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This is a snapshot of the 'stable' state that IDG has been in over the last couple of months, including some recent fixes for compatibility with recent versions of DP3, Everybeam and WSClean.

- CUDA gridder: large number of channels
- CUDA gridder: few timesteps per subgrid
- CUDA degridder: Stokes-I submode
- CUDA gridder + degridder: out-of-bounds reads
- Plan: visibility count and jobsize
- CPU W-Tiling: forward/backward FFT swapped
- Add workaround for CUDA profiler errors

New features:
- Add optional phasor extrapolation feature for CUDA kernels
- Add Python CUDA kernel tests

- Use current versions of Everybeam, DP3 and WSClean in CI
- Fix idg-cal for current DP3/Everybeam
- Remove schaap-stack from CI
- Move to new servers for documentation and CI data
- Update SKA CI to use k8srunner-gpu runner
- Remove deprecated OpenCL code
- Restore support for Maxwell GPU architecture 
- Various cleanup and improvements to CUDA kernels