diff --git a/MAC/Navigator/scripts/libs/nav_fw/nav-config.ctl b/MAC/Navigator/scripts/libs/nav_fw/nav-config.ctl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3924a2be079e81c916b8ccdb0de6ce410af9ce59..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MAC/Navigator/scripts/libs/nav_fw/nav-config.ctl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1186 +0,0 @@
-//# gcfnav-configuration-functions.ctl
-//#  Copyright (C) 2002-2004
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id$
-//# configuration storage functions for the Navigator.
-#uses "nav_fw/gcf-util.ctl"
-#uses "nav_fw/nav-view.ctl"
-//Function navConfigGetViewConfig
-// returns the view config datapoint corresponding to the datapointpath
-string navConfigGetViewConfig(string datapointPath)
-  string datapointType;
-  string dpViewConfig = "";
-  string dpNameTemp = datapointPath;
-  bool isReference;
-	int dotPos = strpos(datapointPath, ".");
-	if (dotPos >= 0)
-	{
-		dpNameTemp = substr(datapointPath, 0, strpos(datapointPath, "."));
-	}
-	datapointType = getPropSetType(dpNameTemp);
-  if (datapointType != "")
-  {
-    // find __nav_<datapointType>_viewconfig datapoint
-    dpViewConfig = "__nav" + navConfigGetEnvironment("", "") + "_" + datapointType + "_viewconfig";
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    // a system root node is selected
-    // find __nav<environment>_<systemname>_viewconfig datapoint
-    dpViewConfig = "__nav" + navConfigGetEnvironment("", "") + "_" + datapointPath + "_viewconfig";
-  }
-  if (!dpAccessable(dpViewConfig))
-  {
-    LOG_TRACE("navConfigGetViewConfig", "DP does not exist, using default configuration", dpViewConfig);
-    dpViewConfig = "__nav_default_viewconfig";
-  }
-  LOG_TRACE(dpViewConfig);
-  return dpViewConfig;
-// Functionname: navConfigGetEnvironment
-// Function: 
-// Input: 1. environmentName:  "" = current environment,
-//                            !"" = given environment
-//        2. userName, in combination with environment Personal:
-//                      "" = current user(name)
-//                     !"" = given user(name)
-// returns the view config datapoint corresponding to the datapointpath
-string navConfigGetEnvironment(string environmentName, string userName)
-  string environment;
-  string environmentOutput;
-  string environmentType;
-  string environmentNumber;
-  dyn_string environmentNames;
-  if (environmentName == "") // work with the current selected environment
-  {
-    string navInstanceEnvironmentName;
-    dpGet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_SELECTEDENVIRONMENT, navInstanceEnvironmentName);
-    environment = navInstanceEnvironmentName;
-  }
-  else                    // work with a given environment
-  {
-    environment = environmentName;
-  }
-  if (environment == "Personal")
-  {
-    environmentType = "U";
-    if (userName != "") // is userName is given, use it.
-    {
-      environmentNumber = getUserId(userName);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      environmentNumber = getUserId();
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    environmentType = "E" ;
-    environmentNumber = dynContains(environmentNames, environment);
-  }
-  environmentOutput = environmentType + strexpand("\\fill{0}", 4 - strlen(environmentNumber)) + environmentNumber;
-  return environmentOutput;
-//Function navConfigSetSelectedElement
-// write the selected element in the configuration
-void navConfigSetSelectedElement(string datapointPath)
-  string dpSelectedElementContainer = DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_SELECTEDELEMENT;
-  string dpSelectedElement = datapointPath;
-  if (dpAccessable(dpSelectedElementContainer))
-  {
-    dpSet(dpSelectedElementContainer, dpSelectedElement);
-  }
-//Function navConfigGetSelectedView()
-// returns the caption of the currently selected view
-string navConfigGetSelectedView()
-  string selectedViewCaption = "List";
-  if (dpExists(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID))
-  {
-	  dpGet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_SELECTEDVIEWCAPTION, selectedViewCaption);
-	}
-  return selectedViewCaption;
-//Function navConfigGetViews()
-// returns the views for the specified resource type
-dyn_string navConfigGetViews(string dpViewConfig)
-  dyn_string views;
-  // get the views references for this resource type
-  dpGet(dpViewConfig + ELNAME_VIEWS, views);
-  return views;
-//Function navConfigGetViewCaption
-// returns the caption of the specified view
-string navConfigGetViewCaption(string dpView)
-  string caption;
-  dpGet(dpView + ELNAME_CAPTION, caption);
-  return caption;
-// Function: navConfigInitPathNames   
-//           Initiliases the global pathNames, according top the operating
-//           system;
-// Input: 1. operating system
-// Output: 1. g_path_temp is set
-//         1. g_path_gnuplot is set
-void navConfigInitPathNames()
-  dyn_string pathNames;
-  if (_WIN32)
-  {
-    dpGet("__navigator.pathNamesWindows", pathNames);
-    if ("" != pathNames[g_path_temp_index])
-      g_path_temp    = pathNames[g_path_temp_index];
-    else
-      g_path_temp    = "c:/temp";
-    g_path_gnuplot = pathNames[g_path_gnuplot_index];
-    g_path_pictureconverter = pathNames[g_path_pictureconverter_index];
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    dpGet("__navigator.pathNamesLinux", pathNames);
-    if ("" != pathNames[g_path_temp_index])
-      g_path_temp    = pathNames[g_path_temp_index];
-    else
-      g_path_temp    = "/tmp";
-    g_path_gnuplot = pathNames[g_path_gnuplot_index];
-    g_path_pictureconverter = pathNames[g_path_pictureconverter_index];
-  }
-// Function: navConfigGetPathName   
-//           converts a given pathName, according to the operating system,
-//           so it be used by a PVSS system command.
-// Input: 1. user configured pathName
-// Output: 1. pathName with replaced slashes and backslashes
-string navConfigGetPathName(string pathName)
-  string output;
-  if (_WIN32) //windows
-  {
-    strreplace(pathName, "/", "\\");
-    output = pathName;
-  }
-  else      //It must be Linux
-  {
-    strreplace(pathName, "/", "//");
-  }
-  return output;
-string navConfigGetSlashes()
-  string output;
-  if (_WIN32) //windows
-  {
-    output = "\\";
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    output = "//";
-  }
-  return output;
-//Function navConfigGetNavigatorID
-// returns the navigator ID
-int navConfigGetNavigatorID()
-  return g_navigatorID;
-//Function navConfigSetNavigatorID
-// sets the navigator ID
-void navConfigSetNavigatorID(int newID)
-  bool createConfiguration = false;
-  if (newID > 256)
-  {
-    g_navigatorID = newID;
-    if (!dpAccessable(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID))
-    {
-      createConfiguration = true;
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    g_navigatorID = myManNum();
-    if (!dpAccessable(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID))
-    {
-      createConfiguration = true;
-    }
-  }
-  if (createConfiguration)
-  {
-  }
-  dpSet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_USECOUNT, 0);
-  LOG_DEBUG("Using Navigator ID:", g_navigatorID);
-//Function navConfigIncreaseUseCount
-// increases the usecount of the navigator
-void navConfigIncreaseUseCount()
-  // increase usecount
-  int usecount = 0;
-  dpGet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_USECOUNT, usecount);
-  usecount++;
-  dpSet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_USECOUNT, usecount);
-//Function navConfigDecreaseUseCount
-// decreases the usecount of the navigator
-void navConfigDecreaseUseCount()
-  // lower usecount of this navigator
-  int usecount = 0;
-  dpGet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_USECOUNT, usecount);
-  usecount--;
-  if (usecount > 0)
-  {
-    dpSet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_USECOUNT, usecount);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    // if usecount == 0, remove datapoint  
-    dpDelete(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID);
-  }
-//Function navConfigCheckEnabled
-// returns the true if the datapoint is enabled or in the ignore list
-// returns false otherwise
-bool navConfigCheckEnabled(string datapointName)
-  bool enabled = false;
-  if (dpAccessable(datapointName + "__enabled"))
-  {
-    enabled = true;
-    LOG_TRACE("dpName__enabled Exists", datapointName, enabled);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    LOG_TRACE("dpName__enabled NOT Exists", datapointName, enabled);
-    // check the ignoreEnabledRoots field
-    dyn_string ignoreEnabledDPs;
-    dyn_errClass err;
-    // If the datapointName is a reference, use the refernce to check for enabled
-    err = getLastError();
-    if (dynlen(err) == 0)
-    {
-      for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(ignoreEnabledDPs) && !enabled; i++)
-      {
-        int pos = strpos(datapointName, ignoreEnabledDPs[i]);
-        LOG_TRACE("checkEnabled", pos, datapointName, ignoreEnabledDPs[i]);
-        if (pos >= 0)
-        {
-          enabled = true;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return enabled;
-//Function navConfigSetSelectedView()
-// sets the caption of the currently selected view
-void navConfigSetSelectedView(string datapoint, int viewid)
-  string dpViewConfig = navConfigGetViewConfig(datapoint);
-  dyn_string views = navConfigGetViews(dpViewConfig);
-  if (viewid <= dynlen(views))
-  {
-    string caption = navConfigGetViewCaption(views[viewid]);
-  }
-  dpSet(dpViewConfig + ELNAME_SELECTEDVIEW, viewid);
-//Function navConfigGetViewConfigPanel
-// returns the config panel of the specified view
-string navConfigGetViewConfigPanel(string dpView)
-  string configPanel;
-  dpGet(dpView + ELNAME_CONFIGPANEL, configPanel);
-  return configPanel;
-//Function checkForReference
-// parameters: parentDatapoint - get the children of this datapoint
-//             depth           - how many levels of children to get
-// returns - original parentDatapoint if it is a reference
-//         - bool if it is a reference
-//         - dyn_string reference with ref information
-bool checkForReference(string &parentDatapoint, dyn_string &reference, bool &parentDatapointIsReference)
-  dyn_string refOut;
-  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(g_referenceList); i++)
-  {
-    refOut = strsplit(g_referenceList[i], "=");
-    if (dynlen(refOut) == 2)
-    {
-      if (strpos(parentDatapoint, refOut[1]) == 0)
-      {
-        parentDatapointIsReference = TRUE;
-        strreplace(parentDatapoint, refOut[1], refOut[2]);
-        reference = refOut;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return parentDatapointIsReference;
-//Function checkForReferenceReplaceOriginal
-// parameters: resources  
-//             reference  
-// returns - reference resources in stead of original resources
-void checkForReferenceReplaceOriginal(dyn_string &resources, dyn_string reference)
-  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(resources); i++)
-  {
-    strreplace(resources[i], reference[2], reference[1]);
-  }
-//Function navConfigGetResources
-// parameters: parentDatapoint - get the children of this datapoint
-//             depth           - how many levels of children to get
-// returns the names of the resources that are added to the tree
-dyn_string navConfigGetResources(string parentDatapoint, int depth)
-  dyn_string resources;
-  dyn_string allResources;
-  dyn_string resourceRoots;
-  dyn_string reference;
-  dyn_errClass err;
-  int maxDepth;
-  bool parentDatapointIsReference;
-  checkForReference(parentDatapoint, reference, parentDatapointIsReference);
-  if (parentDatapoint == "")
-  {
-    maxDepth = depth;
-    // read the roots from the configuration
-    err = getLastError();
-    if (dynlen(err) > 0)
-    {
-      // if nothing specified, take the local PIC and PAC trees
-      resourceRoots = makeDynString("PIC", "PAC");
-    }  
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    dyn_string dpPathElements = strsplit(parentDatapoint, "_");
-    maxDepth = depth + dynlen(dpPathElements);
-    resourceRoots = makeDynString(parentDatapoint);
-  }
-  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(resourceRoots); i++)
-  {
-    // query the database for all resources under the given root
-    dynAppend(allResources, dpNames(resourceRoots[i] + "*"));
-  }
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  LOG_DEBUG("All resources: ", dynlen(allResources));
-  dyn_string newCollection;
-  dyn_string checkCollection = allResources; // collection with DP's, which have no "__enabled" equivalent
-  dyn_string enabledCollection = dynPatternMatch("*__enabled", allResources);
-  int enabledCollectionLength = dynlen(enabledCollection);
-  int position;
-  for (int j = 1; j<= enabledCollectionLength; j++)
-  {
-    string enabledCollectionItem = enabledCollection[j];
-    strreplace(enabledCollectionItem, "__enabled", "");
-    position = dynContains(checkCollection, enabledCollectionItem);
-    if (position > 0)
-    {
-      LOG_DEBUG("Adding: ", enabledCollectionItem);
-      dynAppend(newCollection, enabledCollectionItem);
-      dynRemove(checkCollection, position);
-      dynRemove(checkCollection, dynContains(checkCollection, enabledCollectionItem + "__enabled"));
-    }
-    else if (0 == position)
-    {
-      if (navPMLisTemporary(enabledCollectionItem))
-      {
-        LOG_DEBUG("Adding temp: ", enabledCollectionItem);
-        dynAppend(newCollection, enabledCollectionItem);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  if (dynlen(checkCollection) > 0)
-  {
-    dyn_string ignoreEnabledDPs;
-    dyn_errClass err;
-		// check the ignoreEnabledRoots field
-    err = getLastError();
-    if (dynlen(err) == 0)
-    { 
-    	dyn_string foundIgnoreItems;   
-	    for (int n = 1; n <= dynlen(ignoreEnabledDPs); n++)
-	    {
-	    	foundIgnoreItems = dynPatternMatch(ignoreEnabledDPs[n] + "*", checkCollection);
-	      dynAppend(newCollection, foundIgnoreItems);
-	    }
-    }
-  }
-  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  allResources = newCollection;
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // strip everything below the requested level
-  // remove duplicates  
-  int i = 1;
-  while (i <= dynlen(allResources))
-  {
-	  dyn_string dpPathElements = strsplit(allResources[i], "_");
-	  string addResource;
-	  int d = 1;
-	  while (d <= maxDepth && d <= dynlen(dpPathElements))
-	  {
-	    if (d > 1)
-	      addResource += "_";
-	    addResource += dpPathElements[d];
-	    d++;
-	  }
-	  if (!dynContains(resources, addResource))
-	  {
-	    LOG_DEBUG("Adding: ", addResource);
-	    dynAppend(resources, addResource);
-	  }
-    i++;
-  }
-  if (parentDatapointIsReference)
-  {
-    checkForReferenceReplaceOriginal(resources, reference);
-  }
-  return resources;
-//Function navConfigfillEnvironmentList
-// fills a comb
-void navConfigfillEnvironmentList(string dp1, dyn_string environmentNames)
-  setValue("", "deleteAllItems");
-  string selectedEnvironment;
-  int itemCount = 0;
-  dpGet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_SELECTEDENVIRONMENT, selectedEnvironment);
-  for (int i = 1; i<= dynlen(environmentNames); i++)
-  {
-    if (environmentNames[i] != "")
-      setValue("", "appendItem", environmentNames[i]);
-    if (environmentNames[i] == selectedEnvironment)
-    {
-      getValue("", "itemCount", itemCount);
-      setValue("", "selectedPos", itemCount);
-    }
-  }
-  if (itemCount == 0)
-  {
-    setValue("", "selectedPos", 1);
-  }
-//Function navConfigGetViewConfig
-// returns the view config datapoint corresponding to the datapointpath
-string navConfigGetViewConfig(string datapointPath)
-  string datapointType;
-  string dpViewConfig = "";
-  string dpNameTemp = datapointPath;
-  bool isReference;
-  dyn_string reference;
-  checkForReference(dpNameTemp, reference, isReference);
-  if (dpAccessable(dpNameTemp + "__enabled"))
-  {
-    datapointType = getPropSetType(dpNameTemp);
-    // find __nav_<datapointType>_viewconfig datapoint
-    dpViewConfig = "__nav" + navConfigGetEnvironment("", "") + "_" + datapointType + "_viewconfig";
-  }
-  else if (dpExists(dpNameTemp)) // Explicit use op dpExist!!!
