diff --git a/devices/snmp/__init__.py b/devices/snmp/__init__.py
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index a6b8b3750819d4b4023f38b371b6dde3b392fe14..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/devices/snmp/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-from .v1 import SNMPv1
-versions = {
-    1: SNMPv1,
-def Manager(*args, version=1, **kwargs):
-    try:
-        cls = versions[version]
-    except KeyError as e:
-        msg = "'version' must be one of {}".format(list(versions.keys()))
-        raise ValueError(msg) from e
-    return cls(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/devices/snmp/exceptions.py b/devices/snmp/exceptions.py
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index 47933a8bc8b64c1174a1715416cdcbadb6559f2b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/devices/snmp/exceptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# used to indicate that a string cannot be decoded because it violates encoding rules
-class EncodingError(Exception):
-    pass
-# used to indicate that a response violates the protocol in some way
-class ProtocolError(Exception):
-    pass
-class Timeout(Exception):
-    pass
diff --git a/devices/snmp/mutex.py b/devices/snmp/mutex.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 62de191f3268a92f4734668a66f861128532191e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/devices/snmp/mutex.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-__all__ = ['RWLock']
-from threading import Lock
-# returns a pair of objects, (r, w), which constitute a
-# writer-preferred reader/writer lock
-def RWLock():
-    r = Lock()
-    w = Lock()
-    return RLock(r, w), WLock(r, w)
-class ContextLock:
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self.acquire()
-    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.release()
-class RLock(ContextLock):
-    def __init__(self, r, w):
-        self.r = r
-        self.w = w
-        self.mutex = Lock()
-        self.queue = Lock()
-        self.count = 0
-    def acquire(self):
-        with self.queue:
-            with self.r:
-                with self.mutex:
-                    if not self.count:
-                        self.w.acquire()
-                    self.count += 1
-    def release(self):
-        with self.mutex:
-            self.count -= 1
-            if not self.count:
-                self.w.release()
-class WLock(ContextLock):
-    def __init__(self, r, w):
-        self.r = r
-        self.w = w
-        self.mutex = Lock()
-        self.count = 0
-    def acquire(self):
-        with self.mutex:
-            if not self.count:
-                self.r.acquire()
-            self.count += 1
-        self.w.acquire()
-    def release(self):
-        self.w.release()
-        with self.mutex:
-            self.count -= 1
-            if not self.count:
-                self.r.release()
diff --git a/devices/snmp/types.py b/devices/snmp/types.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eb9b95be765dd659c896e3f3ac0c291d74fcbfd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/devices/snmp/types.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-__all__ = [
-    'Counter32', 'Gauge32', 'TimeTicks', 'Integer32', 'Counter64', 'IpAddress',
-    'VarBind', 'VarBindList', 'PDU', 'GetRequestPDU', 'GetNextRequestPDU',
-    'GetResponsePDU', 'SetRequestPDU', 'Message',
-from copy import copy
-import socket
-from .exceptions import EncodingError, ProtocolError
-def unpack(obj):
-    if len(obj) < 2:
-        raise EncodingError("object encoding is too short")
-    dtype = obj[0]
-    l = obj[1]
-    index = 2
-    if l & 0x80:
-        index += l & 0x7f
-        if len(obj) < index:
-            raise EncodingError("Long form length field is incomplete")
-        l = 0
-        for num in obj[2:index]:
-            l <<= 8
-            l += num
-    if len(obj) < index + l:
-        raise EncodingError("Invalid length field: object encoding too short")
