111>::set(kernel_, t111);
-        SetArg<112, T112>::set(kernel_, t112);
-        SetArg<113, T113>::set(kernel_, t113);
-        SetArg<114, T114>::set(kernel_, t114);
-        SetArg<115, T115>::set(kernel_, t115);
-        SetArg<116, T116>::set(kernel_, t116);
-        SetArg<117, T117>::set(kernel_, t117);
-        SetArg<118, T118>::set(kernel_, t118);
-        SetArg<119, T119>::set(kernel_, t119);
-        SetArg<120, T120>::set(kernel_, t120);
-        SetArg<121, T121>::set(kernel_, t121);
-        SetArg<122, T122>::set(kernel_, t122);
-        SetArg<123, T123>::set(kernel_, t123);
-        SetArg<124, T124>::set(kernel_, t124);
-        SetArg<125, T125>::set(kernel_, t125);
-        SetArg<126, T126>::set(kernel_, t126);
-        SetArg<127, T127>::set(kernel_, t127);
-		// Move any arguments that need moving
-        MoveToDevice<T0>::move(args.queue_, t0);
-        MoveToDevice<T1>::move(args.queue_, t1);
-        MoveToDevice<T2>::move(args.queue_, t2);
-        MoveToDevice<T3>::move(args.queue_, t3);
-        MoveToDevice<T4>::move(args.queue_, t4);
-        MoveToDevice<T5>::move(args.queue_, t5);
-        MoveToDevice<T6>::move(args.queue_, t6);
-        MoveToDevice<T7>::move(args.queue_, t7);
-        MoveToDevice<T8>::move(args.queue_, t8);
-        MoveToDevice<T9>::move(args.queue_, t9);
-        MoveToDevice<T10>::move(args.queue_, t10);
-        MoveToDevice<T11>::move(args.queue_, t11);
-        MoveToDevice<T12>::move(args.queue_, t12);
-        MoveToDevice<T13>::move(args.queue_, t13);
-        MoveToDevice<T14>::move(args.queue_, t14);
-        MoveToDevice<T15>::move(args.queue_, t15);
-        MoveToDevice<T16>::move(args.queue_, t16);
-        MoveToDevice<T17>::move(args.queue_, t17);
-        MoveToDevice<T18>::move(args.queue_, t18);
-        MoveToDevice<T19>::move(args.queue_, t19);
-        MoveToDevice<T20>::move(args.queue_, t20);
-        MoveToDevice<T21>::move(args.queue_, t21);
-        MoveToDevice<T22>::move(args.queue_, t22);
-        MoveToDevice<T23>::move(args.queue_, t23);
-        MoveToDevice<T24>::move(args.queue_, t24);
-        MoveToDevice<T25>::move(args.queue_, t25);
-        MoveToDevice<T26>::move(args.queue_, t26);
-        MoveToDevice<T27>::move(args.queue_, t27);
-        MoveToDevice<T28>::move(args.queue_, t28);
-        MoveToDevice<T29>::move(args.queue_, t29);
-        MoveToDevice<T30>::move(args.queue_, t30);
-        MoveToDevice<T31>::move(args.queue_, t31);
-        MoveToDevice<T32>::move(args.queue_, t32);
-        MoveToDevice<T33>::move(args.queue_, t33);
-        MoveToDevice<T34>::move(args.queue_, t34);
-        MoveToDevice<T35>::move(args.queue_, t35);
-        MoveToDevice<T36>::move(args.queue_, t36);
-        MoveToDevice<T37>::move(args.queue_, t37);
-        MoveToDevice<T38>::move(args.queue_, t38);
-        MoveToDevice<T39>::move(args.queue_, t39);
-        MoveToDevice<T40>::move(args.queue_, t40);
-        MoveToDevice<T41>::move(args.queue_, t41);
-        MoveToDevice<T42>::move(args.queue_, t42);
-        MoveToDevice<T43>::move(args.queue_, t43);
-        MoveToDevice<T44>::move(args.queue_, t44);
-        MoveToDevice<T45>::move(args.queue_, t45);
-        MoveToDevice<T46>::move(args.queue_, t46);
-        MoveToDevice<T47>::move(args.queue_, t47);
-        MoveToDevice<T48>::move(args.queue_, t48);
-        MoveToDevice<T49>::move(args.queue_, t49);
-        MoveToDevice<T50>::move(args.queue_, t50);
-        MoveToDevice<T51>::move(args.queue_, t51);
-        MoveToDevice<T52>::move(args.queue_, t52);
-        MoveToDevice<T53>::move(args.queue_, t53);
-        MoveToDevice<T54>::move(args.queue_, t54);
-        MoveToDevice<T55>::move(args.queue_, t55);
-        MoveToDevice<T56>::move(args.queue_, t56);
-        MoveToDevice<T57>::move(args.queue_, t57);
-        MoveToDevice<T58>::move(args.queue_, t58);
-        MoveToDevice<T59>::move(args.queue_, t59);
-        MoveToDevice<T60>::move(args.queue_, t60);
-        MoveToDevice<T61>::move(args.queue_, t61);
-        MoveToDevice<T62>::move(args.queue_, t62);
-        MoveToDevice<T63>::move(args.queue_, t63);
-        MoveToDevice<T64>::move(args.queue_, t64);
-        MoveToDevice<T65>::move(args.queue_, t65);
-        MoveToDevice<T66>::move(args.queue_, t66);
-        MoveToDevice<T67>::move(args.queue_, t67);
-        MoveToDevice<T68>::move(args.queue_, t68);
-        MoveToDevice<T69>::move(args.queue_, t69);
-        MoveToDevice<T70>::move(args.queue_, t70);
-        MoveToDevice<T71>::move(args.queue_, t71);
-        MoveToDevice<T72>::move(args.queue_, t72);
-        MoveToDevice<T73>::move(args.queue_, t73);
-        MoveToDevice<T74>::move(args.queue_, t74);
-        MoveToDevice<T75>::move(args.queue_, t75);
-        MoveToDevice<T76>::move(args.queue_, t76);
-        MoveToDevice<T77>::move(args.queue_, t77);
-        MoveToDevice<T78>::move(args.queue_, t78);
-        MoveToDevice<T79>::move(args.queue_, t79);
-        MoveToDevice<T80>::move(args.queue_, t80);
-        MoveToDevice<T81>::move(args.queue_, t81);
-        MoveToDevice<T82>::move(args.queue_, t82);
-        MoveToDevice<T83>::move(args.queue_, t83);
-        MoveToDevice<T84>::move(args.queue_, t84);
-        MoveToDevice<T85>::move(args.queue_, t85);
-        MoveToDevice<T86>::move(args.queue_, t86);
-        MoveToDevice<T87>::move(args.queue_, t87);
-        MoveToDevice<T88>::move(args.queue_, t88);
-        MoveToDevice<T89>::move(args.queue_, t89);
-        MoveToDevice<T90>::move(args.queue_, t90);
-        MoveToDevice<T91>::move(args.queue_, t91);
-        MoveToDevice<T92>::move(args.queue_, t92);
-        MoveToDevice<T93>::move(args.queue_, t93);
-        MoveToDevice<T94>::move(args.queue_, t94);
-        MoveToDevice<T95>::move(args.queue_, t95);
-        MoveToDevice<T96>::move(args.queue_, t96);
-        MoveToDevice<T97>::move(args.queue_, t97);
-        MoveToDevice<T98>::move(args.queue_, t98);
-        MoveToDevice<T99>::move(args.queue_, t99);
-        MoveToDevice<T100>::move(args.queue_, t100);
-        MoveToDevice<T101>::move(args.queue_, t101);
-        MoveToDevice<T102>::move(args.queue_, t102);
-        MoveToDevice<T103>::move(args.queue_, t103);
-        MoveToDevice<T104>::move(args.queue_, t104);
-        MoveToDevice<T105>::move(args.queue_, t105);
-        MoveToDevice<T106>::move(args.queue_, t106);
-        MoveToDevice<T107>::move(args.queue_, t107);
-        MoveToDevice<T108>::move(args.queue_, t108);
-        MoveToDevice<T109>::move(args.queue_, t109);
-        MoveToDevice<T110>::move(args.queue_, t110);
-        MoveToDevice<T111>::move(args.queue_, t111);
-        MoveToDevice<T112>::move(args.queue_, t112);
-        MoveToDevice<T113>::move(args.queue_, t113);
-        MoveToDevice<T114>::move(args.queue_, t114);
-        MoveToDevice<T115>::move(args.queue_, t115);
-        MoveToDevice<T116>::move(args.queue_, t116);
-        MoveToDevice<T117>::move(args.queue_, t117);
-        MoveToDevice<T118>::move(args.queue_, t118);
-        MoveToDevice<T119>::move(args.queue_, t119);
-        MoveToDevice<T120>::move(args.queue_, t120);
-        MoveToDevice<T121>::move(args.queue_, t121);
-        MoveToDevice<T122>::move(args.queue_, t122);
-        MoveToDevice<T123>::move(args.queue_, t123);
-        MoveToDevice<T124>::move(args.queue_, t124);
-        MoveToDevice<T125>::move(args.queue_, t125);
-        MoveToDevice<T126>::move(args.queue_, t126);
-        MoveToDevice<T127>::move(args.queue_, t127);
-		VECTOR_CLASS<Event> events(&waitEvent, &waitEvent);
-        args.queue_.enqueueNDRangeKernel(
-            kernel_,
-            args.offset_,
-            args.global_,
-            args.local_,
-            &events,
-            &event);
-		// Move any arguments that need moving
-       MoveFromDevice<T0>::move(args.queue_, t0);
-        MoveFromDevice<T1>::move(args.queue_, t1);
-        MoveFromDevice<T2>::move(args.queue_, t2);
-        MoveFromDevice<T3>::move(args.queue_, t3);
-        MoveFromDevice<T4>::move(args.queue_, t4);
-        MoveFromDevice<T5>::move(args.queue_, t5);
-        MoveFromDevice<T6>::move(args.queue_, t6);
-        MoveFromDevice<T7>::move(args.queue_, t7);
-        MoveFromDevice<T8>::move(args.queue_, t8);
-        MoveFromDevice<T9>::move(args.queue_, t9);
-        MoveFromDevice<T10>::move(args.queue_, t10);
-        MoveFromDevice<T11>::move(args.queue_, t11);
-        MoveFromDevice<T12>::move(args.queue_, t12);
-        MoveFromDevice<T13>::move(args.queue_, t13);
-        MoveFromDevice<T14>::move(args.queue_, t14);
-        MoveFromDevice<T15>::move(args.queue_, t15);
-        MoveFromDevice<T16>::move(args.queue_, t16);
-        MoveFromDevice<T17>::move(args.queue_, t17);
-        MoveFromDevice<T18>::move(args.queue_, t18);
-        MoveFromDevice<T19>::move(args.queue_, t19);
-        MoveFromDevice<T20>::move(args.queue_, t20);
-        MoveFromDevice<T21>::move(args.queue_, t21);
-        MoveFromDevice<T22>::move(args.queue_, t22);
-        MoveFromDevice<T23>::move(args.queue_, t23);
-        MoveFromDevice<T24>::move(args.queue_, t24);
-        MoveFromDevice<T25>::move(args.queue_, t25);
-        MoveFromDevice<T26>::move(args.queue_, t26);
-        MoveFromDevice<T27>::move(args.queue_, t27);
-        MoveFromDevice<T28>::move(args.queue_, t28);
-        MoveFromDevice<T29>::move(args.queue_, t29);
-        MoveFromDevice<T30>::move(args.queue_, t30);
-        MoveFromDevice<T31>::move(args.queue_, t31);
-        MoveFromDevice<T32>::move(args.queue_, t32);
-        MoveFromDevice<T33>::move(args.queue_, t33);
-        MoveFromDevice<T34>::move(args.queue_, t34);
-        MoveFromDevice<T35>::move(args.queue_, t35);
-        MoveFromDevice<T36>::move(args.queue_, t36);
-        MoveFromDevice<T37>::move(args.queue_, t37);
-        MoveFromDevice<T38>::move(args.queue_, t38);
-        MoveFromDevice<T39>::move(args.queue_, t39);
-        MoveFromDevice<T40>::move(args.queue_, t40);
-        MoveFromDevice<T41>::move(args.queue_, t41);
-        MoveFromDevice<T42>::move(args.queue_, t42);
-        MoveFromDevice<T43>::move(args.queue_, t43);
-        MoveFromDevice<T44>::move(args.queue_, t44);
-        MoveFromDevice<T45>::move(args.queue_, t45);
-        MoveFromDevice<T46>::move(args.queue_, t46);
-        MoveFromDevice<T47>::move(args.queue_, t47);
-        MoveFromDevice<T48>::move(args.queue_, t48);
-        MoveFromDevice<T49>::move(args.queue_, t49);
-        MoveFromDevice<T50>::move(args.queue_, t50);
-        MoveFromDevice<T51>::move(args.queue_, t51);
-        MoveFromDevice<T52>::move(args.queue_, t52);
-        MoveFromDevice<T53>::move(args.queue_, t53);
-        MoveFromDevice<T54>::move(args.queue_, t54);
-        MoveFromDevice<T55>::move(args.queue_, t55);
-        MoveFromDevice<T56>::move(args.queue_, t56);
-        MoveFromDevice<T57>::move(args.queue_, t57);
-        MoveFromDevice<T58>::move(args.queue_, t58);
-        MoveFromDevice<T59>::move(args.queue_, t59);
-        MoveFromDevice<T60>::move(args.queue_, t60);
-        MoveFromDevice<T61>::move(args.queue_, t61);
-        MoveFromDevice<T62>::move(args.queue_, t62);
-        MoveFromDevice<T63>::move(args.queue_, t63);
-        MoveFromDevice<T64>::move(args.queue_, t64);
-        MoveFromDevice<T65>::move(args.queue_, t65);
-        MoveFromDevice<T66>::move(args.queue_, t66);
-        MoveFromDevice<T67>::move(args.queue_, t67);
-        MoveFromDevice<T68>::move(args.queue_, t68);
-        MoveFromDevice<T69>::move(args.queue_, t69);
-        MoveFromDevice<T70>::move(args.queue_, t70);
-        MoveFromDevice<T71>::move(args.queue_, t71);
-        MoveFromDevice<T72>::move(args.queue_, t72);
-        MoveFromDevice<T73>::move(args.queue_, t73);
-        MoveFromDevice<T74>::move(args.queue_, t74);
-        MoveFromDevice<T75>::move(args.queue_, t75);
-        MoveFromDevice<T76>::move(args.queue_, t76);
-        MoveFromDevice<T77>::move(args.queue_, t77);
-        MoveFromDevice<T78>::move(args.queue_, t78);
-        MoveFromDevice<T79>::move(args.queue_, t79);
-        MoveFromDevice<T80>::move(args.queue_, t80);
-        MoveFromDevice<T81>::move(args.queue_, t81);
-        MoveFromDevice<T82>::move(args.queue_, t82);
-        MoveFromDevice<T83>::move(args.queue_, t83);
-        MoveFromDevice<T84>::move(args.queue_, t84);
-        MoveFromDevice<T85>::move(args.queue_, t85);
-        MoveFromDevice<T86>::move(args.queue_, t86);
-        MoveFromDevice<T87>::move(args.queue_, t87);
-        MoveFromDevice<T88>::move(args.queue_, t88);
-        MoveFromDevice<T89>::move(args.queue_, t89);
-        MoveFromDevice<T90>::move(args.queue_, t90);
-        MoveFromDevice<T91>::move(args.queue_, t91);
-        MoveFromDevice<T92>::move(args.queue_, t92);
-        MoveFromDevice<T93>::move(args.queue_, t93);
-        MoveFromDevice<T94>::move(args.queue_, t94);
-        MoveFromDevice<T95>::move(args.queue_, t95);
-        MoveFromDevice<T96>::move(args.queue_, t96);
-        MoveFromDevice<T97>::move(args.queue_, t97);
-        MoveFromDevice<T98>::move(args.queue_, t98);
-        MoveFromDevice<T99>::move(args.queue_, t99);
-        MoveFromDevice<T100>::move(args.queue_, t100);
-        MoveFromDevice<T101>::move(args.queue_, t101);
-        MoveFromDevice<T102>::move(args.queue_, t102);
-        MoveFromDevice<T103>::move(args.queue_, t103);
-        MoveFromDevice<T104>::move(args.queue_, t104);
-        MoveFromDevice<T105>::move(args.queue_, t105);
-        MoveFromDevice<T106>::move(args.queue_, t106);
-        MoveFromDevice<T107>::move(args.queue_, t107);
-        MoveFromDevice<T108>::move(args.queue_, t108);
-        MoveFromDevice<T109>::move(args.queue_, t109);
-        MoveFromDevice<T110>::move(args.queue_, t110);
-        MoveFromDevice<T111>::move(args.queue_, t111);
-        MoveFromDevice<T112>::move(args.queue_, t112);
-        MoveFromDevice<T113>::move(args.queue_, t113);
-        MoveFromDevice<T114>::move(args.queue_, t114);
-        MoveFromDevice<T115>::move(args.queue_, t115);
-        MoveFromDevice<T116>::move(args.queue_, t116);
-        MoveFromDevice<T117>::move(args.queue_, t117);
-        MoveFromDevice<T118>::move(args.queue_, t118);
-        MoveFromDevice<T119>::move(args.queue_, t119);
-        MoveFromDevice<T120>::move(args.queue_, t120);
-        MoveFromDevice<T121>::move(args.queue_, t121);
-        MoveFromDevice<T122>::move(args.queue_, t122);
-        MoveFromDevice<T123>::move(args.queue_, t123);
-        MoveFromDevice<T124>::move(args.queue_, t124);
-        MoveFromDevice<T125>::move(args.queue_, t125);
-        MoveFromDevice<T126>::move(args.queue_, t126);
-        MoveFromDevice<T127>::move(args.queue_, t127);
-        return event;
-    }
-    Event operator() (
-        const EnqueueArgs& args,
-        const VECTOR_CLASS<Event>& waitEvents,
-        T0 t0,
-        T1 t1 = NullType(),
-        T2 t2 = NullType(),
-        T3 t3 = NullType(),
-        T4 t4 = NullType(),
-        T5 t5 = NullType(),
-        T6 t6 = NullType(),
-        T7 t7 = NullType(),
-        T8 t8 = NullType(),
-        T9 t9 = NullType(),
-        T10 t10 = NullType(),
-        T11 t11 = NullType(),
-        T12 t12 = NullType(),
-        T13 t13 = NullType(),
-        T14 t14 = NullType(),
-        T15 t15 = NullType(),
-        T16 t16 = NullType(),
-        T17 t17 = NullType(),
-        T18 t18 = NullType(),
-        T19 t19 = NullType(),
-        T20 t20 = NullType(),
-        T21 t21 = NullType(),
-        T22 t22 = NullType(),
-        T23 t23 = NullType(),
-        T24 t24 = NullType(),
-        T25 t25 = NullType(),
-        T26 t26 = NullType(),
-        T27 t27 = NullType(),
-        T28 t28 = NullType(),
-        T29 t29 = NullType(),
-        T30 t30 = NullType(),
-        T31 t31 = NullType(),
-        T32 t32 = NullType(),
-        T33 t33 = NullType(),
-        T34 t34 = NullType(),
-        T35 t35 = NullType(),
-        T36 t36 = NullType(),
-        T37 t37 = NullType(),
-        T38 t38 = NullType(),
-        T39 t39 = NullType(),
-        T40 t40 = NullType(),
-        T41 t41 = NullType(),
-        T42 t42 = NullType(),
-        T43 t43 = NullType(),
-        T44 t44 = NullType(),
-        T45 t45 = NullType(),
-        T46 t46 = NullType(),
-        T47 t47 = NullType(),
-        T48 t48 = NullType(),
-        T49 t49 = NullType(),
-        T50 t50 = NullType(),
-        T51 t51 = NullType(),
-        T52 t52 = NullType(),
-        T53 t53 = NullType(),
-        T54 t54 = NullType(),
-        T55 t55 = NullType(),
-        T56 t56 = NullType(),
-        T57 t57 = NullType(),
-        T58 t58 = NullType(),
-        T59 t59 = NullType(),
-        T60 t60 = NullType(),
-        T61 t61 = NullType(),
-        T62 t62 = NullType(),
-        T63 t63 = NullType(),
-        T64 t64 = NullType(),
-        T65 t65 = NullType(),
-        T66 t66 = NullType(),
-        T67 t67 = NullType(),
-        T68 t68 = NullType(),
-        T69 t69 = NullType(),
-        T70 t70 = NullType(),
-        T71 t71 = NullType(),
-        T72 t72 = NullType(),
-        T73 t73 = NullType(),
-        T74 t74 = NullType(),
-        T75 t75 = NullType(),
-        T76 t76 = NullType(),
-        T77 t77 = NullType(),
-        T78 t78 = NullType(),
-        T79 t79 = NullType(),
-        T80 t80 = NullType(),
-        T81 t81 = NullType(),
-        T82 t82 = NullType(),
-        T83 t83 = NullType(),
-        T84 t84 = NullType(),
-        T85 t85 = NullType(),
-        T86 t86 = NullType(),
-        T87 t87 = NullType(),
-        T88 t88 = NullType(),
-        T89 t89 = NullType(),
-        T90 t90 = NullType(),
-        T91 t91 = NullType(),
-        T92 t92 = NullType(),
-        T93 t93 = NullType(),
-        T94 t94 = NullType(),
-        T95 t95 = NullType(),
-        T96 t96 = NullType(),
-        T97 t97 = NullType(),
-        T98 t98 = NullType(),
-        T99 t99 = NullType(),
-        T100 t100 = NullType(),
-        T101 t101 = NullType(),
-        T102 t102 = NullType(),
-        T103 t103 = NullType(),
-        T104 t104 = NullType(),
-        T105 t105 = NullType(),
-        T106 t106 = NullType(),
-        T107 t107 = NullType(),
-        T108 t108 = NullType(),
-        T109 t109 = NullType(),
-        T110 t110 = NullType(),
-        T111 t111 = NullType(),
-        T112 t112 = NullType(),
-        T113 t113 = NullType(),
-        T114 t114 = NullType(),
-        T115 t115 = NullType(),
-        T116 t116 = NullType(),
-        T117 t117 = NullType(),
-        T118 t118 = NullType(),
-        T119 t119 = NullType(),
-        T120 t120 = NullType(),
-        T121 t121 = NullType(),
-        T122 t122 = NullType(),
-        T123 t123 = NullType(),
-        T124 t124 = NullType(),
-        T125 t125 = NullType(),
-        T126 t126 = NullType(),
-        T127 t127 = NullType())
-    {
-        Event event;
-        SetArg<0, T0>::set(kernel_, t0);
-        SetArg<1, T1>::set(kernel_, t1);
-        SetArg<2, T2>::set(kernel_, t2);
-        SetArg<3, T3>::set(kernel_, t3);
-        SetArg<4, T4>::set(kernel_, t4);
-        SetArg<5, T5>::set(kernel_, t5);
-        SetArg<6, T6>::set(kernel_, t6);
-        SetArg<7, T7>::set(kernel_, t7);
-        SetArg<8, T8>::set(kernel_, t8);
-        SetArg<9, T9>::set(kernel_, t9);
-        SetArg<10, T10>::set(kernel_, t10);
-        SetArg<11, T11>::set(kernel_, t11);
-        SetArg<12, T12>::set(kernel_, t12);
-        SetArg<13, T13>::set(kernel_, t13);
-        SetArg<14, T14>::set(kernel_, t14);
-        SetArg<15, T15>::set(kernel_, t15);
-        SetArg<16, T16>::set(kernel_, t16);
-        SetArg<17, T17>::set(kernel_, t17);
-        SetArg<18, T18>::set(kernel_, t18);
-        SetArg<19, T19>::set(kernel_, t19);
-        SetArg<20, T20>::set(kernel_, t20);
-        SetArg<21, T21>::set(kernel_, t21);
-        SetArg<22, T22>::set(kernel_, t22);
-        SetArg<23, T23>::set(kernel_, t23);
-        SetArg<24, T24>::set(kernel_, t24);
-        SetArg<25, T25>::set(kernel_, t25);
-        SetArg<26, T26>::set(kernel_, t26);
-        SetArg<27, T27>::set(kernel_, t27);
-        SetArg<28, T28>::set(kernel_, t28);
-        SetArg<29, T29>::set(kernel_, t29);
-        SetArg<30, T30>::set(kernel_, t30);
-        SetArg<31, T31>::set(kernel_, t31);
-        SetArg<32, T32>::set(kernel_, t32);
-        SetArg<33, T33>::set(kernel_, t33);
-        SetArg<34, T34>::set(kernel_, t34);
-        SetArg<35, T35>::set(kernel_, t35);
-        SetArg<36, T36>::set(kernel_, t36);
-        SetArg<37, T37>::set(kernel_, t37);
-        SetArg<38, T38>::set(kernel_, t38);
-        SetArg<39, T39>::set(kernel_, t39);
-        SetArg<40, T40>::set(kernel_, t40);
-        SetArg<41, T41>::set(kernel_, t41);
-        SetArg<42, T42>::set(kernel_, t42);
-        SetArg<43, T43>::set(kernel_, t43);
-        SetArg<44, T44>::set(kernel_, t44);
-        SetArg<45, T45>::set(kernel_, t45);
-        SetArg<46, T46>::set(kernel_, t46);
-        SetArg<47, T47>::set(kernel_, t47);
-        SetArg<48, T48>::set(kernel_, t48);
-        SetArg<49, T49>::set(kernel_, t49);
-        SetArg<50, T50>::set(kernel_, t50);
-        SetArg<51, T51>::set(kernel_, t51);
-        SetArg<52, T52>::set(kernel_, t52);
-        SetArg<53, T53>::set(kernel_, t53);
-        SetArg<54, T54>::set(kernel_, t54);
-        SetArg<55, T55>::set(kernel_, t55);
-        SetArg<56, T56>::set(kernel_, t56);
-        SetArg<57, T57>::set(kernel_, t57);
-        SetArg<58, T58>::set(kernel_, t58);
-        SetArg<59, T59>::set(kernel_, t59);
-        SetArg<60, T60>::set(kernel_, t60);
-        SetArg<61, T61>::set(kernel_, t61);
-        SetArg<62, T62>::set(kernel_, t62);
-        SetArg<63, T63>::set(kernel_, t63);
-        SetArg<64, T64>::set(kernel_, t64);
-        SetArg<65, T65>::set(kernel_, t65);
-        SetArg<66, T66>::set(kernel_, t66);
-        SetArg<67, T67>::set(kernel_, t67);
-        SetArg<68, T68>::set(kernel_, t68);
-        SetArg<69, T69>::set(kernel_, t69);
-        SetArg<70, T70>::set(kernel_, t70);
-        SetArg<71, T71>::set(kernel_, t71);
-        SetArg<72, T72>::set(kernel_, t72);
-        SetArg<73, T73>::set(kernel_, t73);
-        SetArg<74, T74>::set(kernel_, t74);
-        SetArg<75, T75>::set(kernel_, t75);
-        SetArg<76, T76>::set(kernel_, t76);
-        SetArg<77, T77>::set(kernel_, t77);
-        SetArg<78, T78>::set(kernel_, t78);
-        SetArg<79, T79>::set(kernel_, t79);
-        SetArg<80, T80>::set(kernel_, t80);
-        SetArg<81, T81>::set(kernel_, t81);
-        SetArg<82, T82>::set(kernel_, t82);
-        SetArg<83, T83>::set(kernel_, t83);
-        SetArg<84, T84>::set(kernel_, t84);
-        SetArg<85, T85>::set(kernel_, t85);
-        SetArg<86, T86>::set(kernel_, t86);
-        SetArg<87, T87>::set(kernel_, t87);
-        SetArg<88, T88>::set(kernel_, t88);
-        SetArg<89, T89>::set(kernel_, t89);
-        SetArg<90, T90>::set(kernel_, t90);
-        SetArg<91, T91>::set(kernel_, t91);
-        SetArg<92, T92>::set(kernel_, t92);
-        SetArg<93, T93>::set(kernel_, t93);
-        SetArg<94, T94>::set(kernel_, t94);
-        SetArg<95, T95>::set(kernel_, t95);
-        SetArg<96, T96>::set(kernel_, t96);
-        SetArg<97, T97>::set(kernel_, t97);
-        SetArg<98, T98>::set(kernel_, t98);
-        SetArg<99, T99>::set(kernel_, t99);
-        SetArg<100, T100>::set(kernel_, t100);
-        SetArg<101, T101>::set(kernel_, t101);
-        SetArg<102, T102>::set(kernel_, t102);
-        SetArg<103, T103>::set(kernel_, t103);
-        SetArg<104, T104>::set(kernel_, t104);
-        SetArg<105, T105>::set(kernel_, t105);
-        SetArg<106, T106>::set(kernel_, t106);
-        SetArg<107, T107>::set(kernel_, t107);
-        SetArg<108, T108>::set(kernel_, t108);
-        SetArg<109, T109>::set(kernel_, t109);
-        SetArg<110, T110>::set(kernel_, t110);
-        SetArg<111, T111>::set(kernel_, t111);
-        SetArg<112, T112>::set(kernel_, t112);
-        SetArg<113, T113>::set(kernel_, t113);
-        SetArg<114, T114>::set(kernel_, t114);
-        SetArg<115, T115>::set(kernel_, t115);
-        SetArg<116, T116>::set(kernel_, t116);
-        SetArg<117, T117>::set(kernel_, t117);
-        SetArg<118, T118>::set(kernel_, t118);
-        SetArg<119, T119>::set(kernel_, t119);
-        SetArg<120, T120>::set(kernel_, t120);
-        SetArg<121, T121>::set(kernel_, t121);
-        SetArg<122, T122>::set(kernel_, t122);
-        SetArg<123, T123>::set(kernel_, t123);
-        SetArg<124, T124>::set(kernel_, t124);
-        SetArg<125, T125>::set(kernel_, t125);
-        SetArg<126, T126>::set(kernel_, t126);
-        SetArg<127, T127>::set(kernel_, t127);
-		// Move any arguments that need moving
-        MoveToDevice<T0>::move(args.queue_, t0);
-        MoveToDevice<T1>::move(args.queue_, t1);
-        MoveToDevice<T2>::move(args.queue_, t2);
-        MoveToDevice<T3>::move(args.queue_, t3);
-        MoveToDevice<T4>::move(args.queue_, t4);
-        MoveToDevice<T5>::move(args.queue_, t5);
-        MoveToDevice<T6>::move(args.queue_, t6);
-        MoveToDevice<T7>::move(args.queue_, t7);
-        MoveToDevice<T8>::move(args.queue_, t8);
-        MoveToDevice<T9>::move(args.queue_, t9);
-        MoveToDevice<T10>::move(args.queue_, t10);
-        MoveToDevice<T11>::move(args.queue_, t11);
-        MoveToDevice<T12>::move(args.queue_, t12);
-        MoveToDevice<T13>::move(args.queue_, t13);
-        MoveToDevice<T14>::move(args.queue_, t14);
-        MoveToDevice<T15>::move(args.queue_, t15);
-        MoveToDevice<T16>::move(args.queue_, t16);
-        MoveToDevice<T17>::move(args.queue_, t17);
-        MoveToDevice<T18>::move(args.queue_, t18);
-        MoveToDevice<T19>::move(args.queue_, t19);
-        MoveToDevice<T20>::move(args.queue_, t20);
-        MoveToDevice<T21>::move(args.queue_, t21);
-        MoveToDevice<T22>::move(args.queue_, t22);
-        MoveToDevice<T23>::move(args.queue_, t23);
-        MoveToDevice<T24>::move(args.queue_, t24);
-        MoveToDevice<T25>::move(args.queue_, t25);
-        MoveToDevice<T26>::move(args.queue_, t26);
-        MoveToDevice<T27>::move(args.queue_, t27);
-        MoveToDevice<T28>::move(args.queue_, t28);
-        MoveToDevice<T29>::move(args.queue_, t29);
-        MoveToDevice<T30>::move(args.queue_, t30);
-        MoveToDevice<T31>::move(args.queue_, t31);
-        MoveToDevice<T32>::move(args.queue_, t32);
-        MoveToDevice<T33>::move(args.queue_, t33);
-        MoveToDevice<T34>::move(args.queue_, t34);
-        MoveToDevice<T35>::move(args.queue_, t35);
-        MoveToDevice<T36>::move(args.queue_, t36);
-        MoveToDevice<T37>::move(args.queue_, t37);
-        MoveToDevice<T38>::move(args.queue_, t38);
-        MoveToDevice<T39>::move(args.queue_, t39);
-        MoveToDevice<T40>::move(args.queue_, t40);
-        MoveToDevice<T41>::move(args.queue_, t41);
-        MoveToDevice<T42>::move(args.queue_, t42);
-        MoveToDevice<T43>::move(args.queue_, t43);
-        MoveToDevice<T44>::move(args.queue_, t44);
-        MoveToDevice<T45>::move(args.queue_, t45);
-        MoveToDevice<T46>::move(args.queue_, t46);
-        MoveToDevice<T47>::move(args.queue_, t47);
-        MoveToDevice<T48>::move(args.queue_, t48);
-        MoveToDevice<T49>::move(args.queue_, t49);
-        MoveToDevice<T50>::move(args.queue_, t50);
-        MoveToDevice<T51>::move(args.queue_, t51);
-        MoveToDevice<T52>::move(args.queue_, t52);
-        MoveToDevice<T53>::move(args.queue_, t53);
-        MoveToDevice<T54>::move(args.queue_, t54);
-        MoveToDevice<T55>::move(args.queue_, t55);
-        MoveToDevice<T56>::move(args.queue_, t56);
-        MoveToDevice<T57>::move(args.queue_, t57);
-        MoveToDevice<T58>::move(args.queue_, t58);
-        MoveToDevice<T59>::move(args.queue_, t59);
-        MoveToDevice<T60>::move(args.queue_, t60);
-        MoveToDevice<T61>::move(args.queue_, t61);
-        MoveToDevice<T62>::move(args.queue_, t62);
-        MoveToDevice<T63>::move(args.queue_, t63);
-        MoveToDevice<T64>::move(args.queue_, t64);
-        MoveToDevice<T65>::move(args.queue_, t65);
-        MoveToDevice<T66>::move(args.queue_, t66);
-        MoveToDevice<T67>::move(args.queue_, t67);
-        MoveToDevice<T68>::move(args.queue_, t68);
-        MoveToDevice<T69>::move(args.queue_, t69);
-        MoveToDevice<T70>::move(args.queue_, t70);
-        MoveToDevice<T71>::move(args.queue_, t71);
-        MoveToDevice<T72>::move(args.queue_, t72);
-        MoveToDevice<T73>::move(args.queue_, t73);
-        MoveToDevice<T74>::move(args.queue_, t74);
-        MoveToDevice<T75>::move(args.queue_, t75);
-        MoveToDevice<T76>::move(args.queue_, t76);
-        MoveToDevice<T77>::move(args.queue_, t77);
-        MoveToDevice<T78>::move(args.queue_, t78);
-        MoveToDevice<T79>::move(args.queue_, t79);
-        MoveToDevice<T80>::move(args.queue_, t80);
-        MoveToDevice<T81>::move(args.queue_, t81);
-        MoveToDevice<T82>::move(args.queue_, t82);
-        MoveToDevice<T83>::move(args.queue_, t83);
-        MoveToDevice<T84>::move(args.queue_, t84);
-        MoveToDevice<T85>::move(args.queue_, t85);
-        MoveToDevice<T86>::move(args.queue_, t86);
-        MoveToDevice<T87>::move(args.queue_, t87);
-        MoveToDevice<T88>::move(args.queue_, t88);
-        MoveToDevice<T89>::move(args.queue_, t89);
-        MoveToDevice<T90>::move(args.queue_, t90);
-        MoveToDevice<T91>::move(args.queue_, t91);
-        MoveToDevice<T92>::move(args.queue_, t92);
-        MoveToDevice<T93>::move(args.queue_, t93);
-        MoveToDevice<T94>::move(args.queue_, t94);
-        MoveToDevice<T95>::move(args.queue_, t95);
-        MoveToDevice<T96>::move(args.queue_, t96);
-        MoveToDevice<T97>::move(args.queue_, t97);
-        MoveToDevice<T98>::move(args.queue_, t98);
-        MoveToDevice<T99>::move(args.queue_, t99);
-        MoveToDevice<T100>::move(args.queue_, t100);
-        MoveToDevice<T101>::move(args.queue_, t101);
-        MoveToDevice<T102>::move(args.queue_, t102);
-        MoveToDevice<T103>::move(args.queue_, t103);
-        MoveToDevice<T104>::move(args.queue_, t104);
-        MoveToDevice<T105>::move(args.queue_, t105);
-        MoveToDevice<T106>::move(args.queue_, t106);
-        MoveToDevice<T107>::move(args.queue_, t107);
-        MoveToDevice<T108>::move(args.queue_, t108);
-        MoveToDevice<T109>::move(args.queue_, t109);
-        MoveToDevice<T110>::move(args.queue_, t110);
-        MoveToDevice<T111>::move(args.queue_, t111);
-        MoveToDevice<T112>::move(args.queue_, t112);
-        MoveToDevice<T113>::move(args.queue_, t113);
-        MoveToDevice<T114>::move(args.queue_, t114);
-        MoveToDevice<T115>::move(args.queue_, t115);
-        MoveToDevice<T116>::move(args.queue_, t116);
-        MoveToDevice<T117>::move(args.queue_, t117);
-        MoveToDevice<T118>::move(args.queue_, t118);
-        MoveToDevice<T119>::move(args.queue_, t119);
-        MoveToDevice<T120>::move(args.queue_, t120);
-        MoveToDevice<T121>::move(args.queue_, t121);
-        MoveToDevice<T122>::move(args.queue_, t122);
-        MoveToDevice<T123>::move(args.queue_, t123);
-        MoveToDevice<T124>::move(args.queue_, t124);
-        MoveToDevice<T125>::move(args.queue_, t125);
-        MoveToDevice<T126>::move(args.queue_, t126);
-        MoveToDevice<T127>::move(args.queue_, t127);
-        args.queue_.enqueueNDRangeKernel(
-            kernel_,
-            args.offset_,
-            args.global_,
-            args.local_,
-            &waitEvents,
-            &event);
-		// Move any arguments that need moving
-       MoveFromDevice<T0>::move(args.queue_, t0);
-        MoveFromDevice<T1>::move(args.queue_, t1);
-        MoveFromDevice<T2>::move(args.queue_, t2);
-        MoveFromDevice<T3>::move(args.queue_, t3);
-        MoveFromDevice<T4>::move(args.queue_, t4);
-        MoveFromDevice<T5>::move(args.queue_, t5);
-        MoveFromDevice<T6>::move(args.queue_, t6);
-        MoveFromDevice<T7>::move(args.queue_, t7);
-        MoveFromDevice<T8>::move(args.queue_, t8);
-        MoveFromDevice<T9>::move(args.queue_, t9);
-        MoveFromDevice<T10>::move(args.queue_, t10);
-        MoveFromDevice<T11>::move(args.queue_, t11);
-        MoveFromDevice<T12>::move(args.queue_, t12);
-        MoveFromDevice<T13>::move(args.queue_, t13);
-        MoveFromDevice<T14>::move(args.queue_, t14);
-        MoveFromDevice<T15>::move(args.queue_, t15);
-        MoveFromDevice<T16>::move(args.queue_, t16);
-        MoveFromDevice<T17>::move(args.queue_, t17);
-        MoveFromDevice<T18>::move(args.queue_, t18);
-        MoveFromDevice<T19>::move(args.queue_, t19);
-        MoveFromDevice<T20>::move(args.queue_, t20);
-        MoveFromDevice<T21>::move(args.queue_, t21);
-        MoveFromDevice<T22>::move(args.queue_, t22);
-        MoveFromDevice<T23>::move(args.queue_, t23);
-        MoveFromDevice<T24>::move(args.queue_, t24);
-        MoveFromDevice<T25>::move(args.queue_, t25);
-        MoveFromDevice<T26>::move(args.queue_, t26);
-        MoveFromDevice<T27>::move(args.queue_, t27);
-        MoveFromDevice<T28>::move(args.queue_, t28);
-        MoveFromDevice<T29>::move(args.queue_, t29);
-        MoveFromDevice<T30>::move(args.queue_, t30);
-        MoveFromDevice<T31>::move(args.queue_, t31);
-        MoveFromDevice<T32>::move(args.queue_, t32);
-        MoveFromDevice<T33>::move(args.queue_, t33);
-        MoveFromDevice<T34>::move(args.queue_, t34);
-        MoveFromDevice<T35>::move(args.queue_, t35);
-        MoveFromDevice<T36>::move(args.queue_, t36);
-        MoveFromDevice<T37>::move(args.queue_, t37);
-        MoveFromDevice<T38>::move(args.queue_, t38);
-        MoveFromDevice<T39>::move(args.queue_, t39);
-        MoveFromDevice<T40>::move(args.queue_, t40);
-        MoveFromDevice<T41>::move(args.queue_, t41);
-        MoveFromDevice<T42>::move(args.queue_, t42);
-        MoveFromDevice<T43>::move(args.queue_, t43);
-        MoveFromDevice<T44>::move(args.queue_, t44);
-        MoveFromDevice<T45>::move(args.queue_, t45);
-        MoveFromDevice<T46>::move(args.queue_, t46);
-        MoveFromDevice<T47>::move(args.queue_, t47);
-        MoveFromDevice<T48>::move(args.queue_, t48);
-        MoveFromDevice<T49>::move(args.queue_, t49);
-        MoveFromDevice<T50>::move(args.queue_, t50);
-        MoveFromDevice<T51>::move(args.queue_, t51);
-        MoveFromDevice<T52>::move(args.queue_, t52);
-        MoveFromDevice<T53>::move(args.queue_, t53);
-        MoveFromDevice<T54>::move(args.queue_, t54);
-        MoveFromDevice<T55>::move(args.queue_, t55);
-        MoveFromDevice<T56>::move(args.queue_, t56);
-        MoveFromDevice<T57>::move(args.queue_, t57);
-        MoveFromDevice<T58>::move(args.queue_, t58);
-        MoveFromDevice<T59>::move(args.queue_, t59);
-        MoveFromDevice<T60>::move(args.queue_, t60);
-        MoveFromDevice<T61>::move(args.queue_, t61);
-        MoveFromDevice<T62>::move(args.queue_, t62);
-        MoveFromDevice<T63>::move(args.queue_, t63);
-        MoveFromDevice<T64>::move(args.queue_, t64);
-        MoveFromDevice<T65>::move(args.queue_, t65);
-        MoveFromDevice<T66>::move(args.queue_, t66);
-        MoveFromDevice<T67>::move(args.queue_, t67);
-        MoveFromDevice<T68>::move(args.queue_, t68);
-        MoveFromDevice<T69>::move(args.queue_, t69);
-        MoveFromDevice<T70>::move(args.queue_, t70);
-        MoveFromDevice<T71>::move(args.queue_, t71);
-        MoveFromDevice<T72>::move(args.queue_, t72);
-        MoveFromDevice<T73>::move(args.queue_, t73);
-        MoveFromDevice<T74>::move(args.queue_, t74);
-        MoveFromDevice<T75>::move(args.queue_, t75);
-        MoveFromDevice<T76>::move(args.queue_, t76);
-        MoveFromDevice<T77>::move(args.queue_, t77);
-        MoveFromDevice<T78>::move(args.queue_, t78);
-        MoveFromDevice<T79>::move(args.queue_, t79);
-        MoveFromDevice<T80>::move(args.queue_, t80);
-        MoveFromDevice<T81>::move(args.queue_, t81);
-        MoveFromDevice<T82>::move(args.queue_, t82);
-        MoveFromDevice<T83>::move(args.queue_, t83);
-        MoveFromDevice<T84>::move(args.queue_, t84);
-        MoveFromDevice<T85>::move(args.queue_, t85);
-        MoveFromDevice<T86>::move(args.queue_, t86);
-        MoveFromDevice<T87>::move(args.queue_, t87);
-        MoveFromDevice<T88>::move(args.queue_, t88);
-        MoveFromDevice<T89>::move(args.queue_, t89);
-        MoveFromDevice<T90>::move(args.queue_, t90);
-        MoveFromDevice<T91>::move(args.queue_, t91);
-        MoveFromDevice<T92>::move(args.queue_, t92);
-        MoveFromDevice<T93>::move(args.queue_, t93);
-        MoveFromDevice<T94>::move(args.queue_, t94);
-        MoveFromDevice<T95>::move(args.queue_, t95);
-        MoveFromDevice<T96>::move(args.queue_, t96);
-        MoveFromDevice<T97>::move(args.queue_, t97);
-        MoveFromDevice<T98>::move(args.queue_, t98);
-        MoveFromDevice<T99>::move(args.queue_, t99);
-        MoveFromDevice<T100>::move(args.queue_, t100);
-        MoveFromDevice<T101>::move(args.queue_, t101);
-        MoveFromDevice<T102>::move(args.queue_, t102);
-        MoveFromDevice<T103>::move(args.queue_, t103);
-        MoveFromDevice<T104>::move(args.queue_, t104);
-        MoveFromDevice<T105>::move(args.queue_, t105);
-        MoveFromDevice<T106>::move(args.queue_, t106);
-        MoveFromDevice<T107>::move(args.queue_, t107);
-        MoveFromDevice<T108>::move(args.queue_, t108);
-        MoveFromDevice<T109>::move(args.queue_, t109);
-        MoveFromDevice<T110>::move(args.queue_, t110);
-        MoveFromDevice<T111>::move(args.queue_, t111);
-        MoveFromDevice<T112>::move(args.queue_, t112);
-        MoveFromDevice<T113>::move(args.queue_, t113);
-        MoveFromDevice<T114>::move(args.queue_, t114);
-        MoveFromDevice<T115>::move(args.queue_, t115);
-        MoveFromDevice<T116>::move(args.queue_, t116);
-        MoveFromDevice<T117>::move(args.queue_, t117);
-        MoveFromDevice<T118>::move(args.queue_, t118);
-        MoveFromDevice<T119>::move(args.queue_, t119);
-        MoveFromDevice<T120>::move(args.queue_, t120);
-        MoveFromDevice<T121>::move(args.queue_, t121);
-        MoveFromDevice<T122>::move(args.queue_, t122);
-        MoveFromDevice<T123>::move(args.queue_, t123);
-        MoveFromDevice<T124>::move(args.queue_, t124);
-        MoveFromDevice<T125>::move(args.queue_, t125);
-        MoveFromDevice<T126>::move(args.queue_, t126);
-        MoveFromDevice<T127>::move(args.queue_, t127);
-        return event;
-    }
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116,
-	typename T117,
-	typename T118,
-	typename T119,
-	typename T120,
-	typename T121,
-	typename T122,
-	typename T123,
-	typename T124,
-	typename T125,
-	typename T126,
-	typename T127>
-struct functionImplementation_
-	typename T0>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
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-	NullType,
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-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
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-		NullType,
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-		NullType,
-		NullType,
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-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
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-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
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-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	T116,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115,
-		T116 arg116)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115,
-			arg116);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116,
-	typename T117>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	T116,
-	T117,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115,
-		T116 arg116,
-		T117 arg117)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115,
-			arg116,
-			arg117);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116,
-	typename T117,
-	typename T118>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	T116,
-	T117,
-	T118,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115,
-		T116 arg116,
-		T117 arg117,
-		T118 arg118)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115,
-			arg116,
-			arg117,
-			arg118);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116,
-	typename T117,
-	typename T118,
-	typename T119>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	T116,
-	T117,
-	T118,
-	T119,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115,
-		T116 arg116,
-		T117 arg117,
-		T118 arg118,
-		T119 arg119)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115,
-			arg116,
-			arg117,
-			arg118,
-			arg119);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116,
-	typename T117,
-	typename T118,
-	typename T119,
-	typename T120>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	T116,
-	T117,
-	T118,
-	T119,
-	T120,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115,
-		T116 arg116,
-		T117 arg117,
-		T118 arg118,
-		T119 arg119,
-		T120 arg120)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115,
-			arg116,
-			arg117,
-			arg118,
-			arg119,
-			arg120);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116,
-	typename T117,
-	typename T118,
-	typename T119,
-	typename T120,
-	typename T121>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	T116,
-	T117,
-	T118,
-	T119,
-	T120,
-	T121,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115,
-		T116 arg116,
-		T117 arg117,
-		T118 arg118,
-		T119 arg119,
-		T120 arg120,
-		T121 arg121)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115,
-			arg116,
-			arg117,
-			arg118,
-			arg119,
-			arg120,
-			arg121);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116,
-	typename T117,
-	typename T118,
-	typename T119,
-	typename T120,
-	typename T121,
-	typename T122>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	T116,
-	T117,
-	T118,
-	T119,
-	T120,
-	T121,
-	T122,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121,
-		T122,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121,
-		T122)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115,
-		T116 arg116,
-		T117 arg117,
-		T118 arg118,
-		T119 arg119,
-		T120 arg120,
-		T121 arg121,
-		T122 arg122)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115,
-			arg116,
-			arg117,
-			arg118,
-			arg119,
-			arg120,
-			arg121,
-			arg122);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116,
-	typename T117,
-	typename T118,
-	typename T119,
-	typename T120,
-	typename T121,
-	typename T122,
-	typename T123>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	T116,
-	T117,
-	T118,
-	T119,
-	T120,
-	T121,
-	T122,
-	T123,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121,
-		T122,
-		T123,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121,
-		T122,
-		T123)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115,
-		T116 arg116,
-		T117 arg117,
-		T118 arg118,
-		T119 arg119,
-		T120 arg120,
-		T121 arg121,
-		T122 arg122,
-		T123 arg123)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115,
-			arg116,
-			arg117,
-			arg118,
-			arg119,
-			arg120,
-			arg121,
-			arg122,
-			arg123);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116,
-	typename T117,
-	typename T118,
-	typename T119,
-	typename T120,
-	typename T121,
-	typename T122,
-	typename T123,
-	typename T124>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	T116,
-	T117,
-	T118,
-	T119,
-	T120,
-	T121,
-	T122,
-	T123,
-	T124,
-	NullType,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121,
-		T122,
-		T123,
-		T124,
-		NullType,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121,
-		T122,
-		T123,
-		T124)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115,
-		T116 arg116,
-		T117 arg117,
-		T118 arg118,
-		T119 arg119,
-		T120 arg120,
-		T121 arg121,
-		T122 arg122,
-		T123 arg123,
-		T124 arg124)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115,
-			arg116,
-			arg117,
-			arg118,
-			arg119,
-			arg120,
-			arg121,
-			arg122,
-			arg123,
-			arg124);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116,
-	typename T117,
-	typename T118,
-	typename T119,
-	typename T120,
-	typename T121,
-	typename T122,
-	typename T123,
-	typename T124,
-	typename T125>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	T116,
-	T117,
-	T118,
-	T119,
-	T120,
-	T121,
-	T122,
-	T123,
-	T124,
-	T125,
-	NullType,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121,
-		T122,
-		T123,
-		T124,
-		T125,
-		NullType,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121,
-		T122,
-		T123,
-		T124,
-		T125)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115,
-		T116 arg116,
-		T117 arg117,
-		T118 arg118,
-		T119 arg119,
-		T120 arg120,
-		T121 arg121,
-		T122 arg122,
-		T123 arg123,
-		T124 arg124,
-		T125 arg125)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115,
-			arg116,
-			arg117,
-			arg118,
-			arg119,
-			arg120,
-			arg121,
-			arg122,
-			arg123,
-			arg124,
-			arg125);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-	typename T0,
-	typename T1,
-	typename T2,
-	typename T3,
-	typename T4,
-	typename T5,
-	typename T6,
-	typename T7,
-	typename T8,
-	typename T9,
-	typename T10,
-	typename T11,
-	typename T12,
-	typename T13,
-	typename T14,
-	typename T15,
-	typename T16,
-	typename T17,
-	typename T18,
-	typename T19,
-	typename T20,
-	typename T21,
-	typename T22,
-	typename T23,
-	typename T24,
-	typename T25,
-	typename T26,
-	typename T27,
-	typename T28,
-	typename T29,
-	typename T30,
-	typename T31,
-	typename T32,
-	typename T33,
-	typename T34,
-	typename T35,
-	typename T36,
-	typename T37,
-	typename T38,
-	typename T39,
-	typename T40,
-	typename T41,
-	typename T42,
-	typename T43,
-	typename T44,
-	typename T45,
-	typename T46,
-	typename T47,
-	typename T48,
-	typename T49,
-	typename T50,
-	typename T51,
-	typename T52,
-	typename T53,
-	typename T54,
-	typename T55,
-	typename T56,
-	typename T57,
-	typename T58,
-	typename T59,
-	typename T60,
-	typename T61,
-	typename T62,
-	typename T63,
-	typename T64,
-	typename T65,
-	typename T66,
-	typename T67,
-	typename T68,
-	typename T69,
-	typename T70,
-	typename T71,
-	typename T72,
-	typename T73,
-	typename T74,
-	typename T75,
-	typename T76,
-	typename T77,
-	typename T78,
-	typename T79,
-	typename T80,
-	typename T81,
-	typename T82,
-	typename T83,
-	typename T84,
-	typename T85,
-	typename T86,
-	typename T87,
-	typename T88,
-	typename T89,
-	typename T90,
-	typename T91,
-	typename T92,
-	typename T93,
-	typename T94,
-	typename T95,
-	typename T96,
-	typename T97,
-	typename T98,
-	typename T99,
-	typename T100,
-	typename T101,
-	typename T102,
-	typename T103,
-	typename T104,
-	typename T105,
-	typename T106,
-	typename T107,
-	typename T108,
-	typename T109,
-	typename T110,
-	typename T111,
-	typename T112,
-	typename T113,
-	typename T114,
-	typename T115,
-	typename T116,
-	typename T117,
-	typename T118,
-	typename T119,
-	typename T120,
-	typename T121,
-	typename T122,
-	typename T123,
-	typename T124,
-	typename T125,
-	typename T126>
-struct functionImplementation_<
-	T0,
-	T1,
-	T2,
-	T3,
-	T4,
-	T5,
-	T6,
-	T7,
-	T8,
-	T9,
-	T10,
-	T11,
-	T12,
-	T13,
-	T14,
-	T15,
-	T16,
-	T17,
-	T18,
-	T19,
-	T20,
-	T21,
-	T22,
-	T23,
-	T24,
-	T25,
-	T26,
-	T27,
-	T28,
-	T29,
-	T30,
-	T31,
-	T32,
-	T33,
-	T34,
-	T35,
-	T36,
-	T37,
-	T38,
-	T39,
-	T40,
-	T41,
-	T42,
-	T43,
-	T44,
-	T45,
-	T46,
-	T47,
-	T48,
-	T49,
-	T50,
-	T51,
-	T52,
-	T53,
-	T54,
-	T55,
-	T56,
-	T57,
-	T58,
-	T59,
-	T60,
-	T61,
-	T62,
-	T63,
-	T64,
-	T65,
-	T66,
-	T67,
-	T68,
-	T69,
-	T70,
-	T71,
-	T72,
-	T73,
-	T74,
-	T75,
-	T76,
-	T77,
-	T78,
-	T79,
-	T80,
-	T81,
-	T82,
-	T83,
-	T84,
-	T85,
-	T86,
-	T87,
-	T88,
-	T89,
-	T90,
-	T91,
-	T92,
-	T93,
-	T94,
-	T95,
-	T96,
-	T97,
-	T98,
-	T99,
-	T100,
-	T101,
-	T102,
-	T103,
-	T104,
-	T105,
-	T106,
-	T107,
-	T108,
-	T109,
-	T110,
-	T111,
-	T112,
-	T113,
-	T114,
-	T115,
-	T116,
-	T117,
-	T118,
-	T119,
-	T120,
-	T121,
-	T122,
-	T123,
-	T124,
-	T125,
-	T126,
-	NullType>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121,
-		T122,
-		T123,
-		T124,
-		T125,
-		T126,
-		NullType> FunctorType;
-	FunctorType functor_;
-	functionImplementation_(const FunctorType &functor) :
-		functor_(functor)
-	{
-	}
-	typedef std::tr1::function<Event (
-		const EnqueueArgs&,
-		T0,
-		T1,
-		T2,
-		T3,
-		T4,
-		T5,
-		T6,
-		T7,
-		T8,
-		T9,
-		T10,
-		T11,
-		T12,
-		T13,
-		T14,
-		T15,
-		T16,
-		T17,
-		T18,
-		T19,
-		T20,
-		T21,
-		T22,
-		T23,
-		T24,
-		T25,
-		T26,
-		T27,
-		T28,
-		T29,
-		T30,
-		T31,
-		T32,
-		T33,
-		T34,
-		T35,
-		T36,
-		T37,
-		T38,
-		T39,
-		T40,
-		T41,
-		T42,
-		T43,
-		T44,
-		T45,
-		T46,
-		T47,
-		T48,
-		T49,
-		T50,
-		T51,
-		T52,
-		T53,
-		T54,
-		T55,
-		T56,
-		T57,
-		T58,
-		T59,
-		T60,
-		T61,
-		T62,
-		T63,
-		T64,
-		T65,
-		T66,
-		T67,
-		T68,
-		T69,
-		T70,
-		T71,
-		T72,
-		T73,
-		T74,
-		T75,
-		T76,
-		T77,
-		T78,
-		T79,
-		T80,
-		T81,
-		T82,
-		T83,
-		T84,
-		T85,
-		T86,
-		T87,
-		T88,
-		T89,
-		T90,
-		T91,
-		T92,
-		T93,
-		T94,
-		T95,
-		T96,
-		T97,
-		T98,
-		T99,
-		T100,
-		T101,
-		T102,
-		T103,
-		T104,
-		T105,
-		T106,
-		T107,
-		T108,
-		T109,
-		T110,
-		T111,
-		T112,
-		T113,
-		T114,
-		T115,
-		T116,
-		T117,
-		T118,
-		T119,
-		T120,
-		T121,
-		T122,
-		T123,
-		T124,
-		T125,
-		T126)> type_;
-	Event operator()(const EnqueueArgs& enqueueArgs,
-		T0 arg0,
-		T1 arg1,
-		T2 arg2,
-		T3 arg3,
-		T4 arg4,
-		T5 arg5,
-		T6 arg6,
-		T7 arg7,
-		T8 arg8,
-		T9 arg9,
-		T10 arg10,
-		T11 arg11,
-		T12 arg12,
-		T13 arg13,
-		T14 arg14,
-		T15 arg15,
-		T16 arg16,
-		T17 arg17,
-		T18 arg18,
-		T19 arg19,
-		T20 arg20,
-		T21 arg21,
-		T22 arg22,
-		T23 arg23,
-		T24 arg24,
-		T25 arg25,
-		T26 arg26,
-		T27 arg27,
-		T28 arg28,
-		T29 arg29,
-		T30 arg30,
-		T31 arg31,
-		T32 arg32,
-		T33 arg33,
-		T34 arg34,
-		T35 arg35,
-		T36 arg36,
-		T37 arg37,
-		T38 arg38,
-		T39 arg39,
-		T40 arg40,
-		T41 arg41,
-		T42 arg42,
-		T43 arg43,
-		T44 arg44,
-		T45 arg45,
-		T46 arg46,
-		T47 arg47,
-		T48 arg48,
-		T49 arg49,
-		T50 arg50,
-		T51 arg51,
-		T52 arg52,
-		T53 arg53,
-		T54 arg54,
-		T55 arg55,
-		T56 arg56,
-		T57 arg57,
-		T58 arg58,
-		T59 arg59,
-		T60 arg60,
-		T61 arg61,
-		T62 arg62,
-		T63 arg63,
-		T64 arg64,
-		T65 arg65,
-		T66 arg66,
-		T67 arg67,
-		T68 arg68,
-		T69 arg69,
-		T70 arg70,
-		T71 arg71,
-		T72 arg72,
-		T73 arg73,
-		T74 arg74,
-		T75 arg75,
-		T76 arg76,
-		T77 arg77,
-		T78 arg78,
-		T79 arg79,
-		T80 arg80,
-		T81 arg81,
-		T82 arg82,
-		T83 arg83,
-		T84 arg84,
-		T85 arg85,
-		T86 arg86,
-		T87 arg87,
-		T88 arg88,
-		T89 arg89,
-		T90 arg90,
-		T91 arg91,
-		T92 arg92,
-		T93 arg93,
-		T94 arg94,
-		T95 arg95,
-		T96 arg96,
-		T97 arg97,
-		T98 arg98,
-		T99 arg99,
-		T100 arg100,
-		T101 arg101,
-		T102 arg102,
-		T103 arg103,
-		T104 arg104,
-		T105 arg105,
-		T106 arg106,
-		T107 arg107,
-		T108 arg108,
-		T109 arg109,
-		T110 arg110,
-		T111 arg111,
-		T112 arg112,
-		T113 arg113,
-		T114 arg114,
-		T115 arg115,
-		T116 arg116,
-		T117 arg117,
-		T118 arg118,
-		T119 arg119,
-		T120 arg120,
-		T121 arg121,
-		T122 arg122,
-		T123 arg123,
-		T124 arg124,
-		T125 arg125,
-		T126 arg126)
-	{
-		return functor_(
-			enqueueArgs,
-			arg0,
-			arg1,
-			arg2,
-			arg3,
-			arg4,
-			arg5,
-			arg6,
-			arg7,
-			arg8,
-			arg9,
-			arg10,
-			arg11,
-			arg12,
-			arg13,
-			arg14,
-			arg15,
-			arg16,
-			arg17,
-			arg18,
-			arg19,
-			arg20,
-			arg21,
-			arg22,
-			arg23,
-			arg24,
-			arg25,
-			arg26,
-			arg27,
-			arg28,
-			arg29,
-			arg30,
-			arg31,
-			arg32,
-			arg33,
-			arg34,
-			arg35,
-			arg36,
-			arg37,
-			arg38,
-			arg39,
-			arg40,
-			arg41,
-			arg42,
-			arg43,
-			arg44,
-			arg45,
-			arg46,
-			arg47,
-			arg48,
-			arg49,
-			arg50,
-			arg51,
-			arg52,
-			arg53,
-			arg54,
-			arg55,
-			arg56,
-			arg57,
-			arg58,
-			arg59,
-			arg60,
-			arg61,
-			arg62,
-			arg63,
-			arg64,
-			arg65,
-			arg66,
-			arg67,
-			arg68,
-			arg69,
-			arg70,
-			arg71,
-			arg72,
-			arg73,
-			arg74,
-			arg75,
-			arg76,
-			arg77,
-			arg78,
-			arg79,
-			arg80,
-			arg81,
-			arg82,
-			arg83,
-			arg84,
-			arg85,
-			arg86,
-			arg87,
-			arg88,
-			arg89,
-			arg90,
-			arg91,
-			arg92,
-			arg93,
-			arg94,
-			arg95,
-			arg96,
-			arg97,
-			arg98,
-			arg99,
-			arg100,
-			arg101,
-			arg102,
-			arg103,
-			arg104,
-			arg105,
-			arg106,
-			arg107,
-			arg108,
-			arg109,
-			arg110,
-			arg111,
-			arg112,
-			arg113,
-			arg114,
-			arg115,
-			arg116,
-			arg117,
-			arg118,
-			arg119,
-			arg120,
-			arg121,
-			arg122,
-			arg123,
-			arg124,
-			arg125,
-			arg126);
-	}
-	operator type_ ()    
-	{
-		return type_(*this);
-	}
-} // namespace detail
-template <
-   typename T0,   typename T1 = detail::NullType,   typename T2 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T3 = detail::NullType,   typename T4 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T5 = detail::NullType,   typename T6 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T7 = detail::NullType,   typename T8 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T9 = detail::NullType,   typename T10 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T11 = detail::NullType,   typename T12 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T13 = detail::NullType,   typename T14 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T15 = detail::NullType,   typename T16 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T17 = detail::NullType,   typename T18 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T19 = detail::NullType,   typename T20 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T21 = detail::NullType,   typename T22 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T23 = detail::NullType,   typename T24 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T25 = detail::NullType,   typename T26 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T27 = detail::NullType,   typename T28 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T29 = detail::NullType,   typename T30 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T31 = detail::NullType,   typename T32 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T33 = detail::NullType,   typename T34 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T35 = detail::NullType,   typename T36 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T37 = detail::NullType,   typename T38 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T39 = detail::NullType,   typename T40 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T41 = detail::NullType,   typename T42 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T43 = detail::NullType,   typename T44 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T45 = detail::NullType,   typename T46 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T47 = detail::NullType,   typename T48 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T49 = detail::NullType,   typename T50 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T51 = detail::NullType,   typename T52 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T53 = detail::NullType,   typename T54 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T55 = detail::NullType,   typename T56 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T57 = detail::NullType,   typename T58 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T59 = detail::NullType,   typename T60 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T61 = detail::NullType,   typename T62 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T63 = detail::NullType,   typename T64 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T65 = detail::NullType,   typename T66 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T67 = detail::NullType,   typename T68 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T69 = detail::NullType,   typename T70 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T71 = detail::NullType,   typename T72 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T73 = detail::NullType,   typename T74 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T75 = detail::NullType,   typename T76 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T77 = detail::NullType,   typename T78 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T79 = detail::NullType,   typename T80 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T81 = detail::NullType,   typename T82 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T83 = detail::NullType,   typename T84 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T85 = detail::NullType,   typename T86 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T87 = detail::NullType,   typename T88 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T89 = detail::NullType,   typename T90 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T91 = detail::NullType,   typename T92 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T93 = detail::NullType,   typename T94 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T95 = detail::NullType,   typename T96 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T97 = detail::NullType,   typename T98 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T99 = detail::NullType,   typename T100 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T101 = detail::NullType,   typename T102 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T103 = detail::NullType,   typename T104 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T105 = detail::NullType,   typename T106 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T107 = detail::NullType,   typename T108 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T109 = detail::NullType,   typename T110 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T111 = detail::NullType,   typename T112 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T113 = detail::NullType,   typename T114 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T115 = detail::NullType,   typename T116 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T117 = detail::NullType,   typename T118 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T119 = detail::NullType,   typename T120 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T121 = detail::NullType,   typename T122 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T123 = detail::NullType,   typename T124 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T125 = detail::NullType,   typename T126 = detail::NullType,
-   typename T127 = detail::NullType>
-struct make_kernel :
-    public detail::functionImplementation_<
-               T0,   T1,   T2,   T3,
-               T4,   T5,   T6,   T7,
-               T8,   T9,   T10,   T11,
-               T12,   T13,   T14,   T15,
-               T16,   T17,   T18,   T19,
-               T20,   T21,   T22,   T23,
-               T24,   T25,   T26,   T27,
-               T28,   T29,   T30,   T31,
-               T32,   T33,   T34,   T35,
-               T36,   T37,   T38,   T39,
-               T40,   T41,   T42,   T43,
-               T44,   T45,   T46,   T47,
-               T48,   T49,   T50,   T51,
-               T52,   T53,   T54,   T55,
-               T56,   T57,   T58,   T59,
-               T60,   T61,   T62,   T63,
-               T64,   T65,   T66,   T67,
-               T68,   T69,   T70,   T71,
-               T72,   T73,   T74,   T75,
-               T76,   T77,   T78,   T79,
-               T80,   T81,   T82,   T83,
-               T84,   T85,   T86,   T87,
-               T88,   T89,   T90,   T91,
-               T92,   T93,   T94,   T95,
-               T96,   T97,   T98,   T99,
-               T100,   T101,   T102,   T103,
-               T104,   T105,   T106,   T107,
-               T108,   T109,   T110,   T111,
-               T112,   T113,   T114,   T115,
-               T116,   T117,   T118,   T119,
-               T120,   T121,   T122,   T123,
-               T124,   T125,   T126,   T127>
-	typedef detail::KernelFunctorGlobal<             
-		       T0,   T1,   T2,   T3,
-               T4,   T5,   T6,   T7,
-               T8,   T9,   T10,   T11,
-               T12,   T13,   T14,   T15,
-               T16,   T17,   T18,   T19,
-               T20,   T21,   T22,   T23,
-               T24,   T25,   T26,   T27,
-               T28,   T29,   T30,   T31,
-               T32,   T33,   T34,   T35,
-               T36,   T37,   T38,   T39,
-               T40,   T41,   T42,   T43,
-               T44,   T45,   T46,   T47,
-               T48,   T49,   T50,   T51,
-               T52,   T53,   T54,   T55,
-               T56,   T57,   T58,   T59,
-               T60,   T61,   T62,   T63,
-               T64,   T65,   T66,   T67,
-               T68,   T69,   T70,   T71,
-               T72,   T73,   T74,   T75,
-               T76,   T77,   T78,   T79,
-               T80,   T81,   T82,   T83,
-               T84,   T85,   T86,   T87,
-               T88,   T89,   T90,   T91,
-               T92,   T93,   T94,   T95,
-               T96,   T97,   T98,   T99,
-               T100,   T101,   T102,   T103,
-               T104,   T105,   T106,   T107,
-               T108,   T109,   T110,   T111,
-               T112,   T113,   T114,   T115,
-               T116,   T117,   T118,   T119,
-               T120,   T121,   T122,   T123,
-               T124,   T125,   T126,   T127> FunctorType;
-    make_kernel(
-        const Program& program,
-        const STRING_CLASS name,
-        cl_int * err = NULL) :
-           detail::functionImplementation_<
-                    T0,   T1,   T2,   T3,
-                       T4,   T5,   T6,   T7,
-                       T8,   T9,   T10,   T11,
-                       T12,   T13,   T14,   T15,
-                       T16,   T17,   T18,   T19,
-                       T20,   T21,   T22,   T23,
-                       T24,   T25,   T26,   T27,
-                       T28,   T29,   T30,   T31,
-                       T32,   T33,   T34,   T35,
-                       T36,   T37,   T38,   T39,
-                       T40,   T41,   T42,   T43,
-                       T44,   T45,   T46,   T47,
-                       T48,   T49,   T50,   T51,
-                       T52,   T53,   T54,   T55,
-                       T56,   T57,   T58,   T59,
-                       T60,   T61,   T62,   T63,
-                       T64,   T65,   T66,   T67,
-                       T68,   T69,   T70,   T71,
-                       T72,   T73,   T74,   T75,
-                       T76,   T77,   T78,   T79,
-                       T80,   T81,   T82,   T83,
-                       T84,   T85,   T86,   T87,
-                       T88,   T89,   T90,   T91,
-                       T92,   T93,   T94,   T95,
-                       T96,   T97,   T98,   T99,
-                       T100,   T101,   T102,   T103,
-                       T104,   T105,   T106,   T107,
-                       T108,   T109,   T110,   T111,
-                       T112,   T113,   T114,   T115,
-                       T116,   T117,   T118,   T119,
-                       T120,   T121,   T122,   T123,
-                       T124,   T125,   T126,   T127>(
-            FunctorType(program, name, err)) 
-    {}
-    make_kernel(
-        const Kernel kernel,
-        cl_int * err = NULL) :
-           detail::functionImplementation_<
-                    T0,   T1,   T2,   T3,
-                       T4,   T5,   T6,   T7,
-                       T8,   T9,   T10,   T11,
-                       T12,   T13,   T14,   T15,
-                       T16,   T17,   T18,   T19,
-                       T20,   T21,   T22,   T23,
-                       T24,   T25,   T26,   T27,
-                       T28,   T29,   T30,   T31,
-                       T32,   T33,   T34,   T35,
-                       T36,   T37,   T38,   T39,
-                       T40,   T41,   T42,   T43,
-                       T44,   T45,   T46,   T47,
-                       T48,   T49,   T50,   T51,
-                       T52,   T53,   T54,   T55,
-                       T56,   T57,   T58,   T59,
-                       T60,   T61,   T62,   T63,
-                       T64,   T65,   T66,   T67,
-                       T68,   T69,   T70,   T71,
-                       T72,   T73,   T74,   T75,
-                       T76,   T77,   T78,   T79,
-                       T80,   T81,   T82,   T83,
-                       T84,   T85,   T86,   T87,
-                       T88,   T89,   T90,   T91,
-                       T92,   T93,   T94,   T95,
-                       T96,   T97,   T98,   T99,
-                       T100,   T101,   T102,   T103,
-                       T104,   T105,   T106,   T107,
-                       T108,   T109,   T110,   T111,
-                       T112,   T113,   T114,   T115,
-                       T116,   T117,   T118,   T119,
-                       T120,   T121,   T122,   T123,
-                       T124,   T125,   T126,   T127>(
-            FunctorType(kernel, err)) 
-    {}    
-#undef __ERR_STR
-// Extensions
-} // namespace cl
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma pop_macro("max")
-#endif // _WIN32
-#endif // CL_HPP_
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 312eb25b5c33cca15189f10ff94fb3897e709db8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: CMakeLists.txt 17003 2011-01-06 08:54:59Z romein $
-# Create symbolic link to include directory.
-#execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink
-# Add current source directory to -I path. This is needed because GPUProc uses
-# angle brackets for internal header files, instead of quotes.
-  #Package__Version.cc
-  BandPass.cc
-  BeamletBuffer.cc
-  Delays.cc
-  FilterBank.cc
-  InputSection.cc
-  InputThread.cc
-  LogThread.cc
-  OpenCL_Support.cc
-  ReaderWriterSynchronization.cc
-  RTCP.cc
-  UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.cc)
-lofar_add_library(gpuproc ${gpuproc_LIB_SRCS})
-lofar_add_bin_program(RTCP RTCP.cc)
-#lofar_add_bin_program(versiongpuproc versiongpuproc.cc)
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Correlator.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Correlator.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ca1ce91620cc5927211907be030ff33626164ce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Correlator.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
-#if NR_STATIONS == 288
-#define BLOCK_SIZE	 8
-#elif defined NVIDIA_CUDA && NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL % 24 == 0
-#define BLOCK_SIZE	 24
-#define BLOCK_SIZE	 16
-typedef __global float4 (*CorrectedDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];
-typedef __global float8 (*VisibilitiesType)[NR_BASELINES][NR_CHANNELS];
-//#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_intel_printf : enable
-__kernel void correlate(__global void *visibilitiesPtr,
-			__global const void *correctedDataPtr
-  VisibilitiesType visibilities	= (VisibilitiesType) visibilitiesPtr;
-  CorrectedDataType correctedData = (CorrectedDataType) correctedDataPtr;
-  __local float samples[4][BLOCK_SIZE][NR_STATIONS | 1]; // avoid power-of-2
-  uint baseline	    = get_global_id(0);
-  uint channel	    = get_global_id(1);
-  uint stat_0	    = convert_uint_rtz(sqrt(convert_float(8 * baseline + 1)) - 0.99999f) / 2;
-  uint stat_A	    = baseline - stat_0 * (stat_0 + 1) / 2;
-  float4 visR = (float4) 0, visI = (float4) 0;
-  for (uint major = 0; major < NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; major += BLOCK_SIZE) {
-    // load data into local memory
-    for (uint i = get_local_id(0); i < BLOCK_SIZE * NR_STATIONS; i += get_local_size(0)) {
-      uint time = i % BLOCK_SIZE;
-      uint stat = i / BLOCK_SIZE;
-      float4 sample = (*correctedData)[stat][channel][major + time];
-      samples[0][time][stat] = sample.x;
-      samples[1][time][stat] = sample.y;
-      samples[2][time][stat] = sample.z;
-      samples[3][time][stat] = sample.w;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    // compute correlations
-    if (baseline < NR_BASELINES) {
-      for (uint time = 0; time < BLOCK_SIZE; time ++) {
-	float4 sample_1, sample_A;
-        sample_1.x = samples[0][time][stat_0];
-        sample_1.y = samples[1][time][stat_0];
-        sample_1.z = samples[2][time][stat_0];
-        sample_1.w = samples[3][time][stat_0];
-        sample_A.x = samples[0][time][stat_A];
-        sample_A.y = samples[1][time][stat_A];
-        sample_A.z = samples[2][time][stat_A];
-        sample_A.w = samples[3][time][stat_A];
-	visR += sample_1.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-	visI += sample_1.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-	visR += sample_1.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-	visI -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-      }
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-  // write visibilities
-  if (baseline < NR_BASELINES)
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { visR.x, visI.x, visR.y, visI.y, visR.z, visI.z, visR.w, visI.w };
-__kernel void correlate_2x2(__global void *visibilitiesPtr,
-			    __global const void *correctedDataPtr
-  VisibilitiesType visibilities	= (VisibilitiesType) visibilitiesPtr;
-  CorrectedDataType correctedData = (CorrectedDataType) correctedDataPtr;
-  __local float4 samples[2][BLOCK_SIZE][(NR_STATIONS + 1) / 2 | 1]; // avoid power-of-2
-  uint channel	    = get_global_id(1);
-  uint block	    = get_global_id(0);
-  uint x	    = convert_uint_rtz(sqrt(convert_float(8 * block + 1)) - 0.99999f) / 2;
-  uint y	    = block - x * (x + 1) / 2;
-  uint stat_A	    = 2 * x;
-  bool compute_correlations = stat_A < NR_STATIONS;
-  float4 vis_0A_r = (float4) 0, vis_0A_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_0B_r = (float4) 0, vis_0B_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_1A_r = (float4) 0, vis_1A_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_1B_r = (float4) 0, vis_1B_i = (float4) 0;
-  for (uint major = 0; major < NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; major += BLOCK_SIZE) {
-    // load data into local memory
-#pragma unroll 1
-    for (uint i = get_local_id(0); i < BLOCK_SIZE * NR_STATIONS; i += get_local_size(0)) {
-      uint time = i % BLOCK_SIZE;
-      uint stat = i / BLOCK_SIZE;
-      samples[stat & 1][time][stat / 2] = (*correctedData)[stat][channel][major + time];
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (compute_correlations) {
-      for (uint time = 0; time < BLOCK_SIZE; time ++) {
-	float4 sample_0 = samples[0][time][y];
-	float4 sample_A = samples[0][time][x];
-	float4 sample_B = samples[1][time][x];
-	float4 sample_1 = samples[1][time][y];
-	vis_0A_r += sample_0.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_0A_i += sample_0.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_0B_r += sample_0.xxzz * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_0B_i += sample_0.yyww * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_1A_r += sample_1.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_1A_i += sample_1.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_1B_r += sample_1.xxzz * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_1B_i += sample_1.yyww * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_0A_r += sample_0.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_0A_i -= sample_0.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_0B_r += sample_0.yyww * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_0B_i -= sample_0.xxzz * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_1A_r += sample_1.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_1A_i -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_1B_r += sample_1.yyww * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_1B_i -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_B.ywyw;
-      }
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-  // write visibilities
-  uint stat_0	    = 2 * y;
-  uint stat_1	    = stat_0 + 1;
-  uint stat_B	    = stat_A + 1;
-  bool do_baseline_0A = stat_A < NR_STATIONS;
-  bool do_baseline_0B = stat_B < NR_STATIONS;
-  bool do_baseline_1A = do_baseline_0A && stat_1 <= stat_A;
-  bool do_baseline_1B = do_baseline_0B;
-  if (do_baseline_0A) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_A * (stat_A + 1) / 2) + stat_0;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_0A_r.x, vis_0A_i.x, vis_0A_r.y, vis_0A_i.y, vis_0A_r.z, vis_0A_i.z, vis_0A_r.w, vis_0A_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_0B) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_B * (stat_B + 1) / 2) + stat_0;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_0B_r.x, vis_0B_i.x, vis_0B_r.y, vis_0B_i.y, vis_0B_r.z, vis_0B_i.z, vis_0B_r.w, vis_0B_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_1A) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_A * (stat_A + 1) / 2) + stat_1;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_1A_r.x, vis_1A_i.x, vis_1A_r.y, vis_1A_i.y, vis_1A_r.z, vis_1A_i.z, vis_1A_r.w, vis_1A_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_1B) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_B * (stat_B + 1) / 2) + stat_1;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_1B_r.x, vis_1B_i.x, vis_1B_r.y, vis_1B_i.y, vis_1B_r.z, vis_1B_i.z, vis_1B_r.w, vis_1B_i.w };
-  }
-__kernel void correlate_3x3(__global void *visibilitiesPtr,
-			    __global const void *correctedDataPtr
-  VisibilitiesType visibilities	= (VisibilitiesType) visibilitiesPtr;
-  CorrectedDataType correctedData = (CorrectedDataType) correctedDataPtr;
-  __local float4 samples[3][BLOCK_SIZE][(NR_STATIONS + 2) / 3 | 1]; // avoid power-of-2
-  uint channel	    = get_global_id(1);
-  uint block	    = get_global_id(0);
-  uint x	    = convert_uint_rtz(sqrt(convert_float(8 * block + 1)) - 0.99999f) / 2;
-  uint y	    = block - x * (x + 1) / 2;
-  uint stat_A	    = 3 * x;
-  bool compute_correlations = stat_A < NR_STATIONS;
-  float4 vis_0A_r = (float4) 0, vis_0A_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_0B_r = (float4) 0, vis_0B_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_0C_r = (float4) 0, vis_0C_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_1A_r = (float4) 0, vis_1A_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_1B_r = (float4) 0, vis_1B_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_1C_r = (float4) 0, vis_1C_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_2A_r = (float4) 0, vis_2A_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_2B_r = (float4) 0, vis_2B_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_2C_r = (float4) 0, vis_2C_i = (float4) 0;
-  for (uint major = 0; major < NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; major += BLOCK_SIZE) {
-    // load data into local memory
-#pragma unroll 1
-    for (uint i = get_local_id(0); i < BLOCK_SIZE * NR_STATIONS; i += get_local_size(0)) {
-      uint time = i % BLOCK_SIZE;
-      uint stat = i / BLOCK_SIZE;
-      samples[stat % 3][time][stat / 3] = (*correctedData)[stat][channel][major + time];
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (compute_correlations) {
-      for (uint time = 0; time < BLOCK_SIZE; time ++) {
-	float4 sample_0 = samples[0][time][y];
-	float4 sample_A = samples[0][time][x];
-	float4 sample_B = samples[1][time][x];
-	float4 sample_C = samples[2][time][x];
-	float4 sample_1 = samples[1][time][y];
-	float4 sample_2 = samples[2][time][y];
-	vis_0A_r += sample_0.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_0A_i += sample_0.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_0B_r += sample_0.xxzz * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_0B_i += sample_0.yyww * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_0C_r += sample_0.xxzz * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_0C_i += sample_0.yyww * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_1A_r += sample_1.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_1A_i += sample_1.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_1B_r += sample_1.xxzz * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_1B_i += sample_1.yyww * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_1C_r += sample_1.xxzz * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_1C_i += sample_1.yyww * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_2A_r += sample_2.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_2A_i += sample_2.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_2B_r += sample_2.xxzz * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_2B_i += sample_2.yyww * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_2C_r += sample_2.xxzz * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_2C_i += sample_2.yyww * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_0A_r += sample_0.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_0A_i -= sample_0.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_0B_r += sample_0.yyww * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_0B_i -= sample_0.xxzz * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_0C_r += sample_0.yyww * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_0C_i -= sample_0.xxzz * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_1A_r += sample_1.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_1A_i -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_1B_r += sample_1.yyww * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_1B_i -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_1C_r += sample_1.yyww * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_1C_i -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_2A_r += sample_2.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_2A_i -= sample_2.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_2B_r += sample_2.yyww * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_2B_i -= sample_2.xxzz * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_2C_r += sample_2.yyww * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_2C_i -= sample_2.xxzz * sample_C.ywyw;
-      }
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-  // write visibilities
-  uint stat_0	    = 3 * y;
-  uint stat_1	    = stat_0 + 1;
-  uint stat_2	    = stat_0 + 2;
-  uint stat_B	    = stat_A + 1;
-  uint stat_C	    = stat_A + 2;
-  bool do_baseline_0A = stat_0 < NR_STATIONS && stat_A < NR_STATIONS && stat_0 <= stat_A;
-  bool do_baseline_0B = stat_0 < NR_STATIONS && stat_B < NR_STATIONS && stat_0 <= stat_B;
-  bool do_baseline_0C = stat_0 < NR_STATIONS && stat_C < NR_STATIONS && stat_0 <= stat_C;
-  bool do_baseline_1A = stat_1 < NR_STATIONS && stat_A < NR_STATIONS && stat_1 <= stat_A;
-  bool do_baseline_1B = stat_1 < NR_STATIONS && stat_B < NR_STATIONS && stat_1 <= stat_B;
-  bool do_baseline_1C = stat_1 < NR_STATIONS && stat_C < NR_STATIONS && stat_1 <= stat_C;
-  bool do_baseline_2A = stat_2 < NR_STATIONS && stat_A < NR_STATIONS && stat_2 <= stat_A;
-  bool do_baseline_2B = stat_2 < NR_STATIONS && stat_B < NR_STATIONS && stat_2 <= stat_B;
-  bool do_baseline_2C = stat_2 < NR_STATIONS && stat_C < NR_STATIONS && stat_2 <= stat_C;
-  if (do_baseline_0A) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_A * (stat_A + 1) / 2) + stat_0;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_0A_r.x, vis_0A_i.x, vis_0A_r.y, vis_0A_i.y, vis_0A_r.z, vis_0A_i.z, vis_0A_r.w, vis_0A_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_0B) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_B * (stat_B + 1) / 2) + stat_0;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_0B_r.x, vis_0B_i.x, vis_0B_r.y, vis_0B_i.y, vis_0B_r.z, vis_0B_i.z, vis_0B_r.w, vis_0B_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_0C) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_C * (stat_C + 1) / 2) + stat_0;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_0C_r.x, vis_0C_i.x, vis_0C_r.y, vis_0C_i.y, vis_0C_r.z, vis_0C_i.z, vis_0C_r.w, vis_0C_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_1A) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_A * (stat_A + 1) / 2) + stat_1;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_1A_r.x, vis_1A_i.x, vis_1A_r.y, vis_1A_i.y, vis_1A_r.z, vis_1A_i.z, vis_1A_r.w, vis_1A_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_1B) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_B * (stat_B + 1) / 2) + stat_1;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_1B_r.x, vis_1B_i.x, vis_1B_r.y, vis_1B_i.y, vis_1B_r.z, vis_1B_i.z, vis_1B_r.w, vis_1B_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_1C) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_C * (stat_C + 1) / 2) + stat_1;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_1C_r.x, vis_1C_i.x, vis_1C_r.y, vis_1C_i.y, vis_1C_r.z, vis_1C_i.z, vis_1C_r.w, vis_1C_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_2A) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_A * (stat_A + 1) / 2) + stat_2;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_2A_r.x, vis_2A_i.x, vis_2A_r.y, vis_2A_i.y, vis_2A_r.z, vis_2A_i.z, vis_2A_r.w, vis_2A_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_2B) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_B * (stat_B + 1) / 2) + stat_2;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_2B_r.x, vis_2B_i.x, vis_2B_r.y, vis_2B_i.y, vis_2B_r.z, vis_2B_i.z, vis_2B_r.w, vis_2B_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_2C) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_C * (stat_C + 1) / 2) + stat_2;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_2C_r.x, vis_2C_i.x, vis_2C_r.y, vis_2C_i.y, vis_2C_r.z, vis_2C_i.z, vis_2C_r.w, vis_2C_i.w };
-  }
-__kernel void correlate_4x4(__global void *visibilitiesPtr,
-			    __global const void *correctedDataPtr
-  VisibilitiesType visibilities	= (VisibilitiesType) visibilitiesPtr;
-  CorrectedDataType correctedData = (CorrectedDataType) correctedDataPtr;
-  __local float4 samples[4][BLOCK_SIZE][(NR_STATIONS + 3) / 4 | 1]; // avoid power-of-2
-  uint channel	    = get_global_id(1);
-  uint block	    = get_global_id(0);
-  uint x	    = convert_uint_rtz(sqrt(convert_float(8 * block + 1)) - 0.99999f) / 2;
-  uint y	    = block - x * (x + 1) / 2;
-  uint stat_A	    = 4 * x;
-  bool compute_correlations = stat_A < NR_STATIONS;
-  float4 vis_0A_r = (float4) 0, vis_0A_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_0B_r = (float4) 0, vis_0B_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_0C_r = (float4) 0, vis_0C_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_0D_r = (float4) 0, vis_0D_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_1A_r = (float4) 0, vis_1A_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_1B_r = (float4) 0, vis_1B_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_1C_r = (float4) 0, vis_1C_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_1D_r = (float4) 0, vis_1D_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_2A_r = (float4) 0, vis_2A_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_2B_r = (float4) 0, vis_2B_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_2C_r = (float4) 0, vis_2C_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_2D_r = (float4) 0, vis_2D_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_3A_r = (float4) 0, vis_3A_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_3B_r = (float4) 0, vis_3B_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_3C_r = (float4) 0, vis_3C_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_3D_r = (float4) 0, vis_3D_i = (float4) 0;
-  for (uint major = 0; major < NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; major += BLOCK_SIZE) {
-    // load data into local memory
-#pragma unroll 1
-    for (uint i = get_local_id(0); i < BLOCK_SIZE * NR_STATIONS; i += get_local_size(0)) {
-      uint time = i % BLOCK_SIZE;
-      uint stat = i / BLOCK_SIZE;
-      samples[stat % 4][time][stat / 4] = (*correctedData)[stat][channel][major + time];
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (compute_correlations) {
-      for (uint time = 0; time < BLOCK_SIZE; time ++) {
-	float4 sample_0 = samples[0][time][y];
-	float4 sample_A = samples[0][time][x];
-	float4 sample_B = samples[1][time][x];
-	float4 sample_C = samples[2][time][x];
-	float4 sample_D = samples[3][time][x];
-	float4 sample_1 = samples[1][time][y];
-	float4 sample_2 = samples[2][time][y];
-	float4 sample_3 = samples[3][time][y];
-	vis_0A_r += sample_0.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_0A_i += sample_0.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_0B_r += sample_0.xxzz * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_0B_i += sample_0.yyww * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_0C_r += sample_0.xxzz * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_0C_i += sample_0.yyww * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_0D_r += sample_0.xxzz * sample_D.xzxz;
-	vis_0D_i += sample_0.yyww * sample_D.xzxz;
-	vis_1A_r += sample_1.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_1A_i += sample_1.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_1B_r += sample_1.xxzz * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_1B_i += sample_1.yyww * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_1C_r += sample_1.xxzz * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_1C_i += sample_1.yyww * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_1D_r += sample_1.xxzz * sample_D.xzxz;
-	vis_1D_i += sample_1.yyww * sample_D.xzxz;
-	vis_2A_r += sample_2.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_2A_i += sample_2.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_2B_r += sample_2.xxzz * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_2B_i += sample_2.yyww * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_2C_r += sample_2.xxzz * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_2C_i += sample_2.yyww * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_2D_r += sample_2.xxzz * sample_D.xzxz;
-	vis_2D_i += sample_2.yyww * sample_D.xzxz;
-	vis_3A_r += sample_3.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_3A_i += sample_3.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-	vis_3B_r += sample_3.xxzz * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_3B_i += sample_3.yyww * sample_B.xzxz;
-	vis_3C_r += sample_3.xxzz * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_3C_i += sample_3.yyww * sample_C.xzxz;
-	vis_3D_r += sample_3.xxzz * sample_D.xzxz;
-	vis_3D_i += sample_3.yyww * sample_D.xzxz;
-	vis_0A_r += sample_0.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_0A_i -= sample_0.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_0B_r += sample_0.yyww * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_0B_i -= sample_0.xxzz * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_0C_r += sample_0.yyww * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_0C_i -= sample_0.xxzz * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_0D_r += sample_0.yyww * sample_D.ywyw;
-	vis_0D_i -= sample_0.xxzz * sample_D.ywyw;
-	vis_1A_r += sample_1.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_1A_i -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_1B_r += sample_1.yyww * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_1B_i -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_1C_r += sample_1.yyww * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_1C_i -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_1D_r += sample_1.yyww * sample_D.ywyw;
-	vis_1D_i -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_D.ywyw;
-	vis_2A_r += sample_2.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_2A_i -= sample_2.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_2B_r += sample_2.yyww * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_2B_i -= sample_2.xxzz * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_2C_r += sample_2.yyww * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_2C_i -= sample_2.xxzz * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_2D_r += sample_2.yyww * sample_D.ywyw;
-	vis_2D_i -= sample_2.xxzz * sample_D.ywyw;
-	vis_3A_r += sample_3.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_3A_i -= sample_3.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-	vis_3B_r += sample_3.yyww * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_3B_i -= sample_3.xxzz * sample_B.ywyw;
-	vis_3C_r += sample_3.yyww * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_3C_i -= sample_3.xxzz * sample_C.ywyw;
-	vis_3D_r += sample_3.yyww * sample_D.ywyw;
-	vis_3D_i -= sample_3.xxzz * sample_D.ywyw;
-      }
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-  // write visibilities
-  uint stat_0	    = 4 * y;
-  uint stat_1	    = stat_0 + 1;
-  uint stat_2	    = stat_0 + 2;
-  uint stat_3	    = stat_0 + 3;
-  uint stat_B	    = stat_A + 1;
-  uint stat_C	    = stat_A + 2;
-  uint stat_D	    = stat_A + 3;
-  bool do_baseline_0A = stat_0 < NR_STATIONS && stat_A < NR_STATIONS && stat_0 <= stat_A;
-  bool do_baseline_0B = stat_0 < NR_STATIONS && stat_B < NR_STATIONS && stat_0 <= stat_B;
-  bool do_baseline_0C = stat_0 < NR_STATIONS && stat_C < NR_STATIONS && stat_0 <= stat_C;
-  bool do_baseline_0D = stat_0 < NR_STATIONS && stat_D < NR_STATIONS && stat_0 <= stat_D;
-  bool do_baseline_1A = stat_1 < NR_STATIONS && stat_A < NR_STATIONS && stat_1 <= stat_A;
-  bool do_baseline_1B = stat_1 < NR_STATIONS && stat_B < NR_STATIONS && stat_1 <= stat_B;
-  bool do_baseline_1C = stat_1 < NR_STATIONS && stat_C < NR_STATIONS && stat_1 <= stat_C;
-  bool do_baseline_1D = stat_1 < NR_STATIONS && stat_D < NR_STATIONS && stat_1 <= stat_D;
-  bool do_baseline_2A = stat_2 < NR_STATIONS && stat_A < NR_STATIONS && stat_2 <= stat_A;
-  bool do_baseline_2B = stat_2 < NR_STATIONS && stat_B < NR_STATIONS && stat_2 <= stat_B;
-  bool do_baseline_2C = stat_2 < NR_STATIONS && stat_C < NR_STATIONS && stat_2 <= stat_C;
-  bool do_baseline_2D = stat_2 < NR_STATIONS && stat_D < NR_STATIONS && stat_2 <= stat_D;
-  bool do_baseline_3A = stat_3 < NR_STATIONS && stat_A < NR_STATIONS && stat_3 <= stat_A;
-  bool do_baseline_3B = stat_3 < NR_STATIONS && stat_B < NR_STATIONS && stat_3 <= stat_B;
-  bool do_baseline_3C = stat_3 < NR_STATIONS && stat_C < NR_STATIONS && stat_3 <= stat_C;
-  bool do_baseline_3D = stat_3 < NR_STATIONS && stat_D < NR_STATIONS && stat_3 <= stat_D;
-  if (do_baseline_0A) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_A * (stat_A + 1) / 2) + stat_0;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_0A_r.x, vis_0A_i.x, vis_0A_r.y, vis_0A_i.y, vis_0A_r.z, vis_0A_i.z, vis_0A_r.w, vis_0A_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_0B) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_B * (stat_B + 1) / 2) + stat_0;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_0B_r.x, vis_0B_i.x, vis_0B_r.y, vis_0B_i.y, vis_0B_r.z, vis_0B_i.z, vis_0B_r.w, vis_0B_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_0C) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_C * (stat_C + 1) / 2) + stat_0;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_0C_r.x, vis_0C_i.x, vis_0C_r.y, vis_0C_i.y, vis_0C_r.z, vis_0C_i.z, vis_0C_r.w, vis_0C_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_0D) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_D * (stat_D + 1) / 2) + stat_0;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_0D_r.x, vis_0D_i.x, vis_0D_r.y, vis_0D_i.y, vis_0D_r.z, vis_0D_i.z, vis_0D_r.w, vis_0D_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_1A) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_A * (stat_A + 1) / 2) + stat_1;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_1A_r.x, vis_1A_i.x, vis_1A_r.y, vis_1A_i.y, vis_1A_r.z, vis_1A_i.z, vis_1A_r.w, vis_1A_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_1B) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_B * (stat_B + 1) / 2) + stat_1;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_1B_r.x, vis_1B_i.x, vis_1B_r.y, vis_1B_i.y, vis_1B_r.z, vis_1B_i.z, vis_1B_r.w, vis_1B_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_1C) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_C * (stat_C + 1) / 2) + stat_1;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_1C_r.x, vis_1C_i.x, vis_1C_r.y, vis_1C_i.y, vis_1C_r.z, vis_1C_i.z, vis_1C_r.w, vis_1C_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_1D) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_D * (stat_D + 1) / 2) + stat_1;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_1D_r.x, vis_1D_i.x, vis_1D_r.y, vis_1D_i.y, vis_1D_r.z, vis_1D_i.z, vis_1D_r.w, vis_1D_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_2A) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_A * (stat_A + 1) / 2) + stat_2;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_2A_r.x, vis_2A_i.x, vis_2A_r.y, vis_2A_i.y, vis_2A_r.z, vis_2A_i.z, vis_2A_r.w, vis_2A_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_2B) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_B * (stat_B + 1) / 2) + stat_2;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_2B_r.x, vis_2B_i.x, vis_2B_r.y, vis_2B_i.y, vis_2B_r.z, vis_2B_i.z, vis_2B_r.w, vis_2B_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_2C) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_C * (stat_C + 1) / 2) + stat_2;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_2C_r.x, vis_2C_i.x, vis_2C_r.y, vis_2C_i.y, vis_2C_r.z, vis_2C_i.z, vis_2C_r.w, vis_2C_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_2D) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_D * (stat_D + 1) / 2) + stat_2;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_2D_r.x, vis_2D_i.x, vis_2D_r.y, vis_2D_i.y, vis_2D_r.z, vis_2D_i.z, vis_2D_r.w, vis_2D_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_3A) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_A * (stat_A + 1) / 2) + stat_3;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_3A_r.x, vis_3A_i.x, vis_3A_r.y, vis_3A_i.y, vis_3A_r.z, vis_3A_i.z, vis_3A_r.w, vis_3A_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_3B) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_B * (stat_B + 1) / 2) + stat_3;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_3B_r.x, vis_3B_i.x, vis_3B_r.y, vis_3B_i.y, vis_3B_r.z, vis_3B_i.z, vis_3B_r.w, vis_3B_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_3C) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_C * (stat_C + 1) / 2) + stat_3;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_3C_r.x, vis_3C_i.x, vis_3C_r.y, vis_3C_i.y, vis_3C_r.z, vis_3C_i.z, vis_3C_r.w, vis_3C_i.w };
-  }
-  if (do_baseline_3D) {
-    uint baseline = (stat_D * (stat_D + 1) / 2) + stat_3;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline][channel] = (float8) { vis_3D_r.x, vis_3D_i.x, vis_3D_r.y, vis_3D_i.y, vis_3D_r.z, vis_3D_i.z, vis_3D_r.w, vis_3D_i.w };
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Correlator.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Correlator.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index 37d40c5127c10f59970bebd14f4800ba1f03e8a1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Correlator.cl-0.ptx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/DelayAndBandPass.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/DelayAndBandPass.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index c0935095ed28aec2e680cd9496c68cd77fab0221..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/DelayAndBandPass.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-#include "math.cl"
-#if NR_CHANNELS == 1
-typedef __global float4 (*OutputDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];
-#if NR_CHANNELS == 1
-typedef __global short4 (*InputDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND];
-#elif NR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE == 8
-typedef __global char4 (*InputDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND];
-#error unsupport NR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE
-typedef __global const float2 (*DelaysType)[NR_BEAMS][NR_STATIONS]; // 2 Polarizations; in seconds
-typedef __global const float2 (*PhaseOffsetsType)[NR_STATIONS]; // 2 Polarizations; in radians
-typedef __global const float (*BandPassFactorsType)[NR_CHANNELS];
-__kernel void applyDelaysAndCorrectBandPass(__global void *correctedDataPtr,
-					    __global const void *filteredDataPtr,
-					    float subbandFrequency,
-					    unsigned beam,
-					    __global const void *delaysAtBeginPtr,
-					    __global const void *delaysAfterEndPtr,
-					    __global const void *phaseOffsetsPtr,
-					    __global const void *bandPassFactorsPtr)
-  OutputDataType outputData = (OutputDataType) correctedDataPtr;
-  InputDataType inputData = (InputDataType) filteredDataPtr;
-  DelaysType delaysAtBegin = (DelaysType) delaysAtBeginPtr;
-  DelaysType delaysAfterEnd = (DelaysType) delaysAfterEndPtr;
-  PhaseOffsetsType phaseOffsets = (PhaseOffsetsType) phaseOffsetsPtr;
-#if NR_CHANNELS > 1
-  BandPassFactorsType bandPassFactors = (BandPassFactorsType) bandPassFactorsPtr;
-  __local float4 tmp[16][17]; // one too wide to allow coalesced reads
-  uint major	   = get_global_id(0) / 16;
-  uint minor	   = get_global_id(0) % 16;
-  uint channel	   = get_global_id(1) * 16;
-  uint station	   = get_global_id(2);
-#if NR_CHANNELS == 1
-  float frequency = subbandFrequency;
-  float frequency = subbandFrequency - .5f * SUBBAND_BANDWIDTH + (channel + minor) * (SUBBAND_BANDWIDTH / NR_CHANNELS);
-  float2 delayAtBegin = (*delaysAtBegin)[beam][station];
-  float2 delayAfterEnd = (*delaysAfterEnd)[beam][station];
-  float2 phiBegin = -2 * 3.1415926535f * delayAtBegin;
-  float2 phiEnd   = -2 * 3.1415926535f * delayAfterEnd;
-  float2 deltaPhi = (phiEnd - phiBegin) / NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL;
-#if NR_CHANNELS == 1
-  float2 myPhiBegin = (phiBegin + get_local_id(0) * deltaPhi) * frequency + (*phaseOffsets)[station];
-  float2 myPhiDelta = get_local_size(0) * deltaPhi * frequency;
-  float2 myPhiBegin = (phiBegin + major * deltaPhi) * frequency + (*phaseOffsets)[station];
-  float2 myPhiDelta = 16 * deltaPhi * frequency;
-  float2 vX = (float2) { native_cos(myPhiBegin.x), native_sin(myPhiBegin.x) };
-  float2 vY = (float2) { native_cos(myPhiBegin.y), native_sin(myPhiBegin.y) };
-  float2 dvX = (float2) { native_cos(myPhiDelta.x), native_sin(myPhiDelta.x) };
-  float2 dvY = (float2) { native_cos(myPhiDelta.y), native_sin(myPhiDelta.y) };
-  float weight = (*bandPassFactors)[channel + minor];
-  vX *= weight;
-  vY *= weight;
-#if NR_CHANNELS == 1
-  for (uint time = get_local_id(0); time < NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND; time += get_local_size(0)) {
-    float4 samples = convert_float4((*inputData)[station][time]);
-    float2 sampleX = samples.xy;
-    float2 sampleY = samples.zw;
-  for (uint time = 0; time < NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; time += 16) {
-    float2 sampleX = (*inputData)[station][0][time + major][channel + minor];
-    float2 sampleY = (*inputData)[station][1][time + major][channel + minor];
-    sampleX = cmul(sampleX, vX);
-    sampleY = cmul(sampleY, vY);
-    vX = cmul(vY, dvX);
-    vY = cmul(vY, dvY);
-    sampleX *= weight;
-    sampleY *= weight;
-#if NR_CHANNELS == 1
-    (*outputData)[station][0][time] = (float4) (sampleX, sampleY);
-    tmp[major][minor] = (float4) (sampleX, sampleY);
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    (*outputData)[station][channel + major][time + minor] = tmp[minor][major];
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/DelayAndBandPass.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/DelayAndBandPass.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index 765b24b939aaab3b67274c4aedf221c92af81818..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/DelayAndBandPass.cl-0.ptx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Delays.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Delays.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index dc6d6bacdd1478a65de6e797859033ecb90532bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Delays.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-//#  Delays.cc: Workholder for the delay compensation.
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: Delays.cc 17975 2011-05-10 09:52:51Z mol $
-//# Always #include <lofar_config.h> first!
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include <Delays.h>
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <Common/PrettyUnits.h>
-#include <Interface/Exceptions.h>
-#include <Interface/BeamCoordinates.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Mutex.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Cancellation.h>
-#include <measures/Measures/MEpoch.h>
-#include <measures/Measures/MCDirection.h>
-#include <casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <memory>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-using namespace casa;
-static LOFAR::Mutex casacoreMutex; // casacore is not thread safe
-//##----------------  Public methods  ----------------##//
-Delays::Delays(const Parset &parset, const string &stationName, const TimeStamp &startTime)
-  itsParset(parset),
-  stop(false),
-  // we need an extra entry for the central beam
-  itsBuffer(bufferSize, parset.nrBeams(), parset.nrTABs() + 1),
-  head(0),
-  tail(0),
-  bufferFree(bufferSize),
-  bufferUsed(0),
-  itsNrCalcDelays(parset.nrCalcDelays()),
-  itsNrBeams(parset.nrBeams()),
-  itsNrTABs(parset.nrTABs()),
-  itsDirectionType(MDirection::J2000),
-  itsStartTime(startTime),
-  itsNrSamplesPerSec(parset.nrSamplesPerSubband()),
-  itsSampleDuration(parset.sampleDuration()),
-  itsStationName(stationName),
-  itsDelayTimer("delay producer", true, true),
-  itsThread(this, &Delays::mainLoop, "[DelayCompensation] ")
-  ScopedDelayCancellation dc; // Semaphores provide cancellation points
-  // trigger mainLoop and force it to stop
-  stop = true;
-  bufferFree.up(itsNrCalcDelays);
-// convert a time in samples to a (day,fraction) pair in UTC in a CasaCore format
-MVEpoch Delays::toUTC(int64 timeInSamples)
-  double utc_sec = (timeInSamples * itsSampleDuration) / MVEpoch::secInDay;
-  double day	 = floor(utc_sec);
-  double frac	 = utc_sec - day;
-  // (40587 modify Julian day number = 00:00:00 January 1, 1970, GMT)
-  return MVEpoch(day + 40587., frac);
-void Delays::init()
-  setBeamDirections(itsParset);
-  setPositionDiff(itsParset);
-  // We need bufferSize to be a multiple of batchSize to avoid wraparounds in
-  // the middle of the batch calculations. This makes life a lot easier and there is no
-  // need to support other cases.
-  if (bufferSize % itsNrCalcDelays > 0)
-    THROW(GPUProcException, "nrCalcDelays (" << itsNrCalcDelays << ") must divide bufferSize (" << bufferSize << ")");
-  ScopedLock lock(casacoreMutex);
-  ScopedDelayCancellation dc;
-  // Set an initial epoch for the itsFrame
-  itsFrame.set(MEpoch(toUTC(itsStartTime), MEpoch::UTC));
-  // Set the position for the itsFrame.
-  itsFrame.set(itsPhaseCentre);
-  // Set-up the conversion engine, using reference direction ITRF.
-  itsConverter = new MDirection::Convert(itsDirectionType, MDirection::Ref(MDirection::ITRF, itsFrame));
-void Delays::mainLoop()
-  LOG_DEBUG("Delay compensation thread running");
-  init();
-  // the current time, in samples
-  int64 currentTime = itsStartTime;
-  try {
-    while (!stop) {
-      bufferFree.down(itsNrCalcDelays);
-      itsDelayTimer.start();
-      // Calculate itsNrCalcDelays seconds worth of delays. Technically, we do not have
-      // to calculate that many at the end of the run, but there is no need to
-      // prevent the few excess delays from being calculated.
-      {
-	ScopedLock lock(casacoreMutex);
-        ScopedDelayCancellation dc;
-	// For each given moment in time ...
-	for (uint i = 0; i < itsNrCalcDelays; i ++) {
-	  // Set the instant in time in the itsFrame (40587 modify Julian day number = 00:00:00 January 1, 1970, GMT)
-	  itsFrame.resetEpoch(toUTC(currentTime));
-	  // Check whether we will store results in a valid place
-	  ASSERTSTR(tail < bufferSize, tail << " < " << bufferSize);
-	  // For each given direction in the sky ...
-	  for (uint b = 0; b < itsNrBeams; b ++) {
-	    for (uint p = 0; p < itsNrTABs + 1; p ++) {
-	      // Define the astronomical direction as a J2000 direction.
-	      MVDirection &sky = itsBeamDirections[b][p];
-	      // Convert this direction, using the conversion engine.
-	      MDirection dir = (*itsConverter)(sky);
-	      // Add to the return vector
-	      itsBuffer[tail][b][p] = dir.getValue();
-	    }
-	  }  
-	  // Advance time for the next calculation
-	  currentTime += itsNrSamplesPerSec;
-	  // Advance to the next result set.
-	  // since bufferSize % itsNrCalcDelays == 0, wrap
-	  // around can only occur between runs
-	  ++ tail;
-	}
-      }
-      // check for wrap around for the next run
-      if (tail >= bufferSize)
-	tail = 0;
-      itsDelayTimer.stop();
-      bufferUsed.up(itsNrCalcDelays);
-    }
-  } catch (AipsError &ex) {
-    THROW(GPUProcException, "AipsError: " << ex.what());
-  }
-  LOG_DEBUG("Delay compensation thread stopped");
-void Delays::getNextDelays(Matrix<MVDirection> &directions, Matrix<double> &delays)
-  ASSERTSTR(directions.num_elements() == itsNrBeams * (itsNrTABs + 1),
-	    directions.num_elements() << " == " << itsNrBeams << "*" << (itsNrTABs + 1));
-  ASSERTSTR(delays.num_elements() == itsNrBeams * (itsNrTABs + 1),
-	    delays.num_elements() << " == " << itsNrBeams << "*" << (itsNrTABs + 1));
-  bufferUsed.down();
-  // copy the directions at itsBuffer[head] into the provided buffer,
-  // and calculate the respective delays
-  for (unsigned b = 0; b < itsNrBeams; b ++) {
-    for (unsigned p = 0; p < itsNrTABs + 1; p ++) {
-      const MVDirection &dir = itsBuffer[head][b][p];
-      directions[b][p] = dir;
-      delays[b][p] = dir * itsPhasePositionDiff * (1.0 / speedOfLight);
-    }  
-  }
-  // increment the head pointer
-  if (++ head == bufferSize)
-    head = 0;
-  bufferFree.up();
-void Delays::setBeamDirections(const Parset &parset)
-  const BeamCoordinates& pencilBeams = parset.pencilBeams();
-  // TODO: For now, we include pencil beams for all regular beams,
-  // and use the pencil beam offsets as offsets in J2000.
-  // To do the coordinates properly, the offsets should be applied
-  // in today's coordinates (JMEAN/JTRUE?), not J2000.
-  itsBeamDirections.resize(itsNrBeams, itsNrTABs + 1);
-  // We only support beams of the same direction type for now
-  const string type0 = toUpper(parset.getBeamDirectionType(0));
-  for (unsigned beam = 1; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++) {
-    const string typeN = toUpper(parset.getBeamDirectionType(beam));
-    if (type0 != typeN)
-      THROW(GPUProcException, "All beams must use the same coordinate system (beam 0 uses " << type0 << " but beam " << beam << " uses " << typeN << ")");
-  }
-  if (!MDirection::getType(itsDirectionType, type0))
-    THROW(GPUProcException, "Beam direction type unknown: " << type0);
-  // Get the source directions from the parameter set. 
-  // Split the \a dir vector into separate Direction objects.
-  for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++) {
-    const vector<double> beamDir = parset.getBeamDirection(beam);
-    // add central beam coordinates for non-beamforming pipelines
-    itsBeamDirections[beam][0] = MVDirection(beamDir[0], beamDir[1]);
-    for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsNrTABs; pencil ++) {
-      // obtain pencil coordinate
-      const BeamCoord3D &pencilCoord = pencilBeams[pencil];
-      // apply angle modification
-      const double angle1 = beamDir[0] + pencilCoord[0];
-      const double angle2 = beamDir[1] + pencilCoord[1];
-      // store beam
-      itsBeamDirections[beam][pencil + 1] = MVDirection(angle1, angle2);
-    }
-  }
-void Delays::setPositionDiff(const Parset &parset)
-  // Calculate the station to reference station position difference of apply station.
-  // Station positions must be given in ITRF
-  string str = toUpper(parset.positionType());
-  if (str != "ITRF")
-    THROW(GPUProcException, "OLAP.DelayComp.positionType must be ITRF");
-  // Get the antenna positions from the parameter set. The antenna
-  // positions are stored as one large vector of doubles.
-  const MVPosition pRef(parset.getRefPhaseCentre());
-  const MVPosition phaseCentre(parset.getPhaseCentreOf(itsStationName));
-  itsPhaseCentre = MPosition(phaseCentre, MPosition::ITRF);
-  itsPhasePositionDiff = phaseCentre - pRef;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Delays.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Delays.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9de54cfa5462c0d214034c143e2644b97d7a4262..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Delays.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-//#  Delays.h: Calculate delay compensation for all stations.
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: Delays.h 17975 2011-05-10 09:52:51Z mol $
-// \file
-// Calculate delay compensation for all stations.
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-//# Includes
-#include "Common/Timer.h"
-#include "Interface/MultiDimArray.h"
-#include "Interface/Parset.h"
-#include "Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h"
-#include "Interface/SmartPtr.h"
-#include "Common/Thread/Semaphore.h"
-#include "Common/Thread/Thread.h"
-#include <measures/Measures/MeasConvert.h>
-#include <measures/Measures/MDirection.h>
-#include <measures/Measures/MPosition.h>
-#include <casa/Quanta/MVDirection.h>
-#include <casa/Quanta/MVPosition.h>
-#include <casa/Quanta/MVEpoch.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-    // Speed of light in vacuum, in m/s.
-const double speedOfLight = 299792458;
-// Workholder for calculating the delay compensation that must be applied
-// per beam per station. We start by calculating the path length
-// difference for beam \f$\mathbf{b}_i\f$ between station \f$j\f$ at
-// position \f$\mathbf{p}_j\f$ and the reference station 0 at position
-// \f$\mathbf{p}_0\f$.
-// \f[
-//   d_{ij} - d_{i0} = \mathbf{b}_i \cdot \mathbf{p}_j 
-//                   - \mathbf{b}_i \cdot \mathbf{p}_0
-//                   = \mathbf{b}_i \cdot (\mathbf{p}_j - \mathbf{p}_0)
-// \f]
-// The choice of reference station is arbitrary, so we simply choose the
-// first station from the parameter set. From the equation above it is
-// clear that we can reduce the number of dot products if we precalculate
-// the position difference vectors \f$\mathbf{p}_j - \mathbf{p}_0$\f,
-// which we will store in \c			itsPositionDiffs.
-// The geometrical delay is easily obtained by dividing the path length
-// difference by the speed of light in vacuum. We don't need to know the
-// speed of light in the atmosphere, because the AZEL directions that
-// we've calculated are valid for vacuum (only!). This is the delay that
-// must be compensated for.
-// The calculated delay compensation must be split into a coarse (whole
-// sample) delay and a fine (subsample) delay.  The coarse delay will be
-// applied in the input section as a true time delay, by shifting the
-// input samples. The fine delay will be applied in the correlator as a
-// phase shift in each frequency channel.
-class Delays
-  public:
-    Delays(const Parset &ps, const string &stationName, const TimeStamp &startTime);
-    ~Delays();
-    // get the set of directions (ITRF) and delays for the beams, for the next CN integration time
-    // Both matrices must have dimensions [itsNrBeams][itsNrTABs+1]
-    void getNextDelays(Matrix<casa::MVDirection> &directions, Matrix<double> &delays);
-  private:
-    casa::MVEpoch			toUTC(int64 timeInSamples);
-    void				init();
-    // do the delay compensation calculations in a separate thread to allow bulk
-    // calculations and to avoid blocking other threads
-    void				mainLoop();
-    const Parset			&itsParset;
-    volatile bool			stop;
-    // the circular buffer to hold the moving beam directions for every second of data
-    Cube<casa::MVDirection>		itsBuffer;
-    size_t				head, tail;
-    // two semaphores are used: one to trigger the producer that free space is available,
-    // another to trigger the consumer that data is available.
-    Semaphore				bufferFree, bufferUsed;
-    // the number of seconds to maintain in the buffer
-    static const size_t			bufferSize = 128;
-    // the number of delays to calculate in a single run
-    const unsigned			itsNrCalcDelays;
-    // Get the source directions from the parameter file and initialize \c
-    // itsBeamDirections. Beam positions must be specified as
-    // <tt>(longitude, latitude, direction-type)</tt>. The direction angles
-    // are in radians; the direction type must be one of J2000, ITRF, or
-    // AZEL.
-    void setBeamDirections(const Parset &);
-    // Set the station to reference station position differences for
-    // all stations. CS002LBA is the reference station, even if it
-    // does not take part in the observation. The position
-    // differences are stored in \c itsPositionDiffs. In other
-    // words: we store \f$\mathbf{p}_j - \mathbf{p}_0\f$, where
-    // \f$\mathbf{p}_0\f$ is the position of the reference station
-    // and \f$\mathbf{p}_j\f$ is the position of station \f$j\f$.
-    void setPositionDiff(const Parset &);
-    // Beam info.
-    const unsigned			itsNrBeams;
-    const unsigned			itsNrTABs;
-    casa::MDirection::Types		itsDirectionType;
-    Matrix<casa::MVDirection>		itsBeamDirections; // [itsNrBeams][itsNrTABs+1]
-    // Sample timings.
-    const TimeStamp			itsStartTime;
-    const unsigned			itsNrSamplesPerSec;
-    const double			itsSampleDuration;
-    // Station Name.
-    const string			itsStationName;
-    casa::MeasFrame			itsFrame;
-    SmartPtr<casa::MDirection::Convert>	itsConverter;
-    // Station phase centre. 
-    casa::MPosition			itsPhaseCentre;
-    // Station to reference station position difference vector.
-    casa::MVPosition			itsPhasePositionDiff;
-    NSTimer				itsDelayTimer;
-    Thread				itsThread;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FFT.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FFT.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index d235a8c89095853d855579e1753869bd56bd2244..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FFT.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-// Run kernel fft0 with global dim = {64*BatchSize}, local dim={64}
-#ifndef M_PI
-//#define M_PI 0x1.921fb54442d18p+1
-#define M_PI 3.1415926536f
-#define complexMul(a,b) ((float2)(mad(-(a).y, (b).y, (a).x * (b).x), mad((a).y, (b).x, (a).x * (b).y)))
-#define conj(a) ((float2)((a).x, -(a).y))
-#define conjTransp(a) ((float2)(-(a).y, (a).x))
-#define fftKernel2(a,dir) \
-{ \
-    float2 c = (a)[0];    \
-    (a)[0] = c + (a)[1];  \
-    (a)[1] = c - (a)[1];  \
-#define fftKernel2S(d1,d2,dir) \
-{ \
-    float2 c = (d1);   \
-    (d1) = c + (d2);   \
-    (d2) = c - (d2);   \
-#define fftKernel4(a,dir) \
-{ \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[2], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[1], (a)[3], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[1], dir); \
-    (a)[3] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[3])); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[2], (a)[3], dir); \
-    float2 c = (a)[1]; \
-    (a)[1] = (a)[2]; \
-    (a)[2] = c; \
-#define fftKernel4s(a0,a1,a2,a3,dir) \
-{ \
-    fftKernel2S((a0), (a2), dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a1), (a3), dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a0), (a1), dir); \
-    (a3) = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a3))); \
-    fftKernel2S((a2), (a3), dir); \
-    float2 c = (a1); \
-    (a1) = (a2); \
-    (a2) = c; \
-#define bitreverse8(a) \
-{ \
-    float2 c; \
-    c = (a)[1]; \
-    (a)[1] = (a)[4]; \
-    (a)[4] = c; \
-    c = (a)[3]; \
-    (a)[3] = (a)[6]; \
-    (a)[6] = c; \
-#define fftKernel8(a,dir) \
-{ \
-	const float2 w1  = (float2)(0x1.6a09e6p-1f,  dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f);  \
-	const float2 w3  = (float2)(-0x1.6a09e6p-1f, dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f);  \
-	float2 c; \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[4], dir); \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[1], (a)[5], dir); \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[2], (a)[6], dir); \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[3], (a)[7], dir); \
-	(a)[5] = complexMul(w1, (a)[5]); \
-	(a)[6] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[6])); \
-	(a)[7] = complexMul(w3, (a)[7]); \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[2], dir); \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[1], (a)[3], dir); \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[4], (a)[6], dir); \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[5], (a)[7], dir); \
-	(a)[3] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[3])); \
-	(a)[7] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[7])); \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[1], dir); \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[2], (a)[3], dir); \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[4], (a)[5], dir); \
-	fftKernel2S((a)[6], (a)[7], dir); \
-	bitreverse8((a)); \
-#define bitreverse4x4(a) \
-{ \
-	float2 c; \
-	c = (a)[1];  (a)[1]  = (a)[4];  (a)[4]  = c; \
-	c = (a)[2];  (a)[2]  = (a)[8];  (a)[8]  = c; \
-	c = (a)[3];  (a)[3]  = (a)[12]; (a)[12] = c; \
-	c = (a)[6];  (a)[6]  = (a)[9];  (a)[9]  = c; \
-	c = (a)[7];  (a)[7]  = (a)[13]; (a)[13] = c; \
-	c = (a)[11]; (a)[11] = (a)[14]; (a)[14] = c; \
-#define fftKernel16(a,dir) \
-{ \
-    const float w0 = 0x1.d906bcp-1f; \
-    const float w1 = 0x1.87de2ap-2f; \
-    const float w2 = 0x1.6a09e6p-1f; \
-    fftKernel4s((a)[0], (a)[4], (a)[8],  (a)[12], dir); \
-    fftKernel4s((a)[1], (a)[5], (a)[9],  (a)[13], dir); \
-    fftKernel4s((a)[2], (a)[6], (a)[10], (a)[14], dir); \
-    fftKernel4s((a)[3], (a)[7], (a)[11], (a)[15], dir); \
-    (a)[5]  = complexMul((a)[5], (float2)(w0, dir*w1)); \
-    (a)[6]  = complexMul((a)[6], (float2)(w2, dir*w2)); \
-    (a)[7]  = complexMul((a)[7], (float2)(w1, dir*w0)); \
-    (a)[9]  = complexMul((a)[9], (float2)(w2, dir*w2)); \
-    (a)[10] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[10])); \
-    (a)[11] = complexMul((a)[11], (float2)(-w2, dir*w2)); \
-    (a)[13] = complexMul((a)[13], (float2)(w1, dir*w0)); \
-    (a)[14] = complexMul((a)[14], (float2)(-w2, dir*w2)); \
-    (a)[15] = complexMul((a)[15], (float2)(-w0, dir*-w1)); \
-    fftKernel4((a), dir); \
-    fftKernel4((a) + 4, dir); \
-    fftKernel4((a) + 8, dir); \
-    fftKernel4((a) + 12, dir); \
-    bitreverse4x4((a)); \
-#define bitreverse32(a) \
-{ \
-    float2 c1, c2; \
-    c1 = (a)[2];   (a)[2] = (a)[1];   c2 = (a)[4];   (a)[4] = c1;   c1 = (a)[8];   (a)[8] = c2;    c2 = (a)[16];  (a)[16] = c1;   (a)[1] = c2; \
-    c1 = (a)[6];   (a)[6] = (a)[3];   c2 = (a)[12];  (a)[12] = c1;  c1 = (a)[24];  (a)[24] = c2;   c2 = (a)[17];  (a)[17] = c1;   (a)[3] = c2; \
-    c1 = (a)[10];  (a)[10] = (a)[5];  c2 = (a)[20];  (a)[20] = c1;  c1 = (a)[9];   (a)[9] = c2;    c2 = (a)[18];  (a)[18] = c1;   (a)[5] = c2; \
-    c1 = (a)[14];  (a)[14] = (a)[7];  c2 = (a)[28];  (a)[28] = c1;  c1 = (a)[25];  (a)[25] = c2;   c2 = (a)[19];  (a)[19] = c1;   (a)[7] = c2; \
-    c1 = (a)[22];  (a)[22] = (a)[11]; c2 = (a)[13];  (a)[13] = c1;  c1 = (a)[26];  (a)[26] = c2;   c2 = (a)[21];  (a)[21] = c1;   (a)[11] = c2; \
-    c1 = (a)[30];  (a)[30] = (a)[15]; c2 = (a)[29];  (a)[29] = c1;  c1 = (a)[27];  (a)[27] = c2;   c2 = (a)[23];  (a)[23] = c1;   (a)[15] = c2; \
-#define fftKernel32(a,dir) \
-{ \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[0],  (a)[16], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[1],  (a)[17], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[2],  (a)[18], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[3],  (a)[19], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[4],  (a)[20], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[5],  (a)[21], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[6],  (a)[22], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[7],  (a)[23], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[8],  (a)[24], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[9],  (a)[25], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[10], (a)[26], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[11], (a)[27], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[12], (a)[28], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[13], (a)[29], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[14], (a)[30], dir); \
-    fftKernel2S((a)[15], (a)[31], dir); \
-    (a)[17] = complexMul((a)[17], (float2)(0x1.f6297cp-1f, dir*0x1.8f8b84p-3f)); \
-    (a)[18] = complexMul((a)[18], (float2)(0x1.d906bcp-1f, dir*0x1.87de2ap-2f)); \
-    (a)[19] = complexMul((a)[19], (float2)(0x1.a9b662p-1f, dir*0x1.1c73b4p-1f)); \
-    (a)[20] = complexMul((a)[20], (float2)(0x1.6a09e6p-1f, dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f)); \
-    (a)[21] = complexMul((a)[21], (float2)(0x1.1c73b4p-1f, dir*0x1.a9b662p-1f)); \
-    (a)[22] = complexMul((a)[22], (float2)(0x1.87de2ap-2f, dir*0x1.d906bcp-1f)); \
-    (a)[23] = complexMul((a)[23], (float2)(0x1.8f8b84p-3f, dir*0x1.f6297cp-1f)); \
-    (a)[24] = complexMul((a)[24], (float2)(0x0p+0f, dir*0x1p+0f)); \
-    (a)[25] = complexMul((a)[25], (float2)(-0x1.8f8b84p-3f, dir*0x1.f6297cp-1f)); \
-    (a)[26] = complexMul((a)[26], (float2)(-0x1.87de2ap-2f, dir*0x1.d906bcp-1f)); \
-    (a)[27] = complexMul((a)[27], (float2)(-0x1.1c73b4p-1f, dir*0x1.a9b662p-1f)); \
-    (a)[28] = complexMul((a)[28], (float2)(-0x1.6a09e6p-1f, dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f)); \
-    (a)[29] = complexMul((a)[29], (float2)(-0x1.a9b662p-1f, dir*0x1.1c73b4p-1f)); \
-    (a)[30] = complexMul((a)[30], (float2)(-0x1.d906bcp-1f, dir*0x1.87de2ap-2f)); \
-    (a)[31] = complexMul((a)[31], (float2)(-0x1.f6297cp-1f, dir*0x1.8f8b84p-3f)); \
-    fftKernel16((a), dir); \
-    fftKernel16((a) + 16, dir); \
-    bitreverse32((a)); \
-__kernel void \
-clFFT_1DTwistInterleaved(__global float2 *in, unsigned int startRow, unsigned int numCols, unsigned int N, unsigned int numRowsToProcess, int dir) \
-{ \
-   float2 a, w; \
-   float ang; \
-   unsigned int j; \
-	unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); \
-	unsigned int startIndex = i; \
-	 \
-	if(i < numCols) \
-	{ \
-	    for(j = 0; j < numRowsToProcess; j++) \
-	    { \
-	        a = in[startIndex]; \
-	        ang = 2.0f * M_PI * dir * i * (startRow + j) / N; \
-	        w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang)); \
-	        a = complexMul(a, w); \
-	        in[startIndex] = a; \
-	        startIndex += numCols; \
-	    } \
-	}	 \
-} \
-__kernel void fft0(__global float2 *in_out)
-    const int dir = -1;
-    __local float2 sMem[4][272];
-    int i, j;
-    float ang, angf;
-    __local float2 *lMemStore, *lMemLoad;
-    float2 a0, a1, a2, a3;
-    int offset = (get_group_id(0) * 4 + get_local_id(1)) * 256 + get_local_id(0);
-    in_out += offset;
-    a0 = in_out[0];
-    a1 = in_out[64];
-    a2 = in_out[128];
-    a3 = in_out[192];
-    fftKernel4s(a0, a1, a2, a3, dir);
-    angf = (float) get_local_id(0);
-    ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * 1.0f / 256.0f ) * angf;
-    float2 w0 = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));
-    ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * 2.0f / 256.0f ) * angf;
-    float2 w1 = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));
-    ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * 3.0f / 256.0f ) * angf;
-    float2 w2 = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));
-    a1 = complexMul(a1, w0);
-    a2 = complexMul(a2, w1);
-    a3 = complexMul(a3, w2);
-    lMemStore = &sMem[get_local_id(1)][get_local_id(0)];
-    j = get_local_id(0) & 3;
-    i = get_local_id(0) >> 2;
-    lMemLoad = &sMem[get_local_id(1)][j * 68 + i];
-    lMemStore[0] = a0;
-    lMemStore[68] = a1;
-    lMemStore[136] = a2;
-    lMemStore[204] = a3;
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    a0 = lMemLoad[0];
-    a1 = lMemLoad[16];
-    a2 = lMemLoad[32];
-    a3 = lMemLoad[48];
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    fftKernel4s(a0, a1, a2, a3, dir);
-    angf = (float) (get_local_id(0) >> 2);
-    ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * 1.0f / 64.0f ) * angf;
-    float2 w3 = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));
-    ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * 2.0f / 64.0f ) * angf;
-    float2 w4 = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));
-    ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * 3.0f / 64.0f ) * angf;
-    float2 w5 = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));
-    a1 = complexMul(a1, w3);
-    a2 = complexMul(a2, w4);
-    a3 = complexMul(a3, w5);
-    j = (get_local_id(0) & 15) >> 2;
-    i = (get_local_id(0) >> 4) * 4 + (get_local_id(0) & 3);
-    lMemLoad = &sMem[get_local_id(1)][j * 68 + i];
-    lMemStore[0] = a0;
-    lMemStore[68] = a1;
-    lMemStore[136] = a2;
-    lMemStore[204] = a3;
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    a0 = lMemLoad[0];
-    a1 = lMemLoad[16];
-    a2 = lMemLoad[32];
-    a3 = lMemLoad[48];
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    fftKernel4s(a0, a1, a2, a3, dir);
-    angf = (float) (get_local_id(0) >> 4);
-    ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * 1.0f / 16.0f ) * angf;
-    float2 w6 = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));
-    ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * 2.0f / 16.0f ) * angf;
-    float2 w7 = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));
-    ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * 3.0f / 16.0f ) * angf;
-    float2 w8 = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));
-    a1 = complexMul(a1, w6);
-    a2 = complexMul(a2, w7);
-    a3 = complexMul(a3, w8);
-    j = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-    i = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-    lMemLoad = &sMem[get_local_id(1)][j * 64 + i];
-    lMemStore[0] = a0;
-    lMemStore[64] = a1;
-    lMemStore[128] = a2;
-    lMemStore[192] = a3;
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    a0 = lMemLoad[0];
-    a1 = lMemLoad[16];
-    a2 = lMemLoad[32];
-    a3 = lMemLoad[48];
-    fftKernel4s(a0, a1, a2, a3, dir);
-    in_out[0] = a0;
-    in_out[64] = a1;
-    in_out[128] = a2;
-    in_out[192] = a3;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FIR.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FIR.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index c915cd00b315df672e7c461b38b4acbdeeb6ad10..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FIR.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-#define COMPLEX 2	// do not change
-typedef short SampleType;
-#elif NR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE == 8
-typedef char SampleType;
-#error unsupport NR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE
-typedef __global const float16 (*WeightsType)[NR_CHANNELS];
-__kernel void FIR_filter(__global void *filteredDataPtr,
-			 __global const void *sampledDataPtr,
-			 __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  SampledDataType  sampledData  = (SampledDataType) sampledDataPtr;
-  FilteredDataType filteredData = (FilteredDataType) filteredDataPtr;
-  WeightsType      weightsData  = (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint cpr     = get_global_id(0);
-#if 0
-  uint pol_ri  = cpr & 3;
-  uint channel = cpr >> 2;
-  uint ri      = cpr & 1;
-  uint pol     = pol_ri >> 1;
-  uint ri      = cpr & 1;
-  uint channel = (cpr >> 1) % NR_CHANNELS;
-  uint pol     = (cpr >> 1) / NR_CHANNELS;
-  uint pol_ri  = (pol << 1) | ri;
-  uint station = get_global_id(1);
-//#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_printf : enable
-  const float16 weights = (*weightsData)[channel];
-  float16 delayLine;
-  float16 sum;
-  delayLine.s0 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][0][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.s1 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][1][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.s2 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][2][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.s3 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][3][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.s4 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][4][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.s5 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][5][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.s6 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][6][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.s7 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][7][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.s8 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][8][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.s9 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][9][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.sA = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][10][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.sB = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][11][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.sC = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][12][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.sD = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][13][channel][pol_ri]);
-  delayLine.sE = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][14][channel][pol_ri]);
-  for (uint time = 0; time < NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; time += NR_TAPS) {
-    delayLine.sF = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 0][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.s0  = weights.sF * delayLine.s0;
-    delayLine.s0 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 1][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.s0 += weights.sE * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s0 += weights.sD * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s0 += weights.sC * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s0 += weights.sB * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s0 += weights.sA * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s9 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s8 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s7 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s6 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s4 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s3 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s2 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s1 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s0 * delayLine.sF;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 0][channel][ri] = sum.s0;
-    sum.s1  = weights.sF * delayLine.s1;
-    delayLine.s1 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 2][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.s1 += weights.sE * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s1 += weights.sD * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s1 += weights.sC * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s1 += weights.sB * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s1 += weights.sA * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s9 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s8 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s7 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s4 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s3 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s2 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s1 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s0;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 1][channel][ri] = sum.s1;
-    sum.s2  = weights.sF * delayLine.s2;
-    delayLine.s2 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 3][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.s2 += weights.sE * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s2 += weights.sD * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s2 += weights.sC * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s2 += weights.sB * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s2 += weights.sA * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s9 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s8 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s4 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s3 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s2 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s1;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 2][channel][ri] = sum.s2;
-    sum.s3  = weights.sF * delayLine.s3;
-    delayLine.s3 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 4][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.s3 += weights.sE * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s3 += weights.sD * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s3 += weights.sC * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s3 += weights.sB * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s3 += weights.sA * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s9 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s4 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s3 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s2;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 3][channel][ri] = sum.s3;
-    sum.s4  = weights.sF * delayLine.s4;
-    delayLine.s4 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 5][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.s4 += weights.sE * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s4 += weights.sD * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s4 += weights.sC * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s4 += weights.sB * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s4 += weights.sA * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s4 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s3;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 4][channel][ri] = sum.s4;
-    sum.s5  = weights.sF * delayLine.s5;
-    delayLine.s5 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 6][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.s5 += weights.sE * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s5 += weights.sD * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s5 += weights.sC * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s5 += weights.sB * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s5 += weights.sA * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s4 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s4;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 5][channel][ri] = sum.s5;
-    sum.s6  = weights.sF * delayLine.s6;
-    delayLine.s6 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 7][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.s6 += weights.sE * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s6 += weights.sD * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s6 += weights.sC * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s6 += weights.sB * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s6 += weights.sA * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s5 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s4 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s5;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 6][channel][ri] = sum.s6;
-    sum.s7  = weights.sF * delayLine.s7;
-    delayLine.s7 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 8][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.s7 += weights.sE * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s7 += weights.sD * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s7 += weights.sC * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s7 += weights.sB * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s7 += weights.sA * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s6 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s5 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s4 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s6;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 7][channel][ri] = sum.s7;
-    sum.s8  = weights.sF * delayLine.s8;
-    delayLine.s8 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 9][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.s8 += weights.sE * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s8 += weights.sD * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s8 += weights.sC * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s8 += weights.sB * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s8 += weights.sA * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s7 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s6 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s5 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s4 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s7;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 8][channel][ri] = sum.s8;
-    sum.s9  = weights.sF * delayLine.s9;
-    delayLine.s9 = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 10][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.s9 += weights.sE * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s9 += weights.sD * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s9 += weights.sC * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s9 += weights.sB * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s9 += weights.sA * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s8 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s7 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s6 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s5 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s4 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s8;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 9][channel][ri] = sum.s9;
-    sum.sA  = weights.sF * delayLine.sA;
-    delayLine.sA = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 11][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.sA += weights.sE * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.sA += weights.sD * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.sA += weights.sC * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.sA += weights.sB * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.sA += weights.sA * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sA += weights.s9 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sA += weights.s8 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sA += weights.s7 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sA += weights.s6 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sA += weights.s5 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sA += weights.s4 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sA += weights.s3 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sA += weights.s2 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sA += weights.s1 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sA += weights.s0 * delayLine.s9;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 10][channel][ri] = sum.sA;
-    sum.sB  = weights.sF * delayLine.sB;
-    delayLine.sB = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 12][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.sB += weights.sE * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.sB += weights.sD * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.sB += weights.sC * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.sB += weights.sB * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sB += weights.sA * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sB += weights.s9 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sB += weights.s8 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sB += weights.s7 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sB += weights.s6 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sB += weights.s5 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sB += weights.s4 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sB += weights.s3 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sB += weights.s2 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sB += weights.s1 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.sB += weights.s0 * delayLine.sA;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 11][channel][ri] = sum.sB;
-    sum.sC  = weights.sF * delayLine.sC;
-    delayLine.sC = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 13][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.sC += weights.sE * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.sC += weights.sD * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.sC += weights.sC * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sC += weights.sB * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sC += weights.sA * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sC += weights.s9 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sC += weights.s8 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sC += weights.s7 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sC += weights.s6 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sC += weights.s5 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sC += weights.s4 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sC += weights.s3 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sC += weights.s2 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.sC += weights.s1 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.sC += weights.s0 * delayLine.sB;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 12][channel][ri] = sum.sC;
-    sum.sD  = weights.sF * delayLine.sD;
-    delayLine.sD = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 14][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.sD += weights.sE * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.sD += weights.sD * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sD += weights.sC * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sD += weights.sB * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sD += weights.sA * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sD += weights.s9 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sD += weights.s8 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sD += weights.s7 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sD += weights.s6 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sD += weights.s5 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sD += weights.s4 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sD += weights.s3 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.sD += weights.s2 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.sD += weights.s1 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.sD += weights.s0 * delayLine.sC;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 13][channel][ri] = sum.sD;
-    sum.sE  = weights.sF * delayLine.sE;
-    delayLine.sE = convert_float((*sampledData)[station][time + NR_TAPS - 1 + 15][channel][pol_ri]);
-    sum.sE += weights.sE * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sE += weights.sD * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sE += weights.sC * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sE += weights.sB * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sE += weights.sA * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sE += weights.s9 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sE += weights.s8 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sE += weights.s7 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sE += weights.s6 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sE += weights.s5 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sE += weights.s4 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.sE += weights.s3 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.sE += weights.s2 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.sE += weights.s1 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.sE += weights.s0 * delayLine.sD;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 14][channel][ri] = sum.sE;
-    sum.sF  = weights.sF * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sF += weights.sE * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sF += weights.sD * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sF += weights.sC * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sF += weights.sB * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sF += weights.sA * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sF += weights.s9 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sF += weights.s8 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sF += weights.s7 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sF += weights.s6 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sF += weights.s5 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.sF += weights.s4 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.sF += weights.s3 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.sF += weights.s2 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.sF += weights.s1 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.sF += weights.s0 * delayLine.sE;
-    (*filteredData)[station][pol][time + 15][channel][ri] = sum.sF;
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FIR.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FIR.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index d1a6fd1785efd5436cb75094fa168a1692b1643d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FIR.cl-0.ptx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FilterBank.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FilterBank.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index beacf7cbcdf86a2243fda08c43abef4096a3b253..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FilterBank.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-//# Always #include <lofar_config.h> first!
-#include "lofar_config.h"
-#include "FilterBank.h"
-#include "Common/LofarLogger.h"
-#include "Interface/Align.h"
-#include "Interface/Exceptions.h"
-#include <cmath>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstring>
-#if defined HAVE_FFTW3
-#include <fftw3.h>
-#define fftw_real(x)     ((x)[0])
-#define fftw_imag(x)     ((x)[1])
-#elif defined HAVE_FFTW2
-#include <fftw.h>
-#define fftw_real(x)     (c_re(x))
-#define fftw_imag(x)     (c_im(x))
-#error Should have FFTW3 or FFTW2 installed
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-#include <FIR_OriginalCepPPFWeights.h>
-// For documentation on this class, see the header file.
-FilterBank::FilterBank(bool verbose, unsigned taps, unsigned channels, WindowType windowType)
-  itsWindowType(windowType), itsNrTaps(taps), itsNrChannels(channels), itsVerbose(verbose), itsNegated(false)
-  generate_filter();
-FilterBank::FilterBank(bool verbose, unsigned taps, unsigned channels, float newWeights[])
-  itsWindowType(PREDEFINED_FILTER), itsNrTaps(taps), itsNrChannels(channels), itsVerbose(verbose), itsNegated(false)
-  weights.resize(boost::extents[itsNrChannels][itsNrTaps]);
-  memcpy(weights.origin(), newWeights, (itsNrChannels * itsNrTaps) * sizeof(float));
-// hamming window function
-void FilterBank::hamming(unsigned n, double d[])
-  if (n == 1) {
-    d[0] = 1.0;
-    return;
-  }
-  unsigned m = n - 1;
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-    d[i] = 0.54 - 0.46 * cos((2.0 * M_PI * i) / m);
-  }
-// blackman window function
-void FilterBank::blackman(unsigned n, double d[])
-  if (n == 1) {
-    d[0] = 1.0;
-    return;
-  }
-  unsigned m = n - 1;
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-    double k = i / m;
-    d[i] = 0.42 - 0.5 * cos(2.0 * M_PI * k) + 0.08 * cos(4.0 * M_PI * k);
-  }
-// Guassian window function
-void FilterBank::gaussian(int n, double a, double d[])
-  int index = 0;
-  for (int i = -(n - 1); i <= n - 1; i += 2) {
-    d[index++] = exp(-0.5 * pow((a / n * i), 2));
-  }
-// Compute the modified Bessel function I_0(x) for any real x.
-// This method was taken from the ROOT package, See http://root.cern.ch/root.
-// It was released undet the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1
-double FilterBank::besselI0(double x)
-  // Parameters of the polynomial approximation
-  const double p1 = 1.0, p2 = 3.5156229, p3 = 3.0899424, p4 = 1.2067492, p5 = 0.2659732, p6 = 3.60768e-2, p7 = 4.5813e-3;
-  const double q1 = 0.39894228, q2 = 1.328592e-2, q3 = 2.25319e-3, q4 = -1.57565e-3, q5 = 9.16281e-3, q6 = -2.057706e-2, q7 = 2.635537e-2, q8 = -1.647633e-2,
-      q9 = 3.92377e-3;
-  const double k1 = 3.75;
-  double ax = abs(x);
-  double y = 0, result = 0;
-  if (ax < k1) {
-    double xx = x / k1;
-    y = xx * xx;
-    result = p1 + y * (p2 + y * (p3 + y * (p4 + y * (p5 + y * (p6 + y * p7)))));
-  } else {
-    y = k1 / ax;
-    result = (exp(ax) / sqrt(ax)) * (q1 + y * (q2 + y * (q3 + y * (q4 + y * (q5 + y * (q6 + y * (q7 + y * (q8 + y * q9))))))));
-  }
-  return result;
-// Kaiser window function
-void FilterBank::kaiser(int n, double beta, double d[])
-  if (n == 1) {
-    d[0] = 1.0;
-    return;
-  }
-  int m = n - 1;
-  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-    double k = 2.0 * beta / m * sqrt(i * (m - i));
-    d[i] = besselI0(k) / besselI0(beta);
-  }
-// One-dimensional interpolation. Interpolate Y, defined at the points X, 
-// at N evenly spaced points between 0 and 1. The sample points X must be strictly monotonic
-void FilterBank::interpolate(const double x[], const double y[], unsigned xlen, unsigned n, double result[])
-  unsigned nextX = 0;
-  unsigned index = 0;
-  for (double interpolatedX = 0; interpolatedX <= 1.0; interpolatedX += 1.0 / (n - 1), index++) {
-    while (x[nextX] <= interpolatedX && nextX < xlen - 1)
-      nextX++;
-    if (nextX == 0) {
-      LOG_ERROR("ERROR in FilterBank::interpolate");
-    }
-    double prevXVal = x[nextX - 1];
-    double nextXVal = x[nextX];
-    double prevYVal = y[nextX - 1];
-    double nextYVal = y[nextX];
-    double rc = (nextYVal - prevYVal) / (nextXVal - prevXVal);
-    double newVal = prevYVal + (interpolatedX - prevXVal) * rc;
-    result[index] = newVal;
-  }
-// Compute the filter, similar to Octave's fir2(n, f, m, grid_n, ramp_n, window);
-// Window and result must be of size n+1.
-// grid_n: length of ideal frequency response function
-// ramp_n: transition width for jumps in filter response
-// defaults to grid_n/20; a wider ramp gives wider transitions
-// but has better stopband characteristics.
-void FilterBank::generate_fir_filter(unsigned n, double w, const double window[], double result[])
-  // make sure grid is big enough for the window
-  // the grid must be at least (n+1)/2
-  // for all filters where the order is a power of two minus 1, grid_n = n+1;
-  unsigned grid_n = nextPowerOfTwo(n + 1);
-  unsigned ramp_n = 2; // grid_n/20;
-  // Apply ramps to discontinuities
-  // this is a low pass filter
-  // maybe we can omit the "w, 0" point?
-  // I did observe a small difference
-  double f[] = { 0.0, w - ramp_n / grid_n / 2.0, w, w + ramp_n / grid_n / 2.0, 1.0 };
-  double m[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
-  // grid is a 1-D array with grid_n+1 points. Values are 1 in filter passband, 0 otherwise
-  std::vector<double> grid(grid_n + 1);
-  // interpolate between grid points
-  interpolate(f, m, 5 /* length of f and m arrays */, grid_n + 1, &grid[0]);
-#if 0
-  std::stringstream logStr;
-  logStr << "interpolated = [";
-  for(unsigned i=0; i<grid_n+1; i++) {
-    logStr << grid[i];
-    if(i != grid_n+1-1) logStr << ", ";
-  }
-  logStr << "];";
-  LOG_DEBUG(logStr.str());
-  // the grid we do an ifft on is:
-  // grid appended with grid_n*2 zeros
-  // appended with original grid values from indices grid_n..2, i.e., the values in reverse order
-  // (note, arrays start at 1 in octave!)
-  // the input for the ifft is of size 4*grid_n
-  // input = [grid ; zeros(grid_n*2,1) ;grid(grid_n:-1:2)];
-#if defined HAVE_FFTW3
-  fftwf_complex* cinput = (fftwf_complex*) fftwf_malloc(grid_n * 4 * sizeof(fftwf_complex));
-  fftwf_complex* coutput = (fftwf_complex*) fftwf_malloc(grid_n * 4 * sizeof(fftwf_complex));
-#elif defined HAVE_FFTW2
-  fftw_complex* cinput = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(grid_n*4*sizeof(fftw_complex));
-  fftw_complex* coutput = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(grid_n*4*sizeof(fftw_complex));
-  if (cinput == NULL || coutput == NULL) {
-    THROW(GPUProcException, "cannot allocate buffers");
-  }
-  // wipe imaginary part
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < grid_n * 4; i++) {
-    fftw_imag(cinput[i]) = 0.0;
-  }
-  // copy first part of grid
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < grid_n + 1; i++) {
-    fftw_real(cinput[i]) = grid[i];
-  }
-  // append zeros
-  for (unsigned i = grid_n + 1; i <= grid_n * 3; i++) {
-    fftw_real(cinput[i]) = 0.0;
-  }
-  // now append the grid in reverse order
-  for (unsigned i = grid_n - 1, index = 0; i >= 1; i --, index ++) {
-    fftw_real(cinput[grid_n * 3 + 1 + index]) = grid[i];
-  }
-#if 0
-  std::stringstream logStr;
-  logStr << "ifft_in = [";
-  for(unsigned i=0; i<grid_n*4; i++) {
-    logStr << fftw_real(cinput[i]) << " " << fftw_imag(cinput[i]);
-    if(i != grid_n*4-1) logStr << ", ";
-  }
-  logStr << "];";
-  LOG_DEBUG(logStr.str());
-#if defined HAVE_FFTW3
-  fftwf_plan plan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(grid_n * 4, cinput, coutput, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
-  fftwf_execute(plan);
-#elif defined HAVE_FFTW2
-  fftw_plan plan = fftw_create_plan(grid_n * 4, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
-  fftw_one(plan, cinput, coutput);
-#if 0
-  for(unsigned i=0; i<grid_n*4; i++) {
-    LOG_DEBUG_STR("ifft result [" << i << "] = " << fftw_real(coutput[i]) << " " << fftw_imag(coutput[i]));
-  }
-  //                        half                   end
-  // 1 2       n+1          2(n+1)      3(n+1)     4(n+1)
-  //                                    x x x x x x x x x     # last quarter
-  //   x x x x x x                                            # first quarter
-  // last_quarter  = b([end-n+1:2:end]); # the size is only 1/8, since we skip half of the elements
-  // first_quarter = b(2:2:(n+1));       # the size is only 1/8, since we skip half of the elements
-  unsigned index = 0;
-  for (unsigned i = 4 * grid_n - n; i < 4 * grid_n; i += 2) {
-    result[index] = fftw_real(coutput[i]);
-    index++;
-  }
-  for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n; i += 2) {
-    result[index] = fftw_real(coutput[i]);
-    index++;
-  }
-#if defined HAVE_FFTW3
-  fftwf_destroy_plan(plan);
-  fftwf_free(cinput);
-  fftwf_free(coutput);
-#elif defined HAVE_FFTW2
-  fftw_destroy_plan(plan);
-  fftw_free(cinput);
-  fftw_free(coutput);
-  // multiply with window
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
-    result[i] *= window[i];
-  }
-  // normalize
-  double factor = result[n / 2];
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
-    result[i] /= factor;
-  }
-#if 0
-  std::stringstream logStr;
-  logStr << "result = [";
-  for(unsigned i=0; i<=n; i++) {
-    logStr << result[i];
-    if(i != n) logStr << ", ";
-  }
-  logStr << "];";
-  LOG_DEBUG(logStr.str());
-// This method initializes the weights array.
-void FilterBank::generate_filter()
-  unsigned n = itsNrChannels * itsNrTaps;
-  std::stringstream logStr;
-  if (itsVerbose) {
-    logStr << "generating FIR filter bank with " << itsNrChannels << " channels and " << itsNrTaps << " taps (" << n << " total), using a ";
-  }
-  std::vector<double> window(n);
-  switch (itsWindowType) {
-  case HAMMING: {
-    // Use a n-point Hamming window.
-    if (itsVerbose) {
-      logStr << "Hamming window";
-      LOG_DEBUG(logStr.str());
-    }
-    hamming(n, &window[0]);
-    break;
-  }
-  case BLACKMAN: {
-    // Use a n-point Blackman window.
-    if (itsVerbose) {
-      logStr << "Blackman window";
-      LOG_DEBUG(logStr.str());
-    }
-    blackman(n, &window[0]);
-    break;
-  }
-  case GAUSSIAN: {
-    // Use a n-point Gaussian window.
-    double alpha = 3.5;
-    if (itsVerbose) {
-      logStr << "Gaussian window with alpha = " << alpha;
-      LOG_DEBUG(logStr.str());
-    }
-    gaussian(n, alpha, &window[0]);
-    break;
-  }
-  case KAISER: {
-    // Use a n-point Kaiser window.
-    // The beta parameter is found in matlab / octave with
-    // [n,Wn,bta,filtype]=kaiserord([fsin/channels 1.4*fsin/channels],[1 0],[10^(0.5/20) 10^(-91/20)],fsin);
-    // where fsin is the sample freq
-    double beta = 9.0695;
-    if (itsVerbose) {
-      logStr << "Kaiser window with beta = " << beta;
-      LOG_DEBUG(logStr.str());
-    }
-    kaiser(n, beta, &window[0]);
-    break;
-  }
-  default:
-    THROW(GPUProcException, "unknown window type");
-  }
-#if 0
-  std::stringstream logStr;
-  logStr << "window = [";
-  for(unsigned i=0; i<n; i++) {
-    logStr << window[i];
-    if(i != n-1) logStr << ", ";
-  }
-  logStr << "];";
-  LOG_DEBUG(logStr.str());
-  std::vector<double> result(n);
-  generate_fir_filter(n - 1, 1.0 / itsNrChannels, &window[0], &result[0]);
-  weights.resize(boost::extents[itsNrChannels][itsNrTaps]);
-  unsigned index = 0;
-  for (int tap = itsNrTaps - 1; tap >= 0; tap--) { // store the taps in reverse!