-  {
-    datapointType = dpTypeName(datapointPath);
-    dpViewConfig = "__nav" + navConfigGetEnvironment("", "") + "_" + datapointType + "_viewconfig";
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    // a system root node is selected
-    // find __nav<environment>_<systemname>_viewconfig datapoint
-    dpViewConfig = "__nav" + navConfigGetEnvironment("", "") + "_" + datapointPath + "_viewconfig";
-  }
-  if (!dpAccessable(dpViewConfig))
-  {
-    LOG_TRACE("navConfigGetViewConfig", "DP does not exist, using default configuration", dpViewConfig);
-    dpViewConfig = "__nav_default_viewconfig";
-  }
-  LOG_TRACE(dpViewConfig);
-  return dpViewConfig;
-//Function navConfigGetViewConfigElements
-// returns the view config elements corresponding to the viewconfig
-bool navConfigGetViewConfigElements(
-  string      dpViewConfig,
-  int         &selectedView,
-  int         &selectedSubView,
-  dyn_string  &views,
-  dyn_int     &nrOfSubViews,
-  dyn_string  &subViews,
-  dyn_string  &configs)
-  bool success = true;
-  dyn_errClass err;
-  dpGet(dpViewConfig + ELNAME_SELECTEDVIEW, selectedView,
-        dpViewConfig + ELNAME_SELECTEDSUBVIEW, selectedSubView,
-        dpViewConfig + ELNAME_VIEWS, views,
-        dpViewConfig + ELNAME_NROFSUBVIEWS, nrOfSubViews,
-        dpViewConfig + ELNAME_SUBVIEWS, subViews,
-        dpViewConfig + ELNAME_CONFIGS, configs);
-  err = getLastError(); //test whether no errors
-  if (dynlen(err) > 0)
-  {
-    throwError(err); // write errors to stderr
-    success = false;
-  }
-  return success;
-//Function navConfigSetSelectedSubView
-// writes the selected subview into the configuration database
-void navConfigSetSelectedSubView(
-  string      datapoint,
-  int         selectedSubView)
-  string dpViewConfig = navConfigGetViewConfig(datapoint);
-  dpSet(dpViewConfig + ELNAME_SELECTEDSUBVIEW, selectedSubView);
-//Function navConfigGetSubViewConfigElements
-// returns the subview config elements corresponding to the viewconfig
-bool navConfigGetSubViewConfigElements(
-  string dpSubViewConfig,
-  string &subViewCaption,
-  string &subViewFileName)
-  bool success = true;
-  dyn_errClass err;
-  dpGet(dpSubViewConfig + ELNAME_CAPTION, subViewCaption,
-        dpSubViewConfig + ELNAME_FILENAME, subViewFileName);
-  err = getLastError(); //test whether no errors
-  if (dynlen(err) > 0)
-  {
-    throwError(err); // write errors to stderr
-    success = false;
-  }
-  return success;
-//Function navConfigSanityCheck
-// returns true if the View configuration items are correct
-// returns false and a message otherwise
-bool navConfigSanityCheck(string &message)
-  bool sane = true;
-  dyn_dyn_anytype tab;
-  int i;
-  dpQuery("SELECT '_original.._value' FROM '__nav_*' WHERE _DPT=\"GCFNavViewConfiguration\" ", tab);
-  int viewsIndex    = 4;
-  while(viewsIndex <= dynlen(tab) && sane)
-  {
-    int subViewsIndex     = viewsIndex + 1;
-    int configsIndex      = viewsIndex + 2;
-    int nrOfSubviewsIndex = viewsIndex + 3;
-    // check number of items in subviews, configs and nrOfSubViews
-    int nrOfViews = dynlen(tab[viewsIndex][2]);
-    sane = (nrOfViews == dynlen(tab[nrOfSubviewsIndex][2]));
-    //DebugTN("check nrOfViews:", sane, nrOfViews, dynlen(tab[nrOfSubviewsIndex][2]));
-    if (!sane)
-    {
-      message = "Invalid view configuration\n#views and nrOfSubViews do not correspond\n(" + tab[viewsIndex][1] + ")";
-      DebugTN(message);
-    }
-    if (sane)
-    {
-      int nrOfSubViews = 0;
-      for (i = 1; i <= dynlen(tab[nrOfSubviewsIndex][2]); i++)
-        nrOfSubViews += tab[nrOfSubviewsIndex][2][i];
-      sane = (nrOfSubViews == dynlen(tab[subViewsIndex][2]) && nrOfSubViews == dynlen(tab[configsIndex][2]));
-      //DebugTN("check nrOfSubViews:", sane, nrOfSubViews, dynlen(tab[subViewsIndex][2]), dynlen(tab[configsIndex][2]));
-      if (!sane)
-      {
-        message = "Invalid view configuration\n#subviews, #configs and total nrOfSubViews do not correspond\n(" + tab[viewsIndex][1] + ")";
-        DebugTN(message);
-      }
-    }
-    if (sane)
-    {
-      for (i = 1; i <= dynlen(tab[viewsIndex][2]) && sane; i++)
-      {
-        sane = dpAccessable(tab[viewsIndex][2][i]);
-        LOG_TRACE("check view existance:", sane, tab[viewsIndex][2][i]);
-      }
-      if (!sane)
-      {
-        message = "Invalid view configuration\nview item (" + (i-1) + ") does not exist\n(" + tab[viewsIndex][1] + ")";
-        DebugTN(message);
-      }
-    }
-    if (sane)
-    {
-      for (i = 1; i <= dynlen(tab[subViewsIndex][2]) && sane; i++)
-      {
-        sane = dpAccessable(tab[subViewsIndex][2][i]);
-        DebugTN("check subview existance:", sane, tab[subViewsIndex][2][i]);
-      }
-      if (!sane)
-      {
-        message = "Invalid view configuration\nsubview item (" + (i-1) + ") does not exist\n(" + tab[viewsIndex][1] + ")";
-        DebugTN(message);
-      }
-    }
-    if (sane)
-    {
-      for (i = 1; i <= dynlen(tab[configsIndex][2]) && sane; i++)
-      {
-        sane = dpAccessable(tab[configsIndex][2][i]);
-        DebugTN("check configs existance:", sane, tab[configsIndex][2][i]);
-      }
-      if (!sane)
-      {
-        message = "Invalid view configuration\nconfig item (" + (i-1) + ") does not exist\n(" + tab[viewsIndex][1] + ")";
-        DebugTN(message);
-      }
-    }
-    viewsIndex += 6;
-  }
-  return sane;
-//Function navConfigSubscribeUpdateTrigger
-// subscribes to the update trigger datapointelement of the current naviagtor instance
-void navConfigSubscribeUpdateTrigger(string callback)
-  dpConnect(callback, false, DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_TRIGGERUPDATE);
-//Function navConfigTriggerNavigatorRefresh
-// writes a dummy value to the navigator configuration 
-// the navigator will refresh its views. This function is used
-// to trigger a refresh of the entire navigator from a subview.
-void navConfigTriggerNavigatorRefresh()
-//Function navConfigTriggerNavigatorRefreshWithDP
-// 1. writes a new datapoint name to the navigator configuration with must be
-// new displayed dp in the tree view. 
-// 2.writes a dummy value to the navigator configuration 
-// the navigator will refresh its views, for the new selected datapoint
-// This function is used to trigger a refresh of the entire navigator from
-// a subview.
-void navConfigTriggerNavigatorRefreshWithDP(string newDatapoint)
-  dpSet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_NEWDATAPOINT, newDatapoint);
-//Function environmentsAvailableToUser
-// returns the environments Available To the current User
-dyn_string environmentsAvailableToUser()
-  dyn_string environmentGroups, environmentNames, currentUserGroupNames;
-  dyn_string Users_UserName, Users_GroupIds, Groups_UserName, Groups_UserId;
-  dyn_string environmentListAvailableToUser;
-  string currentGroupIds, currentUser = getUserName();
-  environmentListAvailableToUser[1] = "Personal";
-  dpGet("_Users.UserName",  Users_UserName);
-  dpGet("_Users.GroupIds",  Users_GroupIds);
-  dpGet("_Groups.UserName", Groups_UserName);
-  dpGet("_Groups.UserId",  Groups_UserId);
-  currentGroupIds = Users_GroupIds[dynContains(Users_UserName, currentUser)];
-  dyn_string GroupIdsSplit= strsplit(currentGroupIds, ";");
-  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(GroupIdsSplit); i++)
-  {
-   currentUserGroupNames[i] = Groups_UserName[dynContains(Groups_UserId, GroupIdsSplit[i])];
-  }
-  dpGet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + ".environmentGroups", environmentGroups);
-  dpGet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + ".environmentNames", environmentNames);
-  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(environmentGroups); i++) //UG assignment to Environment
-  {
-    dyn_string environmentGroupSplit= strsplit(environmentGroups[i], "|"); //which UG do we have
-    for (int j = 1; j <= dynlen(environmentGroupSplit); j++) // UG group root,para,quest for env. X
-    {
-      for (int k = 1; k <= dynlen(currentUserGroupNames); k++) //user membership in UG guest etc.
-      {
-        dyn_string currentUserGroupNamesSplit= strsplit(currentUserGroupNames[k], "|"); 
-        for (int m = 1; m <= dynlen(currentUserGroupNamesSplit); m++)
-        {
-          if (currentUserGroupNamesSplit[m] == environmentGroupSplit[j])
-          {
-            environmentListAvailableToUser[dynlen(environmentListAvailableToUser) + 1] = environmentNames[i];
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return environmentListAvailableToUser;
-// Function navConfigConfigSubviewPermitted
-// if $configDatapoint exits, and not a DPE is selected in the tree, and a
-// personal environment can always be configured, but a system environment
-// only when you have the user-right.
-// returns or the configuration of a subview is permitted, nrof Colums, titel etc.
-bool navConfigConfigSubviewPermitted()
-  string selectedEnvironment;
-  dpGet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + g_navigatorID + ELNAME_SELECTEDENVIRONMENT, selectedEnvironment);
-  if (dpAccessable($configDatapoint) &&
-     dpGetElementName($datapoint) == "" && 
-     ((selectedEnvironment == "Personal") || (selectedEnvironment != "Personal" && getUserPermission(UR_CONFIGSYSTEMSUBVIEW))))
-  {
-    return TRUE;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    return FALSE;
-  }
-// FunctionName: navConfigGetElementsFromDp
-// Fills the dpe selectionlist for a datapoint selection
-dyn_string navConfigGetElementsFromDp(string datapoint)
-  dyn_string output;
-  int elementIndex;
-  dyn_string elements = getDpTypeStructure(datapoint);
-  for (elementIndex = 2; elementIndex <= dynlen(elements); elementIndex++) 
-  {
-    dynAppend(output, substr(elements[elementIndex], 1)); // cut first dot
-  }
-  dynSortAsc(output);
-  return output;
-//Function arrangeUserGroupMembership
-// fills the selectionboxes: member of and not member of
-void arrangeUserGroupMembership()
-  UG_selected.deleteAllItems;
-  UG_available.deleteAllItems;
-  dyn_string environmentGroups, environmentNames, UserGroups;
-  dpGet("_Groups.UserName", UserGroups);
-  dpGet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + ".environmentGroups", environmentGroups);
-  dpGet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + ".environmentNames", environmentNames);
-  string GroupsForEnvironment = environmentGroups[dynContains(environmentNames, ComboBox_environmentMembership.selectedText)];
-  dyn_string GroupsForEnvironmentsplit = strsplit(GroupsForEnvironment, "|");
-  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(GroupsForEnvironmentsplit); i++)
-  {
-    int position = dynContains(UserGroups, GroupsForEnvironmentsplit[i]);
-    if (position>0)
-    {
-      UG_selected.appendItem = GroupsForEnvironmentsplit[i];
-      dynRemove(UserGroups, position);
-    }
-  }
-  UG_available.items = UserGroups;
-  dyn_errClass err;
-  dyn_float dfReturn;  // return fields: [1] = success/failure, [2] = new nr of subviews
-  dyn_string dsReturn; // not used
-  dfReturn[1] = 0; // 0 = failure, 1 = success
-  dfReturn[2] = 0; // new nr of subviews
-  string viewsPath = navConfigGetViewsPath();
-  string subViewName;
-  if (comboCaption.visible == true) // adding existing subview
-    subViewName = comboCaption.selectedText;
-  else
-    subViewName = textFieldCaption.text;
-  string cleanedText;  
-  for (int i = 0; i<strlen(subViewName); i++)
-  {
-    if (! ( (subViewName[i] >= 'a' && subViewName[i] <= 'z') || 
-           (subViewName[i] >= 'A' && subViewName[i] <= 'Z') || 
-           (subViewName[i] >= '0' && subViewName[i] <= '9') ) )
-    {
-      cleanedText += "-";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      cleanedText += subViewName[i];
-    }
-  }
-  subViewName = $viewName + "_" + cleanedText;
-  string subViewDpName = "__nav" + navConfigGetEnvironment("", "") + "_subview_" + subViewName;
-  string configDpTypeName = "GCFNavSubViewConfig" + $viewName;
-  string configDpName     = "__nav" + navConfigGetEnvironment("", "") + "_" + $selectedElementDpType + "_config_" + subViewName;
-  string viewConfigDpName = "__nav" + navConfigGetEnvironment("", "") + "_" + $selectedElementDpType + "_viewconfig";
-  if ($addView)
-  {
-    //########################################################
-    if (!dpAccessable(subViewDpName)&& !dpAccessable(configDpName))
-    {
-      if (comboCaption.visible == false) // adding new subview
-      {
-        // create new GCFNavSubView instance
-        dpCreate(subViewDpName, "GCFNavSubView"); //__nav_subview_Alert_Red-Alert-125
-        err = getLastError();
-        if (dynlen(err) > 0)
-        {
-          errorDialog(err);
-          // open dialog box with errors
-          throwError(err); // write errors to stderr
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          dpSet(subViewDpName + ".caption", textFieldCaption.text,
-                subViewDpName + ".filename", viewsPath + textFieldFileName.text);
-        }
-      }      
-      err = getLastError();
-      if (dynlen(err) > 0)
-      {
-        errorDialog(err);
-        // open dialog box with errors
-        throwError(err); // write errors to stderr
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // create new config datapoint
-        LOG_DEBUG("creating DP:", configDpName, configDpTypeName);
-        dpCreate(configDpName, configDpTypeName); //__nav_TLcuPic_config_Alert_Red-Alert-125
-        err = getLastError();
-        if (dynlen(err) > 0)
-        {
-          errorDialog(err);
-          // open dialog box with errors
-          throwError(err); // write errors to stderr
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          dyn_int nrOfSubViews;
-          dyn_string subViews, configs;
-          if (!dpAccessable(viewConfigDpName))
-          {
-            // create a new datapoint, based on the default config
-            int err;
-            dpCopy("__nav_default_viewconfig", viewConfigDpName, err);
-            // copy the contents of the default config
-            int i;
-            dyn_string allC;
-            dyn_anytype para;
-            allC = dpNames("__nav_default_viewconfig" + ".**:_original.._value", "GCFNavViewConfiguration");
-            dpGet(allC, para);
-            for (i = 1; i <= dynlen(allC); i++)
-            {
-              strreplace(allC[i], "__nav_default_viewconfig", viewConfigDpName);
-            }
-            dpSet(allC, para);
-          }
-          dpGet(viewConfigDpName + ".nrOfSubViews", nrOfSubViews,
-                viewConfigDpName + ".subViews", subViews,
-                viewConfigDpName + ".configs", configs);
-          err = getLastError();
-          if (dynlen(err) > 0)
-          {
-            errorDialog(err);
-            // open dialog box with errors
-            throwError(err); // write errors to stderr
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            int insertIndex = 1;
-            for (int i = 1; i <= $selectedView; i++)
-              insertIndex += nrOfSubViews[i];
-            dfReturn[2] = nrOfSubViews[$selectedView];
-            nrOfSubViews[$selectedView] = nrOfSubViews[$selectedView] + 1;
-            dynInsertAt(subViews, subViewDpName, insertIndex);
-            dynInsertAt(configs, configDpName, insertIndex);
-            dpSet(viewConfigDpName + ".nrOfSubViews", nrOfSubViews,
-                  viewConfigDpName + ".subViews", subViews,
-                  viewConfigDpName + ".configs", configs);
-            err = getLastError();
-            if (dynlen(err) > 0)
-            {
-              errorDialog(err);
-              // open dialog box with errors
-              throwError(err); // write errors to stderr
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              dfReturn[1] = 1; // 0 = failure, 1 = success
-              dfReturn[2] = nrOfSubViews[$selectedView];
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      //If the current subview name already exists, show message on screen
-      string message = "Entered caption already exists. \nPlease enter a new one.";
-      ChildPanelOnCentralModal(viewsPath + "MessageWarning.pnl", "Warning", makeDynString("$1:" + message));
-      return;
-    }
-    //########################################################
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    // remove subview config for the selected datapoint type and the subview datapoint
-    int selectedSubView;
-    dyn_int nrOfSubViews;
-    dyn_string subViews, configs;
-    if (dpAccessable(viewConfigDpName))
-    {
-      dpGet(viewConfigDpName + ".selectedSubView", selectedSubView,
-            viewConfigDpName + ".nrOfSubViews", nrOfSubViews,
-            viewConfigDpName + ".subViews", subViews,
-            viewConfigDpName + ".configs", configs);
-      err = getLastError();
-      if (dynlen(err) > 0)
-      {
-        errorDialog(err);
-        // open dialog box with errors
-        throwError(err); // write errors to stderr
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        int removeIndex = 0;
-        for (int i = 1; i<$selectedView; i++)
-          removeIndex += nrOfSubViews[i];
-        removeIndex += selectedSubView;
-        dfReturn[2] = nrOfSubViews[$selectedView];
-        nrOfSubViews[$selectedView] = nrOfSubViews[$selectedView]-1;
-        dynRemove(subViews, removeIndex);
-        dynRemove(configs, removeIndex);
-        dpSet(viewConfigDpName + ".nrOfSubViews", nrOfSubViews,
-              viewConfigDpName + ".subViews", subViews,
-              viewConfigDpName + ".configs", configs);
-        err = getLastError();
-        if (dynlen(err) > 0)
-        {
-          errorDialog(err);
-          // open dialog box with errors
-          throwError(err); // write errors to stderr
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          dfReturn[1] = 1; // 0 = failure, 1 = success
-          dfReturn[2] = nrOfSubViews[$selectedView];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-   dpDelete(subViewDpName);
-   dpDelete(configDpName); 
-  }
-  // write return parameters to the database
-  dpSet("_Ui_" + myManNum() + ".ReturnValue.Float:_original.._value", dfReturn);
-  dpSet("_Ui_" + myManNum() + ".ReturnValue.Text:_original.._value", dsReturn);
-  PanelOff();
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator/scripts/libs/nav_fw/nav-main.ctl b/MAC/Navigator/scripts/libs/nav_fw/nav-main.ctl
deleted file mode 100644
index aa8141370bc37db5c15f8b726ad44b0ec73258b4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MAC/Navigator/scripts/libs/nav_fw/nav-main.ctl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1458 +0,0 @@
-//# nav-main.ctl
-//#  Copyright (C) 2002-2004
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id$
-//# global functions for the Navigator. All event handlers are implemented here
-#uses "nav_fw/gcfnav-pmlinterface.ctl"
-#uses "nav_fw/gcf-util.ctl"
-#uses "nav_fw/gcf-common.ctl"
-#uses "nav_fw/gcfnav-configuration-functions.ctl"
-global dyn_string  g_itemID2datapoint;
-global mapping  g_datapoint2itemID;
-global bool     g_initializing         = true;
-global int      STARTUP_DELAY = 1;
-global int      id;                    //needed for changing the selection in the tree (panel navigation, ER 218)
-global int      treeAddCount = 0;      //test teller for performance issue
-global unsigned g_nodeID               = 0;
-global unsigned g_parentIndex          = 0;
-global dyn_string  g_referenceList = "";
-//Enumaration for the use of userrights.
-global int  UR_TREEACCESS1            = 6;
-global int  UR_TREEACCESS2            = 7;
-global int  UR_TREEACCESS3            = 8;
-global int  UR_TREEACCESS4            = 9;
-global int  UR_TREEACCESS5            = 10;
-global int  UR_TREEACCESS6            = 11;
-global int  UR_TREEACCESS7            = 12;
-global int  UR_TREEACCESS8            = 13;
-global int  UR_TREEACCESS9            = 14;
-global int  UR_TREEACCESS10            = 15;
-global int  UR_CONFIGSYSTEMSUBVIEW     = 19;
-global int  UR_COMMANDSOPERATOR        = 21;
-global int  UR_COMMANDSMAINTENANCE     = 22;
-global int  UR_COMMANDSASTRONOMY       = 23;
-global int  UR_SYSTEMMANAGEMENT        = 24;
-//globals voor pathNames
-global string g_path_temp     = ""; 
-global string g_path_gnuplot  = ""; 
-global string g_path_pictureconverter  = "";
-global int g_path_temp_index     = 1;
-global int g_path_gnuplot_index  = 2;
-global int g_path_pictureconverter_index  = 3;
-// Includes
-#uses "nav_fw/treeView.ctl"
-#used "nav_fw/nav-tabview.ctl"
-#used "nav_fw/nav-config.ctl"
-// Constants
-global string   DPNAME_NAVIGATOR                = "__navigator";
-global string   ELNAME_PROPSETFILTERS           = ".resourceRoots";
-global string   ELNAME_IGNOREENABLEDROOTS       = ".ignoreEnabledRoots";
-global string   ELNAME_ENVIRONMENTNAMES         = ".environmentNames";
-global string   ELNAME_ENVIRONMENTGROUPS        = ".environmentGroups";
-global string   ELNAME_SELECTEDELEMENT          = ".selectedElement";
-global string   ELNAME_SELECTEDVIEWCAPTION      = ".selectedViewCaption";
-global string   ELNAME_USECOUNT                 = ".useCount";
-global string   ELNAME_VIEWSPATH                = ".viewsPath";
-global string   ELNAME_VIEWS                    = ".views";
-global string   ELNAME_CAPTION                  = ".caption";
-global string   ELNAME_FILENAME                 = ".filename";
-global string   ELNAME_CONFIGPANEL              = ".configPanel";
-global string   ELNAME_SELECTEDVIEW             = ".selectedView";
-global string   ELNAME_SELECTEDSUBVIEW          = ".selectedSubView";
-global string   ELNAME_SELECTEDENVIRONMENT      = ".selectedEnvironment";
-global string   ELNAME_NROFSUBVIEWS             = ".nrOfSubViews";
-global string   ELNAME_SUBVIEWS                 = ".subViews";
-global string   ELNAME_CONFIGS                  = ".configs";
-global string   ELNAME_TRIGGERUPDATE            = ".triggerUpdate";
-global string   ELNAME_NEWDATAPOINT             = ".newDatapoint";
-const string  	ELNAME_TREEACCESS								= ".treeAccess";
-global string   ELNAME_MESSAGE		              = ".message";
-global string   DPTYPENAME_NAVIGATOR_INSTANCE   = "GCFNavigatorInstance";
-global string MESSAGE_DPACCESS = "Node is not accessable.";
-global string MESSAGE_ACCESSDENIED = "ACCESS DENIED\n\nYou have no rights to access this node.";
-global string   ACTIVEX_TREE_CTRL_NAME = "FlyTreeXCtrl1";
-global string   LIST_TREE_CTRL_NAME    = "list";
-global string   TAB_VIEWS_CTRL_NAME    = "TabViews";
-global int      NR_OF_VIEWS            = 10;
-// Globals
-global int      gNavigatorID 				= 0;
-global bool     gShowProperties     = false; //Show datapoint elements in the tree. If yes=> do!
