import React, { useContext } from "react"; import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; import { Button } from "react-bootstrap"; import { GlobalContext } from "../../contexts/GlobalContext"; import { BasketContext } from "../../contexts/BasketContext"; import axios from "axios"; import { getShoppingIcon } from "../../utils/styling"; export function saveBasket(basketContext, api_host, isTokenValid, loginAgain, history){ const payload = {shopping_cart: basketContext.datasets}; console.log('saveBasket() '+payload) const profileUrl = api_host + "accounts/user-profiles/"; // check if he token is still valid let token_is_valid = isTokenValid() console.log('token valid: '+token_is_valid) // if the token is not valid, then refresh it by logging in again if (token_is_valid < 0) { console.log('token no longer valid, retrying login...') loginAgain(history) //saveBasket(basketContext, api_host, isTokenValid, history) return } axios .get(profileUrl, { withCredentials: true, }) .then((response) => { // build the userProfileUrl based on the user_name in the original id_token console.log( const userProfileUrl = profileUrl +[0].user_name + "/"; // send the payload to the userProfile axios .patch(userProfileUrl, payload, {withCredentials: true}) .then((response) => { console.log("patch", response); basketContext.setHasChanged(false) }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); }); }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); }); } export default function SaveBasketButton(props) { const { api_host, isAuthenticated, isTokenValid, loginAgain } = useContext(GlobalContext); const basketContext = useContext(BasketContext); const { hasChanged, setHasChanged } = useContext(BasketContext); let history = useHistory() // only show the 'save basket' button when a user is logged in and something in the basket has changed if (isAuthenticated) { if (hasChanged) { return ( <Button type="button" variant="primary" onClick={() => saveBasket(basketContext , api_host, isTokenValid, loginAgain, history)} {...props}> {getShoppingIcon("save_cart")} Save Basket</Button> ) } else { return null } } else{ return null } }