-    for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < itsNrChannels; channel++) {
-      // Correct total power.
-      // we use the 256 channel case as a reference, so we
-      // multiply by 256, and divide by the number of channels
-      weights[channel][tap] = result[index] * 256.0 / itsNrChannels;
-      index++;
-    }
-  }
-#if 0
-  LOG_DEBUG("final taps: ");
-  std::stringstream logStr;
-  for(unsigned channel=0; channel<itsNrChannels; channel++) {
-    logStr << "channel: " << channel << "| ";
-    for(unsigned tap=0; tap<itsNrTaps; tap++) {
-      logStr << " " << weights[channel][tap];
-    }
-    LOG_DEBUG(logStr.str());
-  }
-// This method initializes the weights array.
-void FilterBank::generate_filter()
-  if(itsVerbose) {
-    LOG_DEBUG("using original static 256 channel FIR filter bank");
-  }
-  if(itsNrTaps != 16 || itsNrChannels != 256) {
-    THROW(GPUProcException, "not supported!");
-  }
-  weights.resize(boost::extents[itsNrChannels][itsNrTaps]);
-  memcpy(weights.origin(), origWeights, (itsNrChannels * itsNrTaps) * sizeof(float));
-  itsNegated = true;
-// In CEP, the first subband is from -98 KHz to 98 KHz, rather than from 0 to 195 KHz.
-// To avoid that the FFT outputs the channels in the wrong order (from 128 to
-// 255 followed by channels 0 to 127), we multiply each second FFT input by -1.
-// This is efficiently achieved by negating the FIR filter constants of all
-// uneven FIR filters.
-void FilterBank::negateWeights()
-  for (int tap = itsNrTaps - 1; tap >= 0; tap--) { // store the taps in reverse!
-    // Negate all odd channels
-    for (unsigned channel = 1; channel < itsNrChannels; channel += 2) {
-      weights[channel][tap] = -weights[channel][tap];
-    }
-  }
-  itsNegated = !itsNegated;
-// Used for debugging.
-void FilterBank::reverseTaps()
-  for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < itsNrChannels; channel++) {
-    for (unsigned tap = 0; tap < itsNrTaps/2; tap++) {
-      float tmp = weights[channel][itsNrTaps - tap - 1];
-      weights[channel][itsNrTaps - tap - 1] = weights[channel][tap];
-      weights[channel][tap] = tmp;
-    }
-  }
-// Print the weights array in the natural order, in a format that can be read by gnuplot.
-void FilterBank::printWeights()
-  cout << (itsNegated ? "NEGATED" : "NORMAL(NOT NEGATED)") << endl;
-  for (int tap = itsNrTaps - 1; tap >= 0; tap--) { // taps are stored in reverse!
-    for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < itsNrChannels; channel++) {
-      if (itsNegated && channel % 2 != 0) {
-        cout << -weights[channel][tap] << endl; // odd channels are negated
-      } else {
-        cout << weights[channel][tap] << endl;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FilterBank.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FilterBank.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1815bfeb3aa7506aaff5f1414070cb5b0b67ec05..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/FilterBank.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#if 0 || !defined HAVE_BGP
-#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-// Note that the filter tap constants for a channel are in reverse order.
-// This makes the implementation more efficient.
-class FilterBank
-  public:
-  // This constructor designs a new filter with the specified parameters, and initializes the weights array.
-  FilterBank(bool verbose, unsigned taps, unsigned channels, WindowType windowType);
-  // This constructor creates a filterbank from an already existing set of weights.
-  FilterBank(bool verbose, unsigned taps, unsigned channels, float *weights);
-  unsigned getNrTaps();
-  float *getWeights(unsigned channel);
-  const boost::multi_array<float, 2> &getWeights() const; // [nrChannels][taps];
-  // In CEP, the first subband is from -98 KHz to 98 KHz, rather than from 0 to 195 KHz.
-  // To avoid that the FFT outputs the channels in the wrong order (from 128 to
-  // 255 followed by channels 0 to 127), we multiply each second FFT input by -1.
-  // This is efficiently achieved by negating the FIR filter constants of all
-  // uneven FIR filters.
-  void negateWeights();
-  bool isNegated();
-  // Used for debugging.
-  void reverseTaps();
-  // Print the weights array in the natural order, in a format that can be read by gnuplot.
-  void printWeights();
-  // Hamming window function
-  void hamming(unsigned n, double d[]);
-  // Blackman window function
-  void blackman(unsigned n, double d[]);
-  // Gaussian window function
-  void gaussian(int n, double a, double d[]);
-  // Kaiser window function
-  void kaiser(int n, double beta, double d[]);
-  // helper functions
-  double besselI0(double x);
-  void interpolate(const double x[], const double y[], unsigned xlen, unsigned n, double result[]);
-  void generate_fir_filter(unsigned n, double w, const double window[], double result[]);
-  void generate_filter();
-  // The window used for generating the filter, default is KAISER.
-  WindowType itsWindowType;
-  const unsigned itsNrTaps;
-  const unsigned itsNrChannels;
-  const bool itsVerbose;
-  bool itsNegated;
-  // Store the weights in a multiarray, since both the number of channels are not known at compile time.
-  boost::multi_array<float, 2> weights; // [nrChannels][taps];
-  static const float originalCepPPFWeights[256][16];
-inline unsigned FilterBank::getNrTaps()
-  return itsNrTaps;
-inline float *FilterBank::getWeights(unsigned channel)
-  return weights[channel].origin();
-inline const boost::multi_array<float, 2> &FilterBank::getWeights() const
-  return weights;
-inline bool FilterBank::isNegated()
-  return itsNegated;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputSection.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputSection.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fb852e78a12cd190fec3c80165b2d0c7e24758f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputSection.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-//#  InputSection.cc: Catch RSP ethernet frames and synchronize RSP inputs 
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: InputSection.cc 17893 2011-04-29 09:04:10Z romein $
-//# Always #include <lofar_config.h> first!
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-//# Includes
-#include <InputSection.h>
-#include <Stream/SocketStream.h>
-#include <Interface/Stream.h>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
-using boost::format;
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> InputSection<SAMPLE_TYPE>::InputSection(const Parset &parset, unsigned psetNumber)
-  std::vector<Parset::StationRSPpair> inputs = parset.getStationNamesAndRSPboardNumbers(psetNumber);
-  string stationName = inputs.size() > 0 ? inputs[0].station : "none"; // TODO: support more than one station
-  itsNrRSPboards = inputs.size();
-  itsLogPrefix = str(format("[station %s] ") % stationName);
-  itsBeamletBuffers.resize(itsNrRSPboards);
-  for (unsigned rsp = 0; rsp < itsNrRSPboards; rsp ++)
-    itsBeamletBuffers[rsp] = new BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE>(&parset, inputs[rsp].station, inputs[rsp].rsp);
-  createInputStreams(parset, inputs);
-  createInputThreads(parset, inputs);
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> InputSection<SAMPLE_TYPE>::~InputSection() 
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "InputSection::~InputSection()");
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void InputSection<SAMPLE_TYPE>::createInputStreams(const Parset &parset, const std::vector<Parset::StationRSPpair> &inputs)
-  itsInputStreams.resize(itsNrRSPboards);
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < itsNrRSPboards; i ++) {
-    const std::string &station   = inputs[i].station;
-    unsigned	      rsp	 = inputs[i].rsp;
-    std::string	      streamName = parset.getInputStreamName(station, rsp);
-    LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "input " << i << ": RSP board " << rsp << ", reads from \"" << streamName << '"');
-#if 0
-    if (station != inputs[0].station)
-      THROW(GPUProcException, "inputs from multiple stations on one I/O node not supported (yet)");
-    itsInputStreams[i] = createStream(streamName, true);
-    SocketStream *sstr = dynamic_cast<SocketStream *>(itsInputStreams[i].get());
-    if (sstr != 0)
-      sstr->setReadBufferSize(8 * 1024 * 1024); // stupid kernel multiplies this by 2
-  }
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void InputSection<SAMPLE_TYPE>::createInputThreads(const Parset &parset, const std::vector<Parset::StationRSPpair> &inputs)
-  itsLogThread = new LogThread(itsNrRSPboards, inputs.size() > 0 ? inputs[0].station : "none");
-  /* start up thread which writes RSP data from ethernet link
-     into cyclic buffers */
-  typename InputThread<SAMPLE_TYPE>::ThreadArgs args;
-  args.nrTimesPerPacket    = parset.getInt32("OLAP.nrTimesInFrame");
-  args.nrSlotsPerPacket    = parset.nrSlotsInFrame();
-  args.isRealTime	   = parset.realTime();
-  args.startTime	   = TimeStamp(static_cast<int64>(parset.startTime() * parset.subbandBandwidth()), parset.clockSpeed());
-  itsInputThreads.resize(itsNrRSPboards);
-  for (unsigned thread = 0; thread < itsNrRSPboards; thread ++) {
-    args.threadID	    = thread;
-    args.stream		    = itsInputStreams[thread];
-    args.BBuffer            = itsBeamletBuffers[thread];
-    args.packetCounters     = &itsLogThread->itsCounters[thread];
-    args.logPrefix          = str(format("[station %s board %s] ") % inputs[thread].station % inputs[thread].rsp);
-    itsInputThreads[thread] = new InputThread<SAMPLE_TYPE>(args);
-  }
-template class InputSection<i4complex>;
-template class InputSection<i8complex>;
-template class InputSection<i16complex>;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
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deleted file mode 100644
index df05a3bc0ec2da383b16557a7a701d8f76d877a2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputSection.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-//#  InputSection.h: Catch RSP ethernet frames and synchronize RSP inputs 
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: InputSection.h 17893 2011-04-29 09:04:10Z romein $
-// \file
-// Catch RSP ethernet frames and synchronize RSP inputs 
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-//# Includes
-#include <Interface/Parset.h>
-#include <Interface/SmartPtr.h>
-#include <Stream/Stream.h>
-#include <BeamletBuffer.h>
-#include <InputThread.h>
-#include <LogThread.h>
-#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
-#include <pthread.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> class InputSection
-  public:
-							InputSection(const Parset &, unsigned psetNumber);
-							~InputSection();
-    std::vector<SmartPtr<BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE> > > itsBeamletBuffers;
-  private:
-    void						createInputStreams(const Parset &, const std::vector<Parset::StationRSPpair> &inputs);
-    void						createInputThreads(const Parset &, const std::vector<Parset::StationRSPpair> &inputs);
-    std::string						itsLogPrefix;
-    std::vector<SmartPtr<Stream > >			itsInputStreams;
-    unsigned						itsNrRSPboards;
-    SmartPtr<LogThread>					itsLogThread;
-    std::vector<SmartPtr<InputThread<SAMPLE_TYPE> > >	itsInputThreads;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputThread.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputThread.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 407a96c00d34dd0d72f4ab2ae2b00d3bd68e9fcc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputThread.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-//#  InputThread.cc: the thread that reads from a Stream and places data into
-//#  the buffer of the input section
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: InputThread.cc 17975 2011-05-10 09:52:51Z mol $
-//# Always #include <lofar_config.h> first!
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-//# Includes
-#include <Common/DataConvert.h>
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <Common/SystemCallException.h>
-#include <Common/Timer.h>
-#include <Interface/AlignedStdAllocator.h>
-#include <Interface/Exceptions.h>
-#include <Stream/NullStream.h>
-#include <Stream/SocketStream.h>
-#include <BeamletBuffer.h>
-#include <InputThread.h>
-#include <RSP.h>
-#include <Scheduling.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Cancellation.h>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> InputThread<SAMPLE_TYPE>::InputThread(ThreadArgs args /* call by value! */)
-  itsArgs(args),
-  itsThread(this, &InputThread<SAMPLE_TYPE>::mainLoop, itsArgs.logPrefix + "[InputThread] ", 65536)
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsArgs.logPrefix << "InputThread::InputThread(...)");
-template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> InputThread<SAMPLE_TYPE>::~InputThread()
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsArgs.logPrefix << "InputThread::~InputThread()");
-  itsThread.cancel();
-template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void InputThread<SAMPLE_TYPE>::mainLoop()
-#if 1 && defined HAVE_BGP_ION
-  if (itsArgs.threadID == 0)
-    runOnCore0();
-  else
-    doNotRunOnCore0();
-  const unsigned maxNrPackets = 128;
-  TimeStamp	 actualstamp  = itsArgs.startTime - itsArgs.nrTimesPerPacket;
-  unsigned	 packetSize   = sizeof(struct RSP::Header) + itsArgs.nrSlotsPerPacket * itsArgs.nrTimesPerPacket * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(SAMPLE_TYPE);
-  std::vector<TimeStamp> timeStamps(maxNrPackets);
-  boost::multi_array<char, 2, AlignedStdAllocator<char, 32> > packets(boost::extents[maxNrPackets][packetSize]);
-  //boost::multi_array<char, 2, FlatMemoryAllocator<char> > packets(boost::extents[maxNrPackets][packetSize]);
-  char		*currentPacketPtr	    = packets.origin();
-  unsigned	currentPacket		    = 0;
-  unsigned	previousSeqid		    = 0;
-  bool		previousSeqidIsAccepted	    = false;
-  bool		dataShouldContainValidStamp = dynamic_cast<NullStream *>(itsArgs.stream) == 0;
-  bool		isUDPstream		    = dynamic_cast<SocketStream *>(itsArgs.stream) != 0 && dynamic_cast<SocketStream *>(itsArgs.stream)->protocol == SocketStream::UDP;
-  WallClockTime wallClockTime;
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsArgs.logPrefix << " input thread " << itsArgs.threadID << " entering loop");
-  while (true) {
-    try {
-      // cancelable read, to allow stopping this thread even if the station
-      // does not send data
-      if (isUDPstream) {
-	if (itsArgs.stream->tryRead(currentPacketPtr, packetSize) != packetSize) {
-	  ++ itsArgs.packetCounters->received;
-	  ++ itsArgs.packetCounters->badSize;
-	  continue;
-	}
-      } else {
-	Cancellation::point(); // allow cancellation from null:
-	itsArgs.stream->read(currentPacketPtr, packetSize);
-      }
-    } catch (Stream::EndOfStreamException &) {
-      break;
-    } catch (SystemCallException &ex) {
-      if (ex.error == EINTR)
-	break;
-      else
-	throw;
-    }
-    ++ itsArgs.packetCounters->received;
-    if (dataShouldContainValidStamp) {
-#if defined __PPC__
-      unsigned seqid, blockid;
-      asm volatile ("lwbrx %0,%1,%2" : "=r" (seqid)   : "b" (currentPacketPtr), "r" (offsetof(RSP, header.timestamp)));
-      asm volatile ("lwbrx %0,%1,%2" : "=r" (blockid) : "b" (currentPacketPtr), "r" (offsetof(RSP, header.blockSequenceNumber)));
-      unsigned seqid   = reinterpret_cast<RSP *>(currentPacketPtr)->header.timestamp;
-      unsigned blockid = reinterpret_cast<RSP *>(currentPacketPtr)->header.blockSequenceNumber;
-#if defined WORDS_BIGENDIAN
-      seqid   = byteSwap(seqid);
-      blockid = byteSwap(blockid);
-      //if the seconds counter is 0xFFFFFFFF, the data cannot be trusted.
-      if (seqid == ~0U) {
-	++ itsArgs.packetCounters->badTimeStamp;
-	continue;
-      }
-      // Sanity check on seqid. Note, that seqid is in seconds,
-      // so a value which is greater than the previous one with more 
-      // than (say) 10 seconds probably means that the sequence number 
-      // in the packet is wrong. This can happen, since communication is not
-      // reliable.
-      if (seqid >= previousSeqid + 10 && previousSeqidIsAccepted) {
-	previousSeqidIsAccepted = false;
-	++ itsArgs.packetCounters->badTimeStamp;
-	continue;
-      }
-      // accept seqid
-      previousSeqidIsAccepted = true;
-      previousSeqid	      = seqid;
-      actualstamp.setStamp(seqid, blockid);
-    } else {
-      actualstamp += itsArgs.nrTimesPerPacket; 
-      if (itsArgs.isRealTime)
-	wallClockTime.waitUntil(actualstamp);
-    }
-    // expected packet received so write data into corresponding buffer
-    //itsArgs.BBuffer->writePacketData(reinterpret_cast<SAMPLE_TYPE *>(&packet.data), actualstamp);
-    timeStamps[currentPacket] = actualstamp;
-    currentPacketPtr += packetSize;
-    if (++ currentPacket == maxNrPackets) {
-      itsArgs.BBuffer->writeMultiplePackets(packets.origin(), timeStamps);
-      // pthread_yield();
-      currentPacket    = 0;
-      currentPacketPtr = packets.origin();
-    }
-  }
-  timeStamps.resize(currentPacket);
-  itsArgs.BBuffer->writeMultiplePackets(packets.origin(), timeStamps);
-  itsArgs.BBuffer->noMoreWriting();
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsArgs.logPrefix << "InputThread::mainLoop() exiting");
-template class InputThread<i4complex>;
-template class InputThread<i8complex>;
-template class InputThread<i16complex>;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputThread.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputThread.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fa597e84b47a70334897c8b83834096ec1e2bd51..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/InputThread.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-//#  InputThread.h: The thread that reads from a TH and places data into the buffer of the input section
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: InputThread.h 17975 2011-05-10 09:52:51Z mol $
-// \file
-// The thread that reads from a Stream and places data into the buffer of the input section
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-//# Includes
-#include <Common/lofar_vector.h>
-#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Thread.h>
-#include <BeamletBuffer.h>
-#include <LogThread.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> class InputThread
-  public:
-    struct ThreadArgs {
-      BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE> *BBuffer;
-      Stream		  *stream; 
-      unsigned		  threadID;
-      unsigned		  nrTimesPerPacket;
-      unsigned		  nrSlotsPerPacket;
-      LogThread::Counters *packetCounters;
-      bool		  isRealTime;
-      TimeStamp		  startTime;
-      std::string         logPrefix;
-    };
-			  InputThread(ThreadArgs args);
-			  ~InputThread();
-    void		  mainLoop();
-    static const unsigned packetBuffersSize = 128;
-  private:
-    ThreadArgs		  itsArgs;
-    Thread		  itsThread;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Job.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Job.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index df6eb11101fbe52c90fc47e54f5ffc4011e81e86..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Job.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,905 +0,0 @@
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: ION_main.cc 15296 2010-03-24 10:19:41Z romein $
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include <BeamletBufferToComputeNode.h>
-#include <ControlPhase3Cores.h>
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <Interface/CN_Command.h>
-#include <Interface/Exceptions.h>
-#include <Interface/OutputTypes.h>
-#include <Interface/PrintVector.h>
-#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-#include <InputSection.h>
-#include <ION_Allocator.h>
-#include <ION_main.h>
-#include <Job.h>
-#include <OutputSection.h>
-#include <StreamMultiplexer.h>
-#include <Stream/SocketStream.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
-#define LOG_CONDITION (myPsetNumber == 0)
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-unsigned Job::nextJobID = 1;
-void	 *Job::theInputSection;
-Mutex	 Job::theInputSectionMutex;
-unsigned Job::theInputSectionRefCount = 0;
-Queue<Job *> finishedJobs;
-Job::Job(const char *parsetName)
-  itsParset(parsetName),
-  itsJobID(nextJobID ++), // no need to make thread safe
-  itsObservationID(itsParset.observationID()),
-  itsIsRunning(false),
-  itsDoCancel(false),
-  itsBlockNumber(0),
-  itsRequestedStopTime(0.0),
-  itsStopTime(0.0)
-  itsLogPrefix = str(boost::format("[obs %d] ") % itsParset.observationID());
-    LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "----- Creating new job");
-    LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "usedCoresInPset = " << itsParset.usedCoresInPset());
-    // Handle PVSS (CEPlogProcessor) communication
-    if (itsParset.PVSS_TempObsName() != "")
-      LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "PVSS name: " << itsParset.PVSS_TempObsName());
-  }
-  // Handle PLC communication
-  if (myPsetNumber == 0) {
-    if (itsParset.PLC_controlled()) {
-      // let the ApplController decide what we should do
-      try {
-        itsPLCStream = new SocketStream(itsParset.PLC_Host().c_str(), itsParset.PLC_Port(), SocketStream::TCP, SocketStream::Server, 60);
-        itsPLCClient = new PLCClient(*itsPLCStream, *this, itsParset.PLC_ProcID(), itsObservationID);
-      } catch (Exception &ex) {
-        LOG_WARN_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Could not connect to ApplController on " << itsParset.PLC_Host() << ":" << itsParset.PLC_Port() << " as " << itsParset.PLC_ProcID() << " -- continuing on autopilot: " << ex);
-      }
-    }  
-  }
-  // check enough parset settings just to get to the coordinated check in jobThread safely
-  if (itsParset.CNintegrationTime() <= 0)
-    THROW(IONProcException,"CNintegrationTime must be bigger than 0");
-  // synchronize roughly every 5 seconds to see if the job is cancelled
-  itsNrBlockTokensPerBroadcast = static_cast<unsigned>(ceil(5.0 / itsParset.CNintegrationTime()));
-  itsNrBlockTokens	       = 1; // trigger a rendez-vous immediately to sync latest stoptime info
-  itsHasPhaseOne   = itsParset.phaseOnePsetIndex(myPsetNumber) >= 0;
-  itsHasPhaseTwo   = itsParset.phaseTwoPsetIndex(myPsetNumber) >= 0;
-  itsHasPhaseThree = itsParset.phaseThreePsetIndex(myPsetNumber) >= 0;
-  itsJobThread = new Thread(this, &Job::jobThread, itsLogPrefix + "[JobThread] ", 65536);
-    LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "----- Job " << (itsIsRunning ? "finished" : "cancelled") << " successfully");
-void Job::createIONstreams()
-  if (myPsetNumber == 0) {
-    std::vector<unsigned> involvedPsets = itsParset.usedPsets();
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < involvedPsets.size(); i ++) {
-      ASSERT(involvedPsets[i] < allIONstreamMultiplexers.size());
-      if (involvedPsets[i] != 0) // do not send to itself
-	itsIONstreams.push_back(new MultiplexedStream(*allIONstreamMultiplexers[involvedPsets[i]], itsJobID));
-    }    
-  } else {
-    itsIONstreams.push_back(new MultiplexedStream(*allIONstreamMultiplexers[0], itsJobID));
-  }
-void Job::barrier()
-  char byte = 0;
-  if (myPsetNumber == 0) {
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < itsIONstreams.size(); i ++) {
-      itsIONstreams[i]->read(&byte, sizeof byte);
-      itsIONstreams[i]->write(&byte, sizeof byte);
-    }
-  } else {
-    itsIONstreams[0]->write(&byte, sizeof byte);
-    itsIONstreams[0]->read(&byte, sizeof byte);
-  }
-// returns true iff all psets supply true
-bool Job::agree(bool iAgree)
-  bool allAgree = iAgree; // pset 0 needs to start with its own decision, for other psets this value is ignored
-  if (myPsetNumber == 0)
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < itsIONstreams.size(); i ++) {
-      bool youAgree;
-      itsIONstreams[i]->read(&youAgree, sizeof youAgree);
-      allAgree = allAgree && youAgree;
-    }
-  else
-    itsIONstreams[0]->write(&iAgree, sizeof iAgree);
-  broadcast(allAgree);  
-  return allAgree;
-template <typename T> void Job::broadcast(T &value)
-  if (myPsetNumber == 0)
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < itsIONstreams.size(); i ++)
-      itsIONstreams[i]->write(&value, sizeof value);
-  else
-    itsIONstreams[0]->read(&value, sizeof value);
-static void exitwitherror( const char *errorstr )
-  // can't cast to (void) since gcc won't allow that as a method to drop the result
-  int ignoreResult;
-  ignoreResult = write(STDERR_FILENO, errorstr, strlen(errorstr)+1);
-  // use _exit instead of exit to avoid calling atexit handlers in both
-  // the master and the child process.
-  _exit(1);
-void Job::execSSH(const char *sshKey, const char *userName, const char *hostName, const char *executable, const char *rank, const char *parset, const char *cwd, const char *isBigEndian)
-  // DO NOT DO ANY CALL THAT GRABS A LOCK, since the lock may be held by a
-  // thread that is no longer part of our address space
-  // use write() for output since the Logger uses a mutex, and printf also holds locks
-  // Prevent cancellation due to race conditions. A cancellation can still be pending for this JobThread, in which case one of the system calls
-  // below triggers it. If this thread/process can be cancelled, there will be multiple processes running, leading to all kinds of Bad Things.
-  Cancellation::disable();
-  // close all file descriptors other than stdin/out/err, which might have been openend by
-  // other threads at the time of fork(). We brute force over all possible fds, most of which will be invalid.
-  for (int f = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); f > 2; --f)
-    (void)close(f);
-  // create a valid stdin from which can be read (a blocking fd created by pipe() won't suffice anymore for since at least OpenSSH 5.8)
-  // rationale: this forked process inherits stdin from the parent process, which is unusable because IONProc is started in the background
-  // and routed through mpirun as well. Also, it is shared by all forked processes. Nevertheless, we want Storage to be able to determine
-  // when to shut down based on whether stdin is open. So we create a new stdin.
-  int devzero = open("/dev/zero", O_RDONLY);
-  if (devzero < 0)
-    exitwitherror("cannot open /dev/zero\n");
-  if (close(0) < 0)
-    exitwitherror("cannot close stdin\n");
-  if (dup(devzero) < 0)
-    exitwitherror("cannot dup /dev/zero into stdin\n");
-  if (close(devzero) < 0)
-    exitwitherror("cannot close /dev/zero\n");
-  if (execl("/usr/bin/ssh",
-    "ssh",
-    "-q",
-    "-i", sshKey,
-    "-c", "blowfish",
-    "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
-    "-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null",
-    "-o", "ServerAliveInterval=30",
-    "-l", userName,
-    hostName,
-    "cd", cwd, "&&",
-#if defined USE_VALGRIND
-    "valgrind", "--leak-check=full",
-    executable, rank, parset, isBigEndian,
-    static_cast<char *>(0)
-  ) < 0)
-    exitwitherror("execl failed\n");
-  exitwitherror("execl succeeded but did return\n");
-void Job::forkSSH(const char *sshKey, const char *userName, const char *hostName, const char *executable, const char *rank, const char *parset, const char *cwd, const char *isBigEndian, int &storagePID)
-  LOG_INFO_STR("Storage writer on " << hostName << ": starting as rank " << rank);
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR("child will exec "
-    "\"/usr/bin/ssh "
-    "-q "
-    "-i " << sshKey << " "
-    "-c blowfish "
-    "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "
-    "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null "
-    "-o ServerAliveInterval=30 "
-    "-l " << userName << " "
-    << hostName << " "
-    "cd " << cwd << " && "
-#if defined USE_VALGRIND
-    "valgrind " "--leak-check=full "
-    << executable << " " << rank << " " << parset << " " << isBigEndian << " "
-    "\""
-  );
-  switch (storagePID = fork()) {
-    case -1 : throw SystemCallException("fork", errno, THROW_ARGS);
-    case  0 : execSSH(sshKey, userName, hostName, executable, rank, parset, cwd, isBigEndian);
-  }
-void Job::joinSSH(int childPID, const std::string &hostName, unsigned &timeout)
-  if (childPID != 0) {
-    int status;
-    // always try at least one waitpid(). if child has not exited, optionally
-    // sleep and try again.
-    for (;;) {
-      pid_t ret;
-      if ((ret = waitpid(childPID, &status, WNOHANG)) == (pid_t)-1) {
-        int error = errno;
-        if (error == EINTR) {
-          LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Storage writer on " << hostName << " : waitpid() was interrupted -- retrying");
-          continue;
-        }
-        // error
-        LOG_WARN_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Storage writer on " << hostName << " : waitpid() failed with errno " << error);
-        return;
-      } else if (ret == 0) {
-        // child still running
-        if (timeout == 0) {
-          break;
-        }
-        timeout--;
-        sleep(1);
-      } else {
-        // child exited
-        if (WIFSIGNALED(status) != 0)
-          LOG_WARN_STR(itsLogPrefix << "SSH to storage writer on " << hostName << " was killed by signal " << WTERMSIG(status));
-        else if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
-          const char *explanation;
-          switch (WEXITSTATUS(status)) {
-            default:
-              explanation = "??";
-              break;
-            case 255:
-              explanation = "Network or authentication error";
-              break;
-            case 127:
-              explanation = "BASH: command/library not found";
-              break;
-            case 126:
-              explanation = "BASH: command found but could not be executed (wrong architecture?)";
-              break;
-            case 128 + SIGHUP:
-              explanation = "killed by SIGHUP";
-              break;
-            case 128 + SIGINT:
-              explanation = "killed by SIGINT (Ctrl-C)";
-              break;
-            case 128 + SIGQUIT:
-              explanation = "killed by SIGQUIT";
-              break;
-            case 128 + SIGILL:
-              explanation = "illegal instruction";
-              break;
-            case 128 + SIGABRT:
-              explanation = "killed by SIGABRT";
-              break;
-            case 128 + SIGKILL:
-              explanation = "killed by SIGKILL";
-              break;
-            case 128 + SIGSEGV:
-              explanation = "segmentation fault";
-              break;
-            case 128 + SIGPIPE:
-              explanation = "broken pipe";
-              break;
-            case 128 + SIGALRM:
-              explanation = "killed by SIGALRM";
-              break;
-            case 128 + SIGTERM:
-              explanation = "killed by SIGTERM";
-              break;
-          }
-          LOG_ERROR_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Storage writer on " << hostName << " exited with exit code " << WEXITSTATUS(status) << " (" << explanation << ")" );
-        } else
-          LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Storage writer on " << hostName << " terminated normally");
-        return;  
-      }
-    }
-    // child did not exit within the given timeout
-    LOG_WARN_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Storage writer on " << hostName << " : sending SIGTERM");
-    kill(childPID, SIGTERM);
-    if (waitpid(childPID, &status, 0) == -1) {
-      LOG_WARN_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Storage writer on " << hostName << " : waitpid() failed");
-    }
-    LOG_WARN_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Storage writer on " << hostName << " terminated after sending SIGTERM");
-  }
-void Job::startStorageProcesses()
-  itsStorageHostNames = itsParset.getStringVector("OLAP.Storage.hosts");
-  std::string userName   = itsParset.getString("OLAP.Storage.userName");
-  std::string sshKey     = itsParset.getString("OLAP.Storage.sshIdentityFile");
-  std::string executable = itsParset.getString("OLAP.Storage.msWriter");
-  std::string parset     = itsParset.name();
-  char cwd[1024];
-  if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof cwd) == 0) {
-    throw SystemCallException("getcwd", errno, THROW_ARGS);
-  }
-  itsStoragePIDs.resize(itsStorageHostNames.size());
-  for (unsigned rank = 0; rank < itsStorageHostNames.size(); rank ++)
-    forkSSH(sshKey.c_str(),
-	    userName.c_str(),
-	    itsStorageHostNames[rank].c_str(),
-	    executable.c_str(),
-	    boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(rank).c_str(),
-	    parset.c_str(),
-	    cwd,
-#if defined WORDS_BIGENDIAN
-	    "1",
-	    "0",
-	    itsStoragePIDs[rank]);
-void Job::stopStorageProcesses()
-  // warning: there could be zero storage processes
-  unsigned timeleft = 10;
-  for (unsigned rank = 0; rank < itsStoragePIDs.size(); rank ++)
-    joinSSH(itsStoragePIDs[rank], itsStorageHostNames[rank], timeleft);
-void Job::waitUntilCloseToStartOfObservation(time_t secondsPriorToStart)
-  time_t closeToStart = static_cast<time_t>(itsParset.startTime()) - secondsPriorToStart;
-  char   buf[26];
-  ctime_r(&closeToStart, buf);
-  buf[24] = '\0';
-  LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Waiting for job to start: sleeping until " << buf);
-  itsWallClockTime.waitUntil(closeToStart);
-void Job::cancel()
-  // note that JobQueue holds lock, so that this function executes atomically
-  if (itsDoCancel) {
-    LOG_WARN_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Observation already cancelled");
-  } else {
-    itsDoCancel = true;
-    //jobQueue.itsReevaluate.broadcast();
-    if (itsParset.realTime())
-      itsWallClockTime.cancelWait();
-  }
-void Job::claimResources()
-  ScopedLock scopedLock(jobQueue.itsMutex);
-  while (!itsDoCancel) {
-    bool conflict = false;
-    for (std::vector<Job *>::iterator job = jobQueue.itsJobs.begin(); job != jobQueue.itsJobs.end(); job ++) {
-      std::stringstream error;
-      if ((*job)->itsIsRunning && (*job)->itsParset.conflictingResources(itsParset, error)) {
-	conflict = true;
-	LOG_WARN_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Postponed due to resource conflict with job " << (*job)->itsObservationID << ": " << error.str());
-      }
-    }
-    if (!conflict) {
-      itsIsRunning = true;
-      return;
-    }
-    jobQueue.itsReevaluate.wait(jobQueue.itsMutex);
-  }
-void Job::jobThread()
-  if (myPsetNumber == 0 || itsHasPhaseOne || itsHasPhaseTwo || itsHasPhaseThree) {
-    createCNstreams();
-    createIONstreams();
-    if (myPsetNumber == 0) {
-      // PLC: DEFINE phase
-      bool canStart = true;
-      if (!checkParset()) {
-        canStart = false;
-      }
-      if (!itsPLCClient) {
-        // we are either not PLC controlled, or we're supposed to be but can't connect to
-        // the ApplController
-        LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Not controlled by ApplController");
-        // perform some functions which ApplController would have us do
-        // obey the stop time in the parset -- the first anotherRun() will broadcast it
-        if (!pause(itsParset.stopTime())) {
-          LOG_ERROR_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Could not set observation stop time");
-          canStart = false;
-        }
-      }
-      if (canStart) {
-        // PLC: INIT phase
-        if (itsParset.realTime())
-          waitUntilCloseToStartOfObservation(10);
-        // PLC: in practice, RUN must start here, because resources
-        // can become available just before the observation starts.
-        // This means we will miss the beginning of the observation
-        // for now, because we need to calculate the delays still,
-        // which can only be done if we know the start time.
-        // That means we forgo full PLC control for now and ignore
-        // the init/run commands. In practice, the define command
-        // won't be useful either since we'll likely disconnect
-        // due to an invalid parset before PLC can ask.
-        claimResources();
-        // we could start Storage before claiming resources
-        if (itsIsRunning && itsParset.hasStorage())
-          startStorageProcesses();
-      } 
-    }
-    broadcast(itsIsRunning);
-    if (itsIsRunning) {
-      // PLC: RUN phase
-      // each node is expected to:
-      // 1. agree() on starting, to allow the compute nodes to complain in preprocess()
-      // 2. call anotherRun() until the end of the observation to synchronise the
-      //    stop time.
-      if (itsHasPhaseOne || itsHasPhaseTwo || itsHasPhaseThree) {
-	switch (itsParset.nrBitsPerSample()) {
-	  case  4 : doObservation<i4complex>();
-		    break;
-	  case  8 : doObservation<i8complex>();
-		    break;
-	  case 16 : doObservation<i16complex>();
-		    break;
-	}
-      } else {
-        if (agree(true)) { // we always agree on the fact that we can start
-          // force pset 0 to broadcast itsIsRunning periodically
-	  while (anotherRun())
-	    ;
-        }    
-      }    
-      // PLC: PAUSE phase
-      barrier();
-      // PLC: RELEASE phase
-      // all InputSections and OutputSections have finished their processing, so
-      // Storage should be done any second now.
-      stopStorageProcesses();
-    }
-  }
-  finishedJobs.append(this);
-void Job::createCNstreams()
-  std::vector<unsigned> usedCoresInPset = itsParset.usedCoresInPset();
-  itsCNstreams.resize(usedCoresInPset.size());
-  for (unsigned core = 0; core < usedCoresInPset.size(); core ++)
-    itsCNstreams[core] = allCNstreams[usedCoresInPset[core]];
-  if (itsHasPhaseOne || itsHasPhaseTwo) {
-    std::vector<unsigned> phaseOneTwoCores = itsParset.phaseOneTwoCores();
-    itsPhaseOneTwoCNstreams.resize(phaseOneTwoCores.size());
-    for (unsigned core = 0; core < phaseOneTwoCores.size(); core ++)
-      itsPhaseOneTwoCNstreams[core] = allCNstreams[phaseOneTwoCores[core]];
-  }
-  if (itsHasPhaseThree) {
-    std::vector<unsigned> phaseThreeCores = itsParset.phaseThreeCores();
-    itsPhaseThreeCNstreams.resize(phaseThreeCores.size());
-    for (unsigned core = 0; core < phaseThreeCores.size(); core ++)
-      itsPhaseThreeCNstreams[core] = allCNstreams[phaseThreeCores[core]];
-  }
-template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void Job::attachToInputSection()
-  ScopedLock scopedLock(theInputSectionMutex);
-  if (theInputSectionRefCount == 0) {
-    theInputSection = new InputSection<SAMPLE_TYPE>(itsParset, myPsetNumber);
-    ++ theInputSectionRefCount;
-  }
-template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void Job::detachFromInputSection()
-  ScopedLock scopedLock(theInputSectionMutex);
-  if (-- theInputSectionRefCount == 0)
-    delete static_cast<InputSection<SAMPLE_TYPE> *>(theInputSection);
-bool Job::configureCNs()
-  bool success = true;
-  CN_Command command(CN_Command::PREPROCESS);
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Configuring cores " << itsParset.usedCoresInPset() << " ...");
-  for (unsigned core = 0; core < itsCNstreams.size(); core ++) {
-    command.write(itsCNstreams[core]);
-    itsParset.write(itsCNstreams[core]);
-  }
-#if 0 // FIXME: leads to deadlock when using TCP
-  for (unsigned core = 0; core < itsCNstreams.size(); core ++) {
-    char failed;
-    itsCNstreams[core]->read(&failed, sizeof failed);
-    if (failed) {
-      LOG_ERROR_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Core " << core << " failed to initialise");
-      success = false;
-    }
-  }
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Configuring cores " << itsParset.usedCoresInPset() << " done");
-  return success;
-void Job::unconfigureCNs()
-  CN_Command command(CN_Command::POSTPROCESS);
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Unconfiguring cores " << itsParset.usedCoresInPset() << " ...");
-  for (unsigned core = 0; core < itsCNstreams.size(); core ++)
-    command.write(itsCNstreams[core]);
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Unconfiguring cores " << itsParset.usedCoresInPset() << " done");
-bool Job::anotherRun()
-  if (-- itsNrBlockTokens == 0) {
-    itsNrBlockTokens = itsNrBlockTokensPerBroadcast;
-    // only consider cancelling at itsNrBlockTokensPerBroadcast boundaries
-    itsIsRunning = !itsDoCancel;
-    // only allow pset 0 to actually decide whether or not to stop
-    broadcast(itsIsRunning);
-    // sync updated stop times -- abuse atomicity of copying itsRequestedStopTime
-    itsStopTime = itsRequestedStopTime;
-    broadcast(itsStopTime);
-  }
-  bool done = !itsIsRunning;
-  if (itsStopTime > 0.0) {
-    // start time of last processed block
-    double currentTime = itsParset.startTime() + itsBlockNumber * itsParset.CNintegrationTime();
-    done = done || currentTime >= itsStopTime;
-  }
-  itsBlockNumber ++;
-  return !done;
-template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void Job::doObservation()
-  std::vector<OutputSection *> outputSections;
-    LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "----- Observation start");
-  // first: send configuration to compute nodes so they know what to expect
-  if (myPsetNumber == 0)
-    configureCNs();
-  if (!agree(configureCNs())) {
-    unconfigureCNs();
-      LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "----- Observation finished");
-    return;
-  }
-  if (itsHasPhaseOne)
-    attachToInputSection<SAMPLE_TYPE>();
-  if (itsHasPhaseTwo) {
-    if (itsParset.outputFilteredData())
-      outputSections.push_back(new FilteredDataOutputSection(itsParset, createCNstream));
-    if (itsParset.outputCorrelatedData())
-      outputSections.push_back(new CorrelatedDataOutputSection(itsParset, createCNstream));
-    if (itsParset.outputIncoherentStokes())
-      outputSections.push_back(new IncoherentStokesOutputSection(itsParset, createCNstream));
-  }
-  if (itsHasPhaseThree) {
-    if (itsParset.outputBeamFormedData())
-      outputSections.push_back(new BeamFormedDataOutputSection(itsParset, createCNstream));
-    if (itsParset.outputCoherentStokes())
-      outputSections.push_back(new CoherentStokesOutputSection(itsParset, createCNstream));
-    if (itsParset.outputTrigger())
-      outputSections.push_back(new TriggerDataOutputSection(itsParset, createCNstream));
-  }
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "doObservation processing input start");
-  { // separate scope to ensure that the beamletbuffertocomputenode objects
-    // only exist if the beamletbuffers exist in the inputsection
-    std::vector<SmartPtr<BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE> > > noInputs;
-    BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>   beamletBufferToComputeNode(itsParset, itsPhaseOneTwoCNstreams, itsHasPhaseOne ? static_cast<InputSection<SAMPLE_TYPE> *>(theInputSection)->itsBeamletBuffers : noInputs, myPsetNumber);
-    ControlPhase3Cores controlPhase3Cores(itsParset, itsPhaseThreeCNstreams);
-    while (anotherRun()) {
-      for (unsigned i = 0; i < outputSections.size(); i ++)
-	outputSections[i]->addIterations(1);
-      controlPhase3Cores.addIterations(1);
-      beamletBufferToComputeNode.process();
-    }
-    LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "doObservation processing input done");
-  }
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < outputSections.size(); i ++)
-    outputSections[i]->noMoreIterations();
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < outputSections.size(); i ++)
-    delete outputSections[i];
-  if (itsHasPhaseOne)
-    detachFromInputSection<SAMPLE_TYPE>();
-  if (myPsetNumber == 0)
-    unconfigureCNs();
-    LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "----- Observation finished");
-bool Job::checkParset() const
-  // any error detected by the python environment, invalidating this parset
-  string pythonParsetError = itsParset.getString("OLAP.IONProc.parsetError","");
-  if (pythonParsetError != "" ) {
-    LOG_ERROR_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Early detected parset error: " << pythonParsetError );
-    return false;
-  }
-  try {
-    itsParset.check();
-  } catch( InterfaceException &ex ) {
-    LOG_ERROR_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Parset check failed on " << ex.what() );
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (itsParset.nrCoresPerPset() > nrCNcoresInPset) {
-    LOG_ERROR_STR(itsLogPrefix << "nrCoresPerPset (" << itsParset.nrCoresPerPset() << ") cannot exceed " << nrCNcoresInPset);
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-void Job::printInfo() const
-  LOG_INFO_STR(itsLogPrefix << "JobID = " << itsJobID << ", " << (itsIsRunning ? "running" : "not running"));
-// expected sequence: define -> init -> run -> pause -> release -> quit
-bool Job::define()
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Job: define(): check parset");
-  return checkParset();
-bool Job::init()
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Job: init(): allocate buffers / make connections");
-  return true;
-bool Job::run()
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Job: run(): run observation");
-  // we ignore this, since 'now' is both ill-defined and we need time
-  // to communicate changes to other psets
-  return true;
-bool Job::pause(const double &when)
-  char   buf[26];
-  time_t whenRounded = static_cast<time_t>(when);
-  ctime_r(&whenRounded, buf);
-  buf[24] = '\0';
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Job: pause(): pause observation at " << buf);
-  // make sure we don't interfere with queue dynamics
-  ScopedLock scopedLock(jobQueue.itsMutex);
-  if (itsParset.realTime() && (when == 0 || when <= itsParset.startTime())) { // yes we can compare a double to 0
-    // make sure we also stop waiting for the job to start
-    if (!itsDoCancel)
-      cancel();
-  } else {
-    itsRequestedStopTime = when;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool Job::quit()
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Job: quit(): end observation");
-  // stop now
-  if (!itsDoCancel) {
-    ScopedLock scopedLock(jobQueue.itsMutex);
-    cancel();
-  }
-  return true;
-bool Job::observationRunning()
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "Job: observationRunning()");
-  return itsIsRunning;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Job.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Job.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 634c3cbe3b9e05b61658c28c2f1e0d17f5541461..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Job.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-//#  Job.h
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: ION_main.cc 15296 2010-03-24 10:19:41Z romein $
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-#if !defined LOFAR_RTCP_JOB_H
-#include <InputSection.h>
-#include <Interface/Parset.h>
-#include <Interface/SmartPtr.h>
-#include <JobQueue.h>
-#include <Stream/Stream.h>
-#include <WallClockTime.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Mutex.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Queue.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Thread.h>
-#include <PLCClient.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-class Job : public PLCRunnable
-  public:
-					 Job(const char *parsetName);
-					 ~Job();
-    void				 cancel();
-    void				 printInfo() const;
-    const Parset			 itsParset;
-    const unsigned			 itsJobID, itsObservationID;
-    // implement PLCRunnable
-    virtual bool			 define();
-    virtual bool			 init();
-    virtual bool			 run();
-    virtual bool			 pause(const double &when);
-    virtual bool			 quit();
-    virtual bool			 observationRunning();
-  private:
-    bool				 checkParset() const;
-    void				 createCNstreams();
-    bool				 configureCNs();
-    void				 unconfigureCNs();
-    void				 createIONstreams();
-    void				 barrier();
-    bool                                 agree(bool iAgree);
-    template <typename T> void		 broadcast(T &);
-    void				 claimResources();
-    bool				 anotherRun();
-    void				 jobThread();
-    template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void doObservation();
-    template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void attachToInputSection();
-    template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void detachFromInputSection();
-    static void				 execSSH(const char *sshKey, const char *userName, const char *hostName, const char *executable, const char *rank, const char *parset, const char *cwd, const char *isBigEndian);
-    static void				 forkSSH(const char *sshKey, const char *userName, const char *hostName, const char *executable, const char *rank, const char *parset, const char *cwd, const char *isBigEndian, int &storagePID);
-    void				 joinSSH(int childPID, const std::string &hostName, unsigned &timeout);
-    void				 startStorageProcesses();
-    void				 stopStorageProcesses();
-    void				 waitUntilCloseToStartOfObservation(time_t secondsPriorToStart);
-    SmartPtr<Stream>			 itsPLCStream;
-    SmartPtr<PLCClient>			 itsPLCClient;
-    std::string                          itsLogPrefix;
-    std::vector<std::string>		 itsStorageHostNames;
-    std::vector<int>			 itsStoragePIDs;
-    std::vector<Stream *>		 itsCNstreams, itsPhaseOneTwoCNstreams, itsPhaseThreeCNstreams;
-    std::vector<SmartPtr<Stream> >	 itsIONstreams;
-    bool				 itsHasPhaseOne, itsHasPhaseTwo, itsHasPhaseThree;
-    bool				 itsIsRunning, itsDoCancel;
-    unsigned                             itsBlockNumber;
-    double                               itsRequestedStopTime, itsStopTime;
-    unsigned				 itsNrBlockTokens, itsNrBlockTokensPerBroadcast;
-    static unsigned			 nextJobID;
-    WallClockTime			 itsWallClockTime;
-    static void				 *theInputSection;
-    static Mutex			 theInputSectionMutex;
-    static unsigned			 theInputSectionRefCount;
-    SmartPtr<Thread>			 itsJobThread;
-extern Queue<Job *> finishedJobs;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/LockedRanges.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/LockedRanges.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e1ac8d2492f3e85d6a445af4f9deca5a0e93f1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/LockedRanges.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-//# Copyright (C) 2007
-//# ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//# P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//# (at your option) any later version.
-//# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//# GNU General Public License for more details.
-//# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//# $Id: LockedRanges.h 17975 2011-05-10 09:52:51Z mol $
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <Interface/SparseSet.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Condition.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Mutex.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-class LockedRanges
-  public:
-    LockedRanges(unsigned bufferSize);
-    void lock(unsigned begin, unsigned end);
-    void unlock(unsigned begin, unsigned end);
-  private:
-    SparseSet<unsigned> itsLockedRanges;
-    Mutex		itsMutex;
-    Condition		itsRangeUnlocked;
-    const unsigned	itsBufferSize;
-inline LockedRanges::LockedRanges(unsigned bufferSize)
-  itsBufferSize(bufferSize)
-inline void LockedRanges::lock(unsigned begin, unsigned end)
-  ScopedLock scopedLock(itsMutex);
-  if (begin < end) {
-    while (itsLockedRanges.subset(begin, end).count() > 0) {
-      LOG_WARN_STR("Circular buffer: reader & writer try to use overlapping sections, range to lock = (" << begin << ", " << end << "), already locked = " << itsLockedRanges);
-      itsRangeUnlocked.wait(itsMutex);
-    }
-    itsLockedRanges.include(begin, end);
-  } else {
-    while (itsLockedRanges.subset(begin, itsBufferSize).count() > 0 || itsLockedRanges.subset(0, end).count() > 0) {
-      LOG_WARN_STR("Circular buffer: reader & writer try to use overlapping sections, range to lock = (" << begin << ", " << end << "), already locked = " << itsLockedRanges);
-      itsRangeUnlocked.wait(itsMutex);
-    }
-    itsLockedRanges.include(begin, itsBufferSize).include(0, end);
-  }
-inline void LockedRanges::unlock(unsigned begin, unsigned end)
-  ScopedLock scopedLock(itsMutex);
-  if (begin < end)
-    itsLockedRanges.exclude(begin, end);
-  else
-    itsLockedRanges.exclude(end, itsBufferSize).exclude(0, begin);
-  itsRangeUnlocked.broadcast();
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/LogThread.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/LogThread.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 388186b0b1bc1389c0760b23c84cdbf66c02bfcf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/LogThread.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-//#  LogThread.cc:
-//#  Copyright (C) 2008
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: LogThread.cc 17975 2011-05-10 09:52:51Z mol $
-//# Always #include <lofar_config.h> first!
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include <LogThread.h>
-#include <Scheduling.h>
-#include <Interface/PrintVector.h>
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Cancellation.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <unistd.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-// log from separate thread, since printing from a signal handler causes deadlocks
-LogThread::LogThread(unsigned nrRspBoards, std::string stationName)
-  itsCounters(nrRspBoards),
-  itsStationName(stationName),
-  itsThread(this, &LogThread::mainLoop, "[LogThread] ", 65536)
-  itsThread.cancel();
-  LOG_DEBUG_STR("[LogThread] finished");
-#if defined HAVE_BGP_ION
-bool LogThread::readCPUstats(struct CPUload &load)
-  FILE *file = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");
-  int  retval;
-  if (file == 0)
-    return false;
-  // make sure the file is always closed -- even on cancellation (fscanf CAN be a cancellation point)
-  struct D {
-    ~D() {
-      fclose(file);
-    }
-    FILE *file;
-  } onDestruct = { file };
-  (void)onDestruct;
-  do
-    retval = fscanf(file, "cpu %llu %*u %llu %llu %*u %*u %llu %*u\n", &load.user, &load.system, &load.idle, &load.interrupt);
-  while (retval != 4 && retval != EOF);
-  do
-    retval = fscanf(file, "cpu0 %*u %*u %*u %llu %*u %*u %*u %*u\n", &load.idle0);
-  while (retval != 1 && retval != EOF);
-  return retval != EOF;
-void LogThread::writeCPUstats(std::stringstream &str)
-  struct CPUload load;
-  struct timeval tv;
-  if (readCPUstats(load)) {
-    gettimeofday( &tv, 0 );
-    float timediff = (tv.tv_sec - previousTimeval.tv_sec) + (tv.tv_usec - previousTimeval.tv_usec)/1.0e6;
-    //str << ", us/sy/in/id: ["
-    str << ", us/sy/in/id(0): ["
-	<< fixed << setprecision(0) 
-        << (unsigned(load.user	    - previousLoad.user)      + 2) / 4 / timediff << '/'
-	<< (unsigned(load.system    - previousLoad.system)    + 2) / 4 / timediff << '/'
-	<< (unsigned(load.interrupt - previousLoad.interrupt) + 2) / 4 / timediff << '/'
-	<< (unsigned(load.idle	    - previousLoad.idle)      + 2) / 4 / timediff << '('
-	<< (unsigned(load.idle0	    - previousLoad.idle0) / timediff) << ")]";
-#if 0
-	<< "], id: ["
-	<< (unsigned(load.idlePerCore[0] - previousLoad.idlePerCore[0]) << '/'
-    for (unsigned cpu = 0; cpu < 4; cpu ++)
-      str << unsigned(load.idle[cpu] - previousLoad.idle[cpu])
-	  << (cpu == 3 ? ']' : ',');
-    previousLoad = load;
-    previousTimeval = tv;
-  } else {
-    str << ", no CPU load info";
-  }
-void LogThread::mainLoop()
-#if defined HAVE_BGP_ION
-  runOnCore0();
-  readCPUstats(previousLoad);
-  gettimeofday(&previousTimeval,0);
-  //LOG_DEBUG("LogThread running");
-  // non-atomic updates from other threads cause race conditions, but who cares
-  while (true) {
-    std::stringstream	  logStr;
-    std::vector<unsigned> counts(itsCounters.size());
-    for (unsigned rsp = 0; rsp < itsCounters.size(); rsp ++) {
-      counts[rsp]		= itsCounters[rsp].received;
-      itsCounters[rsp].received = 0;
-    }
-    logStr << "[station " << itsStationName << "] ";
-    logStr << "received packets = " << counts;
-    for (unsigned rsp = 0; rsp < itsCounters.size(); rsp ++) {
-      counts[rsp]	       = itsCounters[rsp].badSize;
-      itsCounters[rsp].badSize = 0;
-    }
-    if (static_cast<unsigned>(std::count(counts.begin(), counts.end(), 0U)) != counts.size())
-      logStr << ", bad size = " << counts;
-    for (unsigned rsp = 0; rsp < itsCounters.size(); rsp ++) {
-      counts[rsp]		    = itsCounters[rsp].badTimeStamp;
-      itsCounters[rsp].badTimeStamp = 0;
-    }
-    if (static_cast<unsigned>(std::count(counts.begin(), counts.end(), 0U)) != counts.size())
-      logStr << ", bad timestamps = " << counts;
-#if defined HAVE_BGP_ION
-    writeCPUstats(logStr);
-    LOG_INFO_STR(logStr.str());
-    sleep(15);
-  }
-  //LOG_DEBUG("LogThread stopped");
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/LogThread.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/LogThread.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2da47b09f09ed422d734234926094802ce93190a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/LogThread.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-//#  LogThread.h: log from separate thread, since printing from a signal
-//#  handler causes deadlocks
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: LogThread.h 17975 2011-05-10 09:52:51Z mol $
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-#include <Common/Thread/Thread.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-class LogThread
-  public:
-    LogThread(unsigned nrRspBoards, std::string stationName);
-    ~LogThread();
-    struct Counters {
-      unsigned received, badTimeStamp, badSize;
-      unsigned pad[5]; // pad to cache line size to avoid false sharing 
-    };
-    std::vector<Counters> itsCounters;
-  private:
-    void	mainLoop();
-    std::string itsStationName;
-    Thread	itsThread;
-#if defined HAVE_BGP_ION
-    struct CPUload {
-      //unsigned long long user, system, interrupt, idle, idlePerCore[4];
-      unsigned long long user, system, interrupt, idle, idle0;
-    } previousLoad;
-    struct timeval previousTimeval;
-    bool readCPUstats(struct CPUload &load);
-    void writeCPUstats(std::stringstream &str);
-  };
-  // @}
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/NewCorrelator.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/NewCorrelator.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index 307c70f347743ea6201b6fd2a87fad59ad62812d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/NewCorrelator.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-#define BLOCK_SIZE		8
-typedef __global float (*CorrectedDataType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_CHANNELS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL][NR_POLARIZATIONS * 2];
-typedef __global float8 (*VisibilitiesType)[NR_BASELINES][NR_CHANNELS];
-#if 0
-__kernel void correlateTriangles(__global void *visibilitiesPtr,
-				 __global const void *correctedDataPtr
-  VisibilitiesType visibilities = (VisibilitiesType) visibilitiesPtr;
-  CorrectedDataType correctedData = (CorrectedDataType) correctedDataPtr;
-  __local float4 samples[BLOCK_SIZE][NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK];
-  uint triangle = get_global_id(1);
-  uint channel  = get_global_id(2);
-  uint firstStation = triangle * NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK;
-  float4 vis_0A_r = (float4) 0, vis_0A_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_0B_r = (float4) 0, vis_0B_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_1A_r = (float4) 0, vis_1A_i = (float4) 0;
-  float4 vis_1B_r = (float4) 0, vis_1B_i = (float4) 0;
-  for (uint major = 0; major < NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; major += BLOCK_SIZE) {
-    // load data into local memory
-#pragma unroll 1
-    for (uint i = get_local_id(0); i < BLOCK_SIZE * NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK; i += get_local_size(0)) {
-      uint time = i % BLOCK_SIZE;
-      uint stat = i / BLOCK_SIZE;
-      if (firstStation + stat < NR_STATIONS)
-	samples[time][stat] = (*correctedData)[firstStation + stat][channel][major + time];
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    // compute auto-correlations
-    if (firstStation + get_local_id(0) < NR_STATIONS) {
-      for (time = 0; time + BLOCK_SIZE; time ++) {
-	float sample = samples[time][get_local_id(0)];
-      }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK * NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK / 4, 1, 1)))
-void correlateRectangles(__global void *visibilitiesPtr,
-			 __global const void *correctedDataPtr
-  VisibilitiesType visibilities = (VisibilitiesType) visibilitiesPtr;
-  CorrectedDataType correctedData = (CorrectedDataType) correctedDataPtr;
-  __local float4 samplesX[2][BLOCK_SIZE][NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK / 2 | 1];
-  __local float4 samplesY[2][BLOCK_SIZE][NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK / 2 | 1];
-  uint block	 = get_global_id(1);
-  uint channel   = get_global_id(2);
-  uint blockX	 = convert_uint_rtz(sqrt(convert_float(8 * block + 1)) - 0.99999f) / 2;
-  uint blockY	 = block - blockX * (blockX + 1) / 2;
-  uint firstStationX = (blockX + 1) * NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK;
-  uint firstStationY = blockY * NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK;
-  int  firstStationY = (blockY - 1) * NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATIONS % NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK;
-  uint statXoffset = (get_local_id(0) / (NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK / 2));
-  uint statYoffset = (get_local_id(0) % (NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK / 2));
-  float4 vis_0A_r = 0, vis_0A_i = 0;
-  float4 vis_0B_r = 0, vis_0B_i = 0;
-  float4 vis_1A_r = 0, vis_1A_i = 0;
-  float4 vis_1B_r = 0, vis_1B_i = 0;
-  for (uint major = 0; major < NR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; major += BLOCK_SIZE) {
-    // load data into local memory
-    for (uint i = get_local_id(0); i < 4 * BLOCK_SIZE * NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK; i += NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK * NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK / 4) {
-      uint p = i % 4;
-      uint time = i / 4 % BLOCK_SIZE;
-      uint stat = i / 4 / BLOCK_SIZE;
-      ((__local float *) &samplesX[stat % 2][time][stat / 2])[p] = (*correctedData)[firstStationX + stat][channel][major + time][p];
-      if (NR_STATIONS % NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK == 0 || (int) (firstStationY + stat) >= 0)
-	((__local float *) &samplesY[stat % 2][time][stat / 2])[p] = (*correctedData)[firstStationY + stat][channel][major + time][p];
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (NR_STATIONS % NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK == 0 || (int) (firstStationY + 2 * statYoffset) >= -1) {
-      for (uint time = 0; time < BLOCK_SIZE; time ++) {
-        float4 sample_0 = samplesY[0][time][statYoffset];
-        float4 sample_A = samplesX[0][time][statXoffset];
-        float4 sample_B = samplesX[1][time][statXoffset];
-        float4 sample_1 = samplesY[1][time][statYoffset];
-        vis_0A_r += sample_0.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-        vis_0A_i += sample_0.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-        vis_0B_r += sample_0.xxzz * sample_B.xzxz;
-        vis_0B_i += sample_0.yyww * sample_B.xzxz;
-        vis_1A_r += sample_1.xxzz * sample_A.xzxz;
-        vis_1A_i += sample_1.yyww * sample_A.xzxz;
-        vis_1B_r += sample_1.xxzz * sample_B.xzxz;
-        vis_1B_i += sample_1.yyww * sample_B.xzxz;
-        vis_0A_r += sample_0.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-        vis_0A_i -= sample_0.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-        vis_0B_r += sample_0.yyww * sample_B.ywyw;
-        vis_0B_i -= sample_0.xxzz * sample_B.ywyw;
-        vis_1A_r += sample_1.yyww * sample_A.ywyw;
-        vis_1A_i -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_A.ywyw;
-        vis_1B_r += sample_1.yyww * sample_B.ywyw;
-        vis_1B_i -= sample_1.xxzz * sample_B.ywyw;
-      }
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-  int  statY = firstStationY + 2 * statYoffset;
-  uint statX = firstStationX + 2 * statXoffset;
-  uint baseline = (statX * (statX + 1) / 2) + statY;
-  if (NR_STATIONS % NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK == 0 || statY >= 0) {
-    (*visibilities)[baseline    ][channel].even = vis_0A_r;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline    ][channel].odd  = vis_0A_i;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline + 1][channel].even = vis_1A_r;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline + 1][channel].odd  = vis_1A_i;
-  }
-  if (NR_STATIONS % NR_STATIONS_PER_BLOCK == 0 || statY >= -1) {
-    (*visibilities)[baseline + statX + 1][channel].even = vis_0B_r;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline + statX + 1][channel].odd  = vis_0B_i;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline + statX + 2][channel].even = vis_1B_r;
-    (*visibilities)[baseline + statX + 2][channel].odd  = vis_1B_i;
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/NewCorrelator.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/NewCorrelator.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index c69f71f47ba5748d5cb342ecbed29c627f766f0f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/NewCorrelator.cl-0.ptx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenCL_Support.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenCL_Support.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index ef32c2c6dabbabd75b402600f9e19b834345a11b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenCL_Support.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-#include "lofar_config.h"
-#include "OpenCL_Support.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-const char *errorMessage(cl_int error)
-  switch (error) {
-    case CL_SUCCESS:				return "Success!";
-    case CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND:			return "Device not found.";
-    case CL_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE:		return "Device not available";
-    case CL_COMPILER_NOT_AVAILABLE:		return "Compiler not available";
-    case CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE:	return "Memory object allocation failure";
-    case CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES:			return "Out of resources";
-    case CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY:			return "Out of host memory";
-    case CL_PROFILING_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE:	return "Profiling information not available";
-    case CL_MEM_COPY_OVERLAP:			return "Memory copy overlap";
-    case CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_MISMATCH:		return "Image format mismatch";
-    case CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED:		return "Image format not supported";
-    case CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE:		return "Program build failure";
-    case CL_MAP_FAILURE:			return "Map failure";
-    case CL_INVALID_VALUE:			return "Invalid value";
-    case CL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE:		return "Invalid device type";
-    case CL_INVALID_PLATFORM:			return "Invalid platform";
-    case CL_INVALID_DEVICE:			return "Invalid device";
-    case CL_INVALID_CONTEXT:			return "Invalid context";
-    case CL_INVALID_QUEUE_PROPERTIES:		return "Invalid queue properties";
-    case CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE:		return "Invalid command queue";
-    case CL_INVALID_HOST_PTR:			return "Invalid host pointer";
-    case CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT:			return "Invalid memory object";
-    case CL_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR:	return "Invalid image format descriptor";
-    case CL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE:			return "Invalid image size";
-    case CL_INVALID_SAMPLER:			return "Invalid sampler";
-    case CL_INVALID_BINARY:			return "Invalid binary";
-    case CL_INVALID_BUILD_OPTIONS:		return "Invalid build options";
-    case CL_INVALID_PROGRAM:			return "Invalid program";
-    case CL_INVALID_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE:		return "Invalid program executable";
-    case CL_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME:		return "Invalid kernel name";
-    case CL_INVALID_KERNEL_DEFINITION:		return "Invalid kernel definition";
-    case CL_INVALID_KERNEL:			return "Invalid kernel";
-    case CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX:			return "Invalid argument index";
-    case CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE:			return "Invalid argument value";
-    case CL_INVALID_ARG_SIZE:			return "Invalid argument size";
-    case CL_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS:		return "Invalid kernel arguments";
-    case CL_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION:		return "Invalid work dimension";
-    case CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE:		return "Invalid work group size";
-    case CL_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE:		return "Invalid work item size";
-    case CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_OFFSET:		return "Invalid global offset";
-    case CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST:		return "Invalid event wait list";
-    case CL_INVALID_EVENT:			return "Invalid event";
-    case CL_INVALID_OPERATION:			return "Invalid operation";
-    case CL_INVALID_GL_OBJECT:			return "Invalid OpenGL object";
-    case CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE:		return "Invalid buffer size";
-    case CL_INVALID_MIP_LEVEL:			return "Invalid mip-map level";
-    default:					return "Unknown";
-  }
-void createContext(cl::Context &context, std::vector<cl::Device> &devices)
-  const char *platformName = getenv("PLATFORM");
-#if defined __linux__
-  if (platformName == 0)
-    platformName = "NVIDIA CUDA";
-    //platformName = "AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing";
-  cl_device_type type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT;
-  const char *deviceType = getenv("TYPE");
-  if (deviceType != 0) {
-    if (strcmp(deviceType, "GPU") == 0)
-      type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU;
-    else if (strcmp(deviceType, "CPU") == 0)
-      type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU;
-    else
-      std::cerr << "warning: unrecognized device type" << std::endl;
-  }
-  const char *deviceName = getenv("DEVICE");
-  std::vector<cl::Platform> platforms;
-  cl::Platform::get(&platforms);
-  for (std::vector<cl::Platform>::iterator platform = platforms.begin(); platform != platforms.end(); platform ++) {
-    std::cout << "Platform profile: " << platform->getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE>() << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Platform name: " << platform->getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_NAME>() << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Platform version: " << platform->getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_VERSION>() << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Platform extensions: " << platform->getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS>() << std::endl;
-  }
-  for (std::vector<cl::Platform>::iterator platform = platforms.begin(); platform != platforms.end(); platform ++) {
-    if (platform->getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_NAME>() == platformName) {
-      platform->getDevices(type, &devices);
-      if (deviceName != 0)
-	for (std::vector<cl::Device>::iterator device = devices.end(); -- device >= devices.begin();)
-	  if (device->getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>() != deviceName)
-	    devices.erase(device);
-      for (std::vector<cl::Device>::iterator device = devices.begin(); device != devices.end(); device ++) {
-	std::cout << "device: " << device->getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>() << std::endl;
-	std::cout << "max mem: " << device->getInfo<CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE>() << std::endl;
-      }
-      cl_context_properties cps[3] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)(*platform)(), 0 };
-      context = cl::Context(type, cps);
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  std::cerr << "Platform not found" << std::endl;
-  exit(1);
-cl::Program createProgram(cl::Context &context, std::vector<cl::Device> &devices, const char *sources, const char *args)
-  std::ifstream		kernelStream(sources);
-  std::string		kernelSource((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(kernelStream)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
-  cl::Program::Sources	source(1, std::make_pair(kernelSource.data(), kernelSource.size()));
-  cl::Program		program(context, source);
-  try {
-    program.build(devices, args);
-    std::string msg;
-    program.getBuildInfo(devices[0], CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, &msg);
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << msg;
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-    if (strcmp(error.what(), "clBuildProgram") == 0) {
-      std::string msg;
-      program.getBuildInfo(devices[0], CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, &msg);
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-      std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
-      exit(1);
-    } else {
-      throw;
-    }
-  }
-#if 1
-  std::vector<size_t> binarySizes = program.getInfo<CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES>();
-#if 0
-  // cl::Program::getInfo<> cl.hpp broken
-  std::vector<char *> binaries    = program.getInfo<CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES>();
-  std::vector<char *> binaries(binarySizes.size());
-  for (unsigned b = 0; b < binaries.size(); b ++)
-    binaries[b] = new char[binarySizes[b]];
-  cl_int error = clGetProgramInfo(program(), CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES, binaries.size() * sizeof(char *), &binaries[0], 0);
-  if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-    throw cl::Error(error, "clGetProgramInfo"); // FIXME: cleanup binaries[*]
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1 /*binaries.size()*/; i ++) {
-    std::stringstream filename;
-    filename << sources << '-' << i << ".ptx";
-    std::ofstream(filename.str().c_str(), std::ofstream::binary).write(binaries[i], binarySizes[i]);
-  }
-#if 1
-  for (unsigned b = 0; b < binaries.size(); b ++)
-    delete [] binaries[b];
-  return program;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenCL_Support.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenCL_Support.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 51b33660316d4c0c035da2a2d78395aa9a49f0ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenCL_Support.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-#if !defined OPEN_CL_SUPPORT_H
-#include <CL/cl.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
-#include <vector>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-extern const char *errorMessage(cl_int error);
-extern void createContext(cl::Context &, std::vector<cl::Device> &);
-extern cl::Program createProgram(cl::Context &, std::vector<cl::Device> &, const char *sources, const char *args);
-template <class T> class HostBufferAllocator
-  public:
-    // type definitions
-    typedef T		   value_type;
-    typedef T		   *pointer;
-    typedef const T	   *const_pointer;
-    typedef T		   &reference;
-    typedef const T	   &const_reference;
-    typedef std::size_t    size_type;
-    typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
-    // rebind allocator to type U
-    template <class U> struct rebind {
-      typedef HostBufferAllocator<U> other;
-    };
-    // return address of values
-    pointer address(reference value) const
-    {
-      return &value;
-    }
-    const_pointer address(const_reference value) const
-    {
-      return &value;
-    }
-    // constructors and destructor
-    // - nothing to do because the allocator has no state
-    HostBufferAllocator(cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl_mem_flags flags = CL_MEM_READ_WRITE) throw()
-    :
-      queue(queue),
-      flags(flags)
-    {
-    }
-    HostBufferAllocator(const HostBufferAllocator &other) throw()
-    :
-      queue(other.queue),
-      flags(other.flags)
-    {
-    }
-    template <class U> HostBufferAllocator(const HostBufferAllocator<U> &other) throw()
-    :
-      queue(other.queue),
-      flags(other.flags)
-    {
-    }
-    ~HostBufferAllocator() throw()
-    {
-    }
-    // return maximum number of elements that can be allocated
-    size_type max_size() const throw()
-    {
-      return queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>().getInfo<CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE>() / sizeof(T);
-    }
-    // allocate but don't initialize num elements of type T
-    pointer allocate(size_type num, const void * = 0)
-    {
-      buffer = cl::Buffer(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT>(), flags | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, num * sizeof(T));
-      return static_cast<pointer>(queue.enqueueMapBuffer(buffer, CL_TRUE, flags & CL_MEM_READ_WRITE ? CL_MAP_READ | CL_MAP_WRITE : flags & CL_MEM_READ_ONLY ? CL_MAP_READ : flags & CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY ? CL_MAP_WRITE : 0, 0, num * sizeof(T)));
-    }
-    // deallocate storage p of deleted elements
-    void deallocate(pointer ptr, size_type /*num*/)
-    {
-      queue.enqueueUnmapMemObject(buffer, ptr);
-    }
-    // initialize elements of allocated storage p with value value
-    void construct(pointer p, const T& value)
-    {
-      // initialize memory with placement new
-      new ((void *) p) T(value);
-    }
-    // destroy elements of initialized storage p
-    void destroy(pointer p)
-    {
-      // destroy objects by calling their destructor
-      p->~T();
-    }
-    cl::CommandQueue queue;
-    cl_mem_flags     flags;
-    cl::Buffer	     buffer;
-// return that all specializations of this allocator are interchangeable
-template <class T1, class T2> bool operator == (const HostBufferAllocator<T1> &, const HostBufferAllocator<T2> &) throw()
-  return true;
-template <class T1, class T2> bool operator != (const HostBufferAllocator<T1> &, const HostBufferAllocator<T2> &) throw()
-  return false;
-template <typename T, std::size_t DIM> class MultiArrayHostBuffer : public boost::multi_array<T, DIM, HostBufferAllocator<T> >
-  public:
-    template <typename ExtentList> MultiArrayHostBuffer(const ExtentList &extents, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl_mem_flags flags)
-    :
-      boost::multi_array<T, DIM, HostBufferAllocator<T> >(extents, boost::c_storage_order(), HostBufferAllocator<T>(queue, flags))
-    {
-    }
-    size_t bytesize() const
-    {
-      return this->num_elements() * sizeof(T);
-    }
-template <typename T> class VectorHostBuffer : public std::vector<T, HostBufferAllocator<T> >
-  public:
-    VectorHostBuffer(size_t size, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl_mem_flags flags)
-    :
-      std::vector<T, HostBufferAllocator<T> >(size, T(), HostBufferAllocator<T>(queue, flags))
-    {
-    }
-#if 0
-template <typename T, std::size_t DIM> class MultiArraySharedBuffer
-  public:
-    template <typename ExtentList> MultiArraySharedBuffer(const ExtentList &extents, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl_mem_flags hostBufferFlags, cl_mem_flags deviceBufferFlags)
-    :
-      hostBuffer(extents, queue, hostBufferFlags),
-      deviceBuffer(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT>(), deviceBufferFlags, hostBuffer.num_elements() * sizeof(T)),
-      queue(queue)
-    {
-    }
-    void hostToGPU(cl_bool synchronous = CL_FALSE)
-    {
-      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(deviceBuffer, synchronous, 0, hostBuffer.num_elements() * sizeof(T), hostBuffer.origin(), 0, &event);
-    }
-    void GPUtoHost(cl_bool synchronous = CL_FALSE)
-    {
-      queue.enqueueReadBuffer(deviceBuffer, synchronous, 0, hostBuffer.num_elements() * sizeof(T), hostBuffer.origin(), 0, &event);
-    }
-    operator cl::Buffer & ()
-    {
-      return deviceBuffer;
-    }
-    MultiArrayHostBuffer<T, DIM> hostBuffer;
-    cl::Buffer			 deviceBuffer;
-    cl::CommandQueue		 queue;
-    cl::Event			 event;
-template <typename T, std::size_t DIM> class MultiArraySharedBuffer : public MultiArrayHostBuffer<T, DIM>
-  public:
-    template <typename ExtentList> MultiArraySharedBuffer(const ExtentList &extents, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl_mem_flags hostBufferFlags, cl_mem_flags deviceBufferFlags)
-    :
-      MultiArrayHostBuffer<T, DIM>(extents, queue, hostBufferFlags),
-      deviceBuffer(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT>(), deviceBufferFlags, this->bytesize()),
-      queue(queue)
-    {
-    }
-    template <typename ExtentList> MultiArraySharedBuffer(const ExtentList &extents, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl_mem_flags hostBufferFlags, cl::Buffer &devBuffer)
-    :
-      MultiArrayHostBuffer<T, DIM>(extents, queue, hostBufferFlags),
-      deviceBuffer(devBuffer),
-      queue(queue)
-    {
-    }
-    void hostToDevice(cl_bool synchronous = CL_FALSE)
-    {
-      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(deviceBuffer, synchronous, 0, this->bytesize(), this->origin(), 0, &event);
-    }
-    void deviceToHost(cl_bool synchronous = CL_FALSE)
-    {
-      queue.enqueueReadBuffer(deviceBuffer, synchronous, 0, this->bytesize(), this->origin(), 0, &event);
-    }
-    operator cl::Buffer & ()
-    {
-      return deviceBuffer;
-    }
-    cl::Buffer			 deviceBuffer;
-    cl::CommandQueue		 queue;
-    cl::Event			 event;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenMP_Support.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenMP_Support.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cd02df475e62d38b51f13812e05558ae8c5e0662..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/OpenMP_Support.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#if !defined OPEN_MP_SUPPORT_H
-#include <omp.h>
-class OMP_Lock
-  public:
-    OMP_Lock()
-    {
-      omp_init_lock(&omp_lock);
-    }
-    ~OMP_Lock()
-    {
-      omp_destroy_lock(&omp_lock);
-    }
-    void lock()
-    {
-      omp_set_lock(&omp_lock);
-    }
-    void unlock()
-    {
-      omp_unset_lock(&omp_lock);
-    }
-  private:
-    omp_lock_t omp_lock;
-class OMP_ScopedLock
-  public:
-    OMP_ScopedLock(OMP_Lock &omp_lock)
-    :
-      omp_lock(omp_lock)
-    {
-      omp_lock.lock();
-    }
-    ~OMP_ScopedLock()
-    {
-      omp_lock.unlock();
-    }
-  private:
-    OMP_Lock &omp_lock;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RSP.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RSP.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 20158437fb9af2ef5dc3249bc535e8447f091aae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RSP.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-//#  RSP: RSP data format
-//#  Copyright (C) 2008
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: RSP.h 15169 2010-03-08 15:28:17Z romein $
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-#include <cstddef>
-// All data is in Little Endian format!
-struct RSP {
-  struct Header {
-    uint8_t  version;
-    uint8_t  sourceInfo;
-    uint16_t configuration;
-    uint16_t station;
-    uint8_t  nrBeamlets;
-    uint8_t  nrBlocks;
-    uint32_t timestamp;
-    uint32_t blockSequenceNumber;
-  } header;
-  char       data[8130];
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 029cd1632f9f503a7a9a6b59364db8428c24d722..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2040 +0,0 @@
-#include "lofar_config.h"
-#include <CL/cl.hpp>
-#include <omp.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <complex>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
-#include "Align.h"
-#include "BandPass.h"
-#include "Common/lofar_datetime.h"
-#include "Common/LofarLogger.h"
-#include "Common/SystemUtil.h"
-#include "FilterBank.h"
-#include "InputSection.h"
-#include "Interface/Parset.h"
-#include "OpenCL_FFT/clFFT.h"
-#include "OpenCL_Support.h"
-#include "OpenMP_Support.h"
-#include "UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.h"
-//#include "clAmdFft/include/clAmdFft.h"
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-bool	 profiling = true;
-unsigned nrGPUs;
-//#define NR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE	 8
-#define NR_TAPS			16
-#define USE_2X2
-#undef USE_B7015
-double getTime()
-  static double firstTime = 0.0;
-#if defined __linux__
-  struct timeval tv;
-  if (gettimeofday(&tv, 0) < 0) {
-    perror("gettimeofday");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  double now = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / 1e6;
-#elif defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined _WIN64
-  static LARGE_INTEGER freq;
-  if (firstTime == 0 && !QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq))
-    std::cerr << "No high-resolution timer available" << std::endl;
-  QueryPerformanceCounter(&time);
-  double now = (double) time.QuadPart / (double) freq.QuadPart;
-  if (firstTime == 0.0)
-    firstTime = now;
-  return now - firstTime;
-class PerformanceCounter
-  public:
-    PerformanceCounter(const std::string &name);
-    ~PerformanceCounter();
-    void doOperation(cl::Event &, size_t nrOperations, size_t nrBytesRead, size_t nrBytesWritten);
-  private:
-    static void eventCompleteCallBack(cl_event, cl_int /*status*/, void *counter);
-    size_t	      totalNrOperations, totalNrBytesRead, totalNrBytesWritten;
-    double	      totalTime;
-    unsigned	      totalEvents;
-    const std::string name;
-PerformanceCounter::PerformanceCounter(const std::string &name)
-  totalNrOperations(0),
-  totalNrBytesRead(0),
-  totalNrBytesWritten(0),
-  totalTime(0),
-  totalEvents(0),
-  name(name)
-  if (totalTime > 0)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << std::setw(12) << name
-	      << std::setprecision(3)
-	      << ": avg. time = " << 1000 * totalTime / totalEvents << " ms, "
-		 "GFLOP/s = " << totalNrOperations / totalTime / 1e9 << ", "
-		 "R/W = " << totalNrBytesRead / totalTime / 1e9 << '+'
-	      << totalNrBytesWritten / totalTime / 1e9 << '='
-	      << (totalNrBytesRead + totalNrBytesWritten) / totalTime / 1e9 << " GB/s"
-	      << std::endl;
-void PerformanceCounter::eventCompleteCallBack(cl_event ev, cl_int /*status*/, void *counter)
-  cl::Event event(ev);
-  size_t queued, submitted, start, stop;
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED, &queued);
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT, &submitted);
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START, &start);
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, &stop);
-  double seconds = (stop - start) / 1e9;
-  if (seconds < 0 || seconds > 15)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "BAH! " << omp_get_thread_num() << ": " << queued << ' ' << submitted - queued << ' ' << start - queued << ' ' << stop - queued << std::endl;
-#pragma omp atomic
-  static_cast<PerformanceCounter *>(counter)->totalTime += seconds;
-  // cl::~Event() decreases ref count
-void PerformanceCounter::doOperation(cl::Event &event, size_t nrOperations, size_t nrBytesRead, size_t nrBytesWritten)
-  // reference count between C and C++ conversions is serously broken in C++ wrapper
-  cl_event ev = event();
-  cl_int error = clRetainEvent(ev);
-  if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-    throw cl::Error(error, "clRetainEvent");
-  if (profiling) {
-    event.setCallback(CL_COMPLETE, &PerformanceCounter::eventCompleteCallBack, this);
-#pragma omp atomic
-    totalNrOperations   += nrOperations;
-#pragma omp atomic
-    totalNrBytesRead    += nrBytesRead;
-#pragma omp atomic
-    totalNrBytesWritten += nrBytesWritten;
-#pragma omp atomic
-    ++ totalEvents;
-  }
-cl::Program createProgram(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, std::vector<cl::Device> &devices, const char *sources)
-  std::stringstream args;
-  args << "-cl-fast-relaxed-math";
-  std::vector<cl_context_properties> properties;
-  context.getInfo(CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES, &properties);
-  if (cl::Platform((cl_platform_id) properties[1]).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_NAME>() == "NVIDIA CUDA") {
-    args << " -cl-nv-verbose";
-    args << " -cl-nv-opt-level=99";
-    //args << " -cl-nv-maxrregcount=63";
-    args << " -DNVIDIA_CUDA";
-  }
-  //if (devices[0].getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>() == "GeForce GTX 680")
-    //args << " -DUSE_FLOAT4_IN_CORRELATOR";
-  args << " -I" << dirname(__FILE__);
-  args << " -DNR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE=" << ps.nrBitsPerSample();
-  args << " -DSUBBAND_BANDWIDTH=" << std::setprecision(7) << ps.subbandBandwidth() << 'f';
-  args << " -DNR_SUBBANDS=" << ps.nrSubbands();
-  args << " -DNR_CHANNELS=" << ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-  args << " -DNR_STATIONS=" << ps.nrStations();
-  args << " -DNR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL=" << ps.nrSamplesPerChannel();
-  args << " -DNR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND=" << ps.nrSamplesPerSubband();
-  args << " -DNR_BEAMS=" << ps.nrBeams();
-  args << " -DNR_TABS=" << ps.nrTABs();
-  args << " -DNR_COHERENT_STOKES=" << ps.nrCoherentStokes();
-  args << " -DNR_INCOHERENT_STOKES=" << ps.nrIncoherentStokes();
-  args << " -DCOHERENT_STOKES_TIME_INTEGRATION_FACTOR=" << ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor();
-  args << " -DINCOHERENT_STOKES_TIME_INTEGRATION_FACTOR=" << ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor();
-  args << " -DNR_TAPS=" << NR_TAPS;
-  if (ps.delayCompensation())
-    args << " -DDELAY_COMPENSATION";
-  if (ps.correctBandPass())
-    args << " -DBANDPASS_CORRECTION";
-  args << " -DDEDISPERSION_FFT_SIZE=" << ps.dedispersionFFTsize();
-  return createProgram(context, devices, dirname(__FILE__).append("/").append(sources).c_str(), args.str().c_str());
-class FFT_Plan
-  public:
-    FFT_Plan(cl::Context &context, unsigned fftSize)
-    {
-      clFFT_Dim3 dim = { fftSize, 1, 1 };
-      cl_int error;
-      plan = clFFT_CreatePlan(context(), dim, clFFT_1D, clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat, &error);
-      if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-	throw cl::Error(error, "clFFT_CreatePlan");
-      //clFFT_DumpPlan(plan, stdout);
-    }
-    ~FFT_Plan()
-    {
-      clFFT_DestroyPlan(plan);
-    }
-    clFFT_Plan plan;
-class Pipeline
-  public:
-			    Pipeline(const Parset &);
-    cl::Program		    createProgram(const char *sources);
-    const Parset	    &ps;
-    cl::Context		    context;
-    std::vector<cl::Device> devices;
-    SmartPtr<InputSection<i16complex> > inputSection16;
-    SmartPtr<InputSection<i8complex> >	inputSection8;
-    SmartPtr<InputSection<i4complex> >	inputSection4;
-class CorrelatorPipeline : public Pipeline
-  public:
-			    CorrelatorPipeline(const Parset &);
-    void		    doWork();
-  //private:
-    //friend class CorrelatorWorkQueue;
-    FilterBank		    filterBank;
-    cl::Program		    firFilterProgram, delayAndBandPassProgram, correlatorProgram;
-    PerformanceCounter	    firFilterCounter, delayAndBandPassCounter, correlatorCounter, fftCounter;
-    PerformanceCounter	    samplesCounter, visibilitiesCounter;
-#if defined USE_B7015
-    OMP_Lock hostToDeviceLock[4], deviceToHostLock[4];
-class BeamFormerPipeline : public Pipeline
-  public:
-			    BeamFormerPipeline(const Parset &);
-    void		    doWork();
-    cl::Program		    intToFloatProgram, delayAndBandPassProgram, beamFormerProgram, transposeProgram, dedispersionChirpProgram;
-    PerformanceCounter	    intToFloatCounter, fftCounter, delayAndBandPassCounter, beamFormerCounter, transposeCounter, dedispersionForwardFFTcounter, dedispersionChirpCounter, dedispersionBackwardFFTcounter;
-    PerformanceCounter	    samplesCounter;
-class UHEP_Pipeline : public Pipeline
-  public:
-			    UHEP_Pipeline(const Parset &);
-    void		    doWork();
-    cl::Program		    beamFormerProgram, transposeProgram, invFFTprogram, invFIRfilterProgram, triggerProgram;
-    PerformanceCounter	    beamFormerCounter, transposeCounter, invFFTcounter, invFIRfilterCounter, triggerCounter;
-    PerformanceCounter	    beamFormerWeightsCounter, samplesCounter;
-Pipeline::Pipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  ps(ps)//,
-  //inputSection16(ps.nrBitsPerSample() == 16 ? new InputSection<i16complex>(ps, 0) : 0),
-  //inputSection8(ps.nrBitsPerSample() == 8 ? new InputSection<i8complex>(ps, 0) : 0),
-  //inputSection4(ps.nrBitsPerSample() == 4 ? new InputSection<i4complex>(ps, 0) : 0)
-  createContext(context, devices);
-cl::Program Pipeline::createProgram(const char *sources)
-  return LOFAR::RTCP::createProgram(ps, context, devices, sources);
-CorrelatorPipeline::CorrelatorPipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  Pipeline(ps),
-  filterBank(true, NR_TAPS, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(), KAISER),
-  firFilterCounter("FIR filter"),
-  delayAndBandPassCounter("delay/bp"),
-  correlatorCounter("correlator"),
-  fftCounter("FFT"),
-  samplesCounter("samples"),
-  visibilitiesCounter("visibilities")
-  filterBank.negateWeights();
-  double startTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp parallel sections
-  {
-#pragma omp section
-    firFilterProgram = createProgram("FIR.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    delayAndBandPassProgram = createProgram("DelayAndBandPass.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    correlatorProgram = createProgram("NewCorrelator.cl");
-    //correlatorProgram = createProgram("Correlator.cl");
-  }
-  std::cout << "compile time = " << getTime() - startTime << std::endl;
-BeamFormerPipeline::BeamFormerPipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  Pipeline(ps),
-  intToFloatCounter("int-to-float"),
-  fftCounter("FFT"),
-  delayAndBandPassCounter("delay/bp"),
-  beamFormerCounter("beamformer"),
-  transposeCounter("transpose"),
-  dedispersionForwardFFTcounter("ddisp.fw.FFT"),
-  dedispersionChirpCounter("chirp"),
-  dedispersionBackwardFFTcounter("ddisp.bw.FFT"),
-  samplesCounter("samples")
-  double startTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp parallel sections
-  {
-#pragma omp section
-    intToFloatProgram = createProgram("BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    delayAndBandPassProgram = createProgram("DelayAndBandPass.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    beamFormerProgram = createProgram("BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    transposeProgram = createProgram("BeamFormer/Transpose.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    dedispersionChirpProgram = createProgram("BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl");
-  }
-  std::cout << "compile time = " << getTime() - startTime << std::endl;
-UHEP_Pipeline::UHEP_Pipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  Pipeline(ps),
-  beamFormerCounter("beamformer"),
-  transposeCounter("transpose"),
-  invFFTcounter("inv. FFT"),
-  invFIRfilterCounter("inv. FIR"),
-  triggerCounter("trigger"),
-  beamFormerWeightsCounter("BF weights"),
-  samplesCounter("samples")
-  double startTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp parallel sections
-  {
-#pragma omp section
-    beamFormerProgram = createProgram("UHEP/BeamFormer.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    transposeProgram = createProgram("UHEP/Transpose.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    invFFTprogram = createProgram("UHEP/InvFFT.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    invFIRfilterProgram = createProgram("UHEP/InvFIR.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    triggerProgram = createProgram("UHEP/Trigger.cl");
-  }
-  std::cout << "compile time = " << getTime() - startTime << std::endl;
-class WorkQueue
-  public:
-    WorkQueue(Pipeline &);
-    const unsigned	gpu;
-    cl::Device		&device;
-    cl::CommandQueue	queue;
-  protected:
-    const Parset	&ps;
-class CorrelatorWorkQueue : public WorkQueue
-  public:
-    CorrelatorWorkQueue(CorrelatorPipeline &);
-    void doWork();
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-    void setTestPattern();
-    void printTestOutput();
-  //private:
-    CorrelatorPipeline	&pipeline;
-    cl::Buffer		devFIRweights;
-    cl::Buffer		devBufferA, devBufferB;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1> bandPassCorrectionWeights;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3> delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 2> phaseOffsets;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<char, 4> inputSamples;
-    cl::Buffer		devFilteredData;
-    cl::Buffer		devCorrectedData;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> visibilities;
-class BeamFormerWorkQueue : public WorkQueue
-  public:
-    BeamFormerWorkQueue(BeamFormerPipeline &);
-    void doWork();
-    BeamFormerPipeline	&pipeline;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<char, 4>	   inputSamples;
-    cl::Buffer					   devFilteredData;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1>		   bandPassCorrectionWeights;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3>		   delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 2>		   phaseOffsets;
-    cl::Buffer					   devCorrectedData;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> beamFormerWeights;
-    cl::Buffer					   devComplexVoltages;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> transposedComplexVoltages;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1>		   DMs;
-struct TriggerInfo {
-  float	   mean, variance, bestValue;
-  unsigned bestApproxIndex;
-class UHEP_WorkQueue : public WorkQueue
-  public:
-    UHEP_WorkQueue(UHEP_Pipeline &);
-    void doWork(const float *delaysAtBegin, const float *delaysAfterEnd, const float *phaseOffsets);
-    UHEP_Pipeline	&pipeline;
-    cl::Event		inputSamplesEvent, beamFormerWeightsEvent;
-    cl::Buffer		devBuffers[2];
-    cl::Buffer		devInputSamples;
-    MultiArrayHostBuffer<char, 5> hostInputSamples;
-    cl::Buffer		devBeamFormerWeights;
-    MultiArrayHostBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> hostBeamFormerWeights;
-    cl::Buffer		devComplexVoltages;
-    cl::Buffer		devReverseSubbandMapping;
-    cl::Buffer		devFFTedData;
-    cl::Buffer		devInvFIRfilteredData;
-    cl::Buffer		devInvFIRfilterWeights;
-    cl::Buffer		devTriggerInfo;
-    VectorHostBuffer<TriggerInfo> hostTriggerInfo;
-class Kernel : public cl::Kernel
-  public:
-    Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, const char *name)
-    :
-      cl::Kernel(program, name),
-      ps(ps)
-    {
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter)
-    {
-      queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(*this, cl::NullRange, globalWorkSize, localWorkSize, 0, &event);
-      counter.doOperation(event, nrOperations, nrBytesRead, nrBytesWritten);
-    }
-  protected:
-    cl::Event	 event;
-    const Parset &ps;
-    cl::NDRange  globalWorkSize, localWorkSize;
-    size_t       nrOperations, nrBytesRead, nrBytesWritten;
-class FIR_FilterKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    FIR_FilterKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples, cl::Buffer &devFIRweights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "FIR_filter")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFilteredData);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      setArg(2, devFIRweights);
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      unsigned totalNrThreads = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * 2;
-      unsigned nrPasses = (totalNrThreads + maxNrThreads - 1) / maxNrThreads;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(totalNrThreads, ps.nrStations());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(totalNrThreads / nrPasses, 1);
-      size_t nrSamples = (size_t) ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      nrOperations   = nrSamples * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_TAPS * 2 * 2;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrSamples * (NR_TAPS - 1 + ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()) * ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample();
-      nrBytesWritten = nrSamples * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    FFT_Kernel(cl::Context &context, unsigned fftSize, unsigned nrFFTs, bool forward, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      nrFFTs(nrFFTs),
-      fftSize(fftSize)
-#if defined USE_CUSTOM_FFT
-    {
-      ASSERT(fftSize == 256);
-      ASSERT(forward);
-      std::vector<cl::Device> devices = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>();
-      cl::Program program = createProgram(context, devices, "FFT.cl", "");
-      kernel = cl::Kernel(program, "fft0");
-      kernel.setArg(0, buffer);
-    }
-    , direction(forward ? clFFT_Forward : clFFT_Inverse),
-      plan(context, fftSize),
-      buffer(buffer)
-    {
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter)
-    {
-#if defined USE_CUSTOM_FFT
-      queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel, cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(nrFFTs * 64 / 4, 4), cl::NDRange(64, 4), 0, &event);
-      cl_int error = clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved(queue(), plan.plan, nrFFTs, direction, buffer(), buffer(), 0, 0, &event());
-      if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-	throw cl::Error(error, "clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved");
-      counter.doOperation(event,
-	(size_t) nrFFTs * 5 * fftSize * log2(fftSize),
-	(size_t) nrFFTs * fftSize * sizeof(std::complex<float>),
-	(size_t) nrFFTs * fftSize * sizeof(std::complex<float>));
-    }
-  private:
-    unsigned	 nrFFTs, fftSize;
-#if defined USE_CUSTOM_FFT
-    cl::Kernel	 kernel;
-    clFFT_Direction direction;
-    FFT_Plan     plan;
-    cl::Buffer	 &buffer;
-    cl::Event	 event;
-class Filter_FFT_Kernel : public FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    Filter_FFT_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData)
-    :
-      FFT_Kernel(context, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(), ps.nrStations() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel(), true, devFilteredData)
-    {
-    }
-class DelayAndBandPassKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    DelayAndBandPassKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devCorrectedData, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData, cl::Buffer &devDelaysAtBegin, cl::Buffer &devDelaysAfterEnd, cl::Buffer &devPhaseOffsets, cl::Buffer &devBandPassCorrectionWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "applyDelaysAndCorrectBandPass")
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() % 16 == 0 || ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() == 1);
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % 16 == 0);
-      setArg(0, devCorrectedData);
-      setArg(1, devFilteredData);
-      setArg(4, devDelaysAtBegin);
-      setArg(5, devDelaysAfterEnd);
-      setArg(6, devPhaseOffsets);
-      setArg(7, devBandPassCorrectionWeights);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() == 1 ? 1 : ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() / 16, ps.nrStations());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      size_t nrSamples = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      nrOperations = nrSamples * 12;
-      nrBytesRead = nrBytesWritten = nrSamples * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter, unsigned subband)
-    {
-      setArg(2, (float) ps.subbandToFrequencyMapping()[subband]);
-      setArg(3, 0); // beam
-      Kernel::enqueue(queue, counter);
-    }
-#if 0
-class CorrelatorKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    CorrelatorKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devVisibilities, cl::Buffer &devCorrectedData)
-    :
-#if defined USE_4X4
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate_4x4")
-#elif defined USE_3X3
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate_3x3")
-#elif defined USE_2X2
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate_2x2")
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devVisibilities);
-      setArg(1, devCorrectedData);
-      size_t maxNrThreads, preferredMultiple;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      std::vector<cl_context_properties> properties;
-      queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT>().getInfo(CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES, &properties);
-      if (cl::Platform((cl_platform_id) properties[1]).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_NAME>() == "AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing")
-	preferredMultiple = 256;
-      else
-	getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE, &preferredMultiple);
-#if defined USE_4X4
-      unsigned quartStations = (ps.nrStations() + 2) / 4;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = quartStations * (quartStations + 1) / 2;
-#elif defined USE_3X3
-      unsigned thirdStations = (ps.nrStations() + 2) / 3;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = thirdStations * (thirdStations + 1) / 2;
-#elif defined USE_2X2
-      unsigned halfStations = (ps.nrStations() + 1) / 2;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = halfStations * (halfStations + 1) / 2;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = ps.nrBaselines();
-      unsigned nrPasses = (nrBlocks + maxNrThreads - 1) / maxNrThreads;
-      unsigned nrThreads = (nrBlocks + nrPasses - 1) / nrPasses;
-      nrThreads = (nrThreads + preferredMultiple - 1) / preferredMultiple * preferredMultiple;
-      //std::cout << "nrBlocks = " << nrBlocks << ", nrPasses = " << nrPasses << ", preferredMultiple = " << preferredMultiple << ", nrThreads = " << nrThreads << std::endl;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(nrPasses * nrThreads, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, 1);
-      nrOperations   = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrBaselines() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 32;
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) nrPasses * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrBaselines() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class CorrelatorKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    CorrelatorKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devVisibilities, cl::Buffer &devCorrectedData)
-    :
-#if defined USE_2X2
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlateRectangles")
-#error not implemented
-    {
-      setArg(0, devVisibilities);
-      setArg(1, devCorrectedData);
-      unsigned nrRectanglesPerSide = ((ps.nrStations() - 1) / (2 * 16));
-      unsigned nrRectangles = nrRectanglesPerSide * (nrRectanglesPerSide + 1) / 2;
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-      std::cout << "nrRectangles = " << nrRectangles << std::endl;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(16 * 16, nrRectangles, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(16 * 16, 1, 1);
-      nrOperations   = (size_t) (32 * 32) * nrRectangles * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 32;
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) (32 + 32) * nrRectangles * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) (32 * 32) * nrRectangles * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class IntToFloatKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    IntToFloatKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "intToFloat")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFilteredData);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(maxNrThreads, ps.nrStations());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(maxNrThreads, 1);
-      size_t nrSamples = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      nrOperations   = nrSamples * 2;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrSamples * 2 * ps.nrBitsPerSample() / 8;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrSamples * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class IncoherentStokesKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    IncoherentStokesKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devIncoherentStokes, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "incoherentStokes")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devIncoherentStokes);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      unsigned nrTimes = ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor();
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      unsigned nrPasses = (nrTimes + maxNrThreads - 1) / maxNrThreads;
-      unsigned nrTimesPerPass = (nrTimes + nrPasses - 1) / nrPasses;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(nrTimesPerPass * nrPasses, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrTimesPerPass, 1);
-      nrOperations   = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrStations() * (ps.nrIncoherentStokes() == 1 ? 8 : 20 + 2.0 / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor());
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrIncoherentStokes() * nrTimes * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(float);
-    }
-class BeamFormerKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    BeamFormerKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages, cl::Buffer &devCorrectedData, cl::Buffer &devBeamFormerWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "complexVoltages")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devComplexVoltages);
-      setArg(1, devCorrectedData);
-      setArg(2, devBeamFormerWeights);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), 1);
-      // FIXME: nrTABs
-      //queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(*this, cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(16, ps.nrTABs(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()), cl::NDRange(16, ps.nrTABs(), 1), 0, &event);
-      size_t count = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      size_t nrWeightsBytes = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrSampleBytesPerPass = count * ps.nrStations() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass = count * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      unsigned nrPasses = std::max((ps.nrStations() + 6) / 16, 1U);
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * 8;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrWeightsBytes + nrSampleBytesPerPass + (nrPasses - 1) * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrPasses * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-    }
-class BeamFormerTransposeKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    BeamFormerTransposeKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devTransposedData, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "transposeComplexVoltages")
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % 16 == 0);
-      setArg(0, devTransposedData);
-      setArg(1, devComplexVoltages);
-      //globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() + 15) / 16);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / 16);
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      nrOperations   = 0;
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>),
-      //nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-#if 0
-class Dedispersion_FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    Dedispersion_FFT_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      ps(ps),
-      plan(context, ps.dedispersionFFTsize()),
-      buffer(buffer)
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % ps.dedispersionFFTsize() == 0);
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter, clFFT_Direction direction)
-    {
-      size_t nrFFTs = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize();
-      cl_int error = clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved(queue(), plan.plan, nrFFTs, direction, buffer(), buffer(), 0, 0, &event());
-      if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-	throw cl::Error(error, "clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved");
-      counter.doOperation(event,
-	nrFFTs * 5 * ps.dedispersionFFTsize() * log2(ps.dedispersionFFTsize()),
-	nrFFTs * ps.dedispersionFFTsize() * sizeof(std::complex<float>),
-	nrFFTs * ps.dedispersionFFTsize() * sizeof(std::complex<float>));
-    }
-  private:
-    const Parset &ps;
-    FFT_Plan	 plan;
-    cl::Buffer	 &buffer;
-    cl::Event	 event;
-class DedispersionForwardFFTkernel : public FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    DedispersionForwardFFTkernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      FFT_Kernel(context, ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), true, buffer)
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % ps.dedispersionFFTsize() == 0);
-    }
-class DedispersionBackwardFFTkernel : public FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    DedispersionBackwardFFTkernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      FFT_Kernel(context, ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), false, buffer)
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % ps.dedispersionFFTsize() == 0);
-    }
-class DedispersionChirpKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    DedispersionChirpKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Buffer &buffer, cl::Buffer &DMs)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "applyChirp")
-    {
-      setArg(0, buffer);
-      setArg(1, DMs);
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      unsigned fftSize = ps.dedispersionFFTsize();
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(fftSize, ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / fftSize, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      //std::cout << "globalWorkSize = NDRange(" << fftSize << ", " << ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / fftSize << ", " << ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() << ')' << std::endl;
-      if (fftSize <= maxNrThreads) {
-	localWorkSize = cl::NDRange(fftSize, 1, maxNrThreads / fftSize);
-	//std::cout << "localWorkSize = NDRange(" << fftSize << ", 1, " << maxNrThreads / fftSize << ')' << std::endl;
-      } else {
-	unsigned divisor;
-	for (divisor = 1; fftSize / divisor > maxNrThreads || fftSize % divisor != 0; divisor ++)
-	  ;
-	localWorkSize = cl::NDRange(fftSize / divisor, 1, 1);
-	//std::cout << "localWorkSize = NDRange(" << fftSize / divisor << ", 1, 1))" << std::endl;
-      }
-      nrOperations = (size_t) NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * (9 * ps.nrTABs() + 17),
-      nrBytesRead  = nrBytesWritten = sizeof(std::complex<float>) * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel();
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter, double subbandFrequency)
-    {
-      setArg(2, (float) subbandFrequency);
-      Kernel::enqueue(queue, counter);
-    }
-class CoherentStokesKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    CoherentStokesKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devStokesData, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "coherentStokes")
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 16 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() % 16 == 0);
-      ASSERT(ps.nrCoherentStokes() == 1 || ps.nrCoherentStokes() == 4);
-      setArg(0, devStokesData);
-      setArg(1, devComplexVoltages);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() + 15) / 16);
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      nrOperations   = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * (ps.nrCoherentStokes() == 1 ? 8 : 20 + 2.0 / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor());
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrCoherentStokes() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(float);
-    }
-class UHEP_BeamFormerKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_BeamFormerKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples, cl::Buffer &devBeamFormerWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "complexVoltages")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devComplexVoltages);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      setArg(2, devBeamFormerWeights);
-#if 1
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), ps.nrSubbands());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), 1);
-      size_t count = ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      size_t nrWeightsBytes = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrSubbands() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrSampleBytes = count * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample();
-      size_t nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass = count * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      unsigned nrPasses = std::max((ps.nrStations() + 6) / 16, 1U);
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * 8;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrWeightsBytes + nrSampleBytes + (nrPasses - 1) * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrPasses * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-      ASSERT(ps.nrTABs() % 3 == 0);
-      ASSERT(ps.nrStations() % 6 == 0);
-      unsigned nrThreads = NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrTABs() / 3) * (ps.nrStations() / 6);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, ps.nrSubbands());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, 1);
-      //globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(ps.nrStations() / 6, ps.nrTABs() / 3, ps.nrSubbands());
-      //localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(ps.nrStations() / 6, ps.nrTABs() / 3, 1);
-      size_t count = ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      size_t nrWeightsBytes = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrSubbands() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrSampleBytes = count * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample();
-      size_t nrComplexVoltagesBytes = count * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * 8;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrWeightsBytes + nrSampleBytes;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrComplexVoltagesBytes;
-    }
-class UHEP_TransposeKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_TransposeKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFFTedData, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages, cl::Buffer &devReverseSubbandMapping)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "UHEP_Transpose")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFFTedData);
-      setArg(1, devComplexVoltages);
-      setArg(2, devReverseSubbandMapping);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, 512 / 16);
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      nrOperations   = 0;
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class UHEP_InvFFT_Kernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_InvFFT_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFFTedData)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "inv_fft")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFFTedData);
-      setArg(1, devFFTedData);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(128, ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(128, 1);
-      size_t nrFFTs = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1);
-      nrOperations   = nrFFTs * 5 * 1024 * 10;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrFFTs * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = nrFFTs * 1024 * sizeof(float);
-    }
-class UHEP_InvFIR_Kernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_InvFIR_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devInvFIRfilteredData, cl::Buffer &devFFTedData, cl::Buffer &devInvFIRfilterWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "invFIRfilter")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devInvFIRfilteredData);
-      setArg(1, devFFTedData);
-      setArg(2, devInvFIRfilterWeights);
-      size_t maxNrThreads, nrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      // round down to nearest power of two
-      for (nrThreads = 1024; nrThreads > maxNrThreads; nrThreads /= 2)
-	;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(1024, NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, 1, 1);
-      size_t count = ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * 1024;
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS * 2;
-      nrBytesRead    = count * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * sizeof(float);
-      nrBytesWritten = count * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * sizeof(float);
-    }
-class UHEP_TriggerKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_TriggerKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devTriggerInfo, cl::Buffer &devInvFIRfilteredData)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "trigger")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devTriggerInfo);
-      setArg(1, devInvFIRfilteredData);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(16, 16, ps.nrTABs());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(16, 16, 1);
-      nrOperations   = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024 * (3 /* power */ + 2 /* window */ + 1 /* max */ + 7 /* mean/variance */);
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024 * sizeof(float);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(TriggerInfo);
-    }
-WorkQueue::WorkQueue(Pipeline &pipeline)
-  gpu(omp_get_thread_num() % nrGPUs),
-  device(pipeline.devices[gpu]),
-  ps(pipeline.ps)
-#if defined __linux__ && defined USE_B7015
-  set_affinity(gpu);
-  queue = cl::CommandQueue(pipeline.context, device, profiling ? CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE : 0);
-CorrelatorWorkQueue::CorrelatorWorkQueue(CorrelatorPipeline &pipeline)
-  WorkQueue(pipeline),
-  pipeline(pipeline),
-  devBufferA(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ps.nrStations() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(std::complex<float>)),
-  devBufferB(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ps.nrStations() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(std::complex<float>)),
-  bandPassCorrectionWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAtBegin(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAfterEnd(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  phaseOffsets(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  //inputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_TAPS - 1) * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
- //visibilities(boost::extents[ps.nrBaselines()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY)
-  inputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_TAPS - 1) * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, devBufferA),
- visibilities(boost::extents[ps.nrBaselines()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, devBufferB)
-  size_t firWeightsSize = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_TAPS * sizeof(float);
-  devFIRweights = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, firWeightsSize);
-  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devFIRweights, CL_TRUE, 0, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_TAPS * sizeof(float), pipeline.filterBank.getWeights().origin());
-#if 0
-  size_t filteredDataSize = ps.nrStations() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  devFilteredData = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, filteredDataSize);
-  devCorrectedData = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, filteredDataSize);
-  devFilteredData = devBufferB;
-  devCorrectedData = devBufferA;
-  if (ps.correctBandPass()) {
-    BandPass::computeCorrectionFactors(bandPassCorrectionWeights.origin(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-    bandPassCorrectionWeights.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  }
-void CorrelatorWorkQueue::doWork()
-  FIR_FilterKernel firFilterKernel(ps, queue, pipeline.firFilterProgram, devFilteredData, inputSamples, devFIRweights);
-  Filter_FFT_Kernel fftKernel(ps, pipeline.context, devFilteredData);
-  DelayAndBandPassKernel delayAndBandPassKernel(ps, pipeline.delayAndBandPassProgram, devCorrectedData, devFilteredData, delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd, phaseOffsets, bandPassCorrectionWeights);
-  CorrelatorKernel correlatorKernel(ps, queue, pipeline.correlatorProgram, visibilities, devCorrectedData);
-  double startTime = ps.startTime(), currentTime, stopTime = ps.stopTime(), blockTime = ps.CNintegrationTime();
-#pragma omp barrier
-  double executionStartTime = getTime();
-  for (unsigned block = 0; (currentTime = startTime + block * blockTime) < stopTime; block ++) {
-#pragma omp single
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "block = " << block << ", time = " << to_simple_string(from_ustime_t(currentTime)) << std::endl;
-    memset(delaysAtBegin.origin(), 0, delaysAtBegin.bytesize());
-    memset(delaysAfterEnd.origin(), 0, delaysAfterEnd.bytesize());
-    memset(phaseOffsets.origin(), 0, phaseOffsets.bytesize());
-    // FIXME!!!
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 3)
-      delaysAtBegin[0][2][0] = 1e-6, delaysAfterEnd[0][2][0] = 1.1e-6;
-    delaysAtBegin.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    delaysAfterEnd.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    phaseOffsets.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    queue.finish();
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
-    for (unsigned subband = 0; subband < ps.nrSubbands(); subband ++) {
-      try {
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-	if (subband == 0)
-	  setTestPattern();
-	{
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	  OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.hostToDeviceLock[gpu / 2]);
-	  inputSamples.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-	  pipeline.samplesCounter.doOperation(inputSamples.event, 0, 0, inputSamples.bytesize());
-	}
-	if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() > 1) {
-	  firFilterKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.firFilterCounter);
-	  fftKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.fftCounter);
-	}
-	delayAndBandPassKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.delayAndBandPassCounter, subband);
-	correlatorKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.correlatorCounter);
-	queue.finish();
-	{
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	  OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.deviceToHostLock[gpu / 2]);
-	  visibilities.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-	  pipeline.visibilitiesCounter.doOperation(visibilities.event, 0, visibilities.bytesize(), 0);
-	}
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-	if (subband == 0)
-	  printTestOutput();
-      } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-	std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-	exit(1);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp master
-  if (!profiling)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "run time = " << getTime() - executionStartTime << std::endl;
-// complexVoltages()
-// transpose()
-// float2 (*DedispersedDataType)[nrTABs][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()];
-// FFT()
-// applyChrip()
-// FFT-1()
-// float2 (*DedispersedDataType)[nrTABs][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()];
-// (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_CHANNELS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK][NR_TABS];
-// computeStokes()
-BeamFormerWorkQueue::BeamFormerWorkQueue(BeamFormerPipeline &pipeline)
-  WorkQueue(pipeline),
-  pipeline(pipeline),
-  inputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  devFilteredData(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ps.nrStations() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(std::complex<float>)),
-  bandPassCorrectionWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAtBegin(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAfterEnd(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  phaseOffsets(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  devCorrectedData(cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>))),
-  beamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  devComplexVoltages(cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>))),
-  //transposedComplexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE)
-  transposedComplexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE),
-  DMs(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY)
-  if (ps.correctBandPass()) {
-    BandPass::computeCorrectionFactors(bandPassCorrectionWeights.origin(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-    bandPassCorrectionWeights.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  }
-void BeamFormerWorkQueue::doWork()
-  //queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devFIRweights, CL_TRUE, 0, firWeightsSize, firFilterWeights);
-  bandPassCorrectionWeights.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  DMs.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  IntToFloatKernel intToFloatKernel(ps, queue, pipeline.intToFloatProgram, devFilteredData, inputSamples);
-  Filter_FFT_Kernel fftKernel(ps, pipeline.context, devFilteredData);
-  DelayAndBandPassKernel delayAndBandPassKernel(ps, pipeline.delayAndBandPassProgram, devCorrectedData, devFilteredData, delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd, phaseOffsets, bandPassCorrectionWeights);
-  BeamFormerKernel beamFormerKernel(ps, pipeline.beamFormerProgram, devComplexVoltages, devCorrectedData, beamFormerWeights);
-  BeamFormerTransposeKernel transposeKernel(ps, pipeline.transposeProgram, transposedComplexVoltages, devComplexVoltages);
-  DedispersionForwardFFTkernel dedispersionForwardFFTkernel(ps, pipeline.context, transposedComplexVoltages);
-  DedispersionBackwardFFTkernel dedispersionBackwardFFTkernel(ps, pipeline.context, transposedComplexVoltages);
-  DedispersionChirpKernel dedispersionChirpKernel(ps, pipeline.dedispersionChirpProgram, queue, transposedComplexVoltages, DMs);
-  double startTime = ps.startTime(), currentTime, stopTime = ps.stopTime(), blockTime = ps.CNintegrationTime();
-#pragma omp barrier
-  double executionStartTime = getTime();
-  for (unsigned block = 0; (currentTime = startTime + block * blockTime) < stopTime; block ++) {
-#pragma omp single
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "block = " << block << ", time = " << to_simple_string(from_ustime_t(currentTime)) << std::endl;
-    memset(delaysAtBegin.origin(), 0, delaysAtBegin.bytesize());
-    memset(delaysAfterEnd.origin(), 0, delaysAfterEnd.bytesize());
-    memset(phaseOffsets.origin(), 0, phaseOffsets.bytesize());
-    // FIXME!!!
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 3)
-      delaysAtBegin[0][2][0] = 1e-6, delaysAfterEnd[0][2][0] = 1.1e-6;
-    delaysAtBegin.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    delaysAfterEnd.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    phaseOffsets.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    beamFormerWeights.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    queue.finish();
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
-    for (unsigned subband = 0; subband < ps.nrSubbands(); subband ++) {
-      try {
-#if 1
-	{
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	  OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.hostToDeviceLock[gpu / 2]);
-	  inputSamples.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-	  pipeline.samplesCounter.doOperation(inputSamples.event, 0, 0, inputSamples.bytesize());
-	}
-//#pragma omp critical (GPU)
-	if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() > 1) {
-	  intToFloatKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.intToFloatCounter);
-	  fftKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.fftCounter);
-	}
-	delayAndBandPassKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.delayAndBandPassCounter, subband);
-	beamFormerKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.beamFormerCounter);
-	transposeKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.transposeCounter);
-	dedispersionForwardFFTkernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.dedispersionForwardFFTcounter);
-	dedispersionChirpKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.dedispersionChirpCounter, ps.subbandToFrequencyMapping()[subband]);
-	dedispersionBackwardFFTkernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.dedispersionBackwardFFTcounter);
-	queue.finish();
-	//queue.enqueueReadBuffer(devComplexVoltages, CL_TRUE, 0, hostComplexVoltages.bytesize(), hostComplexVoltages.origin());
-	//dedispersedData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-	std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-	exit(1);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp master
-  if (!profiling)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "run time = " << getTime() - executionStartTime << std::endl;
-UHEP_WorkQueue::UHEP_WorkQueue(UHEP_Pipeline &pipeline)
-  WorkQueue(pipeline),
-  pipeline(pipeline),
-  hostInputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY),
-  hostBeamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY),
-  hostTriggerInfo(ps.nrTABs(), queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY)
-  size_t inputSamplesSize = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample();
-  size_t complexVoltagesSize = ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  size_t transposedDataSize = ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  size_t invFIRfilteredDataSize = ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  size_t buffer0size = std::max(inputSamplesSize, transposedDataSize);
-  size_t buffer1size = std::max(complexVoltagesSize, invFIRfilteredDataSize);
-  devBuffers[0] = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, buffer0size);
-  devBuffers[1] = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, buffer1size);
-  size_t beamFormerWeightsSize = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrSubbands() * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  devBeamFormerWeights = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, beamFormerWeightsSize);
-  devInputSamples = devBuffers[0];
-  devComplexVoltages = devBuffers[1];
-  devReverseSubbandMapping = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 512 * sizeof(int));
-  devInvFIRfilterWeights = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 1024 * NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS * sizeof(float));
-  devFFTedData = devBuffers[0];
-  devInvFIRfilteredData = devBuffers[1];
-  devTriggerInfo = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(TriggerInfo));
-void UHEP_WorkQueue::doWork(const float * /*delaysAtBegin*/, const float * /*delaysAfterEnd*/, const float * /*phaseOffsets*/)
-  UHEP_BeamFormerKernel beamFormer(ps, pipeline.beamFormerProgram, devComplexVoltages, devInputSamples, devBeamFormerWeights);
-  UHEP_TransposeKernel  transpose(ps, pipeline.transposeProgram, devFFTedData, devComplexVoltages, devReverseSubbandMapping);
-  UHEP_InvFFT_Kernel	invFFT(ps, pipeline.invFFTprogram, devFFTedData);
-  UHEP_InvFIR_Kernel	invFIR(ps, queue, pipeline.invFIRfilterProgram, devInvFIRfilteredData, devFFTedData, devInvFIRfilterWeights);
-  UHEP_TriggerKernel	trigger(ps, pipeline.triggerProgram, devTriggerInfo, devInvFIRfilteredData);
-  double startTime = ps.startTime(), stopTime = ps.stopTime(), blockTime = ps.CNintegrationTime();
-  unsigned nrBlocks = (stopTime - startTime) / blockTime;
-  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devInvFIRfilterWeights, CL_FALSE, 0, sizeof invertedStationPPFWeights, invertedStationPPFWeights);
-  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devReverseSubbandMapping, CL_TRUE, 0, 512 * sizeof(int), reverseSubbandMapping);
-#pragma omp barrier
-  double executionStartTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
-  for (unsigned block = 0; block < nrBlocks; block ++) {
-    try {
-      double currentTime = startTime + block * blockTime;
-//#pragma omp single // FIXME: why does the compiler complain here???
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-      std::cout << "block = " << block << ", time = " << to_simple_string(from_ustime_t(currentTime)) << std::endl;
-#if 0
-      {
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.hostToDeviceLock[gpu / 2]);
-	queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devInputSamples, CL_TRUE, 0, sampledDataSize, hostInputSamples.origin(), 0, &samplesEvent);
-      }
-      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devBeamFormerWeights, CL_FALSE, 0, hostBeamFormerWeights.bytesize(), hostBeamFormerWeights.origin(), 0, &beamFormerWeightsEvent);
-      pipeline.beamFormerWeightsCounter.doOperation(beamFormerWeightsEvent, 0, 0, hostBeamFormerWeights.bytesize());
-      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devInputSamples, CL_FALSE, 0, hostInputSamples.bytesize(), hostInputSamples.origin(), 0, &inputSamplesEvent);
-      pipeline.samplesCounter.doOperation(inputSamplesEvent, 0, 0, hostInputSamples.bytesize());
-      beamFormer.enqueue(queue, pipeline.beamFormerCounter);
-      transpose.enqueue(queue, pipeline.transposeCounter);
-      invFFT.enqueue(queue, pipeline.invFFTcounter);
-      invFIR.enqueue(queue, pipeline.invFIRfilterCounter);
-      trigger.enqueue(queue, pipeline.triggerCounter);
-      queue.finish(); // necessary to overlap I/O & computations ???
-      queue.enqueueReadBuffer(devTriggerInfo, CL_TRUE, 0, hostTriggerInfo.size() * sizeof(TriggerInfo), &hostTriggerInfo[0]);
-    } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-      std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-      exit(1);
-    }
-  }
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp master
-  if (!profiling)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "run time = " << getTime() - executionStartTime << std::endl;
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-void CorrelatorWorkQueue::setTestPattern()
-  if (ps.nrStations() >= 3) {
-    double centerFrequency = 384 * ps.sampleRate();
-    double baseFrequency = centerFrequency - .5 * ps.sampleRate();
-    unsigned testSignalChannel = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 231 ? 230 : ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() / 2;
-    double signalFrequency = baseFrequency + testSignalChannel * ps.sampleRate() / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-    for (unsigned time = 0; time < (NR_TAPS - 1 + ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()) * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(); time ++) {
-      double phi = 2.0 * M_PI * signalFrequency * time / ps.sampleRate();
-      switch (ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample()) {
-	case 4 : reinterpret_cast<std::complex<short> &>(hostInputSamples[2][time][1][0]) = std::complex<short>((short) rint(32767 * cos(phi)), (short) rint(32767 * sin(phi)));
-		 break;
-	case 2 : reinterpret_cast<std::complex<signed char> &>(hostInputSamples[2][time][1][0]) = std::complex<signed char>((signed char) rint(127 * cos(phi)), (signed char) rint(127 * sin(phi)));
-		 break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void CorrelatorWorkQueue::printTestOutput()
-  if (ps.nrBaselines() >= 6)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-  {
-    std::cout << "newgraph newcurve linetype solid pts" << std::endl;
-    //for (int channel = 0; channel < ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(); channel ++)
-    if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() == 256)
-      for (int channel = 228; channel <= 232; channel ++)
-	std::cout << channel << ' ' << hostVisibilities[5][channel][1][1] << std::endl;
-  }
-void CorrelatorPipeline::doWork()
-#pragma omp parallel num_threads((profiling ? 1 : 2) * nrGPUs)
-  try
-  {
-    CorrelatorWorkQueue(*this).doWork();
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-void BeamFormerPipeline::doWork()
-#pragma omp parallel num_threads((profiling ? 1 : 2) * nrGPUs)
-  try
-  {
-    BeamFormerWorkQueue(*this).doWork();
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-void UHEP_Pipeline::doWork()
-  float delaysAtBegin[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  float delaysAfterEnd[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  float phaseOffsets[ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  memset(delaysAtBegin, 0, sizeof delaysAtBegin);
-  memset(delaysAfterEnd, 0, sizeof delaysAfterEnd);
-  memset(phaseOffsets, 0, sizeof phaseOffsets);
-  delaysAtBegin[0][2][0] = 1e-6, delaysAfterEnd[0][2][0] = 1.1e-6;
-#pragma omp parallel num_threads((profiling ? 1 : 2) * nrGPUs)
-  try
-  {
-      UHEP_WorkQueue(*this).doWork(&delaysAtBegin[0][0][0], &delaysAfterEnd[0][0][0], &phaseOffsets[0][0]);
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-class UnitTest
-  protected:
-    UnitTest(const Parset &ps, const char *programName = 0)
-    :
-      counter(programName != 0 ? programName : "test")
-    {
-      createContext(context, devices);
-      queue = cl::CommandQueue(context, devices[0], CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE);
-      if (programName != 0)
-	program = createProgram(ps, context, devices, programName);
-    }
-    template <typename T> void check(T actual, T expected)
-    {
-      if (expected != actual) {
-	std::cerr << "Test FAILED: expected " << expected << ", computed " << actual << std::endl;
-	exit(1);
-      } else {
-	std::cout << "Test OK" << std::endl;
-      }
-    }
-    cl::Context context;
-    std::vector<cl::Device> devices;
-    cl::Program program;
-    cl::CommandQueue queue;
-    PerformanceCounter counter;
-struct CorrelatorTest : public UnitTest
-  CorrelatorTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    //UnitTest(ps, "Correlator.cl")
-    UnitTest(ps, "NewCorrelator.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 6 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 100) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> visibilities(boost::extents[ps.nrBaselines()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      CorrelatorKernel correlator(ps, queue, program, visibilities, inputData);
-      //inputData[3][5][99][1] = std::complex<float>(3, 4);
-      //inputData[4][5][99][1] = std::complex<float>(5, 6);
-      inputData[2][5][99][1] = std::complex<float>(3, 4);
-      inputData[65][5][99][1] = std::complex<float>(5, 6);
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      correlator.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      visibilities.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      //check(visibilities[13][5][1][1], std::complex<float>(39, 2));
-      //check(visibilities[5463][5][1][1], std::complex<float>(39, 2));
-      for (unsigned bl = 0; bl < ps.nrBaselines(); bl ++)
-	if (visibilities[bl][5][1][1] != std::complex<float>(0, 0))
-	  std::cout << "bl = " << bl << ", visibility = " << visibilities[bl][5][1][1] << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-struct IncoherentStokesTest : public UnitTest
-  IncoherentStokesTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/IncoherentStokes.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 14 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 108) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3> stokesData(boost::extents[ps.nrIncoherentStokes()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      IncoherentStokesKernel kernel(ps, queue, program, stokesData, inputData);
-      inputData[4][13][107][0] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      inputData[4][13][107][1] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      kernel.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      stokesData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      const static float expected[] = { 54, -28, 46, 4 };
-      for (unsigned stokes = 0; stokes < ps.nrIncoherentStokes(); stokes ++)
-	check(stokesData[stokes][107 / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][13], expected[stokes]);
-    }
-  }
-struct IntToFloatTest : public UnitTest
-  IntToFloatTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 3 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 10077) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<char, 4> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> outputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      IntToFloatKernel kernel(ps, queue, program, outputData, inputData);
-      switch (ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample()) {
-	case 4 : reinterpret_cast<std::complex<short> &>(inputData[2][10076][1][0]) = 7;
-		 break;
-	case 2 : reinterpret_cast<std::complex<signed char> &>(inputData[2][10076][1][0]) = 7;
-		 break;
-	case 1 : reinterpret_cast<i4complex &>(inputData[2][10076][1][0]) = i4complex(7, 0);
-		 break;
-      }
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      kernel.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      outputData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(outputData[2][1][10076], std::complex<float>(7.0f, 0));
-    }
-  }
-struct BeamFormerTest : public UnitTest
-  BeamFormerTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 13 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 7 && ps.nrTABs() >= 6) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> beamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
-      BeamFormerKernel beamFormer(ps, program, complexVoltages, inputData, beamFormerWeights);
-      inputData[4][6][12][1] = std::complex<float>(2.2, 3);
-      beamFormerWeights[4][6][5] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormerWeights.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormer.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      complexVoltages.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(complexVoltages[6][12][5][1], std::complex<float>(-6.2, 23));
-#if 0
-      for (unsigned tab = 0; tab < ps.nrTABs(); tab ++)
-	for (unsigned pol = 0; pol < NR_POLARIZATIONS; pol ++)
-	  for (unsigned ch = 0; ch < ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(); ch ++)
-	    for (unsigned t = 0; t < ps.nrSamplesPerChannel(); t ++)
-	      if (complexVoltages[tab][pol][ch][t] != std::complex<float>(0, 0))
-		std::cout << "complexVoltages[" << tab << "][" << pol << "][" << ch << "][" << t << "] = " << complexVoltages[tab][pol][ch][t] << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-struct BeamFormerTransposeTest : public UnitTest
-  BeamFormerTransposeTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/Transpose.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 19 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 175 && ps.nrTABs() >= 5) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> transposedData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      BeamFormerTransposeKernel transpose(ps, program, transposedData, complexVoltages);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(24, 42);
-      complexVoltages.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      transpose.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      transposedData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(transposedData[4][1][174][18], std::complex<float>(24, 42));
-    }
-  }
-struct DedispersionChirpTest : public UnitTest
-  DedispersionChirpTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrTABs() > 3 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() > 13 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize() > 1 && ps.dedispersionFFTsize() > 77) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 5> data(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize()][ps.dedispersionFFTsize()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1> DMs(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      DedispersionChirpKernel dedispersionChirpKernel(ps, program, queue, data, DMs);
-      data[3][1][13][1][77] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      DMs[3] = 2;
-      DMs.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      data.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      dedispersionChirpKernel.enqueue(queue, counter, 60e6);
-      data.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      std::cout << data[3][1][13][1][77] << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-struct CoherentStokesTest : public UnitTest
-  CoherentStokesTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 19 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 175 && ps.nrTABs() >= 5) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 4> stokesData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][ps.nrCoherentStokes()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-#if 1
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      CoherentStokesKernel stokesKernel(ps, program, stokesData, complexVoltages);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][0] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      CoherentStokesKernel stokesKernel(ps, program, stokesData, complexVoltages);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][0] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      complexVoltages.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      stokesKernel.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      stokesData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      for (unsigned stokes = 0; stokes < ps.nrCoherentStokes(); stokes ++)
-	std::cout << stokesData[4][stokes][174 / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][18] << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-struct UHEP_BeamFormerTest : public UnitTest
-  UHEP_BeamFormerTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "UHEP/BeamFormer.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) >= 13 && ps.nrSubbands() >= 7 && ps.nrTABs() >= 6) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<char, 5> inputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> beamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
-      UHEP_BeamFormerKernel beamFormer(ps, program, complexVoltages, inputSamples, beamFormerWeights);
-      switch (ps.nrBytesPerComplexSample()) {
-	case 4 : reinterpret_cast<std::complex<short> &>(inputSamples[4][6][12][1][0]) = std::complex<short>(2, 3);
-		 break;
-	case 2 : reinterpret_cast<std::complex<signed char> &>(inputSamples[4][6][12][1][0]) = std::complex<signed char>(2, 3);
-		 break;
-	case 1 : reinterpret_cast<i4complex &>(inputSamples[4][6][12][1][0]) = i4complex(2, 3);
-		 break;
-      }
-      beamFormerWeights[4][6][5] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      inputSamples.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormerWeights.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormer.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      complexVoltages.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(complexVoltages[6][12][5][1], std::complex<float>(-7, 22));
-    }
-  }
-struct UHEP_TransposeTest : public UnitTest
-  UHEP_TransposeTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "UHEP/Transpose.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrSubbands() >= 19 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 >= 175 && ps.nrTABs() >= 5) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> transposedData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][512], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      cl::Buffer devReverseSubbandMapping(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 512 * sizeof(int));
-      UHEP_TransposeKernel transpose(ps, program, transposedData, complexVoltages, devReverseSubbandMapping);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(24, 42);
-      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devReverseSubbandMapping, CL_FALSE, 0, 512 * sizeof(int), reverseSubbandMapping);
-      complexVoltages.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      transpose.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      transposedData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(transposedData[4][1][174][38], std::complex<float>(24, 42));
-    }
-  }
-struct UHEP_TriggerTest : public UnitTest
-  UHEP_TriggerTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "UHEP/Trigger.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrTABs() >= 4 && 1024 * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() > 100015) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<TriggerInfo, 1> triggerInfo(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      UHEP_TriggerKernel trigger(ps, program, triggerInfo, inputData);
-      inputData[3][1][100015] = 1000;
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      trigger.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      triggerInfo.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      std::cout << "trigger info: mean = " << triggerInfo[3].mean << ", variance = " << triggerInfo[3].variance << ", bestValue = " << triggerInfo[3].bestValue << ", bestApproxIndex = " << triggerInfo[3].bestApproxIndex << std::endl;
-      //check(triggerInfo[3].mean, (float) (1000.0f * 1000.0f) / (float) (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024));
-      check(triggerInfo[3].bestValue, 1000.0f * 1000.0f);
-      check(triggerInfo[3].bestApproxIndex, 100016U);
-    }
-  }
-#if 0
-struct FFT_Test : public UnitTest
-  FFT_Test(const Parset &ps)
-  : UnitTest(ps, "fft.cl")
-  {
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 1> in(boost::extents[8], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 1> out(boost::extents[8], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i ++)
-      in[i] = std::complex<float>(2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 2);
-    clAmdFftSetupData setupData;
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftInitSetupData(&setupData), "clAmdFftInitSetupData");
-    setupData.debugFlags = CLFFT_DUMP_PROGRAMS;
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftSetup(&setupData), "clAmdFftSetup");
-    clAmdFftPlanHandle plan;
-    size_t dim[1] = { 8 };
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftCreateDefaultPlan(&plan, context(), CLFFT_1D, dim), "clAmdFftCreateDefaultPlan");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftSetResultLocation(plan, CLFFT_OUTOFPLACE), "clAmdFftSetResultLocation");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftSetPlanBatchSize(plan, 1), "clAmdFftSetPlanBatchSize");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftBakePlan(plan, 1, &queue(), 0, 0), "clAmdFftBakePlan");
-    in.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    cl_mem ins[1] = { ((cl::Buffer) in)() };
-    cl_mem outs[1] = { ((cl::Buffer) out)() };
-#if 1
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftEnqueueTransform(plan, CLFFT_FORWARD, 1, &queue(), 0, 0, 0, ins, outs, 0), "clAmdFftEnqueueTransform");
-    cl::Kernel kernel(program, "fft_fwd");
-    kernel.setArg(0, (cl::Buffer) in);
-    kernel.setArg(1, (cl::Buffer) out);
-    queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel, cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(64, 1, 1), cl::NDRange(64, 1, 1));
-    out.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i ++)
-      std::cout << out[i] << std::endl;
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftDestroyPlan(&plan), "clAmdFftDestroyPlan");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftTeardown(), "clAmdFftTeardown");
-  }
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-  using namespace LOFAR::RTCP;
-  std::cout << "running ..." << std::endl;
-  if (setenv("DISPLAY", ":0.0", 1) < 0) {
-    perror("error setting DISPLAY");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  if (argc != 2) {
-    std::cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " parset" << std::endl;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-#if 0 && defined __linux__
-  set_affinity(0);
-  try {
-    Parset ps(argv[1]);
-#if 0
-    const char *str = getenv("NR_STATIONS");
-    ps.nrStations() = str ? atoi(str) : 77;
-    std::cout << "nr stations = " << ps.nrStations() << std::endl;
-    const char *str = getenv("NR_GPUS");
-    nrGPUs = str ? atoi(str) : 1;
-#if 0
-    ps.nrSubbands()		= 10;//488;
-    ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()	= 64;
-    ps.nrBeams()		= 1;
-    ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()	= 196608 / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-    ps.subbandBandwidth()	= 195312.5;
-    ps.correctBandPass()	= true;
-    //profiling = false; CorrelatorPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    //profiling = true; CorrelatorPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    (CorrelatorTest)(ps);
-#if 0
-    ps.nrSubbands()		  = 488;
-    ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()	  = 2048;
-    ps.nrBeams()		  = 1;
-    ps.nrTABs()			  = 128;
-    ps.nrIncoherentStokes()	  = 4;
-    ps.nrCoherentStokes()	  = 4;
-    ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() = 8;
-    ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() = 8;
-    ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()	  = 65536 / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();//262144 / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-    ps.subbandBandwidth()	  = 195312.5;
-    ps.correctBandPass()	  = true;
-    ps.dedispersionFFTsize()	  = ps.nrSamplesPerChannel();
-    profiling = false; BeamFormerPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    profiling = true; BeamFormerPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    //(IncoherentStokesTest)(ps);
-    //(IntToFloatTest)(ps);
-    //(BeamFormerTest)(ps);
-    //(BeamFormerTransposeTest)(ps);
-    //(DedispersionChirpTest)(ps);
-    //(CoherentStokesTest)(ps);
-#if 0
-    ps.nrSubbands()	   = 488;
-    ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() = 1024;
-    ps.nrBeams()	   = 1;
-    ps.subbandBandwidth()  = 195312.5;
-    ps.nrTABs()		   = 48;
-    profiling = false; UHEP_Pipeline(ps).doWork();
-    profiling = true; UHEP_Pipeline(ps).doWork();
-    //(UHEP_BeamFormerTest)(ps);
-    //(UHEP_TransposeTest)(ps);
-    //(UHEP_TriggerTest)(ps);
-#if 0
-    (FFT_Test)(ps);
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  return 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc.not b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc.not
deleted file mode 100644
index 3673b79a903558e9e9cd0eb21e1162929059144f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc.not
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2020 +0,0 @@
-#include "lofar_config.h"
-#include <CL/cl.hpp>
-#include <omp.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <complex>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
-#include "Align.h"
-#include "BandPass.h"
-#include "BeamletBuffer.h"
-#include "Common.h"
-#include "FilterBank.h"
-#include "Common/lofar_datetime.h"
-#include "Common/LofarLogger.h"
-#include "Common/SystemUtil.h"
-#include "Interface/Parset.h"
-#include "OpenCL_FFT/clFFT.h"
-#include "OpenCL_Support.h"
-#include "OpenMP_Support.h"
-#include "UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.h"
-//#include "clAmdFft/include/clAmdFft.h"
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-bool	 profiling = true;
-unsigned nrGPUs;
-//#define NR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE	 8
-#define NR_TAPS			16
-#define USE_2X2
-#undef USE_B7015
-#if 0
-typedef std::complex<short> SampleType;
-#elif NR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE == 8
-typedef std::complex<signed char> SampleType;
-#if 0
-class Parset
-  public:
-    unsigned nrStations() const { return _nrStations; }
-    unsigned nrBaselines() const { return nrStations() * (nrStations() + 1) / 2; }
-    unsigned nrSubbands() const { return _nrSubbands; }
-    float    subbandBandwidth() const { return _subbandBandwidth; }
-    unsigned nrChannelsPerSubband() const { return _nrChannelsPerSubband; }
-    unsigned nrBeams() const { return _nrBeams; }
-    unsigned nrSamplesPerChannel() const { return _nrSamplesPerChannel; }
-    bool     correctBandPass() const { return _correctBandPass; }
-    unsigned nrTABs() const { return _nrTABs; }
-    unsigned nrCoherentStokes() const { return _nrCoherentStokes; }
-    unsigned nrIncoherentStokes() const { return _nrIncoherentStokes; }
-    unsigned coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() const { return _coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor; }
-    unsigned incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() const { return _incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor; }
-    unsigned dedispersionFFTsize() const { return _dedispersionFFTsize; }
-    unsigned &nrStations() { return _nrStations; }
-    unsigned &nrSubbands() { return _nrSubbands; }
-    float    &subbandBandwidth() { return _subbandBandwidth; }
-    unsigned &nrChannelsPerSubband() { return _nrChannelsPerSubband; }
-    unsigned &nrBeams() { return _nrBeams; }
-    unsigned &nrSamplesPerChannel() { return _nrSamplesPerChannel; }
-    bool     &correctBandPass() { return _correctBandPass; }
-    unsigned &nrTABs() { return _nrTABs; }
-    unsigned &nrCoherentStokes() { return _nrCoherentStokes; }
-    unsigned &nrIncoherentStokes() { return _nrIncoherentStokes; }
-    unsigned &coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() { return _coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor; }
-    unsigned &incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() { return _incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor; }
-    unsigned &dedispersionFFTsize() { return _dedispersionFFTsize; }
-  private:
-    unsigned _nrStations;
-    unsigned _nrSubbands;
-    float    _subbandBandwidth;
-    unsigned _nrChannelsPerSubband;
-    unsigned _nrBeams;
-    unsigned _nrSamplesPerChannel;
-    bool     _correctBandPass;
-    unsigned _nrTABs;
-    unsigned _nrCoherentStokes;
-    unsigned _nrIncoherentStokes;
-    unsigned _coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor;
-    unsigned _incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor;
-    unsigned _dedispersionFFTsize;
-class PerformanceCounter
-  public:
-    PerformanceCounter(const std::string &name);
-    ~PerformanceCounter();
-    void doOperation(cl::Event &, size_t nrOperations, size_t nrBytesRead, size_t nrBytesWritten);
-  private:
-    static void eventCompleteCallBack(cl_event, cl_int /*status*/, void *counter);
-    size_t	      totalNrOperations, totalNrBytesRead, totalNrBytesWritten;
-    double	      totalTime;
-    unsigned	      totalEvents;
-    const std::string name;
-PerformanceCounter::PerformanceCounter(const std::string &name)
-  totalNrOperations(0),
-  totalNrBytesRead(0),
-  totalNrBytesWritten(0),
-  totalTime(0),
-  totalEvents(0),
-  name(name)
-  if (totalTime > 0)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << std::setw(12) << name
-	      << std::setprecision(3)
-	      << ": avg. time = " << 1000 * totalTime / totalEvents << " ms, "
-		 "GFLOP/s = " << totalNrOperations / totalTime / 1e9 << ", "
-		 "R/W = " << totalNrBytesRead / totalTime / 1e9 << '+'
-	      << totalNrBytesWritten / totalTime / 1e9 << '='
-	      << (totalNrBytesRead + totalNrBytesWritten) / totalTime / 1e9 << " GB/s"
-	      << std::endl;
-void PerformanceCounter::eventCompleteCallBack(cl_event ev, cl_int /*status*/, void *counter)
-  cl::Event event(ev);
-  size_t queued, submitted, start, stop;
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED, &queued);
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT, &submitted);
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START, &start);
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, &stop);
-  double seconds = (stop - start) / 1e9;
-  if (seconds < 0 || seconds > 15)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "BAH! " << omp_get_thread_num() << ": " << queued << ' ' << submitted - queued << ' ' << start - queued << ' ' << stop - queued << std::endl;
-#pragma omp atomic
-  static_cast<PerformanceCounter *>(counter)->totalTime += seconds;
-  // cl::~Event() decreases ref count
-void PerformanceCounter::doOperation(cl::Event &event, size_t nrOperations, size_t nrBytesRead, size_t nrBytesWritten)
-  // reference count between C and C++ conversions is serously broken in C++ wrapper
-  cl_event ev = event();
-  cl_int error = clRetainEvent(ev);
-  if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-    throw cl::Error(error, "clRetainEvent");
-  if (profiling) {
-    event.setCallback(CL_COMPLETE, &PerformanceCounter::eventCompleteCallBack, this);
-#pragma omp atomic
-    totalNrOperations   += nrOperations;
-#pragma omp atomic
-    totalNrBytesRead    += nrBytesRead;
-#pragma omp atomic
-    totalNrBytesWritten += nrBytesWritten;
-#pragma omp atomic
-    ++ totalEvents;
-  }
-cl::Program createProgram(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, std::vector<cl::Device> &devices, const char *sources)
-  std::stringstream args;
-  args << "-cl-fast-relaxed-math";
-  std::vector<cl_context_properties> properties;
-  context.getInfo(CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES, &properties);
-  if (cl::Platform((cl_platform_id) properties[1]).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_NAME>() == "NVIDIA CUDA") {
-    args << " -cl-nv-verbose";
-    args << " -cl-nv-opt-level=99";
-    //args << " -cl-nv-maxrregcount=63";
-    args << " -DNVIDIA_CUDA";
-  }
-  //if (devices[0].getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>() == "GeForce GTX 680")
-    //args << " -DUSE_FLOAT4_IN_CORRELATOR";
-  args << " -I" << dirname(__FILE__);
-  args << " -DNR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE=" << ps.nrBitsPerSample();
-  args << " -DSUBBAND_BANDWIDTH=" << std::setprecision(7) << ps.subbandBandwidth() << 'f';
-  args << " -DNR_SUBBANDS=" << ps.nrSubbands();
-  args << " -DNR_CHANNELS=" << ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-  args << " -DNR_STATIONS=" << ps.nrStations();
-  args << " -DNR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL=" << ps.nrSamplesPerChannel();
-  args << " -DNR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND=" << ps.nrSamplesPerSubband();
-  args << " -DNR_BEAMS=" << ps.nrBeams();
-  args << " -DNR_TABS=" << ps.nrTABs();
-  args << " -DNR_COHERENT_STOKES=" << ps.nrCoherentStokes();
-  args << " -DNR_INCOHERENT_STOKES=" << ps.nrIncoherentStokes();
-  args << " -DCOHERENT_STOKES_TIME_INTEGRATION_FACTOR=" << ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor();
-  args << " -DINCOHERENT_STOKES_TIME_INTEGRATION_FACTOR=" << ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor();
-  args << " -DNR_TAPS=" << NR_TAPS;
-  if (ps.delayCompensation())
-    args << " -DDELAY_COMPENSATION";
-  if (ps.correctBandPass())
-    args << " -DBANDPASS_CORRECTION";
-  args << " -DDEDISPERSION_FFT_SIZE=" << ps.dedispersionFFTsize();
-  return createProgram(context, devices, sources, args.str().c_str());
-class FFT_Plan
-  public:
-    FFT_Plan(cl::Context &context, unsigned fftSize)
-    {
-      clFFT_Dim3 dim = { fftSize, 1, 1 };
-      cl_int error;
-      plan = clFFT_CreatePlan(context(), dim, clFFT_1D, clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat, &error);
-      if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-	throw cl::Error(error, "clFFT_CreatePlan");
-      //clFFT_DumpPlan(plan, stdout);
-    }
-    ~FFT_Plan()
-    {
-      clFFT_DestroyPlan(plan);
-    }
-    clFFT_Plan plan;
-template <typename SampleType> class Pipeline
-  public:
-			    Pipeline(const Parset &);
-    cl::Program		    createProgram(const char *sources);
-    const Parset	    &ps;
-    cl::Context		    context;
-    std::vector<cl::Device> devices;
-template <typename SampleType> class CorrelatorPipeline : public Pipeline<SampleType>
-  public:
-			    CorrelatorPipeline(const Parset &);
-    void		    doWork();
-  //private:
-    //friend class CorrelatorWorkQueue;
-    FilterBank		    filterBank;
-    cl::Program		    firFilterProgram, delayAndBandPassProgram, correlatorProgram;
-    PerformanceCounter	    firFilterCounter, delayAndBandPassCounter, correlatorCounter, fftCounter;
-    PerformanceCounter	    samplesCounter, visibilitiesCounter;
-#if defined USE_B7015
-    OMP_Lock hostToDeviceLock[4], deviceToHostLock[4];
-template <typename SampleType> class BeamFormerPipeline : public Pipeline<SampleType>
-  public:
-			    BeamFormerPipeline(const Parset &);
-    void		    doWork();
-    cl::Program		    intToFloatProgram, delayAndBandPassProgram, beamFormerProgram, transposeProgram, dedispersionChirpProgram;
-    PerformanceCounter	    intToFloatCounter, fftCounter, delayAndBandPassCounter, beamFormerCounter, transposeCounter, dedispersionForwardFFTcounter, dedispersionChirpCounter, dedispersionBackwardFFTcounter;
-    PerformanceCounter	    samplesCounter;
-template <typename SampleType> class UHEP_Pipeline : public Pipeline<SampleType>
-  public:
-			    UHEP_Pipeline(const Parset &);
-    void		    doWork();
-    cl::Program		    beamFormerProgram, transposeProgram, invFFTprogram, invFIRfilterProgram, triggerProgram;
-    PerformanceCounter	    beamFormerCounter, transposeCounter, invFFTcounter, invFIRfilterCounter, triggerCounter;
-    PerformanceCounter	    beamFormerWeightsCounter, samplesCounter;
-template <typename SampleType> Pipeline<SampleType>::Pipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  ps(ps)
-  createContext(context, devices);
-template <typename SampleType> cl::Program Pipeline<SampleType>::createProgram(const char *sources)
-  return LOFAR::RTCP::createProgram(ps, context, devices, sources);
-template <typename SampleType> CorrelatorPipeline<SampleType>::CorrelatorPipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  Pipeline<SampleType>(ps),
-  filterBank(true, NR_TAPS, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(), KAISER),
-  firFilterCounter("FIR filter"),
-  delayAndBandPassCounter("delay/bp"),
-  correlatorCounter("correlator"),
-  fftCounter("FFT"),
-  samplesCounter("samples"),
-  visibilitiesCounter("visibilities")
-  filterBank.negateWeights();
-  double startTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp parallel sections
-  {
-#pragma omp section
-    firFilterProgram = this->createProgram("FIR.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    delayAndBandPassProgram = this->createProgram("DelayAndBandPass.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    correlatorProgram = this->createProgram("Correlator.cl");
-  }
-  std::cout << "compile time = " << getTime() - startTime << std::endl;
-template <typename SampleType> BeamFormerPipeline<SampleType>::BeamFormerPipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  Pipeline<SampleType>(ps),
-  intToFloatCounter("int-to-float"),
-  fftCounter("FFT"),
-  delayAndBandPassCounter("delay/bp"),
-  beamFormerCounter("beamformer"),
-  transposeCounter("transpose"),
-  dedispersionForwardFFTcounter("ddisp.fw.FFT"),
-  dedispersionChirpCounter("chirp"),
-  dedispersionBackwardFFTcounter("ddisp.bw.FFT"),
-  samplesCounter("samples")
-  double startTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp parallel sections
-  {
-#pragma omp section
-    intToFloatProgram = this->createProgram("BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    delayAndBandPassProgram = this->createProgram("DelayAndBandPass.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    beamFormerProgram = this->createProgram("BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    transposeProgram = this->createProgram("BeamFormer/Transpose.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    dedispersionChirpProgram = this->createProgram("BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl");
-  }
-  std::cout << "compile time = " << getTime() - startTime << std::endl;
-template <typename SampleType> UHEP_Pipeline<SampleType>::UHEP_Pipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  Pipeline<SampleType>(ps),
-  beamFormerCounter("beamformer"),
-  transposeCounter("transpose"),
-  invFFTcounter("inv. FFT"),
-  invFIRfilterCounter("inv. FIR"),
-  triggerCounter("trigger"),
-  beamFormerWeightsCounter("BF weights"),
-  samplesCounter("samples")
-  double startTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp parallel sections
-  {
-#pragma omp section
-    beamFormerProgram = this->createProgram("UHEP/BeamFormer.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    transposeProgram = this->createProgram("UHEP/Transpose.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    invFFTprogram = this->createProgram("UHEP/InvFFT.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    invFIRfilterProgram = this->createProgram("UHEP/InvFIR.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    triggerProgram = this->createProgram("UHEP/Trigger.cl");
-  }
-  std::cout << "compile time = " << getTime() - startTime << std::endl;
-template <typename SampleType> class WorkQueue
-  public:
-    WorkQueue(Pipeline<SampleType> &);
-    const unsigned	gpu;
-    cl::Device		&device;
-    cl::CommandQueue	queue;
-  protected:
-    const Parset	&ps;
-template <typename SampleType> class CorrelatorWorkQueue : public WorkQueue<SampleType>
-  public:
-    CorrelatorWorkQueue(CorrelatorPipeline<SampleType> &);
-    void doWork();
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-    void setTestPattern();
-    void printTestOutput();
-  //private:
-    CorrelatorPipeline<SampleType>	&pipeline;
-    cl::Buffer		devFIRweights;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1> bandPassCorrectionWeights;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3> delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 2> phaseOffsets;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<SampleType, 3> inputSamples;
-    cl::Buffer		devFilteredData;
-    cl::Buffer		devCorrectedData;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> visibilities;
-template <typename SampleType> class BeamFormerWorkQueue : public WorkQueue<SampleType>
-  public:
-    BeamFormerWorkQueue(BeamFormerPipeline<SampleType> &);
-    void doWork();
-    BeamFormerPipeline<SampleType>	&pipeline;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<SampleType, 3>	   inputSamples;
-    cl::Buffer					   devFilteredData;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1>		   bandPassCorrectionWeights;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3>		   delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 2>		   phaseOffsets;
-    cl::Buffer					   devCorrectedData;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> beamFormerWeights;
-    cl::Buffer					   devComplexVoltages;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> transposedComplexVoltages;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1>		   DMs;
-struct TriggerInfo {
-  float	   mean, variance, bestValue;
-  unsigned bestApproxIndex;
-template <typename SampleType> class UHEP_WorkQueue : public WorkQueue<SampleType>
-  public:
-    UHEP_WorkQueue(UHEP_Pipeline<SampleType> &);
-    void doWork(const float *delaysAtBegin, const float *delaysAfterEnd, const float *phaseOffsets);
-    UHEP_Pipeline<SampleType>	&pipeline;
-    cl::Event		inputSamplesEvent, beamFormerWeightsEvent;
-    cl::Buffer		devBuffers[2];
-    cl::Buffer		devInputSamples;
-    MultiArrayHostBuffer<SampleType, 4> hostInputSamples;
-    cl::Buffer		devBeamFormerWeights;
-    MultiArrayHostBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> hostBeamFormerWeights;
-    cl::Buffer		devComplexVoltages;
-    cl::Buffer		devReverseSubbandMapping;
-    cl::Buffer		devFFTedData;
-    cl::Buffer		devInvFIRfilteredData;
-    cl::Buffer		devInvFIRfilterWeights;
-    cl::Buffer		devTriggerInfo;
-    VectorHostBuffer<TriggerInfo> hostTriggerInfo;
-class Kernel : public cl::Kernel
-  public:
-    Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, const char *name)
-    :
-      cl::Kernel(program, name),
-      ps(ps)
-    {
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter)
-    {
-      queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(*this, cl::NullRange, globalWorkSize, localWorkSize, 0, &event);
-      counter.doOperation(event, nrOperations, nrBytesRead, nrBytesWritten);
-    }
-  protected:
-    cl::Event	 event;
-    const Parset &ps;
-    cl::NDRange  globalWorkSize, localWorkSize;
-    size_t       nrOperations, nrBytesRead, nrBytesWritten;
-template <typename SampleType> class FIR_FilterKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    FIR_FilterKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples, cl::Buffer &devFIRweights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "FIR_filter")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFilteredData);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      setArg(2, devFIRweights);
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      unsigned totalNrThreads = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * 2;
-      unsigned nrPasses = (totalNrThreads + maxNrThreads - 1) / maxNrThreads;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(totalNrThreads, ps.nrStations());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(totalNrThreads / nrPasses, 1);
-      size_t nrSamples = (size_t) ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      nrOperations   = nrSamples * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_TAPS * 2 * 2;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrSamples * (NR_TAPS - 1 + ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()) * sizeof(SampleType);
-      nrBytesWritten = nrSamples * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    FFT_Kernel(cl::Context &context, unsigned fftSize, unsigned nrFFTs, bool forward, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      nrFFTs(nrFFTs),
-      fftSize(fftSize)
-#if defined USE_CUSTOM_FFT
-    {
-      ASSERT(fftSize == 256);
-      ASSERT(forward);
-      std::vector<cl::Device> devices = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>();
-      cl::Program program = createProgram(context, devices, "FFT.cl", "");
-      kernel = cl::Kernel(program, "fft0");
-      kernel.setArg(0, buffer);
-    }
-    , direction(forward ? clFFT_Forward : clFFT_Inverse),
-      plan(context, fftSize),
-      buffer(buffer)
-    {
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter)
-    {
-#if defined USE_CUSTOM_FFT
-      queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel, cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(nrFFTs * 64 / 4, 4), cl::NDRange(64, 4), 0, &event);
-      cl_int error = clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved(queue(), plan.plan, nrFFTs, direction, buffer(), buffer(), 0, 0, &event());
-      if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-	throw cl::Error(error, "clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved");
-      counter.doOperation(event,
-	(size_t) nrFFTs * 5 * fftSize * log2(fftSize),
-	(size_t) nrFFTs * fftSize * sizeof(std::complex<float>),
-	(size_t) nrFFTs * fftSize * sizeof(std::complex<float>));
-    }
-  private:
-    unsigned	 nrFFTs, fftSize;
-#if defined USE_CUSTOM_FFT
-    cl::Kernel	 kernel;
-    clFFT_Direction direction;
-    FFT_Plan     plan;
-    cl::Buffer	 &buffer;
-    cl::Event	 event;
-class Filter_FFT_Kernel : public FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    Filter_FFT_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData)
-    :
-      FFT_Kernel(context, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(), ps.nrStations() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel(), true, devFilteredData)
-    {
-    }
-class DelayAndBandPassKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    DelayAndBandPassKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devCorrectedData, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData, cl::Buffer &devDelaysAtBegin, cl::Buffer &devDelaysAfterEnd, cl::Buffer &devPhaseOffsets, cl::Buffer &devBandPassCorrectionWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "applyDelaysAndCorrectBandPass")
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() % 16 == 0 || ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() == 1);
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % 16 == 0);
-      setArg(0, devCorrectedData);
-      setArg(1, devFilteredData);
-      setArg(4, devDelaysAtBegin);
-      setArg(5, devDelaysAfterEnd);
-      setArg(6, devPhaseOffsets);
-      setArg(7, devBandPassCorrectionWeights);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() == 1 ? 1 : ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() / 16, ps.nrStations());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      size_t nrSamples = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      nrOperations = nrSamples * 12;
-      nrBytesRead = nrBytesWritten = nrSamples * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter, unsigned subband)
-    {
-      setArg(2, (float) ps.subbandToFrequencyMapping()[subband]);
-      setArg(3, 0); // beam
-      Kernel::enqueue(queue, counter);
-    }
-class CorrelatorKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    CorrelatorKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devVisibilities, cl::Buffer &devCorrectedData)
-    :
-#if defined USE_4X4
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate_4x4")
-#elif defined USE_3X3
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate_3x3")
-#elif defined USE_2X2
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate_2x2")
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devVisibilities);
-      setArg(1, devCorrectedData);
-      size_t maxNrThreads, preferredMultiple;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      std::vector<cl_context_properties> properties;
-      queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT>().getInfo(CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES, &properties);
-      if (cl::Platform((cl_platform_id) properties[1]).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_NAME>() == "AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing")
-	preferredMultiple = 256;
-      else
-	getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE, &preferredMultiple);
-#if defined USE_4X4
-      unsigned quartStations = (ps.nrStations() + 2) / 4;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = quartStations * (quartStations + 1) / 2;
-#elif defined USE_3X3
-      unsigned thirdStations = (ps.nrStations() + 2) / 3;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = thirdStations * (thirdStations + 1) / 2;
-#elif defined USE_2X2
-      unsigned halfStations = (ps.nrStations() + 1) / 2;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = halfStations * (halfStations + 1) / 2;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = ps.nrBaselines();
-      unsigned nrPasses = (nrBlocks + maxNrThreads - 1) / maxNrThreads;
-      unsigned nrThreads = (nrBlocks + nrPasses - 1) / nrPasses;
-      nrThreads = (nrThreads + preferredMultiple - 1) / preferredMultiple * preferredMultiple;
-      //std::cout << "nrBlocks = " << nrBlocks << ", nrPasses = " << nrPasses << ", preferredMultiple = " << preferredMultiple << ", nrThreads = " << nrThreads << std::endl;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(nrPasses * nrThreads, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, 1);
-      nrOperations   = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrBaselines() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 32;
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) nrPasses * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrBaselines() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class IntToFloatKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    IntToFloatKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "intToFloat")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFilteredData);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(maxNrThreads, ps.nrStations());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(maxNrThreads, 1);
-      size_t nrSamples = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      nrOperations   = nrSamples * 2;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrSamples * 2 * ps.nrBitsPerSample() / 8;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrSamples * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class IncoherentStokesKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    IncoherentStokesKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devIncoherentStokes, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "incoherentStokes")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devIncoherentStokes);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      unsigned nrTimes = ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor();
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      unsigned nrPasses = (nrTimes + maxNrThreads - 1) / maxNrThreads;
-      unsigned nrTimesPerPass = (nrTimes + nrPasses - 1) / nrPasses;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(nrTimesPerPass * nrPasses, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrTimesPerPass, 1);
-      nrOperations   = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrStations() * (ps.nrIncoherentStokes() == 1 ? 8 : 20 + 2.0 / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor());
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrIncoherentStokes() * nrTimes * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(float);
-    }
-class BeamFormerKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    BeamFormerKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages, cl::Buffer &devCorrectedData, cl::Buffer &devBeamFormerWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "complexVoltages")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devComplexVoltages);
-      setArg(1, devCorrectedData);
-      setArg(2, devBeamFormerWeights);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), 1);
-      // FIXME: nrTABs
-      //queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(*this, cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(16, ps.nrTABs(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()), cl::NDRange(16, ps.nrTABs(), 1), 0, &event);
-      size_t count = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      size_t nrWeightsBytes = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrSampleBytesPerPass = count * ps.nrStations() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass = count * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      unsigned nrPasses = std::max((ps.nrStations() + 6) / 16, 1U);
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * 8;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrWeightsBytes + nrSampleBytesPerPass + (nrPasses - 1) * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrPasses * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-    }
-class BeamFormerTransposeKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    BeamFormerTransposeKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devTransposedData, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "transposeComplexVoltages")
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % 16 == 0);
-      setArg(0, devTransposedData);
-      setArg(1, devComplexVoltages);
-      //globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() + 15) / 16);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / 16);
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      nrOperations   = 0;
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>),
-      //nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-#if 0
-class Dedispersion_FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    Dedispersion_FFT_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      ps(ps),
-      plan(context, ps.dedispersionFFTsize()),
-      buffer(buffer)
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % ps.dedispersionFFTsize() == 0);
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter, clFFT_Direction direction)
-    {
-      size_t nrFFTs = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize();
-      cl_int error = clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved(queue(), plan.plan, nrFFTs, direction, buffer(), buffer(), 0, 0, &event());
-      if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-	throw cl::Error(error, "clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved");
-      counter.doOperation(event,
-	nrFFTs * 5 * ps.dedispersionFFTsize() * log2(ps.dedispersionFFTsize()),
-	nrFFTs * ps.dedispersionFFTsize() * sizeof(std::complex<float>),
-	nrFFTs * ps.dedispersionFFTsize() * sizeof(std::complex<float>));
-    }
-  private:
-    const Parset &ps;
-    FFT_Plan	 plan;
-    cl::Buffer	 &buffer;
-    cl::Event	 event;
-class DedispersionForwardFFTkernel : public FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    DedispersionForwardFFTkernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      FFT_Kernel(context, ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), true, buffer)
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % ps.dedispersionFFTsize() == 0);
-    }
-class DedispersionBackwardFFTkernel : public FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    DedispersionBackwardFFTkernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      FFT_Kernel(context, ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), false, buffer)
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % ps.dedispersionFFTsize() == 0);
-    }
-class DedispersionChirpKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    DedispersionChirpKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Buffer &buffer, cl::Buffer &DMs)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "applyChirp")
-    {
-      setArg(0, buffer);
-      setArg(1, DMs);
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      unsigned fftSize = ps.dedispersionFFTsize();
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(fftSize, ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / fftSize, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      //std::cout << "globalWorkSize = NDRange(" << fftSize << ", " << ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / fftSize << ", " << ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() << ')' << std::endl;
-      if (fftSize <= maxNrThreads) {
-	localWorkSize = cl::NDRange(fftSize, 1, maxNrThreads / fftSize);
-	//std::cout << "localWorkSize = NDRange(" << fftSize << ", 1, " << maxNrThreads / fftSize << ')' << std::endl;
-      } else {
-	unsigned divisor;
-	for (divisor = 1; fftSize / divisor > maxNrThreads || fftSize % divisor != 0; divisor ++)
-	  ;
-	localWorkSize = cl::NDRange(fftSize / divisor, 1, 1);
-	//std::cout << "localWorkSize = NDRange(" << fftSize / divisor << ", 1, 1))" << std::endl;
-      }
-      nrOperations = (size_t) NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * (9 * ps.nrTABs() + 17),
-      nrBytesRead  = nrBytesWritten = sizeof(std::complex<float>) * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel();
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter, double subbandFrequency)
-    {
-      setArg(2, (float) subbandFrequency);
-      Kernel::enqueue(queue, counter);
-    }
-class CoherentStokesKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    CoherentStokesKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devStokesData, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "coherentStokes")
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 16 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() % 16 == 0);
-      ASSERT(ps.nrCoherentStokes() == 1 || ps.nrCoherentStokes() == 4);
-      setArg(0, devStokesData);
-      setArg(1, devComplexVoltages);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() + 15) / 16);
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      nrOperations   = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * (ps.nrCoherentStokes() == 1 ? 8 : 20 + 2.0 / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor());
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrCoherentStokes() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(float);
-    }
-template <typename SampleType> class UHEP_BeamFormerKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_BeamFormerKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples, cl::Buffer &devBeamFormerWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "complexVoltages")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devComplexVoltages);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      setArg(2, devBeamFormerWeights);
-#if 1
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), ps.nrSubbands());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), 1);
-      size_t count = ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      size_t nrWeightsBytes = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrSubbands() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrSampleBytes = count * ps.nrStations() * sizeof(SampleType);
-      size_t nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass = count * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      unsigned nrPasses = std::max((ps.nrStations() + 6) / 16, 1U);
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * 8;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrWeightsBytes + nrSampleBytes + (nrPasses - 1) * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrPasses * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-      ASSERT(ps.nrTABs() % 3 == 0);
-      ASSERT(ps.nrStations() % 6 == 0);
-      unsigned nrThreads = NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrTABs() / 3) * (ps.nrStations() / 6);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, ps.nrSubbands());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, 1);
-      //globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(ps.nrStations() / 6, ps.nrTABs() / 3, ps.nrSubbands());
-      //localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(ps.nrStations() / 6, ps.nrTABs() / 3, 1);
-      size_t count = ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      size_t nrWeightsBytes = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrSubbands() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrSampleBytes = count * ps.nrStations() * sizeof(SampleType);
-      size_t nrComplexVoltagesBytes = count * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * 8;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrWeightsBytes + nrSampleBytes;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrComplexVoltagesBytes;
-    }
-class UHEP_TransposeKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_TransposeKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFFTedData, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages, cl::Buffer &devReverseSubbandMapping)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "UHEP_Transpose")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFFTedData);
-      setArg(1, devComplexVoltages);
-      setArg(2, devReverseSubbandMapping);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, 512 / 16);
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      nrOperations   = 0;
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class UHEP_InvFFT_Kernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_InvFFT_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFFTedData)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "inv_fft")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFFTedData);
-      setArg(1, devFFTedData);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(128, ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(128, 1);
-      size_t nrFFTs = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1);
-      nrOperations   = nrFFTs * 5 * 1024 * 10;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrFFTs * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = nrFFTs * 1024 * sizeof(float);
-    }
-class UHEP_InvFIR_Kernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_InvFIR_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devInvFIRfilteredData, cl::Buffer &devFFTedData, cl::Buffer &devInvFIRfilterWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "invFIRfilter")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devInvFIRfilteredData);
-      setArg(1, devFFTedData);
-      setArg(2, devInvFIRfilterWeights);
-      size_t maxNrThreads, nrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      // round down to nearest power of two
-      for (nrThreads = 1024; nrThreads > maxNrThreads; nrThreads /= 2)
-	;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(1024, NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, 1, 1);
-      size_t count = ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * 1024;
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS * 2;
-      nrBytesRead    = count * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * sizeof(float);
-      nrBytesWritten = count * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * sizeof(float);
-    }
-class UHEP_TriggerKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_TriggerKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devTriggerInfo, cl::Buffer &devInvFIRfilteredData)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "trigger")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devTriggerInfo);
-      setArg(1, devInvFIRfilteredData);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(16, 16, ps.nrTABs());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(16, 16, 1);
-      nrOperations   = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024 * (3 /* power */ + 2 /* window */ + 1 /* max */ + 7 /* mean/variance */);
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024 * sizeof(float);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(TriggerInfo);
-    }
-template <typename SampleType> WorkQueue<SampleType>::WorkQueue(Pipeline<SampleType> &pipeline)
-  gpu(omp_get_thread_num() % nrGPUs),
-  device(pipeline.devices[gpu]),
-  ps(pipeline.ps)
-#if defined __linux__ && defined USE_B7015
-  set_affinity(gpu);
-  queue = cl::CommandQueue(pipeline.context, device, profiling ? CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE : 0);
-template <typename SampleType> CorrelatorWorkQueue<SampleType>::CorrelatorWorkQueue(CorrelatorPipeline<SampleType> &pipeline)
-  WorkQueue<SampleType>(pipeline),
-  pipeline(pipeline),
-  bandPassCorrectionWeights(boost::extents[this->ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], this->queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAtBegin(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAfterEnd(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  phaseOffsets(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  inputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_TAPS - 1) * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  visibilities(boost::extents[ps.nrBaselines()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY)
-  size_t firWeightsSize = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_TAPS * sizeof(float);
-  devFIRweights = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, firWeightsSize);
-  size_t filteredDataSize = ps.nrStations() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  devFilteredData = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, filteredDataSize);
-  devCorrectedData = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, filteredDataSize);
-  if (ps.correctBandPass()) {
-    BandPass::computeCorrectionFactors(bandPassCorrectionWeights.origin(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-    bandPassCorrectionWeights.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  }
-template <typename SampleType> void CorrelatorWorkQueue<SampleType>::doWork()
-  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devFIRweights, CL_TRUE, 0, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_TAPS * sizeof(float), pipeline.filterBank.getWeights().origin());
-  FIR_FilterKernel<SampleType> firFilterKernel(ps, queue, pipeline.firFilterProgram, devFilteredData, inputSamples, devFIRweights);
-  Filter_FFT_Kernel fftKernel(ps, pipeline.context, devFilteredData);
-  DelayAndBandPassKernel delayAndBandPassKernel(ps, pipeline.delayAndBandPassProgram, devCorrectedData, devFilteredData, delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd, phaseOffsets, bandPassCorrectionWeights);
-  CorrelatorKernel correlatorKernel(ps, queue, pipeline.correlatorProgram, visibilities, devCorrectedData);
-  double startTime = ps.startTime(), currentTime, stopTime = ps.stopTime(), blockTime = ps.CNintegrationTime();
-#pragma omp barrier
-  double executionStartTime = getTime();
-  for (unsigned block = 0; (currentTime = startTime + block * blockTime) < stopTime; block ++) {
-#pragma omp single
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "block = " << block << ", time = " << to_simple_string(from_ustime_t(currentTime)) << std::endl;
-    memset(delaysAtBegin.origin(), 0, delaysAtBegin.bytesize());
-    memset(delaysAfterEnd.origin(), 0, delaysAfterEnd.bytesize());
-    memset(phaseOffsets.origin(), 0, phaseOffsets.bytesize());
-    // FIXME!!!