-global bool     gActiveXSupported   = false;
-global string   gNavigatorTabFile 	= "navigator_tab.pnl";
-global int      gCurSelTreeViewIdx 	= 1;
-// FunctionName: 
-// Params:
-// Returns:
-// -------------------------- HANDLERS -------------------------------------------
-// FunctionName: TreeView_OnInit
-// called when the list is initialized
-  LOG_DEBUG("TreeView_OnInit");
-  TreeCtrl_HandleEventInitialize();  
-  // the last line of code of each treeView event handler MUST be the following:
-  id = -1; 
-// FunctionName: TreeCtrl_HandleEventInitialize()
-// initializes the Resources treeview
-void TreeCtrl_HandleEventInitialize()
-  initTree();
-// TreeView_OnExpand
-// called when an item is expanded
-TreeView_OnExpand(unsigned treeViewIdx)
-  LOG_DEBUG("TreeView_OnExpand", selNodeIdx);
-	TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnExpand(selNodeIdx)
-  // the last line of code of each treeView event handler MUST be the following:
-  id = -1; 
-// FunctionName: TreeCtrl_EventOnExpand(long Node)
-// expands a node in the Resources treeview
-void TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnExpand(long treeViewIdx)
-  dyn_anytype node = navConvTreeIdx2Node(treeViewIdx);
-  if (dynlen(node) != treeView_INFO)
-  {
-    return;
-  }      
-  if (checkDpPermit(node[treeView_INFO]) || node[treeView_PARENTID] == 0)
-  {
-    dyn_string propSets = getPropertySets(node[treeView_INFO], 2);
-	  LOG_DEBUG("adding property sets: ", LOG_DYN(propSets));
-	  addPropSetsToTree(node[treeView_PATH], propSets);
-	  // also call the default OnExpand implementation to expand the node
-	  treeView_defaultOnExpandNode(treeViewIdx);  
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    navMessageWarning(MESSAGE_ACCESSDENIED);  //access to resource denied
-  }
-// FunctionName: TreeView_OnSelect
-// called when an item is selected
-TreeView_OnSelect(unsigned pos)
-  LOG_DEBUG("TreeView_OnSelect", pos);
-	TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnSelChange(pos);
-  // the last line of code of each treeView event handler MUST be the following:
-  id = -1; 
-// FunctionName: TreeCtrl_EventOnSelChange(long Node)
-// initializes the Resources treeview
-// TODO: optimize for selection change to the same resource type. Then don't reconfigure the tabs
-void TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnSelChange(long treeViewIdx)
-  dyn_anytype node = navConvTreeIdx2Node(treeViewIdx);
-  if (dynlen(node) != treeView_INFO)
-  {
-    return;
-  }      
-  if (checkDpPermit(node[treeView_INFO]) || node[treeView_PARENTID] == 0)
-  {
-  	string dpViewConfig = navConfigGetViewConfig(node[treeView_INFO]);
-    showView(dpViewConfig, datapointPath);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    navMessageWarning(MESSAGE_ACCESSDENIED);  //access to resource denied
-  }
-// TreeView_OnCollapse
-// called when an item is expanded
-TreeView_OnCollapse(unsigned pos)
-  LOG_DEBUG("TreeView_OnCollapse", pos);
-  TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnCollapse(pos);
-  // the last line of code of each treeView event handler MUST be the following:
-  id = -1; 
-// FunctionName: TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnCollapse(long Node)
-// expands a node in the Resources treeview
-void TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnCollapse(unsigned Node)
-  treeView_deleteChildren(Node); 
-  // TODO delete only childrens of childrens
-  treeView_defaultOnCollapseNode(Node);
-// FunctionName: Navigator_HandleUpdateTrigger()
-// refreshes the navigator
-void Navigator_HandleUpdateTrigger(string dpe, int trigger)
-  string newDatapoint;
-  dpGet(DPNAME_NAVIGATOR + gNavigatorID + ELNAME_NEWDATAPOINT, newDatapoint);
-  if (newDatapoint != "")
-  {
-    changeSelectedPosition(newDatapoint);
-    refreshNavigator();
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    refreshNavigator();
-  }
-// -------------------------- PUBLIC METHODS -------------------------------------
-// FunctionName: navConvTreeIdx2Node
-// Params: treeViewIdx - index of an item of the treeView
-// Returns: node object, empty array if treeViewIdx not valid, otherwise it contains 'treeView_INFO' items
-dyn_anytype navConvTreeIdx2Node(unsigned treeViewIdx)
-	unsigned nodeId = treeView_convTreeIdx2NodeId(treeViewIdx);
-	return treeView_getNode(nodeId);
-// FunctionName: navConvTreeIdx2NodePath
-// Params: treeViewIdx - index of an item of the treeView
-// Returns: the complete node path including the node name on the index, "" if treeViewIdx not valid
-string navConvTreeIdx2NodePath(unsigned treeViewIdx)
-	string nodePath = "";
-	dyn_anytype node = navConvTreeIdx2Node(treeViewIdx);
-	if (dynlen(node) == treeView_INFO)
-	{
-		nodePath = node[treeView_PATH];
-	}
-	return nodePath;
-// FunctionName: navConvTreeIdx2DP
-// Params: treeViewIdx - index of an item of the treeView
-// Returns: the node info field of the node on the index, "" if treeViewIdx not valid
-string navConvTreeIdx2DP(unsigned treeViewIdx)
-	string dp = "";
-	dyn_anytype node = navConvTreeIdx2Node(treeViewIdx);
-	if (dynlen(node) == treeView_INFO)
-	{
-		dp = node[treeView_INFO];
-	}
-	return dp;
-// FunctionName: navMessageWarning
-// used to display a message to the end-user
-void navMessageWarning(string message)
-  ChildPanelOnCentralModal(navGetViewsPath() + "MessageWarning.pnl", "Warning", makeDynString("$1:" + message));
-//Function navGetViewsPath()
-// returns the relative path where the navigator views are stored
-string navGetViewsPath()
-  if (viewsPath == "") viewsPath = "nav_fw/";
-  return viewsPath;
-// FunctionName: navCorrectResourceRoots,  used to check the current systemname
-// and fill GCFNavigator resourceroots with the present Systemname
-void navCorrectResourceRoots()
-  dyn_string roots;
-  string aSystemName = getSystemName();
-  strreplace(aSystemName, ':', "");
-  bool replaced = false;
-  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(roots); i++)
-  {
-    dyn_string aS = strsplit(roots[i], ':');
-    if (aS[1] != aSystemName) 
-    {
-      strreplace(roots[i], aS[1], aSystemName);
-      replaced = true;
-    }
-  }
-  if (replaced)
-  {
-  }
-// -------------------------- PRIVATE METHODS ------------------------------------
-// FunctionName: initTree()
-// initializes the treeview with propertysets
-void initTree()
-  LOG_DEBUG("initTree()");
-  shape treeCtrl = getTreeCtrl();
-  idispatch items;
-  if (ActiveXSupported())
-  {
-    items = treeCtrl.Items;
-    items.BeginUpdate();
-    items.Clear();
-    treeCtrl.SortType = 0;
-  }
-  // get top level property sets. "" means root, 2 means: 2 level depth
-  dyn_string propSets = getPropertySets("", 2);
-  LOG_DEBUG("adding property sets: ", LOG_DYN(propSets));
-  addPropSetsToTree("", propSets);
-  treeView_defaultOnExpandNode(0); // shows the root nodes
-  if (ActiveXSupported())
-  {
-    items.EndUpdate();
-  }
-  LOG_DEBUG("~initTree()");
-  delay(2, 0);
-  shape treeList    = getShape(LIST_TREE_CTRL_NAME);
-  gCurSelTreeViewIdx = 1;
-  LOG_TRACE("Init,  set selected node[1]", gCurSelTreeViewIdx);
-  treeList.selectedPos = 1;
-// FunctionName: getPropertySets
-// Params: parentDatapoint - get the children of this datapoint
-//         depth           - how many levels of children to get
-// Returns: the names of the property sets, which have to be added to the tree
-dyn_string getPropertySets(string parent, int depth)
-  dyn_string foundPropSets;
-  dyn_string allFoundDPs;
-  dyn_string propSetFilters;
-  dyn_errClass err;
-  int maxDepth;
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// 1) Determine whether the parent is the root or not
-	//    and determine a list of property set filters
-  if (parent == "")
-  {
-  	// parent is root
-    maxDepth = depth;
-    // read the filters from the navigator configuration
-    err = getLastError();
-    if (dynlen(err) > 0 || dynlen(propSetFilters) == 0)
-    {
-      // if nothing specified, take the local PIC, PAC, VIC or GSO trees
-      propSetFilters = makeDynString("PIC", "PAC", "VIC", "GSO");
-    }  
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    dyn_string dpPathElements = strsplit(parent, ":_");
-    maxDepth = depth + dynlen(dpPathElements);
-    // if the parent does not contain a system name than the maxDepth must be increased with 1
-    // because the dpNames method always returns the systemname in the DP name
-    // and the system name is always a separate level too
-    if (strpos(parent, ":") < 0) maxDepth++;
-    propSetFilters = makeDynString(parent);
-  }
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // 2) Get all property sets (DP's), which matches with the filter
-  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(propSetFilters); i++)
-  {
-    // query the database for all propSets under the given root (filter)
-    // NOTE: This query also includes the "__enabled" DP's
-    dynAppend(allFoundDPs, dpNames(propSetFilters[i] + "*"));
-  }
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // 3) Make a list of enabled property sets (enabledPropSets)
-  //    and a list of existing property sets, which are not enabled (checkPropSets)
-  //		These property sets (checkPropSets) maybe will never be enabled (for instance SNMP related stuff).
-  //	  They are marked by the ignoredEnabledRoots list in the navigator configuration and 
-  //		have therefor to be checked against this configuration (see step 4).
-  LOG_DEBUG("All found DP's: ", dynlen(allFoundDPs));
-  dyn_string allFoundPropSets;
-  dyn_string checkPropSets = allFoundDPs; // collection with DP's, which have no "__enabled" equivalent
-  dyn_string enabledPropSets = dynPatternMatch("*__enabled", allFoundDPs);
-  int propSetIdx, enablePropSetIdx;
-  for (int j = 1; j <= dynlen(enabledPropSets); j++)
-  {
-    string enabledPropSetsItem = enabledPropSets[j];
-    strreplace(enabledPropSetsItem, "__enabled", "");
-    propSetIdx = dynContains(checkPropSets, enabledPropSetsItem);
-    if (propSetIdx > 0)
-    {
-      LOG_DEBUG("Adding: ", enabledPropSetsItem);
-      dynAppend(allFoundPropSets, enabledPropSetsItem);
-      dynRemove(checkPropSets, propSetIdx);
-	    enablePropSetIdx = dynContains(checkPropSets, enabledPropSetsItem + "__enabled");
-      if (enablePropSetIdx > 0)
-      {
-	      dynRemove(checkPropSets, enablePropSetIdx));
-	    }
-    }
-    else if (0 == propSetIdx)
-    {
-    	// normally the property set should always be of category "temporary" in this case
-      if (navPMLisTemporary(enabledPropSetsItem))
-      {
-        LOG_DEBUG("Adding temp: ", enabledPropSetsItem);
-        dynAppend(allFoundPropSets, enabledPropSetsItem);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// 4) If there are property sets (DP's), which are not enabled, they have to be checked against the
-	//    ignoreEnableRoots list.
