#! /usr/bin/env bash # Clean out local dirs and then clone a shallow copy # of LOFAR2.0 repos. # 2020-10-13, thomas # Currently correct. astron_gitlab=https://git.astron.nl/ repo_dir=lofar2.0/ branch=master for repo in lmc-base-classes ska-logging ska-docker opcua tango pypcc; do cd ${repo} # This will return 2 if the repo is clean. clean="$(git status -u | wc -l)" cd - if [ "${clean}" = "2" ]; then # The repo is clean, no new files, no modifications. rm -rf ${repo} git clone --depth 1 --branch ${branch} ${astron_gitlab}${repo_dir}${repo}.git else echo -e "*********\n\tThe repository ${repo} contains modifications.\n\tRestore the original content first before continuing.\nAborting now.\n" exit -1 fi done # 2020-10-13, thomas # I need to move this repo to lofar2.0. repo=crossecho repo_dir=jurges rm -rf crossecho && git clone --depth 1 --branch add_simulation_mode_plus_patches ${astron_gitlab}${repo_dir}/${repo}.git if [ ! -s ska_logging -o $(readlink ska_logging) != ska-logging ]; then echo "Creating symlink ska-logging -> ska_logging" rm -f ska_logging ln -s ska-logging ska_logging fi if [ ! -s skabase -o $(readlink skabase) != lmc-base-classes ]; then echo "Creating symlink lmc-base-classes -> skabase" rm -f skabase ln -s lmc-base-classes skabase fi