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 3)
-      delaysAtBegin[0][2][0] = 1e-6, delaysAfterEnd[0][2][0] = 1.1e-6;
-    delaysAtBegin.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    delaysAfterEnd.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    phaseOffsets.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    queue.finish();
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
-    for (unsigned subband = 0; subband < ps.nrSubbands(); subband ++) {
-      try {
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-	if (subband == 0)
-	  setTestPattern();
-	{
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	  OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.hostToDeviceLock[gpu / 2]);
-	  inputSamples.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-	  pipeline.samplesCounter.doOperation(inputSamples.event, 0, 0, inputSamples.bytesize());
-	}
-	if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() > 1) {
-	  firFilterKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.firFilterCounter);
-	  fftKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.fftCounter);
-	}
-	delayAndBandPassKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.delayAndBandPassCounter, subband);
-	correlatorKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.correlatorCounter);
-	queue.finish();
-	{
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	  OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.deviceToHostLock[gpu / 2]);
-	  visibilities.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-	  pipeline.visibilitiesCounter.doOperation(visibilities.event, 0, visibilities.bytesize(), 0);
-	}
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-	if (subband == 0)
-	  printTestOutput();
-      } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-	std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-	exit(1);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp master
-  if (!profiling)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "run time = " << getTime() - executionStartTime << std::endl;
-// complexVoltages()
-// transpose()
-// float2 (*DedispersedDataType)[nrTABs][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()];
-// FFT()
-// applyChrip()
-// FFT-1()
-// float2 (*DedispersedDataType)[nrTABs][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()];
-// (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_CHANNELS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK][NR_TABS];
-// computeStokes()
-template <typename SampleType> BeamFormerWorkQueue<SampleType>::BeamFormerWorkQueue(BeamFormerPipeline<SampleType> &pipeline)
-  WorkQueue<SampleType>(pipeline),
-  pipeline(pipeline),
-  inputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  devFilteredData(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ps.nrStations() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(std::complex<float>)),
-  bandPassCorrectionWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAtBegin(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAfterEnd(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  phaseOffsets(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  devCorrectedData(cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>))),
-  beamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  devComplexVoltages(cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>))),
-  //transposedComplexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE)
-  transposedComplexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE),
-  DMs(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY)
-  if (ps.correctBandPass()) {
-    BandPass::computeCorrectionFactors(bandPassCorrectionWeights.origin(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-    bandPassCorrectionWeights.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  }
-template <typename SampleType> void BeamFormerWorkQueue<SampleType>::doWork()
-  //queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devFIRweights, CL_TRUE, 0, firWeightsSize, firFilterWeights);
-  bandPassCorrectionWeights.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  DMs.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  IntToFloatKernel intToFloatKernel(ps, queue, pipeline.intToFloatProgram, devFilteredData, inputSamples);
-  Filter_FFT_Kernel fftKernel(ps, pipeline.context, devFilteredData);
-  DelayAndBandPassKernel delayAndBandPassKernel(ps, pipeline.delayAndBandPassProgram, devCorrectedData, devFilteredData, delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd, phaseOffsets, bandPassCorrectionWeights);
-  BeamFormerKernel beamFormerKernel(ps, pipeline.beamFormerProgram, devComplexVoltages, devCorrectedData, beamFormerWeights);
-  BeamFormerTransposeKernel transposeKernel(ps, pipeline.transposeProgram, transposedComplexVoltages, devComplexVoltages);
-  DedispersionForwardFFTkernel dedispersionForwardFFTkernel(ps, pipeline.context, transposedComplexVoltages);
-  DedispersionBackwardFFTkernel dedispersionBackwardFFTkernel(ps, pipeline.context, transposedComplexVoltages);
-  DedispersionChirpKernel dedispersionChirpKernel(ps, pipeline.dedispersionChirpProgram, queue, transposedComplexVoltages, DMs);
-  double startTime = ps.startTime(), currentTime, stopTime = ps.stopTime(), blockTime = ps.CNintegrationTime();
-#pragma omp barrier
-  double executionStartTime = getTime();
-  for (unsigned block = 0; (currentTime = startTime + block * blockTime) < stopTime; block ++) {
-#pragma omp single
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "block = " << block << ", time = " << to_simple_string(from_ustime_t(currentTime)) << std::endl;
-    memset(delaysAtBegin.origin(), 0, delaysAtBegin.bytesize());
-    memset(delaysAfterEnd.origin(), 0, delaysAfterEnd.bytesize());
-    memset(phaseOffsets.origin(), 0, phaseOffsets.bytesize());
-    // FIXME!!!
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 3)
-      delaysAtBegin[0][2][0] = 1e-6, delaysAfterEnd[0][2][0] = 1.1e-6;
-    delaysAtBegin.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    delaysAfterEnd.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    phaseOffsets.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    beamFormerWeights.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    queue.finish();
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
-    for (unsigned subband = 0; subband < ps.nrSubbands(); subband ++) {
-      try {
-#if 1
-	{
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	  OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.hostToDeviceLock[gpu / 2]);
-	  inputSamples.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-	  pipeline.samplesCounter.doOperation(inputSamples.event, 0, 0, inputSamples.bytesize());
-	}
-//#pragma omp critical (GPU)
-	if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() > 1) {
-	  intToFloatKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.intToFloatCounter);
-	  fftKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.fftCounter);
-	}
-	delayAndBandPassKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.delayAndBandPassCounter, subband);
-	beamFormerKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.beamFormerCounter);
-	transposeKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.transposeCounter);
-	dedispersionForwardFFTkernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.dedispersionForwardFFTcounter);
-	dedispersionChirpKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.dedispersionChirpCounter, ps.subbandToFrequencyMapping()[subband]);
-	dedispersionBackwardFFTkernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.dedispersionBackwardFFTcounter);
-	queue.finish();
-	//queue.enqueueReadBuffer(devComplexVoltages, CL_TRUE, 0, hostComplexVoltages.bytesize(), hostComplexVoltages.origin());
-	//dedispersedData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-	std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-	exit(1);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp master
-  if (!profiling)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "run time = " << getTime() - executionStartTime << std::endl;
-template <typename SampleType> UHEP_WorkQueue<SampleType>::UHEP_WorkQueue(UHEP_Pipeline<SampleType> &pipeline)
-  WorkQueue<SampleType>(pipeline),
-  pipeline(pipeline),
-  hostInputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY),
-  hostBeamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY),
-  hostTriggerInfo(ps.nrTABs(), queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY)
-  size_t inputSamplesSize = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(SampleType);
-  size_t complexVoltagesSize = ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  size_t transposedDataSize = ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  size_t invFIRfilteredDataSize = ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  size_t buffer0size = std::max(inputSamplesSize, transposedDataSize);
-  size_t buffer1size = std::max(complexVoltagesSize, invFIRfilteredDataSize);
-  devBuffers[0] = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, buffer0size);
-  devBuffers[1] = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, buffer1size);
-  size_t beamFormerWeightsSize = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrSubbands() * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  devBeamFormerWeights = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, beamFormerWeightsSize);
-  devInputSamples = devBuffers[0];
-  devComplexVoltages = devBuffers[1];
-  devReverseSubbandMapping = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 512 * sizeof(int));
-  devInvFIRfilterWeights = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 1024 * NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS * sizeof(float));
-  devFFTedData = devBuffers[0];
-  devInvFIRfilteredData = devBuffers[1];
-  devTriggerInfo = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(TriggerInfo));
-template <typename SampleType> void UHEP_WorkQueue<SampleType>::doWork(const float * /*delaysAtBegin*/, const float * /*delaysAfterEnd*/, const float * /*phaseOffsets*/)
-  UHEP_BeamFormerKernel<SampleType> beamFormer(ps, pipeline.beamFormerProgram, devComplexVoltages, devInputSamples, devBeamFormerWeights);
-  UHEP_TransposeKernel  transpose(ps, pipeline.transposeProgram, devFFTedData, devComplexVoltages, devReverseSubbandMapping);
-  UHEP_InvFFT_Kernel	invFFT(ps, pipeline.invFFTprogram, devFFTedData);
-  UHEP_InvFIR_Kernel	invFIR(ps, queue, pipeline.invFIRfilterProgram, devInvFIRfilteredData, devFFTedData, devInvFIRfilterWeights);
-  UHEP_TriggerKernel	trigger(ps, pipeline.triggerProgram, devTriggerInfo, devInvFIRfilteredData);
-  double startTime = ps.startTime(), stopTime = ps.stopTime(), blockTime = ps.CNintegrationTime();
-  unsigned nrBlocks = (stopTime - startTime) / blockTime;
-  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devInvFIRfilterWeights, CL_FALSE, 0, sizeof invertedStationPPFWeights, invertedStationPPFWeights);
-  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devReverseSubbandMapping, CL_TRUE, 0, 512 * sizeof(int), reverseSubbandMapping);
-#pragma omp barrier
-  double executionStartTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
-  for (unsigned block = 0; block < nrBlocks; block ++) {
-    try {
-      double currentTime = startTime + block * blockTime;
-//#pragma omp single // FIXME: why does the compiler complain here???
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-      std::cout << "block = " << block << ", time = " << to_simple_string(from_ustime_t(currentTime)) << std::endl;
-#if 0
-      {
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.hostToDeviceLock[gpu / 2]);
-	queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devInputSamples, CL_TRUE, 0, sampledDataSize, hostInputSamples.origin(), 0, &samplesEvent);
-      }
-      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devBeamFormerWeights, CL_FALSE, 0, hostBeamFormerWeights.bytesize(), hostBeamFormerWeights.origin(), 0, &beamFormerWeightsEvent);
-      pipeline.beamFormerWeightsCounter.doOperation(beamFormerWeightsEvent, 0, 0, hostBeamFormerWeights.bytesize());
-      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devInputSamples, CL_FALSE, 0, hostInputSamples.bytesize(), hostInputSamples.origin(), 0, &inputSamplesEvent);
-      pipeline.samplesCounter.doOperation(inputSamplesEvent, 0, 0, hostInputSamples.bytesize());
-      beamFormer.enqueue(queue, pipeline.beamFormerCounter);
-      transpose.enqueue(queue, pipeline.transposeCounter);
-      invFFT.enqueue(queue, pipeline.invFFTcounter);
-      invFIR.enqueue(queue, pipeline.invFIRfilterCounter);
-      trigger.enqueue(queue, pipeline.triggerCounter);
-      queue.finish(); // necessary to overlap I/O & computations ???
-      queue.enqueueReadBuffer(devTriggerInfo, CL_TRUE, 0, hostTriggerInfo.size() * sizeof(TriggerInfo), &hostTriggerInfo[0]);
-    } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-      std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-      exit(1);
-    }
-  }
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp master
-  if (!profiling)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "run time = " << getTime() - executionStartTime << std::endl;
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-template <typename SampleType> void CorrelatorWorkQueue<SampleType>::setTestPattern()
-  if (ps.nrStations() >= 3) {
-    double centerFrequency = 384 * ps.sampleRate();
-    double baseFrequency = centerFrequency - .5 * ps.sampleRate();
-    unsigned testSignalChannel = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 231 ? 230 : ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() / 2;
-    double signalFrequency = baseFrequency + testSignalChannel * ps.sampleRate() / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-    for (unsigned time = 0; time < (NR_TAPS - 1 + ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()) * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(); time ++) {
-      double phi = 2.0 * M_PI * signalFrequency * time / ps.sampleRate();
-      switch (sizeof(SampleType)) {
-	case 4 : hostInputSamples[2][time][1] = SampleType((short) rint(32767 * cos(phi)), (short) rint(32767 * sin(phi)));
-		 break;
-	case 2 : hostInputSamples[2][time][1] = SampleType((signed char) rint(127 * cos(phi)), (signed char) rint(127 * sin(phi)));
-		 break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-template <typename SampleType> void CorrelatorWorkQueue<SampleType>::printTestOutput()
-  if (ps.nrBaselines() >= 6)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-  {
-    std::cout << "newgraph newcurve linetype solid pts" << std::endl;
-    //for (int channel = 0; channel < ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(); channel ++)
-    if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() == 256)
-      for (int channel = 228; channel <= 232; channel ++)
-	std::cout << channel << ' ' << hostVisibilities[5][channel][1][1] << std::endl;
-  }
-template <typenname SampleType> void CorrelatorPipeline<SampleType>::doWork()
-#pragma omp parallel num_threads((profiling ? 1 : 2) * nrGPUs)
-  try
-  {
-    switch (ps.nrBitsPerSample()) {
-      case  4 : CorrelatorWorkQueue<LOFAR::i4complex>(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-      case  8 : CorrelatorWorkQueue<std::complex<signed char> >(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-      case 16 : CorrelatorWorkQueue<std::complex<short> >(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-    }
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-template <typenname SampleType> void BeamFormerPipeline<SampleType>::doWork()
-#pragma omp parallel num_threads((profiling ? 1 : 2) * nrGPUs)
-  try
-  {
-    switch (ps.nrBitsPerSample()) {
-      case  4 : BeamFormerWorkQueue<LOFAR::i4complex>(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-      case  8 : BeamFormerWorkQueue<std::complex<signed char> >(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-      case 16 : BeamFormerWorkQueue<std::complex<short> >(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-    }
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-template <typenname SampleType> void UHEP_Pipeline<SampleType>::doWork()
-  float delaysAtBegin[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  float delaysAfterEnd[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  float phaseOffsets[ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  memset(delaysAtBegin, 0, sizeof delaysAtBegin);
-  memset(delaysAfterEnd, 0, sizeof delaysAfterEnd);
-  memset(phaseOffsets, 0, sizeof phaseOffsets);
-  delaysAtBegin[0][2][0] = 1e-6, delaysAfterEnd[0][2][0] = 1.1e-6;
-#pragma omp parallel num_threads((profiling ? 1 : 2) * nrGPUs)
-  try
-  {
-    switch (ps.nrBitsPerSample()) {
-      case  4 : UHEP_WorkQueue<LOFAR::i4complex>(*this).doWork(&delaysAtBegin[0][0][0], &delaysAfterEnd[0][0][0], &phaseOffsets[0][0]);
-	 	break;
-      case  8 : UHEP_WorkQueue<std::complex<signed char> >(*this).doWork(&delaysAtBegin[0][0][0], &delaysAfterEnd[0][0][0], &phaseOffsets[0][0]);
-	 	break;
-      case 16 : UHEP_WorkQueue<std::complex<short> >(*this).doWork(&delaysAtBegin[0][0][0], &delaysAfterEnd[0][0][0], &phaseOffsets[0][0]);
-	 	break;
-    }
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-class UnitTest
-  protected:
-    UnitTest(const Parset &ps, const char *programName = 0)
-    :
-      counter(programName != 0 ? programName : "test")
-    {
-      createContext(context, devices);
-      queue = cl::CommandQueue(context, devices[0], CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE);
-      if (programName != 0)
-	program = createProgram(ps, context, devices, programName);
-    }
-    template <typename T> void check(T actual, T expected)
-    {
-      if (expected != actual) {
-	std::cerr << "Test FAILED: expected " << expected << ", computed " << actual << std::endl;
-	exit(1);
-      } else {
-	std::cout << "Test OK" << std::endl;
-      }
-    }
-    cl::Context context;
-    std::vector<cl::Device> devices;
-    cl::Program program;
-    cl::CommandQueue queue;
-    PerformanceCounter counter;
-struct CorrelatorTest : public UnitTest
-  CorrelatorTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "Correlator.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 6 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 100) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> visibilities(boost::extents[ps.nrBaselines()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      CorrelatorKernel correlator(ps, queue, program, visibilities, inputData);
-      inputData[3][5][99][1] = std::complex<float>(3, 4);
-      inputData[4][5][99][1] = std::complex<float>(5, 6);
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      correlator.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      visibilities.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(visibilities[13][5][1][1], std::complex<float>(39, 2));
-    }
-  }
-struct IncoherentStokesTest : public UnitTest
-  IncoherentStokesTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/IncoherentStokes.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 14 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 108) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3> stokesData(boost::extents[ps.nrIncoherentStokes()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      IncoherentStokesKernel kernel(ps, queue, program, stokesData, inputData);
-      inputData[4][13][107][0] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      inputData[4][13][107][1] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      kernel.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      stokesData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      const static float expected[] = { 54, -28, 46, 4 };
-      for (unsigned stokes = 0; stokes < ps.nrIncoherentStokes(); stokes ++)
-	check(stokesData[stokes][107 / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][13], expected[stokes]);
-    }
-  }
-template <typename SampleType> struct IntToFloatTest : public UnitTest
-  IntToFloatTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 3 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 10077) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<SampleType, 3> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> outputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      IntToFloatKernel kernel(ps, queue, program, outputData, inputData);
-      inputData[2][10076][1] = 7;
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      kernel.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      outputData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(outputData[2][1][10076], std::complex<float>(7.0f, 0));
-    }
-  }
-struct BeamFormerTest : public UnitTest
-  BeamFormerTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 13 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 7 && ps.nrTABs() >= 6) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> beamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
-      BeamFormerKernel beamFormer(ps, program, complexVoltages, inputData, beamFormerWeights);
-      inputData[4][6][12][1] = std::complex<float>(2.2, 3);
-      beamFormerWeights[4][6][5] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormerWeights.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormer.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      complexVoltages.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(complexVoltages[6][12][5][1], std::complex<float>(-6.2, 23));
-#if 0
-      for (unsigned tab = 0; tab < ps.nrTABs(); tab ++)
-	for (unsigned pol = 0; pol < NR_POLARIZATIONS; pol ++)
-	  for (unsigned ch = 0; ch < ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(); ch ++)
-	    for (unsigned t = 0; t < ps.nrSamplesPerChannel(); t ++)
-	      if (complexVoltages[tab][pol][ch][t] != std::complex<float>(0, 0))
-		std::cout << "complexVoltages[" << tab << "][" << pol << "][" << ch << "][" << t << "] = " << complexVoltages[tab][pol][ch][t] << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-struct BeamFormerTransposeTest : public UnitTest
-  BeamFormerTransposeTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/Transpose.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 19 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 175 && ps.nrTABs() >= 5) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> transposedData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      BeamFormerTransposeKernel transpose(ps, program, transposedData, complexVoltages);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(24, 42);
-      complexVoltages.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      transpose.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      transposedData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(transposedData[4][1][174][18], std::complex<float>(24, 42));
-    }
-  }
-struct DedispersionChirpTest : public UnitTest
-  DedispersionChirpTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrTABs() > 3 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() > 13 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize() > 1 && ps.dedispersionFFTsize() > 77) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 5> data(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize()][ps.dedispersionFFTsize()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1> DMs(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      DedispersionChirpKernel dedispersionChirpKernel(ps, program, queue, data, DMs);
-      data[3][1][13][1][77] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      DMs[3] = 2;
-      DMs.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      data.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      dedispersionChirpKernel.enqueue(queue, counter, 60e6);
-      data.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      std::cout << data[3][1][13][1][77] << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-struct CoherentStokesTest : public UnitTest
-  CoherentStokesTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 19 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 175 && ps.nrTABs() >= 5) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 4> stokesData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][ps.nrCoherentStokes()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-#if 1
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      CoherentStokesKernel stokesKernel(ps, program, stokesData, complexVoltages);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][0] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      CoherentStokesKernel stokesKernel(ps, program, stokesData, complexVoltages);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][0] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      complexVoltages.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      stokesKernel.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      stokesData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      for (unsigned stokes = 0; stokes < ps.nrCoherentStokes(); stokes ++)
-	std::cout << stokesData[4][stokes][174 / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][18] << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-template <typename SampleType> struct UHEP_BeamFormerTest : public UnitTest
-  UHEP_BeamFormerTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "UHEP/BeamFormer.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) >= 13 && ps.nrSubbands() >= 7 && ps.nrTABs() >= 6) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<SampleType, 4> inputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> beamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
-      UHEP_BeamFormerKernel<SampleType> beamFormer(ps, program, complexVoltages, inputSamples, beamFormerWeights);
-      inputSamples[4][6][12][1] = SampleType(2, 3);
-      beamFormerWeights[4][6][5] = SampleType(4, 5);
-      inputSamples.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormerWeights.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormer.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      complexVoltages.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(complexVoltages[6][12][5][1], std::complex<float>(-7, 22));
-    }
-  }
-struct UHEP_TransposeTest : public UnitTest
-  UHEP_TransposeTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "UHEP/Transpose.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrSubbands() >= 19 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 >= 175 && ps.nrTABs() >= 5) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> transposedData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][512], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      cl::Buffer devReverseSubbandMapping(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 512 * sizeof(int));
-      UHEP_TransposeKernel transpose(ps, program, transposedData, complexVoltages, devReverseSubbandMapping);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(24, 42);
-      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devReverseSubbandMapping, CL_FALSE, 0, 512 * sizeof(int), reverseSubbandMapping);
-      complexVoltages.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      transpose.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      transposedData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(transposedData[4][1][174][38], std::complex<float>(24, 42));
-    }
-  }
-struct UHEP_TriggerTest : public UnitTest
-  UHEP_TriggerTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "UHEP/Trigger.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrTABs() >= 4 && 1024 * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() > 100015) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<TriggerInfo, 1> triggerInfo(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      UHEP_TriggerKernel trigger(ps, program, triggerInfo, inputData);
-      inputData[3][1][100015] = 1000;
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      trigger.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      triggerInfo.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      std::cout << "trigger info: mean = " << triggerInfo[3].mean << ", variance = " << triggerInfo[3].variance << ", bestValue = " << triggerInfo[3].bestValue << ", bestApproxIndex = " << triggerInfo[3].bestApproxIndex << std::endl;
-      //check(triggerInfo[3].mean, (float) (1000.0f * 1000.0f) / (float) (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024));
-      check(triggerInfo[3].bestValue, 1000.0f * 1000.0f);
-      check(triggerInfo[3].bestApproxIndex, 100016U);
-    }
-  }
-#if 0
-struct FFT_Test : public UnitTest
-  FFT_Test(const Parset &ps)
-  : UnitTest(ps, "fft.cl")
-  {
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 1> in(boost::extents[8], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 1> out(boost::extents[8], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i ++)
-      in[i] = std::complex<float>(2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 2);
-    clAmdFftSetupData setupData;
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftInitSetupData(&setupData), "clAmdFftInitSetupData");
-    setupData.debugFlags = CLFFT_DUMP_PROGRAMS;
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftSetup(&setupData), "clAmdFftSetup");
-    clAmdFftPlanHandle plan;
-    size_t dim[1] = { 8 };
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftCreateDefaultPlan(&plan, context(), CLFFT_1D, dim), "clAmdFftCreateDefaultPlan");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftSetResultLocation(plan, CLFFT_OUTOFPLACE), "clAmdFftSetResultLocation");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftSetPlanBatchSize(plan, 1), "clAmdFftSetPlanBatchSize");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftBakePlan(plan, 1, &queue(), 0, 0), "clAmdFftBakePlan");
-    in.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    cl_mem ins[1] = { ((cl::Buffer) in)() };
-    cl_mem outs[1] = { ((cl::Buffer) out)() };
-#if 1
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftEnqueueTransform(plan, CLFFT_FORWARD, 1, &queue(), 0, 0, 0, ins, outs, 0), "clAmdFftEnqueueTransform");
-    cl::Kernel kernel(program, "fft_fwd");
-    kernel.setArg(0, (cl::Buffer) in);
-    kernel.setArg(1, (cl::Buffer) out);
-    queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel, cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(64, 1, 1), cl::NDRange(64, 1, 1));
-    out.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i ++)
-      std::cout << out[i] << std::endl;
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftDestroyPlan(&plan), "clAmdFftDestroyPlan");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftTeardown(), "clAmdFftTeardown");
-  }
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-  using namespace LOFAR::RTCP;
-  std::cout << "running ..." << std::endl;
-  if (setenv("DISPLAY", ":0.0", 1) < 0) {
-    perror("error setting DISPLAY");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  if (argc != 2) {
-    std::cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " parset" << std::endl;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-#if 0 && defined __linux__
-  set_affinity(0);
-  try {
-    Parset ps(argv[1]);
-#if 0
-    const char *str = getenv("NR_STATIONS");
-    ps.nrStations() = str ? atoi(str) : 77;
-    std::cout << "nr stations = " << ps.nrStations() << std::endl;
-    const char *str = getenv("NR_GPUS");
-    nrGPUs = str ? atoi(str) : 1;
-#if 0
-    ps.nrSubbands()		= 10;//488;
-    ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()	= 64;
-    ps.nrBeams()		= 1;
-    ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()	= 196608 / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-    ps.subbandBandwidth()	= 195312.5;
-    ps.correctBandPass()	= true;
-    profiling = false; CorrelatorPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    profiling = true; CorrelatorPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    //(CorrelatorTest)(ps);
-#if 0
-    ps.nrSubbands()		  = 488;
-    ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()	  = 2048;
-    ps.nrBeams()		  = 1;
-    ps.nrTABs()			  = 128;
-    ps.nrIncoherentStokes()	  = 4;
-    ps.nrCoherentStokes()	  = 4;
-    ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() = 8;
-    ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() = 8;
-    ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()	  = 65536 / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();//262144 / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-    ps.subbandBandwidth()	  = 195312.5;
-    ps.correctBandPass()	  = true;
-    ps.dedispersionFFTsize()	  = ps.nrSamplesPerChannel();
-    profiling = false; BeamFormerPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    profiling = true; BeamFormerPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    //(IncoherentStokesTest)(ps);
-    //(IntToFloatTest)(ps);
-    //(BeamFormerTest)(ps);
-    //(BeamFormerTransposeTest)(ps);
-    //(DedispersionChirpTest)(ps);
-    //(CoherentStokesTest)(ps);
-#if 0
-    ps.nrSubbands()	   = 488;
-    ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() = 1024;
-    ps.nrBeams()	   = 1;
-    ps.subbandBandwidth()  = 195312.5;
-    ps.nrTABs()		   = 48;
-    profiling = false; UHEP_Pipeline(ps).doWork();
-    profiling = true; UHEP_Pipeline(ps).doWork();
-    //(UHEP_BeamFormerTest)(ps);
-    //(UHEP_TransposeTest)(ps);
-    //(UHEP_TriggerTest)(ps);
-#if 0
-    (FFT_Test)(ps);
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  return 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc.ok b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index da22af7c949fec47f566332d5d056abd02c98b69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/RTCP.cc.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2018 +0,0 @@
-#include "lofar_config.h"
-#include <CL/cl.hpp>
-#include <omp.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <complex>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
-#include "Align.h"
-#include "BandPass.h"
-#include "Common.h"
-#include "FilterBank.h"
-#include "Common/lofar_datetime.h"
-#include "Common/LofarLogger.h"
-#include "Common/SystemUtil.h"
-#include "Interface/Parset.h"
-#include "OpenCL_FFT/clFFT.h"
-#include "OpenCL_Support.h"
-#include "OpenMP_Support.h"
-#include "UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.h"
-//#include "clAmdFft/include/clAmdFft.h"
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-bool	 profiling = true;
-unsigned nrGPUs;
-//#define NR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE	 8
-#define NR_TAPS			16
-#define USE_2X2
-#undef USE_B7015
-#if 0
-typedef std::complex<short> SampleType;
-#elif NR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE == 8
-typedef std::complex<signed char> SampleType;
-#if 0
-class Parset
-  public:
-    unsigned nrStations() const { return _nrStations; }
-    unsigned nrBaselines() const { return nrStations() * (nrStations() + 1) / 2; }
-    unsigned nrSubbands() const { return _nrSubbands; }
-    float    subbandBandwidth() const { return _subbandBandwidth; }
-    unsigned nrChannelsPerSubband() const { return _nrChannelsPerSubband; }
-    unsigned nrBeams() const { return _nrBeams; }
-    unsigned nrSamplesPerChannel() const { return _nrSamplesPerChannel; }
-    bool     correctBandPass() const { return _correctBandPass; }
-    unsigned nrTABs() const { return _nrTABs; }
-    unsigned nrCoherentStokes() const { return _nrCoherentStokes; }
-    unsigned nrIncoherentStokes() const { return _nrIncoherentStokes; }
-    unsigned coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() const { return _coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor; }
-    unsigned incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() const { return _incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor; }
-    unsigned dedispersionFFTsize() const { return _dedispersionFFTsize; }
-    unsigned &nrStations() { return _nrStations; }
-    unsigned &nrSubbands() { return _nrSubbands; }
-    float    &subbandBandwidth() { return _subbandBandwidth; }
-    unsigned &nrChannelsPerSubband() { return _nrChannelsPerSubband; }
-    unsigned &nrBeams() { return _nrBeams; }
-    unsigned &nrSamplesPerChannel() { return _nrSamplesPerChannel; }
-    bool     &correctBandPass() { return _correctBandPass; }
-    unsigned &nrTABs() { return _nrTABs; }
-    unsigned &nrCoherentStokes() { return _nrCoherentStokes; }
-    unsigned &nrIncoherentStokes() { return _nrIncoherentStokes; }
-    unsigned &coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() { return _coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor; }
-    unsigned &incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() { return _incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor; }
-    unsigned &dedispersionFFTsize() { return _dedispersionFFTsize; }
-  private:
-    unsigned _nrStations;
-    unsigned _nrSubbands;
-    float    _subbandBandwidth;
-    unsigned _nrChannelsPerSubband;
-    unsigned _nrBeams;
-    unsigned _nrSamplesPerChannel;
-    bool     _correctBandPass;
-    unsigned _nrTABs;
-    unsigned _nrCoherentStokes;
-    unsigned _nrIncoherentStokes;
-    unsigned _coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor;
-    unsigned _incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor;
-    unsigned _dedispersionFFTsize;
-class PerformanceCounter
-  public:
-    PerformanceCounter(const std::string &name);
-    ~PerformanceCounter();
-    void doOperation(cl::Event &, size_t nrOperations, size_t nrBytesRead, size_t nrBytesWritten);
-  private:
-    static void eventCompleteCallBack(cl_event, cl_int /*status*/, void *counter);
-    size_t	      totalNrOperations, totalNrBytesRead, totalNrBytesWritten;
-    double	      totalTime;
-    unsigned	      totalEvents;
-    const std::string name;
-PerformanceCounter::PerformanceCounter(const std::string &name)
-  totalNrOperations(0),
-  totalNrBytesRead(0),
-  totalNrBytesWritten(0),
-  totalTime(0),
-  totalEvents(0),
-  name(name)
-  if (totalTime > 0)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << std::setw(12) << name
-	      << std::setprecision(3)
-	      << ": avg. time = " << 1000 * totalTime / totalEvents << " ms, "
-		 "GFLOP/s = " << totalNrOperations / totalTime / 1e9 << ", "
-		 "R/W = " << totalNrBytesRead / totalTime / 1e9 << '+'
-	      << totalNrBytesWritten / totalTime / 1e9 << '='
-	      << (totalNrBytesRead + totalNrBytesWritten) / totalTime / 1e9 << " GB/s"
-	      << std::endl;
-void PerformanceCounter::eventCompleteCallBack(cl_event ev, cl_int /*status*/, void *counter)
-  cl::Event event(ev);
-  size_t queued, submitted, start, stop;
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED, &queued);
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT, &submitted);
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START, &start);
-  event.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, &stop);
-  double seconds = (stop - start) / 1e9;
-  if (seconds < 0 || seconds > 15)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "BAH! " << omp_get_thread_num() << ": " << queued << ' ' << submitted - queued << ' ' << start - queued << ' ' << stop - queued << std::endl;
-#pragma omp atomic
-  static_cast<PerformanceCounter *>(counter)->totalTime += seconds;
-  // cl::~Event() decreases ref count
-void PerformanceCounter::doOperation(cl::Event &event, size_t nrOperations, size_t nrBytesRead, size_t nrBytesWritten)
-  // reference count between C and C++ conversions is serously broken in C++ wrapper
-  cl_event ev = event();
-  cl_int error = clRetainEvent(ev);
-  if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-    throw cl::Error(error, "clRetainEvent");
-  if (profiling) {
-    event.setCallback(CL_COMPLETE, &PerformanceCounter::eventCompleteCallBack, this);
-#pragma omp atomic
-    totalNrOperations   += nrOperations;
-#pragma omp atomic
-    totalNrBytesRead    += nrBytesRead;
-#pragma omp atomic
-    totalNrBytesWritten += nrBytesWritten;
-#pragma omp atomic
-    ++ totalEvents;
-  }
-cl::Program createProgram(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, std::vector<cl::Device> &devices, const char *sources)
-  std::stringstream args;
-  args << "-cl-fast-relaxed-math";
-  std::vector<cl_context_properties> properties;
-  context.getInfo(CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES, &properties);
-  if (cl::Platform((cl_platform_id) properties[1]).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_NAME>() == "NVIDIA CUDA") {
-    args << " -cl-nv-verbose";
-    args << " -cl-nv-opt-level=99";
-    //args << " -cl-nv-maxrregcount=63";
-    args << " -DNVIDIA_CUDA";
-  }
-  //if (devices[0].getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>() == "GeForce GTX 680")
-    //args << " -DUSE_FLOAT4_IN_CORRELATOR";
-  args << " -I" << dirname(__FILE__);
-  args << " -DNR_BITS_PER_SAMPLE=" << ps.nrBitsPerSample();
-  args << " -DSUBBAND_BANDWIDTH=" << std::setprecision(7) << ps.subbandBandwidth() << 'f';
-  args << " -DNR_SUBBANDS=" << ps.nrSubbands();
-  args << " -DNR_CHANNELS=" << ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-  args << " -DNR_STATIONS=" << ps.nrStations();
-  args << " -DNR_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL=" << ps.nrSamplesPerChannel();
-  args << " -DNR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND=" << ps.nrSamplesPerSubband();
-  args << " -DNR_BEAMS=" << ps.nrBeams();
-  args << " -DNR_TABS=" << ps.nrTABs();
-  args << " -DNR_COHERENT_STOKES=" << ps.nrCoherentStokes();
-  args << " -DNR_INCOHERENT_STOKES=" << ps.nrIncoherentStokes();
-  args << " -DCOHERENT_STOKES_TIME_INTEGRATION_FACTOR=" << ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor();
-  args << " -DINCOHERENT_STOKES_TIME_INTEGRATION_FACTOR=" << ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor();
-  args << " -DNR_TAPS=" << NR_TAPS;
-  if (ps.delayCompensation())
-    args << " -DDELAY_COMPENSATION";
-  if (ps.correctBandPass())
-    args << " -DBANDPASS_CORRECTION";
-  args << " -DDEDISPERSION_FFT_SIZE=" << ps.dedispersionFFTsize();
-  return createProgram(context, devices, sources, args.str().c_str());
-class FFT_Plan
-  public:
-    FFT_Plan(cl::Context &context, unsigned fftSize)
-    {
-      clFFT_Dim3 dim = { fftSize, 1, 1 };
-      cl_int error;
-      plan = clFFT_CreatePlan(context(), dim, clFFT_1D, clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat, &error);
-      if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-	throw cl::Error(error, "clFFT_CreatePlan");
-      //clFFT_DumpPlan(plan, stdout);
-    }
-    ~FFT_Plan()
-    {
-      clFFT_DestroyPlan(plan);
-    }
-    clFFT_Plan plan;
-class Pipeline
-  public:
-			    Pipeline(const Parset &);
-    cl::Program		    createProgram(const char *sources);
-    cl::Context		    context;
-    std::vector<cl::Device> devices;
-    const Parset	    &ps;
-class CorrelatorPipeline : public Pipeline
-  public:
-			    CorrelatorPipeline(const Parset &);
-    void		    doWork();
-  //private:
-    //friend class CorrelatorWorkQueue;
-    FilterBank		    filterBank;
-    cl::Program		    firFilterProgram, delayAndBandPassProgram, correlatorProgram;
-    PerformanceCounter	    firFilterCounter, delayAndBandPassCounter, correlatorCounter, fftCounter;
-    PerformanceCounter	    samplesCounter, visibilitiesCounter;
-#if defined USE_B7015
-    OMP_Lock hostToDeviceLock[4], deviceToHostLock[4];
-class BeamFormerPipeline : public Pipeline
-  public:
-			    BeamFormerPipeline(const Parset &);
-    void		    doWork();
-    cl::Program		    intToFloatProgram, delayAndBandPassProgram, beamFormerProgram, transposeProgram, dedispersionChirpProgram;
-    PerformanceCounter	    intToFloatCounter, fftCounter, delayAndBandPassCounter, beamFormerCounter, transposeCounter, dedispersionForwardFFTcounter, dedispersionChirpCounter, dedispersionBackwardFFTcounter;
-    PerformanceCounter	    samplesCounter;
-class UHEP_Pipeline : public Pipeline
-  public:
-			    UHEP_Pipeline(const Parset &);
-    void		    doWork();
-    cl::Program		    beamFormerProgram, transposeProgram, invFFTprogram, invFIRfilterProgram, triggerProgram;
-    PerformanceCounter	    beamFormerCounter, transposeCounter, invFFTcounter, invFIRfilterCounter, triggerCounter;
-    PerformanceCounter	    beamFormerWeightsCounter, samplesCounter;
-Pipeline::Pipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  ps(ps)
-  createContext(context, devices);
-cl::Program Pipeline::createProgram(const char *sources)
-  return LOFAR::RTCP::createProgram(ps, context, devices, sources);
-CorrelatorPipeline::CorrelatorPipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  Pipeline(ps),
-  filterBank(true, NR_TAPS, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(), KAISER),
-  firFilterCounter("FIR filter"),
-  delayAndBandPassCounter("delay/bp"),
-  correlatorCounter("correlator"),
-  fftCounter("FFT"),
-  samplesCounter("samples"),
-  visibilitiesCounter("visibilities")
-  filterBank.negateWeights();
-  double startTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp parallel sections
-  {
-#pragma omp section
-    firFilterProgram = createProgram("FIR.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    delayAndBandPassProgram = createProgram("DelayAndBandPass.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    correlatorProgram = createProgram("Correlator.cl");
-  }
-  std::cout << "compile time = " << getTime() - startTime << std::endl;
-BeamFormerPipeline::BeamFormerPipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  Pipeline(ps),
-  intToFloatCounter("int-to-float"),
-  fftCounter("FFT"),
-  delayAndBandPassCounter("delay/bp"),
-  beamFormerCounter("beamformer"),
-  transposeCounter("transpose"),
-  dedispersionForwardFFTcounter("ddisp.fw.FFT"),
-  dedispersionChirpCounter("chirp"),
-  dedispersionBackwardFFTcounter("ddisp.bw.FFT"),
-  samplesCounter("samples")
-  double startTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp parallel sections
-  {
-#pragma omp section
-    intToFloatProgram = createProgram("BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    delayAndBandPassProgram = createProgram("DelayAndBandPass.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    beamFormerProgram = createProgram("BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    transposeProgram = createProgram("BeamFormer/Transpose.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    dedispersionChirpProgram = createProgram("BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl");
-  }
-  std::cout << "compile time = " << getTime() - startTime << std::endl;
-UHEP_Pipeline::UHEP_Pipeline(const Parset &ps)
-  Pipeline(ps),
-  beamFormerCounter("beamformer"),
-  transposeCounter("transpose"),
-  invFFTcounter("inv. FFT"),
-  invFIRfilterCounter("inv. FIR"),
-  triggerCounter("trigger"),
-  beamFormerWeightsCounter("BF weights"),
-  samplesCounter("samples")
-  double startTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp parallel sections
-  {
-#pragma omp section
-    beamFormerProgram = createProgram("UHEP/BeamFormer.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    transposeProgram = createProgram("UHEP/Transpose.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    invFFTprogram = createProgram("UHEP/InvFFT.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    invFIRfilterProgram = createProgram("UHEP/InvFIR.cl");
-#pragma omp section
-    triggerProgram = createProgram("UHEP/Trigger.cl");
-  }
-  std::cout << "compile time = " << getTime() - startTime << std::endl;
-class WorkQueue
-  public:
-    WorkQueue(Pipeline &);
-    const unsigned	gpu;
-    cl::Device		&device;
-    cl::CommandQueue	queue;
-  protected:
-    const Parset	&ps;
-template <typename SampleType> class CorrelatorWorkQueue : public WorkQueue
-  public:
-    CorrelatorWorkQueue(CorrelatorPipeline &);
-    void doWork();
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-    void setTestPattern();
-    void printTestOutput();
-  //private:
-    CorrelatorPipeline	&pipeline;
-    cl::Buffer		devFIRweights;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1> bandPassCorrectionWeights;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3> delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 2> phaseOffsets;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<SampleType, 3> inputSamples;
-    cl::Buffer		devFilteredData;
-    cl::Buffer		devCorrectedData;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> visibilities;
-template <typename SampleType> class BeamFormerWorkQueue : public WorkQueue
-  public:
-    BeamFormerWorkQueue(BeamFormerPipeline &);
-    void doWork();
-    BeamFormerPipeline	&pipeline;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<SampleType, 3>	   inputSamples;
-    cl::Buffer					   devFilteredData;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1>		   bandPassCorrectionWeights;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3>		   delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 2>		   phaseOffsets;
-    cl::Buffer					   devCorrectedData;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> beamFormerWeights;
-    cl::Buffer					   devComplexVoltages;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> transposedComplexVoltages;
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1>		   DMs;
-struct TriggerInfo {
-  float	   mean, variance, bestValue;
-  unsigned bestApproxIndex;
-template <typename SampleType> class UHEP_WorkQueue : public WorkQueue
-  public:
-    UHEP_WorkQueue(UHEP_Pipeline &);
-    void doWork(const float *delaysAtBegin, const float *delaysAfterEnd, const float *phaseOffsets);
-    UHEP_Pipeline	&pipeline;
-    cl::Event		inputSamplesEvent, beamFormerWeightsEvent;
-    cl::Buffer		devBuffers[2];
-    cl::Buffer		devInputSamples;
-    MultiArrayHostBuffer<SampleType, 4> hostInputSamples;
-    cl::Buffer		devBeamFormerWeights;
-    MultiArrayHostBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> hostBeamFormerWeights;
-    cl::Buffer		devComplexVoltages;
-    cl::Buffer		devReverseSubbandMapping;
-    cl::Buffer		devFFTedData;
-    cl::Buffer		devInvFIRfilteredData;
-    cl::Buffer		devInvFIRfilterWeights;
-    cl::Buffer		devTriggerInfo;
-    VectorHostBuffer<TriggerInfo> hostTriggerInfo;
-class Kernel : public cl::Kernel
-  public:
-    Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, const char *name)
-    :
-      cl::Kernel(program, name),
-      ps(ps)
-    {
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter)
-    {
-      queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(*this, cl::NullRange, globalWorkSize, localWorkSize, 0, &event);
-      counter.doOperation(event, nrOperations, nrBytesRead, nrBytesWritten);
-    }
-  protected:
-    cl::Event	 event;
-    const Parset &ps;
-    cl::NDRange  globalWorkSize, localWorkSize;
-    size_t       nrOperations, nrBytesRead, nrBytesWritten;
-template <typename SampleType> class FIR_FilterKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    FIR_FilterKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples, cl::Buffer &devFIRweights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "FIR_filter")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFilteredData);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      setArg(2, devFIRweights);
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      unsigned totalNrThreads = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * 2;
-      unsigned nrPasses = (totalNrThreads + maxNrThreads - 1) / maxNrThreads;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(totalNrThreads, ps.nrStations());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(totalNrThreads / nrPasses, 1);
-      size_t nrSamples = (size_t) ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      nrOperations   = nrSamples * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_TAPS * 2 * 2;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrSamples * (NR_TAPS - 1 + ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()) * sizeof(SampleType);
-      nrBytesWritten = nrSamples * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    FFT_Kernel(cl::Context &context, unsigned fftSize, unsigned nrFFTs, bool forward, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      nrFFTs(nrFFTs),
-      fftSize(fftSize)
-#if defined USE_CUSTOM_FFT
-    {
-      ASSERT(fftSize == 256);
-      ASSERT(forward);
-      std::vector<cl::Device> devices = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>();
-      cl::Program program = createProgram(context, devices, "FFT.cl", "");
-      kernel = cl::Kernel(program, "fft0");
-      kernel.setArg(0, buffer);
-    }
-    , direction(forward ? clFFT_Forward : clFFT_Inverse),
-      plan(context, fftSize),
-      buffer(buffer)
-    {
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter)
-    {
-#if defined USE_CUSTOM_FFT
-      queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel, cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(nrFFTs * 64 / 4, 4), cl::NDRange(64, 4), 0, &event);
-      cl_int error = clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved(queue(), plan.plan, nrFFTs, direction, buffer(), buffer(), 0, 0, &event());
-      if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-	throw cl::Error(error, "clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved");
-      counter.doOperation(event,
-	(size_t) nrFFTs * 5 * fftSize * log2(fftSize),
-	(size_t) nrFFTs * fftSize * sizeof(std::complex<float>),
-	(size_t) nrFFTs * fftSize * sizeof(std::complex<float>));
-    }
-  private:
-    unsigned	 nrFFTs, fftSize;
-#if defined USE_CUSTOM_FFT
-    cl::Kernel	 kernel;
-    clFFT_Direction direction;
-    FFT_Plan     plan;
-    cl::Buffer	 &buffer;
-    cl::Event	 event;
-class Filter_FFT_Kernel : public FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    Filter_FFT_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData)
-    :
-      FFT_Kernel(context, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(), ps.nrStations() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel(), true, devFilteredData)
-    {
-    }
-class DelayAndBandPassKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    DelayAndBandPassKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devCorrectedData, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData, cl::Buffer &devDelaysAtBegin, cl::Buffer &devDelaysAfterEnd, cl::Buffer &devPhaseOffsets, cl::Buffer &devBandPassCorrectionWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "applyDelaysAndCorrectBandPass")
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() % 16 == 0 || ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() == 1);
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % 16 == 0);
-      setArg(0, devCorrectedData);
-      setArg(1, devFilteredData);
-      setArg(4, devDelaysAtBegin);
-      setArg(5, devDelaysAfterEnd);
-      setArg(6, devPhaseOffsets);
-      setArg(7, devBandPassCorrectionWeights);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() == 1 ? 1 : ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() / 16, ps.nrStations());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      size_t nrSamples = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      nrOperations = nrSamples * 12;
-      nrBytesRead = nrBytesWritten = nrSamples * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter, unsigned subband)
-    {
-      setArg(2, (float) ps.subbandToFrequencyMapping()[subband]);
-      setArg(3, 0); // beam
-      Kernel::enqueue(queue, counter);
-    }
-class CorrelatorKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    CorrelatorKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devVisibilities, cl::Buffer &devCorrectedData)
-    :
-#if defined USE_4X4
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate_4x4")
-#elif defined USE_3X3
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate_3x3")
-#elif defined USE_2X2
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate_2x2")
-      Kernel(ps, program, "correlate")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devVisibilities);
-      setArg(1, devCorrectedData);
-      size_t maxNrThreads, preferredMultiple;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      std::vector<cl_context_properties> properties;
-      queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT>().getInfo(CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES, &properties);
-      if (cl::Platform((cl_platform_id) properties[1]).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_NAME>() == "AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing")
-	preferredMultiple = 256;
-      else
-	getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE, &preferredMultiple);
-#if defined USE_4X4
-      unsigned quartStations = (ps.nrStations() + 2) / 4;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = quartStations * (quartStations + 1) / 2;
-#elif defined USE_3X3
-      unsigned thirdStations = (ps.nrStations() + 2) / 3;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = thirdStations * (thirdStations + 1) / 2;
-#elif defined USE_2X2
-      unsigned halfStations = (ps.nrStations() + 1) / 2;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = halfStations * (halfStations + 1) / 2;
-      unsigned nrBlocks = ps.nrBaselines();
-      unsigned nrPasses = (nrBlocks + maxNrThreads - 1) / maxNrThreads;
-      unsigned nrThreads = (nrBlocks + nrPasses - 1) / nrPasses;
-      nrThreads = (nrThreads + preferredMultiple - 1) / preferredMultiple * preferredMultiple;
-      //std::cout << "nrBlocks = " << nrBlocks << ", nrPasses = " << nrPasses << ", preferredMultiple = " << preferredMultiple << ", nrThreads = " << nrThreads << std::endl;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(nrPasses * nrThreads, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, 1);
-      nrOperations   = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrBaselines() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 32;
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) nrPasses * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrBaselines() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class IntToFloatKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    IntToFloatKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFilteredData, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "intToFloat")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFilteredData);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(maxNrThreads, ps.nrStations());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(maxNrThreads, 1);
-      size_t nrSamples = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      nrOperations   = nrSamples * 2;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrSamples * 2 * ps.nrBitsPerSample() / 8;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrSamples * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class IncoherentStokesKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    IncoherentStokesKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devIncoherentStokes, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "incoherentStokes")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devIncoherentStokes);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      unsigned nrTimes = ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor();
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      unsigned nrPasses = (nrTimes + maxNrThreads - 1) / maxNrThreads;
-      unsigned nrTimesPerPass = (nrTimes + nrPasses - 1) / nrPasses;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(nrTimesPerPass * nrPasses, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrTimesPerPass, 1);
-      nrOperations   = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrStations() * (ps.nrIncoherentStokes() == 1 ? 8 : 20 + 2.0 / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor());
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrIncoherentStokes() * nrTimes * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(float);
-    }
-class BeamFormerKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    BeamFormerKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages, cl::Buffer &devCorrectedData, cl::Buffer &devBeamFormerWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "complexVoltages")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devComplexVoltages);
-      setArg(1, devCorrectedData);
-      setArg(2, devBeamFormerWeights);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), 1);
-      // FIXME: nrTABs
-      //queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(*this, cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(16, ps.nrTABs(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()), cl::NDRange(16, ps.nrTABs(), 1), 0, &event);
-      size_t count = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      size_t nrWeightsBytes = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrSampleBytesPerPass = count * ps.nrStations() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass = count * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      unsigned nrPasses = std::max((ps.nrStations() + 6) / 16, 1U);
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * 8;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrWeightsBytes + nrSampleBytesPerPass + (nrPasses - 1) * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrPasses * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-    }
-class BeamFormerTransposeKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    BeamFormerTransposeKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devTransposedData, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "transposeComplexVoltages")
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % 16 == 0);
-      setArg(0, devTransposedData);
-      setArg(1, devComplexVoltages);
-      //globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() + 15) / 16);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / 16);
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      nrOperations   = 0;
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>),
-      //nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-#if 0
-class Dedispersion_FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    Dedispersion_FFT_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      ps(ps),
-      plan(context, ps.dedispersionFFTsize()),
-      buffer(buffer)
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % ps.dedispersionFFTsize() == 0);
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter, clFFT_Direction direction)
-    {
-      size_t nrFFTs = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize();
-      cl_int error = clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved(queue(), plan.plan, nrFFTs, direction, buffer(), buffer(), 0, 0, &event());
-      if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
-	throw cl::Error(error, "clFFT_ExecuteInterleaved");
-      counter.doOperation(event,
-	nrFFTs * 5 * ps.dedispersionFFTsize() * log2(ps.dedispersionFFTsize()),
-	nrFFTs * ps.dedispersionFFTsize() * sizeof(std::complex<float>),
-	nrFFTs * ps.dedispersionFFTsize() * sizeof(std::complex<float>));
-    }
-  private:
-    const Parset &ps;
-    FFT_Plan	 plan;
-    cl::Buffer	 &buffer;
-    cl::Event	 event;
-class DedispersionForwardFFTkernel : public FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    DedispersionForwardFFTkernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      FFT_Kernel(context, ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), true, buffer)
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % ps.dedispersionFFTsize() == 0);
-    }
-class DedispersionBackwardFFTkernel : public FFT_Kernel
-  public:
-    DedispersionBackwardFFTkernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Context &context, cl::Buffer &buffer)
-    :
-      FFT_Kernel(context, ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize(), false, buffer)
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() % ps.dedispersionFFTsize() == 0);
-    }
-class DedispersionChirpKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    DedispersionChirpKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Buffer &buffer, cl::Buffer &DMs)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "applyChirp")
-    {
-      setArg(0, buffer);
-      setArg(1, DMs);
-      size_t maxNrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      unsigned fftSize = ps.dedispersionFFTsize();
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(fftSize, ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / fftSize, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-      //std::cout << "globalWorkSize = NDRange(" << fftSize << ", " << ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / fftSize << ", " << ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() << ')' << std::endl;
-      if (fftSize <= maxNrThreads) {
-	localWorkSize = cl::NDRange(fftSize, 1, maxNrThreads / fftSize);
-	//std::cout << "localWorkSize = NDRange(" << fftSize << ", 1, " << maxNrThreads / fftSize << ')' << std::endl;
-      } else {
-	unsigned divisor;
-	for (divisor = 1; fftSize / divisor > maxNrThreads || fftSize % divisor != 0; divisor ++)
-	  ;
-	localWorkSize = cl::NDRange(fftSize / divisor, 1, 1);
-	//std::cout << "localWorkSize = NDRange(" << fftSize / divisor << ", 1, 1))" << std::endl;
-      }
-      nrOperations = (size_t) NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * (9 * ps.nrTABs() + 17),
-      nrBytesRead  = nrBytesWritten = sizeof(std::complex<float>) * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel();
-    }
-    void enqueue(cl::CommandQueue &queue, PerformanceCounter &counter, double subbandFrequency)
-    {
-      setArg(2, (float) subbandFrequency);
-      Kernel::enqueue(queue, counter);
-    }
-class CoherentStokesKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    CoherentStokesKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devStokesData, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "coherentStokes")
-    {
-      ASSERT(ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 16 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() % 16 == 0);
-      ASSERT(ps.nrCoherentStokes() == 1 || ps.nrCoherentStokes() == 4);
-      setArg(0, devStokesData);
-      setArg(1, devComplexVoltages);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() + 15) / 16);
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      nrOperations   = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * (ps.nrCoherentStokes() == 1 ? 8 : 20 + 2.0 / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor());
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrCoherentStokes() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(float);
-    }
-template <typename SampleType> class UHEP_BeamFormerKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_BeamFormerKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages, cl::Buffer &devInputSamples, cl::Buffer &devBeamFormerWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "complexVoltages")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devComplexVoltages);
-      setArg(1, devInputSamples);
-      setArg(2, devBeamFormerWeights);
-#if 1
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), ps.nrSubbands());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs(), 1);
-      size_t count = ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      size_t nrWeightsBytes = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrSubbands() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrSampleBytes = count * ps.nrStations() * sizeof(SampleType);
-      size_t nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass = count * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      unsigned nrPasses = std::max((ps.nrStations() + 6) / 16, 1U);
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * 8;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrWeightsBytes + nrSampleBytes + (nrPasses - 1) * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrPasses * nrComplexVoltagesBytesPerPass;
-      ASSERT(ps.nrTABs() % 3 == 0);
-      ASSERT(ps.nrStations() % 6 == 0);
-      unsigned nrThreads = NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrTABs() / 3) * (ps.nrStations() / 6);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, ps.nrSubbands());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, 1);
-      //globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(ps.nrStations() / 6, ps.nrTABs() / 3, ps.nrSubbands());
-      //localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(ps.nrStations() / 6, ps.nrTABs() / 3, 1);
-      size_t count = ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      size_t nrWeightsBytes = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrSubbands() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      size_t nrSampleBytes = count * ps.nrStations() * sizeof(SampleType);
-      size_t nrComplexVoltagesBytes = count * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrStations() * ps.nrTABs() * 8;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrWeightsBytes + nrSampleBytes;
-      nrBytesWritten = nrComplexVoltagesBytes;
-    }
-class UHEP_TransposeKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_TransposeKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFFTedData, cl::Buffer &devComplexVoltages, cl::Buffer &devReverseSubbandMapping)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "UHEP_Transpose")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFFTedData);
-      setArg(1, devComplexVoltages);
-      setArg(2, devReverseSubbandMapping);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(256, (ps.nrTABs() + 15) / 16, 512 / 16);
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(256, 1, 1);
-      nrOperations   = 0;
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-    }
-class UHEP_InvFFT_Kernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_InvFFT_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devFFTedData)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "inv_fft")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devFFTedData);
-      setArg(1, devFFTedData);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(128, ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(128, 1);
-      size_t nrFFTs = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1);
-      nrOperations   = nrFFTs * 5 * 1024 * 10;
-      nrBytesRead    = nrFFTs * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-      nrBytesWritten = nrFFTs * 1024 * sizeof(float);
-    }
-class UHEP_InvFIR_Kernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_InvFIR_Kernel(const Parset &ps, cl::CommandQueue &queue, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devInvFIRfilteredData, cl::Buffer &devFFTedData, cl::Buffer &devInvFIRfilterWeights)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "invFIRfilter")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devInvFIRfilteredData);
-      setArg(1, devFFTedData);
-      setArg(2, devInvFIRfilterWeights);
-      size_t maxNrThreads, nrThreads;
-      getWorkGroupInfo(queue.getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>(), CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxNrThreads);
-      // round down to nearest power of two
-      for (nrThreads = 1024; nrThreads > maxNrThreads; nrThreads /= 2)
-	;
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(1024, NR_POLARIZATIONS, ps.nrTABs());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(nrThreads, 1, 1);
-      size_t count = ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * 1024;
-      nrOperations   = count * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS * 2;
-      nrBytesRead    = count * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * sizeof(float);
-      nrBytesWritten = count * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * sizeof(float);
-    }
-class UHEP_TriggerKernel : public Kernel
-  public:
-    UHEP_TriggerKernel(const Parset &ps, cl::Program &program, cl::Buffer &devTriggerInfo, cl::Buffer &devInvFIRfilteredData)
-    :
-      Kernel(ps, program, "trigger")
-    {
-      setArg(0, devTriggerInfo);
-      setArg(1, devInvFIRfilteredData);
-      globalWorkSize = cl::NDRange(16, 16, ps.nrTABs());
-      localWorkSize  = cl::NDRange(16, 16, 1);
-      nrOperations   = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024 * (3 /* power */ + 2 /* window */ + 1 /* max */ + 7 /* mean/variance */);
-      nrBytesRead    = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024 * sizeof(float);
-      nrBytesWritten = (size_t) ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(TriggerInfo);
-    }
-WorkQueue::WorkQueue(Pipeline &pipeline)
-  gpu(omp_get_thread_num() % nrGPUs),
-  device(pipeline.devices[gpu]),
-  ps(pipeline.ps)
-#if defined __linux__ && defined USE_B7015
-  set_affinity(gpu);
-  queue = cl::CommandQueue(pipeline.context, device, profiling ? CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE : 0);
-template <typename SampleType> CorrelatorWorkQueue<SampleType>::CorrelatorWorkQueue(CorrelatorPipeline &pipeline)
-  WorkQueue(pipeline),
-  pipeline(pipeline),
-  bandPassCorrectionWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAtBegin(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAfterEnd(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  phaseOffsets(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  inputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][(ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_TAPS - 1) * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  visibilities(boost::extents[ps.nrBaselines()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY)
-  size_t firWeightsSize = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_TAPS * sizeof(float);
-  devFIRweights = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, firWeightsSize);
-  size_t filteredDataSize = ps.nrStations() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  devFilteredData = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, filteredDataSize);
-  devCorrectedData = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, filteredDataSize);
-  if (ps.correctBandPass()) {
-    BandPass::computeCorrectionFactors(bandPassCorrectionWeights.origin(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-    bandPassCorrectionWeights.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  }
-template <typename SampleType> void CorrelatorWorkQueue<SampleType>::doWork()
-  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devFIRweights, CL_TRUE, 0, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * NR_TAPS * sizeof(float), pipeline.filterBank.getWeights().origin());
-  FIR_FilterKernel<SampleType> firFilterKernel(ps, queue, pipeline.firFilterProgram, devFilteredData, inputSamples, devFIRweights);
-  Filter_FFT_Kernel fftKernel(ps, pipeline.context, devFilteredData);
-  DelayAndBandPassKernel delayAndBandPassKernel(ps, pipeline.delayAndBandPassProgram, devCorrectedData, devFilteredData, delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd, phaseOffsets, bandPassCorrectionWeights);
-  CorrelatorKernel correlatorKernel(ps, queue, pipeline.correlatorProgram, visibilities, devCorrectedData);
-  double startTime = ps.startTime(), currentTime, stopTime = ps.stopTime(), blockTime = ps.CNintegrationTime();
-#pragma omp barrier
-  double executionStartTime = getTime();
-  for (unsigned block = 0; (currentTime = startTime + block * blockTime) < stopTime; block ++) {
-#pragma omp single
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "block = " << block << ", time = " << to_simple_string(from_ustime_t(currentTime)) << std::endl;
-    memset(delaysAtBegin.origin(), 0, delaysAtBegin.bytesize());
-    memset(delaysAfterEnd.origin(), 0, delaysAfterEnd.bytesize());
-    memset(phaseOffsets.origin(), 0, phaseOffsets.bytesize());
-    // FIXME!!!
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 3)
-      delaysAtBegin[0][2][0] = 1e-6, delaysAfterEnd[0][2][0] = 1.1e-6;
-    delaysAtBegin.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    delaysAfterEnd.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    phaseOffsets.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    queue.finish();
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
-    for (unsigned subband = 0; subband < ps.nrSubbands(); subband ++) {
-      try {
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-	if (subband == 0)
-	  setTestPattern();
-	{
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	  OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.hostToDeviceLock[gpu / 2]);
-	  inputSamples.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-	  pipeline.samplesCounter.doOperation(inputSamples.event, 0, 0, inputSamples.bytesize());
-	}
-	if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() > 1) {
-	  firFilterKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.firFilterCounter);
-	  fftKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.fftCounter);
-	}
-	delayAndBandPassKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.delayAndBandPassCounter, subband);
-	correlatorKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.correlatorCounter);
-	queue.finish();
-	{
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	  OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.deviceToHostLock[gpu / 2]);
-	  visibilities.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-	  pipeline.visibilitiesCounter.doOperation(visibilities.event, 0, visibilities.bytesize(), 0);
-	}
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-	if (subband == 0)
-	  printTestOutput();
-      } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-	std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-	exit(1);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp master
-  if (!profiling)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "run time = " << getTime() - executionStartTime << std::endl;
-// complexVoltages()
-// transpose()
-// float2 (*DedispersedDataType)[nrTABs][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()];
-// FFT()
-// applyChrip()
-// FFT-1()
-// float2 (*DedispersedDataType)[nrTABs][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()];
-// (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_CHANNELS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK][NR_TABS];
-// computeStokes()
-template <typename SampleType> BeamFormerWorkQueue<SampleType>::BeamFormerWorkQueue(BeamFormerPipeline &pipeline)
-  WorkQueue(pipeline),
-  pipeline(pipeline),
-  inputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  devFilteredData(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ps.nrStations() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * sizeof(std::complex<float>)),
-  bandPassCorrectionWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAtBegin(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  delaysAfterEnd(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  phaseOffsets(boost::extents[ps.nrBeams()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  devCorrectedData(cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ps.nrStations() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>))),
-  beamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY),
-  devComplexVoltages(cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>))),
-  //transposedComplexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE)
-  transposedComplexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE),
-  DMs(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY)
-  if (ps.correctBandPass()) {
-    BandPass::computeCorrectionFactors(bandPassCorrectionWeights.origin(), ps.nrChannelsPerSubband());
-    bandPassCorrectionWeights.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  }
-template <typename SampleType> void BeamFormerWorkQueue<SampleType>::doWork()
-  //queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devFIRweights, CL_TRUE, 0, firWeightsSize, firFilterWeights);
-  bandPassCorrectionWeights.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  DMs.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-  IntToFloatKernel intToFloatKernel(ps, queue, pipeline.intToFloatProgram, devFilteredData, inputSamples);
-  Filter_FFT_Kernel fftKernel(ps, pipeline.context, devFilteredData);
-  DelayAndBandPassKernel delayAndBandPassKernel(ps, pipeline.delayAndBandPassProgram, devCorrectedData, devFilteredData, delaysAtBegin, delaysAfterEnd, phaseOffsets, bandPassCorrectionWeights);
-  BeamFormerKernel beamFormerKernel(ps, pipeline.beamFormerProgram, devComplexVoltages, devCorrectedData, beamFormerWeights);
-  BeamFormerTransposeKernel transposeKernel(ps, pipeline.transposeProgram, transposedComplexVoltages, devComplexVoltages);
-  DedispersionForwardFFTkernel dedispersionForwardFFTkernel(ps, pipeline.context, transposedComplexVoltages);
-  DedispersionBackwardFFTkernel dedispersionBackwardFFTkernel(ps, pipeline.context, transposedComplexVoltages);
-  DedispersionChirpKernel dedispersionChirpKernel(ps, pipeline.dedispersionChirpProgram, queue, transposedComplexVoltages, DMs);
-  double startTime = ps.startTime(), currentTime, stopTime = ps.stopTime(), blockTime = ps.CNintegrationTime();
-#pragma omp barrier
-  double executionStartTime = getTime();
-  for (unsigned block = 0; (currentTime = startTime + block * blockTime) < stopTime; block ++) {
-#pragma omp single
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "block = " << block << ", time = " << to_simple_string(from_ustime_t(currentTime)) << std::endl;
-    memset(delaysAtBegin.origin(), 0, delaysAtBegin.bytesize());
-    memset(delaysAfterEnd.origin(), 0, delaysAfterEnd.bytesize());
-    memset(phaseOffsets.origin(), 0, phaseOffsets.bytesize());
-    // FIXME!!!
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 3)
-      delaysAtBegin[0][2][0] = 1e-6, delaysAfterEnd[0][2][0] = 1.1e-6;
-    delaysAtBegin.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    delaysAfterEnd.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    phaseOffsets.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    beamFormerWeights.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    queue.finish();
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
-    for (unsigned subband = 0; subband < ps.nrSubbands(); subband ++) {
-      try {
-#if 1
-	{
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	  OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.hostToDeviceLock[gpu / 2]);
-	  inputSamples.hostToDevice(CL_TRUE);
-	  pipeline.samplesCounter.doOperation(inputSamples.event, 0, 0, inputSamples.bytesize());
-	}
-//#pragma omp critical (GPU)
-	if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() > 1) {
-	  intToFloatKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.intToFloatCounter);
-	  fftKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.fftCounter);
-	}
-	delayAndBandPassKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.delayAndBandPassCounter, subband);
-	beamFormerKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.beamFormerCounter);
-	transposeKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.transposeCounter);
-	dedispersionForwardFFTkernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.dedispersionForwardFFTcounter);
-	dedispersionChirpKernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.dedispersionChirpCounter, ps.subbandToFrequencyMapping()[subband]);
-	dedispersionBackwardFFTkernel.enqueue(queue, pipeline.dedispersionBackwardFFTcounter);
-	queue.finish();
-	//queue.enqueueReadBuffer(devComplexVoltages, CL_TRUE, 0, hostComplexVoltages.bytesize(), hostComplexVoltages.origin());
-	//dedispersedData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-	std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-	exit(1);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp master
-  if (!profiling)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "run time = " << getTime() - executionStartTime << std::endl;
-template <typename SampleType> UHEP_WorkQueue<SampleType>::UHEP_WorkQueue(UHEP_Pipeline &pipeline)
-  WorkQueue(pipeline),
-  pipeline(pipeline),
-  hostInputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY),
-  hostBeamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY),
-  hostTriggerInfo(ps.nrTABs(), queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY)
-  size_t inputSamplesSize = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(SampleType);
-  size_t complexVoltagesSize = ps.nrSubbands() * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  size_t transposedDataSize = ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  size_t invFIRfilteredDataSize = ps.nrTABs() * NR_POLARIZATIONS * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 512 * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  size_t buffer0size = std::max(inputSamplesSize, transposedDataSize);
-  size_t buffer1size = std::max(complexVoltagesSize, invFIRfilteredDataSize);
-  devBuffers[0] = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, buffer0size);
-  devBuffers[1] = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, buffer1size);
-  size_t beamFormerWeightsSize = ps.nrStations() * ps.nrSubbands() * ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(std::complex<float>);
-  devBeamFormerWeights = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, beamFormerWeightsSize);
-  devInputSamples = devBuffers[0];
-  devComplexVoltages = devBuffers[1];
-  devReverseSubbandMapping = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 512 * sizeof(int));
-  devInvFIRfilterWeights = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 1024 * NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS * sizeof(float));
-  devFFTedData = devBuffers[0];
-  devInvFIRfilteredData = devBuffers[1];
-  devTriggerInfo = cl::Buffer(pipeline.context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, ps.nrTABs() * sizeof(TriggerInfo));
-template <typename SampleType> void UHEP_WorkQueue<SampleType>::doWork(const float * /*delaysAtBegin*/, const float * /*delaysAfterEnd*/, const float * /*phaseOffsets*/)
-  UHEP_BeamFormerKernel<SampleType> beamFormer(ps, pipeline.beamFormerProgram, devComplexVoltages, devInputSamples, devBeamFormerWeights);
-  UHEP_TransposeKernel  transpose(ps, pipeline.transposeProgram, devFFTedData, devComplexVoltages, devReverseSubbandMapping);
-  UHEP_InvFFT_Kernel	invFFT(ps, pipeline.invFFTprogram, devFFTedData);
-  UHEP_InvFIR_Kernel	invFIR(ps, queue, pipeline.invFIRfilterProgram, devInvFIRfilteredData, devFFTedData, devInvFIRfilterWeights);
-  UHEP_TriggerKernel	trigger(ps, pipeline.triggerProgram, devTriggerInfo, devInvFIRfilteredData);
-  double startTime = ps.startTime(), stopTime = ps.stopTime(), blockTime = ps.CNintegrationTime();
-  unsigned nrBlocks = (stopTime - startTime) / blockTime;
-  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devInvFIRfilterWeights, CL_FALSE, 0, sizeof invertedStationPPFWeights, invertedStationPPFWeights);
-  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devReverseSubbandMapping, CL_TRUE, 0, 512 * sizeof(int), reverseSubbandMapping);
-#pragma omp barrier
-  double executionStartTime = getTime();
-#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
-  for (unsigned block = 0; block < nrBlocks; block ++) {
-    try {
-      double currentTime = startTime + block * blockTime;
-//#pragma omp single // FIXME: why does the compiler complain here???
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-      std::cout << "block = " << block << ", time = " << to_simple_string(from_ustime_t(currentTime)) << std::endl;
-#if 0
-      {
-#if defined USE_B7015
-	OMP_ScopedLock scopedLock(pipeline.hostToDeviceLock[gpu / 2]);
-	queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devInputSamples, CL_TRUE, 0, sampledDataSize, hostInputSamples.origin(), 0, &samplesEvent);
-      }
-      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devBeamFormerWeights, CL_FALSE, 0, hostBeamFormerWeights.bytesize(), hostBeamFormerWeights.origin(), 0, &beamFormerWeightsEvent);
-      pipeline.beamFormerWeightsCounter.doOperation(beamFormerWeightsEvent, 0, 0, hostBeamFormerWeights.bytesize());
-      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devInputSamples, CL_FALSE, 0, hostInputSamples.bytesize(), hostInputSamples.origin(), 0, &inputSamplesEvent);
-      pipeline.samplesCounter.doOperation(inputSamplesEvent, 0, 0, hostInputSamples.bytesize());
-      beamFormer.enqueue(queue, pipeline.beamFormerCounter);
-      transpose.enqueue(queue, pipeline.transposeCounter);
-      invFFT.enqueue(queue, pipeline.invFFTcounter);
-      invFIR.enqueue(queue, pipeline.invFIRfilterCounter);
-      trigger.enqueue(queue, pipeline.triggerCounter);
-      queue.finish(); // necessary to overlap I/O & computations ???
-      queue.enqueueReadBuffer(devTriggerInfo, CL_TRUE, 0, hostTriggerInfo.size() * sizeof(TriggerInfo), &hostTriggerInfo[0]);
-    } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-      std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-      exit(1);
-    }
-  }
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp master
-  if (!profiling)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-    std::cout << "run time = " << getTime() - executionStartTime << std::endl;
-#if defined USE_TEST_DATA
-template <typename SampleType> void CorrelatorWorkQueue<SampleType>::setTestPattern()
-  if (ps.nrStations() >= 3) {
-    double centerFrequency = 384 * ps.sampleRate();
-    double baseFrequency = centerFrequency - .5 * ps.sampleRate();
-    unsigned testSignalChannel = ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 231 ? 230 : ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() / 2;
-    double signalFrequency = baseFrequency + testSignalChannel * ps.sampleRate() / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-    for (unsigned time = 0; time < (NR_TAPS - 1 + ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()) * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(); time ++) {
-      double phi = 2.0 * M_PI * signalFrequency * time / ps.sampleRate();
-      switch (sizeof(SampleType)) {
-	case 4 : hostInputSamples[2][time][1] = SampleType((short) rint(32767 * cos(phi)), (short) rint(32767 * sin(phi)));
-		 break;
-	case 2 : hostInputSamples[2][time][1] = SampleType((signed char) rint(127 * cos(phi)), (signed char) rint(127 * sin(phi)));
-		 break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-template <typename SampleType> void CorrelatorWorkQueue<SampleType>::printTestOutput()
-  if (ps.nrBaselines() >= 6)
-#pragma omp critical (cout)
-  {
-    std::cout << "newgraph newcurve linetype solid pts" << std::endl;
-    //for (int channel = 0; channel < ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(); channel ++)
-    if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() == 256)
-      for (int channel = 228; channel <= 232; channel ++)
-	std::cout << channel << ' ' << hostVisibilities[5][channel][1][1] << std::endl;
-  }
-void CorrelatorPipeline::doWork()
-#pragma omp parallel num_threads((profiling ? 1 : 2) * nrGPUs)
-  try
-  {
-    switch (ps.nrBitsPerSample()) {
-      case  4 : CorrelatorWorkQueue<LOFAR::i4complex>(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-      case  8 : CorrelatorWorkQueue<std::complex<signed char> >(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-      case 16 : CorrelatorWorkQueue<std::complex<short> >(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-    }
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-void BeamFormerPipeline::doWork()
-#pragma omp parallel num_threads((profiling ? 1 : 2) * nrGPUs)
-  try
-  {
-    switch (ps.nrBitsPerSample()) {
-      case  4 : BeamFormerWorkQueue<LOFAR::i4complex>(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-      case  8 : BeamFormerWorkQueue<std::complex<signed char> >(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-      case 16 : BeamFormerWorkQueue<std::complex<short> >(*this).doWork();
-	 	break;
-    }
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-void UHEP_Pipeline::doWork()
-  float delaysAtBegin[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  float delaysAfterEnd[ps.nrBeams()][ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  float phaseOffsets[ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  memset(delaysAtBegin, 0, sizeof delaysAtBegin);
-  memset(delaysAfterEnd, 0, sizeof delaysAfterEnd);
-  memset(phaseOffsets, 0, sizeof phaseOffsets);
-  delaysAtBegin[0][2][0] = 1e-6, delaysAfterEnd[0][2][0] = 1.1e-6;
-#pragma omp parallel num_threads((profiling ? 1 : 2) * nrGPUs)
-  try
-  {
-    switch (ps.nrBitsPerSample()) {
-      case  4 : UHEP_WorkQueue<LOFAR::i4complex>(*this).doWork(&delaysAtBegin[0][0][0], &delaysAfterEnd[0][0][0], &phaseOffsets[0][0]);
-	 	break;
-      case  8 : UHEP_WorkQueue<std::complex<signed char> >(*this).doWork(&delaysAtBegin[0][0][0], &delaysAfterEnd[0][0][0], &phaseOffsets[0][0]);
-	 	break;
-      case 16 : UHEP_WorkQueue<std::complex<short> >(*this).doWork(&delaysAtBegin[0][0][0], &delaysAfterEnd[0][0][0], &phaseOffsets[0][0]);
-	 	break;
-    }
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-class UnitTest
-  protected:
-    UnitTest(const Parset &ps, const char *programName = 0)
-    :
-      counter(programName != 0 ? programName : "test")
-    {
-      createContext(context, devices);
-      queue = cl::CommandQueue(context, devices[0], CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE);
-      if (programName != 0)
-	program = createProgram(ps, context, devices, programName);
-    }
-    template <typename T> void check(T actual, T expected)
-    {
-      if (expected != actual) {
-	std::cerr << "Test FAILED: expected " << expected << ", computed " << actual << std::endl;
-	exit(1);
-      } else {
-	std::cout << "Test OK" << std::endl;
-      }
-    }
-    cl::Context context;
-    std::vector<cl::Device> devices;
-    cl::Program program;
-    cl::CommandQueue queue;
-    PerformanceCounter counter;
-struct CorrelatorTest : public UnitTest
-  CorrelatorTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "Correlator.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 6 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 100) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> visibilities(boost::extents[ps.nrBaselines()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      CorrelatorKernel correlator(ps, queue, program, visibilities, inputData);
-      inputData[3][5][99][1] = std::complex<float>(3, 4);
-      inputData[4][5][99][1] = std::complex<float>(5, 6);
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      correlator.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      visibilities.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(visibilities[13][5][1][1], std::complex<float>(39, 2));
-    }
-  }
-struct IncoherentStokesTest : public UnitTest
-  IncoherentStokesTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/IncoherentStokes.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 14 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 108) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3> stokesData(boost::extents[ps.nrIncoherentStokes()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      IncoherentStokesKernel kernel(ps, queue, program, stokesData, inputData);
-      inputData[4][13][107][0] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      inputData[4][13][107][1] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      kernel.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      stokesData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      const static float expected[] = { 54, -28, 46, 4 };
-      for (unsigned stokes = 0; stokes < ps.nrIncoherentStokes(); stokes ++)
-	check(stokesData[stokes][107 / ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][13], expected[stokes]);
-    }
-  }
-template <typename SampleType> struct IntToFloatTest : public UnitTest
-  IntToFloatTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/IntToFloat.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 3 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 10077) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<SampleType, 3> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> outputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      IntToFloatKernel kernel(ps, queue, program, outputData, inputData);
-      inputData[2][10076][1] = 7;
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      kernel.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      outputData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(outputData[2][1][10076], std::complex<float>(7.0f, 0));
-    }
-  }
-struct BeamFormerTest : public UnitTest
-  BeamFormerTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/BeamFormer.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 13 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 7 && ps.nrTABs() >= 6) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> beamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
-      BeamFormerKernel beamFormer(ps, program, complexVoltages, inputData, beamFormerWeights);
-      inputData[4][6][12][1] = std::complex<float>(2.2, 3);
-      beamFormerWeights[4][6][5] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormerWeights.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormer.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      complexVoltages.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(complexVoltages[6][12][5][1], std::complex<float>(-6.2, 23));
-#if 0
-      for (unsigned tab = 0; tab < ps.nrTABs(); tab ++)
-	for (unsigned pol = 0; pol < NR_POLARIZATIONS; pol ++)
-	  for (unsigned ch = 0; ch < ps.nrChannelsPerSubband(); ch ++)
-	    for (unsigned t = 0; t < ps.nrSamplesPerChannel(); t ++)
-	      if (complexVoltages[tab][pol][ch][t] != std::complex<float>(0, 0))
-		std::cout << "complexVoltages[" << tab << "][" << pol << "][" << ch << "][" << t << "] = " << complexVoltages[tab][pol][ch][t] << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-struct BeamFormerTransposeTest : public UnitTest
-  BeamFormerTransposeTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/Transpose.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 19 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 175 && ps.nrTABs() >= 5) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> transposedData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      BeamFormerTransposeKernel transpose(ps, program, transposedData, complexVoltages);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(24, 42);
-      complexVoltages.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      transpose.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      transposedData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(transposedData[4][1][174][18], std::complex<float>(24, 42));
-    }
-  }
-struct DedispersionChirpTest : public UnitTest
-  DedispersionChirpTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/Dedispersion.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrTABs() > 3 && ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() > 13 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize() > 1 && ps.dedispersionFFTsize() > 77) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 5> data(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.dedispersionFFTsize()][ps.dedispersionFFTsize()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 1> DMs(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      DedispersionChirpKernel dedispersionChirpKernel(ps, program, queue, data, DMs);
-      data[3][1][13][1][77] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      DMs[3] = 2;
-      DMs.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      data.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      dedispersionChirpKernel.enqueue(queue, counter, 60e6);
-      data.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      std::cout << data[3][1][13][1][77] << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-struct CoherentStokesTest : public UnitTest
-  CoherentStokesTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "BeamFormer/CoherentStokes.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrChannelsPerSubband() >= 19 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() >= 175 && ps.nrTABs() >= 5) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 4> stokesData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][ps.nrCoherentStokes()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-#if 1
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      CoherentStokesKernel stokesKernel(ps, program, stokesData, complexVoltages);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][0] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()][ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      CoherentStokesKernel stokesKernel(ps, program, stokesData, complexVoltages);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][0] = std::complex<float>(2, 3);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(4, 5);
-      complexVoltages.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      stokesKernel.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      stokesData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      for (unsigned stokes = 0; stokes < ps.nrCoherentStokes(); stokes ++)
-	std::cout << stokesData[4][stokes][174 / ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor()][18] << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-template <typename SampleType> struct UHEP_BeamFormerTest : public UnitTest
-  UHEP_BeamFormerTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "UHEP/BeamFormer.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrStations() >= 5 && (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1) >= 13 && ps.nrSubbands() >= 7 && ps.nrTABs() >= 6) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<SampleType, 4> inputSamples(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 3> beamFormerWeights(boost::extents[ps.nrStations()][ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
-      UHEP_BeamFormerKernel<SampleType> beamFormer(ps, program, complexVoltages, inputSamples, beamFormerWeights);
-      inputSamples[4][6][12][1] = SampleType(2, 3);
-      beamFormerWeights[4][6][5] = SampleType(4, 5);
-      inputSamples.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormerWeights.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      beamFormer.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      complexVoltages.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(complexVoltages[6][12][5][1], std::complex<float>(-7, 22));
-    }
-  }
-struct UHEP_TransposeTest : public UnitTest
-  UHEP_TransposeTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "UHEP/Transpose.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrSubbands() >= 19 && ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 >= 175 && ps.nrTABs() >= 5) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> transposedData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][512], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 4> complexVoltages(boost::extents[ps.nrSubbands()][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS], queue, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      cl::Buffer devReverseSubbandMapping(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 512 * sizeof(int));
-      UHEP_TransposeKernel transpose(ps, program, transposedData, complexVoltages, devReverseSubbandMapping);
-      complexVoltages[18][174][4][1] = std::complex<float>(24, 42);
-      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(devReverseSubbandMapping, CL_FALSE, 0, 512 * sizeof(int), reverseSubbandMapping);
-      complexVoltages.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      transpose.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      transposedData.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      check(transposedData[4][1][174][38], std::complex<float>(24, 42));
-    }
-  }
-struct UHEP_TriggerTest : public UnitTest
-  UHEP_TriggerTest(const Parset &ps)
-  :
-    UnitTest(ps, "UHEP/Trigger.cl")
-  {
-    if (ps.nrTABs() >= 4 && 1024 * ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() > 100015) {
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<float, 3> inputData(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()][NR_POLARIZATIONS][ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-      MultiArraySharedBuffer<TriggerInfo, 1> triggerInfo(boost::extents[ps.nrTABs()], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-      UHEP_TriggerKernel trigger(ps, program, triggerInfo, inputData);
-      inputData[3][1][100015] = 1000;
-      inputData.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-      trigger.enqueue(queue, counter);
-      triggerInfo.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-      std::cout << "trigger info: mean = " << triggerInfo[3].mean << ", variance = " << triggerInfo[3].variance << ", bestValue = " << triggerInfo[3].bestValue << ", bestApproxIndex = " << triggerInfo[3].bestApproxIndex << std::endl;
-      //check(triggerInfo[3].mean, (float) (1000.0f * 1000.0f) / (float) (ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() * 1024));
-      check(triggerInfo[3].bestValue, 1000.0f * 1000.0f);
-      check(triggerInfo[3].bestApproxIndex, 100016U);
-    }
-  }
-#if 0
-struct FFT_Test : public UnitTest
-  FFT_Test(const Parset &ps)
-  : UnitTest(ps, "fft.cl")
-  {
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 1> in(boost::extents[8], queue, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY);
-    MultiArraySharedBuffer<std::complex<float>, 1> out(boost::extents[8], queue, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i ++)
-      in[i] = std::complex<float>(2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 2);
-    clAmdFftSetupData setupData;
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftInitSetupData(&setupData), "clAmdFftInitSetupData");
-    setupData.debugFlags = CLFFT_DUMP_PROGRAMS;
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftSetup(&setupData), "clAmdFftSetup");
-    clAmdFftPlanHandle plan;
-    size_t dim[1] = { 8 };
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftCreateDefaultPlan(&plan, context(), CLFFT_1D, dim), "clAmdFftCreateDefaultPlan");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftSetResultLocation(plan, CLFFT_OUTOFPLACE), "clAmdFftSetResultLocation");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftSetPlanBatchSize(plan, 1), "clAmdFftSetPlanBatchSize");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftBakePlan(plan, 1, &queue(), 0, 0), "clAmdFftBakePlan");
-    in.hostToDevice(CL_FALSE);
-    cl_mem ins[1] = { ((cl::Buffer) in)() };
-    cl_mem outs[1] = { ((cl::Buffer) out)() };
-#if 1
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftEnqueueTransform(plan, CLFFT_FORWARD, 1, &queue(), 0, 0, 0, ins, outs, 0), "clAmdFftEnqueueTransform");
-    cl::Kernel kernel(program, "fft_fwd");
-    kernel.setArg(0, (cl::Buffer) in);
-    kernel.setArg(1, (cl::Buffer) out);
-    queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel, cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(64, 1, 1), cl::NDRange(64, 1, 1));
-    out.deviceToHost(CL_TRUE);
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i ++)
-      std::cout << out[i] << std::endl;
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftDestroyPlan(&plan), "clAmdFftDestroyPlan");
-    cl::detail::errHandler(clAmdFftTeardown(), "clAmdFftTeardown");
-  }
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-  using namespace LOFAR::RTCP;
-  std::cout << "running ..." << std::endl;
-  if (setenv("DISPLAY", ":0.0", 1) < 0) {
-    perror("error setting DISPLAY");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  if (argc != 2) {
-    std::cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " parset" << std::endl;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-#if 0 && defined __linux__
-  set_affinity(0);
-  try {
-    Parset ps(argv[1]);
-#if 0
-    const char *str = getenv("NR_STATIONS");
-    ps.nrStations() = str ? atoi(str) : 77;
-    std::cout << "nr stations = " << ps.nrStations() << std::endl;
-    const char *str = getenv("NR_GPUS");
-    nrGPUs = str ? atoi(str) : 1;
-#if 0
-    ps.nrSubbands()		= 10;//488;
-    ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()	= 64;
-    ps.nrBeams()		= 1;
-    ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()	= 196608 / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-    ps.subbandBandwidth()	= 195312.5;
-    ps.correctBandPass()	= true;
-    profiling = false; CorrelatorPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    profiling = true; CorrelatorPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    //(CorrelatorTest)(ps);
-#if 0
-    ps.nrSubbands()		  = 488;
-    ps.nrChannelsPerSubband()	  = 2048;
-    ps.nrBeams()		  = 1;
-    ps.nrTABs()			  = 128;
-    ps.nrIncoherentStokes()	  = 4;
-    ps.nrCoherentStokes()	  = 4;
-    ps.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() = 8;
-    ps.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() = 8;
-    ps.nrSamplesPerChannel()	  = 65536 / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();//262144 / ps.nrChannelsPerSubband();
-    ps.subbandBandwidth()	  = 195312.5;
-    ps.correctBandPass()	  = true;
-    ps.dedispersionFFTsize()	  = ps.nrSamplesPerChannel();
-    profiling = false; BeamFormerPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    profiling = true; BeamFormerPipeline(ps).doWork();
-    //(IncoherentStokesTest)(ps);
-    //(IntToFloatTest)(ps);
-    //(BeamFormerTest)(ps);
-    //(BeamFormerTransposeTest)(ps);
-    //(DedispersionChirpTest)(ps);
-    //(CoherentStokesTest)(ps);
-#if 0
-    ps.nrSubbands()	   = 488;
-    ps.nrSamplesPerChannel() = 1024;
-    ps.nrBeams()	   = 1;
-    ps.subbandBandwidth()  = 195312.5;
-    ps.nrTABs()		   = 48;
-    profiling = false; UHEP_Pipeline(ps).doWork();
-    profiling = true; UHEP_Pipeline(ps).doWork();
-    //(UHEP_BeamFormerTest)(ps);
-    //(UHEP_TransposeTest)(ps);
-    //(UHEP_TriggerTest)(ps);
-#if 0
-    (FFT_Test)(ps);
-  } catch (cl::Error &error) {
-#pragma omp critical (cerr)
-    std::cerr << "OpenCL error: " << error.what() << ": " << errorMessage(error.err()) << std::endl << error;
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  return 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/ReaderWriterSynchronization.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/ReaderWriterSynchronization.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c419634594b8fcc41b1a44939c3dd9f18e0fc23..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/ReaderWriterSynchronization.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-//# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001
-//# ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//# P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//# (at your option) any later version.
-//# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//# GNU General Public License for more details.
-//# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//# $Id: ReaderWriterSynchronization.cc 17893 2011-04-29 09:04:10Z romein $
-//# Always #include <lofar_config.h> first!
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include <ReaderWriterSynchronization.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-SynchronizedReaderAndWriter::SynchronizedReaderAndWriter(unsigned bufferSize)
-  itsBufferSize(bufferSize)
-void SynchronizedReaderAndWriter::startRead(const TimeStamp &begin, const TimeStamp &end)
-  itsReadPointer.advanceTo(begin);
-  itsWritePointer.waitFor(end);
-void SynchronizedReaderAndWriter::finishedRead(const TimeStamp &advanceTo)
-  itsReadPointer.advanceTo(advanceTo);
-void SynchronizedReaderAndWriter::startWrite(const TimeStamp &begin, const TimeStamp &end)
-  itsWritePointer.advanceTo(begin);
-  itsReadPointer.waitFor(end - itsBufferSize);
-void SynchronizedReaderAndWriter::finishedWrite(const TimeStamp &advanceTo)
-  itsWritePointer.advanceTo(advanceTo);
-void SynchronizedReaderAndWriter::noMoreReading()
-  // advance read pointer to infinity, to unblock thread that waits in startWrite
-  itsReadPointer.advanceTo(TimeStamp(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL)); // we only use this TimeStamp for comparison so clockSpeed does not matter
-void SynchronizedReaderAndWriter::noMoreWriting()
-  itsWritePointer.advanceTo(TimeStamp(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL));
-TimeSynchronizedReader::TimeSynchronizedReader(unsigned maximumNetworkLatency)
-  itsMaximumNetworkLatency(maximumNetworkLatency)
-void TimeSynchronizedReader::startRead(const TimeStamp & /*begin*/, const TimeStamp &end)
-  itsWallClock.waitUntil(end + itsMaximumNetworkLatency);
-void TimeSynchronizedReader::finishedRead(const TimeStamp & /*advanceTo*/)
-void TimeSynchronizedReader::startWrite(const TimeStamp & /*begin*/, const TimeStamp & /*end*/)
-void TimeSynchronizedReader::finishedWrite(const TimeStamp & /*advanceTo*/)
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/ReaderWriterSynchronization.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/ReaderWriterSynchronization.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cb32a2a95acd0cd5687e76c195676acfbdd9b68..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/ReaderWriterSynchronization.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-//#  Copyright (C) 2007
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: ReaderWriterSynchronization.h 17893 2011-04-29 09:04:10Z romein $
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-#include <SlidingPointer.h>
-#include <WallClockTime.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {  
-class ReaderAndWriterSynchronization
-  public:
-    virtual	 ~ReaderAndWriterSynchronization();
-    virtual void startRead(const TimeStamp &begin, const TimeStamp &end) = 0;
-    virtual void finishedRead(const TimeStamp &advanceTo) = 0;
-    virtual void startWrite(const TimeStamp &begin, const TimeStamp &end) = 0;
-    virtual void finishedWrite(const TimeStamp &advanceTo) = 0;
-class SynchronizedReaderAndWriter : public ReaderAndWriterSynchronization
-  public:
-		 SynchronizedReaderAndWriter(unsigned bufferSize);
-		 ~SynchronizedReaderAndWriter();
-    virtual void startRead(const TimeStamp &begin, const TimeStamp &end);
-    virtual void finishedRead(const TimeStamp &advanceTo);
-    virtual void startWrite(const TimeStamp &begin, const TimeStamp &end);
-    virtual void finishedWrite(const TimeStamp &advanceTo);
-    void	 noMoreReading();
-    void	 noMoreWriting();
-  private:
-    SlidingPointer<TimeStamp> itsReadPointer, itsWritePointer;
-    unsigned		      itsBufferSize;
-class TimeSynchronizedReader : public ReaderAndWriterSynchronization
-  public:
-		  TimeSynchronizedReader(unsigned maximumNetworkLatency);
-		  ~TimeSynchronizedReader();
-    virtual void  startRead(const TimeStamp &begin, const TimeStamp &end);
-    virtual void  finishedRead(const TimeStamp &advanceTo);
-    virtual void  startWrite(const TimeStamp &begin, const TimeStamp &end);
-    virtual void  finishedWrite(const TimeStamp &advanceTo);
-  private:
-    WallClockTime itsWallClock;
-    unsigned	  itsMaximumNetworkLatency;
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Scheduling.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Scheduling.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6541f34e495574c7c4de1a64bd01e2d62d5fe96f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Scheduling.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-//#  Scheduling.cc:
-//#  Copyright (C) 2008
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: Scheduling.cc 13340 2009-05-28 08:47:40Z mol $
-//# Always #include <lofar_config.h> first!
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#if defined HAVE_BGP_ION
-#include <IONProc/Scheduling.h>
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <sched.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-void doNotRunOnCore0()
-  cpu_set_t cpu_set;
-  CPU_ZERO(&cpu_set);
-  for (unsigned cpu = 1; cpu < 4; cpu ++)
-    CPU_SET(cpu, &cpu_set);
-  if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof cpu_set, &cpu_set) != 0) {
-    LOG_WARN("sched_setaffinity failed");
-    perror("sched_setaffinity");
-  }
-void runOnCore0()
-  cpu_set_t cpu_set;
-  CPU_ZERO(&cpu_set);
-  CPU_SET(0, &cpu_set);
-  if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof cpu_set, &cpu_set) != 0) {
-    LOG_WARN("sched_setaffinity failed");
-    perror("sched_setaffinity");
-  }
-void setPriority(unsigned priority)
-  // priority 0: non-real time
-  // priority 1-99: real time
-  struct sched_param sched_param;
-  sched_param.sched_priority = priority;
-  if (pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), priority ? SCHED_RR : SCHED_OTHER, &sched_param) < 0)
-    perror("pthread_setschedparam");
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Scheduling.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Scheduling.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee42981e5ccaeea7861538252153b6fae55eea7a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/Scheduling.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-//#  OutputThread.h
-//#  Copyright (C) 2006
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id: Scheduling.h 13340 2009-05-28 08:47:40Z mol $
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-#if defined HAVE_BGP_ION
-// Core 0 handles all ethernet and tree interrupts.  Do not run time-critical
-// threads on this core.
-extern void doNotRunOnCore0();
-extern void runOnCore0();
-// set thread priority. 0 = normal, 1 - 99 = real time
-extern void setPriority(unsigned priority);
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/SlidingPointer.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/SlidingPointer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c2b79632190c11de93d5be4dffec1877d027046..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/SlidingPointer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-//# Copyright (C) 2007
-//# ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//# P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//# (at your option) any later version.
-//# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//# GNU General Public License for more details.