-  if (dynlen(checkPropSets) > 0)
-  {
-    dyn_string ignoreEnabledFilters;
-		// check the ignoreEnabledFilters field
-    err = getLastError();
-    if (dynlen(err) == 0)
-    { 
-    	dyn_string foundIgnoreItems;   
-	    for (int n = 1; n <= dynlen(ignoreEnabledFilters); n++)
-	    {
-	    	foundIgnoreItems = dynPatternMatch(ignoreEnabledFilters[n] + "*", checkPropSets);
-	      dynAppend(allFoundPropSets, foundIgnoreItems);
-	    }
-    }
-  }
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // 5) strip everything below the requested level
-  // 		remove duplicates  
- 	int d;
-  dyn_string psPathElements;
-  string selectedPropSet;
-  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(allFoundPropSets); i++)
-  {
-	  psPathElements = strsplit(allFoundPropSets[i], "_");
-	  // the first element always contains the system name and is also a separate level 
-	  // this level therefore can be default skipped 
-	  for (d = 2; d <= maxDepth && d <= dynlen(psPathElements); d++)
-	  {
-	    if (d > 2)
-	      selectedPropSet += "_";
-	    selectedPropSet += psPathElements[d - 1];
-	  }
-	  if (!dynContains(foundPropSets, selectedPropSet))
-	  {
-	    LOG_DEBUG("Adding: ", selectedPropSet);
-	    dynAppend(foundPropSets, selectedPropSet);
-	  }
-  }
-  dynSortAsc(foundPropSets);
-  return foundPropSets;
-// FunctionName: addPropSetsToTree()
-// Adds names of property sets and their elements to the treeview
-// Params: parent -
-//				 names  - names of the property sets to add
-void addPropSetsToTree(string parent, dyn_string names)
-  if (dynlen(names) > 0)
-  {
-	  string systemName;
-  	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  	// 1) Determine parentId and add systemname as root node if necessary
-  	unsigned parentId = 0;
-    systemName = strrtrim(dpSubStr(names[1], DPSUB_SYS), ":");
-  	if (getSystemName() == (systemName + ":") && parent == "")
-  	{
-  		treeView_addNode(systemName, parentId, getSystemName());
-  	}
-  	else
-  	{
-  		dyn_unsigned nodeIds = treeView_findNodes(parent);
-	  	if (dynlen(nodeIds) == 1)
-	  	{
-	  		parentId = nodeIds[1];
-	  	}
-	  	else
-	  	{
-	  		LOG_FATAL("parent '" + parent + "' was not known in the treeView!!! No items added!!!");
-	  		return;
-	  	}
-  	}
-		dyn_anytype parentNode = treeView_getNode(parentId);
-		string parentDp = "";
-		if (dynlen(parentNode) == treeView_INFO)
-		{
-			parentDp = parentNode[treeView_INFO];
-		}
-		string curName;
-		string splittedName;
-		int j, k, l, m;
-		unsigned curNewParentId, curNewPropParentId;
-		dyn_string propertyStructure;
-		string curPropPath, fullPropPath;
-		string splittedProp;
-		string elementName;
-		dyn_string references, referenceSplit, refPropSets;
-    for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(names); i++)
-    {
-    	curName = names[i];
-			// cut the parentDp part from the current dp name to get only the (right) part 
-			// to be added to the tree
-			strreplace(curName, parentDp, "");
-			splittedName = strsplit(curName, "_");
-			curNewParentId = parentId;
-			for (j = 1; j <= dynlen(splittedName); j++)
-			{
-				curNewParentId = treeView_addNode(splittedName[j], curNewParentId, names[i]);
-				if (curNewParentId < 1) break;
-			}
-			curNewPropParentId = curNewParentId;
-			if (j > dynlen(splittedName))
-			{
-   			propertyStructure = getPSTypeStructure(names[i]);
- 				for (k = 1; k <= dynlen(propertyStructure); k++)
-   			{
-   				curNewParentId = curNewPropParentId;
-   				curPropPath = propertyStructure[k];
-   				splittedProp = strsplit(curPropPath, ".");
-   				fullPropPath = names[i];
-   				for (l = 1; l <= dynlen(splittedProp); l++)
-   				{
-   					fullPropPath += "." + splittedProp[l];
-   					if ("__" == substr(splittedProp[l], 0, 2))
-   					{
-   						if (dpAccessable(fullPropPath))
-   						{    							
-   							dpGet(fullPropPath, references);
-   							for (m = 1; m <= dynlen(references); m++)
-   							{
-	                referenceSplit = strsplit(references[m], "=");
-	                string referenceViewText = referenceSplit[1] + referenceSign(referenceSplit[2]);
-				    			curNewParentId = treeView_addNode(referenceViewText, curNewParentId, referenceSplit[2]);					    			
-				    			if (curNewParentId < 1) break;
-				    			refNode = treeView_getNode(curNewParentId);
-	                // Because this is a reference, the PS's of the branch must be retrieved and
-	                // added to the tree.
-				    			if (dynlen(refNode) > 0)
-				    			{
-				    				refNodePath = refNodePath[treeView_PATH];
-		                LOG_TRACE("Add reference: ", referenceViewText);
-		                dyn_string refPropSets = getPropertySets(referenceSplit[2], 1);
-		                addPropSetsToTree(refNodePath, refPropSets);
-				    			}
-				    			// else -> refnode was not added succesfully
-   							} // end m loop
-   						} 
-   						// it is sure that this property can no has childs
-   						break;
-   					}
-   					else if (gShowProperties)
-   					{
-   						curNewParentId = treeView_addNode(splittedProp[l], curNewParentId, fullPropPath);
-   					} // fi "__"
-   				} // end l loop
-   			} // end k loop
-   		} // fi j > dynlen(..)
-    } // end i loop
-	} // fi dynlen(names)
-// FunctionName: getPSTypeStructure()
-// Gets the type structure of a property set (PS) located on a local system or remote system
-// even if PS does not exists as DP, if not exists than the __enabled DP will be used
-// if DPtype in the __enabled DP has no DP instance than a dummy DP will be created
-// Params: ps - property set from which the typestructure is requested
-//						  NOTE: The ps param may not contains element, config or attribute tags
-// Returns: a list with the type structure including the root element of the PS
-dyn_string getPSTypeStructure(string ps)
-	dyn_string propertyStructure = makeDynString();
-	if (dpAccessable(ps))
-	{
-    propertyStructure = dpNames(ps + ".**");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		string systemName;
-		string psType = getPropSetType(ps);
-	  if (psType != "")
-	  {	  	
-	  	systemName = dpSubStr(ps + "__enabled.", DPSUB_SYS);
-			dyn_string dps = dpNames(systemName + "*", psType);			
-			if (dynlen(dps) == 0)
-			{
-				ps = "__dummy_" + psType; // system name may not be included in name of the DP to be created
-				dpCreate(ps, psType, getSystenId(systemName));
-				ps = systemName + ps;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				ps = dps[1];
-			}
-			propertyStructure = dpNames(ps + ".**");
-		}
-	}
-	for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(propertyStructure); i++)
-	{
-		propertyStructure[i] = substr(propertyStructure[i], strlen(ps));
-	}
-	return propertyStructure;
-// FunctionName: getPropSetType()
-// retrieves the Type information from DP == property set, otherwise from <DP>__enabled
-// Params: psName - property set name, including systemName
-// Returns: Property set type
-string getPropSetType(string psName)
-  string propSetType = dpTypeName(psName);
-  if (strlen(propSetType) == 0)
-  {
-	  if (dpAccessable(psName + "__enabled."))
-	  {
-		  string enabledValue;
-		  dyn_string enabledValueSplit;
-		  dpGet(psName + "__enabled.", enabledValue);
-		  enabledValueSplit = strsplit(enabledValue, "|");
-		  if (dynlen(enabledValueSplit) == 2)
-		  {
-		    propSetType = enabledValueSplit[2];
-		  }
-		  else
-		  {  
-		    LOG_WARN("Erronous '" + psName + "__enabled' value: " + enabledValueSplit);
-		  }
-	  }
-  }
-  return propSetType;
-// FunctionName: referenceSign()
-// Params: reference - reference property set
-// Returns: " ->>" if reference is distributed
-//          " ->"  if reference is NOT distributed
-string referenceSign(string reference)
- string refSign;
- if (dpIsDistributed(reference))
- {
-   refSign = " ->>";
- }
- else
- {
-   refSign = " ->";
- }
-  return refSign;
-// FunctionName: dpIsDistributed()
-// Checks whether the given dpName is on another system or not
-// Params: dpName - Datapoint name, including systemName
-// Returns: TRUE,  given dpName is on another system
-//          FALSE, given dpName is the same system
-bool dpIsDistributed(string dpName)
-  string dpSystemName = strrtrim(dpSubStr(dpName, DPSUB_SYS), ":");
-  return (getSystemName() != (dpSystemName + ":"));
-// FunctionName: ActiveXSupported
-// Returns: true if the panel contains the ActiveX tree control
-bool ActiveXSupported() 
-  return gActiveXSupported;
-// FunctionName: setActiveXSupported
-// sets the global variable that indicates if activeX is supported
-void setActiveXSupported() 
-  idispatch activeXctrl = 0;
-  if (activeXctrl == 0)
-  {
-    LOG_TRACE("I cannot create a COM object!? What the ....?? You must be running Linux or something.", "");
-    gActiveXSupported = false;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    LOG_TRACE("I can create a COM object! ", activeXctrl);
-    releaseComObject(activeXctrl);
-    gActiveXSupported = true;
-  }
-// FunctionName: getTreeCtrlName
-// returns the name of the ActiveX tree control if activeX is supported, 
-// returns the name of the emulated tree control otherwise
-string getTreeCtrlName()
-  if (ActiveXSupported())
-  {
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    return LIST_TREE_CTRL_NAME;
-  }
-// FunctionName: getTreeCtrl
-// returns the ActiveX tree control shape if activeX is supported, 
-// returns the emulated tree control shape otherwise
-shape getTreeCtrl()
-  return getShape(getTreeCtrlName());
-// FunctionName: getTabCtrlName
-// returns the name of the tab control that contains the views
-string getTabCtrlName()
-// FunctionName: getTabCtrl
-// returns the tab control shape
-shape getTabCtrl()
-  return getShape(getTabCtrlName());
-// FunctionName: checkDpPermit
-// Checks or the current user has permission to access the current datapoint
-// Params: datapointPath
-// Returns: TRUE,  permitted to access given dpName 
-//          FALSE, denied to given dpName 
-bool checkDpPermit(string datapointPath)
-  dyn_string treeAccess;
-  bool permit = FALSE;
-  int permitLength = 0;
-  for (int i = 6; i <= 15; i++)
-  {
-    if (treeAccess[i] != "")
-    {
-      if (patternMatch(treeAccess[i] + "*", datapointPath))
-      {
-        if (getUserPermission(i))
-        {
-          if (permitLength <= strlen(treeAccess[i]))
-          {
-            permit = TRUE;
-            permitLength = strlen(treeAccess[i]);
-          }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          if (strlen(datapointPath) >= strlen(treeAccess[i]))
-          {
-            permit = FALSE;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return permit;
-// FunctionName: changeSelectedPostion
-// Params: newDatapoint - 
-void changeSelectedPosition(string newDatapoint)
-  int i;
-  long nodeID;
-  dyn_string datapointPath = splitDatapointPath(newDatapoint);
-  string systemName = substr(getSystemName(getSystemId()), 0, (strlen(getSystemName(getSystemId())) - 1));
-  if (g_datapoint == systemName)
-  {
-    TreeView_OnExpand(1);
-  }
-  string temp = "";
-  string temp_dpe = "";
-  dyn_string dcurrent = splitDatapointPath(g_datapoint);
-  dyn_string dnew     = splitDatapointPath(newDatapoint);
-  int Index;
-  for (i = 1; i <= dynlen(datapointPath); i++)
-  {
-    if (i == 1)
-    {
-      temp = datapointPath[i];
-    }
-    else
-    {
-    if (i == dynlen(datapointPath)) //last element in datapointPath could be an datapoint element
-    {
-     temp_dpe = temp + "." + datapointPath[i];
-    }
-      temp = temp + "_" + datapointPath[i]; //build datapoint
-    }
-    nodeID = getNodeFromDatapoint(temp);
-    if (nodeID == 0) //temp not found
-    {
-      nodeID = getNodeFromDatapoint(temp + " ->"); //maybe a local reference
-      if (nodeID != 0)
-      {
-        temp = temp + " ->";
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        nodeID = getNodeFromDatapoint(temp + " ->>"); //temp maybe a remote reference
-        if (nodeID != 0)
-        {
-          temp = temp + " ->>";
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (i != dynlen(datapointPath)) // do not expand last node, costs to much time/performance!!!!
