diff --git a/Antenna.h b/Antenna.h
index 087ed2b93de9b1f55f9c5012e302716475e4d44c..0d1f69ded126671ba757b7810369703d6c9aeec7 100644
--- a/Antenna.h
+++ b/Antenna.h
@@ -10,194 +10,167 @@
 namespace everybeam {
- * @brief (Virtual) class describing an antenna, and computing the corresponding response()
- * and arrayFactor().
- * 
+ * @brief (Virtual) class describing an antenna, and computing the corresponding
+ * response() and arrayFactor().
+ *
-class Antenna
-    /**
-     *  \brief %Station coordinate system.
-     *
-     *  A right handed, cartesian, local coordinate system with coordinate axes
-     *  \p p, \p q, and \p r is associated with each antenna field.
-     *
-     *  The r-axis is orthogonal to the antenna field, and points towards the
-     *  local pseudo zenith.
-     *
-     *  The q-axis is the northern bisector of the \p X and \p Y dipoles, i.e.
-     *  it is the reference direction from which the orientation of the dual
-     *  dipole antennae is determined. The q-axis points towards the North at
-     *  the core. At remote sites it is defined as the intersection of the
-     *  antenna field plane and a plane parallel to the meridian plane at the
-     *  core. This ensures the reference directions at all sites are similar.
-     *
-     *  The p-axis is orthogonal to both other axes, and points towards the East
-     *  at the core.
-     *
-     *  The axes and origin of the anntena field coordinate system are expressed
-     *  as vectors in the geocentric, cartesian, ITRF coordinate system, in
-     *  meters.
-     *
-     *  \sa "LOFAR Reference Plane and Reference Direction", M.A. Brentjens,
-     *  LOFAR-ASTRON-MEM-248.
-     */
-    struct CoordinateSystem
-    {
-        struct Axes
-        {
-            vector3r_t  p;
-            vector3r_t  q;
-            vector3r_t  r;
-        };
-        vector3r_t  origin;
-        Axes        axes;
-        constexpr static Axes identity_axes = {
-            {1.0, 0.0, 0.0},
-            {0.0, 1.0, 0.0},
-            {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}
-        };
-        constexpr static vector3r_t zero_origin = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+class Antenna {
+ public:
+  /**
+   *  \brief %Station coordinate system.
+   *
+   *  A right handed, cartesian, local coordinate system with coordinate axes
+   *  \p p, \p q, and \p r is associated with each antenna field.
+   *
+   *  The r-axis is orthogonal to the antenna field, and points towards the
+   *  local pseudo zenith.
+   *
+   *  The q-axis is the northern bisector of the \p X and \p Y dipoles, i.e.
+   *  it is the reference direction from which the orientation of the dual
+   *  dipole antennae is determined. The q-axis points towards the North at
+   *  the core. At remote sites it is defined as the intersection of the
+   *  antenna field plane and a plane parallel to the meridian plane at the
+   *  core. This ensures the reference directions at all sites are similar.
+   *
+   *  The p-axis is orthogonal to both other axes, and points towards the East
+   *  at the core.
+   *
+   *  The axes and origin of the anntena field coordinate system are expressed
+   *  as vectors in the geocentric, cartesian, ITRF coordinate system, in
+   *  meters.
+   *
+   *  \sa "LOFAR Reference Plane and Reference Direction", M.A. Brentjens,
+   *  LOFAR-ASTRON-MEM-248.
+   */
+  struct CoordinateSystem {
+    struct Axes {
+      vector3r_t p;
+      vector3r_t q;
+      vector3r_t r;
-    constexpr static CoordinateSystem identity_coordinate_system{
-        CoordinateSystem::zero_origin,
-        CoordinateSystem::identity_axes
-    };
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<Antenna> Ptr;
-    /**
-     * @brief Struct containing antenna options
-     * 
-     */
-    struct Options
-    {
-        real_t freq0; //!< %Antenna reference frequency (Hz).
-        vector3r_t station0; //!< Reference direction (ITRF, m)
-        vector3r_t tile0; //!< Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-        bool rotate; //!< Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
-        vector3r_t east; //!< Eastward pointing unit vector
-        vector3r_t north; //!< Northward pointing unit vector
-    };
-    /**
-     * @brief Construct a new %Antenna object
-     * 
-     */
-    Antenna() :
-        // default coordinate system
-        // no shift of origin, no rotation
-        Antenna({
-            CoordinateSystem::zero_origin, // origin
-            CoordinateSystem::identity_axes
-        })
-    {}
-    /**
-     * @brief Construct a new %Antenna object, given a coordinate system
-     * 
-     * @param coordinate_system 
-     */
-    Antenna(const CoordinateSystem &coordinate_system) :
-        // default phase reference system is the origin of the coordinate system
-        Antenna(coordinate_system, coordinate_system.origin)
-    {}
-    /**
-     * @brief Construct a new %Antenna object, given a coordinate system and a 
-     * phase reference position.
-     * 
-     * @param coordinate_system Coordinate system
-     * @param phase_reference_position Phase reference position
-     */
-    Antenna(const CoordinateSystem &coordinate_system, const vector3r_t &phase_reference_position) :
-        m_coordinate_system(coordinate_system),
+    vector3r_t origin;
+    Axes axes;
+    constexpr static Axes identity_axes = {
+        {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}};
+    constexpr static vector3r_t zero_origin = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+  };
+  constexpr static CoordinateSystem identity_coordinate_system{
+      CoordinateSystem::zero_origin, CoordinateSystem::identity_axes};
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<Antenna> Ptr;
+  /**
+   * @brief Struct containing antenna options
+   *
+   */
+  struct Options {
+    real_t freq0;         //!< %Antenna reference frequency (Hz).
+    vector3r_t station0;  //!< Reference direction (ITRF, m)
+    vector3r_t tile0;     //!< Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+    bool
+        rotate;  //!< Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
+    vector3r_t east;   //!< Eastward pointing unit vector
+    vector3r_t north;  //!< Northward pointing unit vector
+  };
+  /**
+   * @brief Construct a new %Antenna object
+   *
+   */
+  Antenna()
+      :  // default coordinate system
+         // no shift of origin, no rotation
+        Antenna({CoordinateSystem::zero_origin,  // origin
+                 CoordinateSystem::identity_axes}) {}
+  /**
+   * @brief Construct a new %Antenna object, given a coordinate system
+   *
+   * @param coordinate_system
+   */
+  Antenna(const CoordinateSystem &coordinate_system)
+      :  // default phase reference system is the origin of the coordinate
+         // system
+        Antenna(coordinate_system, coordinate_system.origin) {}
+  /**
+   * @brief Construct a new %Antenna object, given a coordinate system and a
+   * phase reference position.
+   *
+   * @param coordinate_system Coordinate system
+   * @param phase_reference_position Phase reference position
+   */
+  Antenna(const CoordinateSystem &coordinate_system,
+          const vector3r_t &phase_reference_position)
+      : m_coordinate_system(coordinate_system),
-        m_enabled{true, true}
-    {
-    }
-    /**
-     * @brief Compute the %Antenna response
-     * 
-     * @param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
-     * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
-     * @param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
-     * @param options 
-     * @return matrix22c_t Jones matrix
-     */
-    matrix22c_t response(
-        real_t time,
-        real_t freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction,
-        const Options &options = {})
-    {
-        // Transform direction and directions in options to local coordinatesystem
-        vector3r_t local_direction = transform_to_local_direction(direction);
-        Options local_options = {
-            .freq0 = options.freq0,
-            .station0 = transform_to_local_direction(options.station0),
-            .tile0 = transform_to_local_direction(options.tile0),
-            .rotate = options.rotate,
-            .east = transform_to_local_direction(options.east),
-            .north = transform_to_local_direction(options.north)
-        };
-        matrix22c_t response = local_response(time, freq, local_direction, local_options);
-        return response;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @brief Compute the array factor of the antenna
-     * 
-     * @param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
-     * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
-     * @param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
-     * @param options 
-     * @return diag22c_t 
-     */
-    diag22c_t arrayFactor(
-        real_t time,
-        real_t freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction,
-        const Options &options = {})
-    {
-        // Transform direction and directions in options to local coordinatesystem
-        vector3r_t local_direction = transform_to_local_direction(direction);
-        Options local_options = {
-            .freq0 = options.freq0,
-            .station0 = transform_to_local_direction(options.station0),
-            .tile0 = transform_to_local_direction(options.tile0)
-        };
-        return local_arrayFactor(time, freq, local_direction, local_options);
-    }
-    CoordinateSystem m_coordinate_system;
-    vector3r_t  m_phase_reference_position;
-    bool m_enabled[2];
-    virtual matrix22c_t local_response(
-        real_t time,
-        real_t freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction,
-        const Options &options) const = 0;
-    virtual diag22c_t local_arrayFactor(
-        real_t time,
-        real_t freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction,
-        const Options &options) const
-    { return {1.0, 1.0}; }
-    vector3r_t transform_to_local_direction(const vector3r_t &direction);
+        m_enabled{true, true} {}
+  /**
+   * @brief Compute the %Antenna response
+   *
+   * @param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
+   * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
+   * @param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
+   * @param options
+   * @return matrix22c_t Jones matrix
+   */
+  matrix22c_t response(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
+                       const Options &options = {}) {
+    // Transform direction and directions in options to local coordinatesystem
+    vector3r_t local_direction = transform_to_local_direction(direction);
+    Options local_options = {
+        .freq0 = options.freq0,
+        .station0 = transform_to_local_direction(options.station0),
+        .tile0 = transform_to_local_direction(options.tile0),
+        .rotate = options.rotate,
+        .east = transform_to_local_direction(options.east),
+        .north = transform_to_local_direction(options.north)};
+    matrix22c_t response =
+        local_response(time, freq, local_direction, local_options);
+    return response;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @brief Compute the array factor of the antenna
+   *
+   * @param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
+   * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
+   * @param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
+   * @param options
+   * @return diag22c_t
+   */
+  diag22c_t arrayFactor(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
+                        const Options &options = {}) {
+    // Transform direction and directions in options to local coordinatesystem
+    vector3r_t local_direction = transform_to_local_direction(direction);
+    Options local_options = {
+        .freq0 = options.freq0,
+        .station0 = transform_to_local_direction(options.station0),
+        .tile0 = transform_to_local_direction(options.tile0)};
+    return local_arrayFactor(time, freq, local_direction, local_options);
+  }
+  CoordinateSystem m_coordinate_system;
+  vector3r_t m_phase_reference_position;
+  bool m_enabled[2];
+ private:
+  virtual matrix22c_t local_response(real_t time, real_t freq,
+                                     const vector3r_t &direction,
+                                     const Options &options) const = 0;
+  virtual diag22c_t local_arrayFactor(real_t time, real_t freq,
+                                      const vector3r_t &direction,
+                                      const Options &options) const {
+    return {1.0, 1.0};
+  }
+  vector3r_t transform_to_local_direction(const vector3r_t &direction);
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/BeamFormer.h b/BeamFormer.h
index 8fe72d32db622d05c06fcb0f4a1468916f392038..38b1bb1517b59a9634976db706d27ef30c9df6b8 100644
--- a/BeamFormer.h
+++ b/BeamFormer.h
@@ -8,88 +8,87 @@
 #include "Types.h"
 namespace everybeam {
-class BeamFormer : public Antenna
+class BeamFormer : public Antenna {
+ public:
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<BeamFormer> Ptr;
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<BeamFormer> Ptr;
+  /**
+   * @brief Construct a new BeamFormer object
+   *
+   */
+  BeamFormer() : Antenna() {
+    m_local_phase_reference_position =
+        transform_to_local_position(m_phase_reference_position);
+  }
-    /**
-     * @brief Construct a new BeamFormer object
-     * 
-     */    
-    BeamFormer() :
-        Antenna()
-    {
-        m_local_phase_reference_position = transform_to_local_position(m_phase_reference_position);
-    }
+  /**
+   * @brief Construct a new BeamFormer object given a coordinate system.
+   *
+   * @param coordinate_system
+   */
+  BeamFormer(const CoordinateSystem &coordinate_system)
+      : Antenna(coordinate_system) {
+    m_local_phase_reference_position =
+        transform_to_local_position(m_phase_reference_position);
+  }
-    /**
-     * @brief Construct a new BeamFormer object given a coordinate system.
-     * 
-     * @param coordinate_system 
-     */    
-    BeamFormer(const CoordinateSystem &coordinate_system) :
-        Antenna(coordinate_system)
-    {
-        m_local_phase_reference_position = transform_to_local_position(m_phase_reference_position);
-    }
+  /**
+   * @brief Construct a new BeamFormer object given a coordinate system and a
+   * phase reference position
+   *
+   * @param coordinate_system
+   * @param phase_reference_position
+   */
+  BeamFormer(CoordinateSystem coordinate_system,
+             vector3r_t phase_reference_position)
+      : Antenna(coordinate_system, phase_reference_position) {
+    m_local_phase_reference_position =
+        transform_to_local_position(m_phase_reference_position);
+  }
-    /**
-     * @brief Construct a new BeamFormer object given a coordinate system and a phase reference position
-     * 
-     * @param coordinate_system 
-     * @param phase_reference_position 
-     */
-    BeamFormer(CoordinateSystem coordinate_system, vector3r_t phase_reference_position) :
-        Antenna(coordinate_system, phase_reference_position)
-    {
-        m_local_phase_reference_position = transform_to_local_position(m_phase_reference_position);
-    }
+  /**
+   * @brief Add an antenna to the m_antenna array.
+   *
+   * @param antenna
+   */
+  void add_antenna(Antenna::Ptr antenna) { m_antennas.push_back(antenna); }
-    /**
-     * @brief Add an antenna to the m_antenna array.
-     * 
-     * @param antenna 
-     */
-    void add_antenna(Antenna::Ptr antenna) {m_antennas.push_back(antenna);}
+ private:
+  vector3r_t
+      m_local_phase_reference_position;  // in coordinate system of Antenna
+  // Transform position vector into a local position vector
+  vector3r_t transform_to_local_position(const vector3r_t &position);
-    vector3r_t  m_local_phase_reference_position; // in coordinate system of Antenna
+  // Compute the BeamFormer response in certain direction of arrival (ITRF, m)
+  // and return (Jones) matrix of response
+  virtual matrix22c_t local_response(real_t time, real_t freq,
+                                     const vector3r_t &direction,
+                                     const Options &options) const override;
-    // Transform position vector into a local position vector
-    vector3r_t transform_to_local_position(const vector3r_t &position);
+  // Compute the local arrayFactor, with arrayFactor a vectorial
+  // "representation" of Jones matrix
+  virtual diag22c_t local_arrayFactor(real_t time, real_t freq,
+                                      const vector3r_t &direction,
+                                      const Options &options) const override {
+    return {1.0, 1.0};
+  }
-    // Compute the BeamFormer response in certain direction of arrival (ITRF, m)
-    // and return (Jones) matrix of response
-    virtual matrix22c_t local_response(
-        real_t time,
-        real_t freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction,
-        const Options &options) const override;
+  // Compute the geometric response for all the antennas in the BeamFormer based
+  // on the probing frequency and a specified direction (either pointing dir or
+  // dir of interest).
+  std::vector<std::complex<double>> compute_geometric_response(
+      const double freq, const vector3r_t &direction) const;
-    // Compute the local arrayFactor, with arrayFactor a vectorial "representation"
-    // of Jones matrix
-    virtual diag22c_t local_arrayFactor(
-        real_t time,
-        real_t freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction,
-        const Options &options) const override
-    {
-        return {1.0, 1.0};
-    }
-    // Compute the geometric response for all the antennas in the BeamFormer based on 
-    // the probing frequency and a specified direction (either pointing dir or dir of interest).
-    std::vector<std::complex<double>> compute_geometric_response(const double freq, const vector3r_t &direction) const;
-    // Compute the weights based on the pointing direction of the beam and the beam reference frequence.
-    std::vector<std::pair<std::complex<double>,std::complex<double>>> compute_weights(const vector3r_t &direction, double freq) const;
+  // Compute the weights based on the pointing direction of the beam and the
+  // beam reference frequence.
+  std::vector<std::pair<std::complex<double>, std::complex<double>>>
+  compute_weights(const vector3r_t &direction, double freq) const;
-    // List of antennas in BeamFormer
-    // TODO: Maybe refactor to _m_antennas to indicate m_antennas is a private attribute
-    std::vector<Antenna::Ptr> m_antennas;
+  // List of antennas in BeamFormer
+  // TODO: Maybe refactor to _m_antennas to indicate m_antennas is a private
+  // attribute
+  std::vector<Antenna::Ptr> m_antennas;
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/Constants.h b/Constants.h
index 53bf3eab7b4fb5c4c315f270dfe2c7043c69bc04..e335df7f13478782d70d6325fd1e31e9cd103819 100644
--- a/Constants.h
+++ b/Constants.h
@@ -31,11 +31,10 @@
 namespace everybeam {
 /** %Constants used in this library. */
-namespace constants
+namespace constants {
 /** Speed of light (m/s) */
 const real_t c = 2.99792458e+08;
-} // namespace constants
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace constants
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/Element.h b/Element.h
index 83ba0ae0d843ca4a451824b70111cf25ab6b5192..ad5acf35ea8cce7e84978051291db94f4cfeb8f8 100644
--- a/Element.h
+++ b/Element.h
@@ -13,55 +13,48 @@ namespace everybeam {
  * @brief Elementary antenna, for which a response can be computed,
  * but without any substructure like a beamformer
- * 
+ *
-class Element : public Antenna
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<Element> Ptr;
-    /**
-     * @brief Construct a new Element object
-     * 
-     * @param coordinate_system (antenna) CoordinateSystem
-     * @param element_response ElementResponseModel
-     * @param id 
-     */
-    Element(const CoordinateSystem &coordinate_system, ElementResponse::Ptr element_response, int id) :
-        Antenna(coordinate_system),
+class Element : public Antenna {
+ public:
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<Element> Ptr;
+  /**
+   * @brief Construct a new Element object
+   *
+   * @param coordinate_system (antenna) CoordinateSystem
+   * @param element_response ElementResponseModel
+   * @param id
+   */
+  Element(const CoordinateSystem &coordinate_system,
+          ElementResponse::Ptr element_response, int id)
+      : Antenna(coordinate_system),
-        m_element_response(element_response)
-    {}
-    /**
-     * @brief Compute the local response of the element.
-     * 
-     * @param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
-     * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
-     * @param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
-     * @param id ID of element
-     * @param options 
-     * @return matrix22c_t 
-     */
-    matrix22c_t local_response(
-        real_t time,
-        real_t freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction,
-        size_t id,
-        const Options &options) const;
-    virtual matrix22c_t local_response(
-        real_t time,
-        real_t freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction,
-        const Options &options) const final override;
-    int m_id;
-    ElementResponse::Ptr m_element_response;
+        m_element_response(element_response) {}
+  /**
+   * @brief Compute the local response of the element.
+   *
+   * @param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
+   * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
+   * @param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
+   * @param id ID of element
+   * @param options
+   * @return matrix22c_t
+   */
+  matrix22c_t local_response(real_t time, real_t freq,
+                             const vector3r_t &direction, size_t id,
+                             const Options &options) const;
+ private:
+  virtual matrix22c_t local_response(
+      real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
+      const Options &options) const final override;
+  int m_id;
+  ElementResponse::Ptr m_element_response;
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/ElementResponse.h b/ElementResponse.h
index eca9f106711237e4d8c38d46a42b4840b2cd2220..8ac85f1557f0efe82e527cb294d646ed2eec9ddd 100644
--- a/ElementResponse.h
+++ b/ElementResponse.h
@@ -9,60 +9,49 @@
 namespace everybeam {
 enum ElementResponseModel {
-    Unknown,
-    Hamaker,
-    LOBES,
-    OSKARDipole,
-    OSKARSphericalWave
+  Unknown,
+  Hamaker,
+  OSKARDipole,
+  OSKARSphericalWave
 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ElementResponseModel model);
- * @brief Virtual class for the element response model. All the (antenna/element)
- * response models inherit from this class.
- * 
+ * @brief Virtual class for the element response model. All the
+ * (antenna/element) response models inherit from this class.
+ *
-class ElementResponse
-    typedef MutablePtr<ElementResponse> Ptr; //!< Pointer to ElementResponse object
-    /**
-     * @brief Virtual implementation of response method
-     * 
-     * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
-     * @param theta Angle wrt. z-axis (rad)
-     * @param phi Angle in the xy-plane wrt. x-axis  (rad)
-     * @param result Pointer to 2x2 array of Jones matrix
-     */
-    virtual void response(
-        double freq,
-        double theta,
-        double phi,
-        std::complex<double> (&result)[2][2]) const = 0;
-    /**
-     * @brief Virtual implementation of response method
-     * 
-     * @param element_id ID of element
-     * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
-     * @param theta Angle wrt. z-axis (rad)
-     * @param phi Angle in the xy-plane wrt. x-axis  (rad)
-     * @param result Pointer to 2x2 array of Jones matrix
-     */
-    virtual void response(
-        int    element_id,
-        double freq,
-        double theta,
-        double phi,
-        std::complex<double> (&result)[2][2]) const
-    {
-        response(freq, theta, phi, result);
-    }
+class ElementResponse {
+ public:
+  typedef MutablePtr<ElementResponse>
+      Ptr;  //!< Pointer to ElementResponse object
+  /**
+   * @brief Virtual implementation of response method
+   *
+   * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
+   * @param theta Angle wrt. z-axis (rad)
+   * @param phi Angle in the xy-plane wrt. x-axis  (rad)
+   * @param result Pointer to 2x2 array of Jones matrix
+   */
+  virtual void response(double freq, double theta, double phi,
+                        std::complex<double> (&result)[2][2]) const = 0;
+  /**
+   * @brief Virtual implementation of response method
+   *
+   * @param element_id ID of element
+   * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
+   * @param theta Angle wrt. z-axis (rad)
+   * @param phi Angle in the xy-plane wrt. x-axis  (rad)
+   * @param result Pointer to 2x2 array of Jones matrix
+   */
+  virtual void response(int element_id, double freq, double theta, double phi,
+                        std::complex<double> (&result)[2][2]) const {
+    response(freq, theta, phi, result);
+  }
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/ITRFConverter.h b/ITRFConverter.h
index ff830b5e264a05d1c6cc980c5b4afbaa75007ba6..706d6ead515b2402417dab01b65d9fe50d3cbe64 100644
--- a/ITRFConverter.h
+++ b/ITRFConverter.h
@@ -17,29 +17,28 @@
 namespace everybeam {
- * @brief Class providing utilities for coordinate transformations 
- * to and from ITRF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame) 
- * 
+ * @brief Class providing utilities for coordinate transformations
+ * to and from ITRF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame)
+ *
-class ITRFConverter
-    typedef std::unique_ptr<ITRFDirection>       Ptr;
-    typedef std::unique_ptr<const ITRFDirection> ConstPtr;
-    ITRFConverter(real_t time);
-    void setTime(real_t time);
-    vector3r_t j2000ToITRF(const vector2r_t &j2000Direction) const;
-    vector3r_t j2000ToITRF(const vector3r_t &j2000Direction) const;
-    vector3r_t toITRF(const casacore::MDirection &direction) const;
-    casacore::MDirection toDirection(const vector2r_t &j2000Direction) const;
-    casacore::MDirection toDirection(const vector3r_t &j2000Direction) const;
-    casacore::MDirection toDirection(const casacore::MDirection &direction) const;
-    casacore::MeasFrame itsFrame;
-    mutable casacore::MDirection::Convert itsConverter;
+class ITRFConverter {
+ public:
+  typedef std::unique_ptr<ITRFDirection> Ptr;
+  typedef std::unique_ptr<const ITRFDirection> ConstPtr;
+  ITRFConverter(real_t time);
+  void setTime(real_t time);
+  vector3r_t j2000ToITRF(const vector2r_t &j2000Direction) const;
+  vector3r_t j2000ToITRF(const vector3r_t &j2000Direction) const;
+  vector3r_t toITRF(const casacore::MDirection &direction) const;
+  casacore::MDirection toDirection(const vector2r_t &j2000Direction) const;
+  casacore::MDirection toDirection(const vector3r_t &j2000Direction) const;
+  casacore::MDirection toDirection(const casacore::MDirection &direction) const;
+ private:
+  casacore::MeasFrame itsFrame;
+  mutable casacore::MDirection::Convert itsConverter;
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/ITRFDirection.h b/ITRFDirection.h
index 1a2e1428edded7976f846c6e29ca547f681ac680..4dc8e43b6942751d1bc49bbd977cbe8483c0822d 100644
--- a/ITRFDirection.h
+++ b/ITRFDirection.h
@@ -37,30 +37,29 @@
 namespace everybeam {
-class ITRFDirection
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<ITRFDirection>       Ptr;
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<const ITRFDirection> ConstPtr;
+class ITRFDirection {
+ public:
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<ITRFDirection> Ptr;
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<const ITRFDirection> ConstPtr;
-    ITRFDirection(const vector3r_t &position, const vector2r_t &direction);
-    ITRFDirection(const vector3r_t &position, const vector3r_t &direction);
-    ITRFDirection(const vector2r_t &direction);
-    ITRFDirection(const vector3r_t &direction);
+  ITRFDirection(const vector3r_t &position, const vector2r_t &direction);
+  ITRFDirection(const vector3r_t &position, const vector3r_t &direction);
+  ITRFDirection(const vector2r_t &direction);
+  ITRFDirection(const vector3r_t &direction);
-    vector3r_t at(real_t time) const;
+  vector3r_t at(real_t time) const;
-    const static vector3r_t& LOFARPosition() { return itsLOFARPosition; }
+  const static vector3r_t &LOFARPosition() { return itsLOFARPosition; }
-    //ITRF position of CS002LBA, just to use a fixed reference
-    const static vector3r_t itsLOFARPosition;
+ private:
+  // ITRF position of CS002LBA, just to use a fixed reference
+  const static vector3r_t itsLOFARPosition;
-    mutable casacore::MeasFrame             itsFrame;
-    mutable casacore::MDirection::Convert   itsConverter;
-    mutable std::mutex                      itsMutex;
+  mutable casacore::MeasFrame itsFrame;
+  mutable casacore::MDirection::Convert itsConverter;
+  mutable std::mutex itsMutex;
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/LofarMetaDataUtil.h b/LofarMetaDataUtil.h
index 8d042fc33e2c2c3ff9a0216476a5e4c91666f530..3975e90d06de0743b4aeb98b3da353bc598e0d39 100644
--- a/LofarMetaDataUtil.h
+++ b/LofarMetaDataUtil.h
@@ -37,47 +37,44 @@
 namespace everybeam {
-const ElementResponseModel defaultElementResponseModel = ElementResponseModel::Hamaker;
+const ElementResponseModel defaultElementResponseModel =
+    ElementResponseModel::Hamaker;
  * @brief Read single station from MeasurementSet
- * 
+ *
  * @param ms Measurement set
  * @param id Station id
  * @param model Element response model
- * @return Station::Ptr 
+ * @return Station::Ptr
 Station::Ptr readStation(
-    const casacore::MeasurementSet &ms,
-    unsigned int id,
+    const casacore::MeasurementSet &ms, unsigned int id,
     const ElementResponseModel model = defaultElementResponseModel);
  * @brief Read multiple stations from measurment set into buffer out_it
  * Loops over readStation for all the antennas in MeasurementSet
- * 
+ *
  * @tparam T Template type
  * @param ms Measurement set
- * @param out_it Out buffer 
+ * @param out_it Out buffer
  * @param model Element Response buffer
 template <typename T>
 void readStations(
-    const casacore::MeasurementSet &ms,
-    T out_it,
-    const ElementResponseModel model = defaultElementResponseModel)
-    casacore::ROMSAntennaColumns antenna(ms.antenna());
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < antenna.nrow(); ++i)
-    {
-        *out_it++ = readStation(ms, i, model);
-    }
+    const casacore::MeasurementSet &ms, T out_it,
+    const ElementResponseModel model = defaultElementResponseModel) {
+  casacore::ROMSAntennaColumns antenna(ms.antenna());
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < antenna.nrow(); ++i) {
+    *out_it++ = readStation(ms, i, model);
+  }
 // Read the tile beam direction from a LOFAR MS. If it is not defined,
 // this function returns the delay center.
 casacore::MDirection readTileBeamDirection(const casacore::MeasurementSet &ms);
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/MathUtil.h b/MathUtil.h
index 0a35cd0b0bc208758da98869a8a7c5cd518feb5a..077e01b466b23d7a762b18a713d811cdec36fa75 100644
--- a/MathUtil.h
+++ b/MathUtil.h
@@ -30,132 +30,112 @@
 namespace everybeam {
-inline real_t dot(const vector3r_t &arg0, const vector3r_t &arg1)
-    return arg0[0] * arg1[0] + arg0[1] * arg1[1] +  arg0[2] * arg1[2];
+inline real_t dot(const vector3r_t &arg0, const vector3r_t &arg1) {
+  return arg0[0] * arg1[0] + arg0[1] * arg1[1] + arg0[2] * arg1[2];
-inline double norm(const vector3r_t &arg0)
-    return sqrt(dot(arg0, arg0));
+inline double norm(const vector3r_t &arg0) { return sqrt(dot(arg0, arg0)); }
-inline vector3r_t operator*(real_t arg0, const vector3r_t arg1)
-    vector3r_t result = {{arg0 * arg1[0], arg0 * arg1[1], arg0 * arg1[2]}};
-    return result;
+inline vector3r_t operator*(real_t arg0, const vector3r_t arg1) {
+  vector3r_t result = {{arg0 * arg1[0], arg0 * arg1[1], arg0 * arg1[2]}};
+  return result;
-inline vector3r_t normalize(const vector3r_t &arg0)
-    return 1.0 / norm(arg0) * arg0;
+inline vector3r_t normalize(const vector3r_t &arg0) {
+  return 1.0 / norm(arg0) * arg0;
-inline vector2r_t cart2thetaphi(const vector3r_t &cart)
-    real_t r = sqrt(cart[0] * cart[0] + cart[1] * cart[1]);
-    vector2r_t thetaphi = {{M_PI_2 - atan2(cart[2], r), atan2(cart[1],
-        cart[0])}};
-    return thetaphi;
+inline vector2r_t cart2thetaphi(const vector3r_t &cart) {
+  real_t r = sqrt(cart[0] * cart[0] + cart[1] * cart[1]);
+  vector2r_t thetaphi = {{M_PI_2 - atan2(cart[2], r), atan2(cart[1], cart[0])}};
+  return thetaphi;
-inline vector3r_t thetaphi2cart(const vector2r_t &thetaphi)
-    real_t r = sin(thetaphi[0]);
-    vector3r_t cart = {{r * cos(thetaphi[1]), r * sin(thetaphi[1]),
-        cos(thetaphi[0])}};
-    return cart;
+inline vector3r_t thetaphi2cart(const vector2r_t &thetaphi) {
+  real_t r = sin(thetaphi[0]);
+  vector3r_t cart = {
+      {r * cos(thetaphi[1]), r * sin(thetaphi[1]), cos(thetaphi[0])}};
+  return cart;
 // returns az, el, r.
-inline vector3r_t cart2sph(const vector3r_t &cart)
-    real_t r = sqrt(cart[0] * cart[0] + cart[1] * cart[1]);
-    vector3r_t sph;
-    sph[0] = atan2(cart[1], cart[0]);
-    sph[1] = atan2(cart[2], r);
-    sph[2] = norm(cart);
-    return sph;
+inline vector3r_t cart2sph(const vector3r_t &cart) {
+  real_t r = sqrt(cart[0] * cart[0] + cart[1] * cart[1]);
+  vector3r_t sph;
+  sph[0] = atan2(cart[1], cart[0]);
+  sph[1] = atan2(cart[2], r);
+  sph[2] = norm(cart);
+  return sph;
 // expects az, el, r.
-inline vector3r_t sph2cart(const vector3r_t &sph)
-    vector3r_t cart = {{sph[2] * cos(sph[1]) * cos(sph[0]), sph[2] * cos(sph[1])
-        * sin(sph[0]), sph[2] * sin(sph[1])}};
-    return cart;
+inline vector3r_t sph2cart(const vector3r_t &sph) {
+  vector3r_t cart = {{sph[2] * cos(sph[1]) * cos(sph[0]),
+                      sph[2] * cos(sph[1]) * sin(sph[0]),
+                      sph[2] * sin(sph[1])}};
+  return cart;
-inline matrix22c_t operator*(const matrix22c_t &arg0, const matrix22r_t &arg1)
-    matrix22c_t result;
-    result[0][0] = arg0[0][0] * arg1[0][0] + arg0[0][1] * arg1[1][0];
-    result[0][1] = arg0[0][0] * arg1[0][1] + arg0[0][1] * arg1[1][1];
-    result[1][0] = arg0[1][0] * arg1[0][0] + arg0[1][1] * arg1[1][0];
-    result[1][1] = arg0[1][0] * arg1[0][1] + arg0[1][1] * arg1[1][1];
-    return result;
+inline matrix22c_t operator*(const matrix22c_t &arg0, const matrix22r_t &arg1) {
+  matrix22c_t result;
+  result[0][0] = arg0[0][0] * arg1[0][0] + arg0[0][1] * arg1[1][0];
+  result[0][1] = arg0[0][0] * arg1[0][1] + arg0[0][1] * arg1[1][1];
+  result[1][0] = arg0[1][0] * arg1[0][0] + arg0[1][1] * arg1[1][0];
+  result[1][1] = arg0[1][0] * arg1[0][1] + arg0[1][1] * arg1[1][1];
+  return result;
-inline vector3r_t cross(const vector3r_t &arg0, const vector3r_t &arg1)
-    vector3r_t result;
-    result[0] = arg0[1] * arg1[2] - arg0[2] * arg1[1];
-    result[1] = arg0[2] * arg1[0] - arg0[0] * arg1[2];
-    result[2] = arg0[0] * arg1[1] - arg0[1] * arg1[0];
-    return result;
+inline vector3r_t cross(const vector3r_t &arg0, const vector3r_t &arg1) {
+  vector3r_t result;
+  result[0] = arg0[1] * arg1[2] - arg0[2] * arg1[1];
+  result[1] = arg0[2] * arg1[0] - arg0[0] * arg1[2];
+  result[2] = arg0[0] * arg1[1] - arg0[1] * arg1[0];
+  return result;
-inline vector3r_t operator+(const vector3r_t &arg0, const vector3r_t &arg1)
-    vector3r_t result = {{arg0[0] + arg1[0], arg0[1] + arg1[1],
-        arg0[2] + arg1[2]}};
-    return result;
+inline vector3r_t operator+(const vector3r_t &arg0, const vector3r_t &arg1) {
+  vector3r_t result = {
+      {arg0[0] + arg1[0], arg0[1] + arg1[1], arg0[2] + arg1[2]}};
+  return result;
-inline vector3r_t operator-(const vector3r_t &arg0, const vector3r_t &arg1)
-    vector3r_t result = {{arg0[0] - arg1[0], arg0[1] - arg1[1],
-        arg0[2] - arg1[2]}};
-    return result;
+inline vector3r_t operator-(const vector3r_t &arg0, const vector3r_t &arg1) {
+  vector3r_t result = {
+      {arg0[0] - arg1[0], arg0[1] - arg1[1], arg0[2] - arg1[2]}};
+  return result;
-inline matrix22c_t normalize(const raw_response_t &raw)
-    matrix22c_t response = {{ {{}}, {{}} }};
+inline matrix22c_t normalize(const raw_response_t &raw) {
+  matrix22c_t response = {{{{}}, {{}}}};
-    if(raw.weight[0] != 0.0)
-    {
-        response[0][0] = raw.response[0][0] / raw.weight[0];
-        response[0][1] = raw.response[0][1] / raw.weight[0];
-    }
+  if (raw.weight[0] != 0.0) {
+    response[0][0] = raw.response[0][0] / raw.weight[0];
+    response[0][1] = raw.response[0][1] / raw.weight[0];
+  }
-    if(raw.weight[1] != 0.0)
-    {
-        response[1][0] = raw.response[1][0] / raw.weight[1];
-        response[1][1] = raw.response[1][1] / raw.weight[1];
-    }
+  if (raw.weight[1] != 0.0) {
+    response[1][0] = raw.response[1][0] / raw.weight[1];
+    response[1][1] = raw.response[1][1] / raw.weight[1];
+  }
-    return response;
+  return response;
-inline diag22c_t normalize(const raw_array_factor_t &raw)
-    diag22c_t af = {{}};
+inline diag22c_t normalize(const raw_array_factor_t &raw) {
+  diag22c_t af = {{}};
-    if(raw.weight[0] != 0.0)
-    {
-        af[0] = raw.factor[0] / raw.weight[0];
-    }
+  if (raw.weight[0] != 0.0) {
+    af[0] = raw.factor[0] / raw.weight[0];
+  }
-    if(raw.weight[1] != 0.0)
-    {
-        af[1] = raw.factor[1] / raw.weight[1];
-    }
+  if (raw.weight[1] != 0.0) {
+    af[1] = raw.factor[1] / raw.weight[1];
+  }
-    return af;
+  return af;
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/MutablePtr.h b/MutablePtr.h
index b4ad46166c2b195ad0583d1aa4296381525767af..c8affd893f3d33d11fffc61b391875fec1fc687a 100644
--- a/MutablePtr.h
+++ b/MutablePtr.h
@@ -73,14 +73,15 @@ namespace everybeam {
  * \endcode
-template<typename T>
+template <typename T>
 class MutablePtr : public std::shared_ptr<std::shared_ptr<T>> {
-    MutablePtr(std::shared_ptr<T> ptr) : std::shared_ptr<std::shared_ptr<T>>(new std::shared_ptr<T>(ptr)) {}
-    T& operator*() const { return **(this->get()); }
-    std::shared_ptr<T> operator->() const { return *(this->get()); }
-    void set(std::shared_ptr<T> ptr) { *(this->get()) = ptr;}
-    explicit operator bool() const noexcept {return **this;}
+ public:
+  MutablePtr(std::shared_ptr<T> ptr)
+      : std::shared_ptr<std::shared_ptr<T>>(new std::shared_ptr<T>(ptr)) {}
+  T& operator*() const { return **(this->get()); }
+  std::shared_ptr<T> operator->() const { return *(this->get()); }
+  void set(std::shared_ptr<T> ptr) { *(this->get()) = ptr; }
+  explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return **this; }
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/Singleton.h b/Singleton.h
index 5d8006290dbd9878f280eeeb7645e2cdabe208bb..e0b80efaad65945fac3bce708fd2befa572f7af8 100644
--- a/Singleton.h
+++ b/Singleton.h
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
 namespace everybeam {
-template<typename T>
-class Singleton
-    public:
-        static std::shared_ptr<T> getInstance()
-        {
-            static std::shared_ptr<T>  instance(new T()); // Guaranteed to be destroyed.
-                                                          // Instantiated on first use.
-            return instance;
-        }
-    private:
-        Singleton() {}                    // Constructor? (the {} brackets) are needed here.
+template <typename T>
+class Singleton {
+ public:
+  static std::shared_ptr<T> getInstance() {
+    static std::shared_ptr<T> instance(new T());  // Guaranteed to be destroyed.
+                                                  // Instantiated on first use.
+    return instance;
+  }
-    public:
-        Singleton(Singleton const&)       = delete;
-        void operator=(Singleton const&)  = delete;
+ private:
+  Singleton() {}  // Constructor? (the {} brackets) are needed here.
+ public:
+  Singleton(Singleton const&) = delete;
+  void operator=(Singleton const&) = delete;
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/Station.h b/Station.h
index 9ea54f7ef78b916d32ac9ef555be12cb52bd6517..c0b9bb26ec9a6f484688bd51b42d44d124552fb2 100644
--- a/Station.h
+++ b/Station.h
@@ -36,385 +36,379 @@
 #include <vector>
 namespace everybeam {
-class Station
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<Station>             Ptr;
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<const Station>       ConstPtr;
-//     typedef std::vector<AntennaField::ConstPtr>  FieldList;
-    /*!
-     *  \brief Construct a new Station instance.
-     *
-     *  \param name Name of the station.
-     *  \param position Position of the station (ITRF, m).
-     */
-    Station(
-        const std::string &name,
-        const vector3r_t &position,
-        const ElementResponseModel model);
-    void setModel(const ElementResponseModel model);
-    //! Return the name of the station.
-    const std::string &name() const;
-    //! Return the position of the station (ITRF, m).
-    const vector3r_t &position() const;
-    /*!
-     *  \brief Set the phase reference position. This is the position where the
-     *  delay of the incoming plane wave is assumed to be zero.
-     *
-     *  \param reference Phase reference position (ITRF, m).
-     *
-     *  By default, it is assumed the position of the station is also the phase
-     *  reference position. Use this method to set the phase reference position
-     *  explicitly when this assumption is false.
-     */
-    void setPhaseReference(const vector3r_t &reference);
-    //! Return the phase reference position (ITRF, m). \see Station::setPhaseReference()
-    const vector3r_t &phaseReference() const;
-    /*!
-     *  \brief Add an antenna field to the station.
-     *
-     *  Physical (%LOFAR) stations consist of an LBA field, and either one (remote
-     *  and international stations) or two (core stations) HBA fields. Virtual
-     *  (%LOFAR) stations can consist of a combination of the antenna fields of
-     *  several physical stations.
-     *
-     *  Use this method to add the appropriate antenna fields to the station.
-     */
-//     void addField(const AntennaField::ConstPtr &field);
-    //! Return the number of available antenna fields.
-    size_t nFields() const;
-    // /*!
-    //  *  \brief Return the requested antenna field.
-    //  *
-    //  *  \param i Antenna field number (0-based).
-    //  *  \return An AntennaField::ConstPtr to the requested AntennaField
-    //  *  instance, or an empty AntennaField::ConstPtr if \p i is out of bounds.
-    //  */
-//     AntennaField::ConstPtr field(size_t i) const;
-    // /*!
-    //  *  \brief Return an iterator that points to the beginning of the list of
-    //  *  antenna fields.
-    //  */
-//     FieldList::const_iterator beginFields() const;
-    // /*!
-    //  *  \brief Return an iterator that points to the end of the list of antenna
-    //  *  fields.
-    //  */
-//     FieldList::const_iterator endFields() const;
-    /*!
-     *  \brief Compute the response of the station for a plane wave of frequency
-     *  \p freq, arriving from direction \p direction, with the %station beam
-     *  former steered towards \p station0, and, for HBA stations, the analog
-     *  %tile beam former steered towards \p tile0. For LBA stations, \p tile0
-     *  has no effect.
-     *
-     *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
-     *  \param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
-     *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param freq0 %Station beam former reference frequency (Hz).
-     *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
-     *  \return Jones matrix that represents the %station response.
-     *
-     *  For any given sub-band, the (%LOFAR) station beam former computes weights
-     *  for a single reference frequency. Usually, this reference frequency is
-     *  the center frequency of the sub-band. For any frequency except the
-     *  reference frequency, these weights are an approximation. This aspect of
-     *  the system is taken into account in the computation of the response.
-     *  Therefore, both the frequency of interest \p freq and the reference
-     *  frequency \p freq0 need to be specified.
-     *
-     *  The directions \p direction, \p station0, and \p tile0 are vectors that
-     *  represent a direction of \e arrival. These vectors have unit length and
-     *  point \e from the ground \e towards the direction from which the plane
-     *  wave arrives.
-     */
-    matrix22c_t response(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
-        real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0, const bool rotate = true)
-        const;
-    /*!
-     *  \brief Compute the array factor of the station for a plane wave of
-     *  frequency \p freq, arriving from direction \p direction, with the
-     *  %station beam former steered towards \p station0, and, for HBA stations
-     *  the analog %tile beam former steered towards \p tile0. For LBA stations,
-     *  \p tile0 has no effect.
-     *
-     *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
-     *  \param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
-     *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param freq0 %Station beam former reference frequency (Hz).
-     *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
-     *  \return A diagonal matrix with the array factor of the X and Y antennae.
-     *
-     *  For any given sub-band, the (%LOFAR) station beam former computes weights
-     *  for a single reference frequency. Usually, this reference frequency is
-     *  the center frequency of the sub-band. For any frequency except the
-     *  reference frequency, these weights are an approximation. This aspect of
-     *  the system is taken into account in the computation of the response.
-     *  Therefore, both the frequency of interest \p freq and the reference
-     *  frequency \p freq0 need to be specified.
-     *
-     *  The directions \p direction, \p station0, and \p tile0 are vectors that
-     *  represent a direction of \e arrival. These vectors have unit length and
-     *  point \e from the ground \e towards the direction from which the plane
-     *  wave arrives.
-     */
-    diag22c_t arrayFactor(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
-        real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0)
-        const;
-    /*!
-     *  \name Convenience member functions
-     *  These member functions perform the same function as the corresponding
-     *  non-template member functions, for a list of frequencies or (frequency,
-     *  reference frequency) pairs.
-     */
-    // @{
-    /*!
-     *  \brief Convenience method to compute the response of the station for a
-     *  list of frequencies, and a fixed reference frequency.
-     *
-     *  \param count Number of frequencies.
-     *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
-     *  \param freq Input iterator for a list of frequencies (Hz) of length
-     *  \p count.
-     *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param freq0 %Station beam former reference frequency (Hz).
-     *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
-     *  \param buffer Output iterator with room for \p count instances of type
-     *  ::matrix22c_t.
-     *
-     *  \see response(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
-     *  real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0) const
-     */
-    template <typename T, typename U>
-    void response(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction, real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0,
-        const vector3r_t &tile0, U buffer, const bool rotate=true) const;
-    /*!
-     *  \brief Convenience method to compute the array factor of the station for
-     *  a list of frequencies, and a fixed reference frequency.
-     *
-     *  \param count Number of frequencies.
-     *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
-     *  \param freq Input iterator for a list of frequencies (Hz) of length
-     *  \p count.
-     *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param freq0 %Station beam former reference frequency (Hz).
-     *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
-     *  \param buffer Output iterator with room for \p count instances of type
-     *  ::diag22c_t.
-     *
-     *  \see arrayFactor(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
-     *  real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0) const
-     */
-    template <typename T, typename U>
-    void arrayFactor(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction, real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0,
-        const vector3r_t &tile0, U buffer) const;
-    /*!
-     *  \brief Convenience method to compute the response of the station for a
-     *  list of (frequency, reference frequency) pairs.
-     *
-     *  \param count Number of frequencies.
-     *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
-     *  \param freq Input iterator for a list of frequencies (Hz) of length
-     *  \p count.
-     *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param freq0 Input iterator for a list of %Station beam former reference
-     *  frequencies (Hz) of length \p count.
-     *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
-     *  \param buffer Output iterator with room for \p count instances of type
-     *  ::matrix22c_t.
-     *
-     *  \see response(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
-     *  real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0) const
-     */
-    template <typename T, typename U>
-    void response(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction, T freq0, const vector3r_t &station0,
-        const vector3r_t &tile0, U buffer, const bool rotate=true) const;
-    /*!
-     *  \brief Convenience method to compute the array factor of the station for
-     *  list of (frequency, reference frequency) pairs.
-     *
-     *  \param count Number of frequencies.
-     *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
-     *  \param freq Input iterator for a list of frequencies (Hz) of length
-     *  \p count.
-     *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param freq0 %Station beam former reference frequency (Hz).
-     *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
-     *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
-     *  \param buffer Output iterator with room for \p count instances of type
-     *  ::diag22c_t.
-     *
-     *  \see arrayFactor(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
-     *  real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0) const
-     */
-    template <typename T, typename U>
-    void arrayFactor(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction, T freq0, const vector3r_t &station0,
-        const vector3r_t &tile0, U buffer) const;
-    // @}
-    // ===================================================================
-    // New methods introduced in refactor
-    // ==================================================================
-    const ElementResponse::Ptr get_element_response() {return itsElementResponse;}
-    /**
-     * @brief Compute the Jones matrix for the element response
-     * 
-     * @param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
-     * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
-     * @param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
-     * @param id Element id
-     * @param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied. 
-     * @return matrix22c_t Jones matrix of element response
-     */
-    matrix22c_t elementResponse(real_t time, real_t freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction, size_t id, const bool rotate) const;
-    /**
-     * @brief Compute the Jones matrix for the element response
-     * 
-     * @param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
-     * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
-     * @param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
-     * @param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied. 
-     * @return matrix22c_t Jones matrix of element response
-     */
-    matrix22c_t elementResponse(real_t time, real_t freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction, const bool rotate = true) const;
-    //! Specialized implementation of response function. 
-    matrix22c_t response(
-        real_t time,
-        real_t freq,
-        const vector3r_t &direction) const
-    {
-        return itsAntenna->response(time, freq, direction);
-    }
-    //! Set antenna attribute, usually a BeamFormer, but can also be an Element
-    void set_antenna(Antenna::Ptr antenna) {itsAntenna = antenna;}
-    //! Set Element attribute
-    void set_element(Element::Ptr element) {itsElement = element;}
-    vector3r_t ncp(real_t time) const;
-    vector3r_t ncppol0(real_t time) const;
-    //! Compute the parallactic rotation. 
-    matrix22r_t rotation(real_t time, const vector3r_t &direction) const;
-    std::string itsName;
-    vector3r_t  itsPosition;
-    vector3r_t  itsPhaseReference;
-    ElementResponseModel itsElementResponseModel = ElementResponseModel::Unknown;
-    ElementResponse::Ptr itsElementResponse;
-    Element::Ptr itsElement;
-    Antenna::Ptr itsAntenna;
-    ITRFDirection::Ptr  itsNCP;
-    /** Reference direction for NCP observations.
-     *
-     * NCP pol0 is the direction used as reference in the coordinate system
-     * when the target direction is close to/at the NCP. The regular coordinate
-     * system rotates local east to that defined with respect to the NCP,
-     * which is undefined at the NCP.
-     * It is currently defined as ITRF position (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).
-     *
-     * Added by Maaijke Mevius, December 2018.
-     */
-    ITRFDirection::Ptr  itsNCPPol0;
+class Station {
+ public:
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<Station> Ptr;
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<const Station> ConstPtr;
+  //     typedef std::vector<AntennaField::ConstPtr>  FieldList;
+  /*!
+   *  \brief Construct a new Station instance.
+   *
+   *  \param name Name of the station.
+   *  \param position Position of the station (ITRF, m).
+   */
+  Station(const std::string &name, const vector3r_t &position,
+          const ElementResponseModel model);
+  void setModel(const ElementResponseModel model);
+  //! Return the name of the station.
+  const std::string &name() const;
+  //! Return the position of the station (ITRF, m).
+  const vector3r_t &position() const;
+  /*!
+   *  \brief Set the phase reference position. This is the position where the
+   *  delay of the incoming plane wave is assumed to be zero.
+   *
+   *  \param reference Phase reference position (ITRF, m).
+   *
+   *  By default, it is assumed the position of the station is also the phase
+   *  reference position. Use this method to set the phase reference position
+   *  explicitly when this assumption is false.
+   */
+  void setPhaseReference(const vector3r_t &reference);
+  //! Return the phase reference position (ITRF, m). \see
+  //! Station::setPhaseReference()
+  const vector3r_t &phaseReference() const;
+  /*!
+   *  \brief Add an antenna field to the station.
+   *
+   *  Physical (%LOFAR) stations consist of an LBA field, and either one (remote
+   *  and international stations) or two (core stations) HBA fields. Virtual
+   *  (%LOFAR) stations can consist of a combination of the antenna fields of
+   *  several physical stations.
+   *
+   *  Use this method to add the appropriate antenna fields to the station.
+   */
+  //     void addField(const AntennaField::ConstPtr &field);
+  //! Return the number of available antenna fields.
+  size_t nFields() const;
+  // /*!
+  //  *  \brief Return the requested antenna field.
+  //  *
+  //  *  \param i Antenna field number (0-based).
+  //  *  \return An AntennaField::ConstPtr to the requested AntennaField
+  //  *  instance, or an empty AntennaField::ConstPtr if \p i is out of bounds.
+  //  */
+  //     AntennaField::ConstPtr field(size_t i) const;
+  // /*!
+  //  *  \brief Return an iterator that points to the beginning of the list of
+  //  *  antenna fields.
+  //  */
+  //     FieldList::const_iterator beginFields() const;
+  // /*!
+  //  *  \brief Return an iterator that points to the end of the list of antenna
+  //  *  fields.
+  //  */
+  //     FieldList::const_iterator endFields() const;
+  /*!
+   *  \brief Compute the response of the station for a plane wave of frequency
+   *  \p freq, arriving from direction \p direction, with the %station beam
+   *  former steered towards \p station0, and, for HBA stations, the analog
+   *  %tile beam former steered towards \p tile0. For LBA stations, \p tile0
+   *  has no effect.
+   *
+   *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
+   *  \param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
+   *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param freq0 %Station beam former reference frequency (Hz).
+   *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
+   *  \return Jones matrix that represents the %station response.
+   *
+   *  For any given sub-band, the (%LOFAR) station beam former computes weights
+   *  for a single reference frequency. Usually, this reference frequency is
+   *  the center frequency of the sub-band. For any frequency except the
+   *  reference frequency, these weights are an approximation. This aspect of
+   *  the system is taken into account in the computation of the response.
+   *  Therefore, both the frequency of interest \p freq and the reference
+   *  frequency \p freq0 need to be specified.
+   *
+   *  The directions \p direction, \p station0, and \p tile0 are vectors that
+   *  represent a direction of \e arrival. These vectors have unit length and
+   *  point \e from the ground \e towards the direction from which the plane
+   *  wave arrives.
+   */
+  matrix22c_t response(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
+                       real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0,
+                       const vector3r_t &tile0, const bool rotate = true) const;
+  /*!
+   *  \brief Compute the array factor of the station for a plane wave of
+   *  frequency \p freq, arriving from direction \p direction, with the
+   *  %station beam former steered towards \p station0, and, for HBA stations
+   *  the analog %tile beam former steered towards \p tile0. For LBA stations,
+   *  \p tile0 has no effect.
+   *
+   *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
+   *  \param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
+   *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param freq0 %Station beam former reference frequency (Hz).
+   *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
+   *  \return A diagonal matrix with the array factor of the X and Y antennae.
+   *
+   *  For any given sub-band, the (%LOFAR) station beam former computes weights
+   *  for a single reference frequency. Usually, this reference frequency is
+   *  the center frequency of the sub-band. For any frequency except the
+   *  reference frequency, these weights are an approximation. This aspect of
+   *  the system is taken into account in the computation of the response.
+   *  Therefore, both the frequency of interest \p freq and the reference
+   *  frequency \p freq0 need to be specified.
+   *
+   *  The directions \p direction, \p station0, and \p tile0 are vectors that
+   *  represent a direction of \e arrival. These vectors have unit length and
+   *  point \e from the ground \e towards the direction from which the plane
+   *  wave arrives.
+   */
+  diag22c_t arrayFactor(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
+                        real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0,
+                        const vector3r_t &tile0) const;
+  /*!
+   *  \name Convenience member functions
+   *  These member functions perform the same function as the corresponding
+   *  non-template member functions, for a list of frequencies or (frequency,
+   *  reference frequency) pairs.
+   */
+  // @{
+  /*!
+   *  \brief Convenience method to compute the response of the station for a
+   *  list of frequencies, and a fixed reference frequency.
+   *
+   *  \param count Number of frequencies.
+   *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
+   *  \param freq Input iterator for a list of frequencies (Hz) of length
+   *  \p count.
+   *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param freq0 %Station beam former reference frequency (Hz).
+   *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
+   *  \param buffer Output iterator with room for \p count instances of type
+   *  ::matrix22c_t.
+   *
+   *  \see response(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
+   *  real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0) const
+   */
+  template <typename T, typename U>
+  void response(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
+                const vector3r_t &direction, real_t freq0,
+                const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0, U buffer,
+                const bool rotate = true) const;
+  /*!
+   *  \brief Convenience method to compute the array factor of the station for
+   *  a list of frequencies, and a fixed reference frequency.
+   *
+   *  \param count Number of frequencies.
+   *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
+   *  \param freq Input iterator for a list of frequencies (Hz) of length
+   *  \p count.
+   *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param freq0 %Station beam former reference frequency (Hz).
+   *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
+   *  \param buffer Output iterator with room for \p count instances of type
+   *  ::diag22c_t.
+   *
+   *  \see arrayFactor(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
+   *  real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0) const
+   */
+  template <typename T, typename U>
+  void arrayFactor(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
+                   const vector3r_t &direction, real_t freq0,
+                   const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0,
+                   U buffer) const;
+  /*!
+   *  \brief Convenience method to compute the response of the station for a
+   *  list of (frequency, reference frequency) pairs.
+   *
+   *  \param count Number of frequencies.
+   *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
+   *  \param freq Input iterator for a list of frequencies (Hz) of length
+   *  \p count.
+   *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param freq0 Input iterator for a list of %Station beam former reference
+   *  frequencies (Hz) of length \p count.
+   *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
+   *  \param buffer Output iterator with room for \p count instances of type
+   *  ::matrix22c_t.
+   *
+   *  \see response(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
+   *  real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0) const
+   */
+  template <typename T, typename U>
+  void response(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
+                const vector3r_t &direction, T freq0,
+                const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0, U buffer,
+                const bool rotate = true) const;
+  /*!
+   *  \brief Convenience method to compute the array factor of the station for
+   *  list of (frequency, reference frequency) pairs.
+   *
+   *  \param count Number of frequencies.
+   *  \param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
+   *  \param freq Input iterator for a list of frequencies (Hz) of length
+   *  \p count.
+   *  \param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param freq0 %Station beam former reference frequency (Hz).
+   *  \param station0 %Station beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param tile0 Tile beam former reference direction (ITRF, m).
+   *  \param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
+   *  \param buffer Output iterator with room for \p count instances of type
+   *  ::diag22c_t.
+   *
+   *  \see arrayFactor(real_t time, real_t freq, const vector3r_t &direction,
+   *  real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0) const
+   */
+  template <typename T, typename U>
+  void arrayFactor(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
+                   const vector3r_t &direction, T freq0,
+                   const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0,
+                   U buffer) const;
+  // @}
+  // ===================================================================
+  // New methods introduced in refactor
+  // ==================================================================
+  const ElementResponse::Ptr get_element_response() {
+    return itsElementResponse;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @brief Compute the Jones matrix for the element response
+   *
+   * @param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
+   * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
+   * @param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
+   * @param id Element id
+   * @param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
+   * @return matrix22c_t Jones matrix of element response
+   */
+  matrix22c_t elementResponse(real_t time, real_t freq,
+                              const vector3r_t &direction, size_t id,
+                              const bool rotate) const;
+  /**
+   * @brief Compute the Jones matrix for the element response
+   *
+   * @param time Time, modified Julian date, UTC, in seconds (MJD(UTC), s).
+   * @param freq Frequency of the plane wave (Hz).
+   * @param direction Direction of arrival (ITRF, m).
+   * @param rotate Boolean deciding if paralactic rotation should be applied.
+   * @return matrix22c_t Jones matrix of element response
+   */
+  matrix22c_t elementResponse(real_t time, real_t freq,
+                              const vector3r_t &direction,
+                              const bool rotate = true) const;
+  //! Specialized implementation of response function.
+  matrix22c_t response(real_t time, real_t freq,
+                       const vector3r_t &direction) const {
+    return itsAntenna->response(time, freq, direction);
+  }
+  //! Set antenna attribute, usually a BeamFormer, but can also be an Element
+  void set_antenna(Antenna::Ptr antenna) { itsAntenna = antenna; }
+  //! Set Element attribute
+  void set_element(Element::Ptr element) { itsElement = element; }
+ private:
+  vector3r_t ncp(real_t time) const;
+  vector3r_t ncppol0(real_t time) const;
+  //! Compute the parallactic rotation.
+  matrix22r_t rotation(real_t time, const vector3r_t &direction) const;
+  std::string itsName;
+  vector3r_t itsPosition;
+  vector3r_t itsPhaseReference;
+  ElementResponseModel itsElementResponseModel = ElementResponseModel::Unknown;
+  ElementResponse::Ptr itsElementResponse;
+  Element::Ptr itsElement;
+  Antenna::Ptr itsAntenna;
+  ITRFDirection::Ptr itsNCP;
+  /** Reference direction for NCP observations.
+   *
+   * NCP pol0 is the direction used as reference in the coordinate system
+   * when the target direction is close to/at the NCP. The regular coordinate
+   * system rotates local east to that defined with respect to the NCP,
+   * which is undefined at the NCP.
+   * It is currently defined as ITRF position (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).
+   *
+   * Added by Maaijke Mevius, December 2018.
+   */
+  ITRFDirection::Ptr itsNCPPol0;
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
 // - Implementation: Station                                               - //
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
 template <typename T, typename U>
 void Station::response(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
-    const vector3r_t &direction, real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0,
-    const vector3r_t &tile0, U buffer, const bool rotate) const
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
-    {
-        *buffer++ = response(time, *freq++, direction, freq0, station0, tile0,
-            rotate);
-    }
+                       const vector3r_t &direction, real_t freq0,
+                       const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0,
+                       U buffer, const bool rotate) const {
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+    *buffer++ =
+        response(time, *freq++, direction, freq0, station0, tile0, rotate);
+  }
 template <typename T, typename U>
 void Station::arrayFactor(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
-    const vector3r_t &direction, real_t freq0, const vector3r_t &station0,
-    const vector3r_t &tile0, U buffer) const
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
-    {
-        *buffer++ = arrayFactor(time, *freq++, direction, freq0, station0,
-            tile0);
-    }
+                          const vector3r_t &direction, real_t freq0,
+                          const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0,
+                          U buffer) const {
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+    *buffer++ = arrayFactor(time, *freq++, direction, freq0, station0, tile0);
+  }
 template <typename T, typename U>
 void Station::response(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
-    const vector3r_t &direction, T freq0, const vector3r_t &station0,
-    const vector3r_t &tile0, U buffer, const bool rotate) const
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
-    {
-        *buffer++ = response(time, *freq++, direction, *freq0++, station0,
-            tile0, rotate);
-    }
+                       const vector3r_t &direction, T freq0,
+                       const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0,
+                       U buffer, const bool rotate) const {
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+    *buffer++ =
+        response(time, *freq++, direction, *freq0++, station0, tile0, rotate);
+  }
 template <typename T, typename U>
 void Station::arrayFactor(unsigned int count, real_t time, T freq,
-    const vector3r_t &direction, T freq0, const vector3r_t &station0,
-    const vector3r_t &tile0, U buffer) const
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
-    {
-        *buffer++ = arrayFactor(time, *freq++, direction, *freq0++, station0,
-            tile0);
-    }
+                          const vector3r_t &direction, T freq0,
+                          const vector3r_t &station0, const vector3r_t &tile0,
+                          U buffer) const {
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+    *buffer++ =
+        arrayFactor(time, *freq++, direction, *freq0++, station0, tile0);
+  }
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/Types.h b/Types.h
index 21fd299577918716648dad5b7ccdee5a2cbd86c9..0385ca1e16a3d58a692dbbcde5c3b35b524b0b18 100644
--- a/Types.h
+++ b/Types.h
@@ -38,39 +38,38 @@ template <typename T, size_t N>
 std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const std::array<T, N> &obj);
 /** Type used for real scalars. */
-typedef double                                      real_t;
+typedef double real_t;
 /** Type used for complex scalars. */
-typedef std::complex<double>                        complex_t;
+typedef std::complex<double> complex_t;
 /** Type used for 2-dimensional real vectors. */
-typedef std::array<real_t, 2>                     vector2r_t;
+typedef std::array<real_t, 2> vector2r_t;
 /** Type used for 3-dimensional real vectors. */
-typedef std::array<real_t, 3>                     vector3r_t;
+typedef std::array<real_t, 3> vector3r_t;
 /** Type used for 2x2 real diagonal matrices. */
-typedef std::array<real_t, 2>                     diag22r_t;
+typedef std::array<real_t, 2> diag22r_t;
 /** Type used for 2x2 complex diagonal matrices. */
-typedef std::array<complex_t, 2>                  diag22c_t;
+typedef std::array<complex_t, 2> diag22c_t;
 /** Type used for 2x2 real matrices. */
-typedef std::array<std::array<real_t, 2>, 2>    matrix22r_t;
+typedef std::array<std::array<real_t, 2>, 2> matrix22r_t;
 /** Type used for 2x2 complex matrices. */
 typedef std::array<std::array<complex_t, 2>, 2> matrix22c_t;
 /** Response of an array of antenna elements. */
-struct raw_response_t
-    /** Combined response of all (enabled) antenna elements in the array. */
-    matrix22c_t response;
-    /** Number of antenna elements contributing to the combined response, per
-     *  polarization.
-     */
-    diag22r_t   weight;
+struct raw_response_t {
+  /** Combined response of all (enabled) antenna elements in the array. */
+  matrix22c_t response;
+  /** Number of antenna elements contributing to the combined response, per
+   *  polarization.
+   */
+  diag22r_t weight;
 /** Array factor of an array of antenna elements. A wave front of an incident
@@ -83,24 +82,22 @@ struct raw_response_t
  *  of the phase shifts due to these delays. It describes the "sensitivity" of
  *  the array as a function of direction.
-struct raw_array_factor_t
-    /** Array factor due to all (enabled) antenna elements in the array. */
-    diag22c_t   factor;
-    /** Number of antenna elements contributing to the array factor, per
-     *  polarization.
-     */
-    diag22r_t   weight;
+struct raw_array_factor_t {
+  /** Array factor due to all (enabled) antenna elements in the array. */
+  diag22c_t factor;
+  /** Number of antenna elements contributing to the array factor, per
+   *  polarization.
+   */
+  diag22r_t weight;
 template <typename T, size_t N>
-std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const std::array<T, N> &obj)
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const std::array<T, N> &obj) {
   print(out, obj.begin(), obj.end());
   return out;
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/hamaker/HamakerCoeff.h b/hamaker/HamakerCoeff.h
index 1f46e1985916f0bd104e5ec6a78de6ffd0f17d82..0f15aaefa7d8c6df66fafa5308533285682bbe71 100644
--- a/hamaker/HamakerCoeff.h
+++ b/hamaker/HamakerCoeff.h
@@ -12,92 +12,78 @@
 //! Hamaker coefficients
 class HamakerCoefficients {
-    public:
-        //! Default constructor
-        HamakerCoefficients();
-        //! Constructor for reading coeff from file
-        HamakerCoefficients(
-            std::string& filename);
-        //! Constructor for writing coeff to file
-        HamakerCoefficients(
-            const double freq_center,
-            const double freq_range,
-            const unsigned int nHarmonics,
-            const unsigned int nPowerTheta,
-            const unsigned int nPowerFreq);
-        /**
-         * @brief Set Hamaker coefficients
-         * 
-         * @param n 
-         * @param t 
-         * @param f 
-         * @param value 
-         */
-        void set_coeff(
-            const unsigned int n,
-            const unsigned int t,
-            const unsigned int f,
-            std::pair<std::complex<double>, std::complex<double>> value);
-        void set_coeffs(
-            const std::complex<double>* coeff);
-        void set_coeffs(
-            const std::vector<std::complex<double>> coeff);
-        // Get
-        size_t get_nr_coeffs() const;
-        double get_freq_center() const { return m_freq_center; }
-        double get_freq_range() const { return m_freq_range; }
-        unsigned int get_nHarmonics() const { return m_nHarmonics; }
-        unsigned int get_nPowerTheta() const { return m_nPowerTheta; }
-        unsigned int get_nPowerFreq() const { return m_nPowerFreq; }
-        std::pair<std::complex<double>, std::complex<double>> get_coeff(
-            const unsigned int n,
-            const unsigned int t,
-            const unsigned int f);
-        // HDF5 I/O
-        void read_coeffs(
-            std::string& filename);
-        void write_coeffs(
-            std::string& filename);
-        // Debugging
-        void print_coeffs();
-    private:
-        // Methods
-        size_t get_index(
-            const unsigned int n,
-            const unsigned int t,
-            const unsigned int f);
-        // Parameters
-        double m_freq_center;
-        double m_freq_range;
-        unsigned int m_nHarmonics;
-        unsigned int m_nPowerTheta;
-        unsigned int m_nPowerFreq;
-        const unsigned int m_nInner = 2;
-        // Data
-        std::vector<std::complex<double>> m_coeff;
-        // HDF5
-        std::string m_dataset_name = "coeff";
-        const unsigned int m_dataset_rank = 4;
+ public:
+  //! Default constructor
+  HamakerCoefficients();
+  //! Constructor for reading coeff from file
+  HamakerCoefficients(std::string& filename);
+  //! Constructor for writing coeff to file
+  HamakerCoefficients(const double freq_center, const double freq_range,
+                      const unsigned int nHarmonics,
+                      const unsigned int nPowerTheta,
+                      const unsigned int nPowerFreq);
+  /**
+   * @brief Set Hamaker coefficients
+   *
+   * @param n
+   * @param t
+   * @param f
+   * @param value
+   */
+  void set_coeff(const unsigned int n, const unsigned int t,
+                 const unsigned int f,
+                 std::pair<std::complex<double>, std::complex<double>> value);
+  void set_coeffs(const std::complex<double>* coeff);
+  void set_coeffs(const std::vector<std::complex<double>> coeff);
+  // Get
+  size_t get_nr_coeffs() const;
+  double get_freq_center() const { return m_freq_center; }
+  double get_freq_range() const { return m_freq_range; }
+  unsigned int get_nHarmonics() const { return m_nHarmonics; }
+  unsigned int get_nPowerTheta() const { return m_nPowerTheta; }
+  unsigned int get_nPowerFreq() const { return m_nPowerFreq; }
+  std::pair<std::complex<double>, std::complex<double>> get_coeff(
+      const unsigned int n, const unsigned int t, const unsigned int f);
+  // HDF5 I/O
+  void read_coeffs(std::string& filename);
+  void write_coeffs(std::string& filename);
+  // Debugging
+  void print_coeffs();
+ private:
+  // Methods
+  size_t get_index(const unsigned int n, const unsigned int t,
+                   const unsigned int f);
+  // Parameters
+  double m_freq_center;
+  double m_freq_range;
+  unsigned int m_nHarmonics;
+  unsigned int m_nPowerTheta;
+  unsigned int m_nPowerFreq;
+  const unsigned int m_nInner = 2;
+  // Data
+  std::vector<std::complex<double>> m_coeff;
+  // HDF5
+  std::string m_dataset_name = "coeff";
+  const unsigned int m_dataset_rank = 4;
diff --git a/hamaker/HamakerElementResponse.h b/hamaker/HamakerElementResponse.h
index 2a22c4eed721722509b657f58cf1c0437ce855f6..97edaab5d610552aca05f6c92979940a04330028 100644
--- a/hamaker/HamakerElementResponse.h
+++ b/hamaker/HamakerElementResponse.h
@@ -9,35 +9,31 @@
 namespace everybeam {
 //! Implementation of the Hamaker response model
-class HamakerElementResponse : public ElementResponse
-    virtual void response(
-        double freq,
-        double theta,
-        double phi,
-        std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]) const final override;
+class HamakerElementResponse : public ElementResponse {
+ public:
+  virtual void response(
+      double freq, double theta, double phi,
+      std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]) const final override;
-    static std::shared_ptr<HamakerElementResponse> getInstance(const std::string &name);
+  static std::shared_ptr<HamakerElementResponse> getInstance(
+      const std::string &name);
-    std::string get_path(const char*) const;
+ protected:
+  std::string get_path(const char *) const;
-    std::unique_ptr<HamakerCoefficients> m_coeffs;
+  std::unique_ptr<HamakerCoefficients> m_coeffs;
-class HamakerElementResponseHBA : public HamakerElementResponse
-    HamakerElementResponseHBA();
+class HamakerElementResponseHBA : public HamakerElementResponse {
+ public:
+  HamakerElementResponseHBA();
-class HamakerElementResponseLBA : public HamakerElementResponse
-    HamakerElementResponseLBA();
+class HamakerElementResponseLBA : public HamakerElementResponse {
+ public:
+  HamakerElementResponseLBA();
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/lobes/ElementResponse.h b/lobes/ElementResponse.h
index 90e65c18304557a864f258e99dbb935b42ddcb1a..1a9a0ae1e5103712382bce7620fb4e64de1a34b3 100644
--- a/lobes/ElementResponse.h
+++ b/lobes/ElementResponse.h
@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@
 #include <complex>
-namespace everybeam
+namespace everybeam {
 // \addtogroup ElementResponse
 // @{
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ namespace everybeam
 // phi: Azimuth in rad in the range [0.0, 2.0 * PI].
 void element_response_lba(double freq, double theta, double phi,
-    std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]);
+                          std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]);
 // Compute the response of an idealized LOFAR HBA dual dipole antenna to
 // radiation at frequency freq (Hz) arriving from the direction given by theta,
@@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ void element_response_lba(double freq, double theta, double phi,
 // phi: Azimuth in rad in the range [0.0, 2.0 * PI].
 void element_response_hba(double freq, double theta, double phi,
-    std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]);
+                          std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]);
 // Compute the response of an idealized LOFAR dual dipole antenna to radiation
 // at frequency freq (Hz) arriving from the direction given by theta, phi (rad).
@@ -90,12 +89,13 @@ void element_response_hba(double freq, double theta, double phi,
 // coeff_shape: Shape of the coefficient array, all dimensions should be > 0.
 void element_response(double freq, double theta, double phi,
-    std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2], double freq_center,
-    double freq_range, const unsigned int (&coeff_shape)[3],
-    const std::complex<double> coeff[]);
+                      std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2],
+                      double freq_center, double freq_range,
+                      const unsigned int (&coeff_shape)[3],
+                      const std::complex<double> coeff[]);
 // @}
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/lobes/LOBESElementResponse.h b/lobes/LOBESElementResponse.h
index 738d6c21a2552b266133562b3392bb8f1603d9e0..39bae8884786b1b6086d46e4da1f925d8d28d484 100644
--- a/lobes/LOBESElementResponse.h
+++ b/lobes/LOBESElementResponse.h
@@ -8,21 +8,17 @@
 namespace everybeam {
 //! Implementation of the Lobes response model
-class LOBESElementResponse : public ElementResponse
+class LOBESElementResponse : public ElementResponse {
+ public:
+  LOBESElementResponse(std::string name);
-    LOBESElementResponse(std::string name);
+  virtual void response(
+      double freq, double theta, double phi,
+      std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]) const final override;
-    virtual void response(
-        double freq,
-        double theta,
-        double phi,
-        std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]) const final override;
-    static std::shared_ptr<LOBESElementResponse> getInstance(std::string name);
+  static std::shared_ptr<LOBESElementResponse> getInstance(std::string name);
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/lobes/lobes.h b/lobes/lobes.h
index 00112ee246ea5cd42badbd47e707b365e664e74a..d16241526dd7db27ce3f2282893ceba5848c9109 100644
--- a/lobes/lobes.h
+++ b/lobes/lobes.h
@@ -4,39 +4,39 @@
 namespace py = pybind11;
-//! (Virtual) Beam model class 
+//! (Virtual) Beam model class
 class BeamModel {
+ public:
+  BeamModel() {}
-    BeamModel() {}
-    virtual py::array_t<std::complex<double>> eval(py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> theta, py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> phi)=0;
+  virtual py::array_t<std::complex<double>> eval(
+      py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> theta,
+      py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> phi) = 0;
 //! Lobes beam model, wrapped with pybind11
 class LobesBeamModel : public BeamModel {
+ public:
+  LobesBeamModel(const std::string &data_file_name);
-    LobesBeamModel(const std::string &data_file_name);
+  py::array_t<std::complex<double>> eval(
+      py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> theta,
+      py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> phi) override;
-    py::array_t<std::complex<double>> eval(py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> theta, py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> phi) override;
+ private:
+  Eigen::ArrayXXcd m_coefficients;
+  std::vector<size_t> m_coefficients_shape;
-    Eigen::ArrayXXcd m_coefficients;
-    std::vector<size_t> m_coefficients_shape;
-    std::vector<double> m_frequencies;
-    py::array_t<int> m_nms;
+  std::vector<double> m_frequencies;
+  py::array_t<int> m_nms;
 //! Lobes beam model, not implemented!
 class HamakerBeamModel : public BeamModel {
+ public:
+  HamakerBeamModel() {}
-    HamakerBeamModel() {}
-    py::array_t<std::complex<double>> eval(py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> theta, py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> phi) override {}
+  py::array_t<std::complex<double>> eval(
+      py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> theta,
+      py::EigenDRef<const Eigen::ArrayXd> phi) override {}
diff --git a/oskar/OSKARDatafile.h b/oskar/OSKARDatafile.h
index 46de070e86d43716c821eda0280585a54f4be65c..a969423117957b677ca3a7d678736877f3436a3c 100644
--- a/oskar/OSKARDatafile.h
+++ b/oskar/OSKARDatafile.h
@@ -12,21 +12,19 @@
 //! Oskar datafile interface
 class Datafile {
-    public:
-        Datafile(
-            const std::string& filename);
+ public:
+  Datafile(const std::string& filename);
-        std::shared_ptr<Dataset> get(
-            const unsigned int freq);
+  std::shared_ptr<Dataset> get(const unsigned int freq);
-    private:
-        // Coeffs;
-        std::map<unsigned int, std::shared_ptr<Dataset>> m_map;
+ private:
+  // Coeffs;
+  std::map<unsigned int, std::shared_ptr<Dataset>> m_map;
-        // HDF5
-        std::string m_filename;
-        std::unique_ptr<H5::H5File> m_h5_file;
-        mutable std::mutex m_mutex;
+  // HDF5
+  std::string m_filename;
+  std::unique_ptr<H5::H5File> m_h5_file;
+  mutable std::mutex m_mutex;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/oskar/OSKARDataset.h b/oskar/OSKARDataset.h
index 614167f02d3298134bd393b72699e37326fc916c..45a8779621024022e9f914c74d9d8d360ddbfad0 100644
--- a/oskar/OSKARDataset.h
+++ b/oskar/OSKARDataset.h
@@ -8,39 +8,34 @@
 //! OSKAR dataset
 class Dataset {
-    public:
-        /**
-         * @brief Construct a new Dataset object given a h5 file and a
-         * frequency
-         * 
-         * @param h5_file H5 file (.h5)
-         * @param freq Frequency to look for (Hz)
-         */
-        Dataset(
-            H5::H5File& h5_file,
-            const unsigned int freq);
-        // Get
-        size_t get_nr_elements() const { return m_nr_elements; };
-        size_t get_l_max() const { return m_l_max; };
-        std::complex<double>* get_alpha_ptr(
-            const unsigned int element);
-    private:
-        // Methods
-        size_t get_index(
-            const unsigned int element) const;
-        // Constants
-        const unsigned int m_dataset_rank = 3;
-        // Members
-        std::vector<std::complex<double>> m_data;
-        unsigned int m_nr_elements;
-        unsigned int m_nr_coeffs;
-        unsigned int m_l_max;
+ public:
+  /**
+   * @brief Construct a new Dataset object given a h5 file and a
+   * frequency
+   *
+   * @param h5_file H5 file (.h5)
+   * @param freq Frequency to look for (Hz)
+   */
+  Dataset(H5::H5File& h5_file, const unsigned int freq);
+  // Get
+  size_t get_nr_elements() const { return m_nr_elements; };
+  size_t get_l_max() const { return m_l_max; };
+  std::complex<double>* get_alpha_ptr(const unsigned int element);
+ private:
+  // Methods
+  size_t get_index(const unsigned int element) const;
+  // Constants
+  const unsigned int m_dataset_rank = 3;
+  // Members
+  std::vector<std::complex<double>> m_data;
+  unsigned int m_nr_elements;
+  unsigned int m_nr_coeffs;
+  unsigned int m_l_max;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/oskar/OSKARElementResponse.h b/oskar/OSKARElementResponse.h
index ee8b772dd8e7f921aaaa4c45cce2604dfeb42918..4ff3f20ce0f79ad0cd0aac2ba5fa612b93dfe113 100644
--- a/oskar/OSKARElementResponse.h
+++ b/oskar/OSKARElementResponse.h
@@ -11,51 +11,39 @@
 namespace everybeam {
 //! Implementation of the OSKAR dipole response model
-class OSKARElementResponseDipole : public ElementResponse
-    static std::shared_ptr<OSKARElementResponseDipole> getInstance()
-    {
-        return Singleton<OSKARElementResponseDipole>::getInstance();
-    }
-    virtual void response(
-        double freq,
-        double theta,
-        double phi,
-        std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]) const final override;
+class OSKARElementResponseDipole : public ElementResponse {
+ public:
+  static std::shared_ptr<OSKARElementResponseDipole> getInstance() {
+    return Singleton<OSKARElementResponseDipole>::getInstance();
+  }
+  virtual void response(
+      double freq, double theta, double phi,
+      std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]) const final override;
 //! Implementation of the OSKAR spherical wave response model
-class OSKARElementResponseSphericalWave : public ElementResponse
-    static std::shared_ptr<OSKARElementResponseSphericalWave> getInstance()
-    {
-        return Singleton<OSKARElementResponseSphericalWave>::getInstance();
-    }
-    OSKARElementResponseSphericalWave();
-    virtual void response(
-        double freq,
-        double theta,
-        double phi,
-        std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]) const final override;
-    virtual void response(
-        int    element_id,
-        double freq,
-        double theta,
-        double phi,
-        std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]) const final override;
-    std::string get_path(const char*) const;
-    std::unique_ptr<Datafile> m_datafile;
+class OSKARElementResponseSphericalWave : public ElementResponse {
+ public:
+  static std::shared_ptr<OSKARElementResponseSphericalWave> getInstance() {
+    return Singleton<OSKARElementResponseSphericalWave>::getInstance();
+  }
+  OSKARElementResponseSphericalWave();
+  virtual void response(
+      double freq, double theta, double phi,
+      std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]) const final override;
+  virtual void response(
+      int element_id, double freq, double theta, double phi,
+      std::complex<double> (&response)[2][2]) const final override;
+ protected:
+  std::string get_path(const char*) const;
+  std::unique_ptr<Datafile> m_datafile;
-} // namespace everybeam
+}  // namespace everybeam
diff --git a/oskar/oskar.h b/oskar/oskar.h
index 5b359d0ae9f4f2b90533dbdbde7cbe52899fb217..4488412ecf729f9139395ade9255d9517dfb21af 100644
--- a/oskar/oskar.h
+++ b/oskar/oskar.h
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
 #include "oskar_vector_types.h"
 #include "oskar_helper.h"
-void oskar_evaluate_dipole_pattern_double(
-    const int num_points,
-    const double* theta,
-    const double* phi,
-    const double freq_hz,
-    const double dipole_length_m,
-    std::complex<double>* pattern);
+void oskar_evaluate_dipole_pattern_double(const int num_points,
+                                          const double* theta,
+                                          const double* phi,
+                                          const double freq_hz,
+                                          const double dipole_length_m,
+                                          std::complex<double>* pattern);
 void oskar_evaluate_spherical_wave_sum_double(
-    const int num_points,
-    const double* theta,
-    const double* phi_x,
-    const double* phi_y,
-    const int l_max,
-    const std::complex<double>* alpha,
+    const int num_points, const double* theta, const double* phi_x,
+    const double* phi_y, const int l_max, const std::complex<double>* alpha,
     std::complex<double>* pattern);
diff --git a/oskar/oskar_helper.h b/oskar/oskar_helper.h
index 52b663c4266f0380e1046bf4e1f4644f142e8585..739d2a736bd527e039d9321d2be0e303e442d71b 100644
--- a/oskar/oskar_helper.h
+++ b/oskar/oskar_helper.h
@@ -27,92 +27,75 @@
 /* OUT_S += A * B */
-template<typename FP>
-inline void oskar_mul_add_complex(FP& out_s, FP A, FP B)
-    out_s.x += A.x * B.x; out_s.x -= A.y * B.y;
-    out_s.y += A.x * B.y; out_s.y += A.y * B.x;
+template <typename FP>
+inline void oskar_mul_add_complex(FP& out_s, FP A, FP B) {
+  out_s.x += A.x * B.x;
+  out_s.x -= A.y * B.y;
+  out_s.y += A.x * B.y;
+  out_s.y += A.y * B.x;
 /* OUT_S -= A * B */
-template<typename FP>
-inline void oskar_mul_sub_complex(FP& out_s, FP A, FP B)
-    out_s.x -= A.x * B.x; out_s.x += A.y * B.y;
-    out_s.y -= A.x * B.y; out_s.y -= A.y * B.x;
+template <typename FP>
+inline void oskar_mul_sub_complex(FP& out_s, FP A, FP B) {
+  out_s.x -= A.x * B.x;
+  out_s.x += A.y * B.y;
+  out_s.y -= A.x * B.y;
+  out_s.y -= A.y * B.x;
-template<typename FP>
-inline void make_zero2(FP& X)
-    X.x = X.y = 0;
+template <typename FP>
+inline void make_zero2(FP& X) {
+  X.x = X.y = 0;
-template<typename FP, typename FP2>
-inline void oskar_sph_wave(
-    FP pds,
-    FP dpms,
-    FP sin_p,
-    FP cos_p,
-    int M,
-    FP2 a_tm,
-    FP2 a_te,
-    FP2& c_theta,
-    FP2& c_phi)
-    FP2 qq, dd;
-    qq.x = -cos_p * dpms;
-    qq.y = -sin_p * dpms;
-    dd.x = -sin_p * pds * (M);
-    dd.y = cos_p * pds * (M);
-    oskar_mul_add_complex(c_phi, qq, a_tm);
-    oskar_mul_sub_complex(c_phi, dd, a_te);
-    oskar_mul_add_complex(c_theta, dd, a_tm);
-    oskar_mul_add_complex(c_theta, qq, a_te);
+template <typename FP, typename FP2>
+inline void oskar_sph_wave(FP pds, FP dpms, FP sin_p, FP cos_p, int M, FP2 a_tm,
+                           FP2 a_te, FP2& c_theta, FP2& c_phi) {
+  FP2 qq, dd;
+  qq.x = -cos_p * dpms;
+  qq.y = -sin_p * dpms;
+  dd.x = -sin_p * pds * (M);
+  dd.y = cos_p * pds * (M);
+  oskar_mul_add_complex(c_phi, qq, a_tm);
+  oskar_mul_sub_complex(c_phi, dd, a_te);
+  oskar_mul_add_complex(c_theta, dd, a_tm);
+  oskar_mul_add_complex(c_theta, qq, a_te);
 /* OUT0 is P_l^m(cos_theta),
  * OUT1 is P_l^m(cos_theta) / sin_theta,
  * OUT2 is d/d(cos_theta){P_l^m(cos_theta)} * sin_theta. */
-template<typename FP>
-inline void oskar_legendre2(
-    int l,
-    int m,
-    FP cos_theta,
-    FP sin_theta,
-    FP& out0,
-    FP& out1,
-    FP& out2)
-    FP p0_ = (FP) 1, p1_;
-    if (m > 0) {
-        FP fact = (FP) 1;
-        for (int i_ = 1; i_ <= m; ++i_) {
-            p0_ *= (-fact) * sin_theta;
-            fact += (FP) 2;
-        }
+template <typename FP>
+inline void oskar_legendre2(int l, int m, FP cos_theta, FP sin_theta, FP& out0,
+                            FP& out1, FP& out2) {
+  FP p0_ = (FP)1, p1_;
+  if (m > 0) {
+    FP fact = (FP)1;
+    for (int i_ = 1; i_ <= m; ++i_) {
+      p0_ *= (-fact) * sin_theta;
+      fact += (FP)2;
-    out0 = cos_theta * (2 * m + 1) * p0_;
-    if (l == m) {
-        p1_ = out0;
-        out0 = p0_;
-    }
-    else {
-        p1_ = out0;
-        for (int i_ = m + 2; i_ <= l + 1; ++i_) {
-            out0 = p1_;
-            p1_ = ((2 * i_ - 1) * cos_theta * out0 - (i_ + m - 1) * p0_) / (i_ - m);
-            p0_ = out0;
-        }
-    }
-    if (sin_theta != (FP) 0) {
-        /* BOTH of these are divides. */
-        out1 = out0 / sin_theta;
-        out2 = (cos_theta * out0 * (l + 1) - p1_ * (l - m + 1)) / sin_theta;
-    }
-    else {
-        out1 = out2 = (FP) 0;
+  }
+  out0 = cos_theta * (2 * m + 1) * p0_;
+  if (l == m) {
+    p1_ = out0;
+    out0 = p0_;
+  } else {
+    p1_ = out0;
+    for (int i_ = m + 2; i_ <= l + 1; ++i_) {
+      out0 = p1_;
+      p1_ = ((2 * i_ - 1) * cos_theta * out0 - (i_ + m - 1) * p0_) / (i_ - m);
+      p0_ = out0;
+  }
+  if (sin_theta != (FP)0) {
+    /* BOTH of these are divides. */
+    out1 = out0 / sin_theta;
+    out2 = (cos_theta * out0 * (l + 1) - p1_ * (l - m + 1)) / sin_theta;
+  } else {
+    out1 = out2 = (FP)0;
+  }
 inline void oskar_sincos(float x, float* s, float* c) { sincosf(x, s, c); }
diff --git a/oskar/oskar_vector_types.h b/oskar/oskar_vector_types.h
index 461777e6a16bddf48fbe4cd6ccf17ba0fc7abe3f..0dde1ba37fa19bd91cadce803e0a08735f8a90cd 100644
--- a/oskar/oskar_vector_types.h
+++ b/oskar/oskar_vector_types.h
@@ -35,21 +35,21 @@
 #ifdef __CUDACC__
 /* Include the CUDA vector types header first, if we're compiling with nvcc. */
-#   include <vector_types.h>
+#include <vector_types.h>
 /* Memory alignment macros mirroring those used by CUDA. */
 #if !(defined(__VECTOR_TYPES_H__) || defined(__CUDACC__))
-#   if defined(__GNUC__)
-#       define __align__(n) __attribute__((aligned(n)))
-#   elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-#       define __align__(n) __declspec(align(n))
-#   endif
-#   if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_WIN64)
-#       define __builtin_align__(a) __align__(a)
-#   else
-#       define __builtin_align__(a)
-#   endif
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#define __align__(n) __attribute__((aligned(n)))
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define __align__(n) __declspec(align(n))
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_WIN64)
+#define __builtin_align__(a) __align__(a)
+#define __builtin_align__(a)
  * @brief Two-element structure (single precision).
@@ -58,7 +58,9 @@
  * Structure used to hold data for a length-2 vector.
  * This must be compatible with the CUDA float2 type.
-struct __builtin_align__(8) float2 { float x, y; };
+struct __builtin_align__(8) float2 {
+  float x, y;
 typedef struct float2 float2;
@@ -68,7 +70,9 @@ typedef struct float2 float2;
  * Structure used to hold data for a length-2 vector.
  * This must be compatible with the CUDA double2 type.
-struct __builtin_align__(16) double2 { double x, y; };
+struct __builtin_align__(16) double2 {
+  double x, y;
 typedef struct double2 double2;
@@ -82,7 +86,9 @@ typedef struct double2 double2;
  *   ( a  b )
  *   ( c  d )
-struct __align__(32) float4c { float2 a, b, c, d; };
+struct __align__(32) float4c {
+  float2 a, b, c, d;
 typedef struct float4c float4c;
@@ -95,7 +101,9 @@ typedef struct float4c float4c;
  *   ( a  b )
  *   ( c  d )
-struct __align__(64) double4c { double2 a, b, c, d; };
+struct __align__(64) double4c {
+  double2 a, b, c, d;
 typedef struct double4c double4c;
 #endif /* include guard */
diff --git a/scripts/run-clang-format.sh b/scripts/run-clang-format.sh
index cc985fcbfb53db8f3aacfa7281012fc2cdde1631..fd7998fd6cb413012a2a736fbe84ef670af6599a 100755
--- a/scripts/run-clang-format.sh
+++ b/scripts/run-clang-format.sh
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ cd $SCRIPT_PATH
 cd ..
 # Find all cpp headers ("*.h") and code files ("*.cc") source tree and execute clang-format. Exclude ./external director
-find . -path ./external -prune -o -name '*.h' -prune -o -name '*.cc' -exec clang-format -i -style=file \{\} +
+find . -path ./external -prune -o -type f \( -name "*.h" -o -name "*.cc" \) -exec clang-format -i -style=file \{\} +
diff --git a/test/beam-helper.h b/test/beam-helper.h
index 8a611629ec6e012a10c653d46863fbc94544eb8d..5566fa0e25593c9a94d591cea1cc349393ed74c6 100644
--- a/test/beam-helper.h
+++ b/test/beam-helper.h
@@ -16,77 +16,44 @@
 using namespace everybeam;
-void GetPhaseCentreInfo(
-    casacore::MeasurementSet& ms,
-    size_t fieldId,
-    double& ra,
-    double& dec);
+void GetPhaseCentreInfo(casacore::MeasurementSet& ms, size_t fieldId,
+                        double& ra, double& dec);
-void GetThetaPhiDirectionsZenith(
-    vector2r_t* raDecDirections,
-    size_t subgrid_size);
+void GetThetaPhiDirectionsZenith(vector2r_t* raDecDirections,
+                                 size_t subgrid_size);
-void GetITRFDirections(
-    vector3r_t* itrfDirections,
-    size_t subgrid_size,
-    float image_size,
-    double time,
-    double phaseCentreRA,
-    double phaseCentreDec);
+void GetITRFDirections(vector3r_t* itrfDirections, size_t subgrid_size,
+                       float image_size, double time, double phaseCentreRA,
+                       double phaseCentreDec);
-void StoreBeam(
-    const std::string& filename,
-    const std::complex<float>* buffer,
-    size_t nStations,
-    size_t width,
-    size_t height);
+void StoreBeam(const std::string& filename, const std::complex<float>* buffer,
+               size_t nStations, size_t width, size_t height);
-void setITRFVector(
-    const casacore::MDirection& itrfDir,
-    vector3r_t& itrf);
+void setITRFVector(const casacore::MDirection& itrfDir, vector3r_t& itrf);
-inline matrix22c_t operator*(
-    const matrix22c_t &arg0,
-    const matrix22c_t &arg1)
-    matrix22c_t result;
-    result[0][0] = arg0[0][0] * arg1[0][0] + arg0[0][1] * arg1[1][0];
-    result[0][1] = arg0[0][0] * arg1[0][1] + arg0[0][1] * arg1[1][1];
-    result[1][0] = arg0[1][0] * arg1[0][0] + arg0[1][1] * arg1[1][0];
-    result[1][1] = arg0[1][0] * arg1[0][1] + arg0[1][1] * arg1[1][1];
-    return result;
+inline matrix22c_t operator*(const matrix22c_t& arg0, const matrix22c_t& arg1) {
+  matrix22c_t result;
+  result[0][0] = arg0[0][0] * arg1[0][0] + arg0[0][1] * arg1[1][0];
+  result[0][1] = arg0[0][0] * arg1[0][1] + arg0[0][1] * arg1[1][1];
+  result[1][0] = arg0[1][0] * arg1[0][0] + arg0[1][1] * arg1[1][0];
+  result[1][1] = arg0[1][0] * arg1[0][1] + arg0[1][1] * arg1[1][1];
+  return result;
-template<typename T>
-void XYToLM(
-    size_t x,
-    size_t y,
-    T pixelSizeX,
-    T pixelSizeY,
-    size_t width,
-    size_t height,
-    T &l,
-    T &m)
-	T midX = (T) width / 2.0, midY = (T) height / 2.0;
-	l = (midX - (T) x) * pixelSizeX;
-	m = ((T) y - midY) * pixelSizeY;
+template <typename T>
+void XYToLM(size_t x, size_t y, T pixelSizeX, T pixelSizeY, size_t width,
+            size_t height, T& l, T& m) {
+  T midX = (T)width / 2.0, midY = (T)height / 2.0;
+  l = (midX - (T)x) * pixelSizeX;
+  m = ((T)y - midY) * pixelSizeY;
-void GetRaDecZenith(
-    vector3r_t position,
-    double time,
-    double& ra,
-    double& dec);
+void GetRaDecZenith(vector3r_t position, double time, double& ra, double& dec);
-std::string GetFieldName(
-    casacore::MeasurementSet& ms,
-    unsigned int field_id = 0);
+std::string GetFieldName(casacore::MeasurementSet& ms,
+                         unsigned int field_id = 0);
-std::string GetStationName(
-    casacore::MeasurementSet& ms,
-    unsigned int station_id);
+std::string GetStationName(casacore::MeasurementSet& ms,
+                           unsigned int station_id);
-unsigned int GetNrAntennas(
-    casacore::MeasurementSet& ms,
-    unsigned int field_id);
\ No newline at end of file
+unsigned int GetNrAntennas(casacore::MeasurementSet& ms, unsigned int field_id);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/tElementBeamCommon.h b/test/tElementBeamCommon.h
index 4d49106fdfde0f12109861d5ce5c2b710ff39f15..8b64c91eadd2eb6a80cdf90bd7922a6e40a0eeab 100644
--- a/test/tElementBeamCommon.h
+++ b/test/tElementBeamCommon.h
@@ -4,144 +4,137 @@
 #include "beam-helper.h"
-void calculateElementBeams(
-    everybeam::Station::Ptr& station,
-    std::vector<vector2r_t>& thetaPhiDirections,
-    size_t nr_antennas,
-    unsigned int subgrid_size,
-    double frequency,
-    std::vector<std::complex<float>>& buffer)
-    typedef std::complex<float> Data[nr_antennas][subgrid_size][subgrid_size][4];
-    Data* data_ptr = (Data *) buffer.data();
-    auto elementResponse = station->get_element_response();
-    #pragma omp parallel for
-    for (size_t a = 0; a < nr_antennas; a++) {
-        for (unsigned y = 0; y < subgrid_size; y++) {
-            for (unsigned x = 0; x < subgrid_size; x++) {
-                // Get theta, phi
-                auto direction_thetaphi = thetaPhiDirections[y * subgrid_size + x];
-                double theta = direction_thetaphi[0];
-                double phi = direction_thetaphi[1];
-                // Compute gain
-                std::complex<double> gainMatrix[2][2] = {0.0};
-                if (std::isfinite(theta) && std::isfinite(phi)) {
-                    elementResponse->response(a, frequency, theta, phi, gainMatrix);
-                }
-                // Store gain
-                std::complex<float>* antBufferPtr = (*data_ptr)[a][y][x];
-                antBufferPtr[0] = gainMatrix[0][0];
-                antBufferPtr[1] = gainMatrix[0][1];
-                antBufferPtr[2] = gainMatrix[1][0];
-                antBufferPtr[3] = gainMatrix[1][1];
-            }
+void calculateElementBeams(everybeam::Station::Ptr& station,
+                           std::vector<vector2r_t>& thetaPhiDirections,
+                           size_t nr_antennas, unsigned int subgrid_size,
+                           double frequency,
+                           std::vector<std::complex<float>>& buffer) {
+  typedef std::complex<float> Data[nr_antennas][subgrid_size][subgrid_size][4];
+  Data* data_ptr = (Data*)buffer.data();
+  auto elementResponse = station->get_element_response();
+#pragma omp parallel for
+  for (size_t a = 0; a < nr_antennas; a++) {
+    for (unsigned y = 0; y < subgrid_size; y++) {
+      for (unsigned x = 0; x < subgrid_size; x++) {
+        // Get theta, phi
+        auto direction_thetaphi = thetaPhiDirections[y * subgrid_size + x];
+        double theta = direction_thetaphi[0];
+        double phi = direction_thetaphi[1];
+        // Compute gain
+        std::complex<double> gainMatrix[2][2] = {0.0};
+        if (std::isfinite(theta) && std::isfinite(phi)) {
+          elementResponse->response(a, frequency, theta, phi, gainMatrix);
+        // Store gain
+        std::complex<float>* antBufferPtr = (*data_ptr)[a][y][x];
+        antBufferPtr[0] = gainMatrix[0][0];
+        antBufferPtr[1] = gainMatrix[0][1];
+        antBufferPtr[2] = gainMatrix[1][0];
+        antBufferPtr[3] = gainMatrix[1][1];
+      }
+  }
-void calculateElementBeams(
-    everybeam::Station::Ptr& station,
-    std::vector<vector3r_t>& itrfDirections,
-    size_t nr_antennas,
-    unsigned int subgrid_size,
-    double time,
-    double frequency,
-    std::vector<std::complex<float>>& buffer)
-    typedef std::complex<float> Data[nr_antennas][subgrid_size][subgrid_size][4];
-    Data* data_ptr = (Data *) buffer.data();
-    #pragma omp parallel for
-    for (size_t a = 0; a < nr_antennas; a++) {
-        for (unsigned y = 0; y < subgrid_size; y++) {
-            for (unsigned x = 0; x < subgrid_size; x++) {
-                // Get direction
-                auto direction = itrfDirections[y * subgrid_size + x];
-                // Compute gain
-                matrix22c_t gainMatrix = { 0.0 };
-                if (std::isfinite(direction[0])) {
-                    gainMatrix = station->elementResponse(time, frequency, direction, a, true);
-                }
-                // Store gain
-                std::complex<float>* antBufferPtr = (*data_ptr)[a][y][x];
-                antBufferPtr[0] = gainMatrix[0][0];
-                antBufferPtr[1] = gainMatrix[0][1];
-                antBufferPtr[2] = gainMatrix[1][0];
-                antBufferPtr[3] = gainMatrix[1][1];
-            }
+void calculateElementBeams(everybeam::Station::Ptr& station,
+                           std::vector<vector3r_t>& itrfDirections,
+                           size_t nr_antennas, unsigned int subgrid_size,
+                           double time, double frequency,
+                           std::vector<std::complex<float>>& buffer) {
+  typedef std::complex<float> Data[nr_antennas][subgrid_size][subgrid_size][4];
+  Data* data_ptr = (Data*)buffer.data();
+#pragma omp parallel for
+  for (size_t a = 0; a < nr_antennas; a++) {
+    for (unsigned y = 0; y < subgrid_size; y++) {
+      for (unsigned x = 0; x < subgrid_size; x++) {
+        // Get direction
+        auto direction = itrfDirections[y * subgrid_size + x];
+        // Compute gain
+        matrix22c_t gainMatrix = {0.0};
+        if (std::isfinite(direction[0])) {
+          gainMatrix =
+              station->elementResponse(time, frequency, direction, a, true);
+        // Store gain
+        std::complex<float>* antBufferPtr = (*data_ptr)[a][y][x];
+        antBufferPtr[0] = gainMatrix[0][0];
+        antBufferPtr[1] = gainMatrix[0][1];
+        antBufferPtr[2] = gainMatrix[1][0];
+        antBufferPtr[3] = gainMatrix[1][1];
+      }
+  }
-void run(
-    everybeam::ElementResponseModel elementResponseModel,
-    double frequency,
-    std::string& input_filename,
-    std::string& output_filename)
-    // Open measurement set
-    std::cout << ">> Opening measurementset: " << input_filename << std::endl;
-    casacore::MeasurementSet ms(input_filename);
-    // Print frequency
-    std::clog << "Frequency: " << frequency * 1e-6 << " Mhz" << std::endl;
-    // Set number of stations to 1
-    size_t nr_stations = 1;
-    // Read number of timesteps
-    size_t nr_timesteps = ms.nrow();
-    std::clog << "Number of timesteps: " << nr_timesteps << std::endl;
-    // Read observation time
-    casacore::ScalarColumn<double> timeColumn(ms, ms.columnName(casacore::MSMainEnums::TIME));
-    double currentTime = timeColumn(nr_timesteps / 2);
-    // Read station
-    size_t field_id = 0;
-    size_t station_id = 0;
-    auto station = readStation(ms, station_id, elementResponseModel);
-    auto field_name = GetFieldName(ms, field_id);
-    auto station_name = GetStationName(ms, station_id);
-    auto nr_antennas = GetNrAntennas(ms, field_id);
-    std::cout << "field: " << field_name << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "station: " << station_name << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "nr_antennas: " << nr_antennas << std::endl;
-    // Compute RA and DEC of zenith at currentTime
-    double zenithRA, zenithDec;
-    GetRaDecZenith(station->position(), currentTime, zenithRA, zenithDec);
-    std::clog << "RA:  " << zenithRA << std::endl;
-    std::clog << "DEC: " << zenithDec << std::endl;
-    // Imaging parameters
-    float image_size = M_PI; // in radians
-    size_t subgrid_size = 32; // in pixels
-    // Compute element beams from theta, phi
-    std::cout << ">>> Computing element beams theta, phi" << std::endl;
-    std::vector<vector2r_t> thetaPhiDirections(subgrid_size * subgrid_size);
-    GetThetaPhiDirectionsZenith(thetaPhiDirections.data(), subgrid_size);
-    std::vector<std::complex<float>> beam_thetaphi(subgrid_size*subgrid_size*4*nr_antennas);
-    calculateElementBeams(station, thetaPhiDirections, nr_antennas, subgrid_size, frequency, beam_thetaphi);
-    // Compute element beams from itrf coordinates
-    // TODO: the Station::elementResponse method does not work properly
-    #if 0
+void run(everybeam::ElementResponseModel elementResponseModel, double frequency,
+         std::string& input_filename, std::string& output_filename) {
+  // Open measurement set
+  std::cout << ">> Opening measurementset: " << input_filename << std::endl;
+  casacore::MeasurementSet ms(input_filename);
+  // Print frequency
+  std::clog << "Frequency: " << frequency * 1e-6 << " Mhz" << std::endl;
+  // Set number of stations to 1
+  size_t nr_stations = 1;
+  // Read number of timesteps
+  size_t nr_timesteps = ms.nrow();
+  std::clog << "Number of timesteps: " << nr_timesteps << std::endl;
+  // Read observation time
+  casacore::ScalarColumn<double> timeColumn(
+      ms, ms.columnName(casacore::MSMainEnums::TIME));
+  double currentTime = timeColumn(nr_timesteps / 2);
+  // Read station
+  size_t field_id = 0;
+  size_t station_id = 0;
+  auto station = readStation(ms, station_id, elementResponseModel);
+  auto field_name = GetFieldName(ms, field_id);
+  auto station_name = GetStationName(ms, station_id);
+  auto nr_antennas = GetNrAntennas(ms, field_id);
+  std::cout << "field: " << field_name << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "station: " << station_name << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "nr_antennas: " << nr_antennas << std::endl;
+  // Compute RA and DEC of zenith at currentTime
+  double zenithRA, zenithDec;
+  GetRaDecZenith(station->position(), currentTime, zenithRA, zenithDec);
+  std::clog << "RA:  " << zenithRA << std::endl;
+  std::clog << "DEC: " << zenithDec << std::endl;
+  // Imaging parameters
+  float image_size = M_PI;   // in radians
+  size_t subgrid_size = 32;  // in pixels
+  // Compute element beams from theta, phi
+  std::cout << ">>> Computing element beams theta, phi" << std::endl;
+  std::vector<vector2r_t> thetaPhiDirections(subgrid_size * subgrid_size);
+  GetThetaPhiDirectionsZenith(thetaPhiDirections.data(), subgrid_size);
+  std::vector<std::complex<float>> beam_thetaphi(subgrid_size * subgrid_size *
+                                                 4 * nr_antennas);
+  calculateElementBeams(station, thetaPhiDirections, nr_antennas, subgrid_size,
+                        frequency, beam_thetaphi);
+// Compute element beams from itrf coordinates
+// TODO: the Station::elementResponse method does not work properly
+#if 0
     std::cout << ">>> Computing element beams itrfs" << std::endl;
     std::vector<vector3r_t> itrfDirections(subgrid_size * subgrid_size);
     GetITRFDirections(itrfDirections.data(), subgrid_size, image_size, currentTime, zenithRA, zenithDec);
     std::vector<std::complex<float>> beam_itrf(subgrid_size*subgrid_size*4*nr_antennas);
     calculateElementBeams(station, itrfDirections, nr_antennas, subgrid_size, currentTime, frequency, beam_itrf);
-    #endif
-    // Store aterm
-    StoreBeam(output_filename, beam_thetaphi.data(), nr_antennas, subgrid_size, subgrid_size);
+  // Store aterm
+  StoreBeam(output_filename, beam_thetaphi.data(), nr_antennas, subgrid_size,
+            subgrid_size);
diff --git a/test/tStationBeamCommon.h b/test/tStationBeamCommon.h
index 300599621279fc010d0ab24473621d58d509e7d8..c3d8e41c403f55a7a6ad137cc00fbd1c22639e7f 100644
--- a/test/tStationBeamCommon.h
+++ b/test/tStationBeamCommon.h
@@ -4,104 +4,104 @@
 #include "beam-helper.h"
-void calculateStationBeams(
-    std::vector<everybeam::Station::Ptr>& stations,
-    std::vector<vector3r_t>& itrfDirections,
-    vector3r_t stationDirection,
-    vector3r_t tileDirection,
-    unsigned int subgrid_size,
-    std::vector<std::complex<float>>& buffer,
-    double time, double frequency)
-    typedef std::complex<float> Data[stations.size()][subgrid_size][subgrid_size][4];
-    Data* data_ptr = (Data *) buffer.data();
-    #pragma omp parallel for
-    for (size_t s = 0; s < stations.size(); s++) {
-        for (unsigned y = 0; y < subgrid_size; y++) {
-            for (unsigned x = 0; x < subgrid_size; x++) {
-                auto direction = itrfDirections[y * subgrid_size + x];
-                auto freq_beamformer = frequency;
-                matrix22c_t gainMatrix =
-                    stations[s]->response(
-                    time, frequency, direction, freq_beamformer,
-                    stationDirection, tileDirection);
-                std::complex<float>* antBufferPtr = (*data_ptr)[s][y][x];
-                matrix22c_t stationGain = gainMatrix;
-                antBufferPtr[0] = stationGain[0][0];
-                antBufferPtr[1] = stationGain[0][1];
-                antBufferPtr[2] = stationGain[1][0];
-                antBufferPtr[3] = stationGain[1][1];
-            }
-        }
+void calculateStationBeams(std::vector<everybeam::Station::Ptr>& stations,
+                           std::vector<vector3r_t>& itrfDirections,
+                           vector3r_t stationDirection,
+                           vector3r_t tileDirection, unsigned int subgrid_size,
+                           std::vector<std::complex<float>>& buffer,
+                           double time, double frequency) {
+  typedef std::complex<float> Data[stations.size()][subgrid_size][subgrid_size]
+                                  [4];
+  Data* data_ptr = (Data*)buffer.data();
+#pragma omp parallel for
+  for (size_t s = 0; s < stations.size(); s++) {
+    for (unsigned y = 0; y < subgrid_size; y++) {
+      for (unsigned x = 0; x < subgrid_size; x++) {
+        auto direction = itrfDirections[y * subgrid_size + x];
+        auto freq_beamformer = frequency;
+        matrix22c_t gainMatrix =
+            stations[s]->response(time, frequency, direction, freq_beamformer,
+                                  stationDirection, tileDirection);
+        std::complex<float>* antBufferPtr = (*data_ptr)[s][y][x];
+        matrix22c_t stationGain = gainMatrix;
+        antBufferPtr[0] = stationGain[0][0];
+        antBufferPtr[1] = stationGain[0][1];
+        antBufferPtr[2] = stationGain[1][0];
+        antBufferPtr[3] = stationGain[1][1];
+      }
+  }
-void run(
-    everybeam::ElementResponseModel elementResponseModel,
-    double frequency,
-    std::string& input_filename,
-    std::string& output_filename)
-    // Open measurement set
-    std::cout << ">> Opening measurementset: " << input_filename << std::endl;
-    casacore::MeasurementSet ms(input_filename);
-    // Print frequency
-    std::clog << "Frequency: " << frequency * 1e-6 << " Mhz" << std::endl;
-    // Read number of stations
-    size_t nr_stations = ms.antenna().nrow();
-    std::clog << "Number of stations: " << nr_stations << std::endl;
-    // Read number of timesteps
-    size_t nr_timesteps = ms.nrow();
-    std::clog << "Number of timesteps: " << nr_timesteps << std::endl;
-    // Read field id
-    casacore::ROScalarColumn<int> fieldIdColumn(ms, casacore::MS::columnName(casacore::MSMainEnums::FIELD_ID));
-    size_t fieldId = fieldIdColumn.getColumn()[0];
-    std::clog << "Field ID: " << fieldId << std::endl;
-    // Read phase centre info
-    double phaseCentreRA, phaseCentreDec;
-    GetPhaseCentreInfo(ms, fieldId, phaseCentreRA, phaseCentreDec);
-    std::clog << "RA:  " << phaseCentreRA << std::endl;
-    std::clog << "DEC: " << phaseCentreDec << std::endl;
-    // Read observation time
-    casacore::ScalarColumn<double> timeColumn(ms, ms.columnName(casacore::MSMainEnums::TIME));
-    double currentTime = timeColumn(nr_timesteps / 2);
-    // Read stations
-    std::vector<everybeam::Station::Ptr> stations;
-    stations.resize(nr_stations);
-    readStations(ms, stations.begin(), elementResponseModel);
-    // Imaging parameters
-    float image_size = 0.5; // in radians
-    size_t subgrid_size = 32; // in pixels
-    // Evaluate beam directions in ITRF coordinates
-    std::cout << ">>> Computing directions to evaluate beam" << std::endl;
-    std::vector<vector3r_t> itrfDirections(subgrid_size * subgrid_size);
-    GetITRFDirections(itrfDirections.data(), subgrid_size, image_size, currentTime, phaseCentreRA, phaseCentreDec);
-    // Set station beam direction to centre of field
-    vector3r_t stationDirection = itrfDirections[(subgrid_size/2) * subgrid_size + (subgrid_size/2)];
-    // Set tile beam direction equal to station direction
-    vector3r_t tileDirection = stationDirection;
-    // Compute station beams
-    std::cout << ">>> Computing station beams" << std::endl;
-    std::vector<std::complex<float>> beams;
-    beams.resize(subgrid_size*subgrid_size*4*nr_stations);
-    calculateStationBeams(stations, itrfDirections, stationDirection, tileDirection, subgrid_size, beams, currentTime, frequency);
-    // Store aterm
-    std::cout << ">>> Writing beam images to: " << output_filename << std::endl;
-    StoreBeam(output_filename, beams.data(), nr_stations, subgrid_size, subgrid_size);
+void run(everybeam::ElementResponseModel elementResponseModel, double frequency,
+         std::string& input_filename, std::string& output_filename) {
+  // Open measurement set
+  std::cout << ">> Opening measurementset: " << input_filename << std::endl;
+  casacore::MeasurementSet ms(input_filename);
+  // Print frequency
+  std::clog << "Frequency: " << frequency * 1e-6 << " Mhz" << std::endl;
+  // Read number of stations
+  size_t nr_stations = ms.antenna().nrow();
+  std::clog << "Number of stations: " << nr_stations << std::endl;
+  // Read number of timesteps
+  size_t nr_timesteps = ms.nrow();
+  std::clog << "Number of timesteps: " << nr_timesteps << std::endl;
+  // Read field id
+  casacore::ROScalarColumn<int> fieldIdColumn(
+      ms, casacore::MS::columnName(casacore::MSMainEnums::FIELD_ID));
+  size_t fieldId = fieldIdColumn.getColumn()[0];
+  std::clog << "Field ID: " << fieldId << std::endl;
+  // Read phase centre info
+  double phaseCentreRA, phaseCentreDec;
+  GetPhaseCentreInfo(ms, fieldId, phaseCentreRA, phaseCentreDec);
+  std::clog << "RA:  " << phaseCentreRA << std::endl;
+  std::clog << "DEC: " << phaseCentreDec << std::endl;
+  // Read observation time
+  casacore::ScalarColumn<double> timeColumn(
+      ms, ms.columnName(casacore::MSMainEnums::TIME));
+  double currentTime = timeColumn(nr_timesteps / 2);
+  // Read stations
+  std::vector<everybeam::Station::Ptr> stations;
+  stations.resize(nr_stations);
+  readStations(ms, stations.begin(), elementResponseModel);
+  // Imaging parameters
+  float image_size = 0.5;    // in radians
+  size_t subgrid_size = 32;  // in pixels
+  // Evaluate beam directions in ITRF coordinates
+  std::cout << ">>> Computing directions to evaluate beam" << std::endl;
+  std::vector<vector3r_t> itrfDirections(subgrid_size * subgrid_size);
+  GetITRFDirections(itrfDirections.data(), subgrid_size, image_size,
+                    currentTime, phaseCentreRA, phaseCentreDec);
+  // Set station beam direction to centre of field
+  vector3r_t stationDirection =
+      itrfDirections[(subgrid_size / 2) * subgrid_size + (subgrid_size / 2)];
+  // Set tile beam direction equal to station direction
+  vector3r_t tileDirection = stationDirection;
+  // Compute station beams
+  std::cout << ">>> Computing station beams" << std::endl;
+  std::vector<std::complex<float>> beams;
+  beams.resize(subgrid_size * subgrid_size * 4 * nr_stations);
+  calculateStationBeams(stations, itrfDirections, stationDirection,
+                        tileDirection, subgrid_size, beams, currentTime,
+                        frequency);
+  // Store aterm
+  std::cout << ">>> Writing beam images to: " << output_filename << std::endl;
+  StoreBeam(output_filename, beams.data(), nr_stations, subgrid_size,
+            subgrid_size);