-//# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//# $Id: SlidingPointer.h 17975 2011-05-10 09:52:51Z mol $
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-#include <Common/Thread/Condition.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Mutex.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-template <typename T> class SlidingPointer
-  public:
-	 SlidingPointer();
-	 SlidingPointer(const T &);
-    void advanceTo(const T &);
-    void waitFor(const T &);
-  private:
-    T	      itsValue, itsWaitingForValue;
-    Mutex     itsMutex;
-    Condition itsAwaitedValueReached;
-    bool      itsIsWaiting;
-template <typename T> inline SlidingPointer<T>::SlidingPointer()
-  itsIsWaiting(false)
-template <typename T> inline SlidingPointer<T>::SlidingPointer(const T &value)
-  itsValue(value),
-  itsIsWaiting(false)
-template <typename T> inline void SlidingPointer<T>::advanceTo(const T &value)
-  ScopedLock lock(itsMutex);
-  if (value > itsValue) {
-    itsValue = value;
-    if (itsIsWaiting && value >= itsWaitingForValue)
-      itsAwaitedValueReached.signal();
-  }
-template <typename T> inline void SlidingPointer<T>::waitFor(const T &value)
-  ScopedLock lock(itsMutex);
-  while (itsValue < value) {
-    itsIsWaiting       = true;
-    itsWaitingForValue = value;
-    itsAwaitedValueReached.wait(itsMutex);
-    itsIsWaiting       = false;
-  }
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index 68879b4c010b1b51801b7afd4c1000eb73d7cf57..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,782 +0,0 @@
-#define MAX(A,B) ((A)>(B)?(A):(B))
-#define NR_PASSES MAX((NR_STATIONS + 6) / 16, 1) // gives best results on GTX 680
-#error "need more passes to beam form this number of stations"
-typedef char4 SampleType;
-typedef short4 SampleType;
-typedef __global float2 (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_SUBBANDS][NR_TABS];
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *samplesPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  SamplesType samples   = (SamplesType) samplesPtr;
-  WeightsType weights	= (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint pol		= get_local_id(0);
-  uint tab		= get_local_id(1);
-  uint subband		= get_global_id(2);
-  float2 sample;
-  __local union {
-    float2 samples[NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS][16][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-    float4 samples4[NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS][16];
-  } _local;
-#pragma unroll
-  for (uint first_station = 0; first_station < NR_STATIONS; first_station += NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS) {
-    float2 weight_00;
-    if (first_station + 0 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_00 = (*weights)[first_station +  0][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_01;
-    if (first_station + 1 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_01 = (*weights)[first_station +  1][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_02;
-    if (first_station + 2 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_02 = (*weights)[first_station +  2][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_03;
-    if (first_station + 3 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_03 = (*weights)[first_station +  3][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_04;
-    if (first_station + 4 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_04 = (*weights)[first_station +  4][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_05;
-    if (first_station + 5 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_05 = (*weights)[first_station +  5][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_06;
-    if (first_station + 6 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_06 = (*weights)[first_station +  6][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_07;
-    if (first_station + 7 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_07 = (*weights)[first_station +  7][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_08;
-    if (first_station + 8 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_08 = (*weights)[first_station +  8][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_09;
-    if (first_station + 9 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_09 = (*weights)[first_station +  9][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_10;
-    if (first_station + 10 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_10 = (*weights)[first_station + 10][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_11;
-    if (first_station + 11 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_11 = (*weights)[first_station + 11][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_12;
-    if (first_station + 12 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_12 = (*weights)[first_station + 12][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_13;
-    if (first_station + 13 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_13 = (*weights)[first_station + 13][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_14;
-    if (first_station + 14 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_14 = (*weights)[first_station + 14][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_15;
-    if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_15 = (*weights)[first_station + 15][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_16;
-    if (first_station + 16 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_16 = (*weights)[first_station + 16][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_17;
-    if (first_station + 17 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_17 = (*weights)[first_station + 17][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_18;
-    if (first_station + 18 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_18 = (*weights)[first_station + 18][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_19;
-    if (first_station + 19 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_19 = (*weights)[first_station + 19][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_20;
-    if (first_station + 20 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_20 = (*weights)[first_station + 20][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_21;
-    if (first_station + 21 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_21 = (*weights)[first_station + 21][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_22;
-    if (first_station + 22 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_22 = (*weights)[first_station + 22][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_23;
-    if (first_station + 23 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_23 = (*weights)[first_station + 23][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_24;
-    if (first_station + 24 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_24 = (*weights)[first_station + 24][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_25;
-    if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_25 = (*weights)[first_station + 25][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_26;
-    if (first_station + 26 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_26 = (*weights)[first_station + 26][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_27;
-    if (first_station + 27 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_27 = (*weights)[first_station + 27][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_28;
-    if (first_station + 28 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_28 = (*weights)[first_station + 28][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_29;
-    if (first_station + 29 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_29 = (*weights)[first_station + 29][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_30;
-    if (first_station + 30 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_30 = (*weights)[first_station + 30][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_31;
-    if (first_station + 31 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_31 = (*weights)[first_station + 31][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_32;
-    if (first_station + 32 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_32 = (*weights)[first_station + 32][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_33;
-    if (first_station + 33 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_33 = (*weights)[first_station + 33][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_34;
-    if (first_station + 34 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_34 = (*weights)[first_station + 34][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_35;
-    if (first_station + 35 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_35 = (*weights)[first_station + 35][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_36;
-    if (first_station + 36 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_36 = (*weights)[first_station + 36][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_37;
-    if (first_station + 37 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_37 = (*weights)[first_station + 37][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_38;
-    if (first_station + 38 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_38 = (*weights)[first_station + 38][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_39;
-    if (first_station + 39 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_39 = (*weights)[first_station + 39][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_40;
-    if (first_station + 40 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_40 = (*weights)[first_station + 40][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_41;
-    if (first_station + 41 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_41 = (*weights)[first_station + 41][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_42;
-    if (first_station + 42 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_42 = (*weights)[first_station + 42][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_43;
-    if (first_station + 43 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_43 = (*weights)[first_station + 43][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_44;
-    if (first_station + 44 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_44 = (*weights)[first_station + 44][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_45;
-    if (first_station + 45 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_45 = (*weights)[first_station + 45][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_46;
-    if (first_station + 46 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_46 = (*weights)[first_station + 46][subband][tab];
-    float2 weight_47;
-    if (first_station + 47 < NR_STATIONS)
-      weight_47 = (*weights)[first_station + 47][subband][tab];
-    for (uint time = 0; time < NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1; time += 16) {
-      for (uint i = get_local_id(0) + NR_POLARIZATIONS * get_local_id(1); i < NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS * 16; i += NR_TABS * NR_POLARIZATIONS) {
-	uint t = i % 16;
-	uint s = i / 16;
-	  if (NR_STATIONS % NR_STATIONS_PER_PASS == 0 || first_station + s < NR_STATIONS)
-	    _local.samples4[0][i] = convert_float4((*samples)[first_station + s][subband][time + t]);
-      }
-      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-      for (uint t = 0; t < min(16U, (NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 - time)); t ++) {
-	float2 sum = first_station == 0 ? 0 : (*complexVoltages)[subband][time + t][tab][pol];
-	if (first_station + 1 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 0][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_00.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_00.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 2 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 1][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_01.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_01.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 3 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 2][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_02.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_02.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 4 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 3][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_03.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_03.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 5 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 4][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_04.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_04.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 6 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 5][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_05.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_05.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 7 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 6][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_06.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_06.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 8 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 7][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_07.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_07.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 9 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 8][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_08.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_08.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 10 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[ 9][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_09.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_09.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 11 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[10][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_10.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_10.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 12 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[11][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_11.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_11.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 13 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[12][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_12.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_12.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 14 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[13][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_13.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_13.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[14][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_14.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_14.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 15 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[15][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_15.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_15.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 16 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[16][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_16.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_16.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 17 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[17][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_17.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_17.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 18 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[18][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_18.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_18.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 19 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[19][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_19.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_19.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 20 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[20][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_20.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_20.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 21 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[21][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_21.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_21.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 22 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[22][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_22.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_22.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 23 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[23][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_23.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_23.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[24][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_24.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_24.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 25 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[25][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_25.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_25.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 26 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[26][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_26.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_26.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 27 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[27][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_27.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_27.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 28 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[28][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_28.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_28.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 29 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[29][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_29.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_29.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 30 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[30][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_30.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_30.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 31 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[31][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_31.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_31.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 32 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[32][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_32.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_32.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 33 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[33][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_33.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_33.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 34 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[34][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_34.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_34.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 35 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[35][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_35.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_35.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 36 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[36][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_36.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_36.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 37 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[37][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_37.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_37.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 38 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[38][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_38.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_38.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 39 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[39][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_39.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_39.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 40 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[40][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_40.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_40.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 41 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[41][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_41.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_41.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 42 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[42][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_42.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_42.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 43 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[43][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_43.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_43.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 44 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[44][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_44.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_44.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 45 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[45][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_45.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_45.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 46 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[46][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_46.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_46.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	if (first_station + 47 < NR_STATIONS) {
-	  sample = _local.samples[47][t][pol];
-	  sum += weight_47.xx * sample;
-	  sum += weight_47.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-	}
-	(*complexVoltages)[subband][time + t][tab][pol] = sum;
-      }
-      barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index ea220810bb76a4961820e5b0583dc8ffe90325aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl-0.ptx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by NVIDIA NVVM Compiler
-// Compiler built on Tue Feb  7 07:15:59 2012 (1328595359)
-// Driver 295.20
-.version 3.0
-.target sm_21, texmode_independent
-.address_size 32
-.extern .shared .align 16 .b8 shr_2__local[2048];
-.entry complexVoltages(
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 complexVoltages_param_0,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 complexVoltages_param_1,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 complexVoltages_param_2
-	.reg .f32 	%f<173>;
-	.reg .pred 	%p<7>;
-	.reg .s32 	%r<76>;
-	.reg .s16 	%rc<16>;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r29, [complexVoltages_param_2];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r22, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r23, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r24, %envreg5;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r25, %ntid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r26, %ctaid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r27, %tid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r30, %r27, %r24;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r4, %r26, %r25, %r30;
-	shl.b32 	%r31, %r23, 4;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r32, %r4, 66496, %r31;
-	shl.b32 	%r33, %r22, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r5, %r32, %r33;
-	shl.b32 	%r34, %r4, 5;
-	shl.b32 	%r35, %r23, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r36, %r34, %r35;
-	add.s32 	%r37, %r29, %r36;
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f131, %f132}, [%r37];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f137, %f138}, [%r37+15616];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f143, %f144}, [%r37+31232];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f149, %f150}, [%r37+46848];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f155, %f156}, [%r37+62464];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f161, %f162}, [%r37+78080];
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f167, %f168}, [%r37+93696];
-	mov.u32 	%r72, 0;
-	shl.b32 	%r40, %r72, 10;
-	add.s32 	%r7, %r5, %r40;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r38, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r39, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r9, %r39, 1;
-	add.s32 	%r74, %r9, %r38;
-	setp.gt.u32 	%p1, %r74, 127;
-	@%p1 bra 	BB0_6;
-	add.s32 	%r11, %r38, %r9;
-	cvt.u8.u32 	%rc1, %r11;
-	mov.u16 	%rc15, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r73, 0;
-	add.s32 	%r14, %r11, %r73;
-	shl.b32 	%r42, %r72, 4;
-	shl.b16 	%rc5, %rc15, 3;
-	add.s16 	%rc6, %rc1, %rc5;
-	cvt.u32.u8 	%r43, %rc6;
-	and.b32  	%r44, %r43, 15;
-	add.s32 	%r15, %r42, %r44;
-	setp.gt.u32 	%p2, %r15, 1038;
-	@%p2 bra 	BB0_5;
-	shr.u32 	%r45, %r14, 4;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r71, [complexVoltages_param_1];
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r46, %r45, 2028128, %r71;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r47, %r4, 4156, %r46;
-	shl.b32 	%r48, %r15, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r49, %r47, %r48;
-	ld.global.v4.u8 	{%rc11, %rc12, %rc13, %rc14}, [%r49];
-	// inline asm
-	cvt.rn.f32.s8 	%f1, %rc11;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	cvt.rn.f32.s8 	%f2, %rc12;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	cvt.rn.f32.s8 	%f3, %rc13;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	cvt.rn.f32.s8 	%f4, %rc14;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r50, %r74, 4;
-	mov.u32 	%r51, shr_2__local;
-	add.s32 	%r52, %r51, %r50;
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r52], {%f1, %f2, %f3, %f4};
-	add.s32 	%r74, %r74, 8;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p3, %r74, 128;
-	add.s32 	%r73, %r73, 8;
-	add.s16 	%rc15, %rc15, 1;
-	@%p3 bra 	BB0_3;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	mov.u32 	%r56, 1039;
-	shl.b32 	%r57, %r72, 4;
-	sub.s32 	%r18, %r56, %r57;
-	mov.u32 	%r54, 16;
-	// inline asm
-	min.u32 	%r53, %r54, %r18;
-	// inline asm
-	setp.eq.s32 	%p4, %r53, 0;
-	@%p4 bra 	BB0_9;
-	mov.u32 	%r75, 0;
-	shl.b32 	%r62, %r75, 6;
-	add.s32 	%r63, %r7, %r62;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r70, [complexVoltages_param_0];
-	add.s32 	%r64, %r70, %r63;
-	shl.b32 	%r65, %r75, 4;
-	mov.u32 	%r66, shr_2__local;
-	add.s32 	%r67, %r66, %r65;
-	add.s32 	%r69, %r67, %r33;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f27, %f28}, [%r69];
-	mov.f32 	%f5, 0f00000000;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f31, %f131, %f27, %f5;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f32, %f131, %f28, %f5;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f7, %f28;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f39, %f132, %f7, %f31;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f40, %f132, %f27, %f32;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f43, %f44}, [%r69+256];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f45, %f137, %f43, %f39;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f46, %f137, %f44, %f40;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f10, %f44;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f53, %f138, %f10, %f45;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f54, %f138, %f43, %f46;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f57, %f58}, [%r69+512];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f59, %f143, %f57, %f53;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f60, %f143, %f58, %f54;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f13, %f58;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f67, %f144, %f13, %f59;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f68, %f144, %f57, %f60;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f71, %f72}, [%r69+768];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f73, %f149, %f71, %f67;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f74, %f149, %f72, %f68;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f16, %f72;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f81, %f150, %f16, %f73;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f82, %f150, %f71, %f74;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f85, %f86}, [%r69+1024];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f87, %f155, %f85, %f81;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f88, %f155, %f86, %f82;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f19, %f86;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f95, %f156, %f19, %f87;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f96, %f156, %f85, %f88;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f99, %f100}, [%r69+1280];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f101, %f161, %f99, %f95;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f102, %f161, %f100, %f96;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f22, %f100;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f109, %f162, %f22, %f101;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f110, %f162, %f99, %f102;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f113, %f114}, [%r69+1536];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f115, %f167, %f113, %f109;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f116, %f167, %f114, %f110;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f25, %f114;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f123, %f168, %f25, %f115;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f124, %f168, %f113, %f116;
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r64], {%f123, %f124};
-	// inline asm
-	min.u32 	%r59, %r54, %r18;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r75, %r75, 1;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p5, %r75, %r59;
-	@%p5 bra 	BB0_8;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	add.s32 	%r72, %r72, 1;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p6, %r72, 65;
-	@%p6 bra 	BB0_1;
-	ret;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.4groups b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.4groups
deleted file mode 100644
index d6f2e81bf035e401d11f645d14df6a99e3eb7321..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.4groups
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-typedef char2 SampleType;
-typedef short2 SampleType;
-#if NR_STATIONS > 48
-#error unsupported number of stations (max = 48)
-typedef __global float2 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_SUBBANDS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-typedef __global float2 (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_SUBBANDS][NR_TABS];
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *samplesPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  SamplesType samples   = (SamplesType) samplesPtr;
-  WeightsType weights	= (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint pol		= get_local_id(0) & 1;
-  uint group		= get_local_id(0) >> 1;
-  uint tab		= get_local_id(1);
-  uint subband		= get_global_id(2);
-  uint first_station	= group * NR_STATIONS_PER_GROUP;
-  float2 sample;
-  __local float2 local_samples[16][NR_STATIONS + 1][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-  __local float2 local_sum[NR_TABS][NR_THREADS_PER_GROUP / 2][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-  float2 weight_00 = (*weights)[first_station +  0][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_01 = (*weights)[first_station +  1][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_02 = (*weights)[first_station +  2][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_03 = (*weights)[first_station +  3][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_04 = (*weights)[first_station +  4][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_05 = (*weights)[first_station +  5][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_06 = (*weights)[first_station +  6][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_07 = (*weights)[first_station +  7][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_08 = (*weights)[first_station +  8][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_09 = (*weights)[first_station +  9][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_10 = (*weights)[first_station + 10][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_11 = (*weights)[first_station + 11][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_12 = (*weights)[first_station + 12][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_13 = (*weights)[first_station + 13][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_14 = (*weights)[first_station + 14][subband][tab];
-  float2 weight_15 = (*weights)[first_station + 15][subband][tab];
-  for (uint time = 0; time < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1; time += 16) {
-    for (uint i = get_local_id(0) + NR_THREADS_PER_GROUP * NR_POLARIZATIONS * get_local_id(1); i < NR_STATIONS * 16 * NR_POLARIZATIONS; i += NR_TABS * NR_THREADS_PER_GROUP * NR_POLARIZATIONS) {
-      uint p = i % NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      uint t = (i / NR_POLARIZATIONS) % 16;
-      uint s = i / NR_POLARIZATIONS / 16;
-      if (time + t < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1)
-	local_samples[t][s][p] = convert_float2((*samples)[s][subband][time + t][p]);
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    for (uint t = 0; t < min(16U, (NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 - time)); t ++) {
-      float2 sum;
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station +  0][pol];
-      sum  = weight_00.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_00.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station +  1][pol];
-      sum += weight_01.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_01.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station +  2][pol];
-      sum += weight_02.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_02.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station +  3][pol];
-      sum += weight_03.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_03.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station +  4][pol];
-      sum += weight_04.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_04.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station +  5][pol];
-      sum += weight_05.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_05.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station +  6][pol];
-      sum += weight_06.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_06.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station +  7][pol];
-      sum += weight_07.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_07.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station +  8][pol];
-      sum += weight_08.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_08.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station +  9][pol];
-      sum += weight_09.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_09.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station + 10][pol];
-      sum += weight_10.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_10.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station + 11][pol];
-      sum += weight_11.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_11.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station + 12][pol];
-      sum += weight_12.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_12.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station + 13][pol];
-      sum += weight_13.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_13.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station + 14][pol];
-      sum += weight_14.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_14.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      sample = local_samples[t][first_station + 15][pol];
-      sum += weight_15.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_15.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if 1
-      if ((group & 1) != 0)
-	local_sum[tab][group >> 1][pol] = sum;
-      if ((group & 1) == 0)
-	sum += local_sum[tab][group >> 1][pol];
-      if (group == 2)
-	local_sum[tab][0][pol] = sum;
-      if (group == 0)
-	(*complexVoltages)[subband][time + t][tab][pol] = sum + local_sum[tab][0][pol];
-      float2 other_sum;
-      asm("shfl.down.b32 %0, %1, 1, 0x1F;" : "=r" (other_sum.x) : "r" (sum.x));
-      asm("shfl.down.b32 %0, %1, 1, 0x1F;" : "=r" (other_sum.y) : "r" (sum.y));
-      sum += other_sum;
-      asm("shfl.down.b32 %0, %1, 2, 0x1F;" : "=r" (other_sum.x) : "r" (sum.x));
-      asm("shfl.down.b32 %0, %1, 2, 0x1F;" : "=r" (other_sum.y) : "r" (sum.y));
-      if (first_station == 0)
-	(*complexVoltages)[subband][time + t][tab][pol] = sum + other_sum;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.hop b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.hop
deleted file mode 100644
index e68c6a9a8d90bbe05ba629baafee30e102b8fcbb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.hop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-typedef char2 SampleType;
-typedef short2 SampleType;
-typedef __global float2 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_SUBBANDS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-typedef __global float2 (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_SUBBANDS][NR_TABS];
-float2 cmul(float2 a, float2 b)
-  return (float2) { a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y, a.x * b.y + a.y * b.x };
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *samplesPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  SamplesType samples   = (SamplesType) samplesPtr;
-  WeightsType weights	= (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint first_tab	= 3 * get_local_id(1);
-  uint first_station	= 6 * get_local_id(0);
-  uint pol		= get_local_id(0) & 1;
-  uint tab_group	= (get_local_id(0) >> 1) % (NR_TABS / 3);
-  uint station_group	= (get_local_id(0) >> 1) / (NR_TABS / 3);
-  uint first_tab	= 3 * tab_group;
-  uint first_station	= 6 * station_group;
-  uint subband		= get_global_id(1);
-  bool lastGroupOfStations = first_station + 6 == NR_STATIONS;
-  float2 weight_0_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][subband][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_0_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][subband][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_0_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 0][subband][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_1_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][subband][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_1_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][subband][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_1_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 1][subband][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_2_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][subband][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_2_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][subband][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_2_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 2][subband][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_3_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][subband][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_3_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][subband][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_3_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 3][subband][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_4_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][subband][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_4_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][subband][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_4_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 4][subband][first_tab + 2];
-  float2 weight_5_0 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][subband][first_tab + 0];
-  float2 weight_5_1 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][subband][first_tab + 1];
-  float2 weight_5_2 = (*weights)[first_station + 5][subband][first_tab + 2];
-  __local float2 local_sums[3][NR_STATIONS / 6][NR_TABS / 3][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-  float2 sample_0, sample_1, sample_2, sample_3, sample_4, sample_5;
-  float2 sum_0, sum_1, sum_2;
-  if (first_station == 0) {
-    local_sums[0][0][tab_group][pol] = 0;
-    local_sums[1][0][tab_group][pol] = 0;
-    local_sums[2][0][tab_group][pol] = 0;
-  }
-  for (int time = 0 - station_group; time < (int) (NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + NR_STATIONS / 6 - 1 - station_group); time ++) {
-    bool validTime = time >= 0 && time < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1;
-    if (validTime) {
-      sample_0 = convert_float2((*samples)[first_station + 0][subband][time][pol]);
-      sample_1 = convert_float2((*samples)[first_station + 1][subband][time][pol]);
-      sample_2 = convert_float2((*samples)[first_station + 2][subband][time][pol]);
-      sample_3 = convert_float2((*samples)[first_station + 3][subband][time][pol]);
-      sample_4 = convert_float2((*samples)[first_station + 4][subband][time][pol]);
-      sample_5 = convert_float2((*samples)[first_station + 5][subband][time][pol]);
-      sum_0 = local_sums[0][station_group][tab_group][pol];
-      sum_1 = local_sums[1][station_group][tab_group][pol];
-      sum_2 = local_sums[2][station_group][tab_group][pol];
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_0.x) : "0" (sum_0.x));
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_0.y) : "0" (sum_0.y));
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_0.z) : "0" (sum_0.z));
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_0.w) : "0" (sum_0.w));
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_1.x) : "0" (sum_1.x));
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_1.y) : "0" (sum_1.y));
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_1.z) : "0" (sum_1.z));
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_1.w) : "0" (sum_1.w));
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_2.x) : "0" (sum_2.x));
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_2.y) : "0" (sum_2.y));
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_2.z) : "0" (sum_2.z));
-      asm("shfl.up.b32 %0, %0, 1, 0x00;" : "=r" (sum_2.w) : "0" (sum_2.w));
-      sum_0 += weight_0_0.xx * sample_0;
-      sum_1 += weight_0_1.xx * sample_0;
-      sum_2 += weight_0_2.xx * sample_0;
-      float2 sample_0_tr = (float2) (-sample_0.y, sample_0.x);
-      sum_0 += weight_0_0.yy * sample_0_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_0_1.yy * sample_0_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_0_2.yy * sample_0_tr;
-      sum_0 += weight_1_0.xx * sample_1;
-      sum_1 += weight_1_1.xx * sample_1;
-      sum_2 += weight_1_2.xx * sample_1;
-      float2 sample_1_tr = (float2) (-sample_1.y, sample_1.x);
-      sum_0 += weight_1_0.yy * sample_1_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_1_1.yy * sample_1_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_1_2.yy * sample_1_tr;
-      sum_0 += weight_2_0.xx * sample_2;
-      sum_1 += weight_2_1.xx * sample_2;
-      sum_2 += weight_2_2.xx * sample_2;
-      float2 sample_2_tr = (float2) (-sample_2.y, sample_2.x);
-      sum_0 += weight_2_0.yy * sample_2_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_2_1.yy * sample_2_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_2_2.yy * sample_2_tr;
-      sum_0 += weight_3_0.xx * sample_3;
-      sum_1 += weight_3_1.xx * sample_3;
-      sum_2 += weight_3_2.xx * sample_3;
-      float2 sample_3_tr = (float2) (-sample_3.y, sample_3.x);
-      sum_0 += weight_3_0.yy * sample_3_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_3_1.yy * sample_3_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_3_2.yy * sample_3_tr;
-      sum_0 += weight_4_0.xx * sample_4;
-      sum_1 += weight_4_1.xx * sample_4;
-      sum_2 += weight_4_2.xx * sample_4;
-      float2 sample_4_tr = (float2) (-sample_4.y, sample_4.x);
-      sum_0 += weight_4_0.yy * sample_4_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_4_1.yy * sample_4_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_4_2.yy * sample_4_tr;
-      sum_0 += weight_5_0.xx * sample_5;
-      sum_1 += weight_5_1.xx * sample_5;
-      sum_2 += weight_5_2.xx * sample_5;
-      float2 sample_5_tr = (float2) (-sample_5.y, sample_5.x);
-      sum_0 += weight_5_0.yy * sample_5_tr;
-      sum_1 += weight_5_1.yy * sample_5_tr;
-      sum_2 += weight_5_2.yy * sample_5_tr;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (validTime) {
-      if (lastGroupOfStations) {
-	(*complexVoltages)[subband][time][first_tab + 0][pol] = sum_0;
-	(*complexVoltages)[subband][time][first_tab + 1][pol] = sum_1;
-	(*complexVoltages)[subband][time][first_tab + 2][pol] = sum_2;
-      } else {
-	local_sums[0][station_group + 1][tab_group][pol] = sum_0;
-	local_sums[1][station_group + 1][tab_group][pol] = sum_1;
-	local_sums[2][station_group + 1][tab_group][pol] = sum_2;
-      }
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.hop-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.hop-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index 79498463a835875a85828f52fd7f756eb2b37aab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.hop-0.ptx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.not b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.not
deleted file mode 100644
index a0934a2e0bcc673c2c5cbae69ab54a45cc56a27d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.not
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-typedef char2 SampleType;
-typedef short2 SampleType;
-#if NR_STATIONS > 48
-#error unsupported number of stations (max = 48)
-typedef __global float2 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_SUBBANDS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-typedef __global float (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_SUBBANDS][NR_TABS][2];
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *samplesPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  SamplesType samples   = (SamplesType) samplesPtr;
-  WeightsType weights	= (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint ri		= get_local_id(0) & 1;
-  uint pol		= get_local_id(0) >> 1;
-  uint tab		= get_local_id(1);
-  uint subband		= get_global_id(2);
-  float2 sample;
-  __local float2 local_samples[NR_STATIONS][8][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-#if 0
-  __local float2 local_tmp[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 1
-  float weight_00 = (*weights)[ 0][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 2
-  float weight_01 = (*weights)[ 1][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 3
-  float weight_02 = (*weights)[ 2][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 4
-  float weight_03 = (*weights)[ 3][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 5
-  float weight_04 = (*weights)[ 4][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 6
-  float weight_05 = (*weights)[ 5][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 7
-  float weight_06 = (*weights)[ 6][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 8
-  float weight_07 = (*weights)[ 7][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 9
-  float weight_08 = (*weights)[ 8][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 10
-  float weight_09 = (*weights)[ 9][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 11
-  float weight_10 = (*weights)[10][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 12
-  float weight_11 = (*weights)[11][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 13
-  float weight_12 = (*weights)[12][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 14
-  float weight_13 = (*weights)[13][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 15
-  float weight_14 = (*weights)[14][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 16
-  float weight_15 = (*weights)[15][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 17
-  float weight_16 = (*weights)[16][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 18
-  float weight_17 = (*weights)[17][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 19
-  float weight_18 = (*weights)[18][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 20
-  float weight_19 = (*weights)[19][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 21
-  float weight_20 = (*weights)[20][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 22
-  float weight_21 = (*weights)[21][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 23
-  float weight_22 = (*weights)[22][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 24
-  float weight_23 = (*weights)[23][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 25
-  float weight_24 = (*weights)[24][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 26
-  float weight_25 = (*weights)[25][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 27
-  float weight_26 = (*weights)[26][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 28
-  float weight_27 = (*weights)[27][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 29
-  float weight_28 = (*weights)[28][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 30
-  float weight_29 = (*weights)[29][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 31
-  float weight_30 = (*weights)[30][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 32
-  float weight_31 = (*weights)[31][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 33
-  float weight_32 = (*weights)[32][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 34
-  float weight_33 = (*weights)[33][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 35
-  float weight_34 = (*weights)[34][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 36
-  float weight_35 = (*weights)[35][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 37
-  float weight_36 = (*weights)[36][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 38
-  float weight_37 = (*weights)[37][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 39
-  float weight_38 = (*weights)[38][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 40
-  float weight_39 = (*weights)[39][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 41
-  float weight_40 = (*weights)[40][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 42
-  float weight_41 = (*weights)[41][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 43
-  float weight_42 = (*weights)[42][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 44
-  float weight_43 = (*weights)[43][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 45
-  float weight_44 = (*weights)[44][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 46
-  float weight_45 = (*weights)[45][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 47
-  float weight_46 = (*weights)[46][subband][tab][ri];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 48
-  float weight_47 = (*weights)[47][subband][tab][ri];
-  for (uint time = 0; time < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1; time += 8) {
-    for (uint i = get_local_id(0) + NR_POLARIZATIONS * 2 * get_local_id(1); i < NR_STATIONS * 8 * NR_POLARIZATIONS; i += NR_TABS * NR_POLARIZATIONS * 2) {
-      uint p = i % NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      uint t = (i / NR_POLARIZATIONS) % 8;
-      uint s = i / NR_POLARIZATIONS / 8;
-      if (time + t < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1)
-	local_samples[0][0][i] = convert_float2((*samples)[s][subband][time + t][p]);
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    for (uint t = 0; t < min(8U, (NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 - time)); t ++) {
-      float2 sum = 0;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 1
-      sample = local_samples[ 0][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_00 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 2
-      sample = local_samples[ 1][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_01 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 3
-      sample = local_samples[ 2][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_02 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 4
-      sample = local_samples[ 3][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_03 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 5
-      sample = local_samples[ 4][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_04 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 6
-      sample = local_samples[ 5][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_05 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 7
-      sample = local_samples[ 6][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_06 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 8
-      sample = local_samples[ 7][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_07 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 9
-      sample = local_samples[ 8][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_08 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 10
-      sample = local_samples[ 9][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_09 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 11
-      sample = local_samples[10][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_10 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 12
-      sample = local_samples[11][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_11 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 13
-      sample = local_samples[12][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_12 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 14
-      sample = local_samples[13][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_13 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 15
-      sample = local_samples[14][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_14 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 16
-      sample = local_samples[15][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_15 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 17
-      sample = local_samples[16][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_16 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 18
-      sample = local_samples[17][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_17 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 19
-      sample = local_samples[18][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_18 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 20
-      sample = local_samples[19][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_19 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 21
-      sample = local_samples[20][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_20 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 22
-      sample = local_samples[21][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_21 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 23
-      sample = local_samples[22][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_22 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 24
-      sample = local_samples[23][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_23 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 25
-      sample = local_samples[24][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_24 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 26
-      sample = local_samples[25][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_25 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 27
-      sample = local_samples[26][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_26 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 28
-      sample = local_samples[27][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_27 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 29
-      sample = local_samples[28][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_28 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 30
-      sample = local_samples[29][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_29 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 31
-      sample = local_samples[30][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_30 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 32
-      sample = local_samples[31][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_31 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 33
-      sample = local_samples[32][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_32 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 34
-      sample = local_samples[33][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_33 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 35
-      sample = local_samples[34][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_34 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 36
-      sample = local_samples[35][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_35 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 37
-      sample = local_samples[36][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_36 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 38
-      sample = local_samples[37][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_37 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 39
-      sample = local_samples[38][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_38 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 40
-      sample = local_samples[39][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_39 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 41
-      sample = local_samples[40][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_40 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 42
-      sample = local_samples[41][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_41 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 43
-      sample = local_samples[42][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_42 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 44
-      sample = local_samples[43][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_43 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 45
-      sample = local_samples[44][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_44 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 46
-      sample = local_samples[45][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_45 * sample;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 47
-      sum += weight_46 * local_samples[46][t][pol];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 48
-      sum += weight_47 * local_samples[47][t][pol];
-#if 0
-      if (ri != 0)
-	local_tmp[tab][pol] = (float2) (-sum.y, sum.x);
-      if (ri == 0)
-	(*complexVoltages)[subband][time + t][tab][pol] = sum + local_tmp[tab][pol];
-      float2 other_sum;
-      asm("shfl.down.b32 %0, %1, 1, 0x1F;" : "=r" (other_sum.x) : "r" (sum.x));
-      asm("shfl.down.b32 %0, %1, 1, 0x1F;" : "=r" (other_sum.y) : "r" (sum.y));
-      if (ri == 0)
-	(*complexVoltages)[subband][time + t][tab][pol] = sum + (float2) (-other_sum.y, other_sum.x);
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.ok b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index 3858ce5772104a39d61a32a4372e308563a37b1f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/BeamFormer.cl.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-typedef char2 SampleType;
-typedef short2 SampleType;
-#if NR_STATIONS > 48
-#error unsupported number of stations (max = 48)
-typedef __global float2 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_SUBBANDS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-typedef __global float2 (*WeightsType)[NR_STATIONS][NR_SUBBANDS][NR_TABS];
-__kernel void complexVoltages(__global void *complexVoltagesPtr,
-			      __global const void *samplesPtr,
-			      __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  SamplesType samples   = (SamplesType) samplesPtr;
-  WeightsType weights	= (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint pol		= get_local_id(0);
-  uint tab		= get_local_id(1);
-  uint subband		= get_global_id(2);
-  float2 sample;
-  __local float2 local_samples[NR_STATIONS >= 24 ? 24 : NR_STATIONS][16][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 1
-  float2 weight_00 = (*weights)[ 0][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 2
-  float2 weight_01 = (*weights)[ 1][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 3
-  float2 weight_02 = (*weights)[ 2][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 4
-  float2 weight_03 = (*weights)[ 3][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 5
-  float2 weight_04 = (*weights)[ 4][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 6
-  float2 weight_05 = (*weights)[ 5][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 7
-  float2 weight_06 = (*weights)[ 6][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 8
-  float2 weight_07 = (*weights)[ 7][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 9
-  float2 weight_08 = (*weights)[ 8][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 10
-  float2 weight_09 = (*weights)[ 9][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 11
-  float2 weight_10 = (*weights)[10][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 12
-  float2 weight_11 = (*weights)[11][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 13
-  float2 weight_12 = (*weights)[12][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 14
-  float2 weight_13 = (*weights)[13][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 15
-  float2 weight_14 = (*weights)[14][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 16
-  float2 weight_15 = (*weights)[15][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 17
-  float2 weight_16 = (*weights)[16][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 18
-  float2 weight_17 = (*weights)[17][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 19
-  float2 weight_18 = (*weights)[18][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 20
-  float2 weight_19 = (*weights)[19][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 21
-  float2 weight_20 = (*weights)[20][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 22
-  float2 weight_21 = (*weights)[21][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 23
-  float2 weight_22 = (*weights)[22][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 24
-  float2 weight_23 = (*weights)[23][subband][tab];
-  for (uint time = 0; time < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1; time += 16) {
-    for (uint i = get_local_id(0) + NR_POLARIZATIONS * get_local_id(1); i < (NR_STATIONS >= 24 ? 24 : NR_STATIONS) * 16 * NR_POLARIZATIONS; i += NR_TABS * NR_POLARIZATIONS) {
-      uint p = i % NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      uint t = (i / NR_POLARIZATIONS) % 16;
-      uint s = i / NR_POLARIZATIONS / 16;
-      if (time + t < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1)
-	local_samples[0][0][i] = convert_float2((*samples)[s][subband][time + t][p]);
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    for (uint t = 0; t < min(16U, (NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 - time)); t ++) {
-      float2 sum = 0;
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 1
-      sample = local_samples[ 0][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_00.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_00.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 2
-      sample = local_samples[ 1][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_01.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_01.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 3
-      sample = local_samples[ 2][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_02.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_02.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 4
-      sample = local_samples[ 3][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_03.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_03.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 5
-      sample = local_samples[ 4][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_04.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_04.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 6
-      sample = local_samples[ 5][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_05.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_05.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 7
-      sample = local_samples[ 6][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_06.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_06.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 8
-      sample = local_samples[ 7][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_07.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_07.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 9
-      sample = local_samples[ 8][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_08.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_08.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 10
-      sample = local_samples[ 9][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_09.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_09.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 11
-      sample = local_samples[10][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_10.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_10.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 12
-      sample = local_samples[11][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_11.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_11.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 13
-      sample = local_samples[12][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_12.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_12.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 14
-      sample = local_samples[13][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_13.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_13.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 15
-      sample = local_samples[14][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_14.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_14.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 16
-      sample = local_samples[15][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_15.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_15.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 17
-      sample = local_samples[16][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_16.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_16.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 18
-      sample = local_samples[17][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_17.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_17.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 19
-      sample = local_samples[18][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_18.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_18.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 20
-      sample = local_samples[19][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_19.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_19.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 21
-      sample = local_samples[20][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_20.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_20.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 22
-      sample = local_samples[21][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_21.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_21.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 23
-      sample = local_samples[22][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_22.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_22.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 24
-      sample = local_samples[23][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_23.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_23.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      (*complexVoltages)[subband][time + t][tab][pol] = sum;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-#if NR_STATIONS > 24
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 25
-  float2 weight_24 = (*weights)[24][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 26
-  float2 weight_25 = (*weights)[25][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 27
-  float2 weight_26 = (*weights)[26][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 28
-  float2 weight_27 = (*weights)[27][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 29
-  float2 weight_28 = (*weights)[28][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 30
-  float2 weight_29 = (*weights)[29][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 31
-  float2 weight_30 = (*weights)[30][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 32
-  float2 weight_31 = (*weights)[31][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 33
-  float2 weight_32 = (*weights)[32][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 34
-  float2 weight_33 = (*weights)[33][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 35
-  float2 weight_34 = (*weights)[34][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 36
-  float2 weight_35 = (*weights)[35][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 37
-  float2 weight_36 = (*weights)[36][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 38
-  float2 weight_37 = (*weights)[37][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 39
-  float2 weight_38 = (*weights)[38][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 40
-  float2 weight_39 = (*weights)[39][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 41
-  float2 weight_40 = (*weights)[40][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 42
-  float2 weight_41 = (*weights)[41][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 43
-  float2 weight_42 = (*weights)[42][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 44
-  float2 weight_43 = (*weights)[43][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 45
-  float2 weight_44 = (*weights)[44][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 46
-  float2 weight_45 = (*weights)[45][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 47
-  float2 weight_46 = (*weights)[46][subband][tab];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 48
-  float2 weight_47 = (*weights)[47][subband][tab];
-  for (uint time = 0; time < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1; time += 16) {
-    for (uint i = get_local_id(0) + NR_POLARIZATIONS * get_local_id(1); i < (NR_STATIONS - 24) * 16 * NR_POLARIZATIONS; i += NR_TABS * NR_POLARIZATIONS) {
-      uint p = i % NR_POLARIZATIONS;
-      uint t = (i / NR_POLARIZATIONS) % 16;
-      uint s = i / NR_POLARIZATIONS / 16;
-      if (time + t < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1)
-	local_samples[0][0][i] = convert_float2((*samples)[24 + s][subband][time + t][p]);
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    for (uint t = 0; t < min(16U, (NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 - time)); t ++) {
-      float2 sum = (*complexVoltages)[subband][time + t][tab][pol];
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 25
-      sample = local_samples[ 0][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_24.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_24.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 26
-      sample = local_samples[ 1][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_25.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_25.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 27
-      sample = local_samples[ 2][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_26.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_26.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 28
-      sample = local_samples[ 3][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_27.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_27.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 29
-      sample = local_samples[ 4][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_28.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_28.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 30
-      sample = local_samples[ 5][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_29.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_29.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 31
-      sample = local_samples[ 6][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_30.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_30.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 32
-      sample = local_samples[ 7][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_31.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_31.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 33
-      sample = local_samples[ 8][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_32.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_32.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 34
-      sample = local_samples[ 9][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_33.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_33.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 35
-      sample = local_samples[10][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_34.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_34.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 36
-      sample = local_samples[11][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_35.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_35.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 37
-      sample = local_samples[12][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_36.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_36.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 38
-      sample = local_samples[13][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_37.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_37.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 39
-      sample = local_samples[14][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_38.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_38.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 40
-      sample = local_samples[15][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_39.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_39.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 41
-      sample = local_samples[16][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_40.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_40.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 42
-      sample = local_samples[17][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_41.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_41.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 43
-      sample = local_samples[18][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_42.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_42.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 44
-      sample = local_samples[19][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_43.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_19.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 45
-      sample = local_samples[20][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_44.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_44.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 46
-      sample = local_samples[21][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_45.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_45.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 47
-      sample = local_samples[22][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_46.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_46.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-#if NR_STATIONS >= 48
-      sample = local_samples[23][t][pol];
-      sum += weight_47.xx * sample;
-      sum += weight_47.yy * (float2) (-sample.y, sample.x);
-      (*complexVoltages)[subband][time + t][tab][pol] = sum;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFFT.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFFT.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index 350953c55b3df035477a3873079ad707410c74f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFFT.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-#include "math.cl"
-typedef __global float (*InvFFTedDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][1024];
-typedef __global float2 (*TransposedDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][512];
-float2 inv(float2 a)
-  return (float2) (-a.y, a.x);
-void inv4(float2 *R0, float2 *R1, float2 *R2, float2 *R3)
-  float2 T0, T1, T2, T3;
-  T1 = (*R1); (*R1) = (*R2); (*R2) = T1;
-  T0 = (*R0), T1 =    (*R1), (*R0) = T0 + T1, (*R1) = T0 - T1;
-  T2 = (*R2), T3 =    (*R3), (*R2) = T2 + T3, (*R3) = T2 - T3;
-  T0 = (*R0), T2 =    (*R2), (*R0) = T0 + T2, (*R2) = T0 - T2;
-  T1 = (*R1), T3 = inv(*R3), (*R1) = T1 + T3, (*R3) = T1 - T3;
-void inv8(float2 *R0, float2 *R1, float2 *R2, float2 *R3, float2 *R4, float2 *R5, float2 *R6, float2 *R7)
-  const float HSQR2 = .70710678118654752440f;
-  float2 T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7;
-  T1 = (*R1); (*R1) = (*R4); (*R4) = T1;
-  T3 = (*R3); (*R3) = (*R6); (*R6) = T3;
-  T0 = (*R0), T1 =             (*R1)         , (*R0) = T0 + T1, (*R1) = T0 - T1;
-  T2 = (*R2), T3 =             (*R3)         , (*R2) = T2 + T3, (*R3) = T2 - T3;
-  T4 = (*R4), T5 =             (*R5)         , (*R4) = T4 + T5, (*R5) = T4 - T5;
-  T6 = (*R6), T7 =             (*R7)         , (*R6) = T6 + T7, (*R7) = T6 - T7;
-  T0 = (*R0), T2 =             (*R2)         , (*R0) = T0 + T2, (*R2) = T0 - T2;
-  T1 = (*R1), T3 =          inv(*R3)         , (*R1) = T1 + T3, (*R3) = T1 - T3;
-  T4 = (*R4), T6 =             (*R6)         , (*R4) = T4 + T6, (*R6) = T4 - T6;
-  T5 = (*R5), T7 =          inv(*R7)         , (*R5) = T5 + T7, (*R7) = T5 - T7;
-  T0 = (*R0), T4 =             (*R4)         , (*R0) = T0 + T4, (*R4) = T0 - T4;
-  T1 = (*R1), T5 = HSQR2 * (inv(*R5) + (*R5)), (*R1) = T1 + T5, (*R5) = T1 - T5;
-  T2 = (*R2), T6 =          inv(*R6)         , (*R2) = T2 + T6, (*R6) = T2 - T6;
-  T3 = (*R3), T7 = HSQR2 * (inv(*R7) - (*R7)), (*R3) = T3 + T7, (*R7) = T3 - T7;
-__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(128, 1, 1)))
-void inv_fft(__global float2 *outputPtr, __global const float *inputPtr)
-  InvFFTedDataType   invFFTedData   = (InvFFTedDataType) outputPtr;
-  TransposedDataType transposedData = (TransposedDataType) inputPtr;
-  const float PI = 3.14159265358979323844f;
-  __local union {
-    float  f1[1024];
-    float2 f2[512];
-    float4 f4[256];
-    float8 f8[128];
-  } lds;
-  uint   windex;
-  float  ang;
-  float2 R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7;
-  float2 W0, W1, W2, W3;
-#if 0
-  __global float2 *bufIn = inputPtr + get_global_id(1) * 512;
-  __global float *bufOut = outputPtr + get_global_id(1) * 1024;
-  R0 = bufIn[get_local_id(0) + 0];
-  R1 = bufIn[get_local_id(0) + 128];
-  R2 = bufIn[get_local_id(0) + 256];
-  R3 = bufIn[get_local_id(0) + 384];
-  R0 = (*transposedData)[0][0][get_global_id(1)][get_local_id(0) +   0];
-  R1 = (*transposedData)[0][0][get_global_id(1)][get_local_id(0) + 128];
-  R2 = (*transposedData)[0][0][get_global_id(1)][get_local_id(0) + 256];
-  R3 = (*transposedData)[0][0][get_global_id(1)][get_local_id(0) + 384];
-  lds.f2[get_local_id(0) +   0] = R0;
-  lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 128] = R1;
-  lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 256] = R2;
-  lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 384] = R3;
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  if (get_local_id(0) == 0) {
-    R4 = (float2) (R0.y, 0);
-    R0 = (float2) (R0.x, 0);
-    //R4 = (float2) (bufIn[512].x, 0);
-  } else {
-    R4 = lds.f2[512 - get_local_id(0)];
-  }
-  R5 = lds.f2[384 - get_local_id(0)];
-  R6 = lds.f2[256 - get_local_id(0)];
-  R7 = lds.f2[128 - get_local_id(0)];
-  R4.y = -R4.y;
-  R5.y = -R5.y;
-  R6.y = -R6.y;
-  R7.y = -R7.y;
-  inv8(&R0, &R1, &R2, &R3, &R4, &R5, &R6, &R7);
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  lds.f8[get_local_id(0)] = (float8) (R0.x, R1.x, R2.x, R3.x, R4.x, R5.x, R6.x, R7.x);
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  R0.x = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) +   0];
-  R1.x = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 128];
-  R2.x = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 256];
-  R3.x = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 384];
-  R4.x = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 512];
-  R5.x = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 640];
-  R6.x = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 768];
-  R7.x = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 896];
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  lds.f8[get_local_id(0)] = (float8) (R0.y, R1.y, R2.y, R3.y, R4.y, R5.y, R6.y, R7.y);
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  R0.y = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) +   0];
-  R1.y = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 128];
-  R2.y = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 256];
-  R3.y = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 384];
-  R4.y = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 512];
-  R5.y = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 640];
-  R6.y = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 768];
-  R7.y = lds.f1[get_local_id(0) + 896];
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  ang = 2.0f * PI / 64.0f * (float) (get_local_id(0) % 8);
-  R1 = cmul(cexp(       ang), R1);
-  R2 = cmul(cexp(2.0f * ang), R2);
-  R3 = cmul(cexp(3.0f * ang), R3);
-  R4 = cmul(cexp(4.0f * ang), R4);
-  R5 = cmul(cexp(5.0f * ang), R5);
-  R6 = cmul(cexp(6.0f * ang), R6);
-  R7 = cmul(cexp(7.0f * ang), R7);
-  inv8(&R0, &R1, &R2, &R3, &R4, &R5, &R6, &R7);
-  windex = 64 * (get_local_id(0) / 8) + get_local_id(0) % 8;
-  lds.f1[windex +  0] = R0.x;
-  lds.f1[windex +  8] = R1.x;
-  lds.f1[windex + 16] = R2.x;
-  lds.f1[windex + 24] = R3.x;
-  lds.f1[windex + 32] = R4.x;
-  lds.f1[windex + 40] = R5.x;
-  lds.f1[windex + 48] = R6.x;
-  lds.f1[windex + 56] = R7.x;
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  W0 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) +   0];
-  W1 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 128];
-  W2 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 256];
-  W3 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 384];
-  R0.x = W0.x;
-  R1.x = W1.x;
-  R2.x = W2.x;
-  R3.x = W3.x;
-  R4.x = W0.y;
-  R5.x = W1.y;
-  R6.x = W2.y;
-  R7.x = W3.y;
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  lds.f1[windex +  0] = R0.y;
-  lds.f1[windex +  8] = R1.y;
-  lds.f1[windex + 16] = R2.y;
-  lds.f1[windex + 24] = R3.y;
-  lds.f1[windex + 32] = R4.y;
-  lds.f1[windex + 40] = R5.y;
-  lds.f1[windex + 48] = R6.y;
-  lds.f1[windex + 56] = R7.y;
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  W0 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) +   0];
-  W1 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 128];
-  W2 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 256];
-  W3 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 384];
-  R0.y = W0.x;
-  R1.y = W1.x;
-  R2.y = W2.x;
-  R3.y = W3.x;
-  R4.y = W0.y;
-  R5.y = W1.y;
-  R6.y = W2.y;
-  R7.y = W3.y;
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  ang = 2.0f * PI / 256.0f * (2 * (get_local_id(0) % 32));
-  R1 = cmul(cexp(       ang), R1);
-  R2 = cmul(cexp(2.0f * ang), R2);
-  R3 = cmul(cexp(3.0f * ang), R3);
-  ang += 2.0f * PI / 256.0f;
-  R5 = cmul(cexp(       ang), R5);
-  R6 = cmul(cexp(2.0f * ang), R6);
-  R7 = cmul(cexp(3.0f * ang), R7);
-  inv4(&R0, &R1, &R2, &R3);
-  inv4(&R4, &R5, &R6, &R7);
-  windex = 128 * (get_local_id(0) / 32) + get_local_id(0) % 32;
-  lds.f2[windex +  0] = (float2) (R0.x, R4.x);
-  lds.f2[windex + 32] = (float2) (R1.x, R5.x);
-  lds.f2[windex + 64] = (float2) (R2.x, R6.x);
-  lds.f2[windex + 96] = (float2) (R3.x, R7.x);
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  W0 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) +   0];
-  W1 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 128];
-  W2 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 256];
-  W3 = lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 384];
-  R0.x = W0.x;
-  R1.x = W1.x;
-  R2.x = W2.x;
-  R3.x = W3.x;
-  R4.x = W0.y;
-  R5.x = W1.y;
-  R6.x = W2.y;
-  R7.x = W3.y;
-  lds.f2[get_local_id(0) +   0] = (float2) (R0.y, R4.y);
-  lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 128] = (float2) (R1.y, R5.y);
-  lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 256] = (float2) (R2.y, R6.y);
-  lds.f2[get_local_id(0) + 384] = (float2) (R3.y, R7.y);
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  W0 = lds.f2[windex +  0];
-  W1 = lds.f2[windex + 32];
-  W2 = lds.f2[windex + 64];
-  W3 = lds.f2[windex + 96];
-  R0.y = W0.x;
-  R1.y = W1.x;
-  R2.y = W2.x;
-  R3.y = W3.x;
-  R4.y = W0.y;
-  R5.y = W1.y;
-  R6.y = W2.y;
-  R7.y = W3.y;
-  ang = 2.0f * PI / 1024.0f * (2 * get_local_id(0));
-  R1 = cmul(cexp(       ang), R1);
-  R2 = cmul(cexp(2.0f * ang), R2);
-  R3 = cmul(cexp(3.0f * ang), R3);
-  ang += 2.0f * PI / 1024.0f;
-  R5 = cmul(cexp(       ang), R5);
-  R6 = cmul(cexp(2.0f * ang), R6);
-  R7 = cmul(cexp(3.0f * ang), R7);
-  inv4(&R0, &R1, &R2, &R3);
-  inv4(&R4, &R5, &R6, &R7);
-#if 0
-  __global float2 *out = (__global float2 *) bufOut;
-  out[get_local_id(0) +   0] = 9.765625e-04f * (float2) (R0.x, R4.x);
-  out[get_local_id(0) + 128] = 9.765625e-04f * (float2) (R1.x, R5.x);
-  out[get_local_id(0) + 256] = 9.765625e-04f * (float2) (R2.x, R6.x);
-  out[get_local_id(0) + 384] = 9.765625e-04f * (float2) (R3.x, R7.x);
-  __global float2 *out = (__global float2 *) &(*invFFTedData)[0][0][get_global_id(1)][0] + get_local_id(0);
-  //out[  0] = 9.765625e-04f * (float2) (R0.x, R4.x);
-  //out[128] = 9.765625e-04f * (float2) (R1.x, R5.x);
-  //out[256] = 9.765625e-04f * (float2) (R2.x, R6.x);
-  //out[384] = 9.765625e-04f * (float2) (R3.x, R7.x);
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFFT.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFFT.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index 86d5c2b091806e681f5dfe3df13f2ce5d1d68535..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFFT.cl-0.ptx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,759 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by NVIDIA NVVM Compiler
-// Compiler built on Tue Feb  7 07:15:59 2012 (1328595359)
-// Driver 295.20
-.version 3.0
-.target sm_21, texmode_independent
-.address_size 32
-.extern .shared .align 32 .b8 shr_3_lds[4096];
-.entry inv_fft(
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 8 inv_fft_param_0,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 4 inv_fft_param_1
-.reqntid 128, 1, 1
-	.reg .f32 	%f<576>;
-	.reg .pred 	%p<2>;
-	.reg .s32 	%r<212>;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r26, [inv_fft_param_1];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r2, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r3, %envreg4;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r4, %ntid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r5, %ctaid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r6, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r27, %r6, %r3;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r28, %r5, %r4, %r27;
-	shl.b32 	%r29, %r28, 12;
-	add.s32 	%r30, %r26, %r29;
-	shl.b32 	%r31, %r2, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r32, %r30, %r31;
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f574, %f575}, [%r32];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r7, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r8, %envreg4;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r9, %ntid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r10, %ctaid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r11, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r33, %r11, %r8;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r34, %r10, %r9, %r33;
-	shl.b32 	%r35, %r34, 12;
-	add.s32 	%r36, %r26, %r35;
-	shl.b32 	%r37, %r7, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r38, %r37, %r36;
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f516, %f517}, [%r38+1024];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r12, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r13, %envreg4;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r14, %ntid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r15, %ctaid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r16, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r39, %r16, %r13;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r40, %r15, %r14, %r39;
-	shl.b32 	%r41, %r40, 12;
-	add.s32 	%r42, %r26, %r41;
-	shl.b32 	%r43, %r12, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r44, %r43, %r42;
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f510, %f511}, [%r44+2048];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r17, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r18, %envreg4;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r19, %ntid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r20, %ctaid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r21, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r45, %r21, %r18;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r46, %r20, %r19, %r45;
-	shl.b32 	%r47, %r46, 12;
-	add.s32 	%r48, %r26, %r47;
-	shl.b32 	%r49, %r17, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r50, %r49, %r48;
-	ld.global.v2.f32 	{%f522, %f523}, [%r50+3072];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r22, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r51, %r22, 3;
-	mov.u32 	%r52, shr_3_lds;
-	add.s32 	%r53, %r52, %r51;
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r53], {%f574, %f575};
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r23, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r54, %r23, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r55, %r54, %r52;
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r55+1024], {%f516, %f517};
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r24, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r56, %r24, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r57, %r56, %r52;
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r57+2048], {%f510, %f511};
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r25, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r58, %r25, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r59, %r58, %r52;
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r59+3072], {%f522, %f523};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r60, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	setp.eq.s32 	%p1, %r60, 0;
-	@%p1 bra 	BB0_2;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r61, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r62, 512;
-	sub.s32 	%r63, %r62, %r61;
-	shl.b32 	%r64, %r63, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r66, %r52, %r64;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f572, %f573}, [%r66];
-	bra.uni 	BB0_3;
-	mov.f32 	%f17, 0f00000000;
-	mov.f32 	%f572, %f575;
-	mov.f32 	%f573, %f17;
-	mov.f32 	%f574, %f574;
-	mov.f32 	%f575, %f17;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r67, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r70, 384;
-	sub.s32 	%r71, %r70, %r67;
-	shl.b32 	%r72, %r71, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r74, %r52, %r72;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f490, %f491}, [%r74];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r68, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r75, 256;
-	sub.s32 	%r76, %r75, %r68;
-	shl.b32 	%r77, %r76, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r78, %r52, %r77;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f492, %f493}, [%r78];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r69, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r79, 128;
-	sub.s32 	%r80, %r79, %r69;
-	shl.b32 	%r81, %r80, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r82, %r52, %r81;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f20, %f573;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f22, %f491;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f24, %f493;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f500, %f501}, [%r82];
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f26, %f501;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f504, %f574, %f572;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f505, %f575, %f20;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f506, %f574, %f572;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f507, %f575, %f20;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f508, %f510, %f492;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f509, %f511, %f24;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f512, %f510, %f492;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f513, %f511, %f24;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f514, %f516, %f490;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f515, %f517, %f22;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f518, %f516, %f490;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f519, %f517, %f22;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f520, %f522, %f500;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f521, %f523, %f26;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f524, %f522, %f500;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f525, %f523, %f26;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f526, %f504, %f508;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f527, %f505, %f509;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f528, %f504, %f508;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f529, %f505, %f509;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f28, %f513;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f534, %f506, %f28;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f535, %f507, %f512;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f536, %f506, %f28;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f537, %f507, %f512;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f538, %f514, %f520;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f539, %f515, %f521;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f540, %f514, %f520;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f541, %f515, %f521;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f31, %f525;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f546, %f518, %f31;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f547, %f519, %f524;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f548, %f518, %f31;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f549, %f519, %f524;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f446, %f526, %f538;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f447, %f527, %f539;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f454, %f526, %f538;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f455, %f527, %f539;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f34, %f547;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f554, %f34, %f546;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f555, %f546, %f547;
-	mov.f32 	%f36, 0f3F3504F3;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f448, %f554, %f36, %f534;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f449, %f555, %f36, %f535;
-	neg.f32 	%f558, %f554;
-	neg.f32 	%f559, %f555;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f456, %f558, %f36, %f534;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f457, %f559, %f36, %f535;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f38, %f541;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f450, %f528, %f38;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f451, %f529, %f540;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f458, %f528, %f38;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f459, %f529, %f540;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f41, %f549;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f568, %f41, %f548;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f569, %f548, %f549;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f452, %f568, %f36, %f536;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f453, %f569, %f36, %f537;
-	neg.f32 	%f570, %f568;
-	neg.f32 	%f571, %f569;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f460, %f570, %f36, %f536;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f461, %f571, %f36, %f537;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r83, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r84, %r83, 5;
-	add.s32 	%r86, %r52, %r84;
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r86+16], {%f454, %f456, %f458, %f460};
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r86], {%f446, %f448, %f450, %f452};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r87, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r95, %r87, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r97, %r52, %r95;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f51, [%r97];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r88, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r98, %r88, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r99, %r98, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f1, [%r99+512];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r89, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r100, %r89, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r101, %r100, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f2, [%r101+1024];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r90, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r102, %r90, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r103, %r102, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f3, [%r103+1536];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r91, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r104, %r91, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r105, %r104, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f4, [%r105+2048];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r92, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r106, %r92, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r107, %r106, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f5, [%r107+2560];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r93, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r108, %r93, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r109, %r108, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f6, [%r109+3072];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r94, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r110, %r94, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r111, %r110, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f7, [%r111+3584];
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r112, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r113, %r112, 5;
-	add.s32 	%r115, %r52, %r113;
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r115+16], {%f455, %f457, %f459, %f461};
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r115], {%f447, %f449, %f451, %f453};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r116, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r124, %r116, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r126, %r52, %r124;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f61, [%r126];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r117, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r127, %r117, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r128, %r127, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f8, [%r128+512];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r118, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r129, %r118, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r130, %r129, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f9, [%r130+1024];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r119, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r131, %r119, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r132, %r131, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f10, [%r132+1536];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r120, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r133, %r120, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r134, %r133, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f11, [%r134+2048];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r121, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r135, %r121, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r136, %r135, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f12, [%r136+2560];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r122, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r137, %r122, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r138, %r137, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f13, [%r138+3072];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r123, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r139, %r123, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r140, %r139, %r52;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f14, [%r140+3584];
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	mov.f32 	%f90, 0f40000000;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f15, %f90, 0f40490FDB;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f91, %f15, 0f42800000;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r141, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	and.b32  	%r144, %r141, 7;
-	cvt.rn.f32.u32 	%f92, %r144;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f65, %f91, %f92;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f62, %f65;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f64, %f65;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f93, %f62, %f1;
-	neg.f32 	%f94, %f64;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f95, %f94, %f8, %f93;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f96, %f64, %f1;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f97, %f62, %f8, %f96;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f67, %f91, %f92, %f65;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f66, %f67;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f68, %f67;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f98, %f66, %f2;
-	neg.f32 	%f99, %f68;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f100, %f99, %f9, %f98;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f101, %f68, %f2;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f102, %f66, %f9, %f101;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f73, %f65, 0f40400000;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f70, %f73;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f72, %f73;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f103, %f70, %f3;
-	neg.f32 	%f104, %f72;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f105, %f104, %f10, %f103;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f106, %f72, %f3;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f107, %f70, %f10, %f106;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f77, %f65, 0f40800000;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f74, %f77;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f76, %f77;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f108, %f74, %f4;
-	neg.f32 	%f109, %f76;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f110, %f109, %f11, %f108;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f111, %f76, %f4;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f112, %f74, %f11, %f111;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f81, %f65, 0f40A00000;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f78, %f81;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f80, %f81;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f113, %f78, %f5;
-	neg.f32 	%f114, %f80;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f115, %f114, %f12, %f113;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f116, %f80, %f5;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f117, %f78, %f12, %f116;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f85, %f65, 0f40C00000;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f82, %f85;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f84, %f85;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f118, %f82, %f6;
-	neg.f32 	%f119, %f84;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f120, %f119, %f13, %f118;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f121, %f84, %f6;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f122, %f82, %f13, %f121;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f89, %f65, 0f40E00000;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f86, %f89;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f88, %f89;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f123, %f86, %f7;
-	neg.f32 	%f124, %f88;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f125, %f124, %f14, %f123;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f126, %f88, %f7;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f127, %f86, %f14, %f126;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f380, %f51, %f110;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f381, %f61, %f112;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f384, %f51, %f110;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f385, %f61, %f112;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f386, %f100, %f120;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f387, %f102, %f122;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f388, %f100, %f120;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f389, %f102, %f122;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f390, %f95, %f115;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f391, %f97, %f117;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f392, %f95, %f115;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f393, %f97, %f117;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f394, %f105, %f125;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f395, %f107, %f127;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f396, %f105, %f125;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f397, %f107, %f127;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f398, %f380, %f386;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f399, %f381, %f387;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f400, %f380, %f386;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f401, %f381, %f387;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f129, %f389;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f406, %f384, %f129;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f407, %f385, %f388;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f408, %f384, %f129;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f409, %f385, %f388;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f410, %f390, %f394;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f411, %f391, %f395;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f412, %f390, %f394;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f413, %f391, %f395;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f132, %f397;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f418, %f392, %f132;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f419, %f393, %f396;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f420, %f392, %f132;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f421, %f393, %f396;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f348, %f398, %f410;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f349, %f399, %f411;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f356, %f398, %f410;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f357, %f399, %f411;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f135, %f419;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f426, %f135, %f418;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f427, %f418, %f419;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f350, %f426, %f36, %f406;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f351, %f427, %f36, %f407;
-	neg.f32 	%f430, %f426;
-	neg.f32 	%f431, %f427;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f358, %f430, %f36, %f406;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f359, %f431, %f36, %f407;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f139, %f413;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f352, %f400, %f139;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f353, %f401, %f412;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f360, %f400, %f139;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f361, %f401, %f412;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f142, %f421;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f440, %f142, %f420;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f441, %f420, %f421;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f354, %f440, %f36, %f408;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f355, %f441, %f36, %f409;
-	neg.f32 	%f442, %f440;
-	neg.f32 	%f443, %f441;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f362, %f442, %f36, %f408;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f363, %f443, %f36, %f409;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r142, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r145, %r142, 3;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r143, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	and.b32  	%r146, %r143, 7;
-	and.b32  	%r147, %r145, 1073741760;
-	add.s32 	%r148, %r147, %r146;
-	shl.b32 	%r149, %r148, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r1, %r52, %r149;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1], %f348;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+32], %f350;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+64], %f352;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+96], %f354;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+128], %f356;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+160], %f358;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+192], %f360;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+224], %f362;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r151, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r155, %r151, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r157, %r52, %r155;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f344, %f345}, [%r157];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r152, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r158, %r152, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r159, %r158, %r52;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f282, %f283}, [%r159+1024];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r153, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r160, %r153, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r161, %r160, %r52;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f288, %f289}, [%r161+2048];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r154, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r162, %r154, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r163, %r162, %r52;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f294, %f295}, [%r163+3072];
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1], %f349;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+32], %f351;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+64], %f353;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+96], %f355;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+128], %f357;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+160], %f359;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+192], %f361;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r1+224], %f363;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r164, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r168, %r164, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r170, %r52, %r168;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f342, %f343}, [%r170];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r165, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r171, %r165, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r172, %r171, %r52;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f284, %f285}, [%r172+1024];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r166, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r173, %r166, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r174, %r173, %r52;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f290, %f291}, [%r174+2048];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r167, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r175, %r167, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r176, %r175, %r52;
-	ld.shared.v2.f32 	{%f296, %f297}, [%r176+3072];
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f184, %f15, 0f43800000;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r177, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r180, %r177, 1;
-	and.b32  	%r181, %r180, 62;
-	cvt.rn.f32.u32 	%f185, %r181;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f163, %f184, %f185;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f160, %f163;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f162, %f163;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f187, %f160, %f282;
-	neg.f32 	%f189, %f162;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f190, %f189, %f284, %f187;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f191, %f162, %f282;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f192, %f160, %f284, %f191;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f165, %f184, %f185, %f163;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f164, %f165;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f166, %f165;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f194, %f164, %f288;
-	neg.f32 	%f196, %f166;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f197, %f196, %f290, %f194;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f198, %f166, %f288;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f199, %f164, %f290, %f198;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f171, %f163, 0f40400000;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f168, %f171;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f170, %f171;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f201, %f168, %f294;
-	neg.f32 	%f203, %f170;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f204, %f203, %f296, %f201;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f205, %f170, %f294;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f206, %f168, %f296, %f205;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f175, %f184, %f185, %f184;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f172, %f175;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f174, %f175;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f208, %f172, %f283;
-	neg.f32 	%f210, %f174;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f211, %f210, %f285, %f208;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f212, %f174, %f283;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f213, %f172, %f285, %f212;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f177, %f175, %f175;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f176, %f177;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f178, %f177;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f215, %f176, %f289;
-	neg.f32 	%f217, %f178;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f218, %f217, %f291, %f215;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f219, %f178, %f289;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f220, %f176, %f291, %f219;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f183, %f175, 0f40400000;
-	// inline asm
-	cos.approx.f32 	%f180, %f183;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	sin.approx.f32 	%f182, %f183;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f222, %f180, %f295;
-	neg.f32 	%f224, %f182;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f225, %f224, %f297, %f222;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f226, %f182, %f295;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f227, %f180, %f297, %f226;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f306, %f344, %f197;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f307, %f342, %f199;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f310, %f344, %f197;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f311, %f342, %f199;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f312, %f190, %f204;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f313, %f192, %f206;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f314, %f190, %f204;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f315, %f192, %f206;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f260, %f306, %f312;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f261, %f307, %f313;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f272, %f306, %f312;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f273, %f307, %f313;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f229, %f315;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f266, %f310, %f229;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f267, %f311, %f314;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f278, %f310, %f229;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f279, %f311, %f314;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f320, %f345, %f218;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f321, %f343, %f220;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f324, %f345, %f218;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f325, %f343, %f220;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f326, %f211, %f225;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f327, %f213, %f227;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f328, %f211, %f225;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f329, %f213, %f227;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f262, %f320, %f326;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f263, %f321, %f327;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f274, %f320, %f326;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f275, %f321, %f327;
-	neg.ftz.f32 	%f232, %f329;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f268, %f324, %f232;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f269, %f325, %f328;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f280, %f324, %f232;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f281, %f325, %f328;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r178, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r182, %r178, 2;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r179, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	and.b32  	%r183, %r179, 31;
-	and.b32  	%r184, %r182, 536870784;
-	add.s32 	%r185, %r184, %r183;
-	shl.b32 	%r186, %r185, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r188, %r52, %r186;
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r188], {%f260, %f262};
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r188+256], {%f266, %f268};
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r188+512], {%f272, %f274};
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r188+768], {%f278, %f280};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r193, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r197, %r193, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r199, %r52, %r197;
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r199], {%f261, %f263};
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r194, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r200, %r194, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r201, %r200, %r52;
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r201+1024], {%f267, %f269};
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r195, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r202, %r195, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r203, %r202, %r52;
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r203+2048], {%f273, %f275};
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r196, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r204, %r196, 3;
-	add.s32 	%r205, %r204, %r52;
-	st.shared.v2.f32 	[%r205+3072], {%f279, %f281};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	ret;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFIR.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFIR.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bcaaf72790a9e3b9334b40397ec4e64a84e40e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFIR.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-typedef __global float (*InvFIRredDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND][1024];
-typedef __global float (*InvFFTedDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][1024];
-typedef __global const float16 (*WeightsType)[1024];
-__kernel void invFIRfilter(__global void *invFIRredDataPtr,
-			   __global const void *invFFTedDataPtr,
-			   __global const void *weightsPtr)
-  InvFIRredDataType invFIRredData = (InvFIRredDataType) invFIRredDataPtr;
-  InvFFTedDataType  invFFTedData  = (InvFFTedDataType) invFFTedDataPtr;
-  WeightsType       weightsData   = (WeightsType) weightsPtr;
-  uint sub_time = get_global_id(0);
-  uint pol	= get_global_id(1);
-  uint tab	= get_global_id(2);
-//#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_printf : enable
-  const float16 weights = (*weightsData)[sub_time];
-  float16 delayLine;
-  float16 sum;
-  delayLine.s0 = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][ 0][sub_time];
-  delayLine.s1 = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][ 1][sub_time];
-  delayLine.s2 = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][ 2][sub_time];
-  delayLine.s3 = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][ 3][sub_time];
-  delayLine.s4 = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][ 4][sub_time];
-  delayLine.s5 = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][ 5][sub_time];
-  delayLine.s6 = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][ 6][sub_time];
-  delayLine.s7 = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][ 7][sub_time];
-  delayLine.s8 = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][ 8][sub_time];
-  delayLine.s9 = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][ 9][sub_time];
-  delayLine.sA = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][10][sub_time];
-  delayLine.sB = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][11][sub_time];
-  delayLine.sC = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][12][sub_time];
-  delayLine.sD = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][13][sub_time];
-  delayLine.sE = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][14][sub_time];
-  for (uint time = 0; time < NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND; time += NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS) {
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 0][sub_time];
-    sum.s0  = weights.sF * delayLine.s0;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 1][sub_time];
-    sum.s0 += weights.sE * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s0 += weights.sD * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s0 += weights.sC * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s0 += weights.sB * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s0 += weights.sA * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s9 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s8 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s7 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s6 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s4 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s3 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s2 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s1 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s0 += weights.s0 * delayLine.sF;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 0][sub_time] = sum.s0;
-    sum.s1  = weights.sF * delayLine.s1;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 2][sub_time];
-    sum.s1 += weights.sE * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s1 += weights.sD * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s1 += weights.sC * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s1 += weights.sB * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s1 += weights.sA * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s9 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s8 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s7 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s4 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s3 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s2 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s1 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s1 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s0;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 1][sub_time] = sum.s1;
-    sum.s2  = weights.sF * delayLine.s2;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 3][sub_time];
-    sum.s2 += weights.sE * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s2 += weights.sD * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s2 += weights.sC * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s2 += weights.sB * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s2 += weights.sA * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s9 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s8 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s4 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s3 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s2 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s2 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s1;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 2][sub_time] = sum.s2;
-    sum.s3  = weights.sF * delayLine.s3;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 4][sub_time];
-    sum.s3 += weights.sE * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s3 += weights.sD * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s3 += weights.sC * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s3 += weights.sB * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s3 += weights.sA * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s9 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s4 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s3 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s3 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s2;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 3][sub_time] = sum.s3;
-    sum.s4  = weights.sF * delayLine.s4;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 5][sub_time];
-    sum.s4 += weights.sE * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s4 += weights.sD * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s4 += weights.sC * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s4 += weights.sB * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s4 += weights.sA * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s4 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s4 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s3;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 4][sub_time] = sum.s4;
-    sum.s5  = weights.sF * delayLine.s5;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 6][sub_time];
-    sum.s5 += weights.sE * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s5 += weights.sD * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s5 += weights.sC * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s5 += weights.sB * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s5 += weights.sA * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s5 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s4 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s5 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s4;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 5][sub_time] = sum.s5;
-    sum.s6  = weights.sF * delayLine.s6;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 7][sub_time];
-    sum.s6 += weights.sE * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s6 += weights.sD * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s6 += weights.sC * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s6 += weights.sB * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s6 += weights.sA * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s6 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s5 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s4 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s6 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s5;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 6][sub_time] = sum.s6;
-    sum.s7  = weights.sF * delayLine.s7;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 8][sub_time];
-    sum.s7 += weights.sE * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.s7 += weights.sD * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s7 += weights.sC * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s7 += weights.sB * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s7 += weights.sA * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s7 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s6 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s5 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s4 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s7 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s6;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 7][sub_time] = sum.s7;
-    sum.s8  = weights.sF * delayLine.s8;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 9][sub_time];
-    sum.s8 += weights.sE * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.s8 += weights.sD * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s8 += weights.sC * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s8 += weights.sB * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s8 += weights.sA * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s8 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s7 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s6 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s5 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s4 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s8 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s7;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 8][sub_time] = sum.s8;
-    sum.s9  = weights.sF * delayLine.s9;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 10][sub_time];
-    sum.s9 += weights.sE * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.s9 += weights.sD * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.s9 += weights.sC * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.s9 += weights.sB * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.s9 += weights.sA * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s9 * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s8 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s7 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s6 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s5 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s4 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s3 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s2 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s1 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.s9 += weights.s0 * delayLine.s8;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 9][sub_time] = sum.s9;
-    sum.sA  = weights.sF * delayLine.sA;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 11][sub_time];
-    sum.sA += weights.sE * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.sA += weights.sD * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.sA += weights.sC * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.sA += weights.sB * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.sA += weights.sA * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sA += weights.s9 * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sA += weights.s8 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sA += weights.s7 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sA += weights.s6 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sA += weights.s5 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sA += weights.s4 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sA += weights.s3 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sA += weights.s2 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sA += weights.s1 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sA += weights.s0 * delayLine.s9;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 10][sub_time] = sum.sA;
-    sum.sB  = weights.sF * delayLine.sB;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 12][sub_time];
-    sum.sB += weights.sE * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.sB += weights.sD * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.sB += weights.sC * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.sB += weights.sB * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sB += weights.sA * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sB += weights.s9 * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sB += weights.s8 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sB += weights.s7 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sB += weights.s6 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sB += weights.s5 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sB += weights.s4 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sB += weights.s3 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sB += weights.s2 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sB += weights.s1 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.sB += weights.s0 * delayLine.sA;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 11][sub_time] = sum.sB;
-    sum.sC  = weights.sF * delayLine.sC;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 13][sub_time];
-    sum.sC += weights.sE * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.sC += weights.sD * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.sC += weights.sC * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sC += weights.sB * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sC += weights.sA * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sC += weights.s9 * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sC += weights.s8 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sC += weights.s7 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sC += weights.s6 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sC += weights.s5 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sC += weights.s4 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sC += weights.s3 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sC += weights.s2 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.sC += weights.s1 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.sC += weights.s0 * delayLine.sB;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 12][sub_time] = sum.sC;
-    sum.sD  = weights.sF * delayLine.sD;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 14][sub_time];
-    sum.sD += weights.sE * delayLine.sE;
-    sum.sD += weights.sD * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sD += weights.sC * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sD += weights.sB * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sD += weights.sA * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sD += weights.s9 * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sD += weights.s8 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sD += weights.s7 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sD += weights.s6 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sD += weights.s5 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sD += weights.s4 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sD += weights.s3 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.sD += weights.s2 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.sD += weights.s1 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.sD += weights.s0 * delayLine.sC;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 13][sub_time] = sum.sD;
-    sum.sE  = weights.sF * delayLine.sE;
-    delayLine.sF = (*invFFTedData)[tab][pol][time + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1 + 15][sub_time];
-    sum.sE += weights.sE * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sE += weights.sD * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sE += weights.sC * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sE += weights.sB * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sE += weights.sA * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sE += weights.s9 * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sE += weights.s8 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sE += weights.s7 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sE += weights.s6 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sE += weights.s5 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sE += weights.s4 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.sE += weights.s3 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.sE += weights.s2 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.sE += weights.s1 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.sE += weights.s0 * delayLine.sD;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 14][sub_time] = sum.sE;
-    sum.sF  = weights.sF * delayLine.sF;
-    sum.sF += weights.sE * delayLine.s0;
-    sum.sF += weights.sD * delayLine.s1;
-    sum.sF += weights.sC * delayLine.s2;
-    sum.sF += weights.sB * delayLine.s3;
-    sum.sF += weights.sA * delayLine.s4;
-    sum.sF += weights.s9 * delayLine.s5;
-    sum.sF += weights.s8 * delayLine.s6;
-    sum.sF += weights.s7 * delayLine.s7;
-    sum.sF += weights.s6 * delayLine.s8;
-    sum.sF += weights.s5 * delayLine.s9;
-    sum.sF += weights.s4 * delayLine.sA;
-    sum.sF += weights.s3 * delayLine.sB;
-    sum.sF += weights.s2 * delayLine.sC;
-    sum.sF += weights.s1 * delayLine.sD;
-    sum.sF += weights.s0 * delayLine.sE;
-    (*invFIRredData)[tab][pol][time + 15][sub_time] = sum.sF;
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFIR.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFIR.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2179b103dc77531446838556584310d90c722f7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvFIR.cl-0.ptx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by NVIDIA NVVM Compiler
-// Compiler built on Tue Feb  7 07:15:59 2012 (1328595359)
-// Driver 295.20
-.version 3.0
-.target sm_21, texmode_independent
-.address_size 32
-.entry invFIRfilter(
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 invFIRfilter_param_0,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 invFIRfilter_param_1,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 invFIRfilter_param_2
-	.reg .f32 	%f<386>;
-	.reg .pred 	%p<2>;
-	.reg .s32 	%r<71>;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r21, [invFIRfilter_param_0];
-	ld.param.u32 	%r22, [invFIRfilter_param_1];
-	ld.param.u32 	%r23, [invFIRfilter_param_2];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r7, %envreg3;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r8, %ntid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r9, %ctaid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.lo.s32 	%r24, %r9, %r8;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r10, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r25, %r10, %r7;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r26, %r9, %r8, %r25;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r11, %envreg4;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r12, %ntid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r13, %ctaid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.lo.s32 	%r27, %r13, %r12;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r14, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r28, %r14, %r11;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r29, %r13, %r12, %r28;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r15, %envreg5;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r16, %ntid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r17, %ctaid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	mul.lo.s32 	%r30, %r17, %r16;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r18, %tid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r31, %r18, %r15;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r32, %r17, %r16, %r31;
-	shl.b32 	%r33, %r26, 6;
-	add.s32 	%r34, %r23, %r33;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r35, %r32, 8511488, %r22;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r36, %r29, 4255744, %r35;
-	shl.b32 	%r37, %r26, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r38, %r36, %r37;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f17, [%r38];
-	mov.u32 	%r70, 0;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f18, [%r38+4096];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f19, [%r38+8192];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f20, [%r38+12288];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f21, [%r38+16384];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f22, [%r38+20480];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f23, [%r38+24576];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f24, [%r38+28672];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f25, [%r38+32768];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f26, [%r38+36864];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f27, [%r38+40960];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f28, [%r38+45056];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f29, [%r38+49152];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f30, [%r38+53248];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f31, [%r38+57344];
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f367, %f368, %f369, %f370}, [%r34+48];
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f371, %f372, %f373, %f374}, [%r34+32];
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f375, %f376, %f377, %f378}, [%r34+16];
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f379, %f380, %f381, %f382}, [%r34];
-	shl.b32 	%r39, %r30, 23;
-	shl.b32 	%r40, %r15, 23;
-	add.s32 	%r41, %r39, %r40;
-	shl.b32 	%r42, %r18, 23;
-	add.s32 	%r43, %r41, %r42;
-	shl.b32 	%r44, %r27, 22;
-	add.s32 	%r45, %r43, %r44;
-	shl.b32 	%r46, %r11, 22;
-	add.s32 	%r47, %r45, %r46;
-	shl.b32 	%r48, %r14, 22;
-	add.s32 	%r49, %r47, %r48;
-	shl.b32 	%r50, %r24, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r51, %r49, %r50;
-	shl.b32 	%r52, %r7, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r53, %r51, %r52;
-	shl.b32 	%r54, %r10, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r55, %r53, %r54;
-	add.s32 	%r56, %r55, %r21;
-	add.s32 	%r1, %r56, 32768;
-	mul.lo.s32 	%r57, %r15, 8511488;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r58, %r30, 8511488, %r57;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r59, %r18, 8511488, %r58;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r60, %r27, 4255744, %r59;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r61, %r11, 4255744, %r60;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r62, %r14, 4255744, %r61;
-	add.s32 	%r63, %r62, %r50;
-	add.s32 	%r64, %r63, %r52;
-	add.s32 	%r65, %r64, %r54;
-	add.s32 	%r66, %r65, %r22;
-	add.s32 	%r2, %r66, 122880;
-	mov.f32 	%f347, %f25;
-	mov.f32 	%f348, %f26;
-	mov.f32 	%f349, %f27;
-	mov.f32 	%f350, %f28;
-	mov.f32 	%f335, %f21;
-	mov.f32 	%f336, %f22;
-	mov.f32 	%f337, %f23;
-	mov.f32 	%f338, %f24;
-	mov.f32 	%f323, %f17;
-	mov.f32 	%f324, %f18;
-	mov.f32 	%f325, %f19;
-	mov.f32 	%f326, %f20;
-	mov.f32 	%f383, %f29;
-	mov.f32 	%f384, %f30;
-	mov.f32 	%f385, %f31;
-	mov.f32 	%f362, %f32;
-	mov.u32 	%r69, 64;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f35, %f369, %f324;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f36, %f370, %f323, %f35;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f38, %f368, %f325, %f36;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f40, %f367, %f326, %f38;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f42, %f374, %f335, %f40;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f44, %f373, %f336, %f42;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f46, %f372, %f337, %f44;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f48, %f371, %f338, %f46;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f50, %f378, %f347, %f48;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f52, %f377, %f348, %f50;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f54, %f376, %f349, %f52;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f56, %f375, %f350, %f54;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f58, %f382, %f383, %f56;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f60, %f381, %f384, %f58;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f62, %f380, %f385, %f60;
-	add.s32 	%r67, %r2, %r70;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f63, [%r67+-57344];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f64, %f379, %f63, %f62;
-	add.s32 	%r68, %r1, %r70;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+-32768], %f64;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f65, %f369, %f325;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f66, %f370, %f324, %f65;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f67, %f368, %f326, %f66;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f68, %f367, %f335, %f67;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f69, %f374, %f336, %f68;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f70, %f373, %f337, %f69;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f71, %f372, %f338, %f70;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f72, %f371, %f347, %f71;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f73, %f378, %f348, %f72;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f74, %f377, %f349, %f73;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f75, %f376, %f350, %f74;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f76, %f375, %f383, %f75;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f77, %f382, %f384, %f76;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f78, %f381, %f385, %f77;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f79, [%r67+-53248];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f80, %f380, %f79, %f78;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f81, %f379, %f323, %f80;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+-28672], %f81;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f82, %f369, %f326;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f83, %f370, %f325, %f82;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f84, %f368, %f335, %f83;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f85, %f367, %f336, %f84;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f86, %f374, %f337, %f85;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f87, %f373, %f338, %f86;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f88, %f372, %f347, %f87;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f89, %f371, %f348, %f88;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f90, %f378, %f349, %f89;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f91, %f377, %f350, %f90;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f92, %f376, %f383, %f91;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f93, %f375, %f384, %f92;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f94, %f382, %f385, %f93;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f95, [%r67+-49152];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f96, %f381, %f95, %f94;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f97, %f380, %f323, %f96;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f98, %f379, %f324, %f97;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+-24576], %f98;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f99, %f369, %f335;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f100, %f370, %f326, %f99;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f101, %f368, %f336, %f100;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f102, %f367, %f337, %f101;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f103, %f374, %f338, %f102;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f104, %f373, %f347, %f103;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f105, %f372, %f348, %f104;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f106, %f371, %f349, %f105;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f107, %f378, %f350, %f106;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f108, %f377, %f383, %f107;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f109, %f376, %f384, %f108;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f110, %f375, %f385, %f109;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f111, [%r67+-45056];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f112, %f382, %f111, %f110;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f113, %f381, %f323, %f112;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f114, %f380, %f324, %f113;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f115, %f379, %f325, %f114;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+-20480], %f115;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f116, %f369, %f336;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f117, %f370, %f335, %f116;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f118, %f368, %f337, %f117;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f119, %f367, %f338, %f118;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f120, %f374, %f347, %f119;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f121, %f373, %f348, %f120;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f122, %f372, %f349, %f121;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f123, %f371, %f350, %f122;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f124, %f378, %f383, %f123;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f125, %f377, %f384, %f124;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f126, %f376, %f385, %f125;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f127, [%r67+-40960];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f128, %f375, %f127, %f126;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f129, %f382, %f323, %f128;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f130, %f381, %f324, %f129;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f131, %f380, %f325, %f130;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f132, %f379, %f326, %f131;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+-16384], %f132;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f133, %f369, %f337;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f134, %f370, %f336, %f133;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f135, %f368, %f338, %f134;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f136, %f367, %f347, %f135;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f137, %f374, %f348, %f136;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f138, %f373, %f349, %f137;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f139, %f372, %f350, %f138;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f140, %f371, %f383, %f139;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f141, %f378, %f384, %f140;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f142, %f377, %f385, %f141;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f143, [%r67+-36864];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f144, %f376, %f143, %f142;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f145, %f375, %f323, %f144;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f146, %f382, %f324, %f145;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f147, %f381, %f325, %f146;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f148, %f380, %f326, %f147;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f149, %f379, %f335, %f148;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+-12288], %f149;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f150, %f369, %f338;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f151, %f370, %f337, %f150;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f152, %f368, %f347, %f151;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f153, %f367, %f348, %f152;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f154, %f374, %f349, %f153;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f155, %f373, %f350, %f154;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f156, %f372, %f383, %f155;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f157, %f371, %f384, %f156;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f158, %f378, %f385, %f157;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f159, [%r67+-32768];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f160, %f377, %f159, %f158;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f161, %f376, %f323, %f160;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f162, %f375, %f324, %f161;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f163, %f382, %f325, %f162;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f164, %f381, %f326, %f163;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f165, %f380, %f335, %f164;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f166, %f379, %f336, %f165;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+-8192], %f166;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f167, %f369, %f347;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f168, %f370, %f338, %f167;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f169, %f368, %f348, %f168;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f170, %f367, %f349, %f169;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f171, %f374, %f350, %f170;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f172, %f373, %f383, %f171;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f173, %f372, %f384, %f172;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f174, %f371, %f385, %f173;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f175, [%r67+-28672];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f176, %f378, %f175, %f174;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f177, %f377, %f323, %f176;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f178, %f376, %f324, %f177;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f179, %f375, %f325, %f178;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f180, %f382, %f326, %f179;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f181, %f381, %f335, %f180;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f182, %f380, %f336, %f181;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f183, %f379, %f337, %f182;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+-4096], %f183;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f184, %f369, %f348;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f185, %f370, %f347, %f184;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f186, %f368, %f349, %f185;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f187, %f367, %f350, %f186;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f188, %f374, %f383, %f187;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f189, %f373, %f384, %f188;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f190, %f372, %f385, %f189;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f191, [%r67+-24576];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f192, %f371, %f191, %f190;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f193, %f378, %f323, %f192;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f194, %f377, %f324, %f193;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f195, %f376, %f325, %f194;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f196, %f375, %f326, %f195;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f197, %f382, %f335, %f196;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f198, %f381, %f336, %f197;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f199, %f380, %f337, %f198;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f200, %f379, %f338, %f199;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68], %f200;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f201, %f369, %f349;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f202, %f370, %f348, %f201;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f203, %f368, %f350, %f202;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f204, %f367, %f383, %f203;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f205, %f374, %f384, %f204;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f206, %f373, %f385, %f205;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f207, [%r67+-20480];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f208, %f372, %f207, %f206;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f209, %f371, %f323, %f208;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f210, %f378, %f324, %f209;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f211, %f377, %f325, %f210;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f212, %f376, %f326, %f211;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f213, %f375, %f335, %f212;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f214, %f382, %f336, %f213;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f215, %f381, %f337, %f214;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f216, %f380, %f338, %f215;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f217, %f379, %f347, %f216;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+4096], %f217;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f218, %f369, %f350;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f219, %f370, %f349, %f218;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f220, %f368, %f383, %f219;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f221, %f367, %f384, %f220;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f222, %f374, %f385, %f221;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f223, [%r67+-16384];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f224, %f373, %f223, %f222;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f225, %f372, %f323, %f224;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f226, %f371, %f324, %f225;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f227, %f378, %f325, %f226;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f228, %f377, %f326, %f227;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f229, %f376, %f335, %f228;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f230, %f375, %f336, %f229;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f231, %f382, %f337, %f230;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f232, %f381, %f338, %f231;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f233, %f380, %f347, %f232;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f234, %f379, %f348, %f233;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+8192], %f234;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f235, %f369, %f383;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f236, %f370, %f350, %f235;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f237, %f368, %f384, %f236;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f238, %f367, %f385, %f237;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f239, [%r67+-12288];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f240, %f374, %f239, %f238;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f241, %f373, %f323, %f240;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f242, %f372, %f324, %f241;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f243, %f371, %f325, %f242;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f244, %f378, %f326, %f243;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f245, %f377, %f335, %f244;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f246, %f376, %f336, %f245;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f247, %f375, %f337, %f246;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f248, %f382, %f338, %f247;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f249, %f381, %f347, %f248;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f250, %f380, %f348, %f249;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f251, %f379, %f349, %f250;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+12288], %f251;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f252, %f369, %f384;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f253, %f370, %f383, %f252;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f254, %f368, %f385, %f253;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f255, [%r67+-8192];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f256, %f367, %f255, %f254;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f257, %f374, %f323, %f256;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f258, %f373, %f324, %f257;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f259, %f372, %f325, %f258;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f260, %f371, %f326, %f259;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f261, %f378, %f335, %f260;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f262, %f377, %f336, %f261;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f263, %f376, %f337, %f262;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f264, %f375, %f338, %f263;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f265, %f382, %f347, %f264;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f266, %f381, %f348, %f265;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f267, %f380, %f349, %f266;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f268, %f379, %f350, %f267;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+16384], %f268;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f269, %f369, %f385;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f270, %f370, %f384, %f269;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f271, [%r67+-4096];
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f272, %f368, %f271, %f270;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f273, %f367, %f323, %f272;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f274, %f374, %f324, %f273;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f275, %f373, %f325, %f274;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f276, %f372, %f326, %f275;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f277, %f371, %f335, %f276;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f278, %f378, %f336, %f277;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f279, %f377, %f337, %f278;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f280, %f376, %f338, %f279;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f281, %f375, %f347, %f280;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f282, %f382, %f348, %f281;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f283, %f381, %f349, %f282;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f284, %f380, %f350, %f283;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f285, %f379, %f383, %f284;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+20480], %f285;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f286, [%r67];
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f287, %f369, %f286;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f288, %f370, %f385, %f287;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f289, %f368, %f323, %f288;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f290, %f367, %f324, %f289;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f291, %f374, %f325, %f290;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f292, %f373, %f326, %f291;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f293, %f372, %f335, %f292;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f294, %f371, %f336, %f293;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f295, %f378, %f337, %f294;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f296, %f377, %f338, %f295;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f297, %f376, %f347, %f296;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f298, %f375, %f348, %f297;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f299, %f382, %f349, %f298;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f300, %f381, %f350, %f299;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f301, %f380, %f383, %f300;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f302, %f379, %f384, %f301;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+24576], %f302;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f303, %f369, %f323;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f304, %f370, %f286, %f303;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f305, %f368, %f324, %f304;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f306, %f367, %f325, %f305;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f307, %f374, %f326, %f306;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f308, %f373, %f335, %f307;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f309, %f372, %f336, %f308;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f310, %f371, %f337, %f309;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f311, %f378, %f338, %f310;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f312, %f377, %f347, %f311;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f313, %f376, %f348, %f312;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f314, %f375, %f349, %f313;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f315, %f382, %f350, %f314;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f316, %f381, %f383, %f315;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f317, %f380, %f384, %f316;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f318, %f379, %f385, %f317;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r68+28672], %f318;
-	add.s32 	%r70, %r70, 65536;
-	add.s32 	%r69, %r69, -1;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p1, %r69, 0;
-	mov.f32 	%f383, %f383;
-	mov.f32 	%f384, %f384;
-	mov.f32 	%f385, %f385;
-	mov.f32 	%f366, %f286;
-	@%p1 bra 	BB0_1;
-	ret;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.cc b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dd949ce2b73470c5de20cdcbc25469f1808bea0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4166 +0,0 @@
-int reverseSubbandMapping[512] = {
-   -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,
-   -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,
-   -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,   0,   1,   2,   3,
-    4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,  10,  11,
-   12,  13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,
-   20,  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,
-   28,  29,  30,  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,
-   36,  37,  38,  39,  40,  41,  42,  43,
-   44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50,  51,
-   52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,
-   60,  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,
-   68,  69,  70,  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,
-   76,  77,  78,  79,  80,  81,  82,  83,
-   84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,  91,
-   92,  93,  94,  95,  96,  97,  98,  99,
-  100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,
-  108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115,
-  116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123,
-  124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131,
-  132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139,
-  140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147,
-  148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155,
-  156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163,
-  164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171,
-  172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179,
-  180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187,
-  188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195,
-  196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203,
-  204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211,
-  212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219,
-  220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227,
-  228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235,
-  236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243,
-  244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251,
-  252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259,
-  260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267,
-  268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275,
-  276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283,
-  284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291,
-  292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299,
-  300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307,
-  308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315,
-  316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323,
-  324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331,
-  332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339,
-  340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347,
-  348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355,
-  356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363,
-  364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371,
-  372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379,
-  380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387,
-  388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395,
-  396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403,
-  404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411,
-  412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419,
-  420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427,
-  428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435,
-  436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443,
-  444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451,
-  452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459,
-  460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467,
-  468, 469, 470, 471,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,
-   -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,
-   -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,
-extern const float invertedStationPPFWeights[1024][16] __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) = {
-  { -0.000179151700, -0.003308169600,  0.003168136400, -0.001402398400,
-    -0.000353662500,  0.001927602200, -0.003163333400,  0.004012019600,
-     0.305533321300,  0.003717851500, -0.003038205600,  0.001856478200,
-    -0.000314280200, -0.001413956600,  0.003176999800, -0.003309959200},
-  { -0.000188174200, -0.003292642400,  0.003165263500, -0.001388720100,
-    -0.000384077600,  0.001988112900, -0.003285234700,  0.004303401100,
-     0.305532062500,  0.003427783000, -0.002906671400,  0.001795892300,
-    -0.000283721000, -0.001437413900,  0.003189613400, -0.003326162500},
-  { -0.000196877000, -0.003287185700,  0.003153111900, -0.001365477700,
-    -0.000414183100,  0.002048118400, -0.003406922200,  0.004585797400,
-     0.305529242100,  0.003148416400, -0.002784621900,  0.001725095700,
-    -0.000252375300, -0.001452058900,  0.003202823300, -0.003332926300},
-  { -0.000205837900, -0.003272003200,  0.003141260600, -0.001352471400,
-    -0.000443644700,  0.002116848800, -0.003537488300,  0.004878336100,
-     0.305525209100,  0.002859642300, -0.002662171400,  0.001663994200,
-    -0.000211731900, -0.001466550800,  0.003206380900, -0.003349458000},
-  { -0.000214552200, -0.003266806700,  0.003129659400, -0.001339690600,
-    -0.000482746700,  0.002176562700, -0.003658974500,  0.005162307100,
-     0.305528831700,  0.002572382100, -0.002530584900,  0.001602837600,
-    -0.000180271600, -0.001491017200,  0.003220032300, -0.003356689400},
-  { -0.000223661700, -0.003260822600,  0.003127233900, -0.001326570100,
-    -0.000512158000,  0.002235803700, -0.003780111100,  0.005456280000,
-     0.305521935800,  0.002275511400, -0.002407952000,  0.001531547700,
-    -0.000148571000, -0.001505753800,  0.003233233200, -0.003373394500},
-  { -0.000231910300, -0.003246569900,  0.003116275100, -0.001304684500,
-    -0.000541061900,  0.002304368000, -0.003901387700,  0.005741703600,
-     0.305522735200,  0.001989240500, -0.002285243100,  0.001469413800,
-    -0.000116373400, -0.001521319900,  0.003247258700, -0.003380795000},
-  { -0.000240501100, -0.003241453500,  0.003104789400, -0.001292085400,
-    -0.000569919800,  0.002362991000, -0.004022334800,  0.006027997600,
-     0.305521780500,  0.001704243000, -0.002153295800,  0.001397822300,
-    -0.000074381800, -0.001537100900,  0.003251864100, -0.003388377600},
-  { -0.000248796500, -0.003226864100,  0.003093528500, -0.001279946600,
-    -0.000607985400,  0.002421344900, -0.004142487600,  0.006323528600,
-     0.305510887600,  0.001418764600, -0.002029953100,  0.001335330400,
-    -0.000042083300, -0.001561789400,  0.003265175300, -0.003404731400},
-  { -0.000257636700, -0.003221504300,  0.003091948000, -0.001267872500,
-    -0.000636159800,  0.002489119800, -0.004263249000,  0.006610834100,
-     0.305507531700,  0.001124928200, -0.001906951100,  0.001263167800,
-    -0.000009313800, -0.001577770500,  0.003279564200, -0.003412490900},
-  { -0.000265507200, -0.003207541700,  0.003081283900, -0.001246591800,
-    -0.000664350300,  0.002546976200, -0.004383683600,  0.006898956800,
-     0.305502674600,  0.000841583200, -0.001774239400,  0.001200242700,
-     0.000033135500, -0.001593584100,  0.003293434500, -0.003429250800},
-  { -0.000273917600, -0.003202910800,  0.003070451600, -0.001234554400,
-    -0.000692451500,  0.002604895500, -0.004503987800,  0.007187871700,
-     0.305505931400,  0.000558741700, -0.001650952000,  0.001127390700,
-     0.000066556300, -0.001619778200,  0.003298773100, -0.003437037600},
-  { -0.000281862900, -0.003188993500,  0.003060168000, -0.001223831900,
-    -0.000729004800,  0.002671831100, -0.004624290900,  0.007477414500,
-     0.305498083700,  0.000267125500, -0.001517720800,  0.001063982400,
-     0.000099881700, -0.001636003800,  0.003313035200, -0.003454137100},
-  { -0.000289997500, -0.003184579100,  0.003050026400, -0.001202902100,
-    -0.000756520300,  0.002728774500, -0.004744017700,  0.007767318900,
-     0.305488765700, -0.000023525100, -0.001394377600,  0.000990953800,
-     0.000143244500, -0.001652648300,  0.003327682700, -0.003461774600},
-  { -0.000297868500, -0.003170531700,  0.003048908400, -0.001191632000,
-    -0.000784087900,  0.002786310700, -0.004864404400,  0.008048797600,
-     0.305487970600, -0.000304469600, -0.001260861000,  0.000926754800,
-     0.000177135000, -0.001679160000,  0.003343036000, -0.003469765900},
-  { -0.000306075200, -0.003165955700,  0.003038511100, -0.001180375200,
-    -0.000811096700,  0.002842935600, -0.004983911700,  0.008340196300,
-     0.305476029500, -0.000594272800, -0.001136564500,  0.000852586500,
-     0.000211810600, -0.001696380900,  0.003348178400, -0.003486840300},
-  { -0.000313813200, -0.003152349500,  0.003028499400, -0.001169925400,
-    -0.000837361100,  0.002908698000, -0.005103588900,  0.008632676200,
-     0.305471690900, -0.000882964600, -0.001002806300,  0.000788301700,
-     0.000255669300, -0.001713789300,  0.003363569600, -0.003495167000},
-  { -0.000321551300, -0.003148759600,  0.003019394800, -0.001150412500,
-    -0.000873315500,  0.002965177700, -0.005223260400,  0.008916237200,
-     0.305466205000, -0.001170623500, -0.000869571200,  0.000714234800,
-     0.000290089600, -0.001740435500,  0.003378711000, -0.003512573100},
-  { -0.000329970400, -0.003144017200,  0.003018842400, -0.001139831400,
-    -0.000899901500,  0.003021134300, -0.005342285700,  0.009209557400,
-     0.305459744400, -0.001458744900, -0.000744677800,  0.000649268300,
-     0.000334721100, -0.001758288700,  0.003394346200, -0.003520921500},
-  { -0.000337260000, -0.003130746200,  0.003009011500, -0.001129494000,
-    -0.000925937200,  0.003077019500, -0.005461903400,  0.009494961400,
-     0.305451127000, -0.001745336100, -0.000610465300,  0.000573925900,
-     0.000370535700, -0.001776549100,  0.003400302700, -0.003538373300},
-  { -0.000345274700, -0.003126683700,  0.002999325200, -0.001119130300,
-    -0.000951776200,  0.003132334500, -0.005580569300,  0.009789706100,
-     0.305441562500, -0.002031776000, -0.000485477300,  0.000498512700,
-     0.000406472900, -0.001794658100,  0.003416172000, -0.003546870600},
-  { -0.000352248700, -0.003113898000,  0.002990283900, -0.001099777400,
-    -0.000977716300,  0.003187647900, -0.005699440100,  0.010075840400,
-     0.305430485400, -0.002316996000, -0.000351097200,  0.000433003700,
-     0.000451135800, -0.001822254600,  0.003431922800, -0.003564774200},
-  { -0.000360263700, -0.003109808600,  0.002990478200, -0.001090243800,
-    -0.001002860000,  0.003252789700, -0.005809448800,  0.010362986600,
-     0.305427509700, -0.002601772700, -0.000216601600,  0.000357013800,
-     0.000487681400, -0.001841238600,  0.003448505600, -0.003573744000},
-  { -0.000367260100, -0.003096989400,  0.002981370000, -0.001081004600,
-    -0.001037636700,  0.003307938500, -0.005928189500,  0.010650492300,
-     0.305413750100, -0.002886387300, -0.000090648300,  0.000290078700,
