From 19e41085d1fa4f38f91ab01ec80ab609eaee8f98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Drabent <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2020 17:53:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] add target pipeline

Former-commit-id: 37fa460b1074c2d29424483bb2db697f529f8af4
 lofar-cwl/steps/AOFlagger.cwl                |   2 +-
 lofar-cwl/steps/DPPP.cwl                     |  42 +-
 lofar-cwl/steps/LoSoTo.PrefactorBandpass.cwl | 152 ++++---
 lofar-cwl/steps/LoSoTo.PrefactorXYoffset.cwl |  94 +++--
 lofar-cwl/steps/calib_rot_diag.cwl           | 130 +++---
 lofar-cwl/steps/gaincal.cwl                  | 160 ++++----
 lofar-cwl/steps/interpolate_visibilities.cwl |  40 +-
 lofar-cwl/steps/wsclean.cwl                  |  31 +-
 workflows/HBA_calibrator.cwl                 |   7 +-
 workflows/HBA_target.cwl                     | 393 +++++++++++++++++++
 workflows/prefactor_target.cwl               | 319 ++++++++++++++-
 workflows/prefactor_target/concat.cwl        | 381 ++++++++++++++++++
 workflows/prefactor_target/gsmcal.cwl        | 381 ++++++++++++++++++
 workflows/prefactor_target/prep.cwl          | 307 +++++++++++++++
 workflows/prefactor_target/prep_gsmcal.cwl   | 381 ++++++++++++++++++
 15 files changed, 2521 insertions(+), 299 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 workflows/HBA_target.cwl
 create mode 100644 workflows/prefactor_target/concat.cwl
 create mode 100644 workflows/prefactor_target/gsmcal.cwl
 create mode 100644 workflows/prefactor_target/prep.cwl
 create mode 100644 workflows/prefactor_target/prep_gsmcal.cwl

diff --git a/lofar-cwl/steps/AOFlagger.cwl b/lofar-cwl/steps/AOFlagger.cwl
index b2e3eff7..eac08767 100644
--- a/lofar-cwl/steps/AOFlagger.cwl
+++ b/lofar-cwl/steps/AOFlagger.cwl
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ requirements:
-    dockerPull: lofareosc/lofar-pipeline-ci:latest
+    dockerPull: lofareosc/prefactor:HBAcalibrator
   - aoflagger
diff --git a/lofar-cwl/steps/DPPP.cwl b/lofar-cwl/steps/DPPP.cwl
index 5dc50b4c..b15ffd78 100755
--- a/lofar-cwl/steps/DPPP.cwl
+++ b/lofar-cwl/steps/DPPP.cwl
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ inputs:
       prefix: msin=
       separate: false
     doc: Input Measurement Set
-  - default: out.MS
+  - default: "."
     id: msout_name
     type: string
@@ -37,16 +37,32 @@ inputs:
   - id: output_directory_names
     type: Any
     doc: Expected output file names
-  - id: autoweight
+  - default: false
+    id: autoweight
     type: boolean
-    default: true
-      prefix: msin.autoweight=True
-  - id: baseline
+      position: 0
+      prefix: 'msin.autoweight=True'
+  - default: ''
+    id: baseline
     type: string
-    default: ""
-      prefix: msin.baseline=
+      position: 0
+      prefix: 'msin.baseline='
+      separate: false
+  - default: DATA
+    id: output_column
+    type: string?
+    inputBinding:
+      position: 0
+      prefix: 'msout.datacolumn='
+      separate: false
+  - default: DATA
+    id: input_column
+    type: string?
+    inputBinding:
+      position: 0
+      prefix: 'msin.datacolumn='
       separate: false
   - id: writefullresflag
     type: boolean
@@ -60,7 +76,7 @@ inputs:
        prefix: msout.overwrite=True
   - id: storagemanager
     type: string
-    default: "Dysco"
+    default: ""
        prefix: msout.storagemanager=
        separate: false
@@ -75,7 +91,7 @@ outputs:
     doc: Output Measurement Set
     type: Directory
-      glob: '$(inputs.msout_name=="."?inputs.msin:inputs.msout_name)'
+      glob: '$(inputs.msout_name=="." ? inputs.msin.basename : inputs.msout_name)'
   - id: secondary_output_files
     doc: Secondary output files
     type: Any
@@ -116,8 +132,12 @@ outputs:
       glob: 'DPPP*.log'
   - class: DockerRequirement
-    dockerPull: lofareosc/lofar-pipeline
+    dockerPull: lofareosc/prefactor:HBAcalibrator
 stdout: DPPP.log
 stderr: DPPP_err.log
-  - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
\ No newline at end of file
+  - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
+  - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement
+    listing:
+      - entry: $(inputs.msin)
+        writable: true
diff --git a/lofar-cwl/steps/LoSoTo.PrefactorBandpass.cwl b/lofar-cwl/steps/LoSoTo.PrefactorBandpass.cwl
index c81efdab..021adf8b 100644
--- a/lofar-cwl/steps/LoSoTo.PrefactorBandpass.cwl
+++ b/lofar-cwl/steps/LoSoTo.PrefactorBandpass.cwl
@@ -1,101 +1,131 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
 class: CommandLineTool
 cwlVersion: v1.0
-id: losoto_prefactor_bandpass
-  lofar:
-doc: |
-  This operation for LoSoTo implements the Prefactor bandpass operation
-  WEIGHT: flag-only compliant, no need for weight
-  InlineJavascriptRequirement:
-    expressionLib:
-      - { $include: utils.js}
-  InitialWorkDirRequirement:
-    listing:
-      - entryname: 'parset.config'
-        entry: $(get_losoto_config('PREFACTOR_BANDPASS').join('\n'))
-      - entryname: $(inputs.input_h5parm.basename)
-        entry: $(inputs.input_h5parm)
-        writable: true
-baseCommand: "losoto"
-  - $(inputs.input_h5parm.basename)
-  - parset.config
-  DockerRequirement:
-    dockerPull: lofareosc/lofar-pipeline-ci:latest
+  lofar: ''
+  sbg: ''
+id: losoto_prefactor_bandpass
+  - losoto
-  - id: input_h5parm
+  - format: 'lofar:#H5Parm'
+    id: input_h5parm
     type: File
-    format: lofar:#H5Parm
   - id: soltab
     type: string
-    doc: "Solution table"
+    doc: Solution table
   - id: chanWidth
     type: string?
-    doc: |
-      the width of each channel in the data from which solutions were obtained. Can be
-      either a string like "48kHz" or a float in Hz. If interpolate = True, chanWidth
-      must be specified
+    doc: >
+      the width of each channel in the data from which solutions were obtained.
+      Can be
+      either a string like "48kHz" or a float in Hz. If interpolate = True,
+      chanWidth
+      must be specified
   - id: BadSBList
     type: string?
     doc: a list of bad subbands that will be flagged
   - id: outSoltabName
     type: string?
-    doc: |
-      Name of the output bandpass soltab. An existing soltab with this name will be
+    doc: >
+      Name of the output bandpass soltab. An existing soltab with this name will
+      be
-  - id: interpolate
+  - default: false
+    id: interpolate
     type: boolean?
-    default: false
-    doc: |
-      If True, interpolate to a regular frequency grid and then smooth, ignoring bad
-      subbands. If False, neither interpolation nor smoothing is done and the output
-      frequency grid is the same as the input one. If interpolate = True, chanWidth
+    doc: >
+      If True, interpolate to a regular frequency grid and then smooth, ignoring
+      bad
+      subbands. If False, neither interpolation nor smoothing is done and the
+      output
+      frequency grid is the same as the input one. If interpolate = True,
+      chanWidth
       must be specified
   - id: removeTimeAxis
     type: boolean?
-    doc: |
-      If True, the time axis of the output bandpass soltab is removed by doing a median
+    doc: >
+      If True, the time axis of the output bandpass soltab is removed by doing a
+      median
       over time. If False, the output time grid is the same as the input one
   - id: autoFlag
     type: boolean?
-    doc: If True, automatically flag bad frequencies and stations
+    doc: 'If True, automatically flag bad frequencies and stations'
   - id: nSigma
     type: float?
-    doc: Number of sigma for autoFlagging. Amplitudes outside of nSigma*stddev are flagged
+    doc: >-
+      Number of sigma for autoFlagging. Amplitudes outside of nSigma*stddev are
+      flagged
   - id: maxFlaggedFraction
     type: float?
-    doc: |
-      Maximum allowable fraction of flagged frequencies for autoFlagging. Stations with
+    doc: >
+      Maximum allowable fraction of flagged frequencies for autoFlagging.
+      Stations with
       higher fractions will be completely flagged
   - id: maxStddev
     type: float?
     doc: Maximum allowable standard deviation for autoFlagging
   - id: ncpu
     type: int?
     doc: Number of CPUs to use during autoFlagging (0 = all)
   - id: output_h5parm
     type: File
-    format: lofar:#H5Parm
       glob: $(inputs.input_h5parm.basename)
+    format: 'lofar:#H5Parm'
+doc: |
+  This operation for LoSoTo implements the Prefactor bandpass operation
+  WEIGHT: flag-only compliant, no need for weight
+  - $(inputs.input_h5parm.basename)
+  - parset.config
+  - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement
+    listing:
+      - entryname: parset.config
+        entry: $(get_losoto_config('PREFACTOR_BANDPASS').join('\n'))
+        writable: false
+      - entryname: $(inputs.input_h5parm.basename)
+        entry: $(inputs.input_h5parm)
+        writable: true
+  - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
+    expressionLib:
+      - |
+        function get_losoto_config(step_name) {
+            var par = ['soltab = ' + inputs.soltab]
+            if (inputs.ncpu !== null && inputs.ncpu !== undefined) par.push('ncpu='+inputs.ncpu);
+            console.log(inputs, par)
+            par.push("[" + step_name + "]")
+            par.push('operation=' + step_name)
+            for(var field_name in inputs){
+                if(field_name === 'input_h5parm' ||
+                   field_name === 'soltab' ||
+                   field_name === 'ncpu' || 
+                   field_name === 'execute') continue;
+                if(inputs[field_name] === null ||
+                   inputs[field_name] === 'null') continue;
+                if(inputs[field_name]["class"] !== undefined &&
+                   (inputs[field_name]["class"] ==="Directory" ||
+                    inputs[field_name]["class"] ==="File")){
+                    par.push(field_name+'='+inputs[field_name].path)
+                } else {
+                    par.push(field_name+'='+inputs[field_name])
+                }
+            }
+            return par
+        }
+  - class: DockerRequirement
+    dockerPull: 'lofareosc/prefactor:HBAcalibrator'
-  -
+  - ''
diff --git a/lofar-cwl/steps/LoSoTo.PrefactorXYoffset.cwl b/lofar-cwl/steps/LoSoTo.PrefactorXYoffset.cwl
index 49e072c3..2fd707f6 100644
--- a/lofar-cwl/steps/LoSoTo.PrefactorXYoffset.cwl
+++ b/lofar-cwl/steps/LoSoTo.PrefactorXYoffset.cwl
@@ -1,53 +1,73 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
 class: CommandLineTool
 cwlVersion: v1.0
-id: losoto_prefactor_xyoffset
-  lofar:
-  InlineJavascriptRequirement:
-    expressionLib:
-      - { $include: utils.js}
-  InitialWorkDirRequirement:
-    listing:
-      - entryname: 'parset.config'
-        entry: $(get_losoto_config('PREFACTOR_XYOFFSET').join('\n'))
-      - entryname: $(inputs.input_h5parm.basename)
-        entry: $(inputs.input_h5parm)
-        writable: true
-baseCommand: "losoto"
-  - $(inputs.input_h5parm.basename)
-  - parset.config
-  DockerRequirement:
-    dockerPull: lofareosc/lofar-pipeline-ci:latest
+  lofar: ''
+  sbg: ''
+id: losoto_prefactor_xyoffset
+  - losoto
-  - id: input_h5parm
+  - format: 'lofar:#H5Parm'
+    id: input_h5parm
     type: File
-    format: lofar:#H5Parm
   - id: soltab
     type: string
-    doc: "Solution table"
+    doc: Solution table
   - id: chanWidth
     type: string
-    doc: |
-      the width of each channel in the data from which solutions were obtained. Can be
+    doc: >
+      the width of each channel in the data from which solutions were obtained.
+      Can be
       either a string like "48kHz" or a float in Hz.
   - id: output_h5parm
     type: File
-    format: lofar:#H5Parm
       glob: $(inputs.input_h5parm.basename)
+    format: 'lofar:#H5Parm'
+  - $(inputs.input_h5parm.basename)
+  - parset.config
+  - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement
+    listing:
+      - entryname: parset.config
+        entry: $(get_losoto_config('PREFACTOR_XYOFFSET').join('\n'))
+        writable: false
+      - entryname: $(inputs.input_h5parm.basename)
+        entry: $(inputs.input_h5parm)
+        writable: true
+  - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
+    expressionLib:
+      - |
+        function get_losoto_config(step_name) {
+            var par = ['soltab = ' + inputs.soltab]
+            if (inputs.ncpu !== null && inputs.ncpu !== undefined) par.push('ncpu='+inputs.ncpu);
+            console.log(inputs, par)
+            par.push("[" + step_name + "]")
+            par.push('operation=' + step_name)
+            for(var field_name in inputs){
+                if(field_name === 'input_h5parm' ||
+                   field_name === 'soltab' ||
+                   field_name === 'ncpu' || 
+                   field_name === 'execute') continue;
+                if(inputs[field_name] === null ||
+                   inputs[field_name] === 'null') continue;
+                if(inputs[field_name]["class"] !== undefined &&
+                   (inputs[field_name]["class"] ==="Directory" ||
+                    inputs[field_name]["class"] ==="File")){
+                    par.push(field_name+'='+inputs[field_name].path)
+                } else {
+                    par.push(field_name+'='+inputs[field_name])
+                }
+            }
+            return par
+        }
+  - class: DockerRequirement
+    dockerPull: 'lofareosc/prefactor:HBAcalibrator'
-  -
+  - ''
diff --git a/lofar-cwl/steps/calib_rot_diag.cwl b/lofar-cwl/steps/calib_rot_diag.cwl
index 66e57cd8..f57c1a88 100644
--- a/lofar-cwl/steps/calib_rot_diag.cwl
+++ b/lofar-cwl/steps/calib_rot_diag.cwl
@@ -1,85 +1,71 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
 class: CommandLineTool
 cwlVersion: v1.0
+  lofar: ''
+  sbg: ''
 id: calib_rot_diag
-baseCommand: [DPPP]
-  InlineJavascriptRequirement: {}
-  DockerRequirement:
-    dockerPull: lofareosc/lofar-pipeline-ci:latest
-  - steps=[ddecal]
-  - ddecal.mode=rotation+diagonal
-  - ddecal.uvlambdamin=300
-  - ddecal.maxiter=50
-  - ddecal.nchan=1
-  - ddecal.solint=1
-  - ddecal.propagateconvergedonly=True
-  - ddecal.flagdivergedonly=True
-  - ddecal.tolerance=1.e-3
-  - ddecal.usemodelcolumn=True
+  - DPPP
   - id: msin
     type: Directory?
-    doc: Input Measurement Set
-        prefix: msin=
-        separate: false
-  - id: msin_datacolumn
+      position: 0
+      prefix: msin=
+      separate: false
+    doc: Input Measurement Set
+  - default: DATA
+    id: msin_datacolumn
     type: string
-    default: DATA
-    doc: Input data Column
-        prefix: msin.datacolumn=
-        separate: false
-  - id: msin_modelcolum
+      position: 0
+      prefix: msin.datacolumn=
+      separate: false
+    doc: Input data Column
+  - default: MODEL_DATA
+    id: msin_modelcolum
     type: string
-    default: MODEL_DATA
-    doc: Model data Column
-        prefix: msin.modelcolumn=
-        separate: false
-  - id: output_name_h5parm
+      position: 0
+      prefix: msin.modelcolumn=
+      separate: false
+    doc: Model data Column
+  - default: instrument.h5
+    id: output_name_h5parm
     type: string
-    default: instrument.h5
-        prefix: ddecal.h5parm=
-        separate: false
-  - id: msout_name
+      position: 0
+      prefix: ddecal.h5parm=
+      separate: false
+  - default: out.MS
+    id: msout_name
     type: string
-    doc: Output Measurement Set
-    default: out.MS
-        prefix: msout=
-        separate: false
-  - id: propagate_solutions
+      position: 0
+      prefix: msout=
+      separate: false
+    doc: Output Measurement Set
+  - default: true
+    id: propagate_solutions
     type: boolean
-    default: true
+      position: 0
       prefix: propagatesolutions=True
-  - id: flagunconverged
+  - default: false
+    id: flagunconverged
     type: boolean
-    default: false
+    inputBinding:
+      position: 0
+      prefix: flagdivergedonly=True
     doc: |
       Flag unconverged solutions (i.e., those from solves that did not converge
       within maxiter iterations).
+  - default: false
+    id: flagdivergedonly
+    type: boolean
+      position: 0
       prefix: flagdivergedonly=True
-  - id: flagdivergedonly
-    default: false
-    type: boolean
     doc: |
       Flag only the unconverged solutions for which divergence was detected.
       At the moment, this option is effective only for rotation+diagonal
@@ -89,23 +75,33 @@ inputs:
       If divergence for any one station is detected, all stations are flagged
       for that solution interval. Only effective when flagunconverged=true
       and mode=rotation+diagonal.
-    inputBinding:
-      prefix: flagdivergedonly=True
   - id: msout
     doc: Output Measurement Set
     type: Directory
-      glob: $(inputs.msout_name=="."?inputs.msin:inputs.msout_name)
+      glob: '$(inputs.msout_name=="."?inputs.msin:inputs.msout_name)'
   - id: h5parm
     doc: Filename of output H5Parm (to be read by e.g. losoto)
     type: File
-    format: lofar:#H5Parm
       glob: $(inputs.output_name_h5parm)
-  lofar:
+    format: 'lofar:#H5Parm'
+  - 'steps=[ddecal]'
+  - ddecal.mode=rotation+diagonal
+  - ddecal.uvlambdamin=300
+  - ddecal.maxiter=50
+  - ddecal.nchan=1
+  - ddecal.solint=1
+  - ddecal.propagateconvergedonly=True
+  - ddecal.flagdivergedonly=True
+  - ddecal.tolerance=1.e-3
+  - ddecal.usemodelcolumn=True
+  - class: DockerRequirement
+    dockerPull: 'lofareosc/prefactor:HBAcalibrator'
+  - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
-  -
+  - ''
diff --git a/lofar-cwl/steps/gaincal.cwl b/lofar-cwl/steps/gaincal.cwl
index e017373e..863583df 100644
--- a/lofar-cwl/steps/gaincal.cwl
+++ b/lofar-cwl/steps/gaincal.cwl
@@ -1,114 +1,120 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
 class: CommandLineTool
 cwlVersion: v1.0
+  lofar: ''
+  sbg: ''
 id: gaincal
-baseCommand: [DPPP]
-  InlineJavascriptRequirement: {}
-  DockerRequirement:
-    dockerPull: lofareosc/lofar-pipeline-ci:latest
-  - steps=[gaincal]
+  - DPPP
   - id: msin
     type: Directory?
-    doc: Input Measurement Set
-        prefix: msin=
-        separate: false
+      position: 0
+      prefix: msin=
+      separate: false
+    doc: Input Measurement Set
   - id: caltype
-    doc: |
-      The type of calibration that needs to be performed.
-        type: enum
-        symbols:
-            - diagonal
-            - fulljones
-            - phaseonly
-            - scalarphase
-            - amplitude
-            - scalaramplitude
-            - tec
-            - tecandphase
+      type: enum
+      symbols:
+        - diagonal
+        - fulljones
+        - phaseonly
+        - scalarphase
+        - amplitude
+        - scalaramplitude
+        - tec
+        - tecandphase
+      name: caltype
-        prefix: gaincal.caltype=
-        separate: false
+      position: 0
+      prefix: gaincal.caltype=
+      separate: false
+    doc: |
+      The type of calibration that needs to be performed.
   - id: sourcedb
     type: File
-        prefix: gaincal.sourcedb=
-        separate: false
-  - id: usebeammodel
+      position: 0
+      prefix: gaincal.sourcedb=
+      separate: false
+  - default: true
+    id: usebeammodel
     type: boolean
-    default: true
-        prefix: gaincal.usebeammodel=true
-        separate: false
-  - id: solint
+      position: 0
+      prefix: gaincal.usebeammodel=true
+      separate: false
+  - default: 1
+    id: solint
     type: int
-    default: 1
-    doc: |
-        Number of time slots on which a solution is assumed to be constant (same as CellSize.Time in BBS).
-        0 means all time slots. Note that for larger settings of solint, and specially for solint = 0,
-        the memory usage of gaincal will be large (all visibilities for a solint should fit in memory).
-  - id: msin_datacolumn
+    doc: >
+      Number of time slots on which a solution is assumed to be constant (same
+      as CellSize.Time in BBS).
+      0 means all time slots. Note that for larger settings of solint, and
+      specially for solint = 0,
+      the memory usage of gaincal will be large (all visibilities for a solint
+      should fit in memory).
+  - default: DATA
+    id: msin_datacolumn
     type: string?
-    default: DATA
-    doc: Input data Column
-        prefix: msin.datacolumn=
-        separate: false
-  - id: onebeamperpatch
-    type: boolean
+      position: 0
+      prefix: msin.datacolumn=
+      separate: false
     doc: Input data Column
-    default: true
+  - default: true
+    id: onebeamperpatch
+    type: boolean
-        prefix: gaincal.onebeamperpatch=True
-        separate: false
-  - id: msin_modelcolum
+      position: 0
+      prefix: gaincal.onebeamperpatch=True
+      separate: false
+    doc: Input data Column
+  - default: MODEL_DATA
+    id: msin_modelcolum
     type: string
-    default: MODEL_DATA
-    doc: Model data Column
-        prefix: msin.modelcolumn=
-        separate: false
-  - id: output_name_h5parm
+      position: 0
+      prefix: msin.modelcolumn=
+      separate: false
+    doc: Model data Column
+  - default: instrument.h5
+    id: output_name_h5parm
     type: string
-    default: instrument.h5
-        prefix: gaincal.parmdb=
-        separate: false
-  - id: msout_name
+      position: 0
+      prefix: gaincal.parmdb=
+      separate: false
+  - default: out.MS
+    id: msout_name
     type: string
-    doc: Output Measurement Set
-    default: out.MS
-        prefix: msout=
-        separate: false
+      position: 0
+      prefix: msout=
+      separate: false
+    doc: Output Measurement Set
   - id: msout
     doc: Output Measurement Set
     type: Directory
-      glob: $(inputs.msout_name=="."?inputs.msin:inputs.msout_name)
+      glob: '$(inputs.msout_name=="."?inputs.msin:inputs.msout_name)'
   - id: h5parm
     doc: Filename of output H5Parm (to be read by e.g. losoto)
     type: File
-    format: lofar:#H5Parm
       glob: $(inputs.output_name_h5parm)
-  lofar:
+    format: 'lofar:#H5Parm'
+  - 'steps=[gaincal]'
+  - class: DockerRequirement
+    dockerPull: 'lofareosc/prefactor:HBAcalibrator'
+  - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
-  -
+  - ''
diff --git a/lofar-cwl/steps/interpolate_visibilities.cwl b/lofar-cwl/steps/interpolate_visibilities.cwl
index 7d7c97f9..f5928885 100644
--- a/lofar-cwl/steps/interpolate_visibilities.cwl
+++ b/lofar-cwl/steps/interpolate_visibilities.cwl
@@ -3,50 +3,52 @@ cwlVersion: v1.0
   sbg: ''
 id: interpolate_visibilities
   - DPPP
-  - msout.datacolumn=INTERP_DATA
-  - msout=.
-  - msin.datacolumn=DATA
-  - steps=[interpolate]
   - id: msin
     type: Directory
-      prefix: 'msin='
+      position: 0
+      prefix: msin=
       separate: false
-  - id: storage_manager
+  - default: Dysco
+    id: storage_manager
     type: string
-    default: Dysco
+      position: 0
+      prefix: msout.storagemanager=
       separate: false
-      prefix: 'msout.storagemanager='
-  - id: storage_manager_databitrate
+  - default: 0
+    id: storage_manager_databitrate
     type: int
-    default: 0
-      prefix: 'msout.storagemanager.databitrate='
+      position: 0
+      prefix: msout.storagemanager.databitrate=
       separate: false
   - id: window_size
     type: int
-      prefix: 'interpolate.windowsize='
+      position: 0
+      prefix: interpolate.windowsize=
       separate: false
   - id: msout
     type: Directory
       glob: $(inputs.msin.basename)
 label: interpolate_visibilities
-  - class: DockerRequirement
-    dockerPull: lofareosc/lofar-pipeline-ci:latest
+  - msout.datacolumn=INTERP_DATA
+  - msout=.
+  - msin.datacolumn=DATA
+  - 'steps=[interpolate]'
   - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement
       - entry: $(inputs.msin)
         writable: true
+  - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
+  - class: DockerRequirement
+    dockerPull: 'lofareosc/prefactor:HBAcalibrator'
diff --git a/lofar-cwl/steps/wsclean.cwl b/lofar-cwl/steps/wsclean.cwl
index b1ab1734..08d1e3d6 100644
--- a/lofar-cwl/steps/wsclean.cwl
+++ b/lofar-cwl/steps/wsclean.cwl
@@ -1,42 +1,47 @@
 class: CommandLineTool
 cwlVersion: v1.0
+  sbg: ''
 id: wsclean
   - wsclean
-  - id: image_size
-    type: int[]
-    default: [1000, 1000]
+  - default:
+      - 1000
+      - 1000
+    id: image_size
+    type: 'int[]'
       position: 1
-      prefix: -size
-  - id: image_scale
+      prefix: '-size'
+  - default: 0.01
+    id: image_scale
     type: float
-    default: 0.01
       position: 1
-      prefix: -scale
+      prefix: '-scale'
       valueFrom: $(self)deg
-  - id: image_name
-    default: image
+  - default: image
+    id: image_name
     type: string
       position: 1
-      prefix: -name
+      prefix: '-name'
   - id: msin
     type: Directory
       position: 2
-  dirty_image:
+  - id: dirty_image
     type: File
       glob: $(inputs.image_name)-dirty.fits
-  image:
+  - id: image
     type: File
       glob: $(inputs.image_name)-image.fits
 label: WSClean
   - class: DockerRequirement
-    dockerPull: lofareosc/lofar-pipeline-ci:latest
+    dockerPull: 'lofareosc/prefactor:HBAcalibrator'
+  - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
diff --git a/workflows/HBA_calibrator.cwl b/workflows/HBA_calibrator.cwl
index ea2b37e4..5979708a 100644
--- a/workflows/HBA_calibrator.cwl
+++ b/workflows/HBA_calibrator.cwl
@@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ inputs:
     'sbg:x': -1000
     'sbg:y': 1800
-  - id: msout
+  - id: logs
-      - prefactor/msout
-    type: 'Directory[]'
+      - save_logfiles/log_dir
+    type: Directory
     'sbg:x': 1500
     'sbg:y': -100
   - id: results
@@ -335,7 +335,6 @@ steps:
           - save_solutions/log_dir
           - save_inspection/log_dir
-          - save_logfiles/log_dir
           - prefactor/msout
       - id: sub_directory_name
         default: results
diff --git a/workflows/HBA_target.cwl b/workflows/HBA_target.cwl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57b3cea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflows/HBA_target.cwl
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+class: Workflow
+cwlVersion: v1.0
+id: HBA_target
+label: HBA_target
+  sbg: ''
+  - id: msin
+    type: 'Directory[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1700
+  - id: cal_solutions
+    type: 'File'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1600
+  - id: refant
+    type: string?
+    default: CS001HBA0
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1500
+  - id: flag_baselines
+    type: 'string[]?'
+    default: []
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1400
+  - id: process_baselines_target
+    type: string?
+    default: '[CR]S*&'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1300
+  - id: filter_baselines
+    type: string?
+    default: '[CR]S*&'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1200
+  - id: do_smooth
+    type: boolean?
+    default: false
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1100
+  - id: rfistrategy
+    type: string?
+    default: HBAdefault.rfis
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1000
+  - id: min_unflagged_fraction
+    type: float?
+    default: 0.5
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -900
+  - id: compression_bitrate
+    type: int?
+    default: 16
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -800
+  - id: raw_data
+    type: boolean?
+    default: false
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -700
+  - id: propagatesolutions
+    type: boolean?
+    default: true
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -600
+  - id: demix_sources
+    type: 'string[]?'
+    default:
+      - CasA
+      - CygA
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -500
+  - id: demix_target
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -400
+  - id: demix_freqstep
+    type: int?
+    default: 16
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: demix_timestep
+    type: int?
+    default: 10
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -200
+  - id: demix
+    type: boolean?
+    default: false
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -100
+  - id: apply_steps
+    type: string?
+    default: 'applyclock,applybeam,applyRM'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: clipATeam
+    type: boolean?
+    default: true
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 100
+  - id: gsmcal_step
+    type: string?
+    default: 'phase'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 200
+  - id: updateweights
+    type: boolean?
+    default: true
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: max_dppp_threads
+    type: int?
+    default: 10
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 400
+  - id: memoryperc
+    type: int?
+    default: 20
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: min_length
+    type: int?
+    default: 5
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 600
+  - id: overhead
+    type: float?
+    default: 0.7
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 700
+  - id: min_separation
+    type: int?
+    default: 30
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: A-Team_skymodel
+    type: File?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 900
+  - id: target_skymodel
+    type: File?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1000
+  - id: use_target
+    type: boolean?
+    default: true
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1100
+  - id: skymodel_source
+    type: string?
+    default: 'TGSS'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1200
+  - id: avg_timeresolution
+    type: float?
+    default: 4.
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1300
+  - id: avg_freqresolution
+    type: string?
+    default: 48.82kHz
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1400
+  - id: avg_timeresolution_concat
+    type: float?
+    default: 8.
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1500
+  - id: avg_freqresolution_concat
+    type: string?
+    default: 97.64kHz
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1600
+  - id: num_SBs_per_group
+    type: int?
+    default: 10
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1700
+  - id: reference_stationSB
+    type: int?
+    default: None
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1800
+  - id: ionex_server
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1900
+  - id: ionex_prefix
+    type: string?
+    default: 'CODG'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2000
+  - id: proxy_server
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2100
+  - id: proxy_port
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2200
+  - id: proxy_type
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2300
+  - id: proxy_user
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2400
+  - id: proxy_pass
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2500
+  - id: logs
+    outputSource:
+      - save_logfiles/log_dir
+    type: Directory
+    'sbg:x': 1500
+    'sbg:y': -100
+  - id: results
+    outputSource:
+      - save_results/log_dir
+    type: Directory
+    'sbg:x': 1500
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: prefactor
+    in:
+      - id: msin
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: cal_solutions
+        source: cal_solutions
+      - id: refant
+        source: refant
+      - id: flag_baselines
+        source:
+          - flag_baselines
+      - id: process_baselines_target
+        source: process_baselines_target
+      - id: filter_baselines
+        source: filter_baselines
+      - id: do_smooth
+        source: do_smooth
+      - id: rfistrategy
+        source: rfistrategy
+      - id: min_unflagged_fraction
+        source: min_unflagged_fraction
+      - id: compression_bitrate
+        source: compression_bitrate
+      - id: raw_data
+        source: raw_data
+      - id: propagatesolutions
+        source: propagatesolutions
+      - id: demix_sources
+        source:
+          - demix_sources
+      - id: demix_target
+        source: demix_target
+      - id: demix_freqstep
+        source: demix_freqstep
+      - id: demix_timestep
+        source: demix_timestep
+      - id: demix
+        source: demix
+      - id: clipATeam
+        source: clipATeam
+      - id: updateweights
+        source: updateweights
+      - id: max_dppp_threads
+        source: max_dppp_threads
+      - id: memoryperc
+        source: memoryperc
+      - id: min_length
+        source: min_length
+      - id: overhead
+        source: overhead
+      - id: min_separation
+        source: min_separation
+      - id: calibrator_path_skymodel
+        source: calibrator_path_skymodel
+      - id: A-Team_skymodel
+        source: A-Team_skymodel
+      - id: target_skymodel
+        source: target_skymodel
+      - id: use_target
+        source: use_target
+      - id: skymodel_source
+        source: skymodel_source
+      - id: avg_timeresolution
+        source: avg_timeresolution
+      - id: avg_freqresolution
+        source: avg_freqresolution
+      - id: avg_timeresolution_concat
+        source: avg_timeresolution_concat
+      - id: avg_freqresolution_concat
+        source: avg_freqresolution_concat
+      - id: num_SBs_per_group
+        source: num_SBs_per_group
+      - id: reference_stationSB
+        source: reference_stationSB
+      - id: ionex_server
+        source: ionex_server
+      - id: ionex_prefix
+        source: ionex_prefix
+      - id: proxy_server
+        source: proxy_server
+      - id: proxy_port
+        source: proxy_port
+      - id: proxy_type
+        source: proxy_type
+      - id: proxy_user
+        source: proxy_user
+      - id: proxy_pass
+        source: proxy_pass
+    out:
+      - id: logfiles
+      - id: msout
+      - id: parset
+      - id: solutions
+      - id: inspection
+    run: ./prefactor_target.cwl
+    label: prefactor_target
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: save_logfiles
+    in:
+      - id: log_files
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - prefactor/logfiles
+      - id: sub_directory_name
+        default: logs
+    out:
+      - id: log_dir
+    run: ./../steps/collectlog.cwl
+    label: save_logfiles
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': -200
+  - id: save_inspection
+    in:
+      - id: log_files
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - prefactor/inspection
+      - id: sub_directory_name
+        default: inspection
+    out:
+      - id: log_dir
+    run: ./../steps/collectlog.cwl
+    label: save_inspection
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: save_solutions
+    in:
+      - id: log_files
+        source:
+          - prefactor/solutions
+      - id: sub_directory_name
+        default: cal_values
+    out:
+      - id: log_dir
+    run: ./../steps/collectlog.cwl
+    label: save_solutions
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 200
+  - id: save_results
+    in:
+      - id: log_files
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - save_solutions/log_dir
+          - save_inspection/log_dir
+          - prefactor/msout
+      - id: sub_directory_name
+        default: results
+    out:
+      - id: log_dir
+    run: ./../steps/collectlog.cwl
+    label: save_results
+    'sbg:x': 1200
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement
+  - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement
diff --git a/workflows/prefactor_target.cwl b/workflows/prefactor_target.cwl
index 7986942f..972705e8 100644
--- a/workflows/prefactor_target.cwl
+++ b/workflows/prefactor_target.cwl
@@ -5,17 +5,318 @@ label: prefactor_target
   sbg: ''
+  - id: msin
+    type: 'Directory[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1700
   - id: cal_solutions
-    type: File
-    'sbg:x': -327
-    'sbg:y': -42
+    type: 'File'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1600
+  - id: refant
+    type: string?
+    default: CS001HBA0
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1500
+  - id: flag_baselines
+    type: 'string[]?'
+    default: []
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1400
+  - id: process_baselines_target
+    type: string?
+    default: '[CR]S*&'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1300
+  - id: filter_baselines
+    type: string?
+    default: '[CR]S*&'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1200
+  - id: do_smooth
+    type: boolean?
+    default: false
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1100
+  - id: rfistrategy
+    type: string?
+    default: HBAdefault.rfis
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1000
+  - id: min_unflagged_fraction
+    type: float?
+    default: 0.5
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -900
+  - id: compression_bitrate
+    type: int?
+    default: 16
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -800
+  - id: raw_data
+    type: boolean?
+    default: false
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -700
+  - id: propagatesolutions
+    type: boolean?
+    default: true
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -600
+  - id: demix_sources
+    type: 'string[]?'
+    default:
+      - CasA
+      - CygA
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -500
+  - id: demix_target
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -400
+  - id: demix_freqstep
+    type: int?
+    default: 16
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: demix_timestep
+    type: int?
+    default: 10
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -200
+  - id: demix
+    type: boolean?
+    default: false
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -100
+  - id: apply_steps
+    type: string?
+    default: 'applyclock,applybeam,applyRM'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: clipATeam
+    type: boolean?
+    default: true
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 100
+  - id: gsmcal_step
+    type: string?
+    default: 'phase'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 200
+  - id: updateweights
+    type: boolean?
+    default: true
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: max_dppp_threads
+    type: int?
+    default: 10
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 400
+  - id: memoryperc
+    type: int?
+    default: 20
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: min_length
+    type: int?
+    default: 5
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 600
+  - id: overhead
+    type: float?
+    default: 0.7
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 700
+  - id: min_separation
+    type: int?
+    default: 30
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: A-Team_skymodel
+    type: File?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 900
+  - id: target_skymodel
+    type: File?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1000
+  - id: use_target
+    type: boolean?
+    default: true
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1100
+  - id: skymodel_source
+    type: string?
+    default: 'TGSS'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1200
+  - id: avg_timeresolution
+    type: float?
+    default: 4.
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1300
+  - id: avg_freqresolution
+    type: string?
+    default: 48.82kHz
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1400
+  - id: avg_timeresolution_concat
+    type: float?
+    default: 8.
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1500
+  - id: avg_freqresolution_concat
+    type: string?
+    default: 97.64kHz
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1600
+  - id: num_SBs_per_group
+    type: int?
+    default: 10
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1700
+  - id: reference_stationSB
+    type: int?
+    default: None
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1800
+  - id: ionex_server
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1900
+  - id: ionex_prefix
+    type: string?
+    default: 'CODG'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2000
+  - id: proxy_server
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2100
+  - id: proxy_port
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2200
+  - id: proxy_type
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2300
+  - id: proxy_user
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2400
+  - id: proxy_pass
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 2500
+  - id: inspection
+    linkMerge: merge_flattened
+    outputSource:
+      - prep/check_Ateam_separation.png
+      - prep/RMextract.png
+    type: File[]
+    'sbg:x': 2000
+    'sbg:y': -600
   - id: solutions
-      - cal_solutions
+      - prep/outh5parm
     type: File
-    'sbg:x': -58
-    'sbg:y': -43
-    source: input.cal_solutions
-steps: []
-requirements: []
+    'sbg:x': 2000
+    'sbg:y': -500
+  - id: msout
+    outputSource:
+      - prep/msout
+    type: 'Directory[]'
+    'sbg:x': 2000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: logfiles
+    outputSource:
+      - prep/logfiles
+    type: 'File[]'
+    linkMerge: merge_flattened
+    'sbg:x': 2000
+    'sbg:y': 600
+  - id: prep
+    in:
+      - id: msin
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: cal_solutions
+        source: cal_solutions
+      - id: filter_baselines
+        source: filter_baselines
+      - id: raw_data
+        source: raw_data
+      - id: propagatesolutions
+        source: propagatesolutions
+      - id: updateweights
+        source: updateweights
+      - id: demix
+        source: demix
+      - id: apply_steps
+        source: apply_steps
+      - id: clipAteam
+        source: clipAteam
+      - id: max_dppp_threads
+        source: max_dppp_threads
+      - id: memoryperc
+        source: memoryperc
+      - id: flag_baselines
+        source:
+          - flag_baselines
+      - id: avg_timeresolution
+        source: avg_timeresolution
+      - id: avg_freqresolution
+        source: avg_freqresolution
+      - id: process_baselines_target
+        source: process_baselines_target
+      - id: demix_timestep
+        source: demix_timestep
+      - id: demix_freqstep
+        source: demix_freqstep
+      - id: demix_target
+        source: demix_target
+      - id: demix_sources
+        source:
+          - demix_sources
+      - id: min_separation
+        source: min_separation
+      - id: A-Team_skymodel
+        source: A-Team_skymodel
+      - id: ionex_server
+        source: ionex_server
+      - id: ionex_prefix
+        source: ionex_prefix
+      - id: proxy_server
+        source: proxy_server
+      - id: proxy_port
+        source: proxy_port
+      - id: proxy_type
+        source: proxy_type
+      - id: proxy_user
+        source: proxy_user
+      - id: proxy_pass
+        source: proxy_pass
+    out:
+      - id: outh5parm
+      - id: logfiles
+      - id: check_Ateam_separation.png
+      - id: msout
+      - id: target_name
+    run: ./prefactor_target/prep.cwl
+    label: prep
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement
diff --git a/workflows/prefactor_target/concat.cwl b/workflows/prefactor_target/concat.cwl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3faf8dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflows/prefactor_target/concat.cwl
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+class: Workflow
+cwlVersion: v1.0
+id: prep
+label: prep
+  sbg: ''
+  - id: msin
+    type: 'Directory[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -900
+  - id: filter_baselines
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -800
+  - id: raw_data
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -700
+  - id: propagatesolutions
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -600
+  - id: flagunconverged
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -500
+  - id: demix
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -400
+  - id: max_dppp_threads
+    type: int?
+    default: 10
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: memoryperc
+    type: int
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -200
+  - id: flag_baselines
+    type: 'string[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -100
+  - id: avg_timeresolution
+    type: float
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: avg_freqresolution
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 100
+  - id: process_baselines_cal
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 200
+  - id: demix_timestep
+    type: int
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: demix_freqstep
+    type: int
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 400
+  - id: demix_target
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: demix_sources
+    type: 'string[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 600
+  - id: min_length
+    type: int?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 700
+  - id: overhead
+    type: float?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: min_separation
+    type: int?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 900
+  - id: do_smooth
+    type: boolean?
+    default: false
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1000
+  - id: max_separation_arcmin
+    type: float?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1100
+  - id: calibrator_path_skymodel
+    type: Directory?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1200
+  - id: A-Team_skymodel
+    type: File?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1300
+  - id: elevation
+    type: string
+    default: 0deg..20deg
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1400
+  - id: amplmin
+    type: float
+    default: 1.e-30
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1500
+  - id: outh5parm
+    outputSource:
+      - h5parm_collector/outh5parm
+    type: File
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': -500
+  - id: check_Ateam_separation.png
+    outputSource:
+      - check_ateam_separation/output_imag
+    type: File
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: msout
+    outputSource:
+      - predict_calibrate/msout
+    type: 'Directory[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: parset
+    outputSource:
+      - ndppp_prep_cal/parset
+    type: 'File[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 200
+  - id: calibrator_name
+    outputSource:
+      - find_skymodel_cal/model_name
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 400
+  - id: outh5parm_logfile
+    outputSource:
+      - h5parm_collector/log
+    type: File[]
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 650
+  - id: logfiles
+    linkMerge: merge_flattened
+    outputSource:
+      - concat_logfiles_calib/output
+      - concat_logfiles_predict/output
+      - concat_logfiles_blsmooth/output
+      - make_sourcedb/log
+      - find_skymodel_cal/logfile
+      - concat_logfiles_prep_cal/output
+      - make_sourcedb_ateam/log
+      - check_ateam_separation/logfile
+    type: 'File[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: ndppp_prep_cal
+    in:
+      - id: baselines_to_flag
+        default: []
+        source:
+          - flag_baselines
+      - id: elevation_to_flag
+        source: elevation
+      - id: min_amplitude_to_flag
+        source: amplmin
+      - id: memoryperc
+        default: 20
+        source: memoryperc
+      - id: raw_data
+        default: false
+        source: raw_data
+      - id: demix
+        default: false
+        source: demix
+      - id: msin
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: msin_baseline
+        default: '*'
+        source: filter_baselines
+      - id: skymodel
+        source: make_sourcedb_ateam/sourcedb
+      - id: timeresolution
+        default: 1
+        source: avg_timeresolution
+      - id: freqresolution
+        default: 12.21kHz
+        source: avg_freqresolution
+      - id: demix_timestep
+        default: 1
+        source: demix_timestep
+      - id: demix_freqstep
+        default: 1
+        source: demix_freqstep
+      - id: demix_baseline
+        default: '*'
+        source: process_baselines_cal
+      - id: target_source
+        source: demix_target
+      - id: ntimechunk
+        default: 10
+        source: max_dppp_threads
+      - id: subtract_sources
+        source:
+          - demix_sources
+    out:
+      - id: msout
+      - id: logfile
+      - id: parset
+    run: ../../subworkflow/ndppp_prep_cal.cwl
+    label: ndppp_prep_cal
+    scatter:
+      - msin
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: predict_calibrate
+    in:
+      - id: msin
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - ndppp_prep_cal/msout
+      - id: do_smooth
+        source: do_smooth
+      - id: sourcedb
+        source: make_sourcedb/sourcedb
+      - id: flagunconverged
+        source: flagunconverged
+      - id: propagatesolutions
+        source: propagatesolutions
+    out:
+      - id: msout
+      - id: BLsmooth.log
+      - id: predict_cal.log
+      - id: calib_cal.log
+      - id: outh5parm
+    run: ../../subworkflow/predict_calibrate.cwl
+    label: predict_calibrate
+    scatter:
+      - msin
+    'sbg:x': 500
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: check_ateam_separation
+    in:
+      - id: ms
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: min_separation
+        source: min_separation
+    out:
+      - id: output_imag
+      - id: logfile
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/check_ateam_separation.cwl
+    label: check_Ateam_separation
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: make_sourcedb_ateam
+    in:
+      - id: sky_model
+        source: A-Team_skymodel
+      - id: logname
+        default: make_sourcedb_ateam.log
+    out:
+      - id: sourcedb
+      - id: log
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/makesourcedb.cwl
+    label: make_sourcedb_ateam
+    'sbg:x': -500
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: find_skymodel_cal
+    in:
+      - id: msin
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: skymodels
+        source: calibrator_path_skymodel
+      - id: max_separation_arcmin
+        source: max_separation_arcmin
+    out:
+      - id: output_models
+      - id: model_name
+      - id: logfile
+    run: ../../steps/find_skymodel_cal.cwl
+    label: find_skymodel_cal
+    'sbg:x': -500
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: make_sourcedb
+    in:
+      - id: sky_model
+        source: find_skymodel_cal/output_models
+      - id: output_file_name
+        default: calibrator.sourcedb
+    out:
+      - id: sourcedb
+      - id: log
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/makesourcedb.cwl
+    label: make_sourcedb
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: concat_logfiles_prep_cal
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source: ndppp_prep_cal/logfile
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: ndppp_prep_cal
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_prep_cal
+    'sbg:x': 250
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: concat_logfiles_blsmooth
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/BLsmooth.log
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: blsmooth_prep
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_blsmooth
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: concat_logfiles_predict
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/predict_cal.log
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: predict_cal
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_predict
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: concat_logfiles_calib
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/calib_cal.log
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: calib_cal_prep
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_calib
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: h5parm_collector
+    in:
+      - id: h5parmFiles
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/outh5parm
+      - id: squeeze
+        default: true
+      - id: verbose
+        default: true
+      - id: clobber
+        default: true
+    out:
+      - id: outh5parm
+      - id: log
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/H5ParmCollector.cwl
+    label: H5parm_collector
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement
+  - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement
diff --git a/workflows/prefactor_target/gsmcal.cwl b/workflows/prefactor_target/gsmcal.cwl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3faf8dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflows/prefactor_target/gsmcal.cwl
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+class: Workflow
+cwlVersion: v1.0
+id: prep
+label: prep
+  sbg: ''
+  - id: msin
+    type: 'Directory[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -900
+  - id: filter_baselines
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -800
+  - id: raw_data
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -700
+  - id: propagatesolutions
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -600
+  - id: flagunconverged
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -500
+  - id: demix
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -400
+  - id: max_dppp_threads
+    type: int?
+    default: 10
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: memoryperc
+    type: int
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -200
+  - id: flag_baselines
+    type: 'string[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -100
+  - id: avg_timeresolution
+    type: float
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: avg_freqresolution
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 100
+  - id: process_baselines_cal
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 200
+  - id: demix_timestep
+    type: int
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: demix_freqstep
+    type: int
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 400
+  - id: demix_target
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: demix_sources
+    type: 'string[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 600
+  - id: min_length
+    type: int?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 700
+  - id: overhead
+    type: float?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: min_separation
+    type: int?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 900
+  - id: do_smooth
+    type: boolean?
+    default: false
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1000
+  - id: max_separation_arcmin
+    type: float?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1100
+  - id: calibrator_path_skymodel
+    type: Directory?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1200
+  - id: A-Team_skymodel
+    type: File?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1300
+  - id: elevation
+    type: string
+    default: 0deg..20deg
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1400
+  - id: amplmin
+    type: float
+    default: 1.e-30
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1500
+  - id: outh5parm
+    outputSource:
+      - h5parm_collector/outh5parm
+    type: File
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': -500
+  - id: check_Ateam_separation.png
+    outputSource:
+      - check_ateam_separation/output_imag
+    type: File
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: msout
+    outputSource:
+      - predict_calibrate/msout
+    type: 'Directory[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: parset
+    outputSource:
+      - ndppp_prep_cal/parset
+    type: 'File[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 200
+  - id: calibrator_name
+    outputSource:
+      - find_skymodel_cal/model_name
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 400
+  - id: outh5parm_logfile
+    outputSource:
+      - h5parm_collector/log
+    type: File[]
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 650
+  - id: logfiles
+    linkMerge: merge_flattened
+    outputSource:
+      - concat_logfiles_calib/output
+      - concat_logfiles_predict/output
+      - concat_logfiles_blsmooth/output
+      - make_sourcedb/log
+      - find_skymodel_cal/logfile
+      - concat_logfiles_prep_cal/output
+      - make_sourcedb_ateam/log
+      - check_ateam_separation/logfile
+    type: 'File[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: ndppp_prep_cal
+    in:
+      - id: baselines_to_flag
+        default: []
+        source:
+          - flag_baselines
+      - id: elevation_to_flag
+        source: elevation
+      - id: min_amplitude_to_flag
+        source: amplmin
+      - id: memoryperc
+        default: 20
+        source: memoryperc
+      - id: raw_data
+        default: false
+        source: raw_data
+      - id: demix
+        default: false
+        source: demix
+      - id: msin
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: msin_baseline
+        default: '*'
+        source: filter_baselines
+      - id: skymodel
+        source: make_sourcedb_ateam/sourcedb
+      - id: timeresolution
+        default: 1
+        source: avg_timeresolution
+      - id: freqresolution
+        default: 12.21kHz
+        source: avg_freqresolution
+      - id: demix_timestep
+        default: 1
+        source: demix_timestep
+      - id: demix_freqstep
+        default: 1
+        source: demix_freqstep
+      - id: demix_baseline
+        default: '*'
+        source: process_baselines_cal
+      - id: target_source
+        source: demix_target
+      - id: ntimechunk
+        default: 10
+        source: max_dppp_threads
+      - id: subtract_sources
+        source:
+          - demix_sources
+    out:
+      - id: msout
+      - id: logfile
+      - id: parset
+    run: ../../subworkflow/ndppp_prep_cal.cwl
+    label: ndppp_prep_cal
+    scatter:
+      - msin
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: predict_calibrate
+    in:
+      - id: msin
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - ndppp_prep_cal/msout
+      - id: do_smooth
+        source: do_smooth
+      - id: sourcedb
+        source: make_sourcedb/sourcedb
+      - id: flagunconverged
+        source: flagunconverged
+      - id: propagatesolutions
+        source: propagatesolutions
+    out:
+      - id: msout
+      - id: BLsmooth.log
+      - id: predict_cal.log
+      - id: calib_cal.log
+      - id: outh5parm
+    run: ../../subworkflow/predict_calibrate.cwl
+    label: predict_calibrate
+    scatter:
+      - msin
+    'sbg:x': 500
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: check_ateam_separation
+    in:
+      - id: ms
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: min_separation
+        source: min_separation
+    out:
+      - id: output_imag
+      - id: logfile
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/check_ateam_separation.cwl
+    label: check_Ateam_separation
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: make_sourcedb_ateam
+    in:
+      - id: sky_model
+        source: A-Team_skymodel
+      - id: logname
+        default: make_sourcedb_ateam.log
+    out:
+      - id: sourcedb
+      - id: log
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/makesourcedb.cwl
+    label: make_sourcedb_ateam
+    'sbg:x': -500
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: find_skymodel_cal
+    in:
+      - id: msin
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: skymodels
+        source: calibrator_path_skymodel
+      - id: max_separation_arcmin
+        source: max_separation_arcmin
+    out:
+      - id: output_models
+      - id: model_name
+      - id: logfile
+    run: ../../steps/find_skymodel_cal.cwl
+    label: find_skymodel_cal
+    'sbg:x': -500
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: make_sourcedb
+    in:
+      - id: sky_model
+        source: find_skymodel_cal/output_models
+      - id: output_file_name
+        default: calibrator.sourcedb
+    out:
+      - id: sourcedb
+      - id: log
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/makesourcedb.cwl
+    label: make_sourcedb
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: concat_logfiles_prep_cal
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source: ndppp_prep_cal/logfile
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: ndppp_prep_cal
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_prep_cal
+    'sbg:x': 250
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: concat_logfiles_blsmooth
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/BLsmooth.log
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: blsmooth_prep
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_blsmooth
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: concat_logfiles_predict
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/predict_cal.log
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: predict_cal
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_predict
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: concat_logfiles_calib
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/calib_cal.log
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: calib_cal_prep
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_calib
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: h5parm_collector
+    in:
+      - id: h5parmFiles
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/outh5parm
+      - id: squeeze
+        default: true
+      - id: verbose
+        default: true
+      - id: clobber
+        default: true
+    out:
+      - id: outh5parm
+      - id: log
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/H5ParmCollector.cwl
+    label: H5parm_collector
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement
+  - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement
diff --git a/workflows/prefactor_target/prep.cwl b/workflows/prefactor_target/prep.cwl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06ef5cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflows/prefactor_target/prep.cwl
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+class: Workflow
+cwlVersion: v1.0
+id: prep
+label: prep
+  sbg: ''
+  - id: msin
+    type: 'Directory[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1700
+  - id: cal_solutions
+    type: 'File'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1600
+  - id: flag_baselines
+    type: 'string[]?'
+    default: []
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1500
+  - id: process_baselines_target
+    type: string?
+    default: '[CR]S*&'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1400
+  - id: filter_baselines
+    type: string?
+    default: '[CR]S*&'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1300
+  - id: rfistrategy
+    type: string?
+    default: HBAdefault.rfis
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1200
+  - id: raw_data
+    type: boolean?
+    default: false
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1100
+  - id: propagatesolutions
+    type: boolean?
+    default: true
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -1000
+  - id: demix_sources
+    type: 'string[]?'
+    default:
+      - CasA
+      - CygA
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -900
+  - id: demix_target
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -800
+  - id: demix_freqstep
+    type: int?
+    default: 16
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -700
+  - id: demix_timestep
+    type: int?
+    default: 10
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -600
+  - id: demix
+    type: boolean?
+    default: false
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -500
+  - id: apply_steps
+    type: string?
+    default: 'applyclock,applybeam,applyRM'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -400
+  - id: clipATeam
+    type: boolean?
+    default: true
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: updateweights
+    type: boolean?
+    default: true
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -200
+  - id: max_dppp_threads
+    type: int?
+    default: 10
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -100
+  - id: memoryperc
+    type: int?
+    default: 20
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: min_separation
+    type: int?
+    default: 30
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 100
+  - id: A-Team_skymodel
+    type: File?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 200
+  - id: avg_timeresolution
+    type: float?
+    default: 4.
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: avg_freqresolution
+    type: string?
+    default: 48.82kHz
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 400
+  - id: ionex_server
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: ionex_prefix
+    type: string?
+    default: 'CODG'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 600
+  - id: proxy_server
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 700
+  - id: proxy_port
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: proxy_type
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 900
+  - id: proxy_user
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1000
+  - id: proxy_pass
+    type: string?
+    default: ''
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1100
+  - id: outh5parm
+    outputSource:
+      - h5parm_collector/outh5parm
+    type: File
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': -500
+  - id: check_Ateam_separation.png
+    outputSource:
+      - check_ateam_separation/output_imag
+    type: File
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: msout
+    outputSource:
+      - predict_calibrate/msout
+    type: 'Directory[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: parset
+    outputSource:
+      - ndppp_prep_cal/parset
+    type: 'File[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 200
+  - id: calibrator_name
+    outputSource:
+      - find_skymodel_cal/model_name
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 400
+  - id: outh5parm_logfile
+    outputSource:
+      - h5parm_collector/log
+    type: File[]
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 650
+  - id: logfiles
+    linkMerge: merge_flattened
+    outputSource:
+      - concat_logfiles_calib/output
+      - concat_logfiles_predict/output
+      - concat_logfiles_blsmooth/output
+      - make_sourcedb/log
+      - find_skymodel_cal/logfile
+      - concat_logfiles_prep_cal/output
+      - make_sourcedb_ateam/log
+      - check_ateam_separation/logfile
+    type: 'File[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: ndppp_prep_target
+    in:
+      - id: baselines_to_flag
+        default: []
+        source:
+          - flag_baselines
+      - id: elevation_to_flag
+        source: elevation
+      - id: min_amplitude_to_flag
+        source: amplmin
+      - id: memoryperc
+        default: 20
+        source: memoryperc
+      - id: raw_data
+        default: false
+        source: raw_data
+      - id: demix
+        default: false
+        source: demix
+      - id: msin
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: msin_baseline
+        default: '*'
+        source: filter_baselines
+      - id: skymodel
+        source: make_sourcedb_ateam/sourcedb
+      - id: timeresolution
+        default: 1
+        source: avg_timeresolution
+      - id: freqresolution
+        default: 12.21kHz
+        source: avg_freqresolution
+      - id: demix_timestep
+        default: 1
+        source: demix_timestep
+      - id: demix_freqstep
+        default: 1
+        source: demix_freqstep
+      - id: demix_baseline
+        default: '*'
+        source: process_baselines_cal
+      - id: target_source
+        source: demix_target
+      - id: ntimechunk
+        default: 10
+        source: max_dppp_threads
+      - id: subtract_sources
+        source:
+          - demix_sources
+    out:
+      - id: msout
+      - id: logfile
+      - id: parset
+    run: ../../subworkflow/ndppp_prep_cal.cwl
+    label: ndppp_prep_target
+    scatter:
+      - msin
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: check_ateam_separation
+    in:
+      - id: ms
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: min_separation
+        source: min_separation
+    out:
+      - id: output_imag
+      - id: logfile
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/check_ateam_separation.cwl
+    label: check_Ateam_separation
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: make_sourcedb_ateam
+    in:
+      - id: sky_model
+        source: A-Team_skymodel
+      - id: logname
+        default: make_sourcedb_ateam.log
+    out:
+      - id: sourcedb
+      - id: log
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/makesourcedb.cwl
+    label: make_sourcedb_ateam
+    'sbg:x': -500
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: concat_logfiles_prep_target
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source: ndppp_prep_cal/logfile
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: ndppp_prep_cal
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_prep_target
+    'sbg:x': 250
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement
+  - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement
diff --git a/workflows/prefactor_target/prep_gsmcal.cwl b/workflows/prefactor_target/prep_gsmcal.cwl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3faf8dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflows/prefactor_target/prep_gsmcal.cwl
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+class: Workflow
+cwlVersion: v1.0
+id: prep
+label: prep
+  sbg: ''
+  - id: msin
+    type: 'Directory[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -900
+  - id: filter_baselines
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -800
+  - id: raw_data
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -700
+  - id: propagatesolutions
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -600
+  - id: flagunconverged
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -500
+  - id: demix
+    type: boolean
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -400
+  - id: max_dppp_threads
+    type: int?
+    default: 10
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: memoryperc
+    type: int
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -200
+  - id: flag_baselines
+    type: 'string[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': -100
+  - id: avg_timeresolution
+    type: float
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: avg_freqresolution
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 100
+  - id: process_baselines_cal
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 200
+  - id: demix_timestep
+    type: int
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: demix_freqstep
+    type: int
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 400
+  - id: demix_target
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: demix_sources
+    type: 'string[]'
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 600
+  - id: min_length
+    type: int?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 700
+  - id: overhead
+    type: float?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: min_separation
+    type: int?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 900
+  - id: do_smooth
+    type: boolean?
+    default: false
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1000
+  - id: max_separation_arcmin
+    type: float?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1100
+  - id: calibrator_path_skymodel
+    type: Directory?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1200
+  - id: A-Team_skymodel
+    type: File?
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1300
+  - id: elevation
+    type: string
+    default: 0deg..20deg
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1400
+  - id: amplmin
+    type: float
+    default: 1.e-30
+    'sbg:x': -1000
+    'sbg:y': 1500
+  - id: outh5parm
+    outputSource:
+      - h5parm_collector/outh5parm
+    type: File
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': -500
+  - id: check_Ateam_separation.png
+    outputSource:
+      - check_ateam_separation/output_imag
+    type: File
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: msout
+    outputSource:
+      - predict_calibrate/msout
+    type: 'Directory[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: parset
+    outputSource:
+      - ndppp_prep_cal/parset
+    type: 'File[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 200
+  - id: calibrator_name
+    outputSource:
+      - find_skymodel_cal/model_name
+    type: string
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 400
+  - id: outh5parm_logfile
+    outputSource:
+      - h5parm_collector/log
+    type: File[]
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 650
+  - id: logfiles
+    linkMerge: merge_flattened
+    outputSource:
+      - concat_logfiles_calib/output
+      - concat_logfiles_predict/output
+      - concat_logfiles_blsmooth/output
+      - make_sourcedb/log
+      - find_skymodel_cal/logfile
+      - concat_logfiles_prep_cal/output
+      - make_sourcedb_ateam/log
+      - check_ateam_separation/logfile
+    type: 'File[]'
+    'sbg:x': 1000
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: ndppp_prep_cal
+    in:
+      - id: baselines_to_flag
+        default: []
+        source:
+          - flag_baselines
+      - id: elevation_to_flag
+        source: elevation
+      - id: min_amplitude_to_flag
+        source: amplmin
+      - id: memoryperc
+        default: 20
+        source: memoryperc
+      - id: raw_data
+        default: false
+        source: raw_data
+      - id: demix
+        default: false
+        source: demix
+      - id: msin
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: msin_baseline
+        default: '*'
+        source: filter_baselines
+      - id: skymodel
+        source: make_sourcedb_ateam/sourcedb
+      - id: timeresolution
+        default: 1
+        source: avg_timeresolution
+      - id: freqresolution
+        default: 12.21kHz
+        source: avg_freqresolution
+      - id: demix_timestep
+        default: 1
+        source: demix_timestep
+      - id: demix_freqstep
+        default: 1
+        source: demix_freqstep
+      - id: demix_baseline
+        default: '*'
+        source: process_baselines_cal
+      - id: target_source
+        source: demix_target
+      - id: ntimechunk
+        default: 10
+        source: max_dppp_threads
+      - id: subtract_sources
+        source:
+          - demix_sources
+    out:
+      - id: msout
+      - id: logfile
+      - id: parset
+    run: ../../subworkflow/ndppp_prep_cal.cwl
+    label: ndppp_prep_cal
+    scatter:
+      - msin
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: predict_calibrate
+    in:
+      - id: msin
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - ndppp_prep_cal/msout
+      - id: do_smooth
+        source: do_smooth
+      - id: sourcedb
+        source: make_sourcedb/sourcedb
+      - id: flagunconverged
+        source: flagunconverged
+      - id: propagatesolutions
+        source: propagatesolutions
+    out:
+      - id: msout
+      - id: BLsmooth.log
+      - id: predict_cal.log
+      - id: calib_cal.log
+      - id: outh5parm
+    run: ../../subworkflow/predict_calibrate.cwl
+    label: predict_calibrate
+    scatter:
+      - msin
+    'sbg:x': 500
+    'sbg:y': 0
+  - id: check_ateam_separation
+    in:
+      - id: ms
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: min_separation
+        source: min_separation
+    out:
+      - id: output_imag
+      - id: logfile
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/check_ateam_separation.cwl
+    label: check_Ateam_separation
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - id: make_sourcedb_ateam
+    in:
+      - id: sky_model
+        source: A-Team_skymodel
+      - id: logname
+        default: make_sourcedb_ateam.log
+    out:
+      - id: sourcedb
+      - id: log
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/makesourcedb.cwl
+    label: make_sourcedb_ateam
+    'sbg:x': -500
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: find_skymodel_cal
+    in:
+      - id: msin
+        source:
+          - msin
+      - id: skymodels
+        source: calibrator_path_skymodel
+      - id: max_separation_arcmin
+        source: max_separation_arcmin
+    out:
+      - id: output_models
+      - id: model_name
+      - id: logfile
+    run: ../../steps/find_skymodel_cal.cwl
+    label: find_skymodel_cal
+    'sbg:x': -500
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: make_sourcedb
+    in:
+      - id: sky_model
+        source: find_skymodel_cal/output_models
+      - id: output_file_name
+        default: calibrator.sourcedb
+    out:
+      - id: sourcedb
+      - id: log
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/makesourcedb.cwl
+    label: make_sourcedb
+    'sbg:x': 0
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: concat_logfiles_prep_cal
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source: ndppp_prep_cal/logfile
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: ndppp_prep_cal
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_prep_cal
+    'sbg:x': 250
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: concat_logfiles_blsmooth
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/BLsmooth.log
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: blsmooth_prep
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_blsmooth
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': 300
+  - id: concat_logfiles_predict
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        linkMerge: merge_flattened
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/predict_cal.log
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: predict_cal
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_predict
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': 500
+  - id: concat_logfiles_calib
+    in:
+      - id: file_list
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/calib_cal.log
+      - id: file_prefix
+        default: calib_cal_prep
+    out:
+      - id: output
+    run: ../../steps/concatenate_files.cwl
+    label: concat_logfiles_calib
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': 800
+  - id: h5parm_collector
+    in:
+      - id: h5parmFiles
+        source:
+          - predict_calibrate/outh5parm
+      - id: squeeze
+        default: true
+      - id: verbose
+        default: true
+      - id: clobber
+        default: true
+    out:
+      - id: outh5parm
+      - id: log
+    run: ../../lofar-cwl/steps/H5ParmCollector.cwl
+    label: H5parm_collector
+    'sbg:x': 750
+    'sbg:y': -300
+  - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement
+  - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement