# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of the SST project # # # # Distributed under the terms of the APACHE license. # See LICENSE.txt for more info. """ SST Device Server for LOFAR2.0 """ # PyTango imports from tango.server import run from tango.server import device_property, attribute from tango import AttrWriteType # Additional import from clients.sst_client import sst_client, SST_collector from util.attribute_wrapper import attribute_wrapper from util.hardware_device import hardware_device from util.lofar_git import get_version from util.lofar_logging import device_logging_to_python, log_exceptions import numpy __all__ = ["SST", "main"] @device_logging_to_python({"device": "SST"}) class SST(hardware_device): # ----------------- # Device Properties # ----------------- SST_Port = device_property( dtype='DevUShort', mandatory=True, default_value=5001 ) # ---------- # Attributes # ---------- version_R = attribute(dtype = str, access = AttrWriteType.READ, fget = lambda self: get_version()) # number of UDP packets that were received nof_packets_received_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "udp", "parameter": "nof_packets_received"}, datatype=numpy.uint64) # number of UDP packets that were dropped because we couldn't keep up with processing nof_packets_dropped_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "udp", "parameter": "nof_packets_dropped"}, datatype=numpy.uint64) # last packet we processed last_packet_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "udp", "parameter": "last_packet"}, dims=(9000,), datatype=numpy.uint8) # when last packet was received last_packet_timestamp_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "udp", "parameter": "last_packet_timestamp"}, datatype=numpy.uint64) # number of UDP packets that were processed nof_packets_processed_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "nof_packets"}, datatype=numpy.uint64) # queue fill percentage, as reported by the consumer queue_fill_percentage_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "queue", "parameter": "fill_percentage"}, datatype=numpy.uint64) # number of invalid (non-SST) packets received nof_invalid_packets_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "nof_invalid_packets"}, datatype=numpy.uint64) # last packet that could not be parsed last_invalid_packet_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "last_invalid_packet"}, dims=(9000,), datatype=numpy.uint8) # number of packets with valid payloads nof_valid_payloads_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "nof_valid_payloads"}, dims=(SST_collector.MAX_INPUTS,), datatype=numpy.uint64) # number of packets with invalid payloads nof_payload_errors_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "nof_payload_errors"}, dims=(SST_collector.MAX_INPUTS,), datatype=numpy.uint64) # latest SSTs sst_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "sst_values"}, dims=(SST_collector.MAX_SUBBANDS, SST_collector.MAX_INPUTS), datatype=numpy.uint64) # reported timestamp for each row in the latest SSTs sst_timestamp_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "sst_timestamps"}, dims=(SST_collector.MAX_INPUTS,), datatype=numpy.uint64) # integration interval for each row in the latest SSTs integration_interval_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "integration_intervals"}, dims=(SST_collector.MAX_INPUTS,), datatype=numpy.float32) # -------- # overloaded functions def configure_for_off(self): """ user code here. is called when the state is set to OFF """ # Stop keep-alive try: self.sst_client.stop() except Exception as e: self.warn_stream("Exception while stopping sst_client in configure_for_off function: {}. Exception ignored".format(e)) @log_exceptions() def configure_for_initialise(self): """ user code here. is called when the sate is set to INIT """ """Initialises the attributes and properties of the statistics device.""" self.sst_client = sst_client("", self.SST_Port, self.Fault, self) # map an access helper class for i in self.attr_list(): try: i.set_comm_client(self.sst_client) except Exception as e: # use the pass function instead of setting read/write fails i.set_pass_func() self.warn_stream("error while setting the sst attribute {} read/write function. {}. using pass function instead".format(i, e)) pass self.sst_client.start() # -------- # Commands # -------- # ---------- # Run server # ---------- def main(args=None, **kwargs): """Main function of the SST Device module.""" from util.lofar_logging import configure_logger import logging configure_logger(logging.getLogger()) return run((SST,), args=args, **kwargs) if __name__ == '__main__': main()