-    {
-      if (nodeID != 0)
-      {
-        TreeView_OnExpand((nodeID));
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        nodeID = getNodeFromDatapoint(temp_dpe); //nodeID not found, try the datapoint element
-        if (nodeID != 0)
-      {
-      TreeView_OnExpand(nodeID);
-     }
-    }
-    }
-  }
-  treeView_draw(); 
-  gCurSelTreeViewIdx = nodeID; //update global info
-  treeView_setSelectedPosition(treeView_Tree2ViewIndex(nodeID));
-// FunctionName: getSelectedNode
-// returns the selected node in either the activex tree control or the 
-// emulated tree control
-// 0 = nothing selected. First element in the tree is node nr. 1
-long getSelectedNode()
-  long selectedNode = 0;
-  shape treeCtrl = getTreeCtrl(); 
-  if (ActiveXSupported())
-  {
-    selectedNode = treeCtrl.Selected; 
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    int selectedPos;
-    treeView_getSelectedPosition(selectedPos);
-    LOG_TRACE("selected pos:", selectedPos);
-    if (selectedPos >= 1)
-    {
-      selectedNode = treeView_view2TreeIndex(selectedPos);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      selectedNode = selectedPos;
-    }
-  }
-  LOG_TRACE("selected node:", selectedNode);
-  return selectedNode;
-// FunctionName: refreshNavigator()
-// refreshes the views of the navigator
-void refreshNavigator()
-  if (!g_initializing)
-  {
-    LOG_TRACE("refreshNavigator  ", gCurSelTreeViewIdx);
-    if (gCurSelTreeViewIdx != 0)
-    {
-      string datapointPath = buildPathFromNode(gCurSelTreeViewIdx);
-      // if the datapointPath is a reference, it will be translated to the
-      // the original datapointPath.
-      dyn_string reference;
-      bool dpIsReference;
-      checkForReference(datapointPath, reference, dpIsReference);
-      string dpViewConfig = navConfigGetViewConfig(datapointPath);
-      showView(dpViewConfig, datapointPath);
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    LOG_DEBUG("refreshNavigator suppressed while initializing ");
-  }
-// FunctionName: showActiveView(string datapointPath)
-// shows the active tab identified by the datapoint
-void showActiveView(string dpViewConfig, string datapointPath)
-  LOG_DEBUG("showActiveView", dpViewConfig, datapointPath);
-  shape tabCtrl = getTabCtrl();
-  string viewsPath = navGetViewsPath();
-  int selectedViewTabId = tabCtrl.activeRegister + 1;
-  LOG_DEBUG("showActiveView, active view = ", selectedViewTabId);
-  navConfigSetSelectedElement(datapointPath);
-  dyn_string panelParameters = makeDynString("$datapoint:" + datapointPath);
-  // get tab properties
-  dyn_string views = navConfigGetViews(dpViewConfig);
-  for (int tabId = 1; tabId <= dynlen(views); tabId++)
-  {
-    if (tabId != selectedViewTabId)
-    {
-      // load empty panel in non-visible tabs to enhance performance
-      tabCtrl.registerPanel(tabId - 1, viewsPath + "nopanel.pnl", makeDynString(""));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if (dpAccessable(views[selectedViewTabId]))
-      {
-        tabCtrl.registerPanel(selectedViewTabId - 1, gNavigatorTabFile, panelParameters);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        LOG_TRACE("showActiveView", "tab reference not found; making tab invisible: ", selectedViewTabId);
-        tabCtrl.registerVisible(selectedViewTabId - 1) = FALSE;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// FunctionName: getNodeFromDatapoint
-// returns the nodeid in the treeview of the corresponding datapoint
-long getNodeFromDatapoint(string dpe)
-  long nodeId = 0;
-  //string datapointName = dpSubStr(dpe, DPSUB_SYS_DP_EL); Origiganel 
-  string datapointName = getSystemName(getSystemId()) + dpe;  //New AdB 18-3-2005
-  LOG_TRACE("getNodeFromDatapoint: searching for: ", dpe, datapointName);
-  if (mappingHasKey(g_datapoint2itemID, datapointName))
-  {
-    nodeId = g_datapoint2itemID[datapointName];
-  }
-  LOG_TRACE("found??? nodeId= ", nodeId);
-  return nodeId;
-//  Action handlers
-// FunctionName: Navigator_HandleEventInitialize()
-// initializes the navigator
-void Navigator_HandleEventInitialize()
-  LOG_TRACE("Navigator_HandleEventInitialize()", "");
-  // before the first thing, we check the sanity of the configuration
-  string sanityMessage;
-  // Set the global variable: gNavigatorTabFile
-  gNavigatorTabFile = navGetViewsPath() + "navigator_tab.pnl";
-  if (!navConfigSanityCheck(sanityMessage))
-  {
-    gcfUtilMessageWarning("Sanity check failed", sanityMessage);
-  }
-  // first thing to do: get a new navigator ID
-  // check the commandline parameter:
-  int navID = 0;
-  if (isDollarDefined("$ID"))
-    navID = $ID;
-  navConfigSetNavigatorID(navID);
-  navConfigIncreaseUseCount();
-  navConfigSubscribeUpdateTrigger("Navigator_HandleUpdateTrigger");
-  navPMLinitialize();
-  g_initializing = true;
-  setActiveXSupported();
-  LOG_TRACE("ActiveXSupported global variable set to ", ActiveXSupported());
-  // show the ActiveX tree control if it can be created
-  shape treeActiveX = getShape(ACTIVEX_TREE_CTRL_NAME);
-  shape treeList    = getShape(LIST_TREE_CTRL_NAME);
-  if (ActiveXSupported())
-  {
-    treeActiveX.visible = TRUE;
-    treeList.visible    = FALSE;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    treeActiveX.visible = FALSE;
-    treeList.visible    = TRUE;
-  }
-  // manually control the initialization of the tree and tabviews
-  InitializeTabViews();
-  //initTree(); //cannot do it here because tree will not be visible initially, only after double click. Strange but true
-  delay(STARTUP_DELAY); // wait for the tree control to complete initialization
-  g_initializing = false;
-  // configure the tabs
-  long selectedNode = getSelectedNode();
-  if (selectedNode != 0)
-  {
-    string datapointPath = buildPathFromNode(selectedNode);
-    string dpViewConfig = navConfigGetViewConfig(datapointPath);
-    if (selectedNode != 0 && dpAccessable(dpViewConfig))
-    {
-      showView(dpViewConfig, datapointPath);
-    }
-  }    
-  LOG_DEBUG("~Navigator_HandleEventInitialize()");
-// FunctionName: Navigator_HandleEventTerminate()
-// NOTE: it is NOT possible to call dpGet in the terminate handler!
-void Navigator_HandleEventTerminate()
-  LOG_DEBUG("Navigator_HandleEventTerminate()");
-// FunctionName: Navigator_HandleEventClose()
-// de-initializes the navigator
-// NOTE: it is NOT possible to call dpGet in the terminate handler!
-void Navigator_HandleEventClose()
-  LOG_DEBUG("Navigator_HandleEventClose()");
-  navPMLterminate();
-  navConfigDecreaseUseCount();
-  PanelOff();
-// FunctionName: TabViews_HandleEventInitialize()
-// initializes the tabview
-void TabViews_HandleEventInitialize()
-  // the initialization of the main panel initializes the tabviews
-  // nothing should be done here
-// FunctionName: InitializeTabViews()
-// initializes the tabview
-void InitializeTabViews()
-  LOG_DEBUG("InitializeTabViews()");
-  shape tabCtrl = getTabCtrl();
-  // hide all tabs
-  int i = 0;
-  dyn_errClass err;
-  int setValueResult;
-  do
-  {
-    setValueResult = setValue(getTabCtrlName(), "registerVisible", i, FALSE);
-    err = getLastError();
-    LOG_TRACE("registerVisible", i, setValueResult, err);
-    i++;
-  } while(dynlen(err) == 0 && i < NR_OF_VIEWS && setValueResult == 0);
-  LOG_DEBUG("~InitializeTabViews()");
-// FunctionName: TabViews_HandleEventSelectionChanged
-// stores the selected tab number in the database
-void TabViews_HandleEventSelectionChanged()
-  if (!g_initializing)
-  {
-    LOG_DEBUG("TabViews_HandleEventSelectionChanged");
-    shape tabCtrl = getTabCtrl();
-    long selectedNode = getSelectedNode();
-    if (selectedNode != 0)
-    {
-      string datapointPath = buildPathFromNode(selectedNode);
-      dyn_string reference;
-      bool dpIsReference;
-      checkForReference(datapointPath, reference, dpIsReference);
-      navConfigSetSelectedView(datapointPath, tabCtrl.activeRegister + 1);
-      string dpViewConfig = navConfigGetViewConfig(datapointPath);
-      if (selectedNode != 0 && dpAccessable(dpViewConfig))
-      {
-        showActiveView(dpViewConfig, datapointPath);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    LOG_DEBUG("TabViews_HandleEventSelectionChanged suppressed while initializing");
-  }
-// FunctionName: checkForReferenceRemoveFromList
-// Params: datapointPath - deletes al related references form the
-//             g_referenceList
-// returns - none
-void checkForReferenceRemoveFromList(string datapointPath)
-  dyn_string refOut;
-  for (int i = dynlen(g_referenceList); i >= 1; i--)
-  {
-    refOut = strsplit(g_referenceList[i], "=");
-    if (patternMatch(datapointPath + "*", refOut[1]) && !(datapointPath == refOut[1]))
-    {
-      dynRemove(g_referenceList, i);
-    }
-  }
-// FunctionName: TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnDrawCell
-// draws icons in columns if needed
-void TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnDrawCell(long Col, long Row, float Left, float Top, float Right, float Bottom)
-  if (!g_initializing)
-  {
-    if (ActiveXSupported())
-    {
-      shape treeCtrl = getTreeCtrl();
-      if (Row >= treeCtrl.FixedRows)
-      {
-        if (Col == 0)
-        {
-          idispatch aNode;
-          aNode = treeCtrl.GetNodeAt(Left, Top);
-          if (aNode != 0)
-          {
-            if (aNode.Data != 0)
-            {
-              if (aNode.Data == "A" && (treeCtrl.ImagesWidth < (Right - Left)))
-              {
-                LOG_TRACE("data is A and image fits", aNode.Data, treeCtrl.ImagesWidth, Right, Left);
-                int aLeft, aRight;
-                aLeft = Left + (Right - Left - treeCtrl.ImagesWidth) / 2;
-                aRight = aLeft + treeCtrl.ImagesWidth;
-                treeCtrl.DrawImage(1, aLeft, Top, aRight, Bottom);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// maximizes the current subview
-void ButtonMaximize_HandleEventClick()
-  LOG_DEBUG("ButtonMaximize_HandleEventClick");
-  dyn_errClass err;
-  shape tabCtrl = getTabCtrl();
-  long Node = getSelectedNode();
-  if (Node != 0)
-  {
-    string datapointPath = buildPathFromNode(Node);
-    string dpViewConfig = navConfigGetViewConfig(datapointPath);
-    LOG_TRACE("ButtonMaximize_HandleEventClick", Node, dpViewConfig);
-    if (Node != 0 && dpAccessable(dpViewConfig))
-    {
-      int selectedView;
-      int selectedSubView;
-      dyn_string views;
-      dyn_int  nrOfSubViews;
-      dyn_string subViews;
-      dyn_string configs;
-      if (navConfigGetViewConfigElements(dpViewConfig,
-            selectedView,
-            selectedSubView,
-            views,
-            nrOfSubViews,
-            subViews,
-            configs))
-      {
-        LOG_TRACE("viewConfig:", selectedView, selectedSubView, views, nrOfSubViews, subViews, configs);
-        if (selectedView > 0 && selectedSubView > 0)
-        {
-          // create the mapping
-          int beginSubViews = 1;
-          for (int i = 1; i < selectedView; i++)
-          {
-            beginSubViews += nrOfSubViews[i];
-          }
-          // get subviews config
-          string subViewCaption;
-          string subViewFileName;
-          if (navConfigGetSubViewConfigElements(subViews[beginSubViews + selectedSubView - 1], subViewCaption, subViewFileName))
-          {
-            string viewsPath = navGetViewsPath();
-            LOG_DEBUG("subviewcaption, subviewfilename:", subViewCaption, viewsPath + subViewFileName);
-            string dpNameTemp = datapointPath;
-            bool isReference;
-            dyn_string reference;
-            string referenceDatapoint = "";
-            checkForReference(dpNameTemp, reference, isReference);
-            if (isReference)
-            {
-              referenceDatapoint = datapointPath;
-            }
-            dyn_string panelParameters = makeDynString(
-              "$datapoint:" + dpNameTemp,
-              "$configDatapoint:" + configs[beginSubViews + selectedSubView - 1],
-              "$referenceDatapoint:" + referenceDatapoint);
-            ModuleOnWithPanel(dpNameTemp, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, "", viewsPath + subViewFileName, subViewCaption, panelParameters);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// FunctionName: SplitDatapointPath
-// returns the datapointPath in a dyn_string
-dyn_string splitDatapointPath(string newDatapoint)
-  int i;
-  dyn_string datapointElement;
-  dyn_string datapointPath= strsplit(newDatapoint, "_");
-  string datapointName = datapointPath[1];
-  // cut system name myself. Necessary for datapoint parts that are not datapoints themselves
-  int sepPos = strpos(datapointName, ":");
-  if (sepPos >= 0)
-  {
-    datapointName = substr(datapointName, sepPos + 1);
-  }
-  datapointPath[1] = datapointName;
-  // if datapointElement present, split last entry of datapointPath
-  datapointElement = strsplit(datapointPath[dynlen(datapointPath)], ".");
-  if (dynlen(datapointElement) > 1)
-  {
-    datapointPath[dynlen(datapointPath)  ] = datapointElement[1];
-    datapointPath[dynlen(datapointPath) + 1] = datapointElement[2];
-  }
-  return datapointPath;
diff --git a/MAC/Navigator/scripts/libs/nav_fw/nav-view.ctl b/MAC/Navigator/scripts/libs/nav_fw/nav-view.ctl
deleted file mode 100644
index b81f45ceffd97caa8bad70a51571c98fadd60074..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MAC/Navigator/scripts/libs/nav_fw/nav-view.ctl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,783 +0,0 @@
-//# nav-com.ctl
-//#  Copyright (C) 2002-2004
-//#  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
-//#  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
-//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-//#  (at your option) any later version.