-     0.000524745900, -0.001860858600,  0.003455849400, -0.003582656500},
-  { -0.000375146000, -0.003093318200,  0.002972423700, -0.001071720100,
-    -0.001062345400,  0.003362096800, -0.006046137200,  0.010948594500,
-     0.305407159000, -0.003178921900,  0.000043993500,  0.000214496100,
-     0.000570197700, -0.001888981300,  0.003472094500, -0.003601269100},
-  { -0.000381874300, -0.003080805300,  0.002963790800, -0.001053001800,
-    -0.001087365200,  0.003416433800, -0.006164483000,  0.011237344100,
-     0.305390383500, -0.003461481100,  0.000179544400,  0.000146785300,
-     0.000607413700, -0.001908316200,  0.003489057800, -0.003610639600},
-  { -0.000389669200, -0.003076842200,  0.002964194700, -0.001043813600,
-    -0.001112218000,  0.003470974700, -0.006273264800,  0.011526826700,
-     0.305382025700, -0.003743576500,  0.000314498600,  0.000070163400,
-     0.000654411200, -0.001927947000,  0.003505495000, -0.003629223000},
-  { -0.000396332400, -0.003064410600,  0.002955492900, -0.001034693000,
-    -0.001136761300,  0.003525266500, -0.006392102100,  0.011808326800,
-     0.305371538600, -0.004034754500,  0.000440667500, -0.000007068200,
-     0.000692151600, -0.001958085100,  0.003514164000, -0.003638938800},
-  { -0.000403882200, -0.003061151700,  0.002947019900, -0.001026023300,
-    -0.001160855500,  0.003578931400, -0.006510233800,  0.012099735200,
-     0.305359759100, -0.004325205000,  0.000577290600, -0.000075620500,
-     0.000729983100, -0.001977775600,  0.003531138400, -0.003658356000},
-  { -0.000410416700, -0.003048768800,  0.002938122000, -0.001017024400,
-    -0.001185043200,  0.003632680800, -0.006618462800,  0.012391231100,
-     0.305346710600, -0.004604878800,  0.000712646300, -0.000153154100,
-     0.000778065700, -0.001998535200,  0.003548917800, -0.003668399300},
-  { -0.000418160500, -0.003045285600,  0.002940099300, -0.000999989700,
-    -0.001207958100,  0.003694939000, -0.006736106600,  0.012683638900,
-     0.305331925800, -0.004893293600,  0.000848238100, -0.000231056700,
-     0.000815922500, -0.002028355600,  0.003567216600, -0.003678810800},
-  { -0.000424402600, -0.003033543100,  0.002932209100, -0.000992319500,
-    -0.001241358200,  0.003749292200, -0.006845375400,  0.012968326800,
-     0.305325129100, -0.005181636100,  0.000984943000, -0.000299850300,
-     0.000864607400, -0.002050276300,  0.003575779100, -0.003698495600},
-  { -0.000431795400, -0.003030515100,  0.002924143600, -0.000984066100,
-    -0.001264499500,  0.003801673700, -0.006962423800,  0.013261923500,
-     0.305307792800, -0.005469551400,  0.001112105700, -0.000378641900,
-     0.000903979800, -0.002071214100,  0.003594054000, -0.003708956400},
-  { -0.000438154800, -0.003018644300,  0.002915881100, -0.000975892700,
-    -0.001287607700,  0.003854346300, -0.007080269600,  0.013547492500,
-     0.305299153300, -0.005747166800,  0.001248307000, -0.000457538900,
-     0.000942775500, -0.002101520100,  0.003612350900, -0.003729050600},
-  { -0.000445068000, -0.003016231600,  0.002908760100, -0.000958623000,
-    -0.001311089600,  0.003906976500, -0.007187486600,  0.013842019100,
-     0.305278786000, -0.006032900700,  0.001385321000, -0.000527217900,
-     0.000991980200, -0.002123501700,  0.003631277700, -0.003740453600},
-  { -0.000451769900, -0.003003554800,  0.002910117000, -0.000951286800,
-    -0.001333568200,  0.003959036100, -0.007305163600,  0.014129397200,
-     0.305266353700, -0.006318495400,  0.001522406400, -0.000607494800,
-     0.001032856600, -0.002146282400,  0.003641224700, -0.003751272400},
-  { -0.000458704700, -0.003001127800,  0.002902744400, -0.000943766600,
-    -0.001356286200,  0.004011606300, -0.007413160700,  0.014416934300,
-     0.305252141100, -0.006612456400,  0.001659411900, -0.000686657100,
-     0.001082013300, -0.002177942800,  0.003660354300, -0.003772222700},
-  { -0.000464860200, -0.002989337500,  0.002894831400, -0.000936224300,
-    -0.001378788100,  0.004063782200, -0.007520350800,  0.014714266400,
-     0.305236860000, -0.006896906600,  0.001797689700, -0.000758115600,
-     0.001122795500, -0.002200335400,  0.003679910900, -0.003784248300},
-  { -0.000471906600, -0.002986971300,  0.002887514500, -0.000929037200,
-    -0.001400660100,  0.004114765900, -0.007637074700,  0.015003290600,
-     0.305220409100, -0.007180134300,  0.001934852000, -0.000838292300,
-     0.001173609200, -0.002223798900,  0.003689540000, -0.003804721500},
-  { -0.000478005400, -0.002974973900,  0.002890024200, -0.000912804200,
-    -0.001423103300,  0.004166752200, -0.007744430700,  0.015292286200,
-     0.305202709200, -0.007462776200,  0.002072061100, -0.000919168800,
-     0.001214479000, -0.002256106400,  0.003709864100, -0.003816509300},
-  { -0.000485004200, -0.002972661400,  0.002883075100, -0.000906121000,
-    -0.001444400500,  0.004217388300, -0.007861128300,  0.015582827100,
-     0.305182829200, -0.007754203600,  0.002210354400, -0.001000782800,
-     0.001256255000, -0.002278849600,  0.003729366300, -0.003838542900},
-  { -0.000491739700, -0.002970642300,  0.002875940200, -0.000898797900,
-    -0.001467267200,  0.004259593600, -0.007967928800,  0.015873669900,
-     0.305171969300, -0.008036267100,  0.002349092100, -0.001072739500,
-     0.001307766700, -0.002302777900,  0.003749888800, -0.003850712800},
-  { -0.000497291200, -0.002959470700,  0.002868512700, -0.000891753800,
-    -0.001488975800,  0.004311149200, -0.008075516000,  0.016155288200,
-     0.305150388000, -0.008316860100,  0.002487086200, -0.001154788900,
-     0.001350046400, -0.002336945300,  0.003761723500, -0.003862439200},
-  { -0.000504731900, -0.002956450800,  0.002871262500, -0.000886061100,
-    -0.001509538700,  0.004360886000, -0.008191697200,  0.016448378400,
-     0.305135746300, -0.008606633700,  0.002625496200, -0.001236297400,
-     0.001401956000, -0.002360832800,  0.003781771800, -0.003884434400},
-  { -0.000510187200, -0.002945799600,  0.002865288500, -0.000870352000,
-    -0.001531072000,  0.004411842900, -0.008298811000,  0.016741989300,
-     0.305119193600, -0.008895401800,  0.002764325800, -0.001319345500,
-     0.001445432500, -0.002385302500,  0.003803145000, -0.003898001300},
-  { -0.000516831700, -0.002943863500,  0.002858545300, -0.000863995200,
-    -0.001552015500,  0.004462029400, -0.008404468200,  0.017034066400,
-     0.305093771700, -0.009174192300,  0.002903186600, -0.001391517800,
-     0.001496396500, -0.002418783000,  0.003823612700, -0.003919897700},
-  { -0.000522254800, -0.002933011700,  0.002851744600, -0.000857749800,
-    -0.001572829300,  0.004512760300, -0.008512038500,  0.017319625600,
-     0.305074913300, -0.009461842200,  0.003042687600, -0.001475450400,
-     0.001541005000, -0.002444849800,  0.003836006300, -0.003932401200},
-  { -0.000529601300, -0.002930099600,  0.002854820400, -0.000852704600,
-    -0.001592429500,  0.004561274000, -0.008627194900,  0.017615006900,
-     0.305054496900, -0.009748599800,  0.003181615900, -0.001558137300,
-     0.001594324200, -0.002470181000,  0.003857769000, -0.003945651400},
-  { -0.000534931600, -0.002919339300,  0.002848150100, -0.000846731600,
-    -0.001612810100,  0.004611510300, -0.008734196000,  0.017901410200,
-     0.305033298300, -0.010034991200,  0.003321126400, -0.001641796500,
-     0.001637657900, -0.002504378200,  0.003879253900, -0.003968435100},
-  { -0.000541059600, -0.002918541200,  0.002843043800, -0.000831250300,
-    -0.001634950600,  0.004652450700, -0.008840558000,  0.018188790800,
-     0.305021093200, -0.010312015500,  0.003461182700, -0.001716342200,
-     0.001692059700, -0.002531656000,  0.003892381100, -0.003981307700},
-  { -0.000546470300, -0.002907704700,  0.002836444100, -0.000825608000,
-    -0.001654657700,  0.004701589700, -0.008946113900,  0.018485752400,
-     0.304996474100, -0.010596860500,  0.003601134500, -0.001801009400,
-     0.001736945200, -0.002556816600,  0.003913332400, -0.004004119100},
-  { -0.000553421000, -0.002905324000,  0.002840026900, -0.000820954500,
-    -0.001674129700,  0.004751033800, -0.009052649800,  0.018774565100,
-     0.304980747200, -0.010881885600,  0.003741264500, -0.001885730400,
-     0.001781462400, -0.002592340800,  0.003936717300, -0.004018305800},
-  { -0.000558583500, -0.002894695900,  0.002833775600, -0.000815677100,
-    -0.001693616200,  0.004800033700, -0.009158923400,  0.019063780300,
-     0.304952581400, -0.011174339100,  0.003881652600, -0.001970197900,
-     0.001836677600, -0.002619434800,  0.003959785900, -0.004032488300},
-  { -0.000564955500, -0.002893561300,  0.002828266400, -0.000810671500,
-    -0.001712856100,  0.004849033400, -0.009265048200,  0.019354083600,
-     0.304933847400, -0.011457786400,  0.004022181900, -0.002055659400,
-     0.001882018300, -0.002656075600,  0.003973130000, -0.004055549600},
-  { -0.000569990700, -0.002883172300,  0.002821862700, -0.000805210900,
-    -0.001733255400,  0.004888539700, -0.009370571700,  0.019645015200,
-     0.304913195700, -0.011739650400,  0.004173020900, -0.002132234200,
-     0.001937624600, -0.002683625100,  0.003996648800, -0.004070086100},
-  { -0.000576816700, -0.002880712200,  0.002825556300, -0.000801110200,
-    -0.001751710900,  0.004936537800, -0.009475750900,  0.019935070200,
-     0.304882818800, -0.012021363400,  0.004313763100, -0.002218448800,
-     0.001984116400, -0.002710135300,  0.004018650800, -0.004093587400},
-  { -0.000581575700, -0.002871029700,  0.002820817600, -0.000787003500,
-    -0.001771208200,  0.004984922000, -0.009581223300,  0.020227247700,
-     0.304859324200, -0.012301966200,  0.004453794800, -0.002303557800,
-     0.002039760600, -0.002748740500,  0.004034016500, -0.004107894100},
-  { -0.000587752000, -0.002870343700,  0.002816043200, -0.000782738000,
-    -0.001789823800,  0.005033655500, -0.009688643500,  0.020512328500,
-     0.304843748500, -0.012592772900,  0.004596104100, -0.002391051400,
-     0.002087605700, -0.002776914700,  0.004058501200, -0.004123192100},
-  { -0.000592610900, -0.002860138800,  0.002809924700, -0.000777559700,
-    -0.001809457700,  0.005071968700, -0.009792977800,  0.020805308800,
-     0.304818061900, -0.012872591200,  0.004737013500, -0.002477149500,
-     0.002144535400, -0.002805006000,  0.004081504200, -0.004147500100},
-  { -0.000598855700, -0.002859183800,  0.002804989100, -0.000773711900,
-    -0.001827130700,  0.005119292900, -0.009897966800,  0.021099553600,
-     0.304789228200, -0.013159535100,  0.004888119300, -0.002565148700,
-     0.002191690700, -0.002842615100,  0.004106712900, -0.004163246800},
-  { -0.000604129100, -0.002847973400,  0.002808540700, -0.000770115000,
-    -0.001845151700,  0.005166831300, -0.010003738700,  0.021384603000,
-     0.304761759800, -0.013438827400,  0.005030699900, -0.002642744000,
-     0.002248900100, -0.002872462400,  0.004120956700, -0.004186959300},
-  { -0.000610304100, -0.002847187000,  0.002803718400, -0.000765887200,
-    -0.001863954900,  0.005204656900, -0.010108070800,  0.021680873600,
-     0.304740017400, -0.013726605300,  0.005173599700, -0.002731549500,
-     0.002298070200, -0.002901375100,  0.004145912600, -0.004202808100},
-  { -0.000614775300, -0.002837812200,  0.002799287100, -0.000751378700,
-    -0.001873340800,  0.005251545400, -0.010213985000,  0.021968758500,
-     0.304717226400, -0.014013384600,  0.005315723700, -0.002818772700,
-     0.002355245100, -0.002940735300,  0.004172433300, -0.004219310800},
-  { -0.000620567900, -0.002837320300,  0.002794490100, -0.000747532900,
-    -0.001891056000,  0.005299546400, -0.010309931700,  0.022254934400,
-     0.304685251500, -0.014288738100,  0.005467214000, -0.002908733500,
-     0.002405494900, -0.002971287100,  0.004187192800, -0.004243542100},
-  { -0.000625856800, -0.002826051900,  0.002798242800, -0.000744164300,
-    -0.001909172200,  0.005336339900, -0.010413292700,  0.022552838800,
-     0.304659243200, -0.014574287100,  0.005609909000, -0.002997005100,
-     0.002464760300, -0.003001761400,  0.004213047800, -0.004260008200},
-  { -0.000631862500, -0.002825655200,  0.002794055000, -0.000740960500,
-    -0.001926054500,  0.005382887800, -0.010518612100,  0.022842239000,
-     0.304632697600, -0.014859275700,  0.005753037200, -0.003086221600,
-     0.002513598800, -0.003041041300,  0.004239878600, -0.004276818000},
-  { -0.000636395600, -0.002816103900,  0.002789011800, -0.000737686400,
-    -0.001942767200,  0.005429023200, -0.010623938900,  0.023132882500,
-     0.304603952900, -0.015142040300,  0.005905217400, -0.003175720900,
-     0.002573489500, -0.003072014700,  0.004265540900, -0.004304236600},
-  { -0.000642092900, -0.002815797600,  0.002784613800, -0.000733852000,
-    -0.001961254600,  0.005467201200, -0.010718772800,  0.023422456600,
-     0.304574941900, -0.015425894300,  0.006049293000, -0.003266869300,
-     0.002625535200, -0.003104379700,  0.004282770700, -0.004320158000},
-  { -0.000647228100, -0.002805014900,  0.002789105500, -0.000731700400,
-    -0.001977598200,  0.005513183700, -0.010823907600,  0.023714956500,
-     0.304553789700, -0.015710304400,  0.006194068900, -0.003346361400,
-     0.002683321200, -0.003144467600,  0.004309182300, -0.004346993300},
-  { -0.000653083600, -0.002804663400,  0.002784856700, -0.000728568200,
-    -0.001994892300,  0.005549280000, -0.010927513200,  0.024006627800,
-     0.304521224900, -0.015991075000,  0.006347319100, -0.003438518800,
-     0.002735447600, -0.003175763900,  0.004336078200, -0.004364270700},
-  { -0.000657344200, -0.002795073400,  0.002779372400, -0.000723818600,
-    -0.002002390300,  0.005594924600, -0.011022085400,  0.024298095100,
-     0.304487711300, -0.016272419800,  0.006491186300, -0.003529018000,
-     0.002797300300, -0.003209814400,  0.004354269100, -0.004380801100},
-  { -0.000662778500, -0.002795722300,  0.002777270600, -0.000711766400,
-    -0.002020750200,  0.005631997300, -0.011127576100,  0.024583535100,
-     0.304461685600, -0.016563520800,  0.006636493100, -0.003620768300,
-     0.002848323700, -0.003250508600,  0.004381556100, -0.004408351500},
-  { -0.000667608000, -0.002785075900,  0.002781813700, -0.000709968500,
-    -0.002036501400,  0.005678048700, -0.011222628000,  0.024877740200,
-     0.304434316000, -0.016843034600,  0.006789868500, -0.003712463600,
-     0.002910777700, -0.003284178700,  0.004410227500, -0.004427971200},
-  { -0.000673385900, -0.002784864800,  0.002777897100, -0.000707171500,
-    -0.002053187900,  0.005713078000, -0.011324954000,  0.025171340700,
-     0.304396703900, -0.017122233300,  0.006934475400, -0.003805137400,
-     0.002964408100, -0.003317850200,  0.004428620600, -0.004444717000},
-  { -0.000677353300, -0.002775967700,  0.002773610300, -0.000704737500,
-    -0.002069178100,  0.005759636500, -0.011421394400,  0.025458149700,
-     0.304365892000, -0.017409498600,  0.007088896400, -0.003897094200,
-     0.003025836900, -0.003360743400,  0.004457105300, -0.004473209500},
-  { -0.000683225000, -0.002775689300,  0.002769352400, -0.000700635700,
-    -0.002076469800,  0.005793241800, -0.011523237400,  0.025753901000,
-     0.304334966200, -0.017688142300,  0.007233613500, -0.003988893700,
-     0.003088733700, -0.003394540900,  0.004485759300, -0.004491807700},
-  { -0.000687773900, -0.002765299300,  0.002774214900, -0.000699143000,
-    -0.002091778900,  0.005839096700, -0.011618952200,  0.026040879100,
-     0.304303942000, -0.017967050900,  0.007379100700, -0.004082281200,
-     0.003142614000, -0.003427404600,  0.004512855100, -0.004519537900},
-  { -0.000693472400, -0.002765610600,  0.002771073600, -0.000697223600,
-    -0.002107933500,  0.005874142700, -0.011723107400,  0.026331338900,
-     0.304277893000, -0.018252857000,  0.007534408900, -0.004175833600,
-     0.003206136100, -0.003473370900,  0.004534730300, -0.004538643100},
-  { -0.000697463600, -0.002756676800,  0.002766964300, -0.000695192900,
-    -0.002122896500,  0.005919133800, -0.011817129000,  0.026629304300,
-     0.304240989200, -0.018538518600,  0.007680828300, -0.004270140400,
-     0.003260984500, -0.003507314200,  0.004563753700, -0.004557731900},
-  { -0.000703804500, -0.002754968200,  0.002772071700, -0.000692658900,
-    -0.002129046300,  0.005951839900, -0.011919323000,  0.026918136600,
-     0.304205403100, -0.018813366000,  0.007835360000, -0.004364128800,
-     0.003325426100, -0.003542025400,  0.004592039500, -0.004586402700},
-  { -0.000707548200, -0.002746360600,  0.002768039100, -0.000690246800,
-    -0.002145830400,  0.005988351400, -0.012013907400,  0.027209072700,
-     0.304176499000, -0.019099860600,  0.007984496700, -0.004450296100,
-     0.003379587100, -0.003587618200,  0.004614320900, -0.004606892100},
-  { -0.000713093800, -0.002746934500,  0.002765358600, -0.000689188800,
-    -0.002160148400,  0.006033055000, -0.012109150300,  0.027501099300,
-     0.304145203000, -0.019382840700,  0.008140437800, -0.004545293600,
-     0.003445318600, -0.003624168800,  0.004645205500, -0.004627325000},
-  { -0.000716707400, -0.002738242600,  0.002761221600, -0.000686846600,
-    -0.002176335900,  0.006068547500, -0.012202678300,  0.027791528800,
-     0.304104283300, -0.019666250900,  0.008287779500, -0.004641076300,
-     0.003501561200, -0.003658751600,  0.004673640000, -0.004656297500},
-  { -0.000722876700, -0.002737400900,  0.002768917300, -0.000676615300,
-    -0.002181080700,  0.006110074200, -0.012305860200,  0.028085420100,
-     0.304069875300, -0.019947475400,  0.008443532900, -0.004736314300,
-     0.003566616300, -0.003706438500,  0.004696952300, -0.004676431900},
-  { -0.000726338700, -0.002729093500,  0.002765145400, -0.000674502100,
-    -0.002197280000,  0.006146021300, -0.012401276400,  0.028369440400,
-     0.304036328200, -0.020230886000,  0.008591834800, -0.004833255700,
-     0.003624215600, -0.003742729000,  0.004728140600, -0.004696972400},
-  { -0.000731741100, -0.002729709100,  0.002762428000, -0.000673225600,
-    -0.002212588700,  0.006180633900, -0.012494169800,  0.028662906200,
-     0.304000013700, -0.020511012600,  0.008748066500, -0.004928785800,
-     0.003689348800, -0.003788813700,  0.004759315900, -0.004727789800},
-  { -0.000735386100, -0.002721352900,  0.002758959300, -0.000672109200,
-    -0.002226292500,  0.006224450200, -0.012588365800,  0.028957720600,
-     0.303962072700, -0.020792099600,  0.008896179300, -0.005026132300,
-     0.003747768000, -0.003827110500,  0.004781502000, -0.004747416400},
-  { -0.000741467200, -0.002720193100,  0.002764997300, -0.000670457700,
-    -0.002231939800,  0.006257946300, -0.012682582100,  0.029244511900,
-     0.303933574300, -0.021072898700,  0.009054063500, -0.005123937600,
-     0.003816203000, -0.003865951000,  0.004814396600, -0.004769350200},
-  { -0.000745150400, -0.002711729700,  0.002761387900, -0.000669147800,
-    -0.002246404800,  0.006290380500, -0.012784037700,  0.029540755700,
-     0.303893044500, -0.021352478200,  0.009201932100, -0.005220680700,
-     0.003872318000, -0.003911010800,  0.004845423900, -0.004800157600},
-  { -0.000748453500, -0.002703558700,  0.002757747500, -0.000667691900,
-    -0.002261575500,  0.006324791000, -0.012877926700,  0.029827673100,
-     0.303851724000, -0.021629843300,  0.009359170900, -0.005318693300,
-     0.003941798300, -0.003952016200,  0.004869373400, -0.004820883700},
-  { -0.000753869400, -0.002704376900,  0.002755157700, -0.000665839200,
-    -0.002265346200,  0.006366843000, -0.012972784600,  0.030116858700,
-     0.303818672700, -0.021907914800,  0.009517056100, -0.005416881700,
-     0.004010497500, -0.003990905800,  0.004901022400, -0.004852436300},
-  { -0.000758084800, -0.002694258700,  0.002760975500, -0.000666054000,
-    -0.002279366500,  0.006400355600, -0.013065059600,  0.030415689700,
-     0.303781885400, -0.022195988700,  0.009667243000, -0.005515687900,
-     0.004068687500, -0.004038259800,  0.004935181400, -0.004875341600},
-  { -0.000763249100, -0.002695207900,  0.002758724400, -0.000665508700,
-    -0.002293624700,  0.006433708500, -0.013157852400,  0.030703785700,
-     0.303736794400, -0.022471040100,  0.009824735600, -0.005614528900,
-     0.004139136400, -0.004080198200,  0.004959857600, -0.004896598000},
-  { -0.000766591100, -0.002686928900,  0.002754921900, -0.000662665200,
-    -0.002299129500,  0.006466426100, -0.013251271900,  0.030994692400,
-     0.303698508100, -0.022758266200,  0.009976047300, -0.005715080300,
-     0.004199827500, -0.004118619000,  0.004991603200, -0.004928421800},
-  { -0.000771897700, -0.002688143900,  0.002753279200, -0.000663161200,
-    -0.002311137900,  0.006508681700, -0.013345456800,  0.031285977700,
-     0.303659766600, -0.023032853100,  0.010133649800, -0.005813434400,
-     0.004268203300, -0.004168660700,  0.005027973800, -0.004954054600},
-  { -0.000775874300, -0.002678215700,  0.002759243400, -0.000663934100,
-    -0.002324484400,  0.006541662700, -0.013438640200,  0.031578389200,
-     0.303617696900, -0.023316437000,  0.010294044300, -0.005916048600,
-     0.004331218000, -0.004210712400,  0.005053314100, -0.004976115300},
-  { -0.000781019600, -0.002679339200,  0.002756838700, -0.000661553700,
-    -0.002330048900,  0.006575368200, -0.013522135600,  0.031870307600,
-     0.303587200300, -0.023593760200,  0.010444472000, -0.006015436800,
-     0.004402065400, -0.004251580600,  0.005086442900, -0.005008967600},
-  { -0.000784186200, -0.002671460600,  0.002753849700, -0.000661193300,
-    -0.002343698500,  0.006608303400, -0.013614934700,  0.032163622800,
-     0.303542329100, -0.023875417200,  0.010604498100, -0.006117430000,
-     0.004462875900, -0.004301162100,  0.005122582000, -0.005033354700},
-  { -0.000790060900, -0.002670435300,  0.002760669100, -0.000660699900,
-    -0.002347647400,  0.006639524200, -0.013708092900,  0.032447376800,
-     0.303498774900, -0.024159306200,  0.010756094800, -0.006218141400,
-     0.004535552600, -0.004345436200,  0.005149409700, -0.005056179700},
-  { -0.000793256200, -0.002662733600,  0.002757935000, -0.000660639200,
-    -0.002360988600,  0.006672169900, -0.013801224500,  0.032743987500,
-     0.303460194300, -0.024440923300,  0.010917290800, -0.006321772900,
-     0.004598983100, -0.004386048500,  0.005182927100, -0.005089678500},
-  { -0.000798421400, -0.002663989900,  0.002756297000, -0.000661054500,
-    -0.002373851700,  0.006703786000, -0.013892349300,  0.033037596300,
-     0.303413510200, -0.024710885300,  0.011075401800, -0.006421881700,
-     0.004669293700, -0.004437547500,  0.005220209500, -0.005114783000},
-  { -0.000801279400, -0.002656330700,  0.002752971400, -0.000658573800,
-    -0.002379104500,  0.006737428400, -0.013977140000,  0.033324125700,
-     0.303374972100, -0.024994140700,  0.011228843600, -0.006526058700,
-     0.004734510300, -0.004481928500,  0.005247478500, -0.005138134800},
-  { -0.000807307300, -0.002655561700,  0.002760752200, -0.000660917000,
-    -0.002390857100,  0.006768397200, -0.014068603800,  0.033621534300,
-     0.303332931800, -0.025273538400,  0.011389660100, -0.006628580100,
-     0.004808058900, -0.004525112200,  0.005283024100, -0.005174599300},
-  { -0.000810410400, -0.002647879500,  0.002757788100, -0.000659822800,
-    -0.002392746100,  0.006808149800, -0.014163218900,  0.033911264900,
-     0.303289891500, -0.025552150000,  0.011550770700, -0.006731633300,
-     0.004882070200, -0.004569322900,  0.005320551900, -0.005200360700},
-  { -0.000815493900, -0.002649463500,  0.002756849600, -0.000660759200,
-    -0.002405245800,  0.006840045300, -0.014256420100,  0.034200612800,
-     0.303246711500, -0.025832407000,  0.011703557800, -0.006835218200,
-     0.004945699400, -0.004623184600,  0.005349893100, -0.005224926800},
-  { -0.000818255300, -0.002641882000,  0.002753575300, -0.000658712000,
-    -0.002409717000,  0.006872439200, -0.014340074900,  0.034489243800,
-     0.303202188800, -0.026110236100,  0.011865377600, -0.006939263300,
-     0.005020650000, -0.004667616900,  0.005385875600, -0.005260165300},
-  { -0.000824295400, -0.002641015800,  0.002761659300, -0.000661736600,
-    -0.002420492700,  0.006902452300, -0.014430720500,  0.034789552300,
-     0.303152032300, -0.026395378600,  0.012028731400, -0.007046166400,
-     0.005088017800, -0.004713545300,  0.005414457900, -0.005284879700},
-  { -0.000827077700, -0.002633626200,  0.002758707300, -0.000659803100,
-    -0.002424890300,  0.006934810400, -0.014514347800,  0.035080728500,
-     0.303114481500, -0.026675115000,  0.012182095400, -0.007148973700,
-     0.005161314600, -0.004768172600,  0.005454664900, -0.005312372600},
-  { -0.000832149000, -0.002635253900,  0.002757890500, -0.000661304500,
-    -0.002436456100,  0.006965471700, -0.014606652200,  0.035372382500,
-     0.303065098100, -0.026950110700,  0.012344296500, -0.007255591100,
-     0.005228310500, -0.004812448700,  0.005492759000, -0.005338761500},
-  { -0.000835595400, -0.002625576200,  0.002763550700, -0.000660398000,
-    -0.002441798600,  0.006987700700, -0.014687960800,  0.035664170800,
-     0.303024793500, -0.027226932800,  0.012507686500, -0.007362011400,
-     0.005306264800, -0.004861076400,  0.005521878400, -0.005375829600},
-  { -0.000840529300, -0.002627331400,  0.002763058500, -0.000662228600,
-    -0.002453253700,  0.007018769500, -0.014782113000,  0.035948446100,
-     0.302972042600, -0.027509888900,  0.012671612300, -0.007469387600,
-     0.005372340600, -0.004915494200,  0.005562631500, -0.005403790100},
-  { -0.000843220100, -0.002620023800,  0.002760230300, -0.000660605900,
-    -0.002456982100,  0.007050007700, -0.014864692500,  0.036241695300,
-     0.302928958400, -0.027786579600,  0.012825587300, -0.007574066800,
-     0.005449141300, -0.004962376800,  0.005602376800, -0.005431440200},
-  { -0.000848374500, -0.002621758400,  0.002759921300, -0.000662808200,
-    -0.002467783200,  0.007079958900, -0.014956855300,  0.036538564300,
-     0.302880652200, -0.028068772200,  0.012990451100, -0.007683264800,
-     0.005518700600, -0.005009907900,  0.005630853800, -0.005466715000},
-  { -0.000851700900, -0.002612329100,  0.002766079600, -0.000662984200,
-    -0.002470535200,  0.007110968900, -0.015040742100,  0.036823681900,
-     0.302836038100, -0.028342627700,  0.013153651000, -0.007789506200,
-     0.005594863000, -0.005067111000,  0.005673345500, -0.005495962500},
-  { -0.000856978400, -0.002613369900,  0.002763436900, -0.000673963700,
-    -0.002480246400,  0.007141770500, -0.015122696500,  0.037119392900,
-     0.302785848400, -0.028623546600,  0.013318487200, -0.007897426600,
-     0.005674706600, -0.005118090200,  0.005705570200, -0.005523266400},
-  { -0.000859635800, -0.002606209100,  0.002760875300, -0.000672918600,
-    -0.002482718300,  0.007170544900, -0.015215522800,  0.037407381800,
-     0.302738295200, -0.028897800000,  0.013473662100, -0.008005370600,
-     0.005743489200, -0.005163726600,  0.005743450200, -0.005560237100},
-  { -0.000863002200, -0.002596834100,  0.002767923100, -0.000675974400,
-    -0.002493386100,  0.007201598200, -0.015297293000,  0.037704094600,
-     0.302685277400, -0.029176984600,  0.013637747600, -0.008112433600,
-     0.005820627000, -0.005221758100,  0.005786648100, -0.005590368200},
-  { -0.000867828800, -0.002598670200,  0.002766900000, -0.000675186800,
-    -0.002497981300,  0.007223193600, -0.015379756300,  0.037993797900,
-     0.302642069200, -0.029458517200,  0.013805185000, -0.008225058800,
-     0.005893724000, -0.005272906200,  0.005819685000, -0.005618333200},
-  { -0.000870433100, -0.002591465700,  0.002764455200, -0.000674653700,
-    -0.002499759200,  0.007250951700, -0.015471874400,  0.038284268000,
-     0.302587106700, -0.029736435400,  0.013970133000, -0.008333790400,
-     0.005973581100, -0.005321845400,  0.005859684300, -0.005657037700},
-  { -0.000875301600, -0.002593729700,  0.002764759200, -0.000677160100,
-    -0.002510659300,  0.007282648600, -0.015556232000,  0.038575785600,
-     0.302541430200, -0.030018298000,  0.014128120100, -0.008444322900,
-     0.006045352000, -0.005370854200,  0.005902462900, -0.005689051600},
-  { -0.000878577700, -0.002584426900,  0.002771222400, -0.000678044400,
-    -0.002512230800,  0.007312074800, -0.015638780000,  0.038866667200,
-     0.302496054000, -0.030288050400,  0.014292583100, -0.008553225900,
-     0.006124864000, -0.005432964900,  0.005938417900, -0.005718682200},
-  { -0.000883371200, -0.002586549000,  0.002771330800, -0.000680774600,
-    -0.002522537800,  0.007342861000, -0.015721824200,  0.039157112000,
-     0.302437909100, -0.030564097400,  0.014458560600, -0.008665183400,
-     0.006197183700, -0.005481519600,  0.005978394700, -0.005757587300},
-  { -0.000885670100, -0.002579613300,  0.002768808300, -0.000679473400,
-    -0.002527024400,  0.007363441100, -0.015802899000,  0.039449376300,
-     0.302387399600, -0.030841085500,  0.014625338400, -0.008776679900,
-     0.006280742400, -0.005535923100,  0.006013604000, -0.005787145500},
-  { -0.000891447000, -0.002579042300,  0.002777178000, -0.000681709200,
-    -0.002527331400,  0.007391840300, -0.015884752000,  0.039742056100,
-     0.302336098600, -0.031117719900,  0.014792369000, -0.008889397700,
-     0.006352081900, -0.005595185800,  0.006058727200, -0.005818964100},
-  { -0.000893764400, -0.002572520300,  0.002775953500, -0.000683794500,
-    -0.002538011700,  0.007422582300, -0.015967839100,  0.040036207000,
-     0.302282936600, -0.031394934700,  0.014949546000, -0.008998513600,
-     0.006433987600, -0.005646959300,  0.006102867800, -0.005850311400},
-  { -0.000899005400, -0.002573622600,  0.002772999400, -0.000692720800,
-    -0.002539675700,  0.007441443200, -0.016048205900,  0.040332527300,
-     0.302235443400, -0.031680564700,  0.015119563200, -0.009112249200,
-     0.006519185100, -0.005702277700,  0.006137124600, -0.005890136500},
-  { -0.000902066000, -0.002564399000,  0.002779793900, -0.000694252800,
-    -0.002540354300,  0.007470292100, -0.016132038300,  0.040618118300,
-     0.302181358200, -0.031955488100,  0.015287200700, -0.009226118300,
-     0.006591765300, -0.005762778500,  0.006183472900, -0.005922781400},
-  { -0.000906938700, -0.002566684400,  0.002780297700, -0.000697575600,
-    -0.002549585000,  0.007499502500, -0.016213682700,  0.040913759200,
-     0.302123085100, -0.032226770800,  0.015450858700, -0.009346907400,
-     0.006678209600, -0.005819558300,  0.006220559900, -0.005953802600},
-  { -0.000909073800, -0.002560158500,  0.002778219800, -0.000696753300,
-    -0.002553495700,  0.007519854200, -0.016296539100,  0.041202514700,
-     0.302075447000, -0.032502060800,  0.015620155600, -0.009463128500,
-     0.006754676200, -0.005871819500,  0.006264360200, -0.005997784800},
-  { -0.000914005100, -0.002562081100,  0.002778180000, -0.000697783700,
-    -0.002553821800,  0.007547123000, -0.016377089100,  0.041498813500,
-     0.302013593200, -0.032784352400,  0.015779698800, -0.009574791300,
-     0.006838885700, -0.005925655500,  0.006310258300, -0.006030707600},
-  { -0.000917048000, -0.002553292100,  0.002786094000, -0.000702405400,
-    -0.002562617900,  0.007576990700, -0.016461435000,  0.041789551900,
-     0.301962237800, -0.033057262400,  0.015948108300, -0.009690267000,
-     0.006913942100, -0.005990311300,  0.006349328800, -0.006062933900},
-  { -0.000921807000, -0.002555562000,  0.002785897700, -0.000702731900,
-    -0.002565562900,  0.007595979900, -0.016542771000,  0.042079113900,
-     0.301910604800, -0.033329631800,  0.016116562300, -0.009804671800,
-     0.007000329800, -0.006045818500,  0.006396695800, -0.006096934600},
-  { -0.000924334400, -0.002548160800,  0.002781648600, -0.000711981100,
-    -0.002564257200,  0.007623115300, -0.016625851600,  0.042371265900,
-     0.301854227800, -0.033610088700,  0.016287909800, -0.009922951400,
-     0.007079130900, -0.006101996500,  0.006432255400, -0.006137812800},
-  { -0.000927029000, -0.002539353500,  0.002789348200, -0.000715860200,
-    -0.002576064600,  0.007646012100, -0.016699057600,  0.042661393000,
-     0.301797671500, -0.033890060300,  0.016458330300, -0.010038799500,
-     0.007167086900, -0.006158957400,  0.006480627500, -0.006172693900},
-  { -0.000931902700, -0.002541677100,  0.002789556600, -0.000717300000,
-    -0.002575750000,  0.007673144100, -0.016781259600,  0.042953309700,
-     0.301741305700, -0.034159645200,  0.016627163700, -0.010155742500,
-     0.007243536900, -0.006224969100,  0.006520927200, -0.006205898400},
-  { -0.000933911800, -0.002535183000,  0.002787827800, -0.000716968300,
-    -0.002578831000,  0.007691723300, -0.016861993700,  0.043245651300,
-     0.301682214200, -0.034440183200,  0.016788863600, -0.010270201400,
-     0.007330632700, -0.006281032900,  0.006567502700, -0.006252289300},
-  { -0.000939577700, -0.002534998100,  0.002796975700, -0.000720236600,
-    -0.002578087200,  0.007720653400, -0.016935463200,  0.043538995400,
-     0.301633352100, -0.034711193400,  0.016959520500, -0.010389329800,
-     0.007410503600, -0.006337047100,  0.006615790600, -0.006287412000},
-  { -0.000941518100, -0.002528823500,  0.002796070900, -0.000722919300,
-    -0.002589426200,  0.007740582000, -0.017016393700,  0.043833061900,
-     0.301569791200, -0.034986501900,  0.017129209400, -0.010505114500,
-     0.007497394200, -0.006406316800,  0.006658344700, -0.006322346100},
-  { -0.000946421000, -0.002531073000,  0.002796544700, -0.000724851500,
-    -0.002588324800,  0.007766585900, -0.017097850700,  0.044127692000,
-     0.301505220000, -0.035261474700,  0.017300143900, -0.010624650100,
-     0.007577627400, -0.006462535400,  0.006707002900, -0.006357778700},
-  { -0.000949359500, -0.002521316700,  0.002800927700, -0.000735266600,
-    -0.002588925400,  0.007786312500, -0.017171090300,  0.044413545900,
-     0.301451854500, -0.035540053600,  0.017473398600, -0.010743983400,
-     0.007669196200, -0.006524338300,  0.006746574400, -0.006401639200},
-  { -0.000954362300, -0.002523680400,  0.002801635500, -0.000737454900,
-    -0.002587518900,  0.007812074200, -0.017252787500,  0.044711874800,
-     0.301393202700, -0.035815202400,  0.017645387000, -0.010864711900,
-     0.007750585800, -0.006581589800,  0.006796203400, -0.006438009700},
-  { -0.000956035500, -0.002517691400,  0.002800277200, -0.000737232300,
-    -0.002591035300,  0.007833242200, -0.017326384300,  0.044998869000,
-     0.301337182700, -0.036093943200,  0.017809064300, -0.010981524900,
-     0.007839125400, -0.006652924700,  0.006840684600, -0.006474304300},
-  { -0.000961768900, -0.002517572500,  0.002810197300, -0.000743330300,
-    -0.002599865500,  0.007850982300, -0.017405665400,  0.045296336600,
-     0.301279455500, -0.036359405400,  0.017979361500, -0.011101909300,
-     0.007921089700, -0.006710841700,  0.006891483500, -0.006513718100},
-  { -0.000963551800, -0.002511606900,  0.002809097600, -0.000744270100,
-    -0.002600023100,  0.007880162200, -0.017480905500,  0.045585787000,
-     0.301219274700, -0.036633262700,  0.018151488300, -0.011221145500,
-     0.008012401600, -0.006770837100,  0.006940658100, -0.006560412300},
-  { -0.000968652300, -0.002513137500,  0.002806943500, -0.000754654000,
-    -0.002599054600,  0.007895994400, -0.017561716500,  0.045876647100,
-     0.301155082000, -0.036915500100,  0.018327200500, -0.011345476800,
-     0.008097770300, -0.006833460100,  0.006983825400, -0.006596465200},
-  { -0.000970271500, -0.002507180900,  0.002805563000, -0.000754783900,
-    -0.002601855100,  0.007916113200, -0.017634207100,  0.046165570800,
-     0.301092874000, -0.037187988000,  0.018499388000, -0.011464768800,
-     0.008187619300, -0.006903834600,  0.007038598500, -0.006636191300},
-  { -0.000975884100, -0.002506921900,  0.002815167300, -0.000759066900,
-    -0.002599558300,  0.007943302900, -0.017707594600,  0.046455528400,
-     0.301029284000, -0.037460064500,  0.018672889900, -0.011588469400,
-     0.008272917200, -0.006966950500,  0.007082025300, -0.006672404900},
-  { -0.000977775800, -0.002500954000,  0.002814043200, -0.000759764200,
-    -0.002601193300,  0.007960205400, -0.017789132800,  0.046750583700,
-     0.300971836600, -0.037732212300,  0.018846008900, -0.011709400800,
-     0.008366076000, -0.007028371700,  0.007132703000, -0.006720561000},
-  { -0.000982640700, -0.002503047600,  0.002812783500, -0.000772729700,
-    -0.002609428000,  0.007980042300, -0.017860728900,  0.047040567000,
-     0.300906624700, -0.038005599900,  0.019011206000, -0.011831617600,
-     0.008451307000, -0.007091540900,  0.007176317300, -0.006756891400},
-  { -0.000985371100, -0.002494154700,  0.002820679000, -0.000776398500,
-    -0.002607418500,  0.008007388400, -0.017934700400,  0.047335766700,
-     0.300844278100, -0.038285177900,  0.019186232700, -0.011953311100,
-     0.008543197100, -0.007164042200,  0.007233149500, -0.006798540800},
-  { -0.000987006200, -0.002488366700,  0.002819585000, -0.000777006200,
-    -0.002609399200,  0.008026572200, -0.018006655200,  0.047630120500,
-     0.300783801700, -0.038555831700,  0.019361129300, -0.012079179200,
-     0.008630964100, -0.007229475600,  0.007279247200, -0.006839293900},
-  { -0.000991790800, -0.002490903500,  0.002820404900, -0.000778976000,
-    -0.002609670800,  0.008041528500, -0.018085444700,  0.047923413800,
-     0.300712721600, -0.038822537300,  0.019533132300, -0.012200346800,
-     0.008724921800, -0.007291803100,  0.007330615400, -0.006888043700},
-  { -0.000994223400, -0.002482150700,  0.002828146400, -0.000781936000,
-    -0.002610430800,  0.008060409500, -0.018159587600,  0.048210544400,
-     0.300648793200, -0.039101469100,  0.019710850400, -0.012328366300,
-     0.008814417700, -0.007358544200,  0.007377316500, -0.006926866100},
-  { -0.000999231800, -0.002484009500,  0.002826100200, -0.000792419400,
-    -0.002609247300,  0.008077029200, -0.018229228000,  0.048504934800,
-     0.300585104500, -0.039369675200,  0.019885022200, -0.012451522700,
-     0.008910574100, -0.007423567800,  0.007433072000, -0.006968240600},
-  { -0.001000945500, -0.002478474500,  0.002825789700, -0.000794439900,
-    -0.002607855100,  0.008105184800, -0.018306252700,  0.048797495500,
-     0.300525821900, -0.039647806700,  0.020062891600, -0.012579180400,
-     0.008997547100, -0.007499733800,  0.007482806700, -0.007009147900},
-  { -0.001006580300, -0.002478145100,  0.002835512200, -0.000798497500,
-    -0.002607487200,  0.008121814200, -0.018375427900,  0.049092597200,
-     0.300460428800, -0.039917450300,  0.020228151600, -0.012700466400,
-     0.009092708900, -0.007563628700,  0.007535511600, -0.007059152000},
-  { -0.001008355200, -0.002471553400,  0.002831584800, -0.000808105100,
-    -0.002606745200,  0.008139326600, -0.018448182600,  0.049381202700,
-     0.300391149900, -0.040192877300,  0.020406004000, -0.012829151000,
-     0.009182604800, -0.007628580400,  0.007591957300, -0.007101149600},
-  { -0.001013982200, -0.002471464900,  0.002841559200, -0.000812553500,
-    -0.002606187400,  0.008156499100, -0.018520619000,  0.049672014200,
-     0.300332528600, -0.040460854200,  0.020581902400, -0.012954925100,
-     0.009282076700, -0.007699103200,  0.007641451600, -0.007142203300},
-  { -0.001015410900, -0.002465827800,  0.002840812400, -0.000813752200,
-    -0.002607328400,  0.008174805900, -0.018593391800,  0.049961784800,
-     0.300260370700, -0.040734108300,  0.020758957600, -0.013083002200,
-     0.009369503200, -0.007773543100,  0.007701593500, -0.007189132600},
-  { -0.001020138600, -0.002468794900,  0.002842431500, -0.000816356100,
-    -0.002607611600,  0.008192356500, -0.018666130300,  0.050254997100,
-     0.300195390400, -0.041008289300,  0.020936736300, -0.013210161600,
-     0.009469910200, -0.007844275500,  0.007748911800, -0.007239595400},
-  { -0.001022805800, -0.002458999000,  0.002846963800, -0.000828329300,
-    -0.002605038900,  0.008207999600, -0.018736947600,  0.050544717400,
-     0.300121126000, -0.041280619200,  0.021114682600, -0.013339966800,
-     0.009561255200, -0.007910621800,  0.007806632000, -0.007282763500},
-  { -0.001027526900, -0.002462055200,  0.002848515400, -0.000830876200,
-    -0.002605154700,  0.008224995500, -0.018808660100,  0.050837682400,
-     0.300056546100, -0.041544493000,  0.021290236500, -0.013466505100,
-     0.009661947700, -0.007982526900,  0.007857386900, -0.007324914900},
-  { -0.001029015400, -0.002456559500,  0.002848095500, -0.000832295700,
-    -0.002605985800,  0.008242689200, -0.018881182900,  0.051132245200,
-     0.299987943200, -0.041819414400,  0.021460165700, -0.013595099000,
-     0.009753117800, -0.008049069000,  0.007915606500, -0.007368637400},
-  { -0.001034829400, -0.002455432800,  0.002854963900, -0.000845516700,
-    -0.002603155800,  0.008260465800, -0.018942531200,  0.051423553400,
-     0.299919862100, -0.042091828500,  0.021638799100, -0.013722881700,
-     0.009852191300, -0.008130314500,  0.007966615900, -0.007421596100},
-  { -0.001036184000, -0.002450114700,  0.002854590200, -0.000847135700,
-    -0.002603834000,  0.008278482500, -0.019017700500,  0.051710800600,
-     0.299849767900, -0.042362922600,  0.021817938400, -0.013854742200,
-     0.009945759200, -0.008198836000,  0.008026496300, -0.007466532300},
-  { -0.001037730800, -0.002444743300,  0.002854305800, -0.000848986600,
-    -0.002604044700,  0.008295552500, -0.019090033000,  0.052010247800,
-     0.299784559000, -0.042634176100,  0.021997806500, -0.013987692600,
-     0.010041094600, -0.008271562400,  0.008079345200, -0.007513280300},
-  { -0.001043455200, -0.002444344500,  0.002864501800, -0.000854285500,
-    -0.002602041500,  0.008310446500, -0.019159837900,  0.052305586800,
-     0.299710502400, -0.042902559300,  0.022175330800, -0.014116237900,
-     0.010143265600, -0.008342511600,  0.008140629300, -0.007559512700},
-  { -0.001044875200, -0.002438248600,  0.002860802800, -0.000864181800,
-    -0.002600981100,  0.008329727400, -0.019224621200,  0.052591247500,
-     0.299637947900, -0.043172229900,  0.022355720200, -0.014249993700,
-     0.010239585900, -0.008416132400,  0.008193382200, -0.007603296800},
-  { -0.001049660900, -0.002441463500,  0.002862933200, -0.000867444000,
-    -0.002600374000,  0.008346423900, -0.019298671600,  0.052882824900,
-     0.299571471100, -0.043441724600,  0.022534686200, -0.014379049200,
-     0.010339539800, -0.008496004600,  0.008255099600, -0.007660450500},
-  { -0.001051839000, -0.002432661800,  0.002871064200, -0.000871418100,
-    -0.002599735200,  0.008364846400, -0.019359975400,  0.053178429700,
-     0.299491463500, -0.043720040800,  0.022707641400, -0.014511589100,
-     0.010435528000, -0.008569545100,  0.008307898100, -0.007704528800},
-  { -0.001056944400, -0.002434904100,  0.002869839900, -0.000883216200,
-    -0.002596486400,  0.008379552700, -0.019432499100,  0.053470206400,
-     0.299422575400, -0.043988296500,  0.022887494700, -0.014642563600,
-     0.010540183700, -0.008642947600,  0.008371567300, -0.007752716200},
-  { -0.001059278600, -0.002426308700,  0.002878112600, -0.000887696700,
-    -0.002594827000,  0.008395133400, -0.019505511500,  0.053763206500,
-     0.299351847700, -0.044255915700,  0.023068158700, -0.014777689900,
-     0.010638181300, -0.008718424600,  0.008427026200, -0.007801564500},
-  { -0.001063908000, -0.002429340400,  0.002879382200, -0.000887586200,
-    -0.002586331800,  0.008411993400, -0.019568733800,  0.054053355000,
-     0.299282071600, -0.044524238300,  0.023251997700, -0.014901532300,
-     0.010741407000, -0.008790859100,  0.008487210700, -0.007858185900},
-  { -0.001065244000, -0.002423263600,  0.002875630100, -0.000897083200,
-    -0.002587760600,  0.008421815400, -0.019630506300,  0.054344370000,
-     0.299207159000, -0.044799707800,  0.023436300800, -0.015039485700,
-     0.010841905100, -0.008868051200,  0.008543139300, -0.007904789100},
-  { -0.001071045600, -0.002422944100,  0.002886222600, -0.000903092500,
-    -0.002584785900,  0.008436057700, -0.019701857900,  0.054637916200,
-     0.299132742800, -0.045064497900,  0.023616380100, -0.015174084700,
-     0.010937108800, -0.008952392000,  0.008600802500, -0.007952339000},
-  { -0.001072495600, -0.002416975800,  0.002882721100, -0.000913301400,
-    -0.002582942100,  0.008453838100, -0.019764945900,  0.054929607400,
-     0.299058734900, -0.045332341000,  0.023788158500, -0.015304227600,
-     0.011042483200, -0.009027145700,  0.008665715200, -0.008001667100},
-  { -0.001077376400, -0.002420012800,  0.002885109500, -0.000917271300,
-    -0.002580907300,  0.008468413700, -0.019836708300,  0.055225670900,
-     0.298977325900, -0.045602981800,  0.023970548200, -0.015441580200,
-     0.011142744200, -0.009104537200,  0.008722251100, -0.008048876900},
-  { -0.001079321400, -0.002411773500,  0.002893394800, -0.000920943200,
-    -0.002583378800,  0.008478936300, -0.019901475900,  0.055512440700,
-     0.298911585300, -0.045870162900,  0.024153171400, -0.015576602500,
-     0.011251768000, -0.009181661000,  0.008787159000, -0.008112103700},
-  { -0.001084311600, -0.002413690800,  0.002891307200, -0.000929480500,
-    -0.002571357000,  0.008492748700, -0.019961847400,  0.055805182500,
-     0.298830136900, -0.046141044500,  0.024337335900, -0.015715846500,
-     0.011353693700, -0.009260656400,  0.008844778800, -0.008160197200},
-  { -0.001085440200, -0.002408972300,  0.002891576300, -0.000931811500,
-    -0.002571374100,  0.008512218400, -0.020029308800,  0.056094866900,
-     0.298759763600, -0.046405144200,  0.024519846800, -0.015854163900,
-     0.011454721200, -0.009336453400,  0.008911303700, -0.008211115400},
-  { -0.001087840400, -0.002400214400,  0.002900157200, -0.000936969600,
-    -0.002568721700,  0.008526039100, -0.020100315900,  0.056395501800,
-     0.298682066000, -0.046677919500,  0.024693755800, -0.015986171300,
-     0.011560009200, -0.009425383800,  0.008972850800, -0.008261904500},
-  { -0.001092599200, -0.002402600100,  0.002898882600, -0.000948207200,
-    -0.002568479900,  0.008534249200, -0.020162388700,  0.056680564700,
-     0.298599300000, -0.046947568800,  0.024878475500, -0.016126306100,
-     0.011662794000, -0.009502392800,  0.009040315200, -0.008313510700},
-  { -0.001094674000, -0.002394239600,  0.002907384900, -0.000953100600,
-    -0.002566762900,  0.008551918400, -0.020227896300,  0.056970953100,
-     0.298525257700, -0.047209041900,  0.025060099400, -0.016261962900,
-     0.011773596800, -0.009584221800,  0.009097353100, -0.008372136900},
-  { -0.001099661700, -0.002396213700,  0.002905172800, -0.000960917900,
-    -0.002557753000,  0.008556551400, -0.020285138500,  0.057267599400,
-     0.298446320200, -0.047478375000,  0.025245702300, -0.016403414400,
-     0.011877441200, -0.009662092200,  0.009165535000, -0.008424799700},
-  { -0.001100755900, -0.002391414300,  0.002905602300, -0.000963826400,
-    -0.002557026600,  0.008574970900, -0.020351243300,  0.057560244000,
-     0.298365825000, -0.047747110700,  0.025434302500, -0.016536709400,
-     0.011980096900, -0.009743311000,  0.009226377800, -0.008478483800},
-  { -0.001106899300, -0.002390253900,  0.002913287000, -0.000978876700,
-    -0.002551352000,  0.008590004000, -0.020415253900,  0.057854601300,
-     0.298294423300, -0.048021033600,  0.025612282700, -0.016673561700,
-     0.012092889000, -0.009827928200,  0.009288917500, -0.008530542400},
-  { -0.001107825500, -0.002385153400,  0.002912420300, -0.000977036900,
-    -0.002545865100,  0.008597199400, -0.020476810000,  0.058145551600,
-     0.298212478700, -0.048288066300,  0.025797833300, -0.016816027500,
-     0.012198085900, -0.009907251900,  0.009358594600, -0.008584316600},
-  { -0.001113605200, -0.002384780000,  0.002923485400, -0.000983932400,
-    -0.002542224400,  0.008612798400, -0.020540206700,  0.058438067100,
-     0.298128451900, -0.048553232900,  0.025981636800, -0.016954362300,
-     0.012312002500, -0.009992841500,  0.009421764400, -0.008636872000},
-  { -0.001114931100, -0.002379174400,  0.002919927800, -0.000993979200,
-    -0.002542420300,  0.008620998100, -0.020602200500,  0.058732787100,
-     0.298055673800, -0.048812541600,  0.026165585800, -0.017095016200,
-     0.012413140100, -0.010079579700,  0.009490588100, -0.008700892600},
-  { -0.001119665800, -0.002382694100,  0.002922998700, -0.000998529900,
-    -0.002540198000,  0.008638257800, -0.020669669800,  0.059018701600,
-     0.297970747600, -0.049076921100,  0.026350960600, -0.017238147400,
-     0.012520217600, -0.010164038100,  0.009553595700, -0.008753278600},
-  { -0.001121930300, -0.002372946000,  0.002926808400, -0.001007501500,
-    -0.002530568000,  0.008642272200, -0.020728754500,  0.059312998000,
-     0.297893741900, -0.049347375400,  0.026529402400, -0.017376589500,
-     0.012634266200, -0.010246944100,  0.009626161500, -0.008809499600},
-  { -0.001126794900, -0.002376553600,  0.002930143500, -0.001012468200,
-    -0.002528098100,  0.008659451000, -0.020796619900,  0.059603377300,
-     0.297814833400, -0.049613614700,  0.026720176000, -0.017513336800,
-     0.012740654600, -0.010331978800,  0.009690722000, -0.008866407500},
-  { -0.001128974000, -0.002366817000,  0.002934650000, -0.001025446300,
-    -0.002525885700,  0.008665084700, -0.020855847900,  0.059897161500,
-     0.297721129900, -0.049883464500,  0.026908098600, -0.017658755900,
-     0.012849997300, -0.010418098600,  0.009755024700, -0.008920174300},
-  { -0.001129829700, -0.002362132000,  0.002934410200, -0.001024611700,
-    -0.002517293800,  0.008683823800, -0.020914048900,  0.060185287000,
-     0.297640606500, -0.050147624100,  0.027094554000, -0.017800540400,
-     0.012966752800, -0.010503877000,  0.009829858100, -0.008978175500},
-  { -0.001134965700, -0.002364533600,  0.002933528900, -0.001036539700,
-    -0.002515641700,  0.008689737800, -0.020973444000,  0.060482529200,
-     0.297557115100, -0.050413365200,  0.027273058500, -0.017943142100,
-     0.013074472100, -0.010588375400,  0.009890164700, -0.009040073800},
-  { -0.001136940000, -0.002355925500,  0.002941289900, -0.001037794300,
-    -0.002507997500,  0.008695284800, -0.021036808600,  0.060775711600,
-     0.297482132700, -0.050678910500,  0.027462057700, -0.018090535100,
-     0.013184994200, -0.010672807300,  0.009964812300, -0.009098345900},
-  { -0.001142165600, -0.002358437400,  0.002940699400, -0.001050877900,
-    -0.002502402100,  0.008709501200, -0.021101691400,  0.061067211800,
-     0.297396279600, -0.050939241800,  0.027647756700, -0.018232338700,
-     0.013303147900, -0.010762989400,  0.010032437200, -0.009154686400},
-  { -0.001143817000, -0.002350196200,  0.002949420200, -0.001055769400,
-    -0.002503786900,  0.008721014300, -0.021156852500,  0.061355453400,
-     0.297312718800, -0.051205897900,  0.027831555500, -0.018369198800,
-     0.013411298100, -0.010850127500,  0.010098901500, -0.009213325600},
-  { -0.001149066000, -0.002352278400,  0.002947918700, -0.001065202900,
-    -0.002489611700,  0.008732236600, -0.021220051600,  0.061647632000,
-     0.297221172300, -0.051473353600,  0.028021068000, -0.018517173300,
-     0.013522491900, -0.010935538100,  0.010174446400, -0.009272360200},
-  { -0.001149887200, -0.002347967100,  0.002948573300, -0.001067597300,
-    -0.002492352100,  0.008744611200, -0.021276152500,  0.061941420000,
-     0.297140614200, -0.051734216700,  0.028208189500, -0.018660250400,
-     0.013639306600, -0.011036161100,  0.010246624400, -0.009332105500},
-  { -0.001156099600, -0.002346166500,  0.002954987600, -0.001078834400,
-    -0.002480260300,  0.008746430300, -0.021336172300,  0.062236110400,
-     0.297056151300, -0.052003778300,  0.028400005500, -0.018810443800,
-     0.013752383900, -0.011122203700,  0.010319669900, -0.009400556800},
-  { -0.001156792500, -0.002341776700,  0.002955577100, -0.001081090900,
-    -0.002482874600,  0.008758231200, -0.021390879000,  0.062526684700,
-     0.296965665500, -0.052264429900,  0.028578727400, -0.018955461900,
-     0.013863735500, -0.011211408300,  0.010387174600, -0.009457035400},
-  { -0.001163170100, -0.002339996800,  0.002962141700, -0.001093302800,
-    -0.002466860000,  0.008767593500, -0.021452275300,  0.062822494300,
-     0.296881395600, -0.052523860000,  0.028770277400, -0.019092348700,
-     0.013982426200, -0.011303346500,  0.010456770600, -0.009515365500},
-  { -0.001163895700, -0.002335754800,  0.002963079500, -0.001096137300,
-    -0.002469118700,  0.008780017100, -0.021511634200,  0.063110931400,
-     0.296794244500, -0.052791038800,  0.028962045800, -0.019243677500,
-     0.014097865300, -0.011393027300,  0.010536858700, -0.009581441000},
-  { -0.001170125300, -0.002333956200,  0.002969450300, -0.001107234800,
-    -0.002456863700,  0.008780917600, -0.021569686100,  0.063405648500,
-     0.296709109200, -0.053052763700,  0.029143138800, -0.019391070400,
-     0.014211122400, -0.011483842100,  0.010606181300, -0.009639674100},
-  { -0.001170874500, -0.002329660800,  0.002970330900, -0.001110081400,
-    -0.002459004700,  0.008793030100, -0.021628522100,  0.063695013000,
-     0.296618745800, -0.053317589600,  0.029334344500, -0.019542481200,
-     0.014326849900, -0.011573598100,  0.010685674300, -0.009702145300},
-  { -0.001171914500, -0.002323961500,  0.002966009600, -0.001116909400,
-    -0.002450355900,  0.008799692100, -0.021679886200,  0.063990447900,
-     0.296526171200, -0.053581877800,  0.029529044900, -0.019682702400,
-     0.014449006700, -0.011668677900,  0.010757748000, -0.009762586000},
-  { -0.001178072500, -0.002323403700,  0.002977740500, -0.001125189300,
-    -0.002444614700,  0.008813206900, -0.021746613300,  0.064282383100,
-     0.296436562600, -0.053839700800,  0.029708485400, -0.019829369800,
-     0.014562038800, -0.011759300000,  0.010824029000, -0.009829464000},
-  { -0.001179124900, -0.002317979100,  0.002973757000, -0.001132168000,
-    -0.002435747100,  0.008820504400, -0.021802440100,  0.064574678500,
-     0.296352017200, -0.054105959400,  0.029902690900, -0.019983871100,
-     0.014680546000, -0.011851836600,  0.010906814900, -0.009898260300},
-  { -0.001185031900, -0.002317376800,  0.002984984200, -0.001139351300,
-    -0.002434510900,  0.008828516100, -0.021853498100,  0.064870816200,
-     0.296258886800, -0.054357841800,  0.030089125800, -0.020129945500,
-     0.014804636400, -0.011948361700,  0.010980172100, -0.009959891000},
-  { -0.001186088400, -0.002311933800,  0.002981060500, -0.001146354300,
-    -0.002425750100,  0.008835761000, -0.021908764800,  0.065163770900,
-     0.296172290700, -0.054626925700,  0.030279417600, -0.020274570600,
-     0.014920355400, -0.012042691300,  0.011052809300, -0.010020900500},
-  { -0.001192214700, -0.002310334400,  0.002988338000, -0.001161750800,
-    -0.002421544800,  0.008842662600, -0.021962597300,  0.065452832100,
-     0.296075847400, -0.054887446700,  0.030471019600, -0.020427698700,
-     0.015038441400, -0.012134860100,  0.011134601100, -0.010085579200},
-  { -0.001193029800, -0.002305832600,  0.002988510300, -0.001160745800,
-    -0.002415287100,  0.008851064800, -0.022018328800,  0.065747514100,
-     0.295985303100, -0.055152663300,  0.030655950200, -0.020580030600,
-     0.015157088900, -0.012231165800,  0.011208895700, -0.010148001100},
-  { -0.001199255200, -0.002303988400,  0.002994947800, -0.001172180300,
-    -0.002403060700,  0.008854931500, -0.022070359700,  0.066040074000,
-     0.295894792100, -0.055414282300,  0.030848876200, -0.020731638800,
-     0.015285837100, -0.012331974000,  0.011286215600, -0.010212808300},
-  { -0.001200034300, -0.002300011200,  0.002996071300, -0.001175466100,
-    -0.002404798200,  0.008866742900, -0.022131427200,  0.066328312100,
-     0.295807177000, -0.055667568800,  0.031043216800, -0.020877200500,
-     0.015401999100, -0.012423245400,  0.011365248300, -0.010290103500},
-  { -0.001205321400, -0.002302348400,  0.002994763100, -0.001184119100,
-    -0.002394208300,  0.008871703300, -0.022183982500,  0.066622310400,
-     0.295714067400, -0.055930893500,  0.031228731500, -0.021030519400,
-     0.015521915600, -0.012520884000,  0.011440787900, -0.010353664500},
-  { -0.001207424300, -0.002292788000,  0.002999278000, -0.001198036500,
-    -0.002390705100,  0.008878791700, -0.022237804200,  0.066918218000,
-     0.295617466000, -0.056188447800,  0.031421091300, -0.021185866100,
-     0.015643456400, -0.012619826700,  0.011517277400, -0.010418126800},
-  { -0.001212436700, -0.002296230600,  0.003002379300, -0.001199058000,
-    -0.002383054500,  0.008886317900, -0.022295584100,  0.067206178800,
-     0.295523834300, -0.056451724100,  0.031610777900, -0.021331865900,
-     0.015760653300, -0.012712731400,  0.011600637200, -0.010484290500},
-  { -0.001214616000, -0.002286436600,  0.003006011700, -0.001208867400,
-    -0.002371663200,  0.008890402300, -0.022347745200,  0.067505660900,
-     0.295433201300, -0.056710441700,  0.031804218000, -0.021485136600,
-     0.015891596000, -0.012815991100,  0.011680400300, -0.010551509800},
-  { -0.001219729000, -0.002290053700,  0.003010061800, -0.001214114500,
-    -0.002371512600,  0.008900068000, -0.022406367600,  0.067795719500,
-     0.295335292700, -0.056969680800,  0.031988588100, -0.021638667600,
-     0.016012759800, -0.012915294700,  0.011757803200, -0.010616490000},
-  { -0.001221768100, -0.002280163100,  0.003013484800, -0.001223949400,
-    -0.002359880400,  0.008903658200, -0.022457194700,  0.068091568200,
-     0.295234898600, -0.057225248100,  0.032185366300, -0.021787511700,
-     0.016132334200, -0.013010433300,  0.011843615700, -0.010688812000},
-  { -0.001222885000, -0.002274839200,  0.003009550000, -0.001230956100,
-    -0.002350338500,  0.008909637200, -0.022513896200,  0.068385169700,
-     0.295142943400, -0.057486437700,  0.032372518000, -0.021943625600,
-     0.016255565900, -0.013111568500,  0.011922721200, -0.010755431700},
-  { -0.001228791200, -0.002274200700,  0.003021279300, -0.001238353400,
-    -0.002352971000,  0.008913972000, -0.022561101300,  0.068676416600,
-     0.295047141500, -0.057751817000,  0.032570797200, -0.022105269700,
-     0.016383459600, -0.013216314100,  0.012004282000, -0.010824042300},
-  { -0.001229834600, -0.002268726500,  0.003017029900, -0.001245178500,
-    -0.002343674400,  0.008919626500, -0.022616489300,  0.068966542100,
-     0.294944915100, -0.058008634000,  0.032758671600, -0.022247384700,
-     0.016509174100, -0.013312472500,  0.012086623000, -0.010900887700},
-  { -0.001236321600, -0.002266647300,  0.003023412200, -0.001256945700,
-    -0.002330427000,  0.008922281200, -0.022670102300,  0.069259760100,
-     0.294849437700, -0.058263509000,  0.032953544400, -0.022407065400,
-     0.016635331800, -0.013416137200,  0.012167754700, -0.010969358900},
-  { -0.001237037300, -0.002262428500,  0.003023848100, -0.001256128400,
-    -0.002324464800,  0.008933910800, -0.022719357000,  0.069553175900,
-     0.294752983200, -0.058521997300,  0.033144550900, -0.022556496100,
-     0.016757477900, -0.013517704400,  0.012247285200, -0.011036494600},
-  { -0.001243631400, -0.002260491700,  0.003031143500, -0.001272367300,
-    -0.002318660300,  0.008938942400, -0.022774221100,  0.069848353600,
-     0.294654140800, -0.058774188400,  0.033338099000, -0.022715294600,
-     0.016882921900, -0.013617730300,  0.012337731100, -0.011112979600},
-  { -0.001244616700, -0.002255007200,  0.003026834400, -0.001278495600,
-    -0.002312971700,  0.008936004500, -0.022826323700,  0.070143346800,
-     0.294550501800, -0.059037642400,  0.033527611400, -0.022874644300,
-     0.017009920100, -0.013722251500,  0.012419958100, -0.011182377900},
-  { -0.001249868500, -0.002258640400,  0.003030359000, -0.001279931900,
-    -0.002305315700,  0.008946945700, -0.022879051900,  0.070434097200,
-     0.294460157000, -0.059293518700,  0.033729073000, -0.023029828700,
-     0.017136721300, -0.013827892600,  0.012503092200, -0.011252540100},
-  { -0.001252011800, -0.002248666800,  0.003033725600, -0.001289637300,
-    -0.002293460500,  0.008949854300, -0.022931857800,  0.070729691900,
-     0.294357625700, -0.059546703200,  0.033913734300, -0.023182283200,
-     0.017269467600, -0.013934406600,  0.012586727200, -0.011323121700},
-  { -0.001257327400, -0.002251340000,  0.003033306900, -0.001302187900,
-    -0.002294842900,  0.008953591700, -0.022981051800,  0.071016115000,
-     0.294253594500, -0.059806163900,  0.034116321500, -0.023338009400,
-     0.017396575200, -0.014036439400,  0.012678155200, -0.011396549400},
-  { -0.001259366100, -0.002242376300,  0.003041364800, -0.001304581400,
-    -0.002285404200,  0.008958134900, -0.023035573000,  0.071318036600,
-     0.294155332000, -0.060059835200,  0.034302863600, -0.023496551600,
-     0.017523724800, -0.014142299300,  0.012762833200, -0.011472239700},
-  { -0.001264793200, -0.002244873300,  0.003040255700, -0.001313420800,
-    -0.002274742400,  0.008966178100, -0.023084721700,  0.071604519400,
-     0.294053570900, -0.060314068800,  0.034495386400, -0.023649793700,
-     0.017653808300, -0.014239964400,  0.012843156400, -0.011540516700},
-  { -0.001266776300, -0.002234895800,  0.003043324900, -0.001322245300,
-    -0.002267675400,  0.008965455900, -0.023127290700,  0.071902922400,
-     0.293950616300, -0.060571265600,  0.034693878200, -0.023814273900,
-     0.017784544000, -0.014343601700,  0.012932068300, -0.011623815900},
-  { -0.001272408000, -0.002238111400,  0.003046799700, -0.001323837000,
-    -0.002258841200,  0.008970913900, -0.023185828700,  0.072198731500,
-     0.293850684700, -0.060823698800,  0.034885265900, -0.023966290300,
-     0.017910112100, -0.014448925000,  0.013015910500, -0.011694882200},
-  { -0.001274483600, -0.002228201400,  0.003050212200, -0.001333772300,
-    -0.002247134700,  0.008978152700, -0.023234912400,  0.072492005600,
-     0.293746271400, -0.061079622500,  0.035084175400, -0.024131925000,
-     0.018043115400, -0.014559744600,  0.013103666900, -0.011769115200},
-  { -0.001275293500, -0.002223339400,  0.003046802300, -0.001344236100,
-    -0.002249832100,  0.008982191000, -0.023282772800,  0.072780111500,
-     0.293638750200, -0.061329463600,  0.035275317400, -0.024284154200,
-     0.018169987600, -0.014666643200,  0.013189357000, -0.011845461600},
-  { -0.001282008300, -0.002220878800,  0.003053154500, -0.001356054900,
-    -0.002236664600,  0.008988073400, -0.023330451200,  0.073072951600,
-     0.293533527800, -0.061588331200,  0.035466290700, -0.024446846900,
-     0.018300582900, -0.014771995300,  0.013284279500, -0.011922344800},
-  { -0.001282913700, -0.002216603000,  0.003053533900, -0.001354819600,
-    -0.002234495000,  0.008991178300, -0.023379395200,  0.073372194300,
-     0.293431988400, -0.061843667600,  0.035669418700, -0.024601980400,
-     0.018440114900, -0.014885760000,  0.013374412100, -0.011998777300},
-  { -0.001289852900, -0.002213970900,  0.003059661400, -0.001366666100,
-    -0.002220358400,  0.008991998000, -0.023433472500,  0.073667719600,
-     0.293326498300, -0.062091368600,  0.035856112000, -0.024762400200,
-     0.018570057000, -0.014994590500,  0.013461432300, -0.012072689000},
-  { -0.001290828100, -0.002208668300,  0.003055268400, -0.001372665000,
-    -0.002215250000,  0.008992759700, -0.023479470700,  0.073961694600,
-     0.293216599600, -0.062347556700,  0.036051519300, -0.024918766800,
-     0.018700312600, -0.015104288800,  0.013548919900, -0.012146903000},
-  { -0.001297565000, -0.002206188900,  0.003061515200, -0.001384640400,
-    -0.002201711800,  0.008998523600, -0.023530332000,  0.074248575600,
-     0.293108050300, -0.062599496300,  0.036250520900, -0.025085987100,
-     0.018835062100, -0.015213765300,  0.013648384700, -0.012231594800},
-  { -0.001298486200, -0.002201990500,  0.003061911500, -0.001383193600,
-    -0.002199540200,  0.009001070400, -0.023577987000,  0.074548400000,
-     0.293006277700, -0.062848029800,  0.036443834300, -0.025242884300,
-     0.018970177400, -0.015316494200,  0.013733603800, -0.012304800000},
-  { -0.001305173000, -0.002199287800,  0.003067771800, -0.001393998700,
-    -0.002190657800,  0.008998337100, -0.023620522900,  0.074841359700,
-     0.292893802300, -0.063101285300,  0.036634397500, -0.025407276700,
-     0.019104315500, -0.015429059800,  0.013823584100, -0.012381206600},
-  { -0.001306486000, -0.002193998000,  0.003063717500, -0.001401081300,
-    -0.002180765400,  0.009007040500, -0.023673990600,  0.075136252200,
-     0.292786821600, -0.063356530800,  0.036831074500, -0.025565504100,
-     0.019236546600, -0.015541317500,  0.013913853300, -0.012457823800},
-  { -0.001313321900, -0.002191380800,  0.003069674600, -0.001412157700,
-    -0.002171714300,  0.009004937300, -0.023721555300,  0.075427591700,
-     0.292680753800, -0.063607547900,  0.037031767000, -0.025735481500,
-     0.019375159900, -0.015657767200,  0.014007257400, -0.012537078000},
-  { -0.001314354900, -0.002186268300,  0.003065150800, -0.001417698000,
-    -0.002167557500,  0.009010001600, -0.023759323400,  0.075724712100,
-     0.292576319400, -0.063853917500,  0.037225319700, -0.025892093800,
-     0.019506037600, -0.015764904400,  0.014104155900, -0.012616476800},
-  { -0.001321218400, -0.002184458600,  0.003076233500, -0.001422547300,
-    -0.002156670200,  0.009017151300, -0.023810871100,  0.076019700600,
-     0.292466530500, -0.064106762900,  0.037421391100, -0.026050975100,
-     0.019639469300, -0.015878862800,  0.014196955700, -0.012699499300},
-  { -0.001322405100, -0.002179145600,  0.003071783900, -0.001428408900,
-    -0.002151344500,  0.009017528200, -0.023860018100,  0.076314227000,
-     0.292354833000, -0.064357589600,  0.037613307800, -0.026218842900,
-     0.019781456700, -0.015987370400,  0.014287400700, -0.012776898100},
-  { -0.001329411400, -0.002176246500,  0.003077588100, -0.001439416300,
-    -0.002142422000,  0.009015226300, -0.023906702500,  0.076607212500,
-     0.292243989500, -0.064609585900,  0.037810235300, -0.026378597000,
-     0.019915634000, -0.016100609100,  0.014374613700, -0.012862479300},
-  { -0.001331821400, -0.002165817700,  0.003080409800, -0.001449188900,
-    -0.002130265600,  0.009021448800, -0.023957398700,  0.076903557900,
-     0.292129090700, -0.064858733100,  0.038005130000, -0.026536730800,
-     0.020047933100, -0.016209483700,  0.014473806100, -0.012943770500},
-  { -0.001332912300, -0.002160549700,  0.003075666900, -0.001454699900,
-    -0.002125747900,  0.009026360900, -0.023998381000,  0.077196425000,
-     0.292014040700, -0.065102449400,  0.038203933500, -0.026707041800,
-     0.020188140300, -0.016328233200,  0.014569262800, -0.013025077600},
-  { -0.001339767200, -0.002158494200,  0.003086316400, -0.001458535300,
-    -0.002119522600,  0.009025408000, -0.024045414700,  0.077491289100,
-     0.291898436700, -0.065350608700,  0.038399388600, -0.026866946500,
-     0.020323488600, -0.016444050200,  0.014663919000, -0.013110011800},
-  { -0.001341225900, -0.002153019500,  0.003081710900, -0.001464447200,
-    -0.002114130700,  0.009025651700, -0.024094239400,  0.077792721000,
-     0.291786795400, -0.065599338300,  0.038596149400, -0.027027766200,
-     0.020459538900, -0.016560228700,  0.014758176300, -0.013190641200},
-  { -0.001348116400, -0.002150215500,  0.003087524600, -0.001475208500,
-    -0.002105937200,  0.009027973200, -0.024136747400,  0.078077054200,
-     0.291673553600, -0.065848400700,  0.038789809200, -0.027198631300,
-     0.020605326600, -0.016672927800,  0.014852276800, -0.013270943900},
-  { -0.001349842500, -0.002144524900,  0.003082911700, -0.001481921800,
-    -0.002095570400,  0.009035188200, -0.024188073400,  0.078381474100,
-     0.291557196100, -0.066093324400,  0.038984672800, -0.027358305900,
-     0.020740566100, -0.016789045200,  0.014946715800, -0.013351892900},
-  { -0.001357082800, -0.002141367000,  0.003088470800, -0.001492702300,
-    -0.002087255200,  0.009036993800, -0.024226476800,  0.078678890800,
-     0.291445410400, -0.066341740000,  0.039182293600, -0.027520351800,
-     0.020877384400, -0.016902143900,  0.015049535100, -0.013436720300},
-  { -0.001358430400, -0.002135814900,  0.003082938500, -0.001493462900,
-    -0.002074639200,  0.009034254800, -0.024276630700,  0.078972791400,
-     0.291332516600, -0.066588317200,  0.039375542700, -0.027690881700,
-     0.021019023100, -0.017023199600,  0.015149195700, -0.013526024300},
-  { -0.001365518600, -0.002132688700,  0.003088416900, -0.001504139700,
-    -0.002066451500,  0.009036431600, -0.024318259900,  0.079258669800,
-     0.291213669600, -0.066833494600,  0.039572395400, -0.027853162500,
-     0.021157264500, -0.017142104300,  0.015245837400, -0.013608286800},
-  { -0.001366787300, -0.002128108700,  0.003088564100, -0.001502425900,
-    -0.002064956100,  0.009042893100, -0.024359858000,  0.079560972200,
-     0.291093788100, -0.067075438600,  0.039767446600, -0.028015676300,
-     0.021300179900, -0.017253688600,  0.015339335300, -0.013689059900},
-  { -0.001374342300, -0.002124476100,  0.003093955600, -0.001513509600,
-    -0.002055553100,  0.009039889200, -0.024409237700,  0.079856769100,
-     0.290971758300, -0.067326482200,  0.039967168700, -0.028180320800,
-     0.021440417100, -0.017374226900,  0.015437926100, -0.013773229200},
-  { -0.001376849300, -0.002113994500,  0.003096377800, -0.001522077700,
-    -0.002048697200,  0.009043386000, -0.024453193600,  0.080155270500,
-     0.290861113600, -0.067572563200,  0.040162405000, -0.028357551400,
-     0.021577567700, -0.017494757400,  0.015536744300, -0.013857978600},
-  { -0.001383359700, -0.002115681000,  0.003094623000, -0.001529706600,
-    -0.002042499600,  0.009046978300, -0.024496193000,  0.080448884900,
-     0.290742857900, -0.067815030400,  0.040359106100, -0.028520619600,
-     0.021716480000, -0.017610720400,  0.015643569600, -0.013950756900},
-  { -0.001385829000, -0.002104702000,  0.003095698800, -0.001533174400,
-    -0.002027861900,  0.009041815800, -0.024543547500,  0.080744453800,
-     0.290621547300, -0.068055928700,  0.040555731500, -0.028685336800,
-     0.021861411400, -0.017724211200,  0.015739387800, -0.014033359700},
-  { -0.001392505100, -0.002106039500,  0.003093740800, -0.001540744900,
-    -0.002021575300,  0.009045183800, -0.024586190700,  0.081040072300,
-     0.290494347700, -0.068302308800,  0.040754474000, -0.028850387900,
-     0.022002842700, -0.017846481100,  0.015839406100, -0.014118938600},
-  { -0.001395190900, -0.002095226400,  0.003095699600, -0.001548946600,
-    -0.002014963700,  0.009048347000, -0.024629081800,  0.081340267800,
-     0.290377478100, -0.068542945900,  0.040946718000, -0.029021815100,
-     0.022146976500, -0.017970542200,  0.015941116300, -0.014206281900},
-  { -0.001401882300, -0.002096680100,  0.003093691000, -0.001556387000,
-    -0.002008669700,  0.009051397000, -0.024670766100,  0.081635398000,
-     0.290253164200, -0.068780397800,  0.041142095700, -0.029185104300,
-     0.022287585300, -0.018092816300,  0.016042263500, -0.014297586900},
-  { -0.001404564500, -0.002085806300,  0.003095765300, -0.001564993600,
-    -0.002001893100,  0.009055027000, -0.024718526100,  0.081930443400,
-     0.290131292800, -0.069028755000,  0.041343948500, -0.029354488900,
-     0.022437490000, -0.018211358000,  0.016142525900, -0.014383790400},
-  { -0.001411478900, -0.002086898100,  0.003092724100, -0.001567128600,
-    -0.001988704700,  0.009055155500, -0.024758694700,  0.082230235800,
-     0.290011569200, -0.069267292000,  0.041541189800, -0.029519935000,
-     0.022579662500, -0.018334760000,  0.016243913500, -0.014471061400},
-  { -0.001414337900, -0.002075770200,  0.003094262100, -0.001575159300,
-    -0.001982046700,  0.009058174200, -0.024801087800,  0.082532448100,
-     0.289888685100, -0.069503998900,  0.041737590700, -0.029689051900,
-     0.022713561300, -0.018449559000,  0.016349891900, -0.014559627800},
-  { -0.001416907600, -0.002064831500,  0.003096053600, -0.001582625700,
-    -0.001980678900,  0.009054717400, -0.024845070000,  0.082826383600,
-     0.289764874500, -0.069755255200,  0.041932542200, -0.029856412200,
-     0.022863023200, -0.018567891400,  0.016450370300, -0.014646034300},
-  { -0.001423747700, -0.002066861800,  0.003098336700, -0.001577810900,
-    -0.001970699600,  0.009057517500, -0.024891262300,  0.083121682100,
-     0.289643060400, -0.069991474400,  0.042129344000, -0.030022736600,
-     0.023006696000, -0.018693430700,  0.016554974400, -0.014740487700},
-  { -0.001426747600, -0.002055331700,  0.003099557300, -0.001585752700,
-    -0.001964069200,  0.009060147700, -0.024932767200,  0.083425985400,
-     0.289510095600, -0.070230755300,  0.042326526200, -0.030188546200,
-     0.023150063400, -0.018818329000,  0.016657963500, -0.014829329300},
-  { -0.001434061400, -0.002056302800,  0.003097143300, -0.001592655700,
-    -0.001958070000,  0.009063562600, -0.024979066000,  0.083722905800,
-     0.289383840200, -0.070462608200,  0.042516727200, -0.030361552500,
-     0.023301552900, -0.018938392400,  0.016759937100, -0.014917519700},
-  { -0.001436913900, -0.002044866400,  0.003097508000, -0.001595199500,
-    -0.001944654100,  0.009063774800, -0.025022964500,  0.084018453400,
-     0.289257793800, -0.070696301300,  0.042714039500, -0.030533338900,
-     0.023439043400, -0.019061283500,  0.016861988700, -0.015005498900},
-  { -0.001445044100, -0.002040355800,  0.003101858000, -0.001604479400,
-    -0.001941756600,  0.009058701400, -0.025064553400,  0.084313384800,
-     0.289127389400, -0.070941485100,  0.042906585900, -0.030698827600,
-     0.023583328300, -0.019187203800,  0.016966497900, -0.015095192700},
-  { -0.001447330000, -0.002034312100,  0.003096284800, -0.001609315800,
-    -0.001937412700,  0.009063501400, -0.025112304400,  0.084617972200,
-     0.289002944200, -0.071173336500,  0.043102902900, -0.030866540700,
-     0.023733865500, -0.019307909900,  0.017070271400, -0.015190068200},
-  { -0.001455518600, -0.002029502500,  0.003099574200, -0.001613820700,
-    -0.001923185400,  0.009067220900, -0.025147413900,  0.084911325500,
-     0.288870320800, -0.071411887600,  0.043302468300, -0.031035919800,
-     0.023880818700, -0.019436707600,  0.017176704600, -0.015281581500},
-  { -0.001457861300, -0.002023130000,  0.003093622800, -0.001617413500,
-    -0.001924642300,  0.009065729600, -0.025192315000,  0.085215783300,
-     0.288739140200, -0.071653858800,  0.043494252000, -0.031201529400,
-     0.024025743900, -0.019563622700,  0.017282467800, -0.015372811900},
-  { -0.001466497000, -0.002018075200,  0.003096710200, -0.001621883700,
-    -0.001909503200,  0.009063993200, -0.025234780000,  0.085517904200,
-     0.288613216300, -0.071884560100,  0.043691563100, -0.031375546100,
-     0.024169673500, -0.019676404700,  0.017390367400, -0.015464035900},
-  { -0.001469685300, -0.002006309300,  0.003097408700, -0.001629128000,
-    -0.001904355000,  0.009073340000, -0.025278532500,  0.085809125600,
-     0.288475887700, -0.072118967800,  0.043889313200, -0.031543979900,
-     0.024316777100, -0.019805930700,  0.017497985500, -0.015556426100},
-  { -0.001477449400, -0.002006818100,  0.003094518400, -0.001634855100,
-    -0.001903992100,  0.009069894600, -0.025320844800,  0.086112304400,
-     0.288347603800, -0.072351635400,  0.044077625700, -0.031707875300,
-     0.024461035300, -0.019933041100,  0.017605115800, -0.015654004700},
-  { -0.001480767400, -0.001994653500,  0.003094108300, -0.001636592700,
-    -0.001891836000,  0.009074959300, -0.025357212300,  0.086414765800,
-     0.288212217900, -0.072585572700,  0.044276425800, -0.031879037500,
-     0.024614982500, -0.020057087700,  0.017710651600, -0.015745786000},
-  { -0.001488858500, -0.001993991000,  0.003085609100, -0.001648979900,
-    -0.001888369000,  0.009070080400, -0.025403194900,  0.086711998100,
-     0.288078851000, -0.072825294900,  0.044470365700, -0.032052144100,
-     0.024755980300, -0.020183755000,  0.017817156300, -0.015837646000},
-  { -0.001492305300, -0.001981877500,  0.003085015800, -0.001650306000,
-    -0.001876815400,  0.009076396600, -0.025444714700,  0.087007865500,
-     0.287948850700, -0.073051883700,  0.044666232000, -0.032220613500,
-     0.024903471000, -0.020314095600,  0.017925901000, -0.015931594800},
-  { -0.001501262300, -0.001976310900,  0.003088203600, -0.001658952100,
-    -0.001873996900,  0.009070381000, -0.025484515600,  0.087312662900,
-     0.287808844900, -0.073281372400,  0.044862930000, -0.032390709200,
-     0.025057752300, -0.020438589400,  0.018033299200, -0.016030164800},
-  { -0.001503969900, -0.001969379300,  0.003080858100, -0.001657013000,
-    -0.001864713500,  0.009078560600, -0.025527589100,  0.087611730400,
-     0.287669639200, -0.073516228400,  0.045054475300, -0.032563221800,
-     0.025198358100, -0.020565897500,  0.018140302000, -0.016122658700},
-  { -0.001513327100, -0.001963597200,  0.003083968700, -0.001665725900,
-    -0.001862252200,  0.009073875600, -0.025573878100,  0.087916911500,
-     0.287535419700, -0.073748515200,  0.045259152900, -0.032729171400,
-     0.025351871200, -0.020690412400,  0.018247246600, -0.016215838300},
-  { -0.001516114100, -0.001956698100,  0.003076434500, -0.001663416900,
-    -0.001853404200,  0.009082036700, -0.025616230100,  0.088215611900,
-     0.287398826600, -0.073974168600,  0.045445650100, -0.032893481400,
-     0.025497283800, -0.020820608400,  0.018361514000, -0.016303461100},
-  { -0.001525545100, -0.001950784000,  0.003079287600, -0.001671519700,
-    -0.001851968500,  0.009083077500, -0.025655699800,  0.088518791800,
-     0.287263294400, -0.074204448300,  0.045645401700, -0.033070898400,
-     0.025642665600, -0.020951717000,  0.018471685500, -0.016399128000},
-  { -0.001529263800, -0.001938044200,  0.003078214900, -0.001672419000,
-    -0.001840528300,  0.009088750200, -0.025695953100,  0.088817903900,
-     0.287119707900, -0.074435467900,  0.045835202700, -0.033239161900,
-     0.025796245500, -0.021077164200,  0.018580469200, -0.016498716200},
-  { -0.001538275800, -0.001937151500,  0.003074065100, -0.001676983800,
-    -0.001841296500,  0.009086549100, -0.025743532000,  0.089126683900,
-     0.286977836300, -0.074664683000,  0.046023517900, -0.033404937000,
-     0.025943420100, -0.021207672000,  0.018690756000, -0.016594569100},
-  { -0.001542197500, -0.001924344300,  0.003072425300, -0.001676580800,
-    -0.001835675000,  0.009085971800, -0.025781349400,  0.089429913200,
-     0.286843179800, -0.074884840400,  0.046219477100, -0.033581867500,
-     0.026093533900, -0.021331826000,  0.018797704300, -0.016688282800},
-  { -0.001546377000, -0.001910937800,  0.003070488600, -0.001676528000,
-    -0.001825134600,  0.009092452800, -0.025821879500,  0.089731283500,
-     0.286693376000, -0.075110245000,  0.046405855900, -0.033746731200,
-     0.026239733700, -0.021462324800,  0.018907663300, -0.016783704800},
-  { -0.001555232200, -0.001910366600,  0.003066530900, -0.001681411600,
-    -0.001826242300,  0.009095852900, -0.025867448300,  0.090031502000,
-     0.286552421600, -0.075335881700,  0.046610354100, -0.033919719800,
-     0.026389844800, -0.021587898200,  0.019017118400, -0.016884247400},
-  { -0.001559561500, -0.001896839700,  0.003064309200, -0.001680332600,
-    -0.001821529400,  0.009096027200, -0.025905423200,  0.090337279400,
-     0.286407594900, -0.075562967900,  0.046799004200, -0.034087052200,
-     0.026538690300, -0.021720457700,  0.019128983200, -0.016981596000},
-  { -0.001569153000, -0.001894703800,  0.003054176700, -0.001691600600,
-    -0.001814795900,  0.009104248700, -0.025952532400,  0.090639789400,
-     0.286262228400, -0.075788745300,  0.046987841400, -0.034255105000,
-     0.026693327400, -0.021847402400,  0.019238909500, -0.017077386900},
-  { -0.001573670100, -0.001880890400,  0.003051424200, -0.001690153500,
-    -0.001810064900,  0.009104300700, -0.025990224500,  0.090946916500,
-     0.286112971700, -0.076007137400,  0.047182370700, -0.034430712700,
-     0.026838198900, -0.021978862300,  0.019350009900, -0.017174506000},
-  { -0.001583828300, -0.001873935800,  0.003052700600, -0.001692015100,
-    -0.001803039800,  0.009103004000, -0.026032138000,  0.091251439600,
-     0.285975563800, -0.076238222500,  0.047381154500, -0.034597273100,
-     0.026994361100, -0.022107866200,  0.019462639700, -0.017278016500},
-  { -0.001587867000, -0.001865780400,  0.003044301800, -0.001692821000,
-    -0.001807759500,  0.009109488100, -0.026079677000,  0.091556728800,
-     0.285823700200, -0.076458633000,  0.047567511000, -0.034768617100,
-     0.027136848800, -0.022237957200,  0.019573449500, -0.017374543300},
-  { -0.001598323500, -0.001858063000,  0.003044500800, -0.001693384100,
-    -0.001801618700,  0.009107820400, -0.026115241800,  0.091863686900,
-     0.285671811500, -0.076679031600,  0.047753629900, -0.034936118500,
-     0.027291613500, -0.022364869500,  0.019683203200, -0.017470863500},
-  { -0.001603558400, -0.001843678200,  0.003041601400, -0.001692544800,
-    -0.001791780100,  0.009115656500, -0.026162495500,  0.092174773000,
-     0.285524247500, -0.076901860200,  0.047947719600, -0.035103343800,
-     0.027432475300, -0.022494731800,  0.019794038100, -0.017567749800},
-  { -0.001613422400, -0.001841112200,  0.003030366000, -0.001701864700,
-    -0.001792125700,  0.009123179000, -0.026199049700,  0.092474868600,
-     0.285372738700, -0.077116537300,  0.048141797500, -0.035275280700,
-     0.027591688900, -0.022626375700,  0.019908421800, -0.017673081200},
-  { -0.001618684700, -0.001826555800,  0.003026957800, -0.001699564500,
-    -0.001788644700,  0.009124739900, -0.026242686200,  0.092784329800,
-     0.285223614300, -0.077336969100,  0.048328815000, -0.035443127000,
-     0.027742539400, -0.022762632500,  0.020029767800, -0.017767797800},
-  { -0.001629703000, -0.001818503700,  0.003027010500, -0.001700124000,
-    -0.001782837800,  0.009124974400, -0.026290376100,  0.093086772800,
-     0.285077698000, -0.077560338000,  0.048525355700, -0.035614488000,
-     0.027892719100, -0.022889140600,  0.020140353900, -0.017864500900},
-  { -0.001634392700, -0.001809252200,  0.003016455700, -0.001693615300,
-    -0.001782780900,  0.009129169500, -0.026335334700,  0.093393907400,
-     0.284916529600, -0.077771874700,  0.048706755700, -0.035778114400,
-     0.028040064200, -0.023021819100,  0.020253539400, -0.017963440300},
-  { -0.001645793200, -0.001800824700,  0.003016678700, -0.001699031600,
-    -0.001784607900,  0.009137987500, -0.026373328800,  0.093702911100,
-     0.284764041400, -0.077988760200,  0.048893523500, -0.035952564600,
-     0.028191490700, -0.023149218600,  0.020364436200, -0.018061008600},
-  { -0.001651378600, -0.001785770200,  0.003012636900, -0.001696266500,
-    -0.001781460200,  0.009139701600, -0.026416553200,  0.094014760000,
-     0.284608657200, -0.078204266000,  0.049084885500, -0.036119295000,
-     0.028333282800, -0.023280404100,  0.020477739000, -0.018165847100},
-  { -0.001662265200, -0.001781999900,  0.002999487700, -0.001698314300,
-    -0.001777143500,  0.009146283300, -0.026457830700,  0.094316696700,
-     0.284457324700, -0.078421164800,  0.049272679100, -0.036289687800,
-     0.028492007500, -0.023412213700,  0.020592415900, -0.018266186600},
-  { -0.001668313800, -0.001766316400,  0.002994642500, -0.001694643800,
-    -0.001774906500,  0.009148770700, -0.026501577500,  0.094630560000,
-     0.284297024000, -0.078632258000,  0.049461377000, -0.036454574300,
-     0.028632330500, -0.023541974700,  0.020703740000, -0.018364139000},
-  { -0.001680418200, -0.001756770400,  0.002992954400, -0.001693172900,
-    -0.001771057900,  0.009150120900, -0.026549370400,  0.094937302500,
-     0.284139414500, -0.078843755900,  0.049644890900, -0.036622085000,
-     0.028788840800, -0.023671874000,  0.020817422100, -0.018463951300},
-  { -0.001686115500, -0.001746931600,  0.002982552200, -0.001691727400,
-    -0.001778570200,  0.009164052800, -0.026591723800,  0.095258665900,
-     0.283981176300, -0.079052887900,  0.049827569900, -0.036793287300,
-     0.028933443100, -0.023805663500,  0.020933121700, -0.018571534300},
-  { -0.001698209200, -0.001736659300,  0.002974894800, -0.001696435000,
-    -0.001772231300,  0.009168743300, -0.026630607200,  0.095561100700,
-     0.283824708400, -0.079266196800,  0.050019918900, -0.036957408700,
-     0.029090435800, -0.023942524200,  0.021041132500, -0.018668595300},
-  { -0.001704658800, -0.001720493300,  0.002969448100, -0.001691965100,
-    -0.001770702400,  0.009171925300, -0.026679621900,  0.095870802000,
-     0.283660491100, -0.079472717100,  0.050201664600, -0.037129754000,
-     0.029241121700, -0.024070689600,  0.021159356200, -0.018761561600},
-  { -0.001717442700, -0.001710235900,  0.002967018600, -0.001689724600,
-    -0.001768308200,  0.009180232100, -0.026722407800,  0.096183264500,
-     0.283504106100, -0.079683587600,  0.050392415300, -0.037297550600,
-     0.029384739600, -0.024204158900,  0.021274150600, -0.018862478100},
-  { -0.001723295500, -0.001699869700,  0.002955079600, -0.001681516300,
-    -0.001770832400,  0.009192163800, -0.026767354800,  0.096492955100,
-     0.283337590700, -0.079887593500,  0.050578218900, -0.037457346700,
-     0.029538083300, -0.024333413500,  0.021388132400, -0.018968488000},
-  { -0.001736577200, -0.001687977400,  0.002945624400, -0.001683731000,
-    -0.001771162500,  0.009186304800, -0.026811221400,  0.096806832700,
-     0.283171957600, -0.080100778400,  0.050764840500, -0.037632549500,
-     0.029686120900, -0.024469290200,  0.021505473200, -0.019071619200},
-  { -0.001743866400, -0.001670904800,  0.002939243500, -0.001678044700,
-    -0.001772074700,  0.009197158400, -0.026855831200,  0.097122904600,
-     0.283008922400, -0.080311308100,  0.050945404700, -0.037790101700,
-     0.029837934200, -0.024597228000,  0.021617945900, -0.019170951200},
-  { -0.001756624600, -0.001665754600,  0.002930209300, -0.001677015500,
-    -0.001779605600,  0.009211401200, -0.026902305100,  0.097436064800,
-     0.282834989500, -0.080507440900,  0.051121120600, -0.037958156200,
-     0.029986133000, -0.024723351000,  0.021728932000, -0.019269257400},
-  { -0.001764156100, -0.001648349000,  0.002923256000, -0.001670895300,
-    -0.001780604500,  0.009222427700, -0.026946759500,  0.097753369800,
-     0.282668132600, -0.080708954700,  0.051306676900, -0.038122909500,
-     0.030128070300, -0.024856282600,  0.021844654800, -0.019377155600},
-  { -0.001778008400, -0.001635839700,  0.002912741900, -0.001671632200,
-    -0.001783286000,  0.009223573800, -0.026984567000,  0.098066057000,
-     0.282503350600, -0.080910856000,  0.051487224000, -0.038289759200,
-     0.030286004000, -0.024988398200,  0.021960407900, -0.019479635100},
-  { -0.001785075000, -0.001624082400,  0.002899683900, -0.001662356200,
-    -0.001786186700,  0.009231168400, -0.027042545900,  0.098383808800,
-     0.282326299200, -0.081120147400,  0.051668545300, -0.038454440300,
-     0.030434707800, -0.025122240000,  0.022073795700, -0.019570606700},
-  { -0.001799471600, -0.001611646700,  0.002894723100, -0.001657398400,
-    -0.001786417100,  0.009241521900, -0.027086143300,  0.098702548800,
-     0.282153907600, -0.081315971000,  0.051850662000, -0.038616812900,
-     0.030574773900, -0.025253455800,  0.022187350300, -0.019671249500},
-  { -0.001808127200, -0.001592362400,  0.002880377400, -0.001655707600,
-    -0.001785903000,  0.009251959300, -0.027135898100,  0.099021663300,
-     0.281989192800, -0.081515568600,  0.052030462600, -0.038783583100,
-     0.030733042100, -0.025387269800,  0.022306311600, -0.019782364100},
-  { -0.001822507700, -0.001579820600,  0.002875237500, -0.001649711300,
-    -0.001792635900,  0.009256393500, -0.027175974500,  0.099338786400,
-     0.281816351400, -0.081716496200,  0.052207335300, -0.038945254600,
-     0.030878936400, -0.025512202200,  0.022416781800, -0.019880568400},
-  { -0.001830818000, -0.001566710200,  0.002860056400, -0.001637727000,
-    -0.001799068700,  0.009272886300, -0.027230252500,  0.099657892600,
-     0.281637176300, -0.081905722200,  0.052385802800, -0.039105374000,
-     0.031017613200, -0.025642740200,  0.022530400400, -0.019981165400},
-  { -0.001845760100, -0.001552740800,  0.002847881000, -0.001636760100,
-    -0.001804192200,  0.009282507800, -0.027269207300,  0.099967050900,
-     0.281460005200, -0.082107814900,  0.052574179500, -0.039274706000,
-     0.031169977600, -0.025773553200,  0.022645343300, -0.020082641400},
-  { -0.001855192900, -0.001533110500,  0.002838490600, -0.001627660100,
-    -0.001808517000,  0.009296869200, -0.027321921500,  0.100291413500,
-     0.281286138200, -0.082304345000,  0.052741885600, -0.039434316600,
-     0.031323202100, -0.025903756400,  0.022761936700, -0.020192073400},
-  { -0.001869926500, -0.001525588000,  0.002826213600, -0.001617884900,
-    -0.001812957700,  0.009311303900, -0.027373640000,  0.100609916000,
-     0.281103932300, -0.082490397700,  0.052919415400, -0.039594468800,
-     0.031463335700, -0.026042393200,  0.022877455000, -0.020285435000},
-  { -0.001879711300, -0.001504548000,  0.002809677500, -0.001613216100,
-    -0.001820868000,  0.009318026600, -0.027421788700,  0.100932867600,
-     0.280922614500, -0.082692676700,  0.053098254300, -0.039758154000,
-     0.031611536400, -0.026169842500,  0.022990763600, -0.020386038100},
-  { -0.001896148500, -0.001489715900,  0.002802122100, -0.001605491000,
-    -0.001823983800,  0.009331442300, -0.027473598000,  0.101258880600,
-     0.280742505700, -0.082878251100,  0.053275619900, -0.039919465700,
-     0.031757335000, -0.026295748600,  0.023102669400, -0.020486105200},
-  { -0.001906217800, -0.001469185600,  0.002791306400, -0.001593896400,
-    -0.001837111200,  0.009347882600, -0.027518324200,  0.101581276800,
-     0.280564653200, -0.083070602600,  0.053441716200, -0.040078628800,
-     0.031911263600, -0.026426870800,  0.023219719400, -0.020596163500},
-  { -0.001922140900, -0.001459273400,  0.002770198900, -0.001581275300,
-    -0.001835136600,  0.009358983900, -0.027567373500,  0.101900357800,
-     0.280377353300, -0.083256870000,  0.053610471900, -0.040233651400,
-     0.032046118400, -0.026554662000,  0.023331738800, -0.020695687800},
-  { -0.001933077600, -0.001437420100,  0.002757857900, -0.001568643300,
-    -0.001848435300,  0.009370146400, -0.027619025000,  0.102229591200,
-     0.280184129200, -0.083442004400,  0.053787235200, -0.040395032300,
-     0.032192706400, -0.026681026200,  0.023444081100, -0.020796180800},
-  { -0.001950196300, -0.001421126700,  0.002743236000, -0.001565501700,
-    -0.001850389700,  0.009389127400, -0.027669483100,  0.102547554800,
-     0.280004451900, -0.083632987700,  0.053961014100, -0.040555637300,
-     0.032339646100, -0.026814717500,  0.023552023700, -0.020894037400},
-  { -0.001960990100, -0.001399562800,  0.002731039900, -0.001552949300,
-    -0.001863555500,  0.009399847000, -0.027719967200,  0.102875847200,
-     0.279815921900, -0.083810986900,  0.054134314800, -0.040714985700,
-     0.032485359700, -0.026941818000,  0.023672059200, -0.020996580900},
-  { -0.001978335000, -0.001388824500,  0.002715202100, -0.001538161700,
-    -0.001879709700,  0.009419594300, -0.027767473800,  0.103205041100,
-     0.279619234800, -0.083997214900,  0.054302452500, -0.040870290800,
-     0.032621932300, -0.027071437200,  0.023785545000, -0.021097697500},
-  { -0.001990835900, -0.001364801200,  0.002695060500, -0.001530065500,
-    -0.001885898300,  0.009436950100, -0.027828661600,  0.103538923200,
-     0.279432441200, -0.084179631800,  0.054468678800, -0.041018806300,
-     0.032768596100, -0.027197497600,  0.023898644100, -0.021198957800},
-  { -0.002009220500, -0.001347505300,  0.002684579000, -0.001518047500,
-    -0.001900093500,  0.009455425900, -0.027880462700,  0.103861290100,
-     0.279243346600, -0.084361255500,  0.054635449300, -0.041174711300,
-     0.032911712700, -0.027321991400,  0.024009912800, -0.021298248700},
-  { -0.002021097800, -0.001323447400,  0.002663196100, -0.001502518600,
-    -0.001906698600,  0.009462422300, -0.027927521300,  0.104190543900,
-     0.279042526200, -0.084538637100,  0.054809534600, -0.041335183200,
-     0.033058704200, -0.027455391500,  0.024118477100, -0.021403770100},
-  { -0.002040050600, -0.001311257700,  0.002645934000, -0.001486507400,
-    -0.001918547800,  0.009490451500, -0.027986541700,  0.104526215400,
-     0.278849784900, -0.084713840400,  0.054965250700, -0.041491644800,
-     0.033194974400, -0.027586029200,  0.024240038400, -0.021501456000},
-  { -0.002053034800, -0.001286367400,  0.002624167700, -0.001475643600,
-    -0.001933711100,  0.009510206500, -0.028039339300,  0.104851735700,
-     0.278653475900, -0.084889121800,  0.055128391400, -0.041644581200,
-     0.033335865400, -0.027708847400,  0.024350066900, -0.021599986800},
-  { -0.002073264900, -0.001266673600,  0.002611261800, -0.001461338600,
-    -0.001949621100,  0.009524686500, -0.028099508700,  0.105189430300,
-     0.278450786400, -0.085067297700,  0.055292010700, -0.041798158600,
-     0.033477267300, -0.027831832100,  0.024460899000, -0.021699539700},
-  { -0.002086264900, -0.001241753500,  0.002589582900, -0.001451556400,
-    -0.001957811700,  0.009549327200, -0.028154247100,  0.105517476900,
-     0.278250526200, -0.085239563600,  0.055460095600, -0.041944857600,
-     0.033615404000, -0.027960051300,  0.024565652100, -0.021801611400},
-  { -0.002106926400, -0.001221321700,  0.002575063400, -0.001429511100,
-    -0.001970246700,  0.009568367500, -0.028207292800,  0.105852072900,
-     0.278047516100, -0.085416983300,  0.055624216900, -0.042099685900,
-     0.033757782300, -0.028084273300,  0.024677037500, -0.021901583000},
-  { -0.002120617500, -0.001202056000,  0.002552535400, -0.001408007500,
-    -0.001993279700,  0.009595095600, -0.028266589600,  0.106192034600,
-     0.277843916500, -0.085583072500,  0.055780937400, -0.042248483600,
-     0.033896113600, -0.028206269200,  0.024793027300, -0.021995201800},
-  { -0.002142396800, -0.001179865400,  0.002530754500, -0.001396393300,
-    -0.002009028700,  0.009610046500, -0.028326674100,  0.106531925400,
-     0.277639650500, -0.085747792700,  0.055936365900, -0.042394273800,
-     0.034025320000, -0.028330041100,  0.024903208900, -0.022094548100},
-  { -0.002157159200, -0.001153285000,  0.002512274500, -0.001370844300,
-    -0.002024860800,  0.009632664400, -0.028388245500,  0.106864987700,
-     0.277432448700, -0.085921130000,  0.056098971500, -0.042548622300,
-     0.034168711000, -0.028462099000,  0.025011964800, -0.022199944300},
-  { -0.002179375900, -0.001130552500,  0.002489758900, -0.001358263800,
-    -0.002042234800,  0.009654833100, -0.028443348800,  0.107203619900,
-     0.277226300200, -0.086083834300,  0.056253954500, -0.042695656200,
-     0.034305305000, -0.028581781400,  0.025119808500, -0.022297564100},
-  { -0.002195061100, -0.001108669600,  0.002464213000, -0.001333423100,
-    -0.002068874300,  0.009685232500, -0.028506052900,  0.107550806200,
-     0.277004327300, -0.086243310500,  0.056405162700, -0.042840028100,
-     0.034439922500, -0.028700012900,  0.025226614100, -0.022394383100},
-  { -0.002217436800, -0.001085689500,  0.002440979000, -0.001314845000,
-    -0.002074387600,  0.009710099800, -0.028567755500,  0.107884769000,
-     0.276798805200, -0.086406171500,  0.056561115200, -0.042988680400,
-     0.034577788700, -0.028822677500,  0.025344724600, -0.022496001600},
-  { -0.002234052300, -0.001056977600,  0.002420334600, -0.001292564500,
-    -0.002099057700,  0.009738656200, -0.028628118700,  0.108230473600,
-     0.276581678800, -0.086558899300,  0.056708946400, -0.043130672100,
-     0.034711343700, -0.028946376900,  0.025445511400, -0.022589602700},
-  { -0.002257986500, -0.001032008700,  0.002395334200, -0.001277542100,
-    -0.002119185700,  0.009764314400, -0.028692402200,  0.108569779600,
-     0.276361694700, -0.086719885800,  0.056868813300, -0.043271529100,
-     0.034844676000, -0.029064307100,  0.025552190100, -0.022685765900},
-  { -0.002275798800, -0.001001252000,  0.002366059500, -0.001252260400,
-    -0.002137523800,  0.009790138000, -0.028757551100,  0.108916066600,
-     0.276151572300, -0.086882727400,  0.057015156000, -0.043413931200,
-     0.034977723200, -0.029181547900,  0.025659050200, -0.022782491400},
-  { -0.002299519300, -0.000983084300,  0.002341848700, -0.001227918200,
-    -0.002164204600,  0.009821204200, -0.028826112600,  0.109260641300,
-     0.275924294400, -0.087035380900,  0.057163011400, -0.043556341700,
-     0.035112146900, -0.029306783100,  0.025762575100, -0.022884324300},
-  { -0.002318342500, -0.000951184900,  0.002311491600, -0.001207356700,
-    -0.002190231800,  0.009858208200, -0.028883563000,  0.109614224000,
-     0.275705340200, -0.087183966300,  0.057307956100, -0.043694747100,
-     0.035236477300, -0.029428661900,  0.025877315200, -0.022977857000},
-  { -0.002343785600, -0.000924936400,  0.002290080300, -0.001177431500,
-    -0.002211532800,  0.009886431100, -0.028949989000,  0.109957830700,
-     0.275481985700, -0.087329639600,  0.057457528900, -0.043828523400,
-     0.035363736500, -0.029541639900,  0.025980032600, -0.023071295000},
-  { -0.002363396600, -0.000891896000,  0.002258762900, -0.001155997700,
-    -0.002237980900,  0.009918196800, -0.029019980500,  0.110312292600,
-     0.275252475700, -0.087485388500,  0.057598214300, -0.043965976300,
-     0.035494092700, -0.029663348400,  0.026080272800, -0.023164098500},
-  { -0.002389152800, -0.000865190200,  0.002236651900, -0.001124397300,
-    -0.002266843400,  0.009941856300, -0.029083534200,  0.110654857700,
-     0.275027780000, -0.087628679600,  0.057741079400, -0.044111852100,
-     0.035620616000, -0.029776226200,  0.026184102500, -0.023265168600},
-  { -0.002409751900, -0.000831096900,  0.002203852900, -0.001101449700,
-    -0.002295711000,  0.009982935500, -0.029157146400,  0.111004330000,
-     0.274797647300, -0.087777694100,  0.057893310100, -0.044247467300,
-     0.035750612400, -0.029893238400,  0.026296883500, -0.023356224600},
-  { -0.002436583600, -0.000809275400,  0.002174932100, -0.001065376500,
-    -0.002322951600,  0.010016783300, -0.029228839400,  0.111361951300,
-     0.274567466000, -0.087919930200,  0.058025057300, -0.044378805200,
-     0.035875683000, -0.030010656200,  0.026393710400, -0.023446642300},
-  { -0.002458072800, -0.000774072300,  0.002140548500, -0.001040420000,
-    -0.002353097400,  0.010052135800, -0.029301943900,  0.111721745400,
-     0.274333594900, -0.088052895500,  0.058159209800, -0.044509951300,
-     0.036000215000, -0.030121514300,  0.026496227300, -0.023547531800},
-  { -0.002486798400, -0.000743082100,  0.002107901300, -0.001010435600,
-    -0.002377569500,  0.010090405600, -0.029366888100,  0.112076957700,
-     0.274096422800, -0.088200445900,  0.058300810100, -0.044638462800,
-     0.036123651800, -0.030232021100,  0.026596958900, -0.023639414500},
-  { -0.002509178900, -0.000707489700,  0.002079209800, -0.000979178500,
-    -0.002412292800,  0.010130406600, -0.029450197300,  0.112436237300,
-     0.273857995500, -0.088329074400,  0.058431854000, -0.044767731000,
-     0.036247749400, -0.030349857900,  0.026701008800, -0.023725485500},
-  { -0.002538546200, -0.000675641700,  0.002045354700, -0.000947146600,
-    -0.002444944300,  0.010165016900, -0.029513195500,  0.112791388300,
-     0.273618006800, -0.088473828000,  0.058572790800, -0.044902786100,
-     0.036367072300, -0.030457501700,  0.026799344000, -0.023815374100},
-  { -0.002562081700, -0.000638597900,  0.002015094700, -0.000913965300,
-    -0.002481943700,  0.010207398600, -0.029598886400,  0.113154412600,
-     0.273374591600, -0.088603102200,  0.058693934100, -0.045025119300,
-     0.036484791400, -0.030563119800,  0.026898455900, -0.023913083300},
-  { -0.002592531600, -0.000611735800,  0.001974049600, -0.000877067200,
-    -0.002513122700,  0.010252711500, -0.029676327000,  0.113513193200,
-     0.273125908800, -0.088732072900,  0.058832779800, -0.045150554000,
-     0.036606443900, -0.030679000400,  0.026993402700, -0.024001590900},
-  { -0.002617432700, -0.000572476600,  0.001934940900, -0.000846562800,
-    -0.002549947700,  0.010301351000, -0.029750846500,  0.113886584200,
-     0.272881898500, -0.088859686000,  0.058953274300, -0.045271977200,
-     0.036723589400, -0.030784892400,  0.027097712600, -0.024087333600},
-  { -0.002648556200, -0.000539287700,  0.001905685000, -0.000806920200,
-    -0.002588198100,  0.010335223100, -0.029830210100,  0.114246195000,
-     0.272637989000, -0.088988209700,  0.059082508900, -0.045398291800,
-     0.036835959600, -0.030886948300,  0.027193422300, -0.024182088200},
-  { -0.002675426700, -0.000497529300,  0.001863568800, -0.000773306300,
-    -0.002628339500,  0.010387943600, -0.029915068400,  0.114620841300,
-     0.272380972500, -0.089107334300,  0.059206370700, -0.045521223000,
-     0.036954725600, -0.031000132500,  0.027286742200, -0.024270058800},
-  { -0.002708812100, -0.000461001300,  0.001824188800, -0.000735439500,
-    -0.002661448300,  0.010435538400, -0.029994677500,  0.114983831800,
-     0.272129953900, -0.089228688900,  0.059329528700, -0.045634938700,
-     0.037065976700, -0.031100796100,  0.027379891900, -0.024355993600},
-  { -0.002735490700, -0.000419849000,  0.001788462900, -0.000689215900,
-    -0.002707124200,  0.010482924400, -0.030075860600,  0.115356267200,
-     0.271872904900, -0.089354351300,  0.059449185200, -0.045758252600,
-     0.037192230500, -0.031210219100,  0.027478273400, -0.024437594700},
-  { -0.002768719300, -0.000389873200,  0.001744376300, -0.000654868000,
-    -0.002747163000,  0.010528906800, -0.030164681700,  0.115727569700,
-     0.271612337400, -0.089466219000,  0.059565965700, -0.045873231900,
-     0.037295135500, -0.031304965400,  0.027568162200, -0.024528121700},
-  { -0.002798079400, -0.000344868200,  0.001697477500, -0.000608943300,
-    -0.002794808000,  0.010579370800, -0.030249393200,  0.116105596800,
-     0.271346326500, -0.089576437400,  0.059689822100, -0.045986571500,
-     0.037406419500, -0.031405176100,  0.027660621000, -0.024614179100},
-  { -0.002834574300, -0.000305400500,  0.001661742100, -0.000568717900,
-    -0.002840569000,  0.010637555700, -0.030338939200,  0.116487577100,
-     0.271082832700, -0.089682984500,  0.059794346400, -0.046095149100,
-     0.037513479000, -0.031508865800,  0.027746587900, -0.024696294000},
-  { -0.002863090600, -0.000261546500,  0.001616196800, -0.000524060200,
-    -0.002886726400,  0.010686302700, -0.030421218200,  0.116863187300,
-     0.270824597700, -0.089796024200,  0.059912731300, -0.046212603400,
-     0.037619046000, -0.031606514800,  0.027845171900, -0.024784044100},
-  { -0.002900989400, -0.000219487800,  0.001570599400, -0.000479303700,
-    -0.002927315300,  0.010742257600, -0.030515733500,  0.117240864200,
-     0.270554278500, -0.089907403100,  0.060028342200, -0.046320155000,
-     0.037725963100, -0.031710668200,  0.027931517600, -0.024865514300},
-  { -0.002939110000, -0.000177806100,  0.001531519200, -0.000428383200,
-    -0.002978759900,  0.010796286200, -0.030603272900,  0.117623618000,
-     0.270285855600, -0.090009416000,  0.060137232300, -0.046429802200,
-     0.037824453100, -0.031801130600,  0.028016349500, -0.024945375600},
-  { -0.002971404300, -0.000129367200,  0.001481455800, -0.000385645100,
-    -0.003028924400,  0.010859951400, -0.030704739700,  0.118009163200,
-     0.270004747300, -0.090110535200,  0.060237393200, -0.046534338000,
-     0.037928400600, -0.031903279600,  0.028108476700, -0.025021832500},
-  { -0.003010799000, -0.000085506800,  0.001433304900, -0.000337127500,
-    -0.003080051000,  0.010914101700, -0.030792208700,  0.118393292300,
-     0.269732724800, -0.090208244500,  0.060342765300, -0.046633690800,
-     0.038028249000, -0.031994340000,  0.028194618000, -0.025109965600},
-  { -0.003043352800, -0.000043286100,  0.001376710400, -0.000282666000,
-    -0.003129872000,  0.010978749000, -0.030894968100,  0.118781343500,
-     0.269453183200, -0.090299385000,  0.060444527700, -0.046738202500,
-     0.038128681100, -0.032076686500,  0.028274348700, -0.025185554200},
-  { -0.003084097600,  0.000001652200,  0.001334856800, -0.000235221900,
-    -0.003190341200,  0.011040895200, -0.030996156800,  0.119168850700,
-     0.269167050700, -0.090401757000,  0.060542535700, -0.046832398400,
-     0.038225851900, -0.032173379200,  0.028361984300, -0.025257897700},
-  { -0.003118681600,  0.000052969800,  0.001280388200, -0.000180668100,
-    -0.003240720400,  0.011105920600, -0.031092550300,  0.119563660200,
-     0.268880111900, -0.090484913100,  0.060629970500, -0.046933803100,
-     0.038315834400, -0.032256880200,  0.028442350400, -0.025341820300},
-  { -0.003162561900,  0.000102202900,  0.001226211900, -0.000125395300,
-    -0.003299906800,  0.011175918200, -0.031191167100,  0.119959312000,
-     0.268593285800, -0.090577351800,  0.060731151800, -0.047029530200,
-     0.038413339800, -0.032353226800,  0.028521763200, -0.025418085200},
-  { -0.003199268400,  0.000156014300,  0.001168676900, -0.000066919400,
-    -0.003361438800,  0.011241308700, -0.031296168100,  0.120353034900,
-     0.268302409700, -0.090656855500,  0.060822958600, -0.047124517500,
-     0.038499397300, -0.032433214400,  0.028598264500, -0.025491004800},
-  { -0.003242762700,  0.000204180800,  0.001122626500, -0.000008679700,
-    -0.003414828400,  0.011309574900, -0.031402432600,  0.120754514200,
-     0.268015321100, -0.090745034900,  0.060911299100, -0.047212175500,
-     0.038596766500, -0.032520166800,  0.028679119400, -0.025558748500},
-  { -0.003280931700,  0.000259812600,  0.001063521800,  0.000044884500,
-    -0.003483800400,  0.011387738000, -0.031508074100,  0.121152150800,
-     0.267711413800, -0.090822485700,  0.061000604600, -0.047304659400,
-     0.038681603800, -0.032600073600,  0.028755960800, -0.025638962100},
-  { -0.003327797000,  0.000312623600,  0.001004973300,  0.000105206400,
-    -0.003548028100,  0.011456238300, -0.031616336600,  0.121558234900,
-     0.267415888400, -0.090894622700,  0.061086213100, -0.047387160100,
-     0.038767569400, -0.032686245400,  0.028827467700, -0.025709333200},
-  { -0.003367277200,  0.000369742900,  0.000943784400,  0.000167921300,
-    -0.003614337200,  0.011526657700, -0.031726469200,  0.121966313400,
-     0.267117532200, -0.090972059800,  0.061166435400, -0.047473566900,
-     0.038846825400, -0.032761339500,  0.028907556300, -0.025775412400},
-  { -0.003415490600,  0.000424433200,  0.000883119400,  0.000230091300,
-    -0.003674451700,  0.011609993400, -0.031842624600,  0.122364892800,
-     0.266807297400, -0.091041565400,  0.061249320900, -0.047553631700,
-     0.038930581400, -0.032847149600,  0.028979555600, -0.025852313500},
-  { -0.003456266600,  0.000475867100,  0.000822340300,  0.000303040600,
-    -0.003749535300,  0.011688497100, -0.031960441800,  0.122782327100,
-     0.266496871700, -0.091106317700,  0.061319593900, -0.047633284300,
-     0.039010819600, -0.032912027100,  0.029044984700, -0.025916736900},
-  { -0.003505638300,  0.000531731300,  0.000760093900,  0.000367747300,
-    -0.003818881300,  0.011769073200, -0.032068754900,  0.123192522800,
-     0.266191486300, -0.091168632300,  0.061398326100, -0.047717396700,
-     0.039088687600, -0.032993298700,  0.029119110500, -0.025979190500},
-  { -0.003550040600,  0.000594828700,  0.000692495800,  0.000430866400,
-    -0.003898279700,  0.011852192100, -0.032198029300,  0.123611901100,
-     0.265868569100, -0.091231578000,  0.061464903000, -0.047784155800,
-     0.039161387400, -0.033061913700,  0.029187959100, -0.026053040700},
-  { -0.003602065500,  0.000653931700,  0.000626385600,  0.000499981800,
-    -0.003972488800,  0.011937971200, -0.032311531400,  0.124029148500,
-     0.265553269700, -0.091283444100,  0.061535070700, -0.047860778200,
-     0.039232475500, -0.033136595000,  0.029249328200, -0.026115105800},
-  { -0.003647327300,  0.000718027400,  0.000556866100,  0.000572266200,
-    -0.004049722900,  0.012020034000, -0.032439785200,  0.124448392000,
-     0.265233959000, -0.091339033000,  0.061597170100, -0.047925510600,
-     0.039309873100, -0.033199111900,  0.029320278800, -0.026173704500},
-  { -0.003702105200,  0.000780101600,  0.000494443100,  0.000649052900,
-    -0.004123793300,  0.012117690200, -0.032570746200,  0.124873224300,
-     0.264900163300, -0.091383468500,  0.061659588400, -0.047995635500,
-     0.039375017600, -0.033269511800,  0.029378736300, -0.026232862100},
-  { -0.003755895200,  0.000841447500,  0.000425856500,  0.000720904000,
-    -0.004201204700,  0.012206896600, -0.032687548300,  0.125295550200,
-     0.264577145700, -0.091434512400,  0.061726016900, -0.048060026200,
-     0.039436382500, -0.033329672000,  0.029438925700, -0.026300063600},
-  { -0.003803350600,  0.000908270600,  0.000353021900,  0.000796996500,
-    -0.004282623500,  0.012293251100, -0.032819571200,  0.125720795200,
-     0.264247652100, -0.091479732400,  0.061780340600, -0.048117964600,
-     0.039508550400, -0.033394973500,  0.029502101900, -0.026353317400},
-  { -0.003861457500,  0.000974841200,  0.000278697700,  0.000875358500,
-    -0.004367158600,  0.012390643600, -0.032952152900,  0.126156834400,
-     0.263910245800, -0.091525806900,  0.061834912800, -0.048182001300,
-     0.039568933000, -0.033460776600,  0.029556965600, -0.026409434000},
-  { -0.003912507000,  0.001045891900,  0.000200514600,  0.000957623400,
-    -0.004455578400,  0.012491700600, -0.033087770300,  0.126588986000,
-     0.263570751000, -0.091552786700,  0.061883959100, -0.048240646500,
-     0.039624070900, -0.033515051500,  0.029612627700, -0.026473220500},
-  { -0.003970051000,  0.001111797200,  0.000126628900,  0.001035742900,
-    -0.004539881200,  0.012588312500, -0.033218503400,  0.127016546500,
-     0.263234790300, -0.091590421200,  0.061932964300, -0.048301375000,
-     0.039688914300, -0.033575106100,  0.029670790800, -0.026522150600},
-  { -0.004024302800,  0.001186615500,  0.000044341700,  0.001122432500,
-    -0.004633631600,  0.012695304100, -0.033360614900,  0.127463754300,
-     0.262888924200, -0.091617477500,  0.061978479200, -0.048340055700,
-     0.039737596900, -0.033623583100,  0.029720893300, -0.026573902300},
-  { -0.004085082700,  0.001256538900, -0.000034034800,  0.001205478700,
-    -0.004723290400,  0.012797985100, -0.033498033100,  0.127907136500,
-     0.262539269000, -0.091650848600,  0.062022592400, -0.048395229300,
-     0.039790688300, -0.033684178100,  0.029779644500, -0.026631089400},
-  { -0.004139947900,  0.001331802200, -0.000110045000,  0.001297966400,
-    -0.004821497300,  0.012908660300, -0.033643014900,  0.128351507600,
-     0.262181947100, -0.091667171300,  0.062052525700, -0.048439828000,
-     0.039840829600, -0.033723634100,  0.029823200100, -0.026677369100},
-  { -0.004204208100,  0.001405618600, -0.000193120700,  0.001386785000,
-    -0.004924853700,  0.013014623800, -0.033792097000,  0.128796851700,
-     0.261832669700, -0.091689502800,  0.062095944700, -0.048484357900,
-     0.039885777900, -0.033776306400,  0.029866954600, -0.026723942900},
-  { -0.004260417800,  0.001483063100, -0.000278806000,  0.001477736900,
-    -0.005023257700,  0.013125955200, -0.033937289100,  0.129242600400,
-     0.261471099700, -0.091701578900,  0.062122650400, -0.048518010200,
-     0.039936894900, -0.033824115200,  0.029914914700, -0.026764892400},
-  { -0.004327008900,  0.001552956500, -0.000370001900,  0.001573784600,
-    -0.005126787000,  0.013243154600, -0.034089428900,  0.129704208100,
-     0.261097309800, -0.091709577400,  0.062145158100, -0.048554302300,
-     0.039972655000, -0.033861618500,  0.029956756400, -0.026817551300},
-  { -0.004387061400,  0.001634796200, -0.000460660800,  0.001670082700,
-    -0.005230956800,  0.013361670100, -0.034249709200,  0.130162737200,
-     0.260730415900, -0.091714875900,  0.062174189600, -0.048586130300,
-     0.040006010900, -0.033904910800,  0.029992822400, -0.026858101400},
-  { -0.004454372600,  0.001712493000, -0.000548375700,  0.001763978200,
-    -0.005332669200,  0.013476831400, -0.034399268600,  0.130622438100,
-     0.260362390800, -0.091718251200,  0.062194230500, -0.048621392100,
-     0.040048640600, -0.033945864700,  0.030035043200, -0.026894698800},
-  { -0.004523786800,  0.001792774700, -0.000639267000,  0.001868519600,
-    -0.005434268500,  0.013594098000, -0.034558763500,  0.131081652600,
-     0.259993523100, -0.091727265200,  0.062216113000, -0.048648464400,
-     0.040076906100, -0.033977399000,  0.030072123900, -0.026942508300},
-  { -0.004586585500,  0.001877974400, -0.000734060100,  0.001970438800,
-    -0.005551787400,  0.013714416500, -0.034721796900,  0.131545261000,
-     0.259617106900, -0.091722403400,  0.062229403200, -0.048678076000,
-     0.040115213700, -0.034014280800,  0.030111284500, -0.026976072400},
-  { -0.004659557800,  0.001962511100, -0.000829862900,  0.002073337300,
-    -0.005663538600,  0.013840666600, -0.034882878100,  0.132019240400,
-     0.259230513500, -0.091706871400,  0.062239873700, -0.048693489400,
-     0.040133308800, -0.034036485500,  0.030138847000, -0.027009514400},
-  { -0.004725695500,  0.002051981700, -0.000929347100,  0.002180035700,
-    -0.005779960100,  0.013979073500, -0.035051605900,  0.132491612100,
-     0.258836019600, -0.091701376100,  0.062241192800, -0.048705371900,
-     0.040165553900, -0.034068442600,  0.030166932700, -0.027050861400},
-  { -0.004799901300,  0.002138024300, -0.001026848500,  0.002284840400,
-    -0.005893861400,  0.014108040800, -0.035222237300,  0.132964854500,
-     0.258446283900, -0.091682539100,  0.062249560500, -0.048718972600,
-     0.040182871900, -0.034098388500,  0.030199249900, -0.027078741500},
-  { -0.004870595400,  0.002232582100, -0.001132590800,  0.002399200400,
-    -0.006025214200,  0.014243272400, -0.035401209000,  0.133455517400,
-     0.258048229900, -0.091653939600,  0.062241715900, -0.048729769800,
-     0.040203792100, -0.034111888100,  0.030220920600, -0.027107457100},
-  { -0.004947156000,  0.002321555700, -0.001233847400,  0.002515774700,
-    -0.006140611400,  0.014382400400, -0.035570772900,  0.133930500000,
-     0.257654713000, -0.091637493400,  0.062242822500, -0.048738434100,
-     0.040216442600, -0.034137799500,  0.030242570200, -0.027143371600},
-  { -0.005016493400,  0.002414767800, -0.001338252600,  0.002627935400,
-    -0.006262314300,  0.014519076200, -0.035748887100,  0.134413490000,
-     0.257250575700, -0.091604648700,  0.062239840100, -0.048743282000,
-     0.040233396200, -0.034157300200,  0.030266800800, -0.027164826500},
-  { -0.005099278600,  0.002511020600, -0.001447380500,  0.002746842300,
-    -0.006399204100,  0.014660767100, -0.035934332400,  0.134912928100,
-     0.256840267600, -0.091570002800,  0.062216233800, -0.048739644700,
-     0.040234336300, -0.034163561400,  0.030281865200, -0.027187650100},
-  { -0.005170558100,  0.002606541400, -0.001554671000,  0.002862380100,
-    -0.006525103100,  0.014809292700, -0.036112846200,  0.135398740700,
-     0.256430891500, -0.091531009000,  0.062208163600, -0.048740138000,
-     0.040247773900, -0.034180802400,  0.030304366300, -0.027215455700},
-  { -0.005254922300,  0.002704732600, -0.001666038900,  0.002983502200,
-    -0.006664576800,  0.014954266000, -0.036308554600,  0.135898611300,
-     0.256016406700, -0.091492283600,  0.062189717900, -0.048730903800,
-     0.040245240000, -0.034192418000,  0.030314184400, -0.027233909600},
-  { -0.005330421900,  0.002805447300, -0.001779622200,  0.003113745000,
-    -0.006794821100,  0.015108636900, -0.036493663300,  0.136392728600,
-     0.255595532100, -0.091449297700,  0.062167723200, -0.048720314000,
-     0.040247715100, -0.034191966500,  0.030331001200, -0.027248039400},
-  { -0.005418047900,  0.002907510500, -0.001896019300,  0.003240948000,
-    -0.006941296500,  0.015268001700, -0.036685011500,  0.136902218400,
-     0.255169264700, -0.091390047400,  0.062133585500, -0.048706450000,
-     0.040240217600, -0.034199174200,  0.030336692900, -0.027272064200},
-  { -0.005505373600,  0.003009395700, -0.002011695700,  0.003366480500,
-    -0.007078261400,  0.015421720100, -0.036888380700,  0.137411927200,
-     0.254740700000, -0.091336957100,  0.062103176600, -0.048687487200,
-     0.040235929700, -0.034199682900,  0.030337810300, -0.027283556600},
-  { -0.005585382500,  0.003115541600, -0.002131832000,  0.003504827500,
-    -0.007224968800,  0.015582215100, -0.037080250800,  0.137915259700,
-     0.254306086800, -0.091279630400,  0.062069083500, -0.048665013800,
-     0.040221399100, -0.034201654500,  0.030346034000, -0.027291156400},
-  { -0.005674994900,  0.003220173800, -0.002250865900,  0.003634318300,
-    -0.007366427500,  0.015748179900, -0.037284933600,  0.138428727000,
-     0.253871405000, -0.091219627900,  0.062033003000, -0.048649242600,
-     0.040210075200, -0.034189299100,  0.030346059500, -0.027308900300},
-  { -0.005758700400,  0.003330548600, -0.002375530200,  0.003770118000,
-    -0.007521879300,  0.015909567200, -0.037496867100,  0.138949385400,
-     0.253426570300, -0.091143115000,  0.061992180000, -0.048620522900,
-     0.040197728000, -0.034182788700,  0.030348556000, -0.027312476200},
-  { -0.005852674900,  0.003440460400, -0.002500886900,  0.003906772800,
-    -0.007671474500,  0.016084224600, -0.037702515700,  0.139476737000,
-     0.252975093200, -0.091066456400,  0.061940861800, -0.048581744400,
-     0.040168382200, -0.034171796400,  0.030338133100, -0.027314851900},
-  { -0.005940171600,  0.003555441000, -0.002631162900,  0.004057015800,
-    -0.007831507500,  0.016259063300, -0.037917269600,  0.140002708200,
-     0.252522799200, -0.090988640700,  0.061880613500, -0.048547165800,
-     0.040149371300, -0.034151729900,  0.030339624000, -0.027324602000},
-  { -0.006038006300,  0.003669989500, -0.002761828800,  0.004199685000,
-    -0.007987803500,  0.016441338600, -0.038138344000,  0.140535980000,
-     0.252061541300, -0.090901636600,  0.061820252000, -0.048500250500,
-     0.040112744100, -0.034134470700,  0.030324310800, -0.027322408700},
-  { -0.006128817400,  0.003788978800, -0.002896910300,  0.004355118400,
-    -0.008153648900,  0.016622514100, -0.038359180300,  0.141069989900,
-     0.251597538600, -0.090812420800,  0.061758888600, -0.048454321900,
-     0.040084569400, -0.034113893000,  0.030306458400, -0.027317970100},
-  { -0.006227186400,  0.003904318200, -0.003028595200,  0.004499540800,
-    -0.008319159800,  0.016794826900, -0.038581990000,  0.141605434000,
-     0.251131429100, -0.090720594500,  0.061694722300, -0.048405249700,
-     0.040054114300, -0.034091543000,  0.030295722900, -0.027310222200},
-  { -0.006328397300,  0.004031158500, -0.003168595500,  0.004641928300,
-    -0.008476386900,  0.016978639900, -0.038804959500,  0.142142757000,
-     0.250662990700, -0.090633704900,  0.061624954700, -0.048358207200,
-     0.040007213300, -0.034057656100,  0.030276666600, -0.027311829700},
-  { -0.006423738600,  0.004155528900, -0.003309959300,  0.004804548400,
-    -0.008650250700,  0.017168425100, -0.039034846100,  0.142695621300,
-     0.250186846500, -0.090531292600,  0.061551769900, -0.048301646800,
-     0.039969736100, -0.034029532000,  0.030260492100, -0.027299867000},
-  { -0.006528665100,  0.004278722600, -0.003450970500,  0.004959568700,
-    -0.008827892900,  0.017361477800, -0.039267480800,  0.143244619700,
-     0.249702348700, -0.090420060400,  0.061470769900, -0.048237360200,
-     0.039925613200, -0.033995062800,  0.030230693900, -0.027285607600},
-  { -0.006624732800,  0.004404173000, -0.003593946300,  0.005123920600,
-    -0.009003806900,  0.017553760300, -0.039499198000,  0.143792799000,
-     0.249217705300, -0.090309454700,  0.061398382500, -0.048170611400,
-     0.039872247300, -0.033963765200,  0.030211452200, -0.027278748100},
-  { -0.006733019100,  0.004530986400, -0.003739016800,  0.005283093400,
-    -0.009178450500,  0.017763535800, -0.039744969800,  0.144353453000,
-     0.248736735600, -0.090189496400,  0.061311021700, -0.048108842000,
-     0.039820545400, -0.033924139600,  0.030177475500, -0.027261029400},
-  { -0.006833632200,  0.004661933300, -0.003888052900,  0.005454760700,
-    -0.009362610000,  0.017964244700, -0.039985659800,  0.144912324100,
-     0.248238004700, -0.090072272700,  0.061214521700, -0.048032095800,
-     0.039764687300, -0.033871892800,  0.030150552400, -0.027238906300},
-  { -0.006944808900,  0.004792587900, -0.004037760400,  0.005619673100,
-    -0.009551266900,  0.018169204500, -0.040230608100,  0.145484672100,
-     0.247735896000, -0.089941342900,  0.061116139800, -0.047952151500,
-     0.039706664600, -0.033825489900,  0.030111200300, -0.027225498800},
-  { -0.007048709900,  0.004927883500, -0.004199654100,  0.005793881200,
-    -0.009738964200,  0.018374848700, -0.040483849800,  0.146046598800,
-     0.247230365400, -0.089816950200,  0.061014854400, -0.047877574700,
-     0.039635751800, -0.033778171100,  0.030078686000, -0.027198514200},
-  { -0.007165536600,  0.005065305500, -0.004357110300,  0.005967529800,
-    -0.009937335800,  0.018590642800, -0.040747877600,  0.146628884600,
-     0.246713790300, -0.089671417900,  0.060903432100, -0.047785728000,
-     0.039566909200, -0.033722116600,  0.030030861700, -0.027169252500},
-  { -0.007276776700,  0.005196186900, -0.004507476500,  0.006140611400,
-    -0.010115702100,  0.018796926000, -0.040992574000,  0.147194377100,
-     0.246211745800, -0.089538068000,  0.060802547900, -0.047694806200,
-     0.039498877900, -0.033667952600,  0.029984769900, -0.027149571000},
-  { -0.007387874000,  0.005339424900, -0.004670815200,  0.006320666200,
-    -0.010320954700,  0.019027766500, -0.041261046500,  0.147782948500,
-     0.245685443800, -0.089383414100,  0.060683139900, -0.047604443400,
-     0.039421896500, -0.033597878400,  0.029942169700, -0.027114750800},
-  { -0.007510337800,  0.005483782700, -0.004836420600,  0.006511584900,
-    -0.010526788500,  0.019252707100, -0.041534516600,  0.148377088500,
-     0.245152841500, -0.089229128400,  0.060553978800, -0.047496635400,
-     0.039330446700, -0.033531679300,  0.029885352000, -0.027077485500},
-  { -0.007617681800,  0.005622426600, -0.004994838300,  0.006686063700,
-    -0.010725673400,  0.019468467400, -0.041789645200,  0.148963171000,
-     0.244635866200, -0.089072585900,  0.060442764900, -0.047403936100,
-     0.039252529900, -0.033469077500,  0.029839930100, -0.027050084400},
-  { -0.007743458100,  0.005771106400, -0.005173633200,  0.006879940500,
-    -0.010936112200,  0.019706338200, -0.042065049900,  0.149561525700,
-     0.244095869900, -0.088910561500,  0.060307776300, -0.047291253700,
-     0.039164455700, -0.033396349900,  0.029777209800, -0.027007624400},
-  { -0.007858967200,  0.005919845900, -0.005343167000,  0.007067136200,
-    -0.011149489200,  0.019938097200, -0.042344891600,  0.150163766200,
-     0.243550330900, -0.088743758000,  0.060167864400, -0.047174313100,
-     0.039073486100, -0.033321568100,  0.029721987600, -0.026962754000},
-  { -0.007983157300,  0.006074179500, -0.005508592100,  0.007258796500,
-    -0.011356666000,  0.020172218500, -0.042616124600,  0.150758631000,
-     0.243020071900, -0.088580561000,  0.060040729000, -0.047067967200,
-     0.038982593900, -0.033247283000,  0.029658101500, -0.026927788900},
-  { -0.008105130300,  0.006230560200, -0.005687757500,  0.007464989300,
-    -0.011579317500,  0.020414981800, -0.042907551700,  0.151374476700,
-     0.242457316000, -0.088387814400,  0.059887026200, -0.046937384600,
-     0.038870631000, -0.033163420100,  0.029594120700, -0.026875984700},
-  { -0.008233810500,  0.006382559600, -0.005862421100,  0.007658087800,
-    -0.011799401200,  0.020662084900, -0.043192258600,  0.151985072700,
-     0.241899935800, -0.088207332900,  0.059743644400, -0.046816052000,
-     0.038766487900, -0.033069335600,  0.029522772700, -0.026834459500},
-  { -0.008365745600,  0.006538532000, -0.006049746700,  0.007862043900,
-    -0.012020887000,  0.020904026300, -0.043490655700,  0.152598080900,
-     0.241345587100, -0.088019183800,  0.059585807800, -0.046682659300,
-     0.038659818300, -0.032980362900,  0.029455506100, -0.026779041200},
-  { -0.008488941000,  0.006696553400, -0.006230594800,  0.008061850300,
-    -0.012248204100,  0.021158865900, -0.043782741400,  0.153217488200,
-     0.240775110200, -0.087826286000,  0.059432200300, -0.046551952900,
-     0.038547619600, -0.032887333800,  0.029375054800, -0.026721976200},
-  { -0.008621850700,  0.006853393800, -0.006411265100,  0.008270409100,
-    -0.012474342700,  0.021413239200, -0.044074457000,  0.153836655200,
-     0.240212813600, -0.087629196300,  0.059265982800, -0.046411553600,
-     0.038435074500, -0.032793916400,  0.029303599100, -0.026672135800},
-  { -0.008749942500,  0.007017378200, -0.006599218000,  0.008486986700,
-    -0.012716522600,  0.021665336500, -0.044383621100,  0.154463623000,
-     0.239631193600, -0.087424514000,  0.059102015300, -0.046272077200,
-     0.038314783100, -0.032692580400,  0.029216641900, -0.026609057300},
-  { -0.008886221300,  0.007178451900, -0.006792714500,  0.008689620600,
-    -0.012948009400,  0.021925282500, -0.044681119300,  0.155098325200,
-     0.239060508500, -0.087219020100,  0.058937803200, -0.046131179100,
-     0.038193255500, -0.032591551900,  0.029137687900, -0.026544650500},
-  { -0.009017719800,  0.007346605300, -0.006985204400,  0.008911224900,
-    -0.013188518400,  0.022195302800, -0.044997006400,  0.155734052300,
-     0.238467918900, -0.087010194700,  0.058751361600, -0.045972814900,
-     0.038064564500, -0.032483676700,  0.029046121000, -0.026486139900},
-  { -0.009157733600,  0.007511909600, -0.007175647500,  0.009130702800,
-    -0.013426053000,  0.022454091700, -0.045304400400,  0.156379869500,
-     0.237883048800, -0.086789838900,  0.058573065700, -0.045819242800,
-     0.037922966700, -0.032373937700,  0.028959823600, -0.026415860100},
-  { -0.009301621700,  0.007690545500, -0.007377781200,  0.009352140300,
-    -0.013667509600,  0.022725762800, -0.045622167700,  0.157018351900,
-     0.237292774000, -0.086564748300,  0.058390364400, -0.045653170900,
-     0.037787266600, -0.032260085200,  0.028870030600, -0.026341359100},
-  { -0.009438250700,  0.007864516400, -0.007577424400,  0.009574249500,
-    -0.013927827700,  0.023004845600, -0.045939676500,  0.157677386600,
-     0.236683031800, -0.086329249600,  0.058190028400, -0.045489825900,
-     0.037645625200, -0.032140124600,  0.028767035600, -0.026274692700},
-  { -0.009580872000,  0.008033410300, -0.007771917200,  0.009798419700,
-    -0.014171124700,  0.023277932300, -0.046258378200,  0.158318052700,
-     0.236087895800, -0.086106607600,  0.058000802500, -0.045327782600,
-     0.037504763700, -0.032022055600,  0.028674126500, -0.026197380900},
-  { -0.009721894700,  0.008212777900, -0.007978032900,  0.010035312500,
-    -0.014428158400,  0.023565684300, -0.046592644400,  0.158984686900,
-     0.235466308600, -0.085859387000,  0.057798739800, -0.045153519300,
-     0.037352645400, -0.031893498200,  0.028563276700, -0.026114821800},
-  { -0.009871323400,  0.008389875100, -0.008190788700,  0.010268343100,
-    -0.014682289800,  0.023850713300, -0.046924112000,  0.159640235100,
-     0.234853461000, -0.085609536100,  0.057593857200, -0.044967652300,
-     0.037198907100, -0.031755365000,  0.028462385300, -0.026039689900},
-  { -0.010014352200,  0.008571352800, -0.008398761300,  0.010499975700,
-    -0.014953382600,  0.024141775800, -0.047261891500,  0.160311566300,
-     0.234232816700, -0.085360140300,  0.057372021900, -0.044785182900,
-     0.037040075600, -0.031620187000,  0.028346554700, -0.025952967800},
-  { -0.010166260400,  0.008751093900, -0.008606212500,  0.010738923200,
-    -0.015213032100,  0.024432461700, -0.047598975500,  0.160982608100,
-     0.233611368900, -0.085101130000,  0.057159516400, -0.044601390800,
-     0.036879378400, -0.031484316000,  0.028237949300, -0.025863505900},
-  { -0.010321897600,  0.008936015200, -0.008827674600,  0.010981773200,
-    -0.015478042100,  0.024729320900, -0.047942312100,  0.161661569100,
-     0.232972740300, -0.084843025700,  0.056938084300, -0.044400455400,
-     0.036712214700, -0.031342439100,  0.028116156900, -0.025780065800},
-  { -0.010466289100,  0.009127889900, -0.009036452200,  0.011223231400,
-    -0.015749030400,  0.025020862500, -0.048280259200,  0.162326124500,
-     0.232344053400, -0.084586151300,  0.056717963000, -0.044210265700,
-     0.036546321900, -0.031201495400,  0.028003222400, -0.025686033500},
-  { -0.010624282400,  0.009314904500, -0.009252420500,  0.011471920900,
-    -0.016019505400,  0.025323118600, -0.048628982800,  0.163011748400,
-     0.231703178600, -0.084306442100,  0.056487091900, -0.044009688500,
-     0.036370261500, -0.031051508400,  0.027873625100, -0.025587973900},
-  { -0.010770500300,  0.009500718600, -0.009474642200,  0.011715943000,
-    -0.016285463700,  0.025620788400, -0.048972602300,  0.163692118500,
-     0.231066748100, -0.084039975100,  0.056259353500, -0.043812102400,
-     0.036197201000, -0.030904859500,  0.027756477200, -0.025499892900},
-  { -0.010931246800,  0.009691737700, -0.009694581800,  0.011960978000,
-    -0.016571687400,  0.025928666900, -0.049336013900,  0.164383311000,
-     0.230408652300, -0.083761749100,  0.056019673100, -0.043603445300,
-     0.036015066800, -0.030749714100,  0.027631903700, -0.025396035700},
-  { -0.011083143100,  0.009884244000, -0.009924855700,  0.012214065900,
-    -0.016847826800,  0.026245793300, -0.049688721100,  0.165075323300,
-     0.229757192500, -0.083479360500,  0.055777843800, -0.043392967400,
-     0.035830313000, -0.030592744600,  0.027496482800, -0.025301408600},
-  { -0.011247937000,  0.010079726100, -0.010150237400,  0.012473832200,
-    -0.017139617800,  0.026560090900, -0.050058620700,  0.165774369800,
-     0.229096722700, -0.083187562800,  0.055525970000, -0.043164809800,
-     0.035639110100, -0.030429438500,  0.027364856000, -0.025191900900},
-  { -0.011414156900,  0.010285088600, -0.010375664800,  0.012733949200,
-    -0.017423150000,  0.026876050100, -0.050421461700,  0.166486654000,
-     0.228431981400, -0.082882457600,  0.055272032600, -0.042943711600,
-     0.035452683100, -0.030260595300,  0.027218999400, -0.025080573500},
-  { -0.011569876800,  0.010482366800, -0.010611428200,  0.012993995900,
-    -0.017715404200,  0.027190997300, -0.050791534100,  0.167187177600,
-     0.227767190600, -0.082585986900,  0.055017316200, -0.042721547900,
-     0.035257818300, -0.030094081500,  0.027084885600, -0.024977875100},
-  { -0.011735641200,  0.010679052100, -0.010838874100,  0.013255461800,
-    -0.018000408400,  0.027517442600, -0.051153628100,  0.167891670700,
-     0.227096876100, -0.082283304900,  0.054765605000, -0.042492896400,
-     0.035056918500, -0.029922928500,  0.026936217500, -0.024863147800},
-  { -0.011895524600,  0.010881222400, -0.011080393900,  0.013522101400,
-    -0.018299976100,  0.027840232000, -0.051531646700,  0.168601698400,
-     0.226418695900, -0.081973147300,  0.054498561600, -0.042259399400,
-     0.034851636500, -0.029746913300,  0.026793421400, -0.024744283000},
-  { -0.012061741600,  0.011078958400, -0.011308563500,  0.013785401700,
-    -0.018595879900,  0.028167737000, -0.051903321700,  0.169306244900,
-     0.225746079600, -0.081675879800,  0.054233890700, -0.042028641800,
-     0.034649470800, -0.029583320700,  0.026652632600, -0.024635779800},
-  { -0.012233380000,  0.011282444600, -0.011543470000,  0.014055945900,
-    -0.018890880000,  0.028496294000, -0.052278354600,  0.170034645100,
-     0.225057382600, -0.081353165500,  0.053955054200, -0.041784523800,
-     0.034433929800, -0.029398158700,  0.026492726700, -0.024512416500},
-  { -0.012397906100,  0.011498850800, -0.011789873100,  0.014328734600,
-    -0.019197522300,  0.028826801200, -0.052664294200,  0.170754821100,
-     0.224364465600, -0.081027646800,  0.053673705700, -0.041537691400,
-     0.034216344400, -0.029211010100,  0.026340154100, -0.024385306400},
-  { -0.012569967700,  0.011703276500, -0.012026289200,  0.014600559700,
-    -0.019494308900,  0.029165749700, -0.053047725600,  0.171482978400,
-     0.223673445000, -0.080701758400,  0.053401535600, -0.041291105000,
-     0.034007728400, -0.029023858700,  0.026178649300, -0.024268830700},
-  { -0.012733999200,  0.011910640700, -0.012273784000,  0.014874303900,
-    -0.019802025600,  0.029497290200, -0.053434105100,  0.172204980000,
-     0.222975700000, -0.080378906900,  0.053114037000, -0.041039151900,
-     0.033785715200, -0.028832942600,  0.026023212900, -0.024139101200},
-  { -0.012909827000,  0.012119093100, -0.012514786800,  0.015152338700,
-    -0.020114351000,  0.029842400300, -0.053824260500,  0.172940887300,
-     0.222282695500, -0.080040051200,  0.052820808400, -0.040782083200,
-     0.033559250100, -0.028638659800,  0.025864605000, -0.024016696400},
-  { -0.013077694700,  0.012330804800, -0.012768208900,  0.015431882400,
-    -0.020419854900,  0.030191368700, -0.054217452300,  0.173672040800,
-     0.221572261900, -0.079694814600,  0.052531679400, -0.040518864300,
-     0.033326721800, -0.028439265300,  0.025691724900, -0.023881218600},
-  { -0.013256584600,  0.012552301800, -0.013011940600,  0.015713408100,
-    -0.020736060900,  0.030531916300, -0.054613554100,  0.174415121200,
-     0.220859647000, -0.079355588500,  0.052228216400, -0.040252363400,
-     0.033091335800, -0.028236227500,  0.025525720700, -0.023743015900},
-  { -0.013434190200,  0.012763748700, -0.013265795800,  0.015994241000,
-    -0.021052047100,  0.030880792200, -0.055006606000,  0.175147783700,
-     0.220145965700, -0.079005398700,  0.051934897400, -0.039986031200,
-     0.032865074900, -0.028032712000,  0.025349395400, -0.023613527100},
-  { -0.013607326700,  0.012981847200, -0.013517060900,  0.016283677300,
-    -0.021377016200,  0.031239628300, -0.055419411200,  0.175899125500,
-     0.219420925700, -0.078653073000,  0.051620280600, -0.039709589400,
-     0.032621025300, -0.027822778600,  0.025177627600, -0.023470126900},
-  { -0.013782589000,  0.013190197300, -0.013766570600,  0.016559610500,
-    -0.021678237600,  0.031575100900, -0.055808854800,  0.176637181300,
-     0.218717601900, -0.078311440600,  0.051325946300, -0.039451087500,
-     0.032383743600, -0.027618613700,  0.025010333400, -0.023331058700},
-  { -0.013957302500,  0.013409708800, -0.014020295800,  0.016852102000,
-    -0.022006668200,  0.031937517200, -0.056216071400,  0.177395411400,
-     0.217982956500, -0.077938975900,  0.051002551300, -0.039166330500,
-     0.032131961500, -0.027401344200,  0.024822499400, -0.023192767000},
-  { -0.014137826400,  0.013634160600, -0.014277189300,  0.017136805900,
-    -0.022327273100,  0.032291873400, -0.056623155700,  0.178133731400,
-     0.217257004100, -0.077584995300,  0.050696728900, -0.038888338700,
-     0.031895218300, -0.027197775400,  0.024646690200, -0.023045282800},
-  { -0.014322369000,  0.013853217500, -0.014530205800,  0.017428585500,
-    -0.022655062900,  0.032653627200, -0.057029286500,  0.178891911700,
-     0.216528434500, -0.077216471400,  0.050368084700, -0.038598885400,
-     0.031639043700, -0.026976449100,  0.024455251600, -0.022894485700},
-  { -0.014497130900,  0.014073600400, -0.014793724500,  0.017720424400,
-    -0.022983229400,  0.033016325000, -0.057445269000,  0.179650074100,
-     0.215789443000, -0.076847958800,  0.050048943000, -0.038308589100,
-     0.031382426000, -0.026755494400,  0.024273618900, -0.022751911400},
-  { -0.014682624600,  0.014293733300, -0.015048990300,  0.018023602800,
-    -0.023312864800,  0.033380176500, -0.057853443800,  0.180411228100,
-     0.215054814200, -0.076463911600,  0.049724541400, -0.038014094400,
-     0.031121419200, -0.026530109300,  0.024086993000, -0.022596809400},
-  { -0.014859695200,  0.014525847700, -0.015314517000,  0.018318827500,
-    -0.023644693500,  0.033746221600, -0.058272616300,  0.181174383300,
-     0.214307631900, -0.076086492000,  0.049388587800, -0.037727262100,
-     0.030867454500, -0.026301452600,  0.023889634600, -0.022449489700},
-  { -0.015043628800,  0.014744644300, -0.015567389200,  0.018609777000,
-    -0.023962891000,  0.034108731100, -0.058687999000,  0.181933910400,
-     0.213571477500, -0.075708968100,  0.049061183200, -0.037429622300,
-     0.030603552000, -0.026074188000,  0.023702400300, -0.022293365600},
-  { -0.015230621700,  0.014967722500, -0.015834525700,  0.018906008200,
-    -0.024296112800,  0.034477126200, -0.059108931600,  0.182699826000,
-     0.212818269000, -0.075324331700,  0.048728034800, -0.037126070200,
-     0.030334649300, -0.025851070600,  0.023509696000, -0.022132339300},
-  { -0.015403239200,  0.015184755300, -0.016085532200,  0.019196261600,
-    -0.024622369200,  0.034836693200, -0.059511496600,  0.183458281900,
-     0.212080113800, -0.074943583300,  0.048389608700, -0.036837633800,
-     0.030079543400, -0.025621473000,  0.023311149400, -0.021984907000},
-  { -0.015590979000,  0.015408947400, -0.016353520500,  0.019493453600,
-    -0.024956657000,  0.035205975300, -0.059933451000,  0.184226621300,
-     0.211321394300, -0.074561582900,  0.048049643100, -0.036528248900,
-     0.029805219600, -0.025384306000,  0.023115206300, -0.021820726800},
-  { -0.015774153200,  0.015647568900, -0.016617815600,  0.019807043400,
-    -0.025298080600,  0.035582464000, -0.060363020600,  0.185012756300,
-     0.210561671700, -0.074159545200,  0.047700175200, -0.036210874300,
-     0.029523208500, -0.025139945600,  0.022903521200, -0.021652637100},
-  { -0.015957718800,  0.015866363900, -0.016880438900,  0.020098938000,
-    -0.025626490200,  0.035944852300, -0.060777269100,  0.185774583200,
-     0.209816210000, -0.073770259000,  0.047363636300, -0.035914525800,
-     0.029260937100, -0.024904284200,  0.022708784900, -0.021499355400},
-  { -0.016146341100,  0.016091423300, -0.017150197200,  0.020398479100,
-    -0.025963577000,  0.036317429100, -0.061201713700,  0.186547463400,
-     0.209047984700, -0.073368078300,  0.047014992300, -0.035596734200,
-     0.028978835200, -0.024669258800,  0.022505698100, -0.021329645000},
-  { -0.016320272300,  0.016310576200, -0.017403342300,  0.020690491600,
-    -0.026292446400,  0.036679979100, -0.061615606400,  0.187310565800,
-     0.208297289900, -0.072981740600,  0.046672091800, -0.035285782400,
-     0.028712202900, -0.024430026800,  0.022298988100, -0.021174596000},
-  { -0.016517713700,  0.016555097200, -0.017684359000,  0.021012495700,
-    -0.026652137000,  0.037074921500, -0.062062849200,  0.188107078200,
-     0.207521739000, -0.072562306900,  0.046307362400, -0.034963432800,
-     0.028417277400, -0.024173926100,  0.022085993400, -0.020996166200},
-  { -0.016693369200,  0.016775967300, -0.017940069300,  0.021307570300,
-    -0.026984503800,  0.037441286100, -0.062480664600,  0.188874906800,
-     0.206762441600, -0.072157646700,  0.045956576300, -0.034644987500,
-     0.028143706400, -0.023928413000,  0.021882650000, -0.020826571400},
-  { -0.016880502600,  0.016999617900, -0.018208006800,  0.021605481800,
-    -0.027319373500,  0.037811009900, -0.062901579400,  0.189647520400,
-     0.205988741400, -0.071756528600,  0.045600627200, -0.034330459400,
-     0.027855743300, -0.023678399200,  0.021665948800, -0.020662712500},
-  { -0.017068318000,  0.017223435000, -0.018475976000,  0.021903230800,
-    -0.027654693700,  0.038181666300, -0.063323023000,  0.190429725400,
-     0.205222534800, -0.071353119600,  0.045242727900, -0.034004343600,
-     0.027565877300, -0.023436396900,  0.021457189000, -0.020488542500},
-  { -0.017246917900,  0.017457669100, -0.018736272400,  0.022213168000,
-    -0.027992598200,  0.038563100600, -0.063755422100,  0.191204356500,
-     0.204452658100, -0.070936826400,  0.044881428000, -0.033686094400,
-     0.027283488000, -0.023183090400,  0.021246949000, -0.020321895500},
-  { -0.017437502400,  0.017684574800, -0.019007749200,  0.022514818900,
-    -0.028332071700,  0.038937772100, -0.064180906300,  0.191992723900,
-     0.203676829800, -0.070522535200,  0.044513642200, -0.033351129700,
-     0.026985379900, -0.022924089100,  0.021022365800, -0.020142555600},
-  { -0.017612607500,  0.017905551400, -0.019263469700,  0.022810027000,
-    -0.028664228600,  0.039313071700, -0.064606182200,  0.192761249200,
-     0.202909086600, -0.070116301600,  0.044153394600, -0.033033628600,
-     0.026704131700, -0.022671934000,  0.020813349900, -0.019967342300},
-  { -0.017804156200,  0.018142992400, -0.019536907100,  0.023124244000,
-    -0.029016668700,  0.039691471800, -0.065035304900,  0.193554029900,
-     0.202126709100, -0.069685647800,  0.043779368600, -0.032692955500,
-     0.026400789300, -0.022417171100,  0.020592971000, -0.019792949400},
-  { -0.017992718700,  0.018368200800, -0.019806941800,  0.023424641100,
-    -0.029354657000,  0.040073376700, -0.065467078100,  0.194340183400,
-     0.201348610200, -0.069267933600,  0.043409003500, -0.032365611400,
-     0.026110304900, -0.022156493800,  0.020376369200, -0.019611597000},
-  { -0.018169389900,  0.018590771100, -0.020064391100,  0.023730685800,
-    -0.029688570400,  0.040441389700, -0.065894130000,  0.195112977600,
-     0.200571593400, -0.068850504200,  0.043048431400, -0.032029425400,
-     0.025810897300, -0.021896568900,  0.020150932200, -0.019430720600},
-  { -0.018352128100,  0.018808952700, -0.020326930300,  0.024023078900,
-    -0.030018101100,  0.040814643600, -0.066306546900,  0.195890653300,
-     0.199799462500, -0.068437128700,  0.042682739700, -0.031706143000,
-     0.025524084500, -0.021648572900,  0.019936501000, -0.019261187000},
-  { -0.018529692600,  0.019042047700, -0.020594876900,  0.024321965700,
-    -0.030363853100,  0.041184957000, -0.066735945800,  0.196675804800,
-     0.199017015900, -0.068014184700,  0.042307739300, -0.031374606800,
-     0.025230096300, -0.021383827800,  0.019716451300, -0.019076980100},
-  { -0.018717857800,  0.019266724700, -0.020855153600,  0.024631079300,
-    -0.030701275000,  0.041566227500, -0.067166371900,  0.197464077100,
-     0.198230805200, -0.067585453700,  0.041936966700, -0.031028914900,
-     0.024921902400, -0.021116319300,  0.019483967100, -0.018899947900},
-  { -0.018899947900,  0.019483967100, -0.021116319300,  0.024921902400,
-    -0.031028914900,  0.041936966700, -0.067585453700,  0.198230805200,
-     0.197464077100, -0.067166371900,  0.041566227500, -0.030701275000,
-     0.024631079300, -0.020855153600,  0.019266724700, -0.018717857800},
-  { -0.019076980100,  0.019716451300, -0.021383827800,  0.025230096300,
-    -0.031374606800,  0.042307739300, -0.068014184700,  0.199017015900,
-     0.196675804800, -0.066735945800,  0.041184957000, -0.030363853100,
-     0.024321965700, -0.020594876900,  0.019042047700, -0.018529692600},
-  { -0.019261187000,  0.019936501000, -0.021648572900,  0.025524084500,
-    -0.031706143000,  0.042682739700, -0.068437128700,  0.199799462500,
-     0.195890653300, -0.066306546900,  0.040814643600, -0.030018101100,
-     0.024023078900, -0.020326930300,  0.018808952700, -0.018352128100},
-  { -0.019430720600,  0.020150932200, -0.021896568900,  0.025810897300,
-    -0.032029425400,  0.043048431400, -0.068850504200,  0.200571593400,
-     0.195112977600, -0.065894130000,  0.040441389700, -0.029688570400,
-     0.023730685800, -0.020064391100,  0.018590771100, -0.018169389900},
-  { -0.019611597000,  0.020376369200, -0.022156493800,  0.026110304900,
-    -0.032365611400,  0.043409003500, -0.069267933600,  0.201348610200,
-     0.194340183400, -0.065467078100,  0.040073376700, -0.029354657000,
-     0.023424641100, -0.019806941800,  0.018368200800, -0.017992718700},
-  { -0.019792949400,  0.020592971000, -0.022417171100,  0.026400789300,
-    -0.032692955500,  0.043779368600, -0.069685647800,  0.202126709100,
-     0.193554029900, -0.065035304900,  0.039691471800, -0.029016668700,
-     0.023124244000, -0.019536907100,  0.018142992400, -0.017804156200},
-  { -0.019967342300,  0.020813349900, -0.022671934000,  0.026704131700,
-    -0.033033628600,  0.044153394600, -0.070116301600,  0.202909086600,
-     0.192761249200, -0.064606182200,  0.039313071700, -0.028664228600,
-     0.022810027000, -0.019263469700,  0.017905551400, -0.017612607500},
-  { -0.020142555600,  0.021022365800, -0.022924089100,  0.026985379900,
-    -0.033351129700,  0.044513642200, -0.070522535200,  0.203676829800,
-     0.191992723900, -0.064180906300,  0.038937772100, -0.028332071700,
-     0.022514818900, -0.019007749200,  0.017684574800, -0.017437502400},
-  { -0.020321895500,  0.021246949000, -0.023183090400,  0.027283488000,
-    -0.033686094400,  0.044881428000, -0.070936826400,  0.204452658100,
-     0.191204356500, -0.063755422100,  0.038563100600, -0.027992598200,
-     0.022213168000, -0.018736272400,  0.017457669100, -0.017246917900},
-  { -0.020488542500,  0.021457189000, -0.023436396900,  0.027565877300,
-    -0.034004343600,  0.045242727900, -0.071353119600,  0.205222534800,
-     0.190429725400, -0.063323023000,  0.038181666300, -0.027654693700,
-     0.021903230800, -0.018475976000,  0.017223435000, -0.017068318000},
-  { -0.020662712500,  0.021665948800, -0.023678399200,  0.027855743300,
-    -0.034330459400,  0.045600627200, -0.071756528600,  0.205988741400,
-     0.189647520400, -0.062901579400,  0.037811009900, -0.027319373500,
-     0.021605481800, -0.018208006800,  0.016999617900, -0.016880502600},
-  { -0.020826571400,  0.021882650000, -0.023928413000,  0.028143706400,
-    -0.034644987500,  0.045956576300, -0.072157646700,  0.206762441600,
-     0.188874906800, -0.062480664600,  0.037441286100, -0.026984503800,
-     0.021307570300, -0.017940069300,  0.016775967300, -0.016693369200},
-  { -0.020996166200,  0.022085993400, -0.024173926100,  0.028417277400,
-    -0.034963432800,  0.046307362400, -0.072562306900,  0.207521739000,
-     0.188107078200, -0.062062849200,  0.037074921500, -0.026652137000,
-     0.021012495700, -0.017684359000,  0.016555097200, -0.016517713700},
-  { -0.021174596000,  0.022298988100, -0.024430026800,  0.028712202900,
-    -0.035285782400,  0.046672091800, -0.072981740600,  0.208297289900,
-     0.187310565800, -0.061615606400,  0.036679979100, -0.026292446400,
-     0.020690491600, -0.017403342300,  0.016310576200, -0.016320272300},
-  { -0.021329645000,  0.022505698100, -0.024669258800,  0.028978835200,
-    -0.035596734200,  0.047014992300, -0.073368078300,  0.209047984700,
-     0.186547463400, -0.061201713700,  0.036317429100, -0.025963577000,
-     0.020398479100, -0.017150197200,  0.016091423300, -0.016146341100},
-  { -0.021499355400,  0.022708784900, -0.024904284200,  0.029260937100,
-    -0.035914525800,  0.047363636300, -0.073770259000,  0.209816210000,
-     0.185774583200, -0.060777269100,  0.035944852300, -0.025626490200,
-     0.020098938000, -0.016880438900,  0.015866363900, -0.015957718800},
-  { -0.021652637100,  0.022903521200, -0.025139945600,  0.029523208500,
-    -0.036210874300,  0.047700175200, -0.074159545200,  0.210561671700,
-     0.185012756300, -0.060363020600,  0.035582464000, -0.025298080600,
-     0.019807043400, -0.016617815600,  0.015647568900, -0.015774153200},
-  { -0.021820726800,  0.023115206300, -0.025384306000,  0.029805219600,
-    -0.036528248900,  0.048049643100, -0.074561582900,  0.211321394300,
-     0.184226621300, -0.059933451000,  0.035205975300, -0.024956657000,
-     0.019493453600, -0.016353520500,  0.015408947400, -0.015590979000},
-  { -0.021984907000,  0.023311149400, -0.025621473000,  0.030079543400,
-    -0.036837633800,  0.048389608700, -0.074943583300,  0.212080113800,
-     0.183458281900, -0.059511496600,  0.034836693200, -0.024622369200,
-     0.019196261600, -0.016085532200,  0.015184755300, -0.015403239200},
-  { -0.022132339300,  0.023509696000, -0.025851070600,  0.030334649300,
-    -0.037126070200,  0.048728034800, -0.075324331700,  0.212818269000,
-     0.182699826000, -0.059108931600,  0.034477126200, -0.024296112800,
-     0.018906008200, -0.015834525700,  0.014967722500, -0.015230621700},
-  { -0.022293365600,  0.023702400300, -0.026074188000,  0.030603552000,
-    -0.037429622300,  0.049061183200, -0.075708968100,  0.213571477500,
-     0.181933910400, -0.058687999000,  0.034108731100, -0.023962891000,
-     0.018609777000, -0.015567389200,  0.014744644300, -0.015043628800},
-  { -0.022449489700,  0.023889634600, -0.026301452600,  0.030867454500,
-    -0.037727262100,  0.049388587800, -0.076086492000,  0.214307631900,
-     0.181174383300, -0.058272616300,  0.033746221600, -0.023644693500,
-     0.018318827500, -0.015314517000,  0.014525847700, -0.014859695200},
-  { -0.022596809400,  0.024086993000, -0.026530109300,  0.031121419200,
-    -0.038014094400,  0.049724541400, -0.076463911600,  0.215054814200,
-     0.180411228100, -0.057853443800,  0.033380176500, -0.023312864800,
-     0.018023602800, -0.015048990300,  0.014293733300, -0.014682624600},
-  { -0.022751911400,  0.024273618900, -0.026755494400,  0.031382426000,
-    -0.038308589100,  0.050048943000, -0.076847958800,  0.215789443000,
-     0.179650074100, -0.057445269000,  0.033016325000, -0.022983229400,
-     0.017720424400, -0.014793724500,  0.014073600400, -0.014497130900},
-  { -0.022894485700,  0.024455251600, -0.026976449100,  0.031639043700,
-    -0.038598885400,  0.050368084700, -0.077216471400,  0.216528434500,
-     0.178891911700, -0.057029286500,  0.032653627200, -0.022655062900,
-     0.017428585500, -0.014530205800,  0.013853217500, -0.014322369000},
-  { -0.023045282800,  0.024646690200, -0.027197775400,  0.031895218300,
-    -0.038888338700,  0.050696728900, -0.077584995300,  0.217257004100,
-     0.178133731400, -0.056623155700,  0.032291873400, -0.022327273100,
-     0.017136805900, -0.014277189300,  0.013634160600, -0.014137826400},
-  { -0.023192767000,  0.024822499400, -0.027401344200,  0.032131961500,
-    -0.039166330500,  0.051002551300, -0.077938975900,  0.217982956500,
-     0.177395411400, -0.056216071400,  0.031937517200, -0.022006668200,
-     0.016852102000, -0.014020295800,  0.013409708800, -0.013957302500},
-  { -0.023331058700,  0.025010333400, -0.027618613700,  0.032383743600,
-    -0.039451087500,  0.051325946300, -0.078311440600,  0.218717601900,
-     0.176637181300, -0.055808854800,  0.031575100900, -0.021678237600,
-     0.016559610500, -0.013766570600,  0.013190197300, -0.013782589000},
-  { -0.023470126900,  0.025177627600, -0.027822778600,  0.032621025300,
-    -0.039709589400,  0.051620280600, -0.078653073000,  0.219420925700,
-     0.175899125500, -0.055419411200,  0.031239628300, -0.021377016200,
-     0.016283677300, -0.013517060900,  0.012981847200, -0.013607326700},
-  { -0.023613527100,  0.025349395400, -0.028032712000,  0.032865074900,
-    -0.039986031200,  0.051934897400, -0.079005398700,  0.220145965700,
-     0.175147783700, -0.055006606000,  0.030880792200, -0.021052047100,
-     0.015994241000, -0.013265795800,  0.012763748700, -0.013434190200},
-  { -0.023743015900,  0.025525720700, -0.028236227500,  0.033091335800,
-    -0.040252363400,  0.052228216400, -0.079355588500,  0.220859647000,
-     0.174415121200, -0.054613554100,  0.030531916300, -0.020736060900,
-     0.015713408100, -0.013011940600,  0.012552301800, -0.013256584600},
-  { -0.023881218600,  0.025691724900, -0.028439265300,  0.033326721800,
-    -0.040518864300,  0.052531679400, -0.079694814600,  0.221572261900,
-     0.173672040800, -0.054217452300,  0.030191368700, -0.020419854900,
-     0.015431882400, -0.012768208900,  0.012330804800, -0.013077694700},
-  { -0.024016696400,  0.025864605000, -0.028638659800,  0.033559250100,
-    -0.040782083200,  0.052820808400, -0.080040051200,  0.222282695500,
-     0.172940887300, -0.053824260500,  0.029842400300, -0.020114351000,
-     0.015152338700, -0.012514786800,  0.012119093100, -0.012909827000},
-  { -0.024139101200,  0.026023212900, -0.028832942600,  0.033785715200,
-    -0.041039151900,  0.053114037000, -0.080378906900,  0.222975700000,
-     0.172204980000, -0.053434105100,  0.029497290200, -0.019802025600,
-     0.014874303900, -0.012273784000,  0.011910640700, -0.012733999200},
-  { -0.024268830700,  0.026178649300, -0.029023858700,  0.034007728400,
-    -0.041291105000,  0.053401535600, -0.080701758400,  0.223673445000,
-     0.171482978400, -0.053047725600,  0.029165749700, -0.019494308900,
-     0.014600559700, -0.012026289200,  0.011703276500, -0.012569967700},
-  { -0.024385306400,  0.026340154100, -0.029211010100,  0.034216344400,
-    -0.041537691400,  0.053673705700, -0.081027646800,  0.224364465600,
-     0.170754821100, -0.052664294200,  0.028826801200, -0.019197522300,
-     0.014328734600, -0.011789873100,  0.011498850800, -0.012397906100},
-  { -0.024512416500,  0.026492726700, -0.029398158700,  0.034433929800,
-    -0.041784523800,  0.053955054200, -0.081353165500,  0.225057382600,
-     0.170034645100, -0.052278354600,  0.028496294000, -0.018890880000,
-     0.014055945900, -0.011543470000,  0.011282444600, -0.012233380000},
-  { -0.024635779800,  0.026652632600, -0.029583320700,  0.034649470800,
-    -0.042028641800,  0.054233890700, -0.081675879800,  0.225746079600,
-     0.169306244900, -0.051903321700,  0.028167737000, -0.018595879900,
-     0.013785401700, -0.011308563500,  0.011078958400, -0.012061741600},
-  { -0.024744283000,  0.026793421400, -0.029746913300,  0.034851636500,
-    -0.042259399400,  0.054498561600, -0.081973147300,  0.226418695900,
-     0.168601698400, -0.051531646700,  0.027840232000, -0.018299976100,
-     0.013522101400, -0.011080393900,  0.010881222400, -0.011895524600},
-  { -0.024863147800,  0.026936217500, -0.029922928500,  0.035056918500,
-    -0.042492896400,  0.054765605000, -0.082283304900,  0.227096876100,
-     0.167891670700, -0.051153628100,  0.027517442600, -0.018000408400,
-     0.013255461800, -0.010838874100,  0.010679052100, -0.011735641200},
-  { -0.024977875100,  0.027084885600, -0.030094081500,  0.035257818300,
-    -0.042721547900,  0.055017316200, -0.082585986900,  0.227767190600,
-     0.167187177600, -0.050791534100,  0.027190997300, -0.017715404200,
-     0.012993995900, -0.010611428200,  0.010482366800, -0.011569876800},
-  { -0.025080573500,  0.027218999400, -0.030260595300,  0.035452683100,
-    -0.042943711600,  0.055272032600, -0.082882457600,  0.228431981400,
-     0.166486654000, -0.050421461700,  0.026876050100, -0.017423150000,
-     0.012733949200, -0.010375664800,  0.010285088600, -0.011414156900},
-  { -0.025191900900,  0.027364856000, -0.030429438500,  0.035639110100,
-    -0.043164809800,  0.055525970000, -0.083187562800,  0.229096722700,
-     0.165774369800, -0.050058620700,  0.026560090900, -0.017139617800,
-     0.012473832200, -0.010150237400,  0.010079726100, -0.011247937000},
-  { -0.025301408600,  0.027496482800, -0.030592744600,  0.035830313000,
-    -0.043392967400,  0.055777843800, -0.083479360500,  0.229757192500,
-     0.165075323300, -0.049688721100,  0.026245793300, -0.016847826800,
-     0.012214065900, -0.009924855700,  0.009884244000, -0.011083143100},
-  { -0.025396035700,  0.027631903700, -0.030749714100,  0.036015066800,
-    -0.043603445300,  0.056019673100, -0.083761749100,  0.230408652300,
-     0.164383311000, -0.049336013900,  0.025928666900, -0.016571687400,
-     0.011960978000, -0.009694581800,  0.009691737700, -0.010931246800},
-  { -0.025499892900,  0.027756477200, -0.030904859500,  0.036197201000,
-    -0.043812102400,  0.056259353500, -0.084039975100,  0.231066748100,
-     0.163692118500, -0.048972602300,  0.025620788400, -0.016285463700,
-     0.011715943000, -0.009474642200,  0.009500718600, -0.010770500300},
-  { -0.025587973900,  0.027873625100, -0.031051508400,  0.036370261500,
-    -0.044009688500,  0.056487091900, -0.084306442100,  0.231703178600,
-     0.163011748400, -0.048628982800,  0.025323118600, -0.016019505400,
-     0.011471920900, -0.009252420500,  0.009314904500, -0.010624282400},
-  { -0.025686033500,  0.028003222400, -0.031201495400,  0.036546321900,
-    -0.044210265700,  0.056717963000, -0.084586151300,  0.232344053400,
-     0.162326124500, -0.048280259200,  0.025020862500, -0.015749030400,
-     0.011223231400, -0.009036452200,  0.009127889900, -0.010466289100},
-  { -0.025780065800,  0.028116156900, -0.031342439100,  0.036712214700,
-    -0.044400455400,  0.056938084300, -0.084843025700,  0.232972740300,
-     0.161661569100, -0.047942312100,  0.024729320900, -0.015478042100,
-     0.010981773200, -0.008827674600,  0.008936015200, -0.010321897600},
-  { -0.025863505900,  0.028237949300, -0.031484316000,  0.036879378400,
-    -0.044601390800,  0.057159516400, -0.085101130000,  0.233611368900,
-     0.160982608100, -0.047598975500,  0.024432461700, -0.015213032100,
-     0.010738923200, -0.008606212500,  0.008751093900, -0.010166260400},
-  { -0.025952967800,  0.028346554700, -0.031620187000,  0.037040075600,
-    -0.044785182900,  0.057372021900, -0.085360140300,  0.234232816700,
-     0.160311566300, -0.047261891500,  0.024141775800, -0.014953382600,
-     0.010499975700, -0.008398761300,  0.008571352800, -0.010014352200},
-  { -0.026039689900,  0.028462385300, -0.031755365000,  0.037198907100,
-    -0.044967652300,  0.057593857200, -0.085609536100,  0.234853461000,
-     0.159640235100, -0.046924112000,  0.023850713300, -0.014682289800,
-     0.010268343100, -0.008190788700,  0.008389875100, -0.009871323400},
-  { -0.026114821800,  0.028563276700, -0.031893498200,  0.037352645400,
-    -0.045153519300,  0.057798739800, -0.085859387000,  0.235466308600,
-     0.158984686900, -0.046592644400,  0.023565684300, -0.014428158400,
-     0.010035312500, -0.007978032900,  0.008212777900, -0.009721894700},
-  { -0.026197380900,  0.028674126500, -0.032022055600,  0.037504763700,
-    -0.045327782600,  0.058000802500, -0.086106607600,  0.236087895800,
-     0.158318052700, -0.046258378200,  0.023277932300, -0.014171124700,
-     0.009798419700, -0.007771917200,  0.008033410300, -0.009580872000},
-  { -0.026274692700,  0.028767035600, -0.032140124600,  0.037645625200,
-    -0.045489825900,  0.058190028400, -0.086329249600,  0.236683031800,
-     0.157677386600, -0.045939676500,  0.023004845600, -0.013927827700,
-     0.009574249500, -0.007577424400,  0.007864516400, -0.009438250700},
-  { -0.026341359100,  0.028870030600, -0.032260085200,  0.037787266600,
-    -0.045653170900,  0.058390364400, -0.086564748300,  0.237292774000,
-     0.157018351900, -0.045622167700,  0.022725762800, -0.013667509600,
-     0.009352140300, -0.007377781200,  0.007690545500, -0.009301621700},
-  { -0.026415860100,  0.028959823600, -0.032373937700,  0.037922966700,
-    -0.045819242800,  0.058573065700, -0.086789838900,  0.237883048800,
-     0.156379869500, -0.045304400400,  0.022454091700, -0.013426053000,
-     0.009130702800, -0.007175647500,  0.007511909600, -0.009157733600},
-  { -0.026486139900,  0.029046121000, -0.032483676700,  0.038064564500,
-    -0.045972814900,  0.058751361600, -0.087010194700,  0.238467918900,
-     0.155734052300, -0.044997006400,  0.022195302800, -0.013188518400,
-     0.008911224900, -0.006985204400,  0.007346605300, -0.009017719800},
-  { -0.026544650500,  0.029137687900, -0.032591551900,  0.038193255500,
-    -0.046131179100,  0.058937803200, -0.087219020100,  0.239060508500,
-     0.155098325200, -0.044681119300,  0.021925282500, -0.012948009400,
-     0.008689620600, -0.006792714500,  0.007178451900, -0.008886221300},
-  { -0.026609057300,  0.029216641900, -0.032692580400,  0.038314783100,
-    -0.046272077200,  0.059102015300, -0.087424514000,  0.239631193600,
-     0.154463623000, -0.044383621100,  0.021665336500, -0.012716522600,
-     0.008486986700, -0.006599218000,  0.007017378200, -0.008749942500},
-  { -0.026672135800,  0.029303599100, -0.032793916400,  0.038435074500,
-    -0.046411553600,  0.059265982800, -0.087629196300,  0.240212813600,
-     0.153836655200, -0.044074457000,  0.021413239200, -0.012474342700,
-     0.008270409100, -0.006411265100,  0.006853393800, -0.008621850700},
-  { -0.026721976200,  0.029375054800, -0.032887333800,  0.038547619600,
-    -0.046551952900,  0.059432200300, -0.087826286000,  0.240775110200,
-     0.153217488200, -0.043782741400,  0.021158865900, -0.012248204100,
-     0.008061850300, -0.006230594800,  0.006696553400, -0.008488941000},
-  { -0.026779041200,  0.029455506100, -0.032980362900,  0.038659818300,
-    -0.046682659300,  0.059585807800, -0.088019183800,  0.241345587100,
-     0.152598080900, -0.043490655700,  0.020904026300, -0.012020887000,
-     0.007862043900, -0.006049746700,  0.006538532000, -0.008365745600},
-  { -0.026834459500,  0.029522772700, -0.033069335600,  0.038766487900,
-    -0.046816052000,  0.059743644400, -0.088207332900,  0.241899935800,
-     0.151985072700, -0.043192258600,  0.020662084900, -0.011799401200,
-     0.007658087800, -0.005862421100,  0.006382559600, -0.008233810500},
-  { -0.026875984700,  0.029594120700, -0.033163420100,  0.038870631000,
-    -0.046937384600,  0.059887026200, -0.088387814400,  0.242457316000,
-     0.151374476700, -0.042907551700,  0.020414981800, -0.011579317500,
-     0.007464989300, -0.005687757500,  0.006230560200, -0.008105130300},
-  { -0.026927788900,  0.029658101500, -0.033247283000,  0.038982593900,
-    -0.047067967200,  0.060040729000, -0.088580561000,  0.243020071900,
-     0.150758631000, -0.042616124600,  0.020172218500, -0.011356666000,
-     0.007258796500, -0.005508592100,  0.006074179500, -0.007983157300},
-  { -0.026962754000,  0.029721987600, -0.033321568100,  0.039073486100,
-    -0.047174313100,  0.060167864400, -0.088743758000,  0.243550330900,
-     0.150163766200, -0.042344891600,  0.019938097200, -0.011149489200,
-     0.007067136200, -0.005343167000,  0.005919845900, -0.007858967200},
-  { -0.027007624400,  0.029777209800, -0.033396349900,  0.039164455700,
-    -0.047291253700,  0.060307776300, -0.088910561500,  0.244095869900,
-     0.149561525700, -0.042065049900,  0.019706338200, -0.010936112200,
-     0.006879940500, -0.005173633200,  0.005771106400, -0.007743458100},
-  { -0.027050084400,  0.029839930100, -0.033469077500,  0.039252529900,
-    -0.047403936100,  0.060442764900, -0.089072585900,  0.244635866200,
-     0.148963171000, -0.041789645200,  0.019468467400, -0.010725673400,
-     0.006686063700, -0.004994838300,  0.005622426600, -0.007617681800},
-  { -0.027077485500,  0.029885352000, -0.033531679300,  0.039330446700,
-    -0.047496635400,  0.060553978800, -0.089229128400,  0.245152841500,
-     0.148377088500, -0.041534516600,  0.019252707100, -0.010526788500,
-     0.006511584900, -0.004836420600,  0.005483782700, -0.007510337800},
-  { -0.027114750800,  0.029942169700, -0.033597878400,  0.039421896500,
-    -0.047604443400,  0.060683139900, -0.089383414100,  0.245685443800,
-     0.147782948500, -0.041261046500,  0.019027766500, -0.010320954700,
-     0.006320666200, -0.004670815200,  0.005339424900, -0.007387874000},
-  { -0.027149571000,  0.029984769900, -0.033667952600,  0.039498877900,
-    -0.047694806200,  0.060802547900, -0.089538068000,  0.246211745800,
-     0.147194377100, -0.040992574000,  0.018796926000, -0.010115702100,
-     0.006140611400, -0.004507476500,  0.005196186900, -0.007276776700},
-  { -0.027169252500,  0.030030861700, -0.033722116600,  0.039566909200,
-    -0.047785728000,  0.060903432100, -0.089671417900,  0.246713790300,
-     0.146628884600, -0.040747877600,  0.018590642800, -0.009937335800,
-     0.005967529800, -0.004357110300,  0.005065305500, -0.007165536600},
-  { -0.027198514200,  0.030078686000, -0.033778171100,  0.039635751800,
-    -0.047877574700,  0.061014854400, -0.089816950200,  0.247230365400,
-     0.146046598800, -0.040483849800,  0.018374848700, -0.009738964200,
-     0.005793881200, -0.004199654100,  0.004927883500, -0.007048709900},
-  { -0.027225498800,  0.030111200300, -0.033825489900,  0.039706664600,
-    -0.047952151500,  0.061116139800, -0.089941342900,  0.247735896000,
-     0.145484672100, -0.040230608100,  0.018169204500, -0.009551266900,
-     0.005619673100, -0.004037760400,  0.004792587900, -0.006944808900},
-  { -0.027238906300,  0.030150552400, -0.033871892800,  0.039764687300,
-    -0.048032095800,  0.061214521700, -0.090072272700,  0.248238004700,
-     0.144912324100, -0.039985659800,  0.017964244700, -0.009362610000,
-     0.005454760700, -0.003888052900,  0.004661933300, -0.006833632200},
-  { -0.027261029400,  0.030177475500, -0.033924139600,  0.039820545400,
-    -0.048108842000,  0.061311021700, -0.090189496400,  0.248736735600,
-     0.144353453000, -0.039744969800,  0.017763535800, -0.009178450500,
-     0.005283093400, -0.003739016800,  0.004530986400, -0.006733019100},
-  { -0.027278748100,  0.030211452200, -0.033963765200,  0.039872247300,
-    -0.048170611400,  0.061398382500, -0.090309454700,  0.249217705300,
-     0.143792799000, -0.039499198000,  0.017553760300, -0.009003806900,
-     0.005123920600, -0.003593946300,  0.004404173000, -0.006624732800},
-  { -0.027285607600,  0.030230693900, -0.033995062800,  0.039925613200,
-    -0.048237360200,  0.061470769900, -0.090420060400,  0.249702348700,
-     0.143244619700, -0.039267480800,  0.017361477800, -0.008827892900,
-     0.004959568700, -0.003450970500,  0.004278722600, -0.006528665100},
-  { -0.027299867000,  0.030260492100, -0.034029532000,  0.039969736100,
-    -0.048301646800,  0.061551769900, -0.090531292600,  0.250186846500,
-     0.142695621300, -0.039034846100,  0.017168425100, -0.008650250700,
-     0.004804548400, -0.003309959300,  0.004155528900, -0.006423738600},
-  { -0.027311829700,  0.030276666600, -0.034057656100,  0.040007213300,
-    -0.048358207200,  0.061624954700, -0.090633704900,  0.250662990700,
-     0.142142757000, -0.038804959500,  0.016978639900, -0.008476386900,
-     0.004641928300, -0.003168595500,  0.004031158500, -0.006328397300},
-  { -0.027310222200,  0.030295722900, -0.034091543000,  0.040054114300,
-    -0.048405249700,  0.061694722300, -0.090720594500,  0.251131429100,
-     0.141605434000, -0.038581990000,  0.016794826900, -0.008319159800,
-     0.004499540800, -0.003028595200,  0.003904318200, -0.006227186400},
-  { -0.027317970100,  0.030306458400, -0.034113893000,  0.040084569400,
-    -0.048454321900,  0.061758888600, -0.090812420800,  0.251597538600,
-     0.141069989900, -0.038359180300,  0.016622514100, -0.008153648900,
-     0.004355118400, -0.002896910300,  0.003788978800, -0.006128817400},
-  { -0.027322408700,  0.030324310800, -0.034134470700,  0.040112744100,
-    -0.048500250500,  0.061820252000, -0.090901636600,  0.252061541300,
-     0.140535980000, -0.038138344000,  0.016441338600, -0.007987803500,
-     0.004199685000, -0.002761828800,  0.003669989500, -0.006038006300},
-  { -0.027324602000,  0.030339624000, -0.034151729900,  0.040149371300,
-    -0.048547165800,  0.061880613500, -0.090988640700,  0.252522799200,
-     0.140002708200, -0.037917269600,  0.016259063300, -0.007831507500,
-     0.004057015800, -0.002631162900,  0.003555441000, -0.005940171600},
-  { -0.027314851900,  0.030338133100, -0.034171796400,  0.040168382200,
-    -0.048581744400,  0.061940861800, -0.091066456400,  0.252975093200,
-     0.139476737000, -0.037702515700,  0.016084224600, -0.007671474500,
-     0.003906772800, -0.002500886900,  0.003440460400, -0.005852674900},
-  { -0.027312476200,  0.030348556000, -0.034182788700,  0.040197728000,
-    -0.048620522900,  0.061992180000, -0.091143115000,  0.253426570300,
-     0.138949385400, -0.037496867100,  0.015909567200, -0.007521879300,
-     0.003770118000, -0.002375530200,  0.003330548600, -0.005758700400},
-  { -0.027308900300,  0.030346059500, -0.034189299100,  0.040210075200,
-    -0.048649242600,  0.062033003000, -0.091219627900,  0.253871405000,
-     0.138428727000, -0.037284933600,  0.015748179900, -0.007366427500,
-     0.003634318300, -0.002250865900,  0.003220173800, -0.005674994900},
-  { -0.027291156400,  0.030346034000, -0.034201654500,  0.040221399100,
-    -0.048665013800,  0.062069083500, -0.091279630400,  0.254306086800,
-     0.137915259700, -0.037080250800,  0.015582215100, -0.007224968800,
-     0.003504827500, -0.002131832000,  0.003115541600, -0.005585382500},
-  { -0.027283556600,  0.030337810300, -0.034199682900,  0.040235929700,
-    -0.048687487200,  0.062103176600, -0.091336957100,  0.254740700000,
-     0.137411927200, -0.036888380700,  0.015421720100, -0.007078261400,
-     0.003366480500, -0.002011695700,  0.003009395700, -0.005505373600},
-  { -0.027272064200,  0.030336692900, -0.034199174200,  0.040240217600,
-    -0.048706450000,  0.062133585500, -0.091390047400,  0.255169264700,
-     0.136902218400, -0.036685011500,  0.015268001700, -0.006941296500,
-     0.003240948000, -0.001896019300,  0.002907510500, -0.005418047900},
-  { -0.027248039400,  0.030331001200, -0.034191966500,  0.040247715100,
-    -0.048720314000,  0.062167723200, -0.091449297700,  0.255595532100,
-     0.136392728600, -0.036493663300,  0.015108636900, -0.006794821100,
-     0.003113745000, -0.001779622200,  0.002805447300, -0.005330421900},
-  { -0.027233909600,  0.030314184400, -0.034192418000,  0.040245240000,
-    -0.048730903800,  0.062189717900, -0.091492283600,  0.256016406700,
-     0.135898611300, -0.036308554600,  0.014954266000, -0.006664576800,
-     0.002983502200, -0.001666038900,  0.002704732600, -0.005254922300},
-  { -0.027215455700,  0.030304366300, -0.034180802400,  0.040247773900,
-    -0.048740138000,  0.062208163600, -0.091531009000,  0.256430891500,
-     0.135398740700, -0.036112846200,  0.014809292700, -0.006525103100,
-     0.002862380100, -0.001554671000,  0.002606541400, -0.005170558100},
-  { -0.027187650100,  0.030281865200, -0.034163561400,  0.040234336300,
-    -0.048739644700,  0.062216233800, -0.091570002800,  0.256840267600,
-     0.134912928100, -0.035934332400,  0.014660767100, -0.006399204100,
-     0.002746842300, -0.001447380500,  0.002511020600, -0.005099278600},
-  { -0.027164826500,  0.030266800800, -0.034157300200,  0.040233396200,
-    -0.048743282000,  0.062239840100, -0.091604648700,  0.257250575700,
-     0.134413490000, -0.035748887100,  0.014519076200, -0.006262314300,
-     0.002627935400, -0.001338252600,  0.002414767800, -0.005016493400},
-  { -0.027143371600,  0.030242570200, -0.034137799500,  0.040216442600,
-    -0.048738434100,  0.062242822500, -0.091637493400,  0.257654713000,
-     0.133930500000, -0.035570772900,  0.014382400400, -0.006140611400,
-     0.002515774700, -0.001233847400,  0.002321555700, -0.004947156000},
-  { -0.027107457100,  0.030220920600, -0.034111888100,  0.040203792100,
-    -0.048729769800,  0.062241715900, -0.091653939600,  0.258048229900,
-     0.133455517400, -0.035401209000,  0.014243272400, -0.006025214200,
-     0.002399200400, -0.001132590800,  0.002232582100, -0.004870595400},
-  { -0.027078741500,  0.030199249900, -0.034098388500,  0.040182871900,
-    -0.048718972600,  0.062249560500, -0.091682539100,  0.258446283900,
-     0.132964854500, -0.035222237300,  0.014108040800, -0.005893861400,
-     0.002284840400, -0.001026848500,  0.002138024300, -0.004799901300},
-  { -0.027050861400,  0.030166932700, -0.034068442600,  0.040165553900,
-    -0.048705371900,  0.062241192800, -0.091701376100,  0.258836019600,
-     0.132491612100, -0.035051605900,  0.013979073500, -0.005779960100,
-     0.002180035700, -0.000929347100,  0.002051981700, -0.004725695500},
-  { -0.027009514400,  0.030138847000, -0.034036485500,  0.040133308800,
-    -0.048693489400,  0.062239873700, -0.091706871400,  0.259230513500,
-     0.132019240400, -0.034882878100,  0.013840666600, -0.005663538600,
-     0.002073337300, -0.000829862900,  0.001962511100, -0.004659557800},
-  { -0.026976072400,  0.030111284500, -0.034014280800,  0.040115213700,
-    -0.048678076000,  0.062229403200, -0.091722403400,  0.259617106900,
-     0.131545261000, -0.034721796900,  0.013714416500, -0.005551787400,
-     0.001970438800, -0.000734060100,  0.001877974400, -0.004586585500},
-  { -0.026942508300,  0.030072123900, -0.033977399000,  0.040076906100,
-    -0.048648464400,  0.062216113000, -0.091727265200,  0.259993523100,
-     0.131081652600, -0.034558763500,  0.013594098000, -0.005434268500,
-     0.001868519600, -0.000639267000,  0.001792774700, -0.004523786800},
-  { -0.026894698800,  0.030035043200, -0.033945864700,  0.040048640600,
-    -0.048621392100,  0.062194230500, -0.091718251200,  0.260362390800,
-     0.130622438100, -0.034399268600,  0.013476831400, -0.005332669200,
-     0.001763978200, -0.000548375700,  0.001712493000, -0.004454372600},
-  { -0.026858101400,  0.029992822400, -0.033904910800,  0.040006010900,
-    -0.048586130300,  0.062174189600, -0.091714875900,  0.260730415900,
-     0.130162737200, -0.034249709200,  0.013361670100, -0.005230956800,
-     0.001670082700, -0.000460660800,  0.001634796200, -0.004387061400},
-  { -0.026817551300,  0.029956756400, -0.033861618500,  0.039972655000,
-    -0.048554302300,  0.062145158100, -0.091709577400,  0.261097309800,
-     0.129704208100, -0.034089428900,  0.013243154600, -0.005126787000,
-     0.001573784600, -0.000370001900,  0.001552956500, -0.004327008900},
-  { -0.026764892400,  0.029914914700, -0.033824115200,  0.039936894900,
-    -0.048518010200,  0.062122650400, -0.091701578900,  0.261471099700,
-     0.129242600400, -0.033937289100,  0.013125955200, -0.005023257700,
-     0.001477736900, -0.000278806000,  0.001483063100, -0.004260417800},
-  { -0.026723942900,  0.029866954600, -0.033776306400,  0.039885777900,
-    -0.048484357900,  0.062095944700, -0.091689502800,  0.261832669700,
-     0.128796851700, -0.033792097000,  0.013014623800, -0.004924853700,
-     0.001386785000, -0.000193120700,  0.001405618600, -0.004204208100},
-  { -0.026677369100,  0.029823200100, -0.033723634100,  0.039840829600,
-    -0.048439828000,  0.062052525700, -0.091667171300,  0.262181947100,
-     0.128351507600, -0.033643014900,  0.012908660300, -0.004821497300,
-     0.001297966400, -0.000110045000,  0.001331802200, -0.004139947900},
-  { -0.026631089400,  0.029779644500, -0.033684178100,  0.039790688300,
-    -0.048395229300,  0.062022592400, -0.091650848600,  0.262539269000,
-     0.127907136500, -0.033498033100,  0.012797985100, -0.004723290400,
-     0.001205478700, -0.000034034800,  0.001256538900, -0.004085082700},
-  { -0.026573902300,  0.029720893300, -0.033623583100,  0.039737596900,
-    -0.048340055700,  0.061978479200, -0.091617477500,  0.262888924200,
-     0.127463754300, -0.033360614900,  0.012695304100, -0.004633631600,
-     0.001122432500,  0.000044341700,  0.001186615500, -0.004024302800},
-  { -0.026522150600,  0.029670790800, -0.033575106100,  0.039688914300,
-    -0.048301375000,  0.061932964300, -0.091590421200,  0.263234790300,
-     0.127016546500, -0.033218503400,  0.012588312500, -0.004539881200,
-     0.001035742900,  0.000126628900,  0.001111797200, -0.003970051000},
-  { -0.026473220500,  0.029612627700, -0.033515051500,  0.039624070900,
-    -0.048240646500,  0.061883959100, -0.091552786700,  0.263570751000,
-     0.126588986000, -0.033087770300,  0.012491700600, -0.004455578400,
-     0.000957623400,  0.000200514600,  0.001045891900, -0.003912507000},
-  { -0.026409434000,  0.029556965600, -0.033460776600,  0.039568933000,
-    -0.048182001300,  0.061834912800, -0.091525806900,  0.263910245800,
-     0.126156834400, -0.032952152900,  0.012390643600, -0.004367158600,
-     0.000875358500,  0.000278697700,  0.000974841200, -0.003861457500},
-  { -0.026353317400,  0.029502101900, -0.033394973500,  0.039508550400,
-    -0.048117964600,  0.061780340600, -0.091479732400,  0.264247652100,
-     0.125720795200, -0.032819571200,  0.012293251100, -0.004282623500,
-     0.000796996500,  0.000353021900,  0.000908270600, -0.003803350600},
-  { -0.026300063600,  0.029438925700, -0.033329672000,  0.039436382500,
-    -0.048060026200,  0.061726016900, -0.091434512400,  0.264577145700,
-     0.125295550200, -0.032687548300,  0.012206896600, -0.004201204700,
-     0.000720904000,  0.000425856500,  0.000841447500, -0.003755895200},
-  { -0.026232862100,  0.029378736300, -0.033269511800,  0.039375017600,
-    -0.047995635500,  0.061659588400, -0.091383468500,  0.264900163300,
-     0.124873224300, -0.032570746200,  0.012117690200, -0.004123793300,
-     0.000649052900,  0.000494443100,  0.000780101600, -0.003702105200},
-  { -0.026173704500,  0.029320278800, -0.033199111900,  0.039309873100,
-    -0.047925510600,  0.061597170100, -0.091339033000,  0.265233959000,
-     0.124448392000, -0.032439785200,  0.012020034000, -0.004049722900,
-     0.000572266200,  0.000556866100,  0.000718027400, -0.003647327300},
-  { -0.026115105800,  0.029249328200, -0.033136595000,  0.039232475500,
-    -0.047860778200,  0.061535070700, -0.091283444100,  0.265553269700,
-     0.124029148500, -0.032311531400,  0.011937971200, -0.003972488800,
-     0.000499981800,  0.000626385600,  0.000653931700, -0.003602065500},
-  { -0.026053040700,  0.029187959100, -0.033061913700,  0.039161387400,
-    -0.047784155800,  0.061464903000, -0.091231578000,  0.265868569100,
-     0.123611901100, -0.032198029300,  0.011852192100, -0.003898279700,
-     0.000430866400,  0.000692495800,  0.000594828700, -0.003550040600},
-  { -0.025979190500,  0.029119110500, -0.032993298700,  0.039088687600,
-    -0.047717396700,  0.061398326100, -0.091168632300,  0.266191486300,
-     0.123192522800, -0.032068754900,  0.011769073200, -0.003818881300,
-     0.000367747300,  0.000760093900,  0.000531731300, -0.003505638300},
-  { -0.025916736900,  0.029044984700, -0.032912027100,  0.039010819600,
-    -0.047633284300,  0.061319593900, -0.091106317700,  0.266496871700,
-     0.122782327100, -0.031960441800,  0.011688497100, -0.003749535300,
-     0.000303040600,  0.000822340300,  0.000475867100, -0.003456266600},
-  { -0.025852313500,  0.028979555600, -0.032847149600,  0.038930581400,
-    -0.047553631700,  0.061249320900, -0.091041565400,  0.266807297400,
-     0.122364892800, -0.031842624600,  0.011609993400, -0.003674451700,
-     0.000230091300,  0.000883119400,  0.000424433200, -0.003415490600},
-  { -0.025775412400,  0.028907556300, -0.032761339500,  0.038846825400,
-    -0.047473566900,  0.061166435400, -0.090972059800,  0.267117532200,
-     0.121966313400, -0.031726469200,  0.011526657700, -0.003614337200,
-     0.000167921300,  0.000943784400,  0.000369742900, -0.003367277200},
-  { -0.025709333200,  0.028827467700, -0.032686245400,  0.038767569400,
-    -0.047387160100,  0.061086213100, -0.090894622700,  0.267415888400,
-     0.121558234900, -0.031616336600,  0.011456238300, -0.003548028100,
-     0.000105206400,  0.001004973300,  0.000312623600, -0.003327797000},
-  { -0.025638962100,  0.028755960800, -0.032600073600,  0.038681603800,
-    -0.047304659400,  0.061000604600, -0.090822485700,  0.267711413800,
-     0.121152150800, -0.031508074100,  0.011387738000, -0.003483800400,
-     0.000044884500,  0.001063521800,  0.000259812600, -0.003280931700},
-  { -0.025558748500,  0.028679119400, -0.032520166800,  0.038596766500,
-    -0.047212175500,  0.060911299100, -0.090745034900,  0.268015321100,
-     0.120754514200, -0.031402432600,  0.011309574900, -0.003414828400,
-    -0.000008679700,  0.001122626500,  0.000204180800, -0.003242762700},
-  { -0.025491004800,  0.028598264500, -0.032433214400,  0.038499397300,
-    -0.047124517500,  0.060822958600, -0.090656855500,  0.268302409700,
-     0.120353034900, -0.031296168100,  0.011241308700, -0.003361438800,
-    -0.000066919400,  0.001168676900,  0.000156014300, -0.003199268400},
-  { -0.025418085200,  0.028521763200, -0.032353226800,  0.038413339800,
-    -0.047029530200,  0.060731151800, -0.090577351800,  0.268593285800,
-     0.119959312000, -0.031191167100,  0.011175918200, -0.003299906800,
-    -0.000125395300,  0.001226211900,  0.000102202900, -0.003162561900},
