# Grafana Dashboards for a LOFAR 2.0 station

These dashboards show the state of a single station. They are tailored to be installed:

* Locally on a station, through https://git.astron.nl/lofar2.0/tango/-/tree/master/docker-compose/grafana
* Centrally to monitor a group of stations, through https://git.astron.nl/lofar2.0/operations-central-management/-/tree/main/grafana-central/dashboards

## Development

To cover both these use cases, the designer must consider:

* Using a `host="$station"` filter to make sure that centrally, the selected station is shown. On a specific station, this will default to `host="localhost"`,
* Deploying changes on all stations as well as centrally.

## Deployment

To deploy changes, they must be:

1. Committed to this repository,
2. The submodules in the tango and operations-central-management repositories must link to the new commit,
3. Those repositories need to be redeployed on the stations and centrally, respectively.