index 30bd2aabe9c0feeb0200ce907af1640e25062438..eec910de17bde6678de7e4a6dbef8da558f405de 100644
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import sys
 import opcua
 import numpy
-from wrappers import only_when_on, fault_on_error
+from wrappers import only_in_states, only_when_on, fault_on_error
 from opcua_connection import OPCUAConnection
 __all__ = ["RCUSCC", "main"]
@@ -42,6 +42,25 @@ class RCUSCC(Device):
             - Type:'DevULong'
             - Type:'DevDouble'
+    States are as follows:
+        INIT    = Device is initialising.
+        STANDBY = Device is initialised, but pends external configuration and an explicit turning on,
+        ON      = Device is fully configured, functional, controls the hardware, and is possibly actively running,
+        FAULT   = Device detected an unrecoverable error, and is thus malfunctional,
+        OFF     = Device is turned off, drops connection to the hardware,
+    The following state transitions are implemented:
+        boot -> OFF:     Triggered by tango.  Device will be instantiated,
+        OFF  -> INIT:    Triggered by device. Device will initialise (connect to hardware, other devices),
+        INIT -> STANDBY: Triggered by device. Device is initialised, and is ready for additional configuration by the user,
+        STANDBY -> ON:   Triggered by user.   Device reports to be functional,
+        * -> FAULT:      Triggered by device. Device has degraded to malfunctional, for example because the connection to the hardware is lost,
+        * -> FAULT:      Triggered by user.   Emulate a forced malfunction for integration testing purposes,
+        * -> OFF:        Triggered by user.   Device is turned off. Triggered by the Off() command,
+        FAULT -> INIT:   Triggered by user.   Device is reinitialised to recover from an error,
+        The user triggers their transitions by the commands reflecting the target state (Init(), On(), Fault()).
     client = 0
     name_space_index = 0
@@ -207,11 +226,16 @@ class RCUSCC(Device):
         self.debug_stream("Mapping OPC-UA MP/CP to attributes done.")
     def init_device(self):
-        """Initialises the attributes and properties of the RCUSCC."""
+        """ Instantiates the device in the OFF state. """
         # NOTE: Will delete_device first, if necessary
+        self.set_state(DevState.OFF)
+    def initialise(self):
+        """Initialises the attributes and properties of the RCUSCC."""
         # Init the dict that contains attribute to OPC-UA MP/CP mappings.
@@ -257,9 +281,10 @@ class RCUSCC(Device):
         self.client = opcua.Client("opc.tcp://{}:{}/".format(self.OPC_Server_Name, self.OPC_Server_Port), self.OPC_Time_Out) # timeout in seconds
-        # Connect to OPC-UA -- will set ON state on success
-        self.opcua_connection = OPCUAConnection(self.client, self.On, self.Fault, self)
+        # Connect to OPC-UA -- will set ON state on success in case of a reconnect
+        self.opcua_connection = OPCUAConnection(self.client, self.Standby, self.Fault, self)
+        # Explicitly connect
         if not self.opcua_connection.connect():
             # hardware or infra is down -- needs fixing first
@@ -276,16 +301,8 @@ class RCUSCC(Device):
         # Start keep-alive
-        # Everything went ok -- go online
-        self.On()
-    @DebugIt()
-    def On(self):
-        """
-        :return:None
-        """
-        self.set_state(DevState.ON)
+        # Everything went ok -- go standby.
+        self.set_state(DevState.STANDBY)
     def always_executed_hook(self):
@@ -432,23 +449,53 @@ class RCUSCC(Device):
+    @only_in_states([DevState.FAULT, DevState.OFF])
     def Init(self):
+        Command to ask for initialisation of this device. Can only be called in FAULT or OFF state.
+        :return:None
+        """
+        self.initialise()
+    @only_in_states([DevState.INIT])
+    def Standby(self):
+        """
+        Command to ask for initialisation of this device. Can only be called in FAULT or OFF state.
-        self.init_device()
+        self.set_state(DevState.STANDBY)
+    @command(
+    )
+    @only_in_states([DevState.STANDBY])
+    @DebugIt()
+    def On(self):
+        """
+        Command to ask for initialisation of this device. Can only be called in FAULT or OFF state.
+        :return:None
+        """
+        self.set_state(DevState.ON)
     def Off(self):
+        Command to ask for shutdown of this device.
+        if self.get_state() == DevState.OFF:
+          # Already off. Don't complain.
+          return
         # Turn off
@@ -458,15 +505,17 @@ class RCUSCC(Device):
         # Turn off again, in case of race conditions through reconnecting
+    @only_in_states([DevState.ON, DevState.INIT, DevState.STANDBY])
     def Fault(self):
         FAULT state is used to indicate our connection with the OPC-UA server is down.
-        This device will try to reconnect, and transition to the ON state on success.
+        This device will try to reconnect once, and transition to the ON state on success.
+        If reconnecting fails, the user needs to call Init() to retry to restart this device.
diff --git a/RCUSCC/RCUSCC/wrappers.py b/RCUSCC/RCUSCC/wrappers.py
index 964fa46986edbd8eb8f1876deb8fe5c7c36bde56..dfd4fe3f444c0cbb572e53f7b0386b2882171e55 100644
--- a/RCUSCC/RCUSCC/wrappers.py
+++ b/RCUSCC/RCUSCC/wrappers.py
@@ -2,7 +2,23 @@ from tango import DevState
 from functools import wraps
 import traceback
-__all__ = ["only_when_on", "fault_on_error"]
+__all__ = ["only_in_states", "only_when_on", "fault_on_error"]
+def only_in_states(func, allowed_states):
+    """
+      Wrapper to return None when the device isn't in ON state.
+      If in ON state, calls & returns the wrapped function.
+    """
+    @wraps(func)
+    def state_check_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if self.get_state() not in allowed_states:
+            return None
+        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+    return state_check_wrapper
 def only_when_on(func):