-  { -0.025341820300,  0.028442350400, -0.032256880200,  0.038315834400,
-    -0.046933803100,  0.060629970500, -0.090484913100,  0.268880111900,
-     0.119563660200, -0.031092550300,  0.011105920600, -0.003240720400,
-    -0.000180668100,  0.001280388200,  0.000052969800, -0.003118681600},
-  { -0.025257897700,  0.028361984300, -0.032173379200,  0.038225851900,
-    -0.046832398400,  0.060542535700, -0.090401757000,  0.269167050700,
-     0.119168850700, -0.030996156800,  0.011040895200, -0.003190341200,
-    -0.000235221900,  0.001334856800,  0.000001652200, -0.003084097600},
-  { -0.025185554200,  0.028274348700, -0.032076686500,  0.038128681100,
-    -0.046738202500,  0.060444527700, -0.090299385000,  0.269453183200,
-     0.118781343500, -0.030894968100,  0.010978749000, -0.003129872000,
-    -0.000282666000,  0.001376710400, -0.000043286100, -0.003043352800},
-  { -0.025109965600,  0.028194618000, -0.031994340000,  0.038028249000,
-    -0.046633690800,  0.060342765300, -0.090208244500,  0.269732724800,
-     0.118393292300, -0.030792208700,  0.010914101700, -0.003080051000,
-    -0.000337127500,  0.001433304900, -0.000085506800, -0.003010799000},
-  { -0.025021832500,  0.028108476700, -0.031903279600,  0.037928400600,
-    -0.046534338000,  0.060237393200, -0.090110535200,  0.270004747300,
-     0.118009163200, -0.030704739700,  0.010859951400, -0.003028924400,
-    -0.000385645100,  0.001481455800, -0.000129367200, -0.002971404300},
-  { -0.024945375600,  0.028016349500, -0.031801130600,  0.037824453100,
-    -0.046429802200,  0.060137232300, -0.090009416000,  0.270285855600,
-     0.117623618000, -0.030603272900,  0.010796286200, -0.002978759900,
-    -0.000428383200,  0.001531519200, -0.000177806100, -0.002939110000},
-  { -0.024865514300,  0.027931517600, -0.031710668200,  0.037725963100,
-    -0.046320155000,  0.060028342200, -0.089907403100,  0.270554278500,
-     0.117240864200, -0.030515733500,  0.010742257600, -0.002927315300,
-    -0.000479303700,  0.001570599400, -0.000219487800, -0.002900989400},
-  { -0.024784044100,  0.027845171900, -0.031606514800,  0.037619046000,
-    -0.046212603400,  0.059912731300, -0.089796024200,  0.270824597700,
-     0.116863187300, -0.030421218200,  0.010686302700, -0.002886726400,
-    -0.000524060200,  0.001616196800, -0.000261546500, -0.002863090600},
-  { -0.024696294000,  0.027746587900, -0.031508865800,  0.037513479000,
-    -0.046095149100,  0.059794346400, -0.089682984500,  0.271082832700,
-     0.116487577100, -0.030338939200,  0.010637555700, -0.002840569000,
-    -0.000568717900,  0.001661742100, -0.000305400500, -0.002834574300},
-  { -0.024614179100,  0.027660621000, -0.031405176100,  0.037406419500,
-    -0.045986571500,  0.059689822100, -0.089576437400,  0.271346326500,
-     0.116105596800, -0.030249393200,  0.010579370800, -0.002794808000,
-    -0.000608943300,  0.001697477500, -0.000344868200, -0.002798079400},
-  { -0.024528121700,  0.027568162200, -0.031304965400,  0.037295135500,
-    -0.045873231900,  0.059565965700, -0.089466219000,  0.271612337400,
-     0.115727569700, -0.030164681700,  0.010528906800, -0.002747163000,
-    -0.000654868000,  0.001744376300, -0.000389873200, -0.002768719300},
-  { -0.024437594700,  0.027478273400, -0.031210219100,  0.037192230500,
-    -0.045758252600,  0.059449185200, -0.089354351300,  0.271872904900,
-     0.115356267200, -0.030075860600,  0.010482924400, -0.002707124200,
-    -0.000689215900,  0.001788462900, -0.000419849000, -0.002735490700},
-  { -0.024355993600,  0.027379891900, -0.031100796100,  0.037065976700,
-    -0.045634938700,  0.059329528700, -0.089228688900,  0.272129953900,
-     0.114983831800, -0.029994677500,  0.010435538400, -0.002661448300,
-    -0.000735439500,  0.001824188800, -0.000461001300, -0.002708812100},
-  { -0.024270058800,  0.027286742200, -0.031000132500,  0.036954725600,
-    -0.045521223000,  0.059206370700, -0.089107334300,  0.272380972500,
-     0.114620841300, -0.029915068400,  0.010387943600, -0.002628339500,
-    -0.000773306300,  0.001863568800, -0.000497529300, -0.002675426700},
-  { -0.024182088200,  0.027193422300, -0.030886948300,  0.036835959600,
-    -0.045398291800,  0.059082508900, -0.088988209700,  0.272637989000,
-     0.114246195000, -0.029830210100,  0.010335223100, -0.002588198100,
-    -0.000806920200,  0.001905685000, -0.000539287700, -0.002648556200},
-  { -0.024087333600,  0.027097712600, -0.030784892400,  0.036723589400,
-    -0.045271977200,  0.058953274300, -0.088859686000,  0.272881898500,
-     0.113886584200, -0.029750846500,  0.010301351000, -0.002549947700,
-    -0.000846562800,  0.001934940900, -0.000572476600, -0.002617432700},
-  { -0.024001590900,  0.026993402700, -0.030679000400,  0.036606443900,
-    -0.045150554000,  0.058832779800, -0.088732072900,  0.273125908800,
-     0.113513193200, -0.029676327000,  0.010252711500, -0.002513122700,
-    -0.000877067200,  0.001974049600, -0.000611735800, -0.002592531600},
-  { -0.023913083300,  0.026898455900, -0.030563119800,  0.036484791400,
-    -0.045025119300,  0.058693934100, -0.088603102200,  0.273374591600,
-     0.113154412600, -0.029598886400,  0.010207398600, -0.002481943700,
-    -0.000913965300,  0.002015094700, -0.000638597900, -0.002562081700},
-  { -0.023815374100,  0.026799344000, -0.030457501700,  0.036367072300,
-    -0.044902786100,  0.058572790800, -0.088473828000,  0.273618006800,
-     0.112791388300, -0.029513195500,  0.010165016900, -0.002444944300,
-    -0.000947146600,  0.002045354700, -0.000675641700, -0.002538546200},
-  { -0.023725485500,  0.026701008800, -0.030349857900,  0.036247749400,
-    -0.044767731000,  0.058431854000, -0.088329074400,  0.273857995500,
-     0.112436237300, -0.029450197300,  0.010130406600, -0.002412292800,
-    -0.000979178500,  0.002079209800, -0.000707489700, -0.002509178900},
-  { -0.023639414500,  0.026596958900, -0.030232021100,  0.036123651800,
-    -0.044638462800,  0.058300810100, -0.088200445900,  0.274096422800,
-     0.112076957700, -0.029366888100,  0.010090405600, -0.002377569500,
-    -0.001010435600,  0.002107901300, -0.000743082100, -0.002486798400},
-  { -0.023547531800,  0.026496227300, -0.030121514300,  0.036000215000,
-    -0.044509951300,  0.058159209800, -0.088052895500,  0.274333594900,
-     0.111721745400, -0.029301943900,  0.010052135800, -0.002353097400,
-    -0.001040420000,  0.002140548500, -0.000774072300, -0.002458072800},
-  { -0.023446642300,  0.026393710400, -0.030010656200,  0.035875683000,
-    -0.044378805200,  0.058025057300, -0.087919930200,  0.274567466000,
-     0.111361951300, -0.029228839400,  0.010016783300, -0.002322951600,
-    -0.001065376500,  0.002174932100, -0.000809275400, -0.002436583600},
-  { -0.023356224600,  0.026296883500, -0.029893238400,  0.035750612400,
-    -0.044247467300,  0.057893310100, -0.087777694100,  0.274797647300,
-     0.111004330000, -0.029157146400,  0.009982935500, -0.002295711000,
-    -0.001101449700,  0.002203852900, -0.000831096900, -0.002409751900},
-  { -0.023265168600,  0.026184102500, -0.029776226200,  0.035620616000,
-    -0.044111852100,  0.057741079400, -0.087628679600,  0.275027780000,
-     0.110654857700, -0.029083534200,  0.009941856300, -0.002266843400,
-    -0.001124397300,  0.002236651900, -0.000865190200, -0.002389152800},
-  { -0.023164098500,  0.026080272800, -0.029663348400,  0.035494092700,
-    -0.043965976300,  0.057598214300, -0.087485388500,  0.275252475700,
-     0.110312292600, -0.029019980500,  0.009918196800, -0.002237980900,
-    -0.001155997700,  0.002258762900, -0.000891896000, -0.002363396600},
-  { -0.023071295000,  0.025980032600, -0.029541639900,  0.035363736500,
-    -0.043828523400,  0.057457528900, -0.087329639600,  0.275481985700,
-     0.109957830700, -0.028949989000,  0.009886431100, -0.002211532800,
-    -0.001177431500,  0.002290080300, -0.000924936400, -0.002343785600},
-  { -0.022977857000,  0.025877315200, -0.029428661900,  0.035236477300,
-    -0.043694747100,  0.057307956100, -0.087183966300,  0.275705340200,
-     0.109614224000, -0.028883563000,  0.009858208200, -0.002190231800,
-    -0.001207356700,  0.002311491600, -0.000951184900, -0.002318342500},
-  { -0.022884324300,  0.025762575100, -0.029306783100,  0.035112146900,
-    -0.043556341700,  0.057163011400, -0.087035380900,  0.275924294400,
-     0.109260641300, -0.028826112600,  0.009821204200, -0.002164204600,
-    -0.001227918200,  0.002341848700, -0.000983084300, -0.002299519300},
-  { -0.022782491400,  0.025659050200, -0.029181547900,  0.034977723200,
-    -0.043413931200,  0.057015156000, -0.086882727400,  0.276151572300,
-     0.108916066600, -0.028757551100,  0.009790138000, -0.002137523800,
-    -0.001252260400,  0.002366059500, -0.001001252000, -0.002275798800},
-  { -0.022685765900,  0.025552190100, -0.029064307100,  0.034844676000,
-    -0.043271529100,  0.056868813300, -0.086719885800,  0.276361694700,
-     0.108569779600, -0.028692402200,  0.009764314400, -0.002119185700,
-    -0.001277542100,  0.002395334200, -0.001032008700, -0.002257986500},
-  { -0.022589602700,  0.025445511400, -0.028946376900,  0.034711343700,
-    -0.043130672100,  0.056708946400, -0.086558899300,  0.276581678800,
-     0.108230473600, -0.028628118700,  0.009738656200, -0.002099057700,
-    -0.001292564500,  0.002420334600, -0.001056977600, -0.002234052300},
-  { -0.022496001600,  0.025344724600, -0.028822677500,  0.034577788700,
-    -0.042988680400,  0.056561115200, -0.086406171500,  0.276798805200,
-     0.107884769000, -0.028567755500,  0.009710099800, -0.002074387600,
-    -0.001314845000,  0.002440979000, -0.001085689500, -0.002217436800},
-  { -0.022394383100,  0.025226614100, -0.028700012900,  0.034439922500,
-    -0.042840028100,  0.056405162700, -0.086243310500,  0.277004327300,
-     0.107550806200, -0.028506052900,  0.009685232500, -0.002068874300,
-    -0.001333423100,  0.002464213000, -0.001108669600, -0.002195061100},
-  { -0.022297564100,  0.025119808500, -0.028581781400,  0.034305305000,
-    -0.042695656200,  0.056253954500, -0.086083834300,  0.277226300200,
-     0.107203619900, -0.028443348800,  0.009654833100, -0.002042234800,
-    -0.001358263800,  0.002489758900, -0.001130552500, -0.002179375900},
-  { -0.022199944300,  0.025011964800, -0.028462099000,  0.034168711000,
-    -0.042548622300,  0.056098971500, -0.085921130000,  0.277432448700,
-     0.106864987700, -0.028388245500,  0.009632664400, -0.002024860800,
-    -0.001370844300,  0.002512274500, -0.001153285000, -0.002157159200},
-  { -0.022094548100,  0.024903208900, -0.028330041100,  0.034025320000,
-    -0.042394273800,  0.055936365900, -0.085747792700,  0.277639650500,
-     0.106531925400, -0.028326674100,  0.009610046500, -0.002009028700,
-    -0.001396393300,  0.002530754500, -0.001179865400, -0.002142396800},
-  { -0.021995201800,  0.024793027300, -0.028206269200,  0.033896113600,
-    -0.042248483600,  0.055780937400, -0.085583072500,  0.277843916500,
-     0.106192034600, -0.028266589600,  0.009595095600, -0.001993279700,
-    -0.001408007500,  0.002552535400, -0.001202056000, -0.002120617500},
-  { -0.021901583000,  0.024677037500, -0.028084273300,  0.033757782300,
-    -0.042099685900,  0.055624216900, -0.085416983300,  0.278047516100,
-     0.105852072900, -0.028207292800,  0.009568367500, -0.001970246700,
-    -0.001429511100,  0.002575063400, -0.001221321700, -0.002106926400},
-  { -0.021801611400,  0.024565652100, -0.027960051300,  0.033615404000,
-    -0.041944857600,  0.055460095600, -0.085239563600,  0.278250526200,
-     0.105517476900, -0.028154247100,  0.009549327200, -0.001957811700,
-    -0.001451556400,  0.002589582900, -0.001241753500, -0.002086264900},
-  { -0.021699539700,  0.024460899000, -0.027831832100,  0.033477267300,
-    -0.041798158600,  0.055292010700, -0.085067297700,  0.278450786400,
-     0.105189430300, -0.028099508700,  0.009524686500, -0.001949621100,
-    -0.001461338600,  0.002611261800, -0.001266673600, -0.002073264900},
-  { -0.021599986800,  0.024350066900, -0.027708847400,  0.033335865400,
-    -0.041644581200,  0.055128391400, -0.084889121800,  0.278653475900,
-     0.104851735700, -0.028039339300,  0.009510206500, -0.001933711100,
-    -0.001475643600,  0.002624167700, -0.001286367400, -0.002053034800},
-  { -0.021501456000,  0.024240038400, -0.027586029200,  0.033194974400,
-    -0.041491644800,  0.054965250700, -0.084713840400,  0.278849784900,
-     0.104526215400, -0.027986541700,  0.009490451500, -0.001918547800,
-    -0.001486507400,  0.002645934000, -0.001311257700, -0.002040050600},
-  { -0.021403770100,  0.024118477100, -0.027455391500,  0.033058704200,
-    -0.041335183200,  0.054809534600, -0.084538637100,  0.279042526200,
-     0.104190543900, -0.027927521300,  0.009462422300, -0.001906698600,
-    -0.001502518600,  0.002663196100, -0.001323447400, -0.002021097800},
-  { -0.021298248700,  0.024009912800, -0.027321991400,  0.032911712700,
-    -0.041174711300,  0.054635449300, -0.084361255500,  0.279243346600,
-     0.103861290100, -0.027880462700,  0.009455425900, -0.001900093500,
-    -0.001518047500,  0.002684579000, -0.001347505300, -0.002009220500},
-  { -0.021198957800,  0.023898644100, -0.027197497600,  0.032768596100,
-    -0.041018806300,  0.054468678800, -0.084179631800,  0.279432441200,
-     0.103538923200, -0.027828661600,  0.009436950100, -0.001885898300,
-    -0.001530065500,  0.002695060500, -0.001364801200, -0.001990835900},
-  { -0.021097697500,  0.023785545000, -0.027071437200,  0.032621932300,
-    -0.040870290800,  0.054302452500, -0.083997214900,  0.279619234800,
-     0.103205041100, -0.027767473800,  0.009419594300, -0.001879709700,
-    -0.001538161700,  0.002715202100, -0.001388824500, -0.001978335000},
-  { -0.020996580900,  0.023672059200, -0.026941818000,  0.032485359700,
-    -0.040714985700,  0.054134314800, -0.083810986900,  0.279815921900,
-     0.102875847200, -0.027719967200,  0.009399847000, -0.001863555500,
-    -0.001552949300,  0.002731039900, -0.001399562800, -0.001960990100},
-  { -0.020894037400,  0.023552023700, -0.026814717500,  0.032339646100,
-    -0.040555637300,  0.053961014100, -0.083632987700,  0.280004451900,
-     0.102547554800, -0.027669483100,  0.009389127400, -0.001850389700,
-    -0.001565501700,  0.002743236000, -0.001421126700, -0.001950196300},
-  { -0.020796180800,  0.023444081100, -0.026681026200,  0.032192706400,
-    -0.040395032300,  0.053787235200, -0.083442004400,  0.280184129200,
-     0.102229591200, -0.027619025000,  0.009370146400, -0.001848435300,
-    -0.001568643300,  0.002757857900, -0.001437420100, -0.001933077600},
-  { -0.020695687800,  0.023331738800, -0.026554662000,  0.032046118400,
-    -0.040233651400,  0.053610471900, -0.083256870000,  0.280377353300,
-     0.101900357800, -0.027567373500,  0.009358983900, -0.001835136600,
-    -0.001581275300,  0.002770198900, -0.001459273400, -0.001922140900},
-  { -0.020596163500,  0.023219719400, -0.026426870800,  0.031911263600,
-    -0.040078628800,  0.053441716200, -0.083070602600,  0.280564653200,
-     0.101581276800, -0.027518324200,  0.009347882600, -0.001837111200,
-    -0.001593896400,  0.002791306400, -0.001469185600, -0.001906217800},
-  { -0.020486105200,  0.023102669400, -0.026295748600,  0.031757335000,
-    -0.039919465700,  0.053275619900, -0.082878251100,  0.280742505700,
-     0.101258880600, -0.027473598000,  0.009331442300, -0.001823983800,
-    -0.001605491000,  0.002802122100, -0.001489715900, -0.001896148500},
-  { -0.020386038100,  0.022990763600, -0.026169842500,  0.031611536400,
-    -0.039758154000,  0.053098254300, -0.082692676700,  0.280922614500,
-     0.100932867600, -0.027421788700,  0.009318026600, -0.001820868000,
-    -0.001613216100,  0.002809677500, -0.001504548000, -0.001879711300},
-  { -0.020285435000,  0.022877455000, -0.026042393200,  0.031463335700,
-    -0.039594468800,  0.052919415400, -0.082490397700,  0.281103932300,
-     0.100609916000, -0.027373640000,  0.009311303900, -0.001812957700,
-    -0.001617884900,  0.002826213600, -0.001525588000, -0.001869926500},
-  { -0.020192073400,  0.022761936700, -0.025903756400,  0.031323202100,
-    -0.039434316600,  0.052741885600, -0.082304345000,  0.281286138200,
-     0.100291413500, -0.027321921500,  0.009296869200, -0.001808517000,
-    -0.001627660100,  0.002838490600, -0.001533110500, -0.001855192900},
-  { -0.020082641400,  0.022645343300, -0.025773553200,  0.031169977600,
-    -0.039274706000,  0.052574179500, -0.082107814900,  0.281460005200,
-     0.099967050900, -0.027269207300,  0.009282507800, -0.001804192200,
-    -0.001636760100,  0.002847881000, -0.001552740800, -0.001845760100},
-  { -0.019981165400,  0.022530400400, -0.025642740200,  0.031017613200,
-    -0.039105374000,  0.052385802800, -0.081905722200,  0.281637176300,
-     0.099657892600, -0.027230252500,  0.009272886300, -0.001799068700,
-    -0.001637727000,  0.002860056400, -0.001566710200, -0.001830818000},
-  { -0.019880568400,  0.022416781800, -0.025512202200,  0.030878936400,
-    -0.038945254600,  0.052207335300, -0.081716496200,  0.281816351400,
-     0.099338786400, -0.027175974500,  0.009256393500, -0.001792635900,
-    -0.001649711300,  0.002875237500, -0.001579820600, -0.001822507700},
-  { -0.019782364100,  0.022306311600, -0.025387269800,  0.030733042100,
-    -0.038783583100,  0.052030462600, -0.081515568600,  0.281989192800,
-     0.099021663300, -0.027135898100,  0.009251959300, -0.001785903000,
-    -0.001655707600,  0.002880377400, -0.001592362400, -0.001808127200},
-  { -0.019671249500,  0.022187350300, -0.025253455800,  0.030574773900,
-    -0.038616812900,  0.051850662000, -0.081315971000,  0.282153907600,
-     0.098702548800, -0.027086143300,  0.009241521900, -0.001786417100,
-    -0.001657398400,  0.002894723100, -0.001611646700, -0.001799471600},
-  { -0.019570606700,  0.022073795700, -0.025122240000,  0.030434707800,
-    -0.038454440300,  0.051668545300, -0.081120147400,  0.282326299200,
-     0.098383808800, -0.027042545900,  0.009231168400, -0.001786186700,
-    -0.001662356200,  0.002899683900, -0.001624082400, -0.001785075000},
-  { -0.019479635100,  0.021960407900, -0.024988398200,  0.030286004000,
-    -0.038289759200,  0.051487224000, -0.080910856000,  0.282503350600,
-     0.098066057000, -0.026984567000,  0.009223573800, -0.001783286000,
-    -0.001671632200,  0.002912741900, -0.001635839700, -0.001778008400},
-  { -0.019377155600,  0.021844654800, -0.024856282600,  0.030128070300,
-    -0.038122909500,  0.051306676900, -0.080708954700,  0.282668132600,
-     0.097753369800, -0.026946759500,  0.009222427700, -0.001780604500,
-    -0.001670895300,  0.002923256000, -0.001648349000, -0.001764156100},
-  { -0.019269257400,  0.021728932000, -0.024723351000,  0.029986133000,
-    -0.037958156200,  0.051121120600, -0.080507440900,  0.282834989500,
-     0.097436064800, -0.026902305100,  0.009211401200, -0.001779605600,
-    -0.001677015500,  0.002930209300, -0.001665754600, -0.001756624600},
-  { -0.019170951200,  0.021617945900, -0.024597228000,  0.029837934200,
-    -0.037790101700,  0.050945404700, -0.080311308100,  0.283008922400,
-     0.097122904600, -0.026855831200,  0.009197158400, -0.001772074700,
-    -0.001678044700,  0.002939243500, -0.001670904800, -0.001743866400},
-  { -0.019071619200,  0.021505473200, -0.024469290200,  0.029686120900,
-    -0.037632549500,  0.050764840500, -0.080100778400,  0.283171957600,
-     0.096806832700, -0.026811221400,  0.009186304800, -0.001771162500,
-    -0.001683731000,  0.002945624400, -0.001687977400, -0.001736577200},
-  { -0.018968488000,  0.021388132400, -0.024333413500,  0.029538083300,
-    -0.037457346700,  0.050578218900, -0.079887593500,  0.283337590700,
-     0.096492955100, -0.026767354800,  0.009192163800, -0.001770832400,
-    -0.001681516300,  0.002955079600, -0.001699869700, -0.001723295500},
-  { -0.018862478100,  0.021274150600, -0.024204158900,  0.029384739600,
-    -0.037297550600,  0.050392415300, -0.079683587600,  0.283504106100,
-     0.096183264500, -0.026722407800,  0.009180232100, -0.001768308200,
-    -0.001689724600,  0.002967018600, -0.001710235900, -0.001717442700},
-  { -0.018761561600,  0.021159356200, -0.024070689600,  0.029241121700,
-    -0.037129754000,  0.050201664600, -0.079472717100,  0.283660491100,
-     0.095870802000, -0.026679621900,  0.009171925300, -0.001770702400,
-    -0.001691965100,  0.002969448100, -0.001720493300, -0.001704658800},
-  { -0.018668595300,  0.021041132500, -0.023942524200,  0.029090435800,
-    -0.036957408700,  0.050019918900, -0.079266196800,  0.283824708400,
-     0.095561100700, -0.026630607200,  0.009168743300, -0.001772231300,
-    -0.001696435000,  0.002974894800, -0.001736659300, -0.001698209200},
-  { -0.018571534300,  0.020933121700, -0.023805663500,  0.028933443100,
-    -0.036793287300,  0.049827569900, -0.079052887900,  0.283981176300,
-     0.095258665900, -0.026591723800,  0.009164052800, -0.001778570200,
-    -0.001691727400,  0.002982552200, -0.001746931600, -0.001686115500},
-  { -0.018463951300,  0.020817422100, -0.023671874000,  0.028788840800,
-    -0.036622085000,  0.049644890900, -0.078843755900,  0.284139414500,
-     0.094937302500, -0.026549370400,  0.009150120900, -0.001771057900,
-    -0.001693172900,  0.002992954400, -0.001756770400, -0.001680418200},
-  { -0.018364139000,  0.020703740000, -0.023541974700,  0.028632330500,
-    -0.036454574300,  0.049461377000, -0.078632258000,  0.284297024000,
-     0.094630560000, -0.026501577500,  0.009148770700, -0.001774906500,
-    -0.001694643800,  0.002994642500, -0.001766316400, -0.001668313800},
-  { -0.018266186600,  0.020592415900, -0.023412213700,  0.028492007500,
-    -0.036289687800,  0.049272679100, -0.078421164800,  0.284457324700,
-     0.094316696700, -0.026457830700,  0.009146283300, -0.001777143500,
-    -0.001698314300,  0.002999487700, -0.001781999900, -0.001662265200},
-  { -0.018165847100,  0.020477739000, -0.023280404100,  0.028333282800,
-    -0.036119295000,  0.049084885500, -0.078204266000,  0.284608657200,
-     0.094014760000, -0.026416553200,  0.009139701600, -0.001781460200,
-    -0.001696266500,  0.003012636900, -0.001785770200, -0.001651378600},
-  { -0.018061008600,  0.020364436200, -0.023149218600,  0.028191490700,
-    -0.035952564600,  0.048893523500, -0.077988760200,  0.284764041400,
-     0.093702911100, -0.026373328800,  0.009137987500, -0.001784607900,
-    -0.001699031600,  0.003016678700, -0.001800824700, -0.001645793200},
-  { -0.017963440300,  0.020253539400, -0.023021819100,  0.028040064200,
-    -0.035778114400,  0.048706755700, -0.077771874700,  0.284916529600,
-     0.093393907400, -0.026335334700,  0.009129169500, -0.001782780900,
-    -0.001693615300,  0.003016455700, -0.001809252200, -0.001634392700},
-  { -0.017864500900,  0.020140353900, -0.022889140600,  0.027892719100,
-    -0.035614488000,  0.048525355700, -0.077560338000,  0.285077698000,
-     0.093086772800, -0.026290376100,  0.009124974400, -0.001782837800,
-    -0.001700124000,  0.003027010500, -0.001818503700, -0.001629703000},
-  { -0.017767797800,  0.020029767800, -0.022762632500,  0.027742539400,
-    -0.035443127000,  0.048328815000, -0.077336969100,  0.285223614300,
-     0.092784329800, -0.026242686200,  0.009124739900, -0.001788644700,
-    -0.001699564500,  0.003026957800, -0.001826555800, -0.001618684700},
-  { -0.017673081200,  0.019908421800, -0.022626375700,  0.027591688900,
-    -0.035275280700,  0.048141797500, -0.077116537300,  0.285372738700,
-     0.092474868600, -0.026199049700,  0.009123179000, -0.001792125700,
-    -0.001701864700,  0.003030366000, -0.001841112200, -0.001613422400},
-  { -0.017567749800,  0.019794038100, -0.022494731800,  0.027432475300,
-    -0.035103343800,  0.047947719600, -0.076901860200,  0.285524247500,
-     0.092174773000, -0.026162495500,  0.009115656500, -0.001791780100,
-    -0.001692544800,  0.003041601400, -0.001843678200, -0.001603558400},
-  { -0.017470863500,  0.019683203200, -0.022364869500,  0.027291613500,
-    -0.034936118500,  0.047753629900, -0.076679031600,  0.285671811500,
-     0.091863686900, -0.026115241800,  0.009107820400, -0.001801618700,
-    -0.001693384100,  0.003044500800, -0.001858063000, -0.001598323500},
-  { -0.017374543300,  0.019573449500, -0.022237957200,  0.027136848800,
-    -0.034768617100,  0.047567511000, -0.076458633000,  0.285823700200,
-     0.091556728800, -0.026079677000,  0.009109488100, -0.001807759500,
-    -0.001692821000,  0.003044301800, -0.001865780400, -0.001587867000},
-  { -0.017278016500,  0.019462639700, -0.022107866200,  0.026994361100,
-    -0.034597273100,  0.047381154500, -0.076238222500,  0.285975563800,
-     0.091251439600, -0.026032138000,  0.009103004000, -0.001803039800,
-    -0.001692015100,  0.003052700600, -0.001873935800, -0.001583828300},
-  { -0.017174506000,  0.019350009900, -0.021978862300,  0.026838198900,
-    -0.034430712700,  0.047182370700, -0.076007137400,  0.286112971700,
-     0.090946916500, -0.025990224500,  0.009104300700, -0.001810064900,
-    -0.001690153500,  0.003051424200, -0.001880890400, -0.001573670100},
-  { -0.017077386900,  0.019238909500, -0.021847402400,  0.026693327400,
-    -0.034255105000,  0.046987841400, -0.075788745300,  0.286262228400,
-     0.090639789400, -0.025952532400,  0.009104248700, -0.001814795900,
-    -0.001691600600,  0.003054176700, -0.001894703800, -0.001569153000},
-  { -0.016981596000,  0.019128983200, -0.021720457700,  0.026538690300,
-    -0.034087052200,  0.046799004200, -0.075562967900,  0.286407594900,
-     0.090337279400, -0.025905423200,  0.009096027200, -0.001821529400,
-    -0.001680332600,  0.003064309200, -0.001896839700, -0.001559561500},
-  { -0.016884247400,  0.019017118400, -0.021587898200,  0.026389844800,
-    -0.033919719800,  0.046610354100, -0.075335881700,  0.286552421600,
-     0.090031502000, -0.025867448300,  0.009095852900, -0.001826242300,
-    -0.001681411600,  0.003066530900, -0.001910366600, -0.001555232200},
-  { -0.016783704800,  0.018907663300, -0.021462324800,  0.026239733700,
-    -0.033746731200,  0.046405855900, -0.075110245000,  0.286693376000,
-     0.089731283500, -0.025821879500,  0.009092452800, -0.001825134600,
-    -0.001676528000,  0.003070488600, -0.001910937800, -0.001546377000},
-  { -0.016688282800,  0.018797704300, -0.021331826000,  0.026093533900,
-    -0.033581867500,  0.046219477100, -0.074884840400,  0.286843179800,
-     0.089429913200, -0.025781349400,  0.009085971800, -0.001835675000,
-    -0.001676580800,  0.003072425300, -0.001924344300, -0.001542197500},
-  { -0.016594569100,  0.018690756000, -0.021207672000,  0.025943420100,
-    -0.033404937000,  0.046023517900, -0.074664683000,  0.286977836300,
-     0.089126683900, -0.025743532000,  0.009086549100, -0.001841296500,
-    -0.001676983800,  0.003074065100, -0.001937151500, -0.001538275800},
-  { -0.016498716200,  0.018580469200, -0.021077164200,  0.025796245500,
-    -0.033239161900,  0.045835202700, -0.074435467900,  0.287119707900,
-     0.088817903900, -0.025695953100,  0.009088750200, -0.001840528300,
-    -0.001672419000,  0.003078214900, -0.001938044200, -0.001529263800},
-  { -0.016399128000,  0.018471685500, -0.020951717000,  0.025642665600,
-    -0.033070898400,  0.045645401700, -0.074204448300,  0.287263294400,
-     0.088518791800, -0.025655699800,  0.009083077500, -0.001851968500,
-    -0.001671519700,  0.003079287600, -0.001950784000, -0.001525545100},
-  { -0.016303461100,  0.018361514000, -0.020820608400,  0.025497283800,
-    -0.032893481400,  0.045445650100, -0.073974168600,  0.287398826600,
-     0.088215611900, -0.025616230100,  0.009082036700, -0.001853404200,
-    -0.001663416900,  0.003076434500, -0.001956698100, -0.001516114100},
-  { -0.016215838300,  0.018247246600, -0.020690412400,  0.025351871200,
-    -0.032729171400,  0.045259152900, -0.073748515200,  0.287535419700,
-     0.087916911500, -0.025573878100,  0.009073875600, -0.001862252200,
-    -0.001665725900,  0.003083968700, -0.001963597200, -0.001513327100},
-  { -0.016122658700,  0.018140302000, -0.020565897500,  0.025198358100,
-    -0.032563221800,  0.045054475300, -0.073516228400,  0.287669639200,
-     0.087611730400, -0.025527589100,  0.009078560600, -0.001864713500,
-    -0.001657013000,  0.003080858100, -0.001969379300, -0.001503969900},
-  { -0.016030164800,  0.018033299200, -0.020438589400,  0.025057752300,
-    -0.032390709200,  0.044862930000, -0.073281372400,  0.287808844900,
-     0.087312662900, -0.025484515600,  0.009070381000, -0.001873996900,
-    -0.001658952100,  0.003088203600, -0.001976310900, -0.001501262300},
-  { -0.015931594800,  0.017925901000, -0.020314095600,  0.024903471000,
-    -0.032220613500,  0.044666232000, -0.073051883700,  0.287948850700,
-     0.087007865500, -0.025444714700,  0.009076396600, -0.001876815400,
-    -0.001650306000,  0.003085015800, -0.001981877500, -0.001492305300},
-  { -0.015837646000,  0.017817156300, -0.020183755000,  0.024755980300,
-    -0.032052144100,  0.044470365700, -0.072825294900,  0.288078851000,
-     0.086711998100, -0.025403194900,  0.009070080400, -0.001888369000,
-    -0.001648979900,  0.003085609100, -0.001993991000, -0.001488858500},
-  { -0.015745786000,  0.017710651600, -0.020057087700,  0.024614982500,
-    -0.031879037500,  0.044276425800, -0.072585572700,  0.288212217900,
-     0.086414765800, -0.025357212300,  0.009074959300, -0.001891836000,
-    -0.001636592700,  0.003094108300, -0.001994653500, -0.001480767400},
-  { -0.015654004700,  0.017605115800, -0.019933041100,  0.024461035300,
-    -0.031707875300,  0.044077625700, -0.072351635400,  0.288347603800,
-     0.086112304400, -0.025320844800,  0.009069894600, -0.001903992100,
-    -0.001634855100,  0.003094518400, -0.002006818100, -0.001477449400},
-  { -0.015556426100,  0.017497985500, -0.019805930700,  0.024316777100,
-    -0.031543979900,  0.043889313200, -0.072118967800,  0.288475887700,
-     0.085809125600, -0.025278532500,  0.009073340000, -0.001904355000,
-    -0.001629128000,  0.003097408700, -0.002006309300, -0.001469685300},
-  { -0.015464035900,  0.017390367400, -0.019676404700,  0.024169673500,
-    -0.031375546100,  0.043691563100, -0.071884560100,  0.288613216300,
-     0.085517904200, -0.025234780000,  0.009063993200, -0.001909503200,
-    -0.001621883700,  0.003096710200, -0.002018075200, -0.001466497000},
-  { -0.015372811900,  0.017282467800, -0.019563622700,  0.024025743900,
-    -0.031201529400,  0.043494252000, -0.071653858800,  0.288739140200,
-     0.085215783300, -0.025192315000,  0.009065729600, -0.001924642300,
-    -0.001617413500,  0.003093622800, -0.002023130000, -0.001457861300},
-  { -0.015281581500,  0.017176704600, -0.019436707600,  0.023880818700,
-    -0.031035919800,  0.043302468300, -0.071411887600,  0.288870320800,
-     0.084911325500, -0.025147413900,  0.009067220900, -0.001923185400,
-    -0.001613820700,  0.003099574200, -0.002029502500, -0.001455518600},
-  { -0.015190068200,  0.017070271400, -0.019307909900,  0.023733865500,
-    -0.030866540700,  0.043102902900, -0.071173336500,  0.289002944200,
-     0.084617972200, -0.025112304400,  0.009063501400, -0.001937412700,
-    -0.001609315800,  0.003096284800, -0.002034312100, -0.001447330000},
-  { -0.015095192700,  0.016966497900, -0.019187203800,  0.023583328300,
-    -0.030698827600,  0.042906585900, -0.070941485100,  0.289127389400,
-     0.084313384800, -0.025064553400,  0.009058701400, -0.001941756600,
-    -0.001604479400,  0.003101858000, -0.002040355800, -0.001445044100},
-  { -0.015005498900,  0.016861988700, -0.019061283500,  0.023439043400,
-    -0.030533338900,  0.042714039500, -0.070696301300,  0.289257793800,
-     0.084018453400, -0.025022964500,  0.009063774800, -0.001944654100,
-    -0.001595199500,  0.003097508000, -0.002044866400, -0.001436913900},
-  { -0.014917519700,  0.016759937100, -0.018938392400,  0.023301552900,
-    -0.030361552500,  0.042516727200, -0.070462608200,  0.289383840200,
-     0.083722905800, -0.024979066000,  0.009063562600, -0.001958070000,
-    -0.001592655700,  0.003097143300, -0.002056302800, -0.001434061400},
-  { -0.014829329300,  0.016657963500, -0.018818329000,  0.023150063400,
-    -0.030188546200,  0.042326526200, -0.070230755300,  0.289510095600,
-     0.083425985400, -0.024932767200,  0.009060147700, -0.001964069200,
-    -0.001585752700,  0.003099557300, -0.002055331700, -0.001426747600},
-  { -0.014740487700,  0.016554974400, -0.018693430700,  0.023006696000,
-    -0.030022736600,  0.042129344000, -0.069991474400,  0.289643060400,
-     0.083121682100, -0.024891262300,  0.009057517500, -0.001970699600,
-    -0.001577810900,  0.003098336700, -0.002066861800, -0.001423747700},
-  { -0.014646034300,  0.016450370300, -0.018567891400,  0.022863023200,
-    -0.029856412200,  0.041932542200, -0.069755255200,  0.289764874500,
-     0.082826383600, -0.024845070000,  0.009054717400, -0.001980678900,
-    -0.001582625700,  0.003096053600, -0.002064831500, -0.001416907600},
-  { -0.014559627800,  0.016349891900, -0.018449559000,  0.022713561300,
-    -0.029689051900,  0.041737590700, -0.069503998900,  0.289888685100,
-     0.082532448100, -0.024801087800,  0.009058174200, -0.001982046700,
-    -0.001575159300,  0.003094262100, -0.002075770200, -0.001414337900},
-  { -0.014471061400,  0.016243913500, -0.018334760000,  0.022579662500,
-    -0.029519935000,  0.041541189800, -0.069267292000,  0.290011569200,
-     0.082230235800, -0.024758694700,  0.009055155500, -0.001988704700,
-    -0.001567128600,  0.003092724100, -0.002086898100, -0.001411478900},
-  { -0.014383790400,  0.016142525900, -0.018211358000,  0.022437490000,
-    -0.029354488900,  0.041343948500, -0.069028755000,  0.290131292800,
-     0.081930443400, -0.024718526100,  0.009055027000, -0.002001893100,
-    -0.001564993600,  0.003095765300, -0.002085806300, -0.001404564500},
-  { -0.014297586900,  0.016042263500, -0.018092816300,  0.022287585300,
-    -0.029185104300,  0.041142095700, -0.068780397800,  0.290253164200,
-     0.081635398000, -0.024670766100,  0.009051397000, -0.002008669700,
-    -0.001556387000,  0.003093691000, -0.002096680100, -0.001401882300},
-  { -0.014206281900,  0.015941116300, -0.017970542200,  0.022146976500,
-    -0.029021815100,  0.040946718000, -0.068542945900,  0.290377478100,
-     0.081340267800, -0.024629081800,  0.009048347000, -0.002014963700,
-    -0.001548946600,  0.003095699600, -0.002095226400, -0.001395190900},
-  { -0.014118938600,  0.015839406100, -0.017846481100,  0.022002842700,
-    -0.028850387900,  0.040754474000, -0.068302308800,  0.290494347700,
-     0.081040072300, -0.024586190700,  0.009045183800, -0.002021575300,
-    -0.001540744900,  0.003093740800, -0.002106039500, -0.001392505100},
-  { -0.014033359700,  0.015739387800, -0.017724211200,  0.021861411400,
-    -0.028685336800,  0.040555731500, -0.068055928700,  0.290621547300,
-     0.080744453800, -0.024543547500,  0.009041815800, -0.002027861900,
-    -0.001533174400,  0.003095698800, -0.002104702000, -0.001385829000},
-  { -0.013950756900,  0.015643569600, -0.017610720400,  0.021716480000,
-    -0.028520619600,  0.040359106100, -0.067815030400,  0.290742857900,
-     0.080448884900, -0.024496193000,  0.009046978300, -0.002042499600,
-    -0.001529706600,  0.003094623000, -0.002115681000, -0.001383359700},
-  { -0.013857978600,  0.015536744300, -0.017494757400,  0.021577567700,
-    -0.028357551400,  0.040162405000, -0.067572563200,  0.290861113600,
-     0.080155270500, -0.024453193600,  0.009043386000, -0.002048697200,
-    -0.001522077700,  0.003096377800, -0.002113994500, -0.001376849300},
-  { -0.013773229200,  0.015437926100, -0.017374226900,  0.021440417100,
-    -0.028180320800,  0.039967168700, -0.067326482200,  0.290971758300,
-     0.079856769100, -0.024409237700,  0.009039889200, -0.002055553100,
-    -0.001513509600,  0.003093955600, -0.002124476100, -0.001374342300},
-  { -0.013689059900,  0.015339335300, -0.017253688600,  0.021300179900,
-    -0.028015676300,  0.039767446600, -0.067075438600,  0.291093788100,
-     0.079560972200, -0.024359858000,  0.009042893100, -0.002064956100,
-    -0.001502425900,  0.003088564100, -0.002128108700, -0.001366787300},
-  { -0.013608286800,  0.015245837400, -0.017142104300,  0.021157264500,
-    -0.027853162500,  0.039572395400, -0.066833494600,  0.291213669600,
-     0.079258669800, -0.024318259900,  0.009036431600, -0.002066451500,
-    -0.001504139700,  0.003088416900, -0.002132688700, -0.001365518600},
-  { -0.013526024300,  0.015149195700, -0.017023199600,  0.021019023100,
-    -0.027690881700,  0.039375542700, -0.066588317200,  0.291332516600,
-     0.078972791400, -0.024276630700,  0.009034254800, -0.002074639200,
-    -0.001493462900,  0.003082938500, -0.002135814900, -0.001358430400},
-  { -0.013436720300,  0.015049535100, -0.016902143900,  0.020877384400,
-    -0.027520351800,  0.039182293600, -0.066341740000,  0.291445410400,
-     0.078678890800, -0.024226476800,  0.009036993800, -0.002087255200,
-    -0.001492702300,  0.003088470800, -0.002141367000, -0.001357082800},
-  { -0.013351892900,  0.014946715800, -0.016789045200,  0.020740566100,
-    -0.027358305900,  0.038984672800, -0.066093324400,  0.291557196100,
-     0.078381474100, -0.024188073400,  0.009035188200, -0.002095570400,
-    -0.001481921800,  0.003082911700, -0.002144524900, -0.001349842500},
-  { -0.013270943900,  0.014852276800, -0.016672927800,  0.020605326600,
-    -0.027198631300,  0.038789809200, -0.065848400700,  0.291673553600,
-     0.078077054200, -0.024136747400,  0.009027973200, -0.002105937200,
-    -0.001475208500,  0.003087524600, -0.002150215500, -0.001348116400},
-  { -0.013190641200,  0.014758176300, -0.016560228700,  0.020459538900,
-    -0.027027766200,  0.038596149400, -0.065599338300,  0.291786795400,
-     0.077792721000, -0.024094239400,  0.009025651700, -0.002114130700,
-    -0.001464447200,  0.003081710900, -0.002153019500, -0.001341225900},
-  { -0.013110011800,  0.014663919000, -0.016444050200,  0.020323488600,
-    -0.026866946500,  0.038399388600, -0.065350608700,  0.291898436700,
-     0.077491289100, -0.024045414700,  0.009025408000, -0.002119522600,
-    -0.001458535300,  0.003086316400, -0.002158494200, -0.001339767200},
-  { -0.013025077600,  0.014569262800, -0.016328233200,  0.020188140300,
-    -0.026707041800,  0.038203933500, -0.065102449400,  0.292014040700,
-     0.077196425000, -0.023998381000,  0.009026360900, -0.002125747900,
-    -0.001454699900,  0.003075666900, -0.002160549700, -0.001332912300},
-  { -0.012943770500,  0.014473806100, -0.016209483700,  0.020047933100,
-    -0.026536730800,  0.038005130000, -0.064858733100,  0.292129090700,
-     0.076903557900, -0.023957398700,  0.009021448800, -0.002130265600,
-    -0.001449188900,  0.003080409800, -0.002165817700, -0.001331821400},
-  { -0.012862479300,  0.014374613700, -0.016100609100,  0.019915634000,
-    -0.026378597000,  0.037810235300, -0.064609585900,  0.292243989500,
-     0.076607212500, -0.023906702500,  0.009015226300, -0.002142422000,
-    -0.001439416300,  0.003077588100, -0.002176246500, -0.001329411400},
-  { -0.012776898100,  0.014287400700, -0.015987370400,  0.019781456700,
-    -0.026218842900,  0.037613307800, -0.064357589600,  0.292354833000,
-     0.076314227000, -0.023860018100,  0.009017528200, -0.002151344500,
-    -0.001428408900,  0.003071783900, -0.002179145600, -0.001322405100},
-  { -0.012699499300,  0.014196955700, -0.015878862800,  0.019639469300,
-    -0.026050975100,  0.037421391100, -0.064106762900,  0.292466530500,
-     0.076019700600, -0.023810871100,  0.009017151300, -0.002156670200,
-    -0.001422547300,  0.003076233500, -0.002184458600, -0.001321218400},
-  { -0.012616476800,  0.014104155900, -0.015764904400,  0.019506037600,
-    -0.025892093800,  0.037225319700, -0.063853917500,  0.292576319400,
-     0.075724712100, -0.023759323400,  0.009010001600, -0.002167557500,
-    -0.001417698000,  0.003065150800, -0.002186268300, -0.001314354900},
-  { -0.012537078000,  0.014007257400, -0.015657767200,  0.019375159900,
-    -0.025735481500,  0.037031767000, -0.063607547900,  0.292680753800,
-     0.075427591700, -0.023721555300,  0.009004937300, -0.002171714300,
-    -0.001412157700,  0.003069674600, -0.002191380800, -0.001313321900},
-  { -0.012457823800,  0.013913853300, -0.015541317500,  0.019236546600,
-    -0.025565504100,  0.036831074500, -0.063356530800,  0.292786821600,
-     0.075136252200, -0.023673990600,  0.009007040500, -0.002180765400,
-    -0.001401081300,  0.003063717500, -0.002193998000, -0.001306486000},
-  { -0.012381206600,  0.013823584100, -0.015429059800,  0.019104315500,
-    -0.025407276700,  0.036634397500, -0.063101285300,  0.292893802300,
-     0.074841359700, -0.023620522900,  0.008998337100, -0.002190657800,
-    -0.001393998700,  0.003067771800, -0.002199287800, -0.001305173000},
-  { -0.012304800000,  0.013733603800, -0.015316494200,  0.018970177400,
-    -0.025242884300,  0.036443834300, -0.062848029800,  0.293006277700,
-     0.074548400000, -0.023577987000,  0.009001070400, -0.002199540200,
-    -0.001383193600,  0.003061911500, -0.002201990500, -0.001298486200},
-  { -0.012231594800,  0.013648384700, -0.015213765300,  0.018835062100,
-    -0.025085987100,  0.036250520900, -0.062599496300,  0.293108050300,
-     0.074248575600, -0.023530332000,  0.008998523600, -0.002201711800,
-    -0.001384640400,  0.003061515200, -0.002206188900, -0.001297565000},
-  { -0.012146903000,  0.013548919900, -0.015104288800,  0.018700312600,
-    -0.024918766800,  0.036051519300, -0.062347556700,  0.293216599600,
-     0.073961694600, -0.023479470700,  0.008992759700, -0.002215250000,
-    -0.001372665000,  0.003055268400, -0.002208668300, -0.001290828100},
-  { -0.012072689000,  0.013461432300, -0.014994590500,  0.018570057000,
-    -0.024762400200,  0.035856112000, -0.062091368600,  0.293326498300,
-     0.073667719600, -0.023433472500,  0.008991998000, -0.002220358400,
-    -0.001366666100,  0.003059661400, -0.002213970900, -0.001289852900},
-  { -0.011998777300,  0.013374412100, -0.014885760000,  0.018440114900,
-    -0.024601980400,  0.035669418700, -0.061843667600,  0.293431988400,
-     0.073372194300, -0.023379395200,  0.008991178300, -0.002234495000,
-    -0.001354819600,  0.003053533900, -0.002216603000, -0.001282913700},
-  { -0.011922344800,  0.013284279500, -0.014771995300,  0.018300582900,
-    -0.024446846900,  0.035466290700, -0.061588331200,  0.293533527800,
-     0.073072951600, -0.023330451200,  0.008988073400, -0.002236664600,
-    -0.001356054900,  0.003053154500, -0.002220878800, -0.001282008300},
-  { -0.011845461600,  0.013189357000, -0.014666643200,  0.018169987600,
-    -0.024284154200,  0.035275317400, -0.061329463600,  0.293638750200,
-     0.072780111500, -0.023282772800,  0.008982191000, -0.002249832100,
-    -0.001344236100,  0.003046802300, -0.002223339400, -0.001275293500},
-  { -0.011769115200,  0.013103666900, -0.014559744600,  0.018043115400,
-    -0.024131925000,  0.035084175400, -0.061079622500,  0.293746271400,
-     0.072492005600, -0.023234912400,  0.008978152700, -0.002247134700,
-    -0.001333772300,  0.003050212200, -0.002228201400, -0.001274483600},
-  { -0.011694882200,  0.013015910500, -0.014448925000,  0.017910112100,
-    -0.023966290300,  0.034885265900, -0.060823698800,  0.293850684700,
-     0.072198731500, -0.023185828700,  0.008970913900, -0.002258841200,
-    -0.001323837000,  0.003046799700, -0.002238111400, -0.001272408000},
-  { -0.011623815900,  0.012932068300, -0.014343601700,  0.017784544000,
-    -0.023814273900,  0.034693878200, -0.060571265600,  0.293950616300,
-     0.071902922400, -0.023127290700,  0.008965455900, -0.002267675400,
-    -0.001322245300,  0.003043324900, -0.002234895800, -0.001266776300},
-  { -0.011540516700,  0.012843156400, -0.014239964400,  0.017653808300,
-    -0.023649793700,  0.034495386400, -0.060314068800,  0.294053570900,
-     0.071604519400, -0.023084721700,  0.008966178100, -0.002274742400,
-    -0.001313420800,  0.003040255700, -0.002244873300, -0.001264793200},
-  { -0.011472239700,  0.012762833200, -0.014142299300,  0.017523724800,
-    -0.023496551600,  0.034302863600, -0.060059835200,  0.294155332000,
-     0.071318036600, -0.023035573000,  0.008958134900, -0.002285404200,
-    -0.001304581400,  0.003041364800, -0.002242376300, -0.001259366100},
-  { -0.011396549400,  0.012678155200, -0.014036439400,  0.017396575200,
-    -0.023338009400,  0.034116321500, -0.059806163900,  0.294253594500,
-     0.071016115000, -0.022981051800,  0.008953591700, -0.002294842900,
-    -0.001302187900,  0.003033306900, -0.002251340000, -0.001257327400},
-  { -0.011323121700,  0.012586727200, -0.013934406600,  0.017269467600,
-    -0.023182283200,  0.033913734300, -0.059546703200,  0.294357625700,
-     0.070729691900, -0.022931857800,  0.008949854300, -0.002293460500,
-    -0.001289637300,  0.003033725600, -0.002248666800, -0.001252011800},
-  { -0.011252540100,  0.012503092200, -0.013827892600,  0.017136721300,
-    -0.023029828700,  0.033729073000, -0.059293518700,  0.294460157000,
-     0.070434097200, -0.022879051900,  0.008946945700, -0.002305315700,
-    -0.001279931900,  0.003030359000, -0.002258640400, -0.001249868500},
-  { -0.011182377900,  0.012419958100, -0.013722251500,  0.017009920100,
-    -0.022874644300,  0.033527611400, -0.059037642400,  0.294550501800,
-     0.070143346800, -0.022826323700,  0.008936004500, -0.002312971700,
-    -0.001278495600,  0.003026834400, -0.002255007200, -0.001244616700},
-  { -0.011112979600,  0.012337731100, -0.013617730300,  0.016882921900,
-    -0.022715294600,  0.033338099000, -0.058774188400,  0.294654140800,
-     0.069848353600, -0.022774221100,  0.008938942400, -0.002318660300,
-    -0.001272367300,  0.003031143500, -0.002260491700, -0.001243631400},
-  { -0.011036494600,  0.012247285200, -0.013517704400,  0.016757477900,
-    -0.022556496100,  0.033144550900, -0.058521997300,  0.294752983200,
-     0.069553175900, -0.022719357000,  0.008933910800, -0.002324464800,
-    -0.001256128400,  0.003023848100, -0.002262428500, -0.001237037300},
-  { -0.010969358900,  0.012167754700, -0.013416137200,  0.016635331800,
-    -0.022407065400,  0.032953544400, -0.058263509000,  0.294849437700,
-     0.069259760100, -0.022670102300,  0.008922281200, -0.002330427000,
-    -0.001256945700,  0.003023412200, -0.002266647300, -0.001236321600},
-  { -0.010900887700,  0.012086623000, -0.013312472500,  0.016509174100,
-    -0.022247384700,  0.032758671600, -0.058008634000,  0.294944915100,
-     0.068966542100, -0.022616489300,  0.008919626500, -0.002343674400,
-    -0.001245178500,  0.003017029900, -0.002268726500, -0.001229834600},
-  { -0.010824042300,  0.012004282000, -0.013216314100,  0.016383459600,
-    -0.022105269700,  0.032570797200, -0.057751817000,  0.295047141500,
-     0.068676416600, -0.022561101300,  0.008913972000, -0.002352971000,
-    -0.001238353400,  0.003021279300, -0.002274200700, -0.001228791200},
-  { -0.010755431700,  0.011922721200, -0.013111568500,  0.016255565900,
-    -0.021943625600,  0.032372518000, -0.057486437700,  0.295142943400,
-     0.068385169700, -0.022513896200,  0.008909637200, -0.002350338500,
-    -0.001230956100,  0.003009550000, -0.002274839200, -0.001222885000},
-  { -0.010688812000,  0.011843615700, -0.013010433300,  0.016132334200,
-    -0.021787511700,  0.032185366300, -0.057225248100,  0.295234898600,
-     0.068091568200, -0.022457194700,  0.008903658200, -0.002359880400,
-    -0.001223949400,  0.003013484800, -0.002280163100, -0.001221768100},
-  { -0.010616490000,  0.011757803200, -0.012915294700,  0.016012759800,
-    -0.021638667600,  0.031988588100, -0.056969680800,  0.295335292700,
-     0.067795719500, -0.022406367600,  0.008900068000, -0.002371512600,
-    -0.001214114500,  0.003010061800, -0.002290053700, -0.001219729000},
-  { -0.010551509800,  0.011680400300, -0.012815991100,  0.015891596000,
-    -0.021485136600,  0.031804218000, -0.056710441700,  0.295433201300,
-     0.067505660900, -0.022347745200,  0.008890402300, -0.002371663200,
-    -0.001208867400,  0.003006011700, -0.002286436600, -0.001214616000},
-  { -0.010484290500,  0.011600637200, -0.012712731400,  0.015760653300,
-    -0.021331865900,  0.031610777900, -0.056451724100,  0.295523834300,
-     0.067206178800, -0.022295584100,  0.008886317900, -0.002383054500,
-    -0.001199058000,  0.003002379300, -0.002296230600, -0.001212436700},
-  { -0.010418126800,  0.011517277400, -0.012619826700,  0.015643456400,
-    -0.021185866100,  0.031421091300, -0.056188447800,  0.295617466000,
-     0.066918218000, -0.022237804200,  0.008878791700, -0.002390705100,
-    -0.001198036500,  0.002999278000, -0.002292788000, -0.001207424300},
-  { -0.010353664500,  0.011440787900, -0.012520884000,  0.015521915600,
-    -0.021030519400,  0.031228731500, -0.055930893500,  0.295714067400,
-     0.066622310400, -0.022183982500,  0.008871703300, -0.002394208300,
-    -0.001184119100,  0.002994763100, -0.002302348400, -0.001205321400},
-  { -0.010290103500,  0.011365248300, -0.012423245400,  0.015401999100,
-    -0.020877200500,  0.031043216800, -0.055667568800,  0.295807177000,
-     0.066328312100, -0.022131427200,  0.008866742900, -0.002404798200,
-    -0.001175466100,  0.002996071300, -0.002300011200, -0.001200034300},
-  { -0.010212808300,  0.011286215600, -0.012331974000,  0.015285837100,
-    -0.020731638800,  0.030848876200, -0.055414282300,  0.295894792100,
-     0.066040074000, -0.022070359700,  0.008854931500, -0.002403060700,
-    -0.001172180300,  0.002994947800, -0.002303988400, -0.001199255200},
-  { -0.010148001100,  0.011208895700, -0.012231165800,  0.015157088900,
-    -0.020580030600,  0.030655950200, -0.055152663300,  0.295985303100,
-     0.065747514100, -0.022018328800,  0.008851064800, -0.002415287100,
-    -0.001160745800,  0.002988510300, -0.002305832600, -0.001193029800},
-  { -0.010085579200,  0.011134601100, -0.012134860100,  0.015038441400,
-    -0.020427698700,  0.030471019600, -0.054887446700,  0.296075847400,
-     0.065452832100, -0.021962597300,  0.008842662600, -0.002421544800,
-    -0.001161750800,  0.002988338000, -0.002310334400, -0.001192214700},
-  { -0.010020900500,  0.011052809300, -0.012042691300,  0.014920355400,
-    -0.020274570600,  0.030279417600, -0.054626925700,  0.296172290700,
-     0.065163770900, -0.021908764800,  0.008835761000, -0.002425750100,
-    -0.001146354300,  0.002981060500, -0.002311933800, -0.001186088400},
-  { -0.009959891000,  0.010980172100, -0.011948361700,  0.014804636400,
-    -0.020129945500,  0.030089125800, -0.054357841800,  0.296258886800,
-     0.064870816200, -0.021853498100,  0.008828516100, -0.002434510900,
-    -0.001139351300,  0.002984984200, -0.002317376800, -0.001185031900},
-  { -0.009898260300,  0.010906814900, -0.011851836600,  0.014680546000,
-    -0.019983871100,  0.029902690900, -0.054105959400,  0.296352017200,
-     0.064574678500, -0.021802440100,  0.008820504400, -0.002435747100,
-    -0.001132168000,  0.002973757000, -0.002317979100, -0.001179124900},
-  { -0.009829464000,  0.010824029000, -0.011759300000,  0.014562038800,
-    -0.019829369800,  0.029708485400, -0.053839700800,  0.296436562600,
-     0.064282383100, -0.021746613300,  0.008813206900, -0.002444614700,
-    -0.001125189300,  0.002977740500, -0.002323403700, -0.001178072500},
-  { -0.009762586000,  0.010757748000, -0.011668677900,  0.014449006700,
-    -0.019682702400,  0.029529044900, -0.053581877800,  0.296526171200,
-     0.063990447900, -0.021679886200,  0.008799692100, -0.002450355900,
-    -0.001116909400,  0.002966009600, -0.002323961500, -0.001171914500},
-  { -0.009702145300,  0.010685674300, -0.011573598100,  0.014326849900,
-    -0.019542481200,  0.029334344500, -0.053317589600,  0.296618745800,
-     0.063695013000, -0.021628522100,  0.008793030100, -0.002459004700,
-    -0.001110081400,  0.002970330900, -0.002329660800, -0.001170874500},
-  { -0.009639674100,  0.010606181300, -0.011483842100,  0.014211122400,
-    -0.019391070400,  0.029143138800, -0.053052763700,  0.296709109200,
-     0.063405648500, -0.021569686100,  0.008780917600, -0.002456863700,
-    -0.001107234800,  0.002969450300, -0.002333956200, -0.001170125300},
-  { -0.009581441000,  0.010536858700, -0.011393027300,  0.014097865300,
-    -0.019243677500,  0.028962045800, -0.052791038800,  0.296794244500,
-     0.063110931400, -0.021511634200,  0.008780017100, -0.002469118700,
-    -0.001096137300,  0.002963079500, -0.002335754800, -0.001163895700},
-  { -0.009515365500,  0.010456770600, -0.011303346500,  0.013982426200,
-    -0.019092348700,  0.028770277400, -0.052523860000,  0.296881395600,
-     0.062822494300, -0.021452275300,  0.008767593500, -0.002466860000,
-    -0.001093302800,  0.002962141700, -0.002339996800, -0.001163170100},
-  { -0.009457035400,  0.010387174600, -0.011211408300,  0.013863735500,
-    -0.018955461900,  0.028578727400, -0.052264429900,  0.296965665500,
-     0.062526684700, -0.021390879000,  0.008758231200, -0.002482874600,
-    -0.001081090900,  0.002955577100, -0.002341776700, -0.001156792500},
-  { -0.009400556800,  0.010319669900, -0.011122203700,  0.013752383900,
-    -0.018810443800,  0.028400005500, -0.052003778300,  0.297056151300,
-     0.062236110400, -0.021336172300,  0.008746430300, -0.002480260300,
-    -0.001078834400,  0.002954987600, -0.002346166500, -0.001156099600},
-  { -0.009332105500,  0.010246624400, -0.011036161100,  0.013639306600,
-    -0.018660250400,  0.028208189500, -0.051734216700,  0.297140614200,
-     0.061941420000, -0.021276152500,  0.008744611200, -0.002492352100,
-    -0.001067597300,  0.002948573300, -0.002347967100, -0.001149887200},
-  { -0.009272360200,  0.010174446400, -0.010935538100,  0.013522491900,
-    -0.018517173300,  0.028021068000, -0.051473353600,  0.297221172300,
-     0.061647632000, -0.021220051600,  0.008732236600, -0.002489611700,
-    -0.001065202900,  0.002947918700, -0.002352278400, -0.001149066000},
-  { -0.009213325600,  0.010098901500, -0.010850127500,  0.013411298100,
-    -0.018369198800,  0.027831555500, -0.051205897900,  0.297312718800,
-     0.061355453400, -0.021156852500,  0.008721014300, -0.002503786900,
-    -0.001055769400,  0.002949420200, -0.002350196200, -0.001143817000},
-  { -0.009154686400,  0.010032437200, -0.010762989400,  0.013303147900,
-    -0.018232338700,  0.027647756700, -0.050939241800,  0.297396279600,
-     0.061067211800, -0.021101691400,  0.008709501200, -0.002502402100,
-    -0.001050877900,  0.002940699400, -0.002358437400, -0.001142165600},
-  { -0.009098345900,  0.009964812300, -0.010672807300,  0.013184994200,
-    -0.018090535100,  0.027462057700, -0.050678910500,  0.297482132700,
-     0.060775711600, -0.021036808600,  0.008695284800, -0.002507997500,
-    -0.001037794300,  0.002941289900, -0.002355925500, -0.001136940000},
-  { -0.009040073800,  0.009890164700, -0.010588375400,  0.013074472100,
-    -0.017943142100,  0.027273058500, -0.050413365200,  0.297557115100,
-     0.060482529200, -0.020973444000,  0.008689737800, -0.002515641700,
-    -0.001036539700,  0.002933528900, -0.002364533600, -0.001134965700},
-  { -0.008978175500,  0.009829858100, -0.010503877000,  0.012966752800,
-    -0.017800540400,  0.027094554000, -0.050147624100,  0.297640606500,
-     0.060185287000, -0.020914048900,  0.008683823800, -0.002517293800,
-    -0.001024611700,  0.002934410200, -0.002362132000, -0.001129829700},
-  { -0.008920174300,  0.009755024700, -0.010418098600,  0.012849997300,
-    -0.017658755900,  0.026908098600, -0.049883464500,  0.297721129900,
-     0.059897161500, -0.020855847900,  0.008665084700, -0.002525885700,
-    -0.001025446300,  0.002934650000, -0.002366817000, -0.001128974000},
-  { -0.008866407500,  0.009690722000, -0.010331978800,  0.012740654600,
-    -0.017513336800,  0.026720176000, -0.049613614700,  0.297814833400,
-     0.059603377300, -0.020796619900,  0.008659451000, -0.002528098100,
-    -0.001012468200,  0.002930143500, -0.002376553600, -0.001126794900},
-  { -0.008809499600,  0.009626161500, -0.010246944100,  0.012634266200,
-    -0.017376589500,  0.026529402400, -0.049347375400,  0.297893741900,
-     0.059312998000, -0.020728754500,  0.008642272200, -0.002530568000,
-    -0.001007501500,  0.002926808400, -0.002372946000, -0.001121930300},
-  { -0.008753278600,  0.009553595700, -0.010164038100,  0.012520217600,
-    -0.017238147400,  0.026350960600, -0.049076921100,  0.297970747600,
-     0.059018701600, -0.020669669800,  0.008638257800, -0.002540198000,
-    -0.000998529900,  0.002922998700, -0.002382694100, -0.001119665800},
-  { -0.008700892600,  0.009490588100, -0.010079579700,  0.012413140100,
-    -0.017095016200,  0.026165585800, -0.048812541600,  0.298055673800,
-     0.058732787100, -0.020602200500,  0.008620998100, -0.002542420300,
-    -0.000993979200,  0.002919927800, -0.002379174400, -0.001114931100},
-  { -0.008636872000,  0.009421764400, -0.009992841500,  0.012312002500,
-    -0.016954362300,  0.025981636800, -0.048553232900,  0.298128451900,
-     0.058438067100, -0.020540206700,  0.008612798400, -0.002542224400,
-    -0.000983932400,  0.002923485400, -0.002384780000, -0.001113605200},
-  { -0.008584316600,  0.009358594600, -0.009907251900,  0.012198085900,
-    -0.016816027500,  0.025797833300, -0.048288066300,  0.298212478700,
-     0.058145551600, -0.020476810000,  0.008597199400, -0.002545865100,
-    -0.000977036900,  0.002912420300, -0.002385153400, -0.001107825500},
-  { -0.008530542400,  0.009288917500, -0.009827928200,  0.012092889000,
-    -0.016673561700,  0.025612282700, -0.048021033600,  0.298294423300,
-     0.057854601300, -0.020415253900,  0.008590004000, -0.002551352000,
-    -0.000978876700,  0.002913287000, -0.002390253900, -0.001106899300},
-  { -0.008478483800,  0.009226377800, -0.009743311000,  0.011980096900,
-    -0.016536709400,  0.025434302500, -0.047747110700,  0.298365825000,
-     0.057560244000, -0.020351243300,  0.008574970900, -0.002557026600,
-    -0.000963826400,  0.002905602300, -0.002391414300, -0.001100755900},
-  { -0.008424799700,  0.009165535000, -0.009662092200,  0.011877441200,
-    -0.016403414400,  0.025245702300, -0.047478375000,  0.298446320200,
-     0.057267599400, -0.020285138500,  0.008556551400, -0.002557753000,
-    -0.000960917900,  0.002905172800, -0.002396213700, -0.001099661700},
-  { -0.008372136900,  0.009097353100, -0.009584221800,  0.011773596800,
-    -0.016261962900,  0.025060099400, -0.047209041900,  0.298525257700,
-     0.056970953100, -0.020227896300,  0.008551918400, -0.002566762900,
-    -0.000953100600,  0.002907384900, -0.002394239600, -0.001094674000},
-  { -0.008313510700,  0.009040315200, -0.009502392800,  0.011662794000,
-    -0.016126306100,  0.024878475500, -0.046947568800,  0.298599300000,
-     0.056680564700, -0.020162388700,  0.008534249200, -0.002568479900,
-    -0.000948207200,  0.002898882600, -0.002402600100, -0.001092599200},
-  { -0.008261904500,  0.008972850800, -0.009425383800,  0.011560009200,
-    -0.015986171300,  0.024693755800, -0.046677919500,  0.298682066000,
-     0.056395501800, -0.020100315900,  0.008526039100, -0.002568721700,
-    -0.000936969600,  0.002900157200, -0.002400214400, -0.001087840400},
-  { -0.008211115400,  0.008911303700, -0.009336453400,  0.011454721200,
-    -0.015854163900,  0.024519846800, -0.046405144200,  0.298759763600,
-     0.056094866900, -0.020029308800,  0.008512218400, -0.002571374100,
-    -0.000931811500,  0.002891576300, -0.002408972300, -0.001085440200},
-  { -0.008160197200,  0.008844778800, -0.009260656400,  0.011353693700,
-    -0.015715846500,  0.024337335900, -0.046141044500,  0.298830136900,
-     0.055805182500, -0.019961847400,  0.008492748700, -0.002571357000,
-    -0.000929480500,  0.002891307200, -0.002413690800, -0.001084311600},
-  { -0.008112103700,  0.008787159000, -0.009181661000,  0.011251768000,
-    -0.015576602500,  0.024153171400, -0.045870162900,  0.298911585300,
-     0.055512440700, -0.019901475900,  0.008478936300, -0.002583378800,
-    -0.000920943200,  0.002893394800, -0.002411773500, -0.001079321400},
-  { -0.008048876900,  0.008722251100, -0.009104537200,  0.011142744200,
-    -0.015441580200,  0.023970548200, -0.045602981800,  0.298977325900,
-     0.055225670900, -0.019836708300,  0.008468413700, -0.002580907300,
-    -0.000917271300,  0.002885109500, -0.002420012800, -0.001077376400},
-  { -0.008001667100,  0.008665715200, -0.009027145700,  0.011042483200,
-    -0.015304227600,  0.023788158500, -0.045332341000,  0.299058734900,
-     0.054929607400, -0.019764945900,  0.008453838100, -0.002582942100,
-    -0.000913301400,  0.002882721100, -0.002416975800, -0.001072495600},
-  { -0.007952339000,  0.008600802500, -0.008952392000,  0.010937108800,
-    -0.015174084700,  0.023616380100, -0.045064497900,  0.299132742800,
-     0.054637916200, -0.019701857900,  0.008436057700, -0.002584785900,
-    -0.000903092500,  0.002886222600, -0.002422944100, -0.001071045600},
-  { -0.007904789100,  0.008543139300, -0.008868051200,  0.010841905100,
-    -0.015039485700,  0.023436300800, -0.044799707800,  0.299207159000,
-     0.054344370000, -0.019630506300,  0.008421815400, -0.002587760600,
-    -0.000897083200,  0.002875630100, -0.002423263600, -0.001065244000},
-  { -0.007858185900,  0.008487210700, -0.008790859100,  0.010741407000,
-    -0.014901532300,  0.023251997700, -0.044524238300,  0.299282071600,
-     0.054053355000, -0.019568733800,  0.008411993400, -0.002586331800,
-    -0.000887586200,  0.002879382200, -0.002429340400, -0.001063908000},
-  { -0.007801564500,  0.008427026200, -0.008718424600,  0.010638181300,
-    -0.014777689900,  0.023068158700, -0.044255915700,  0.299351847700,
-     0.053763206500, -0.019505511500,  0.008395133400, -0.002594827000,
-    -0.000887696700,  0.002878112600, -0.002426308700, -0.001059278600},
-  { -0.007752716200,  0.008371567300, -0.008642947600,  0.010540183700,
-    -0.014642563600,  0.022887494700, -0.043988296500,  0.299422575400,
-     0.053470206400, -0.019432499100,  0.008379552700, -0.002596486400,
-    -0.000883216200,  0.002869839900, -0.002434904100, -0.001056944400},
-  { -0.007704528800,  0.008307898100, -0.008569545100,  0.010435528000,
-    -0.014511589100,  0.022707641400, -0.043720040800,  0.299491463500,
-     0.053178429700, -0.019359975400,  0.008364846400, -0.002599735200,
-    -0.000871418100,  0.002871064200, -0.002432661800, -0.001051839000},
-  { -0.007660450500,  0.008255099600, -0.008496004600,  0.010339539800,
-    -0.014379049200,  0.022534686200, -0.043441724600,  0.299571471100,
-     0.052882824900, -0.019298671600,  0.008346423900, -0.002600374000,
-    -0.000867444000,  0.002862933200, -0.002441463500, -0.001049660900},
-  { -0.007603296800,  0.008193382200, -0.008416132400,  0.010239585900,
-    -0.014249993700,  0.022355720200, -0.043172229900,  0.299637947900,
-     0.052591247500, -0.019224621200,  0.008329727400, -0.002600981100,
-    -0.000864181800,  0.002860802800, -0.002438248600, -0.001044875200},
-  { -0.007559512700,  0.008140629300, -0.008342511600,  0.010143265600,
-    -0.014116237900,  0.022175330800, -0.042902559300,  0.299710502400,
-     0.052305586800, -0.019159837900,  0.008310446500, -0.002602041500,
-    -0.000854285500,  0.002864501800, -0.002444344500, -0.001043455200},
-  { -0.007513280300,  0.008079345200, -0.008271562400,  0.010041094600,
-    -0.013987692600,  0.021997806500, -0.042634176100,  0.299784559000,
-     0.052010247800, -0.019090033000,  0.008295552500, -0.002604044700,
-    -0.000848986600,  0.002854305800, -0.002444743300, -0.001037730800},
-  { -0.007466532300,  0.008026496300, -0.008198836000,  0.009945759200,
-    -0.013854742200,  0.021817938400, -0.042362922600,  0.299849767900,
-     0.051710800600, -0.019017700500,  0.008278482500, -0.002603834000,
-    -0.000847135700,  0.002854590200, -0.002450114700, -0.001036184000},
-  { -0.007421596100,  0.007966615900, -0.008130314500,  0.009852191300,
-    -0.013722881700,  0.021638799100, -0.042091828500,  0.299919862100,
-     0.051423553400, -0.018942531200,  0.008260465800, -0.002603155800,
-    -0.000845516700,  0.002854963900, -0.002455432800, -0.001034829400},
-  { -0.007368637400,  0.007915606500, -0.008049069000,  0.009753117800,
-    -0.013595099000,  0.021460165700, -0.041819414400,  0.299987943200,
-     0.051132245200, -0.018881182900,  0.008242689200, -0.002605985800,
-    -0.000832295700,  0.002848095500, -0.002456559500, -0.001029015400},
-  { -0.007324914900,  0.007857386900, -0.007982526900,  0.009661947700,
-    -0.013466505100,  0.021290236500, -0.041544493000,  0.300056546100,
-     0.050837682400, -0.018808660100,  0.008224995500, -0.002605154700,
-    -0.000830876200,  0.002848515400, -0.002462055200, -0.001027526900},
-  { -0.007282763500,  0.007806632000, -0.007910621800,  0.009561255200,
-    -0.013339966800,  0.021114682600, -0.041280619200,  0.300121126000,
-     0.050544717400, -0.018736947600,  0.008207999600, -0.002605038900,
-    -0.000828329300,  0.002846963800, -0.002458999000, -0.001022805800},
-  { -0.007239595400,  0.007748911800, -0.007844275500,  0.009469910200,
-    -0.013210161600,  0.020936736300, -0.041008289300,  0.300195390400,
-     0.050254997100, -0.018666130300,  0.008192356500, -0.002607611600,
-    -0.000816356100,  0.002842431500, -0.002468794900, -0.001020138600},
-  { -0.007189132600,  0.007701593500, -0.007773543100,  0.009369503200,
-    -0.013083002200,  0.020758957600, -0.040734108300,  0.300260370700,
-     0.049961784800, -0.018593391800,  0.008174805900, -0.002607328400,
-    -0.000813752200,  0.002840812400, -0.002465827800, -0.001015410900},
-  { -0.007142203300,  0.007641451600, -0.007699103200,  0.009282076700,
-    -0.012954925100,  0.020581902400, -0.040460854200,  0.300332528600,
-     0.049672014200, -0.018520619000,  0.008156499100, -0.002606187400,
-    -0.000812553500,  0.002841559200, -0.002471464900, -0.001013982200},
-  { -0.007101149600,  0.007591957300, -0.007628580400,  0.009182604800,
-    -0.012829151000,  0.020406004000, -0.040192877300,  0.300391149900,
-     0.049381202700, -0.018448182600,  0.008139326600, -0.002606745200,
-    -0.000808105100,  0.002831584800, -0.002471553400, -0.001008355200},
-  { -0.007059152000,  0.007535511600, -0.007563628700,  0.009092708900,
-    -0.012700466400,  0.020228151600, -0.039917450300,  0.300460428800,
-     0.049092597200, -0.018375427900,  0.008121814200, -0.002607487200,
-    -0.000798497500,  0.002835512200, -0.002478145100, -0.001006580300},
-  { -0.007009147900,  0.007482806700, -0.007499733800,  0.008997547100,
-    -0.012579180400,  0.020062891600, -0.039647806700,  0.300525821900,
-     0.048797495500, -0.018306252700,  0.008105184800, -0.002607855100,
-    -0.000794439900,  0.002825789700, -0.002478474500, -0.001000945500},
-  { -0.006968240600,  0.007433072000, -0.007423567800,  0.008910574100,
-    -0.012451522700,  0.019885022200, -0.039369675200,  0.300585104500,
-     0.048504934800, -0.018229228000,  0.008077029200, -0.002609247300,
-    -0.000792419400,  0.002826100200, -0.002484009500, -0.000999231800},
-  { -0.006926866100,  0.007377316500, -0.007358544200,  0.008814417700,
-    -0.012328366300,  0.019710850400, -0.039101469100,  0.300648793200,
-     0.048210544400, -0.018159587600,  0.008060409500, -0.002610430800,
-    -0.000781936000,  0.002828146400, -0.002482150700, -0.000994223400},
-  { -0.006888043700,  0.007330615400, -0.007291803100,  0.008724921800,
-    -0.012200346800,  0.019533132300, -0.038822537300,  0.300712721600,
-     0.047923413800, -0.018085444700,  0.008041528500, -0.002609670800,
-    -0.000778976000,  0.002820404900, -0.002490903500, -0.000991790800},
-  { -0.006839293900,  0.007279247200, -0.007229475600,  0.008630964100,
-    -0.012079179200,  0.019361129300, -0.038555831700,  0.300783801700,
-     0.047630120500, -0.018006655200,  0.008026572200, -0.002609399200,
-    -0.000777006200,  0.002819585000, -0.002488366700, -0.000987006200},
-  { -0.006798540800,  0.007233149500, -0.007164042200,  0.008543197100,
-    -0.011953311100,  0.019186232700, -0.038285177900,  0.300844278100,
-     0.047335766700, -0.017934700400,  0.008007388400, -0.002607418500,
-    -0.000776398500,  0.002820679000, -0.002494154700, -0.000985371100},
-  { -0.006756891400,  0.007176317300, -0.007091540900,  0.008451307000,
-    -0.011831617600,  0.019011206000, -0.038005599900,  0.300906624700,
-     0.047040567000, -0.017860728900,  0.007980042300, -0.002609428000,
-    -0.000772729700,  0.002812783500, -0.002503047600, -0.000982640700},
-  { -0.006720561000,  0.007132703000, -0.007028371700,  0.008366076000,
-    -0.011709400800,  0.018846008900, -0.037732212300,  0.300971836600,
-     0.046750583700, -0.017789132800,  0.007960205400, -0.002601193300,
-    -0.000759764200,  0.002814043200, -0.002500954000, -0.000977775800},
-  { -0.006672404900,  0.007082025300, -0.006966950500,  0.008272917200,
-    -0.011588469400,  0.018672889900, -0.037460064500,  0.301029284000,
-     0.046455528400, -0.017707594600,  0.007943302900, -0.002599558300,
-    -0.000759066900,  0.002815167300, -0.002506921900, -0.000975884100},
-  { -0.006636191300,  0.007038598500, -0.006903834600,  0.008187619300,
-    -0.011464768800,  0.018499388000, -0.037187988000,  0.301092874000,
-     0.046165570800, -0.017634207100,  0.007916113200, -0.002601855100,
-    -0.000754783900,  0.002805563000, -0.002507180900, -0.000970271500},
-  { -0.006596465200,  0.006983825400, -0.006833460100,  0.008097770300,
-    -0.011345476800,  0.018327200500, -0.036915500100,  0.301155082000,
-     0.045876647100, -0.017561716500,  0.007895994400, -0.002599054600,
-    -0.000754654000,  0.002806943500, -0.002513137500, -0.000968652300},
-  { -0.006560412300,  0.006940658100, -0.006770837100,  0.008012401600,
-    -0.011221145500,  0.018151488300, -0.036633262700,  0.301219274700,
-     0.045585787000, -0.017480905500,  0.007880162200, -0.002600023100,
-    -0.000744270100,  0.002809097600, -0.002511606900, -0.000963551800},
-  { -0.006513718100,  0.006891483500, -0.006710841700,  0.007921089700,
-    -0.011101909300,  0.017979361500, -0.036359405400,  0.301279455500,
-     0.045296336600, -0.017405665400,  0.007850982300, -0.002599865500,
-    -0.000743330300,  0.002810197300, -0.002517572500, -0.000961768900},
-  { -0.006474304300,  0.006840684600, -0.006652924700,  0.007839125400,
-    -0.010981524900,  0.017809064300, -0.036093943200,  0.301337182700,
-     0.044998869000, -0.017326384300,  0.007833242200, -0.002591035300,
-    -0.000737232300,  0.002800277200, -0.002517691400, -0.000956035500},
-  { -0.006438009700,  0.006796203400, -0.006581589800,  0.007750585800,
-    -0.010864711900,  0.017645387000, -0.035815202400,  0.301393202700,
-     0.044711874800, -0.017252787500,  0.007812074200, -0.002587518900,
-    -0.000737454900,  0.002801635500, -0.002523680400, -0.000954362300},
-  { -0.006401639200,  0.006746574400, -0.006524338300,  0.007669196200,
-    -0.010743983400,  0.017473398600, -0.035540053600,  0.301451854500,
-     0.044413545900, -0.017171090300,  0.007786312500, -0.002588925400,
-    -0.000735266600,  0.002800927700, -0.002521316700, -0.000949359500},
-  { -0.006357778700,  0.006707002900, -0.006462535400,  0.007577627400,
-    -0.010624650100,  0.017300143900, -0.035261474700,  0.301505220000,
-     0.044127692000, -0.017097850700,  0.007766585900, -0.002588324800,
-    -0.000724851500,  0.002796544700, -0.002531073000, -0.000946421000},
-  { -0.006322346100,  0.006658344700, -0.006406316800,  0.007497394200,
-    -0.010505114500,  0.017129209400, -0.034986501900,  0.301569791200,
-     0.043833061900, -0.017016393700,  0.007740582000, -0.002589426200,
-    -0.000722919300,  0.002796070900, -0.002528823500, -0.000941518100},
-  { -0.006287412000,  0.006615790600, -0.006337047100,  0.007410503600,
-    -0.010389329800,  0.016959520500, -0.034711193400,  0.301633352100,
-     0.043538995400, -0.016935463200,  0.007720653400, -0.002578087200,
-    -0.000720236600,  0.002796975700, -0.002534998100, -0.000939577700},
-  { -0.006252289300,  0.006567502700, -0.006281032900,  0.007330632700,
-    -0.010270201400,  0.016788863600, -0.034440183200,  0.301682214200,
-     0.043245651300, -0.016861993700,  0.007691723300, -0.002578831000,
-    -0.000716968300,  0.002787827800, -0.002535183000, -0.000933911800},
-  { -0.006205898400,  0.006520927200, -0.006224969100,  0.007243536900,
-    -0.010155742500,  0.016627163700, -0.034159645200,  0.301741305700,
-     0.042953309700, -0.016781259600,  0.007673144100, -0.002575750000,
-    -0.000717300000,  0.002789556600, -0.002541677100, -0.000931902700},
-  { -0.006172693900,  0.006480627500, -0.006158957400,  0.007167086900,
-    -0.010038799500,  0.016458330300, -0.033890060300,  0.301797671500,
-     0.042661393000, -0.016699057600,  0.007646012100, -0.002576064600,
-    -0.000715860200,  0.002789348200, -0.002539353500, -0.000927029000},
-  { -0.006137812800,  0.006432255400, -0.006101996500,  0.007079130900,
-    -0.009922951400,  0.016287909800, -0.033610088700,  0.301854227800,
-     0.042371265900, -0.016625851600,  0.007623115300, -0.002564257200,
-    -0.000711981100,  0.002781648600, -0.002548160800, -0.000924334400},
-  { -0.006096934600,  0.006396695800, -0.006045818500,  0.007000329800,
-    -0.009804671800,  0.016116562300, -0.033329631800,  0.301910604800,
-     0.042079113900, -0.016542771000,  0.007595979900, -0.002565562900,
-    -0.000702731900,  0.002785897700, -0.002555562000, -0.000921807000},
-  { -0.006062933900,  0.006349328800, -0.005990311300,  0.006913942100,
-    -0.009690267000,  0.015948108300, -0.033057262400,  0.301962237800,
-     0.041789551900, -0.016461435000,  0.007576990700, -0.002562617900,
-    -0.000702405400,  0.002786094000, -0.002553292100, -0.000917048000},
-  { -0.006030707600,  0.006310258300, -0.005925655500,  0.006838885700,
-    -0.009574791300,  0.015779698800, -0.032784352400,  0.302013593200,
-     0.041498813500, -0.016377089100,  0.007547123000, -0.002553821800,
-    -0.000697783700,  0.002778180000, -0.002562081100, -0.000914005100},
-  { -0.005997784800,  0.006264360200, -0.005871819500,  0.006754676200,
-    -0.009463128500,  0.015620155600, -0.032502060800,  0.302075447000,
-     0.041202514700, -0.016296539100,  0.007519854200, -0.002553495700,
-    -0.000696753300,  0.002778219800, -0.002560158500, -0.000909073800},
-  { -0.005953802600,  0.006220559900, -0.005819558300,  0.006678209600,
-    -0.009346907400,  0.015450858700, -0.032226770800,  0.302123085100,
-     0.040913759200, -0.016213682700,  0.007499502500, -0.002549585000,
-    -0.000697575600,  0.002780297700, -0.002566684400, -0.000906938700},
-  { -0.005922781400,  0.006183472900, -0.005762778500,  0.006591765300,
-    -0.009226118300,  0.015287200700, -0.031955488100,  0.302181358200,
-     0.040618118300, -0.016132038300,  0.007470292100, -0.002540354300,
-    -0.000694252800,  0.002779793900, -0.002564399000, -0.000902066000},
-  { -0.005890136500,  0.006137124600, -0.005702277700,  0.006519185100,
-    -0.009112249200,  0.015119563200, -0.031680564700,  0.302235443400,
-     0.040332527300, -0.016048205900,  0.007441443200, -0.002539675700,
-    -0.000692720800,  0.002772999400, -0.002573622600, -0.000899005400},
-  { -0.005850311400,  0.006102867800, -0.005646959300,  0.006433987600,
-    -0.008998513600,  0.014949546000, -0.031394934700,  0.302282936600,
-     0.040036207000, -0.015967839100,  0.007422582300, -0.002538011700,
-    -0.000683794500,  0.002775953500, -0.002572520300, -0.000893764400},
-  { -0.005818964100,  0.006058727200, -0.005595185800,  0.006352081900,
-    -0.008889397700,  0.014792369000, -0.031117719900,  0.302336098600,
-     0.039742056100, -0.015884752000,  0.007391840300, -0.002527331400,
-    -0.000681709200,  0.002777178000, -0.002579042300, -0.000891447000},
-  { -0.005787145500,  0.006013604000, -0.005535923100,  0.006280742400,
-    -0.008776679900,  0.014625338400, -0.030841085500,  0.302387399600,
-     0.039449376300, -0.015802899000,  0.007363441100, -0.002527024400,
-    -0.000679473400,  0.002768808300, -0.002579613300, -0.000885670100},
-  { -0.005757587300,  0.005978394700, -0.005481519600,  0.006197183700,
-    -0.008665183400,  0.014458560600, -0.030564097400,  0.302437909100,
-     0.039157112000, -0.015721824200,  0.007342861000, -0.002522537800,
-    -0.000680774600,  0.002771330800, -0.002586549000, -0.000883371200},
-  { -0.005718682200,  0.005938417900, -0.005432964900,  0.006124864000,
-    -0.008553225900,  0.014292583100, -0.030288050400,  0.302496054000,
-     0.038866667200, -0.015638780000,  0.007312074800, -0.002512230800,
-    -0.000678044400,  0.002771222400, -0.002584426900, -0.000878577700},
-  { -0.005689051600,  0.005902462900, -0.005370854200,  0.006045352000,
-    -0.008444322900,  0.014128120100, -0.030018298000,  0.302541430200,
-     0.038575785600, -0.015556232000,  0.007282648600, -0.002510659300,
-    -0.000677160100,  0.002764759200, -0.002593729700, -0.000875301600},
-  { -0.005657037700,  0.005859684300, -0.005321845400,  0.005973581100,
-    -0.008333790400,  0.013970133000, -0.029736435400,  0.302587106700,
-     0.038284268000, -0.015471874400,  0.007250951700, -0.002499759200,
-    -0.000674653700,  0.002764455200, -0.002591465700, -0.000870433100},
-  { -0.005618333200,  0.005819685000, -0.005272906200,  0.005893724000,
-    -0.008225058800,  0.013805185000, -0.029458517200,  0.302642069200,
-     0.037993797900, -0.015379756300,  0.007223193600, -0.002497981300,
-    -0.000675186800,  0.002766900000, -0.002598670200, -0.000867828800},
-  { -0.005590368200,  0.005786648100, -0.005221758100,  0.005820627000,
-    -0.008112433600,  0.013637747600, -0.029176984600,  0.302685277400,
-     0.037704094600, -0.015297293000,  0.007201598200, -0.002493386100,
-    -0.000675974400,  0.002767923100, -0.002596834100, -0.000863002200},
-  { -0.005560237100,  0.005743450200, -0.005163726600,  0.005743489200,
-    -0.008005370600,  0.013473662100, -0.028897800000,  0.302738295200,
-     0.037407381800, -0.015215522800,  0.007170544900, -0.002482718300,
-    -0.000672918600,  0.002760875300, -0.002606209100, -0.000859635800},
-  { -0.005523266400,  0.005705570200, -0.005118090200,  0.005674706600,
-    -0.007897426600,  0.013318487200, -0.028623546600,  0.302785848400,
-     0.037119392900, -0.015122696500,  0.007141770500, -0.002480246400,
-    -0.000673963700,  0.002763436900, -0.002613369900, -0.000856978400},
-  { -0.005495962500,  0.005673345500, -0.005067111000,  0.005594863000,
-    -0.007789506200,  0.013153651000, -0.028342627700,  0.302836038100,
-     0.036823681900, -0.015040742100,  0.007110968900, -0.002470535200,
-    -0.000662984200,  0.002766079600, -0.002612329100, -0.000851700900},
-  { -0.005466715000,  0.005630853800, -0.005009907900,  0.005518700600,
-    -0.007683264800,  0.012990451100, -0.028068772200,  0.302880652200,
-     0.036538564300, -0.014956855300,  0.007079958900, -0.002467783200,
-    -0.000662808200,  0.002759921300, -0.002621758400, -0.000848374500},
-  { -0.005431440200,  0.005602376800, -0.004962376800,  0.005449141300,
-    -0.007574066800,  0.012825587300, -0.027786579600,  0.302928958400,
-     0.036241695300, -0.014864692500,  0.007050007700, -0.002456982100,
-    -0.000660605900,  0.002760230300, -0.002620023800, -0.000843220100},
-  { -0.005403790100,  0.005562631500, -0.004915494200,  0.005372340600,
-    -0.007469387600,  0.012671612300, -0.027509888900,  0.302972042600,
-     0.035948446100, -0.014782113000,  0.007018769500, -0.002453253700,
-    -0.000662228600,  0.002763058500, -0.002627331400, -0.000840529300},
-  { -0.005375829600,  0.005521878400, -0.004861076400,  0.005306264800,
-    -0.007362011400,  0.012507686500, -0.027226932800,  0.303024793500,
-     0.035664170800, -0.014687960800,  0.006987700700, -0.002441798600,
-    -0.000660398000,  0.002763550700, -0.002625576200, -0.000835595400},
-  { -0.005338761500,  0.005492759000, -0.004812448700,  0.005228310500,
-    -0.007255591100,  0.012344296500, -0.026950110700,  0.303065098100,
-     0.035372382500, -0.014606652200,  0.006965471700, -0.002436456100,
-    -0.000661304500,  0.002757890500, -0.002635253900, -0.000832149000},
-  { -0.005312372600,  0.005454664900, -0.004768172600,  0.005161314600,
-    -0.007148973700,  0.012182095400, -0.026675115000,  0.303114481500,
-     0.035080728500, -0.014514347800,  0.006934810400, -0.002424890300,
-    -0.000659803100,  0.002758707300, -0.002633626200, -0.000827077700},
-  { -0.005284879700,  0.005414457900, -0.004713545300,  0.005088017800,
-    -0.007046166400,  0.012028731400, -0.026395378600,  0.303152032300,
-     0.034789552300, -0.014430720500,  0.006902452300, -0.002420492700,
-    -0.000661736600,  0.002761659300, -0.002641015800, -0.000824295400},
-  { -0.005260165300,  0.005385875600, -0.004667616900,  0.005020650000,
-    -0.006939263300,  0.011865377600, -0.026110236100,  0.303202188800,
-     0.034489243800, -0.014340074900,  0.006872439200, -0.002409717000,
-    -0.000658712000,  0.002753575300, -0.002641882000, -0.000818255300},
-  { -0.005224926800,  0.005349893100, -0.004623184600,  0.004945699400,
-    -0.006835218200,  0.011703557800, -0.025832407000,  0.303246711500,
-     0.034200612800, -0.014256420100,  0.006840045300, -0.002405245800,
-    -0.000660759200,  0.002756849600, -0.002649463500, -0.000815493900},
-  { -0.005200360700,  0.005320551900, -0.004569322900,  0.004882070200,
-    -0.006731633300,  0.011550770700, -0.025552150000,  0.303289891500,
-     0.033911264900, -0.014163218900,  0.006808149800, -0.002392746100,
-    -0.000659822800,  0.002757788100, -0.002647879500, -0.000810410400},
-  { -0.005174599300,  0.005283024100, -0.004525112200,  0.004808058900,
-    -0.006628580100,  0.011389660100, -0.025273538400,  0.303332931800,
-     0.033621534300, -0.014068603800,  0.006768397200, -0.002390857100,
-    -0.000660917000,  0.002760752200, -0.002655561700, -0.000807307300},
-  { -0.005138134800,  0.005247478500, -0.004481928500,  0.004734510300,
-    -0.006526058700,  0.011228843600, -0.024994140700,  0.303374972100,
-     0.033324125700, -0.013977140000,  0.006737428400, -0.002379104500,
-    -0.000658573800,  0.002752971400, -0.002656330700, -0.000801279400},
-  { -0.005114783000,  0.005220209500, -0.004437547500,  0.004669293700,
-    -0.006421881700,  0.011075401800, -0.024710885300,  0.303413510200,
-     0.033037596300, -0.013892349300,  0.006703786000, -0.002373851700,
-    -0.000661054500,  0.002756297000, -0.002663989900, -0.000798421400},
-  { -0.005089678500,  0.005182927100, -0.004386048500,  0.004598983100,
-    -0.006321772900,  0.010917290800, -0.024440923300,  0.303460194300,
-     0.032743987500, -0.013801224500,  0.006672169900, -0.002360988600,
-    -0.000660639200,  0.002757935000, -0.002662733600, -0.000793256200},
-  { -0.005056179700,  0.005149409700, -0.004345436200,  0.004535552600,
-    -0.006218141400,  0.010756094800, -0.024159306200,  0.303498774900,
-     0.032447376800, -0.013708092900,  0.006639524200, -0.002347647400,
-    -0.000660699900,  0.002760669100, -0.002670435300, -0.000790060900},
-  { -0.005033354700,  0.005122582000, -0.004301162100,  0.004462875900,
-    -0.006117430000,  0.010604498100, -0.023875417200,  0.303542329100,
-     0.032163622800, -0.013614934700,  0.006608303400, -0.002343698500,
-    -0.000661193300,  0.002753849700, -0.002671460600, -0.000784186200},
-  { -0.005008967600,  0.005086442900, -0.004251580600,  0.004402065400,
-    -0.006015436800,  0.010444472000, -0.023593760200,  0.303587200300,
-     0.031870307600, -0.013522135600,  0.006575368200, -0.002330048900,
-    -0.000661553700,  0.002756838700, -0.002679339200, -0.000781019600},
-  { -0.004976115300,  0.005053314100, -0.004210712400,  0.004331218000,
-    -0.005916048600,  0.010294044300, -0.023316437000,  0.303617696900,
-     0.031578389200, -0.013438640200,  0.006541662700, -0.002324484400,
-    -0.000663934100,  0.002759243400, -0.002678215700, -0.000775874300},
-  { -0.004954054600,  0.005027973800, -0.004168660700,  0.004268203300,
-    -0.005813434400,  0.010133649800, -0.023032853100,  0.303659766600,
-     0.031285977700, -0.013345456800,  0.006508681700, -0.002311137900,
-    -0.000663161200,  0.002753279200, -0.002688143900, -0.000771897700},
-  { -0.004928421800,  0.004991603200, -0.004118619000,  0.004199827500,
-    -0.005715080300,  0.009976047300, -0.022758266200,  0.303698508100,
-     0.030994692400, -0.013251271900,  0.006466426100, -0.002299129500,
-    -0.000662665200,  0.002754921900, -0.002686928900, -0.000766591100},
-  { -0.004896598000,  0.004959857600, -0.004080198200,  0.004139136400,
-    -0.005614528900,  0.009824735600, -0.022471040100,  0.303736794400,
-     0.030703785700, -0.013157852400,  0.006433708500, -0.002293624700,
-    -0.000665508700,  0.002758724400, -0.002695207900, -0.000763249100},
-  { -0.004875341600,  0.004935181400, -0.004038259800,  0.004068687500,
-    -0.005515687900,  0.009667243000, -0.022195988700,  0.303781885400,
-     0.030415689700, -0.013065059600,  0.006400355600, -0.002279366500,
-    -0.000666054000,  0.002760975500, -0.002694258700, -0.000758084800},
-  { -0.004852436300,  0.004901022400, -0.003990905800,  0.004010497500,
-    -0.005416881700,  0.009517056100, -0.021907914800,  0.303818672700,
-     0.030116858700, -0.012972784600,  0.006366843000, -0.002265346200,
-    -0.000665839200,  0.002755157700, -0.002704376900, -0.000753869400},
-  { -0.004820883700,  0.004869373400, -0.003952016200,  0.003941798300,
-    -0.005318693300,  0.009359170900, -0.021629843300,  0.303851724000,
-     0.029827673100, -0.012877926700,  0.006324791000, -0.002261575500,
-    -0.000667691900,  0.002757747500, -0.002703558700, -0.000748453500},
-  { -0.004800157600,  0.004845423900, -0.003911010800,  0.003872318000,
-    -0.005220680700,  0.009201932100, -0.021352478200,  0.303893044500,
-     0.029540755700, -0.012784037700,  0.006290380500, -0.002246404800,
-    -0.000669147800,  0.002761387900, -0.002711729700, -0.000745150400},
-  { -0.004769350200,  0.004814396600, -0.003865951000,  0.003816203000,
-    -0.005123937600,  0.009054063500, -0.021072898700,  0.303933574300,
-     0.029244511900, -0.012682582100,  0.006257946300, -0.002231939800,
-    -0.000670457700,  0.002764997300, -0.002720193100, -0.000741467200},
-  { -0.004747416400,  0.004781502000, -0.003827110500,  0.003747768000,
-    -0.005026132300,  0.008896179300, -0.020792099600,  0.303962072700,
-     0.028957720600, -0.012588365800,  0.006224450200, -0.002226292500,
-    -0.000672109200,  0.002758959300, -0.002721352900, -0.000735386100},
-  { -0.004727789800,  0.004759315900, -0.003788813700,  0.003689348800,
-    -0.004928785800,  0.008748066500, -0.020511012600,  0.304000013700,
-     0.028662906200, -0.012494169800,  0.006180633900, -0.002212588700,
-    -0.000673225600,  0.002762428000, -0.002729709100, -0.000731741100},
-  { -0.004696972400,  0.004728140600, -0.003742729000,  0.003624215600,
-    -0.004833255700,  0.008591834800, -0.020230886000,  0.304036328200,
-     0.028369440400, -0.012401276400,  0.006146021300, -0.002197280000,
-    -0.000674502100,  0.002765145400, -0.002729093500, -0.000726338700},
-  { -0.004676431900,  0.004696952300, -0.003706438500,  0.003566616300,
-    -0.004736314300,  0.008443532900, -0.019947475400,  0.304069875300,
-     0.028085420100, -0.012305860200,  0.006110074200, -0.002181080700,
-    -0.000676615300,  0.002768917300, -0.002737400900, -0.000722876700},
-  { -0.004656297500,  0.004673640000, -0.003658751600,  0.003501561200,
-    -0.004641076300,  0.008287779500, -0.019666250900,  0.304104283300,
-     0.027791528800, -0.012202678300,  0.006068547500, -0.002176335900,
-    -0.000686846600,  0.002761221600, -0.002738242600, -0.000716707400},
-  { -0.004627325000,  0.004645205500, -0.003624168800,  0.003445318600,
-    -0.004545293600,  0.008140437800, -0.019382840700,  0.304145203000,
-     0.027501099300, -0.012109150300,  0.006033055000, -0.002160148400,
-    -0.000689188800,  0.002765358600, -0.002746934500, -0.000713093800},
-  { -0.004606892100,  0.004614320900, -0.003587618200,  0.003379587100,
-    -0.004450296100,  0.007984496700, -0.019099860600,  0.304176499000,
-     0.027209072700, -0.012013907400,  0.005988351400, -0.002145830400,
-    -0.000690246800,  0.002768039100, -0.002746360600, -0.000707548200},
-  { -0.004586402700,  0.004592039500, -0.003542025400,  0.003325426100,
-    -0.004364128800,  0.007835360000, -0.018813366000,  0.304205403100,
-     0.026918136600, -0.011919323000,  0.005951839900, -0.002129046300,
-    -0.000692658900,  0.002772071700, -0.002754968200, -0.000703804500},
-  { -0.004557731900,  0.004563753700, -0.003507314200,  0.003260984500,
-    -0.004270140400,  0.007680828300, -0.018538518600,  0.304240989200,
-     0.026629304300, -0.011817129000,  0.005919133800, -0.002122896500,
-    -0.000695192900,  0.002766964300, -0.002756676800, -0.000697463600},
-  { -0.004538643100,  0.004534730300, -0.003473370900,  0.003206136100,
-    -0.004175833600,  0.007534408900, -0.018252857000,  0.304277893000,
-     0.026331338900, -0.011723107400,  0.005874142700, -0.002107933500,
-    -0.000697223600,  0.002771073600, -0.002765610600, -0.000693472400},
-  { -0.004519537900,  0.004512855100, -0.003427404600,  0.003142614000,
-    -0.004082281200,  0.007379100700, -0.017967050900,  0.304303942000,
-     0.026040879100, -0.011618952200,  0.005839096700, -0.002091778900,
-    -0.000699143000,  0.002774214900, -0.002765299300, -0.000687773900},
-  { -0.004491807700,  0.004485759300, -0.003394540900,  0.003088733700,
-    -0.003988893700,  0.007233613500, -0.017688142300,  0.304334966200,
-     0.025753901000, -0.011523237400,  0.005793241800, -0.002076469800,
-    -0.000700635700,  0.002769352400, -0.002775689300, -0.000683225000},
-  { -0.004473209500,  0.004457105300, -0.003360743400,  0.003025836900,
-    -0.003897094200,  0.007088896400, -0.017409498600,  0.304365892000,
-     0.025458149700, -0.011421394400,  0.005759636500, -0.002069178100,
-    -0.000704737500,  0.002773610300, -0.002775967700, -0.000677353300},
-  { -0.004444717000,  0.004428620600, -0.003317850200,  0.002964408100,
-    -0.003805137400,  0.006934475400, -0.017122233300,  0.304396703900,
-     0.025171340700, -0.011324954000,  0.005713078000, -0.002053187900,
-    -0.000707171500,  0.002777897100, -0.002784864800, -0.000673385900},
-  { -0.004427971200,  0.004410227500, -0.003284178700,  0.002910777700,
-    -0.003712463600,  0.006789868500, -0.016843034600,  0.304434316000,
-     0.024877740200, -0.011222628000,  0.005678048700, -0.002036501400,
-    -0.000709968500,  0.002781813700, -0.002785075900, -0.000667608000},
-  { -0.004408351500,  0.004381556100, -0.003250508600,  0.002848323700,
-    -0.003620768300,  0.006636493100, -0.016563520800,  0.304461685600,
-     0.024583535100, -0.011127576100,  0.005631997300, -0.002020750200,
-    -0.000711766400,  0.002777270600, -0.002795722300, -0.000662778500},
-  { -0.004380801100,  0.004354269100, -0.003209814400,  0.002797300300,
-    -0.003529018000,  0.006491186300, -0.016272419800,  0.304487711300,
-     0.024298095100, -0.011022085400,  0.005594924600, -0.002002390300,
-    -0.000723818600,  0.002779372400, -0.002795073400, -0.000657344200},
-  { -0.004364270700,  0.004336078200, -0.003175763900,  0.002735447600,
-    -0.003438518800,  0.006347319100, -0.015991075000,  0.304521224900,
-     0.024006627800, -0.010927513200,  0.005549280000, -0.001994892300,
-    -0.000728568200,  0.002784856700, -0.002804663400, -0.000653083600},
-  { -0.004346993300,  0.004309182300, -0.003144467600,  0.002683321200,
-    -0.003346361400,  0.006194068900, -0.015710304400,  0.304553789700,
-     0.023714956500, -0.010823907600,  0.005513183700, -0.001977598200,
-    -0.000731700400,  0.002789105500, -0.002805014900, -0.000647228100},
-  { -0.004320158000,  0.004282770700, -0.003104379700,  0.002625535200,
-    -0.003266869300,  0.006049293000, -0.015425894300,  0.304574941900,
-     0.023422456600, -0.010718772800,  0.005467201200, -0.001961254600,
-    -0.000733852000,  0.002784613800, -0.002815797600, -0.000642092900},
-  { -0.004304236600,  0.004265540900, -0.003072014700,  0.002573489500,
-    -0.003175720900,  0.005905217400, -0.015142040300,  0.304603952900,
-     0.023132882500, -0.010623938900,  0.005429023200, -0.001942767200,
-    -0.000737686400,  0.002789011800, -0.002816103900, -0.000636395600},
-  { -0.004276818000,  0.004239878600, -0.003041041300,  0.002513598800,
-    -0.003086221600,  0.005753037200, -0.014859275700,  0.304632697600,
-     0.022842239000, -0.010518612100,  0.005382887800, -0.001926054500,
-    -0.000740960500,  0.002794055000, -0.002825655200, -0.000631862500},
-  { -0.004260008200,  0.004213047800, -0.003001761400,  0.002464760300,
-    -0.002997005100,  0.005609909000, -0.014574287100,  0.304659243200,
-     0.022552838800, -0.010413292700,  0.005336339900, -0.001909172200,
-    -0.000744164300,  0.002798242800, -0.002826051900, -0.000625856800},
-  { -0.004243542100,  0.004187192800, -0.002971287100,  0.002405494900,
-    -0.002908733500,  0.005467214000, -0.014288738100,  0.304685251500,
-     0.022254934400, -0.010309931700,  0.005299546400, -0.001891056000,
-    -0.000747532900,  0.002794490100, -0.002837320300, -0.000620567900},
-  { -0.004219310800,  0.004172433300, -0.002940735300,  0.002355245100,
-    -0.002818772700,  0.005315723700, -0.014013384600,  0.304717226400,
-     0.021968758500, -0.010213985000,  0.005251545400, -0.001873340800,
-    -0.000751378700,  0.002799287100, -0.002837812200, -0.000614775300},
-  { -0.004202808100,  0.004145912600, -0.002901375100,  0.002298070200,
-    -0.002731549500,  0.005173599700, -0.013726605300,  0.304740017400,
-     0.021680873600, -0.010108070800,  0.005204656900, -0.001863954900,
-    -0.000765887200,  0.002803718400, -0.002847187000, -0.000610304100},
-  { -0.004186959300,  0.004120956700, -0.002872462400,  0.002248900100,
-    -0.002642744000,  0.005030699900, -0.013438827400,  0.304761759800,
-     0.021384603000, -0.010003738700,  0.005166831300, -0.001845151700,
-    -0.000770115000,  0.002808540700, -0.002847973400, -0.000604129100},
-  { -0.004163246800,  0.004106712900, -0.002842615100,  0.002191690700,
-    -0.002565148700,  0.004888119300, -0.013159535100,  0.304789228200,
-     0.021099553600, -0.009897966800,  0.005119292900, -0.001827130700,
-    -0.000773711900,  0.002804989100, -0.002859183800, -0.000598855700},
-  { -0.004147500100,  0.004081504200, -0.002805006000,  0.002144535400,
-    -0.002477149500,  0.004737013500, -0.012872591200,  0.304818061900,
-     0.020805308800, -0.009792977800,  0.005071968700, -0.001809457700,
-    -0.000777559700,  0.002809924700, -0.002860138800, -0.000592610900},
-  { -0.004123192100,  0.004058501200, -0.002776914700,  0.002087605700,
-    -0.002391051400,  0.004596104100, -0.012592772900,  0.304843748500,
-     0.020512328500, -0.009688643500,  0.005033655500, -0.001789823800,
-    -0.000782738000,  0.002816043200, -0.002870343700, -0.000587752000},
-  { -0.004107894100,  0.004034016500, -0.002748740500,  0.002039760600,
-    -0.002303557800,  0.004453794800, -0.012301966200,  0.304859324200,
-     0.020227247700, -0.009581223300,  0.004984922000, -0.001771208200,
-    -0.000787003500,  0.002820817600, -0.002871029700, -0.000581575700},
-  { -0.004093587400,  0.004018650800, -0.002710135300,  0.001984116400,
-    -0.002218448800,  0.004313763100, -0.012021363400,  0.304882818800,
-     0.019935070200, -0.009475750900,  0.004936537800, -0.001751710900,
-    -0.000801110200,  0.002825556300, -0.002880712200, -0.000576816700},
-  { -0.004070086100,  0.003996648800, -0.002683625100,  0.001937624600,
-    -0.002132234200,  0.004173020900, -0.011739650400,  0.304913195700,
-     0.019645015200, -0.009370571700,  0.004888539700, -0.001733255400,
-    -0.000805210900,  0.002821862700, -0.002883172300, -0.000569990700},
-  { -0.004055549600,  0.003973130000, -0.002656075600,  0.001882018300,
-    -0.002055659400,  0.004022181900, -0.011457786400,  0.304933847400,
-     0.019354083600, -0.009265048200,  0.004849033400, -0.001712856100,
-    -0.000810671500,  0.002828266400, -0.002893561300, -0.000564955500},
-  { -0.004032488300,  0.003959785900, -0.002619434800,  0.001836677600,
-    -0.001970197900,  0.003881652600, -0.011174339100,  0.304952581400,
-     0.019063780300, -0.009158923400,  0.004800033700, -0.001693616200,
-    -0.000815677100,  0.002833775600, -0.002894695900, -0.000558583500},
-  { -0.004018305800,  0.003936717300, -0.002592340800,  0.001781462400,
-    -0.001885730400,  0.003741264500, -0.010881885600,  0.304980747200,
-     0.018774565100, -0.009052649800,  0.004751033800, -0.001674129700,
-    -0.000820954500,  0.002840026900, -0.002905324000, -0.000553421000},
-  { -0.004004119100,  0.003913332400, -0.002556816600,  0.001736945200,
-    -0.001801009400,  0.003601134500, -0.010596860500,  0.304996474100,
-     0.018485752400, -0.008946113900,  0.004701589700, -0.001654657700,
-    -0.000825608000,  0.002836444100, -0.002907704700, -0.000546470300},
-  { -0.003981307700,  0.003892381100, -0.002531656000,  0.001692059700,
-    -0.001716342200,  0.003461182700, -0.010312015500,  0.305021093200,
-     0.018188790800, -0.008840558000,  0.004652450700, -0.001634950600,
-    -0.000831250300,  0.002843043800, -0.002918541200, -0.000541059600},
-  { -0.003968435100,  0.003879253900, -0.002504378200,  0.001637657900,
-    -0.001641796500,  0.003321126400, -0.010034991200,  0.305033298300,
-     0.017901410200, -0.008734196000,  0.004611510300, -0.001612810100,
-    -0.000846731600,  0.002848150100, -0.002919339300, -0.000534931600},
-  { -0.003945651400,  0.003857769000, -0.002470181000,  0.001594324200,
-    -0.001558137300,  0.003181615900, -0.009748599800,  0.305054496900,
-     0.017615006900, -0.008627194900,  0.004561274000, -0.001592429500,
-    -0.000852704600,  0.002854820400, -0.002930099600, -0.000529601300},
-  { -0.003932401200,  0.003836006300, -0.002444849800,  0.001541005000,
-    -0.001475450400,  0.003042687600, -0.009461842200,  0.305074913300,
-     0.017319625600, -0.008512038500,  0.004512760300, -0.001572829300,
-    -0.000857749800,  0.002851744600, -0.002933011700, -0.000522254800},
-  { -0.003919897700,  0.003823612700, -0.002418783000,  0.001496396500,
-    -0.001391517800,  0.002903186600, -0.009174192300,  0.305093771700,
-     0.017034066400, -0.008404468200,  0.004462029400, -0.001552015500,
-    -0.000863995200,  0.002858545300, -0.002943863500, -0.000516831700},
-  { -0.003898001300,  0.003803145000, -0.002385302500,  0.001445432500,
-    -0.001319345500,  0.002764325800, -0.008895401800,  0.305119193600,
-     0.016741989300, -0.008298811000,  0.004411842900, -0.001531072000,
-    -0.000870352000,  0.002865288500, -0.002945799600, -0.000510187200},
-  { -0.003884434400,  0.003781771800, -0.002360832800,  0.001401956000,
-    -0.001236297400,  0.002625496200, -0.008606633700,  0.305135746300,
-     0.016448378400, -0.008191697200,  0.004360886000, -0.001509538700,
-    -0.000886061100,  0.002871262500, -0.002956450800, -0.000504731900},
-  { -0.003862439200,  0.003761723500, -0.002336945300,  0.001350046400,
-    -0.001154788900,  0.002487086200, -0.008316860100,  0.305150388000,
-     0.016155288200, -0.008075516000,  0.004311149200, -0.001488975800,
-    -0.000891753800,  0.002868512700, -0.002959470700, -0.000497291200},
-  { -0.003850712800,  0.003749888800, -0.002302777900,  0.001307766700,
-    -0.001072739500,  0.002349092100, -0.008036267100,  0.305171969300,
-     0.015873669900, -0.007967928800,  0.004259593600, -0.001467267200,
-    -0.000898797900,  0.002875940200, -0.002970642300, -0.000491739700},
-  { -0.003838542900,  0.003729366300, -0.002278849600,  0.001256255000,
-    -0.001000782800,  0.002210354400, -0.007754203600,  0.305182829200,
-     0.015582827100, -0.007861128300,  0.004217388300, -0.001444400500,
-    -0.000906121000,  0.002883075100, -0.002972661400, -0.000485004200},
-  { -0.003816509300,  0.003709864100, -0.002256106400,  0.001214479000,
-    -0.000919168800,  0.002072061100, -0.007462776200,  0.305202709200,
-     0.015292286200, -0.007744430700,  0.004166752200, -0.001423103300,
-    -0.000912804200,  0.002890024200, -0.002974973900, -0.000478005400},
-  { -0.003804721500,  0.003689540000, -0.002223798900,  0.001173609200,
-    -0.000838292300,  0.001934852000, -0.007180134300,  0.305220409100,
-     0.015003290600, -0.007637074700,  0.004114765900, -0.001400660100,
-    -0.000929037200,  0.002887514500, -0.002986971300, -0.000471906600},
-  { -0.003784248300,  0.003679910900, -0.002200335400,  0.001122795500,
-    -0.000758115600,  0.001797689700, -0.006896906600,  0.305236860000,
-     0.014714266400, -0.007520350800,  0.004063782200, -0.001378788100,
-    -0.000936224300,  0.002894831400, -0.002989337500, -0.000464860200},
-  { -0.003772222700,  0.003660354300, -0.002177942800,  0.001082013300,
-    -0.000686657100,  0.001659411900, -0.006612456400,  0.305252141100,
-     0.014416934300, -0.007413160700,  0.004011606300, -0.001356286200,
-    -0.000943766600,  0.002902744400, -0.003001127800, -0.000458704700},
-  { -0.003751272400,  0.003641224700, -0.002146282400,  0.001032856600,
-    -0.000607494800,  0.001522406400, -0.006318495400,  0.305266353700,
-     0.014129397200, -0.007305163600,  0.003959036100, -0.001333568200,
-    -0.000951286800,  0.002910117000, -0.003003554800, -0.000451769900},
-  { -0.003740453600,  0.003631277700, -0.002123501700,  0.000991980200,
-    -0.000527217900,  0.001385321000, -0.006032900700,  0.305278786000,
-     0.013842019100, -0.007187486600,  0.003906976500, -0.001311089600,
-    -0.000958623000,  0.002908760100, -0.003016231600, -0.000445068000},
-  { -0.003729050600,  0.003612350900, -0.002101520100,  0.000942775500,
-    -0.000457538900,  0.001248307000, -0.005747166800,  0.305299153300,
-     0.013547492500, -0.007080269600,  0.003854346300, -0.001287607700,
-    -0.000975892700,  0.002915881100, -0.003018644300, -0.000438154800},
-  { -0.003708956400,  0.003594054000, -0.002071214100,  0.000903979800,
-    -0.000378641900,  0.001112105700, -0.005469551400,  0.305307792800,
-     0.013261923500, -0.006962423800,  0.003801673700, -0.001264499500,
-    -0.000984066100,  0.002924143600, -0.003030515100, -0.000431795400},
-  { -0.003698495600,  0.003575779100, -0.002050276300,  0.000864607400,
-    -0.000299850300,  0.000984943000, -0.005181636100,  0.305325129100,
-     0.012968326800, -0.006845375400,  0.003749292200, -0.001241358200,
-    -0.000992319500,  0.002932209100, -0.003033543100, -0.000424402600},
-  { -0.003678810800,  0.003567216600, -0.002028355600,  0.000815922500,
-    -0.000231056700,  0.000848238100, -0.004893293600,  0.305331925800,
-     0.012683638900, -0.006736106600,  0.003694939000, -0.001207958100,
-    -0.000999989700,  0.002940099300, -0.003045285600, -0.000418160500},
-  { -0.003668399300,  0.003548917800, -0.001998535200,  0.000778065700,
-    -0.000153154100,  0.000712646300, -0.004604878800,  0.305346710600,
-     0.012391231100, -0.006618462800,  0.003632680800, -0.001185043200,
-    -0.001017024400,  0.002938122000, -0.003048768800, -0.000410416700},
-  { -0.003658356000,  0.003531138400, -0.001977775600,  0.000729983100,
-    -0.000075620500,  0.000577290600, -0.004325205000,  0.305359759100,
-     0.012099735200, -0.006510233800,  0.003578931400, -0.001160855500,
-    -0.001026023300,  0.002947019900, -0.003061151700, -0.000403882200},
-  { -0.003638938800,  0.003514164000, -0.001958085100,  0.000692151600,
-    -0.000007068200,  0.000440667500, -0.004034754500,  0.305371538600,
-     0.011808326800, -0.006392102100,  0.003525266500, -0.001136761300,
-    -0.001034693000,  0.002955492900, -0.003064410600, -0.000396332400},
-  { -0.003629223000,  0.003505495000, -0.001927947000,  0.000654411200,
-     0.000070163400,  0.000314498600, -0.003743576500,  0.305382025700,
-     0.011526826700, -0.006273264800,  0.003470974700, -0.001112218000,
-    -0.001043813600,  0.002964194700, -0.003076842200, -0.000389669200},
-  { -0.003610639600,  0.003489057800, -0.001908316200,  0.000607413700,
-     0.000146785300,  0.000179544400, -0.003461481100,  0.305390383500,
-     0.011237344100, -0.006164483000,  0.003416433800, -0.001087365200,
-    -0.001053001800,  0.002963790800, -0.003080805300, -0.000381874300},
-  { -0.003601269100,  0.003472094500, -0.001888981300,  0.000570197700,
-     0.000214496100,  0.000043993500, -0.003178921900,  0.305407159000,
-     0.010948594500, -0.006046137200,  0.003362096800, -0.001062345400,
-    -0.001071720100,  0.002972423700, -0.003093318200, -0.000375146000},
-  { -0.003582656500,  0.003455849400, -0.001860858600,  0.000524745900,
-     0.000290078700, -0.000090648300, -0.002886387300,  0.305413750100,
-     0.010650492300, -0.005928189500,  0.003307938500, -0.001037636700,
-    -0.001081004600,  0.002981370000, -0.003096989400, -0.000367260100},
-  { -0.003573744000,  0.003448505600, -0.001841238600,  0.000487681400,
-     0.000357013800, -0.000216601600, -0.002601772700,  0.305427509700,
-     0.010362986600, -0.005809448800,  0.003252789700, -0.001002860000,
-    -0.001090243800,  0.002990478200, -0.003109808600, -0.000360263700},
-  { -0.003564774200,  0.003431922800, -0.001822254600,  0.000451135800,
-     0.000433003700, -0.000351097200, -0.002316996000,  0.305430485400,
-     0.010075840400, -0.005699440100,  0.003187647900, -0.000977716300,
-    -0.001099777400,  0.002990283900, -0.003113898000, -0.000352248700},
-  { -0.003546870600,  0.003416172000, -0.001794658100,  0.000406472900,
-     0.000498512700, -0.000485477300, -0.002031776000,  0.305441562500,
-     0.009789706100, -0.005580569300,  0.003132334500, -0.000951776200,
-    -0.001119130300,  0.002999325200, -0.003126683700, -0.000345274700},
-  { -0.003538373300,  0.003400302700, -0.001776549100,  0.000370535700,
-     0.000573925900, -0.000610465300, -0.001745336100,  0.305451127000,
-     0.009494961400, -0.005461903400,  0.003077019500, -0.000925937200,
-    -0.001129494000,  0.003009011500, -0.003130746200, -0.000337260000},
-  { -0.003520921500,  0.003394346200, -0.001758288700,  0.000334721100,
-     0.000649268300, -0.000744677800, -0.001458744900,  0.305459744400,
-     0.009209557400, -0.005342285700,  0.003021134300, -0.000899901500,
-    -0.001139831400,  0.003018842400, -0.003144017200, -0.000329970400},
-  { -0.003512573100,  0.003378711000, -0.001740435500,  0.000290089600,
-     0.000714234800, -0.000869571200, -0.001170623500,  0.305466205000,
-     0.008916237200, -0.005223260400,  0.002965177700, -0.000873315500,
-    -0.001150412500,  0.003019394800, -0.003148759600, -0.000321551300},
-  { -0.003495167000,  0.003363569600, -0.001713789300,  0.000255669300,
-     0.000788301700, -0.001002806300, -0.000882964600,  0.305471690900,
-     0.008632676200, -0.005103588900,  0.002908698000, -0.000837361100,
-    -0.001169925400,  0.003028499400, -0.003152349500, -0.000313813200},
-  { -0.003486840300,  0.003348178400, -0.001696380900,  0.000211810600,
-     0.000852586500, -0.001136564500, -0.000594272800,  0.305476029500,
-     0.008340196300, -0.004983911700,  0.002842935600, -0.000811096700,
-    -0.001180375200,  0.003038511100, -0.003165955700, -0.000306075200},
-  { -0.003469765900,  0.003343036000, -0.001679160000,  0.000177135000,
-     0.000926754800, -0.001260861000, -0.000304469600,  0.305487970600,
-     0.008048797600, -0.004864404400,  0.002786310700, -0.000784087900,
-    -0.001191632000,  0.003048908400, -0.003170531700, -0.000297868500},
-  { -0.003461774600,  0.003327682700, -0.001652648300,  0.000143244500,
-     0.000990953800, -0.001394377600, -0.000023525100,  0.305488765700,
-     0.007767318900, -0.004744017700,  0.002728774500, -0.000756520300,
-    -0.001202902100,  0.003050026400, -0.003184579100, -0.000289997500},
-  { -0.003454137100,  0.003313035200, -0.001636003800,  0.000099881700,
-     0.001063982400, -0.001517720800,  0.000267125500,  0.305498083700,
-     0.007477414500, -0.004624290900,  0.002671831100, -0.000729004800,
-    -0.001223831900,  0.003060168000, -0.003188993500, -0.000281862900},
-  { -0.003437037600,  0.003298773100, -0.001619778200,  0.000066556300,
-     0.001127390700, -0.001650952000,  0.000558741700,  0.305505931400,
-     0.007187871700, -0.004503987800,  0.002604895500, -0.000692451500,
-    -0.001234554400,  0.003070451600, -0.003202910800, -0.000273917600},
-  { -0.003429250800,  0.003293434500, -0.001593584100,  0.000033135500,
-     0.001200242700, -0.001774239400,  0.000841583200,  0.305502674600,
-     0.006898956800, -0.004383683600,  0.002546976200, -0.000664350300,
-    -0.001246591800,  0.003081283900, -0.003207541700, -0.000265507200},
-  { -0.003412490900,  0.003279564200, -0.001577770500, -0.000009313800,
-     0.001263167800, -0.001906951100,  0.001124928200,  0.305507531700,
-     0.006610834100, -0.004263249000,  0.002489119800, -0.000636159800,
-    -0.001267872500,  0.003091948000, -0.003221504300, -0.000257636700},
-  { -0.003404731400,  0.003265175300, -0.001561789400, -0.000042083300,
-     0.001335330400, -0.002029953100,  0.001418764600,  0.305510887600,
-     0.006323528600, -0.004142487600,  0.002421344900, -0.000607985400,
-    -0.001279946600,  0.003093528500, -0.003226864100, -0.000248796500},
-  { -0.003388377600,  0.003251864100, -0.001537100900, -0.000074381800,
-     0.001397822300, -0.002153295800,  0.001704243000,  0.305521780500,
-     0.006027997600, -0.004022334800,  0.002362991000, -0.000569919800,
-    -0.001292085400,  0.003104789400, -0.003241453500, -0.000240501100},
-  { -0.003380795000,  0.003247258700, -0.001521319900, -0.000116373400,
-     0.001469413800, -0.002285243100,  0.001989240500,  0.305522735200,
-     0.005741703600, -0.003901387700,  0.002304368000, -0.000541061900,
-    -0.001304684500,  0.003116275100, -0.003246569900, -0.000231910300},
-  { -0.003373394500,  0.003233233200, -0.001505753800, -0.000148571000,
-     0.001531547700, -0.002407952000,  0.002275511400,  0.305521935800,
-     0.005456280000, -0.003780111100,  0.002235803700, -0.000512158000,
-    -0.001326570100,  0.003127233900, -0.003260822600, -0.000223661700},
-  { -0.003356689400,  0.003220032300, -0.001491017200, -0.000180271600,
-     0.001602837600, -0.002530584900,  0.002572382100,  0.305528831700,
-     0.005162307100, -0.003658974500,  0.002176562700, -0.000482746700,
-    -0.001339690600,  0.003129659400, -0.003266806700, -0.000214552200},
-  { -0.003349458000,  0.003206380900, -0.001466550800, -0.000211731900,
-     0.001663994200, -0.002662171400,  0.002859642300,  0.305525209100,
-     0.004878336100, -0.003537488300,  0.002116848800, -0.000443644700,
-    -0.001352471400,  0.003141260600, -0.003272003200, -0.000205837900},
-  { -0.003332926300,  0.003202823300, -0.001452058900, -0.000252375300,
-     0.001725095700, -0.002784621900,  0.003148416400,  0.305529242100,
-     0.004585797400, -0.003406922200,  0.002048118400, -0.000414183100,
-    -0.001365477700,  0.003153111900, -0.003287185700, -0.000196877000},
-  { -0.003326162500,  0.003189613400, -0.001437413900, -0.000283721000,
-     0.001795892300, -0.002906671400,  0.003427783000,  0.305532062500,
-     0.004303401100, -0.003285234700,  0.001988112900, -0.000384077600,
-    -0.001388720100,  0.003165263500, -0.003292642400, -0.000188174200},
-  { -0.003309959200,  0.003176999800, -0.001413956600, -0.000314280200,
-     0.001856478200, -0.003038205600,  0.003717851500,  0.305533321300,
-     0.004012019600, -0.003163333400,  0.001927602200, -0.000353662500,
-    -0.001402398400,  0.003168136400, -0.003308169600, -0.000179151700}
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eb2287e7930d40674538a55b7720f45d930e886..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/InvertedStationPPFWeights.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-extern int	   reverseSubbandMapping[512];
-extern const float invertedStationPPFWeights[1024][16] __attribute__ ((aligned(32)));
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d3dae722fe3084a9ea569f775a38691ebbdad94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-typedef __global float2 (*TransposedDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][512];
-typedef __global float4 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_SUBBANDS][NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_TABS];
-__kernel void UHEP_Transpose(__global void *restrict transposedDataPtr, 
-			     __global const void *restrict complexVoltagesPtr,
-			     __global int reverseSubbandMapping[512])
-  TransposedDataType  transposedData  = (TransposedDataType) transposedDataPtr;
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  __local float4 tmp[16][17];
-  uint tabBase = 16 * get_global_id(1);
-  uint sbBase  = 16 * get_global_id(2);
-  uint tabOffsetR = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  uint tabR	  = tabBase + tabOffsetR;
-  uint sbOffsetR = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  int sbSourceR = reverseSubbandMapping[sbBase + sbOffsetR];
-  bool doR	= (NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabR < NR_TABS) && sbSourceR >= 0;
-  uint tabOffsetW = get_local_id(0) >> 4;
-  uint tabW	  = tabBase + tabOffsetW;
-  uint sbOffsetW = get_local_id(0) & 15;
-  int sbSourceW = reverseSubbandMapping[sbBase + sbOffsetW];
-  bool doW	= NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || tabW < NR_TABS;
-  for (int time = 0; time < NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1; time ++) {
-    if (doR)
-      tmp[tabOffsetR][sbOffsetR] = (*complexVoltages)[sbSourceR][time][tabR];
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (doW) {
-      float4 sample = sbSourceW >= 0 ? tmp[tabOffsetW][sbOffsetW] : 0;
-      (*transposedData)[tabW][0][time][sbBase + sbOffsetW] = sample.xy;
-      (*transposedData)[tabW][1][time][sbBase + sbOffsetW] = sample.zw;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index cb8248be325fa81a44e309be3a1a84ebe64e5e75..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl-0.ptx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by NVIDIA NVVM Compiler
-// Compiler built on Tue Feb  7 07:15:59 2012 (1328595359)
-// Driver 295.20
-.version 3.0
-.target sm_21, texmode_independent
-.address_size 32
-.extern .shared .align 16 .b8 shr_1_tmp[4352];
-.entry UHEP_Transpose(
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 UHEP_Transpose_param_0,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 UHEP_Transpose_param_1,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 4 UHEP_Transpose_param_2
-	.reg .f32 	%f<30>;
-	.reg .pred 	%p<7>;
-	.reg .s32 	%r<61>;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r25, [UHEP_Transpose_param_0];
-	ld.param.u32 	%r26, [UHEP_Transpose_param_1];
-	ld.param.u32 	%r27, [UHEP_Transpose_param_2];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r12, %envreg4;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r13, %ntid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r14, %ctaid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r15, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r28, %r15, %r12;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r29, %r14, %r13, %r28;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r16, %envreg5;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r17, %ntid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r18, %ctaid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r19, %tid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r30, %r19, %r16;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r31, %r18, %r17, %r30;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r20, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r32, %r29, 4;
-	and.b32  	%r33, %r20, 15;
-	add.s32 	%r34, %r32, %r33;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r21, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shr.u32 	%r35, %r21, 4;
-	shl.b32 	%r36, %r31, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r37, %r36, %r35;
-	shl.b32 	%r38, %r37, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r39, %r27, %r38;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p4, %r34, 4;
-	ld.global.u32 	%r40, [%r39];
-	setp.gt.s32 	%p5, %r40, -1;
-	and.pred  	%p1, %p4, %p5;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r22, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	shr.u32 	%r41, %r22, 4;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r23, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	and.b32  	%r42, %r23, 15;
-	add.s32 	%r43, %r36, %r42;
-	shl.b32 	%r44, %r43, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r45, %r27, %r44;
-	add.s32 	%r46, %r41, %r32;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p2, %r46, 4;
-	mov.u32 	%r47, shr_1_tmp;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r48, %r33, 272, %r47;
-	and.b32  	%r49, %r21, -16;
-	add.s32 	%r1, %r48, %r49;
-	ld.global.u32 	%r50, [%r45];
-	setp.gt.s32 	%p3, %r50, -1;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r51, %r41, 272, %r47;
-	shl.b32 	%r52, %r42, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r2, %r51, %r52;
-	shl.b32 	%r53, %r43, 3;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r54, %r46, 8511488, %r53;
-	add.s32 	%r55, %r54, %r25;
-	add.s32 	%r60, %r55, 4255744;
-	shl.b32 	%r56, %r34, 4;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r57, %r40, 66496, %r56;
-	add.s32 	%r59, %r26, %r57;
-	mov.u32 	%r58, 1039;
-	add.s32 	%r8, %r60, -4255744;
-	@!%p1 bra 	BB0_3;
-	ld.global.v4.f32 	{%f22, %f23, %f24, %f25}, [%r59];
-	st.shared.v4.f32 	[%r1], {%f22, %f23, %f24, %f25};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	@!%p2 bra 	BB0_8;
-	@%p3 bra 	BB0_6;
-	mov.f32 	%f1, 0f00000000;
-	mov.f32 	%f26, %f1;
-	mov.f32 	%f27, %f1;
-	mov.f32 	%f28, %f1;
-	mov.f32 	%f29, %f1;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_7;
-	ld.shared.v4.f32 	{%f26, %f27, %f28, %f29}, [%r2];
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r8], {%f26, %f27};
-	st.global.v2.f32 	[%r8+4255744], {%f28, %f29};
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	add.s32 	%r60, %r60, 4096;
-	add.s32 	%r59, %r59, 64;
-	add.s32 	%r58, %r58, -1;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p6, %r58, 0;
-	@%p6 bra 	BB0_1;
-	ret;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl.ok b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a0813f5c61f5d8d47bc77f0f80fd56a8ff504fd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Transpose.cl.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-typedef __global float2 (*TransposedDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][512];
-typedef __global float2 (*ComplexVoltagesType)[NR_SUBBANDS][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1][NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS];
-__kernel void UHEP_Transpose(__global void *restrict transposedDataPtr, 
-			     __global const void *restrict complexVoltagesPtr,
-			     __global int reverseSubbandMapping[512])
-  TransposedDataType  transposedData  = (TransposedDataType) transposedDataPtr;
-  ComplexVoltagesType complexVoltages = (ComplexVoltagesType) complexVoltagesPtr;
-  __local float2 tmp[16][17][2];
-  uint base_tab = 16 * get_group_id(1);
-  uint base_sb  = 16 * get_group_id(2);
-  uint pol	= get_global_id(0);
-  uint id_1	= get_local_id(1);
-  uint id_2	= get_local_id(2);
-  int source_sb_1 = reverseSubbandMapping[base_sb + id_1];
-  int source_sb_2 = reverseSubbandMapping[base_sb + id_2];
-  for (int time = 0; time < NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK + NR_STATION_FILTER_TAPS - 1; time ++) {
-    if (NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || base_tab + id_1 < NR_TABS)
-      if (source_sb_2 >= 0)
-	tmp[id_2][id_1][pol] = (*complexVoltages)[source_sb_2][time][base_tab + id_1][pol];
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (NR_TABS % 16 == 0 || base_tab + id_2 < NR_TABS) {
-      float2 sample = source_sb_1 >= 0 ? tmp[id_1][id_2][pol] : 0;
-      (*transposedData)[base_tab + id_2][pol][time][base_sb + id_1] = sample;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f261307e8416e0aaccaedecd3172c4069839697..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-typedef __global struct {
-  float mean, variance, bestValue;
-  uint  bestApproxIndex;
-} (*TriggerInfoType)[NR_TABS];
-typedef __global float (*InvFIRfilteredDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][16][16][NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND / 4][16];
-#if 0
-float2 computeThreshold(__global const float *invFIRfilteredDataPtr)
-  float M = 0, S = 0;
-  uint  count = 0;
-  for (uint i = get_local_id(0); i < sizeof(InvFIRfilteredDataType) / sizeof(float); i += get_local_size(0)) {
-    ++ count;
-    float sample = invFIRfilteredDataPtr[i];
-    float t = sample - M;
-    M += t / count;
-    S += t * (sample - M);
-  }
-  __local float2 local_MS[256];
-  local_MS[get_local_id(0)] = (float2) (M, S);
-  for (uint i = get_local_size(0); (i >>= 1) != 0;) {
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (get_local_id(0) < i)
-      local_MS[get_local_id(0)] += local_MS[get_local_id(0) + i];
-  }
-  if (get_local_id(0) == 0)
-    local_MS[0].y = native_sqrt(local_MS[0].y);
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  return local_MS[0];
-__kernel void trigger(__global const void *triggerInfoPtr,
-		      __global const float *invFIRfilteredDataPtr)
-  TriggerInfoType	 triggerInfo = (TriggerInfoType) triggerInfoPtr;
-  InvFIRfilteredDataType invFIRfilteredData = (InvFIRfilteredDataType) invFIRfilteredDataPtr;
-  uint minor = get_local_id(0);
-  uint major = get_local_id(1);
-  uint me    = 16 * major + minor;
-  uint tab   = get_global_id(2);
-  float mean = 0, sumsqdiff = 0;
-  float count = 0;
-  __local union {
-    float f[16][16][16];
-    float16 f16[16][16];
-    struct {
-      float means[256], sumsqdiffs[256], values[256];
-      uint  approxIndices[256];
-    } best;
-  } tmp;
-  float16 h0, h1;
-  h1 /*.s789ABCDEF*/ = 0;
-  float16 sum_0;
-  float bestValue = 0;
-  uint bestApproxIndex = 0;
-  for (uint time = 0; time < 1024 * NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND / 4096; time ++) {
-    for (uint i = 0; i < 16; i ++) {
-      float sampleX = (*invFIRfilteredData)[tab][0][i][major][time][minor];
-      float sampleY = (*invFIRfilteredData)[tab][1][i][major][time][minor];
-      float power   = sampleX * sampleX + sampleY * sampleY;
-      tmp.f[i][major][minor] = power;
-      count += 1.0f;
-      float delta = power - mean;
-      mean += delta / count;
-      sumsqdiff += delta * (power - mean);
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    h0 = tmp.f16[major][minor];
-    sum_0.s0 = sum_0.sF + h0.s0 - h1.s5;
-    sum_0.s1 = sum_0.s0 + h0.s1 - h1.s6;
-    sum_0.s2 = sum_0.s1 + h0.s2 - h1.s7;
-    sum_0.s3 = sum_0.s2 + h0.s3 - h1.s8;
-    sum_0.s4 = sum_0.s3 + h0.s4 - h1.s9;
-    sum_0.s5 = sum_0.s4 + h0.s5 - h1.sA;
-    sum_0.s6 = sum_0.s5 + h0.s6 - h1.sB;
-    sum_0.s7 = sum_0.s6 + h0.s7 - h1.sC;
-    sum_0.s8 = sum_0.s7 + h0.s8 - h1.sD;
-    sum_0.s9 = sum_0.s8 + h0.s9 - h1.sE;
-    sum_0.sA = sum_0.s9 + h0.sA - h1.sF;
-    sum_0.sB = sum_0.sA + h0.sB - h0.s0;
-    sum_0.sC = sum_0.sB + h0.sC - h0.s1;
-    sum_0.sD = sum_0.sC + h0.sD - h0.s2;
-    sum_0.sE = sum_0.sD + h0.sE - h0.s3;
-    sum_0.sF = sum_0.sE + h0.sF - h0.s4;
-    float m0 = max(max(sum_0.s0, sum_0.s1), max(sum_0.s2, sum_0.s3));
-    float m1 = max(max(sum_0.s4, sum_0.s5), max(sum_0.s6, sum_0.s7));
-    float m2 = max(max(sum_0.s8, sum_0.s9), max(sum_0.sA, sum_0.sB));
-    float m3 = max(max(sum_0.sC, sum_0.sD), max(sum_0.sE, sum_0.sF));
-    float m = max(max(m0, m1), max(m2, m3));
-    if (m >= bestValue) {
-      bestValue = m;
-      bestApproxIndex = me * 1024 * NR_SAMPLES_PER_SUBBAND / 256 + time * 16;
-    }
-    h1 /*.s56789ABCDEF*/ = h0 /*.s56789ABCDEF*/;
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-  tmp.best.means[me] = mean;
-  tmp.best.sumsqdiffs[me] = sumsqdiff;
-  tmp.best.values[me] = bestValue;
-  tmp.best.approxIndices[me] = bestApproxIndex;
-  for (uint i = 256; (i >>= 1) != 0;) {
-    if (me < i) {
-      float meanA = tmp.best.means[me], meanB = tmp.best.means[me + i];
-      float sumsqdiffA = tmp.best.sumsqdiffs[me], sumsqdiffB = tmp.best.sumsqdiffs[me + i];
-      float delta = meanB - meanA;
-      tmp.best.means[me] = (meanA + meanB) / 2;
-      tmp.best.sumsqdiffs[me] = sumsqdiffA + sumsqdiffB + delta * delta * count / 2;
-      count *= 2;
-      if (tmp.best.values[me] < tmp.best.values[me + i]) {
-	tmp.best.values[me] = tmp.best.values[me + i];
-	tmp.best.approxIndices[me] = tmp.best.approxIndices[me + i];
-      }
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-  if (me == 0) {
-    (*triggerInfo)[tab].mean = tmp.best.means[0];
-    (*triggerInfo)[tab].variance = tmp.best.sumsqdiffs[0] / (count - 1);
-    (*triggerInfo)[tab].bestValue = tmp.best.values[0];
-    (*triggerInfo)[tab].bestApproxIndex = tmp.best.approxIndices[0];
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl-0.ptx b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl-0.ptx
deleted file mode 100644
index ae2713f9037df945f18a988f001c6c0d0abbf29b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl-0.ptx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by NVIDIA NVVM Compiler
-// Compiler built on Tue Feb  7 07:15:59 2012 (1328595359)
-// Driver 295.20
-.version 3.0
-.target sm_21, texmode_independent
-.address_size 32
-.extern .shared .align 64 .b8 shr_4_tmp[16384];
-.entry trigger(
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 1 trigger_param_0,
-	.param .u32 .ptr .global .align 4 trigger_param_1
-	.reg .f32 	%f<434>;
-	.reg .pred 	%p<21>;
-	.reg .s32 	%r<71>;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r31, [trigger_param_1];
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r23, %tid.x;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r24, %tid.y;
-	// inline asm
-	shl.b32 	%r32, %r24, 4;
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r25, %envreg5;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r26, %ntid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r27, %ctaid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	// inline asm
-	mov.u32 	%r28, %tid.z;
-	// inline asm
-	add.s32 	%r33, %r28, %r25;
-	mad.lo.s32 	%r3, %r27, %r26, %r33;
-	shl.b32 	%r34, %r24, 10;
-	mov.u32 	%r35, shr_4_tmp;
-	add.s32 	%r36, %r35, %r34;
-	shl.b32 	%r37, %r23, 6;
-	add.s32 	%r4, %r36, %r37;
-	add.s32 	%r2, %r32, %r23;
-	shl.b32 	%r38, %r2, 12;
-	and.b32  	%r5, %r38, 16773120;
-	shl.b32 	%r39, %r3, 21;
-	add.s32 	%r40, %r23, %r39;
-	shl.b32 	%r41, %r24, 12;
-	add.s32 	%r42, %r40, %r41;
-	shl.b32 	%r43, %r42, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r70, %r31, %r43;
-	shl.b32 	%r44, %r24, 6;
-	shl.b32 	%r45, %r23, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r46, %r35, %r44;
-	add.s32 	%r47, %r46, %r45;
-	add.s32 	%r7, %r47, 3072;
-	mov.f32 	%f420, 0f00000000;
-	mov.f32 	%f430, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f431, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f432, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f433, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f422, %f405;
-	mov.f32 	%f419, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f421, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f418, %f420;
-	mov.u32 	%r65, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r64, %r65;
-	mov.f32 	%f426, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f427, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f428, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f429, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f423, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f424, %f420;
-	mov.f32 	%f425, %f420;
-	mov.u32 	%r68, %r70;
-	mov.u32 	%r8, %r68;
-	shl.b32 	%r49, %r64, 4;
-	add.s32 	%r12, %r5, %r49;
-	mov.u32 	%r67, 16;
-	mov.u32 	%r66, %r7;
-	mov.u32 	%r69, %r8;
-	mov.u32 	%r15, %r69;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f40, [%r15];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f41, [%r15+4194304];
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f42, %f41, %f41;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f43, %f40, %f40, %f42;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r66+-3072], %f43;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f44, %f43, %f419;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f45, %f421, 0f3F800000;
-	div.approx.ftz.f32 	%f46, %f44, %f45;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f47, %f419, %f46;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f48, %f43, %f47;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f49, %f44, %f48, %f420;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f50, [%r15+262144];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f51, [%r15+4456448];
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f52, %f51, %f51;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f53, %f50, %f50, %f52;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r66+-2048], %f53;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f54, %f45, 0f3F800000;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f55, %f53, %f47;
-	div.approx.ftz.f32 	%f56, %f55, %f54;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f57, %f47, %f56;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f58, %f53, %f57;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f59, %f55, %f58, %f49;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f60, [%r15+524288];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f61, [%r15+4718592];
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f62, %f61, %f61;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f63, %f60, %f60, %f62;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r66+-1024], %f63;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f64, %f54, 0f3F800000;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f65, %f63, %f57;
-	div.approx.ftz.f32 	%f66, %f65, %f64;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f67, %f57, %f66;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f68, %f63, %f67;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f69, %f65, %f68, %f59;
-	ld.global.f32 	%f70, [%r15+786432];
-	ld.global.f32 	%f71, [%r15+4980736];
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f72, %f71, %f71;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f73, %f70, %f70, %f72;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r66], %f73;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f421, %f64, 0f3F800000;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f74, %f73, %f67;
-	div.approx.ftz.f32 	%f75, %f74, %f421;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f419, %f67, %f75;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f76, %f73, %f419;
-	fma.rn.ftz.f32 	%f420, %f74, %f76, %f69;
-	add.s32 	%r16, %r15, 1048576;
-	add.s32 	%r66, %r66, 4096;
-	add.s32 	%r67, %r67, -4;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p1, %r67, 0;
-	mov.u32 	%r69, %r16;
-	@%p1 bra 	BB0_2;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	ld.shared.v4.f32 	{%f258, %f259, %f260, %f261}, [%r4];
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f79, %f422, %f258;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f81, %f79, %f423;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f83, %f81, %f259;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f85, %f83, %f424;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f87, %f85, %f260;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f89, %f87, %f425;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f91, %f89, %f261;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f93, %f91, %f426;
-	ld.shared.v4.f32 	{%f274, %f423, %f424, %f425}, [%r4+16];
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f95, %f93, %f274;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f97, %f95, %f427;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f99, %f97, %f423;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f101, %f99, %f428;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f103, %f101, %f424;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f105, %f103, %f429;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f107, %f105, %f425;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f109, %f107, %f430;
-	ld.shared.v4.f32 	{%f426, %f427, %f428, %f429}, [%r4+32];
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f111, %f109, %f426;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f113, %f111, %f431;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f115, %f113, %f427;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f117, %f115, %f432;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f119, %f117, %f428;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f121, %f119, %f433;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f123, %f121, %f429;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f124, %f123, %f258;
-	ld.shared.v4.f32 	{%f430, %f431, %f432, %f433}, [%r4+48];
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f126, %f124, %f430;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f127, %f126, %f259;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f129, %f127, %f431;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f130, %f129, %f260;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f132, %f130, %f432;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f133, %f132, %f261;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f135, %f133, %f433;
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f136, %f135, %f274;
-	max.f32 	%f137, %f81, %f85;
-	max.f32 	%f138, %f89, %f93;
-	max.f32 	%f139, %f137, %f138;
-	max.f32 	%f140, %f97, %f101;
-	max.f32 	%f141, %f105, %f109;
-	max.f32 	%f142, %f140, %f141;
-	max.f32 	%f143, %f113, %f117;
-	max.f32 	%f144, %f121, %f124;
-	max.f32 	%f145, %f143, %f144;
-	max.f32 	%f146, %f127, %f130;
-	max.f32 	%f147, %f133, %f136;
-	max.f32 	%f148, %f146, %f147;
-	max.f32 	%f149, %f139, %f142;
-	max.f32 	%f150, %f145, %f148;
-	max.f32 	%f151, %f149, %f150;
-	setp.ltu.ftz.f32 	%p2, %f151, %f418;
-	selp.f32 	%f418, %f418, %f151, %p2;
-	selp.b32 	%r65, %r65, %r12, %p2;
-	mov.f32 	%f306, %f81;
-	mov.f32 	%f307, %f85;
-	mov.f32 	%f308, %f89;
-	mov.f32 	%f309, %f93;
-	mov.f32 	%f326, %f97;
-	mov.f32 	%f327, %f101;
-	mov.f32 	%f328, %f105;
-	mov.f32 	%f329, %f109;
-	mov.f32 	%f346, %f113;
-	mov.f32 	%f347, %f117;
-	mov.f32 	%f348, %f121;
-	mov.f32 	%f349, %f124;
-	mov.f32 	%f362, %f127;
-	mov.f32 	%f363, %f130;
-	mov.f32 	%f364, %f133;
-	mov.f32 	%f422, %f136;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	add.s32 	%r64, %r64, 1;
-	add.s32 	%r21, %r8, 64;
-	setp.ne.s32 	%p3, %r64, 256;
-	mov.u32 	%r70, %r21;
-	@%p3 bra 	BB0_1;
-	shl.b32 	%r50, %r2, 2;
-	add.s32 	%r22, %r35, %r50;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22], %f419;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+1024], %f420;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+2048], %f418;
-	st.shared.u32 	[%r22+3072], %r65;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p4, %r2, 128;
-	@%p4 bra 	BB0_5;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_7;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f152, [%r22+1536];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f153, [%r22+512];
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f154, %f153, %f419;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f155, %f419, %f153;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f156, %f155, 0f40000000;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22], %f156;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f157, %f420, %f152;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f158, %f154, %f154;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f159, %f158, %f421;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f160, %f159, 0f40000000;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f161, %f157, %f160;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+1024], %f161;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f421, %f421, %f421;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f13, [%r22+2560];
-	setp.lt.ftz.f32 	%p5, %f418, %f13;
-	@%p5 bra 	BB0_6;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_7;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+2048], %f13;
-	ld.shared.u32 	%r52, [%r22+3584];
-	st.shared.u32 	[%r22+3072], %r52;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p6, %r2, 64;
-	@%p6 bra 	BB0_8;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_10;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f162, [%r22];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f163, [%r22+1024];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f164, [%r22+1280];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f165, [%r22+256];
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f166, %f165, %f162;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f167, %f162, %f165;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f168, %f167, 0f40000000;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22], %f168;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f169, %f163, %f164;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f170, %f166, %f166;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f171, %f170, %f421;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f172, %f171, 0f40000000;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f173, %f169, %f172;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+1024], %f173;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f421, %f421, %f421;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f16, [%r22+2304];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f174, [%r22+2048];
-	setp.lt.ftz.f32 	%p7, %f174, %f16;
-	@%p7 bra 	BB0_9;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_10;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+2048], %f16;
-	ld.shared.u32 	%r53, [%r22+3328];
-	st.shared.u32 	[%r22+3072], %r53;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p8, %r2, 32;
-	@%p8 bra 	BB0_11;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_13;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f175, [%r22];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f176, [%r22+1024];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f177, [%r22+1152];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f178, [%r22+128];
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f179, %f178, %f175;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f180, %f175, %f178;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f181, %f180, 0f40000000;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22], %f181;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f182, %f176, %f177;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f183, %f179, %f179;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f184, %f183, %f421;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f185, %f184, 0f40000000;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f186, %f182, %f185;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+1024], %f186;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f421, %f421, %f421;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f19, [%r22+2176];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f187, [%r22+2048];
-	setp.lt.ftz.f32 	%p9, %f187, %f19;
-	@%p9 bra 	BB0_12;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_13;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+2048], %f19;
-	ld.shared.u32 	%r54, [%r22+3200];
-	st.shared.u32 	[%r22+3072], %r54;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p10, %r2, 16;
-	@%p10 bra 	BB0_14;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_16;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f188, [%r22];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f189, [%r22+1024];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f190, [%r22+1088];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f191, [%r22+64];
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f192, %f191, %f188;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f193, %f188, %f191;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f194, %f193, 0f40000000;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22], %f194;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f195, %f189, %f190;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f196, %f192, %f192;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f197, %f196, %f421;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f198, %f197, 0f40000000;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f199, %f195, %f198;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+1024], %f199;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f421, %f421, %f421;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f22, [%r22+2112];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f200, [%r22+2048];
-	setp.lt.ftz.f32 	%p11, %f200, %f22;
-	@%p11 bra 	BB0_15;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_16;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+2048], %f22;
-	ld.shared.u32 	%r55, [%r22+3136];
-	st.shared.u32 	[%r22+3072], %r55;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p12, %r2, 8;
-	@%p12 bra 	BB0_17;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_19;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f201, [%r22];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f202, [%r22+1024];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f203, [%r22+1056];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f204, [%r22+32];
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f205, %f204, %f201;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f206, %f201, %f204;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f207, %f206, 0f40000000;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22], %f207;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f208, %f202, %f203;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f209, %f205, %f205;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f210, %f209, %f421;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f211, %f210, 0f40000000;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f212, %f208, %f211;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+1024], %f212;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f421, %f421, %f421;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f25, [%r22+2080];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f213, [%r22+2048];
-	setp.lt.ftz.f32 	%p13, %f213, %f25;
-	@%p13 bra 	BB0_18;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_19;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+2048], %f25;
-	ld.shared.u32 	%r56, [%r22+3104];
-	st.shared.u32 	[%r22+3072], %r56;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p14, %r2, 4;
-	@%p14 bra 	BB0_20;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_22;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f214, [%r22];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f215, [%r22+1024];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f216, [%r22+1040];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f217, [%r22+16];
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f218, %f217, %f214;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f219, %f214, %f217;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f220, %f219, 0f40000000;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22], %f220;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f221, %f215, %f216;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f222, %f218, %f218;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f223, %f222, %f421;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f224, %f223, 0f40000000;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f225, %f221, %f224;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+1024], %f225;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f421, %f421, %f421;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f28, [%r22+2064];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f226, [%r22+2048];
-	setp.lt.ftz.f32 	%p15, %f226, %f28;
-	@%p15 bra 	BB0_21;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_22;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+2048], %f28;
-	ld.shared.u32 	%r57, [%r22+3088];
-	st.shared.u32 	[%r22+3072], %r57;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	setp.lt.u32 	%p16, %r2, 2;
-	@%p16 bra 	BB0_23;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_25;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f227, [%r22];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f228, [%r22+1024];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f229, [%r22+1032];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f230, [%r22+8];
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f231, %f230, %f227;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f232, %f227, %f230;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f233, %f232, 0f40000000;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22], %f233;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f234, %f228, %f229;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f235, %f231, %f231;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f236, %f235, %f421;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f237, %f236, 0f40000000;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f238, %f234, %f237;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+1024], %f238;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f421, %f421, %f421;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f31, [%r22+2056];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f239, [%r22+2048];
-	setp.lt.ftz.f32 	%p17, %f239, %f31;
-	@%p17 bra 	BB0_24;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_25;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+2048], %f31;
-	ld.shared.u32 	%r58, [%r22+3080];
-	st.shared.u32 	[%r22+3072], %r58;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	setp.eq.s32 	%p18, %r2, 0;
-	@%p18 bra 	BB0_26;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_28;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f240, [%r22];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f241, [%r22+1024];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f242, [%r22+1028];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f243, [%r22+4];
-	sub.ftz.f32 	%f244, %f243, %f240;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f245, %f240, %f243;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f246, %f245, 0f40000000;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22], %f246;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f247, %f241, %f242;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f248, %f244, %f244;
-	mul.ftz.f32 	%f249, %f248, %f421;
-	div.rn.ftz.f32 	%f250, %f249, 0f40000000;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f251, %f247, %f250;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+1024], %f251;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f421, %f421, %f421;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f34, [%r22+2052];
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f252, [%r22+2048];
-	setp.lt.ftz.f32 	%p19, %f252, %f34;
-	@%p19 bra 	BB0_27;
-	bra.uni 	BB0_28;
-	st.shared.f32 	[%r22+2048], %f34;
-	ld.shared.u32 	%r59, [%r22+3076];
-	st.shared.u32 	[%r22+3072], %r59;
-	bar.sync 	0;
-	@%p18 bra 	BB0_30;
-	ret;
-	shl.b32 	%r60, %r3, 4;
-	ld.param.u32 	%r63, [trigger_param_0];
-	add.s32 	%r61, %r63, %r60;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f253, [shr_4_tmp];
-	st.global.f32 	[%r61], %f253;
-	add.ftz.f32 	%f254, %f421, 0fBF800000;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f255, [shr_4_tmp+1024];
-	div.approx.ftz.f32 	%f256, %f255, %f254;
-	st.global.f32 	[%r61+4], %f256;
-	ld.shared.f32 	%f257, [shr_4_tmp+2048];
-	st.global.f32 	[%r61+8], %f257;
-	ld.shared.u32 	%r62, [shr_4_tmp+3072];
-	st.global.u32 	[%r61+12], %r62;
-	ret;
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl.8 b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl.8
deleted file mode 100644
index c8215451c60c437dd359baa29d00cea9ebb0ad21..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-typedef __global struct {
-  float bestValue;
-  uint  bestApproxIndex;
-} (*TriggerInfoType)[NR_TABS];
-typedef __global float (*InvFIRfilteredDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][8][32][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK / 2][8];
-float2 computeThreshold(__global const float *invFIRfilteredDataPtr)
-  float M = 0, S = 0;
-  uint  count = 0;
-  for (uint i = get_local_id(0); i < sizeof(InvFIRfilteredDataType) / sizeof(float); i += get_local_size(0)) {
-    ++ count;
-    float sample = invFIRfilteredDataPtr[i];
-    float t = sample - M;
-    M += t / count;
-    S += t * (sample - M);
-  }
-  __local float2 local_MS[256];
-  local_MS[get_local_id(0)] = (float2) (M, S);
-  for (uint i = get_local_size(0); (i >>= 1) != 0;) {
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (get_local_id(0) < i)
-      local_MS[get_local_id(0)] += local_MS[get_local_id(0) + i];
-  }
-  if (get_local_id(0) == 0)
-    local_MS[0].y = native_sqrt(local_MS[0].y);
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  return local_MS[0];
-__kernel void trigger(__global const void *triggerInfoPtr,
-		      __global const float *invFIRfilteredDataPtr)
-  TriggerInfoType	 triggerInfo = (TriggerInfoType) triggerInfoPtr;
-  InvFIRfilteredDataType invFIRfilteredData = (InvFIRfilteredDataType) invFIRfilteredDataPtr;
-  uint minor = get_local_id(0);
-  uint major = get_local_id(1);
-  uint me    = 8 * major + minor;
-  uint tab   = get_global_id(2);
-  __local union {
-    float f[8][32][8];
-    float8 f8[32][8];
-    struct {
-      float values[256];
-      uint  approxIndices[256];
-    } best;
-  } tmp;
-  float8 h0, h1, h2;
-  h1 = 0;
-  h2.s567 = 0;
-  float8 sum_0;
-  float bestValue = 0;
-  uint bestApproxIndex = 0;
-  for (uint time = 0; time < 1024 * NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK / 2048; time ++) {
-    for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i ++) {
-      float sampleX = (*invFIRfilteredData)[tab][0][i][major][time][minor];
-      float sampleY = (*invFIRfilteredData)[tab][1][i][major][time][minor];
-      float power   = sampleX * sampleX + sampleY * sampleY;
-      tmp.f[i][major][minor] = power;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    h0 = tmp.f8[major][minor];
-    sum_0.s0 = sum_0.s7 + h0.s0 - h2.s5;
-    sum_0.s1 = sum_0.s0 + h0.s1 - h2.s6;
-    sum_0.s2 = sum_0.s1 + h0.s2 - h2.s7;
-    sum_0.s3 = sum_0.s2 + h0.s3 - h1.s0;
-    sum_0.s4 = sum_0.s3 + h0.s4 - h1.s1;
-    sum_0.s5 = sum_0.s4 + h0.s5 - h1.s2;
-    sum_0.s6 = sum_0.s5 + h0.s6 - h1.s3;
-    sum_0.s7 = sum_0.s6 + h0.s7 - h1.s4;
-    float m0 = max(max(sum_0.s0, sum_0.s1), max(sum_0.s2, sum_0.s3));
-    float m1 = max(max(sum_0.s4, sum_0.s5), max(sum_0.s6, sum_0.s7));
-    float m = max(m0, m1);
-    if (m >= bestValue) {
-      bestValue = m;
-      bestApproxIndex = me * 1024 * NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK / 256 + time * 8;
-    }
-    h2.s567 = h1.s567;
-    h1 = h0;
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-  tmp.best.values[me] = bestValue;
-  tmp.best.approxIndices[me] = bestApproxIndex;
-  for (uint i = 256; (i >>= 1) != 0;) {
-    if (me < i) {
-      if (tmp.best.values[me] < tmp.best.values[me + i]) {
-	tmp.best.values[me] = tmp.best.values[me + i];
-	tmp.best.approxIndices[me] = tmp.best.approxIndices[me + i];
-      }
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-  if (me == 0) {
-    (*triggerInfo)[tab].bestValue = tmp.best.values[0];
-    (*triggerInfo)[tab].bestApproxIndex = tmp.best.approxIndices[0];
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl.ok b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index dc6d7a3aff7c6a437edb0fb743e1d53f5f95bdce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/UHEP/Trigger.cl.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-typedef __global struct {
-  float bestValue;
-  uint  bestApproxIndex;
-} (*TriggerInfoType)[NR_TABS];
-typedef __global float (*InvFIRfilteredDataType)[NR_TABS][NR_POLARIZATIONS][16][16][NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK / 4][16];
-float2 computeThreshold(__global const float *invFIRfilteredDataPtr)
-  float M = 0, S = 0;
-  uint  count = 0;
-  for (uint i = get_local_id(0); i < sizeof(InvFIRfilteredDataType) / sizeof(float); i += get_local_size(0)) {
-    ++ count;
-    float sample = invFIRfilteredDataPtr[i];
-    float t = sample - M;
-    M += t / count;
-    S += t * (sample - M);
-  }
-  __local float2 local_MS[256];
-  local_MS[get_local_id(0)] = (float2) (M, S);
-  for (uint i = get_local_size(0); (i >>= 1) != 0;) {
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    if (get_local_id(0) < i)
-      local_MS[get_local_id(0)] += local_MS[get_local_id(0) + i];
-  }
-  if (get_local_id(0) == 0)
-    local_MS[0].y = native_sqrt(local_MS[0].y);
-  barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  return local_MS[0];
-__kernel void trigger(__global const void *triggerInfoPtr,
-		      __global const float *invFIRfilteredDataPtr)
-  TriggerInfoType	 triggerInfo = (TriggerInfoType) triggerInfoPtr;
-  InvFIRfilteredDataType invFIRfilteredData = (InvFIRfilteredDataType) invFIRfilteredDataPtr;
-  uint minor = get_local_id(0);
-  uint major = get_local_id(1);
-  uint me    = 16 * major + minor;
-  uint tab   = get_global_id(2);
-  __local union {
-    float f[16][16][16];
-    float16 f16[16][16];
-    struct {
-      float values[256];
-      uint  approxIndices[256];
-    } best;
-  } tmp;
-  float16 h0, h1;
-  h1.s789ABCDEF = 0;
-  float16 sum_0, sum_1;
-  float bestValue = 0;
-  uint bestApproxIndex = 0;
-  for (uint time = 0; time < 1024 * NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK / 4096; time ++) {
-    for (uint i = 0; i < 16; i ++) {
-      float sampleX = (*invFIRfilteredData)[tab][0][i][major][time][minor];
-      float sampleY = (*invFIRfilteredData)[tab][1][i][major][time][minor];
-      float power   = sampleX * sampleX + sampleY * sampleY;
-      tmp.f[i][major][minor] = power;
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-    h0 = tmp.f16[major][minor];
-    sum_0.s0 = sum_0.sF + h0.s0 - h1.s5;
-    sum_0.s1 = sum_0.s0 + h0.s1 - h1.s6;
-    sum_0.s2 = sum_0.s1 + h0.s2 - h1.s7;
-    sum_0.s3 = sum_0.s2 + h0.s3 - h1.s8;
-    sum_0.s4 = sum_0.s3 + h0.s4 - h1.s9;
-    sum_0.s5 = sum_0.s4 + h0.s5 - h1.sA;
-    sum_0.s6 = sum_0.s5 + h0.s6 - h1.sB;
-    sum_0.s7 = sum_0.s6 + h0.s7 - h1.sC;
-    sum_0.s8 = sum_0.s7 + h0.s8 - h1.sD;
-    sum_0.s9 = sum_0.s8 + h0.s9 - h1.sE;
-    sum_0.sA = sum_0.s9 + h0.sA - h1.sF;
-    sum_0.sB = sum_0.sA + h0.sB - h0.s0;
-    sum_0.sC = sum_0.sB + h0.sC - h0.s1;
-    sum_0.sD = sum_0.sC + h0.sD - h0.s2;
-    sum_0.sE = sum_0.sD + h0.sE - h0.s3;
-    sum_0.sF = sum_0.sE + h0.sF - h0.s4;
-    float m0 = max(max(sum_0.s0, sum_0.s1), max(sum_0.s2, sum_0.s3));
-    float m1 = max(max(sum_0.s4, sum_0.s5), max(sum_0.s6, sum_0.s7));
-    float m2 = max(max(sum_0.s8, sum_0.s9), max(sum_0.sA, sum_0.sB));
-    float m3 = max(max(sum_0.sC, sum_0.sD), max(sum_0.sE, sum_0.sF));
-    float m = max(max(m0, m1), max(m2, m3));
-    if (m >= bestValue) {
-      bestValue = m;
-      bestApproxIndex = me * 1024 * NR_TIMES_PER_BLOCK / 256 + time * 16;
-    }
-    h1.s56789ABCDEF = h0.s56789ABCDEF;
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-  tmp.best.values[me] = bestValue;
-  tmp.best.approxIndices[me] = bestApproxIndex;
-  for (uint i = 256; (i >>= 1) != 0;) {
-    if (me < i) {
-      if (tmp.best.values[me] < tmp.best.values[me + i]) {
-	tmp.best.values[me] = tmp.best.values[me + i];
-	tmp.best.approxIndices[me] = tmp.best.approxIndices[me + i];
-      }
-    }
-    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
-  }
-  if (me == 0) {
-    (*triggerInfo)[tab].bestValue = tmp.best.values[0];
-    (*triggerInfo)[tab].bestApproxIndex = tmp.best.approxIndices[0];
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/WallClockTime.h b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/WallClockTime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 352218f342f7c3c49d4b86c3e244fde4984b4ae0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/WallClockTime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-//# Copyright (C) 2007
-//# ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//# P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//# (at your option) any later version.
-//# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//# GNU General Public License for more details.
-//# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//# $Id: WallClockTime.h 17975 2011-05-10 09:52:51Z mol $
-//# Never #include <config.h> or #include <lofar_config.h> in a header file!
-#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Condition.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Mutex.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <time.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-class WallClockTime
-  public:
-	      WallClockTime();
-    bool      waitUntil(const struct timespec &);
-    bool      waitUntil(time_t);
-    bool      waitUntil(const TimeStamp &);
-    void      waitForever();
-    void      cancelWait();
-  private:
-    Mutex     itsMutex;
-    Condition itsCondition;
-    bool      itsCancelled;
-inline WallClockTime::WallClockTime()
-  itsCancelled(false)
-inline bool WallClockTime::waitUntil(const struct timespec &timespec)
-  ScopedLock scopedLock(itsMutex);
-  while (!itsCancelled && itsCondition.wait(itsMutex, timespec))
-    ;
-  return !itsCancelled;
-inline bool WallClockTime::waitUntil(time_t timestamp)
-  struct timespec timespec = { timestamp, 0 };
-  return waitUntil(timespec);
-inline bool WallClockTime::waitUntil(const TimeStamp &timestamp)
-  return waitUntil(static_cast<struct timespec>(timestamp));
-inline void WallClockTime::waitForever()
-  ScopedLock scopedLock(itsMutex);
-  while (!itsCancelled) 
-    itsCondition.wait(itsMutex);
-inline void WallClockTime::cancelWait()
-  ScopedLock scopedLock(itsMutex);
-  itsCancelled = true;
-  itsCondition.signal();
-} // namespace RTCP
-} // namespace LOFAR
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/fft.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/fft.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index 759666803e134cd04bc0f3e7edcdc8beff6a8986..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/fft.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-__constant float2 twiddles[7] = {
-(float2)(1.0000000000000000000000000000000000f, -0.0000000000000000000000000000000000f),
-(float2)(1.0000000000000000000000000000000000f, -0.0000000000000000000000000000000000f),
-(float2)(1.0000000000000000000000000000000000f, -0.0000000000000000000000000000000000f),
-(float2)(1.0000000000000000000000000000000000f, -0.0000000000000000000000000000000000f),
-(float2)(0.7071067811865475727373109293694142f, -0.7071067811865474617150084668537602f),
-(float2)(0.0000000000000000612323399573676604f, -1.0000000000000000000000000000000000f),
-(float2)(-0.7071067811865474617150084668537602f, -0.7071067811865475727373109293694142f),
-#define fvect2 float2
-#define C8Q  0.70710678118654752440084436210485f
-#define C5QA 0.30901699437494742410229341718282f
-#define C5QB 0.95105651629515357211643933337938f
-#define C5QC 0.50000000000000000000000000000000f
-#define C5QD 0.58778525229247312916870595463907f
-#define C5QE 0.80901699437494742410229341718282f
-#define C3QA 0.50000000000000000000000000000000f
-#define C3QB 0.86602540378443864676372317075294f
-__attribute__((always_inline)) void 
-FwdRad2B1(float2 *R0, float2 *R1)
-	float2 T;
-	(*R1) = (*R0) - (*R1);
-	(*R0) = 2.0f * (*R0) - (*R1);
-__attribute__((always_inline)) void 
-InvRad2B1(float2 *R0, float2 *R1)
-	float2 T;
-	(*R1) = (*R0) - (*R1);
-	(*R0) = 2.0f * (*R0) - (*R1);
-__attribute__((always_inline)) void 
-FwdRad4B1(float2 *R0, float2 *R2, float2 *R1, float2 *R3)
-	float2 T;
-	(*R1) = (*R0) - (*R1);
-	(*R0) = 2.0f * (*R0) - (*R1);
-	(*R3) = (*R2) - (*R3);
-	(*R2) = 2.0f * (*R2) - (*R3);
-	(*R2) = (*R0) - (*R2);
-	(*R0) = 2.0f * (*R0) - (*R2);
-	(*R3) = (*R1) + (fvect2)(-(*R3).y, (*R3).x);
-	(*R1) = 2.0f * (*R1) - (*R3);
-	T = (*R1); (*R1) = (*R2); (*R2) = T;
-__attribute__((always_inline)) void 
-InvRad4B1(float2 *R0, float2 *R2, float2 *R1, float2 *R3)
-	float2 T;
-	(*R1) = (*R0) - (*R1);
-	(*R0) = 2.0f * (*R0) - (*R1);
-	(*R3) = (*R2) - (*R3);
-	(*R2) = 2.0f * (*R2) - (*R3);
-	(*R2) = (*R0) - (*R2);
-	(*R0) = 2.0f * (*R0) - (*R2);
-	(*R3) = (*R1) + (fvect2)((*R3).y, -(*R3).x);
-	(*R1) = 2.0f * (*R1) - (*R3);
-	T = (*R1); (*R1) = (*R2); (*R2) = T;
-__attribute__((always_inline)) void
-FwdPass0(uint rw, uint b, uint me, uint inOffset, uint outOffset, __global float2 *bufIn, __local float *bufOutRe, __local float *bufOutIm, float2 *R0, float2 *R1, float2 *R2, float2 *R3)
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	(*R0) = bufIn[inOffset + ( 0 + me*1 + 0 + 0 )*1];
-	(*R1) = bufIn[inOffset + ( 0 + me*1 + 0 + 2 )*1];
-	(*R2) = bufIn[inOffset + ( 0 + me*1 + 0 + 4 )*1];
-	(*R3) = bufIn[inOffset + ( 0 + me*1 + 0 + 6 )*1];
-	}
-	FwdRad4B1(R0, R1, R2, R3);
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	bufOutRe[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 0 )*1] = (*R0).x;
-	bufOutRe[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 1 )*1] = (*R1).x;
-	bufOutRe[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 2 )*1] = (*R2).x;
-	bufOutRe[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 3 )*1] = (*R3).x;
-	}
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	(*R0).x = bufOutRe[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 0 + 0 )*1];
-	(*R1).x = bufOutRe[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 0 + 4 )*1];
-	(*R2).x = bufOutRe[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 1 + 0 )*1];
-	(*R3).x = bufOutRe[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 1 + 4 )*1];
-	}
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	bufOutIm[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 0 )*1] = (*R0).y;
-	bufOutIm[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 1 )*1] = (*R1).y;
-	bufOutIm[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 2 )*1] = (*R2).y;
-	bufOutIm[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 3 )*1] = (*R3).y;
-	}
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	(*R0).y = bufOutIm[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 0 + 0 )*1];
-	(*R1).y = bufOutIm[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 0 + 4 )*1];
-	(*R2).y = bufOutIm[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 1 + 0 )*1];
-	(*R3).y = bufOutIm[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 1 + 4 )*1];
-	}
-__attribute__((always_inline)) void
-FwdPass1(uint rw, uint b, uint me, uint inOffset, uint outOffset, __local float *bufInRe, __local float *bufInIm, __global float2 *bufOut, float2 *R0, float2 *R1, float2 *R2, float2 *R3)
-	{
-		float2 W = twiddles[3 + 1*((2*me + 0)%4) + 0];
-		float TR, TI;
-		TR = (W.x * (*R1).x) - (W.y * (*R1).y);
-		TI = (W.y * (*R1).x) + (W.x * (*R1).y);
-		(*R1).x = TR;
-		(*R1).y = TI;
-	}
-	{
-		float2 W = twiddles[3 + 1*((2*me + 1)%4) + 0];
-		float TR, TI;
-		TR = (W.x * (*R3).x) - (W.y * (*R3).y);
-		TI = (W.y * (*R3).x) + (W.x * (*R3).y);
-		(*R3).x = TR;
-		(*R3).y = TI;
-	}
-	FwdRad2B1(R0, R1);
-	FwdRad2B1(R2, R3);
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	__global float4 *buff4g = bufOut;
-	buff4g[ 1*me + 0 + 0 ] = (float4)((*R0).x, (*R0).y, (*R2).x, (*R2).y) ;
-	buff4g[ 1*me + 0 + 2 ] = (float4)((*R1).x, (*R1).y, (*R3).x, (*R3).y) ;
-	}
-__attribute__((always_inline)) void
-InvPass0(uint rw, uint b, uint me, uint inOffset, uint outOffset, __global float2 *bufIn, __local float *bufOutRe, __local float *bufOutIm, float2 *R0, float2 *R1, float2 *R2, float2 *R3)
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	(*R0) = bufIn[inOffset + ( 0 + me*1 + 0 + 0 )*1];
-	(*R1) = bufIn[inOffset + ( 0 + me*1 + 0 + 2 )*1];
-	(*R2) = bufIn[inOffset + ( 0 + me*1 + 0 + 4 )*1];
-	(*R3) = bufIn[inOffset + ( 0 + me*1 + 0 + 6 )*1];
-	}
-	InvRad4B1(R0, R1, R2, R3);
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	bufOutRe[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 0 )*1] = (*R0).x;
-	bufOutRe[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 1 )*1] = (*R1).x;
-	bufOutRe[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 2 )*1] = (*R2).x;
-	bufOutRe[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 3 )*1] = (*R3).x;
-	}
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	(*R0).x = bufOutRe[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 0 + 0 )*1];
-	(*R1).x = bufOutRe[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 0 + 4 )*1];
-	(*R2).x = bufOutRe[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 1 + 0 )*1];
-	(*R3).x = bufOutRe[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 1 + 4 )*1];
-	}
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	bufOutIm[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 0 )*1] = (*R0).y;
-	bufOutIm[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 1 )*1] = (*R1).y;
-	bufOutIm[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 2 )*1] = (*R2).y;
-	bufOutIm[outOffset + ( ((1*me + 0)/1)*4 + (1*me + 0)%1 + 3 )*1] = (*R3).y;
-	}
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	(*R0).y = bufOutIm[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 0 + 0 )*1];
-	(*R1).y = bufOutIm[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 0 + 4 )*1];
-	(*R2).y = bufOutIm[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 1 + 0 )*1];
-	(*R3).y = bufOutIm[outOffset + ( 0 + me*2 + 1 + 4 )*1];
-	}
-__attribute__((always_inline)) void
-InvPass1(uint rw, uint b, uint me, uint inOffset, uint outOffset, __local float *bufInRe, __local float *bufInIm, __global float2 *bufOut, float2 *R0, float2 *R1, float2 *R2, float2 *R3)
-	{
-		float2 W = twiddles[3 + 1*((2*me + 0)%4) + 0];
-		float TR, TI;
-		TR =  (W.x * (*R1).x) + (W.y * (*R1).y);
-		TI = -(W.y * (*R1).x) + (W.x * (*R1).y);
-		(*R1).x = TR;
-		(*R1).y = TI;
-	}
-	{
-		float2 W = twiddles[3 + 1*((2*me + 1)%4) + 0];
-		float TR, TI;
-		TR =  (W.x * (*R3).x) + (W.y * (*R3).y);
-		TI = -(W.y * (*R3).x) + (W.x * (*R3).y);
-		(*R3).x = TR;
-		(*R3).y = TI;
-	}
-	InvRad2B1(R0, R1);
-	InvRad2B1(R2, R3);
-	if(rw)
-	{
-	__global float4 *buff4g = bufOut;
-	buff4g[ 1*me + 0 + 0 ] = (float4)((*R0).x, (*R0).y, (*R2).x, (*R2).y)  * 1.2500000000000000e-01f;
-	buff4g[ 1*me + 0 + 2 ] = (float4)((*R1).x, (*R1).y, (*R3).x, (*R3).y)  * 1.2500000000000000e-01f;
-	}
- typedef union  { uint u; int i; } cb_t;
-__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size (64,1,1)))
-//void fft_fwd(__constant cb_t *cb __attribute__((max_constant_size(32))), __global const float2 * restrict gbIn, __global float2 * restrict gbOut)
-void fft_fwd(__global const float2 * restrict gbIn, __global float2 * restrict gbOut)
-	uint me = get_local_id(0);
-	uint batch = get_group_id(0);
-	__local float lds[256];
-	uint iOffset;
-	uint oOffset;
-	__global float2 *lwbIn;
-	__global float2 *lwbOut;
-	float2 R0, R1, R2, R3;
-	//uint rw = (me < ((cb[0].u) - batch*32)*2) ? 1 : 0;
-	uint rw = (me < ((1) - batch*32)*2) ? 1 : 0;
-	uint b = 0;
-	iOffset = (batch*32 + (me/2))*8;
-	oOffset = (batch*32 + (me/2))*8;
-	lwbIn = gbIn + iOffset;
-	lwbOut = gbOut + oOffset;
-	FwdPass0(rw, b, me%2, 0, (me/2)*8, lwbIn, lds, lds, &R0, &R1, &R2, &R3);
-	FwdPass1(rw, b, me%2, (me/2)*8, 0, lds, lds, lwbOut, &R0, &R1, &R2, &R3);
-__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size (64,1,1)))
-//void fft_back(__constant cb_t *cb __attribute__((max_constant_size(32))), __global const float2 * restrict gbIn, __global float2 * restrict gbOut)
-void fft_back(__global const float2 * restrict gbIn, __global float2 * restrict gbOut)
-	uint me = get_local_id(0);
-	uint batch = get_group_id(0);
-	__local float lds[256];
-	uint iOffset;
-	uint oOffset;
-	__global float2 *lwbIn;
-	__global float2 *lwbOut;
-	float2 R0, R1, R2, R3;
-	//uint rw = (me < ((cb[0].u) - batch*32)*2) ? 1 : 0;
-	uint rw = (me < ((1) - batch*32)*2) ? 1 : 0;
-	uint b = 0;
-	iOffset = (batch*32 + (me/2))*8;
-	oOffset = (batch*32 + (me/2))*8;
-	lwbIn = gbIn + iOffset;
-	lwbOut = gbOut + oOffset;
-	InvPass0(rw, b, me%2, 0, (me/2)*8, lwbIn, lds, lds, &R0, &R1, &R2, &R3);
-	InvPass1(rw, b, me%2, (me/2)*8, 0, lds, lds, lwbOut, &R0, &R1, &R2, &R3);
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/math.cl b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/math.cl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4d47579d85448b4d6d57cffc58368d4e4a13bd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/math.cl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-float2 cmul(float2 a, float2 b)
-  return (float2) (a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y, a.x * b.y + a.y * b.x);
-float2 cexp(float ang)
-  return (float2) (native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/octave-core b/RTCP/GPUProc/src/octave-core
deleted file mode 100644
index 608aba01c896492a0c4befa1f98dc1416cc6cf6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/GPUProc/src/octave-core and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/test/77_Stations.parset b/RTCP/GPUProc/test/77_Stations.parset
deleted file mode 100644
index b97352b82f3713e14c8987cc93c41c994d417e73..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/test/77_Stations.parset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-OLAP.nrBitsPerSample			= 8
-OLAP.nrTimesInFrame			= 16
-Observation.nrSlotsInFrame		= 122
-OLAP.nrSecondsOfBuffer			= 1.2
-OLAP.CNProc.nrPPFTaps			= 16
-OLAP.realTime				= false
-Observation.startTime			= '2010-04-28 17:25:03'
-Observation.stopTime			= '2010-04-28 17:25:13'
-OLAP.storageStationNames		= [ST00 .. ST76]
-Observation.subbandList			= [12 .. 499]
-Observation.bandFilter			= LBA_10_90
-Observation.channelsPerSubband		= 64
-OLAP.CNProc.integrationSteps		= 3072	# FIXME: rename
-Observation.sampleClock			= 200
-OLAP.correctBandPass			= true
-Observation.beamList			= [488 * 0]
-OLAP.delayCompensation			= true
-OLAP.CNProc.partition			= PartitionName
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[0].inputs = [\
-PIC.Core.Station.ST00.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST01.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST02.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST03.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST04.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST05.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST06.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST07.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST08.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST09.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST10.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST11.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST12.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST13.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST14.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST15.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST16.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST17.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST18.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST19.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST20.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST21.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST22.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST23.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST24.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST25.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST26.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST27.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST28.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST29.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST30.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST31.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST32.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST33.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST34.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST35.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST36.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST37.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST38.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST39.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST40.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST41.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST42.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST43.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST44.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST45.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST46.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST47.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST48.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST49.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST50.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST51.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST52.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST53.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST54.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST55.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST56.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST57.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST58.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST59.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST60.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST61.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST62.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST63.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST64.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST65.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST66.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST67.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST68.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST69.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST70.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST71.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST72.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST73.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST74.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST75.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-PIC.Core.Station.ST76.RSP.ports = [ 4 * null: ]
-Observation.Beam[0].nrTiedArrayBeams	= 1 # FIXME: conditional
-OLAP.CNProc_CoherentStokes.timeIntegrationFactor = 1 # FIXME: conditional
-OLAP.CNProc_IncoherentStokes.timeIntegrationFactor = 1 # FIXME: conditional
-OLAP.tiedArrayStationNames		= [ST00 .. ST76] # FIXME???: conditional
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/test/AARTFAAC.parset b/RTCP/GPUProc/test/AARTFAAC.parset
deleted file mode 100644
index b9282b23328f949ee615ec144f65b1ad38b48ce4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/test/AARTFAAC.parset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2119 +0,0 @@
-OLAP.CNProc.integrationSteps		 = 1536
-OLAP.CNProc.phaseOnePsets		 = [0..287]
-#OLAP.CNProc.phaseTwoPsets		 = [0..4]
-OLAP.CNProc.phaseTwoPsets		 = [0]
-OLAP.CNProc.phaseThreePsets		 = []
-#OLAP.CNProc.phaseOneTwoCores		 = [0]
-OLAP.CNProc.phaseOneTwoCores		 = [0..19]
-OLAP.CNProc.phaseThreeCores		 = []
-OLAP.CNProc.partition			 = PartitionName
-OLAP.CNProc.tabList			 = []
-OLAP.realTime				 = F
-OLAP.maxNetworkDelay			 = .1
-OLAP.correctClocks			 = T
-OLAP.correctBandPass			 = T
-OLAP.nrBitsPerSample			 = 8
-OLAP.nrTimesInFrame			 = 16
-OLAP.nrSecondsOfBuffer			 = 3.5
-OLAP.CNProc.nrPPFTaps			 = 16
-OLAP.Storage.userName			 = romein
-OLAP.Storage.sshIdentityFile		 = /home/romein/.ssh/id_rsa
-OLAP.Storage.msWriter			 = /home/romein/tmp/build/gnu_opt/RTCP/Storage/src/Storage_main
-OLAP.storageNodeList			 = [288*0]
-OLAP.OLAP_Conn.IONProc_Storage_Ports	 = [8300..9000]
-OLAP.OLAP_Conn.IONProc_Storage_Transport = TCP
-OLAP.OLAP_Conn.rawDataOutputOnly	 = F
-OLAP.storageStationNames		 = [CS002D00,CS002D01,CS002D02,CS002D03,CS002D04,CS002D05,CS002D06,CS002D07,CS002D08,CS002D09,CS002D10,CS002D11,CS002D12,CS002D13,CS002D14,CS002D15,CS002D16,CS002D17,CS002D18,CS002D19,CS002D20,CS002D21,CS002D22,CS002D23,CS002D24,CS002D25,CS002D26,CS002D27,CS002D28,CS002D29,CS002D30,CS002D31,CS002D32,CS002D33,CS002D34,CS002D35,CS002D36,CS002D37,CS002D38,CS002D39,CS002D40,CS002D41,CS002D42,CS002D43,CS002D44,CS002D45,CS002D46,CS002D47,CS003D00,CS003D01,CS003D02,CS003D03,CS003D04,CS003D05,CS003D06,CS003D07,CS003D08,CS003D09,CS003D10,CS003D11,CS003D12,CS003D13,CS003D14,CS003D15,CS003D16,CS003D17,CS003D18,CS003D19,CS003D20,CS003D21,CS003D22,CS003D23,CS003D24,CS003D25,CS003D26,CS003D27,CS003D28,CS003D29,CS003D30,CS003D31,CS003D32,CS003D33,CS003D34,CS003D35,CS003D36,CS003D37,CS003D38,CS003D39,CS003D40,CS003D41,CS003D42,CS003D43,CS003D44,CS003D45,CS003D46,CS003D47,CS004D00,CS004D01,CS004D02,CS004D03,CS004D04,CS004D05,CS004D06,CS004D07,CS004D08,CS004D09,CS004D10,CS004D11,CS004D12,CS004D13,CS004D14,CS004D15,CS004D16,CS004D17,CS004D18,CS004D19,CS004D20,CS004D21,CS004D22,CS004D23,CS004D24,CS004D25,CS004D26,CS004D27,CS004D28,CS004D29,CS004D30,CS004D31,CS004D32,CS004D33,CS004D34,CS004D35,CS004D36,CS004D37,CS004D38,CS004D39,CS004D40,CS004D41,CS004D42,CS004D43,CS004D44,CS004D45,CS004D46,CS004D47,CS005D00,CS005D01,CS005D02,CS005D03,CS005D04,CS005D05,CS005D06,CS005D07,CS005D08,CS005D09,CS005D10,CS005D11,CS005D12,CS005D13,CS005D14,CS005D15,CS005D16,CS005D17,CS005D18,CS005D19,CS005D20,CS005D21,CS005D22,CS005D23,CS005D24,CS005D25,CS005D26,CS005D27,CS005D28,CS005D29,CS005D30,CS005D31,CS005D32,CS005D33,CS005D34,CS005D35,CS005D36,CS005D37,CS005D38,CS005D39,CS005D40,CS005D41,CS005D42,CS005D43,CS005D44,CS005D45,CS005D46,CS005D47,CS006D00,CS006D01,CS006D02,CS006D03,CS006D04,CS006D05,CS006D06,CS006D07,CS006D08,CS006D09,CS006D10,CS006D11,CS006D12,CS006D13,CS006D14,CS006D15,CS006D16,CS006D17,CS006D18,CS006D19,CS006D20,CS006D21,CS006D22,CS006D23,CS006D24,CS006D25,CS006D26,CS006D27,CS006D28,CS006D29,CS006D30,CS006D31,CS006D32,CS006D33,CS006D34,CS006D35,CS006D36,CS006D37,CS006D38,CS006D39,CS006D40,CS006D41,CS006D42,CS006D43,CS006D44,CS006D45,CS006D46,CS006D47,CS006D00,CS006D01,CS006D02,CS006D03,CS006D04,CS006D05,CS006D06,CS006D07,CS006D08,CS006D09,CS006D10,CS006D11,CS006D12,CS006D13,CS006D14,CS006D15,CS006D16,CS006D17,CS006D18,CS006D19,CS006D20,CS006D21,CS006D22,CS006D23,CS006D24,CS006D25,CS006D26,CS006D27,CS006D28,CS006D29,CS006D30,CS006D31,CS006D32,CS006D33,CS006D34,CS006D35,CS006D36,CS006D37,CS006D38,CS006D39,CS006D40,CS006D41,CS006D42,CS006D43,CS006D44,CS006D45,CS006D46,CS006D47]
-OLAP.tiedArrayStationNames		 = []
-Observation.Beam[0].nrTiedArrayBeams 	 = 2
-Observation.Beam[0].TiedArrayBeam[0].angle1 = 1.1
-Observation.Beam[0].TiedArrayBeam[0].angle2 = 1.2
-Observation.Beam[0].TiedArrayBeam[1].angle1 = 1.3
-Observation.Beam[0].TiedArrayBeam[1].angle2 = 1.4
-OLAP.IONProc.integrationSteps		 = 2
-OLAP.CNProc_CoherentStokes.timeIntegrationFactor = 1
-OLAP.CNProc_IncoherentStokes.timeIntegrationFactor = 1
-OLAP.CNProc_CoherentStokes.channelsPerSubband = 16
-OLAP.CNProc_IncoherentStokes.channelsPerSubband = 16
-OLAP.CNProc_CoherentStokes.which	 = I # IQUV
-OLAP.CNProc_IncoherentStokes.which	 = I # IQUV
-OLAP.PencilInfo.storageNodeList		 = []
-OLAP.delayCompensation			 = T
-OLAP.DelayComp.positionType		 = ITRF
-OLAP.DelayComp.nrCalcDelays		 = 16
-OLAP.dispersionMeasure			 = 2
-Observation.ObserverName		 = John
-Observation.Campaign.name		 = Test
-Observation.Campaign.title		 = dr.
