diff --git a/SAS/TMSS/backend/services/copy_service/copy_service.py b/SAS/TMSS/backend/services/copy_service/copy_service.py
index 8da9f0bde1dc06455c066235b74f19f774246bb0..9609ee80241390ded10c2b8e73c3db2f43fc4655 100755
--- a/SAS/TMSS/backend/services/copy_service/copy_service.py
+++ b/SAS/TMSS/backend/services/copy_service/copy_service.py
@@ -80,44 +80,47 @@ class TMSSCopyServiceEventMessageHandler(TMSSEventMessageHandler):
         if subtask['state_value'] != 'queued':
-        # determine destination host and root_dir
-        destination = subtask['specifications_doc']['destination']
-        dst_host = destination[:destination.find(':')] if ':' in destination else ''
-        dst_root_dir = '/'+destination.lstrip(dst_host + ':').split('/')[1]
-        # strip unneeded localhost to prevent unneeded ssh calls
-        dst_host = dst_host.lstrip('localhost:').lstrip('')
-        df_cmd = ['df', dst_root_dir]
-        if dst_host:
-            df_cmd = wrap_command_in_ssh_call(df_cmd, dst_host)
-        logger.info("checking free disk space for copy-subtask id=%s, executing: %s", subtask['id'], ' '.join(df_cmd))
-        # run df cmd, and parse output for total free disk space
-        df_result = check_output_returning_strings(df_cmd)
-        logger.info(str(df_result))
-        df_result_line = df_result.splitlines()[-1]
-        logger.info(str(df_result_line))
-        df_result_line_parts = df_result_line.split(' ')
-        logger.info(str(df_result_line_parts))
-        df_bytes = int(df_result_line_parts[3])
-        input_dp_sizes = self.tmss_client.get_url_as_json_object(subtask['url'].rstrip('/')+'/input_dataproducts?fields=size')
-        total_size = sum(x['size'] for x in input_dp_sizes)
-        if df_bytes > total_size:
-            logger.info("enough free disk space available for copy-subtask id=%s destination=%s df=%d needed=%d", subtask['id'], destination, df_bytes, total_size)
-            # clear previously set "not enough free disk space available" error_reason if set
-            if subtask.get('error_reason'):
-                self.tmss_client.do_request_and_get_result_as_string('PATCH', subtask['url'], {'error_reason': None})
-            # run it
-            self.run_copy_subtask(subtask)
-        else:
-            msg = "not enough free disk space available to start copy-subtask id=%s df=%d needed=%d" % (subtask['id'], df_bytes, total_size)
-            logger.info(msg)
-            self.tmss_client.do_request_and_get_result_as_string('PATCH', subtask['url'], {'error_reason': msg})
+        try:
+            # determine destination host and root_dir
+            destination = subtask['specifications_doc']['destination']
+            dst_host = destination[:destination.find(':')] if ':' in destination else ''
+            dst_root_dir = '/'+destination.lstrip(dst_host + ':').split('/')[1]
+            # strip unneeded localhost to prevent unneeded ssh calls
+            dst_host = dst_host.lstrip('localhost:').lstrip('')
+            df_cmd = ['df', dst_root_dir]
+            if dst_host:
+                df_cmd = wrap_command_in_ssh_call(df_cmd, dst_host)
+            logger.info("checking free disk space for copy-subtask id=%s, executing: %s", subtask['id'], ' '.join(df_cmd))
+            # run df cmd, and parse output for total free disk space
+            df_result = check_output_returning_strings(df_cmd)
+            df_result_line = df_result.splitlines()[-1]
+            df_result_line_parts = df_result_line.split()
+            df_bytes = int(df_result_line_parts[3])
+            input_dp_sizes = self.tmss_client.get_url_as_json_object(subtask['url'].rstrip('/')+'/input_dataproducts?fields=size')
+            total_size = sum(x['size'] for x in input_dp_sizes)
+            if df_bytes > total_size:
+                logger.info("enough free disk space available for copy-subtask id=%s destination=%s df=%d needed=%d", subtask['id'], destination, df_bytes, total_size)
+                # clear previously set "not enough free disk space available" error_reason if set
+                if subtask.get('error_reason'):
+                    self.tmss_client.do_request_and_get_result_as_string('PATCH', subtask['url'], {'error_reason': None})
+                # run it
+                self.run_copy_subtask(subtask)
+            else:
+                msg = "not enough free disk space available to start copy-subtask id=%s df=%d needed=%d" % (subtask['id'], df_bytes, total_size)
+                logger.info(msg)
+                self.tmss_client.do_request_and_get_result_as_string('PATCH', subtask['url'], {'error_reason': msg})
+        except Exception as e:
+            logger.exception(str(e))
+            # try to run it anyway, maybe it fails on not enough disk space.
+            # if it fails while running, then it results in an error status, and the user can take appropriate action.
+            self.run_copy_subtask(subtask)
     def run_copy_subtask(self, subtask):
         if subtask['subtask_type'] != 'copy':