-    return dtype, obj[index:index+l], obj[index+l:]
-def length(l):
-    if l < 0x80:
-        return bytes([l])
-    bytearr = bytearray()
-    while l:
-        bytearr.append(l & 0xff)
-        l >>= 8
-    # this works as long as (l < 2^1008), which is super big
-    bytearr.append(len(bytearr) | 0x80)
-    return bytes(reversed(bytearr))
-class ASN1:
-    def __init__(self, value=None, encoding=None):
-        self._encoding = encoding
-        self._value = value
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self)
-    @classmethod
-    def copy(cls, obj):
-        return cls(encoding=obj.encoding)
-    @staticmethod
-    def deserialize(obj, cls=None, leftovers=False):
-        dtype, encoding, tail = unpack(obj)
-        if tail and not leftovers:
-            raise EncodingError("Unexpected trailing bytes")
-        if cls is None:
-            try:
-                cls = types[dtype]
-            except KeyError as e:
-                message = "Unknown type: '0x{:02x}'".format(dtype)
-                raise ProtocolError(message) from e
-        elif dtype != cls.TYPE:
-            message = "Expected type '0x{:02x}'; got '0x{:02x}'"
-            message = message.format(cls.TYPE, dtype)
-            raise ProtocolError(message)
-        obj = cls(encoding=encoding)
-        return (obj, tail) if leftovers else obj
-    def serialize(self):
-        return bytes([self.TYPE]) + length(len(self.encoding)) + self.encoding
-    # The following methods must be overwritten for sequence types
-    def __bool__(self):
-        return bool(self.value)
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.value == other
-    def __ge__(self, other):
-        return self.value >= other
-    def __gt__(self, other):
-        return self.value > other
-    def __le__(self, other):
-        return self.value <= other
-    def __lt__(self, other):
-        return self.value < other
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return self.value != other
-    def __str__(self):
-        return repr(self.value)
-    def poke(self):
-        self.value
-### Primitive types ###
-class INTEGER(ASN1):
-    SIGNED = True
-    @property
-    def encoding(self):
-        if self._encoding is None:
-            encoding = bytearray()
-            x = self._value
-            # do - while
-            while True:
-                encoding.append(x & 0xff)
-                x >>= 8
-                if x in (0, -1):
-                    break
-            self._encoding = bytes(reversed(encoding))
-        return self._encoding
-    @property
-    def value(self):
-        if self._value is None:
-            negative = self.SIGNED and bool(self._encoding[0] & 0x80)
-            x = 0
-            for byte in self._encoding:
-                x <<= 8
-                x |= byte
-            if negative:
-                bits = 8 * len(self._encoding)
-                self._value = -(~x + (1 << bits) + 1)
-            else:
-                self._value = x
-        return self._value
-    @property
-    def encoding(self):
-        if self._encoding is None:
-            self._encoding = self._value
-        return self._encoding
-    @property
-    def value(self):
-        if self._value is None:
-            self._value = self._encoding
-        return self._value
-class NULL(ASN1):
-    def __init__(self, value=None, encoding=None):
-        if encoding:
-            raise EncodingError("Non-null encoding for NULL type")
-        elif value is not None:
-            raise ValueError("NULL cannot have non-null value")
-    def __str__(self):
-        return ""
-    @property
-    def encoding(self):
-        return b''
-    @property
-    def value(self):
-        return None
-class OID(ASN1):
-    @property
-    def encoding(self):
-        if self._encoding is None:
-            if self._value[0] == '.':
-                self._value = self.value[1:]
-            segments = [int(segment) for segment in self._value.split('.')]