-Observation.Campaign.contact		 = Jan David
-Observation.Campaign.PI			 = John
-Observation.Campaign.CO_I		 = John
-Observation.ProjectName			 = AARTFAAC
-Observation.nrPolarisations		 = 2
-Observation.antennaSet			 = LBA_OUTER
-Observation.bandFilter			 = LBA_30_90
-Observation.subbandList			 = [306..315]
-Observation.beamList			 = [10*0]
-Observation.rspBoardList		 = [10*0]
-Observation.rspSlotList		 	 = [0..9]
-Observation.channelsPerSubband		 = 64
-Observation.sampleClock			 = 200
-Observation.nrSlotsInFrame		 = 10
-Observation.ObsID			 = 1000000
-Observation.startTime			 = '2010-04-28 17:25:03'
-#Observation.stopTime			 = '2010-04-28 17:26:03'
-Observation.stopTime			 = '2010-04-28 17:25:13'
-Observation.nrBeams			 = 1
-Observation.AnaBeam[0].directionType	 = J2000
-Observation.AnaBeam[0].angle1		 = 5.2336866848083394 # Cygnus
-Observation.AnaBeam[0].angle2		 = 0.71094251447010637
-Observation.AnaBeam[0].target		 = Cygnus A
-Observation.Beam[0].directionType	 = J2000
-Observation.Beam[0].angle1		 = 5.2336866848083394 # Cygnus
-Observation.Beam[0].angle2		 = 0.71094251447010637
-Observation.Beam[0].target		 = Cygnus A
-#Observation.MSNameMask			 = /tmp/romein${RAID}/L${YEAR}_${MSNUMBER}/SB${SUBBAND}.MS
-OLAP.Storage.hosts			 = [localhost]
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_FilteredData.enabled	 = F
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_FilteredData.locations	 = [10*localhost:/tmp]
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_FilteredData.filenames	 = [SB000.filt,SB001.filt,SB002.filt,SB003.filt,SB004.filt]
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_Correlated.enabled	 = T
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_Correlated.locations	 = [10*localhost:/var/tmp/romein/AARTFAAC-dataset]
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_Correlated.filenames	 = [SB000.MS,SB001.MS,SB002.MS,SB003.MS,SB004.MS]
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_IncoherentStokes.enabled	 = F
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_IncoherentStokes.locations	 = [10*localhost:/tmp]
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_IncoherentStokes.filenames	 = [SB000.incStokes,SB001.incStokes,SB002.incStokes,SB003.incStokes,SB004.incStokes]
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_Beamformed.enabled	 = F
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_Beamformed.locations	 = [4*localhost:/tmp]
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_Beamformed.filenames	 = [CV001.X,CV001.Y,CV002.X,CV002.Y]
-#Observation.DataProducts.Output_Beamformed.locations	 = [2*localhost:/tmp]
-#Observation.DataProducts.Output_Beamformed.filenames	 = [CV001.X,CV001.Y]
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_CoherentStokes.enabled	 = F
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_CoherentStokes.locations = [2*localhost:/tmp]
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_CoherentStokes.filenames = [Coherent.0.I,Coherent.1.I]
-#Observation.DataProducts.Output_CoherentStokes.locations = [8*localhost:/tmp]
-#Observation.DataProducts.Output_CoherentStokes.filenames = [Coherent.0.I,Coherent.0.Q,Coherent.0.U,Coherent.0.V,Coherent.1.I,Coherent.1.Q,Coherent.1.U,Coherent.1.V]
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_Trigger.enabled		 = F
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_Trigger.locations	 = []
-Observation.DataProducts.Output_Trigger.filenames	 = []
-OLAP.Storage.subbandsPerPart		 = 5
-OLAP.Storage.partsPerStokes		 = 1
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[0].inputs = [CS002D00/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[1].inputs = [CS002D01/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[2].inputs = [CS002D02/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[3].inputs = [CS002D03/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[4].inputs = [CS002D04/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[5].inputs = [CS002D05/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[6].inputs = [CS002D06/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[7].inputs = [CS002D07/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[8].inputs = [CS002D08/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[9].inputs = [CS002D09/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[10].inputs = [CS002D10/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[11].inputs = [CS002D11/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[12].inputs = [CS002D12/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[13].inputs = [CS002D13/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[14].inputs = [CS002D14/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[15].inputs = [CS002D15/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[16].inputs = [CS002D16/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[17].inputs = [CS002D17/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[18].inputs = [CS002D18/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[19].inputs = [CS002D19/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[20].inputs = [CS002D20/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[21].inputs = [CS002D21/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[22].inputs = [CS002D22/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[23].inputs = [CS002D23/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[24].inputs = [CS002D24/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[25].inputs = [CS002D25/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[26].inputs = [CS002D26/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[27].inputs = [CS002D27/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[28].inputs = [CS002D28/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[29].inputs = [CS002D29/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[30].inputs = [CS002D30/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[31].inputs = [CS002D31/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[32].inputs = [CS002D32/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[33].inputs = [CS002D33/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[34].inputs = [CS002D34/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[35].inputs = [CS002D35/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[36].inputs = [CS002D36/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[37].inputs = [CS002D37/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[38].inputs = [CS002D38/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[39].inputs = [CS002D39/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[40].inputs = [CS002D40/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[41].inputs = [CS002D41/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[42].inputs = [CS002D42/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[43].inputs = [CS002D43/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[44].inputs = [CS002D44/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[45].inputs = [CS002D45/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[46].inputs = [CS002D46/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[47].inputs = [CS002D47/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[48].inputs = [CS003D00/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[49].inputs = [CS003D01/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[50].inputs = [CS003D02/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[51].inputs = [CS003D03/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[52].inputs = [CS003D04/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[53].inputs = [CS003D05/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[54].inputs = [CS003D06/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[55].inputs = [CS003D07/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[56].inputs = [CS003D08/RSP0]
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-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[286].inputs = [CS007D46/RSP0]
-PIC.Core.IONProc.PartitionName[287].inputs = [CS007D47/RSP0]
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-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D03.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D03.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D04.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D04.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D05.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D05.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D06.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D06.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D07.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D07.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D08.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D08.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D09.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D09.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D10.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D10.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D11.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D11.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D12.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D12.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D13.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D13.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D14.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D14.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D15.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D15.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D16.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D16.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D17.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D17.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D18.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D18.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D19.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D19.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D20.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D20.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D21.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D21.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D22.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D22.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D23.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D23.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D24.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D24.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D25.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D25.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D26.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D26.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D27.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D27.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D28.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D28.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D29.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D29.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D30.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D30.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D31.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D31.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D32.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D32.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D33.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D33.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D34.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D34.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D35.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D35.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D36.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D36.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D37.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D37.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D38.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D38.raw]
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-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D45.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D45.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS002D46.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS002D46.raw]
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-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D22.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D22.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D23.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D23.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D24.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D24.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D25.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D25.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D26.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D26.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D27.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D27.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D28.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D28.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D29.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D29.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D30.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D30.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D31.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D31.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D32.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D32.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D33.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D33.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D34.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D34.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D35.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D35.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D36.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D36.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D37.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D37.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D38.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D38.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D39.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D39.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D40.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D40.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D41.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D41.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D42.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D42.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D43.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D43.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D44.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D44.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D45.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D45.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D46.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D46.raw]
-PIC.Core.Station.CS007D47.RSP.ports = [file:/local/AARTFAAC-dataset/CS007D47.raw]
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-PIC.Core.CS002D02.clockCorrectionTime = 8.291395e-06
-PIC.Core.CS002D03.clockCorrectionTime = 8.291395e-06
-PIC.Core.CS002D04.clockCorrectionTime = 8.291395e-06
-PIC.Core.CS002D05.clockCorrectionTime = 8.291395e-06
-PIC.Core.CS002D06.clockCorrectionTime = 8.291395e-06
-PIC.Core.CS002D07.clockCorrectionTime = 8.291395e-06
-PIC.Core.CS002D08.clockCorrectionTime = 8.291395e-06
-PIC.Core.CS002D09.clockCorrectionTime = 8.291395e-06
-PIC.Core.CS002D10.clockCorrectionTime = 8.291395e-06
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-PIC.Core.CS002D12.clockCorrectionTime = 8.291395e-06
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-PIC.Core.CS004D03.clockCorrectionTime = 7.861759e-06
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-PIC.Core.CS004D06.clockCorrectionTime = 7.861759e-06
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-PIC.Core.CS004D15.clockCorrectionTime = 7.861759e-06
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-PIC.Core.CS006D46.clockCorrectionTime = 7.854904e-06
-PIC.Core.CS006D47.clockCorrectionTime = 7.854904e-06
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-PIC.Core.CS007D03.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D04.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D05.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D06.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D07.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D08.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D09.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D10.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D11.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D12.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D13.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D14.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D15.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D16.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D17.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D18.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D19.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D20.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
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-PIC.Core.CS007D26.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
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-PIC.Core.CS007D35.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D36.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D37.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D38.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D39.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D40.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D41.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D42.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D43.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D44.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D45.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D46.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-PIC.Core.CS007D47.clockCorrectionTime = 7.885136e-06
-Observation.referencePhaseCenter	 = [3826577.110,461022.900,5064892.758]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D00.phaseCenter = [3826577.109500,461022.900196,5064892.758000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D01.phaseCenter = [3826575.090500,461022.657196,5064894.296000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D02.phaseCenter = [3826575.771500,461025.005196,5064893.572000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D03.phaseCenter = [3826577.909500,461025.263196,5064891.944000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D04.phaseCenter = [3826579.128500,461023.143196,5064891.220000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D05.phaseCenter = [3826578.447500,461020.795196,5064891.944000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D06.phaseCenter = [3826576.309500,461020.537196,5064893.572000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D07.phaseCenter = [3826574.036500,461018.775195,5064895.437000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D08.phaseCenter = [3826572.516500,461022.347195,5064896.256000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D09.phaseCenter = [3826573.144500,461026.177195,5064895.438000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D10.phaseCenter = [3826575.628500,461028.475196,5064893.365000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D11.phaseCenter = [3826578.805500,461028.164196,5064891.009000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D12.phaseCenter = [3826581.188500,461025.390196,5064889.471000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D13.phaseCenter = [3826581.662500,461021.450196,5064889.471000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D14.phaseCenter = [3826580.006500,461018.190196,5064891.009000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D15.phaseCenter = [3826576.995500,461017.133196,5064893.365000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D16.phaseCenter = [3826576.272500,461013.726196,5064894.215000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D17.phaseCenter = [3826573.376500,461014.469195,5064896.322000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D18.phaseCenter = [3826570.181500,461017.749195,5064898.424000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D19.phaseCenter = [3826569.112500,461024.945195,5064898.576000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D20.phaseCenter = [3826569.852500,461027.976195,5064897.746000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D21.phaseCenter = [3826572.070500,461031.095195,5064895.800000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D22.phaseCenter = [3826575.368500,461031.959196,5064893.246000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D23.phaseCenter = [3826579.971500,461030.917196,5064889.885000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D24.phaseCenter = [3826583.385500,461028.524196,5064887.539000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D25.phaseCenter = [3826584.999500,461024.537196,5064886.688000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D26.phaseCenter = [3826584.442500,461020.707196,5064887.452000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D27.phaseCenter = [3826582.564500,461016.605196,5064889.232000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D28.phaseCenter = [3826579.539500,461014.081196,5064891.731000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D29.phaseCenter = [3826574.724500,461009.083195,5064895.797000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D30.phaseCenter = [3826571.744500,461010.132195,5064897.939000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D31.phaseCenter = [3826569.960500,461012.435195,5064899.070000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D32.phaseCenter = [3826567.013500,461019.699195,5064900.626000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D33.phaseCenter = [3826565.109500,461021.640195,5064901.880000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D34.phaseCenter = [3826567.204500,461028.490195,5064899.688000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D35.phaseCenter = [3826569.542500,461032.470195,5064897.573000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D36.phaseCenter = [3826571.812500,461036.793195,5064895.478000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D37.phaseCenter = [3826574.471500,461036.116195,5064893.544000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D38.phaseCenter = [3826578.276500,461035.734196,5064890.722000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D39.phaseCenter = [3826583.531500,461032.936196,5064887.030000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D40.phaseCenter = [3826585.419500,461031.329196,5064885.758000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D41.phaseCenter = [3826587.195500,461026.381196,5064884.873000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D42.phaseCenter = [3826589.188500,461022.935197,5064883.688000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D43.phaseCenter = [3826586.727500,461014.817196,5064886.269000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D44.phaseCenter = [3826584.542500,461012.072196,5064888.157000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D45.phaseCenter = [3826581.014500,461009.055196,5064891.078000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D46.phaseCenter = [3826603.455510,460977.274198,5064877.107000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D47.phaseCenter = [3826612.589500,461053.051198,5064863.401000]
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-#PIC.Core.CS003D01.phaseCenter = [3826514.771510,460929.774191,5064947.967000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D02.phaseCenter = [3826515.452500,460932.123191,5064947.243000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D03.phaseCenter = [3826517.591510,460932.380191,5064945.615000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D04.phaseCenter = [3826518.810510,460930.261191,5064944.891000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D05.phaseCenter = [3826518.129510,460927.913191,5064945.615000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D06.phaseCenter = [3826515.991510,460927.655191,5064947.243000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D07.phaseCenter = [3826521.344510,460928.568192,5064943.142000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D08.phaseCenter = [3826519.688510,460925.308191,5064944.680000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D09.phaseCenter = [3826516.676510,460924.251191,5064947.036000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D10.phaseCenter = [3826513.718510,460925.893191,5064949.109000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D11.phaseCenter = [3826512.197510,460929.464191,5064949.927000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D12.phaseCenter = [3826512.826500,460933.295191,5064949.109000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D13.phaseCenter = [3826515.310500,460935.593191,5064947.037000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D14.phaseCenter = [3826518.487500,460935.281191,5064944.680000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D15.phaseCenter = [3826520.870510,460932.508192,5064943.142000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D16.phaseCenter = [3826523.638510,460933.271192,5064940.995000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D17.phaseCenter = [3826524.704510,460929.807192,5064940.509000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D18.phaseCenter = [3826524.166510,460924.869192,5064941.358000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D19.phaseCenter = [3826519.739510,460920.454191,5064945.080000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D20.phaseCenter = [3826517.224510,460919.880191,5064947.020000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D21.phaseCenter = [3826513.839510,460920.862191,5064949.472000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D22.phaseCenter = [3826511.434510,460924.032191,5064950.991000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D23.phaseCenter = [3826509.643500,460929.476191,5064951.844000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D24.phaseCenter = [3826509.441500,460934.248191,5064951.563000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D25.phaseCenter = [3826511.336500,460937.797191,5064949.821000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D26.phaseCenter = [3826514.308500,460938.931191,5064947.487000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D27.phaseCenter = [3826518.191500,460938.761191,5064944.588000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D28.phaseCenter = [3826521.604500,460936.638192,5064942.218000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D29.phaseCenter = [3826527.718510,460933.703192,5064937.894000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D30.phaseCenter = [3826528.618510,460930.008192,5064937.552000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D31.phaseCenter = [3826527.989510,460927.039192,5064938.293000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D32.phaseCenter = [3826524.541510,460920.564192,5064941.466000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D33.phaseCenter = [3826524.230510,460917.628192,5064941.965000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D34.phaseCenter = [3826518.314510,460916.787191,5064946.482000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D35.phaseCenter = [3826514.264510,460917.509191,5064949.456000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D36.phaseCenter = [3826510.012510,460918.002191,5064952.604000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D37.phaseCenter = [3826509.029510,460921.180191,5064953.054000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D38.phaseCenter = [3826507.214510,460925.463191,5064954.029000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D39.phaseCenter = [3826506.289500,460932.406191,5064954.096000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D40.phaseCenter = [3826506.376500,460935.174191,5064953.780000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D41.phaseCenter = [3826508.850500,460939.333191,5064951.547000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D42.phaseCenter = [3826510.161500,460943.047191,5064950.228000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D43.phaseCenter = [3826517.161500,460944.068191,5064944.882000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D44.phaseCenter = [3826520.267500,460942.952192,5064942.651000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D45.phaseCenter = [3826524.297500,460940.509192,5064939.846000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D46.phaseCenter = [3826478.141510,460906.374188,5064977.577990]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D47.phaseCenter = [3826495.639500,460979.543190,5064957.829990]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D00.phaseCenter = [3826654.240510,460939.528201,5064842.397000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D01.phaseCenter = [3826652.220510,460939.284201,5064843.935000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D02.phaseCenter = [3826652.902510,460941.633201,5064843.211000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D03.phaseCenter = [3826655.040510,460941.890201,5064841.583000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D04.phaseCenter = [3826656.259510,460939.771202,5064840.859000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D05.phaseCenter = [3826655.578510,460937.423201,5064841.583000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D06.phaseCenter = [3826653.440510,460937.165201,5064843.211000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D07.phaseCenter = [3826652.759510,460945.103201,5064843.004000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D08.phaseCenter = [3826655.936510,460944.791202,5064840.648000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D09.phaseCenter = [3826658.319510,460942.018202,5064839.110000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D10.phaseCenter = [3826658.793510,460938.078202,5064839.110000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D11.phaseCenter = [3826657.137510,460934.818202,5064840.648000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D12.phaseCenter = [3826654.126510,460933.761201,5064843.004000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D13.phaseCenter = [3826651.167510,460935.403201,5064845.076000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D14.phaseCenter = [3826649.647510,460938.974201,5064845.895000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D15.phaseCenter = [3826650.275510,460942.805201,5064845.077000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D16.phaseCenter = [3826648.230510,460945.448201,5064846.373000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D17.phaseCenter = [3826650.060510,460948.170201,5064844.753000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D18.phaseCenter = [3826653.792510,460949.826201,5064841.802000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D19.phaseCenter = [3826659.289510,460947.047202,5064837.928000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D20.phaseCenter = [3826661.064510,460944.589202,5064836.817000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D21.phaseCenter = [3826662.230510,460940.488202,5064836.312000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D22.phaseCenter = [3826661.338510,460936.455202,5064837.347000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D23.phaseCenter = [3826658.527510,460932.053202,5064839.855000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D24.phaseCenter = [3826655.313510,460929.673201,5064842.482000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D25.phaseCenter = [3826651.805510,460930.112201,5064845.075000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D26.phaseCenter = [3826649.390510,460932.807201,5064846.645000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D27.phaseCenter = [3826647.384510,460937.078201,5064847.764000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D28.phaseCenter = [3826646.997510,460941.726201,5064847.635000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D29.phaseCenter = [3826645.698510,460949.660201,5064847.893000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D30.phaseCenter = [3826647.779510,460952.306201,5064846.092000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D31.phaseCenter = [3826650.191510,460952.972201,5064844.221000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D32.phaseCenter = [3826656.586510,460952.182202,5064839.492000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D33.phaseCenter = [3826658.801510,460953.177202,5064837.740000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D34.phaseCenter = [3826662.622510,460947.168202,5064835.415000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D35.phaseCenter = [3826664.333510,460942.467202,5064834.555000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D36.phaseCenter = [3826666.316510,460937.651202,5064833.502000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D37.phaseCenter = [3826664.640510,460935.149202,5064834.986000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D38.phaseCenter = [3826662.649510,460931.249202,5064836.833000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D39.phaseCenter = [3826658.320510,460927.104202,5064840.458000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D40.phaseCenter = [3826656.344510,460925.943202,5064842.045000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D41.phaseCenter = [3826652.094510,460926.731201,5064845.164000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D42.phaseCenter = [3826648.791510,460926.463201,5064847.668000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D43.phaseCenter = [3826644.252510,460933.560201,5064850.433000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D44.phaseCenter = [3826643.331510,460937.422201,5064850.775000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D45.phaseCenter = [3826642.828510,460942.882201,5064850.660000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D46.phaseCenter = [3826664.882510,460885.708202,5064839.274000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D47.phaseCenter = [3826611.489510,460929.214198,5064875.419000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D00.phaseCenter = [3826668.793500,461069.502202,5064819.725000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D01.phaseCenter = [3826666.773500,461069.259202,5064821.263000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D02.phaseCenter = [3826667.455500,461071.607202,5064820.540000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D03.phaseCenter = [3826669.593500,461071.865202,5064818.911000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D04.phaseCenter = [3826670.812500,461069.745203,5064818.188000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D05.phaseCenter = [3826670.131500,461067.397202,5064818.911000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D06.phaseCenter = [3826667.993500,461067.139202,5064820.539000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D07.phaseCenter = [3826672.168500,461065.304203,5064817.572000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D08.phaseCenter = [3826669.326500,461063.728202,5064819.847000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D09.phaseCenter = [3826666.235500,461064.852202,5064822.066000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D10.phaseCenter = [3826664.341500,461068.153202,5064823.189000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D11.phaseCenter = [3826664.530500,461072.084202,5064822.692000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D12.phaseCenter = [3826666.714500,461074.807202,5064820.806000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D13.phaseCenter = [3826669.871500,461075.049202,5064818.415000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D14.phaseCenter = [3826672.523500,461072.694203,5064816.637000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D15.phaseCenter = [3826673.430500,461068.846203,5064816.304000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D16.phaseCenter = [3826676.182500,461067.642203,5064814.347000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D17.phaseCenter = [3826675.640500,461064.099203,5064815.074000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D18.phaseCenter = [3826673.065500,461060.409203,5064817.341000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D19.phaseCenter = [3826667.303500,461059.716202,5064821.728000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D20.phaseCenter = [3826664.852500,461060.909202,5064823.460000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D21.phaseCenter = [3826662.304500,461063.951202,5064825.098000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D22.phaseCenter = [3826661.545500,461068.138202,5064825.289000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D23.phaseCenter = [3826662.295500,461073.781202,5064824.216000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D24.phaseCenter = [3826664.152500,461077.825202,5064822.456000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D25.phaseCenter = [3826667.326500,461079.481202,5064819.925000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D26.phaseCenter = [3826670.414500,461078.446203,5064817.700000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D27.phaseCenter = [3826673.748500,461075.740203,5064815.443000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D28.phaseCenter = [3826675.834500,461071.745203,5064814.237000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D29.phaseCenter = [3826679.944500,461065.300203,5064811.735000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D30.phaseCenter = [3826679.158500,461061.679203,5064812.652000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D31.phaseCenter = [3826677.340500,461059.661203,5064814.199000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D32.phaseCenter = [3826671.560500,461056.633203,5064818.812000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D33.phaseCenter = [3826670.035500,461054.433202,5064820.155000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D34.phaseCenter = [3826664.490500,461057.654202,5064824.026000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D35.phaseCenter = [3826661.247500,461060.923202,5064826.165000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D36.phaseCenter = [3826657.728500,461064.137202,5064828.516000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D37.phaseCenter = [3826658.222500,461067.390202,5064827.851000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D38.phaseCenter = [3826658.456500,461072.098202,5064827.250000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D39.phaseCenter = [3826660.603500,461078.399202,5064825.068000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D40.phaseCenter = [3826661.860500,461080.609202,5064823.926000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D41.phaseCenter = [3826665.802500,461082.383202,5064820.807000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D42.phaseCenter = [3826668.533500,461084.560202,5064818.560000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D43.phaseCenter = [3826675.105500,461080.770203,5064813.969000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D44.phaseCenter = [3826677.353500,461077.802203,5064812.550000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D45.phaseCenter = [3826679.846500,461073.137203,5064811.100000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D46.phaseCenter = [3826687.931510,461018.878204,5064809.936000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D47.phaseCenter = [3826629.117500,461048.374199,5064851.417000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D00.phaseCenter = [3826596.773490,461145.130197,5064866.950000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D01.phaseCenter = [3826594.753490,461144.887197,5064868.488000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D02.phaseCenter = [3826595.435490,461147.235197,5064867.764000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D03.phaseCenter = [3826597.573490,461147.492197,5064866.136000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D04.phaseCenter = [3826598.792490,461145.373197,5064865.412000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D05.phaseCenter = [3826598.111490,461143.025197,5064866.136000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D06.phaseCenter = [3826595.973490,461142.767197,5064867.764000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D07.phaseCenter = [3826597.851490,461150.677197,5064865.640000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D08.phaseCenter = [3826600.503490,461148.322197,5064863.862000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D09.phaseCenter = [3826601.410490,461144.474197,5064863.529000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D10.phaseCenter = [3826600.147490,461140.933197,5064864.796000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D11.phaseCenter = [3826597.306490,461139.356197,5064867.072000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D12.phaseCenter = [3826594.215490,461140.480197,5064869.291000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D13.phaseCenter = [3826592.320490,461143.781197,5064870.414000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D14.phaseCenter = [3826592.510490,461147.711197,5064869.917000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D15.phaseCenter = [3826594.694490,461150.435197,5064868.031000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D16.phaseCenter = [3826594.027490,461153.953197,5064868.214000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D17.phaseCenter = [3826596.791490,461154.973197,5064866.047000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D18.phaseCenter = [3826600.770490,461153.865197,5064863.161000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D19.phaseCenter = [3826604.403490,461147.954198,5064860.968000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D20.phaseCenter = [3826604.912490,461144.768198,5064860.874000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D21.phaseCenter = [3826604.188490,461140.637198,5064861.791000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D22.phaseCenter = [3826601.686490,461137.921197,5064863.914000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D23.phaseCenter = [3826597.346490,461136.172197,5064867.330000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D24.phaseCenter = [3826593.514490,461136.346197,5064870.190000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D25.phaseCenter = [3826590.625490,461139.024197,5064872.117000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D26.phaseCenter = [3826589.657490,461142.828197,5064872.500000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D27.phaseCenter = [3826589.718490,461147.654197,5064872.017000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D28.phaseCenter = [3826591.359490,461151.718197,5064870.418000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D29.phaseCenter = [3826593.601490,461159.078197,5064868.070000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D30.phaseCenter = [3826596.554490,461159.869197,5064865.783000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D31.phaseCenter = [3826598.953490,461158.822197,5064864.076000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D32.phaseCenter = [3826604.222490,461153.948198,5064860.561000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D33.phaseCenter = [3826606.588490,461153.301198,5064858.844000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D34.phaseCenter = [3826607.378490,461145.851198,5064858.925000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D35.phaseCenter = [3826606.875490,461140.868198,5064859.753000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D36.phaseCenter = [3826606.561490,461135.611198,5064860.464000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D37.phaseCenter = [3826604.025490,461134.669198,5064862.452000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D38.phaseCenter = [3826600.618490,461132.789197,5064865.180000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D39.phaseCenter = [3826595.055490,461132.253197,5064869.404000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D40.phaseCenter = [3826592.828490,461132.608197,5064871.043000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D41.phaseCenter = [3826589.439490,461136.062197,5064873.275000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D42.phaseCenter = [3826586.428490,461138.026196,5064875.358000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D43.phaseCenter = [3826585.474490,461146.840196,5064875.277000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D44.phaseCenter = [3826586.311490,461150.614196,5064874.307000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D45.phaseCenter = [3826588.196490,461155.420196,5064872.458000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D46.phaseCenter = [3826629.969490,461178.945199,5064838.976000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D47.phaseCenter = [3826626.771500,461100.374199,5064848.479000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D00.phaseCenter = [3826533.404490,461098.918192,5064918.692000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D01.phaseCenter = [3826531.384490,461098.674192,5064920.230000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D02.phaseCenter = [3826532.065490,461101.023192,5064919.506000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D03.phaseCenter = [3826534.204490,461101.280192,5064917.878000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D04.phaseCenter = [3826535.423490,461099.161193,5064917.154000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D05.phaseCenter = [3826534.742490,461096.813193,5064917.878000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D06.phaseCenter = [3826532.604490,461096.555192,5064919.506000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D07.phaseCenter = [3826528.951490,461097.568192,5064922.156000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D08.phaseCenter = [3826529.140490,461101.500192,5064921.659000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D09.phaseCenter = [3826531.325490,461104.223192,5064919.773000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D10.phaseCenter = [3826534.481490,461104.465192,5064917.382000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D11.phaseCenter = [3826537.134490,461102.110193,5064915.604000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D12.phaseCenter = [3826538.041490,461098.262193,5064915.271000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D13.phaseCenter = [3826536.778490,461094.721193,5064916.538000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D14.phaseCenter = [3826533.937490,461093.144192,5064918.814000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D15.phaseCenter = [3826530.846490,461094.268192,5064921.032000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D16.phaseCenter = [3826528.761490,461091.953192,5064922.807000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D17.phaseCenter = [3826526.538490,461094.477192,5064924.247000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D18.phaseCenter = [3826525.135490,461099.276192,5064924.866000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D19.phaseCenter = [3826527.264490,461105.878192,5064922.671000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D20.phaseCenter = [3826529.204490,461107.873192,5064921.035000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D21.phaseCenter = [3826532.478490,461108.962192,5064918.479000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D22.phaseCenter = [3826535.737490,461107.492193,5064916.165000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D23.phaseCenter = [3826539.329490,461103.595193,5064913.822000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D24.phaseCenter = [3826541.303490,461099.378193,5064912.721000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D25.phaseCenter = [3826541.018490,461095.045193,5064913.326000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D26.phaseCenter = [3826538.898490,461092.275193,5064915.168000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D27.phaseCenter = [3826535.504490,461090.155193,5064917.908000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D28.phaseCenter = [3826531.776490,461090.087192,5064920.712000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D29.phaseCenter = [3826525.424490,461089.172192,5064925.563000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D30.phaseCenter = [3826523.258490,461092.002192,5064926.932000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D31.phaseCenter = [3826522.676490,461095.068192,5064927.092000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D32.phaseCenter = [3826523.188490,461102.967192,5064925.994000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D33.phaseCenter = [3826522.346490,461105.817192,5064926.369000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D34.phaseCenter = [3826527.102490,461110.045192,5064922.416000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D35.phaseCenter = [3826530.848490,461111.759192,5064919.450000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D36.phaseCenter = [3826534.681490,461113.802193,5064916.388000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D37.phaseCenter = [3826536.724490,461111.490193,5064915.064000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D38.phaseCenter = [3826539.896490,461108.662193,5064912.938000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D39.phaseCenter = [3826543.311490,461102.898193,5064910.896000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D40.phaseCenter = [3826544.282490,461100.331193,5064910.399000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D41.phaseCenter = [3826543.729490,461095.105193,5064911.286000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D42.phaseCenter = [3826544.009490,461090.964193,5064911.451000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D43.phaseCenter = [3826538.391490,461085.938193,5064916.121000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D44.phaseCenter = [3826535.306490,461085.134193,5064918.510000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D45.phaseCenter = [3826530.927490,461084.993192,5064921.810000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D46.phaseCenter = [3826523.497490,461153.009192,5064921.239000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D47.phaseCenter = [3826576.322490,461108.390196,5064885.621000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D00.position = [3826577.109500,461022.900196,5064892.758000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D01.position = [3826575.090500,461022.657196,5064894.296000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D02.position = [3826575.771500,461025.005196,5064893.572000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D03.position = [3826577.909500,461025.263196,5064891.944000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D04.position = [3826579.128500,461023.143196,5064891.220000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D05.position = [3826578.447500,461020.795196,5064891.944000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D06.position = [3826576.309500,461020.537196,5064893.572000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D07.position = [3826574.036500,461018.775195,5064895.437000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D08.position = [3826572.516500,461022.347195,5064896.256000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D09.position = [3826573.144500,461026.177195,5064895.438000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D10.position = [3826575.628500,461028.475196,5064893.365000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D11.position = [3826578.805500,461028.164196,5064891.009000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D12.position = [3826581.188500,461025.390196,5064889.471000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D13.position = [3826581.662500,461021.450196,5064889.471000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D14.position = [3826580.006500,461018.190196,5064891.009000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D15.position = [3826576.995500,461017.133196,5064893.365000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D16.position = [3826576.272500,461013.726196,5064894.215000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D17.position = [3826573.376500,461014.469195,5064896.322000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D18.position = [3826570.181500,461017.749195,5064898.424000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D19.position = [3826569.112500,461024.945195,5064898.576000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D20.position = [3826569.852500,461027.976195,5064897.746000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D21.position = [3826572.070500,461031.095195,5064895.800000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D22.position = [3826575.368500,461031.959196,5064893.246000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D23.position = [3826579.971500,461030.917196,5064889.885000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D24.position = [3826583.385500,461028.524196,5064887.539000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D25.position = [3826584.999500,461024.537196,5064886.688000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D26.position = [3826584.442500,461020.707196,5064887.452000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D27.position = [3826582.564500,461016.605196,5064889.232000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D28.position = [3826579.539500,461014.081196,5064891.731000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D29.position = [3826574.724500,461009.083195,5064895.797000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D30.position = [3826571.744500,461010.132195,5064897.939000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D31.position = [3826569.960500,461012.435195,5064899.070000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D32.position = [3826567.013500,461019.699195,5064900.626000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D33.position = [3826565.109500,461021.640195,5064901.880000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D34.position = [3826567.204500,461028.490195,5064899.688000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D35.position = [3826569.542500,461032.470195,5064897.573000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D36.position = [3826571.812500,461036.793195,5064895.478000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D37.position = [3826574.471500,461036.116195,5064893.544000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D38.position = [3826578.276500,461035.734196,5064890.722000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D39.position = [3826583.531500,461032.936196,5064887.030000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D40.position = [3826585.419500,461031.329196,5064885.758000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D41.position = [3826587.195500,461026.381196,5064884.873000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D42.position = [3826589.188500,461022.935197,5064883.688000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D43.position = [3826586.727500,461014.817196,5064886.269000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D44.position = [3826584.542500,461012.072196,5064888.157000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D45.position = [3826581.014500,461009.055196,5064891.078000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D46.position = [3826603.455510,460977.274198,5064877.107000]
-#PIC.Core.CS002D47.position = [3826612.589500,461053.051198,5064863.401000]
-##PIC.Core.CS003D00.position = [3826516.791510,460930.018191,5064946.429000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D01.position = [3826514.771510,460929.774191,5064947.967000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D02.position = [3826515.452500,460932.123191,5064947.243000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D03.position = [3826517.591510,460932.380191,5064945.615000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D04.position = [3826518.810510,460930.261191,5064944.891000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D05.position = [3826518.129510,460927.913191,5064945.615000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D06.position = [3826515.991510,460927.655191,5064947.243000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D07.position = [3826521.344510,460928.568192,5064943.142000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D08.position = [3826519.688510,460925.308191,5064944.680000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D09.position = [3826516.676510,460924.251191,5064947.036000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D10.position = [3826513.718510,460925.893191,5064949.109000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D11.position = [3826512.197510,460929.464191,5064949.927000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D12.position = [3826512.826500,460933.295191,5064949.109000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D13.position = [3826515.310500,460935.593191,5064947.037000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D14.position = [3826518.487500,460935.281191,5064944.680000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D15.position = [3826520.870510,460932.508192,5064943.142000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D16.position = [3826523.638510,460933.271192,5064940.995000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D17.position = [3826524.704510,460929.807192,5064940.509000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D18.position = [3826524.166510,460924.869192,5064941.358000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D19.position = [3826519.739510,460920.454191,5064945.080000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D20.position = [3826517.224510,460919.880191,5064947.020000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D21.position = [3826513.839510,460920.862191,5064949.472000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D22.position = [3826511.434510,460924.032191,5064950.991000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D23.position = [3826509.643500,460929.476191,5064951.844000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D24.position = [3826509.441500,460934.248191,5064951.563000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D25.position = [3826511.336500,460937.797191,5064949.821000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D26.position = [3826514.308500,460938.931191,5064947.487000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D27.position = [3826518.191500,460938.761191,5064944.588000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D28.position = [3826521.604500,460936.638192,5064942.218000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D29.position = [3826527.718510,460933.703192,5064937.894000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D30.position = [3826528.618510,460930.008192,5064937.552000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D31.position = [3826527.989510,460927.039192,5064938.293000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D32.position = [3826524.541510,460920.564192,5064941.466000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D33.position = [3826524.230510,460917.628192,5064941.965000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D34.position = [3826518.314510,460916.787191,5064946.482000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D35.position = [3826514.264510,460917.509191,5064949.456000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D36.position = [3826510.012510,460918.002191,5064952.604000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D37.position = [3826509.029510,460921.180191,5064953.054000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D38.position = [3826507.214510,460925.463191,5064954.029000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D39.position = [3826506.289500,460932.406191,5064954.096000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D40.position = [3826506.376500,460935.174191,5064953.780000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D41.position = [3826508.850500,460939.333191,5064951.547000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D42.position = [3826510.161500,460943.047191,5064950.228000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D43.position = [3826517.161500,460944.068191,5064944.882000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D44.position = [3826520.267500,460942.952192,5064942.651000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D45.position = [3826524.297500,460940.509192,5064939.846000]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D46.position = [3826478.141510,460906.374188,5064977.577990]
-#PIC.Core.CS003D47.position = [3826495.639500,460979.543190,5064957.829990]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D00.position = [3826654.240510,460939.528201,5064842.397000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D01.position = [3826652.220510,460939.284201,5064843.935000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D02.position = [3826652.902510,460941.633201,5064843.211000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D03.position = [3826655.040510,460941.890201,5064841.583000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D04.position = [3826656.259510,460939.771202,5064840.859000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D05.position = [3826655.578510,460937.423201,5064841.583000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D06.position = [3826653.440510,460937.165201,5064843.211000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D07.position = [3826652.759510,460945.103201,5064843.004000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D08.position = [3826655.936510,460944.791202,5064840.648000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D09.position = [3826658.319510,460942.018202,5064839.110000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D10.position = [3826658.793510,460938.078202,5064839.110000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D11.position = [3826657.137510,460934.818202,5064840.648000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D12.position = [3826654.126510,460933.761201,5064843.004000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D13.position = [3826651.167510,460935.403201,5064845.076000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D14.position = [3826649.647510,460938.974201,5064845.895000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D15.position = [3826650.275510,460942.805201,5064845.077000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D16.position = [3826648.230510,460945.448201,5064846.373000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D17.position = [3826650.060510,460948.170201,5064844.753000]
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-#PIC.Core.CS004D20.position = [3826661.064510,460944.589202,5064836.817000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D21.position = [3826662.230510,460940.488202,5064836.312000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D22.position = [3826661.338510,460936.455202,5064837.347000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D23.position = [3826658.527510,460932.053202,5064839.855000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D24.position = [3826655.313510,460929.673201,5064842.482000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D25.position = [3826651.805510,460930.112201,5064845.075000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D26.position = [3826649.390510,460932.807201,5064846.645000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D27.position = [3826647.384510,460937.078201,5064847.764000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D28.position = [3826646.997510,460941.726201,5064847.635000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D29.position = [3826645.698510,460949.660201,5064847.893000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D30.position = [3826647.779510,460952.306201,5064846.092000]
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-#PIC.Core.CS004D32.position = [3826656.586510,460952.182202,5064839.492000]
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-#PIC.Core.CS004D34.position = [3826662.622510,460947.168202,5064835.415000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D35.position = [3826664.333510,460942.467202,5064834.555000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D36.position = [3826666.316510,460937.651202,5064833.502000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D37.position = [3826664.640510,460935.149202,5064834.986000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D38.position = [3826662.649510,460931.249202,5064836.833000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D39.position = [3826658.320510,460927.104202,5064840.458000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D40.position = [3826656.344510,460925.943202,5064842.045000]
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-#PIC.Core.CS004D42.position = [3826648.791510,460926.463201,5064847.668000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D43.position = [3826644.252510,460933.560201,5064850.433000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D44.position = [3826643.331510,460937.422201,5064850.775000]
-#PIC.Core.CS004D45.position = [3826642.828510,460942.882201,5064850.660000]
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-#PIC.Core.CS004D47.position = [3826611.489510,460929.214198,5064875.419000]
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-#PIC.Core.CS005D02.position = [3826667.455500,461071.607202,5064820.540000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D03.position = [3826669.593500,461071.865202,5064818.911000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D04.position = [3826670.812500,461069.745203,5064818.188000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D05.position = [3826670.131500,461067.397202,5064818.911000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D06.position = [3826667.993500,461067.139202,5064820.539000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D07.position = [3826672.168500,461065.304203,5064817.572000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D08.position = [3826669.326500,461063.728202,5064819.847000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D09.position = [3826666.235500,461064.852202,5064822.066000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D10.position = [3826664.341500,461068.153202,5064823.189000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D11.position = [3826664.530500,461072.084202,5064822.692000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D12.position = [3826666.714500,461074.807202,5064820.806000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D13.position = [3826669.871500,461075.049202,5064818.415000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D14.position = [3826672.523500,461072.694203,5064816.637000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D15.position = [3826673.430500,461068.846203,5064816.304000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D16.position = [3826676.182500,461067.642203,5064814.347000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D17.position = [3826675.640500,461064.099203,5064815.074000]
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-#PIC.Core.CS005D19.position = [3826667.303500,461059.716202,5064821.728000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D20.position = [3826664.852500,461060.909202,5064823.460000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D21.position = [3826662.304500,461063.951202,5064825.098000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D22.position = [3826661.545500,461068.138202,5064825.289000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D23.position = [3826662.295500,461073.781202,5064824.216000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D24.position = [3826664.152500,461077.825202,5064822.456000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D25.position = [3826667.326500,461079.481202,5064819.925000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D26.position = [3826670.414500,461078.446203,5064817.700000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D27.position = [3826673.748500,461075.740203,5064815.443000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D28.position = [3826675.834500,461071.745203,5064814.237000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D29.position = [3826679.944500,461065.300203,5064811.735000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D30.position = [3826679.158500,461061.679203,5064812.652000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D31.position = [3826677.340500,461059.661203,5064814.199000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D32.position = [3826671.560500,461056.633203,5064818.812000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D33.position = [3826670.035500,461054.433202,5064820.155000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D34.position = [3826664.490500,461057.654202,5064824.026000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D35.position = [3826661.247500,461060.923202,5064826.165000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D36.position = [3826657.728500,461064.137202,5064828.516000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D37.position = [3826658.222500,461067.390202,5064827.851000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D38.position = [3826658.456500,461072.098202,5064827.250000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D39.position = [3826660.603500,461078.399202,5064825.068000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D40.position = [3826661.860500,461080.609202,5064823.926000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D41.position = [3826665.802500,461082.383202,5064820.807000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D42.position = [3826668.533500,461084.560202,5064818.560000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D43.position = [3826675.105500,461080.770203,5064813.969000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D44.position = [3826677.353500,461077.802203,5064812.550000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D45.position = [3826679.846500,461073.137203,5064811.100000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D46.position = [3826687.931510,461018.878204,5064809.936000]
-#PIC.Core.CS005D47.position = [3826629.117500,461048.374199,5064851.417000]
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-#PIC.Core.CS006D02.position = [3826595.435490,461147.235197,5064867.764000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D03.position = [3826597.573490,461147.492197,5064866.136000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D04.position = [3826598.792490,461145.373197,5064865.412000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D05.position = [3826598.111490,461143.025197,5064866.136000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D06.position = [3826595.973490,461142.767197,5064867.764000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D07.position = [3826597.851490,461150.677197,5064865.640000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D08.position = [3826600.503490,461148.322197,5064863.862000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D09.position = [3826601.410490,461144.474197,5064863.529000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D10.position = [3826600.147490,461140.933197,5064864.796000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D11.position = [3826597.306490,461139.356197,5064867.072000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D12.position = [3826594.215490,461140.480197,5064869.291000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D13.position = [3826592.320490,461143.781197,5064870.414000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D14.position = [3826592.510490,461147.711197,5064869.917000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D15.position = [3826594.694490,461150.435197,5064868.031000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D16.position = [3826594.027490,461153.953197,5064868.214000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D17.position = [3826596.791490,461154.973197,5064866.047000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D18.position = [3826600.770490,461153.865197,5064863.161000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D19.position = [3826604.403490,461147.954198,5064860.968000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D20.position = [3826604.912490,461144.768198,5064860.874000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D21.position = [3826604.188490,461140.637198,5064861.791000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D22.position = [3826601.686490,461137.921197,5064863.914000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D23.position = [3826597.346490,461136.172197,5064867.330000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D24.position = [3826593.514490,461136.346197,5064870.190000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D25.position = [3826590.625490,461139.024197,5064872.117000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D26.position = [3826589.657490,461142.828197,5064872.500000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D27.position = [3826589.718490,461147.654197,5064872.017000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D28.position = [3826591.359490,461151.718197,5064870.418000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D29.position = [3826593.601490,461159.078197,5064868.070000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D30.position = [3826596.554490,461159.869197,5064865.783000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D31.position = [3826598.953490,461158.822197,5064864.076000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D32.position = [3826604.222490,461153.948198,5064860.561000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D33.position = [3826606.588490,461153.301198,5064858.844000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D34.position = [3826607.378490,461145.851198,5064858.925000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D35.position = [3826606.875490,461140.868198,5064859.753000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D36.position = [3826606.561490,461135.611198,5064860.464000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D37.position = [3826604.025490,461134.669198,5064862.452000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D38.position = [3826600.618490,461132.789197,5064865.180000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D39.position = [3826595.055490,461132.253197,5064869.404000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D40.position = [3826592.828490,461132.608197,5064871.043000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D41.position = [3826589.439490,461136.062197,5064873.275000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D42.position = [3826586.428490,461138.026196,5064875.358000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D43.position = [3826585.474490,461146.840196,5064875.277000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D44.position = [3826586.311490,461150.614196,5064874.307000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D45.position = [3826588.196490,461155.420196,5064872.458000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D46.position = [3826629.969490,461178.945199,5064838.976000]
-#PIC.Core.CS006D47.position = [3826626.771500,461100.374199,5064848.479000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D00.position = [3826533.404490,461098.918192,5064918.692000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D01.position = [3826531.384490,461098.674192,5064920.230000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D02.position = [3826532.065490,461101.023192,5064919.506000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D03.position = [3826534.204490,461101.280192,5064917.878000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D04.position = [3826535.423490,461099.161193,5064917.154000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D05.position = [3826534.742490,461096.813193,5064917.878000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D06.position = [3826532.604490,461096.555192,5064919.506000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D07.position = [3826528.951490,461097.568192,5064922.156000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D08.position = [3826529.140490,461101.500192,5064921.659000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D09.position = [3826531.325490,461104.223192,5064919.773000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D10.position = [3826534.481490,461104.465192,5064917.382000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D11.position = [3826537.134490,461102.110193,5064915.604000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D12.position = [3826538.041490,461098.262193,5064915.271000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D13.position = [3826536.778490,461094.721193,5064916.538000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D14.position = [3826533.937490,461093.144192,5064918.814000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D15.position = [3826530.846490,461094.268192,5064921.032000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D16.position = [3826528.761490,461091.953192,5064922.807000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D17.position = [3826526.538490,461094.477192,5064924.247000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D18.position = [3826525.135490,461099.276192,5064924.866000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D19.position = [3826527.264490,461105.878192,5064922.671000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D20.position = [3826529.204490,461107.873192,5064921.035000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D21.position = [3826532.478490,461108.962192,5064918.479000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D22.position = [3826535.737490,461107.492193,5064916.165000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D23.position = [3826539.329490,461103.595193,5064913.822000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D24.position = [3826541.303490,461099.378193,5064912.721000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D25.position = [3826541.018490,461095.045193,5064913.326000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D26.position = [3826538.898490,461092.275193,5064915.168000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D27.position = [3826535.504490,461090.155193,5064917.908000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D28.position = [3826531.776490,461090.087192,5064920.712000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D29.position = [3826525.424490,461089.172192,5064925.563000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D30.position = [3826523.258490,461092.002192,5064926.932000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D31.position = [3826522.676490,461095.068192,5064927.092000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D32.position = [3826523.188490,461102.967192,5064925.994000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D33.position = [3826522.346490,461105.817192,5064926.369000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D34.position = [3826527.102490,461110.045192,5064922.416000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D35.position = [3826530.848490,461111.759192,5064919.450000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D36.position = [3826534.681490,461113.802193,5064916.388000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D37.position = [3826536.724490,461111.490193,5064915.064000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D38.position = [3826539.896490,461108.662193,5064912.938000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D39.position = [3826543.311490,461102.898193,5064910.896000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D40.position = [3826544.282490,461100.331193,5064910.399000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D41.position = [3826543.729490,461095.105193,5064911.286000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D42.position = [3826544.009490,461090.964193,5064911.451000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D43.position = [3826538.391490,461085.938193,5064916.121000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D44.position = [3826535.306490,461085.134193,5064918.510000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D45.position = [3826530.927490,461084.993192,5064921.810000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D46.position = [3826523.497490,461153.009192,5064921.239000]
-#PIC.Core.CS007D47.position = [3826576.322490,461108.390196,5064885.621000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D00.phaseCenter = [3826579.492500,461005.105196,5064892.578000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D01.phaseCenter = [3826578.065500,461002.706196,5064893.866000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D02.phaseCenter = [3826566.278500,461008.429195,5064902.196000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D03.phaseCenter = [3826561.238500,461023.545195,5064904.613000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D04.phaseCenter = [3826561.048500,461028.462194,5064904.311000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D05.phaseCenter = [3826567.371500,461037.218195,5064898.774000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D06.phaseCenter = [3826577.471500,461040.701196,5064890.878000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D07.phaseCenter = [3826583.820500,461041.021196,5064886.083000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D08.phaseCenter = [3826590.492500,461028.842197,5064882.175000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D09.phaseCenter = [3826593.010500,461021.160197,5064880.980000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D10.phaseCenter = [3826589.881500,461012.254197,5064884.134000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D11.phaseCenter = [3826590.888500,461004.124197,5064884.112000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D12.phaseCenter = [3826581.799500,460998.392196,5064891.453000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D13.phaseCenter = [3826571.486500,460998.986195,5064899.140000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D14.phaseCenter = [3826566.799500,461001.550195,5064902.426000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D15.phaseCenter = [3826561.056500,461006.369194,5064906.301000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D16.phaseCenter = [3826557.923500,461023.707194,5064907.087000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D17.phaseCenter = [3826558.452500,461031.588194,5064905.977000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D18.phaseCenter = [3826563.447500,461043.574195,5064901.145000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D19.phaseCenter = [3826574.094500,461047.864195,5064892.765000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D20.phaseCenter = [3826581.534500,461047.956196,5064887.172000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D21.phaseCenter = [3826589.542500,461041.302197,5064881.763000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D22.phaseCenter = [3826597.988500,461028.593197,5064876.571000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D23.phaseCenter = [3826597.031500,461011.026197,5064878.878000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D24.phaseCenter = [3826596.814500,460997.283197,5064880.282000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D25.phaseCenter = [3826585.611500,460992.916196,5064889.087000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D26.phaseCenter = [3826573.967500,460992.191195,5064897.892000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D27.phaseCenter = [3826567.574500,460993.250195,5064902.595000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D28.phaseCenter = [3826556.250500,461006.503194,5064909.897000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D29.phaseCenter = [3826549.777500,461023.012194,5064913.263000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D30.phaseCenter = [3826551.123500,461035.050194,5064911.165000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D31.phaseCenter = [3826556.956500,461040.527194,5064906.292000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D32.phaseCenter = [3826562.717500,461052.851195,5064900.854000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D33.phaseCenter = [3826577.449500,461056.665196,5064889.451000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D34.phaseCenter = [3826584.539500,461054.769196,5064884.300000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D35.phaseCenter = [3826595.997500,461046.957197,5064876.406000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D36.phaseCenter = [3826598.671500,461039.287197,5064875.092000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D37.phaseCenter = [3826603.738500,461019.411198,5064873.085000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D38.phaseCenter = [3826600.940500,461013.887197,5064875.685000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D39.phaseCenter = [3826605.295500,461010.467198,5064872.725000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D40.phaseCenter = [3826585.073500,460981.955196,5064890.481000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D41.phaseCenter = [3826564.739500,460986.971195,5064905.291000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D42.phaseCenter = [3826551.009500,460998.299194,5064914.572000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D43.phaseCenter = [3826546.172500,461013.473193,5064916.832000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D44.phaseCenter = [3826556.131500,461055.945194,5064905.517000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D45.phaseCenter = [3826573.680500,461059.292195,5064892.043000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D46.phaseCenter = [3826586.498500,461061.863196,5064882.189000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D47.phaseCenter = [3826607.822500,461026.590198,5064869.371000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D00.phaseCenter = [3826527.881500,460940.655192,5064937.143000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D01.phaseCenter = [3826530.332500,460940.201192,5064935.344000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D02.phaseCenter = [3826532.793510,460924.878192,5064934.882000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D03.phaseCenter = [3826525.021510,460912.584192,5064941.827000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D04.phaseCenter = [3826521.701510,460910.152192,5064944.539000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D05.phaseCenter = [3826512.144510,460913.012191,5064951.454000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D06.phaseCenter = [3826504.196510,460922.342190,5064956.577000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D07.phaseCenter = [3826500.500500,460929.054190,5064958.744000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D08.phaseCenter = [3826505.334500,460941.780190,5064953.966000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D09.phaseCenter = [3826509.307500,460947.981191,5064950.423000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D10.phaseCenter = [3826517.220500,460948.636191,5064944.424000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D11.phaseCenter = [3826522.331500,460953.408192,5064940.156000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D12.phaseCenter = [3826531.295500,460946.188192,5064934.080000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D13.phaseCenter = [3826536.521510,460934.781193,5064931.189000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D14.phaseCenter = [3826537.298510,460928.557193,5064931.168000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D15.phaseCenter = [3826537.082510,460920.171193,5064932.088000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D16.phaseCenter = [3826526.721510,460908.930192,5064940.881000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D17.phaseCenter = [3826520.943510,460905.931192,5064945.489000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D18.phaseCenter = [3826509.863510,460905.894191,5064953.809000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D19.phaseCenter = [3826501.054510,460915.450190,5064959.558000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D20.phaseCenter = [3826496.920500,460923.443190,5064961.938000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D21.phaseCenter = [3826497.175500,460935.107190,5064960.693000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D22.phaseCenter = [3826501.408500,460949.988190,5064956.171000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D23.phaseCenter = [3826514.166500,460956.915191,5064945.968000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D24.phaseCenter = [3826523.855500,460962.908192,5064938.154000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D25.phaseCenter = [3826533.025500,460952.786192,5064932.186000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D26.phaseCenter = [3826539.897510,460940.539193,5064928.134000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D27.phaseCenter = [3826542.655510,460933.155193,5064926.731000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D28.phaseCenter = [3826539.617510,460914.920193,5064930.660000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D29.phaseCenter = [3826531.660510,460900.448192,5064937.941000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D30.phaseCenter = [3826522.539510,460896.447192,5064945.148000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D31.phaseCenter = [3826515.535510,460900.265191,5064950.061000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D32.phaseCenter = [3826503.801510,460900.903190,5064958.811000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D33.phaseCenter = [3826493.089510,460915.084190,5064965.570000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D34.phaseCenter = [3826490.532500,460923.602189,5064966.718990]
-PIC.Core.CS003D35.phaseCenter = [3826489.706500,460939.517189,5064965.900990]
-PIC.Core.CS003D36.phaseCenter = [3826493.586500,460945.880190,5064962.412990]
-PIC.Core.CS003D37.phaseCenter = [3826504.658500,460960.358190,5064952.794000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D38.phaseCenter = [3826510.036500,460959.840191,5064948.804000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D39.phaseCenter = [3826510.036500,460966.093191,5064948.239000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D40.phaseCenter = [3826540.952500,460957.174193,5064925.839000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D41.phaseCenter = [3826548.578510,460932.938194,5064922.305000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D42.phaseCenter = [3826548.197510,460912.976194,5064924.395000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D43.phaseCenter = [3826540.275510,460900.877193,5064931.436000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D44.phaseCenter = [3826505.248510,460892.388190,5064958.494000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D45.phaseCenter = [3826493.321510,460909.823190,5064965.871000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D46.phaseCenter = [3826484.521500,460922.503189,5064971.330990]
-PIC.Core.CS003D47.phaseCenter = [3826497.425500,460961.517190,5064958.119000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D00.phaseCenter = [3826640.767510,460946.686200,5064851.863000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D01.phaseCenter = [3826639.743510,460949.538200,5064852.374000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D02.phaseCenter = [3826649.069510,460959.139201,5064844.506000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D03.phaseCenter = [3826661.881510,460956.316202,5064835.144000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D04.phaseCenter = [3826665.390510,460953.832202,5064832.734000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D05.phaseCenter = [3826668.624510,460942.216202,5064831.357000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D06.phaseCenter = [3826666.474510,460929.403202,5064834.129000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D07.phaseCenter = [3826663.820510,460922.371202,5064836.757000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D08.phaseCenter = [3826652.313510,460921.824201,5064845.443000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D09.phaseCenter = [3826645.822510,460923.306201,5064850.182000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D10.phaseCenter = [3826641.039510,460931.555200,5064853.027000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D11.phaseCenter = [3826634.920510,460934.914200,5064857.316000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D12.phaseCenter = [3826635.046510,460947.866200,5064856.050000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D13.phaseCenter = [3826640.133510,460958.679200,5064851.255000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D14.phaseCenter = [3826644.043510,460962.338201,5064847.989000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D15.phaseCenter = [3826650.001510,460965.905201,5064843.194000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D16.phaseCenter = [3826663.496510,460959.809202,5064833.616000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D17.phaseCenter = [3826668.745510,460954.927202,5064830.117000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D18.phaseCenter = [3826674.830510,460942.977203,5064826.630000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D19.phaseCenter = [3826672.992510,460929.132203,5064829.261000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D20.phaseCenter = [3826669.685510,460921.047203,5064832.474000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D21.phaseCenter = [3826661.423510,460916.036202,5064839.129000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D22.phaseCenter = [3826648.744510,460913.865201,5064848.842000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D23.phaseCenter = [3826636.943510,460924.505200,5064856.738000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D24.phaseCenter = [3826627.470510,460932.254199,5064863.148000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D25.phaseCenter = [3826629.505510,460946.744200,5064860.311000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D26.phaseCenter = [3826634.276510,460959.716200,5064855.557000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D27.phaseCenter = [3826637.911510,460966.041200,5064852.258000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D28.phaseCenter = [3826652.272510,460971.023201,5064841.027000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D29.phaseCenter = [3826666.703510,460968.985202,5064830.380000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D30.phaseCenter = [3826674.477510,460960.948203,5064825.271000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D31.phaseCenter = [3826675.648510,460951.654203,5064825.232000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D32.phaseCenter = [3826681.621510,460938.692203,5064821.920000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D33.phaseCenter = [3826677.602510,460920.696203,5064826.563000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D34.phaseCenter = [3826673.068510,460914.075203,5064830.565000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D35.phaseCenter = [3826662.436510,460905.971202,5064839.278000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D36.phaseCenter = [3826655.882510,460907.279202,5064844.079000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D37.phaseCenter = [3826639.744510,460912.676200,5064855.705000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D38.phaseCenter = [3826637.164510,460918.719200,5064857.095000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D39.phaseCenter = [3826632.809510,460915.885200,5064860.620000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D40.phaseCenter = [3826622.115510,460953.317199,5064865.264000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D41.phaseCenter = [3826634.822510,460972.536200,5064853.989000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D42.phaseCenter = [3826648.933510,460981.170201,5064842.617000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D43.phaseCenter = [3826661.693510,460978.096202,5064833.316000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D44.phaseCenter = [3826686.760510,460944.113204,5064817.572000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D45.phaseCenter = [3826681.140510,460923.330203,5064823.669000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D46.phaseCenter = [3826677.121510,460908.080203,5064828.064000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D47.phaseCenter = [3826642.893510,460904.339201,5064854.095000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D00.phaseCenter = [3826683.049500,461070.888203,5064808.900000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D01.phaseCenter = [3826685.005500,461068.896204,5064807.611000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D02.phaseCenter = [3826680.632500,461054.715203,5064812.176000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D03.phaseCenter = [3826668.579500,461049.779202,5064821.668000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D04.phaseCenter = [3826664.631500,461049.979202,5064824.614000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D05.phaseCenter = [3826657.472500,461058.639202,5064829.205000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D06.phaseCenter = [3826654.480500,461071.536201,5064830.285000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D07.phaseCenter = [3826654.101500,461079.478201,5064829.852000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D08.phaseCenter = [3826663.761500,461086.710202,5064821.947000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D09.phaseCenter = [3826669.887500,461089.165202,5064817.127000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D10.phaseCenter = [3826677.104500,461084.473203,5064812.134000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D11.phaseCenter = [3826683.619500,461085.005203,5064807.196000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D12.phaseCenter = [3826688.400500,461073.167204,5064804.677000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D13.phaseCenter = [3826688.121500,461060.365204,5064806.043000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D14.phaseCenter = [3826686.149500,461054.752204,5064808.031000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D15.phaseCenter = [3826682.387500,461048.024203,5064811.463000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D16.phaseCenter = [3826668.512500,461045.661202,5064822.091000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D17.phaseCenter = [3826662.169500,461047.021202,5064826.729000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D18.phaseCenter = [3826652.439500,461054.314201,5064833.374000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D19.phaseCenter = [3826648.787500,461067.965201,5064834.881000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D20.phaseCenter = [3826648.570500,461077.246201,5064834.205000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D21.phaseCenter = [3826653.765500,461086.635201,5064829.457000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D22.phaseCenter = [3826663.817500,461096.031202,5064821.063000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D23.phaseCenter = [3826677.955500,461093.274203,5064810.700000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D24.phaseCenter = [3826689.003500,461091.782204,5064802.541000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D25.phaseCenter = [3826692.729500,461077.430204,5064801.042000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D26.phaseCenter = [3826693.534500,461062.853204,5064801.755000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D27.phaseCenter = [3826692.806500,461054.979204,5064803.014000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D28.phaseCenter = [3826682.372500,461042.045203,5064812.015000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D29.phaseCenter = [3826669.227500,461035.447202,5064822.477000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D30.phaseCenter = [3826659.527500,461038.196202,5064829.511000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D31.phaseCenter = [3826655.013500,461045.953201,5064832.198000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D32.phaseCenter = [3826644.998500,461054.230201,5064838.967000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D33.phaseCenter = [3826641.649500,461072.931200,5064839.790000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D34.phaseCenter = [3826643.037500,461081.599200,5064837.965000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D35.phaseCenter = [3826649.096500,461095.184201,5064832.189000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D36.phaseCenter = [3826655.209500,461097.834201,5064827.361000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D37.phaseCenter = [3826671.086500,461102.380203,5064815.033000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D38.phaseCenter = [3826675.580500,461098.401203,5064812.019000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D39.phaseCenter = [3826678.245500,461103.525203,5064809.556000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D40.phaseCenter = [3826701.548500,461075.785205,5064794.571000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D41.phaseCenter = [3826697.907500,461050.887205,5064799.555000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D42.phaseCenter = [3826689.066500,461034.784204,5064807.646000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D43.phaseCenter = [3826676.963500,461030.104203,5064817.154000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D44.phaseCenter = [3826642.637500,461046.296200,5064841.456000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D45.phaseCenter = [3826639.610500,461068.466200,5064841.724000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D46.phaseCenter = [3826637.298500,461084.670200,5064841.995000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D47.phaseCenter = [3826665.238500,461108.110202,5064818.904000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D00.phaseCenter = [3826588.011490,461159.899196,5064872.192000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D01.phaseCenter = [3826588.329490,461162.913196,5064871.681000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D02.phaseCenter = [3826600.597490,461164.616197,5064862.319000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D03.phaseCenter = [3826610.626490,461153.837198,5064855.765000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D04.phaseCenter = [3826612.645490,461149.482198,5064854.643000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D05.phaseCenter = [3826610.530490,461137.826198,5064857.284000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D06.phaseCenter = [3826603.184490,461128.748198,5064863.619000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D07.phaseCenter = [3826597.860490,461124.740197,5064867.977000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D08.phaseCenter = [3826587.540490,461131.897196,5064875.077000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D09.phaseCenter = [3826582.480490,461137.401196,5064878.377000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D10.phaseCenter = [3826581.802490,461147.323196,5064877.990000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D11.phaseCenter = [3826577.868490,461154.117196,5064880.328000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D12.phaseCenter = [3826583.498490,461164.646196,5064875.150000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D13.phaseCenter = [3826592.566490,461170.144197,5064867.847000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D14.phaseCenter = [3826597.553490,461170.559197,5064864.066000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D15.phaseCenter = [3826604.298490,461169.544198,5064859.095000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D16.phaseCenter = [3826613.531490,461155.630198,5064853.422000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D17.phaseCenter = [3826616.052490,461148.162198,5064852.205000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D18.phaseCenter = [3826616.294490,461134.350198,5064853.271000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D19.phaseCenter = [3826608.784490,461124.219198,5064859.825000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D20.phaseCenter = [3826602.439490,461119.780197,5064864.989000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D21.phaseCenter = [3826593.059490,461121.135197,5064871.907000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D22.phaseCenter = [3826581.018490,461127.734196,5064880.348000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D23.phaseCenter = [3826575.206490,461144.252195,5064883.218000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D24.phaseCenter = [3826570.204490,461156.862195,5064885.833000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D25.phaseCenter = [3826578.162490,461167.388196,5064878.908000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D26.phaseCenter = [3826587.873490,461174.865196,5064870.943000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D27.phaseCenter = [3826593.755490,461177.645197,5064866.276000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D28.phaseCenter = [3826608.469490,461172.237198,5064855.721000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D29.phaseCenter = [3826620.253490,461161.031199,5064847.889000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D30.phaseCenter = [3826623.644490,461149.308199,5064846.403000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D31.phaseCenter = [3826620.710490,461140.918199,5064849.364000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D32.phaseCenter = [3826620.422490,461126.350199,5064850.896000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D33.phaseCenter = [3826609.230500,461114.260198,5064860.390000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D34.phaseCenter = [3826602.433500,461111.832197,5064865.712000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D35.phaseCenter = [3826589.658490,461112.218197,5064875.266000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D36.phaseCenter = [3826584.469490,461117.621196,5064878.672000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D37.phaseCenter = [3826572.621490,461132.708195,5064886.202000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D38.phaseCenter = [3826572.934490,461139.365195,5064885.365000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D39.phaseCenter = [3826567.908490,461139.921195,5064889.087000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D40.phaseCenter = [3826574.484490,461177.659195,5064880.740000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D41.phaseCenter = [3826593.816490,461185.008197,5064865.565000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D42.phaseCenter = [3826609.866490,461182.757198,5064853.721000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D43.phaseCenter = [3826619.744490,461171.806199,5064847.297000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D44.phaseCenter = [3826627.238500,461127.396199,5064845.686000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D45.phaseCenter = [3826613.453500,461114.081198,5064857.236000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D46.phaseCenter = [3826603.432500,461104.241198,5064865.647000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D47.phaseCenter = [3826571.828490,461123.796195,5064887.603000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D00.phaseCenter = [3826527.909490,461082.763192,5064924.277000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D01.phaseCenter = [3826525.636490,461081.740192,5064926.075000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D02.phaseCenter = [3826517.741490,461094.218191,5064930.874000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D03.phaseCenter = [3826519.764490,461109.935191,5064927.935000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D04.phaseCenter = [3826521.693490,461114.089192,5064926.111000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D05.phaseCenter = [3826530.968490,461117.085192,5064918.878000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D06.phaseCenter = [3826541.306490,461113.264193,5064911.463000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D07.phaseCenter = [3826547.009490,461109.331193,5064907.538000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D08.phaseCenter = [3826547.669490,461094.942193,5064908.344000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D09.phaseCenter = [3826546.603490,461086.983193,5064909.863000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D10.phaseCenter = [3826540.064500,461081.754193,5064915.244000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D11.phaseCenter = [3826537.483500,461074.428193,5064917.844000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D12.phaseCenter = [3826527.071490,461075.738192,5064925.540000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D13.phaseCenter = [3826518.282490,461083.039191,5064931.477000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D14.phaseCenter = [3826515.266490,461088.238191,5064933.272000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D15.phaseCenter = [3826512.285490,461095.982191,5064934.809000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D16.phaseCenter = [3826516.926490,461112.259191,5064929.854000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D17.phaseCenter = [3826520.749490,461118.367191,5064926.433000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D18.phaseCenter = [3826530.236490,461124.886192,5064918.722000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D19.phaseCenter = [3826541.398490,461121.365193,5064910.662000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D20.phaseCenter = [3826547.961490,461116.524193,5064906.174000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D21.phaseCenter = [3826552.146490,461105.780194,5064904.004000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D22.phaseCenter = [3826554.135490,461089.784194,5064903.957000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D23.phaseCenter = [3826545.809500,461076.022193,5064911.449000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D24.phaseCenter = [3826539.762500,461064.905193,5064916.993000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D25.phaseCenter = [3826528.079500,461068.731192,5064925.417000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D26.phaseCenter = [3826517.561490,461075.832191,5064932.670000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D27.phaseCenter = [3826512.409490,461080.924191,5064936.078000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D28.phaseCenter = [3826508.128490,461099.268191,5064937.631990]
-PIC.Core.CS007D29.phaseCenter = [3826509.489490,461117.072191,5064935.001990]
-PIC.Core.CS007D30.phaseCenter = [3826515.799490,461126.046191,5064929.454000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D31.phaseCenter = [3826523.247490,461126.679192,5064923.806000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D32.phaseCenter = [3826533.550490,461132.970192,5064915.505000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D33.phaseCenter = [3826548.091490,461126.360193,5064905.187000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D34.phaseCenter = [3826553.499490,461120.120194,5064901.692000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D35.phaseCenter = [3826560.216490,461106.147194,5064897.913000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D36.phaseCenter = [3826559.291490,461098.095194,5064899.335000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D37.phaseCenter = [3826555.263500,461078.462194,5064904.133000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D38.phaseCenter = [3826550.456500,461075.783194,5064907.984000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D39.phaseCenter = [3826552.817500,461070.104194,5064906.725000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D40.phaseCenter = [3826522.937500,461060.105192,5064930.056000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D41.phaseCenter = [3826507.247490,461077.654191,5064940.246990]
-PIC.Core.CS007D42.phaseCenter = [3826500.037490,461096.010190,5064943.999990]
-PIC.Core.CS007D43.phaseCenter = [3826502.263490,461111.639190,5064940.916990]
-PIC.Core.CS007D44.phaseCenter = [3826529.095490,461139.857192,5064918.226000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D45.phaseCenter = [3826545.906490,461131.003193,5064906.408000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D46.phaseCenter = [3826558.240490,461124.638194,5064897.725000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D47.phaseCenter = [3826561.903500,461081.644195,5064898.861000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D00.position = [3826579.492500,461005.105196,5064892.578000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D01.position = [3826578.065500,461002.706196,5064893.866000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D02.position = [3826566.278500,461008.429195,5064902.196000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D03.position = [3826561.238500,461023.545195,5064904.613000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D04.position = [3826561.048500,461028.462194,5064904.311000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D05.position = [3826567.371500,461037.218195,5064898.774000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D06.position = [3826577.471500,461040.701196,5064890.878000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D07.position = [3826583.820500,461041.021196,5064886.083000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D08.position = [3826590.492500,461028.842197,5064882.175000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D09.position = [3826593.010500,461021.160197,5064880.980000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D10.position = [3826589.881500,461012.254197,5064884.134000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D11.position = [3826590.888500,461004.124197,5064884.112000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D12.position = [3826581.799500,460998.392196,5064891.453000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D13.position = [3826571.486500,460998.986195,5064899.140000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D14.position = [3826566.799500,461001.550195,5064902.426000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D15.position = [3826561.056500,461006.369194,5064906.301000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D16.position = [3826557.923500,461023.707194,5064907.087000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D17.position = [3826558.452500,461031.588194,5064905.977000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D18.position = [3826563.447500,461043.574195,5064901.145000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D19.position = [3826574.094500,461047.864195,5064892.765000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D20.position = [3826581.534500,461047.956196,5064887.172000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D21.position = [3826589.542500,461041.302197,5064881.763000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D22.position = [3826597.988500,461028.593197,5064876.571000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D23.position = [3826597.031500,461011.026197,5064878.878000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D24.position = [3826596.814500,460997.283197,5064880.282000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D25.position = [3826585.611500,460992.916196,5064889.087000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D26.position = [3826573.967500,460992.191195,5064897.892000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D27.position = [3826567.574500,460993.250195,5064902.595000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D28.position = [3826556.250500,461006.503194,5064909.897000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D29.position = [3826549.777500,461023.012194,5064913.263000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D30.position = [3826551.123500,461035.050194,5064911.165000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D31.position = [3826556.956500,461040.527194,5064906.292000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D32.position = [3826562.717500,461052.851195,5064900.854000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D33.position = [3826577.449500,461056.665196,5064889.451000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D34.position = [3826584.539500,461054.769196,5064884.300000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D35.position = [3826595.997500,461046.957197,5064876.406000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D36.position = [3826598.671500,461039.287197,5064875.092000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D37.position = [3826603.738500,461019.411198,5064873.085000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D38.position = [3826600.940500,461013.887197,5064875.685000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D39.position = [3826605.295500,461010.467198,5064872.725000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D40.position = [3826585.073500,460981.955196,5064890.481000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D41.position = [3826564.739500,460986.971195,5064905.291000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D42.position = [3826551.009500,460998.299194,5064914.572000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D43.position = [3826546.172500,461013.473193,5064916.832000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D44.position = [3826556.131500,461055.945194,5064905.517000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D45.position = [3826573.680500,461059.292195,5064892.043000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D46.position = [3826586.498500,461061.863196,5064882.189000]
-PIC.Core.CS002D47.position = [3826607.822500,461026.590198,5064869.371000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D00.position = [3826527.881500,460940.655192,5064937.143000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D01.position = [3826530.332500,460940.201192,5064935.344000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D02.position = [3826532.793510,460924.878192,5064934.882000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D03.position = [3826525.021510,460912.584192,5064941.827000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D04.position = [3826521.701510,460910.152192,5064944.539000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D05.position = [3826512.144510,460913.012191,5064951.454000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D06.position = [3826504.196510,460922.342190,5064956.577000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D07.position = [3826500.500500,460929.054190,5064958.744000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D08.position = [3826505.334500,460941.780190,5064953.966000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D09.position = [3826509.307500,460947.981191,5064950.423000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D10.position = [3826517.220500,460948.636191,5064944.424000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D11.position = [3826522.331500,460953.408192,5064940.156000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D12.position = [3826531.295500,460946.188192,5064934.080000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D13.position = [3826536.521510,460934.781193,5064931.189000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D14.position = [3826537.298510,460928.557193,5064931.168000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D15.position = [3826537.082510,460920.171193,5064932.088000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D16.position = [3826526.721510,460908.930192,5064940.881000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D17.position = [3826520.943510,460905.931192,5064945.489000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D18.position = [3826509.863510,460905.894191,5064953.809000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D19.position = [3826501.054510,460915.450190,5064959.558000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D20.position = [3826496.920500,460923.443190,5064961.938000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D21.position = [3826497.175500,460935.107190,5064960.693000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D22.position = [3826501.408500,460949.988190,5064956.171000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D23.position = [3826514.166500,460956.915191,5064945.968000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D24.position = [3826523.855500,460962.908192,5064938.154000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D25.position = [3826533.025500,460952.786192,5064932.186000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D26.position = [3826539.897510,460940.539193,5064928.134000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D27.position = [3826542.655510,460933.155193,5064926.731000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D28.position = [3826539.617510,460914.920193,5064930.660000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D29.position = [3826531.660510,460900.448192,5064937.941000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D30.position = [3826522.539510,460896.447192,5064945.148000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D31.position = [3826515.535510,460900.265191,5064950.061000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D32.position = [3826503.801510,460900.903190,5064958.811000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D33.position = [3826493.089510,460915.084190,5064965.570000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D34.position = [3826490.532500,460923.602189,5064966.718990]
-PIC.Core.CS003D35.position = [3826489.706500,460939.517189,5064965.900990]
-PIC.Core.CS003D36.position = [3826493.586500,460945.880190,5064962.412990]
-PIC.Core.CS003D37.position = [3826504.658500,460960.358190,5064952.794000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D38.position = [3826510.036500,460959.840191,5064948.804000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D39.position = [3826510.036500,460966.093191,5064948.239000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D40.position = [3826540.952500,460957.174193,5064925.839000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D41.position = [3826548.578510,460932.938194,5064922.305000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D42.position = [3826548.197510,460912.976194,5064924.395000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D43.position = [3826540.275510,460900.877193,5064931.436000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D44.position = [3826505.248510,460892.388190,5064958.494000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D45.position = [3826493.321510,460909.823190,5064965.871000]
-PIC.Core.CS003D46.position = [3826484.521500,460922.503189,5064971.330990]
-PIC.Core.CS003D47.position = [3826497.425500,460961.517190,5064958.119000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D00.position = [3826640.767510,460946.686200,5064851.863000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D01.position = [3826639.743510,460949.538200,5064852.374000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D02.position = [3826649.069510,460959.139201,5064844.506000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D03.position = [3826661.881510,460956.316202,5064835.144000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D04.position = [3826665.390510,460953.832202,5064832.734000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D05.position = [3826668.624510,460942.216202,5064831.357000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D06.position = [3826666.474510,460929.403202,5064834.129000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D07.position = [3826663.820510,460922.371202,5064836.757000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D08.position = [3826652.313510,460921.824201,5064845.443000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D09.position = [3826645.822510,460923.306201,5064850.182000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D10.position = [3826641.039510,460931.555200,5064853.027000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D11.position = [3826634.920510,460934.914200,5064857.316000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D12.position = [3826635.046510,460947.866200,5064856.050000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D13.position = [3826640.133510,460958.679200,5064851.255000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D14.position = [3826644.043510,460962.338201,5064847.989000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D15.position = [3826650.001510,460965.905201,5064843.194000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D16.position = [3826663.496510,460959.809202,5064833.616000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D17.position = [3826668.745510,460954.927202,5064830.117000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D18.position = [3826674.830510,460942.977203,5064826.630000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D19.position = [3826672.992510,460929.132203,5064829.261000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D20.position = [3826669.685510,460921.047203,5064832.474000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D21.position = [3826661.423510,460916.036202,5064839.129000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D22.position = [3826648.744510,460913.865201,5064848.842000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D23.position = [3826636.943510,460924.505200,5064856.738000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D24.position = [3826627.470510,460932.254199,5064863.148000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D25.position = [3826629.505510,460946.744200,5064860.311000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D26.position = [3826634.276510,460959.716200,5064855.557000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D27.position = [3826637.911510,460966.041200,5064852.258000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D28.position = [3826652.272510,460971.023201,5064841.027000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D29.position = [3826666.703510,460968.985202,5064830.380000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D30.position = [3826674.477510,460960.948203,5064825.271000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D31.position = [3826675.648510,460951.654203,5064825.232000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D32.position = [3826681.621510,460938.692203,5064821.920000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D33.position = [3826677.602510,460920.696203,5064826.563000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D34.position = [3826673.068510,460914.075203,5064830.565000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D35.position = [3826662.436510,460905.971202,5064839.278000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D36.position = [3826655.882510,460907.279202,5064844.079000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D37.position = [3826639.744510,460912.676200,5064855.705000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D38.position = [3826637.164510,460918.719200,5064857.095000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D39.position = [3826632.809510,460915.885200,5064860.620000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D40.position = [3826622.115510,460953.317199,5064865.264000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D41.position = [3826634.822510,460972.536200,5064853.989000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D42.position = [3826648.933510,460981.170201,5064842.617000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D43.position = [3826661.693510,460978.096202,5064833.316000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D44.position = [3826686.760510,460944.113204,5064817.572000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D45.position = [3826681.140510,460923.330203,5064823.669000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D46.position = [3826677.121510,460908.080203,5064828.064000]
-PIC.Core.CS004D47.position = [3826642.893510,460904.339201,5064854.095000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D00.position = [3826683.049500,461070.888203,5064808.900000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D01.position = [3826685.005500,461068.896204,5064807.611000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D02.position = [3826680.632500,461054.715203,5064812.176000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D03.position = [3826668.579500,461049.779202,5064821.668000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D04.position = [3826664.631500,461049.979202,5064824.614000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D05.position = [3826657.472500,461058.639202,5064829.205000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D06.position = [3826654.480500,461071.536201,5064830.285000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D07.position = [3826654.101500,461079.478201,5064829.852000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D08.position = [3826663.761500,461086.710202,5064821.947000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D09.position = [3826669.887500,461089.165202,5064817.127000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D10.position = [3826677.104500,461084.473203,5064812.134000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D11.position = [3826683.619500,461085.005203,5064807.196000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D12.position = [3826688.400500,461073.167204,5064804.677000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D13.position = [3826688.121500,461060.365204,5064806.043000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D14.position = [3826686.149500,461054.752204,5064808.031000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D15.position = [3826682.387500,461048.024203,5064811.463000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D16.position = [3826668.512500,461045.661202,5064822.091000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D17.position = [3826662.169500,461047.021202,5064826.729000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D18.position = [3826652.439500,461054.314201,5064833.374000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D19.position = [3826648.787500,461067.965201,5064834.881000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D20.position = [3826648.570500,461077.246201,5064834.205000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D21.position = [3826653.765500,461086.635201,5064829.457000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D22.position = [3826663.817500,461096.031202,5064821.063000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D23.position = [3826677.955500,461093.274203,5064810.700000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D24.position = [3826689.003500,461091.782204,5064802.541000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D25.position = [3826692.729500,461077.430204,5064801.042000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D26.position = [3826693.534500,461062.853204,5064801.755000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D27.position = [3826692.806500,461054.979204,5064803.014000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D28.position = [3826682.372500,461042.045203,5064812.015000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D29.position = [3826669.227500,461035.447202,5064822.477000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D30.position = [3826659.527500,461038.196202,5064829.511000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D31.position = [3826655.013500,461045.953201,5064832.198000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D32.position = [3826644.998500,461054.230201,5064838.967000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D33.position = [3826641.649500,461072.931200,5064839.790000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D34.position = [3826643.037500,461081.599200,5064837.965000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D35.position = [3826649.096500,461095.184201,5064832.189000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D36.position = [3826655.209500,461097.834201,5064827.361000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D37.position = [3826671.086500,461102.380203,5064815.033000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D38.position = [3826675.580500,461098.401203,5064812.019000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D39.position = [3826678.245500,461103.525203,5064809.556000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D40.position = [3826701.548500,461075.785205,5064794.571000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D41.position = [3826697.907500,461050.887205,5064799.555000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D42.position = [3826689.066500,461034.784204,5064807.646000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D43.position = [3826676.963500,461030.104203,5064817.154000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D44.position = [3826642.637500,461046.296200,5064841.456000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D45.position = [3826639.610500,461068.466200,5064841.724000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D46.position = [3826637.298500,461084.670200,5064841.995000]
-PIC.Core.CS005D47.position = [3826665.238500,461108.110202,5064818.904000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D00.position = [3826588.011490,461159.899196,5064872.192000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D01.position = [3826588.329490,461162.913196,5064871.681000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D02.position = [3826600.597490,461164.616197,5064862.319000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D03.position = [3826610.626490,461153.837198,5064855.765000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D04.position = [3826612.645490,461149.482198,5064854.643000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D05.position = [3826610.530490,461137.826198,5064857.284000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D06.position = [3826603.184490,461128.748198,5064863.619000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D07.position = [3826597.860490,461124.740197,5064867.977000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D08.position = [3826587.540490,461131.897196,5064875.077000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D09.position = [3826582.480490,461137.401196,5064878.377000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D10.position = [3826581.802490,461147.323196,5064877.990000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D11.position = [3826577.868490,461154.117196,5064880.328000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D12.position = [3826583.498490,461164.646196,5064875.150000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D13.position = [3826592.566490,461170.144197,5064867.847000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D14.position = [3826597.553490,461170.559197,5064864.066000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D15.position = [3826604.298490,461169.544198,5064859.095000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D16.position = [3826613.531490,461155.630198,5064853.422000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D17.position = [3826616.052490,461148.162198,5064852.205000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D18.position = [3826616.294490,461134.350198,5064853.271000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D19.position = [3826608.784490,461124.219198,5064859.825000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D20.position = [3826602.439490,461119.780197,5064864.989000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D21.position = [3826593.059490,461121.135197,5064871.907000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D22.position = [3826581.018490,461127.734196,5064880.348000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D23.position = [3826575.206490,461144.252195,5064883.218000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D24.position = [3826570.204490,461156.862195,5064885.833000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D25.position = [3826578.162490,461167.388196,5064878.908000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D26.position = [3826587.873490,461174.865196,5064870.943000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D27.position = [3826593.755490,461177.645197,5064866.276000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D28.position = [3826608.469490,461172.237198,5064855.721000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D29.position = [3826620.253490,461161.031199,5064847.889000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D30.position = [3826623.644490,461149.308199,5064846.403000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D31.position = [3826620.710490,461140.918199,5064849.364000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D32.position = [3826620.422490,461126.350199,5064850.896000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D33.position = [3826609.230500,461114.260198,5064860.390000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D34.position = [3826602.433500,461111.832197,5064865.712000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D35.position = [3826589.658490,461112.218197,5064875.266000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D36.position = [3826584.469490,461117.621196,5064878.672000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D37.position = [3826572.621490,461132.708195,5064886.202000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D38.position = [3826572.934490,461139.365195,5064885.365000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D39.position = [3826567.908490,461139.921195,5064889.087000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D40.position = [3826574.484490,461177.659195,5064880.740000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D41.position = [3826593.816490,461185.008197,5064865.565000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D42.position = [3826609.866490,461182.757198,5064853.721000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D43.position = [3826619.744490,461171.806199,5064847.297000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D44.position = [3826627.238500,461127.396199,5064845.686000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D45.position = [3826613.453500,461114.081198,5064857.236000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D46.position = [3826603.432500,461104.241198,5064865.647000]
-PIC.Core.CS006D47.position = [3826571.828490,461123.796195,5064887.603000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D00.position = [3826527.909490,461082.763192,5064924.277000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D01.position = [3826525.636490,461081.740192,5064926.075000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D02.position = [3826517.741490,461094.218191,5064930.874000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D03.position = [3826519.764490,461109.935191,5064927.935000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D04.position = [3826521.693490,461114.089192,5064926.111000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D05.position = [3826530.968490,461117.085192,5064918.878000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D06.position = [3826541.306490,461113.264193,5064911.463000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D07.position = [3826547.009490,461109.331193,5064907.538000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D08.position = [3826547.669490,461094.942193,5064908.344000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D09.position = [3826546.603490,461086.983193,5064909.863000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D10.position = [3826540.064500,461081.754193,5064915.244000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D11.position = [3826537.483500,461074.428193,5064917.844000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D12.position = [3826527.071490,461075.738192,5064925.540000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D13.position = [3826518.282490,461083.039191,5064931.477000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D14.position = [3826515.266490,461088.238191,5064933.272000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D15.position = [3826512.285490,461095.982191,5064934.809000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D16.position = [3826516.926490,461112.259191,5064929.854000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D17.position = [3826520.749490,461118.367191,5064926.433000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D18.position = [3826530.236490,461124.886192,5064918.722000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D19.position = [3826541.398490,461121.365193,5064910.662000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D20.position = [3826547.961490,461116.524193,5064906.174000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D21.position = [3826552.146490,461105.780194,5064904.004000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D22.position = [3826554.135490,461089.784194,5064903.957000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D23.position = [3826545.809500,461076.022193,5064911.449000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D24.position = [3826539.762500,461064.905193,5064916.993000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D25.position = [3826528.079500,461068.731192,5064925.417000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D26.position = [3826517.561490,461075.832191,5064932.670000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D27.position = [3826512.409490,461080.924191,5064936.078000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D28.position = [3826508.128490,461099.268191,5064937.631990]
-PIC.Core.CS007D29.position = [3826509.489490,461117.072191,5064935.001990]
-PIC.Core.CS007D30.position = [3826515.799490,461126.046191,5064929.454000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D31.position = [3826523.247490,461126.679192,5064923.806000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D32.position = [3826533.550490,461132.970192,5064915.505000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D33.position = [3826548.091490,461126.360193,5064905.187000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D34.position = [3826553.499490,461120.120194,5064901.692000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D35.position = [3826560.216490,461106.147194,5064897.913000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D36.position = [3826559.291490,461098.095194,5064899.335000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D37.position = [3826555.263500,461078.462194,5064904.133000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D38.position = [3826550.456500,461075.783194,5064907.984000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D39.position = [3826552.817500,461070.104194,5064906.725000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D40.position = [3826522.937500,461060.105192,5064930.056000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D41.position = [3826507.247490,461077.654191,5064940.246990]
-PIC.Core.CS007D42.position = [3826500.037490,461096.010190,5064943.999990]
-PIC.Core.CS007D43.position = [3826502.263490,461111.639190,5064940.916990]
-PIC.Core.CS007D44.position = [3826529.095490,461139.857192,5064918.226000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D45.position = [3826545.906490,461131.003193,5064906.408000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D46.position = [3826558.240490,461124.638194,5064897.725000]
-PIC.Core.CS007D47.position = [3826561.903500,461081.644195,5064898.861000]
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/test/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/GPUProc/test/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 506aa37355350e6771ab94d24ed6c876cc94aaf6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: CMakeLists.txt 13414 2009-06-16 22:15:37Z loose $
-# Add project's source directory to -I path.
-#lofar_add_test(tDelayCompensation tDelayCompensation.cc)
diff --git a/RTCP/GPUProc/test/small-test.parset b/RTCP/GPUProc/test/small-test.parset
deleted file mode 100644
index df4038da21ab8c91469fd42da18c0d879c2e8ef1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/GPUProc/test/small-test.parset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-OLAP.nrBitsPerSample			= 8
-Observation.startTime			= '2010-04-28 17:25:03'
-Observation.stopTime			= '2010-04-28 17:25:13'
-OLAP.storageStationNames		= [st00 .. st7]
-Observation.subbandList			= [300 .. 307]
-Observation.bandFilter			= LBA_30_90
-Observation.channelsPerSubband		= 64
-OLAP.CNProc.integrationSteps		= 3072	# FIXME: rename
-Observation.sampleClock			= 200
-OLAP.correctBandPass			= true
-Observation.beamList			= [8 * 0]
-OLAP.delayCompensation			= true
-Observation.Beam[0].nrTiedArrayBeams	= 1 # FIXME: conditional
-OLAP.CNProc_CoherentStokes.timeIntegrationFactor = 1 # FIXME: conditional
-OLAP.CNProc_IncoherentStokes.timeIntegrationFactor = 1 # FIXME: conditional
-OLAP.tiedArrayStationNames		= [st00 .. st7] # FIXME???: conditional
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.cc
index 09f0b3596eaea59f213b2195b584371eaa5e4a96..93ef4d7ea5c1545d935766c51b208d239de7cb77 100644
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.cc
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.cc
@@ -68,19 +68,20 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::BeamletB
   itsLogPrefix = str(boost::format("[obs %u station %s] ") % ps.observationID() % stationName);
-  itsSubbandBandwidth	      = ps.subbandBandwidth();
+  // TODO: make most of these const members
+  itsSampleRate		      = ps.sampleRate();
   itsNrSubbands		      = ps.nrSubbands();
   itsNrSubbandsPerPset	      = ps.nrSubbandsPerPset();
-  itsNrSamplesPerSubband      = ps.nrSamplesPerSubband();
+  itsNrSamplesPerSubband      = ps.nrSubbandSamples();
   itsNrBeams		      = ps.nrBeams();
-  itsMaxNrTABs	              = ps.maxNrTABs();
-  itsNrTABs	              = ps.nrTABs();
+  itsMaxNrPencilBeams	      = ps.maxNrPencilBeams();
+  itsNrPencilBeams	      = ps.nrPencilBeams();
   itsNrPhaseTwoPsets	      = ps.phaseTwoPsets().size();
   itsCurrentPhaseOneTwoComputeCore = (itsBlockNumber * itsNrSubbandsPerPset) % itsNrPhaseOneTwoCoresPerPset;
   itsSampleDuration	      = ps.sampleDuration();
   itsDelayCompensation	      = ps.delayCompensation();
   itsCorrectClocks	      = ps.correctClocks();
-  itsNeedDelays               = (itsDelayCompensation || itsMaxNrTABs > 1 || itsCorrectClocks) && itsNrInputs > 0;
+  itsNeedDelays               = (itsDelayCompensation || itsMaxNrPencilBeams > 1 || itsCorrectClocks) && itsNrInputs > 0;
   itsSubbandToSAPmapping      = ps.subbandToSAPmapping();
   if (haveStationInput) {
@@ -88,8 +89,7 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::BeamletB
     itsSubbandToRSPslotMapping  = ps.subbandToRSPslotMapping(stationName);
-  itsCurrentTimeStamp	      = TimeStamp(static_cast<int64>(ps.startTime() * itsSubbandBandwidth + itsBlockNumber * itsNrSamplesPerSubband), ps.clockSpeed());
+  itsCurrentTimeStamp	      = TimeStamp(static_cast<int64>(ps.startTime() * itsSampleRate + itsBlockNumber * itsNrSamplesPerSubband), ps.clockSpeed());
   itsIsRealTime		      = ps.realTime();
   itsMaxNetworkDelay	      = ps.maxNetworkDelay();
   itsNrHistorySamples	      = ps.nrHistorySamples();
@@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::BeamletB
   LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "maxNetworkDelay = " << itsMaxNetworkDelay << " samples");
   if (haveStationInput && itsNeedDelays) {
-    itsDelaysAtBegin.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrTABs + 1);
-    itsDelaysAfterEnd.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrTABs + 1);
-    itsBeamDirectionsAtBegin.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrTABs + 1);
-    itsBeamDirectionsAfterEnd.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrTABs + 1);
+    itsDelaysAtBegin.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1);
+    itsDelaysAfterEnd.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1);
+    itsBeamDirectionsAtBegin.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1);
+    itsBeamDirectionsAfterEnd.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1);
-    if (itsDelayCompensation || itsMaxNrTABs > 1) {
+    if (itsDelayCompensation || itsMaxNrPencilBeams > 1) {
       itsDelays = new Delays(ps, stationName, itsCurrentTimeStamp);
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::BeamletB
-  itsFineDelaysAtBegin.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrTABs + 1);
-  itsFineDelaysAfterEnd.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrTABs + 1);
+  itsFineDelaysAtBegin.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1);
+  itsFineDelaysAfterEnd.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1);
 #if defined HAVE_BGP_ION // FIXME: not in preprocess
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::com
 #ifdef USE_VALGRIND  
   for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++)
-    for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsMaxNrTABs + 1; pencil ++)
+    for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1; pencil ++)
       itsDelaysAfterEnd[beam][pencil] = 0;
@@ -154,14 +154,14 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::com
     itsDelays->getNextDelays(itsBeamDirectionsAfterEnd, itsDelaysAfterEnd);
     for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++)
-      for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsMaxNrTABs + 1; pencil ++)
+      for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1; pencil ++)
 	itsDelaysAfterEnd[beam][pencil] = 0;
   // apply clock correction due to cable differences
   if (itsCorrectClocks)
     for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++)
-      for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsMaxNrTABs + 1; pencil ++)
+      for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1; pencil ++)
 	itsDelaysAfterEnd[beam][pencil] += itsClockCorrectionTime;
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::com
     // time interval and is expressed in an entire amount of samples.
     // We use the central pencil beam (#0) for the coarse delay compensation.
-    signed int coarseDelay = static_cast<signed int>(floor(0.5 * (itsDelaysAtBegin[beam][0] + itsDelaysAfterEnd[beam][0]) * itsSubbandBandwidth + 0.5));
+    signed int coarseDelay = static_cast<signed int>(floor(0.5 * (itsDelaysAtBegin[beam][0] + itsDelaysAfterEnd[beam][0]) * itsSampleRate + 0.5));
     // The fine delay is determined for the boundaries of the current
     // time interval and is expressed in seconds.
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::com
     itsDelayedStamps[beam] -= coarseDelay;
     itsSamplesDelay[beam]  = -coarseDelay;
-    for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsNrTABs[beam] + 1; pencil ++) {
+    for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsNrPencilBeams[beam] + 1; pencil ++) {
       // we don't do coarse delay compensation for the individual pencil beams to avoid complexity and overhead
       itsFineDelaysAtBegin[beam][pencil]  = static_cast<float>(itsDelaysAtBegin[beam][pencil] - d);
       itsFineDelaysAfterEnd[beam][pencil] = static_cast<float>(itsDelaysAfterEnd[beam][pencil] - d);
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::set
   unsigned beam     = itsSubbandToSAPmapping[subband];
   if (itsNeedDelays) {
-    for (unsigned p = 0; p < itsNrTABs[beam] + 1; p ++) {
+    for (unsigned p = 0; p < itsNrPencilBeams[beam] + 1; p ++) {
       struct SubbandMetaData::beamInfo &beamInfo = metaData.beams(psetIndex)[p];
       beamInfo.delayAtBegin   = itsFineDelaysAtBegin[beam][p];
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::toC
           Stream *stream = itsPhaseOneTwoStreams[psetIndex][itsCurrentPhaseOneTwoComputeCore];
-          SubbandMetaData metaData(1, itsMaxNrTABs + 1);
+          SubbandMetaData metaData(1, itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1);
           setMetaData(metaData, 0, subband);
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void BeamletBufferToComputeNode<SAMPLE_TYPE>::toC
         // create and send all metadata in one "large" message, since initiating a message
         // has significant overhead in FCNP.
-        SubbandMetaData metaData(itsNrPhaseTwoPsets, itsMaxNrTABs + 1);
+        SubbandMetaData metaData(itsNrPhaseTwoPsets, itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1);
         for (unsigned psetIndex = 0; psetIndex < itsNrPhaseTwoPsets; psetIndex ++) {
           unsigned subband = itsNrSubbandsPerPset * psetIndex + subbandBase;
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.h b/RTCP/IONProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.h
index 07d0fa3c08604889c772d31b4ccf417c13c9b127..d7bedb6cbf5bff686e9f7de6d5a291ef27599230 100644
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.h
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/src/BeamletBufferToComputeNode.h
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> class BeamletBufferToComputeNode {
     unsigned			 itsNrHistorySamples;
     unsigned			 itsNrInputs;
     unsigned			 itsNrBeams;
-    unsigned			 itsMaxNrTABs;
-    std::vector<unsigned>	 itsNrTABs;
+    unsigned			 itsMaxNrPencilBeams;
+    std::vector<unsigned>	 itsNrPencilBeams;
     unsigned			 itsCurrentPhaseOneTwoComputeCore;
     unsigned			 itsPsetNumber;
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ template <typename SAMPLE_TYPE> class BeamletBufferToComputeNode {
     const std::vector<SmartPtr<BeamletBuffer<SAMPLE_TYPE> > > &itsBeamletBuffers;
     unsigned                     itsBlockNumber;
     SmartPtr<Delays>		 itsDelays;
-    double			 itsSubbandBandwidth, itsSampleDuration;
+    double			 itsSampleRate, itsSampleDuration;
     double			 itsClockCorrectionTime;
     std::vector<TimeStamp>	 itsDelayedStamps;
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/src/Delays.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/src/Delays.cc
index 50ef5229db2b739071a37d8e9d543a20e9a01c8c..1b2917d3d92d4235596cf96c4567a96a68fe8375 100644
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/src/Delays.cc
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/src/Delays.cc
@@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ Delays::Delays(const Parset &parset, const string &stationName, const TimeStamp
   // we need an extra entry for the central beam
-  itsBuffer(bufferSize, parset.nrBeams(), parset.maxNrTABs() + 1),
+  itsBuffer(bufferSize, parset.nrBeams(), parset.maxNrPencilBeams() + 1),
-  itsMaxNrTABs(parset.maxNrTABs()),
-  itsNrTABs(parset.nrTABs()),
+  itsMaxNrPencilBeams(parset.maxNrPencilBeams()),
+  itsNrPencilBeams(parset.nrPencilBeams()),
-  itsNrSamplesPerSec(parset.nrSamplesPerSubband()),
+  itsNrSamplesPerSec(parset.nrSubbandSamples()),
   itsDelayTimer("delay producer", true, true)
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ void Delays::mainLoop()
 	  for (uint b = 0; b < itsNrBeams; b ++) {
             MDirection::Convert &converter = itsConverters[itsDirectionTypes[b]];
-	    for (uint p = 0; p < itsNrTABs[b] + 1; p ++) {
+	    for (uint p = 0; p < itsNrPencilBeams[b] + 1; p ++) {
 	      // Define the astronomical direction as a J2000 direction.
 	      MVDirection &sky = itsBeamDirections[b][p];
@@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ void Delays::mainLoop()
 void Delays::getNextDelays(Matrix<MVDirection> &directions, Matrix<double> &delays)
-  ASSERTSTR(directions.num_elements() == itsNrBeams * (itsMaxNrTABs + 1),
-	    directions.num_elements() << " == " << itsNrBeams << "*" << (itsMaxNrTABs + 1));
+  ASSERTSTR(directions.num_elements() == itsNrBeams * (itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1),
+	    directions.num_elements() << " == " << itsNrBeams << "*" << (itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1));
-  ASSERTSTR(delays.num_elements() == itsNrBeams * (itsMaxNrTABs + 1),
-	    delays.num_elements() << " == " << itsNrBeams << "*" << (itsMaxNrTABs + 1));
+  ASSERTSTR(delays.num_elements() == itsNrBeams * (itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1),
+	    delays.num_elements() << " == " << itsNrBeams << "*" << (itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1));
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ void Delays::getNextDelays(Matrix<MVDirection> &directions, Matrix<double> &dela
   // copy the directions at itsBuffer[head] into the provided buffer,
   // and calculate the respective delays
   for (unsigned b = 0; b < itsNrBeams; b ++) {
-    for (unsigned p = 0; p < itsNrTABs[b] + 1; p ++) {
+    for (unsigned p = 0; p < itsNrPencilBeams[b] + 1; p ++) {
       const MVDirection &dir = itsBuffer[head][b][p];
       directions[b][p] = dir;
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ void Delays::setBeamDirections(const Parset &parset)
   // To do the coordinates properly, the offsets should be applied
   // in today's coordinates (JMEAN/JTRUE?), not J2000.
-  itsBeamDirections.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrTABs + 1);
+  itsBeamDirections.resize(itsNrBeams, itsMaxNrPencilBeams + 1);
   for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++) {
@@ -270,14 +270,14 @@ void Delays::setBeamDirections(const Parset &parset)
   // Split the \a dir vector into separate Direction objects.
   for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < itsNrBeams; beam ++) {
     const vector<double> beamDir = parset.getBeamDirection(beam);
-    const BeamCoordinates& TABs = parset.TABs(beam);
+    const BeamCoordinates& pencilBeams = parset.pencilBeams(beam);
     // add central beam coordinates for non-beamforming pipelines
     itsBeamDirections[beam][0] = MVDirection(beamDir[0], beamDir[1]);
-    for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsNrTABs[beam]; pencil ++) {
+    for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < itsNrPencilBeams[beam]; pencil ++) {
       // obtain pencil coordinate
-      const BeamCoord3D &pencilCoord = TABs[pencil];
+      const BeamCoord3D &pencilCoord = pencilBeams[pencil];
       // apply angle modification
       const double angle1 = beamDir[0] + pencilCoord[0];
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/src/Delays.h b/RTCP/IONProc/src/Delays.h
index 5600fe2b7439f628d05bfe8ae78864a071e70c70..b876a96fe274d88531a3afdaba0e53615b053b3e 100644
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/src/Delays.h
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/src/Delays.h
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class Delays
     void start();
     // get the set of directions (ITRF) and delays for the beams, for the next CN integration time
-    // Both matrices must have dimensions [itsNrBeams][itsMaxNrTABs+1]
+    // Both matrices must have dimensions [itsNrBeams][itsMaxNrPencilBeams+1]
     void getNextDelays(Matrix<casa::MVDirection> &directions, Matrix<double> &delays);
@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ class Delays
     // Beam info.
     const unsigned			itsNrBeams;
-    const unsigned			itsMaxNrTABs;
-    const std::vector<unsigned>		itsNrTABs;
+    const unsigned			itsMaxNrPencilBeams;
+    const std::vector<unsigned>		itsNrPencilBeams;
     Vector<casa::MDirection::Types>	itsDirectionTypes;
-    Matrix<casa::MVDirection>		itsBeamDirections; // [itsNrBeams][itsMaxNrTABs+1]
+    Matrix<casa::MVDirection>		itsBeamDirections; // [itsNrBeams][itsNrPencilBeams+1]
     // Sample timings.
     const TimeStamp			itsStartTime;
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/src/InputSection.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/src/InputSection.cc
index 01ae4be085bcbc880ec92937e05851da3990e656..9fb8bb0675f8d273659733db25b04f739081ef14 100644
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/src/InputSection.cc
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/src/InputSection.cc
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ template<typename SAMPLE_TYPE> void InputSection<SAMPLE_TYPE>::createInputThread
   args.nrTimesPerPacket    = parset.getInt32("OLAP.nrTimesInFrame");
   args.nrSlotsPerPacket    = parset.nrSlotsInFrame();
   args.isRealTime	   = parset.realTime();
-  args.startTime	   = TimeStamp(static_cast<int64>(parset.startTime() * parset.subbandBandwidth()), parset.clockSpeed());
+  args.startTime	   = TimeStamp(static_cast<int64>(parset.startTime() * parset.sampleRate()), parset.clockSpeed());
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/src/OutputSection.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/src/OutputSection.cc
index 342141bb7cb6daad4a2aa5dc319dc47610c271d0..a5fc54bcda15eebf5d0e2faa72b47d383488c8d6 100644
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/src/OutputSection.cc
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/src/OutputSection.cc
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ void OutputSection::mainLoop()
     // core (to stay in sync with other psets).
     for (unsigned i = 0; i < itsNrCoresPerIteration; i ++) {
       if (i < itsNrStreams) {
-        //LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "] Reading data from core " << itsCurrentComputeCore);
+        LOG_DEBUG_STR(itsLogPrefix << "] Reading data from core " << itsCurrentComputeCore);
         if (lastTime) {
           if (itsIsRealTime && itsOutputThreads[i]->itsFreeQueue.empty()) {
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/src/RSP.h b/RTCP/IONProc/src/RSP.h
index b76634ba3beb6ae598a4ef31310b3b73260199da..adaf9e013f629cb09b4a4d20746ffc56b5d500de 100644
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/src/RSP.h
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/src/RSP.h
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 #include <Common/LofarTypes.h>
-#include <complex>
 namespace LOFAR {
 namespace RTCP {
@@ -32,158 +31,21 @@ namespace RTCP {
 #include <cstddef>
-// WARNING: All data is in Little Endian format!
-// Note that C++ bit fields are implementation dependent,
-// so we cannot use them.
-/* A structure fit for the maximum payload size. When reading UDP,
- * just read them straight into this struct, and ::read() will return
- * the size of the packet.
- *
- * When reading packets from file, make sure you read the right number
- * of bytes (see packetSize()).
- */
+// All data is in Little Endian format!
 struct RSP {
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Header and payload, in little endian!
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   struct Header {
-    // 2: Beamlet Data Interface 5.0
-    // 3: Beamlet Data Interface 6.0 (8- and 4-bit mode support)
     uint8  version;
-    // bit (0=LSB)
-    //
-    // 4:0    RSP board number
-    // 5      (reserved, set to 0)
-    // 6      0: payload ok, 1: payload has data errors
-    // 7      0: 160 MHz     1: 200 MHz
-    uint8  sourceInfo1;
-    // bit (0=LSB)
-    //
-    // 1:0    0: 16-bit      1: 8-bit       2: 4-bit
-    // 7:2    (reserved, set to 0)
-    uint8  sourceInfo2;
-    // identifiers
-    uint8  configuration;
+    uint8  sourceInfo;
+    uint16 configuration;
     uint16 station;
-    // number of beamlets, typically at maximum:
-    //   16-bit: 61
-    //    8-bit: 122
-    //    4-bit: 244
     uint8  nrBeamlets;
-    // number of Xr+Xi+Yr+Yi samples per beamlet, typically 16
     uint8  nrBlocks;
-    // UNIX timestamp in UTC (= # seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00)
-    // 0xFFFFFFFF = clock not initialised
     uint32 timestamp;
-    // Sample offset within the timestamp.
-    //
-    // 160 MHz: 160M/1024 = 156250 samples/second.
-    //
-    // 200 MHz: 200M/1024 = 195212.5 samples/second.
-    //                      Even seconds have 195213 samples,
-    //                      odd seconds have 195212 samples.
     uint32 blockSequenceNumber;
   } header;
-  // Payload, allocated for maximum size.
-  union {
-    char data[8130];
-    // samples are structured as samples[nrBlocks][nrBeamlets],
-    // so first all blocks of the first beamlet, then all blocks of the second
-    // beamlet, etc.
-    //
-    // for 4-bit mode:
-    //  low octet: real      (2's complement)
-    // high octet: imaginary (2's complement)
-    struct { int16 Xr, Xi, Yr, Yi; } samples16bit[61 * 16];
-    struct { int8  Xr, Xi, Yr, Yi; } samples8bit[122 * 16];
-    struct { int8  X, Y;           } samples4bit[244 * 16];
-  } payload;
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Helper functions
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  unsigned rspBoard() const {
-    return header.sourceInfo1 & 0x1F;
-  }
-  bool payloadError() const {
-    return header.sourceInfo1 & 0x40;
-  }
-  unsigned clockMHz() const {
-    return header.sourceInfo1 & 0x80 ? 200 : 160;
-  }
-  unsigned bitMode() const {
-    switch (header.sourceInfo2 & 0x3) {
-      default:
-      case 0x0: return 16;
-      case 0x1: return 8;
-      case 0x2: return 4;
-    }
-  }
-  size_t packetSize() const {
-    return sizeof(RSP::Header) + header.nrBlocks * header.nrBeamlets * 2 * 2 * bitMode() / 8;
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Payload decoding (for debug purposes, assumes data is converted to native
-  // endianness)
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  std::complex<int> sample( unsigned beamlet, unsigned block, char polarisation /* 'X' or 'Y' */) const {
-    const unsigned offset = beamlet * header.nrBlocks + block;
-    switch( bitMode() ) {
-      default:
-      case 16:
-        return polarisation == 'X' ? std::complex<int>(payload.samples16bit[offset].Xr,
-                                                       payload.samples16bit[offset].Xi)
-                                   : std::complex<int>(payload.samples16bit[offset].Yr,
-                                                       payload.samples16bit[offset].Yi);
-      case 8:
-        return polarisation == 'X' ? std::complex<int>(payload.samples8bit[offset].Xr,
-                                                       payload.samples8bit[offset].Xi)
-                                   : std::complex<int>(payload.samples8bit[offset].Yr,
-                                                       payload.samples8bit[offset].Yi);
-      case 4:
-        return polarisation == 'X' ? decode4bit(payload.samples4bit[offset].X)
-                                   : decode4bit(payload.samples4bit[offset].Y);
-    }
-  }
-  // decode the 4-bit complex type.
-  static std::complex<int> decode4bit( int8 sample ) {
-    int8 re = (sample << 4) >> 4; // preserve sign
-    int8 im = (sample     ) >> 4; // preserve sign
-    // balance range to [-7..7], subject to change!
-    if (re == -8) re = -7;
-    if (im == -8) im = -7;
-    return std::complex<int>(re, im);
-  }
+  char       data[8130];
 } // namespace RTCP
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/src/SSH.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/src/SSH.cc
index f7d56708ce85a3af64506cd450d58539213037ab..f1c7a21e34a38798f5f09f29ae61722bb78111ce 100644
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/src/SSH.cc
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/src/SSH.cc
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ void SSHconnection::commThread()
               if (!buffer.good()) {
                 // 'line' now holds the remnant
-                if (line[s].size() > 10240) {
+                if (line[s].size() > 1024) {
                   LOG_ERROR_STR( itsLogPrefix << "Line too long (" << line[s].size() << "); truncated: " << line[s] );
                   line[s] = "";
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/src/generateDelays.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/src/generateDelays.cc
index 9069016676b3b9f04431f6a12603e5247ce4c52d..7343301b17fc5f4a834dbd433f30a2cd2a5ca3f7 100644
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/src/generateDelays.cc
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/src/generateDelays.cc
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ void generateDelays( const string &parsetFilename, const string &station )
   Parset parset(parsetFilename);
   unsigned nrBeams    = parset.nrBeams();
-  unsigned maxNrTABs = parset.maxNrTABs();
-  vector<unsigned> nrTABs = parset.nrTABs();
+  unsigned maxNrPencilBeams = parset.maxNrPencilBeams();
+  vector<unsigned> nrPencilBeams = parset.nrPencilBeams();
   double   startTime  = parset.startTime();
   double   stopTime   = parset.stopTime();
-  double   sampleFreq = parset.subbandBandwidth();
-  unsigned samplesPerBlock = parset.nrSamplesPerSubband();
+  double   sampleFreq = parset.sampleRate();
+  unsigned samplesPerBlock = parset.nrSubbandSamples();
   double   blockSize  = parset.CNintegrationTime();
   unsigned nrBlocks   = static_cast<unsigned>(floor((stopTime - startTime) / blockSize));
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ void generateDelays( const string &parsetFilename, const string &station )
   Delays w(parset, station, ts);
-  Matrix<double> delays(nrBeams, maxNrTABs + 1);
-  Matrix<casa::MVDirection> prev_directions(nrBeams, maxNrTABs + 1), directions(nrBeams, maxNrTABs + 1);
+  Matrix<double> delays(nrBeams, maxNrPencilBeams + 1);
+  Matrix<casa::MVDirection> prev_directions(nrBeams, maxNrPencilBeams + 1), directions(nrBeams, maxNrPencilBeams + 1);
   for( unsigned block = 0; block < nrBlocks; block++ ) {
     w.getNextDelays(directions, delays);
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ void generateDelays( const string &parsetFilename, const string &station )
     for( unsigned beam = 0; beam < nrBeams; beam++ ) {
-      unsigned nr_delays = print_tabs ? nrTABs[beam] + 1 : 1;
+      unsigned nr_delays = print_tabs ? nrPencilBeams[beam] + 1 : 1;
       for( unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < nr_delays; pencil++ )
         cout << fixed << setprecision(12) << delays[beam][pencil] << " ";
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/IONProc/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 917cf3720ba83b0ca48d678a8a92033271ab4dfe..0cc60d5c9d04f625bc12a0b35cb34b9ccde424ed 100644
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ include(LofarCTest)
 lofar_add_test(tDelayCompensation tDelayCompensation.cc)
-lofar_add_test(tRSP tRSP.cc)
 lofar_add_test(tSSH tSSH.cc)
 #lofar_add_test(tRSPTimeStamp tRSPTimeStamp.cc)
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..875538d004f36d4ac28e6b09cbd702a0ddf0324f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+lofar_add_test(newInputSection newInputSection.cc)
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/OMPThread.h b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/OMPThread.h
similarity index 68%
rename from RTCP/InputProc/src/OMPThread.h
rename to RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/OMPThread.h
index 0325860fb1de89ce7dd5bfd5813647702b68ece0..014478942387a75afbf3552fda81c8a07de21d52 100644
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/OMPThread.h
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/OMPThread.h
@@ -9,18 +9,6 @@
 namespace LOFAR {
- * Represents an OpenMP thread. To use,
- * call start() and stop() at the beginning and end
- * of an OpenMP thread. The kill() command can then
- * be used by another thread to kill the OpenMP thread.
- *
- * The thread is killed by sending SIGHUP to it until
- * stop() is called by the thread.
- *
- * To be able to use this class properly, please call
- * OMPThread::init() to clear the SIGHUP handler.
- */
 class OMPThread {
   OMPThread(): id(0), stopped(false) {}
@@ -68,20 +56,9 @@ public:
     OMPThread &thread;
-  static void init() {
-    signal(SIGHUP, sighandler);
-    siginterrupt(SIGHUP, 1);
-  }
   volatile pthread_t id;
   volatile bool stopped;
-  static void sighandler(int) {
-    /* no-op. We use SIGHUP only
-     * to interrupt system calls.
-     */
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/obsolete/Poll.h b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/Poll.h
similarity index 100%
rename from RTCP/InputProc/src/obsolete/Poll.h
rename to RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/Poll.h
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/Ranges.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/Ranges.h
similarity index 62%
rename from RTCP/InputProc/src/Ranges.cc
rename to RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/Ranges.h
index 1f7ff3de732ac77313c3cb76f39925b26e4ba1f3..48d3e669918a3d09a419b546a9ee4c9fa5166f0e 100644
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/Ranges.cc
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/Ranges.h
@@ -1,10 +1,66 @@
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include "Ranges.h"
+#ifndef RANGES
+#define RANGES
+#include <Interface/SparseSet.h>
 #include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
+#include <Common/LofarTypes.h>
+#include <ostream>
 namespace LOFAR {
 namespace RTCP {
+// Thread-safe set of int64 [from,to) ranges.
+class Ranges {
+  Ranges();
+  Ranges( void *data, size_t numBytes, int64 minHistory, bool create );
+  ~Ranges();
+  // remove [0,to)
+  void excludeBefore( int64 to );
+  // add a range [from,to), and return whether the addition
+  // was succesful.
+  bool include( int64 from, int64 to );
+  // returns whether there is anything set in [first, last)
+  bool anythingBetween( int64 first, int64 last ) const;
+  SparseSet<int64> sparseSet( int64 first, int64 last ) const;
+  struct Range {
+    // Write'from' before 'to' to allow the following invariant:
+    //
+    // from <  to   : a valid range
+    // from >= to   : invalid range (being written)
+    // from = to = 0: an unused range
+    volatile int64 from, to;
+    Range(): from(0), to(0) {}
+  };
+  size_t len;
+  Range * ranges;
+  Range * begin;
+  Range * end;
+  Range *head;
+  // minimal history to maintain (samples newer than this
+  // will be maintained in favour of newly added ranges)
+  int64 minHistory;
+  static size_t size(size_t numElements) {
+    return numElements * sizeof(struct Range);
+  }
+  friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const Ranges &r );
 std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const Ranges &r )
@@ -17,7 +73,6 @@ std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const Ranges &r )
-  create(false),
@@ -29,7 +84,6 @@ Ranges::Ranges()
 Ranges::Ranges( void *data, size_t numBytes, int64 minHistory, bool create )
-  create(create),
   len(numBytes / sizeof *ranges),
   ranges(create ? new(data)Range[len] : static_cast<Range*>(data)),
@@ -42,9 +96,8 @@ Ranges::Ranges( void *data, size_t numBytes, int64 minHistory, bool create )
-  if (create)
-    for (struct Range *i = begin; i != end; ++i)
-      i->~Range();
+  for (struct Range *i = begin; i != end; ++i)
+    i->~Range();
 void Ranges::excludeBefore( int64 to )
@@ -57,7 +110,7 @@ void Ranges::excludeBefore( int64 to )
-    if (i->from < to) {
+    if (i->from > to) {
       // shorten
       i->from = to;
@@ -70,7 +123,7 @@ bool Ranges::include( int64 from, int64 to )
   ASSERTSTR( from >= head->to, from << " >= " << head->to );
   if (head->to == 0) {
-    // *head is unused, set 'from' first!
+    // *head is unused
     head->from = from;
     head->to   = to;
     return true;
@@ -85,8 +138,8 @@ bool Ranges::include( int64 from, int64 to )
   // new range is needed
   struct Range * const next = head + 1 == end ? begin : head + 1;
-  if (next->to == 0 || next->to < to - minHistory) {
-    // range at 'next' is either unused or old enough to toss away
+  if (next->to < to - minHistory) {
+    // range at 'next' is old enough to toss away
     next->from = from;
     next->to   = to;
@@ -159,3 +212,6 @@ SparseSet<int64> Ranges::sparseSet( int64 first, int64 last ) const
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleBuffer.h b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/SampleBuffer.h
similarity index 64%
rename from RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleBuffer.h
rename to RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/SampleBuffer.h
index 33ebf5930b0ebbe936b11e13b8531167e352a3ec..73ca26e778227358ebf80e5902278f7d29cad3de 100644
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleBuffer.h
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/SampleBuffer.h
@@ -2,65 +2,69 @@
 #define __SAMPLEBUFFER__
 #include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
+#include <Common/LofarConstants.h>
 #include <Interface/MultiDimArray.h>
 #include <Interface/Allocator.h>
-#include "BufferSettings.h"
+#include "StationSettings.h"
 #include "SharedMemory.h"
 #include "Ranges.h"
-#include "SampleType.h"
 #include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <complex>
 namespace LOFAR {
 namespace RTCP {
 template<typename T> class SampleBuffer {
-  SampleBuffer( const struct BufferSettings &settings, bool create );
+  SampleBuffer( const struct StationSettings &settings, bool create );
+  struct SampleType {
+    std::complex<T> x;
+    std::complex<T> y;
+  };
   const std::string logPrefix;
   SharedMemoryArena data;
   SparseSetAllocator allocator;
-  struct BufferSettings *initSettings( const struct BufferSettings &localSettings, bool create );
+  struct StationSettings *initSettings( const struct StationSettings &localSettings, bool create );
-  static size_t dataSize( const struct BufferSettings &settings ) {
+  static size_t dataSize( const struct StationSettings &settings ) {
     return sizeof settings
-         + settings.nrBoards * (Ranges::size(settings.nrFlagRanges) + 8)
+         + NR_RSPBOARDS * (Ranges::size(settings.nrFlagRanges) + 8)
          + settings.nrBeamlets * (settings.nrSamples * sizeof(T) + 128);
-  struct BufferSettings *settings;
+  struct StationSettings *settings;
   const size_t nrBeamlets;
   const size_t nrSamples;
-  const size_t nrBoards;
-  const size_t nrFlagRanges; // width of each flag range
+  const size_t nrFlagRanges;
   MultiDimArray<T,2>  beamlets; // [subband][sample]
   std::vector<Ranges> flags;    // [rspboard]
-template<typename T> SampleBuffer<T>::SampleBuffer( const struct BufferSettings &_settings, bool create )
+template<typename T> SampleBuffer<T>::SampleBuffer( const struct StationSettings &_settings, bool create )
-  logPrefix(str(boost::format("[station %s %s board] [SampleBuffer] ") % _settings.station.stationName % _settings.station.antennaField)),
+  logPrefix(str(boost::format("[station %s %s board] [SampleBuffer] ") % _settings.station.stationName % _settings.station.antennaSet)),
   data(_settings.dataKey, dataSize(_settings), create ? SharedMemoryArena::CREATE_EXCL : SharedMemoryArena::READ),
   settings(initSettings(_settings, create)),
-  nrBoards(settings->nrBoards),
   beamlets(boost::extents[nrBeamlets][nrSamples], 128, allocator, false, false),
-  flags(nrBoards)
+  flags(settings->nrBoards)
+  // bitmode must coincide with our template
+  ASSERT( sizeof(T) == N_POL * 2 * settings->station.bitmode / 8 );
   for (size_t f = 0; f < flags.size(); f++) {
     size_t numBytes = Ranges::size(nrFlagRanges);
@@ -70,9 +74,10 @@ template<typename T> SampleBuffer<T>::SampleBuffer( const struct BufferSettings
   LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Initialised" );
-template<typename T> struct BufferSettings *SampleBuffer<T>::initSettings( const struct BufferSettings &localSettings, bool create )
+template<typename T> struct StationSettings *SampleBuffer<T>::initSettings( const struct StationSettings &localSettings, bool create )
-  struct BufferSettings *sharedSettings = allocator.allocateTyped();
+  //struct StationSettings *sharedSettings = allocator.allocateTyped<struct StationSettings>();
+  struct StationSettings *sharedSettings = allocator.allocateTyped();
   if (create) {
     // register settings
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/SharedMemory.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/SharedMemory.h
similarity index 64%
rename from RTCP/InputProc/src/SharedMemory.cc
rename to RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/SharedMemory.h
index feb114537ceb466c1e427210d893f86c0415097c..4de23a0a141b7d740a468010995e8c3a665552fd 100644
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/SharedMemory.cc
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/SharedMemory.h
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include "SharedMemory.h"
 #include <Common/Exception.h>
 #include <Common/SystemCallException.h>
 #include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
+#include <Interface/Allocator.h>
 #include <sys/ipc.h>
 #include <sys/shm.h>
@@ -13,6 +15,48 @@
 namespace LOFAR {
 namespace RTCP {
+class SharedMemoryArena: public FixedArena {
+  EXCEPTION_CLASS(TimeOutException, LOFAR::Exception);
+  enum Mode {
+    CREATE,
+    READ,
+  };
+  SharedMemoryArena( key_t key, size_t size, Mode mode = CREATE, time_t timeout = 60 );
+  ~SharedMemoryArena();
+  template <typename T> T* ptr( size_t offset = 0 ) const {
+    return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(itsBegin) + offset);
+  }
+  const key_t key;
+  const Mode mode;
+  int shmid;
+template<typename T> class SharedStruct {
+  SharedStruct( key_t key, bool create = false, time_t timeout = 60 );
+  T &get() {
+    return *data.ptr<T>();
+  }
+  T &get() const {
+    return *data.ptr<T>();
+  }
+  SharedMemoryArena data;
+  SharedStruct( const SharedStruct & );
+  SharedStruct &operator=( const SharedStruct & );
 SharedMemoryArena::SharedMemoryArena( key_t key, size_t size, Mode mode, time_t timeout )
@@ -92,6 +136,14 @@ SharedMemoryArena::~SharedMemoryArena()
+template<typename T> SharedStruct<T>::SharedStruct( key_t key, bool create, time_t timeout )
+  data(key, sizeof(T), create ? SharedMemoryArena::CREATE : SharedMemoryArena::READWRITE, timeout)
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationData.h b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationData.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1dd93434314ba4e715aa4a32a3563e4efa1d5c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+#ifndef __STATIONDATA__
+#define __STATIONDATA__
+#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
+#include <Stream/Stream.h>
+#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
+#include <Interface/SmartPtr.h>
+#include <RSP.h>
+#include <WallClockTime.h>
+#include "SampleBuffer.h"
+#include "Ranges.h"
+#include "StationSettings.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <omp.h>
+namespace LOFAR {
+namespace RTCP {
+template<typename T> class RSPBoard {
+  RSPBoard( Stream &inputStream, SampleBuffer<T> &buffer, unsigned boardNr, const struct StationSettings &settings );
+  const unsigned nr;
+  bool readPacket();
+  void writePacket();
+  static size_t packetSize( struct RSP &packet ) {
+    return sizeof(struct RSP::Header) + packet.header.nrBeamlets * packet.header.nrBlocks * sizeof(T);
+  }
+  const std::string logPrefix;
+  Stream &inputStream;
+  const bool supportPartialReads;
+  struct RSP packet;
+  TimeStamp last_timestamp;
+  TimeStamp last_logtimestamp;
+  SampleBuffer<T> &buffer;
+  Ranges &flags;
+  const struct StationSettings settings;
+  const size_t firstBeamlet;
+  size_t nrReceived, nrBadSize, nrBadTime, nrOutOfOrder;
+  void logStatistics();
+template<typename T> RSPBoard<T>::RSPBoard( Stream &inputStream, SampleBuffer<T> &buffer, unsigned boardNr, const struct StationSettings &settings )
+  nr(boardNr),
+  logPrefix(str(boost::format("[station %s %s board %u] [RSPBoard] ") % settings.station.stationName % settings.station.antennaSet % nr)),
+  inputStream(inputStream),
+  supportPartialReads(dynamic_cast<SocketStream *>(&inputStream) == 0 || dynamic_cast<SocketStream &>(inputStream).protocol != SocketStream::UDP),
+  buffer(buffer),
+  flags(buffer.flags[boardNr]),
+  settings(settings),
+  firstBeamlet(settings.nrBeamlets / settings.nrBoards * boardNr),
+  nrReceived(0),
+  nrBadSize(0),
+  nrBadTime(0),
+  nrOutOfOrder(0)
+template<typename T> void RSPBoard<T>::writePacket()
+  const uint8 &nrBeamlets  = packet.header.nrBeamlets;
+  const uint8 &nrTimeslots = packet.header.nrBlocks;
+  // the timestamp is of the last read packet by definition
+  const TimeStamp &timestamp = last_timestamp;
+  const size_t from_offset = (int64)timestamp % settings.nrSamples;
+  size_t to_offset = ((int64)timestamp + nrTimeslots) % settings.nrSamples;
+  if (to_offset == 0)
+    to_offset = settings.nrSamples;
+  const size_t wrap = from_offset < to_offset ? 0 : settings.nrSamples - from_offset;
+  const T *beamlets = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&packet.data);
+  ASSERT( nrBeamlets <= settings.nrBeamlets / settings.nrBoards );
+  // mark data we overwrite as invalid
+  flags.excludeBefore(timestamp + nrTimeslots - settings.nrSamples);
+  // transpose
+  for (uint8 b = 0; b < nrBeamlets; ++b) {
+    T *dst1 = &buffer.beamlets[firstBeamlet + b][from_offset];
+    if (wrap > 0) {
+      T *dst2 = &buffer.beamlets[firstBeamlet + b][0];
+      memcpy(dst1, beamlets, wrap        * sizeof(T));
+      memcpy(dst2, beamlets, to_offset   * sizeof(T));
+    } else {
+      memcpy(dst1, beamlets, nrTimeslots * sizeof(T));
+    }
+    beamlets += nrTimeslots;
+  }
+  // mark as valid
+  flags.include(timestamp, timestamp + nrTimeslots);
+template<typename T> bool RSPBoard<T>::readPacket()
+  if (supportPartialReads) {
+    // read header first
+    inputStream.read(&packet, sizeof(struct RSP::Header));
+    // read rest of packet
+    inputStream.read(&packet.data, packetSize(packet) - sizeof(struct RSP::Header));
+    ++nrReceived;
+  } else {
+    // read full packet at once -- numbytes will tell us how much we've actually read
+    size_t numbytes = inputStream.tryRead(&packet, sizeof packet);
+    ++nrReceived;
+    if( numbytes < sizeof(struct RSP::Header)
+     || numbytes != packetSize(packet) ) {
+      LOG_WARN_STR( logPrefix << "Packet is " << numbytes << " bytes, but should be " << packetSize(packet) << " bytes" );
+      ++nrBadSize;
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // check sanity of packet
+  // detect bad timestamp
+  if (packet.header.timestamp == ~0U) {
+    ++nrBadTime;
+    return false;
+  }
+  const TimeStamp timestamp(packet.header.timestamp, packet.header.blockSequenceNumber, settings.station.clock);
+  // detect out-of-order data
+  if (timestamp < last_timestamp) {
+    ++nrOutOfOrder;
+    return false;
+  }
+  // don't accept big jumps (>10s) in timestamp
+  const int64 oneSecond = settings.station.clock / 1024;
+  if (last_timestamp && packet.header.timestamp > last_timestamp + 10 * oneSecond) {
+    ++nrBadTime;
+    return false;
+  }
+  // packet was read and is sane
+  last_timestamp = timestamp;
+  if (timestamp > last_logtimestamp + oneSecond) {
+    logStatistics();
+    last_logtimestamp = timestamp;
+  }
+  return true;
+template<typename T> void RSPBoard<T>::logStatistics()
+  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Received " << nrReceived << " packets: " << nrOutOfOrder << " out of order, " << nrBadTime << " bad timestamps, " << nrBadSize << " bad sizes" );
+  nrReceived = 0;
+  nrOutOfOrder = 0;
+  nrBadTime = 0;
+  nrBadSize = 0;
+class StationStreams {
+  StationStreams( const std::string &logPrefix, const StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors );
+  void process();
+  void stop();
+  const std::string logPrefix;
+  const StationSettings settings;
+  const std::vector<std::string> streamDescriptors;
+  const size_t nrBoards;
+  WallClockTime waiter;
+  virtual void processBoard( size_t nr ) = 0;
+StationStreams::StationStreams( const std::string &logPrefix, const StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors )
+  logPrefix(logPrefix),
+  settings(settings),
+  streamDescriptors(streamDescriptors),
+  nrBoards(streamDescriptors.size())
+void StationStreams::process()
+  std::vector<OMPThread> threads(nrBoards);
+  ASSERT(nrBoards > 0);
+  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Start" );
+  #pragma omp parallel sections num_threads(2)
+  {
+    #pragma omp section
+    {
+      // start all boards
+      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Starting all boards" );
+      #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nrBoards)
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < nrBoards; ++i) {
+        OMPThread::ScopedRun sr(threads[i]);
+        processBoard(i);
+      }
+    }
+    #pragma omp section
+    {
+      // wait until we have to stop
+      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Waiting for stop signal" );
+      waiter.waitForever();     
+      // kill all boards
+      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Stopping all boards" );
+      #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nrBoards)
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < nrBoards; ++i)
+        threads[i].kill();
+    }
+  }
+  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "End" );
+void StationStreams::stop()
+  waiter.cancelWait();
+template<typename T> class Station: public StationStreams {
+  Station( const StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors );
+  SampleBuffer<T> buffer;
+  virtual void processBoard( size_t nr );
+template<typename T> Station<T>::Station( const StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors )
+  StationStreams(str(boost::format("[station %s %s] [Station] ") % settings.station.stationName % settings.station.antennaSet), settings, streamDescriptors),
+  buffer(settings, true)
+  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Initialised" );
+template<typename T> void Station<T>::processBoard( size_t nr )
+  const std::string logPrefix(str(boost::format("[station %s %s board %u] [Station] ") % settings.station.stationName % settings.station.antennaSet % nr));
+  try {
+    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Connecting to " << streamDescriptors[nr] );
+    SmartPtr<Stream> s = createStream(streamDescriptors[nr], true);
+    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Connecting to shared memory buffer 0x" << std::hex << settings.dataKey );
+    RSPBoard<T> board(*s, buffer, nr, settings);
+    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Start" );
+    for(;;)
+      if (board.readPacket())
+        board.writePacket();
+  } catch (Stream::EndOfStreamException &ex) {
+    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "End of stream");
+  } catch (SystemCallException &ex) {
+    if (ex.error == EINTR)
+      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Aborted: " << ex.what());
+    else
+      LOG_ERROR_STR( logPrefix << "Caught Exception: " << ex);
+  } catch (Exception &ex) {
+    LOG_ERROR_STR( logPrefix << "Caught Exception: " << ex);
+  }
+  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "End");
+template<typename T> class Generator: public StationStreams {
+  Generator( const StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors );
+  void processBoard( size_t nr );
+  virtual void makePacket( struct RSP &header, const TimeStamp &timestamp );
+template<typename T> Generator<T>::Generator( const StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors )
+  StationStreams(str(boost::format("[station %s %s] [Generator] ") % settings.station.stationName % settings.station.antennaSet), settings, streamDescriptors)
+  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Initialised" );
+template<typename T> void Generator<T>::makePacket( struct RSP &packet, const TimeStamp &timestamp )
+  packet.header.nrBeamlets = settings.nrBeamlets / settings.nrBoards;
+  packet.header.nrBlocks = 16;
+  packet.header.timestamp = timestamp.getSeqId();
+  packet.header.blockSequenceNumber = timestamp.getBlockId();
+  int64 data = timestamp;
+  memset(packet.data, data & 0xFF, sizeof packet.data);
+template<typename T> void Generator<T>::processBoard( size_t nr )
+  const std::string logPrefix(str(boost::format("[station %s %s board %u] [Generator] ") % settings.station.stationName % settings.station.antennaSet % nr));
+  try {
+    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Connecting to " << streamDescriptors[nr] );
+    SmartPtr<Stream> s = createStream(streamDescriptors[nr], false);
+    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Start" );
+    TimeStamp current(time(0L) + 1, 0, settings.station.clock);
+    for(;;) {
+      struct RSP packet;
+      makePacket( packet, current );
+      ASSERT(RSPBoard<T>::packetSize(packet) <= sizeof packet);
+      if (!waiter.waitUntil(current))
+        break;
+      try {
+        s->write(&packet, RSPBoard<T>::packetSize(packet));
+      } catch (SystemCallException &ex) {
+        // UDP can return ECONNREFUSED or EINVAL if server does not have its port open
+        if (ex.error != ECONNREFUSED && ex.error != EINVAL)
+          throw;
+      }
+      current += packet.header.nrBlocks;
+    }
+  } catch (Stream::EndOfStreamException &ex) {
+    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "End of stream");
+  } catch (SystemCallException &ex) {
+    if (ex.error == EINTR)
+      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Aborted: " << ex.what());
+    else
+      LOG_ERROR_STR( logPrefix << "Caught Exception: " << ex);
+  } catch (Exception &ex) {
+    LOG_ERROR_STR( logPrefix << "Caught Exception: " << ex);
+  }
+  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "End");
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationID.h b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationID.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4fcafed0e307200581ac752f2aec199ef56c9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationID.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#ifndef __STATIONID__
+#define __STATIONID__
+#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <string>
+namespace LOFAR {
+namespace RTCP {
+struct StationID {
+  char stationName[64];
+  char antennaSet[64];
+  unsigned clock;
+  unsigned bitmode;
+  StationID( const std::string &stationName = "", const std::string &antennaSet = "", unsigned clock = 200 * 1000 * 1000, unsigned bitmode = 16)
+  :
+    clock(clock),
+    bitmode(bitmode)
+  {
+    snprintf(this->stationName, sizeof this->stationName, "%s", stationName.c_str());
+    snprintf(this->antennaSet, sizeof this->antennaSet, "%s", antennaSet.c_str());
+  }
+  bool operator==(const struct StationID &other) const {
+    return !strncmp(stationName, other.stationName, sizeof stationName)
+        && !strncmp(antennaSet, other.antennaSet, sizeof antennaSet)
+        && clock == other.clock
+        && bitmode == other.bitmode;
+  }
+  bool operator!=(const struct StationID &other) const {
+    return !(*this == other);
+  }
+  uint32 hash() const {
+    // convert to 32 bit value (human-readable in hexadecimal)
+    uint32 stationNr = 0;
+    const std::string stationNameStr(stationName);
+    const std::string antennaSetStr(antennaSet);
+    for(std::string::const_iterator c = stationNameStr.begin(); c != stationNameStr.end(); ++c)
+      if(*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')
+        stationNr = stationNr * 16 + (*c - '0');
+    uint32 antennaSetNr = 0;
+    if (antennaSetStr == "HBA_ONE" || antennaSetStr == "HBA1" )
+      antennaSetNr = 1;
+    else
+      antennaSetNr = 0;
+    ASSERT( stationNr    < (1L << 16) );
+    ASSERT( antennaSetNr < (1L << 4)  );
+    ASSERT( clock/1000000 == 200 || clock/1000000 == 160 );
+    ASSERT( bitmode == 4 || bitmode == 8 || bitmode == 16 );
+    unsigned clockNr = clock/1000000 == 200 ? 0x20 : 0x16;
+    unsigned bitmodeNr = bitmode == 16 ? 0xF : bitmode;
+    return (stationNr << 16) + (antennaSetNr << 12) + (clockNr << 4) + bitmodeNr;
+  }
+std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const struct StationID &s ) {
+  str << "station " << s.stationName << " antennaset " << s.antennaSet << " clock " << s.clock/1000000 << " bitmode " << s.bitmode;
+  return str;
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationSettings.h b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationSettings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..171db9b02c906bd5b5c798961cbfdb7b6135c8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/StationSettings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
+#include "StationID.h"
+#include <ostream>
+namespace LOFAR {
+namespace RTCP {
+#define NR_RSPBOARDS 4
+struct StationSettings {
+  static const unsigned currentVersion = 1;
+  unsigned version;
+  bool valid() const { return version == currentVersion; }
+  struct StationID station;
+  unsigned nrBeamlets;
+  size_t   nrSamples;
+  unsigned nrBoards;
+  size_t   nrFlagRanges;
+  key_t    dataKey;
+  StationSettings();
+  // read settings from shared memory, using the given stationID
+  StationSettings(struct StationID station);
+  bool operator==(const struct StationSettings &other) const {
+    return station == other.station
+        && nrBeamlets == other.nrBeamlets 
+        && nrSamples == other.nrSamples
+        && nrBoards == other.nrBoards
+        && nrFlagRanges == other.nrFlagRanges
+        && dataKey == other.dataKey;
+  }
+  version(currentVersion)
+StationSettings::StationSettings(struct StationID station)
+  version(currentVersion),
+  station(station)
+  do {
+    SharedStruct<struct StationSettings> shm(station.hash(), false);
+    *this = shm.get();
+  } while (!valid());  
+  ASSERT( valid() );
+std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const struct StationSettings &s ) {
+  str << s.station << " beamlets: " << s.nrBeamlets << " buffer: " << (1.0 * s.nrSamples / s.station.clock * 1024) << "s";
+  return str;
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/obsolete/TimeSync.h b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/TimeSync.h
similarity index 100%
rename from RTCP/InputProc/src/obsolete/TimeSync.h
rename to RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/TimeSync.h
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/foo.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/foo.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c814527f1069141787cc319c74a2cf31dbf4de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/foo.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+#include <lofar_config.h>
+#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
+#include <Common/LofarConstants.h>
+#include <Stream/Stream.h>
+#include <Stream/SocketStream.h>
+#include <RSP.h>
+#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
+#include <Interface/MultiDimArray.h>
+#include <Interface/SmartPtr.h>
+#include <Interface/Stream.h>
+#include <WallClockTime.h>
+#include "SharedMemory.h"
+#include "Ranges.h"
+#include "OMPThread.h"
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#define NR_RSPBOARDS 4
+using namespace LOFAR;
+using namespace RTCP;
+template<typename T> struct SampleType {
+  std::complex<T> x;
+  std::complex<T> y;
+struct StationID {
+  char stationName[64];
+  char antennaSet[64];
+  unsigned clock;
+  unsigned bitmode;
+  StationID( const std::string &stationName = "", const std::string &antennaSet = "", unsigned clock = 200 * 1000000, unsigned bitmode = 16)
+  :
+    clock(clock),
+    bitmode(bitmode)
+  {
+    snprintf(this->stationName, sizeof this->stationName, "%s", stationName.c_str());
+    snprintf(this->antennaSet, sizeof this->antennaSet, "%s", antennaSet.c_str());
+  }
+  bool operator==(const struct StationID &other) const {
+    return !strncmp(stationName, other.stationName, sizeof stationName)
+        && !strncmp(antennaSet, other.antennaSet, sizeof antennaSet)
+        && clock == other.clock
+        && bitmode == other.bitmode;
+  }
+  bool operator!=(const struct StationID &other) const {
+    return !(*this == other);
+  }
+  uint32 hash() const {
+    // convert to 32 bit value (human-readable in hexadecimal)
+    uint32 stationNr = 0;
+    const std::string stationNameStr(stationName);
+    const std::string antennaSetStr(antennaSet);
+    for(std::string::const_iterator c = stationNameStr.begin(); c != stationNameStr.end(); ++c)
+      if(*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')
+        stationNr = stationNr * 16 + (*c - '0');
+    uint32 antennaSetNr = 0;
+    if (antennaSetStr == "HBA_ONE" || antennaSetStr == "HBA1" )
+      antennaSetNr = 1;
+    else
+      antennaSetNr = 0;
+    ASSERT( stationNr    < (1L << 16) );
+    ASSERT( antennaSetNr < (1L << 4)  );
+    ASSERT( clock/1000000 == 200 || clock/1000000 == 160 );
+    ASSERT( bitmode == 4 || bitmode == 8 || bitmode == 16 );
+    unsigned clockNr = clock/1000000 == 200 ? 0x20 : 0x16;
+    unsigned bitmodeNr = bitmode == 16 ? 0xF : bitmode;
+    return (stationNr << 16) + (antennaSetNr << 12) + (clockNr << 4) + bitmodeNr;
+  }
+std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const struct StationID &s ) {
+  str << "station " << s.stationName << " antennaset " << s.antennaSet << " clock " << s.clock/1000000 << " bitmode " << s.bitmode;
+  return str;
+struct StationSettings {
+  static const unsigned currentVersion = 1;
+  unsigned version;
+  bool valid() const { return version == currentVersion; }
+  struct StationID station;
+  unsigned nrBeamlets;
+  size_t   nrSamples;
+  unsigned nrBoards;
+  size_t   nrFlagRanges;
+  key_t    dataKey;
+  StationSettings();
+  // read settings from shared memory, using the given stationID
+  StationSettings(struct StationID station);
+  bool operator==(const struct StationSettings &other) const {
+    return station == other.station
+        && nrBeamlets == other.nrBeamlets 
+        && nrSamples == other.nrSamples
+        && nrBoards == other.nrBoards
+        && nrFlagRanges == other.nrFlagRanges
+        && dataKey == other.dataKey;
+  }
+std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const struct StationSettings &s ) {
+  str << s.station << " beamlets: " << s.nrBeamlets << " buffer: " << (1.0 * s.nrSamples / s.station.clock * 1024) << "s";
+  return str;
+  version(currentVersion)
+StationSettings::StationSettings(struct StationID station)
+  version(currentVersion),
+  station(station)
+  SharedStruct<struct StationSettings> shm(station.hash(), false);
+  *this = shm.get();
+  ASSERT( valid() );
+template<typename T> class SampleBuffer {
+  SampleBuffer( const struct StationSettings &settings, bool create );
+  const std::string logPrefix;
+  SharedMemoryArena data;
+  SparseSetAllocator allocator;
+  struct StationSettings *initSettings( const struct StationSettings &localSettings, bool create );
+  static size_t dataSize( const struct StationSettings &settings ) {
+    return sizeof settings
+         + NR_RSPBOARDS * (Ranges::size(settings.nrFlagRanges) + 8)
+         + settings.nrBeamlets * (settings.nrSamples * N_POL * 2 * settings.station.bitmode / 8 + 128);
+  }
+  struct StationSettings *settings;
+  const size_t nrBeamlets;
+  const size_t nrSamples;
+  const size_t nrFlagRanges;
+  MultiDimArray<T,2>  beamlets; // [subband][sample]
+  std::vector<Ranges> flags;    // [rspboard]
+template<typename T> SampleBuffer<T>::SampleBuffer( const struct StationSettings &_settings, bool create )
+  logPrefix(str(boost::format("[station %s %s board] [SampleBuffer] ") % _settings.station.stationName % _settings.station.antennaSet)),
+  data(_settings.dataKey, dataSize(_settings), create ? SharedMemoryArena::CREATE_EXCL : SharedMemoryArena::READ),
+  allocator(data),
+  settings(initSettings(_settings, create)),
+  nrBeamlets(settings->nrBeamlets),
+  nrSamples(settings->nrSamples),
+  nrFlagRanges(settings->nrFlagRanges),
+  beamlets(boost::extents[nrBeamlets][nrSamples], 128, allocator, false, create),
+  flags(settings->nrBoards)
+  // bitmode must coincide with our template
+  ASSERT( sizeof(T) == N_POL * 2 * settings->station.bitmode / 8 );
+  // typical #slots/packet
+  ASSERT( settings->nrSamples % 16 == 0 );
+  for (size_t f = 0; f < flags.size(); f++) {
+    size_t numBytes = Ranges::size(nrFlagRanges);
+    flags[f] = Ranges(static_cast<int64*>(allocator.allocate(numBytes, 8)), numBytes, nrSamples, create);
+  }
+  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Initialised" );
+template<typename T> struct StationSettings *SampleBuffer<T>::initSettings( const struct StationSettings &localSettings, bool create )
+  //struct StationSettings *sharedSettings = allocator.allocateTyped<struct StationSettings>();
+  struct StationSettings *sharedSettings = allocator.allocateTyped();
+  if (create) {
+    // register settings
+    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Registering " << localSettings.station );
+    *sharedSettings = localSettings;
+  } else {
+    // verify settings
+    ASSERT( *sharedSettings == localSettings );
+    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Connected to " << localSettings.station );
+  }
+  return sharedSettings;
+template<typename T> class RSPBoard {
+  RSPBoard( Stream &inputStream, SampleBuffer<T> &buffer, unsigned boardNr, const struct StationSettings &settings );
+  const unsigned nr;
+  bool readPacket();
+  void writePacket();
+  static size_t packetSize( struct RSP &packet ) {
+    return sizeof(struct RSP::Header) + packet.header.nrBeamlets * packet.header.nrBlocks * sizeof(T);
+  }
+  const std::string logPrefix;
+  Stream &inputStream;
+  const bool supportPartialReads;
+  struct RSP packet;
+  TimeStamp last_timestamp;
+  TimeStamp last_logtimestamp;
+  SampleBuffer<T> &buffer;
+  Ranges &flags;
+  const struct StationSettings settings;
+  const size_t firstBeamlet;
+  size_t nrReceived, nrBadSize, nrBadTime, nrOutOfOrder;
+  void logStatistics();
+template<typename T> RSPBoard<T>::RSPBoard( Stream &inputStream, SampleBuffer<T> &buffer, unsigned boardNr, const struct StationSettings &settings )
+  nr(boardNr),
+  logPrefix(str(boost::format("[station %s %s board %u] [RSPBoard] ") % settings.station.stationName % settings.station.antennaSet % nr)),
+  inputStream(inputStream),
+  supportPartialReads(dynamic_cast<SocketStream *>(&inputStream) == 0 || dynamic_cast<SocketStream &>(inputStream).protocol != SocketStream::UDP),
+  buffer(buffer),
+  flags(buffer.flags[boardNr]),
+  settings(settings),
+  firstBeamlet(settings.nrBeamlets / settings.nrBoards * boardNr),
+  nrReceived(0),
+  nrBadSize(0),
+  nrBadTime(0),
+  nrOutOfOrder(0)
+template<typename T> void RSPBoard<T>::writePacket()
+  const uint8 &nrBeamlets  = packet.header.nrBeamlets;
+  const uint8 &nrTimeslots = packet.header.nrBlocks;
+  ASSERT( settings.nrSamples % nrTimeslots == 0 );
+  // the timestamp is of the last read packet by definition
+  const TimeStamp &timestamp = last_timestamp;
+  const size_t bufferOffset = (int64)timestamp % settings.nrSamples;
+  const T *beamlets = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&packet.data);
+  ASSERT( nrBeamlets <= settings.nrBeamlets / settings.nrBoards );
+  // mark data we overwrite as invalid
+  flags.excludeBefore(timestamp + nrTimeslots - settings.nrSamples);
+  // transpose
+  for (uint8 b = 0; b < nrBeamlets; ++b) {
+    T *dst = &buffer.beamlets[firstBeamlet + b][bufferOffset];
+    memcpy(dst, beamlets, nrTimeslots * sizeof(T));
+    beamlets += nrTimeslots;
+  }
+  // mark as valid
+  flags.include(timestamp, timestamp + nrTimeslots);
+template<typename T> bool RSPBoard<T>::readPacket()
+  if (supportPartialReads) {
+    // read header first
+    inputStream.read(&packet, sizeof(struct RSP::Header));
+    // read rest of packet
+    inputStream.read(&packet.data, packetSize(packet) - sizeof(struct RSP::Header));
+    ++nrReceived;
+  } else {
+    // read full packet at once -- numbytes will tell us how much we've actually read
+    size_t numbytes = inputStream.tryRead(&packet, sizeof packet);
+    ++nrReceived;
+    if( numbytes < sizeof(struct RSP::Header)
+     || numbytes != packetSize(packet) ) {
+      LOG_WARN_STR( logPrefix << "Packet is " << numbytes << " bytes, but should be " << packetSize(packet) << " bytes" );
+      ++nrBadSize;
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // check sanity of packet
+  // detect bad timestamp
+  if (packet.header.timestamp == ~0U) {
+    ++nrBadTime;
+    return false;
+  }
+  const TimeStamp timestamp(packet.header.timestamp, packet.header.blockSequenceNumber, settings.station.clock);
+  // detect out-of-order data
+  if (timestamp < last_timestamp) {
+    ++nrOutOfOrder;
+    return false;
+  }
+  // don't accept big jumps (>10s) in timestamp
+  const int64 oneSecond = settings.station.clock / 1024;
+  if (last_timestamp && packet.header.timestamp > last_timestamp + 10 * oneSecond) {
+    ++nrBadTime;
+    return false;
+  }
+  // packet was read and is sane
+  last_timestamp = timestamp;
+  if (timestamp > last_logtimestamp + oneSecond) {
+    logStatistics();
+    last_logtimestamp = timestamp;
+  }
+  return true;
+template<typename T> void RSPBoard<T>::logStatistics()
+  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Received " << nrReceived << " packets: " << nrOutOfOrder << " out of order, " << nrBadTime << " bad timestamps, " << nrBadSize << " bad sizes" );
+  nrReceived = 0;
+  nrOutOfOrder = 0;
+  nrBadTime = 0;
+  nrBadSize = 0;
+class StationStreams {
+  StationStreams( const std::string &logPrefix, const StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors );
+  void process();
+  void stop();
+  const std::string logPrefix;
+  const StationSettings settings;
+  const std::vector<std::string> streamDescriptors;
+  const size_t nrBoards;
+  WallClockTime waiter;
+  virtual void processBoard( size_t nr ) = 0;
+StationStreams::StationStreams( const std::string &logPrefix, const StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors )
+  logPrefix(logPrefix),
+  settings(settings),
+  streamDescriptors(streamDescriptors),
+  nrBoards(streamDescriptors.size())
+void StationStreams::process()
+  std::vector<OMPThread> threads(nrBoards);
+  ASSERT(nrBoards > 0);
+  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Start" );
+  #pragma omp parallel sections num_threads(2)
+  {
+    #pragma omp section
+    {
+      // start all boards
+      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Starting all boards" );
+      #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nrBoards)
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < nrBoards; ++i) {
+        OMPThread::ScopedRun sr(threads[i]);
+        processBoard(i);
+      }
+    }
+    #pragma omp section
+    {
+      // wait until we have to stop
+      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Waiting for stop signal" );
+      waiter.waitForever();     
+      // kill all boards
+      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Stopping all boards" );
+      #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nrBo
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/newInputSection.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/newInputSection.cc
similarity index 76%
rename from RTCP/InputProc/src/newInputSection.cc
rename to RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/newInputSection.cc
index 5038fe1f29b989ed103a8e32bef0c92492cdb6f5..112cb940c3b13309d18802b08e215bf59139842d 100644
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/newInputSection.cc
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/newInputSection.cc
@@ -5,17 +5,14 @@
 #include <Stream/SocketStream.h>
 #include <Interface/MultiDimArray.h>
 #include <Interface/Stream.h>
-#include <IONProc/WallClockTime.h>
+#include <WallClockTime.h>
 #include "SharedMemory.h"
 #include "Ranges.h"
 #include "OMPThread.h"
 #include "StationID.h"
-#include "BufferSettings.h"
-#include "SampleType.h"
+#include "StationSettings.h"
 #include "SampleBuffer.h"
-#include "SampleBufferReader.h"
-#include "Generator.h"
-#include "PacketsToBuffer.h"
+#include "StationData.h"
 #include "mpi.h"
 #include <vector>
@@ -30,6 +27,161 @@
 using namespace LOFAR;
 using namespace RTCP;
+template<typename T> class SampleBufferReader {
+  SampleBufferReader( const StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<size_t> beamlets, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize );
+  void process( double maxDelay );
+  const StationSettings settings;
+  SampleBuffer<T> buffer;
+  const std::vector<size_t> beamlets;
+  const TimeStamp from, to;
+  const size_t blockSize;
+  virtual void copyNothing( const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to ) { (void)from, (void)to; }
+  virtual void copyBeamlet( unsigned beamlet, unsigned transfer, const TimeStamp &from_ts, const T* from, size_t nrSamples ) = 0;
+  virtual void copyStart( const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t wrap ) { (void)from, (void)to, (void)wrap; }
+  virtual void copyFlags  ( unsigned transfer, const SparseSet<int64> &flags ) = 0;
+  virtual void copyEnd() {}
+  void copy( const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to );
+  WallClockTime waiter;
+template<typename T> SampleBufferReader<T>::SampleBufferReader( const StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<size_t> beamlets, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize )
+  settings(settings),
+  buffer(settings, false),
+  beamlets(beamlets),
+  from(from),
+  to(to),
+  blockSize(blockSize)
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < beamlets.size(); ++i)
+    ASSERT( beamlets[i] < buffer.nrBeamlets );
+  ASSERT( blockSize > 0 );
+  ASSERT( blockSize < settings.nrSamples );
+  ASSERT( from < to );
+template<typename T> void SampleBufferReader<T>::process( double maxDelay )
+  /*const TimeStamp maxDelay_ts(static_cast<int64>(maxDelay * settings.station.clock / 1024) + blockSize, settings.station.clock);
+  const TimeStamp current(from);
+  for (TimeStamp current = from; current < to; current += blockSize) {
+    // wait
+    LOG_INFO_STR("Waiting until " << (current + maxDelay_ts) << " for " << current);
+    waiter.waitUntil( current + maxDelay_ts );
+    // read
+    LOG_INFO_STR("Reading from " << current << " to " << (current + blockSize));
+    copy(current, current + blockSize);
+  }
+  LOG_INFO("Done reading data");*/
+  const TimeStamp maxDelay_ts(static_cast<int64>(maxDelay * settings.station.clock / 1024) + blockSize, settings.station.clock);
+  const TimeStamp current(from);
+  double totalwait = 0.0;
+  unsigned totalnr = 0;
+  double lastreport = MPI_Wtime();
+  for (TimeStamp current = from; current < to; current += blockSize) {
+    // wait
+    waiter.waitUntil( current + maxDelay_ts );
+    // read
+    double bs = MPI_Wtime();
+    copy(current, current + blockSize);
+    totalwait += MPI_Wtime() - bs;
+    totalnr++;
+    if (bs - lastreport > 1.0) {
+      double mbps = (sizeof(T) * blockSize * beamlets.size() * 8) / (totalwait/totalnr) / 1e6;
+      lastreport = bs;
+      totalwait = 0.0;
+      totalnr = 0;
+      LOG_INFO_STR("Reading speed: " << mbps << " Mbit/s");
+    }
+  }
+  LOG_INFO("Done reading data");
+template<typename T> void SampleBufferReader<T>::copy( const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to )
+  ASSERT( from < to );
+  ASSERT( to - from < (int64)buffer.nrSamples );
+  const unsigned nrBoards = buffer.flags.size();
+#if 0
+  // check whether there is any data at all
+  bool data = false;
+  for (unsigned b = 0; b < nrBoards; ++b)
+    if (buffer.flags[b].anythingBetween(from, to)) {
+      data = true;
+      break;
+    }
+  if (!data) {
+    copyNothing(from, to);
+    return;
+  }
+  // copy the beamlets
+  size_t from_offset = (int64)from % buffer.nrSamples;
+  size_t to_offset   = (int64)to % buffer.nrSamples;
+  if (to_offset == 0)
+    to_offset = buffer.nrSamples;
+  // wrap > 0 if we need to wrap around the end of the buffer
+  size_t wrap         = from_offset < to_offset ? 0 : buffer.nrSamples - from_offset;
+  copyStart(from, to, wrap);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < beamlets.size(); ++i) {
+    unsigned nr = beamlets[i];
+    const T* origin = &buffer.beamlets[nr][0];
+    if (wrap > 0) {
+      copyBeamlet( nr, 0, from, origin + from_offset, wrap );
+      copyBeamlet( nr, 1, from, origin,               to_offset );
+    } else {
+      copyBeamlet( nr, 0, from, origin + from_offset, to_offset - from_offset );
+    }
+  }
+  // copy the flags
+  for (unsigned b = 0; b < nrBoards; ++b)
+    copyFlags( b, buffer.flags[b].sparseSet(from, to).invert(from, to) );
+  copyEnd();
 Mutex MPIMutex;
 //#define USE_RMA
@@ -40,7 +192,7 @@ Mutex MPIMutex;
 template<typename T> class MPISharedBuffer: public SampleBuffer<T> {
-  MPISharedBuffer( const struct BufferSettings &settings );
+  MPISharedBuffer( const struct StationSettings &settings );
@@ -52,7 +204,7 @@ private:
-template<typename T> MPISharedBuffer<T>::MPISharedBuffer( const struct BufferSettings &settings )
+template<typename T> MPISharedBuffer<T>::MPISharedBuffer( const struct StationSettings &settings )
   SampleBuffer<T>(settings, false)
@@ -89,14 +241,14 @@ template<typename T> MPISharedBuffer<T>::~MPISharedBuffer()
 template<typename T> class MPISharedBufferReader {
-  MPISharedBufferReader( const std::vector<struct BufferSettings> &settings, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets );
+  MPISharedBufferReader( const std::vector<struct StationSettings> &settings, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets );
   void process( double maxDelay );
-  const std::vector<struct BufferSettings> settings;
+  const std::vector<struct StationSettings> settings;
   const TimeStamp from, to;
   const size_t blockSize;
   const std::vector<size_t> beamlets;
@@ -114,7 +266,7 @@ private:
   void copy( const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to );
-template<typename T> MPISharedBufferReader<T>::MPISharedBufferReader( const std::vector<struct BufferSettings> &settings, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets )
+template<typename T> MPISharedBufferReader<T>::MPISharedBufferReader( const std::vector<struct StationSettings> &settings, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets )
@@ -223,7 +375,7 @@ template<typename T> void MPISharedBufferReader<T>::copy( const TimeStamp &from,
     //LOG_INFO_STR("Copying from station " << s);
-    const struct BufferSettings settings = this->settings[s];
+    const struct StationSettings settings = this->settings[s];
     size_t from_offset = (int64)from % settings.nrSamples;
     size_t to_offset   = (int64)to % settings.nrSamples;
@@ -291,7 +443,7 @@ template<typename T> void MPISharedBufferReader<T>::copy( const TimeStamp &from,
 template<typename T> class MPISendStation: public SampleBufferReader<T> {
-  MPISendStation( const struct BufferSettings &settings, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets, unsigned destRank );
+  MPISendStation( const struct StationSettings &settings, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets, unsigned destRank );
   struct Header {
     StationID station;
@@ -341,7 +493,7 @@ protected:
-template<typename T> MPISendStation<T>::MPISendStation( const struct BufferSettings &settings, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets, unsigned destRank )
+template<typename T> MPISendStation<T>::MPISendStation( const struct StationSettings &settings, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets, unsigned destRank )
   SampleBufferReader<T>(settings, beamlets, from, to, blockSize),
@@ -474,12 +626,12 @@ template<typename T> void MPISendStation<T>::copyEnd()
 template<typename T> class MPIReceiveStation {
-  MPIReceiveStation( const struct BufferSettings &settings, const std::vector<int> stationRanks, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets, size_t blockSize );
+  MPIReceiveStation( const struct StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<int> stationRanks, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets, size_t blockSize );
   void receiveBlock();
-  const struct BufferSettings settings;
+  const struct StationSettings settings;
   const std::vector<int> stationRanks;
@@ -489,7 +641,7 @@ public:
   Matrix< SparseSet<int64> > flags;  // [station][board]
-template<typename T> MPIReceiveStation<T>::MPIReceiveStation( const struct BufferSettings &settings, const std::vector<int> stationRanks, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets, size_t blockSize )
+template<typename T> MPIReceiveStation<T>::MPIReceiveStation( const struct StationSettings &settings, const std::vector<int> stationRanks, const std::vector<size_t> &beamlets, size_t blockSize )
@@ -618,19 +770,23 @@ template<typename T> void MPIReceiveStation<T>::receiveBlock()
+void sighandler(int)
+  /* no-op */
 int main( int argc, char **argv )
   size_t clock = 200*1000*1000;
-  typedef SampleType<i16complex> SampleT;
+  typedef SampleBuffer<int16>::SampleType SampleT;
   const TimeStamp from(time(0L) + 1, 0, clock);
   const TimeStamp to(time(0L) + 1 + DURATION, 0, clock);
   const size_t blockSize = BLOCKSIZE * clock / 1024;
   std::map<unsigned, std::vector<size_t> > beamlets;
   struct StationID stationID("RS106", "LBA", clock, 16);
-  struct BufferSettings settings;
+  struct StationSettings settings;
   settings.station = stationID;
   settings.nrBeamlets = 244;
@@ -667,7 +823,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
     LOG_INFO_STR("Receiver " << rank << " starts, handling " << beamlets[rank].size() << " subbands from " << nrStations << " stations." );
 #ifdef USE_RMA
-    std::vector<struct BufferSettings> stations(nrStations, settings);
+    std::vector<struct StationSettings> stations(nrStations, settings);
       MPISharedBufferReader<SampleT> receiver(stations, from, to, blockSize, beamlets[rank]);
@@ -698,7 +854,9 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
-  OMPThread::init();
+  signal(SIGHUP, sighandler);
+  siginterrupt(SIGHUP, 1);
   std::vector<std::string> inputStreams(4);
   inputStreams[0] = "udp:";
@@ -707,8 +865,8 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
   inputStreams[3] = "udp:";
   if(rank == 0) {
-    PacketsToBuffer< SampleT > station( settings, inputStreams );
-    Generator generator( settings, inputStreams );
+    Station< SampleT > station( settings, inputStreams );
+    Generator< SampleT > generator( settings, inputStreams );
     #pragma omp parallel sections num_threads(4)
@@ -724,7 +882,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
       #pragma omp section
         struct StationID lookup("RS106", "HBA0");
-        struct BufferSettings s(stationID);
+        struct StationSettings s(stationID);
         LOG_INFO_STR("Detected " << s);
 #ifdef USE_RMA
@@ -743,7 +901,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
   } else {
       struct StationID lookup("RS106", "HBA0");
-      struct BufferSettings s(stationID);
+      struct StationSettings s(stationID);
       LOG_INFO_STR("Detected " << s);
 #ifdef USE_RMA
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/newInputSection_old.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/newInputSection_old.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6aeb5221ab289cec77026cd775a193843d4df31c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/newInputSection_old.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+#include <lofar_config.h>
+#include <Common/Thread/Mutex.h>
+#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
+#include <Stream/SocketStream.h>
+#include "TimeSync.h"
+#include <RSP.h>
+#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace LOFAR;
+using namespace RTCP;
+const unsigned nrInputs  = 10;
+const unsigned nrOutputs = 10;
+const float sampleClock = 8 * 1e6;
+const float subbandWidth = sampleClock / 1024;
+const size_t samplesPerBlock = subbandWidth * 0.05;
+const size_t packetSize = 9000;
+class Consumer;
+ * Lock-free buffer for RSP packets, including
+ * producer primitives. Supports a single producer.
