diff --git a/atdb/taskdatabase/models.py b/atdb/taskdatabase/models.py
index 32aefede516a2eebf496ef03db17ade2b832c015..fbfad8676fbb073deb7c22466221d76bf7f92c64 100644
--- a/atdb/taskdatabase/models.py
+++ b/atdb/taskdatabase/models.py
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ from django.utils.timezone import datetime, timedelta
 from django.conf import settings
 import json
 import logging
+from .services import calculated_qualities as qualities
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 # constants
@@ -69,120 +71,6 @@ def convert_summary_to_list_for_template(task):
-def calculate_qualities(task):
-    """"
-    calculate the quality for this task, but also the quality for all the combined tasks of this sas_id
-    """
-    # read the quality_thresholds from the Configuration table
-    try:
-        quality_thresholds = json.loads(Configuration.objects.get(key='quality_thresholds').value)
-    except:
-        quality_thresholds = {
-            "moderate": 20,
-            "poor": 50,
-            "overall_poor": 50,
-            "overall_good": 90,
-        }
-    def calculate_quality_task(task):
-        """"
-        calculate the quality of this task based on rfi_percent values
-        The threshold values are written from a configuration json blob
-        Using this algorithm from SDCO:
-                rfi_i <= 20 % is good
-                20% <= rfi_i <= 50 is moderate
-                rfi_i > 50 is poor.
-                except when rfi_percent	= 0
-        """
-        try:
-            summary = task.quality_json["summary"]
-            quality = None
-            for key in summary:
-                record = summary[key]
-                rfi_percent = int(record['rfi_percent'])
-                if rfi_percent > 0:
-                    quality = "good"
-                    if rfi_percent >= quality_thresholds['moderate']:
-                        quality = "moderate"
-                    if rfi_percent > quality_thresholds['poor']:
-                        quality = "poor"
-            return quality
-        except Exception as error:
-            logger.info(error)
-    def calculate_quality_sasid(unsaved_task):
-        """
-        calculate the overall quality per sas_id, based on other tasks with the same sas_id
-        The threshold values are written from a configuration json blob
-        Using this algorithm from SDCO:
-             if more then 90 % of all files have a good quality then the dataset has good condition.
-             If more then 50 % of all files have a poor quality then the dataset is poor
-             otherwise is moderate.
-        """
-        try:
-            # gather the results of all the calculated_quality values for this sas_id
-            qualities = {'poor': 0, 'moderate': 0, 'good': 0}
-            for task in Task.objects.filter(sas_id=unsaved_task.sas_id):
-                # because this all happens in the overridden 'Task.save', the actual saving has not yet occurred
-                # So use the calculated quality from the unsaved task instead.
-                if task.id == unsaved_task.id:
-                    t = unsaved_task
-                else:
-                    t = task
-                try:
-                    key = t.calculated_qualities['per_task']
-                    qualities[key] = qualities[key] + 1
-                except:
-                    # ignore the tasks that have no calculated quality (they are probably not 'stored').
-                    pass
-            total = qualities['poor'] + qualities['moderate'] + qualities['good']
-            if total > 0:
-                percentage_poor = (qualities['poor'] / total) * 100
-                percentage_good = (qualities['good'] / total) * 100
-                quality_sasid = "moderate"
-                if percentage_poor >= quality_thresholds['overall_poor']:
-                    quality_sasid = 'poor'
-                if percentage_good >= quality_thresholds['overall_good']:
-                    quality_sasid = 'good'
-            return quality_sasid
-        except Exception as error:
-            logger.info(error)
-    # --- main function body ---
-    # calculate the quality for this task
-    calculated_quality_task = calculate_quality_task(task)
-    # store the result in task.calculated_qualities (not yet saved in the database)
-    d = task.calculated_qualities
-    if not d:
-        d = {}
-    d['per_task'] = calculated_quality_task
-    task.calculated_qualities = d
-    # update the overall quality of all tasks for this sas_id
-    calculated_quality_sasid = calculate_quality_sasid(task)
-    # store the result in task.calculated_qualities (not yet saved in the database)
-    d['per_sasid'] = calculated_quality_sasid
-    return d
 class Task(models.Model):
     # Task control properties
@@ -230,7 +118,26 @@ class Task(models.Model):
         # nv:19jun2023, calculate the qualities for this task
         if (self.status != 'stored') & (self.new_status == 'stored'):
-            self.calculated_qualities = calculate_qualities(self)
+            # read the quality_thresholds from the Configuration table
+            try:
+                quality_thresholds = json.loads(Configuration.objects.get(key='quality_thresholds').value)
+            except:
+                quality_thresholds = {
+                    "moderate": 20,
+                    "poor": 50,
+                    "overall_poor": 50,
+                    "overall_good": 90,
+                }
+            tasks_for_this_sasid = Task.objects.filter(sas_id=self.sas_id)
+            self.calculated_qualities = qualities.calculate_qualities(self, tasks_for_this_sasid, quality_thresholds)
+            try:
+                self.remarks['calculated_qualities'] = self.calculated_qualities
+            except:
+                self.remarks = {}
+                self.remarks['calculated_qualities'] = self.calculated_qualities
         super(Task, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -344,7 +251,6 @@ class Task(models.Model):