-            if len(segments) > 1:
-                segments[1] += segments[0] * 40
-                segments = segments[1:]
-            encoding = bytearray()
-            for num in segments:
-                bytearr = bytearray()
-                while num > 0x7f:
-                    bytearr.append(num & 0x7f)
-                    num >>= 7
-                bytearr.append(num)
-                for i in range(1, len(bytearr)):
-                    bytearr[i] |= 0x80
-                bytearr.reverse()
-                encoding += bytearr
-            self._encoding = bytes(encoding)
-        return self._encoding
-    @property
-    def value(self):
-        if self._value is None:
-            encoding = self._encoding
-            first = encoding[0]
-            oid = [str(num) for num in divmod(first, 40)]
-            val = 0
-            for byte in encoding[1:]:
-                val |= byte & 0x7f
-                if byte & 0x80:
-                    val <<= 7
-                else:
-                    oid.append(str(val))
-                    val = 0
-            if val:
-                raise EncodingError("OID ended in a byte with bit 7 set")
-            self._value = '.'.join(oid)
-        return self._value
-class SEQUENCE(ASN1):
-    EXPECTED = None
-    def __init__(self, *values, encoding=None):
-        self.expected = copy(self.EXPECTED)
-        self._encoding = encoding
-        self._values = values or None
-    def __bool__(self):
-        return bool(self.values)
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.values == other
-    def __ge__(self, other):
-        return self.values >= other
-    def __gt__(self, other):
-        return self.values > other
-    def __le__(self, other):
-        return self.values <= other
-    def __lt__(self, other):
-        return self.values < other
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return self.values != other
-    def __str__(self):
-        return repr(self)
-    def __repr__(self, depth=0):
-        string = "{}{}:\n".format('\t'*depth, self.__class__.__name__)
-        depth += 1
-        for entry in self.values:
-            if isinstance(entry, SEQUENCE):
-                string += entry.__repr__(depth=depth)
-            else:
-                string += "{}{}: {}\n".format(
-                    '\t'*depth,
-                    entry.__class__.__name__,
-                    entry
-                )
-        return string
-    def poke(self):
-        for val in self.values:
-            val.poke()
-    @property
-    def encoding(self):
-        if self._encoding is None:
-            encodings = [None] * len(self.values)
-            for i in range(len(self.values)):
-                encodings[i] = self.values[i].serialize()
-            self._encoding = b''.join(encodings)
-        return self._encoding
-    @property
-    def values(self):
-        if self._values is None:
-            definite = isinstance(self.expected, list)
-            sequence = []
-            encoding = self._encoding
-            while encoding:
-                if definite:
-                    try:
-                        cls = self.expected[len(sequence)]
-                    except IndexError as e:
-                        message = "{} has too many elements"
-                        message = message.format(self.__class__.__name__)
-                        raise ProtocolError(message) from e
-                else:
-                    cls = self.expected
-                obj, encoding = ASN1.deserialize(encoding, cls=cls, leftovers=True)
-                sequence.append(obj)
-            if definite and len(sequence) < len(self.expected):
-                message = "{} has too few elements"
-                message = message.format(self.__class__.__name__)
-                raise ProtocolError(message)
-            self._values = tuple(sequence)
-        return self._values
-### Composed types ###
-    SIGNED = False
-class Counter32(UNSIGNED):
-    pass
-class Gauge32(UNSIGNED):
-    pass
-class TimeTicks(UNSIGNED):
-    pass
-class Integer32(INTEGER):
-    pass
-class Counter64(UNSIGNED):
-    pass
-class IpAddress(OCTET_STRING):
-    @property
-    def encoding(self):
-        if self._encoding is None:
-            self._encoding = socket.inet_aton(self._value)
-        return self._encoding
-    @property
-    def value(self):
-        if self._value is None:
-            if len(self._encoding) == 4:
-                self._value = socket.inet_ntoa(self._encoding)
-            else:
-                raise ProtocolError("IP Address must be 4 bytes long")
-        return self._value
-class VarBind(SEQUENCE):
-    EXPECTED = [
-        OID,