+ */
+class PacketBuffer {
+  struct Item {
+    // the converted timestamp for this packet,
+    // or 0 if this packet is being written.
+    volatile int64 timestamp;
+    // the timestamp of the previous packet,
+    // or 0 for the first packet.
+    volatile int64 prev_timestamp;
+    // the payload
+    struct RSP packet;
+    Item(): timestamp(0), prev_timestamp(0) {}
+  };
+  class CircularPtr {
+  public:
+    CircularPtr( PacketBuffer &buffer, struct Item *item ): item(item), buffer(buffer) {}
+    struct Item *item;
+    void operator++() {
+      if (++item == buffer.end)
+        item = buffer.begin;
+    }
+    void operator--() {
+      if (--item == buffer.begin)
+        item = buffer.end - 1;
+    }
+  private:
+    PacketBuffer &buffer;
+  };
+  vector<struct Item> packets;
+  struct Item * const begin;
+  struct Item * const end;
+  vector<Consumer *> consumers;
+  Mutex consumersMutex;
+  // points to where input will be written
+  CircularPtr head;
+  // points to the packet at or right after head
+  CircularPtr next;
+  // last recorded timestamp
+  int64 prev_timestamp;
+  PacketBuffer( size_t bufsize, unsigned sampleClock, unsigned timesPerSlot, bool realtime );
+  // timestamp of the last written packet (exclusive,
+  // so actually points to one timestamp beyond the youngest
+  // packet).
+  //
+  // (or 0 if no data has been written yet)
+  volatile int64 youngest;
+  // timestamp of the oldest slot in the buffer (or 0 if
+  // the buffer has not been fully filled yet)
+  volatile int64 oldest;
+  struct Item * volatile oldest_item;
+  // call before starting to write at head
+  void startWrite();
+  // pointer to the head packet
+  struct RSP &writePtr();
+  // call after completing a write at head
+  void stopWrite();
+  // call when data stream ends
+  void noMoreData();
+  // add/remove consumers
+  void registerConsumer( Consumer &consumer );
+  void unregisterConsumer( Consumer &consumer );
+  // configuration parameters
+  const unsigned sampleClock;
+  const bool realtime;
+  const size_t timesPerSlot;
+ * An abstract class describing a data processor.
+ */
+class PacketSink {
+  virtual void processPacket( Consumer *consumer, const int64 &timestamp, struct RSP &packet ) = 0;
+  virtual void missingData( Consumer *consumer, const int64 &from, const int64 to ) = 0;
+class Consumer {
+  Consumer( PacketBuffer &buffer, PacketSink &sink );
+  void wait( int64 to, struct timespec &timeout );
+  void read( int64 from, int64 to );
+  PacketBuffer &buffer;
+  PacketSink &sink;
+  const bool realtime;
+  PacketBuffer::CircularPtr tail;
+  // needed for synchronisation
+  TimeSync needFrom, haveUntil;
+  friend class PacketBuffer;
+PacketBuffer::PacketBuffer( size_t bufsize, unsigned sampleClock, unsigned timesPerSlot, bool realtime )
+  packets(bufsize),
+  begin(&packets[0]),
+  end(&packets[bufsize]),
+  head(*this, begin),
+  next(*this, begin),
+  prev_timestamp(0),
+  youngest(0),
+  oldest(0),
+  oldest_item(0),
+  sampleClock(sampleClock),
+  realtime(realtime),
+  timesPerSlot(timesPerSlot)
+  // head and next are distinct (once data is read)
+  ASSERT( bufsize >= 2 );
+void PacketBuffer::startWrite()
+  if (!realtime) {
+    // make sure that our consumers do not need the head.item
+    // that we're about to overwrite
+    const int64 headTime = head.item->timestamp;
+    if (headTime != 0) {
+      ScopedLock sl(consumersMutex);
+      for (vector<Consumer *>::const_iterator i = consumers.begin(); i != consumers.end(); ++i)
+        (*i)->needFrom.wait( headTime + timesPerSlot );
+    }
+  }
+  // keep next pointed at the oldest packet
+  ++ next;
+  // if we overwrite data because we wrapped around,
+  // we have to update oldest.
+  if (next.item->timestamp != 0) {
+    oldest_item = next.item;
+    oldest = next.item->timestamp;
+  }
+  // invalidate head
+  head.item->timestamp = 0;
+struct RSP &PacketBuffer::writePtr()
+  return head.item->packet;
+void PacketBuffer::stopWrite()
+  // complete our bookkeeping on head
+  const struct RSP &packet = head.item->packet;
+  const int64 timestamp = TimeStamp(packet.header.timestamp, packet.header.blockSequenceNumber, sampleClock);
+  head.item->prev_timestamp = prev_timestamp;
+  prev_timestamp = timestamp;
+  // make head valid again
+  head.item->timestamp = timestamp;
+  ++ head;
+  // the very first packet initialises oldest
+  if (!oldest) {
+    oldest_item = head.item;
+    oldest = timestamp;
+  }
+  youngest = timestamp + timesPerSlot;
+  {
+    // readers could be waiting for this data both in realtime and in non-realtime modes
+    // The consumersMutex only blocks if consumers are added or removed.
+    ScopedLock sl(consumersMutex);
+    // make sure that our consumers unlock once we've written data they need
+    for (vector<Consumer *>::const_iterator i = consumers.begin(); i != consumers.end(); ++i) {
+      // These TimeSync locks block only if the consumer is about to wait
+      // for data. This is still cheaper than letting the consumers actively
+      // poll `youngest'.
+      (*i)->haveUntil.set( youngest );
+    }
+  }
+void PacketBuffer::noMoreData()
+  ScopedLock sl(consumersMutex);
+  // make sure that our consumers unlock
+  for (vector<Consumer *>::const_iterator i = consumers.begin(); i != consumers.end(); ++i)
+    (*i)->haveUntil.noMoreData();
+Consumer::Consumer( PacketBuffer &buffer, PacketSink &sink )
+  buffer(buffer),
+  sink(sink),
+  realtime(buffer.realtime),
+  tail(buffer, 0)
+void Consumer::wait( int64 to, struct timespec &timeout )
+  if (!realtime) {
+    // sync will occur in read()
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!haveUntil.wait( to, timeout )) {
+    LOG_WARN_STR( "Data arrived too late for " << to );
+  } else {
+    LOG_DEBUG_STR( "Data arrived on time for " << to );
+  }
+void Consumer::read( int64 from, int64 to )
+   /*
+    * Read data from the circular buffer, lock free
+    * under the following conditions:
+    *   - running in real-time mode
+    *   - no logging anywhere
+    *
+    * This means that any information we retrieve
+    * from `buffer' can already be outdated at the next
+    * memory access. So we often store a local copy. Also, we
+    * let the buffer cache the following info, and update it
+    * atomically:
+    *
+    * youngest:    timestamp of the latest packet that was written
+    * oldest:      timestamp of the oldest packet still in the buffer
+    * oldest_item: pointer to the oldest item
+    *
+    * Each item has the following properties:
+    *
+    * timestamp:   timestamp of the first sample, or 0 if this packet
+    *              is either not used yet or being overwritten.
+    * prev_timestamp:
+    *              timestamp of the previous received packet, needed
+    *              to detect some forms of packet loss.
+    * item:        pointer to the payload.
+    *
+    * Note that even dereferencing multiple properties of the same
+    * item might yield results from different packets, if the
+    * writer passed by in between reads.
+    *
+    * In the cases that multiple properties are needed, make sure
+    * that the code functions correctly if a second property comes
+    * from a later packet than the first property.
+    */
+   ASSERT(from < to);
+   /*
+    * Sync with writer if needed
+    */
+   if (!realtime) {
+     // reserve all data since from
+     needFrom.set( from );
+     // make sure all data (that exists)
+     // until to is available.
+     haveUntil.wait( to );
+   }
+   const int64 youngest = buffer.youngest;
+   /*
+    * We will exit once we encounter data up to 'to'
+    * or later. So we have to make sure that exists,
+    * as we cannot count on more data to arrive.
+    */ 
+   if (youngest <= from) {
+     // no data available -- don't look for it
+     LOG_DEBUG_STR( "Data loss because no data is available" );
+     sink.missingData( this, from, to );
+     return;
+   }
+   if (youngest < to) {
+     // partial data available -- only look for what might exist
+     LOG_DEBUG_STR( "Data loss because end is not available" );
+     sink.missingData( this, youngest, to );
+     to = youngest;
+   }
+   /*
+    * Make an initial guess where to start looking.
+    * We just have to make sure that we do not jump
+    * between [from, to) as we'd be forced to consider
+    * anything before `tail' as a loss.
+    */ 
+   if (!tail.item) {
+     // We'll need to scan -- start at the oldest data
+     tail.item = buffer.oldest_item;
+   } else {
+     // We'll continue from the last read()
+     //
+     // Rewind if needed. Note that prev_timestamp is only 0
+     // if there was no previous packet.
+     while( tail.item->prev_timestamp >= from ) {
+       LOG_DEBUG_STR("Rewinding, am " << (tail.item->prev_timestamp - from) << " ahead");
+       -- tail;
+     }
+   }
+   /*
+    * Locate any data we can find and process it.
+    *
+    * We drop out of the loop when we either:
+    *    - have all our data (from == to)
+    *    - notice that the rest of the data is lost
+    */
+   while( from < to ) {
+     const int64 tailTime = tail.item->timestamp;
+     if (tailTime == 0) {
+       // invalid or no data
+       // prevent infinite loops if we run in lock-step with the writer
+       if (buffer.oldest >= to)
+         break;
+       ++ tail;
+       continue;
+     }
+     if (tailTime < from) {
+       // data is not useful to us
+       ++ tail;
+       continue;
+     }
+     if (tailTime >= to) {
+       // Two possibilities:
+       //   1. Genuine data loss beyond the end of the packet.
+       //   2. Writer gained on us and wrote a new packet here.
+       if (tail.item->prev_timestamp < from) {
+         // 1: this packet belongs here, so the loss
+         // spans across the end of the packet.
+         break;
+       }
+       // 2: We're somewhere we should not be, most likely
+       // because the writer overwrote these packets.
+       ASSERT(realtime);
+       if (buffer.oldest >= to) {
+         // there is no data for us anymore
+         break;
+       }
+       // valid data after head
+       LOG_DEBUG_STR( "Sync with head" );
+       tail.item = buffer.oldest_item;
+       continue;
+     }
+     if (tailTime != from) {
+       // data loss
+       LOG_DEBUG_STR( "Data loss within packet" );
+       sink.missingData( this, from, tailTime );
+     }
+     // a packet!
+     sink.processPacket( this, tailTime, tail.item->packet );
+     /*
+      * If the writer did *anything* with this packet, the
+      * timestamp will have been changed.
+      */ 
+     if (tailTime != tail.item->timestamp) {
+       // we got interrupted
+       ASSERT(realtime);
+       // mark packet as missing
+       LOG_DEBUG_STR( "Data loss due to read/write conflict" );
+       sink.missingData( this, tailTime, tailTime + buffer.timesPerSlot );
+     }
+     // look for the next packet
+     from = tailTime + buffer.timesPerSlot;
+     // no need to reconsider this packet
+     ++ tail;
+   }
+   if (from < to) {
+     LOG_DEBUG_STR( "Data loss at end of packet" );
+     sink.missingData( this, from, to );
+   }
+void PacketBuffer::registerConsumer( Consumer &consumer )
+  ScopedLock sl(consumersMutex);
+  consumers.push_back(&consumer);
+void PacketBuffer::unregisterConsumer( Consumer &consumer )
+  ScopedLock sl(consumersMutex);
+  for (vector<Consumer*>::iterator i = consumers.begin(); i != consumers.end(); ++i) {
+    if (*i == &consumer) {
+      consumers.erase(i);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+#if 0
+ * Input from one RSP board
+ */
+class RSPBoardInput {
+  RSPBoardInput( FileDescriptorBasedStream &inputStream, unsigned subbandsPerPacket, unsigned timesPerSlot, unsigned nrPolarizations, unsigned sampleSize );
+  void read();
+  PacketBuffer buffer;
+  FileDescriptorBasedStream &inputStream;
+  const unsigned subbandsPerPacket;
+  const unsigned timesPerSlot;
+  const unsigned nrPolarizations;
+  const unsigned sampleSize;
+  const size_t subbandSize;
+  const size_t packetSize;
+RSPBoardInput::RSPBoardInput( FileDescriptorBasedStream &inputStream, unsigned subbandsPerPacket, unsigned timesPerSlot, unsigned nrPolarizations, unsigned sampleSize )
+  buffer(100),
+  inputStream(inputStream),
+  packetReadOffset(0),
+  subbandsPerPacket(subbandsPerPacket),
+  timesPerSlot(timesPerSlot),
+  nrPolarizations(nrPolarizations),
+  sampleSize(sampleSize),
+  subbandSize(timesPerSlot * nrPolarizations * sampleSize),
+  packetSize(sizeof(struct RSP::Header) + subbandsPerPacket * subbandSize)
+  ASSERT(packetSize <= sizeof(struct RSP));
+void RSPBoardInput::read()
+  /*
+   * Read packets until we block.
+   */
+  for(;;) {
+    struct RSP &packet = buffer.head.item->packet;
+    void *dstPtr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(packet) + packetReadOffset;
+    size_t bytesLeft = packetSize - packetReadOffset;
+    size_t numbytes;
+    if (packetReadOffset == 0) {
+      // new packet
+      buffer.startWrite();
+    }
+    try {
+      numbytes = s.tryRead(dstPtr, bytesLeft);
+    } catch(...) {
+      buffer.noMoreData();
+      throw;
+    }
+    if (numbytes == bytesLeft) {
+      // finished reading packet
+      buffer.stopWrite();
+      packetReadOffset = 0;
+    } else {
+      // packet partially read
+      packetReadOffset += numbytes;
+    }
+  }
+ *  Generates output from data generated by multiple RSP boards.
+ */
+class OutputGenerator {
+  OutputGenerator( const vector< RSPBoardInput * > &inputs, const int64 &startTime, size_t blocksize );
+  int64 next_block_start;
+  size_t blocksize;
+  void write();
+  const vector< RSPboardInput * > &inputs;
+  vector< PacketBuffer::Consumer * > consumers;
+OutputGenerator::OutputGenerator( const vector< RSPBoardInput * > &inputs, const int64 &startTime, size_t blocksize )
+  next_block_start(startTime),
+  blocksize(blocksize),
+  inputs(inputs),
+  consumers(inputs.size(),0)
+  for( size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++ )
+    consumers[i] = new PacketBuffer::Consumer(inputs[i]->buffer);
+void OutputGenerator::processPacket( const RSPBoardInput &input, const int64 &timestamp, struct RSP *packet )
+  char *srcPtr = packet->data;
+  for (size_t sb = 0; sb < subbandsPerPacket; sb++) {
+    // copy full subband
+    memcpy( dstPtr, srcPtr, subbandSize );
+    srcPtr += subbandSize;
+  }
+void OutputGenerator::missingData( const RSPBoardInput &input, const int64 &from, const int64 to )
+void OutputGenerator::write()
+  /* todo: wait for T = next_block_start + max_wait_time */
+  for( size_t i = 0; i < consumers.size(); i++ ) {
+    RSPBoardInput &input = *inputs[i];
+    PacketBuffer &buffer = input.buffer;
+    PacketBuffer::Consumer &consumer = consumers[i];
+    unsigned timesPerSlot = input.timesPerSlot;
+  }
+ * Design: 
+ *
+ * Input is read from 
+ */ 
+#include <time.h>
+#include <Common/Thread/Thread.h>
+#include <WallClockTime.h>
+time_t start;
+class LogPacketSink: public PacketSink
+  virtual void processPacket( Consumer *consumer, const int64 &timestamp, struct RSP &packet ) {
+    //LOG_INFO_STR( "Received packet " << timestamp );
+  }
+  virtual void missingData( Consumer *consumer, const int64 &from, const int64 to ) {
+    LOG_INFO_STR( "Missed data from " << from << " to " << to );
+  }
+class ConsumerThread {
+  void run();
+  Consumer *consumer;
+  Thread thread;
+  ConsumerThread( Consumer *consumer ): consumer(consumer), thread( this, &ConsumerThread::run ) {}
+void ConsumerThread::run()
+  TimeStamp cts(start, 0, sampleClock);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+    TimeStamp from = cts;
+    TimeStamp to   = cts + 16 * 1000;
+    LOG_INFO_STR( ">>>> Reading from " << (int64)from << " to " << (int64)to << " <<<<<" );
+    struct timespec ts = to;
+    consumer->wait( to, ts );
+    consumer->read( from, to );
+    LOG_INFO_STR( "<<<< Done reading from " << (int64)from << " to " << (int64)to << " >>>>>" );
+    cts = to;
+  }
+int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
+  INIT_LOGGER(argv[0]);
+  bool realtime = true;
+  PacketBuffer buffer( 1100, sampleClock, 16, realtime );
+  LogPacketSink logsink;
+  Consumer consumer( buffer, logsink );
+  buffer.registerConsumer(consumer);
+  ConsumerThread cthread( &consumer );
+  start = time(0) + 1;
+  WallClockTime wct;
+  TimeStamp ts(start, 0, sampleClock);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+    wct.waitUntil(ts + 0000);
+    for (size_t j = 0; j < 160; ++j) {
+      buffer.startWrite();
+      struct RSP &packet = buffer.writePtr();
+      packet.header.timestamp = ts.getSeqId();
+      packet.header.blockSequenceNumber = ts.getBlockId();
+      buffer.stopWrite();
+      ts += 16;
+    }
+  }
+  buffer.noMoreData();
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/shmtest.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/shmtest.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7b0d5d804b9cc0e15de40de1c8aeffbe1877ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/shmtest.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include "SharedMemory.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+using namespace LOFAR;
+int main() {
+  INIT_LOGGER("foo");
+  SharedMemory shm( 0x123, 4096, SharedMemory::READ );
+  sleep(5);
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/test/tRSPTimeStamp2.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/tRSPTimeStamp.cc
similarity index 55%
rename from RTCP/InputProc/test/tRSPTimeStamp2.cc
rename to RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/tRSPTimeStamp.cc
index 7ea31fe4cf35b3e897cc8045c7c124309214ca24..e4085cf3f05a5bd1d1d7e3697b2541a555bdceac 100644
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/test/tRSPTimeStamp2.cc
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/newInputSection/tRSPTimeStamp.cc
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
 #include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
 #include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-using namespace LOFAR;
-using namespace RTCP;
 int main( int, char **argv )
@@ -13,16 +10,18 @@ int main( int, char **argv )
   unsigned clock = 200 * 1000 * 1000;
-    TimeStamp ts(0, 0, clock);
+    TimeStamp ts(0,0,clock);
+    for (int64 i = 0; i < clock * 3; ++i) {
+      ++ts;
-    for (int64 i = 0; i < clock * 3; ++i, ++ts) {
       #define REPORT "(ts == " << ts << ", i == " << i << ")"
       ASSERTSTR( (int64)ts == i, REPORT );
-      ASSERTSTR( ts.getSeqId() == 1024 * i / clock, REPORT );
+      ASSERTSTR( ts.getSeqId() == i / clock, REPORT );
-      ASSERTSTR( ts.getBlockId() == 1024 * i % clock / 1024, REPORT );
+      ASSERTSTR( ts.getBlockId() == i % clock, REPORT );
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tDelayCompensation.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/test/tDelayCompensation.cc
index 598244b6ff73cc65a0706216cd5c52f395ef7b36..915578cbb149053dc3203fab073213a9e9270252 100644
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tDelayCompensation.cc
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/tDelayCompensation.cc
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ void doTest()
   unsigned nrBeams    = parset.nrBeams();
   double   startTime  = parset.startTime();
-  double   sampleFreq = parset.subbandBandwidth();
+  double   sampleFreq = parset.sampleRate();
   unsigned seconds    = static_cast<unsigned>(floor(startTime));
   unsigned samples    = static_cast<unsigned>((startTime - floor(startTime)) * sampleFreq);
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ void doTest()
   Delays w(parset, inputs[0].station, ts);
-  unsigned nrTABs = 0;
-  Matrix<double> delays(nrBeams, nrTABs + 1);
-  Matrix<casa::MVDirection> prev_directions(nrBeams, nrTABs + 1), directions(nrBeams, nrTABs + 1);
+  unsigned nrPencilBeams = 0;
+  Matrix<double> delays(nrBeams, nrPencilBeams + 1);
+  Matrix<casa::MVDirection> prev_directions(nrBeams, nrPencilBeams + 1), directions(nrBeams, nrPencilBeams + 1);
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 256; i ++) {
     prev_directions = directions;
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.cc b/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f729eace5e7554e603d00a2a3dda6324d6769f2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-//#  tRSP.cc: stand-alone test program for RSP packet structure
-//#  Copyright (C) 2009
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//# Always #include <lofar_config.h> first!
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include <RSP.h>
-#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <Common/DataConvert.h>
-#include <Stream/FileStream.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace LOFAR;
-using namespace LOFAR::RTCP;
-using namespace std;
-void report( const string &filename )
-  cout << "---- Checking " << filename << endl;
-  FileStream f(filename);
-  struct RSP packet;
-  // read header
-  f.read( &packet.header, sizeof (RSP::Header) );
-  dataConvert(LittleEndian, packet.header.configuration);
-  dataConvert(LittleEndian, packet.header.timestamp);
-  dataConvert(LittleEndian, packet.header.blockSequenceNumber);
-  cout << "RSP version:  " << (int)packet.header.version << endl;
-  cout << "RSP board nr: " << packet.rspBoard() << endl;
-  cout << "Payload OK:   " << (packet.payloadError() ? "NO" : "YES") << endl;
-  cout << "Clock:        " << packet.clockMHz() << " MHz" << endl;
-  cout << "Bit mode:     " << packet.bitMode() << " bit" << endl;
-  cout << "Blocks:       " << (int)packet.header.nrBlocks << endl;
-  cout << "Beamlets:     " << (int)packet.header.nrBeamlets << endl;
-  // read payload
-  f.read( &packet.payload, packet.packetSize() - sizeof (RSP::Header) );
-  if (packet.bitMode() == 16)
-    dataConvert(LittleEndian, (int16*)&packet.payload, packet.header.nrBlocks * packet.header.nrBeamlets * 2 * 2);
-  cout << "Sample 4 of beamlet 2:  X = " << packet.sample(2, 4, 'X') << endl;
-  cout << "Sample 4 of beamlet 2:  Y = " << packet.sample(2, 4, 'Y') << endl;
-int main()
-  try {
-    report( "tRSP.in_16bit" );
-    report( "tRSP.in_8bit" );
-  } catch (Exception &ex) {
-    LOG_FATAL_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.in_16bit b/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.in_16bit
deleted file mode 100644
index 548175c8a2d6ec09a42aedf0e6248086ba6234db..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.in_16bit and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.in_8bit b/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.in_8bit
deleted file mode 100644
index b69e78c30f0002a31e8f82c59086f94715412979..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.in_8bit and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.sh b/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index e4def6624f6025910b02d615c6f66066bd227486..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-./runctest.sh tRSP > tRSP.log 2>&1
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.stdout b/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index cc274b6f9e6208dadfcbc8db06d806affda73544..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tRSP.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----- Checking tRSP.in_16bit
-RSP version:  3
-RSP board nr: 0
-Payload OK:   YES
-Clock:        200 MHz
-Bit mode:     16 bit
-Blocks:       16
-Beamlets:     61
-Sample 4 of beamlet 2:  X = (-6,-20)
-Sample 4 of beamlet 2:  Y = (-18,-41)
----- Checking tRSP.in_8bit
-RSP version:  3
-RSP board nr: 1
-Payload OK:   YES
-Clock:        200 MHz
-Bit mode:     8 bit
-Blocks:       16
-Beamlets:     122
-Sample 4 of beamlet 2:  X = (3,0)
-Sample 4 of beamlet 2:  Y = (0,0)
diff --git a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tSSH.sh b/RTCP/IONProc/test/tSSH.sh
index 6f413a9d328711c3a37cca2daec202148211d708..9a1c8b302b55fbc8be21fea61e0265a25072012a 100755
--- a/RTCP/IONProc/test/tSSH.sh
+++ b/RTCP/IONProc/test/tSSH.sh
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-./runctest.sh tSSH > tSSH.log 2>&1
+./runctest.sh tSSH 2>&1 > tSSH.log
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/InputProc/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9959d91d23ffbe7591850aa2a55e6dcfb2fa85da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: CMakeLists.txt 21382 2012-06-29 11:26:52Z mol $
-lofar_package(InputProc 1.0
-  DEPENDS Common Stream Interface IONProc)
-lofar_find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS date_time)
-lofar_find_package(OpenMP REQUIRED)
-#lofar_find_package(Casacore COMPONENTS measures REQUIRED)
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/BufferSettings.cc b/RTCP/InputProc/src/BufferSettings.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index c0c388e7b170968ed7e5ff08d39114c5ac63f234..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/BufferSettings.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include "BufferSettings.h"
-#include "SharedMemory.h"
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-  version(currentVersion)
-BufferSettings::BufferSettings(struct StationID station)
-  version(currentVersion),
-  station(station)
-  do {
-    SharedStruct<struct BufferSettings> shm(station.hash(), false);
-    *this = shm.get();
-  } while (!valid());  
-  ASSERT( valid() );
-std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const struct BufferSettings &s ) {
-  str << s.station << " beamlets: " << s.nrBeamlets << " buffer: " << (1.0 * s.nrSamples / s.station.clock * 1024) << "s";
-  return str;
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/BufferSettings.h b/RTCP/InputProc/src/BufferSettings.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 37225f986dd025aef7818ff00a2e5dd1428e29e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/BufferSettings.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include "SharedMemory.h"
-#include "StationID.h"
-#include <ostream>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-struct BufferSettings {
-  static const unsigned currentVersion = 1;
-  unsigned version;
-  bool valid() const { return version == currentVersion; }
-  struct StationID station;
-  unsigned nrBeamlets;
-  size_t   nrSamples;
-  unsigned nrBoards;
-  size_t   nrFlagRanges;
-  key_t    dataKey;
-  BufferSettings();
-  // read settings from shared memory, using the given stationID
-  BufferSettings(struct StationID station);
-  bool operator==(const struct BufferSettings &other) const {
-    return station == other.station
-        && nrBeamlets == other.nrBeamlets 
-        && nrSamples == other.nrSamples
-        && nrBoards == other.nrBoards
-        && nrFlagRanges == other.nrFlagRanges
-        && dataKey == other.dataKey;
-  }
-std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const struct BufferSettings &s );
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/InputProc/src/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a7d71858ff28baa60d4a4657f3f5dc338a1524b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-  Package__Version.cc
-  BufferSettings.cc
-  Generator.cc
-  PacketReader.cc
-  Ranges.cc
-  SharedMemory.cc
-  StationID.cc
-  RSPBoards.cc
-  )
-lofar_add_bin_program(newInputSection newInputSection.cc)
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/Generator.cc b/RTCP/InputProc/src/Generator.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 29953bb3a93c4c4b5dac346ecb1772af101d51a1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/Generator.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include "Generator.h"
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <Stream/Stream.h>
-#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-#include <Interface/SmartPtr.h>
-#include <Interface/Stream.h>
-#include <IONProc/WallClockTime.h>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-Generator::Generator( const BufferSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors )
-  RSPBoards(str(boost::format("[station %s %s] [Generator] ") % settings.station.stationName % settings.station.antennaField), settings, streamDescriptors),
-  nrSent(nrBoards, 0)
-  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Initialised" );
-void Generator::makePacket( size_t boardNr, struct RSP &packet, const TimeStamp &timestamp )
-  // configure the packet header
-  packet.header.version = 3; // we emulate BDI 6.0
-  packet.header.sourceInfo1 =
-      (boardNr & 0x1F) | (settings.station.clock == 200 * 1000 * 1000 ? 1 << 7 : 0);
-  switch (settings.station.bitmode) {
-    case 16:
-      packet.header.sourceInfo2 = 0;
-      break;
-    case 8:
-      packet.header.sourceInfo2 = 1;
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      packet.header.sourceInfo2 = 2;
-      break;
-  }
-  packet.header.nrBeamlets = settings.nrBeamlets / settings.nrBoards;
-  packet.header.nrBlocks = 16;
-  packet.header.timestamp = timestamp.getSeqId();
-  packet.header.blockSequenceNumber = timestamp.getBlockId();
-  // insert data that is different for each packet
-  int64 data = timestamp;
-  memset(packet.payload.data, data & 0xFF, sizeof packet.payload.data);
-  // verify whether the packet really reflects what we intended
-  ASSERT(packet.rspBoard()     == boardNr);
-  ASSERT(packet.payloadError() == false);
-  ASSERT(packet.bitMode()      == settings.station.bitmode);
-  ASSERT(packet.clockMHz()     == settings.station.clock / 1000000);
-void Generator::processBoard( size_t nr )
-  const std::string logPrefix(str(boost::format("[station %s %s board %u] [Generator] ") % settings.station.stationName % settings.station.antennaField % nr));
-  try {
-    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Connecting to " << streamDescriptors[nr] );
-    SmartPtr<Stream> s = createStream(streamDescriptors[nr], false);
-    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Start" );
-    TimeStamp current(time(0L) + 1, 0, settings.station.clock);
-    for(;;) {
-      struct RSP packet;
-      // generate packet
-      makePacket( nr, packet, current );
-      ASSERT(packet.packetSize() <= sizeof packet);
-      // wait until it is due
-      if (!waiter.waitUntil(current))
-        break;
-      // send packet
-      try {
-        s->write(&packet, packet.packetSize());
-      } catch (SystemCallException &ex) {
-        // UDP can return ECONNREFUSED or EINVAL if server does not have its port open
-        if (ex.error != ECONNREFUSED && ex.error != EINVAL)
-          throw;
-      }
-      nrSent[nr]++;
-      current += packet.header.nrBlocks;
-    }
-  } catch (Stream::EndOfStreamException &ex) {
-    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "End of stream");
-  } catch (SystemCallException &ex) {
-    if (ex.error == EINTR)
-      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Aborted: " << ex.what());
-    else
-      LOG_ERROR_STR( logPrefix << "Caught Exception: " << ex);
-  } catch (Exception &ex) {
-    LOG_ERROR_STR( logPrefix << "Caught Exception: " << ex);
-  }
-  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "End");
-void Generator::logStatistics()
-  for( size_t nr = 0; nr < nrBoards; nr++ ) {
-    const std::string logPrefix(str(boost::format("[station %s %s board %u] [Generator] ") % settings.station.stationName % settings.station.antennaField % nr));
-    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << nrSent[nr] << " packets sent.");
-    nrSent[nr] = 0;
-  }
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/Generator.h b/RTCP/InputProc/src/Generator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bcda4467d6c436bb7dd7eebd2f4d0f8a4856d6ab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/Generator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __GENERATOR__
-#define __GENERATOR__
-#include <IONProc/RSP.h>
-#include "RSPBoards.h"
-#include "BufferSettings.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-/* Generate station input data */
-class Generator: public RSPBoards {
-  Generator( const BufferSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors );
-  std::vector<size_t> nrSent;
-  virtual void processBoard( size_t nr );
-  virtual void logStatistics();
-  virtual void makePacket( size_t boardNr, struct RSP &packet, const TimeStamp &timestamp );
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketReader.cc b/RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketReader.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d5b98ed324fa34ea5dbd027f91775b72d15c8b4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketReader.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include "PacketReader.h"
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <Stream/SocketStream.h>
-#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-#include <Interface/Stream.h>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-PacketReader::PacketReader( const std::string &logPrefix, const std::string &streamDescriptor, const struct BufferSettings &settings )
-  logPrefix(str(boost::format("%s [PacketReader] ") % logPrefix)),
-  settings(settings),
-  nrReceived(0),
-  nrBadSize(0),
-  nrBadTime(0),
-  nrBadData(0),
-  nrBadMode(0),
-  hadSizeError(false),
-  hadModeError(false)
-  inputStream = createStream(streamDescriptor, true);
-  SocketStream *asSocket = dynamic_cast<SocketStream *>(inputStream.get());
-  bool isUDP = asSocket && asSocket->protocol == SocketStream::UDP;
-  supportPartialReads = !isUDP;
-bool PacketReader::readPacket( struct RSP &packet )
-  if (supportPartialReads) {
-    // read header first
-    inputStream->read(&packet.header, sizeof packet.header);
-    // read rest of packet
-    inputStream->read(&packet.payload.data, packet.packetSize() - sizeof packet.header);
-    ++nrReceived;
-  } else {
-    // read full packet at once -- numbytes will tell us how much we've actually read
-    size_t numbytes = inputStream->tryRead(&packet, sizeof packet);
-    ++nrReceived;
-    if( numbytes < sizeof(struct RSP::Header)
-     || numbytes != packet.packetSize() ) {
-      if (!hadSizeError) {
-        LOG_ERROR_STR( logPrefix << "Packet is " << numbytes << " bytes, but should be " << packet.packetSize() << " bytes" );
-        hadSizeError = true;
-      }
-      ++nrBadSize;
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  // illegal timestamp means illegal packet
-  if (packet.header.timestamp == ~0U) {
-    ++nrBadTime;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // check sanity of packet
-  // discard packets with errors
-  if (packet.payloadError()) {
-    ++nrBadData;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // check whether the station configuration matches ours
-  if (packet.clockMHz() * 1000000 != settings.station.clock
-   || packet.bitMode() != settings.station.bitmode) {
-    if (!hadModeError) {
-      LOG_ERROR_STR( logPrefix << "Packet has mode (" << packet.clockMHz() << " MHz, " << packet.bitMode() << " bit), but should be mode (" << settings.station.clock / 1000000 << " MHz, " << settings.station.bitmode << " bit)");
-      hadModeError = true;
-    }
-    ++nrBadMode;
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-void PacketReader::logStatistics()
-  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Received " << nrReceived << " packets: " << nrBadTime << " bad timestamps, " << nrBadSize << " bad sizes, " << nrBadData << " payload errors, " << nrBadMode << " clock/bitmode errors" );
-  nrReceived = 0;
-  nrBadTime = 0;
-  nrBadSize = 0;
-  nrBadData = 0;
-  nrBadMode = 0;
-  hadSizeError = false;
-  hadModeError = false;
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketReader.h b/RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketReader.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 346c0263a6cbed57b4bd8f478d803f4a33dca13f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketReader.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __PACKETREADER__
-#define __PACKETREADER__
-#include <Stream/Stream.h>
-#include <Interface/SmartPtr.h>
-#include <IONProc/RSP.h>
-#include "BufferSettings.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-/* Receives input of one RSP board and stores it in shared memory. */
-class PacketReader {
-  PacketReader( const std::string &logPrefix, const std::string &streamDescriptor, const struct BufferSettings &settings );
-  // Reads a packet from the input stream. Returns true if a packet was
-  // succesfully read.
-  bool readPacket( struct RSP &packet );
-  void logStatistics();
-  const std::string logPrefix;
-  SmartPtr<Stream> inputStream;
-  bool supportPartialReads;
-  const struct BufferSettings settings;
-  size_t nrReceived, nrBadSize, nrBadTime, nrBadData, nrBadMode;
-  bool hadSizeError, hadModeError;
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketsToBuffer.h b/RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketsToBuffer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d987a8dcb24891c6014a4280e4666a6cd802559..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/PacketsToBuffer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __STATION__
-#define __STATION__
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <Common/LofarConstants.h>
-#include <Stream/Stream.h>
-#include <Stream/SocketStream.h>
-#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-#include <Interface/SmartPtr.h>
-#include <Interface/Stream.h>
-#include <IONProc/RSP.h>
-#include <IONProc/WallClockTime.h>
-#include "SampleBuffer.h"
-#include "BufferSettings.h"
-#include "PacketReader.h"
-#include "Ranges.h"
-#include "time.h"
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <ios>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-/* Receives station input and stores it in shared memory */
-template<typename T> class PacketsToBuffer: public RSPBoards {
-  PacketsToBuffer( const BufferSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors );
-  SampleBuffer<T> buffer;
-  class BufferWriter {
-  public:
-    BufferWriter( const std::string &logPrefix, SampleBuffer<T> &buffer, Ranges &flags, size_t firstBeamlet, const struct BufferSettings &settings );
-    // Write a packet to the SampleBuffer
-    void writePacket( const struct RSP &packet );
-    void logStatistics();
-  private:
-    const std::string logPrefix;
-    SampleBuffer<T> &buffer;
-    Ranges &flags;
-    const struct BufferSettings settings;
-    const size_t firstBeamlet;
-    size_t nrWritten;
-  };
-  std::vector< SmartPtr<PacketReader> > readers;
-  std::vector< SmartPtr<BufferWriter> > writers;
-  // process data for this board until interrupted or end of data
-  virtual void processBoard( size_t nr );
-  virtual void logStatistics();
-template<typename T> PacketsToBuffer<T>::PacketsToBuffer( const BufferSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors )
-  RSPBoards(str(boost::format("[station %s %s] ") % settings.station.stationName % settings.station.antennaField), settings, streamDescriptors),
-  buffer(settings, true),
-  readers(nrBoards, 0),
-  writers(nrBoards, 0)
-  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Initialised" );
-template<typename T> void PacketsToBuffer<T>::processBoard( size_t nr )
-  const std::string logPrefix(str(boost::format("%s [board %u] ") % this->logPrefix % nr));
-  try {
-    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Connecting to " << streamDescriptors[nr] );
-    readers[nr] = new PacketReader(logPrefix, streamDescriptors[nr], settings);
-    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Connecting to shared memory buffer 0x" << std::hex << settings.dataKey );
-    size_t firstBeamlet = settings.nrBeamlets / settings.nrBoards * nr;
-    writers[nr] = new BufferWriter(logPrefix, buffer, buffer.flags[nr], firstBeamlet, settings);
-    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Start" );
-    struct RSP packet;
-    for(;;)
-      if (readers[nr]->readPacket(packet))
-        writers[nr]->writePacket(packet);
-  } catch (Stream::EndOfStreamException &ex) {
-    LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "End of stream");
-  } catch (SystemCallException &ex) {
-    if (ex.error == EINTR)
-      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Aborted: " << ex.what());
-    else
-      LOG_ERROR_STR( logPrefix << "Caught Exception: " << ex);
-  } catch (Exception &ex) {
-    LOG_ERROR_STR( logPrefix << "Caught Exception: " << ex);
-  }
-  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "End");
-template<typename T> void PacketsToBuffer<T>::logStatistics()
-  ASSERT(readers.size() == nrBoards);
-  ASSERT(writers.size() == nrBoards);
-  for (size_t nr = 0; nr < nrBoards; nr++) {
-    if (readers[nr].get())
-      readers[nr]->logStatistics();
-    if (writers[nr].get())
-      writers[nr]->logStatistics();
-  }
-template<typename T> PacketsToBuffer<T>::BufferWriter::BufferWriter( const std::string &logPrefix, SampleBuffer<T> &buffer, Ranges &flags, size_t firstBeamlet, const struct BufferSettings &settings )
-  logPrefix(str(boost::format("%s [BufferWriter] ") % logPrefix)),
-  buffer(buffer),
-  flags(flags),
-  settings(settings),
-  firstBeamlet(firstBeamlet),
-  nrWritten(0)
-  // bitmode must coincide with our template
-  ASSERT( sizeof(T) == N_POL * 2 * settings.station.bitmode / 8 );
-template<typename T> void PacketsToBuffer<T>::BufferWriter::writePacket( const struct RSP &packet )
-  const uint8 &nrBeamlets  = packet.header.nrBeamlets;
-  const uint8 &nrTimeslots = packet.header.nrBlocks;
-  // should not exceed the number of beamlets in the buffer
-  ASSERT( firstBeamlet + nrBeamlets < settings.nrBeamlets );
-  const TimeStamp timestamp(packet.header.timestamp, packet.header.blockSequenceNumber, settings.station.clock);
-  // determine the time span when cast on the buffer
-  const size_t from_offset = (int64)timestamp % settings.nrSamples;
-  size_t to_offset = ((int64)timestamp + nrTimeslots) % settings.nrSamples;
-  if (to_offset == 0)
-    to_offset = settings.nrSamples;
-  const size_t wrap = from_offset < to_offset ? 0 : settings.nrSamples - from_offset;
-  /*
-   * Make sure the buffer and flags are always consistent.
-   */
-  // mark data we overwrite as invalid
-  flags.excludeBefore(timestamp + nrTimeslots - settings.nrSamples);
-  // transpose
-  const T *beamlets = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&packet.payload.data);
-  for (uint8 b = 0; b < nrBeamlets; ++b) {
-    T *dst1 = &buffer.beamlets[firstBeamlet + b][from_offset];
-    if (wrap > 0) {
-      T *dst2 = &buffer.beamlets[firstBeamlet + b][0];
-      memcpy(dst1, beamlets, wrap        * sizeof(T));
-      memcpy(dst2, beamlets, to_offset   * sizeof(T));
-    } else {
-      memcpy(dst1, beamlets, nrTimeslots * sizeof(T));
-    }
-    beamlets += nrTimeslots;
-  }
-  // mark as valid
-  flags.include(timestamp, timestamp + nrTimeslots);
-  ++nrWritten;
-template<typename T> void PacketsToBuffer<T>::BufferWriter::logStatistics()
-  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Written " << nrWritten << " packets");
-  nrWritten = 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/RSPBoards.cc b/RTCP/InputProc/src/RSPBoards.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index b561d262378a00c71961bacd8578a8b9e148e1bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/RSPBoards.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include "RSPBoards.h"
-#include "OMPThread.h"
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <omp.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-RSPBoards::RSPBoards( const std::string &logPrefix, const BufferSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors )
-  logPrefix(logPrefix),
-  settings(settings),
-  streamDescriptors(streamDescriptors),
-  nrBoards(streamDescriptors.size())
-void RSPBoards::process()
-  std::vector<OMPThread> threads(nrBoards * 2);
-  ASSERT(nrBoards > 0);
-  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Start" );
-  #pragma omp parallel sections num_threads(3)
-  {
-    #pragma omp section
-    {
-      // start all boards
-      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Starting all boards" );
-      #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nrBoards)
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < nrBoards; ++i) {
-        OMPThread::ScopedRun sr(threads[i]);
-        try {
-          processBoard(i);
-        } catch(Exception &ex) {
-          LOG_ERROR_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-        }
-      }
-      // we're done
-      stop();
-    }
-    #pragma omp section
-    {
-      // start all log statistics
-      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Starting all log statistics" );
-      #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nrBoards)
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < nrBoards; ++i) {
-        OMPThread::ScopedRun sr(threads[i + nrBoards]);
-        try {
-          for(;;) {
-            if (usleep(999999) == -1 && errno == EINTR)
-              break;
-            logStatistics();
-          }
-        } catch(Exception &ex) {
-          LOG_ERROR_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    #pragma omp section
-    {
-      // wait until we have to stop
-      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Waiting for stop signal" );
-      waiter.waitForever();     
-      // kill all boards
-      LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "Stopping all boards" );
-      #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads.size())
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < threads.size(); ++i)
-        try {
-          threads[i].kill();
-        } catch(Exception &ex) {
-          LOG_ERROR_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-        }
-    }
-  }
-  LOG_INFO_STR( logPrefix << "End" );
-void RSPBoards::stop()
-  waiter.cancelWait();
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/RSPBoards.h b/RTCP/InputProc/src/RSPBoards.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f9c70c9a58a829751264d9d7c012d341a59812f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/RSPBoards.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __RSPBOARDS__
-#define __RSPBOARDS__
-#include "BufferSettings.h"
-#include <IONProc/WallClockTime.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-/* A class that generates or processes a set of data streams of a station. */
-class RSPBoards {
-  RSPBoards( const std::string &logPrefix, const BufferSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::string> &streamDescriptors );
-  void process();
-  void stop();
-  const std::string logPrefix;
-  const BufferSettings settings;
-  const std::vector<std::string> streamDescriptors;
-  const size_t nrBoards;
-  WallClockTime waiter;
-  virtual void processBoard( size_t nr ) = 0;
-  virtual void logStatistics() = 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/Ranges.h b/RTCP/InputProc/src/Ranges.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 60d6f6ea46f71ad6df69d4a1319ef343facd4af5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/Ranges.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef RANGES
-#define RANGES
-#include <Interface/SparseSet.h>
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <Common/LofarTypes.h>
-#include <ostream>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-// Thread-safe, lock-free set of int64 [from,to) ranges.
-// This implementation is thread safe for one writer and any number
-// of readers.
-// To maintain integrity, we maintain a fixed set of [from,to)
-// ranges. For any range, if to == 0, the range is either unused
-// or in the process of being updated. The calling process needs
-// to make sure that it updates ranges in an order that ensures
-// integrity w.r.t. the data that is represented. That is,
-// exclude ranges that will be overwritten before writing and
-// including the new data.
-class Ranges {
-  Ranges();
-  Ranges( void *data, size_t numBytes, int64 minHistory, bool create );
-  ~Ranges();
-  // remove [0,to)
-  void excludeBefore( int64 to );
-  // add a range [from,to), and return whether the addition
-  // was succesful.
-  bool include( int64 from, int64 to );
-  // returns whether there is anything set in [first, last)
-  bool anythingBetween( int64 first, int64 last ) const;
-  SparseSet<int64> sparseSet( int64 first, int64 last ) const;
-  static size_t elementSize() { return sizeof(struct Range); }
-  struct Range {
-    // Write 'from' before 'to' to allow the following invariant:
-    //
-    // from <  to   : a valid range
-    // from >= to   : invalid range (being written)
-    // from = to = 0: an unused range
-    volatile int64 from, to;
-    Range(): from(0), to(0) {}
-  };
-  bool create;
-  size_t len;
-  Range *ranges;
-  Range *begin;
-  Range *end;
-  Range *head;
-  // minimal history to maintain (samples newer than this
-  // will be maintained in favour of newly added ranges)
-  int64 minHistory;
-  static size_t size(size_t numElements) {
-    return numElements * sizeof(struct Range);
-  }
-  friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const Ranges &r );
-std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const Ranges &r );
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleBufferReader.h b/RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleBufferReader.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 83db4040d4ff1e5c4fd75a56e0d991c8e3db03f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleBufferReader.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <IONProc/WallClockTime.h>
-#include <Interface/RSPTimeStamp.h>
-#include "BufferSettings.h"
-#include "SampleBuffer.h"
-#include <mpi.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-using namespace LOFAR;
-using namespace RTCP;
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-template<typename T> class SampleBufferReader {
-  SampleBufferReader( const BufferSettings &settings, const std::vector<size_t> beamlets, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize );
-  void process( double maxDelay );
-  const BufferSettings settings;
-  SampleBuffer<T> buffer;
-  const std::vector<size_t> beamlets;
-  const TimeStamp from, to;
-  const size_t blockSize;
-  /* process() will call one of these sequences:
-   *
-   * 1. copyNothing(from, to);
-   *
-   * 2. copyStart(from, to, 0);
-   *    foreach(beamlet)
-   *      copyBeamlet(beamlet, 0, from, .., ..);
-   *    foreach(board)
-   *      copyFlags(board, ..);
-   *    copyEnd();
-   *
-   * 3. copyStart(from, to, ..);
-   *    foreach(beamlet) {
-   *      copyBeamlet(beamlet, 0, from, .., ..);
-   *      copyBeamlet(beamlet, 1, .., .., ..);
-   *    }
-   *    foreach(board)
-   *      copyFlags(board, ..);
-   *    copyEnd();
-   *
-   * Two transfers are needed per beamlet if the requested
-   * range wraps around the end of the buffer.
-   */
-  virtual void copyNothing( const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to ) { (void)from, (void)to; }
-  virtual void copyStart( const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t wrap ) { (void)from, (void)to, (void)wrap; }
-  virtual void copyBeamlet( unsigned beamlet, unsigned transfer, const TimeStamp &from_ts, const T* from, size_t nrSamples ) = 0;
-  virtual void copyFlags( unsigned board, const SparseSet<int64> &flags ) = 0;
-  virtual void copyEnd() {}
-  void copy( const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to );
-  WallClockTime waiter;
-template<typename T> SampleBufferReader<T>::SampleBufferReader( const BufferSettings &settings, const std::vector<size_t> beamlets, const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to, size_t blockSize )
-  settings(settings),
-  buffer(settings, false),
-  beamlets(beamlets),
-  from(from),
-  to(to),
-  blockSize(blockSize)
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < beamlets.size(); ++i)
-    ASSERT( beamlets[i] < buffer.nrBeamlets );
-  ASSERT( blockSize > 0 );
-  ASSERT( blockSize < settings.nrSamples );
-  ASSERT( from < to );
-template<typename T> void SampleBufferReader<T>::process( double maxDelay )
-  /*const TimeStamp maxDelay_ts(static_cast<int64>(maxDelay * settings.station.clock / 1024) + blockSize, settings.station.clock);
-  const TimeStamp current(from);
-  for (TimeStamp current = from; current < to; current += blockSize) {
-    // wait
-    LOG_INFO_STR("Waiting until " << (current + maxDelay_ts) << " for " << current);
-    waiter.waitUntil( current + maxDelay_ts );
-    // read
-    LOG_INFO_STR("Reading from " << current << " to " << (current + blockSize));
-    copy(current, current + blockSize);
-  }
-  LOG_INFO("Done reading data");*/
-  const TimeStamp maxDelay_ts(static_cast<int64>(maxDelay * settings.station.clock / 1024) + blockSize, settings.station.clock);
-  const TimeStamp current(from);
-  double totalwait = 0.0;
-  unsigned totalnr = 0;
-  double lastreport = MPI_Wtime();
-  for (TimeStamp current = from; current < to; current += blockSize) {
-    // wait
-    waiter.waitUntil( current + maxDelay_ts );
-    // read
-    double bs = MPI_Wtime();
-    copy(current, current + blockSize);
-    totalwait += MPI_Wtime() - bs;
-    totalnr++;
-    if (bs - lastreport > 1.0) {
-      double mbps = (sizeof(T) * blockSize * beamlets.size() * 8) / (totalwait/totalnr) / 1e6;
-      lastreport = bs;
-      totalwait = 0.0;
-      totalnr = 0;
-      LOG_INFO_STR("Reading speed: " << mbps << " Mbit/s");
-    }
-  }
-  LOG_INFO("Done reading data");
-template<typename T> void SampleBufferReader<T>::copy( const TimeStamp &from, const TimeStamp &to )
-  ASSERT( from < to );
-  ASSERT( to - from < (int64)buffer.nrSamples );
-  const unsigned nrBoards = buffer.flags.size();
-#if 0
-  // check whether there is any data at all
-  bool data = false;
-  for (unsigned b = 0; b < nrBoards; ++b)
-    if (buffer.flags[b].anythingBetween(from, to)) {
-      data = true;
-      break;
-    }
-  if (!data) {
-    copyNothing(from, to);
-    return;
-  }
-  // copy the beamlets
-  size_t from_offset = (int64)from % buffer.nrSamples;
-  size_t to_offset   = (int64)to % buffer.nrSamples;
-  if (to_offset == 0)
-    to_offset = buffer.nrSamples;
-  // wrap > 0 if we need to wrap around the end of the buffer
-  size_t wrap         = from_offset < to_offset ? 0 : buffer.nrSamples - from_offset;
-  copyStart(from, to, wrap);
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < beamlets.size(); ++i) {
-    unsigned nr = beamlets[i];
-    const T* origin = &buffer.beamlets[nr][0];
-    if (wrap > 0) {
-      copyBeamlet( nr, 0, from, origin + from_offset, wrap );
-      copyBeamlet( nr, 1, from, origin,               to_offset );
-    } else {
-      copyBeamlet( nr, 0, from, origin + from_offset, to_offset - from_offset );
-    }
-  }
-  // copy the flags
-  for (unsigned b = 0; b < nrBoards; ++b)
-    copyFlags( b, buffer.flags[b].sparseSet(from, to).invert(from, to) );
-  copyEnd();
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleType.h b/RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleType.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 954686cba8148c5379a832c9a040073c9efa3aa2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/SampleType.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __SAMPLETYPE__
-#define __SAMPLETYPE__
-#include <ostream>
-#include <Common/LofarTypes.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-template<typename T> struct SampleType {
-  T x, y;
-template struct SampleType<i16complex>;
-template struct SampleType<i8complex>;
-template struct SampleType<i4complex>;
-template<typename T> std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &str, const struct SampleType<T> &sample)
-  str << "(" << sample.x.real() << " + " << sample.x.imag() << "i, " << sample.y.real() << " + " << sample.y.imag() << "i)";
-  return str;
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/SharedMemory.h b/RTCP/InputProc/src/SharedMemory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c5e4a299e174732a40dbeaa00febb7d49e1cdcb7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/SharedMemory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#include <Common/Exception.h>
-#include <Interface/Allocator.h>
-#include <sys/ipc.h>
-#include <sys/shm.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
- * A memory region manager for shared memory, to be used by
- * allocators defined in Interface/Allocator.h
- */
-class SharedMemoryArena: public FixedArena {
-  EXCEPTION_CLASS(TimeOutException, LOFAR::Exception);
-  enum Mode {
-    CREATE,
-    READ,
-  };
-  /* Create a shared memory region, or attach to an existing one. The timeout
-   * specifies how long the constructor will wait for the memory region to
-   * appear if mode == READ or mode == READWRITE.
-   */
-  SharedMemoryArena( key_t key, size_t size, Mode mode = CREATE, time_t timeout = 60 );
-  ~SharedMemoryArena();
-  template <typename T> T* ptr( size_t offset = 0 ) const {
-    return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(itsBegin) + offset);
-  }
-  const key_t key;
-  const Mode mode;
-  int shmid;
- * Provides an interface for any struct stored as a shared memory region.
- */
-template<typename T> class SharedStruct {
-  SharedStruct( key_t key, bool create = false, time_t timeout = 60 );
-  T &get() {
-    return *data.ptr<T>();
-  }
-  T &get() const {
-    return *data.ptr<T>();
-  }
-  SharedMemoryArena data;
-  SharedStruct( const SharedStruct & );
-  SharedStruct &operator=( const SharedStruct & );
-template<typename T> SharedStruct<T>::SharedStruct( key_t key, bool create, time_t timeout )
-  data(key, sizeof(T), create ? SharedMemoryArena::CREATE : SharedMemoryArena::READWRITE, timeout)
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/StationID.cc b/RTCP/InputProc/src/StationID.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index fd601494077a0c0b83225eeda6c2596261348538..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/StationID.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include "StationID.h"
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstring>
-static size_t strnlen( const char *s, size_t maxlen )
-  size_t len = 0;
-  for(; *s && len < maxlen; ++s)
-    ++len;
-  return len;
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-StationID::StationID( const std::string &stationName, const std::string &antennaField, unsigned clock, unsigned bitmode)
-  clock(clock),
-  bitmode(bitmode)
-  ASSERTSTR( stationName.size() < sizeof this->stationName, "Station name longer than " << (sizeof this->stationName - 1) << " characters.");
-  ASSERTSTR( antennaField.size() < sizeof this->antennaField, "Antenna-set name longer than " << (sizeof this->antennaField - 1) << " characters.");
-  snprintf(this->stationName, sizeof this->stationName, "%s", stationName.c_str());
-  snprintf(this->antennaField, sizeof this->antennaField, "%s", antennaField.c_str());
-bool StationID::operator==(const struct StationID &other) const {
-  return !strncmp(stationName, other.stationName, sizeof stationName)
-      && !strncmp(antennaField, other.antennaField, sizeof antennaField)
-      && clock == other.clock
-      && bitmode == other.bitmode;
-bool StationID::operator!=(const struct StationID &other) const {
-  return !(*this == other);
-uint32 StationID::hash() const {
-  // convert to 32 bit value (human-readable in hexadecimal):
-  //
-  //
-  // 0x0106020F
-  //   \__||\||
-  //      || |\_ bitmode:       F  = 16-bit, 8 = 8-bit, 4 = 4-bit
-  //      || \__ clock:         20 = 200 MHz, 16 = 160 MHz
-  //      |\____ antenna field: 0 = HBA/HBA0/LBA, 1 = HBA1
-  //      \_____ station ID:    0x0106 = RS106
-  uint32 stationNr = 0;
-  const std::string stationNameStr(stationName, strnlen(stationName, sizeof stationName));
-  const std::string antennaFieldStr(antennaField, strnlen(antennaField, sizeof antennaField));
-  for(std::string::const_iterator c = stationNameStr.begin(); c != stationNameStr.end(); ++c)
-    if(*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')
-      stationNr = stationNr * 16 + (*c - '0');
-  uint32 antennaFieldNr = 0;
-  if (antennaFieldStr == "HBA1")
-    antennaFieldNr = 1;
-  else
-    antennaFieldNr = 0;
-  // make sure everything fits
-  ASSERT( stationNr    < (1L << 16) );
-  ASSERT( antennaFieldNr < (1L << 4)  );
-  ASSERT( clock/1000000 == 200 || clock/1000000 == 160 );
-  ASSERT( bitmode == 4 || bitmode == 8 || bitmode == 16 );
-  // derive the hash
-  unsigned clockNr = clock/1000000 == 200 ? 0x20 : 0x16;
-  unsigned bitmodeNr = bitmode == 16 ? 0xF : bitmode;
-  return (stationNr << 16) + (antennaFieldNr << 12) + (clockNr << 4) + bitmodeNr;
-std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const struct StationID &s ) {
-  str << "station " << s.stationName << " antenna field " << s.antennaField << " clock " << s.clock/1000000 << " bitmode " << s.bitmode;
-  return str;
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/src/StationID.h b/RTCP/InputProc/src/StationID.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4509bd08a4f8c0ac76f33ff1fcd8c4d7d84136db..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/src/StationID.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __STATIONID__
-#define __STATIONID__
-#include <Common/LofarTypes.h>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <string>
-namespace LOFAR {
-namespace RTCP {
-struct StationID {
-  char stationName[64];
-  char antennaField[64];
-  unsigned clock;
-  unsigned bitmode;
-  StationID( const std::string &stationName = "", const std::string &antennaField = "", unsigned clock = 200 * 1000 * 1000, unsigned bitmode = 16);
-  bool operator==(const struct StationID &other) const;
-  bool operator!=(const struct StationID &other) const;
-  uint32 hash() const;
-std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &str, const struct StationID &s );
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/test/CMakeLists.txt b/RTCP/InputProc/test/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 557f5d27feb72e3d868aabbfba7967d8f9871e4e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: CMakeLists.txt 13414 2009-06-16 22:15:37Z loose $
-# Add project's source directory to -I path.
-lofar_add_test(tGenerator tGenerator.cc)
-lofar_add_test(tRSPTimeStamp2 tRSPTimeStamp2.cc)
-lofar_add_test(tRanges tRanges.cc)
-lofar_add_test(tSampleBuffer tSampleBuffer.cc)
-lofar_add_test(tSharedMemory tSharedMemory.cc)
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/test/tGenerator.cc b/RTCP/InputProc/test/tGenerator.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f53bb97cdcf6f93ad7561c0b7088e5c176412b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/test/tGenerator.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include "Generator.h"
-#include "PacketReader.h"
-#include "OMPThread.h"
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "omp.h"
-using namespace LOFAR;
-using namespace RTCP;
-using namespace std;
-// Duration of the test (seconds)
-#define DURATION 2
-// The number of packets to transmit (note: there are 16 time samples/packet)
-#define NUMPACKETS (200000000/1024/16)
-int main( int, char **argv ) {
-  INIT_LOGGER( argv[0] );
-  // Don't run forever if communication fails for some reason
-  alarm(10);
-  omp_set_nested(true);
-  omp_set_num_threads(16);
-  OMPThread::init();
-  vector<string> streamDescs(1, "tcp:localhost:54321");
-  unsigned clock = 200 * 1000 * 1000;
-  struct StationID stationID("RS106", "LBA", clock, 16);
-  struct BufferSettings settings;
-  settings.station = stationID;
-  settings.nrBeamlets = 61;
-  settings.nrBoards = 1;
-  settings.nrSamples = (2 * stationID.clock / 1024);// & ~0xFL;
-  settings.nrFlagRanges = 64;
-  settings.dataKey = stationID.hash();
-  Generator g(settings, streamDescs);
-  bool error = false;
-  #pragma omp parallel sections num_threads(2)
-  {
-    #pragma omp section
-    {
-      // Generate packets
-      try {
-        g.process();
-      } catch(Exception &ex) {
-        LOG_ERROR_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-        error = true;
-      }
-    }
-    #pragma omp section
-    { 
-      // Read and verify the generated packets
-      try {
-        PacketReader reader("", streamDescs[0], settings);
-        for(size_t nr = 0; nr < NUMPACKETS; ++nr) {
-          struct RSP packet;
-          if (!reader.readPacket(packet)) {
-            reader.logStatistics();
-            ASSERT(false);
-          }
-        }
-        // We received NUMPACKETS packets, kill the generator
-        g.stop();
-      } catch(Exception &ex) {
-        LOG_ERROR_STR("Caught exception: " << ex);
-        error = true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return error ? 1 : 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/test/tRanges.cc b/RTCP/InputProc/test/tRanges.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index a5d31fb8afe8c097e8070f1385f745ccc89708ad..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/test/tRanges.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include "Ranges.h"
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <vector>
-using namespace LOFAR;
-using namespace RTCP;
-using namespace std;
-int main( int, char **argv ) {
-  INIT_LOGGER( argv[0] );
-  size_t clock = 200 * 1000 * 1000;
-  bool result;
-  {
-    LOG_INFO("Basic tests");
-    vector<char> buf(10 * Ranges::elementSize());
-    Ranges r(&buf[0], buf.size(), clock / 1024, true);
-    result = r.include(10, 20);
-    ASSERT(result);
-    /* r == [10,20) */
-    ASSERT(r.anythingBetween(10, 20));
-    ASSERT(r.anythingBetween(0, 30));
-    ASSERT(r.anythingBetween(0, 15));
-    ASSERT(r.anythingBetween(15, 30));
-    ASSERT(!r.anythingBetween(0, 10));
-    ASSERT(!r.anythingBetween(20, 30));
-    result = r.include(30, 40);
-    ASSERT(result);
-    /* r == [10,20) + [30,40) */
-    SparseSet<int64> s(r.sparseSet(0,100));
-    ASSERT(!s.test(9));
-    ASSERT(s.test(10));
-    ASSERT(s.test(11));
-    ASSERT(s.test(19));
-    ASSERT(!s.test(20));
-    ASSERT(!s.test(29));
-    ASSERT(s.test(30));
-    ASSERT(s.test(31));
-    ASSERT(s.test(39));
-    ASSERT(!s.test(40));
-    SparseSet<int64> s2(r.sparseSet(15,35));
-    ASSERT(!s2.test(14));
-    ASSERT(s2.test(15));
-    ASSERT(s2.test(19));
-    ASSERT(!s2.test(20));
-    ASSERT(!s2.test(29));
-    ASSERT(s2.test(30));
-    ASSERT(s2.test(31));
-    ASSERT(!s2.test(35));
-    r.excludeBefore(35);
-    /* r == [35,40) */
-    ASSERT(!r.anythingBetween(0,35));
-    ASSERT(r.anythingBetween(35,40));
-    ASSERT(!r.anythingBetween(40,100));
-  }
-  return 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/test/tSampleBuffer.cc b/RTCP/InputProc/test/tSampleBuffer.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index ad254869c125c2de3d841ff7c73d7f6e1aadf073..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/test/tSampleBuffer.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include "SampleBuffer.h"
-#include "SampleType.h"
-#include "OMPThread.h"
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include "omp.h"
-using namespace LOFAR;
-using namespace RTCP;
-using namespace std;
-// Duration of the test (seconds)
-#define DURATION 2
-// The number of packets to transmit (note: there are 16 time samples/packet)
-#define NUMPACKETS (200000000/1024/16)
-template<typename T> void test( struct BufferSettings &settings )
-  SampleBuffer< SampleType<T> > buffer_create(settings, true);
-  SampleBuffer< SampleType<T> > buffer_read(settings, false);
-int main( int, char **argv ) {
-  INIT_LOGGER( argv[0] );
-  // Don't run forever if communication fails for some reason
-  alarm(10);
-  omp_set_nested(true);
-  omp_set_num_threads(16);
-  OMPThread::init();
-  unsigned clock = 200 * 1000 * 1000;
-  struct StationID stationID("RS106", "LBA", clock, 16);
-  struct BufferSettings settings;
-  settings.station = stationID;
-  settings.nrBeamlets = 61;
-  settings.nrBoards = 1;
-  settings.nrSamples = (2 * stationID.clock / 1024);// & ~0xFL;
-  settings.nrFlagRanges = 64;
-  settings.dataKey = 0x12345678;
-  LOG_INFO("Test 16-bit complex");
-  test<i16complex>(settings);
-  LOG_INFO("Test 8-bit complex");
-  test<i8complex>(settings);
-  LOG_INFO("Test 4-bit complex");
-  test<i4complex>(settings);
-  return 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/InputProc/test/tSharedMemory.cc b/RTCP/InputProc/test/tSharedMemory.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d6dd0cb4569346ab241d8e27268cd04ed30b105..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RTCP/InputProc/test/tSharedMemory.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#include <lofar_config.h>
-#include "SharedMemory.h"
-#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
-#include <Common/Thread/Thread.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-using namespace LOFAR;
-using namespace RTCP;
-Semaphore semaphore;
-class A {
-  void creator() {
-    sleep(1);
-    SharedMemoryArena m( 0x12345678, 1024, SharedMemoryArena::CREATE, 0 );
-    LOG_INFO("Memory area created");
-    // wait for done
-    semaphore.down();
-  }
-  void reader() {
-    LOG_INFO("Waiting for memory area");
-    SharedMemoryArena m( 0x12345678, 1024, SharedMemoryArena::READ, 2 );
-    LOG_INFO("Memory area attached");
-    // signal done
-    semaphore.up();
-  }
-int main( int, char **argv ) {
-  INIT_LOGGER( argv[0] );
-  /* Create a shared memory region */
-  {
-    LOG_INFO("Create shared memory region");
-    SharedMemoryArena m( 0x12345678, 1024, SharedMemoryArena::CREATE, 0 );
-  }
-  /* Create a shared memory region and access it */
-  {
-    LOG_INFO("Create shared memory region and access it");
-    SharedMemoryArena x( 0x12345678, 1024, SharedMemoryArena::CREATE, 0 );
-    SharedMemoryArena y( 0x12345678, 1024, SharedMemoryArena::READ, 0 );
-  }
-  /* Access a non-existing shared memory region */
-  {
-    LOG_INFO("Access a non-existing shared memory region");
-    bool caught_exception = false;
-    try {
-      SharedMemoryArena y( 0x12345678, 1024, SharedMemoryArena::READ, 0 );
-    } catch(SystemCallException &e) {
-      caught_exception = true;
-    }
-    ASSERT(caught_exception);
-  }
-  /* Access a non-existing shared memory region, with timeout */
-  {
-    LOG_INFO("Access a non-existing shared memory region");
-    bool caught_exception = false;
-    try {
-      SharedMemoryArena y( 0x12345678, 1024, SharedMemoryArena::READ, 1 );
-    } catch(SharedMemoryArena::TimeOutException &e) {
-      caught_exception = true;
-    }
-    ASSERT(caught_exception);
-  }
-  LOG_INFO("Debugging concurrent access");
-  {
-    /* Start reader before creator */
-    A obj;
-    // delayed creation of memory region
-    Thread creator(&obj, &A::creator);
-    // wait for access
-    obj.reader();
-  }
-  /* Check whether memory access works as expected */
-  {
-    LOG_INFO("Checking memory access through SharedStruct");
-    SharedStruct<int> writer( 0x12345678, true, 0 );
-    SharedStruct<int> reader( 0x12345678, false, 0 );
-    writer.get() = 42;
-    ASSERT( reader.get() == 42 );
-  }
-  return 0;
diff --git a/RTCP/Interface/include/Interface/Exceptions.h b/RTCP/Interface/include/Interface/Exceptions.h
index 051e850f67a763a859dde7efb61e1dc2ade20552..2fb85293c67f5c17eee1ab4f92bf7a8d10b49600 100644
--- a/RTCP/Interface/include/Interface/Exceptions.h
+++ b/RTCP/Interface/include/Interface/Exceptions.h
@@ -49,11 +49,6 @@ namespace RTCP {
   EXCEPTION_CLASS(CNProcException, RTCPException);
-  //
-  // This exception will be thrown when an an GPUProc error occurs.
-  //
-  EXCEPTION_CLASS(GPUProcException, RTCPException);
   // This exception will be thrown when an an Storage error occurs.
diff --git a/RTCP/Interface/include/Interface/Parset.h b/RTCP/Interface/include/Interface/Parset.h
index 25f289cc0e7f408d82a3c04395884132d5d812dc..e37409e2438a2ee4c9474a3c48e3ca3d6407db3f 100644
--- a/RTCP/Interface/include/Interface/Parset.h
+++ b/RTCP/Interface/include/Interface/Parset.h
@@ -103,10 +103,9 @@ class Parset: public ParameterSet
     unsigned			nrBaselines() const;
     unsigned			nrCrossPolarisations() const;
     unsigned			clockSpeed() const; // Hz
-    double			subbandBandwidth() const;
+    double			sampleRate() const;
     double			sampleDuration() const;
     unsigned			nrBitsPerSample() const;
-    size_t			nrBytesPerComplexSample() const;
     std::vector<double>		positions() const;
     std::string			positionType() const;
     std::vector<double>		getRefPhaseCentre() const;
@@ -123,8 +122,7 @@ class Parset: public ParameterSet
     unsigned			incoherentStokesNrSubbandsPerFile() const; 
     double			CNintegrationTime() const;
     double			IONintegrationTime() const;
-    unsigned			nrSamplesPerChannel() const;
-    unsigned			nrSamplesPerSubband() const;
+    unsigned			nrSubbandSamples() const;
     unsigned			nrSubbandsPerPset() const; 
     unsigned			nrPhase3StreamsPerPset() const; 
     unsigned			nrHistorySamples() const;
@@ -203,14 +201,14 @@ class Parset: public ParameterSet
     std::string                 beamTarget(unsigned beam) const;
     double                      beamDuration(unsigned beam) const;
-    unsigned			nrTABs(unsigned beam) const;
-    std::vector<unsigned>	nrTABs() const;
-    unsigned			totalNrTABs() const;
-    unsigned			maxNrTABs() const;
+    unsigned			nrPencilBeams(unsigned beam) const;
+    std::vector<unsigned>	nrPencilBeams() const;
+    unsigned			totalNrPencilBeams() const;
+    unsigned			maxNrPencilBeams() const;
     bool                        isCoherent(unsigned beam, unsigned pencil) const;
-    BeamCoordinates		TABs(unsigned beam) const;
+    BeamCoordinates		pencilBeams(unsigned beam) const;
     double			dispersionMeasure(unsigned beam=0,unsigned pencil=0) const;
-    std::vector<std::string>	TABStationList(unsigned beam=0,unsigned pencil=0) const;
+    std::vector<std::string>	pencilBeamStationList(unsigned beam=0,unsigned pencil=0) const;
     std::vector<unsigned>	subbandList() const;
     unsigned			nrSubbands() const;
@@ -270,7 +268,7 @@ private:
     void			checkVectorLength(const std::string &key, unsigned expectedSize) const;
     void			checkInputConsistency() const;
-    std::vector<double>         getTAB(unsigned beam, unsigned pencil) const;
+    std::vector<double>         getPencilBeam(unsigned beam, unsigned pencil) const;
     void			addPosition(string stName);
     double			getTime(const char *name) const;
@@ -322,7 +320,7 @@ public:
     coherentTimeIntFactor( parset.coherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() ),
     incoherentTimeIntFactor( parset.incoherentStokesTimeIntegrationFactor() ),
-    nrBeams( parset.totalNrTABs() ),
+    nrBeams( parset.totalNrPencilBeams() ),
     coherentNrSubbandsPerFile( parset.coherentStokesNrSubbandsPerFile() ),
     incoherentNrSubbandsPerFile( parset.incoherentStokesNrSubbandsPerFile() ),
@@ -457,7 +455,7 @@ private:
     info.stream = 0;
     for (unsigned sap = 0; sap < nrSAPs; sap++) {
-      const unsigned nrBeams = parset.nrTABs(sap);
+      const unsigned nrBeams = parset.nrPencilBeams(sap);
       info.sap = sap;
@@ -695,14 +693,14 @@ inline unsigned Parset::clockSpeed() const
   return getUint32("Observation.sampleClock") * 1000000;
-inline double Parset::subbandBandwidth() const
+inline double Parset::sampleRate() const
   return 1.0 * clockSpeed() / 1024;
 inline double Parset::sampleDuration() const
-  return 1.0 / subbandBandwidth();
+  return 1.0 / sampleRate();
 inline unsigned Parset::dedispersionFFTsize() const
@@ -724,11 +722,6 @@ inline unsigned Parset::nrBitsPerSample() const
-inline size_t Parset::nrBytesPerComplexSample() const
-  return 2 * nrBitsPerSample() / 8;
 inline unsigned Parset::CNintegrationSteps() const
   return getUint32("OLAP.CNProc.integrationSteps");
@@ -872,7 +865,7 @@ inline bool Parset::checkFakeInputData() const
 inline double Parset::CNintegrationTime() const
-  return nrSamplesPerSubband() / subbandBandwidth();
+  return nrSubbandSamples() / sampleRate();
 inline double Parset::IONintegrationTime() const
@@ -880,14 +873,9 @@ inline double Parset::IONintegrationTime() const
   return CNintegrationTime() * IONintegrationSteps();
-inline unsigned Parset::nrSamplesPerChannel() const
-  return CNintegrationSteps();
-inline unsigned Parset::nrSamplesPerSubband() const
+inline unsigned Parset::nrSubbandSamples() const
-  return nrSamplesPerChannel() * nrChannelsPerSubband();
+  return CNintegrationSteps() * nrChannelsPerSubband();
 inline unsigned Parset::nrHistorySamples() const
@@ -897,17 +885,17 @@ inline unsigned Parset::nrHistorySamples() const
 inline unsigned Parset::nrSamplesToCNProc() const
-  return nrSamplesPerSubband() + nrHistorySamples() + 32 / (NR_POLARIZATIONS * 2 * nrBitsPerSample() / 8);
+  return nrSubbandSamples() + nrHistorySamples() + 32 / (NR_POLARIZATIONS * 2 * nrBitsPerSample() / 8);
 inline unsigned Parset::inputBufferSize() const
-  return (unsigned) (getDouble("OLAP.nrSecondsOfBuffer") * subbandBandwidth());
+  return (unsigned) (getDouble("OLAP.nrSecondsOfBuffer") * sampleRate());
 inline unsigned Parset::maxNetworkDelay() const
-  return (unsigned) (getDouble("OLAP.maxNetworkDelay") * subbandBandwidth());
+  return (unsigned) (getDouble("OLAP.maxNetworkDelay") * sampleRate());
 inline unsigned Parset::nrSubbandsPerPset() const
@@ -982,7 +970,7 @@ inline std::vector<unsigned> Parset::subbandToSAPmapping() const
 inline double Parset::channelWidth() const
-  return subbandBandwidth() / nrChannelsPerSubband();
+  return sampleRate() / nrChannelsPerSubband();
 inline bool Parset::delayCompensation() const
@@ -1092,7 +1080,7 @@ inline double Parset::channel0Frequency(size_t subband) const
   // if the 2nd PPF is used, the subband is shifted half a channel
   // downwards, so subtracting half a subband results in the
   // center of channel 0 (instead of the bottom).
-  return sbFreq - 0.5 * subbandBandwidth();
+  return sbFreq - 0.5 * sampleRate();
 inline unsigned Parset::nrSlotsInFrame() const
@@ -1119,43 +1107,43 @@ inline bool Parset::realTime() const
   return getBool("OLAP.realTime");
-inline unsigned Parset::nrTABs(unsigned beam) const
+inline unsigned Parset::nrPencilBeams(unsigned beam) const
   using boost::format;
   return getUint32(str(format("Observation.Beam[%u].nrTiedArrayBeams") % beam));
-inline std::vector<unsigned> Parset::nrTABs() const
+inline std::vector<unsigned> Parset::nrPencilBeams() const
   std::vector<unsigned> counts(nrBeams());
   for (unsigned beam = 0; beam < nrBeams(); beam++)
-    counts[beam] = nrTABs(beam);
+    counts[beam] = nrPencilBeams(beam);
   return counts;
-inline unsigned Parset::totalNrTABs() const
+inline unsigned Parset::totalNrPencilBeams() const
-  std::vector<unsigned> beams = nrTABs();
+  std::vector<unsigned> beams = nrPencilBeams();
   return std::accumulate(beams.begin(), beams.end(), 0);
-inline unsigned Parset::maxNrTABs() const
+inline unsigned Parset::maxNrPencilBeams() const
-  std::vector<unsigned> beams = nrTABs();
+  std::vector<unsigned> beams = nrPencilBeams();
   return *std::max_element(beams.begin(), beams.end());
-inline BeamCoordinates Parset::TABs(unsigned beam) const
+inline BeamCoordinates Parset::pencilBeams(unsigned beam) const
   BeamCoordinates coordinates;
-  for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < nrTABs(beam); pencil ++) {
-    const std::vector<double> coords = getTAB(beam, pencil);
+  for (unsigned pencil = 0; pencil < nrPencilBeams(beam); pencil ++) {
+    const std::vector<double> coords = getPencilBeam(beam, pencil);
     // assume ra,dec
     coordinates += BeamCoord3D(coords[0],coords[1]);
diff --git a/RTCP/Interface/src/Parset.cc b/RTCP/Interface/src/Parset.cc
index 48718807f5235601544171ede6a52ad837f76601..7832c6949630153d0778d8ec7689e3140a0de6f9 100644
--- a/RTCP/Interface/src/Parset.cc
+++ b/RTCP/Interface/src/Parset.cc
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ std::vector<double> Parset::subbandToFrequencyMapping() const
   std::vector<double>   subbandFreqs(subbandIds.size());
   for (unsigned subband = 0; subband < subbandIds.size(); subband ++)
-    subbandFreqs[subband] = subbandBandwidth() * (subbandIds[subband] + subbandOffset);
+    subbandFreqs[subband] = sampleRate() * (subbandIds[subband] + subbandOffset);
   return subbandFreqs;
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ double Parset::beamDuration(unsigned beam) const
-std::vector<double> Parset::getTAB(unsigned beam, unsigned pencil) const
+std::vector<double> Parset::getPencilBeam(unsigned beam, unsigned pencil) const
   std::vector<double> pencilBeam(2);
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ double Parset::dispersionMeasure(unsigned beam, unsigned pencil) const
-std::vector<string> Parset::TABStationList(unsigned beam, unsigned pencil) const
+std::vector<string> Parset::pencilBeamStationList(unsigned beam, unsigned pencil) const
   string key = str(boost::format("Observation.Beam[%u].TiedArrayBeam[%u].stationList") % beam % pencil);
   std::vector<string> stations;
diff --git a/RTCP/Interface/src/Stream.cc b/RTCP/Interface/src/Stream.cc
index 26641e86d76608f1697615b0ad4b81faba6c8c56..07b9225e38801768765d0a0d4ad07c268b9b8524 100644
--- a/RTCP/Interface/src/Stream.cc
+++ b/RTCP/Interface/src/Stream.cc
@@ -57,18 +57,18 @@ Stream *createStream(const string &descriptor, bool asServer, time_t deadline)
   if (descriptor == "null:")
     return new NullStream;
   else if (split.size() == 3 && split[0] == "udp")
-    return new SocketStream(split[1].c_str(), boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(split[2]), SocketStream::UDP, asServer ? SocketStream::Server : SocketStream::Client, deadline);
+    return new SocketStream(split[1].c_str(), boost::lexical_cast<short>(split[2]), SocketStream::UDP, asServer ? SocketStream::Server : SocketStream::Client, deadline);
   else if (split.size() == 3 && split[0] == "tcp")
-    return new SocketStream(split[1].c_str(), boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(split[2]), SocketStream::TCP, asServer ? SocketStream::Server : SocketStream::Client, deadline);
+    return new SocketStream(split[1].c_str(), boost::lexical_cast<short>(split[2]), SocketStream::TCP, asServer ? SocketStream::Server : SocketStream::Client, deadline);
   else if (split.size() == 3 && split[0] == "udpkey")
     return new SocketStream(split[1].c_str(), 0, SocketStream::UDP, asServer ? SocketStream::Server : SocketStream::Client, deadline, split[2].c_str());
 #ifdef USE_THREADS    
   else if (split.size() == 4 && split[0] == "tcpbroker") 
-    return asServer ? static_cast<Stream*>(new PortBroker::ServerStream(split[3])) : static_cast<Stream*>(new PortBroker::ClientStream(split[1], boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(split[2]), split[3]));
+    return asServer ? static_cast<Stream*>(new PortBroker::ServerStream(split[3])) : static_cast<Stream*>(new PortBroker::ClientStream(split[1], boost::lexical_cast<short>(split[2]), split[3]));
   else if (split.size() == 3 && split[0] == "tcpkey")
-    return new SocketStream(split[1].c_str(), 0, SocketStream::TCP, asServer ? SocketStream::Server : SocketStream::Client, 30000, split[2].c_str());
+    return new SocketStream(split[1].c_str(), 0, SocketStream::TCP, asServer ? SocketStream::Server : SocketStream::Client, deadline, split[2].c_str());
     return new SocketStream(split[1].c_str(), 0, SocketStream::TCP, asServer ? SocketStream::Server : SocketStream::Client, deadline, split[2].c_str());
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Stream *createStream(const string &descriptor, bool asServer, time_t deadline)
   else if (split.size() == 2 && split[0] == "pipe")
     return new NamedPipeStream(split[1].c_str(), asServer);
   else if (split.size() == 2)
-    return new SocketStream(split[0].c_str(), boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(split[1]), SocketStream::UDP, asServer ? SocketStream::Server : SocketStream::Client, deadline);
+    return new SocketStream(split[0].c_str(), boost::lexical_cast<short>(split[1]), SocketStream::UDP, asServer ? SocketStream::Server : SocketStream::Client, deadline);
   else if (split.size() == 1)
     return asServer ? new FileStream(split[0].c_str()) : new FileStream(split[0].c_str(), 0666);
diff --git a/RTCP/Storage/src/MSWriterDAL.cc b/RTCP/Storage/src/MSWriterDAL.cc
index 55ca2283b69b7bfafaace70c953558befec7f5a3..8fd73561f7cf5c18a65518ffc7732dfcdd267f9f 100644
--- a/RTCP/Storage/src/MSWriterDAL.cc
+++ b/RTCP/Storage/src/MSWriterDAL.cc
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ namespace LOFAR
       file.observationNofStations().value = parset.nrStations(); // TODO: SS beamformer?
       file.observationStationsList().value = parset.allStationNames(); // TODO: SS beamformer?
-      double subbandBandwidth = parset.subbandBandwidth();
+      double subbandBandwidth = parset.sampleRate();
       double channelBandwidth = parset.channelWidth();
       // if PPF is used, the frequencies are shifted down by half a channel
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ namespace LOFAR
       sap.pointDEC().value     = beamDir[1] * 180.0 / M_PI;
       sap.pointDECUnit().value = "deg";
-      sap.observationNofBeams().value = parset.nrTABs(sapNr);
+      sap.observationNofBeams().value = parset.nrPencilBeams(sapNr);
       sap.nofBeams()           .value = 1;
       BF_ProcessingHistory sapHistory = sap.processHistory();
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ namespace LOFAR
       beam.groupType()         .value = "Beam";
-      vector<string> beamStationList = parset.TABStationList(sapNr, beamNr);
+      vector<string> beamStationList = parset.pencilBeamStationList(sapNr, beamNr);
       beam.nofStations() .value = beamStationList.size();
       beam.stationsList().value = beamStationList;
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ namespace LOFAR
       beam.targets()     .value = beamtargets;
       beam.tracking().value     = parset.getBeamDirectionType(sapNr);
-      BeamCoordinates pbeamDirs = parset.TABs(sapNr);
+      BeamCoordinates pbeamDirs = parset.pencilBeams(sapNr);
       BeamCoord3D pbeamDir = pbeamDirs[beamNr];
       beam.pointRA()           .value = (beamDir[0] + pbeamDir[0]) * 180.0 / M_PI;
       beam.pointRAUnit()       .value = "deg";
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ namespace LOFAR
       beam.beamDiameterDECUnit().value = "arcmin";
       beam.nofSamples()        .value = itsNrSamples * nrBlocks;
-      beam.samplingRate()      .value = parset.subbandBandwidth() / parset.nrChannelsPerSubband() / itsInfo.timeIntFactor;
+      beam.samplingRate()      .value = parset.sampleRate() / parset.nrChannelsPerSubband() / itsInfo.timeIntFactor;
       beam.samplingRateUnit()  .value = "Hz";
       beam.samplingTime()      .value = parset.sampleDuration() * parset.nrChannelsPerSubband() * itsInfo.timeIntFactor;
       beam.samplingTimeUnit()  .value = "s";
diff --git a/RTCP/Storage/src/TBB_Writer.cc b/RTCP/Storage/src/TBB_Writer.cc
index 6b619781a1ca91859c581deeff0c68c80f629d57..59cfb3ca79cc25bab4f0e1c6866f7661e736103f 100644
--- a/RTCP/Storage/src/TBB_Writer.cc
+++ b/RTCP/Storage/src/TBB_Writer.cc
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ void TBB_Station::initCommonLofarAttributes() {
 	double max_centerfrequency = *max_element( subbandCenterFrequencies.begin(), subbandCenterFrequencies.end() );
 	double sum_centerfrequencies = accumulate( subbandCenterFrequencies.begin(), subbandCenterFrequencies.end(), 0.0 );
-	double subbandBandwidth = itsParset.subbandBandwidth();
+	double subbandBandwidth = itsParset.sampleRate();
 	itsH5File.observationFrequencyMax()   .value = (max_centerfrequency + subbandBandwidth / 2) / 1e6;
 	itsH5File.observationFrequencyMin()   .value = (min_centerfrequency - subbandBandwidth / 2) / 1e6;
diff --git a/RTCP/Storage/test/tMSWriterCorrelated.stdout b/RTCP/Storage/test/tMSWriterCorrelated.stdout
index 4672275cebf5911a3ceca25466791550a1a785b0..77c9cda00e77af10d6d3fa38233df2dfca3a8b7f 100644
--- a/RTCP/Storage/test/tMSWriterCorrelated.stdout
+++ b/RTCP/Storage/test/tMSWriterCorrelated.stdout
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
     select result of 1 rows
 1 selected columns:  Col_1
 Axis Lengths: [1, 96]  (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order)
-[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
diff --git a/SAS/OTB/OTB-distribution/pom.xml b/SAS/OTB/OTB-distribution/pom.xml
index cfb00e4b94a876fdbd95704e76aa329b3ad6cf33..3665e8d40263b08ffb6e29cebc1c8461405e14b6 100644
--- a/SAS/OTB/OTB-distribution/pom.xml
+++ b/SAS/OTB/OTB-distribution/pom.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-    <version>1.10.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>1.9.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/SAS/OTB/OTB/pom.xml b/SAS/OTB/OTB/pom.xml
index 1869d2be62c1571773a2925979b5fc9442bca519..37b3da590294bf8d5cf85ae797dfa656e07a6ac9 100644
--- a/SAS/OTB/OTB/pom.xml
+++ b/SAS/OTB/OTB/pom.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-    <version>1.10.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>1.9.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/SAS/OTB/RSP/pom.xml b/SAS/OTB/RSP/pom.xml
index 28ec938f56db8fc9f3873ccad0ffd52b6a03fb11..9e55dcf79046eb74754c5037a48744dba0ffeeb1 100644
--- a/SAS/OTB/RSP/pom.xml
+++ b/SAS/OTB/RSP/pom.xml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-    <version>1.10.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>1.9.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/SAS/OTB/jOTDB3/pom.xml b/SAS/OTB/jOTDB3/pom.xml
index 061085a8470d367a16864a68b52160dbd0cd5d5a..15834064675d6af0257493c5a064c2d021047fd8 100644
--- a/SAS/OTB/jOTDB3/pom.xml
+++ b/SAS/OTB/jOTDB3/pom.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-    <version>1.10.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>1.9.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/SAS/OTB/jParmFacade/pom.xml b/SAS/OTB/jParmFacade/pom.xml
index dea6cf3903e3f03ac9574e70995b206918df470c..c8cb69a7bcb55ebb559bfd7a9ec4841765025dda 100644
--- a/SAS/OTB/jParmFacade/pom.xml
+++ b/SAS/OTB/jParmFacade/pom.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-    <version>1.10.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>1.9.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/SAS/OTB/jRSP/pom.xml b/SAS/OTB/jRSP/pom.xml
index 8a72f85fc170caa3266d67c98d52dbbd7b4d29e1..78c48be92c148dddfb688082d08d0239913b9572 100644
--- a/SAS/OTB/jRSP/pom.xml
+++ b/SAS/OTB/jRSP/pom.xml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-    <version>1.10.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>1.9.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/SAS/OTB/pom.xml b/SAS/OTB/pom.xml
index 45775c4a89ed2ca194f5822ff0a6ba387c8f1eac..a112d722252a4dcd2cb3ada875e39ba516ba7abb 100644
--- a/SAS/OTB/pom.xml
+++ b/SAS/OTB/pom.xml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-  <version>1.10.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+  <version>1.9.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/bin/copyTree.py b/SAS/OTDB/bin/copyTree.py
index 6dd2fb7316d9c6ed87b56b649c2a2d2e9c5bb39d..fec00c366e69fb5ddd288e9b19392ec7a88d9d6b 100755
--- a/SAS/OTDB/bin/copyTree.py
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/bin/copyTree.py
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ def copyVICtree(treeID):
         newNodeIDmap[node['nodeid']] = newNodeID
         if node['value'] == None:
             node['value'] = ''
-        print "%s = %s (id:%d -> %d)" % (node['name'], node['value'][0:30], node['nodeid'], newNodeID)
         query = "insert into VIChierarchy(treeid,nodeid,parentID,paramRefID,name,index,leaf,value) \
           values (%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s',%d,'%s','%s')" %  \
           (treeID, newNodeID, newNodeIDmap[node['parentid']], compIDmap[node['paramrefid']], \
            node['name'], node['index'], node['leaf'], node['value'])
         dummy = toDB.query(query)
+        print "%s = %s (id:%d -> %d)" % (node['name'], node['value'][0:30], node['nodeid'], newNodeID)
     # Finally copy the parameters
     fromParList = fromDB.query("select * from VIChierarchy where treeid=%d and leaf='true' order by nodeid" % treeID).dictresult()
@@ -40,55 +40,13 @@ def copyVICtree(treeID):
         newNodeIDmap[par['nodeid']] = newNodeID
         if par['value'] == None:
             par['value'] = ''
-        print "%s = %s (id:%d -> %d)" % (par['name'], par['value'][0:30], par['nodeid'], newNodeID)
         query = "insert into VIChierarchy(treeid,nodeid,parentID,paramRefID,name,index,leaf,value) \
           values (%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s',%d,'%s','%s')" %  \
           (treeID, newNodeID, newNodeIDmap[par['parentid']], parIDmap[par['paramrefid']], \
            par['name'], par['index'], par['leaf'], par['value'])
         dummy = toDB.query(query)
+        print "%s = %s (id:%d -> %d)" % (par['name'], par['value'][0:30], par['nodeid'], newNodeID)
-# copyTemplateTree(treeID)
-def copyTemplateTree(treeID):
-    """
-    Copy the Template tree by first copying the nodes and then the parameters.
-    """
-    # Unfortunately there are no suitable stored procedures for the functionality we need.
-    # First copy all nodes in order of original creation so the parentID can be set in the new DB
-    fromNodeList = fromDB.query("select * from VICtemplate where treeid=%d and leaf='false' order by nodeid" % treeID).dictresult()
-    print "Found %d nodes in the tree" % len(fromNodeList)
-    newNodeIDmap = {}
-    newNodeIDmap[0] = 0
-    for node in fromNodeList:
-        # copy node
-        newNodeID = toDB.query("select * from nextval('VICtemplateID')").getresult()[0][0]
-        newNodeIDmap[node['nodeid']] = newNodeID
-        if node['limits'] == None:
-            node['limits'] = ''
-        print "%s = %s (id:%d -> %d)" % (node['name'], node['limits'][0:30], node['nodeid'], newNodeID)
-        query = "insert into VICtemplate(treeid,nodeid,parentID,originID,name,index,leaf,instances,limits) \
-          values (%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s',%d,'%s',%d,'%s')" %  \
-          (treeID, newNodeID, newNodeIDmap[node['parentid']], compIDmap[node['originid']], \
-           node['name'], node['index'], node['leaf'], node['instances'], node['limits'])
-        dummy = toDB.query(query)
-    # Finally copy the parameters
-    fromParList = fromDB.query("select * from VICtemplate where treeid=%d and leaf='true' order by nodeid" % treeID).dictresult()
-    print "Found %d parameters in the tree" % len(fromParList)
-    for par in fromParList:
-        # copy parameter
-        newNodeID = toDB.query("select * from nextval('VICtemplateID')").getresult()[0][0]
-        newNodeIDmap[par['nodeid']] = newNodeID
-        if par['limits'] == None:
-            par['limits'] = ''
-        print "%s = %s (id:%d -> %d)" % (par['name'], par['limits'][0:30], par['nodeid'], newNodeID)
-        query = "insert into VICtemplate(treeid,nodeid,parentID,originID,name,index,leaf,instances,limits) \
-          values (%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s',%d,'%s',%d,'%s')" %  \
-          (treeID, newNodeID, newNodeIDmap[par['parentid']], parIDmap[par['originid']], \
-           par['name'], par['index'], par['leaf'], par['instances'], par['limits'])
-        dummy = toDB.query(query)
@@ -100,69 +58,20 @@ def copyTreeMetaData(treeID, campID):
     # First create the tree. Unfortunately there are no suitable stored procedures to do this in a nice way...
 	# TODO: Funerable in the current implementation are groupid and pt+pst+strategy
-    #       The name is always left empty so we cannot accidently create a default template
+    #       the name is always left empty so we cannot accidently create a default template
     fromTree = fromDB.query("select * from otdbtree where treeid=%d" % treeID).dictresult()[0]
-    query = ''
-    if fromTree['treetype'] == '20':
-      query = "insert into otdbtree(treeid,momid,originid,classif,treetype,state,creator, \
+    query = "insert into otdbtree(treeid,momid,originid,classif,treetype,state,creator, \
       campaign,starttime,stoptime,owner,description,groupid,processtype,processsubtype,strategy) values \
       (%d,%d,0,%d::int2,%d::int2,%d::int2,%d,%d::int2,'%s','%s',%d,'%s',%d,'%s','%s','%s')" %  \
       (treeID, fromTree['momid'], fromTree['classif'], fromTree['treetype'], fromTree['state'],  \
       fromTree['creator'], campID, fromTree['starttime'], fromTree['stoptime'],  \
       fromTree['owner'], fromTree['description'], fromTree['groupid'],  \
       fromTree['processtype'], fromTree['processsubtype'], fromTree['strategy'])
-    else:
-      query = "insert into otdbtree(treeid,momid,originid,classif,treetype,state,creator, \
-      campaign,owner,description,groupid,processtype,processsubtype,strategy) values \
-      (%d,%d,0,%d::int2,%d::int2,%d::int2,%d,%d::int2,%d,'%s',%d,'%s','%s','%s')" %  \
-      (treeID, fromTree['momid'], fromTree['classif'], fromTree['treetype'], fromTree['state'],  \
-      fromTree['creator'], campID, \
-      fromTree['owner'], fromTree['description'], fromTree['groupid'],  \
-      fromTree['processtype'], fromTree['processsubtype'], fromTree['strategy'])
-    print query
     result = toDB.query(query)  # void function
     print "Created metadata for tree %d" % treeID
-# copyStateHistory(treeID)
-def copyStateHistory(treeID):
-    """
-    Copy the state-history of the tree.
-    """
-    # Unfortunately there are no suitable stored procedures to do this in a nice way...
-    fromStateList = fromDB.query("select * from statehistory where treeid=%d" % treeID).dictresult()
-    for fromState in fromStateList:
-        # copy state
-        query = "insert into StateHistory(treeID,momID,state,userID,timestamp) values \
-          (%d,%d,%d::int2,%d,'%s')" %  \
-          (treeID, fromState['momid'], fromState['state'], fromState['userid'], fromState['timestamp'])
-        result = toDB.query(query)  # void function
-    print "Copied state-history for tree %d" % treeID
-    return
-# copyVICkvt(treeID)
-def copyVICkvt(treeID):
-    """
-    Copy the key-value information of this tree.
-    """
-    # Unfortunately there are no suitable stored procedures to do this in a nice way...
-    fromKvtList = fromDB.query("select * from vickvt where treeid=%d" % treeID).dictresult()
-    for fromkvt in fromKvtList:
-        # copy kvt
-        query = "insert into vickvt(treeID,paramname,value,time) values \
-          (%d,'%s','%s','%s')" %  \
-          (treeID, fromkvt['paramname'], fromkvt['value'], fromkvt['timestamp'])
-        result = toDB.query(query)  # void function
-    print "Copied key-value information for tree %d" % treeID
-    return
 # checkCampaign(campaignName) : newCampaignID
@@ -179,7 +88,7 @@ def	checkCampaign(campaignName):
         print "Campaign '%s' already exists (id=%d)" % (fromCamp['name'], toCamp[0]['id'])
         return toCamp[0]['id']
-        newID = toDB.query("select * from saveCampaign(0,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % 
+        newID = toDB.query("select * from saveCampaign(0,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" %
         print "Campaign '%s' copied (id=%d) => %d" % (fromCamp['name'], fromCamp['id'], newID)
         return newID
@@ -195,7 +104,7 @@ def copyOrMapComponents(version):
     # get all nodes with this version
     nodeList = fromDB.query("select * from getVCNodeList('%%', %d, 'false')" % version).dictresult()
-    print "Found %d components to map" % len(nodeList)
+    print "Found %d components to" % len(nodeList)
     for comp in nodeList:
         newNodeID = toDB.query("select * from saveVCnode(1, %d, '%s', %d, 3::int2, '%s', '%s')" % 
                 (comp['nodeid'], comp['name'], version, comp['constraints'], comp['description'])).getresult()[0][0]
@@ -226,11 +135,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # check syntax of invocation
-    # Expected syntax: copyTree treeID fromDB toDB
+    # Expected syntax: copyTree momID fromDB toDB
     if (len(sys.argv) != 4):
-        print "Syntax: %s treeID fromDB toDB" % sys.argv[0]
+        print "Syntax: %s MoMID fromDB toDB" % sys.argv[0]
-    treeID     = int(sys.argv[1])
+    momID      = int(sys.argv[1])
     fromDBname = sys.argv[2]
     toDBname   = sys.argv[3]
@@ -241,20 +150,21 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     print "Connected to database", toDBname
     # Check for tree-existance in both databases.
-    fromDBtree = fromDB.query("select * from OTDBtree t INNER JOIN campaign c ON c.ID = t.campaign where treeID=%d" % treeID).dictresult()
-    toDBtree = toDB.query("select * from otdbtree where treeID=%d" % treeID).dictresult()
+    fromDBtree = fromDB.query("select * from gettreelist(0::int2,3::int2,0,'','','') where momid=%d" % momID).dictresult()
+    toDBtree = toDB.query("select * from gettreelist(0::int2,3::int2,0,'','','') where momid=%d" % momID).dictresult()
     if len(fromDBtree) == 0:
-        print "Tree with treeID %d not found in database %s" % (treeID, fromDBname)
+        print "Tree with MoMId %d not found in database %s" % (momID, fromDBname)
     if len(toDBtree) != 0:
-        print "Tree with treeID %d already exists in database %s" % (treeID, toDBname)
+        print "Tree with MoMId %d already exists in database %s" % (momID, toDBname)
         # TODO: implement -f option to copy the tree under a different number.
-    if fromDBtree[0]['treetype'] == 10:	# PIC tree?
+    if fromDBtree[0]['type'] == 10:	# PIC tree?
         print "PIC trees cannot be copied"
     # What's the version of this tree?
+    treeID    = fromDBtree[0]['treeid']
     nodeDefID = fromDB.query("select * from getTopNode(%d)" % treeID).dictresult()[0]
     nodeInfo  = fromDB.query("select * from getVICnodedef(%s)" % nodeDefID['paramdefid']).dictresult()[0]
     version   = nodeInfo['version']
@@ -272,22 +182,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # components are now in the new database for sure and the node and par ID's are in the map dicts.
 	# make sure the campaign exists also
-    print fromDBtree
-    newCampaignID = checkCampaign(fromDBtree[0]['name'])
+    newCampaignID = checkCampaign(fromDBtree[0]['campaign'])
     # TODO: check user table (owner of tree must exist)
     # copy the trees metadata first
     copyTreeMetaData(treeID, newCampaignID)
-    if fromDBtree[0]['treetype'] == 20:	# template?
-        copyTemplateTree(treeID)
+    if fromDBtree[0]['type'] == 20:	# template?
+        print "Copy of template trees is not supported yet"
+        sys.exit(2)
     else:	# type must be 30 (VIC tree)
-    copyStateHistory(treeID)
+    # TODO: copy treeState table also
-    copyVICkvt(treeID)
+    # TODO: copy vickvt table also
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/addComponentToVT_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/addComponentToVT_func.sql
index 18d947d140c77449735de45bab43feed63689fad..dbee0148484fdcb9878004cbf175b61da179ff86 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/addComponentToVT_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/addComponentToVT_func.sql
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vNode		RECORD;
 		vNewNodeID	VICtemplate.nodeID%TYPE;
@@ -79,7 +78,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id$
 	  vFunction  		CONSTANT INT2 := 1;
 	  TTtemplate 		CONSTANT INT2 := 20;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/addKVT_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/addKVT_func.sql
index 986ca0378e7b9c47bc73335b6b1e4f115de1abe5..0e6dfd70609e1d05a01168a42f41225fd08269e2 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/addKVT_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/addKVT_func.sql
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vParRefID	PICparamref.paramID%TYPE;
 		vTime		timestamp := NULL;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/addPICparam_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/addPICparam_func.sql
index 8c3d019c02f469af0f8ca6e41f9b43fd9bcb152a..bd0869f0dbe9140725476f4b50a99c5540dd05c6 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/addPICparam_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/addPICparam_func.sql
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vParRefID	PICparamref.paramID%TYPE;
 		vNodeID		PIChierarchy.nodeID%TYPE;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/addTreeState_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/addTreeState_func.sql
index 0962f9bb1e208461a55df2f20a7022c96ed24a61..f1461a5c5118e88b202193ae725f1ef1c2b548df 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/addTreeState_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/addTreeState_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vTime		timestamp := NULL;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/assignProcessType_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/assignProcessType_func.sql
index 5e7fa8831df684d18051f98c160ff140c5ecfcd5..32cff01089d92d3c1d9f969fe9a18d072f81216c 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/assignProcessType_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/assignProcessType_func.sql
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		TTtemplate  CONSTANT	INT2 := 20;
 		vFunction   CONSTANT	INT2 := 1;
@@ -126,7 +125,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vProcessType		OTDBtree.processType%TYPE;
 		vProcessSubtype		OTDBtree.processSubtype%TYPE;
@@ -171,7 +169,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vResult			    TEXT := '';
 		vPrefix     		TEXT;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/buildTemplateTree_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/buildTemplateTree_func.sql
index 93dd697172ec99545d9e21255ea781cfda780924..d653b1e3fd0c64566902c0c9c2567f861e9d366a 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/buildTemplateTree_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/buildTemplateTree_func.sql
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vParam		RECORD;
 		dfltValue	VARCHAR(200);
@@ -88,7 +87,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id$
 		vNode		RECORD;
 		vNewNodeID	VICtemplate.nodeID%TYPE;
@@ -145,7 +143,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id$
 	  vNode				RECORD;
 	  vNodeID			VICnodeDef.nodeID%TYPE;
@@ -199,7 +196,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction   CONSTANT	INT2 := 1;
 		TTtemplate  CONSTANT	INT2 := 20;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/campaignAPI.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/campaignAPI.sql
index a0e30778e946a7862c7b71fdc052f4322535aee7..b7c20cac65537652813a7a7710cee321b9530f82 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/campaignAPI.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/campaignAPI.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
   RETURNS campaignInfo AS '
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vCampaign	RECORD;
@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getCampaign(INT4)
   RETURNS campaignInfo AS '
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vCampaign	RECORD;
@@ -95,7 +93,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getCampaign(VARCHAR(20))
   RETURNS SETOF campaignInfo AS '
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
         vRecord     RECORD;
@@ -124,7 +121,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getCampaignList()
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vID			campaign.ID%TYPE;
 		vName		TEXT;
@@ -191,7 +187,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION saveCampaign(INT4, VARCHAR(30), VARCHAR(100), VARCHAR
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vResult		TEXT := '';
 		vPrefix		TEXT;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/classify_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/classify_func.sql
index f409354f15539770a7afadcfe4beb3ad30175077..3faf53cbf8d6b53061ae2f803198183041d701ab 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/classify_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/classify_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction				INT2 := 1;
 		vTreeID					OTDBtree.treeID%TYPE;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyTree_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyTree_func.sql
index 1a1a5eba896320ed2a82c74390ec603f85ff758f..3561769dfdd949f2a0e6863175472bca76f4d3ad 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyTree_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyTree_func.sql
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction		INT2 := 1;
 		TThardware 		CONSTANT INT2 := 10;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyVHtree_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyVHtree_func.sql
index c9fefab06dea12fa6087ebb87ba4e3ef92becda8..b90b01e1935185c1063a5e9658ebda119c659a15 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyVHtree_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyVHtree_func.sql
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vParam	RECORD;
@@ -74,7 +73,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION copyVHparams(INT4, INT4, INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 		vRow		RECORD;
 		vNewNodeID	VIChierarchy.nodeID%TYPE;
@@ -116,7 +114,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION copyVHleafNode(INT4, INT4, INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 	  vNewNodeID	VIChierarchy.nodeID%TYPE;
 	  vDummy		VIChierarchy.nodeID%TYPE;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyVTtree_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyVTtree_func.sql
index 5713219f3d7ffb7948d23fb6682caccb2bd674f7..295f4d224b817b603e0476bb21124bddb584d595 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyVTtree_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/copyVTtree_func.sql
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vParam	RECORD;
@@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION copyVTparams(INT4, INT4, INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 		vNode		RECORD;
 		vNewNodeID	VICtemplate.nodeID%TYPE;
@@ -125,7 +123,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION copyVTleafNode(INT4, INT4, INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 	  vNewNodeID		VICtemplate.nodeID%TYPE;
 	  vDummy			VICtemplate.nodeID%TYPE;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_PIC_tables.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_PIC_tables.sql
index d64c733a8f51be82aa150beb8c858ab3b582b5e5..b825c8846bdadac806fc2b377f01d3d333f85761 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_PIC_tables.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_PIC_tables.sql
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ DROP INDEX pic_kvt_time;
-    --  $Id$
 	paramID		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('PICparamrefID'),
 	par_type	INT2			REFERENCES param_type(ID),
@@ -81,7 +80,6 @@ CREATE TABLE PICparamref (
 CREATE TABLE PIChierarchy (
-    --  $Id$
 	nodeID		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('PIChierarchID'),
 	parentID	INT4			NOT NULL, --  REFERENCES PIChierachy(nodeID),
@@ -105,7 +103,6 @@ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX PIChierarchy_treeid_nodeid_indx ON PIChierarchy(treeid, node
 -- because in simultaneous observations different PIC reference trees
 -- can be used. A change in value is important for all observations.
-    --  $Id$
 	paramID		INT4			NOT NULL REFERENCES PICparamref(paramID), 
 	value		TEXT			NOT NULL,
 	time		TIMESTAMP		DEFAULT now(),
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_VIC_tables.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_VIC_tables.sql
index b56821521c504943ad19a1de9071b9ca0de44598..a30ca64d58cda4119b593f53d7d31b3dcc5e65fa 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_VIC_tables.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_VIC_tables.sql
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ DROP INDEX VIChierarchy_treeid_nodeid_indx;
-    --  $Id$
 	nodeID		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('VICnodedefID'),
 	name		VARCHAR(40)		NOT NULL,
 	version		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT 010000,
@@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Vnodedef_node_indx ON VICnodedef(nodeID);
-    --  $Id$
 	paramID		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('VICparamdefID'),
 	nodeID		INT4			NOT NULL REFERENCES VICnodedef(nodeID),
 	name		VARCHAR(40)		NOT NULL,
@@ -134,7 +132,6 @@ CREATE TABLE VICparamdef (
-    --  $Id$
 	nodeID		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('VICtemplateID'),
 	parentID	INT4			NOT NULL,  -- REFERENCES VICtemplate(nodeID),
@@ -185,7 +182,6 @@ CREATE INDEX VTempl_treeid_parentid_indx ON VICTemplate(treeid, parentid);
 CREATE TABLE VIChierarchy (
-    --  $Id$
 	nodeID		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('VIChierarchID'),
 	parentID	INT4			NOT NULL, -- REFERENCES VIChierachy(nodeID),
@@ -217,7 +213,6 @@ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX VIChierarchy_treeid_nodeid_indx ON VIChierarchy( treeid, nod
 -- parametername is set to NULL.
-    --  $Id$
 	paramName	VARCHAR(150)	DEFAULT NULL, -- for shared applications
 	value		TEXT			NOT NULL,
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_base_tables.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_base_tables.sql
index 3e204e95382ba36cbd4fed039524a6fcd9842a3d..1882d1088b52a8c2443e11358684e5ed9bdf6249 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_base_tables.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_base_tables.sql
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ DROP TABLE operator 	  CASCADE;
 -- Assigns a level of 'maturity' to a node or tree
 CREATE TABLE classification (
-    --  $Id$
 	name		VARCHAR(15)		NOT NULL,
@@ -58,7 +57,6 @@ INSERT INTO classification VALUES (4, 'example');
 -- Defines the ways the node+parameter constraints can be checked.
 CREATE TABLE constr_type (
-    --  $Id$
 	name		VARCHAR(10)		NOT NULL,
@@ -77,7 +75,6 @@ INSERT INTO constr_type VALUES (3, 'exec');
 -- so that it can check the values that are entered.
 CREATE TABLE param_type (
-    --  $Id$
 	name		VARCHAR(5)		NOT NULL,
@@ -137,7 +134,6 @@ INSERT INTO param_type VALUES (315, 'pdate');
 -- in the param_type table.
 CREATE TABLE pvss_type (
-    --  $Id$
 	name		VARCHAR(5)		NOT NULL REFERENCES param_type(name),
@@ -165,7 +161,6 @@ INSERT INTO pvss_type VALUES (25, 'text');
 -- TODO: Check contents of the table.
 CREATE TABLE validation (
-    --  $Id$
 	name		VARCHAR(10)		NOT NULL,
@@ -186,7 +181,6 @@ INSERT INTO validation VALUES (3, 'resource');
 -- TODO: Extend table with a lot more records.
-    --  $Id$
 	name 		VARCHAR(10)		NOT NULL,
 	label		VARCHAR(5),
@@ -218,7 +212,6 @@ INSERT INTO unit values (15, 'degrees',  'deg', '',			false);
 -- Define the kind of tree the information refers to.
 CREATE TABLE treetype (
-    --  $Id$
 	name		VARCHAR(10)		NOT NULL,
@@ -235,7 +228,6 @@ INSERT INTO treetype VALUES (30, 'VHtree');
 -- Define states for trees that indicate the phase of the
 -- lifecycle the tree is in.
 CREATE TABLE treestate (
-    --  $Id$
 	name		VARCHAR(20)		NOT NULL,
@@ -266,7 +258,6 @@ INSERT INTO treestate VALUES (1200, 'obsolete');
 CREATE TABLE campaign (
-    --  $Id$
 	name		VARCHAR(30)		NOT NULL,
 	title		VARCHAR(100)	NOT NULL,
@@ -285,7 +276,6 @@ INSERT INTO campaign(id, name, title, PI) VALUES (0, 'no campaign', 'not related
 -- Names and ID of the operater allowed to manage the trees.
 CREATE TABLE operator (
-    --  $Id$
 	name		VARCHAR(30)		NOT NULL,
 	telephone	VARCHAR(10)		NOT NULL,
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_event_action.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_event_action.sql
index d168cedea377e631d214d38d5f78440643a9c019..e36431481f5020d511390b6f862104968d4c50a2 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_event_action.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_event_action.sql
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ DROP SEQUENCE	OTDBactionID;
 -- TODO: Check if table contents is complete
 CREATE TABLE eventStatus (
-    --  $Id$
 	status		INT2			NOT NULL,
 	name		VARCHAR(20)		NOT NULL,
@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ INSERT INTO eventStatus VALUES ( 32, 'maintenance');
 -- TODO: Check if table contents is complete
 CREATE TABLE actionStatus (
-    --  $Id$
 	status		INT2			NOT NULL,
 	name		VARCHAR(20)		NOT NULL,
@@ -87,7 +85,6 @@ INSERT INTO actionStatus VALUES ( 32, 'closed');
-    --  $Id$
 	eventID		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('OTDBeventID'),
 	nodename	VARCHAR(80)		NOT NULL,
 	status		INT2			NOT NULL REFERENCES eventStatus(status),
@@ -108,7 +105,6 @@ CREATE TABLE OTDBevent (
-    --  $Id$
 	actionID	INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('OTDBactionID'),
 	eventID		INT4			NOT NULL REFERENCES OTDBevent(eventID),
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_log_system.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_log_system.sql
index 087c2fa84fed7e325033d24ab7bb8dab61dbb704..8b367a33cd768a6a2e3109bca6d4d00f10d11bde 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_log_system.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_log_system.sql
@@ -25,13 +25,11 @@
-    --  $Id$
 	msg		TEXT
-    --  $Id$
@@ -40,7 +38,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION logmsg(TEXT)
-    --  $Id$
 	  DELETE FROM log;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_security.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_security.sql
index 4e63d463a39eceeb8f9d43042e20d1a91bd24495..142e0dad1c9cf257ccf21d4af214c0db111e6617 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_security.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_security.sql
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ DROP SEQUENCE	OTDBuserID;
-    --  $Id$
 	userID		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('OTDBuserID'),
 	username	VARCHAR(20)		NOT NULL,
 	password	VARCHAR(20)		NOT NULL,
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ INSERT INTO OTDBuser (username, password, role)
 -- what arguments
-    --  $Id$
 	task		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 	value		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_tree_table.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_tree_table.sql
index c3aa751fc866261888b8663b55192ebe162542ba..20591909ae163017dcb1a8d80226c541805149be 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_tree_table.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_tree_table.sql
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE	OTDBtreeID START 6112;
-    --  $Id$
 	-- required info
 	treeID		INT4			NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('OTDBtreeID'),
@@ -77,7 +76,6 @@ CREATE TABLE OTDBtree (
-    --  $Id$
    RETURN nextval('OTDBgroupID');
@@ -89,7 +87,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 CREATE INDEX otdbtree_treeid_indx ON otdbtree(treeid);
 CREATE TABLE StateHistory (
-    --  $Id$
 	treeID		INT4			NOT NULL,
 	momID		INT4			NOT NULL,
 	state		INT2			NOT NULL,
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_types.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_types.sql
index 5a542ca75ad70c5d273b5511aa7d61859e5b8f62..415617513368bdf0f7a66bddd251c6c700073543 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_types.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/create_types.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ DROP TYPE	OTDBnodeDef		CASCADE;
 DROP TYPE	campaignInfo	CASCADE;
 CREATE TYPE treeInfo AS (
-    --  $Id$
 	treeID				INT4,			-- OTDBtree.treeID%TYPE,
 	momID				INT4,
 	groupID				INT4,
@@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ CREATE TYPE treeInfo AS (
 CREATE TYPE stateInfo AS (
-    --  $Id$
 	treeID			INT4,			-- OTDBtree.treeID%TYPE,
 	momID			INT4,			-- OTDBtree.momID%TYPE,
 	state			INT2,			-- treestate.ID%TYPE,
@@ -65,7 +63,6 @@ CREATE TYPE stateInfo AS (
-    --  $Id$
 	nodeID			INT4,
 	parentID		INT4,
 	paramDefID		INT4,
@@ -80,7 +77,6 @@ CREATE TYPE OTDBnode AS (
 -- make constructor for OTDBnode
-    --  $Id$
 	  vResult	RECORD;
@@ -92,7 +88,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id$
 	paramID			INT4,
 	nodeID			INT4,
 	name			VARCHAR(40),
@@ -107,7 +102,6 @@ CREATE TYPE OTDBparamDef AS (
-    --  $Id$
 	paramID			INT4,
 	name			VARCHAR(150),
 	value			TEXT,
@@ -116,7 +110,6 @@ CREATE TYPE OTDBvalue AS (
-    --  $Id$
 	nodeID			INT4,
 	name			VARCHAR(40),
 	version			INT4,
@@ -126,7 +119,6 @@ CREATE TYPE OTDBnodeDef AS (
 CREATE TYPE campaignInfo AS (
-    --  $Id$
     ID          INT2,
     name        VARCHAR(30),
     title       VARCHAR(100),
@@ -136,7 +128,6 @@ CREATE TYPE campaignInfo AS (
 CREATE TYPE templateInfo AS (
-    --  $Id$
 	treeID			INT4,
 	name			VARCHAR(32),
 	processType		VARCHAR(20),
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteTree_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteTree_func.sql
index c66cd2d44d1271361eeb1b318dd3f2de843ec30b..517c2d21a7db8b709c7f838f24146cbd1081006e 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteTree_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteTree_func.sql
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction		INT2 := 1;
 		TThardware 		CONSTANT INT2 := 10;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteVCnode_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteVCnode_func.sql
index 66e30f06fd8cc5f0edac3291f12f61002a709925..ab45c177e7e042fbb3c607effa9190fe62e19ab7 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteVCnode_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteVCnode_func.sql
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction		INT2 := 1;
 		vIsAuth			BOOLEAN;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteVTnode_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteVTnode_func.sql
index 9cdeb895f1ec0120b7ea71009ec475c64459c089..e542d60cdcb71dec20a54266c3591cd6040afe3d 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteVTnode_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/deleteVTnode_func.sql
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		FROM	VICtemplate
@@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION removeVTparameters(INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 		-- remove parameters
 		PERFORM removeVTparameters($1);
@@ -73,7 +71,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION removeVTleafNode(INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 		vChild		RECORD;
@@ -108,7 +105,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION removeVTsubTree(INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction		INT2 := 1;
 		vIsAuth			BOOLEAN;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/dupVTnode_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/dupVTnode_func.sql
index c06e89342e3bf974cdd036de1e0697282d11b46c..c9c11590bd60dea9fe8d126aea26e559cfdefdca 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/dupVTnode_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/dupVTnode_func.sql
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 	  vParam		RECORD;
@@ -64,7 +63,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION attachVTparameters(INT4, INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 		vNodeID		INT4;
 		vOrgNode	RECORD;
@@ -129,7 +127,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dupVTleafNode(INT4, INT4, INT2)
-    --  $Id$
 		vNodeID		INT4;
 		vChild		RECORD;
@@ -170,7 +167,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dupVTsubTree(INT4, INT4, INT2)
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction		INT2 := 1;
 		vIsAuth			BOOLEAN;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/exportResultTree_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/exportResultTree_func.sql
index e526bf316d40843e65aa34f9a3ec7f61aee3ff50..78a31855cf4e79d6a40408713bf852a3b01ff851 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/exportResultTree_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/exportResultTree_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 	  vResult		TEXT := '';
 	  vRow			RECORD;
@@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vFunction		INT2 := 1;
 		vIsAuth			BOOLEAN;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/exportTree_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/exportTree_func.sql
index fde3d84133b1283d9dfc6734150107656f1fa771..7145cc2a8fa75ac0c8d42cd8823cc487b69d985a 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/exportTree_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/exportTree_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 	  vResult		TEXT;
 	  vName			VICtemplate.name%TYPE;
@@ -74,7 +73,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id$
 	  vResult		TEXT := '';
 	  vRow			RECORD;
@@ -132,7 +130,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id$
 	  vResult		TEXT := '';
 	  vRow			RECORD;
@@ -181,7 +178,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id$
 	  vResult		TEXT := '';
 	  vRow			RECORD;
@@ -228,7 +224,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction		INT2 := 1;
 		vIsAuth			BOOLEAN;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getAllTaskID_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getAllTaskID_func.sql
index 22f13b4847aef9d762b25aca8dbead17a07e8864..ce2c4c6e2a5545ec852e6453d550f0228fc95b75 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getAllTaskID_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getAllTaskID_func.sql
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vRecord		RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getBrokenHardware_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getBrokenHardware_func.sql
index d419a5d7a8910682d8152140bc06cfe83b989e8b..c50b93ccb65ce306972dd2dc605c8138ca41d14e 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getBrokenHardware_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getBrokenHardware_func.sql
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE SQL;
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vRecord		RECORD;
 		vRecord2	RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getDefaultTemplates_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getDefaultTemplates_func.sql
index 0bc0bf84d521ac6d9fb0d2acc55e2e457bb77897..af4d7cdb17fca804527852794064318b7a631559 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getDefaultTemplates_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getDefaultTemplates_func.sql
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
   RETURNS SETOF templateInfo AS $$
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vRecord		RECORD;
 		TSobsolete	CONSTANT	INT2 := 1200;
@@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		TSobsolete   		CONSTANT	INT2 := 1200;
 		TTtemplate  		CONSTANT	INT2 := 20;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getExecutableTrees_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getExecutableTrees_func.sql
index 027c50ee576ee3a859c83c64baf2634f5919e6ae..adf8bb9cc79ef0e4118959d34570112cb29c2add 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getExecutableTrees_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getExecutableTrees_func.sql
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
   RETURNS SETOF treeInfo AS $$
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord			RECORD;
 		TSscheduled		CONSTANT	INT2 := 400;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getModifiedTrees_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getModifiedTrees_func.sql
index 259226e90b936ef7850ee790567f38f669b36274..598e3c87cc2f3b22867af8e4e2e49e8655405031 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getModifiedTrees_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getModifiedTrees_func.sql
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
   RETURNS SETOF treeInfo AS $$
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vRecord		RECORD;
 		vQuery		TEXT;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getMomID2treeID_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getMomID2treeID_func.sql
index 561284380ea7359fb1cda13cda2fb45061ddb93c..80b4a71e72004ae2363c8e0b88179ac09eb5d0b8 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getMomID2treeID_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getMomID2treeID_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ CREATE TYPE treeIDmomID AS (treeID INTEGER, momID INTEGER);
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vRecord		RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getNode_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getNode_func.sql
index 3587cef8ada82ccfe04985fa41bf95ddf86c5d82..07cb129058454a7249e59b10d8f2f474db827eea 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getNode_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getNode_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		TThardware CONSTANT	INT2 := 10;
 		TTtemplate CONSTANT	INT2 := 20;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getPICitemList_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getPICitemList_func.sql
index 4321bf80198e05364294043006190dbbe9c4101e..219539d589d11beab4a28d89ec9b53a74691ec6b 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getPICitemList_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getPICitemList_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
 		vFullname	VARCHAR(150);
@@ -101,7 +100,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getPICitemList(INT4, INT4, INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getPICparamDef_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getPICparamDef_func.sql
index 3af44c4432cc05ac447ec508d9249e1ec2d5615d..6a6513a05ed52323955bec0c139940f3e010a4fa 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getPICparamDef_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getPICparamDef_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
   RETURNS OTDBparamDef AS '
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getStateList_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getStateList_func.sql
index 1d96d64a6cd0ef6fc691d5aafebe9957807d1613..afceb4f2728cf5c7cbaf4a8683982274347927a0 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getStateList_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getStateList_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
   RETURNS SETOF stateInfo AS '
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
 		vQuery		TEXT;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTopNode_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTopNode_func.sql
index 0a95b209ff90af168cfb8ee661fa4576e862a8b2..c5c014ae229eb79e1587f46db78ffd3b12728a86 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTopNode_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTopNode_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		TThardware CONSTANT	INT2 := 10;
 		TTtemplate CONSTANT	INT2 := 20;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeGroup_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeGroup_func.sql
index aed9af02b4121f614376a4699b21a8a7d21fa1a4..f569deec7c7bfbf7e9684f7dd30901f497583b68 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeGroup_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeGroup_func.sql
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
   RETURNS SETOF treeInfo AS $$
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vRecord			RECORD;
 		TSscheduled		CONSTANT	INT2 := 400;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeInfo_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeInfo_func.sql
index 1ce3214ef3923b8ffdd4f424e64f9478d455d428..dff545487c5bd025cd55bb6660ef33c22221c5ce 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeInfo_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeInfo_func.sql
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
   RETURNS treeInfo AS $$
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeList_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeList_func.sql
index 5ead542cab7f5fca4e8ca1d0385534fcb8aff3cb..6eb1dff9d9dcc04c7aaa8417b39274631045da0c 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeList_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreeList_func.sql
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
   RETURNS SETOF treeInfo AS $$
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
 		vQuery		TEXT;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreesInPeriod_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreesInPeriod_func.sql
index d071a34bec5fff1b33e698d54eef7d9bfede5165..f01f8b8c68a3c99562933c5de99c71c9ca9414ff 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreesInPeriod_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getTreesInPeriod_func.sql
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
   RETURNS SETOF treeInfo AS $$
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vRecord		RECORD;
 		vQuery		TEXT;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVCNodeList_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVCNodeList_func.sql
index 6ac239f0205291f2e58097ea38eb9094f9dadd6c..63feb78404dfffe568df190c375d4c134311c979 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVCNodeList_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVCNodeList_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord			RECORD;
 		vRestriction	VARCHAR(200);
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVCparams_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVCparams_func.sql
index 29c4ae5283bea6a0fb5c8e4bf94c4c9ae70c43f1..90de833bbfc50d7a57aeb828cd8ac6b0b39bfa6a 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVCparams_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVCparams_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVHitemList_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVHitemList_func.sql
index 6721449149d4bbfaa35f2c9922683e1534bd9864..73ea66cedba555c21632f437e76487a41a05693d 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVHitemList_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVHitemList_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
 		vFullname	VARCHAR(250);
@@ -104,7 +103,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getVHitemList(INT4, INT4, INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVICnodeDef_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVICnodeDef_func.sql
index 6a088f54a81d490603777176ece0099ca43ec21f..b29c15ea3127205dd1a2b99ebe569b449179734c 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVICnodeDef_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVICnodeDef_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
@@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getVICnodedef(INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
@@ -110,7 +108,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getVICnodedef(VARCHAR(40), INT4, INT2)
-    --  $Id$
 		vNodeID		VICtemplate.nodeID%TYPE;
 		vRecord		RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVICparamDef_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVICparamDef_func.sql
index 8ce28fd22f4fc6395b4caf613204c1c54e57db69..e4e8cc64ddbfa709dbf3bc108b1eaaad1605a3d4 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVICparamDef_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVICparamDef_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
   RETURNS OTDBparamDef AS '
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTchildren_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTchildren_func.sql
index 86fdd605681f0608dfbca9e4de6853c131af2b9c..e37d563e952846b79412d10fe0c6bd23b5964ce2 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTchildren_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTchildren_func.sql
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTitemList_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTitemList_func.sql
index a14cc456f7f1474bd915ce7f5d5ffabefa741cd8..961c843595666da3000f61cf7a9bc076d6caffd6 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTitemList_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTitemList_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTitem_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTitem_func.sql
index 906e73f09eafc02c749e26e990eceecfd0c60845..3adcb3010be43875b361f048f8f139ab8766ae63 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTitem_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/getVTitem_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		vRecord			RECORD;
 		vParentName		VARCHAR(150);
@@ -115,7 +114,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 	  vRecord	RECORD;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/hVICsearchParamID_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/hVICsearchParamID_func.sql
index adb7cce96f17f6746e086f5aa20ffa605d6bc9fb..5ad2644bcf059e10dd5d976299d292c58fb31f90 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/hVICsearchParamID_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/hVICsearchParamID_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 	  vDotPos		INT4;
 	  vFieldnr		INT4;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/instanciateTree_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/instanciateTree_func.sql
index 5da72dfb3ee08670f8044a2713984b9af7e8f802..39be36d681f9e6438690c7d0ebef980f1f8a21c5 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/instanciateTree_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/instanciateTree_func.sql
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vTemplateID		INT4;
 		vName			OTDBtree.name%TYPE;
@@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getTemplateOrigin(INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 		vDotpos		INTEGER;
 		vNodeName	VARCHAR(200);
@@ -179,7 +177,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resolveVHparam(INT4, TEXT)
-    --  $Id$
 		vParam	RECORD;
@@ -218,7 +215,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION instanciateVHparams(INT4, INT4, INT4, TEXT)
-    --  $Id$
 		vNode			RECORD;
 		vNewNodeID		VICtemplate.nodeID%TYPE;
@@ -282,7 +278,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION instanciateVHleafNode(INT4, INT4, INT4, INT2, TEXT)
-    --  $Id$
 	  vNode				RECORD;
 	  vVTnode			RECORD;
@@ -371,7 +366,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION instanciateVHsubTree(INT4, INT4, INT4, TEXT)
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction  CONSTANT		INT2 := 1;
 		TTVHtree   CONSTANT		INT2 := 30;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/isTopComponent_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/isTopComponent_func.sql
index 78b086471a75769b1737082aab9694f00ee0268b..002794b76e9e79ab6f404f48ed0c1c6080ba81fa 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/isTopComponent_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/isTopComponent_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vNodeID		VICnodeDEF.nodeID%TYPE;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/misc_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/misc_func.sql
index ceb3f5327380dd732706d7e277af53f4827449b2..8445079f97486fe826b840f0de7267a4400ff997 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/misc_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/misc_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vTreeType		OTDBtree.treetype%TYPE;
 		vState			OTDBtree.state%TYPE;
@@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    --  $Id$
 		RETURN 1;		-- for now return userid 1
@@ -103,7 +101,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION whoIs(INT4)
-    --  $Id$
 		RETURN $1/10000 || '.' || ($1/100)%100 || '.' || $1%100;
@@ -122,7 +119,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE;
-    --  $Id$
 		vRelease		INT4;
 		vUpdate			INT4;
@@ -150,7 +146,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE;
-    --  $Id$
 		RETURN VersionNrValue(substring($1 from '%{#"%#"}' for '#'));
@@ -170,7 +165,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE;
-    --  $Id$
 		RETURN '#' || $1 || '{' || VersionNrString($2) || '}';
@@ -190,7 +184,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE;
-    --  $Id$
 		IF substr($1, length($1)) = '}' THEN
 			RETURN ltrim(substr($1, 1, strpos($1,'{')-1), '#');
@@ -215,7 +208,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE;
-    --  $Id$
 		vColonPos	INT;
 		vName		VARCHAR(150);
@@ -242,7 +234,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE;
-    --  $Id$
 		RETURN substr($1, 1, 2) = '>>';
@@ -259,7 +250,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE;
-    --  $Id$
 		vSize		INTEGER;
 		vArray		TEXT;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/newTree_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/newTree_func.sql
index b0495585eebc8cc5750bcd0fb09529f6c28c1419..fca8019d21a08e0b155dcd4747423b947936647e 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/newTree_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/newTree_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction		INT2 := 1;
 		vNewTreeID		OTDBtree.treeID%TYPE;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveSchedulerInfo_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveSchedulerInfo_func.sql
index 26367abc81d4456d8d57a94af29a10bdca67e82f..a69cbd15f6194fb90783d3f6ffb112171d5d3302 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveSchedulerInfo_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveSchedulerInfo_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
-    --  $Id: addComponentToVT_func.sql 19935 2012-01-25 09:06:14Z mol $
 		TThierarchy CONSTANT	INT2 := 30;
 		vFunction   CONSTANT	INT2 := 1;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveVCnode_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveVCnode_func.sql
index 63bbd27e833785b27b1c94dc96987655881c0c7b..7f346e1dacb6eec16a75a4a23d6deaf37e508438 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveVCnode_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveVCnode_func.sql
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 										INT2, TEXT, TEXT)
-    --  $Id$
 		vNodeID			VICnodedef.nodeID%TYPE;
 		vName			VICnodedef.name%TYPE;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveVICparamDef_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveVICparamDef_func.sql
index faf557cff7b8ca5edecb8bf681bf8998f2ed4048..cbe0c70521afb3b100bf145869a71d331e226680 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveVICparamDef_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/saveVICparamDef_func.sql
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vParamID		VICparamDef.paramID%TYPE;
 		vName			VICparamDef.name%TYPE;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/searchPICinPeriod_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/searchPICinPeriod_func.sql
index 8fd0e44ed820440e5c9551ba4fe8c396f25b92c1..7796b166ca155677d292884d0bfa3ec51276b69b 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/searchPICinPeriod_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/searchPICinPeriod_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
 		vFullname	VARCHAR(150);
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/searchVHinPeriod_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/searchVHinPeriod_func.sql
index cbbf4fbf2b0fa079a93bae13f4a00c56c55cb1e5..3ae3bca4a2b0a87168659428136b5f126eb3aa86 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/searchVHinPeriod_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/searchVHinPeriod_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vRecord		RECORD;
 		vFullname	VARCHAR(150);
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/security_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/security_func.sql
index bfed36af51aec07de38cebc51abe66f9cf2669e2..cf76ce9047f7361bee512b72b16b2261880deca6 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/security_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/security_func.sql
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 -- Check is to given combination of username and password is valid
-    --  $Id$
 		vUserNr		INT4;
 -- Check if the user is allowed to perform a task
-    --  $Id$
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/setDescription_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/setDescription_func.sql
index d9e9a597c57c648ab83f7be2ff56f4ae0969a856..19691a43a148d28202691d299c1c093d8a010199 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/setDescription_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/setDescription_func.sql
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction				INT2 := 1;
 		vIsAuth					BOOLEAN;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/setMomInfo_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/setMomInfo_func.sql
index caaac5c1bf836ad40a94698bae2f4fbb4d84270d..17267e110427eb7cd767adc3fa170ce33b6df7c5 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/setMomInfo_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/setMomInfo_func.sql
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction				INT2 := 1;
 		vIsAuth					BOOLEAN;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/setSchedule_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/setSchedule_func.sql
index 7b2ece031b7de6890fbf28af2a1afa3ef808eff7..f64b4ca83ca27ad9723e51ccdd857de40c50cc0e 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/setSchedule_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/setSchedule_func.sql
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction				INT2 := 1;
 		TSactive				CONSTANT INT2 := 600;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/setTreeState_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/setTreeState_func.sql
index 1975e6a45fd55aa4686de852659dfa9011320da4..116eafb77c362e0a2f501b23e7949077f9b6d559 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/setTreeState_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/setTreeState_func.sql
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		vFunction				INT2 := 1;
 		vTreeState				OTDBtree.state%TYPE;
diff --git a/SAS/OTDB/sql/updateVTnode_func.sql b/SAS/OTDB/sql/updateVTnode_func.sql
index b47ea4ffd95c10e2ef8693a489310541fa69f615..3b1eb2cda0144dee1c82be1a3e2afda8b21551e2 100644
--- a/SAS/OTDB/sql/updateVTnode_func.sql
+++ b/SAS/OTDB/sql/updateVTnode_func.sql
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
-    --  $Id$
 		TTtemplate  CONSTANT	INT2 := 20;
 		TThierarchy CONSTANT	INT2 := 30;
diff --git a/lofar_config.h.cmake b/lofar_config.h.cmake
index 901d33f20771617c31a4353b92837aa818243921..bc66715589fb890db06f5b1da9045001c9a40314 100644
--- a/lofar_config.h.cmake
+++ b/lofar_config.h.cmake
@@ -172,6 +172,3 @@
 /* Define to 1 if you have a declaration for the `getprotobyname_r' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have a declaration for the `strnlen' function. */
-#cmakedefine HAVE_STRNLEN 1