-//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-//#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-//#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-//#  $Id$
-//# global functions for the Navigator. All event handlers are implemented here
-global string   TAB_VIEWS_CTRL_NAME    = "TabViews";
-global int      NR_OF_VIEWS            = 10;
-// FunctionName: 
-// Params:
-// Returns:
-// -------------------------- HANDLERS -------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------- PUBLIC METHODS -------------------------------------
-// -------------------------- PRIVATE METHODS ------------------------------------
-// FunctionName: showView(string datapointPath)
-// shows the tab identified by the datapoint
-void showView(string dpViewConfig, string datapointPath)
-  LOG_DEBUG("showView", dpViewConfig, datapointPath);
-  shape tabCtrl = getTabCtrl();
-  string viewsPath = navGetViewsPath();
-  int selectedViewTabId = 1;
-  int tabId;
-  navConfigSetSelectedElement(datapointPath);
-  dyn_string panelParameters = makeDynString("$datapoint:" + datapointPath);
-  // get the selected tab
-  string selectedViewCaption = navConfigGetSelectedView();
-  LOG_DEBUG("showView", "selected View:", selectedViewCaption);
-  // get tab properties
-  dyn_string views = navConfigGetViews(dpViewConfig);
-  // At first find the selected tabview, and replace the current registerPanel
-  // by an empty panel. So the panel doesn't blink any more.
-  for (tabId = 1; tabId <= dynlen(views); tabId++)
-  {
-    if (dpAccessable(views[tabId]))
-    {
-      string caption = navConfigGetViewCaption(views[tabId]);
-      if (strlen(caption) > 0)
-      {
-        if (caption == selectedViewCaption)
-        {
-          tabCtrl.registerPanel(tabId - 1, viewsPath + "nopanel.pnl", makeDynString(""));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //Now arrange the other tabs
-  for (tabId = 1; tabId <= dynlen(views); tabId++)
-  {
-    if (dpAccessable(views[tabId]))
-    {
-      string caption = navConfigGetViewCaption(views[tabId]);
-      if (strlen(caption) > 0)
-      {
-        LOG_DEBUG("showView", "making tab visible: ", tabId, caption);
-        tabCtrl.namedColumnHeader("tab" + tabId) = caption;
-        tabCtrl.registerVisible(tabId - 1) = TRUE;
-        // check if this tab is currently selected
-        if (caption == selectedViewCaption)
-        {
-          LOG_DEBUG("showView", "caption=selectedViewCaption");
-          selectedViewTabId = tabId;
-          //bring this option outside this loop next line is new
-          //tabCtrl.registerPanel(tabId - 1, gNavigatorTabFile, panelParameters);
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        LOG_TRACE("showView", "empty caption or filename; making tab invisible: ", tabId);
-        tabCtrl.registerVisible(tabId - 1) = FALSE;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      LOG_TRACE("showView", "tab reference not found; making tab invisible: ", tabId);
-      tabCtrl.registerVisible(tabId - 1) = FALSE;
-    }
-    //delay(1, 0);
-  }
-  //NOW display the selected tabview, after the tabs are filled and ready
-  tabCtrl.registerPanel(selectedViewTabId - 1, gNavigatorTabFile, panelParameters);
-  // check if this tab is currently selected
-  if (selectedViewCaption == "")
-  {
-    LOG_DEBUG("showView", "selectedViewCaption=\"\"");
-    selectedViewTabId = 1;
-    tabCtrl.registerPanel(0, gNavigatorTabFile, panelParameters);
-  }
-  tabCtrl.activeRegister = selectedViewTabId - 1;
-  // make the rest of the views invisible
-  int i;
-  for (i = tabId; i <= NR_OF_VIEWS; i++)
-  {
-    LOG_TRACE("showView", "tab undefined; making tab invisible: ", i);
-    tabCtrl.registerVisible(i - 1) = FALSE;
-  }
-// FunctionName: showActiveView(string datapointPath)
-// shows the active tab identified by the datapoint
-void showActiveView(string dpViewConfig, string datapointPath)
-  LOG_DEBUG("showActiveView", dpViewConfig, datapointPath);
-  shape tabCtrl = getTabCtrl();
-  string viewsPath = navComGetViewsPath();
-  int selectedViewTabId = tabCtrl.activeRegister + 1;
-  LOG_DEBUG("showActiveView, active view = ", selectedViewTabId);
-  navConfigSetSelectedElement(datapointPath);
-  dyn_string panelParameters = makeDynString("$datapoint:" + datapointPath);
-  // get tab properties
-  dyn_string views = navConfigGetViews(dpViewConfig);
-  for (int tabId = 1; tabId <= dynlen(views); tabId++)
-  {
-    if (tabId != selectedViewTabId)
-    {
-      // load empty panel in non-visible tabs to enhance performance
-      tabCtrl.registerPanel(tabId - 1, viewsPath + "nopanel.pnl", makeDynString(""));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if (dpAccessable(views[selectedViewTabId]))
-      {
-        tabCtrl.registerPanel(selectedViewTabId - 1, gNavigatorTabFile, panelParameters);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        LOG_TRACE("showActiveView", "tab reference not found; making tab invisible: ", selectedViewTabId);
-        tabCtrl.registerVisible(selectedViewTabId - 1) = FALSE;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//  Action handlers
-// FunctionName: TabViews_HandleEventInitialize()
-// initializes the tabview
-void TabViews_HandleEventInitialize()
-  // the initialization of the main panel initializes the tabviews
-  // nothing should be done here
-// FunctionName: InitializeTabViews()
-// initializes the tabview
-void InitializeTabViews()
-  LOG_DEBUG("InitializeTabViews()");
-  shape tabCtrl = getTabCtrl();
-  // hide all tabs
-  int i = 0;
-  dyn_errClass err;
-  int setValueResult;
-  do
-  {
-    setValueResult = setValue(getTabCtrlName(), "registerVisible", i, FALSE);
-    err = getLastError();
-    LOG_TRACE("registerVisible", i, setValueResult, err);
-    i++;
-  } while(dynlen(err) == 0 && i < NR_OF_VIEWS && setValueResult == 0);
-  LOG_DEBUG("~InitializeTabViews()");
-// FunctionName: TabViews_HandleEventSelectionChanged
-// stores the selected tab number in the database
-void TabViews_HandleEventSelectionChanged()
-  if (!g_initializing)
-  {
-    LOG_DEBUG("TabViews_HandleEventSelectionChanged");
-    shape tabCtrl = getTabCtrl();
-    long selectedNode = getSelectedNode();
-    if (selectedNode != 0)
-    {
-      string datapointPath = buildPathFromNode(selectedNode);
-      dyn_string reference;
-      bool dpIsReference;
-      checkForReference(datapointPath, reference, dpIsReference);
-      navConfigSetSelectedView(datapointPath, tabCtrl.activeRegister + 1);
-      string dpViewConfig = navConfigGetViewConfig(datapointPath);
-      if (selectedNode != 0 && dpAccessable(dpViewConfig))
-      {
-        showActiveView(dpViewConfig, datapointPath);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    LOG_DEBUG("TabViews_HandleEventSelectionChanged suppressed while initializing");
-  }
-// FunctionName: TreeCtrl_EventOnSelChange(long Node)
-// initializes the Resources treeview
-// TODO: optimize for selection change to the same resource type. Then don't reconfigure the tabs
-void TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnSelChange(long Node)
-  if (gCurSelTreeViewIdx != Node)
-  {
-    gCurSelTreeViewIdx = Node;
-    refreshNavigator();   
-  }
-// TreeView_OnCollapse
-// called when an item is expanded
-TreeView_OnCollapse(unsigned pos)
-  LOG_DEBUG("TreeView_OnCollapse", pos);
-  TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnCollapse(pos);
-  // the last line of code of each treeView event handler MUST be the following:
-  id = -1; 
-// FunctionName: TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnCollapse(long Node)
-// expands a node in the Resources treeview
-void TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnCollapse(unsigned Node)
-  int collapsedNodes = 1;
-  dyn_string datapoint;
-  int k = 1;
-  string temp;
-  treeView_pruneChildren(Node, collapsedNodes, ""); //get all nodes which will be collapsed and
-                                                      //clear these nodes from the tree
-  //retrieve all dpnames for these nodes
-  for (int j = Node + 1; j <= (Node + collapsedNodes); j++)
-  {
-    datapoint[k]= g_itemID2datapoint[j];
-    k++;
-  }
-  //delete the collapse nodes from g_itemID2datapoint and g_datapoint2itemID
-  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(datapoint); i++)
-  {
-    long nodeID = getNodeFromDatapoint(datapoint[i]);
-    dynRemove(g_itemID2datapoint, dynContains(g_itemID2datapoint, datapoint[i]));      
-    mappingRemove(g_datapoint2itemID, datapoint[i]);
-  }
-  //renumber the mapping of the dp's
-  if (mappinglen(g_datapoint2itemID) > 1)
-  {
-    for (int i = 1; i <= mappinglen(g_datapoint2itemID); i++)
-    {
-      temp = g_itemID2datapoint[i];
-      if (temp != "" && temp != 0)
-      {
-        g_datapoint2itemID[temp] = i;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //Delete references in g_referenceList for the related node
-  string datapointPath = buildPathFromNode(Node);
-  checkForReferenceRemoveFromList(datapointPath);
-  //mark the node as COLLAPSED
-  dyn_anytype parentNode;
-  parentNode = treeView_getNode(Node, "");
-  parentNode[treeView_STATE] = parentNode[treeView_STATE] & ~treeView_EXPANDED;
-  treeView_replaceNode(parentNode, Node, "");
-  treeView_draw();
-// FunctionName: checkForReferenceRemoveFromList
-// Params: datapointPath - deletes al related references form the
-//             g_referenceList
-// returns - none
-void checkForReferenceRemoveFromList(string datapointPath)
-  dyn_string refOut;
-  for (int i = dynlen(g_referenceList); i >= 1; i--)
-  {
-    refOut = strsplit(g_referenceList[i], "=");
-    if (patternMatch(datapointPath + "*", refOut[1]) && !(datapointPath == refOut[1]))
-    {
-      dynRemove(g_referenceList, i);
-    }
-  }
-// FunctionName: TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnDrawCell
-// draws icons in columns if needed
-void TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnDrawCell(long Col, long Row, float Left, float Top, float Right, float Bottom)
-  if (!g_initializing)
-  {
-    if (ActiveXSupported())
-    {
-      shape treeCtrl = getTreeCtrl();
-      if (Row >= treeCtrl.FixedRows)
-      {
-        if (Col == 0)
-        {
-          idispatch aNode;
-          aNode = treeCtrl.GetNodeAt(Left, Top);
-          if (aNode != 0)
-          {
-            if (aNode.Data != 0)
-            {
-              if (aNode.Data == "A" && (treeCtrl.ImagesWidth < (Right - Left)))
-              {
-                LOG_TRACE("data is A and image fits", aNode.Data, treeCtrl.ImagesWidth, Right, Left);
-                int aLeft, aRight;
-                aLeft = Left + (Right - Left - treeCtrl.ImagesWidth) / 2;
-                aRight = aLeft + treeCtrl.ImagesWidth;
-                treeCtrl.DrawImage(1, aLeft, Top, aRight, Bottom);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// maximizes the current subview
-void ButtonMaximize_HandleEventClick()
-  LOG_DEBUG("ButtonMaximize_HandleEventClick");
-  dyn_errClass err;