-        None,
-    ]
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(VarBind, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.error = None
-    @property
-    def name(self):
-        return self.values[0]
-    @property
-    def value(self):
-        return self.values[1]
-class VarBindList(SEQUENCE):
-    EXPECTED = VarBind
-    def __getitem__(self, index):
-        return self.values[index]
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return iter(self.values)
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self.values)
-    EXPECTED = [
-        INTEGER,
-        INTEGER,
-        INTEGER,
-        VarBindList,
-    ]
-    def __init__(self, request_id=0, error_status=0, error_index=0, vars=None, encoding=None):
-        values = (
-            INTEGER.copy(UNSIGNED(request_id)),
-            INTEGER(error_status),
-            INTEGER(error_index),
-            vars,
-        ) if encoding is None else ()
-        super(PDU, self).__init__(*values, encoding=encoding)
-    @property
-    def request_id(self):
-        return self.values[0]
-    @property
-    def error_status(self):
-        return self.values[1]
-    @property
-    def error_index(self):
-        return self.values[2]
-    @property
-    def vars(self):
-        return self.values[3]
-class GetRequestPDU(PDU):
-    pass
-class GetNextRequestPDU(PDU):
-    pass
-class GetResponsePDU(PDU):
-    pass
-class SetRequestPDU(PDU):
-    pass
-class Message(SEQUENCE):
-    EXPECTED = [
-        INTEGER,
-        OCTET_STRING,
-        GetResponsePDU,
-    ]
-    def __init__(self, version=0, community=b'public', data=None, encoding=None):
-        values = (
-            INTEGER(version),
-            OCTET_STRING(community),
-            data,
-        ) if encoding is None else ()
-        super(Message, self).__init__(*values, encoding=encoding)
-    @property
-    def version(self):
-        return self.values[0]
-    @property
-    def community(self):
-        return self.values[1]
-    @property
-    def data(self):
-        return self.values[2]
-types = {
-    0x02: INTEGER,
-    0x04: OCTET_STRING,
-    0x05: NULL,
-    0x06: OID,
-    0x30: SEQUENCE,
-    0x40: IpAddress,
-    0x41: Counter32,
-    0x42: Gauge32,
-    0x43: TimeTicks,
-    0x44: Integer32,
-    0x46: Counter64,
-    0xa0: GetRequestPDU,
-    0xa1: GetNextRequestPDU,
-    0xa2: GetResponsePDU,
-    0xa3: SetRequestPDU,
-for dtype, cls in types.items():
-    cls.TYPE = dtype
diff --git a/devices/snmp/v1/__init__.py b/devices/snmp/v1/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 319940d1a20e735f8113847ebe68fb5a49474df2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/devices/snmp/v1/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
-from binascii import hexlify
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import logging
-import os
-import random
-import select
-import socket
-import threading
-import time
-from ..exceptions import EncodingError, ProtocolError, Timeout
-from ..mutex import RWLock
-from ..types import *
-from .exceptions import TooBig, NoSuchName, BadValue, ReadOnly, GenErr
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-DUMMY_EVENT = threading.Event()
-    1: TooBig,
-    2: NoSuchName,
-    3: BadValue,
-    4: ReadOnly,
-    5: GenErr,
-PORT = 161
-RECV_SIZE = 65507
-MAX_REQUEST_ID = 0xffffffff
-WINDOWS = (os.name == "nt")
-    import ctypes
-    from ctypes.wintypes import HANDLE, DWORD, BOOL
-    import msvcrt
-    ERROR_NO_DATA = 232
-    def errcheck (result, func, args):
-        if not result:
-            raise WinError (ctypes.get_last_error())
-    def setblocking (fd, blocking):
-        handle = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(fd)
-        mode = ctypes.byref(DWORD(0 if blocking else 1))
-        kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL("kernel32", use_last_error=True)
-        kernel32.SetNamedPipeHandleState.argtypes = [HANDLE, LPDWORD, LPDWORD, LPDWORD]
-        kernel32.SetNamedPipeHandleState.restype = BOOL
-        kernel32.SetNamedPipeHandleState.errcheck = errcheck
-        return kernel32.SetNamedPipeHandleState(handle, mode, None, None)
-class PendTable:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.lock = threading.Lock()
-        # The two events signal the arrival of the value for the oid itself,
-        # or the variable returned by a GetNext request (respectively)
-        # {
-        #   <oid>: [<Event>, <Event>],
-        #   ...
-        # }
-        self.oids = {}
-        # Used by set() to make sure multiple set requests to the same OID
-        # do not overlap in time
-        # {
-        #   <oid>: <Event>,
-        #   ...
