job "device-servers" { datacenters = ["stat"] type = "service" reschedule { unlimited = true delay = "30s" delay_function = "constant" } group "sync-IERS" { count = 1 network { mode = "bridge" port "metrics" { to = 8081 host_network = "station" } } service { tags = ["scrape"] name = "sync-iers" port = "metrics" } volume "IERS" { type = "host" read_only = false source = "IERS" } task "sync-IERS" { driver = "docker" volume_mount { volume = "IERS" destination = "/opt/IERS" read_only = false } config { image = "[[ $.registry.astron.url ]]/mc:latest" entrypoint = [""] command = "/bin/bash" args = ["-c", "mc alias set object-storage http://s3.service.consul:9000 [[]] [[.object_storage.user.pass]] && mc mirror --preserve --watch object-storage/iers/ /opt/IERS/ --monitoring-address" ] } resources { cpu = 10 memory = 128 } } } [[ range $class := $.devices ]] [[ $name := $class | toLower ]] group "device-[[ $name ]]" { count = 1 network { mode = "cni/station" } volume "IERS" { type = "host" read_only = true source = "IERS" } service { tags = ["scrape"] name = "device-[[ $name ]]" port = "9999" address_mode = "alloc" meta { metrics_address = "device-[[ $name ]].service.consul:8000" metrics_path = "/" } check { type = "tcp" interval = "20s" timeout = "5s" port= "9999" address_mode="alloc" } } task "device-[[ $name ]]" { driver = "docker" volume_mount { volume = "IERS" destination = "/opt/IERS" read_only = true } config { image = "[[ $.registry.astron.url ]]/lofar-device-base:[[ $.image_tag ]]" entrypoint = [""] command = "/bin/bash" # The address we listen on (ORBendPoint) is also published for others to connect to for ZMQ # event subscriptions. As such, we should not advertise "0" or anything that for other containers # will resolve to their local host. args = ["-c", "l2ss-ds [[ $class ]] STAT -v -ORBendPoint giop:tcp:$HOSTNAME:9999 -ORBendPointPublish giop:tcp:device-[[ $name ]].service.consul:9999"] } env { TANGO_HOST = "tango.service.consul:10000" TANGO_ZMQ_EVENT_PORT = "4505" TANGO_ZMQ_HEARTBEAT_PORT = "4506" MINIO_ROOT_USER = "minioadmin" MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD = "minioadmin" } resources { cpu = 25 memory = 512 memory_max = 2048 } } } [[ end ]] }