-  shape tabCtrl = getTabCtrl();
-  long Node = getSelectedNode();
-  if (Node != 0)
-  {
-    string datapointPath = buildPathFromNode(Node);
-    string dpViewConfig = navConfigGetViewConfig(datapointPath);
-    LOG_TRACE("ButtonMaximize_HandleEventClick", Node, dpViewConfig);
-    if (Node != 0 && dpAccessable(dpViewConfig))
-    {
-      int selectedView;
-      int selectedSubView;
-      dyn_string views;
-      dyn_int  nrOfSubViews;
-      dyn_string subViews;
-      dyn_string configs;
-      if (navConfigGetViewConfigElements(dpViewConfig,
-            selectedView,
-            selectedSubView,
-            views,
-            nrOfSubViews,
-            subViews,
-            configs))
-      {
-        LOG_TRACE("viewConfig:", selectedView, selectedSubView, views, nrOfSubViews, subViews, configs);
-        if (selectedView > 0 && selectedSubView > 0)
-        {
-          // create the mapping
-          int beginSubViews = 1;
-          for (int i = 1; i < selectedView; i++)
-          {
-            beginSubViews += nrOfSubViews[i];
-          }
-          // get subviews config
-          string subViewCaption;
-          string subViewFileName;
-          if (navConfigGetSubViewConfigElements(subViews[beginSubViews + selectedSubView - 1], subViewCaption, subViewFileName))
-          {
-            string viewsPath = navComGetViewsPath();
-            LOG_DEBUG("subviewcaption, subviewfilename:", subViewCaption, viewsPath + subViewFileName);
-            string dpNameTemp = datapointPath;
-            bool isReference;
-            dyn_string reference;
-            string referenceDatapoint = "";
-            checkForReference(dpNameTemp, reference, isReference);
-            if (isReference)
-            {
-              referenceDatapoint = datapointPath;
-            }
-            dyn_string panelParameters = makeDynString(
-              "$datapoint:" + dpNameTemp,
-              "$configDatapoint:" + configs[beginSubViews + selectedSubView - 1],
-              "$referenceDatapoint:" + referenceDatapoint);
-            ModuleOnWithPanel(dpNameTemp, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, "", viewsPath + subViewFileName, subViewCaption, panelParameters);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// TreeView_OnSelect
-// called when an item is selected
-TreeView_OnSelect(unsigned pos)
-  LOG_DEBUG("TreeView_OnSelect", pos);
-  string datapointPath = buildPathFromNode(pos);
-  dyn_string reference;
-  bool parentDatapointIsReference;
-  checkForReference(datapointPath, reference, parentDatapointIsReference);
-  LOG_TRACE("check for expand", parentDatapointIsReference, datapointPath, dpAccessable(datapointPath));
-  //Check or the access is permitted to this point in the tree
-  if (checkDpPermit(datapointPath) || pos == 1)
-  {
-    //check or the selected item in the tree is an dpe. If yes, use the dp name to check the existance
-    if (strpos(datapointPath, ".") > 0)
-    {
-     dyn_string datapointPathSplit = strsplit(datapointPath, ".");
-     datapointPath = datapointPathSplit[1];
-     //DebugN("datapointPath after split:" + datapointPath);
-    }
-    if (!parentDatapointIsReference || (parentDatapointIsReference && dpAccessable(datapointPath + "__enabled")))
-    {
-      TreeCtrl_HandleEventOnSelChange(pos);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      navComMessageWarning(MESSAGE_DPACCESS); //dp not accessable
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    navComMessageWarning(MESSAGE_ACCESSDENIED);  //access to resource denied
-  }
-  // the last line of code of each treeView event handler MUST be the following:
-  id = -1; 
-// FunctionName: SplitDatapointPath
-// returns the datapointPath in a dyn_string
-dyn_string splitDatapointPath(string newDatapoint)
-  int i;
-  dyn_string datapointElement;
-  dyn_string datapointPath= strsplit(newDatapoint, "_");
-  string datapointName = datapointPath[1];
-  // cut system name myself. Necessary for datapoint parts that are not datapoints themselves
-  int sepPos = strpos(datapointName, ":");
-  if (sepPos >= 0)
-  {
-    datapointName = substr(datapointName, sepPos + 1);
-  }
-  datapointPath[1] = datapointName;
-  // if datapointElement present, split last entry of datapointPath
-  datapointElement = strsplit(datapointPath[dynlen(datapointPath)], ".");
-  if (dynlen(datapointElement) > 1)
-  {
-    datapointPath[dynlen(datapointPath)  ] = datapointElement[1];
-    datapointPath[dynlen(datapointPath) + 1] = datapointElement[2];
-  }
-  return datapointPath;
-// Function: progressBar
-//           With this function a progress bar can be made. The progress is shown
-//           horizontal and is going from the left to the right.
-//           [0                                  100%]
-//Input: 1. maximum value (range) == 100%
-//       2. current value to show in the progress bar.
-void progressBar(float Maximum, float value)
-  float Minimum = 0;
-  int waarde;
-  float positie;
-  if (value > Minimum)
-  {
-    setValue("progressBar", "visible", TRUE);
-    setValue("progressBar_border", "visible", TRUE);
-  }
-  setValue("progressBar", "scale", value/Maximum, 1.0);
-  if (Maximum >= value)
-  {
-    delay(0, 200);
-    setValue("progressBar", "visible", FALSE);
-    setValue("progressBar_border", "visible", FALSE);
-  }
-dyn_string queryDatabaseForDpElements(string datapointPath)
-  dyn_string output;
-  int outputCounter = 1;
-	dyn_string dpes = dpNames(dpSubStr(datapointPath, DPSUB_SYS_DP) + ".**;");
-  int dpesLen = dynlen(dpes);
-  for (int j = 1; j <= dpesLen; j++)
-  {
-  	if (dpElementType(dpes[j]) != DPEL_TYPEREF && dpElementType(dpes[j]) != DPEL_STRUCT)
-  	{
-	  	output[outputCounter] = dpes[j];
-      outputCounter++;
-    }
-  }
-  return output;
-// Function queryDatabaseForDP: Query's the (distributed)database according the
-//                         given options
-// Input: 1. Datapoint name, including systemName
-//        2. Attribute (E.g. "_online.._value")
-//        3. Use function progressBar to display a progressBar
-// Output: dyn_string with the resultsm exlusief the current datapointPath
-dyn_string queryDatabaseForDP(string attribute, string datapointPath, bool useProgressBar)
-  string tempDP;
-  dyn_string output;
-  dyn_dyn_anytype tab;
-  string datapointPathOriginal = datapointPath;
-  bool dpIsReference = false;
-  dyn_string reference;
-  string REMOTESYSTEM = "";
-  checkForReference(datapointPath, reference, dpIsReference);
-  if (dpIsReference)
-  {
-    strreplace(datapointPath, datapointPathOriginal, reference[2]);
-    if (dpIsDistributed(datapointPath))
-    {
-	    REMOTESYSTEM = " REMOTE '" + strrtrim(dpSubStr(reference[2], DPSUB_SYS), ":") + "'";
-	  }
-  }
-  else if (dpIsDistributed(datapointPath))
-  {
-    REMOTESYSTEM = " REMOTE '" + strrtrim(dpSubStr(datapointPath, DPSUB_SYS), ":") + "'";
-  }
-  //DebugN("SELECT '" + attribute + "' FROM '" + datapointPath + "__enabled' " + REMOTESYSTEM);
-  dpQuery("SELECT '" + attribute + "' FROM '" + datapointPath + "__enabled' " + REMOTESYSTEM, tab);
-  int maximumCount = dynlen(tab);
-  for (int i = 2; i <= dynlen(tab); i++)
-  {
-    tempDP = tab[i][1];
-    if (tempDP != "")
-    {
-      strreplace(tempDP, "__enabled.", "");
-      if (checkDpPermit(tempDP))
-      {
-        if (tempDP != "")
-        {
-          dynAppend(output, tempDP);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (useProgressBar)
-      progressBar(maximumCount, i);
-  }
-  if (useProgressBar)
-    progressBar(maximumCount, maximumCount);
-  dynSortAsc(output); //sort the dyn_string output (alphanumeric)
-  return output;
-// Function queryDatabase: Query's the (distributed)database according the
-//                         given options
-// Input: 1. Attribute (E.g. "_online.._value")
-//        2. Datapoint name, including systemName
-//        3. How many first items must be retrieved via the query!!!
-//        4. Search depth (relative, from current position)
-//        5. Use function progressBar to display a progressBar
-// Output: dyn_string with the resultsm exlusief the current datapointPath
-dyn_string queryDatabase(string attribute, string datapointPath, int first, int searchDepth, bool useProgressBar)
-  dyn_string output;
-  dyn_dyn_anytype tab;
-  string fullDpName;
-  int currentDepth = dynlen(strsplit(datapointPath, "_"));
-  dyn_dyn_string elementNames;
-  dyn_dyn_int elementTypes;
-  string datapointPathOriginal = datapointPath;
-  int elementIndex;
-  int outputCounter = 1;
-  bool dpIsReference = false;
-  dyn_string reference;
-  string REMOTESYSTEM = "";
-  string firstXResults = "";
-  checkForReference(datapointPath, reference, dpIsReference);
-  if (dpIsReference)
-  {
-    //strreplace(datapointPath, datapointPathOriginal, reference[2]);
-    if (dpIsDistributed(datapointPath))
-    {
-	    REMOTESYSTEM = " REMOTE '" + strrtrim(dpSubStr(reference[2], DPSUB_SYS), ":") + "'";
-	  }
-  }
-  //How many items must be retrieved (this __enabled and this is a DP-Type)
-  if (first > 0)
-  {
-    firstXResults = " FIRST " + first;
-  }
-  dpQuery("SELECT '" + attribute + "' FROM '" + datapointPath + "__enabled' " + firstXResults + REMOTESYSTEM, tab);
-  int maximumCount = dynlen(tab);
-  int maximumCounter = 0;
-  int i = 2;
-  if (dynlen(tab) >= 2)
-  {
-  	dyn_dyn_string dds;
-    string fullDpName;
-    int curDPTElevel = 2;
-    int elType, elNTypesItemLen;
-    dyn_string levels;
-	  for (i = 2; i <= dynlen(tab); i++)
-	  {
-	    int functionOk;
-	    fullDpName = tab[i][1];
-	    strreplace(fullDpName, "__enabled.", "");
-	    if ((dynlen(strsplit(fullDpName, "_")) <= (currentDepth + searchDepth)) || (searchDepth == 0))
-	    {
-	      dyn_string dpes = dpNames(fullDpName + ".**;");
-	      int dpesLen = dynlen(dpes);
-	      for (int j = 1; j <= dpesLen; j++)
-	      {
-	      	if (dpElementType(dpes[j]) != DPEL_TYPEREF && dpElementType(dpes[j]) != DPEL_STRUCT)
-	      	{
-		      	output[outputCounter] = dpes[j];	      	
-			      outputCounter++;
-			    }
-		    }
-	    }
-	    maximumCounter++;
-	    //if the progressBar must be used
-	    if (useProgressBar)
-	    {
-	      progressBar(maximumCount, maximumCounter);
-	    }
-	  }//end of for loop
-  }//end of if
-  //Hide the progress bar
-  if (useProgressBar)
-  {
-    progressBar(maximumCount, maximumCount);
-  }
-  dynSortAsc(output); //sort the dyn_string output (alphanumeric)
-  return output;
-// FunctionName: navConfigCheckResourceRoots,  used to check the current systemname
-// and fill GCFNavigator resourceroots with the present Systemname
-void navConfigCheckResourceRoots()
-  dyn_string roots;
-  string aSystemName = getSystemName();
-  strreplace(aSystemName, ':', "");
-  bool replaced = false;
-  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(roots); i++)
-  {
-    dyn_string aS = strsplit(roots[i], ':');
-    if (aS[1] != aSystemName) 
-    {
-      strreplace(roots[i], aS[1], aSystemName);
-      replaced = true;
-    }
-  }
-  if (replaced)
-  {
-  }