-        # }
-        self.sets = {}
-    def _close (fd):
-        os.close(fd)
-    def _done (_, fd):
-        try:
-            os.read(fd, 1)
-        except WindowsError:
-            if ctypes.GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_DATA:
-                raise
-            else:
-                return False
-        else:
-            return True
-    def _select (sock, _):
-        return select.select([sock], [], [], SELECT_TIMEOUT)[0]
-    def _setup (fd):
-        setblocking(fd, False)
-        return fd
-    def _close (pipe):
-        pipe.close()
-    def _done (ready, pipe):
-        return pipe in ready
-    def _select (sock, pipe):
-        return select.select([sock, pipe], [], [])[0]
-    def _setup (fd):
-        return os.fdopen(fd)
-# background thread to process responses
-def _listen_thread(sock, pipe, requests, rlock, data, dlock, port=PORT):
-    pipe = _setup(pipe)
-    while True:
-        # wait for data on sock or pipe
-        ready = _select(sock, pipe)
-        if _done(ready, pipe):
-            # exit from this thread
-            # don't bother processing any more responses; the calling
-            #   application has all the data they need
-            break
-        for s in ready:
-            # listen for UDP packets from the correct port
-            packet, (host, p) = s.recvfrom(RECV_SIZE)
-            if p != port:
-                continue
-            try:
-                # convert bytes to Message object
-                message = ASN1.deserialize(packet, cls=Message)
-                # ignore garbage packets
-                if message.version != VERSION:
-                    continue
-                # force a full parse; invalid packet will raise an error
-                message.poke()
-            except (EncodingError, ProtocolError) as e:
-                # this should take care of filtering out invalid traffic
-                log.debug("{}: {}: {}".format(
-                    e.__class__.__name__, e, hexlify(packet).decode()
-                ))
-                continue
-            request_id = message.data.request_id.value
-            try:
-                with rlock:
-                    request, event = requests[request_id][:2]
-            except KeyError:
-                # ignore responses for which there was no request
-                msg = "Received unexpected response from {}: {}"
-                log.debug(msg.format(host, hexlify(packet).decode()))
-                continue
-            # while we don't explicitly check every possible protocol violation
-            # this one would cause IndexErrors below, which I'd rather avoid
-            if len(message.data.vars) != len(request.data.vars):
-                msg = "VarBindList length mismatch:\n(Request) {}(Response) {}"
-                log.error(msg.format(request, message))
-                continue
-            requests.pop(request_id)
-            next = isinstance(request.data, GetNextRequestPDU)
-            error = None
-            error_status = message.data.error_status.value
-            if error_status != 0:
-                log.debug(message.data)
-                error_index = message.data.error_index.value
-                try:
-                    cls = ERRORS[error_status]
-                except KeyError:
-                    msg = "Invalid error status: {}"
-                    error = ProtocolError(msg.format(error_status))
-                else:
-                    try:
-                        varbind = message.data.vars[error_index-1]
-                    except IndexError:
-                        msg = "Invalid error index: {}"
-                        error = ProtocolError(msg.format(error_index))
-                    else:
-                        error = cls(varbind.name.value)
-            with dlock:
-                try:
-                    host_data = data[host]
-                except KeyError:
-                    host_data = {}
-                    data[host] = host_data
-                for i, varbind in enumerate(message.data.vars):
-                    # won't make a difference if error is None
-                    varbind.error = error
-                    requested = request.data.vars[i].name.value
-                    oid = varbind.name.value
-                    if next:
-                        try:
-                            host_data[requested][1] = oid
-                        except KeyError:
-                            host_data[requested] = [None, oid]
-                    elif requested != oid:
-                        msg = "OID ({}) does not match requested ({})"
-                        log.warning(msg.format(oid, requested))
-                        # this will cause a ProtocolError to be raised in get()
-                        # However, if this data is never accessed, the error
-                        # will go unnoticed.
-                        # Assuming, however, that the agent is correctly
-                        # implemented and the channel is secure, this should
-                        # never happen
-                        try:
-                            host_data[requested][0] = None
-                        except KeyError:
-                            host_data[requested] = [None, None]
-                    # update data table
-                    try:
-                        host_data[oid][0] = varbind
-                    except KeyError:
-                        host_data[oid] = [varbind, None]
-            msg = "Done processing response from {} (ID={})"
-            log.debug(msg.format(host, request_id))
-            # alert the main thread that the data is ready
-            event.set()
-    _close(pipe)
-    log.debug("Listener thread exiting")
-def _monitor_thread(sock, done, requests, rlock, data, dlock, port=PORT, resend=1):
-    delay = 0
-    while not done.wait(timeout=delay):
-        with rlock:
-            try:
-                ID = next(iter(requests))
-            except StopIteration:
-                delay = resend
-            else:
-                timestamp = requests[ID][3]
-                diff = time.time() - timestamp
-                if diff >= resend:
-                    delay = 0
-                    message, event, host, _, count = requests.pop(ID)
-                    if count:
-                        timestamp += resend
-                        requests[ID] = (
-                            message, event, host, timestamp, count-1
-                        )
-                else:
-                    delay = 1-diff
-        if delay == 0:
-            if count:
-                msg = "Resending to {} (ID={})"
-                log.debug(msg.format(host, message.data.request_id))
-                sock.sendto(message.serialize(), (host, port))
-            else:
-                with dlock:
-                    msg = "Request to {} timed out (ID={})"
-                    log.debug(msg.format(host, message.data.request_id))
-                    for varbind in message.data.vars:
-                        varbind.error = Timeout(varbind.name.value)
-                        oid = varbind.name.value
-                        try:
-                            host_data = data[host]
-                        except KeyError:
-                            host_data = {}
-                            data[host] = host_data
-                        try:
-                            _, next_oid = host_data[oid]
-                        except KeyError:
-                            next_oid = None
-                        # causes GETNEXT requests to register the timeout
-                        if isinstance(message.data, GetNextRequestPDU):
-                            next_oid = oid
-                        host_data[oid] = [varbind, next_oid]
-                event.set()
-    log.debug("Monitor thread exiting")
-class SNMPv1:
-    def __init__(self, community, rwcommunity=None, port=PORT, resend=1):
-        self.rocommunity = community
-        self.rwcommunity = rwcommunity or community
-        self.port = port
-        self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
-        self._sock.setblocking(False)
-        self._sock.bind(('', 0))
-        # used to shut down background threads
-        r, w = os.pipe()
-        self._write_pipe = os.fdopen(w, 'w')
-        self._closed = threading.Event()
-        # counting by an odd number will hit every
-        # request id once before repeating
-        self._count_by = random.randint(0, MAX_REQUEST_ID//2) * 2 + 1
-        self._next_id = self._count_by
-        # This is an OrderedDict so the monitoring thread can iterate through
-        # them in order
-        # <timestamp> is the timestamp of the most recent transmission
-        # <count> is the number of remaining re-transmits before Timeout
-        # {
-        #   <request_id>: (<Message>, <Event>, <host>, <timestamp>, <count>),
-        #   ...
-        # }
-        self._requests = OrderedDict()
-        self._rlock = threading.Lock()
-        # table of pending requests (prevents re-sending packets unnecessarily)
-        # {
-        #   <host_ip>: <PendTable>,
-        #   ...
-        # }
-        self._pending = {}
-        self._plock = threading.Lock()
-        # table of responses
-        # {
-        #   <host_ip>: {
-        #       <oid>: [
-        #           <VarBind>,
-        #           <next_oid>,
-        #       ],
-        #       ...
-        #   },
-        #   ...
-        # }
-        self._data = {}
-        self._drlock, self._dwlock = RWLock()
-        self._listener = threading.Thread(
-            target=_listen_thread,
-            args=(
-                self._sock,
-                r,
-                self._requests,
-                self._rlock,
-                self._data,
-                self._dwlock,
-            ),
-            kwargs={"port":port},
-        )
-        self._listener.start()
-        self._monitor = threading.Thread(
-            target=_monitor_thread,
-            args=(
-                self._sock,
-                self._closed,
-                self._requests,
-                self._rlock,
-                self._data,
-                self._dwlock,
-            ),
-            kwargs={
-                "port": port,
-                "resend": resend,
-            },
-        )
-        self._monitor.start()
-    def close(self):
-        log.debug("Sending shutdown signal to helper threads")
-        self._closed.set()
-        self._write_pipe.write('\0')
-        self._write_pipe.flush()
-        self._listener.join()
-        self._monitor.join()
-        log.debug("All helper threads done")
-        self._write_pipe.close()
-        self._sock.close()
-        self._write_pipe = None
-        self._sock = None
-    def __enter__(self):
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, *args):
-        if not self._closed.is_set():
-            self.close()
-    def _request_id(self):
-        request_id = self._next_id
-        self._next_id = (request_id + self._count_by) & MAX_REQUEST_ID
-        return request_id
-    def get(self, host, *oids, community=None, block=True, timeout=10,
-                                            refresh=False, next=False):
-        # this event will be stored in the pending table under this request ID
-        # the _listener_thread will signal when the data is ready
-        main_event = threading.Event()
-        # store the first error found on a cached VarBind and raise it only
-        # after the request has been sent for any other oids there may be
-        error = None
-        # used for blocking calls to wait for all responses
-        events = set()
-        # set of oids that are neither in self._data nor self._pending
-        send = set()
-        # return value (values[i] corresponds to oids[i])
-        values = [None] * len(oids)
-        with self._plock:
-            try:
-                host_pending = self._pending[host]
-            except KeyError:
-                host_pending = PendTable()
-                self._pending[host] = host_pending
-        with self._drlock:
-            try:
-                host_data = self._data[host]
-            except KeyError:
-                host_data = {}
-        # acquiring the lock all the way out here should minimize the number of
-        # packets sent, even if this object is being shared by multiple threads
-        with host_pending.lock:
-            for i, oid in enumerate(oids):
-                if not refresh:
-                    try:
-                        event = host_pending.oids[oid][int(next)]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-                    else:
-                        # request has been sent already and is pending
-                        if event and not event.is_set():
-                            events.add(event)
-                            # don't fetch cached value, don't re-send request
-                            continue
-                    try:
-                        # TODO: make a separate lock for each host's data
-                        with self._drlock:
-                            value, next_oid = host_data[oid]
-                            if next:
-                                value, _ = host_data[next_oid]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-                    else:
-                        # cached value found
-                        if value is not None:
-                            # raise any errors after the request is sent
-                            error = error or value.error
-                            # set return value
-                            values[i] = value
-                            continue
-                # add this item to the pending table
-                try:
-                    host_pending.oids[oid][int(next)] = main_event
-                except KeyError:
-                    if next:
-                        host_pending.oids[oid] = [None, main_event]
-                    else:
-                        host_pending.oids[oid] = [main_event, None]
-                # make a note to include this OID in the request
-                send.add(oid)
-        # send any requests that are not found to be pending
-        if send:
-            events.add(main_event)
-            pdu_type = GetNextRequestPDU if next else GetRequestPDU
-            pdu = pdu_type(
-                request_id=self._request_id(),
-                vars=VarBindList(
-                    *[VarBind(OID(oid), NULL()) for oid in send]
-                ),
-            )
-            # assign request_id variable this way rather than directly from
-            # self._request_id() because self._request_id() returns unsigned
-            # values, whereas this method returns signed values, and the key
-            # here has to match what is used in the _listener_thread()
-            request_id = pdu.request_id.value
-            message = Message(
-                version = VERSION,
-                data = pdu,
-                community = community or self.rocommunity,
-            )
-            with self._rlock:
-                self._requests[request_id] = (
-                    message, main_event, host, time.time(), timeout-1
-                )
-            self._sock.sendto(message.serialize(), (host, self.port))
-            log.debug("Sent request to {} (ID={})".format(host, request_id))
-        if error is not None:
-            raise error
-        if not block:
-            return values
-        # wait for all requested oids to receive a response
-        for event in events:
-            event.wait()
-        # the data table should now be all up to date
-        with self._drlock:
-            values = []
-            try:
-                host_data = self._data[host]
-            except KeyError:
-                # shouldn't get here, ProtocolError will be triggered below
-                host_data = {}
-            for oid in oids:
-                try:
-                    value, next_oid = host_data[oid]
-                    if next:
-                        value, _ = host_data[next_oid]
-                except KeyError:
-                    value = None
-                if value is None:
-                    raise ProtocolError("Missing variable: {}".format(oid))
-                elif value.error is not None:
-                    raise value.error
-                values.append(value)
-        return values
-    def get_next(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        kwargs['next'] = True
