From 9592705a69cd3c3d04b0e962830d5bf3cf63b708 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: thijs snijder <>
Date: Thu, 6 May 2021 11:52:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] reading and writing now works for SNMP with arbitrary types

 devices/                |  18 ++--
 devices/clients/ | 181 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 devices/clients/  | 161 -----------------------------
 3 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 devices/clients/
 delete mode 100644 devices/clients/

diff --git a/devices/ b/devices/
index 7efe8157b..05e2e1a17 100644
--- a/devices/
+++ b/devices/
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
 from tango.server import run
 from tango.server import device_property
 from tango import AttrWriteType
-# Additional import
+# Additional import
 from clients.SNMP_client import SNMP_client
-from src.attribute_wrapper import attribute_wrapper
-from src.hardware_device import hardware_device
+from util.attribute_wrapper import attribute_wrapper
+from util.hardware_device import hardware_device
 import numpy
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ class SNMP(hardware_device):
     # ----------
     sys_description_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": ""}, datatype=numpy.str_)
-    sys_objectID_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": "", "type": "OID"}, datatype=numpy.int64)
-    sys_uptime_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": "", "type": "TimeTicks"}, datatype=numpy.str_)
+    sys_objectID_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": "", "type": "OID"}, datatype=numpy.str_)
+    sys_uptime_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": "", "type": "TimeTicks"}, datatype=numpy.int64)
     sys_name_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": ""}, datatype=numpy.str_)
     ip_route_mask_127_0_0_1_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": "", "type": "IpAddress"}, datatype=numpy.str_)
-    TCP_active_open_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": "", "type": "Counter32"}, datatype=numpy.str_)
+    TCP_active_open_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": "", "type": "Counter32"}, datatype=numpy.int64)
-    sys_contact_RW = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": ""}, datatype=numpy.str_, access= AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE)
+    sys_contact_RW = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": ""}, datatype=numpy.str_, access=AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE)
     sys_contact_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": ""}, datatype=numpy.str_)
     TCP_Curr_estab_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": "", "type": "Gauge"}, datatype=numpy.int64)
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ class SNMP(hardware_device):
     # inferred spectrum
     if_index_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"oids": ""}, dims=(10,), datatype=numpy.int64)
     def always_executed_hook(self):
         """Method always executed before any TANGO command is executed."""
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ class SNMP(hardware_device):
     # --------
     # overloaded functions
     # --------
-    def initialise(self):
+    def configure_for_initialise(self):
         """ user code here. is called when the state is set to STANDBY """
         # set up the SNMP ua client
diff --git a/devices/clients/ b/devices/clients/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..941000427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devices/clients/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+from util.comms_client import CommClient
+import snmp
+import numpy
+import traceback
+__all__ = ["SNMP_client"]
+snmp_to_numpy_dict = {
+    snmp.types.INTEGER: numpy.int64,
+    snmp.types.TimeTicks: numpy.int64,
+    snmp.types.OCTET_STRING: numpy.str_,
+    snmp.types.OID: numpy.str_,
+    snmp.types.Counter32: numpy.int64,
+    snmp.types.Gauge32: numpy.int64,
+    snmp.types.IpAddress: numpy.str_,
+snmp_types = {
+    "Integer": numpy.int64,
+    "Gauge": numpy.int64,
+    "TimeTick": numpy.int64,
+    "Counter32": numpy.int64,
+    "OctetString": numpy.str_,
+    "IpAddress": numpy.str_,
+    "OID": numpy.str_,
+# numpy_to_snmp_dict = {
+#     numpy.int64,
+#     numpy.int64,
+#     str,
+# }
+class SNMP_client(CommClient):
+    """
+        messages to keep a check on the connection. On connection failure, reconnects once.
+    """
+    def start(self):
+        super().start()
+    def __init__(self, community, host, timeout, fault_func, streams, try_interval=2):
+        """
+        Create the SNMP and connect() to it
+        """
+        super().__init__(fault_func, streams, try_interval)
+ = community
+ = host
+        self.manager = snmp.Manager(community=bytes(community, "utf8"))
+        # Explicitly connect
+        if not self.connect():
+            # hardware or infra is down -- needs fixing first
+            fault_func()
+            return
+    def connect(self):
+        """
+        Try to connect to the client
+        """
+        self.streams.debug_stream("Connecting to community: %s, host: %s",,
+        self.connected = True
+        return True
+    def ping(self):
+        """
+        ping the client to make sure the connection with the client is still functional.
+        """
+        pass
+    def _setup_annotation(self, annotation):
+        """
+        This class's Implementation of the get_mapping function. returns the read and write functions
+        """
+        if isinstance(annotation, dict):
+            # check if required path inarg is present
+            if annotation.get('oids') is None:
+                AssertionError("SNMP get attributes require an oid")
+            oids = annotation.get("oids")  # required
+        else:
+            TypeError("SNMP attributes require a dict with oid(s)")
+            return
+        if annotation.get('type') is not None:
+            dtype = annotation.get("type")  # required
+            # actual_type = snmp_types[dtype]
+        else:
+            dtype = None
+        return oids, dtype
+    def setup_value_conversion(self, attribute):
+        """
+        gives the client access to the attribute_wrapper object in order to access all data it could potentially need.
+        """
+        dim_x = attribute.dim_x
+        dim_y = attribute.dim_y
+        dtype = attribute.numpy_type
+        return dim_x, dim_y, dtype
+    def get_oids(self, x, y, in_oid):
+        if x == 0:
+            x = 1
+        if y == 0:
+            y = 1
+        nof_oids = x * y
+        if nof_oids == 1:
+            # is scalar
+            if type(in_oid) is str:
+                # for ease of handling put single oid in a 1 element list
+                in_oid = [in_oid]
+            return in_oid
+        elif type(in_oid) is list and len(in_oid) == nof_oids:
+            # already is an array and of the right length
+            return in_oid
+        elif type(in_oid) is list and len(in_oid) != nof_oids:
+            # already is an array but the wrong length. Unable to handle this
+            raise ValueError("SNMP oids need to either be a single value or an array the size of the attribute dimensions. got: {} expected: {}x{}={}".format(len(in_oid),x,y,x*y))
+        else:
+            out_oids = []
+            for i in range(nof_oids):
+                out_oids.append(in_oid + ".{}".format(i+1))
+            return out_oids
+    def setup_attribute(self, annotation, attribute):
+        """
+        MANDATORY function: is used by the attribute wrapper to get read/write functions. must return the read and write functions
+        """
+        # process the annotation
+        oids, dtype = self._setup_annotation(annotation)
+        # get all the necessary data to set up the read/write functions from the attribute_wrapper
+        dim_x, dim_y, numpy_type = self.setup_value_conversion(attribute)
+        oids = self.get_oids(dim_x, dim_y, oids)
+        if dtype is None:
+            dtype = numpy_type
+        def _read_function():
+            vars = self.manager.get(, *oids)
+            value = []
+            for i in vars:
+                val = snmp_to_numpy_dict[type(i.value)](str(i.value))
+                value.append(val)
+            return value
+        if dtype is None:
+            def _write_function(value):
+                if len(oids) == 1 and type(value) != list:
+                    value = [value]
+                else:
+                    for i in range(len(oids)):
+                        self.manager.set(, oids[i], snmp_types[dtype](value[i]))
+        else:
+            def _write_function(value):
+                if len(oids) == 1 and type(value) != list:
+                    value = [value]
+                else:
+                    for i in range(len(oids)):
+                        self.manager.set(, oids[i], value[i])
+        # return the read/write functions
+        return _read_function, _write_function
diff --git a/devices/clients/ b/devices/clients/
deleted file mode 100644
index 701bd7a90..000000000
--- a/devices/clients/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-from src.comms_client import CommClient
-import configparser
-import numpy
-numpy_to_ini_dict = {
-    numpy.int64: int,
-    numpy.double: float,
-    numpy.bool_: bool,
-    str: str
-ini_to_numpy_dict = {
-    int: numpy.int64,
-    float: numpy.double,
-    bool: numpy.bool_,
-    str: str
-import os
-class ini_client(CommClient):
-    """
-    this class provides an example implementation of a comms_client.
-    Durirng initialisation it creates a correctly shaped zero filled value. on read that value is returned and on write its modified.
-    """
-    def start(self):
-        super().start()
-    def __init__(self, filename, fault_func, streams, try_interval=2):
-        """
-        initialises the class and tries to connect to the client.
-        """
-        self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
-        self.filename = filename
-        if not filename.endswith(".ini"):
-            filename = filename + ".ini"
-        super().__init__(fault_func, streams, try_interval)
-        # Explicitly connect
-        if not self.connect():
-            # hardware or infra is down -- needs fixing first
-            fault_func()
-            return
-    def connect(self):
-        files_path = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in os.listdir()]
-        self.streams.debug_stream(" %s", files_path)
-        self.config_file = open(self.filename, "rw")
-        self.connected = True  # set connected to true
-        return True  # if succesfull, return true. otherwise return false
-    def disconnect(self):
-        self.connected = False  # always force a reconnect, regardless of a successful disconnect
-        self.streams.debug_stream("disconnected from the 'client' ")
-    def _setup_annotation(self, annotation):
-        """
-        this function gives the client access to the comm client annotation data given to the attribute wrapper.
-        The annotation data can be used to provide whatever extra data is necessary in order to find/access the monitor/control point.
-        the annotation can be in whatever format may be required. it is up to the user to handle its content
-        example annotation may include:
-        - a file path and file line/location
-        - COM object path
-        """
-        # as this is an example, just print the annotation
-        self.streams.debug_stream("annotation: {}".format(annotation))
-        name = annotation.get('name')
-        if name is None:
-            AssertionError("ini client requires a variable name to set/get")
-        section = annotation.get('section')
-        if section is None:
-            AssertionError("requires a section to open")
-        return section, name
-    def _setup_value_conversion(self, attribute):
-        """
-        gives the client access to the attribute_wrapper object in order to access all
-        necessary data such as dimensionality and data type
-        """
-        if attribute.dim_y > 1:
-            dims = (attribute.dim_y, attribute.dim_x)
-        else:
-            dims = (attribute.dim_x,)
-        dtype = attribute.numpy_type
-        return dims, dtype
-    def _setup_mapping(self, name, section, dtype):
-        """
-        takes all gathered data to configure and return the correct read and write functions
-        """
-        def read_function():
-            value = self.config.get(section, name)
-            value = ini_to_numpy_dict[dtype](value)
-            return value
-        def write_function(write_value):
-            self.config.set(section, name, write_value)
-            fp = open(self.filename, 'w')
-            self.config.write(fp)
-        return read_function, write_function
-    def setup_attribute(self, annotation=None, attribute=None):
-        """
-        MANDATORY function: is used by the attribute wrapper to get read/write functions.
-        must return the read and write functions
-        """
-        # process the comms_annotation
-        section, name = self._setup_annotation(annotation)
-        # get all the necessary data to set up the read/write functions from the attribute_wrapper
-        dims, dtype = self._setup_value_conversion(attribute)
-        # configure and return the read/write functions
-        read_function, write_function = self._setup_mapping(name, section, dtype)
-        # return the read/write functions
-        return read_function, write_function
-def write_config():
-    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
-    config['scalar'] = {}
-    config['scalar']['double_scalar'] = '1.2'
-    config['scalar']['double_scalar'] = '3.4'
-    config['scalar']['bool_scalar'] = 'True'
-    config['scalar']['bool_scalar'] = 'False'
-    config['scalar']['int_scalar'] = '5'
-    config['scalar']['int_scalar'] = '6'
-    config['scalar']['str_scalar'] = 'this is'
-    config['scalar']['str_scalar'] = 'a test'
-    config['spectrum'] = {}
-    config['spectrum']['double_scalar'] = '[1.2, 2.3, 3.4]'
-    config['spectrum']['double_scalar'] = '[5.6, 6.7, 7.8]'
-    config['spectrum']['bool_scalar'] = '[True, True, False]'
-    config['spectrum']['bool_scalar'] = '[False, False, True]'
-    config['spectrum']['int_scalar'] = '[5'
-    config['spectrum']['int_scalar'] = '[6,7,8,9]'
-    config['spectrum']['str_scalar'] = '["a", "b", "c"]'
-    config['spectrum']['str_scalar'] = '["D", "E", "F"]'
-    with open('example.ini', 'w') as configfile:
-        config.write(configfile)