             return None
     def sasid_is_verified(self):
         for task in Task.objects.filter(sas_id=self.sas_id):
diff --git a/atdb/taskdatabase/services/algorithms.py b/atdb/taskdatabase/services/algorithms.py
index a14a1d8f6d9fed77acf2393bad3158c04c1bdc29..e6640f37bef8a27b73f9cd013307215dcaa3ba9f 100644
--- a/atdb/taskdatabase/services/algorithms.py
+++ b/atdb/taskdatabase/services/algorithms.py
@@ -842,14 +842,13 @@ def construct_summary(task):
                 line += '<td colspan="2">' + str(round(record['size_ratio'],3)) + '</td>'
                 line += '</tr>'
-                try:
+                if 'rfi_percent' in record.keys():
                     # add RFI percentage (if present)
                     rfi = record['rfi_percent']
                     line += '<tr><td><b>RFI percentage</b></td>'
                     line += '<td colspan="2">' + str(rfi) + '</td>'
                     line += '</tr>'
-                except:
-                    pass
                     # add calculated quality (if present)
@@ -916,7 +915,7 @@ def construct_summary(task):
                     totals += '<tr>'
                     totals += '<td><b>RFI thresholds</b></td>'
-                    totals += '<td>Per Task</td><td>M, rfi >'+ str(quality_thresholds['poor']) + '% = P, rfi <=' + str(quality_thresholds['moderate']) + '% = G</td>'
+                    totals += '<td>Per Task</td><td>M, rfi>'+ str(quality_thresholds['poor']) + '% = P, rfi<=' + str(quality_thresholds['moderate']) + '% = G</td>'
                     totals += '</tr>'
                     totals += '<tr>'
diff --git a/atdb/taskdatabase/services/calculated_qualities.py b/atdb/taskdatabase/services/calculated_qualities.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6c2a87b0bf3d23b2173131ae4f2616b4bb9cde0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atdb/taskdatabase/services/calculated_qualities.py
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+import json
+def calculate_qualities(task, tasks_for_this_sasid, quality_thresholds):
+    """"
+    calculate the quality for this task, but also the quality for all the combined tasks of this sas_id
+    """
+    def calculate_quality_task(task):
+        """"
+        calculate the quality of this task based on rfi_percent values
+        The threshold values are written from a configuration json blob
+        Using this algorithm from SDCO:
+                rfi_i <= 20 % is good
+                20% <= rfi_i <= 50 is moderate
+                rfi_i > 50 is poor.
+                except when rfi_percent	= 0
+        """
+        try:
+            summary = task.quality_json["summary"]
+            quality = None
+            for key in summary:
+                record = summary[key]
+                rfi_percent = int(record['rfi_percent'])
+                if rfi_percent > 0:
+                    quality = "good"
+                    if rfi_percent >= quality_thresholds['moderate']:
+                        quality = "moderate"
+                    if rfi_percent > quality_thresholds['poor']:
+                        quality = "poor"
+            return quality
+        except Exception as error:
+            logger.info(error)
+    def calculate_quality_sasid(unsaved_task, tasks_for_this_sasid):
+        """
+        calculate the overall quality per sas_id, based on other tasks with the same sas_id
+        The threshold values are written from a configuration json blob
+        Using this algorithm from SDCO:
+             if more then 90 % of all files have a good quality then the dataset has good condition.
+             If more then 50 % of all files have a poor quality then the dataset is poor
+             otherwise is moderate.
+        """
+        try:
+            # gather the results of all the calculated_quality values for this sas_id
+            qualities = {'poor': 0, 'moderate': 0, 'good': 0}
+            for task in tasks_for_this_sasid:
+                # because this all happens in the overridden 'Task.save', the actual saving has not yet occurred
+                # So use the calculated quality from the unsaved task instead.
+                if task.id == unsaved_task.id:
+                    t = unsaved_task
+                else:
+                    t = task
+                try:
+                    key = t.calculated_qualities['per_task']
+                    qualities[key] = qualities[key] + 1
+                except:
+                    # ignore the tasks that have no calculated quality (they are probably not 'stored').
+                    pass
+            total = qualities['poor'] + qualities['moderate'] + qualities['good']
+            if total > 0:
+                percentage_poor = (qualities['poor'] / total) * 100
+                percentage_good = (qualities['good'] / total) * 100
+                quality_sasid = "moderate"
+                if percentage_poor >= quality_thresholds['overall_poor']:
+                    quality_sasid = 'poor'
+                if percentage_good >= quality_thresholds['overall_good']:
+                    quality_sasid = 'good'
+            return quality_sasid
+        except Exception as error:
+            logger.info(error)
+    # --- main function body ---
+    # calculate the quality for this task
+    calculated_quality_task = calculate_quality_task(task)
+    # store the result in task.calculated_qualities (not yet saved in the database)
+    qualities = task.calculated_qualities
+    if not qualities:
+        qualities = {}
+    qualities['per_task'] = calculated_quality_task
+    task.calculated_qualities = qualities
+    # update the overall quality of all tasks for this sas_id
+    calculated_quality_sasid = calculate_quality_sasid(task, tasks_for_this_sasid)
+    # store the result in task.calculated_qualities (not yet saved in the database)
+    qualities['per_sasid'] = calculated_quality_sasid
+    return qualities
\ No newline at end of file