from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from .models import WorkSpecification, DataProductFilter, Group from django.forms import ModelForm, CharField, ChoiceField, ModelChoiceField class WorkSpecificationForm(ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['predecessor_specification'].required = False self.fields['filters'].required = False self.fields['group'].required = False def _extract_filters(self): filter_names = [filter_name[0] for filter_name in DataProductFilter.objects.all().values_list('field')] filters = {} for filter_name in filter_names: if filter_name in and[filter_name] != "": filters[filter_name] =[filter_name] return filters def clean(self): self.cleaned_data = super().clean() self.cleaned_data["filters"] = self._extract_filters() if not 'obs_id' in self.cleaned_data["filters"]: raise ValidationError(["SAS ID: This field is required."]) return self.cleaned_data class Meta: model = WorkSpecification fields = ['filters', 'selected_workflow', 'selected_workflow_tag', 'processing_site', 'predecessor_specification', 'batch_size', 'group', 'is_auto_submit'] labels = { 'selected_workflow': 'Selected workflow', 'selected_workflow_tag': 'Workflow tag', 'processing_site': 'Processing Site (ATDB)', 'predecessor_specification': 'Predecessor', 'batch_size': 'Files per task', 'group': 'Group', 'is_auto_submit': 'Auto submit' } help_texts = {'selected_workflow': "The pipeline to run on the processing site.", 'selected_workflow_tag': "The pipeline's tag as specified in ATDB.", 'processing_site': "The ATDB processing site to run a specific workflow in.", 'predecessor_specification': "The related predecessor of the current work specification.", 'batch_size': "The number of files every task generated by this work specification should have. Example: 10 files in total can be split into 5 tasks of 2 files.", 'group': "Include the work specification to a group. Note that it will inherit the group's processing site and workflow specifications.", 'is_auto_submit': "By checking this box, the work specification will be directly sent to the processing site and thus does not need inspection." } class GroupForm(ModelForm): obs_ids = CharField(label='SAS IDs', help_text="A list of SAS IDs separated with a comma. Example: 123, 456, 789", required=True) class Meta: model = Group fields = ['name', 'selected_workflow', 'selected_workflow_tag', 'processing_site', 'obs_ids'] labels = { 'selected_workflow': 'Selected workflow', 'selected_workflow_tag': 'Workflow tag', 'processing_site': 'Processing Site (ATDB)', 'name': 'Name', } help_texts = {'selected_workflow': "The pipeline to run on the processing site.", 'selected_workflow_tag': "The pipeline's tag as specified in ATDB.", 'processing_site': "The ATDB processing site to run a specific workflow in.", 'name': "A unique and custom name for this group" }