-        return self.get(*args, **kwargs)
-    def set(self, host, oid, value, community=None, block=True, timeout=10):
-        # wrap the value in an ASN1 type
-        if isinstance(value, int):
-            value = INTEGER(value)
-        elif value is None:
-            value = NULL()
-        elif isinstance(value, ASN1):
-            pass
-        else:
-            if isinstance(value, str):
-                value = value.encode()
-            value = OCTET_STRING(value)
-        # create PDU
-        pdu = SetRequestPDU(
-            request_id=self._request_id(),
-            vars=VarBindList(VarBind(OID(oid), value)),
-        )
-        request_id = pdu.request_id.value
-        message = Message(
-            version = VERSION,
-            data = pdu,
-            community = community or self.rwcommunity,
-        )
-        # get PendTable for this host
-        with self._plock:
-            try:
-                host_pending = self._pending[host]
-            except KeyError:
-                host_pending = PendTable()
-                self._pending[host] = host_pending
-        # used to wait for the previous set request to complete
-        event = DUMMY_EVENT
-        # signaled when _listen_thread processes the response
-        main_event = threading.Event()
-        # wait for any pending requests to complete before sending
-        pend_event = None
-        # only allow one outstanding set request at a time
-        while pend_event is None:
-            # loop until we can put main_event in host_pending.oids
-            event.wait()
-            with host_pending.lock:
-                try:
-                    event = host_pending.sets[oid]
-                except KeyError:
-                    event = DUMMY_EVENT
-                # event will not be set if another thread's set request
-                # acquires the lock first and stores its main_event to .sets
-                if event.is_set():
-                    try:
-                        pend_event, next_oid = host_pending.oids[oid]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pend_event, next_oid = DUMMY_EVENT, None
-                    host_pending.oids[oid] = [main_event, next_oid]
-                    host_pending.sets[oid] = main_event
-        # wait for pending requests to be serviced
-        pend_event.wait()
-        with self._rlock:
-            self._requests[request_id] = (
-                message, main_event, host, time.time(), timeout-1
-            )
-        self._sock.sendto(message.serialize(), (host, self.port))
-        msg = "SET request sent to {} (ID={}):\n{}"
-        log.debug(msg.format(host, request_id, pdu))
-        if not block:
-            return
-        # no need to duplicate code; just call self.get()
-        return self.get(host, oid, block=True)
-    def walk(self, host, oid, **kwargs):
-        start = oid
-        while True:
-            try:
-                var, = self.get_next(host, oid, block=True, **kwargs)
-            except NoSuchName:
-                break
-            oid = var.name.value
-            if not oid.startswith(start):
-                break
-            # send now to speed access on the next iteration
-            self.get_next(host, oid, block=False, **kwargs)
-            yield [var]
diff --git a/devices/snmp/v1/exceptions.py b/devices/snmp/v1/exceptions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 262aecfa5ba9f3fb497b00829108d4d560851ec0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/devices/snmp/v1/exceptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-class StatusError(Exception):
-    pass
-class TooBig(StatusError):
-    pass
-class NoSuchName(StatusError):
-    pass
-class BadValue(StatusError):
-    pass
-class ReadOnly(StatusError):
-    pass
-class GenErr(StatusError):
-    pass
diff --git a/devices/snmp/v1/notes.py b/devices/snmp/v1/notes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 126ce6d9a560d1df530140006852916fe8334550..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/devices/snmp/v1/notes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-    create main event
-    get pend table for host or create one
-    get data table for host or create dummy
-    with pend table lock
-        for each oid in the request
-            if not refresh
-                if pending
-                    continue
-                if found in cache
-                    grab cached result
-                    continue
-            add main event to the pend table
-            add oid to request
-    if there are oids to be sent
-        construct message
-        add message to requests table
-        send message
-    if an oid had an error
-        raise it now
-    if not waiting for response
-        return the values you do have
-    wait for all events
-    with data table read lock
-        for each oid
-            grab the value
-            - make sure it is present
-            - make sure there are no errors
-    return the values
-listen thread:
-    check port number
-    decode message
-    pull request id
-    find the corresponding request
-    make sure it has the right number of varbinds
-    remove request from table
-    check error status
-    with data table write lock
-        get/create entry for host
-        for each varbind
-            give it the error found in the request error field
-            find the oid requested
-            make sure it matches the request
-            save varbind to data table
-    set the request event
-monitor thread:
-    wait for next stale request, done, or 1 second (whichever comes first)
-    grab next request
-    if it is stale
-        if it has not timed out
-            resend it
-        else
-            set varbind error to timeout
-            signal event