diff --git a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentEditor/lib/webservice.py b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentEditor/lib/webservice.py
index 4060cf13096b16d0b1ca5378a395e3267718ab39..62175f115d6a33390632c4811aa2cb7adf52b061 100755
--- a/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentEditor/lib/webservice.py
+++ b/SAS/ResourceAssignment/ResourceAssignmentEditor/lib/webservice.py
@@ -406,49 +406,60 @@ def putTask(task_id):
             updatedTask = json_loads(request.data)
-            logger.info('putTask: updatedTask: %s', updatedTask)
             if task_id != int(updatedTask['id']):
                 abort(404, 'task_id in url is not equal to id in request.data')
-            org_task = radb().getTask(task_id)
-            if not org_task:
-                abort(404, "unknown task %s" % updatedTask)
-            for timeprop in ['starttime', 'endtime']:
-                if timeprop in updatedTask:
-                    try:
-                        updatedTask[timeprop] = asDatetime(updatedTask[timeprop])
-                    except ValueError:
-                        abort(400, 'timestamp not in iso format: ' + updatedTask[timeprop])
+            #check if task is known
+            task = radb().getTask(task_id)
+            if not task:
+                abort(404, "unknown task %s" % str(updatedTask))
+            # first handle start- endtimes...
             if 'starttime' in updatedTask or 'endtime' in updatedTask:
-                # block time edits in productin for now until we've replaced the old scheduler.
+                logger.info('starttime or endtime in updatedTask: %s', updatedTask)
                 if isProductionEnvironment():
-                    abort(403, 'Editing of startime/endtime of tasks by users is not yet approved')
+                    abort(403, 'Editing of %s of tasks by users is not yet approved' % (time,))
+                #update dict for otdb spec
+                spec_update = {}
+                for timeprop in ['starttime', 'endtime']:
+                    if timeprop in updatedTask:
+                        try:
+                            updatedTask[timeprop] = asDatetime(updatedTask[timeprop])
+                        except ValueError:
+                            abort(400, 'timestamp not in iso format: ' + updatedTask[timeprop])
+                        otdb_key = 'LOFAR.ObsSW.Observation.' + ('startTime' if timeprop == 'starttime' else 'stopTime')
+                        spec_update[otdb_key] = updatedTask[timeprop].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+                #update timestamps in both otdb and radb
+                otdbrpc.taskSetSpecification(task['otdb_id'], spec_update)
                 # update the task's (and its claims) start/endtime
                 # do not update the tasks status directly via the radb. See few lines below. task status is routed via otdb (and then ends up in radb automatically)
                 # it might be that editing the start/end time results in a (rabd)task status update (for example to 'conflict' due to conflicting claims)
                 # that's ok, since we'll update the status to the requested status later via otdb (see few lines below)
-                radb().updateTaskAndResourceClaims(task_id, starttime=updatedTask.get('starttime'), endtime=updatedTask.get('endtime'))
+                radb().updateTaskAndResourceClaims(task_id,
+                                                   starttime=updatedTask.get('starttime'),
+                                                   endtime=updatedTask.get('endtime'))
+            # ...then, handle status update which might trigger resource assignment,
+            # for which the above updated times are needed
             if 'status' in updatedTask:
-                if isProductionEnvironment() and org_task['type'] == 'observation':
-                    abort(403, 'Editing of observation status by users is not yet approved')
-                    otdbrpc.taskSetStatus(org_task['otdb_id'], updatedTask['status'])
+                    #update status in otdb only
+                    #the status change will propagate automatically into radb via other services (by design)
+                    otdbrpc.taskSetStatus(task['otdb_id'], updatedTask['status'])
                     #block until radb and mom task status are equal to otdb task status (with timeout)
                     start_wait = datetime.utcnow()
                     while True:
-                        org_task = radb().getTask(task_id)
-                        details = momqueryrpc.getObjectDetails(org_task['mom_id']).get(org_task['mom_id'])
+                        task = radb().getTask(task_id)
+                        details = momqueryrpc.getProjectDetails(task['mom_id']).get(task['mom_id'])
-                        if org_task['status'] == updatedTask['status'] and details['object_status'] == updatedTask['status']:
+                        if task['status'] == updatedTask['status'] and details['object_status'] == updatedTask['status']:
                         if datetime.utcnow() - start_wait > timedelta(seconds=10):
@@ -459,12 +470,16 @@ def putTask(task_id):
                     if 'does not exist' in e.message:
                         # task does not exist (anymore) in otdb
                         #so remove it from radb as well (with cascading deletes on specification)
-                        logger.warn('task with otdb_id %s does not exist anymore in OTDB. removing task radb_id %s from radb', org_task['otdb_id'], org_task['id'])
-                        radb().deleteSpecification(org_task['specification_id'])
+                        logger.warn('task with otdb_id %s does not exist anymore in OTDB. removing task radb_id %s from radb', task['otdb_id'], task['id'])
+                        radb().deleteSpecification(task['specification_id'])
             if 'data_pinned' in updatedTask:
-                if not curpc.setTaskDataPinned(org_task['otdb_id'], updatedTask['data_pinned']):
-                    abort(500, 'Could not (un)pin task')
+                task = radb().getTask(task_id)
+                if not task:
+                    abort(404, "unknown task %s" % str(updatedTask))
+                curpc.setTaskDataPinned(task['otdb_id'], updatedTask['data_pinned'])
             return "", 204
         except Exception as e: